Talisman of Armor of Ithan (Inactive)
Black boots
Blue pants
Blue and orange hooded jacket
Empathy 8:00/18:00
Telepay 8:00/18:00 Total I.S.P. spent: 22
Madam wrote:"You’re fascinating. Like a surreal science fiction play."
The tarlok dreadmaster is not sure how to take this. Is she belittling you? Or does she mean that as a compliment? He finishes his drink, and feels the need to have another. Is not the hard drinking mercenary a trope? And he decides to hold off.
Madam wrote:"I may have a need for someone like you, with your particular talents. Would you be interested in a small job, if you have nothing else pressing?"
"I do not," Pertinax says. "What do need taken care of? And how much are you offering?"
Depending on the type of work the madam has to offer Pertinax, he may have further questions.
If it involves confronting a group: "How much firepower will I be facing?"
If stealth is the principle: "Any surveillance I should be aware of?"
If it is a particularly complicated job: "Can I bring in outside help? Do not worry, they would know as little as possible."
And if he's dealing with the local government: "Anyone I should bribe or already on the take?"
Last edited by Pertinax on Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pertinax M.D.C.: 348 | P.P.E.: 11 | I.S.P.: 133 Once a dreadmaster for the Tarlok Military, always a hostile prig
+3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
Built-In N-F40A Force Field
M.D.C.: 110
Voice Activated
Laser Distancer & Targeting
+1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
Range 2,000'
Optics Enhancements
Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
Light Polarization
Mini-Radar/Sonar System
Can track up to 12 targets
Range: 2 miles
Advanced Communication Package
Includes: Basic receiver/transmitter, secure cryptological encoding, burst transmission capability, and if the Suit has the HUD Enhancement is capable of sending and receiving text communications
Range: 30 miles
Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers
+2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
Utility Belt Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: GR-45HP "Jack Hammer" Heavy Pistol
• Attachment: 2 GR-45HP Magazines
• Attachment: Flashlight
• Attachment: Survival Knife
Food comas are notoriously sneaky things. And snack comas, being a derivative of their full-fledged cousin are also fickle in duration. After Yates had found himself some nibbles, the Timneh unceremoniously laid his head down on an unopened bag of Ord Mantel Munchies in the galley pantry only to have a significant amount of time disappear on him.
By the time he comes to, his teammates have had ample time to both leave for their own investigations AND return to the ship.
Acting like it was his plan all along, Yates warmly (but with notes of post-nap grogginess) welcomes Trorrie and Bryke back to the ship. He listens with feigned attention as they report their (non)findings before responding, "Sounds like quite the little adventure there, darlings."
Then, he smacks his beak a few times, boredom threatening the edges of his eyes, "What now? We wait until everyone else returns?"
And an idea hits him like a hover-trailer full of iridium bars, "Anyone up for a round of Xanthan Coliseum XXIV?!" The Timneh asks with his eyes lit with a bright intensity as he refers to the holovid-game where fighters from all edges of the galaxy fight each other for dominance in an ever-shifting arena.
1d100: [92] = 92/29%
1d20: [16] = 16/
1d100: [94] = 94
Conditions: Mind Block Auto-Defense. Sixth Sense
After receiving an answer that convinces her the human is useless for finding anyone in the Love Syndicate, she blatantly leaves the priest standing where they met without a word and returns to the Rogue. Well that was pointless."
"You're all that's here?" She remakes, mildly surprised she's not the last to return to the ship and sees who's there. She tells the tale of how far she didn't get in the attempt to sneak into the organization and the dull human that knew less than expected of a human male and after Yate's comment concludes with, "But yes, this rock does at least have something going for it."
"What? What is that?" She asks to the suggestion of a video game to pass the time and before it quickly clicks what Yates is referring to, "Oh, I don't usually play those games." She shrugs, "I've already read my books twice, and new things are good." She agrees.
Perched on top of the ship Mungo considers his options. I don't think it's worth it to drop into either of these ships. One is actually serious get-funked military-grade dakka dakka dakka dakka! Boom! and the other seems like its full delux... One too fancy for trafficking and the other too serious for anything other than fighting. Both are interesting in their own right but probably not what I'm looking for. Curious that they are here in a port like this though...
"Brooo brooo." He says aloud, mimicking pigeon noises, to keep up the pretense of his current bird form.
With nothing better to do, he takes flight and flits around town. Using his birds-eye perspective to just check things out and get the lay of the land. I probably should be looking for slavers, but I seem to be really bad at that. So I'll just check things out before heading back to the ship. Oh, is that a swimming pool?
Mungo flies closer and discovers that no, this is most certainly not a swimming pool.
Oh! Oh my! Those ships could be... It seems this pigeon has had a thought. He flies back to the towards the Rogue. He finds a discrete place to cancel his transformation spell, waits a minute or two and then makes his way back on board.
"Guys! i think I found something." He shouts out as he puts some clothes back on. Once he gets his comms he messages Glitch. He doesn't know if Glitch is still over looking the ships, but it seems like the kind of thing the fellow would do for a long long time. "Those items could be what we are looking for. I'm back home, but I think it could be personal ride plus escort."
He then lets everyone on board know what he thinks he found: A luxury personal ship, plus escort. The kind of thing that he suspects cold be the personal ride of their target or someone high up in the organization.
Disappointed due to not finding anything, and triggered because of Yates
Status: MindBlock: AutoDefense Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien intelligences and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Doesn't breathe air and is immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and has eagle-like normal vision. Sixth Sense HF 10
When The Promethean returns he is a little put out, because all of his plans have yielded little-to-no leads or information. Thinking himself better than most at things, it is a hard pill to swallow when the truth in the evidence simply says, "No Sir... you are not- goodbye!"
"What to do, what to do, wha-" Bryke speaks, sing-songy, aloud, but to himself. I think I'll go make somethin'. I shine at tha-
About this time is when Yates mentions, "Xanthan XXIV" and Bryke's "nostrils" (if he had any) flair.
This is the whole reason I tried my hand at creating a simulation-holo room- to no avail- because my thumb fast-twitch needs fast twitching!! Oh well...
"This one will crus- uhhhh game with you. Just don't take it too personally when the inevitable happens." Bryke says with supreme over-confidence.
Meanwhile later, five matches finished and Bryke, raising his voice, is hogging the second player controller, yelling, "Best outta 7!!!"
Yates and his nimble thumbs (no doubt cheating some how),The Promethean thinks between frantic bouts of button mashing and age appropriate severely non-friend-like gru-mumbles, are lighting The Promethean up. Trash talking ensues as Yates goes in for yet another FLAWLESS, "S.M.C. - 5000" (Super-Mega-Colossal 5000 hit, uninterruptable air juggle, to wall bounce, to reverse air juggle exploit, to ultimate counter max, to animation frame forced wall splat, ultra finishing combo, combo, combo) "Cuh-cuh-cuh-COMBOOOOoooo!!!" -Killer Instinct.
"@#^$%&*&@@#$" -If one could read the mind of Bryke, when suddenly something miraculous happens for his ego...
...Mungo walks in with a group announcement...
Without skipping a beat, stone faced, as if someone turned off all emotion, Bryke does what even a neophyte gamer knows to be the "Cardinal Sin" of any tournie, or versus, fighting game, match...
...Bryke double taps the pause button...
He then stands, without looking at Yates, and walks off speaking something monotone and contextless, "Hey, there's cheese in the carpet."
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision. Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved. Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83% Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less. Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.
PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634(All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186
Conditions and ProgramsPassive (Always On) Conditions: Modulating Voice Synthesizer (Glitch maintains a human-like voice that sounds like it has a little static from a radio in it) | Sensory Antenna (10 ft) | Clock Calendar | Internal Juke Box[Glitch adjusts his profile to play internally] |
| All tech-based sensory equipment is -10% to track him
Active (Toggled ON ) Conditions[Cycles every 120 seconds (2 minutes) as a backup process while not actively engaging]: Explosives Detector (12ft radius) | Bug Detector (60ft radius) | External Video and Audio Surveillance (EVAS) | Radar Detector (80%) | Radiation Detector (60ft radius; identifies all forms of radiation and their level of harm to organic/synthetic matter) | Forcefield:110/110 MDC | Motion Detector and Warning System [RAISED] | Micro Hover-Jets [OFF]
Active Programs [As of landing]: Technical: Computers| Military Intelligence | Military Espionage: Undercover | Military Communications: Advanced
Glitch observes the ship and security while Mungo infiltrates, the intelligence mildly amused at the organic octoman deciding to infiltrate with illusions. Observation: Magical infiltration leaves too much of a measurable trace for other magically inclined organics. Technological infiltration is superior, however, sometimes the only way organics learn is the hard way. Glitch considers as he studies the unique identifiers on the uniforms and logo's on the ships. When he identifies the upside down heart on each ship, Glitch zeroes in on them. Confirmation: Both of these ships are connected in some way to the Love Syndicate. A pleasure barge, possibly rented for parties and the gunship. I suspect the transport is a more lucrative target. Perhaps they fly together, escorting a high value target, perhaps? Glitch considers.
