Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Out of the Frying Pan: The Spook Squad get in trouble yet again.
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote: Location: Airport, Spooks' Hangar
Date: 13th September
Weather: Cloudy (18 degrees Celsius)
Time: 12:30pm
Wayne's outburst at Lovetta reveals a nigh-demonic smile from the woman as she bats her eyes at the Knight. "And that's precisely why you were my favorite. That one... a temporary plaything. But you... we could go far, you and I." Lovetta responds to Wayne. As Vheld and Meg offer their idea, Mierin and Ronan stand ready to strike should the order be called. Lahz reluctantly agrees to Lovetta's terms, prompting Vheld to release her from her constraint as she then hands over a credit chit. "Mm, England would be a nice change of scenery. Here." She offers the credit chit to Vheld, placing her hand on his chest with the chit then falling into his hand. "I can't wait to see what other tricks you can do if we meet again." She says to Vheld, then turning to Meg and nodding to Lahz. "Sweetheart, you have no idea what I consider fun. Take the arm, Milkbones, just don't gnaw on it." She offers with a wink, apparently willing to allow Meg to cut the arm off herself. Notably, if Meg or someone does remove it themselves, Lovetta seems almost euphoric during the removal. If no one takes the initiative, she will draw a knife and cut it off herself. She turns to Lahz.

"I do doubt the Defenders will do anything about it, you know. The Naruni are such rich little fiends. But you have my testimony and my money, so any foul play on your part should be fine. I need nothing from within the walls, only for you to open the portal to this England and send me on my way." Lovetta finishes. She will provide any verbal admission required and wait for Vheld to open a portal for her and take her leave. Lynch finds he has no problem accessing her account with the supposed payment of 8 million credits, but doesn't find any other accounts linked to that one.

Once that is done and Lovetta is away, the Spooks find themselves standing about 100 ft from the diner with the mercenary still being possessed by One and standing relatively aimlessly near the building. Both Vheld and Wayne actually feel like they miss Lovetta just a bit, but that could easily be the Charm spell talking. Now they only need to deliver the testimony to the Defenders to clear their name and get back to the matter of an actual job. That train wasn't going to raid itself.

As the group turns to leave, they see they have attracted the attention of what some in the group can identify as a Grackle Tooth. Meg actually recognizes this Grackle as a freelance black marketeer who does odd jobs and is remarkably good with explosives, named Orrucks.


Orrucks had been hanging around the Job Market Cafe for some time, looking for new work when one of the Fixer's there managed to find some information for him. Murdoc approached the Reptilian Safecracker with a bit of news. The Spook Squad was gearing up for a heist and could possibly use someone of his skillset. Further more, they were still in town dealing with an attack on their hangar. Murdoc didn't have much information about the attack, but did have enough to tell Orrucks that someone from the Black Market was helping them; a hunter named Milkbones. This name Orrucks recognized as one of the enforcers often used to bring in or silence malefactors. Murdoc gave him the tip to offer his services as a safecracker to this team for their next heist and so, Orrucks heads over to the airfield where Murdoc told him they were last sighted.

The smoke from the Air Field was easy to follow and Orrucks finds himself at the crater that used to be a hangar. Looking at the way it exploded, the explosively inclined Orrucks can tell that it was sloppily done. No demolitions expert did this; he can see signs of countless secondary explosions and sections of debris that suggest it wasn't surgical but impromptu; likely a truck bomb that happened to set off a series of smaller explosions. This was the site that the Defenders had cordoned off, and recovery efforts were all but stopped at this point as it seems everyone was waiting for the smoke to clear before any rebuilding could be done. Orrucks also finds traces of several smaller vehicles, probably bikes, in unsalvageable pieces.

Before Orrucks had arrived, he saw the silhouette of a man standing beside the crater who got picked up by a vehicle carrying none other than Milkbones. It must be the Spook Squad and with no better lead, the safe cracker followed them to the diner. He keeps his distance, not wanting to derail their hunt. Orrucks follows from a distance until things settle and he sees the group standing some distance away from the airfield diner.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: Assuming Vheld draws on the nexus, he can open a portal for her and send her on her way.

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Orrucks »

Perception: 1d100: [93] = 93 60/% +20% on Perception rolls to determine if an explosive device or ordnance is “live” or a “dud”
JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 / 1d100: [87] = 87

With new information and promise of potential of a score, he heads out to the location they were last spotted. The smoke trail looking more fun than it probably should and follows the trail by truck like a blood trail picked up by a shark. Close to the source of the smoke trail he stops and takes in a deep breath of the smoke as though he could pick out the approximate munitions used. The crater he finds seems to disappoint the Grackle Tooth as he looks over what damage was dealt and refrains from doing any more. He grumbles to himself the lack of effort he sees put into blowing up whatever was meant to blow up. "Ain't mah my bidness clearing this half-assed hole in the ground. Ain't no time."

The conclusion he draws from he gathers as the method used is a poor one, even if it looks like a last ditch effort to survive an attack. His line of work an ever active thought, he can't help but grab a piece of debris from the blast and toss it back in with a purpose, not immediately concerned if there is a new series of explosions are set off. He snaps out of his criticisms of the explosion site and gets back on track in finding the people he was looking for. He looks around for the only one he knows for certain he might identify. "Now where dat Milkboneshz?"

He subconsciously stays out side what he deems the area that needs to be cleared and doesn't bother to as follows the Spook Squad at a distance once he identifies he probably found them. He stops a moment when they do, considering if it were safe to make the approach. He approaches the group like there was no issue and was certain at least one would know, "Friend of Ours said some Spooks might need a Safecracker?"
Orrucks / Ledger

MDC: 83/83
PPE: 13

Conditions: Prehensile Tail, faster healer: recovers lost MDC at a rate of 2d6 per 12 hours. HF: 12

NG-A12 Anti-Ballistic Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 40
  • Arms: 35 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 80

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: -10% to Climb and -15% to other physical skills
  • All standard environmental features
  • Impact Absorbing Systems: Armor takes half damage from all kinetic attacks. Roll with impact reduces damage by half again. Wearer suffers only 20% damage from falls and crashes.

Book Reference: p.52, WB34

Bandit BigBore Revolver
  • Range: 200'
  • Damage: 1D6 M.D. + knockdown
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6-round cylinder
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: P.S. 14+ required to fire or else suffer knockdown; P.S. 17+ required to fire 1-handed
  • Book Reference: p.174, WB14
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lynch »

Perception: 1d100: [46] = 46 /49%
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 ; 1d100: [45] = 45

Current ID: Lynch

Lynch quietly closes the computer as he's finished with the chit. "Ah, Yes. Good old fashion hard currency. I would expect nothing less from a professional." He gives a short nod as she departs.

Lynch looks around as they seem to have become the center of attention. "I believe we should leave this place...unless there's more business to attend to here?" Lynch looks at the approaching Grackle Tooth and mutters under his breath, "Too late

Invoke Intimidate: 1d100: [62] = 62 /84%
Lynch raises an eyebrow at the lizard's words. "A friend? What kind of Friend? I've known many a friend to desire the removal of the other? Lynch gets a sly grin on his face. "Wait it wasn't Ringo was it? I told him not to start that band! He's always looking for an excuse to blame others...Well what did he want this time? Lynch places his hands on his hips, "A safecracker? You sure you haven't cracked your skull lizard brains? You couldn't just meet us at the office like a normal person? You got to try and do a job interview in the middle of a bar when we are clearly in the middle of oh trying to quietly handling some shit. Lynch smiles as he tries not to laugh and shrugs his shoulders and points to Lahz, "Not like it's any of my concern though. That's the guy you should talk to." Lynch twirls the cred chip in between his fingers and looks back to Lahz. "Everything has been transferred boss."
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Lithium Meg
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lithium Meg »

Perception 1d100 /24%: [74] = 74
JiC 1d100: [2] = 2
JiC 1d20: [17] = 17

Condition: Sixth Sense;

Underguard wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:21 pm "Sweetheart, you have no idea what I consider fun. Take the arm, Milkbones, just don't gnaw on it." She offers with a wink, apparently willing to allow Meg to cut the arm off herself. Notably, if Meg or someone does remove it themselves, Lovetta seems almost euphoric during the removal. If no one takes the initiative, she will draw a knife and cut it off herself. She turns to Lahz.

As the group turns to leave, they see they have attracted the attention of what some in the group can identify as a Grackle Tooth. Meg actually recognizes this Grackle as a freelance black marketeer who does odd jobs and is remarkably good with explosives, named Orrucks.
Meg just grins. Meg moves over to the demoness, reaching over to snap Lovetta's vibro-knife out of its sheat. "No biting, as you wish.

Activating the weapon, she grabs Lovetta's wrist, pulling the arm so she can swipe it with one smooth motion to free it. It only moderately annoys the Z-warper that the woman enjoys the action, partially killing Meg's buzz. The job was done. The squad learned the reasons behind the attack against them, and Lovetta was punished for her misdeeds. It was a win-win regardless that the woman was being allowed to flee with her life. Meg would have to contend with knowing she was keeping the people she did care about safe. Dropping the knife back into its sheath, she pulled out a convenient tote bag meant for a head and stuck in the arm.

The business was done, and her handlers should be happy to let her off the leash and do her own thing. Then her nose twitched, spotting a familiar Grackle Tooth nearby, observing them. Hopefully, it was a random encounter; she would hate to think the Syndicate double-booked this hit.
Orrucks wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:06 pm He subconsciously stays outside what he deems the area that needs to be cleared and doesn't bother to follow the Spook Squad at a distance once he identifies he probably found them. He stops a moment when they do, considering if it were safe to approach. He approaches the group like there was no issue and was certain at least one would know, "Friend of Ours said some Spooks might need a Safecracker?"
"Orruck. You're out looking for work?" Meg asked. She let Lynch and the others know that she knew this one. "I don't know. They could use your skills, though I"'m not the one to decide. As you see, I'm finishing up some old business." She petting the tote bag after slinging it across her shoulder.
Lithium Meg

P.P.E: 108/108
I.S.P.: 37/59
M.D.C.: 54/54

Constant Effects:
Sixth Sense
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Vheld »

JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 , 1d100: [1] = 1
PER: 1d100: [83] = 83 vs. 79%

Vheld catches the cred chip with a pointed (and sour) stare. ”No thanks.” He hands the chip over to Lahz to check while still keeping his eyes on the woman, but when the psi-tech gives the okay, Vheld nods and snarls ”Let’s get this over with. England? Fine. Never been, so you’ll forgive me if my aim’s a little off.” Vheld then pulls PPE from his energy sphere to open a small rift- right above the English channel, just barely halfway across from France. He’ll slam it shut as soon as she’s through, then sigh, close his eyes, and pinch the bridge of his nose in a time-honored gesture of academics everywhere. I suppose I should go back to the guild to top up now. No rest of the wicked. He absently scratches Sil’s head before inhaling deeply and eyeing his minion. ”One.” he says. ”Go inside and drink your host into a stupor. Leave him once he’s too drunk to stand up unaided, and return to the Haunt without being seen.” Sighing again, Vheld mounts up on Sil as another merc- a grackle tooth- approaches. He mutters ”Oh goodie, another one.” Before waving to Lahz ”Unless you want me for… this, I’ll be on my way. See you at home.” Vheld swings by the guild briefly to tap into the ley line and replenish his energy sphere, but after that he will return to the Haunt to immerse himself in his studies (absent any other team business).
Leave me alone.
Spell Strength +5 (victims need 17 or better to save vs. Vheld's incantations)
Automatic senses: Vampires (1000 ft/100% chance to recognize on sight), Rifts (550 miles), and Ley Lines (85%, 100 miles; +10% for nexuses)
33d remaining
PPE: 204/345 (Vheld), 83/83 (Sil), 100/1100 (energy sphere), 400/400 (Skarrah), 480/480 (Bakir), 162/162 (Birga). ISP: 90/90 (Medallion), 500/500 (Skarrah). MDC: 800/800(Skarrah), 1200/1200 (Bakir), 187/187 (Birga).
3/3 on Vheld IA, 3/3 on Ring of Invisibility, 3/3 on Animate Dead, 3/3 on Skarrah IA, 3/3 on Bakir IA.
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lahz »

Perception [51%]: 1d100: [45] = 45 [+15% involving Electronics or Machines]
JiC D20: 1d20: [2] = 2
JiC D100: 1d100: [59] = 59
Telemechanics [100%]: 1d100: [65] = 65

Conditions: Telemechanics (0 ISP, Constant, 5ft, 100%), Mind-block Auto-Defense (0 ISP, Automatic), Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy (1900ft if using magical or psionic powers, 900ft if NOT using powers), Radiate Nature [Vindictive Anger] (100ft to psychics, 12ft to non-psychics), Roadrunner Power Armor (135/135 MB), Sixth Sense (Cannot be surprised by a sneak attack), Psionic Seeking -- Lovetta (Rifter 25, -6 ISP, 10.00 Miles, 16.00 Min, 91%), See the Invisible (240', 36.00 Min)

ISP: 161/231 ISP

OOC: Lynch would need to go to the Bank -- as Lovetta -- and bring back the funds. If it was just a tech Transfer, Lahz would handle 😀

Lahz will hand off 1/2 the funds to Lovetta and lets Meg kick off with obtaining their evidence but has no interest in obtaininga statement from the Demoness, "There will be nothing that advises Naruni we are aware of their retention. Have a nice trip."

