Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

I am bogged down both with work and holiday family squabbles. I will still be posting, but may be delayed. If any of my PCs are late, please don't wait for me. I will be prioritizing my GM accounts.

Until Date: January 2nd, 2023.

This affects:
Underguard (UPS, GIRLS, PWCAF)
Exe (PWGA)
Glitch (PWGR)
Sam Animus (PWVR)
Ronan (Spook Squad)
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by CHIMERA »

I have been dealing with an ongoing family emergency and should have put myself in the tracker much earlier. I will not be able to post for at least the next half a week, but I may to extend this until after Christmas or the New Year.
GM/AGM: CHIMERA (HU:CS Bravo), Grave Digger (Templar)
PCs: Juan Echo (PW: GA), Pertinax (PW: GR), and MOD (PW: VR)

I will be out from 12/9 to 12/15.

UPDATE: Extended to 1/1/23, but may need more time.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Aegis of No Retreat »

Work and holiday obligations (along with an unexpected self-injury) are turning out to eat up more time/energy than expected. I will continue to try to post but may be delayed. GM posts should not be held up by my PCs.

Until January 3rd, 2023.

This affects:
Daisuke (H4H)
Metri (PW:GA)
Steiblah (HU2CS)
Remy (DR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

Gonna be taking the rest of December off for an PbP RPG vacation. With the holidays looming and my mental state in a fuss, I think it's a good idea. Will run till 1/3/23.

Consumer (GM account;PW: GR, BTS, The Templar)
Birger (ATB)
Edison (HU2)
The Machine (PW:GA)
Ghast (PW:VR)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Father Josiah Reno »

I will by out of the country for the remainder of December. Will be back 1/1/23.

Effects: Father Josiah Reno (Templar)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by The Governor »

In the hospitalsick for the second time in two weeks.
I likely won't be posting consistently until after the new year.

This affects:
The Governor
Murdoc (Templar)
Analoy (GIRLS)
Quince (PW:GR)
Callum (BtS)
Kaster (AtB)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Brute »

Brute wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:46 pm
Brute wrote: Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:16 am Life and everything related to it is chaos right now, and sucks hard. Gotta put myself in the tracker.

I don't know at this point how or when shit is going to resolve but optimistically Im giving myself a return date of Dec. 1.

This affects
And any duties that might pop up for Rogue Trader.

Sorry y'all.
Extending to Jan 3.
In light of the never-ending chaos I'm experiencing right now - I'm dropping my characters into PP hiatus for the time being, rather than keep extending this tracker post ad infinitum. :(
OOC Comments
Normal Form
AR: 0
HP: 45/45
SDC: 186/186

Monstrous Form
AR: 13
HP: 40/40
SDC: 821/846

Motion detector, 20’ radius range
Predator’s hearing (+2 Initiative, 8X Normal)

Omega Suit v3.1.7
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Shazbut »

I will be traveling interstate a short time (between 16-22nd Jan) and will not be able to post during this time.

This potentially affects Shazbut, Zilch and Nug, depending on how quickly you need skunky mayhem posted :)
Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Underguard »

I have too much going on in my life right now to fully commit to all that is on my plate at PbP RPG.

I am putting myself in the tracker again until Feb 1st, but I will get my GM posts up dated and keep them updated. I will have XP done where I need to. After that I will do my best to maintain my 3 GM accounts and reducing down to one PC (Exe).

I am going to temporarily PP store several characters (Ronan, Glitch and Sam Animus). I apologize to all those who have been patient with me and thank everyone.

Marketplace post incoming.

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Locknar »

Per PFRPG Group Chat 01/17/2023 --

B. Whiting injured:

Going out on a limb and posting this on his behalf.