Mungo wrote:"Those items could be what we are looking for. I'm back home, but I think it could be personal ride plus escort."
Glitch is still observing the ships when Mungo's message comes through and the intelligence turns his head slightly towards the path to the Rogue. Observation: Certain organics prove more capable than others, it seems. Glitch observes silently before answering. "Acknowledged. I have also confirmed a connection between the ships. We can discuss more at the ship."
Glitch then returns to the Rogue to find Mungo and whomever else is still on the ship and listens to Mungo's explanation. "Mungo's hypothesis is supported by my own observations. Both vessels we observed have the Love Syndicate's markings. It is my suspicion that it is a high value target such as one of the bosses who is somewhere on the station." Glitch remarks, supporting Mungo's hypothesis. Observation: This organic I can work with despite it's reliance on magic. Glitch considers, his disdain for magic never lessening.
What happens when a being designed to follow orders and programmed to kill eliminates those they served? Who is giving them the orders now? Scariest version; they are.
Ultrix, the Altessan Eviscerator, to Glitch -- FF00FF Glitch to Ultrix -- 8000BF Internal command processes
General Info wrote:Time/Date: 11:55 AM (Center Standard Time); 10/05/5023 (Center Reckoning)
Location: Corkscrew Galaxy, Misandri Valley Mining Facility; Dextros III, Dextros System.
Weather: Space Mission Notes
Other Notes:
Mungo, Torrie, Yates, Bryke, & Glitch Docks
Yates calls for an impromptu gaming session, which Bryke and Trorrie join in. Meanwhile Mungo and Glitch finish their investigation and make their way back to the ship to reveal the information they have found and what it might entail. Some manner of high ranking Love Syndicate member is at the mining station. What that means for the Rogues is uncertain, but it certainly something to think about.
Pertinax The Velvet Glove
The woman’s demeanor changes ever so slightly. Pertinax might not have noticed if he hasn’t been in this position before. What once was playful banter has turned into serious business. The woman makes a hand gesture, and several girls come in to grab clients, leaving the two of them alone with only the bartender, who moves to the end of the bar near her.
”A simple enough job. I have an unruly employee, and he’s run out of second chances. I would like you and your team if you’re so inclined to let him know his services are no longer needed. As for payment, I can offer either a substantial amount of money, or a slightly smaller amount and information… Because I’m sure that’s really what you’re after in the end.” She says, as the bartender hands her a dataslate. ”So if you’re interested, I have in my hands all the info needed to find my wayward soon to be former employee, and his general capabilities. When the task is completed I will either pay you a million credits or two hundred and fifty thousand and information you may seek. What is your answer?’ The woman says, taking a sip from her glass while looking like an apex predator staring down prey.
What are your Intentions?
Butcher’s Bill Bryke: -40 P.P.E., -10 I.S.P. Pertinax: -14 I.S.P. Az Rael: Glitch: Yates: Trorrie: Mungo:
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time." GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia PP Ledger
Madam wrote:"A simple enough job. I have an unruly employee, and he’s run out of second chances. I would like you and your team if you’re so inclined to let him know his services are no longer needed."
"That is easy enough," Pertinax says. The fact that the madam knows he's working with a team doesn't phase him at the moment. That promethean made sure that everyone knew who you are with."If it is just just one man, you can just send me his location and I will leave him thoroughly demoralized."
Madam wrote:"As for payment, I can offer either a substantial amount of money, or a slightly smaller amount and information... Because I’m sure that’s really what you’re after in the end."
"I think I will have one more drink after all," Pertinax signals the bartender. What does she know about you? What information does she think she has that I want?"Whiskey, neat."
When the drink arrives he drains half of it in a grim sip.
Madam wrote:"So if you’re interested, I have in my hands all the info needed to find my wayward soon to be former employee, and his general capabilities. When the task is completed I will either pay you a million credits or two hundred and fifty thousand and information you may seek. What is your answer?"
"The information," Pertinax replies without missing a beat.
How does she know so much. Who is the psionic in this room? He scans around the room. He is certain that the madam is not. The bartender could be, but a good bartender doesn't need powers to read minds. If not inside the room, then someone who is monitoring the room. Potentially even a device. He has another thought, but before he can let it take shape and be visible to any prying minds, he bottles it up in the bottom of his psyche. If Pertinax sees a camera in a corner of the room, he stares at it for a moment and gives it a curt nod as if to say, 'I see you too.' Then he finishes his drink.
"So who am I breaking physically and mentally for you?"
With that information, Pertinax heads out of the brothel, picking up his weapons at the door. The job is always the job.
Upon returning to the Rogue, Pertinax says, "We have been made." He then goes to describe his encounter with the madam at the Velvet Glove and provides the details of the job to the assembled team. When he is done. "She said she knew that I had a team. I do not think she knew that simply because Bryke drew attention to us. In fact, I think she knows who we are out to kill, and that is why she offered to pay us in information. The question is, to what end? Is this a trap, or do more people want this Fermin than our employer?"
Pertinax M.D.C.: 348 | P.P.E.: 11 | I.S.P.: 133 Once a dreadmaster for the Tarlok Military, always a hostile prig
Conditions and ProgramsPassive (Always On) Conditions: Modulating Voice Synthesizer (Glitch maintains a human-like voice that sounds like it has a little static from a radio in it) | Sensory Antenna (10 ft) | Clock Calendar | Internal Juke Box[Glitch adjusts his profile to play internally] |
| All tech-based sensory equipment is -10% to track him
Active (Toggled ON ) Conditions[Cycles every 120 seconds (2 minutes) as a backup process while not actively engaging]: Explosives Detector (12ft radius) | Bug Detector (60ft radius) | External Video and Audio Surveillance (EVAS) | Radar Detector (80%) | Radiation Detector (60ft radius; identifies all forms of radiation and their level of harm to organic/synthetic matter) | Forcefield:110/110 MDC | Motion Detector and Warning System [RAISED] | Micro Hover-Jets [OFF]
Active Programs [As of landing]: Technical: Computers| Military Intelligence | Military Espionage: Undercover | Military Communications: Advanced
Mathematics, Basic:
1d100: [58] = 58/98% [Running probability calculations for success on ambushing the Love Syndicate HVT]
Glitch considers the implication that there is a high ranking Love Syndicate member on the station. Log: We do not know how long this member will be here, unless we plan to ambush them. We could possibly put a tracker on the yacht or even stow away and ambush them there. Security at the docks was lighter, implying the majority of the escort is with the target. This is indicative of a serious situation prompting their arrival and escort. Glitch considers internally, largely ignoring the others as he runs a probability of either scenario.
Pertinax wrote:"We have been made." "She said she knew that I had a team. I do not think she knew that simply because Bryke drew attention to us. In fact, I think she knows who we are out to kill, and that is why she offered to pay us in information. The question is, to what end? Is this a trap, or do more people want this Fermin than our employer?"
When Pertinax walks in with his disclosure about being compromised, Glitch's eye zeroes in on Pertinax then Bryke then back to Pertinax. Observation: That outcome was inevitable given the makeup of this vessel. I should go back to independent work. Glitch considers internally before replying to Pertinax after considering the details of Pertinax's offer. "Are we to terminate this former employee or simply scare them? The recommendation of a team does suggest that the encounter will be violent, or she is trying to get us all out in the open. And what precise information is she offering?" Glitch pointedly asks, offering a pause for answers before continuing.
"I am running the probability that more than just this Madam knows. Mungo and I discovered two docked ships with the Love Syndicate's insignia, one gunship and one luxury yacht likely denoting a person of interest or high value target within the Syndicate and warranting an escort, is somewhere on the station. Another possible target as we do not know how long they will remain on station but could be more valuable than whatever information this Madam is offering. We would need to find and track them for a proper ambush." Glitch offers as a counter to the possible trap. "Alternatively, if we ambush them and gain control of their yacht, we would also gain access to any information within the yacht and potentially be able to infiltrate their systems." Glitch expands.
What happens when a being designed to follow orders and programmed to kill eliminates those they served? Who is giving them the orders now? Scariest version; they are.