**Well until Lynch goes in there as you, Lovetta, and uses their funds to buy explosives, so we can teleport them into a vehicle based on a psychic remote-viewing to kill the shit that came to our HQ ... but you dont need to know you are going to be the only loose end Lovetta** He listens to Deuce give his minion directions and is impressed yet again by the guy's thoroughness.

The Psi-Tech will thank Vheld and wave his goodbye to the Mage as they are apparently approached by yet another stalkerish applicant, who it looks like might know their recent Moon-Warper-Acquaintance. Flanked by 2 droids, Lahz looks up at the Grackletooth blandly, "Hello."
Lahz D'Gemmel
OOC Comments
ISP: 231/231
PPE: 22/22
HP: 40/40
SDC: 26/26

Roadrunner [Light] Power Armor
MD by Loc:
Helmet: 75/75, Main Body: 135/135
Arms: [L] 45/45 . [R] 45/45 & Legs: [L] 80/80 . [R] 80/80

N-F50A Superheavy Force Field - Not Active
M.D.C.: 160/160

Weapons: Q1-02 "Stopper" Ion Pistol 4d6+4 MD, 200'

Other: Drone Command Gauntlet (NG2 pg 245) [Left Forearm, 10 MD, 5 Mile Wireless Range], Vibro-Knife [1d6 MD], Laser Eavesdropping Device, Multitool, Talismans from Vheld (several)

Accompanied by Ray the Droid (( NG-B50 ‘Thunderer’ BigBore Combat Hammer, Wilks Laser Sword & NG-SE9 Sharpshooter ))
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote: Location: Airport, Spooks' Hangar
Date: 13th September
Weather: Cloudy (18 degrees Celsius)
Time: 12:45pm
Meg and Orrucks exchange a greeting as Lynch questions the Grackle. Vheld is none to interesting in being more social as his social meter is exhaustively tapped out for the day, gives One his orders then makes his own way back to the Haunt. Both Lynch and Lahz see the possessed Mercenary go back inside. Lahz gives Lynch some instruction to retrieve the deposit of Lovetta's which ignites some excitement from the spy getting to flex his ability to attempt to copy people. Even if he has to copy Lovetta from memory.

Mierin, Ronan, and Wayne stand and look upon the newly encountered Grackle that knows their new cohort, Meg. "The hell is a safecracker? A locksmith? And who's this Friend of ours?" Ronan asks. When Meg sends a mission success ping to her handler, she receives coordinates to a drop location in the Warrens to deliver the severed arm. Meanwhile, Lynch heads over to the MercTown Bank to collect their reward for letting Lovetta live. Lahz still has to go talk to the Defenders and give them whatever information he's willing to share. Vheld makes his way back to the Haunt quickly enough and within half an hour of arriving, One returns. One confirms that the mercenary can't stand or even speak, might have alcohol poisoning and black out entirely.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: Lynch feel free to roll photographic picture memory, alter voice, alter fingerprints and impersonation as you head to the Bank.
Lahz feel free to write up what you want to tell the Defenders and/or what evidence you want to provide.
Meg feel free to head to the drop point alone or convince/ask some others to go with you.
Orrucks should name drop Murdoc or Fixer Jones.

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Orrucks »

Perception: 1d100: [58] = 58 60/% +20% on Perception rolls to determine if an explosive device or ordnance is “live” or a “dud”
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 / 1d100: [65] = 65

He rubs the top of his scaly head in response to Lynch's comment and cannot keep the humor of a Grackle Tooth caged, "I guess it is possible my 'ead got cracked a time or two in my early days of blowin' doors open."

"An' If I caught youz at a bad moment, I can give it a moment or handle it where yer office at." He says with some understanding. Meg asking if he's looking for work has him turn his head to look at her like the answer is so obvious anyone could answer it without too much thought, but he remains kind in answer and Grackle Tooth in humor. "You see Milkboneshz, I'm out to 'spode thin's and smoke a fiiine cigar, but I'm all out of cigars."

He looks back at Lahz with his crocodilian stare at the greeting and returns his own, "Hi.", But he can't start conversation with him before questions need answering. "I was sent in this direction by a Fixer Jones to offer my services. An' yes, a Safecracker iz a locksmith of sorts. If you need a partic'larly tough door opened, I can prob'bly git it right on open. But tha's jus' one service. I can blow a path through whichever way y'all kind folks need. Maybe even close off a way." He gladly explains his services to those that asked.
Last edited by Orrucks on Tue Jul 09, 2024 9:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Orrucks / Ledger

MDC: 83/83
PPE: 13

Conditions: Prehensile Tail, faster healer: recovers lost MDC at a rate of 2d6 per 12 hours. HF: 12

NG-A12 Anti-Ballistic Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 40
  • Arms: 35 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 80

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: -10% to Climb and -15% to other physical skills
  • All standard environmental features
  • Impact Absorbing Systems: Armor takes half damage from all kinetic attacks. Roll with impact reduces damage by half again. Wearer suffers only 20% damage from falls and crashes.

Book Reference: p.52, WB34

Bandit BigBore Revolver
  • Range: 200'
  • Damage: 1D6 M.D. + knockdown
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6-round cylinder
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: P.S. 14+ required to fire or else suffer knockdown; P.S. 17+ required to fire 1-handed
  • Book Reference: p.174, WB14
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Vheld »

JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 , 1d100: [90] = 90
PER: 1d100: [20] = 20 vs. 79%

Good. A quiet evening at last. When One returns, Vheld nods and says ”Good. Now go wait down in the basement with the others.” He’ll then belly up to his desk in the Haunt and bury himself in his latest tome. Maybe now I can get some work done. Hope the new guy works out, for once. We’ve had a real string of bad luck lately.
Leave me alone.
Spell Strength +5 (victims need 17 or better to save vs. Vheld's incantations)
Automatic senses: Vampires (1000 ft/100% chance to recognize on sight), Rifts (550 miles), and Ley Lines (85%, 100 miles; +10% for nexuses)
33d remaining
PPE: 204/345 (Vheld), 83/83 (Sil), 100/1100 (energy sphere), 400/400 (Skarrah), 480/480 (Bakir), 162/162 (Birga). ISP: 90/90 (Medallion), 500/500 (Skarrah). MDC: 800/800(Skarrah), 1200/1200 (Bakir), 187/187 (Birga).
3/3 on Vheld IA, 3/3 on Ring of Invisibility, 3/3 on Animate Dead, 3/3 on Skarrah IA, 3/3 on Bakir IA.
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lynch »

Perception: 1d100: [100] = 100 /49%
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 ; 1d100: [76] = 76

Current ID: Lovetta

Lynch looks over the information he has and compiles it for his transformation. He thinks back to the sound of her voice. That silky sweet tone like velvet, but a little danger behind every word. The confidence in the way she moved. She owned every situation she was in, there was nothing she couldn't talk her way out of. Hell even now she talked her way out of death.

Lynch makes sure he's out of sight everyone but the Spooks as he finds some suitable clothes in his backpack. Lynch removes his other clothes and stores them away as he dons women's clothes. He takes one more look around, "Keep me covered for a moment." He says as he begins his transformation.

Photographic Picture Memory: 1d100: [51] = 51 /74%
Alter Finger and Hand Prints: 1d100: [46] = 46 /74%
Alter Voice: 1d100: [14] = 14 /79%
Impersonation 1d100: [11] = 11 /89%
Disguise 1d100: [67] = 67 /106%

Bones extend and retract, skin pulls tight as muscle decreases in places and other assets become more pronounced. The hair streaks to the correct color, the flawless complexation is exact. With prefect mannerisms Lovetta stands before you all gently adjusting bits of her clothes. Her deadly smile hits Wayne, "Why don't you come with me to the bank Sweetheart. There's no telling what manner of men or beasts might still want little old me dead." The tone, pitch, cadence, hell even the seductive undertones are all correct. Lovetta grasps Wayne's arm, "So we going, Love?"

Hopefully with Wayne in tow, Lovetta will head to the MT Bank to retrieve her financial statements and withdraw her money, closing her accounts as she moves to greener pastures.
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Wayne Northblade
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Wayne Northblade »

Perception: 1d100: [78] = 78 /49%
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 / 1d100: [73] = 73

Wayne smiles as Lovetta's arm gets chopped and breathes a sigh of relief when she's sent through a portal. "Well that's over with. I could use a goddamn drink or... who the fuck is this?" Wayne pivots toward the Grackletooth approaching them with caution. Hearing his explanation, Wayne just laughs. "Guess I'm not the new guy anymore."

Wayne covers Lynch as he switches into women's clothes and watches the transformation with deep interest. "Holy shit. That is truly amazing. You'll have to do me next, I'd love to talk to myself."
Lynch wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2024 4:17 pm"Why don't you come with me to the bank Sweetheart. There's no telling what manner of men or beasts might still want little old me dead." The tone, pitch, cadence, hell even the seductive undertones are all correct. Lovetta grasps Wayne's arm, "So we going, Love?"
Thinking over recent events and how he'd been drawn in by a succubus, hangar blown to shit, questioned by the law, confronted the succubus, and now going to the bank with a doppleganger of her to clear out her bank accounts. Y'know...I could get used to this. "Away we go, dearie. Away we go." Wayne walks with Lynchetta to the bank to make a withdrawal.
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lahz »

Perception [51%]: 1d100: [70] = 70 [+15% involving Electronics or Machines]
JiC D20: 1d20: [17] = 17
JiC D100: 1d100: [58] = 58
Telemechanics [100%]: 1d100: [76] = 76

Conditions: Telemechanics (0 ISP, Constant, 5ft, 100%), Mind-block Auto-Defense (0 ISP, Automatic), Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy (1900ft if using magical or psionic powers, 900ft if NOT using powers), Radiate Nature [Vindictive Anger] (100ft to psychics, 12ft to non-psychics), Roadrunner Power Armor (135/135 MB), Sixth Sense (Cannot be surprised by a sneak attack), Psionic Seeking -- Lovetta (Rifter 25, -6 ISP, 10.00 Miles, 16.00 Min, 91%), See the Invisible (240', 36.00 Min)

ISP: 161/231 ISP

OOC: As Lynch-Lovetta has not gone to the bank yet, Regular Lovetta will not have gotten her 1/2 of the funds and left yet.