This affects the following player accounts:
[*] Sentinel
[*] Azure

--- No time estimate, but hopefully someone hears and can update.
--- Ledger Link = ... 87#p305687

*** Posted by Ya-Blik
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Mierin »

Given the craziness of RL atm, I've put up a market place post asking to put Brianna and Mierin into inactive status as it doesn't look like things will calm down until the spring. I hope this doesn't mess up my 2 groups much and hope to be back in April/May to play again.
"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" House
"Heartless it may be, but headless it ain't. I've never claimed to be nice, just to be sensible." - Lords and Ladies

Stats & Stuff
ISP: 35/35
HP: 57/57
SDC: 96/96

Constant Effects
Sixth Sense (2)

Weapon in hand: JA-12 Rifle 10/10 shots (standard e-clip) 30/30 (long e-clip); 4D6 MD (single shot), 1D6x10+10 MD (burst) or 3D6 MD (grenade)

NE-BA-26 Armor w/Installed Naruni Super-Heavy Forcefield (FF activated)
Helmet--50/50, Arms--40/40, Legs--50/50, Main Body--900/900
Force Field: 160/160
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Winchester »

We lost a couple people at work and I've been working 60-70 hour work weeks six days a week. It looks like it should die down around the February, around the 10th.

I'm still going to be posting when I can but if I miss one, just walk around me. Don't mind the blood, it's just my job taking advantage of the fact that I became a jack of all trades and they need me in 3 different places at once. And one of those is a 16.5 hour day starting work at 6 and then at 11 getting the fed route started and going to Dallas.

This affects Winchester (HU) and Pantera (Roughnecks!)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sir Rowan Dundee »

A handful of unexpected late nights, due to work.
I should be back on track for next week’s posting

This affects: Sir Rowan Dundee, CAF Ghosts Gy
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Father Josiah Reno
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Father Josiah Reno »

Out for a few days due to a house maintenance issue.

Affects Father Reno
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Winchester »

Things have gotten harder in life and I need to fix them before they become bigger problems.

I'm putting Pantera and Winchester in inactive mode until I can get things fixed.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by SNAFU »

Traveling out of state for work. I will try to post.

Ecks (UPS)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sicilia »

Putting myself in the tracker for a few weeks, until Feb 27th. Work is becoming increasingly hectic, and I find that when I'm not being called in I'm exhausted. Will update if things haven't calmed down.
An Italian Noodle who bites back!
Gear and Current Status
Quick Stats
I.S.P.: 44/44
H.P.: 25/45
S.D.C.: 99/99
Stone Form S.D.C.: 600/600
Omega Suit S.D.C.: 126/250

Omega Suit v3.1.7
  • Main Body: 126 / 250
  • *Body Camera: 15 / 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Tail mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field

APS: Stone Transformation Bonuses/Changes

-Natural A.R. 16
566 / 600 (replaces natural S.D.C. while transformed)
-Normal punches, kicks, knives, swords, clubs, bullets, and similar deal no damage regardless of strike roll
-Extraordinary, Superhuman P.S. deal quarter damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Supernatural P.S. deals half damage with strike roll below 17, deals full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Fire, plasma, electricity, laser, energy bolts deal half damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Impervious to cold
-Resistant to heat: 200 degrees F or below deals no damage, half damage between 201-299 degrees F, full damage at 300+ degrees F
-AP bullets, explosives rounds, grenades and light explosives deal half damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Gas, ingested drugs, magic, and psionics have full effect
-Powerful explosions, infernos with blast-furnace like heat (300+ degrees F), hurricanes, earthquakes do full damage and do not require a strike roll
-Endure underwater pressure up to depths of 800 ft
-Function in vacuum until air supply is gone

-Weight is tripled
-P.S. increased by 16, considered Superhuman
-Can carry 200 times P.S. in pounds, can life 300 times P.S. in pounds
-Fatigues at half rate

-S.D.C. of stone (600) recovers at three times normal rate
-Radiates no heat in stone form, invisible to infrared and heat sensors
-Speed reduced by half in stone form
-Hold breath twice as long in stone form
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Daisuke »

Due to increased RL commitments and travel, putting myself in the tracker 2/15-2/22.

Will try to get as many posts done today as possible.

This affects:
  • Daisuke (H4H)
  • Metri (PW:GA)
  • Steiblah (HU2CS)
  • Remy (DR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

Life is been grinding me down a bit too much. So to avoid burning out, I'm gonna take a week off. It will start 2/17 and run till 2/24.

Consumer (GM account;PW: GR, BTS, The Templar)
Birger (ATB)
Edison (HU2)
The Machine (PW:GA)
Ghast (PW:VR)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Archive Account »

Consumer wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:54 pm Life is been grinding me down a bit too much. So to avoid burning out, I'm gonna take a week off. It will start 2/17 and run till 2/24.