Ultrix, the Altessan Eviscerator, to Glitch -- FF00FF Glitch to Ultrix -- 8000BF Internal command processes
1d100: [64] = 64/29%
1d20: [4] = 4/
1d100: [48] = 48
Conditions: Mind Block Auto-Defense. Sixth Sense
Her performance during the game is about as good as someone whom has rarely if ever played any video game even if she was quick to catch on. Te later information on a couple of the ships docked potentially being of the Love Syndicate is more or less good news even with the note that, yes, it is something to bring them closer to an execution. "But how do we get aboard without being found out"
Pertinax returning with more and another job sounded fine until the mention of all them being found out. I Hope that's just the Tarlok being a block of wood again..."Is that an assumption or for a fact? Which she hears get expanded on at the same time as left aside.
She also listens to the recap of what she had already heard without a word until there is a space to speak. "We're also after the head of more than just the one syndicate. Got a whole a whole criminal empire at their disposal and lurking in the system. A lot of people probably want his head. For all we know, she could be one of them." She pauses on the thought. "Not sure if that's better or worse for us... a moment of yes i guess."
"So how do we get on the yacht without making someone else mad?" She says with a fusion of Pertinax's warranted assumption and kills offers with, "They might be expecting distractions."
"Sudden entry maybe in a quiet room? Or would that require more planning? I would rather not die because I appeared in a wall or something mechanical."
Bryke wrote: ↑Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:29 am"Hey, there's cheese in the carpet."
Mungo squints at the comment, then looks around for cheese on the carpet. Huh, what? What carpet? Carpet, which he is not sure exists on the ship. He thinks about it for longer than he should, gives up and picks up a controller for the fighting game.
Pertinax wrote: ↑Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:15 pm"We have been made."
Not even looking up from the game on the screen, Mungo replies.
"Of course we have. I mean, look at us." He gestures around the room with a free tentacle as if that explains everything. " We were made the moment we stepped off the ship. Probably before. "
Pertinax wrote: ↑Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:15 pm"In fact, I think she knows who we are out to kill."
"Why? What exactly did she say to make you think that?" Mungo asks Pertinax pointedly, the game ignored for a moment.
Glitch wrote: ↑Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:28 pm"I am running the probability that more than just this Madam knows. Mungo and I discovered two docked ships with the Love Syndicate's insignia, one gunship .... We would need to find and track them for a proper ambush."
"Yeah, that escort can punch harder than anything short of a capital ship. If we ambush we don't wanna have to contend with that thing." Mungo adds his assessment of how strong the gunship is. It seems like a good detail to throw out there before someone gets all gung-ho about taking these things on in space.
"Plus, we should know who is on the ship before we decide we wanna mess with it... So what's the plan? We split up some of us do Pertinax's job, and the others checked out the ships?"
Trorrie wrote: ↑Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:47 pm"But how do we get aboard without being found out"
"Nothing fancy. We observe for a bit. After that, I can get us in with magic without too much hassle. Bryke can probably phase-in, but I dunno if he can take us with him. Phase stuff is weird. I'm no expert on it, probably not every a lay-person. It's the getting out that I usually fuck up. Which is why I always take guns, lots of guns."
Disappointed due to not finding anything, and triggered because of Yates womping him at a video game
Status: MindBlock: AutoDefense Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien intelligences and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Doesn't breathe air and is immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and has eagle-like normal vision. Sixth Sense HF 10
On ship, The Promethean listens to Mungo, then asks, "What is the plan? because This One is coming up all blanks with any leads." Not sure how else to find a way to our mark... assassinations aint easy- well the killing part is easier than the locating me thinks.
Bryke listens, to everything said and adresses Mungo and the group, " Hmmm... well, This One can see a scenario where we shadow a ship in The Ghost, but phasing onto something in space, with unknown defenses, unknown crew, etc. is about five too many unknowns- or something like that..." He starts counting on his fingers, while his eyes drift in thought at counting the few ways he can think that that could go wrong. "For it to work, we would HAVE to disable the ships sensors, weaponry, and shields... as you know, that's no easy feat." He says again to himself, honestly considering the ideas viability if for nothing else but the chance to be back in a promethean vessel
"Frankly put, the ship would have to be stationary, minimum, and powered down- no shields, phasing through force fields of any kind can be ... tricky." He says hesitantly, glancing toward Glitch out of reflex, for certain that one has considered-
Bryke leaves off there thinking, and listening to any others' insights.
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision. Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved. Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83% Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less. Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.
PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634(All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186
General Info wrote:Time/Date: 12:05 PM (Center Standard Time); 10/05/5023 (Center Reckoning)
Location: Corkscrew Galaxy, Misandri Valley Mining Facility; Dextros III, Dextros System.
Weather: Space Mission Notes
Other Notes:
Mungo, Torrie, Yates, Bryke, & Glitch Docks
The crew minus Glitch play games for a time, while waiting for Pertinax to return. They discuss the situation at hand, but not much comes of it initially.
Pertinax The Velvet Glove
Meanwhile Pertinax is finishing up his meeting with the mysterious Madam of the Velvet Glove.
Pertinax wrote:"That is easy enough, If it is just just one man, you can just send me his location and I will leave him thoroughly demoralized."
The madam smirks, it’s a cloy gesture that tells Pertinax a lot about how wrong he likely is about the nature of the job. ”Right here.” She says, sliding the data slate across the bar to his hand.
Pertinax wrote:"I think I will have one more drink after all, Whiskey, neat."
The barkeep pours a measure from an expensive looking bottle. The amber liquor is smooth with little of the usual burn attributed to distilled beverages.
Pertinax wrote:"The information,"
The madam nods. ”I suspected, I’ll note you down for the quarter million then.” She says while Pertinax eyes the room for cameras hidden or otherwise. Surprisinglyhe doesn’t notice one.
Pertinax wrote:"So who am I breaking physically and mentally for you?"
The madam purses her lips. ”It’s in the file, no need to discuss it further. I’ll leave you to your task and see you upon your return. Pertinax finds his weapons waiting for him at the door, and has no issues returning to the Rogue.
Everyone Docks
Bryke wrote:"What is the plan? because This One is coming up all blanks with any leads."
About this point, Pertinax comes walking in and exclaiming the problem he’s sure he’s found.
Pertinax wrote:"We have been made. She said she knew that I had a team. I do not think she knew that simply because Bryke drew attention to us. In fact, I think she knows who we are out to kill, and that is why she offered to pay us in information. The question is, to what end? Is this a trap, or do more people want this Fermin than our employer?"
Trorrie wrote:"Is that an assumption or for a fact?
Mungo wrote:"Of course we have. I mean, look at us. We were made the moment we stepped off the ship. Probably before. Why? What exactly did she say to make you think that?"
It’s around here that Pertinax shares the data slate with the team, and the rest share with Pertinax what they have discovered.
Glitch wrote:"Are we to terminate this former employee or simply scare them? The recommendation of a team does suggest that the encounter will be violent, or she is trying to get us all out in the open. And what precise information is she offering?"
Glitch wrote:"I am running the probability that more than just this Madam knows. Mungo and I discovered two docked ships with the Love Syndicate's insignia, one gunship and one luxury yacht likely denoting a person of interest or high value target within the Syndicate and warranting an escort, is somewhere on the station. Another possible target as we do not know how long they will remain on station but could be more valuable than whatever information this Madam is offering. We would need to find and track them for a proper ambush."
Trorrie wrote:"We're also after the head of more than just the one syndicate. Got a whole a whole criminal empire at their disposal and lurking in the system. A lot of people probably want his head. For all we know, she could be one of them. Not sure if that's better or worse for us... a moment of yes i guess."
Trorrie wrote:"So how do we get on the yacht without making someone else mad?" They might be
expecting distractions."
Mungo wrote:"Yeah, that escort can punch harder than anything short of a capital ship. If we ambush we don't wanna have to contend with that thing."
Glitch wrote:"Alternatively, if we ambush them and gain control of their yacht, we would also gain access to any information within the yacht and potentially be able to infiltrate their systems."
Mungo wrote:"Plus, we should know who is on the ship before we decide we wanna mess with it... So what's the plan? We split up some of us do Pertinax's job, and the others checked out the ships?"
Trorrie wrote:"Sudden entry maybe in a quiet room? Or would that require more planning? I would rather not die because I appeared in a wall or something mechanical."
Mungo wrote:"Nothing fancy. We observe for a bit. After that, I can get us in with magic without too much hassle. Bryke can probably phase-in, but I dunno if he can take us with him. Phase stuff is weird. I'm no expert on it, probably not every a lay-person. It's the getting out that I usually fuck up. Which is why I always take guns, lots of guns."
