Character Name: Isaiah Samuel Peirce Alias: Professionally goes by Isaiah S. Peirce. His family, friends and loved ones call him Sam or Sammy. His card has the letters "I.S.P." with a big words "Paranormal Investigator" Occupation: Psychic Investigator (pg 190) O.C.C.: Psychic Sensitive (pg 89) Alignment: Scrupulous XP Level: 2 XP Points: 5,250 (5/31/24 ~Consumer) Next Level @ XP: 8,961
0,000 - 2,240
2,241 - 4,480
8,961 - 17,920
17,921 - 25,920
25,921 - 35,920
35,921 - 50,920
50,921 - 70,920
95,921 - 135,920
135,921 - 185,920
185,921 - 225,920
225,921 - 275,920
275,921 - 335,920
335,921 - 395,920
Sentiments/Supernatural: Tread cautiously but optimistically. It is like the ocean, the further out you swim, the deeper you go, the more exotic things you find. Some want to hurt you, some want to befriend you and some want nothing to do with you. Some are judged too harshly while others are trusted too easily. It’s a slippery life, but the thrill excites him and helping others drives him. Sentiments/Mages & Psychics: He believes in them fully, though is skeptical about some of the performers and more extreme. He is more likely to give the benefit of the doubt for most of them. He wants magic to be real. He needs the supernatural, psychics, and mages to be real. He’s been under scrutiny his whole life, so he enjoys the look in others eyes when their words aren’t doubted but trusted. Disposition: Calm but warm. He carries the face of someone who wants to help even when their help isn’t wanted. He doesn’t treat psychics or magic as taboo and instead would like to bridge the gap of understanding between the deniers and skeptics. If the world embraced this side of itself, think of all it could open. He is not religious so much as he is spiritual or possibly agnostic, but he does believe in God. Insanity: None.
The recovery of I.S.P. is a natural process and is the same for most psychics. Total relaxation or sleep will restore one I.S.P. per each full hour of uninterrupted rest.
Meditation is a superior form of relaxation and alignment of mind and body, thus, it restores two I.S.P. per thirty minutes of meditation. The recovery of I.S.P. through meditation and sleep is an automatic process and costs no I.S.P. to perform, only time and focus. The Sensitive Psychic is one of the rare P.C.C.s to automatically get the Meditation ability. Advanced Meditation, however, is a practiced ability that must be selected in order for the character to possess it.
H.P.: 19 (1d6/Lvl)
S.D.C.: 29
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 164 lbs
Description: A young, relatively thin man with loose but short hair and growing stubble with green eyes. Jeremiah always dresses in his standard fuller cut pants, medium brown 3-button tweed jacket, lapel-less vest and his lighter brown trench coat. He keeps a tweed cap in his coat if his hair is ever too messy.
The Psychic Sensitive is keenly aware of the world around him, thus, he or she feels or senses
any major disturbances nearby. One such disturbance is the presence of supernatural evil. All supernatural beings radiate their alignment, most are evil. The Sensitive can feel that evil
like an icy chill cutting through him and taste their vile thoughts like vomit. The sensation is unmistakable, costs no I.S.P., and is automatic, meaning the character does not have to open himself, nor be actively try to sense anything. The evil washes over the character, warning him like an alarm that supernatural evil is present.
Range: Senses any supernatural evil within a 300 foot (91.5 m) radius +50 feet (15.2 m) per additional level of experience starting with level two.
However, the sensation is very general. The location and nature of the evil is unknown. To identify the cause and pinpoint its source, the psychic must open himself and use the "Sense Evil" psi-power. No I.S.P. cost.