With quiet calm Lahz directs the others to load up and leave the Airport because he certainly does not feel like laying out a multi-stage plan on an out-door patio where people are wandering by. He'll haul the group (as-remaining), into the woods about 1 mile out, and listen to the chatter as they go. "Lets do this in stages: 1st) L-l-l-ovetta2 will hit the Bank, Lovetta-2?? [Lynch] ... After the Bank, go to the Palace. Quick Change in a Public Restroom ... take a Cab back to the Airport, and radio. Wayne?? In the Palace, you'll become visibly angry at losing Lovetta-2. Little bit of public theater for the cameras, then you can go home or come back, your choice. Then 2nd) maybe an hour later Meg can make it to her Meeting and turn over an Arm ... Meg, Ray's a pretty good driver, having one carries a bit of ... weight; Ray: Get the Car, you will drive Meg here to her Meeting. Kit [other Droid], you'll stay with me please ... "

**No need to tell Actual-Lovetta that we are going to drop a couple of her fingers into dimensional stasis so that we can track her down if we ever need to. When Ray eventually goes over to the Meeting, I can send him with tech-directives to listen in on the meeting and image whoever Meg meets with. Make sure she does not give us up ... Aaand no real need to tell Lynch that since I already have a facial image of some kind to go w familiarity on his Psychic-aura ... I can likely track him whatever look he is wearing, so if he skips on us we will have to tie off that loose end.**

Situated in the woods with the Croc-man that knows Meg, Mierin, and Ronan, Lahz casually pulls his magic belt-knife and carves clean through a small trunk to topple it and make them a bench-seat.
Orrucks wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 1:01 pm... "Hi.", But he can't start conversation with him before questions need answering. "I was sent in this direction by a Fixer Jones to offer my services. An' yes, a Safecracker iz a locksmith of sorts. If you need a partic'larly tough door opened, I can prob'bly git it right on open. But tha's jus' one service. I can blow a path through whichever way y'all kind folks need. Maybe even close off a way." He gladly explains his services to those that asked.
Taking a languorous seat he nods, "Fixer? He seems to be sending alot of folks our way lately. Have not really needed a safecracker before, but we deal with explosives with regularity ... " the Psi-Tech shrugs noncommittally, "The Spook Squad are a small unit. We are not run as a democracy where everyone gets an equal voice. There are presently 3 Senior members, Myself, Queen, and Deuce -- the Mage with the 600lb Wolf that just left ... Ronan and Wayne over there are ranking members, waiting for me to die and take my spot hehehe ... Folks who show up and scream about equal shares, freedom, democracy ... they are welcome to go find those things elsewhere, outside our Semi-benevolent-Oligarchy. However, if your interest is in being paid well with a results-oriented team ... that's less squeamish than most, that would be us. I'll also say this, if you opt to go elsewhere, I'm going to have to wipe the last hour out of your head, which can be either non-painful and voluntary, or involuntary and less so, but it is for the Team's protection so it is not optional. Can leave you 10k for that 1 hour of memory ... though you'll wake up not knowing why you suddenly have it. I think last time we dyed the guy's hair too ..."
Lahz D'Gemmel
OOC Comments
ISP: 231/231
PPE: 22/22
HP: 40/40
SDC: 26/26

Roadrunner [Light] Power Armor
MD by Loc:
Helmet: 75/75, Main Body: 135/135
Arms: [L] 45/45 . [R] 45/45 & Legs: [L] 80/80 . [R] 80/80

N-F50A Superheavy Force Field - Not Active
M.D.C.: 160/160

Weapons: Q1-02 "Stopper" Ion Pistol 4d6+4 MD, 200'

Other: Drone Command Gauntlet (NG2 pg 245) [Left Forearm, 10 MD, 5 Mile Wireless Range], Vibro-Knife [1d6 MD], Laser Eavesdropping Device, Multitool, Talismans from Vheld (several)

Accompanied by Ray the Droid (( NG-B50 ‘Thunderer’ BigBore Combat Hammer, Wilks Laser Sword & NG-SE9 Sharpshooter ))
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote: Location: Airport, Spooks' Hangar
Date: 13th September
Weather: Cloudy (18 degrees Celsius)
Time: 1:15pm
Lahz doles out some orders to the crew that remains, prompting LynVetta and Wayne to leave to begin their public display of theatre to sell the act. Meg, for now, stays with Lahz, Ronan and Mierin as the Grackle introduces himself and a conversation begins. When Lahz makes his remark about Ronan, Ronan offers a hearty chuckle. "Take your spot? Puh-lease. Don't got time for that." Ronan waves off the comment and looks to Mierin. "Besides, Queen would be our next leader, eh? She'd be more ruthless, I bet. Deuce wouldn't be caught dead in charge of this motley group." Ronan jests, before turning to Orrucks and cracking his knuckles "I'm the painful way." Ronan adds with a grin. "So what'll it be Mr Crocodile Guy?" Ronan finishes. Meg does note that the drop for Lovetta's actual arm is requested to be done by the end of day but they have time. A Defender's hover vehicle flies overhead reminding Lahz he still has to seal the deal with that sergeant.

Meanwhile, Lynch, pulling off a very convincing Lovetta, approaches the bank to make a withdrawal. As S/He walks in, one of the male tellers calls LynVetta over to him. "Ah, Milady Lovetta. Is there... something I can do to be of service?" The teller says just a little too eagerly. Lynch can tell that Lovetta has likely worked her charm on him in the past and the mere sight of her again is enough to send him over the edge. Wayne splits off and heads to the Palace as LynVetta finishes the withdrawal of [8 million] credits. [Feel free to write a spectacle of withdrawing, then leaving to the Airport. Wayne feel free to have fun with your performance as you dismay losing Lovetta; no skill check needed but you're welcome to throw one in.]

Back at the Haunt, One begrudgingly acknowledges Vheld's command and returns to the basement. With this, Vheld returns to his books, but his peace of mind would be short lived. Within an hour and before everyone returns, Vheld hears some banging down below near the basement where his minions are. With several of them having been cooped up for several days and likely restless. When Vheld investigates, he finds Bakir tearing apart one of Espionage Borg Armor sets that the run away Repo apparently left behind out of apparent boredom and/or frustration with Skarrah watching rather amused. The Elemental Jinn flashes an angry glance to Vheld. "How much longer must we remain here?" Bakir demands, not making any aggressive moves to Vheld but expressing a certain amount of annoyance.

What are your intentions?
GM Note:

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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Orrucks »

Perception: 1d100: [38] = 38 60/% +20% on Perception rolls to determine if an explosive device or ordnance is “live” or a “dud”
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [71] = 71

"Well. Then I bee-lieve it's settled, I'll be with you kind folks an' see if I stay as yer explosives expert, since it sounds like yous may need my services fer a minute." He takes the lack of just being sent away as a least some kind if agreement to at least a trial period.

"Mister Crocodile Guy?" He looks to Ronan with Grackle Tooth flair. "If you wan' to call me dat, go right on ahead and call me 'Mister Crocodile'." He holds back smirking. "I do look like a croc after all. Why not use dat, right?"

"So what may need to be blown open or away?" He returns to the first task at hand, attempting to be employed to the Spook Squad. "If it ain't just get the explosive from point A to point B." He adds after a moment, almost forgetting transportation of explosives is also part of the job.
Orrucks / Ledger

MDC: 83/83
PPE: 13

Conditions: Prehensile Tail, faster healer: recovers lost MDC at a rate of 2d6 per 12 hours. HF: 12

NG-A12 Anti-Ballistic Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 40
  • Arms: 35 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 80

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: -10% to Climb and -15% to other physical skills
  • All standard environmental features
  • Impact Absorbing Systems: Armor takes half damage from all kinetic attacks. Roll with impact reduces damage by half again. Wearer suffers only 20% damage from falls and crashes.

Book Reference: p.52, WB34

Bandit BigBore Revolver
  • Range: 200'
  • Damage: 1D6 M.D. + knockdown
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6-round cylinder
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: P.S. 14+ required to fire or else suffer knockdown; P.S. 17+ required to fire 1-handed
  • Book Reference: p.174, WB14
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Wayne Northblade »

Perception: 1d100: [46] = 46 /49%
JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 / 1d100: [32] = 32

Dressed in his favorite gambling suit, Sir Wayne Northblade the Fifth arrives to the Palace Casino with LynVetta on his arm. After a quick loop around to be seen, Wayne excuses her as she heads to the bathroom. He waits around for 5, 10, 15 minutes and then he starts to "get worried".

"Have you seen... Sorry, have you seen a woman, pink hair, incredibly attractive, she was just with me... She..." Wayne looks to the left, then to the right, then a quick spin around to view the entire floor. "Where...how...Dammit Lovetta!!!" He slams his fist against his thigh, expressing his anger, but being careful to not damage any equipment in the Palace. He starts stalking up and down the rows of the Casino, looking for Lovetta. Once he's done his rounds, he shakes his head in disappointment and then heads out to the Haunt. Heh, got em.
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Vheld »

JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 , 1d100: [4] = 4
PER: 1d100: [39] = 39 vs. 79%

Vheld, already grouchy from having his studies interrupted, reacts to the noises from the basement with irritation bordering on anger. Another interruption. I suppose it was inevitable. Stomping down to the basement, he takes but a moment to take in the scene before rounding on Bakir and confronting the Djinn. He growls, ”You are dissatisfied with our arrangement? I can’t have you trashing my team’s property. If you wish for some entertainment, I can send you forth from the city to find something. Go massacre some Coalition troopers or something. But if you intend to renege on our pact, there will be consequences.” He says darkly. ”To say nothing of being the subject of your ire. I do not take kindly to being addressed in such a manner. Choose your next words carefully. What do you want, exactly?”
Leave me alone.
Spell Strength +5 (victims need 17 or better to save vs. Vheld's incantations)
Automatic senses: Vampires (1000 ft/100% chance to recognize on sight), Rifts (550 miles), and Ley Lines (85%, 100 miles; +10% for nexuses)
33d remaining
PPE: 204/345 (Vheld), 83/83 (Sil), 100/1100 (energy sphere), 400/400 (Skarrah), 480/480 (Bakir), 162/162 (Birga). ISP: 90/90 (Medallion), 500/500 (Skarrah). MDC: 800/800(Skarrah), 1200/1200 (Bakir), 187/187 (Birga).
3/3 on Vheld IA, 3/3 on Ring of Invisibility, 3/3 on Animate Dead, 3/3 on Skarrah IA, 3/3 on Bakir IA.
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lahz »

Perception [51%]: 1d100: [76] = 76 [+15% involving Electronics or Machines]
JiC D20: 1d20: [16] = 16
JiC D100: 1d100: [97] = 97
Telemechanics [100%]: 1d100: [77] = 77

Conditions: Telemechanics (0 ISP, Constant, 5ft, 100%), Mind-block Auto-Defense (0 ISP, Automatic), Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy (1900ft if using magical or psionic powers, 900ft if NOT using powers), Radiate Nature [Vindictive Anger] (100ft to psychics, 12ft to non-psychics), Roadrunner Power Armor (135/135 MB), Sixth Sense (Cannot be surprised by a sneak attack), Psionic Seeking -- Lovetta (Rifter 25, -6 ISP, 10.00 Miles, 16.00 Min, 91%), See the Invisible (240', 36.00 Min)

ISP: 151/231 ISP

Seeing as neither Meg nor the Croc-Guy has not opted to leave in light of his warning, Lahz takes this as an acceptance of their overall structure issues and that it will not likely be a problem in the future. The Psi-Tech rises from his seat and begins to pace idly, as he responds to Orrucks, "And what is your name ? Are you bringing any stupid heat with you? I'm going to advise you to be up-front if you have a bunch of jackasses already tailing you that's the kind of thing that you are going to want to disclose up front." He makes this statement to Orrucks' large form, then looks over to Meg to include her in its suggestion.

"At present, we do not need anything blown up. The hangar was recently blown up as a result of a misunderstanding."

**That misunderstanding being that the result would be pretty horrific repercussions for someone who f^cks with my damn vehicle that I have been working on getting into place for over 20 years.** As he muses, Lahz brings up his imaging for Trader Joe and employs Remote Viewing (-10 ISP, Psyscape Pg 41, 4d6+12: [6, 6, 4, 4]+12 = 32 Seconds)*** to watch the fellow. **The next time I see you out of Armor you piece of sh^t I am going to teleport a fracking Naruni-made fragmentation grenade with 1 second left on its time into your lap ... leave you as a paste.**

Whenever they hear from LynVetta as having returned to the Airport (in some guise), Lahz will have Kit (2nd Droid) retrieve her and bring her back so that actual Lovetta can be sent off and Meg can be dispatched with her Arm ... so more than the proverbial pound of flesh [but still light 2 fingers in a Time/Dimensional bag/stasis]. From there, for Meg he directs Ray to drive her to her meeting (and will via his Drone Command Gauntlet (Wireless Range, NG2 Pg 245) direct Ray to: if possible unobtrusively, to listen in on the meeting and image whoever Meg meets with (OOC Ray has Intelligence 90%)].