Bryke wrote:"Hmmm... well, This One can see a scenario where we shadow a ship in The Ghost, but phasing onto something in space, with unknown defenses, unknown crew, etc. is about five too many unknowns- or something like that... For it to work, we would HAVE to disable the ships sensors, weaponry, and shields... as you know, that's no easy feat. Frankly put, the ship would have to be stationary, minimum, and powered down- no shields, phasing through force fields of any kind can be ... tricky."
This leaves the group with the decision as what to do.
What are your Intentions?
Butcher’s Bill Bryke: -40 P.P.E., -10 I.S.P. Pertinax: -14 I.S.P. Az Rael: Glitch: Yates: Trorrie: Mungo:
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time." GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia PP Ledger
Mungo wrote: ↑Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:43 pm"Of course we have. I mean, look at us. We were made the moment we stepped off the ship. Probably before."
You hate that he is so glib while correct. Pertinax clicks his tongue, and then replies in kind, "Do we really look like contract killers? I was hoping we looked like run-of-the-mill scumbags and criminals."
Trorrie wrote: ↑Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:47 pm"Is that an assumption or for a fact?"
"The madam at the Velvet Glove knows. She said she knew that I had a team. I do not think she knew that simply because Bryke drew attention to us. In fact, I think she knows who we are out to kill, and that is why she offered to pay us in information."
Mungo wrote: ↑Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:43 pm"Why? What exactly did she say to make you think that?"
"That she said she has information that we want. And that we can use it to be her, and I quote, 'soon to be former employer'. It does not get more clear than that."
Glitch wrote: ↑Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:28 pm"Are we to terminate this former employee or simply scare them?"
Pertinax shakes his head. "Ah, one Karthac Brooson. The madam said we are to inform Brooson that he is longer working for the Velvet Glove. Judging from what she is offering to pay, he may need some convincing, very assertive convincing."
Glitch wrote: ↑Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:28 pm"The recommendation of a team does suggest that the encounter will be violent, or she is trying to get us all out in the open."
Pertinax puts slides the data disk across the table to Glitch. At the same time he expands the display on his HPC so that the others can see the information clearly. "Here is all we know about our. He is holed up on an asteroid mining station. He has associates with him, at least four going by the number of ships at his disposal. This job will likely require the entire team."
Glitch wrote: ↑Wed Jan 22, 2025 2:28 pm""I am running the probability that more than just this Madam knows. Mungo and I discovered two docked ships... if we ambush them and gain control of their yacht, we would also gain access to any information within the yacht and potentially be able to infiltrate their systems."
Pertinax perks up at this news. Could those ships be associated with the madam? Maybe she is more than she originally seemed. Pertinax contemplates this and then clears his throat. "This yacht intrigues me as well. It may not be a bad idea to keep an eye on it and learn more about the heavy hitters of the Love Syndicate. But I would not want to provoke a fight with that yacht. Not yet anyway."
Mungo wrote: ↑Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:43 pm"Yeah, that escort can punch harder than anything short of a capital ship. If we ambush we don't wanna have to contend with that thing. Plus, we should know who is on the ship before we decide we wanna mess with it... So what's the plan? We split up some of us do Pertinax's job, and the others checked out the ships?"
"That is what I would suggest. One or two can stay here and monitor the yacht, see who is on board and maybe even what they are doing here. I will take everyone else to this station, and we will politely ask Brooson to formally renounce any ties to the Love Syndicate."
Dice rolls
Perception (36%) 1d100: [39] = 39
JiC 1d20: [4] = 4
/ 1d100: [40] = 40
Pertinax M.D.C.: 348 | P.P.E.: 11 | I.S.P.: 133 Once a dreadmaster for the Tarlok Military, always a hostile prig
1d100: [85] = 85/29%
1d20: [10] = 10/
1d100: [51] = 51
Conditions: Mind Block Auto-Defense. Sixth Sense
A not very unfounded assumption, got it. She hears Pertinax's response but still has her doubts. Even if true... I was pretty far away from you and them so I'm not too certain they know my proximity. Heh. What even is that proximity is that anyway? Other than along for the ride? Eh, that's not an issue.
"Well, I don't think you get much choice in where you go, given you took a little job big guy." She says after a bit of listening and hears a suggestion for how to proceed. "And, far as I know our Promethean acquaintance is the only way aboard without getting caught immediately... even with the issues of teleporting aboard. But does it need to be directly aboard? How well could your ability be used to just walk through the front door?"
"Guy here," She starts, glitches name not coming to mind, "Could do some weird technology manipulation here or there, far as I've ever witnessed."
She saved herself for second to last as to her suggestion on how to proceed from here, "I can play with minds here or there. I go aboard, or stay to be welcoming crew should we get visitors." She shrugs, "I always look unarmed even if heads are fun to prod at."
Her gaze goes to Mungo and seems genuinely apologetic, "I'm sorry calamari, but you're too new to me to suggest what you could offer."
Conditions and ProgramsPassive (Always On) Conditions: Modulating Voice Synthesizer (Glitch maintains a human-like voice that sounds like it has a little static from a radio in it) | Sensory Antenna (10 ft) | Clock Calendar | Internal Juke Box[Glitch adjusts his profile to play internally] |
| All tech-based sensory equipment is -10% to track him
Active (Toggled ON ) Conditions[Cycles every 120 seconds (2 minutes) as a backup process while not actively engaging]: Explosives Detector (12ft radius) | Bug Detector (60ft radius) | External Video and Audio Surveillance (EVAS) | Radar Detector (80%) | Radiation Detector (60ft radius; identifies all forms of radiation and their level of harm to organic/synthetic matter) | Forcefield:110/110 MDC | Motion Detector and Warning System [RAISED] | Micro Hover-Jets [OFF]
Active Programs [As of landing]: Technical: Computers| Military Intelligence | Military Espionage: Undercover | Military Communications: Advanced
Pertinax wrote:"That is what I would suggest. One or two can stay here and monitor the yacht, see who is on board and maybe even what they are doing here. I will take everyone else to this station, and we will politely ask Brooson to formally renounce any ties to the Love Syndicate."
Glitch studies the data disk provided by Pertinax and nods in agreement with Pertinax at the recommendation. "My skills are better served observing and potentially infiltrating this yacht without provoking it. I work more efficiently alone." Glitch states, turning to Pertinax. "I suggest you take the remainder of the team with you to complete your contract. If it is non-violent it will be simple, if it is violent, you will have strength in numbers. If needed, I am able to arrive quickly without arousing attention." Glitch states. "I will observe and probe the yacht and nearby locations, if I find a means to infiltrate without provoking and acquiring new data, I will." Glitch finishes. Log: If anyone else joins me they will only serve to attract suspicion and demand socialization. Glitch notes.
Trorrie wrote:"I'm sorry calamari, but you're too new to me to suggest what you could offer."
Glitch's iris zooms in on Trorrie. Observation: It is an organic trait to underestimate what one does not understand. One of their many weaknesses. Glitch observes before commenting. "It would be a logistical error to underestimate any member of this crew; and it is always a critical error to overestimate oneself." Glitch observes openly, then waiting for Trorrie's reaction to further classify Trorrie.
What happens when a being designed to follow orders and programmed to kill eliminates those they served? Who is giving them the orders now? Scariest version; they are.
Ultrix, the Altessan Eviscerator, to Glitch -- FF00FF Glitch to Ultrix -- 8000BF Internal command processes
Status: MindBlock: AutoDefense Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien intelligences and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Doesn't breathe air and is immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and has eagle-like normal vision. Sixth Sense HF 10
Bryke listens to the group dialogue just barely managing not to interject, when Glitch corrects Trorrie. The Promethean then seems to light up as he turns to The Dragonoid with an unintentional smirk that says, "oo oo what do you say to that?!?"
He stares in anticipation for a response, but if none comes, he simply leaves off staring, and rebuttals Glitch, "Ya know, This One agrees with you, and your abilities to infiltrate a resource, but- can you monitor the ship while simulataneously watching the ship?" The Promethean reasons. "This One thinks that at least one other person should remain to provide overwatch for your Glitch." Think my vote would be the cephalopod
Last edited by Bryke on Mon Feb 03, 2025 3:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision. Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved. Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83% Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less. Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.
PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634(All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186
Pertinax wrote: ↑Tue Jan 28, 2025 9:54 pm"Do we really look like contract killers? I was hoping we looked like run-of-the-mill scumbags and criminals."
Mungo shakes his head while continuing to look at the game on the screen. Since when did Pert become an optimist?