The root of the Psychic Sensitive's power is his inquisitive mind and willingness to drop his natural mental and emotional defenses to satisfy that curiosity. By opening himself, the psychic enlarges his picture of the world and feels the forces at play within it. In an open state, the character can continue to Sense Supernatural Evil as described previously, but also other sensations. He can "feel" large fluxes of energy, magic power, P.P.E. (20 P.P.E. or more), the opening of dimensional portals, the arrival of Ancient Evil, the flow of ley line energy, electromagnetic energy, electrical energy and the general location of intersecting underwater streams (a ley line related energy).
Range: 600 foot radius (183 m), + 100 feet (30.5 m) per additional level of experience starting with level two. No I.S.P. cost.
The psychic must open himself to use any of his sensory abilities, including: Empathy, Clairvoyance, Object Read, Sense Evil, See Aura, Sixth Sense and Telepathy. To close oneself off is like putting on a gas mask and then trying to smell an aroma in the air. To experience and identify the smell, the gas mask must be removed and the aroma breathed deeply. Likewise, the Psychic Sensitive must let down his guard to experience psychic sensations/emanations and insight. Of course, the risk of removing the protective psychic defenses means the character is vulnerable to the very forces he hopes to breathe in and identify.
The very act of opening up requires concentration, just as you might have to focus your full attention to identify an unusual smell, and even more concentration to pinpoint its place of origin. When a Psychic Sensitive opens himself to paranormal vibrations, he must concentrate, sometimes lapsing into a semi-trance state. His psychic sense, or 'Third Eye," is then able to see and feel sensations that momentarily overwhelm the other five senses. Reaction time and awareness are reduced, just as it may take you a moment to realize someone is talking to you when you are deep in thought. Consequently, the character loses any chance for initiative and forfeits one attack/action per melee when in sensing mode. However, he is +3 on Perception Rolls involving the supernatural, the paranormal or any specific focus.
Note: When open to supernatural evil, the character can follow the energy and sensations of the evil and trace them to wherever the creature is located, provided it is within range. If a distance away, or in a building with many rooms, it could take the Sensitive a while to track the fiend. And just as the psychic can sense he is getting closer to it, an intelligent supernatural being can sense that the psychic is closing in, and will have time to hide, prepare an ambush or an escape, or be prepared for trouble.
Opening to the paranormal means intentionally lowering one's natural defenses and becoming a potential target for psionic attacks. No bonuses to save vs psychic attack apply when in sensing mode, but the psychic still gets to save on a roll of 10 or higher. Thankfully, demonic possession is an exception, and the Psychic Sensitive has his full range of bonuses to save against possession by a supernatural force.
Sensitivity to the supernatural is a two-way street and it is only a matter of time before the inhuman creature senses the presence of the Psychic Sensitive! Since the Sensitive is likely to be the only person to identifY, see and locate a supernatural being, he is also regarded as a natural enemy and likely to be one of the first people targeted by intelligent beings. Players will be wise to remember this and take measures to protect the Psychic Sensitives in their group.
The Sensitive can recognize when a human or animal is possessed.
Base Skill: 55% +5% per each additional level of experience.
The psychic can feel strong magic energies and can tell if they are intended for good or evil.
Base Skill: 35% +5% per each additional level of experience, + 10% if the magic is evil/hurtful and + 20% when a magic item is possessed by an evil supernatural being.
Accounted for – Needs a 10 or higher to save vs psychic attacks, + 3 on Perception Rolls, + 3 to save vs Horror Factor, + 3 to save vs possession, + 1 to save vs magic, + 3 to save vs mind altering drugs, magical charms and mental confusion.
Described above. -2 to save vs illusions, Hypnotic Suggestion, Telepathy, Empathy, Empathic Transmission and similar Telepathic and Empathic probes and attacks. Each use of a psionic ability counts as one of the character's melee attacks or actions.
Note: Cannot shield his presence from the supernatural unless a Mind Block is up, but when the Block is in place the Sensitive cannot use any of his psi-sensory abilities
Psionics Major Psionic +1 Sensitive Power per level
Range: Self.
Duration: As needed, one hour minimum.