Remote Viewing --- "When focused on a particular person, the psychic can see in his mind what the person is doing at that moment for 2D6+6 seconds. The image appears as if the character were looking down through a skylight ... The target of this power gets no impression from being viewed remotely and has no idea why he is being viewed or by whom." -- Lahz has Extended because from PsyScape.
Lahz D'Gemmel
OOC Comments
ISP: 231/231
PPE: 22/22
HP: 40/40
SDC: 26/26

Roadrunner [Light] Power Armor
MD by Loc:
Helmet: 75/75, Main Body: 135/135
Arms: [L] 45/45 . [R] 45/45 & Legs: [L] 80/80 . [R] 80/80

N-F50A Superheavy Force Field - Not Active
M.D.C.: 160/160

Weapons: Q1-02 "Stopper" Ion Pistol 4d6+4 MD, 200'

Other: Drone Command Gauntlet (NG2 pg 245) [Left Forearm, 10 MD, 5 Mile Wireless Range], Vibro-Knife [1d6 MD], Laser Eavesdropping Device, Multitool, Talismans from Vheld (several)

Accompanied by Ray the Droid (( NG-B50 ‘Thunderer’ BigBore Combat Hammer, Wilks Laser Sword & NG-SE9 Sharpshooter ))
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Mierin »

Perception: 1d100: [99] = 99 (85%)
JIC: 1d20: [14] = 14 , 1d100: [82] = 82

Multi-Optic eyes
OOC Comments
Telescopic: 4-8x30 magnification, range: 6,000 feet
Macro Lens: 2x to 20x magnification, range: 3 feet
Passive night vision: 2,000 feet
Thermal Imaging: 2,000 feet (In use)
Light Filters: Reduces glare
Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers Activated
OOC Comments
+2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
Mierin raises an eyebrow at Lynch’s changing into Lovetta and thinks ‘Interesting. That should go into the file.’ It reminded her of her CS days when the rule was even if it looked like a small child, it could be a shapeshifter, so defend yourself at any cost. Of course, accidents did happen, but if Mierin had to choose between herself and someone or something that could kill her in the time it took her to blink, she would always choose herself.
Ronan waves off the comment and looks to Mierin. "Besides, Queen would be our next leader, eh? She'd be more ruthless, I bet. Deuce wouldn't be caught dead in charge of this motley group."
Mierin smirks at Ronan’s comments and simply nods. The truth was, Mierin had no interest in being the leader of any squad. She had limited experience in being a leader during her time in the CS and what she’d learned was that leadership wasn’t really for her.

Once they reach their destination in the woods, Mierin pays close attention to the meeting between Lahz and the newcomers and notes the part about wiping memories. That’s new.. She has no objections to it, so says nothing and is a little surprised that no objections spring forth. The group seemed to be going through new recruits pretty quickly, so only time would tell is these newbies stuck around long enough for Mierin to learn their names.
"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" House
"Heartless it may be, but headless it ain't. I've never claimed to be nice, just to be sensible." - Lords and Ladies

Stats & Stuff
ISP: 35/35
HP: 57/57
SDC: 96/96

Constant Effects
Sixth Sense (2)

Weapon in hand: JA-12 Rifle 10/10 shots (standard e-clip) 30/30 (long e-clip); 4D6 MD (single shot), 1D6x10+10 MD (burst) or 3D6 MD (grenade)

NE-BA-26 Armor w/Installed Naruni Super-Heavy Forcefield (FF activated)
Helmet--50/50, Arms--40/40, Legs--50/50, Main Body--900/900
Force Field: 160/160
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lynch »

Perception: [roll]1d100[/roll]/49%
JIC: [roll]1d20[/roll];[roll]1d100[/roll]

Current ID: Lovetta

Underguard wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:09 am Meanwhile, Lynch, pulling off a very convincing Lovetta, approaches the bank to make a withdrawal. As S/He walks in, one of the male tellers calls LynVetta over to him. "Ah, Milady Lovetta. Is there... something I can do to be of service?" The teller says just a little too eagerly. Lynch can tell that Lovetta has likely worked her charm on him in the past and the mere sight of her again is enough to send him over the edge. Wayne splits off and heads to the Palace as LynVetta finishes the withdrawal of [8 million] credits.
Lovetta struts in like she owns the bank itself. When the male teller avails himself to her, she gladly takes him up on his generous offer. She slide next to him, letting her hand gently envelop his hand, in a near plea, "Oh. It's wonderful to see you again. She pulls him a little closer, I do need your help. See love a job went sideways and I need my capital to make my way to safe harbor. Would you be a doll and get my money. I wish I could stay longer but my time is running short." Lovetta whispers the last part in his ear.

Once he comes back with Lovetta's money, she grasps his hands. Reluctance evident in her tone, "Please remember me Like I will remember you. Until I'm able to return once again." Lovetta whispers the final sentence to him before departing blowing a kiss to him as she exits the doors.

Lovetta graciously walks with her air of confidence and power on the arm of Wayne in the Casino. Why don't you be a dear and get us some refreshment. I shall find us a table." Lovetta leans in and brushes her lips on Wayne's cheek as she sends him to get drinks. With him out of sight Lovetta makes her way into restroom. Using one of the stalls Lovetta pulls a second set of female clothes and changes into them. It's a rough disguise, but enough to fool those who need to be fold that Lovetta is attempting to sneak away. Lovetta will then make her way to the airport to link up with Lahz.

Once at the airport, Lovetta moves under the cover of a hanger or other secluded area and transforms back into Lynch when the time is appropriate. His features return to him. His voice deepens and levels back out. "Huwa. That was fun." He grins as he places the clothes back into his bag and redons his armored suit and equipment. "I think I'll head to the Haunt then. I think I still need to claim a room don't I." Lynch winks at Lahz, tosses him the credits and departs...unless Lahz has anything else for Lynch.
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote: Location: Airport, Spooks' Hangar
Date: 13th September
Weather: Cloudy (18 degrees Celsius)
Time: 1:45pm
[At the Haunt]
Vheld sees Bakir's formerly enraged mannerisms all but evaporate as the demon gruffs. "The arrangement, no. I am restless. Send me forth and I will work it out beyond the city's walls. Lest you have a target in mind." Bakir responds, the aerial demon floating in a pacing manner but not bucking up to Vheld. Skarrah appears rather amused by Bakir's restlessness, as does Birga. Though they are each in their own corner, simply watching the event. From Vheld's eyes, it almost looks like Birga is watching with anticipation of what may happen.

[The Airfield]

Ronan chuckles at Orrucks response, the Arismal having never met a Grackle Tooth before as he and Lahz continue discussing. Ronan shrugs at Orruck's and Lahz both. "Hey, who doesn't like making sparks fly, but we should probably get out of here, yeah? Maybe the Croc gets a trial run. Back to the Haunt?" Ronan asks? His questions fall on deaf ears as Lahz attempts to a Remote Viewing of the suspected patron to the bombing, Trader Joe. His vision shows that Trader Joe is somewhere inside Naruni's Storefront, apparently on some sort of transmission call though it's hard to see with whom.

LynVetta makes her rounds at the bank and finds no issue retrieving the money Lovetta had stored in the bank. When she takes the credit chit she finds a note on it with a personal call number likely belonging to the Teller with him holding his hand up in a "Call me" gesture. Then, her and Wayne make their way to the Casino where LynVetta seems to ditch her apparent escort. Wayne doesn't take kindly to this and has a mock break down as LynVetta returns to the airport and transforms back into Lynch. All in all, the trip took about 30 minutes before he returns to Lahz and the others.

After some final discussion, Lynch, Ronan and Mierin return to the Haunt while Lahz orders Ray to escort Meg to her drop off point. Orrucks still in the midst of determining if he's accepting the way their hierarchy works and if he is staying with them. When the Mierin, Ronan and Lynch return to the Haunt, they find Wayne already there in the lounge area.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: Lynch can pick a room and returns to the Haunt with Mierin, Ronan and Wayne.
Meg needs to do her drop off.
After the drop off of Lovetta's arm and any further intel is given to the Defenders is handled, this thread will be closed and I'll start the actual Train Heist.

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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lynch »

Perception: 1d100: [56] = 56 /49%
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 ; 1d100: [82] = 82

Current ID: Lynch

Lynch folds the paper and leaves it with the clothes used for the Lovetta Identity. He vacuum seals the bag with the clothes and other identifiable articles and places them back into his bag. That was fun. Not sure about using it again, but maybe something similar in the future. I'll have to get some identity documents for that."

Lynch spots Wayne lounging back at the Haunt. "Ah! My partner in crime! That was a splendid display today! I hope you had fun with the charade." Lynch plops down in an adjacent chair. "Oh. Wait you wanted to talk to yourself right? Give me a sec." Lynch, still seated closes his eyes. His mind links on what he's witnessed and heard in his interactions with Wayne.
Alter Voice: 1d100: [24] = 24 /109%
Impersonation 1d100: [23] = 23 /89%
Alter Finger and Hand Prints: 1d100: [37] = 37 /74%
Soldier, pride, confidence. Brash, lustful for beautiful things. Observant. Lynch feels his way though the transformation. Lynch's muscles grow and fill out more in the shoulders to reflect Wayne's physique. Bones groan as the extend and reshape as the heights soon match. after a moment Wayne is looking in a mirror.
So we getting the drink you wanted? I could really go for a beer right about now. What about you?" Lynch offers his hand to help Wayne up. It's Wayne's hand, down to the last little detail. He even got the lines in you hand correct. "Good ya?
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Vheld »

JIC: 1d20: [14] = 14 , 1d100: [72] = 72
PER: 1d100: [71] = 71 vs. 79%

The shifter’s eyes narrow as he regards his irritated minion. I suppose I should be surprised something like this hasn’t happened sooner. Perhaps forcing them to live in a basement was an unwise provocation. After a scowl and some consideration at Bakir, Vheld waves his hands airly. ”Very well. You have 24 hours leave. Make yourself as undetectable as possible while you are within the city limits of MercTown. See the sights, go take it out on someone deserving- bandits or Coalition troopers or someone unpleasant who has committed acts of evil. Harm. No. Innocents. Is that clear?” Assuming Bakir agrees, Vheld turns to the rest of his minions (save for the two entities). ”Sshir, Birga, you may get some air if you wish as well, under the same conditions. Don’t cause any trouble for myself or my mortal allies, clear?” For those minions that agree, Vheld nods and considers the matter closed. To the rest, he simply says ”As you were.” before retreating to his quarters once again.
Leave me alone.
Spell Strength +5 (victims need 17 or better to save vs. Vheld's incantations)
Automatic senses: Vampires (1000 ft/100% chance to recognize on sight), Rifts (550 miles), and Ley Lines (85%, 100 miles; +10% for nexuses)
33d remaining
PPE: 204/345 (Vheld), 83/83 (Sil), 100/1100 (energy sphere), 400/400 (Skarrah), 480/480 (Bakir), 162/162 (Birga). ISP: 90/90 (Medallion), 500/500 (Skarrah). MDC: 800/800(Skarrah), 1200/1200 (Bakir), 187/187 (Birga).
3/3 on Vheld IA, 3/3 on Ring of Invisibility, 3/3 on Animate Dead, 3/3 on Skarrah IA, 3/3 on Bakir IA.
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lithium Meg »

JiC 1d20: [18] = 18
Jic 1d100: [47] = 47
Perception 1d100 /24%: [33] = 33

"Well, Orruck, I hope you can find your place here. These folks have a fascinating life.

When asked about going to meet to drop off the now-secured limb.
"I'll take care of this myself. I don't want some idiot thinking that I'm still indebted to them. Not that I'm unappreciative, but some members of the Syndicate have a few screws loose, and I'm tired of eating them. He half smirks at that, trying to restrain her amusement. If anyone objects or insists on going with her, she will take the ride to the meeting point without argument. She will direct them towards the Warrens, where somebody will wait to accept the arm.

As to Lahz's question about her being wanted.
"No. I am not bringing heat with me for anything. I'm about to leave behind all the baggage, but I will still have connections if you like to use them. If you have any other concerns, let me know.

If they have any other questions while dealing with the Lovette bank semi-heist, she will go to her contact to get that down and over. Freedom was a few blocks away.
Lithium Meg

P.P.E: 108/108
I.S.P.: 37/59
M.D.C.: 54/54

Constant Effects:
Sixth Sense
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Orrucks »

Perception: 1d100: [83] = 83 60/% +20% on Perception rolls to determine if an explosive device or ordnance is “live” or a “dud”
JIC: 1d20: [5] = 5 / 1d100: [8] = 8

"Oooooh, I can make some sparks fly." He says to Ronan like there was some joke to be had. "Don't worry, I got no one after my scales. An' I can take a quick peek along the way." He says, before turning to head back to his truck on the other side of the hole not that far away. Ain't that the same bullshit pit i walked around cuz it wa'n' my problem?"

Instead of walking around the blast radius, he walks through it like there isn't a possibility of explosive death with every step, though he actually takes his time to properly to examine for undetonated explosives for a few feet around him and uncovers them with a gentle motion by his boot or tail, depending which is closer so he has a visual indication of where they are. If any of the surviving vehicles are also on the way, he looks in them for anything that managed to survive. Once at his truck, he takes a moment to jot down what explosives he did see on his way through the blast zone, looking back as he thinks of the names of whatever it was that he saw and where.

Demolitions: 1d100: [59] = 59 /87% Checking for remaining explosives on the way to his truck
Demolitions Disposal: 1d100: [2] = 2 /87% Deactivate explosives

With the detour dealt with, Orrucks get in his truck and drives for the Haunt with no expectations as of yet. Once there, he looks at the tower. "Alright then." He stops the truck in a suitable spot, on a curb on the side of the road not taken out of the equation.

