Newcomers Welcome

This is the parent forum for PbP's site-wide rules, and the house rules for the Rifts Earth Dimension.
DM: Underguard
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Dark Lord
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Newcomers Welcome

Post by Dark Lord »


Play by Post RPG is a community of roleplaying fans enjoying games of all types. Palladium Books' many games are the primary focus at present.

Here is a guide to help new players create a character, including house rules and the Player Point (PP) system.
  1. Welcome - Start Here
  2. House Rules
  3. Player Points
  4. Merctown
  5. Admins & GM's (Game Masters)
  6. AGM's (Assistant Game Masters)
  7. How to Create a Character for Rifts
  8. Rifts Character Creation Template
  9. Unified Skills List
  10. Post your Character Here (Recruit These PC's Forum)
  11. Find a Group!
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Dark Lord
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Re: Newcomers Welcome

Post by Dark Lord »

New Player Guide

Note: The rules can appear daunting but it's not as bad as you think.
If you have questions about the House Rules or their application to the website, don't hesitate to PM Dark Lord, Underguard, Blackhaunt or any of the other GMs for clarification.
The House Rules are here to make the grey areas of the rules more concrete, not scare you away from gaming.

  • Kindness is key to a healthy community. Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes.
  • Do your research! Go through our site and find out if this site is right for you.
  • Feel free to contact veteran players, GMs, and AGMs with your questions.
  • You have four weeks from the date you registered to complete the Character Creation process.
  • After four weeks, you will get a warning. After another week, your account will be deleted.
  • If you don't already have Google Spaces, contact the site admin. If nothing else, you can always PM someone's account on the site.
    • You will be directed to Spaces where there are a good number of active groups.
  • Players who are not active chat participants tend not to know their fellow players well, and tend to "flake out" as they are not invested in the community, so we encourage participation in the above.
    Registering an Account
    • All accounts must be registered with your character's name.
      • Account names can be changed by admin, so don't create a new account if you screwed up this step.
    • No "l33t-speak" or other nonsensical account names will be kept.
    • Your account name should be the same as that which your character will use in conversation with the other players on-site.
    • After you register your account, you should receive an e-mail by which you will activate the account.
    Character Concept Approval
    • Once your account has been activated, contact Underguard for Rifts, Dark Lord for Phase World, Blackhaunt for Heroes Unlimited, and Sum of All Fears for Battletech to go through the character approval process. (Hangouts and PMs are preferred as it makes the whole process much faster.)
    • Only a player's first character account is free. Beyond that, players must spend PP to acquire account unlocks to play additional characters.
    • It is a good idea to have a short list of character concepts in mind should your initial concept be rejected.
    • It is generally ill-advised to have a detailed character in mind prior to this process.
      • Tips for going through the Character Approval Process:
      • Think in general character terms, not specific.
      • Thinking in terms of character roles within a group is a good idea, but don't play something you're not into just because a group "needs a healer" or similar situations.
      • Don't even consider a background or rationale for the character until the basic concept has been approved.
    • A Word on Chat Etiquette
      During your chat you will answer a battery of questions that will help me guide you to your choice of accepted player character. Keep these things in mind during our chat:
      • I ask questions in a specific order for a reason.
      • Direct answers to the questions asked yield the best results.
      • If asked a yes/no question, provide a yes/no answer.
      • I'm sure you've got a ton of questions, but keep them to yourself until we're done.
      • I've been doing this very successfully for years now, it works. Bear with me and answer the questions.
      • Answer each of the questions below in order, one at a time, and allow me to approve/deny at each step.
    • Player's cheat-sheet for questions:
      • Which archetype are you thinking of playing?
        • The archetypes are:
        • Practitioner of Magic
        • Psychic
        • Man-at-Arms
        • Scholar/Adventurer
        • Racial Character Class
        • Regional Origin
        • Dimensional Origin
      • Which O.C.C. would you like to play?
      • Which player character race would you like to play?
    Check for Costs & Conflicts
    • Consult the Dimensional Unlocks post for an overview of canonical sources from which to select your choice of O.C.C./R.C.C., or to find out the PP cost of such a choice.
    • Verify via the Demographics thread that your desired class & race are still open to new submissions.
    Your Turn
    • Have you already read the content of the House Rules forum?
    • Any questions?
    • Ask about your concerns--no matter how wild the consideration--because not asking may cost you a unique or interesting character development.
    • Once your account is active, post your entry to the Player Points Ledger. If you are a new player, you will start with 1 PP.
    Important Character Creation Rules
    • Experience
      • All characters start at experience level three.