I.S.P.: 2
Just as the name suggests, this is an advanced form of Meditation in which the psychic enters a deep trance state for the purpose of finding peace and harmony between mind, body and spirit, and regenerating his Inner Strength (l.S.P .) at an accelerated rate.
Recovers Base l.S.P. at a rate of four points per 30 minutes or eight points per hour of meditation, but requires two I.S.P. to delve deep inside oneself so quickly and effectively
Range: Touch.
Duration: Varies; usually about 2D6 minutes.
I.S.P.: 6
Saving Throw: None.
Base Skill: Impressions: 61% +2% per level of experience.
Images: 53% +2% per level.
Present: 43% +2% per level of experience.
Also known as Psychometry, this uncanny ability enables the Psychic Sensitive to receive impressions and images from an object regarding its use, history and last owner. This is done by holding the object and concentrating on a specific line of thought or opening up to general impressions (the latter is always more vague and random). Just as a psychic must open himself to sense evil or magic, he must open himself to the object. If successful, he will receive impressions and/or images revealing bits of information.
A few or all of the following types of things may be learned from an Object Read.
Range: 120 feet (36.6 m) area.
Duration: 2 minutes (8 melees) per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 4
Saving Throw: None.
Presence Sense is a psionic probe and awareness that alerts the psychic to the presence of supernatural and other monsters. The ability cannot pinpoint the location of the presence, but will give the psychic the impression of whether it is near (within 50 feet/15.2 m) or far (beyond 90 feet/27.4 m). It will also give the
character a vague idea of how many presences there are; one or two, a few (3 to 6), several (7 to 15), many (20-70) or an army or a swarm (100 or more). The Psychic Sensitive can also tell if one or more of the supernatural presences is small (something not too powerful), medium (Lesser Demon and most Supernatural
Predators), big (Greater Demon and nasty monsters) or huge (Demon Lords, Dark Gods, Ancient Evil or Alien Intelligence).
The psychic can also sense human presences, but with much less accuracy. It is more of a feeling of"We are not alone." The person's distance is undeterminable and the number of people is limited to a sense of one or two or many, and that is only right half of the time. The only exception is if a place has been deserted, cleared out of human and animal life, then, the psychic can sense that one or more humans are above, below, north, south, etc.
Range: Self Duration: Two minutes per level of experience. I.S.P.: 6 Saving Throw: Standard.
Using this power, a psychic can "feel" (not see) the presence of spirits. The term "spirit" includes Entities (including Haunting, Syphons, Tectonic and Possessing ones), invisible Astral Travelers/Astral Beings, the splintered life essence of a god or Alien Intelligence, the mysterious Indian Spirits, a spirit or demon (or god) possessing a familiar or Witch, and imprisoned souls and life essences in magic weapons, medallions and similar magical prisons.
The psychic can ask the spirit questions by speaking aloud, though the creature often understands the question only on an empathic or intuitive level. Only the psychic hears the answer (unless he's using a Group Trance) and the answer can be in words or powerful emotions (he suddenly feels its hate, fear, anger, sorrow, etc., instead of a verbal response). It is important to note that the spirit is under no obligation to answer truthfully or to answer at all. Angry and uncooperative spirits may lie, pretend to be somebody else, lash out at the psychic with its own psi-abilities or cause mischief. Likewise, the psychic can NOT "feel" or sense the creature's alignment, or magic energy, nor can he use any of his other psionic powers while he is in communion with the spirit. Furthermore, the spirit may break off communication at any time, although the psychic can still "feel" if it is within the immediate area (30 foot/9 m radius). The psychic can also break contact at any time, but when he does so, he can no longer tell if the spirit is still hanging about.
Range: Self.
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 5
This is a psionic power that enables the character to completely mask all spiritual aspects of his psionic energy and powers. Even the aura is temporarily altered. As a result, other psychics, and creatures who can Detect Psionics or See Aura will not sense psionics in a character who is so masked. However, the masked psychic must "block" himself from the world, which means he cannot use any of his psionic senses or abilities,
nor receive Empathic or Telepathic impressions until he lets the mask go.