He exits the vehicle, closing the door, giving the truck a rock, and heads into the Haunt. Finding the lounge, the Grackle Tooth stops on the sight of Wayne talking to Wayne, I'll figure all dat out later." He says to himself. "Which was the way to doin' any o' that oh so delightful paperwork everyone likes so much that may need to be filled out?"
Orrucks / Ledger

MDC: 83/83
PPE: 13

Conditions: Prehensile Tail, faster healer: recovers lost MDC at a rate of 2d6 per 12 hours. HF: 12

NG-A12 Anti-Ballistic Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 40
  • Arms: 35 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 80

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: -10% to Climb and -15% to other physical skills
  • All standard environmental features
  • Impact Absorbing Systems: Armor takes half damage from all kinetic attacks. Roll with impact reduces damage by half again. Wearer suffers only 20% damage from falls and crashes.

Book Reference: p.52, WB34

Bandit BigBore Revolver
  • Range: 200'
  • Damage: 1D6 M.D. + knockdown
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6-round cylinder
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: P.S. 14+ required to fire or else suffer knockdown; P.S. 17+ required to fire 1-handed
  • Book Reference: p.174, WB14
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Wayne Northblade
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Wayne Northblade »

Perception: 1d100: [66] = 66 /49%
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [29] = 29

”Hmm… Too woodsy.” Wayne finds himself tuned into the
watching the Armor Hour.
NGSN wrote:”For twelve easy payments of 99,999©, this brand new NG-X33 Forester Power Armor could be yours!
Featuring our standard level of durability and armament, this beauty also comes equipped with the brand new Vibro-Chainsaw as well as a Shoulder Gas Dispenser featuring our proprietary foe-debilitating Hex gas! Secure yours now before they run out!”
Scratching his chin, Wayne says out loud to himself, ”Hex gas, you say? I’ll have to look into that.”
Lynch wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:07 pmLynch spots Wayne lounging back at the Haunt. "Ah! My partner in crime! That was a splendid display today! I hope you had fun with the charade." Lynch plops down in an adjacent chair.
Wayne turns the volume down on the television to a level appropriate for casual conversation. ”Lynch! That was some masterful disguise work. Definitely the most fun I’ve had with this sordid bunch. Not that I dislike a bit of the unsavory. OK, a lot of unsavory, you got me.”
Lynch wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:07 pm "Oh. Wait you wanted to talk to yourself right? Give me a sec." Lynch, still seated closes his eyes. His mind links on what he's witnessed and heard in his interactions with Wayne. Lynch feels his way though the transformation. Lynch's muscles grow and fill out more in the shoulders to reflect Wayne's physique. Bones groan as the extend and reshape as the heights soon match. after a moment Wayne is looking in a mirror.
Wayne watches in amazement and disgust as Lynch’s body changes on a whim. Not for the squeamish. That is a very useful ability, we’ll have to take full advantage of his talents. Probably can’t do a perfect copy. You’ve gotta get the sound right or else they’ll see through it.
Lynch wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:07 pmSo we getting the drink you wanted? I could really go for a beer right about now. What about you?" Lynch offers his hand to help Wayne up. It's Wayne's hand, down to the last little detail. He even got the lines in you hand correct. "Good ya?
When Wayne hears his voice, his speech patterns, it seals the deal for him. ”Well fuck. You really are good. Let’s go grab a beer, me.” Wayne takes the hand offered by LAyne and gets on his feet. ”We’ve got cold ones in the fridge, we could head to Rimdall’s or The Sphinx. If you’re hungry, The Oasis is cheap, good and has drinks.”
Orrucks wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:42 pm"Which was the way to doin' any o' that oh so delightful paperwork everyone likes so much that may need to be filled out?"
Wayne looks up as the Grackletooth shows up mid-conversation to ask about being recruited. ”Gods, you’re as big as Thorn. He’s not going to like that.” Getting back to the question actually being asked, Wayne answers, ”You’ll want to find Lahz for that. If you want to do something more exciting than filling out paperwork, me and myself here are going to get a drink. You’re welcome to join as long as you don’t fuck it up for me or blow anything up along the way.” You’re going to have to get more safecracking jokes in your repertoire, Northblade.

Wayne continues down his previous train of thought. ”If you’re feeling fancy, we could hit the Grapevine or if you’re as broke as I am, we can head to Firewaters or Sharky’s. Not in the mood for the Ogre’s Den or Flesh Peddlers today. Tomorrow might be a different story.” Wayne offers a cocky smirk to his facsimile and awaits an answer.
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lahz »

Perception [51%]: 1d100: [18] = 18 [+15% involving Electronics or Machines]
JiC D20: 1d20: [17] = 17
JiC D100: 1d100: [25] = 25
Telemechanics [100%]: 1d100: [88] = 88

Conditions: Telemechanics (0 ISP, Constant, 5ft, 100%), Mind-block Auto-Defense (0 ISP, Automatic), Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy (1900ft if using magical or psionic powers, 900ft if NOT using powers), Radiate Nature [Vindictive Anger] (100ft to psychics, 12ft to non-psychics), Roadrunner Power Armor (135/135 MB), Sixth Sense (Cannot be surprised by a sneak attack)

ISP: 151/231 ISP

OOC: Ray was doing a driving-drop of Meg. If that means he goes to the Warrens, so be it. He's an armed and Armored Droid in an Armored car. Should be fine to go and get his imaging.

Lahz nods at the relative lack of griping as a good sign and otherwise returns to the Haunt. When asked about Paperwork, he offers very little more than a wry stare, "Enforcement in the Spooks is not done via paperwork ... We have a Cyberknight who can chew up a Tank, a D-bee who can make eyes hop out of the head, and a Wizard who whistles up demons. Really, if you don't want to keep your word to us, you probably are not going to be concerned with contract clauses." The Psi-Tech makes no mention of his own abilities.

He offers a polite but reserved smile as others make their departures while declining to join any outing.

Instead, he will take Kit, and head for the [[Crimson Dragon]] in the Mystic Quarter. Once that is completed, he will go to the Defenders, and advise that the Bomber lead that the Spooks recieved was a dead end ... they believe it eas Lovetta but have not been able to locate her within the City (Lahz will offer to contribute 400,000 credits to a Reward for proof of her death), before finally returning his efforts to the never-F***ing-ending list of repairs to be made because folks [GMs] think it is a great way to start things off by blowing things up ...

[[ Crimson Dragon ]]
Last edited by Lahz on Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lahz D'Gemmel
OOC Comments
ISP: 231/231
PPE: 22/22
HP: 40/40
SDC: 26/26

Roadrunner [Light] Power Armor
MD by Loc:
Helmet: 75/75, Main Body: 135/135
Arms: [L] 45/45 . [R] 45/45 & Legs: [L] 80/80 . [R] 80/80

N-F50A Superheavy Force Field - Not Active
M.D.C.: 160/160

Weapons: Q1-02 "Stopper" Ion Pistol 4d6+4 MD, 200'

Other: Drone Command Gauntlet (NG2 pg 245) [Left Forearm, 10 MD, 5 Mile Wireless Range], Vibro-Knife [1d6 MD], Laser Eavesdropping Device, Multitool, Talismans from Vheld (several)

Accompanied by Ray the Droid (( NG-B50 ‘Thunderer’ BigBore Combat Hammer, Wilks Laser Sword & NG-SE9 Sharpshooter ))
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Orrucks »

[Rolls Carried]

He turns big crocodilian head as his question is answered. "Word o' mouth works too. More 'an a couple like theys paperwork, so I'd thought I'd ask."

"Who'z Thorn? You sayin' ahm big?" He says to Wayne pretending there's a problem when his size is brought up and turns it in comedy in the same breath, "I'm so big. I'd need a robit if I wan'ed to pilot powuh armor."

"I'm not gonna blow the place you an' yerself are 'eaded. Dats just bad fer both bidnesses. I can along." He says when the subject turns to leaving for drinks. "Ain' worried about tomorrow today."
Orrucks / Ledger

MDC: 83/83
PPE: 13

Conditions: Prehensile Tail, faster healer: recovers lost MDC at a rate of 2d6 per 12 hours. HF: 12

NG-A12 Anti-Ballistic Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 40
  • Arms: 35 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 80

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: -10% to Climb and -15% to other physical skills
  • All standard environmental features
  • Impact Absorbing Systems: Armor takes half damage from all kinetic attacks. Roll with impact reduces damage by half again. Wearer suffers only 20% damage from falls and crashes.

Book Reference: p.52, WB34

Bandit BigBore Revolver
  • Range: 200'
  • Damage: 1D6 M.D. + knockdown
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6-round cylinder
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: P.S. 14+ required to fire or else suffer knockdown; P.S. 17+ required to fire 1-handed
  • Book Reference: p.174, WB14
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Sir Thorn »

Perception 70%: 1d100: [20] = 20
JiC D20: 1d20: [20] = 20
JiC D100: 1d100: [73] = 73

Conditions: Combat Awareness: Advanced (Receives = +2 Strike/Parry, +1 Dodge, All Tech Wielding Opponents = All tech based bonuses negated, -1 Attacks, & -2 to Dodge), Autododge v Tech, Cloud Sensors & Targetting (Cannot be accurately detected with Sensors), Telepathy: Superior (600ft (Probe) // 1200ft (Communication), 20.00 Min)

93/101 ISP

As though repeated mention had some kind of effect, a wide figure appears in the doorway several moments after Lahz leaves. Sir Thorn resembles a black skinned demon skeleton in a very very large bathrobe with teeth the size of steak knives. His light grey exoskeleton plates are almost entirely covered by Cyber-Armor, and while not as tall as Orrucks is every bit as broad. Those familiar with the Tokanni recognize the massive oversized hands able to hold a watermelon easily in each palm. He spots Wayne, yawns, nods and heads to the kitchen in search of food. He seems neither surprised nor worried by the presence of a giant gator-esque D-bee musing, **My old Daa would say he's a teeny one compared to the T-Rex things our tribe used to hunt back home before coming to this world.**
Sir Thorn
When All else fails put faith in a strong arm and 5 feet of sharp steel...
ISP: 101/101
PPE: 45/45
Personal MDC: 351/351

Constant Effects:
Personal HF 13, Nightvision (300ft), Combat Acrobatics (No penalty to strike when moving or off balance), Combat Awareness: Advanced (vs All Tech Wielding Opponents), Sustain [8 Days]

Battlefury Blade // 6D6 M.D. or 2d4*10 M.D. upon activation
[2] NE-10XL Plasma Cartridge Pistol // 1d4*10 M.D.
AR-M36 Rifle Mini-Missile Launcher // Based on Missile Type

Titan Plate Armor:
250/250 (Main Body) . 75/75 (FF)

Cyber Armor: [Regenerates 1d6 mdc/hr]
Main Body/Chest MDC -- 80/80 ● Shoulders -- 15 || 15 ● Back -- 22 || 22 ● Forearms -- 17 || 17 ● Upper Leg -- 22 || 22

*** WR-12 Giant Ion Pistol // 2D6M.D. --- Compartment in Brimstone
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote: Location: Haunt
Date: 13th September
Weather: Cloudy (18 degrees Celsius)
Time: 2:00pm
Vheld agrees to Bakir's requesidemand, giving the demon 24 hours to go have fun outside the city limits. Bakir offers a nod with a sly smile in response to Vheld's instructions. Sshir and Briga both accept Vheld's offer with toothy grins. "Harm No Innocents." Bakir states as confirmation before he, Briga and Sshir all depart. Vheld finally having the promise of at least 24 hours of peace, returns up the Haunt to his room. Lynch and Wayne have a weird moment were Wayne shows Lynch his face beneath the mask and Lynch copies the Dark Knight so they can talk to themselves. Wayne throws on some background TV with various adds while talking about getting food with Lynwayne. Ronan passes by and looks amused for a moment as he moves to shoot some pool while Mierin finds nearby seat in the lounge.

Vheld passes by to see some of the team has returned, with Wayne apparently, literally, talking to himself. Ronan will pique up at the comment of food. "I vote somewhere with steaks." The Arismal comments to the Waynes. The commotion attracts a disheveled and mostly uninterested Sir Thorn on his rare appearances in the Haunt; the resident Haunt's haunter merely gazing at the Waynes and others before getting something to eat. Orrucks spots Thorn which makes Orrucks do a double take at the size and... unpleasantness of Thorn's look. Lahz briefly talks about paperwork before he takes off towards the Crimson Dragon, then the Defenders to round off the weeks events. Ronan offers to show Orrucks and Lynch to the lower rooms in the Haunt on the 4th floor, pointing out that Mierin, himself, Thorn, Vheld and Lahz are on the upper floors.