"Don't make me conjure up a mirror so you can take a good long look at yourself. Or even better yet, take a trid of you entering a crowded room for the first time. You don't enter, you stalk, you don't look around, you scan and assess. Oh, relax. This is not a dig at you. It's merely an assessment that game recognizes game.
It's all of us. The way we look, the way we act, and our accents mark us as outsiders are enough for people who know to mark us as possible players. Then, we open our mouths and ask about shit we shouldn't even know about. That usually seals it."
Pertinax wrote: ↑Tue Jan 28, 2025 9:54 pm"That she said she has information that we want. And that we can use it to be her, and I quote, 'soon to be former employer'. It does not get more clear than that."
"Oh. Now, that is interesting. Hmm, either we've been made, or this plot includes more than just the guy who employed us." Mungo replies. Oh dear. ı don't know if this makes things better or worse for us. I wager it is probably the latter.
Glitch wrote: ↑Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:45 pm"My skills are better served observing and potentially infiltrating this yacht without provoking it. I work more efficiently alone."
"This is a good idea. This is what we should do.". Mungo agrees with Glitch's assessment of who should stay behind.
Conditions and ProgramsPassive (Always On) Conditions: Modulating Voice Synthesizer (Glitch maintains a human-like voice that sounds like it has a little static from a radio in it) | Sensory Antenna (10 ft) | Clock Calendar | Internal Juke Box[Glitch adjusts his profile to play internally] |
| All tech-based sensory equipment is -10% to track him
Active (Toggled ON ) Conditions[Cycles every 120 seconds (2 minutes) as a backup process while not actively engaging]: Explosives Detector (12ft radius) | Bug Detector (60ft radius) | External Video and Audio Surveillance (EVAS) | Radar Detector (80%) | Radiation Detector (60ft radius; identifies all forms of radiation and their level of harm to organic/synthetic matter) | Forcefield:110/110 MDC | Motion Detector and Warning System [RAISED] | Micro Hover-Jets [OFF]
Active Programs [As of landing]: Technical: Computers| Military Intelligence | Military Espionage: Undercover | Military Communications: Advanced
Bryke wrote:"Ya know, This One agrees with you, and your abilities to infiltrate a resource, but- can you monitor the ship while simulataneously watching the ship?" The Promethean reasons. "This One thinks that at least one other person should remain to provide overwatch for your Glitch."
Glitch zeroes in on Bryke, the towering Promethean prompting the smaller android to tilt his head as his iris zooms in. Observation: The Promethean points out valid argument. One that will be rectified when I can complete my project with Sigma. Glitch considers "I am fully equipped to monitor both locations without attracting undue attention. If I get into combat, something has already gone wrong." Glitch states. "If a show of force is what is required to complete the contract Pertinax has, having as many numbers as possible approach would be more logical. We know nothing of who might be with this former employee and weren't told they would be alone." Glitch finishes, dismissing the need for support on the docks at this time.
"If I determine anything requiring immediate action or support, I will send a radio message. You have already demonstrated an ability to teleport, which would make you the most suited for quick support if it is required." Glitch adds, nodding to Bryke.
What happens when a being designed to follow orders and programmed to kill eliminates those they served? Who is giving them the orders now? Scariest version; they are.
Ultrix, the Altessan Eviscerator, to Glitch -- FF00FF Glitch to Ultrix -- 8000BF Internal command processes
General Info wrote:Time/Date: 12:05 PM (Center Standard Time); 10/05/5023 (Center Reckoning)
Location: Corkscrew Galaxy, Misandri Valley Mining Facility; Dextros III, Dextros System.
Weather: Space Mission Notes
Other Notes:
The conversation continues, with a few verbal barbs being tossed about among the Rogues. In the end the consensus seems to fall to Glitch staying behind to watch the yacht, while the others go to perform the task for the Madam. With no other needs, the crew splits as such with Glitch moving off the ship to find somewhere to watch, while the crew of the Rogue radio traffic control for permission to leave the mining facility.
All in all things at least move smoothly in this case, with permissions granted quickly allowing the Rogue to take off, while no one immediately seems to be paying attention to Glitch at the moment.
Pilot: Starship (or equivalent) Controls Dodging the ship. Controls Automated Point Defense System.
Co-Pilot: Pilot: Starship (or equivalent) Controls: Coaxial Collision Cannon.
Sensors/Communications: Read Sensory Equipment/Radio: Basic
Navigation: Navigation (Space)
Gunner 1: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Laser Turret & 1 Short Range Missile Launcher
Gunner 2: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Rail Gun Turret & 1 Medium Range Missile Launcher
Gunner 3: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Laser Turret & 1 Short Range Missile Launcher
Gunner 4: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Rail Gun Turret & 1 Medium Range Missile Launcher
On board the Rogue the ship now free from the atmosphere of Dextros III, must make it’s way towards the systems outer belt several hours away.
What are your Intentions?
Butcher’s Bill Bryke: -40 P.P.E., -10 I.S.P. Pertinax: -14 I.S.P. Az Rael: Glitch: Yates: Trorrie: Mungo:
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time." GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia PP Ledger
Glitch wrote: ↑Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:45 pm""My skills are better served observing and potentially infiltrating this yacht without provoking it. I work more efficiently alone.... If I determine anything requiring immediate action or support, I will send a radio message. You have already demonstrated an ability to teleport, which would make you the most suited for quick support if it is required."
Pertinax nods, agreeing with Glitch and Mungo on the course of action. Is this what teamwork is supposed to feel like? Are you supposed to not manipulate any of them for your own self-gain?
Once Glitch has gone off board, Pertinax heads to the pilot seat and prepares for departure. He radios the port's authority. "This is the Rogue, reporting in. We are beginning preparations for take-off. I need to attend to a personal matter off-world. Save our docking space, we shall return in 12 hours." He pauses for a moment. You have no idea how this mission could go wrong. There are many."48 hours if there are complications."
He puts the coordinates the Madam give him into the ship, and the pilots the ship into Dextros III's atmosphere. He looks at the ship's radar and the blip representing the Mining Facility. What will Glitch find out about your Madam? He then looks up and stars at the growing expanse of space as they exit the planet's orbit.
As the Rogue enters the asteroid belt Pertinax says to the others, "Do we think that this Brooson has his fighters lurking around looking for a fight?" He shrugs, "Who knows, he may turn out to be a resonable sentient being and only needs a talk to. Probably not."
Once in range of the not-so-abandoned station, Pertinax scans the radio band to hail it. "Karthac Brooson, this is the Rogue. We would like permission to board, we have business to discuss with you."
Pertinax M.D.C.: 348 | P.P.E.: 11 | I.S.P.: 133 Once a dreadmaster for the Tarlok Military, always a hostile prig
Conditions and ProgramsPassive (Always On) Conditions: Modulating Voice Synthesizer (Glitch maintains a human-like voice that sounds like it has a little static from a radio in it) | Sensory Antenna (10 ft) | Clock Calendar | Internal Juke Box[Glitch adjusts his profile to play internally] |
| All tech-based sensory equipment is -10% to track him
Active (Toggled ON ) Conditions[Cycles every 120 seconds (2 minutes) as a backup process while not actively engaging]: Explosives Detector (12ft radius) | Bug Detector (60ft radius) | External Video and Audio Surveillance (EVAS) | Radar Detector (80%) | Radiation Detector (60ft radius; identifies all forms of radiation and their level of harm to organic/synthetic matter) | Forcefield:110/110 MDC | Motion Detector and Warning System [RAISED] | Micro Hover-Jets [OFF]
Active Programs [As of landing]: Technical: Computers | Military Intelligence | Communications: Advanced| Military Espionage: Spy Program[/quote]
Tracking, People:
1d100: [63] = 63/80% [Track individuals around the yacht and gunships; identify a patrol route to be exploited.]
1d100: [88] = 88/90% [Monitor the yacht and gunship]
1d100: [13] = 13/76% [Quiet, unnoticed]
1d100: [34] = 34/80% [Camouflage his hiding spot]
Before departure, Glitch ensures he has everything he needs. Grabbing a cloak and his weapons before exiting the Rogue. Glitch does not say goodbye once an agreement is made, his moves silent and swift. Glitch listens to the Rogues call of 12-48 hours and watches them depart. Observation: It is somewhat peaceful now, being rid of the organic diatribe for a time. Now, to refocus and reload a more suitable protocol. Glitch processes as he reloads a new program. Log: If all goes according to plan, they will return within 18 hours and I will have been able to surveil the area for an extended period of time without needing to make conversation. Glitch records internally.