        • If you elect to start at experience level two, you will receive 1 PP in compensation.
        • If you elect to start at experience level one, you will receive 2 PP in compensation.
      • Player characters are not allowed Miscreant or Diabolic alignments.
        • Miscreant or Diabolic are strictly NPC alignments.
        • A character who degenerates into one of these alignments through in-character roleplay, must be redeemed by the end of the character's next adventure, or he will be converted to an NPC at the GM's disposal, and the character account deleted.
      • Insanities at Character Creation are entirely optional however we encourage players to consider insanities that can add to their concept.
    • Dimensional Origin characters will receive an additional possible insanity due to the trauma of extreme culture shock.
    • Characters who have undergone extreme physical modification will receive an additional possible insanity due to trauma.
    • Post 3 possible insanities for each insanity suffered that you think would be compelling/interesting to roleplay. You're encouraged to provide a rationale/argument for each, as well as which is your preference and why. One will be chosen for you.
    Character origins & their impact:
    • "Regional Origin" characters are natives of Rifts Earth who are not native to the setting in which they will be playing.
      • Their skills and starting gear will be reflective of the character's background story as it relates to his regional origin.
      • If the character's background story indicates that he has been in North America for an extended period, his starting gear will reflect this. If he is new to the region, then his starting gear will reflect his regional origins.
      "Dimensional Origin" characters are true dimensional beings who are new to the dimension of Rifts Earth.
      • A dimensional origin character is created as per the rules of his native dimension. (see step 5, part 4)
      • Their skills and starting gear will be reflective of the character's background story as it relates to his dimensional origin.
      • If the character's background story indicates that he has been on Rifts Earth for an extended period, his starting gear will reflect this. If he is new to the setting, then his starting gear will reflect his dimensional origins.
      • Once a character reaches 5th level, he may class into a new O.C.C. as per the rules just like any other character.
      • Upon attaining their next level, characters with a Dimensional Origin will receive Conversion Skills (p.39, CB1r).
    Campaigns of restricted availability:
    • It is a good idea to PM both the GM of the campaign group which has restricted availability for the following reasons:
    • Those groups have restricted availability due to their different campaign settings and/or group particulars.
    • Character approval and availability is strictly determined for these groups by those particular GMs for the same reason as above.
    • Admin will still want your contact information so that you can receive important updates.
    Find a Group
    • Look to see which groups have openings and if so which group you'd most like to join.
    • Each group usually has a list of Available Positions in their forum, take a look at this.
    • If none of the groups immediately interest you, you will likely begin as a solo character.
    • You have two weeks of time after the character has been created to find and join a group.
    • GMs are strongly encouraged to introduce all new PCs within two weeks of their officially joining a group. For situations where this is not feasible, GMs/AGMs are expected to provide a solo side adventure for the new PC until such time as the new character can meet their new teammates.
    • If you are a new player and find yourself waiting longer than two weeks, reach out to your GM/AGM and communicate! If this fails to resolve the situation, escalate by contacting Underguard or Dark Lord directly.
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    Dark Lord
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    Re: Newcomers Welcome

    Post by Dark Lord »


    Creating a character in Palladium can be a challenging process, especially a brand new structured one on this forum.
    The below list is some useful tips to help you navigate the creation and registration process.
    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM any of the GMs

    Foreward: These rules because it makes running and playing in a play-by-post game a lot easier, and that means more fun. Once these formatting and bookkeeping tasks are done, they fade into the background. GMs and other players all use the same formats to keep things simple for everyone to use and understand. It also keeps things fair. Everyone knows where everything is and where/how everything is tracked. It's all done to speed play and increase fun. And for 15+ years it's worked.

    General advice for working with us:
    1. Don't make assumptions.
    2. Don't assume authority.
    3. Don't assume you're entitled to anything. (Everything, including respect, is earned on this site.)
    4. Don't be a jerk.
    5. Persuasive, logical arguments work best; emotional arguments are the least effective.
    6. Do your own research. If you are unsure about something, spend some time searching for the answer yourself. If there's no canonical answer or the answer is ambiguous, or if the issue seems entirely subjective, then seek counsel from a veteran player, AGM, GM, or Admin. We are here to help, but not to do your homework.
    7. Recognize that no single person has all the answers and that a GM's knowledge and decisions are imperfect.
    8. When you're in error, or have made a bad choice, own that error. We respect intellectual honesty far more than perfection.