Range: Self.
Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 2
This is the ability to read and comprehend the written word extremely quickly. Speed of reading is 30 pages per minute (seven and a half pages per melee round/15 seconds). The psychic retains the information as he would from a normal reading. Highly technical texts reduce the speed reading by half (15 pages per minute or about four pages per melee round), and may require two readings to remember in specific detail.
Common Skills
Language: English – 107%
Literacy: English – 107%
Mathematics, Basic – 113%
3 Additional Skills form the standard available category
+1 at Level 3, 6, 9, 12
First Aid – 55% (5%)
Athletics General (+1 Parry/Dodge | +1 Roll with impact | +1 PS | +1d6 SPD | 1d8 SDC)
Pilot, Motorcycle – 69% (4%)
Swimming – 60% (5%)
Climbing – 50% (5%)
[MGP @ Lvl 1] Pilot, Automobile - 68% (3%)
[MGP @ Lvl 1] Cooking - 45% (5%)
Combat Data
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 4
Initiative Bonus:
Strike Bonus: +1
Parry Bonus: +3
Dodge Bonus: +3
HTH Damage Bonus: +1
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +3
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3
Bonus to Disarm:
Other: Kick [1d8];
Weapon Proficiencies Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
W.P. Blunt - +1 To Strike (+1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.)
Allocate your items into the categories listed in green!
Vehicles/Mounts are listed first. None.
Carried/In Hand
Worn on Person
Tan Trench Coat (stops aright below his knees)
Tweed Cap (tucked in his trench coat inner pocket)
3-Button Tweed Jacket
Minerva Chronograph watch
Leather gloves
Simple cloth kept in his pocket
Utility Belt Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, water bottle, minor items, or individual tools.
• Attachment: Tubular hand-held flashlight
• Attachment: Flint Wheel Lighter
• Attachment: Small mirror
• Attachment: Compass
Messenger Bag Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a paperback novel will require more than one space.
• Space: Silver Plated Baton
• Space: First Aid Kit
• Space: [6] Bottles of Holy Water
• Space: Box Matches
• Space: [1] Box of [100] rubber gloves
• Space: [1] set of backup clothing
• Space: Silver Cross folded in a cloth
• Space: Umbrella
• Space: Journal with pencil
• Space: Lantern
Stored at Home
Savings; 600$ Gear Stats
Silver Plated Baton
SilverBaton.png (8.22 KiB) Viewed 1373 times
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D4
Weight: 2.5 lbs.
Features: W.P. Blunt; one-handed and 2.75' long, Silver Plated.
Isaiah was born to a proud Boston family, with his mother being Latent Psychic herself, he gets it from her side of the family. Born to a family with four other siblings, Isaiah is the second child. His older brother was contracted for the war and decided to stay in after its end, making Isaiah the eldest sibling in the house. He was nine when his psychic powers first manifested. Unlike many in the world, Isaiah wasn’t taught to suppress his abilities but rather to nurture them and master them. His mother would often explain that the greatest threat to a psychic is being undisciplined.
His abilities started small, with the acute ability to feel the emotions of those around him. Such an overwhelming swath of repression, fear, anger, angst drove Isaiah to seek counseling when he was twelve which continued to fifteen. It wasn’t his abilities that scared him, it was the world around him that upset him. His therapist tried suggesting he volunteer in his off time, focus his empathy towards something else.
When Isaiah turned 16, after his schoolwork he volunteered at the local fire department. He kept his ability to himself and used it to help him locate scared or injured people during emergencies. While he was too young to be an actual Fireman, he helped in other ways. Moving debris, extracting personnel, getting people aid, Isaiah would continue volunteering at the Fire Department until he was eighteen years old. It was at the Fire Department Isaiah met his first girlfriend, someone he helped pull from a building. Unfortunately, the relationship was fleeting and it turned out to be a better friendship than romantic partners. Isaiah took a year off from the Firefighters Volunteer and chose instead to begin reading up on the occult; his powers continuing to grow.