Glitch looks for a quiet, unobtrusive location on the port, ideally in a blind spot to security cameras. Glitch is scanning for a spot that will not see foot traffic and can observe the yacht, if that means somewhere on a rooftop, ledge or otherwise is also an option. If Glitch can find such a spot, he nonchalantly makes his way there when no eyes are on him, then begins surveillance of the yacht and gunship. This reminds me of mission 1405, when we assassinated a prominent foreman and made it look like a murder so the workers rebelled against the family. Ultrix's message flashes across Glitches processor. Unfortunately, the owner of this yacht must be taken alive to fulfill the objective. Glitch counters. Though the entourage need not be. Glitch observes.
Glitch wants to observe to establish guard rotations, numbers inside each ship and outside, patrol paths. Glitch will use his maximum zoom to get as much details as he can and can stay absolutely still for hours. When Glitch is satisfied, he starts planning a route to get there as quickly and quietly as possible. Testing if it has anti-phase tech to gauge the possibility of infiltrating it using his phase generator during a shift change and trying to find a computer terminal.
1d100: [97] = 97
1d100: [50] = 50
What happens when a being designed to follow orders and programmed to kill eliminates those they served? Who is giving them the orders now? Scariest version; they are.
Ultrix, the Altessan Eviscerator, to Glitch -- FF00FF Glitch to Ultrix -- 8000BF Internal command processes
1d100: [49] = 49/32%
1d20: [19] = 19/
1d100: [69] = 69
Conditions: Mind Block Auto-Defense. Sixth Sense
Worn: Psionic Crystal Armor, sunglasses, and Phase sword, that's it.
"We probably don't need such a long time, but alright" She thinks aloud as she hears the timeline for how long they may be gone.
"Looking for a fight? I wouldn't think so... but I do feel a guard of any form is ready to fight should they think they need to in pursuit of well... guarding." She says after the Rogue is in the asteroid belt and Pertinax asks. "And yes, best case is all he needs is to be told to beat it."
"And wouldn't it have been better to word that nicer?" She suggests after the fact as she watches for eavesdroppers. "We want to start a firing with their guard down, not thinking it should be raised.But you're talking to a dry block. Why do you keep expecting kindness of any form from him?
Pertinax wrote: ↑Wed Feb 05, 2025 9:31 am"Do we think that this Brooson has his fighters lurking around looking for a fight?"
"Nope. This system hides its shit-housery under a veneer of normalcy. They will talk to us before they shoot." Mungo replies. I could be very wrong about that, though... He thinks to himself and shrugs mentally.
He gets up and heads to his quarters.
"I'm going to go and commune with my inner being, alone and in the spirit of contemplation. Simply being an observer of my thoughts and not clinging to them. And no, I'm not going to occupy the head while doing so this time" He heads off to meditate. Not for any deeper personal benefit, but just because he has a sneaking feeling that he may have to cast some spells soon and needs the juice to power them. "Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't have tossed that Skunk on board that Golgan ship... Nah, worth it. Funk that guy."
He giggles to himself as he leaves the room. Ah, one being's prank is another being's medical emergency... ha! Seriously. though, whoever decided to teach me how to conjure must have had a twisted sense of humour.
Status: MindBlock: AutoDefense Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien intelligences and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Doesn't breathe air and is immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and has eagle-like normal vision. Sixth Sense HF 10
Bryke takes up the Co-Pilot position on the flight over to "Brosoon's" destination. While traveling he has the thoughts, Think it's a good idea to take The Ghost for a walk... not have us all in one basket, and be more prepared for any contingencies.
The Promethean speaks to the crew directly after being off-planet/station, "This one is going scouting with The Ghost, one or two of you are welcome to come with. We will be in essence, flankers and support."
"Pertinax, give us/This One time to prep The Ghost and be ready to leave before we get into their sensor range, so fly a little slow wouldja? We have to do comm checks with you before we bug out, and This One is trying to undock The Ghost undetected by any long range sensors."
Before they are in range of the planets sensors (or whatever celestial body Brosoon is on) Bryke undocks, launches and pilots The Ghost. Well before arrival, he downloads the coordinates to the ship and makes doubly sure with Pertinax (ship to ship) and the rest of the crew that the encrypted channels are working. He asks whomever comes with him to double check his work on comms (if they are known to have the skill, but if they do not have the skill and are going, he shows them what to do while double checking as he teaches them.)
In his minds eye, the scenario plays out dramatically like this {Flash Forward}:
Pertinax, is flying The Rogue, focused, and ruminating silently. Bryke stands and says something cool over comms, "Taking The Ghost for a walk" yeah, always wanted to say somethin' silky like that.
The ship has been prepped, Mungo and/or Yates high five him while heading to the ship, Trorrie winks, then rolls her eyes, smiling as they go.
Pertinax grips the flight controls, and gets all stoic and intense, "Go get 'em guys." he says real super cool and shit.
C1-007 (C 1 double "o" 7) |Cavalry-team; Bond-style| make a smooth transition into The Ghost, triumphant music plays then phases out when they do, as the ship exits The Rogue and phases out fully cloaked.
On world Pertinax has the mark cornered, but he overwhelms our strike force via an exorbitant amount of shadow-minions-- super ninjas of course.
Just then C1-007 Phases in, Triumphant music plays- {End: Flash Forward}
"Hey. Big-Guy. You good?" Someone says, "What was all that mumbling about- where did you go- and next time could you maybe close your eyes when you do it... s'creepy."
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision. Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved. Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83% Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less. Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.
PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634(All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186
General Info wrote:Time/Date: 7:05 PM (Center Standard Time); 10/05/5023 (Center Reckoning)
Location: Corkscrew Galaxy, Misandri Valley Mining Facility; Dextros III, Dextros System.
Weather: Space Mission Notes
Other Notes:
Tracking, People [Track individuals around the yacht and gunships; identify a patrol route to be exploited.] Surveillance [Monitor the yacht and gunship] Prowl [Quiet, unnoticed] Camouflage [Camouflage his hiding spot]
Glitch looks for a good spot to park so to speak and watch his targets. He finds one near a couple of shipping crates that don’t look like they’ve been moved in months, given the debris slowly gathering near their base. It’s here that Glitch hunkers down to observe the ships. An organic mind likely would get very bored very quickly as there is little activity near either ship, a pair of guards in dark colored EBA slowly circle the two vessels, two hours later they are relieved by two more individuals, and this repeats again two hours later. If anyone has noticed the android, they make no signs of it. While there isn’t a lot of security, it’s fairly thorough with very few gaps, and those are by seconds at best. Other than the guards making their rounds no one enters or leaves the ships during the first seven hours of Glitch’s watch.
What are your Intentions?
General Info wrote:Time/Date: 7:05 PM (Center Standard Time); 10/05/5023 (Center Reckoning)
Location: Corkscrew Galaxy, Outer Belt, Dextros System.
Weather: Space Mission Notes
Other Notes:
The Rogue
Pilot: Starship (or equivalent) Controls Dodging the ship. Controls Automated Point Defense System.
Co-Pilot: Pilot: Starship (or equivalent) Controls: Coaxial Collision Cannon.
Sensors/Communications: Read Sensory Equipment/Radio: Basic
Navigation: Navigation (Space)
Gunner 1: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Laser Turret & 1 Short Range Missile Launcher
Gunner 2: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Rail Gun Turret & 1 Medium Range Missile Launcher
Gunner 3: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Laser Turret & 1 Short Range Missile Launcher
Gunner 4: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Rail Gun Turret & 1 Medium Range Missile Launcher
As the Rogue neared the edge of the asteroid field, Bryke takes the Ghost out to run a flanking maneuver. The whole process of unloading the Ghost takes almost a half hour as supplies need to be secured and the various bulkheads need to be closed so the whole ship doesn’t decompress in the process. Once the Ghost is free of the Rogue, the trip continues. With the Rogue coming within visual range of the small ex-mining station. Pertinax decides on the straightforward approach, radioing the soon to be victim.
Pertinax wrote:"Karthac Brooson, this is the Rogue. We would like permission to board, we have business to discuss with you."
The Ghost
Meanwhile alone in the Ghost, Bryke begins fantasizing about being a big damn hero. It’s about this point that the Ghost lurches and warning lights begin flaring up all over the cockpit. (-60 M.D.C. to Ghost Main Hull, and something has broken inside.) Bryke, snapped from his fantasies, finds he has been struck by a sizable asteroid.
Both Ships
The radio blares to life. ”So you’re the ones she sent to silence me. So be it, I guess we’ll just deal with you like the last ones.” The voice over the radio says. Even without checking the sensors, both pilots can see thrusters lighting up in the area and moving to intercept.