Consumer (GM account;PW: GR, BTS, The Templar)
Birger (ATB)
Edison (HU2)
The Machine (PW:GA)
Ghast (PW:VR)
That's a great call. Anyone in this spot should always feel at liberty to do likewise. Just let your folks know and take a breather!
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Sir Rowan Dundee
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sir Rowan Dundee »

Working way too late and getting up way too early. Thought I could manage keeping up posts with my increased time at work. Good news is that this is temporary. I should be back to a normal work schedule after 25 Feb. Until then I’d be unreliable. Just want to give my PbP RPG teammates the benefit of the doubt.

Characters this affects: Sir Rowan Dundee (Phase World, Ghosts)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

Been sick as a dog. Might be a few days.

Consumer (GM account;PW: GR, BTS, The Templar)
Birger (ATB)
Edison (HU2)
The Machine (PW:GA)
Ghast (PW:VR)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Father Josiah Reno
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Father Josiah Reno »

I will be away on a cruise from March 11 through March 20.

Effects: Father Josiah Reno (Templar)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by CHIMERA »

SPRING BREAK! I will try to get posts up but make no promises.

This will affect the following accounts:
GM/AGM: CHIMERA (HU:CS Bravo), Grave Digger (Templar)
PCs: Juan Echo (PW: GA), Pertinax (PW: GR), and MOD (PW: VR)

I will be out from 3/14 to 3/21.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

I hate to do this with 2 of my 3 characters in combat, but allergies and the ol' Devil's Dandruff (that's pollen for those of you playing along at home) are kicking my arse right now... so let's get trackered until Monday 3/20.

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

Let's extend this by one more week. Hopefully by then the Devil's Dandruff is back down to manageable levels.
Servo wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:49 pm I hate to do this with 2 of my 3 characters in combat, but allergies and the ol' Devil's Dandruff (that's pollen for those of you playing along at home) are kicking my arse right now... so let's get trackered until Monday 3/20.

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

Getting better, and going to try and get posts in this week, but still extending this through Friday 3/31 just to be on the safe side.
Servo wrote: Mon Mar 20, 2023 11:59 am Let's extend this by one more week. Hopefully by then the Devil's Dandruff is back down to manageable levels.
Servo wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:49 pm I hate to do this with 2 of my 3 characters in combat, but allergies and the ol' Devil's Dandruff (that's pollen for those of you playing along at home) are kicking my arse right now... so let's get trackered until Monday 3/20.

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
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Father Josiah Reno
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Father Josiah Reno »

Things got crazier at home and work than I anticipated. Gonna be out til 4/10.

Effects: Father Josiah Reno (Templar)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by The Governor »

Planned medical stuff coming up.

I'll be iffy until the second week of May most likely.
If I don't post, please NPC me as needed.

This affects:
The Governor
Murdoc (Templar)
Analoy (GIRLS)
Quince (PW:GR)
Callum (BtS)
Kaster (AtB)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by CHIMERA »

Personal stuff.
GM/AGM: CHIMERA (HU:CS Bravo), Grave Digger (Templar)
PCs: Juan Echo (PW: GA), Pertinax (PW: GR), and MOD (PW: VR)

I will be out from 3/30 to 4/4.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Daisuke »

Due to a lot of upcoming travel, putting myself in the tracker during the month of April (4/1-4/30).

Will continue to try to post as normal, but in tracker just in case.

This affects:
  • Daisuke (H4H)
  • Metri (PW:GA)
  • Steiblah (HU2CS)
  • Remy (DR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

So while I'm (hopefully) past the relentless yellow onslaught of all things plant sex dust, my trusty external hard drive suddenly decided it didn't want to be trusty anymore and I've lost roughly 50%-75% of a terabyte's worth of files... including files for work, music, videos, photos, 3d printing files, podcast notes, and RPG files. So back in the tracker until Monday 4/10 as I continue trying to re-assemble as much as I can from various sources.

If it ain't one freakin' thing it's another freakin' thing...
Servo wrote: Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:21 am Getting better, and going to try and get posts in this week, but still extending this through Friday 3/31 just to be on the safe side.
Servo wrote: Mon Mar 20, 2023 11:59 am Let's extend this by one more week. Hopefully by then the Devil's Dandruff is back down to manageable levels.
Servo wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:49 pm I hate to do this with 2 of my 3 characters in combat, but allergies and the ol' Devil's Dandruff (that's pollen for those of you playing along at home) are kicking my arse right now... so let's get trackered until Monday 3/20.