On his nineteenth birthday, Isaiah started having a few more unique things happen to him as his abilities began to take hold and manifest more acutely. Two such abilities allowed him to see the true nature of a person and tell if something is nearby even if he can’t see it. It all came To a T when his inquisitive nature and an article in the paper lead him to searching an abandoned monastery for a child who’d run away, a monastery surrounded by cats howling towards the building. He’s sensed spirits before, maybe whispered here and there to them but never directly encountered a spirit, let alone a hostile one.
The moment he stepped in, he felt the environment change and the hairs on his neck stand, his palms started to sweat and his heartbeat increased. The last time Isaiah remembers feeling like this is when he was nearly killed by falling debris, but the feeling wasn’t as sickening then. Isaiah hadn’t learned how to properly open or close himself yet and just did it instinctively, but as he entered the area with his senses opened for the child, he was met with something far more sinister.
He heard the whimpering of a child in a corner, and the creak of wood plank, a sound of insidious laughter as Isaiah looked to see a hunched figure, about his height that is now in a different corner. Isaiah, armed with a baton made of iron, drew it with extreme caution and before he could fully extend the baton, the creature rushed him. It sent Isaiah spiraling back with the wind completely knocked out of him; this was a creature of darkness he was tempting.
Fate had it that another was hunting the missing child, a far more experienced Private Eye named Nikki Carraway. A double-barrel shotgun loaded with some sort of metal shells that blasts the beast back and it screeches before vanishing in a swarm of rats. Nikki helps Isaiah up, then the two track down the child who survived. Nikki explained what just happened to Isaiah, about the Bogey Men that just escaped that’s certain to kill again. As it turns out, Nikki was following Isaiah after he went to speak to the family of the victim earlier that day.
Nikki would end up tutoring Isaiah in the ways of private investigative work on the legal level. Isaiah couldn’t help but see her aura, and it was one of a different sort. Not normal psychics, not mundane. It was then that Isaiah learned about Nega-Psychics his world began expanding more and more.
Three years later, Isaiah is one year into his own practice as a Psychic Investigator. He’s relatively respected, though mocked behind his back by skeptics and deniers. He introduces himself as a Private Investigator with additional services and so far, loves the work. Both of Isaiah’s parents are still alive, as are his siblings. His family is supportive of his choices and Isaiah sends a post card twice a year to them. While working, he isn’t a fan of fighting or firearms, though will carry if he has too. He prefers to be armed with his mind and a couple of batons.
Character Reference Sheet
Character Seal/Crest Concept
What emotion best describes your character? Curiosity and Optimism. He is always curious about what is new or unknown, even if dangerous. He holds out hope that things will be okay in the end, even in the face of adversity.
What emotion does your character evoke in others? Disbelief, or respect. Depending upon their view of psychics and the work Isaiah does, he evokes disbelief and awe out of the skeptics and respect out of his fellows. He takes all cases seriously and never mocks.
What does your character need most? Isaiah genuinely feels content simply helping people, using his powers and interacting with the supernatural. His greatest need would be to make his family proud of the things he accomplishes.
What is your character’s goal in life? Bridge the gap of understanding between mundanes and the supernatural, help make psychics more professionally and socially accepted.
How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished? Keep his good work as a psychic investigator. Saving people, hunting things; his business.
Where did your character come from? Born originally in Boston, he has a slight Boston accent that really shows when he gets emotional. His family remains in Boston and it is where first began his work as a Psychic Investigator.