When Lahz meets with the Defender's, Sergeant Harrison nods. "Rhade corroborated the story and Lovetta's blame. You're off the hook. Thank you for your cooperation. We can't offer compensation, but we can transfer your lease agreement to a new hangar of similar accommodations free of charge." Harrison offers, and should Lahz accept, will be given access to a different hangar within the Airfield that is undamaged from debris and open for their use.

Meg was driven to the Warrens by Ray, courtesy of her new allies. Though the Zenith Wolf rarely feared going into one of these drops, having backup was always nice. She finds her contact, the
Feel free to describe what this contact looks like; you can pick a race out of D-Bees of N America, or human. And give it a name. Don't pick an OCC.
she's dealt with for months. "Well, well. Wasn't sure you could pull that off." Her contact says as Meg hands over the arm of Lovetta. "Time for your reward." The contact stands and nods to Meg. "Leash is off. Keep up with your dues, heed our calls, but you're free to make your own stake now. Congrats, Milkbones. Look forward to seeing what you can do on your own. We'll have some contracts available soon. I'll ping you." The contact says, turning before pausing and tossing Meg a credit chit containing 50,000cr. "For completing the job. Good hunting." They say before leaving Meg to return to the haunt.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: Lahz -- Bahb is handling your Crimson Dragon purchases, courtesy of him inviting you to his little narrative.
Everyone - You can reply to this thread, finalizing your day/night.
Prelude to the Heist
Vheld - You can expect your minions back 2p the following day.

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Lithium Meg
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lithium Meg »

Jic 1d20: [1] = 1
Jic 1d100: [48] = 48
Underguard wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:03 pm
Meg was driven to the Warrens by Ray, courtesy of her new allies. Though the Zenith Wolf rarely feared going into one of these drops, having backup was always nice. She finds her contact, the
Feel free to describe what this contact looks like; you can pick a race out of D-Bees of N America, or human. And give it a name. Don't pick an OCC.
she's dealt with for months. "Well, well. Wasn't sure you could pull that off." Her contact says as Meg hands over the arm of Lovetta. "Time for your reward." The contact stands and nods to Meg. "Leash is off. Keep up with your dues, heed our calls, but you're free to make your own stake now. Congrats, Milkbones. Look forward to seeing what you can do on your own. We'll have some contracts available soon. I'll ping you." The contact says, turning before pausing and tossing Meg a credit chit containing 50,000cr. "For completing the job. Good hunting." They say before leaving Meg to return to the haunt.
It was nice to have a chauffeur to take her to drop point for Lovetta’s former arm. It was not the head they were looking for, but anything that proves that Lovetta is no longer among the living would do. As long as she kept her part of the bargain, then no one would be the wiser about what truly transpired in the last couple of hours. Once they were close enough to the drop off, Meg left Ray behind to keep the motor running. Not that she did not trust her contact, but things in her line of work have a tendency to go sideways pretty quick.

Dawson, Her contact is an older man, not elderly, but been in the business long enough to earn a few grey hairs. He is dress street respectable, but high class enough that the riff-raff would do well to leave him alone.

”She was a hand full to say the least. Not quite as exciting as some of the people I’ve had to deal with, but she didn’t go out with a whimper.” No need to play it up too much. Meg gives the arm over to Dawson to confirm that Lovetta is no longer with the living and hears the happy news that she is now an independent of her Syndicate responsibilities, for the time being.

”You’ll know where to find me. I’m going to hook up with the Spook Squad. Seems like the have an opening for a person of my unique skills.” Rather it impressed Dawson or not, Meg was happy to be on her own to earn money her way without someone overseeing her work. It would be a nice change of pace doing mercenary work and not eating guys who owed money, or did not know how to behave themselves.

”See you guys around. My first dues will be in the account first of the month. She probably needed to go out and get her legit bank account opened so she could deposit her money into so the Syndicate would get their cut. She still had to earn money for the Black Market to keep her status. She was free to work, but she was still a member with responsibilities.

Catching the cred chit, she turns back to saunter the way she came so that Raye can give her a ride back to the Haunt. Hopefully they had a place for her to bunk down.
Lithium Meg

P.P.E: 108/108
I.S.P.: 37/59
M.D.C.: 54/54

Constant Effects:
Sixth Sense
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lahz »

Perception [51%]: 1d100: [76] = 76 [+15% involving Electronics or Machines]
JiC D20: 1d20: [8] = 8
JiC D100: 1d100: [79] = 79
Telemechanics [100%]: 1d100: [80] = 80

Conditions: Telemechanics (0 ISP, Constant, 5ft, 100%), Mind-block Auto-Defense (0 ISP, Automatic), Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy (1900ft if using magical or psionic powers, 900ft if NOT using powers), Radiate Nature [Weariness, Wariness] (100ft to psychics, 12ft to non-psychics), Roadrunner Power Armor (135/135 MB), Sixth Sense (Cannot be surprised by a sneak attack)

ISP: 151/231 ISP

At the meeting with the Defenders, Lahz nods and agrees to accept a Hangar transfer/substitution, **Second freaking time our Hangar has been blown to shit. The S&$%&ing Airport is supposed to be a secure location. Air Superiority has an HQ out there, and Merctown has its own freaking Air Force wing of the Defenders out there ... how is everyone walking shit in at-will to frak with us??? ...** He will sign off on whatever is necessary then get a copy of the regulations/limits for installing security at the Hangar (and actually at the Haunt-locale in the Hub since people keep frakking with them).

He will then return the the never-ending list of repairs he needs to work on ahead of this Train thing.

Running into Lynch, Orrucks and Meg, the Psi-Tech will ask for a rundown on their personal weaponry, "We have run into things that cannot be damaged by the conventional laser cannon or volley of missiles. When crap gets to that point, up close and personal, members generally have a weapon magiked up for use. I have a Mace, and a few other things. The Squad has a couple spare Swords that newcomers can borrow and use in a pinch ... " Lahz shows them the two
Xiticix Longswords
somewhat large and heavy for a regular human (but very workable for anyone with SN strength), and
Skorblade Short-Swords [1d8 MD] "... You find something else that fits your 'taste' or 'style', those come back to the Armory ... You walk off with one of those 100,000 credit swords, we are going to be upset. But no one should be freaking 'helpless' in a fight, that shit does not get things done."

With the various new faces taking up residence in the Haunt, Lahz takes a chunk of the newly acquired [4 Million from Lovetta] funds, and drops a few credits on the new folks:
Wayne: 500,000
Lynch: 200,000
Meg: 200,000
Orrucks: 100,000

He will deposit the other 3 Million in the Spooks' vault.

At some point, he will hopefully be able to sit down with the full-team in their conference room though and explain for the new folks: 1) there's a job, 2) it's to acquire an item from an NG Hovertrain to Mantistique, 3) it's not an assault/freaking bloodbath, it is subtle because it includes a bio-hazard weapon that the CS wants that can y'know kill everyone ...

OOC: GM Please advise if anything on Tentative Plan (below) is not time-viable.
Tentative Plan
Summary for GM:
1) Check the Cryo-Container we were given
2) Go see the Psychic (if there are no recording/transmitting devices) -- Get her to share the vision and any images (since WE have a cryo-container now, it may be easier to know whether one of those appears in said vision)

3) Group Vehicle Modifications (estimating 4 days, if more time is needed then he will not attempt in this time window because the vehicles wont be delivered for 1 week, and anything further cuts things too close)
4) Repair, Repair, Repair, Repair, then, take Group-Transport from Merctown to Lazlo --- GM Please advise if Ship cannot be repaired, and new missiles are acquired so we are leaving with full kit --- And also --- does Lahz have his Mace back with new "Effect" from HERE.
5) [Have Lynch do this incognito] Buy 100 MD Box/Trunk -- Decoy/Empty "Thing @ least some of Spooks are 'Guarding' and reason for being on Train"
6) Buy tickets and take hover-train from Lazlo to Manistique (so that we can get familiar with these trains)
7) Buy additional tickets for target trip ... Manistique --> Lazlo (?)
8) Day-of --- Take Train back to Manistique from Lazlo (this will also take Spooks back to their own vehicle if necessary ... otherwise we can radio the Robot Crew to return and meet us @ Merctown)

OOC: Sorry about spare rolls
Dice rolls
1d100: [34] = 34
1d20: [6] = 6
1d100: [71] = 71
Lahz D'Gemmel
OOC Comments
ISP: 231/231
PPE: 22/22
HP: 40/40
SDC: 26/26

Roadrunner [Light] Power Armor
MD by Loc:
Helmet: 75/75, Main Body: 135/135
Arms: [L] 45/45 . [R] 45/45 & Legs: [L] 80/80 . [R] 80/80

N-F50A Superheavy Force Field - Not Active
M.D.C.: 160/160

Weapons: Q1-02 "Stopper" Ion Pistol 4d6+4 MD, 200'

Other: Drone Command Gauntlet (NG2 pg 245) [Left Forearm, 10 MD, 5 Mile Wireless Range], Vibro-Knife [1d6 MD], Laser Eavesdropping Device, Multitool, Talismans from Vheld (several)

Accompanied by Ray the Droid (( NG-B50 ‘Thunderer’ BigBore Combat Hammer, Wilks Laser Sword & NG-SE9 Sharpshooter ))
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Orrucks »

Perception: 1d100: [34] = 34 /60% +20% on Perception rolls to determine if an explosive device or ordnance is “live” or a “dud”
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 / 1d100: [19] = 19

Conditions: HF/Awe factor 12 [For better or worse]

The Grackle Tooth heads out for drinks with new acquaintances, where he can't help but be an impressive individual to behold and used to the crowd it draws. In fact, he seems to embrace it and shares some stories from New West; dust being kicked up by tire treads as he has to hurry from one place to another and in simple retreat from particularly spicy situations, even tales of nearly being blow up by his own or someone else's explosives from one miscalculation or another. After a few drinks there, he apologizes for having to leave to soon, seeming like an okay fellow with stories to tell without letting on he could care less about the lives of those that gathered to listen or just be near the Grackle Tooth.

Trust: 1d100: [22] = 22 /75%

After the time spent on the drinks and more story telling, Orrucks decides it is good as a time as any to acquire more cigars, good ones that run 13 credits individually and a cheap, portable humidor for their storage. With a dozen cigars in his possession he returns to the Haunt, where he is met with Lahz asking about his weapons. "Well I got mah Bigbore right 'ere, where it basically lives. Got some grenades, an' a few cubez o' plastique." He answers, initially almost forgetting about his laser cannon. "Oh, an' a big ass laser and littler laser knoife too."

"Ain' much fer swordz, but thanks fer dat infermation." He says after being told of the policy of the use of the Haunt's extra gear.

Later, when given the heads up of coming work, the croc, sits, shuts up, and listens. "Git some spisy soup off a train without it gittin all up on everything, pretty doable." He thinks of what he could and couldn't use even as he considers how his stock is looking before a brief, just as important question comes to mind, "Iz we thinkin' catch 'er on the way or try an' be there first?"
Orrucks / Ledger

MDC: 83/83
PPE: 13

Conditions: Prehensile Tail, faster healer: recovers lost MDC at a rate of 2d6 per 12 hours. HF: 12

NG-A12 Anti-Ballistic Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 40
  • Arms: 35 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 80

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: -10% to Climb and -15% to other physical skills
  • All standard environmental features
  • Impact Absorbing Systems: Armor takes half damage from all kinetic attacks. Roll with impact reduces damage by half again. Wearer suffers only 20% damage from falls and crashes.

Book Reference: p.52, WB34

Bandit BigBore Revolver
  • Range: 200'
  • Damage: 1D6 M.D. + knockdown
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6-round cylinder
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: P.S. 14+ required to fire or else suffer knockdown; P.S. 17+ required to fire 1-handed
  • Book Reference: p.174, WB14
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lahz »

Orrucks wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:33 pm ... With a dozen cigars in his possession he returns to the Haunt, where he is met with Lahz asking about his weapons. "Well I got mah Bigbore right 'ere, where it basically lives. Got some grenades, an' a few cubez o' plastique." He answers, initially almost forgetting about his laser cannon. "Oh, an' a big ass laser and littler laser knoife too."