    • First thing to do is create a post with the Character Sheet Template.
    • Follow that with the Equipment Sheet template, then with the Background Story Template.
    • The next step is to create a "scratch sheet" post for rolling dice. Dice rolls do NOT get included in other parts of your character sheet.
    • Dice rolling is a feature built into this site.
    • Our standard is to roll one additional die than that stated for the attribute, and drop the lowest die roll result.
    • Attributes are required to be rolled, but players assign those rolls at their discretion if their character is human or has flat die rolls for all attributes (all attributes are 3D6 for example).
    • The compensatory rule for low attributes is excluded, but the penalties are included.
    • The "exploding die" attribute rule applies only to human characters, maxes-out at 30, and must be done via subsequent die roller results.
    • Please note the explicit limitations to attributes as noted on page 284 of Rifts: Ultimate Edition. This applies site-wide to all attributes.
    • Whoever is reviewing your character is likely to mark it up.
    • Make sure when you create your character to go through it with a fine-toothed comb.
    • If you are having trouble with the BBCode, get some help.
    • Your reviewer is looking for inconsistencies, misspellings, and formatting errors on your character sheet.
      Helpful tips:
      • Include a space after every form of punctuation.
      • Don't use "feet or inches," use the ' or " denotations.
      • Play by Post RPG uses English Customary Weights and Measures, not the metric system.
      • When in doubt, refer to approved characters as an example.
    • The Unified Skill List was developed for standardization of displaying skills correctly on a character sheet.
    • It is highly recommended that everyone who makes a character use this list.
    • It will save you quite a bit of headache during both the creation and review process.
    • Skills do not stop advancing at 98%.
    • A skill roll of 97-00 is always a critical failure regardless of one's level of skill.
    • Skills at a level different than that of the character should have the level of the skill noted in parenthesis after the skill percentage.
    • Before you have someone review your character, make sure everything is listed correctly.
    • Make sure the proper capitalization, spelling, and spacing are present. Yes, this really counts! It can cost you in many ways if you don't follow through. Every modern browser has a spell check and grammar check function. You can also Google the term "free spell and grammar check website," if you need the help. Don't be afraid to ask for help either.
    • Make sure your bonuses are added up and listed correctly.
    • If you don't have a bonus, make sure it is listed with a +0 or --.
    • If you are not sure if you are missing something, ask a veteran player, AGM, or GM.
    • Equipment is sometimes a pain to provide from an administrative point of view.
    • Any item that isn't already in the site's catalog of formatted items must be properly configured to meet site standards.
    • Sometimes other options are available that the player has not thought of that the reviewer will provide.
    • Your requests are only a guideline to your reviewer of what you want for your character.
    • The more powerful a character is perceived to be by your reviewer, the worse off your initial gear will likely be.
    • The cleaner your entire submission is (read: the fewer the mistakes in formatting and content), the better your final gear assignments will be.
    • Prioritize the gear that you would like.
    • Is a weapon more of a requirement for your character, or a vehicle?
    • Does your character absolutely want that super duper body armor, or does he need an important contact?
    • Are you willing to sacrifice one category of gear for another?
    • This is a simple "yes or no" question.
    • If your answer is yes, note the category you're willing to sacrifice.
    • Most of the time, though not always, this will be your lowest priority choice.
    • The rest of your gear should be listed.
    • These little odds and ends are quite important.
    • Every item belongs in a location, especially your credits. (Otherwise how can a GM pick your pockets?)
    • List everything from your number of e-clips to what you're wearing.
    • Pay attention to the colored text; these text entries will assist you.
    • Make sure you list clothing as being worn, otherwise your armor might chafe.
    • Remember the concept of being sanitary in a war-torn, post-apocalyptic world.
    • When rolling for how much money you have, include this roll in your equipment post.
    • It is tougher to clean up your die rolls within the character sheet itself, so a separate post for die rolls is preferred.
    • Also, be sure to note how your money is listed.
    • Write a small but decent background story that really brings your character to life.
    • It is important to have a good background as this shows the personality and history of your character.
    • Two or three lines of text is not enough, but more than a few paragraphs may be excessive unless you are a very succinct writer.
    • Truly excellent background stories that reveal a character's motivations, goals, principles, can even merit a small PP bonus.
    • Select an appropriate avatar from the site's own galleries (accessible through your user control panel), or upload one from elsewhere.
    • Recommended avatar size is 200x200 pixels.
    • Your avatar must represent what your character looks like; no abstractions.
    • If you need help with finding an appropriate avatar, feel free to seek help from others.[/color]
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    Dark Lord
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    Re: Newcomers Welcome