When did you grow up? A good home with a psychic mother who helped facilitate Isaiah’s psychic growth. He’s stayed on good terms with his parents and siblings, some of which even visit him on occasion since he has had his own practice. He has an younger sister who he is quite protective of and an elder brother who is he quiet annoyed by. His eldest brother often purposefully brings up how he is a mundane in a family of psychics to derail conversations, Isaiah believes his brother is bitter.
What values does your character hold? Integrity, Respect and Selflessness. He believes if it is within your power to help, you should. You should always show respect, even in the face of disrespect. You should act with a strong moral compass, especially when given easier immoral options. It is our ideals that prevent us from becoming no better than the monsters in the dark.
How does your character dress? Tailored pants, usually wearing a button up with a vest, tie and 3-button blazer. While walking out he is almost always seen in his tan trenchcoat.
What are your character’s means? He is an adept psychic with a penchant for investigating. He is a sleuther and enjoys finding things that are hidden or don’t want to be found.
What are your character’s opinions? He has low patience for the most hard-lined skeptics, often finding that they deflect rather than counter arguments. He is quite supportive of psychics and doesn't hide his own ability, though he doesn't tout it. He introduces himself as simply a Paranormal Investigator.
What is your character’s comfort zone? Researching, detecting, investigating. He abhors violence and only uses blunt weapons by choice or firearms if he suspects a malicious human is around.
Who has had the biggest impact on your character’s life? His mother has his main motivator. She is a prominent and public psychic who works for a news network that is pioneering the way towards the shift towards radio news from simple newspapers.
What are some of your character’s unexpected quirks?
Isaiah cracks his knuckles and wrists a lot, when impatient specifically.
When he’s anxious, nervous or overly focused, his hands start sweating.
He loves motorcycles but oddly can't ride a bicycle.
His Boston accent shows when he is really excited or angry.
Play Details
What kind of story does your character belong in? Investigative and Mystery is ideal.
What role does your character fill? Hunter and tracker; growing rogue type. He isn’t violent by trade and would rather sneak through and observe, silently deal with problems. Heavy psychic.
What should the other players know about your character? He has a shell, the wall of an introvert but when it cracks, out pops an extrovert who has a witty dry humor
What is your play style? Involved, teamplayer. I like working to support the group, I’m not a lone wolf or a PvPer by trade.
How do you want your character to die? Giving his life, willingly, for a cause that saves others.
Wish List
Item 1: A Brought Superior motorcycle with a side car attachment
Item 2: Enchanted Baton
Item 3: Turn the Undead Amulet
Item 4: Enchanted Pistol
Wish 5: Isaiah wants a cat
Goals Short Term Goals:
Goal 1: Make a strong contact in the local police force that trusts his word. Suggested Solutions (Goal 1): Isaiah wants to build good will and connections between himself and the law enforcement agencies. He doesn’t like working outside the law and would do his best to inform local police of his investigations in hopes of building a strong rapport with a known detective or sergeant. Someone who walks the streets, could potentially back him up, call for support or aid if he's in danger and can get a message. Someone who'd vouch for him and he could trust with his abilities.
Goal 2: Make a contact at the local library Suggested Solutions (Goal 2): Isaiah will visit the local library through more than one downtime and adventure arc while looking for Lore on a specific subject. He will try to time his visits so that he becomes familiar with the same staff when they work and hopefully begin striking a friendship with them. Someone he can turn too to help him find the most niche lore books or information.
Goal 3: Make a contact in a contact in the local hospital. Suggested Solutions (Goal 3): Isaiah will offer his services whenever possible at the local hospital and hopes to befriend a nurse or autopsy surgeon who is willing to give him information about corpses that might not be publicly released and the like. Someone he can trust to come to for weird deaths.
Mid Term Goals:
Goal 1: Make a contact in a local but known law office Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1): Isaiah wants to network and work with law agencies, recognizing that the supernatural is widely dismissed by the law offices, governments and such at large. Isaiah wants to earn the trust of a reputable attorney who will support his efforts as a Psychic Investigator.