Combat Post!
GM Note: So this was an interesting GM post, because other than Pertinax, not a single other skill was rolled in concerns to the ships, including Bryke taking the Ghost into the asteroid field. In the future you may want to make sure you have all the basics covered. ~Consumer
Butcher’s Bill Bryke: -40 P.P.E., -10 I.S.P. Pertinax: -14 I.S.P. Az Rael: Glitch: Yates: Trorrie: Mungo: The Ghost: Main Hull: -60 M.D.C., something unknown is broken.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time." GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia PP Ledger
Skill rolls
Pilot: Small spacecraft (90%) 1d100: [64] = 64 - Fly like an eagle
Computer operations (65%) 1d100: [68] = 68 - Is the black box working? It should be fine
Combat Rolls
APM: 8
Initiative 1d20+5: [20]+5 = 25 Actions
1. Dodge 1d20+6: [5]+6 = 11
2. Dodge 1d20+6: [9]+6 = 15
3. Dodge 1d20+6: [7]+6 = 13
4. Dodge 1d20+6: [13]+6 = 19
5. Dodge 1d20+6: [2]+6 = 8
6. Dodge 1d20+6: [4]+6 = 10
7. Dodge 1d20+6: [1]+6 = 7
8. Dodge 1d20+6: [7]+6 = 13 Contingencies
1. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [15]+2 = 17
/ damage 4d6: [1, 2, 2, 3] = 8 M.D.
2. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [7]+2 = 9
/ damage 4d6: [4, 4, 2, 3] = 13 M.D.
3. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [1]+2 = 3(critical fail)
/ damage 4d6: [3, 6, 6, 6] = 21 M.D.
4. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [17]+2 = 19
/ damage 4d6: [1, 5, 2, 5] = 13 M.D.
5. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [6]+2 = 8
/ damage 4d6: [2, 2, 2, 3] = 9 M.D.
6. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [19]+2 = 21(critical success)
/ damage 4d6: [3, 5, 1, 5] = 14x 2 = 28 M.D.
7. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [13]+2 = 15
/ damage 4d6: [4, 6, 4, 5] = 19 M.D.
8. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [7]+2 = 9
/ damage 4d6: [6, 2, 5, 3] = 16 M.D.
9. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [18]+2 = 20
/ damage 4d6: [4, 3, 2, 6] = 15 M.D.
10. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [18]+2 = 20
/ damage 4d6: [3, 4, 6, 4] = 17 M.D.
11. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [10]+2 = 12
/ damage 4d6: [5, 1, 6, 6] = 18 M.D.
12. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [7]+2 = 9
/ damage 4d6: [5, 1, 2, 5] = 13 M.D.
Karthac Brooson wrote:"So you’re the ones she sent to silence me. So be it, I guess we’ll just deal with you like the last ones."
Other ones? Pertinax grimaces. You are not surprised by this are you? Still, this complicates things when you return.
"Boorson, listen to me," he says in a flat, almost bored, tone, "we are here to parlay. We do not resort to violence."
Of course it will devolve into violence. You tried as much as you could, now vaporize his fleet.
"Battlestations, everyone!" Pertinax barks. "I will take the helm, I want everyone else to a gun station. Someone may join me here if they want to take the big gun."
Pertinax cuts the ships engines and lets inertia take the Rogue towards the incoming fighters. This gives everyone to get settled in. At the same time, Pertinax checks to make sure that ship's flight recorders are on for the ensuing dogfight. "Is everyone strapped in?" Before anyone can reply, but hopefully after everyone is securely fastened to their seat, Pert restarts the thrusters and begins evasive maneuvers.
When the fighters get within range, Pertinax activates the ship's defense system. He will use it to shoot down any missiles the enemy ships might fire at him, or, better yet, target the small craft if they get close enough.
Last edited by Pertinax on Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:09 am, edited 5 times in total.
Pertinax M.D.C.: 348 | P.P.E.: 11 | I.S.P.: 133 Once a dreadmaster for the Tarlok Military, always a hostile prig
Conditions and ProgramsPassive (Always On) Conditions: Modulating Voice Synthesizer (Glitch maintains a human-like voice that sounds like it has a little static from a radio in it) | Sensory Antenna (10 ft) | Clock Calendar | Internal Juke Box[Glitch adjusts his profile to play internally] |
| All tech-based sensory equipment is -10% to track him
Active (Toggled ON ) Conditions[Cycles every 120 seconds (2 minutes) as a backup process while not actively engaging]: Explosives Detector (12ft radius) | Bug Detector (60ft radius) | External Video and Audio Surveillance (EVAS) | Radar Detector (80%) | Radiation Detector (60ft radius; identifies all forms of radiation and their level of harm to organic/synthetic matter) | Forcefield:110/110 MDC | Motion Detector and Warning System [RAISED] | Micro Hover-Jets [OFF]
Active Programs [As of landing]: Technical: Computers | Military Intelligence | Communications: Advanced| Military Espionage: Spy Program[/quote]
Electronic Countermeasures:
1d100: [9] = 9/94% [Hack into and monitor their radio frequency(ies)]
Radio Basic:
1d100: [8] = 8/98% [Support hacking into and monitoring their radio frequency(ies)]
Detect Concealment:
1d100: [68] = 68/68% [Identify spots to break line of sight within their perimeter so he can attempt to infiltrate the yacht]
Glitch logs everything he learns throughout the first portion of his watch. What would bore an organic to death is almost cathartic to him. Observation: Organics are impulsive and impatient. Restrained by the weakness of a meatbag; it seems logistically improbable that synthetic life hasn't eradicated them yet. Glitch considers, weighing the prowess of a synthetic/artificial intelligence versus a organic one. The organic brain is a super computer by itself. Ultrix observes. Of weaker structural integrity and reasoning capacity. Glitch counters as the intelligence continues his watch. The entirety of the 7 hours, Glitch doesn't move once after settling into position. His rifle set beside his leg as he relies on his advanced optical systems.
Observation: Two hour guard rotation conducted by two guards around both ships. Small seconds-long window of infiltration; would need to be executed with precision. Need to establish dead zones within their perimeter, possibly landing struts or wings. Must determine if either ship has anti-phase technology without alerting them or port authority. Attempting to sync to their radio frequency. Glitch considers, extending his antenna and attempting to silently hack into their radio frequencies, establish any blind spots within their perimeter (where they think they are safe. Possibly supply containers) before committing to an attempted breach.
What happens when a being designed to follow orders and programmed to kill eliminates those they served? Who is giving them the orders now? Scariest version; they are.
Ultrix, the Altessan Eviscerator, to Glitch -- FF00FF Glitch to Ultrix -- 8000BF Internal command processes
1d100: [74] = 74/32%
1d20: [20] = 20/
1d100: [45] = 45
Conditions: Mind Block Auto-Defense. Sixth Sense
Worn: Psionic Crystal Armor, sunglasses, and Phase sword, that's it.
There went nice. The Draconid's eyes shift around toward the speakers as they receive a less than friendly welcome.
With no actual way or much in the way of knowledge of how to perform ship-to-ship combat and is more applicably left with hoping she can talk their way out of a fight with presumably Karthac. "I'm not sure who's trying to silence or why, but I promise, we are not here to do that. All we want to do is talk. Okay? All we're here to do. Calm down and lets talk. Even if it has to be only one of us."
1d20: [9] = 9
Action One to Action Five: Try to defuse the situation through words alone. Trust:
1d100: [28] = 28 /45%, Basic Radio:
1d100: [52] = 52 78%
Disappointed due to not finding anything, and triggered because of Yates
Status: MindBlock: AutoDefense Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien intelligences and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Doesn't breathe air and is immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and has eagle-like normal vision. Sixth Sense HF 10
"Shit!!" Where the #$%& am I? Bryke thinks as the flight station springs to life, pinkish lavendar hued lights and unnatural sounds, flashing, screaming. Turning the interior to a deadly disco of warning chimes. The Promethean chastises himself for the mistake, "Worse than what a rookie would do-" Was just on The Rogue wasnt I... gotta get a hold of the mental jaunts. Its like my thoughts are slipping in and out of time... what could that be? The once Time Master ponders and as he does, instinctively interfaces with the ship via Telekinesis and activates the phase fields moving into stealth. Telekinesis [3 isp, up to 60' away, 24 min]
Piloting: Space Fighter| 89% |
1d100: [29] = 29
He then interfaces with the vessel "asking" it if the damage is severe enough to have to redock on The Rogue, or if he can continue in stealth. Telemechanics [10 isp, by touch or up to 5' away, 34 min]
Sensory Equipment 60% |
1d100: [74] = 74
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision. Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved. Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83% Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less. Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.
PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634(All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186
Mungo does some limbering up and stretching exercises after a long meditation session. I honestly don't know how people with bones and/or carapaces can sit and meditate for a long time. I find it irritating enough to sit still for that long. When Pert's battle stations alert comes in, Mungo rushes to a weapons station. He slips into the chair, straps himself in and activates the terminal.
With his years working as a mechanic on a slaver ship, he knows - roughly - how the systems work and which buttons to choose. Before now, though all he had been permitted to do was the occasional test fire. Simply because his boss at the time had been too lazy to walk over to the weapons station and do it themselves.
"I'm on a weapons station. I intend to fling missiles at them, and once in range, I'll switch to the dorsal turrets." He announces. It's probably of the best if I don't let on that I don't really know what I am doing.
Then, Mungo does his best to hit the incoming fighters. Ideally, he would like to hit them well before they can hit The Rogue.
General Info wrote:Time/Date: 7:15 PM (Center Standard Time); 10/05/5023 (Center Reckoning)
Location: Corkscrew Galaxy, Misandri Valley Mining Facility; Dextros III, Dextros System.
Weather: Space Mission Notes
Other Notes:
Electronic Countermeasures [Hack into and monitor their radio frequency(ies)] Detect Concealment [Identify spots to break line of sight within their perimeter so he can attempt to infiltrate the yacht]
It takes Glitch several minutes to brute force hack his way into the security team’s communications, it having been a robust military system. Glitch is certain he won’t have much time as the system seems to recycle itself every once and a while, based on the code. But while he has access he listens in, and is pretty disappointed. They’re barely talking. ”Post One checking in.” Says one voice. ”Received.” Says another voice. ”Post Two checking in.” Says yet another voice. ”Received.” Says the previous voice.
As for finding a blind spot in their patrol, Glitch is unable to find one with any long enough approach time. There is just too little cover to make a reasonable approach without being spotted it seems.
What are your Intentions?
General Info wrote:Time/Date: 7:05:15 PM (Center Standard Time); 10/05/5023 (Center Reckoning)
Location: Corkscrew Galaxy, Outer Belt, Dextros System.
Weather: Space Mission Notes
Other Notes:
The Rogue
Pilot: Starship (or equivalent) Controls Dodging the ship. Controls Automated Point Defense System.
Co-Pilot: Pilot: Starship (or equivalent) Controls: Coaxial Collision Cannon.
Sensors/Communications: Read Sensory Equipment/Radio: Basic
Navigation: Navigation (Space)
Gunner 1: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Laser Turret & 1 Short Range Missile Launcher
Gunner 2: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Rail Gun Turret & 1 Medium Range Missile Launcher
Gunner 3: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Laser Turret & 1 Short Range Missile Launcher
Gunner 4: Controls 1 Dual Mounted Rail Gun Turret & 1 Medium Range Missile Launcher
Pertinax tries to reason with the slaver.
Pertinax wrote:"Boorson, listen to me, we are here to parlay. We do not resort to violence."
But it’s pretty clear to the Dreadlor that peace was never an option.
Pertinax wrote:"Battlestations, everyone! I will take the helm, I want everyone else to a gun station. Someone may join me here if they want to take the big gun."
Yates and Mungo take weapons stations, while Trorrie moves to the sensor/communication station. The fighters move in and fire a salvo of short range missiles towards the Rogue. Seemingly keen on softening her up before hand. Yates fires a burst of railgun fire towards the incoming missiles, but misses. Mungo also fires, missing his shot as well. Trorrie attempts a cry for peace once more.
Trorrie wrote:"I'm not sure who's trying to silence or why, but I promise, we are not here to do that. All we want to do is talk. Okay? All we're here to do. Calm down and lets talk. Even if it has to be only one of us."
If it had an effect, it’s unseen, nor is a reply given, as The modified orbital tug’s powerful engines flare to life and the ship begins approaching. The short range missiles get past both Pertinax’s flying and the point defense guns as well, slamming into the ships force field (-200 M.D.C.)
The next pass by the fighters is less damaging, as the gunners are able to shoot most of the missiles down, and Pertinax is able to dodge the remaining one. If the Slavers are talking, it’s over private channels, as they don’t seem to respond or banter further.
The next two passes are much the same, with the ship dodging the damage, Yates and Mungo are able to put a little damage on a pair of the fighters as they get too close to the Rogue. It’s here that the Orbital Tug opens fire, dealing more stress to the Rogue’s Force Field (-300 M.D.C.)
The Rogues are able to score several hits on the ships assaulting them, but none seem to be worse for wear after the initial clash.
The Ghost
Bryke chides himself for his recent actions, manifesting Telekinesis, and flips the switch that is supposed to take the ship into the phased state. But something else entirely happens, and the Ghost vanishes from existence.
Combat Post!
Butcher’s Bill Bryke: -40 P.P.E., -13 I.S.P. Pertinax: -14 I.S.P. Az Rael: Glitch: Yates: Trorrie: Mungo: The Rogue: Variable Force Field: 1,500/2,000 The Ghost: Main Hull: -60 M.D.C., something unknown is broken.Currently missing from existence
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time." GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia PP Ledger
Skill rolls
Pilot: Small spacecraft (90%) 1d100: [73] = 73
Psionics Total I.S.P. spent: 14
Combat rolls
APM: 8
1d20+5: [16]+5 = 21 Actions
1. Dodge 1d20+6: [7]+6 = 13
2. Dodge 1d20+6: [7]+6 = 13
3. Dodge 1d20+6: [7]+6 = 13
4. Dodge 1d20+6: [7]+6 = 13
5. Dodge 1d20+6: [4]+6 = 10
6. Dodge 1d20+6: [15]+6 = 21
7. Dodge 1d20+6: [5]+6 = 11
8. Dodge 1d20+6: [15]+6 = 21 Contingencies
1. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [12]+2 = 14
/ damage 4d6: [6, 3, 6, 5] = 20 M.D.
2. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [10]+2 = 12
/ damage 4d6: [4, 3, 2, 5] = 14 M.D.
3. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [20]+2 = 22(critical strike)
/ damage 4d6: [6, 6, 2, 1] = 15 x 2 = 30 M.D.
4. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [8]+2 = 10
/ damage 4d6: [2, 3, 5, 3] = 13 M.D.
5. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [13]+2 = 15
/ damage 4d6: [4, 6, 5, 2] = 17 M.D.
6. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [5]+2 = 7
/ damage 4d6: [6, 4, 1, 2] = 13 M.D.
7. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [3]+2 = 5
/ damage 4d6: [2, 3, 3, 4] = 12 M.D.
8. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [7]+2 = 9
/ damage 4d6: [4, 3, 1, 6] = 14 M.D.
9. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [4]+2 = 6
/ damage 4d6: [1, 5, 3, 4] = 13 M.D.
10. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [17]+2 = 19
/ damage 4d6: [1, 4, 5, 1] = 11 M.D.
11. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [20]+2 = 22(critical strike)
/ damage 4d6: [3, 5, 3, 1] = 12 x 2 = 24 M.D.
12. Fire point defense guns at anything in range 1d20+2: [5]+2 = 7
/ damage 4d6: [1, 3, 6, 2] = 12 M.D.
The first sortie does not go well. Pertinax feels the gentle shake of missles hitting the Rogue's force field. You would hope that you are giving as good as you got. Pertinax checks the radar and sees all five fighters still maneuvering nimbly. He glances back at the gun stations and sees Mungo and Yates doing their unprofessional best. Trorrie, on the other hand, is at the comms trying to reason with the fighters.
You already hailed them. What is she trying to do?
"Get to a gun station or the collision cannon!" the dreadmaster snarls. "Either that or hop in the airlock."
Pertinax makes a hard turn and sends the ship towards the cluster of fighters to engage again. It's at this moment that he realizes that he has lost sight of Bryke, another complication. Nonetheless, Pertinax prepares for evasive maneuvers as he gets closer to his enemies. Once again in range, he uses the ships defense guns to engage the ships and their missiles more directly. With each thump of a missile, and the whir of a passing fighter, the tarlok's jaw makes a harsh click, almost like his teeth grinding. Outnumbered, taking enemy fire, already lost one soldier, and shouting death threats at the others, Pertinax is enjoying himself.
Pertinax M.D.C.: 348 | P.P.E.: 11 | I.S.P.: 133 Once a dreadmaster for the Tarlok Military, always a hostile prig