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

Last week was super busy, and this week is convoluted. Gonna throw myself in the tracker till 4/17. Gonna try and make sure I get my BTS GM post up on Friday.

Consumer (GM account;PW: GR, BTS, The Templar)
Birger (ATB)
Edison (HU2)
The Machine (PW:GA)
Ghast (PW:VR)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sum of All Fears »

Sorry I should have posted this earlier. Got a case that dropped in my lap last week. It has been taking all my time. This will go through the 22nd of April.

This affects:

Keiko (H4H)
Talon (PW:GA)
Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks)
Nyx Tempest (PW:CAF)
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Zephyr Stormbow (PF); Lynch (Spooks)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Jason Long »

Some RL crap has come up. I need to be in the tracker at least through the 24th. This affects Jasong Long in the Templar
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sinner-G »

I will be on vacation from April 28 to May 30. I may not be available much of the time. This effects:
Sinner-G - Heroes Unlimited: Century Station
Liam Marconi - Chaos Earth
HP: 44 SDC: 136 Skeleton has a Natural AR of 17 and 2000 SDC
Perception: 56% (+3%),
recognize odors 75%, recognize person by scent 45% track by smell/taste 55% Estimating the distance of the sound at 70% (+5% per level) Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 60% (+5% per level) Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 50% (+5% per level) (- 10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using the ventriloquism and/or impersonation/imitate voice skill), Imitate a voice at 30% (+5% per level)

Heals at a rate of 1d4 HP or SDC per minute, or 2d4*10 HP or SDC per hour for serious injury, Automatic Self-surgery 75%
Number of Attacks: 6, Initiative Bonus: +9, Strike Bonus: +8 (+5 PP bonus), Parry Bonus: +13, Dodge Bonus: +14
Disarm Bonus: --, HTH Damage Bonus: +23, Bonus to Roll w/Punch or Fall: +11, Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8

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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

Gotta sneak back in here for a couple days as I've had some things pop up. So put me in through Friday 4/21. If I can get posts in I will, but this way GMs know not to wait on me.

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Blackhaunt »

Wrist injury. A week before moving day. Hooray.

I'll be out until May 7th.

This affects:

Blackhaunt (Century Station DM)
Starchief (GA)
Hallon Nemo (GHOSTS)
William Summers (Roughnecks)
Minerva (UPS)
Wayne Northblade (Spook Squad)
Barracuda (H4H)

AND Gloriosa (I'll finish the entry when I'm back up and running)
Let the GAMES begin.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by SNAFU »

This has been a rough year for me. Have an emergency that is necessitating my full attention this week. I will be back one way or the other Friday.


-Virtus H4H, Spooks
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Bryke »


Have to place myself in Tracker for about 2 weeks: Finals and other life related duties

This effects

Bryke and Qwintius both in Phase World dimension
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities
Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision.
Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved.
Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83%
Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.

PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634 (All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186



I am telecommunicating
I am speaking Trade 4
I am thinking


Call Names/Nicknames:
Bryke, Wraith
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Jason Long »

I will be unable to post at least through 05-09-2023, This affect Jason Long of the Templar
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Sir Rowan Dundee
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sir Rowan Dundee »

Due to an abrupt change at work, I’ll be in the field from now through Saturday (9-13 May). During this time I won’t have any connectivity.

This affects: Sir Rowan Dundee, CAF Ghosts
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Sum of All Fears
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sum of All Fears »

I have to drop in the tracker again. If its not one thing it's another. Just had a good friend pass away unexpectedly. Will be back 26 May.

This is for:
Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks)
Keiko (H4)
Talon (PWGA)
Nyx Tempest (CAF Ghosts)
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Zephyr Stormbow (PF); Lynch (Spooks)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Consumer »

I'm not in a good place, gonna take some time off. Let's say 2 weeks to start. So 5/26/23, I'll update as necessary.

Consumer (GM account;PW: GR, BTS, The Templar)
Birger (ATB)
Edison (HU2)
The Machine (PW:GA)
Ghast (PW:VR)
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

Suspending my patronage and going into the tracker until Christopher Milan's AGM status has been restored.