    Post by Dark Lord »

    Player Points
    • Player Points (PP) are points given to players for adding value to the community.
    • Each PP can be used to purchase a variety of things for your character(s).
      • An extensive list can be found here.
    • How players can earn PP without taking on the position of an AGM or GM is located here.
    • Each player is required to place their name and what accounts they have in the PP Ledger.
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    Dark Lord
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    Re: Newcomers Welcome

    Post by Dark Lord »

    Character Submission Checklist

    Before submitting your character for review, it is worthwhile to take a moment and review your submission with the following check list. A smoother acceptance process means playing your well designed creation that much sooner.

    Please attach this checklist, with your answers and any questions, to your final submission so that we know it is ready for review!

    Permission & Approval
    1) Registered Account with an appropriate handle? Yes/No
    2) Completed approval process with your GM? Yes/No
    3) If applicable, spent appropriate Player Points (PP) to unlock any special benefits (dimensional or regional origin, meta-bonuses, etc.)? Yes/No
    4) Contacted GM of desired group(s)? Yes/No

    Style & Form: Character Sheet
    1) Used Character Sheet Template? Yes/No
    2) Skills presented as per Unified Skill List? Yes/No
    3) Bonuses add up and are presented correctly (If no bonus, is it listed with a +0 or --)? Yes/No
    4) Proofread by someone other than the author? Yes/No

    Style & Form: Equipment
    1) Used Equipment Sheet Template? Yes/No
    2) Prioritized gear? Yes/No
    3) Indicated area of sacrifice, if applicable? Yes/No
    4) Listed all other gear and money correctly? Yes/No

    Style & Form: Background
    1) Used Background Story Template? Yes/No
    2) Uses BB code to denote speech, thought, etc.? Yes/No
    3) Is longer than a sentence but shorter than a novella? Yes/No
    4) Proofread by someone other than the author? Yes/No

    1) Used standard BB Code? Yes/No
    2) Found an appropriate avatar? Yes/No
    3) Used Die Roller for all rolls? Yes/No
    4) Included save vs. insanity? Yes/No
    5) Created a post to the PP Ledger? Yes/No

    Code: Select all

    [b][u]Permission & Approval[/b][/u]
    1) Registered Account with an appropriate handle? Yes/No
    2) Completed approval process with [url=]this guy[/url] via Hangouts? Yes/No
    3) If applicable, spent appropriate [url=]Player Points[/url] [color=#4000FF](PP)[/color] to unlock any special benefits (dimensional or regional origin, meta-bonuses, etc.)? Yes/No
    4) Contacted GM of desired group(s)? Yes/No
    [b][u]Style & Form: Character Sheet[/b][/u]
    1) Used [url=]Character Sheet Template[/url]? Yes/No
    2) Skills presented as per [url=]Unified Skill List[/url]? Yes/No
    3) Bonuses add up and are presented correctly (If no bonus, is it listed with a +0 or --)? Yes/No
    4) Proofread by someone other than the author? Yes/No
    [b][u]Style & Form: Equipment[/b][/u]
    1) Used [url=]Equipment Sheet Template[/url]? Yes/No
    2) Prioritized gear? Yes/No
    3) Indicated area of sacrifice, if applicable? Yes/No
    4) Listed all other gear and money correctly? Yes/No
    [b][u]Style & Form: Background[/b][/u]
    1) Used [url=]Background Story Template[/url]? Yes/No
    2) Uses BB code to denote speech, thought, etc.? Yes/No
    3) Is longer than a sentence but shorter than a novella? Yes/No
    4) Proofread by someone other than the author? Yes/No
    1) Used standard BB Code? Yes/No
    2) Found an appropriate avatar? Yes/No
    3) Used Die Roller for all rolls? Yes/No
    4) Included save vs. insanity? Yes/No
    5) Created a post to the [url=]PP Ledger[/url]? Yes/No
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