Goal 2: Find tangible proof that the supernatural exists that is undeniable. Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2): Possibly trap or make an agreement with an entity or a supernatural creature for public exposure.
Goal 3: Purchase land and a house. Isaiah does eventually want a family and a safe place from the supernatural. He wants to own his own land, have his own house that he then wards and fortifies against the darkness before he tries bringing a new life into the world Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3): He is just going to continue working and build a savings account. His goal is to purchase the land by his 25th birthday, and a house by his 30th. In practice this would be money, possibly help from his family or a betrothed if he Isaiah has found a relationship. Though he is not looking.
Long Term Goals:
Goal 1: Uncover a mystery that makes him famous. Isaiah wants to uncover something that has eluded many for a time, defeat something that has gone undefeated and retain the proof of his accomplishment. Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1): Completion of a major arc that he survives.
Goal 2: Publish a book on Supernatural with the aim of bridging the understanding of mundanes. Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2): Isaiah keeps a journal and records all of his encounters. He's on his third in just over a year. He aims to collect countless notes and artifacts, compile a well-written book and publish it. He would effort this sometime after the completion of Long Term Goal 1.
Goal 3: Learn how to fly a plane (and own one). Isaiah has been obsessed with flying for a long time, though he’s never pursued it since his psionic awakening. One dream he’s always had is to own his own 2-seater plane and fly. Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3): Another major purchase during the golden age of flying, or perhaps he makes a friend who is a pilot and that friend takes him up on the flight. Isaiah doesn’t need to own the first plane he flies in or pilots, but it’s his eventual goal to own one. This is the last goal on the list as it is more of a dream, something he can only dare to wish to happen given his lot in life but something that would complete him
Is the character verbose or stoic? Stoic and introverted regarding people. He gets excited regarding the supernatural and more verbose.
Is the character funny or dour? Funny more than dour; he doesn’t speak much but when he lands a joke it’s usually a gut punch
Is the character a follower or a leader? A reluctant leader who isn’t comfortable being a leader yet seems to excel at it. Isaiah actually has a rebellious streak when working under a leader he doesn’t like. He prefers small teams where it's more of a partnership than a leader with subordinates; especially if he is the leader.
How does the character react when under pressure? The occult and supernatural in general are pressure. Fact is, any supernatural encounter could be his last and Isaiah recognizes this and gives all his effort each time.
Does the character volunteer for tasks? Yes, it actually gets him in trouble and is why he doesn’t make as much money as he could. Too good of a heart.
Is the character friendly? Yes but reserved. He won’t go out of his way to make conversation and avoids eye contact with those he doesn’t know. When you get past his shell he is one of the most loyal friends one could ask for.
Does the character offer mercy? Yes, almost unequivocally. Even in the face of extreme evil, or when offering mercy could end up hurting him later, he still offers Mercy. In his point of view, to not offer mercy, to lower himself to unrestrained violence and hate, would make him no better than the worst of the worst.
Is the character curious and/or adventurous? Both. Being interested in the supernatural and a psychic investigator, Isaiah is a curious adventurer who pokes around and tries to satiate his curiosity.
Is the character prejudiced about anything? Mundanes and Ordinary people. Not all of them, but most Isaiah has learned to walk on egg-shells around. There is a lack of acceptance to the point of mockery or even harassment towards psychics and the occult. He also hates seeing anyone’s point of view dismissed without consideration; regardless of the hierarchy.
How does the character react to aliens? You mean, monsters? He’s interested and intrigued by anything that could be considered supernatural or the occult. He treats each new encounter with extreme caution but optimism
How does the character react when the character is the victim of prejudice? Depends entirely on the situation, he knows not to put himself or others around him in undue danger. That said, he considers himself an advocate of the supernaturally gifted and psychics, and will quickly come to their defense when under the scrutiny and scorn of mundanes.
What is the character's passion? The occult and bridging the gap between mundanes and the supernatural.