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Servo »

Servo wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 7:53 am Suspending my patronage and going into the tracker until Christopher Milan's AGM status has been restored.

This affects the following:
- Rufus (Templar)
- Barricade (HU:CS)
- Chef Icky (PW: Galactic Adventurers)
Okay, as much as I hate to do this it's probably for the best if I tracker myself for the next two weeks. I have a lot of plates twirling at the moment -- both at work and at home -- and I'd rather not drag things down by folks waiting on me to post.

Definitely out this week (5/21 through 5/27). I will attempt to get some posts in the next week (5/28 through 6/3) but I can't guarantee that so if I do it's a plus.
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Jason Long »

I will have to place Jason Long in the tracker, probably for the next month, until late June. I may not have access to a computer. If anything changes I will update.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Daisuke »

Older dog needed a mass on his eyelid removed, family decided to add a puppy to try to revitalize our two older dogs. I am the primary caretaker.

Despite wanting to post, I haven't been able to. Going into tracker for an additional week or two until my normal sleeping schedule can resume.

This affects:
  • Daisuke (H4H)
  • Metri (PW:GA)
  • Steiblah (HU2CS)
  • Remy (DR)
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sicilia »

Placing myself in the tracker for the next week, until June 11th. Moving cross-country, and might not be settled in enough to get posts in.

Affects: Sicilia (HU: CS), Phara Vin (Void Reavers), Vera Morozov (UPS), and Penny Elworth (Nightbane).
An Italian Noodle who bites back!
Gear and Current Status
Quick Stats
I.S.P.: 44/44
H.P.: 25/45
S.D.C.: 99/99
Stone Form S.D.C.: 600/600
Omega Suit S.D.C.: 126/250

Omega Suit v3.1.7
  • Main Body: 126 / 250
  • *Body Camera: 15 / 15

Weight: 6 lbs
  • AR: 17
  • *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)

  • Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
  • Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
  • Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
  • Body Camera located in center of chest.
  • Anti-Tamper system
  • Tail mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field

APS: Stone Transformation Bonuses/Changes

-Natural A.R. 16
566 / 600 (replaces natural S.D.C. while transformed)
-Normal punches, kicks, knives, swords, clubs, bullets, and similar deal no damage regardless of strike roll
-Extraordinary, Superhuman P.S. deal quarter damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Supernatural P.S. deals half damage with strike roll below 17, deals full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Fire, plasma, electricity, laser, energy bolts deal half damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Impervious to cold
-Resistant to heat: 200 degrees F or below deals no damage, half damage between 201-299 degrees F, full damage at 300+ degrees F
-AP bullets, explosives rounds, grenades and light explosives deal half damage with strike roll below 17, deal full damage on 17+ strike roll
-Gas, ingested drugs, magic, and psionics have full effect
-Powerful explosions, infernos with blast-furnace like heat (300+ degrees F), hurricanes, earthquakes do full damage and do not require a strike roll
-Endure underwater pressure up to depths of 800 ft
-Function in vacuum until air supply is gone

-Weight is tripled
-P.S. increased by 16, considered Superhuman
-Can carry 200 times P.S. in pounds, can life 300 times P.S. in pounds
-Fatigues at half rate

-S.D.C. of stone (600) recovers at three times normal rate
-Radiates no heat in stone form, invisible to infrared and heat sensors
-Speed reduced by half in stone form
-Hold breath twice as long in stone form
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Re: Account Status Tracker-The only place to announce an absence

Post by Sentinel »

Placing Sentinel in the tracker, preparing to move and moving. ETA approx. 10 July.
Affects Sentinel (HU:CS).
Yellow Dragon Ledger
OOC Comments
Languages: N: Class-Chinese/Mandarin, English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Hindi/Urdu, Dragonese
P.P.E.: 478/478| H.P.: N/A | S.D.C.: 756/756 AR: 16 Save vs. Awe/Horror:14 (16) for words spoken and each attack against Sentinel
Spell reference at this Link

Sentinel Prime
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 1
Location: Dimension of Asgard.

Ectype 2
Location: At Occult shop in Century Station for a lead on magical resources.

Ectype 3
Location: Absorbed.

Ectype 4
Location: At Century Station primary Hospital.

Ectype 5
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 6
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 7
Location: Absorbed

Ectype 8
Location: Absorbed
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