RAte T-Rex ending January 2025

True Grit: Only the crustiest mercs can do the crustiest work.
GM: Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Rate T-Rex

Poll ended at Sun Feb 09, 2025 12:36 pm

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Total votes: 3

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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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RAte T-Rex ending January 2025

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Game Master (GM) Duties:
Maintain a GM post rate at a minimum of one adventure post per week.
Have the IM contact info of each player in their group.
Notify all players in the group via IM or PM of new GM posts, and other important updates.
Maintain your adventure notes in the GM's Cabal. (Gist: If a random GM can't pick up and run the adventure from your notes, the notes are unsatisfactory.)
Be available for IM chat at least one day a week.
Coordinate with the AGM regarding expected adventure dates & time-frames.
Consult with AGM regarding XP awards.
Directly notify AGM via PM of any expected absences in addition to the Account Status Tracker.

GMs will be rated according to merit by their players every quadrimester.
Rating will be done by players on the following schedule:
Quad 1: June 1st
Quad 2: October 1st
Quad 3: February 1st

Each GM is responsible for creating their rating poll on the above schedule.
Players are responsible for rating the GMs within a week of the poll being posted, and posting notice that they have voted (in the same thread.) Ratings will be conducted via poll and averaged to the nearest whole number.

MGP will be awarded as follows:
10: You have earned 7 PP.
9: You have earned 6 PP.
8: You have earned 5 PP.
7: You have earned 4 PP.
4-6: You have earned only 2 PP, also, you're on probation.
1-3: Your position is now vacant.

This poll will close automatically on June 10th.
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Jack Killian
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Re: RAte T-Rex ending January 2025

Post by Jack Killian »

Voted good job and thank you
"Flash Fry, put another Shrimp on the Barbie" Gmail: Sinder.JKing@gmail.com
OOC Comments
viewtopic.php?t=14446Jack Killian[/url]
OOC Comments
P.P.E.: 4
I.S.P.: 196/196
H.P.: 42/ 42 MD
S.D.C.: 90/ 90

NE-BA-50 “Raider” Heavy Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 80
Arms: 55 each
Legs: 80 each
Main Body: 140
Weight: 30 lbs.
Modifiers: -20% to physical skills
Naruni Thermo-Kinetic Armor (p.35-36, DB8)
Book Reference: p.40, DB8

Weapon Carried:

CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
Laser: 2,000'
Grenade Launcher: 1,200'
Single shot: 2d6 M.D.
Burst: 6d6 M.D.
Grenade: 2D6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Micro-fusion grenade: 6d6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot pulse bursts only; 1 grenade or 4-grenade bursts only
E-Clip: 21 shots

Altess Eviscerator (Patron Item)
Damage: 6D6
Special Abilities
• Electrical Discharge:
• • Range: Touch or up to 200'
• • Damage: 4D6

MP-3 MageFire Bolt Pistol

Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6+3 M.D.

NeraTech Pn-50 "Splatter Gun"
Range: 60', Payload: 18/clip,
2 clips (current)Acid: 4D6 S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D. to a 3 foot radius.

CN-1 Net

Skorblade Short Sword
Damage: 1D8 M.D.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

TW "Dragonfire" Flamethrower
Range: 100'
Damage: single Shot: 1D6x10 M.D.
Spray: 1D6x10 M.D. to all targets in a 100' long & 10' wide arc (3 APM)
Rate of Fire: single shots & sprays only
Payload: 5 blasts per P.P.E. clip
Weight: 8 lbs.

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet

The amulet changes color whenever an entity is within 100'

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William Summers
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Re: RAte T-Rex ending January 2025

Post by William Summers »

Voted. I gave you an 8. My feedback has been shared many times but I'll put it here in one place.

You're awesome, a great storyteller, a fun person to talk to/game with. But you have a lot going on in your life that ends up requiring you to step away from the game temporarily. I have a similar life, so I understand. But there isn't a backup plan to keep things moving, which we desperately need. I don't know what your GM notes look like, but making sure someone else can pick up where you left off should be high priority if you need to leave like this. Also, communicating with the group about absences as soon as you are able. I'd like to help you find an AGM if you're willing. I think that would take a lot of the pressure off and keep the game flowing when you need to take breaks.

Thanks for sticking with us even when everything is crappy. I truly appreciate you.
The Man in Black
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Re: RAte T-Rex ending January 2025

Post by Venenifer »

I echo BH's statements. I love the storytelling and web you weave.
Venenifer, the Royal Frilled Dragon

P.P.E.: 136 | I.S.P.: 152 | Natural A.R.: 13 | Personal MDC: 630 | Barding MDC: 630D/315H
(+ 1 on all other saving throws not listed here) )
Coma/Death: 28%
Magic (varies): +6
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +9
Mind Control (varies): +3
Horror Factor (varies): +6

HF/Awe: 11/13 when frills flared. | Nightvision 200ft | See Invisible at Will | Shadow Meld at Will | Half Damage Fire/Plasma/Cold | Impervious to all forms of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/minute | Sense Ley Lines, Nexuses, Pyramids and Dragons within 20 miles | Visually see past other dragon's illusions within 4,000ft

Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
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Tyrannosapiens Rex
Game Master
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Re: RAte T-Rex ending January 2025

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

William Summers wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:44 pm But you have a lot going on in your life that ends up requiring you to step away from the game temporarily. I have a similar life, so I understand. But there isn't a backup plan to keep things moving, which we desperately need. I don't know what your GM notes look like, but making sure someone else can pick up where you left off should be high priority if you need to leave like this. Also, communicating with the group about absences as soon as you are able. I'd like to help you find an AGM if you're willing. I think that would take a lot of the pressure off and keep the game flowing when you need to take breaks.
I'd love an AGM, particularly one interested in becoming a full GM. I'd appreciate any help in that regard. I do have someone in my IRL group I was gonna try to talk into it. He used to play with me over on my old site, so he understands pbp a bit.
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