"Ain' much fer swordz, but thanks fer dat infermation." He says after being told of the policy of the use of the Haunt's extra gear.
As it appears the big Crocodile guy believes this a show-and tell about benefits, the Psi-Tech shakes his head, "It's part information, part policy. I.e. There are things you cannot hurt with the weapons you are bringing to the table. In those fights you are a big useless lump. Policy means have a weapon that will work on hand. Vampires, spirit beings, various demons ... all sorts of crap is out there. You might suck with a sword, and to that I say, carry it as a backup unless you have something else for a back-up. I carry a magick-ed up belt knife even though I also have 4 Wilks Pulse Cannons that were assembled into a weapon that can out-strike some tanks ..." The tone offered by Lahz is neutral, but not flexible.
Orrucks wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:33 pmLater, when given the heads up of coming work, the croc, sits, shuts up, and listens. "Git some spisy soup off a train without it gittin all up on everything, pretty doable." He thinks of what he could and couldn't use even as he considers how his stock is looking before a brief, just as important question comes to mind, "Iz we thinkin' catch 'er on the way or try an' be there first?"
"We will go up to Lazlo, take a hover train to Manistique, then take the train back from Manistique back to Lazlo. The target item will be on the 2nd trip. 1st trip gets us aboard the train and able to familiarize and walk through the whole thing train location beforehand. Assaulting an NG Hovertrain mid-trip is idiocy if you dont have to do it. We are going to already be aboard. We do not really want to stop the train or jump off it. We can, but the train will already be heading back to where we have parked our vehicle, so ideally we don't want to make a fuss and be noticed." The Psi-Tech clips off without adding his mental trailoff thoughts, **which is why I am likely daft for bringing a 9 ft Crocodile-Man along, it's the height of subtlety to be a giant d-bee. The whole thing is foolish ... maybe we should have him rig some smoke or teargas type explosives around for remote triggering ... diversionary shit. But, there's going to be families and noncombatants on this freaking trip ... and this whole thing is supposed to be an anonymous courier ... Him and Ronan can have a mock-drunken yodelling contest across several freaking train-cars when we try to do the actual lift. **

He listens to whatever the other new folks chime in with before picking up again, "According to our 'contact', the trip takes 12 hours usually and the Train maintains a water route for the Trek, making a few stops along the way. Current information is that this train is a large one carries goods from Northern Gun and Manistique to Lazlo, it usually has around 500 passengers and a couple hundred tons of cargo. We must find the package, which is about the size of a briefcase, before it reaches Lazlo. He did not know how the package was intended to release or unseal once it reaches Lazlo. It's possible the smuggler was given instructions to open the container or package once they reach there or perhaps there is something else to this. It came out of a CS Lab, feeds on people's internal magic potential, can get through an EBA, and was sent to an area with a susceptible population to potentially y'know .... kill a bunch of puppies and children and shit even though ... really it could easily mutate and wipe out freakin everything, so ... yeah, bring on the inevitable statements of unfounded confidence ... or the torrent of questions without answers I suppose."
Lahz D'Gemmel
OOC Comments
ISP: 231/231
PPE: 22/22
HP: 40/40
SDC: 26/26

Roadrunner [Light] Power Armor
MD by Loc:
Helmet: 75/75, Main Body: 135/135
Arms: [L] 45/45 . [R] 45/45 & Legs: [L] 80/80 . [R] 80/80

N-F50A Superheavy Force Field - Not Active
M.D.C.: 160/160

Weapons: Q1-02 "Stopper" Ion Pistol 4d6+4 MD, 200'

Other: Drone Command Gauntlet (NG2 pg 245) [Left Forearm, 10 MD, 5 Mile Wireless Range], Vibro-Knife [1d6 MD], Laser Eavesdropping Device, Multitool, Talismans from Vheld (several)

Accompanied by Ray the Droid (( NG-B50 ‘Thunderer’ BigBore Combat Hammer, Wilks Laser Sword & NG-SE9 Sharpshooter ))
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lithium Meg »

Meg signals she would indeed like one of the bug swords for her personal use. While she would prefer something lighter, the heavy ugly just appeared to her on a primal level of butchery. Plus, the magic enchantment was super rare, and she would not pass up the opportunity to support the team. After all, she always did most of her work up close and personal. If there’s a sign-out book for the Squad's weapon, she will put her name in it.

Then came the meeting about their first job together, and it was a big one out of the gate. It would not be the first time she provided muscle for a gig like this and it was an important one. The Coalition is coming up with dangerous weapons to strike out at the magic world.

“So a heist without it looking like it’s a heist or having to do any heavy lifting other than probably subduing and eating a courier?” That gave Meg a moment to think about options. Stealing from a moving train was doable if things went according to plan and with clockwork precision.

“So first question: do we already have a plan in place to locate the mystery courier and take the package from him? I hope the contact gave you more information than what you provided.” She was used to limited time to do jobs, and it still irritated her when factors were left unknown or ‘discovered’ as you proceeded. That meant the guy who issued the contract was unaware of the dangers or did a poor job collecting information. A weapon that can kill people with magic potential, that had horrifying consequences that extend beyond just magic users, like Meg.

“I have a couple of ideas; scams we can try and plan for to secure this package.”

If a plan is already being initiated, she’ll happily go along; if not, she will tic off the ideas she has.

“One, we can assemble a team disguised as inspectors. If this is an NG train, we can falsify credentials and get uniforms. I suppose it’ll be based on what we get on short notice or steal.

“If our train is connected to a digital network for tracking cargo or communication, we could hack into the system to identify unusual or unregistered items in the cargo manifest.

“Then there is surveilling the passengers to identify and track our courier. The lease is likely to work cause we don’t know what they look like. Oh, oh, maybe we can use some kind of behavioral analysis software or magic. The guy, unless he's really insane, might be sweating bullets carrying out a job like this; he might even have to go check on it to make sure it’s safe. It’s going to be a long twelve hours…”

“There’s a controlled detour. Arrange for the train to make an unscheduled stop under some pretext of a mechanical problem or environmental hazard. But we don’t want to stop the train, so I guess that idea is out.”

“How about rigging a drone? Something that can discreetly go around to scan for the bioweapon? Something about this package will have to stand out from the rest. If it’s gotta be carried for a long length of time to a target, it has to have something that keeps it stable and a bunch of electronics to release it.”

“I doubt we have access to assets on the train. We could use them to help us search it.”
Meg frowned lightly at that idea, seeing as they probably did not, nor had the time to find some.

“I guess the last ditch effort is to cause an emergency where everyone has to get off the train. During and after, we have time to search the train, but that requires stopping it. Okay, ignore that one…”

Meg inhaled to catch her breath and signal that she was done talking. Those were ideas; they could accept them, reject them, or use a variation of them. The Syndicate was all about acquiring things, and most of the time, they were very good at it, provided everything went according to plan.
Lithium Meg

P.P.E: 108/108
I.S.P.: 37/59
M.D.C.: 54/54

Constant Effects:
Sixth Sense
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lynch »

Perception: 1d100: [39] = 39 /49%
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 ; 1d100: [90] = 90

Current ID: Lynch

Lynch tosses a nod and two finger salute to Lahz when he's given the money from Lovetta. "Appreciated."

Lynch nods as Lahz explains the back up weapons and their uses. "It's always good to be prepared. I will look for a suitable weapon for myself, but if I am unable to locate one then I will barrow one from the inventory. I would prefer not to be in debt but I understand the importance of being prepared."

Lynch listens intently to the job briefing provided by Lahz and the subsequent idea vomit from Meg. Hhmmmm...interesting. A bio weapon then? Seems it must be kept cool. If we are taking it then we need to have the appropriate transportation containers. What would give us the best chance to do that? Scientific research. Biological samples that need to be kept at cryogenic levels. It could work. Need to have things transported keep one empty to hold the package. And we just walk it out once we get there. We'll need to infiltrate the cargo area after locating the target. Size of a briefcase means it can be more mobile then we want...I'll ask but it sounds like we don't know what the case looks like. Too bad, a switch aroo would have been a nice. Sounds like no information on the courier either. If the CS developed this then there might be CS guards...maybe too obvious. Man they are really short on details. A briefcase on a train, you've got 12 hours, good luck. Who takes a job with that little information...oh well nothing to do about it now.

Lynch waits for the good idea fairy to end her spewing before speaking up, "That's a lot of different ideas there, Fuzz Nugget." His tone is jovial, with a hint of sarcasm. Lynch looks at Lahz, "Based on what you said, can I assume there was no description of the case given? Also can I assume there was no technical information given on the device or substance itself? Assuming a biological weapon, if it passes through EBA, then it likely has to be cryogenically stored. If it feeds on magic potential then using magic to suspend it doesn't sound possible. A reasonable trigger could be as simple as letting the cryogenic process end at the right time. Then, even if the shipment was intercepted it would still trigger. Meaning we would likely need to bring along some kind of cryogenic device to keep the materiel contained. This is all assumptions based on what you've told us, Lahz." Lynch pauses for a moment before starting again, "If that is the case then I could easily use an alternate identity to hire the Spooks as guards for a cryogenic shipment of say scientific research materials to the same destination. It would give us the ability to secure the substance and prevent it's spread. It would also give everyone a very good reason to be on the train to include our friendly giant lizard." No I can't read your mind, but it was written on your face my friend. "How long to we have? I would like to get to work on researching the train and avenues I can pursue to give everyone a reason to be on the train."
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote: Location: Haunt
Date: 13th September
Weather: Cloudy (18 degrees Celsius)
Time: 7:00pm
As Meg finishes up her dealings with Dawson and returns to the Haunt, Lahz doles out some finances for the team to get comfortable then depositing the rest into the Spooks Vault. Lahz figures he has the time to repair and re-arm the group transport but his hammer likely won't be done before the Heist takes places. When Lahz studies the job, he sees that the item they are klepping is scheduled to depart from Manistique in just over a weeks time (21st of Sept on my date scale). They have some time to scout out the hover-trains and re-arm, but the date is swiftly approaching and their tussle with Lovetta drained some time.

That night Lahz orchestrates a meeting with the Spook Squad with it's entire roster, Sir Thorn excluded but the large knight might peek his head in every so often. There Lahz lays out his plan that relies heavily on Lynch's abilities. The idea for the Heist being Infiltration and Distraction without alerting the security anything is actually wrong. Lynch asks a series of questions and gets the week timeline from Lahz and sets to work. Vheld returns to his studies for the time being, trusting the more technically adept members of the team to do the proper research while keeping an eye on the clock for the return of his minions.

Lahz has time to move the transport to the new hangar and inspect it. It is almost a carbon copy of their old one, minus all their Spooky furnishings and armaments. While certain members of the crew get into the nitty gritty with the details, Ronan pops his head up. "Okay, while they do their thing. Let's go get something to eat. 'Ey, Queen Mierin? Wayneee, you know you want too. Hell, Meg and Croc man, you too. If the boss needs anything he can radio us." Ronan states and offers to take those who aren't doing anything out to eat in the meanwhile.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: I would like to start the Heist next week so let's see about finalizing your plans and research.
If you want to learn more about the hover-trains, or the like, please include viable skill rolls.

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lithium Meg »

Meg mouths the words Fuzz Nugget and shakes her head. She heard Lynch at his best, so if he's determine to give a nickname, he could do better.

Once the meeting is over, she'll explore some options to bank her current gains and grab a few items for the plan they settled on. Some good ideas, but execution and fate were fickled beasts, and anything could happen. It seems like the group was good about adapting to radical changes to the plan, so Meg was not going to worry much.

When Ronan suggests they go out and eat, she perks up.

"I can eat. Let's go." It would be nice to get to know everyone on a personal basis. So far, she's liked what she's seen and is happy to join a group of professionals out the gate. They might have higher expectations, but Meg has never been one to disappoint people depending on her.
Lithium Meg

P.P.E: 108/108
I.S.P.: 37/59
M.D.C.: 54/54

Constant Effects:
Sixth Sense
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Orrucks »

Perception: 1d100: [43] = 43 60/% +20% on Perception rolls to determine if an explosive device or ordnance is “live” or a “dud”
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 / 1d100: [47] = 47

With the information given, the gears in his head turn as he considers what he can, can't, and shouldn't bring for the job. Most of the things he initially thought of potentially doing got cast aside. Safety of bystanders became a larger factor than when he sat down and started listening. A need for minimal damage and quiet if at all possible too became factors to heed. I got two kinds a 'splosives I can bring fer dis. Probably can git more supply? Looks like trainz is mah numbuh one dis week."

" 'Fore I go huntin' fer them train regz. and whatnot, iz there anyone 'ere that can point me there?" He asks as he gets up, ready to looking for hover-train regulations and maybe even a model one for at least some kind of three dimensional reference to work with in at least starting to consider where to place charges for the least amount of damage to surfaces and structures he probably want to hit with the blast of whatever he decides on to do to gain access to wherever the 'product' is stored if he should need to.

