Wayne's outburst at Lovetta reveals a nigh-demonic smile from the woman as she bats her eyes at the Knight. "And that's precisely why you were my favorite. That one... a temporary plaything. But you... we could go far, you and I." Lovetta responds to Wayne. As Vheld and Meg offer their idea, Mierin and Ronan stand ready to strike should the order be called. Lahz reluctantly agrees to Lovetta's terms, prompting Vheld to release her from her constraint as she then hands over a credit chit. "Mm, England would be a nice change of scenery. Here." She offers the credit chit to Vheld, placing her hand on his chest with the chit then falling into his hand. "I can't wait to see what other tricks you can do if we meet again." She says to Vheld, then turning to Meg and nodding to Lahz. "Sweetheart, you have no idea what I consider fun. Take the arm, Milkbones, just don't gnaw on it." She offers with a wink, apparently willing to allow Meg to cut the arm off herself. Notably, if Meg or someone does remove it themselves, Lovetta seems almost euphoric during the removal. If no one takes the initiative, she will draw a knife and cut it off herself. She turns to Lahz.Conditions wrote: Location: Airport, Spooks' Hangar
Date: 13th September
Weather: Cloudy (18 degrees Celsius)
Time: 12:30pm
"I do doubt the Defenders will do anything about it, you know. The Naruni are such rich little fiends. But you have my testimony and my money, so any foul play on your part should be fine. I need nothing from within the walls, only for you to open the portal to this England and send me on my way." Lovetta finishes. She will provide any verbal admission required and wait for Vheld to open a portal for her and take her leave. Lynch finds he has no problem accessing her account with the supposed payment of 8 million credits, but doesn't find any other accounts linked to that one.
Once that is done and Lovetta is away, the Spooks find themselves standing about 100 ft from the diner with the mercenary still being possessed by One and standing relatively aimlessly near the building. Both Vheld and Wayne actually feel like they miss Lovetta just a bit, but that could easily be the Charm spell talking. Now they only need to deliver the testimony to the Defenders to clear their name and get back to the matter of an actual job. That train wasn't going to raid itself.
As the group turns to leave, they see they have attracted the attention of what some in the group can identify as a Grackle Tooth. Meg actually recognizes this Grackle as a freelance black marketeer who does odd jobs and is remarkably good with explosives, named Orrucks.
Orrucks had been hanging around the Job Market Cafe for some time, looking for new work when one of the Fixer's there managed to find some information for him. Murdoc approached the Reptilian Safecracker with a bit of news. The Spook Squad was gearing up for a heist and could possibly use someone of his skillset. Further more, they were still in town dealing with an attack on their hangar. Murdoc didn't have much information about the attack, but did have enough to tell Orrucks that someone from the Black Market was helping them; a hunter named Milkbones. This name Orrucks recognized as one of the enforcers often used to bring in or silence malefactors. Murdoc gave him the tip to offer his services as a safecracker to this team for their next heist and so, Orrucks heads over to the airfield where Murdoc told him they were last sighted.
The smoke from the Air Field was easy to follow and Orrucks finds himself at the crater that used to be a hangar. Looking at the way it exploded, the explosively inclined Orrucks can tell that it was sloppily done. No demolitions expert did this; he can see signs of countless secondary explosions and sections of debris that suggest it wasn't surgical but impromptu; likely a truck bomb that happened to set off a series of smaller explosions. This was the site that the Defenders had cordoned off, and recovery efforts were all but stopped at this point as it seems everyone was waiting for the smoke to clear before any rebuilding could be done. Orrucks also finds traces of several smaller vehicles, probably bikes, in unsalvageable pieces.
Before Orrucks had arrived, he saw the silhouette of a man standing beside the crater who got picked up by a vehicle carrying none other than Milkbones. It must be the Spook Squad and with no better lead, the safe cracker followed them to the diner. He keeps his distance, not wanting to derail their hunt. Orrucks follows from a distance until things settle and he sees the group standing some distance away from the airfield diner.
What are your intentions?
GM Note: Assuming Vheld draws on the nexus, he can open a portal for her and send her on her way.