When Ronan calls for his attention he is toasting the end of a cigar. His eyes shift up to look at him, match lowering for a moment as he hears the call to go get food. For a moment, it would be like he didn't hear him as he finishes getting the cigar lit and comfortable in his lips but he gets up a second later. "Ahm comin'."

Over the course of the next couple of days, Orrucks really seems to be absolutely in love with hover trains, sifting through whatever reference material he can get his scaly claws on with fascination, his specific goal being to know what keeps them secure by whatever regulations he can source. At some point, he too may come into the Haunt with a decent realistic model hover train kit.

Law: General 1d100: [59] = 59 /40% Find proper hover train regulations.
Law: General 1d100: [78] = 78 /40% Find proper hover train mechanics regulations.
Trust: 1d100: [76] = 76 /75% Convince any one that asks why he's looking for the information that he really just really innocently likes trains.
Orrucks / Ledger

MDC: 83/83
PPE: 13

Conditions: Prehensile Tail, faster healer: recovers lost MDC at a rate of 2d6 per 12 hours. HF: 12

NG-A12 Anti-Ballistic Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 40
  • Arms: 35 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 80

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: -10% to Climb and -15% to other physical skills
  • All standard environmental features
  • Impact Absorbing Systems: Armor takes half damage from all kinetic attacks. Roll with impact reduces damage by half again. Wearer suffers only 20% damage from falls and crashes.

Book Reference: p.52, WB34

Bandit BigBore Revolver
  • Range: 200'
  • Damage: 1D6 M.D. + knockdown
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6-round cylinder
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: P.S. 14+ required to fire or else suffer knockdown; P.S. 17+ required to fire 1-handed
  • Book Reference: p.174, WB14
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Lahz »

Perception [51%]: 1d100: [38] = 38 [+15% involving Electronics or Machines]
JiC D20: 1d20: [13] = 13
JiC D100: 1d100: [37] = 37
Telemechanics [100%]: 1d100: [89] = 89

Conditions: Telemechanics (0 ISP, Constant, 5ft, 100%), Mind-block Auto-Defense (0 ISP, Automatic), Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy (1900ft if using magical or psionic powers, 900ft if NOT using powers), Radiate Nature [Weariness, Wariness] (100ft to psychics, 12ft to non-psychics), Roadrunner Power Armor (135/135 MB), Sixth Sense (Cannot be surprised by a sneak attack)

ISP: 231/231 ISP

Lahz listens to the options from the new folks and nods along, "Some is doable but some is just too complicated for our needs. We are about a week out here. We dont need to generate a reason to be on the train, we have tickets. We will have an armored box that the Spooks will be protecting, that's probably going to be empty but no one needs to know that ... or maybe Queen, Mierin's callsign, will drop a Magic Sword in there or something so there's something ... The Courier's case is a cryogenic device to keep the contents inactive, and we do have a cryogenic device of our own. I have tested it, it transmits no signals and is mechanically functional. The Courier doesnt have to be crazy, they just probably have not told him or her the truth about what he's carrying. I had some familiarity NG a couple decades back. I have an engineering certification and can reach out to pull specs on the current Trains. But Trains get reconfigured seriously on a continuous basis between trips ... knowing train car layout wont matter immensely. We are taking an earlier trip on the train to get there, and then taking it back ... In an ideal world, we will park our 'protected cargo' in a spot with Orrucks and ... someone else guarding it for show. I will walk the train and try to get a Psychic bead on it. Ideally, Deuce .... that's what we call Vheld in the field, can bring along 1 or 2 of the Possession-Spirits ... and sick them on the Courier. Head to bathroom with case ... leave without ... ta-da. If I can get to physical touch of the stupid case, I can teleport it INTO our previously empty crate ... which will never have moved. From then on, Orrucks and company will be very much not for show. Hell if I can get an eyeball on the case and happen to get lucky, I can switch in OUR case, or teleport its contents into our case and leave them their case which they wont know is empty ... maybe even put in a cute little teargass bomb if Orrucks wants to whip one up so they can trigger something when they get to Lazlo ... Oh and our Call-signs are typically based on Playing Cards so, feel free to request one, though King has been retired."

Lahz will Visit NG Store with his NGCME Card to Download/Purchase Specifications for Hover Trains as 'study materials' for his next exam so he can toss up blueprints/maps for folks who feel the need to get comfortable (the Psi-Tech can do a 3 minute scan and Total-Recall it as needed).

He then returns to working on repairs ...
Tentative Plan
Summary for GM:
1) Check the Cryo-Container we were given
2) Go see the Psychic (if there are no recording/transmitting devices) -- Get her to share the vision and any images (since WE have a cryo-container now, it may be easier to know whether one of those appears in said vision)

3) Group Vehicle Modifications (estimating 4 days, if more time is needed then he will not attempt in this time window because the vehicles wont be delivered for 1 week, and anything further cuts things too close)
4) Repair, Repair, Repair, Repair, then, take Group-Transport from Merctown to Lazlo --- GM Please advise if Ship cannot be repaired, and new missiles are acquired so we are leaving with full kit.
5) Visit NG Store with his NGCME Card --- Download/Purchase Specifications for Hover Trains as 'study materials'
*** Northern Gun Certified Mechanical Engineer
6) [Have Lynch do this incognito] Buy 100 MD Box/Trunk -- Decoy/Empty "Thing @ least some of Spooks are 'Guarding' and reason for being on Train"
6) Buy tickets and take hover-train from Lazlo to Manistique (so that we can get familiar with these trains)
7) Buy additional tickets for target trip ... Manistique --> Lazlo (?)
8) Day-of --- Take Train back to Manistique from Lazlo (this will also take Spooks back to their own vehicle if necessary ... otherwise we can radio the Robot Crew to return and meet us @ Merctown)
9) Pick up Magic Mace when we get back to town.
Lahz D'Gemmel
OOC Comments
ISP: 231/231
PPE: 22/22
HP: 40/40
SDC: 26/26

Roadrunner [Light] Power Armor
MD by Loc:
Helmet: 75/75, Main Body: 135/135
Arms: [L] 45/45 . [R] 45/45 & Legs: [L] 80/80 . [R] 80/80

N-F50A Superheavy Force Field - Not Active
M.D.C.: 160/160

Weapons: Q1-02 "Stopper" Ion Pistol 4d6+4 MD, 200'

Other: Drone Command Gauntlet (NG2 pg 245) [Left Forearm, 10 MD, 5 Mile Wireless Range], Vibro-Knife [1d6 MD], Laser Eavesdropping Device, Multitool, Talismans from Vheld (several)

Accompanied by Ray the Droid (( NG-B50 ‘Thunderer’ BigBore Combat Hammer, Wilks Laser Sword & NG-SE9 Sharpshooter ))
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Vheld »

JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 , 1d100: [34] = 34
PER: 1d100: [54] = 54 vs. 79%

Vheld attends Lahz’s briefing but doesn’t say much. He simply nods along with the details of the plan and Lahz’s suggestion of possessing the courier. ”Yes. I can order them to obey someone on the infiltration team. Just no-one who’s going to be changing disguises frequently- they’re not, ah, that discerning. Bakir and Skarrah have their uses on an infiltration mission, but if they have any psi-stalkers or dog boys on the crew it’s probably not worth the exposure. I assume I’m staying outside and riding magical support- they can fly with me. We can shadow the train and assist with exfiltration or a distraction as needed.” A train robbery. How… quaint. Let’s see how the new blood does, I suppose. While Vheld can hold his own in a stealth situation, most of his magic doesn’t usually lend itself to subtlety so unless someone suggests a different role for the shifter he is content to sit back and let the rest of the planning happen without him.
Leave me alone.
Spell Strength +5 (victims need 17 or better to save vs. Vheld's incantations)
Automatic senses: Vampires (1000 ft/100% chance to recognize on sight), Rifts (550 miles), and Ley Lines (85%, 100 miles; +10% for nexuses)
33d remaining
PPE: 204/345 (Vheld), 83/83 (Sil), 100/1100 (energy sphere), 400/400 (Skarrah), 480/480 (Bakir), 162/162 (Birga). ISP: 90/90 (Medallion), 500/500 (Skarrah). MDC: 800/800(Skarrah), 1200/1200 (Bakir), 187/187 (Birga).
3/3 on Vheld IA, 3/3 on Ring of Invisibility, 3/3 on Animate Dead, 3/3 on Skarrah IA, 3/3 on Bakir IA.
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Wayne Northblade
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Wayne Northblade »

Perception: 1d100: [38] = 38 /49%
JIC: 1d20: [14] = 14 / 1d100: [61] = 61

"Now that you mention it, Ronan... I find myself possessed of a certain...culinary rapaciousness. I'll be back. Need to change into appropriate dining attire." With that, Wayne stands up and heads into his room. When he returns 10 minutes later, he's wearing a classy
along with a
that reaches down past his chin. "Now we can eat." Wayne lets his argent amigo, Ronan, lead the way to chow time.
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Mierin »

Perception: 1d100: [53] = 53 (85%)
JIC: 1d20: [14] = 14 , 1d100: [18] = 18

Multi-Optic eyes
OOC Comments
Telescopic: 4-8x30 magnification, range: 6,000 feet
Macro Lens: 2x to 20x magnification, range: 3 feet
Passive night vision: 2,000 feet
Thermal Imaging: 2,000 feet (In use)
Light Filters: Reduces glare
Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers Activated
OOC Comments
+2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
Heading back to the Haunt with the others, Mierin heads to her room to put some gear away. She had no interest in going with Meg to finish her business. It’s not that she trusted Meg, Mierin just didn’t care about what Meg did. Heading to her room, Mierin works on her computer for a bit, taking notes and then password protects her notes and shuts the compute down.

Mierin rejoins the others when the meeting about the next job starts. A train heist? Interesting. She smirks at Lahz’s comment about unfounded confidence statement and unanswerable questions. She listens to the ideas of the newcomers and sits back and watches the plans unfold. Not knowing much about trains, except for being a passenger, Mierin stays quiet unless someone asks her a direct question.
Ronan wrote: While certain members of the crew get into the nitty gritty with the details, Ronan pops his head up. "Okay, while they do their thing. Let's go get something to eat. 'Ey, Queen Mierin? Wayneee, you know you want too. Hell, Meg and Croc man, you too. If the boss needs anything he can radio us."
Mierin raises an eyebrow with a smirk at the Queen Mierin comment, looking amused. Mierin nods at Ronan and replies, ”Sure, I could eat.”. Mierin heads back upstairs to get ready and joins whoever is going out to eat.
"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" House
"Heartless it may be, but headless it ain't. I've never claimed to be nice, just to be sensible." - Lords and Ladies

Stats & Stuff
ISP: 35/35
HP: 57/57
SDC: 96/96

Constant Effects
Sixth Sense (2)

Weapon in hand: JA-12 Rifle 10/10 shots (standard e-clip) 30/30 (long e-clip); 4D6 MD (single shot), 1D6x10+10 MD (burst) or 3D6 MD (grenade)

NE-BA-26 Armor w/Installed Naruni Super-Heavy Forcefield (FF activated)
Helmet--50/50, Arms--40/40, Legs--50/50, Main Body--900/900
Force Field: 160/160
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Re: Apocalypse .. Nowish?

Post by Underguard »

Lahz lays out a tentative plan with the Spooks with a few others chiming in. Vheld discusses some infiltration ideas with Lahz. After the meeting, Lahz heads over to the Northern Gun store and is able to determine the most likely train being used. The NG-HCH-1228, Hovertrain Locomotive; Northern Gun's premiere Hover Train for moving cargo. He gets the blueprint for the specific train, however he can't get the specifics on any additions or security that might be going with it. Lahz is able to see that they generally have a contingent of airborne security as well as at least one gunner. Depending on the cargo, security drones and additional gun-carts may also be present. Orrucks decides to see what he can figure out about Hovertrains regulations and finds the information to be annoyingly scarce, though he finds he enjoys reading about them and is almost enthralled by them. The one contact Orrucks tries to talk too seemingly shrugs off his request. "Northern Gun doesn't broadcast much, but you can see a pamphlet of what they offer." Orrucks is given a brochure of what the Northern Gun Hover Trains have to offer and receives a little more basic information than Lahz. Ronan ends up treating Mierin, Meg, Wayne and Lynch out to eat while Vheld remains in seclusion. The five going out to eat enjoy a decent meal that is stress free, with Ronan taking the tab.

The Spooks then prepare to head to Manistique to jump on their train.

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