The Horsemen of Eschaton

The continuing adventures of an arrogant elf, and the masochists who join him on his fools errands.
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Grant Latham
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [88] = 88
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 , 1d100: [84] = 84
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m 1d100: [37] = 37
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
30 PPE | | .50 min | +2 Dodge, Travel to visible location up to 2000' (4000' in wide open spaces)

45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 81.50 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 520 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 479 PPE

3 PPE | MA 9 | 4.25 min | Able to read a license plate from up to 2 miles away)

+2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 10.25 Minutes

Duration 69.25 minutes. Impervious to normal, magical and mega-damage fires. Hemlock caster level.

5 PPE | MA 9 | 48.25 min | Thermographic like vision out to 1500' (distance tripled by the Farsensing spell)

25 PPE | BOM 116 | 2.00 min | Impervious to Cold, Fire, Energy, Disease, Poisons, Toxins, Gases, and Drugs. 50 M.D.C. force field. +10 vs Magic, Psionics, HF

30 PPE | BOM 122 | 2200' | 2.00 min | Dodge | 4d6+22 M.D. +4 Strike up to 100', +1 otherwise

2 PPE | BOM 92 | 15.25 min | 90' radius

4 PPE | BOM 92 | 15.25 min | 120' radius

+5 Auto-Dodge | + 1 on initiative | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 10.25 Minutes


A sense of relief washes across Grant's body as he sees that both Lilith and Zand are still alive. "Zand, Lilith, I recommended heading back to the SkyBunker, while the robots have orders about the swarm of insects, we still haven't seen what is controlling them whether it's Pestilence or a handler with similar capabilities." Splitting our forces is usually a bad idea, but when we do retreat I'd rather they are there to warn us if the SkyBunker is compromised.

Turning his eyes back to the sky, Grant lines up his arm and holds his fingers like a gun and releases bolts of lightning (range 2200') at the three Locusts bearing down on Gloriosa hoping to distract them and alert Daisuke and Gloriosa of the impending threat.

APM: 12(13 w/Magic)
Initiative: 1d20+8: [12]+8 = 20
Critical Strike on nat 18-20, or from behind.
Deathblow on nat 20
  1. Give orders to Lilith and Zand
  2. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [13]+1 = 14 , Damage: 4d6+22: [6, 6, 2, 2]+22 = 38 M.D.
  3. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [6]+1 = 7 , Damage: 4d6+22: [3, 3, 1, 1]+22 = 30 M.D.
  4. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [18]+1 = 19 , Damage: 4d6+22: [1, 3, 6, 1]+22 = 33 M.D. Crit!
  5. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [19]+1 = 20 , Damage: 4d6+22: [4, 5, 5, 6]+22 = 42 M.D. Crit!
  6. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [3]+1 = 4 , Damage: 4d6+22: [2, 5, 2, 4]+22 = 35 M.D.
  7. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [9]+1 = 10 , Damage: 4d6+22: [1, 4, 6, 2]+22 = 35 M.D.
  8. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [5]+1 = 6 , Damage: 4d6+22: [2, 3, 2, 5]+22 = 34 M.D.
  9. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [4]+1 = 5 , Damage: 4d6+22: [6, 3, 5, 5]+22 = 41 M.D.
  10. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [20]+1 = 21 , Damage: 4d6+22: [1, 3, 5, 4]+22 = 35 M.D. Crit!
  11. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [5]+1 = 6 , Damage: 4d6+22: [3, 4, 1, 2]+22 = 32 M.D.
  12. Lightning Arc at Demon Locust closing on Gloriosa and Daisuke. Strike 1d20+1: [5]+1 = 6 , Damage: 4d6+22: [4, 3, 2, 4]+22 = 35 M.D.

Parry (+9 with Omega Blade)/Dodge(+6)/Auto Dodge(+5)/Roll(+10): 12d20: [16, 9, 15, 6, 19, 3, 18, 9, 18, 3, 8, 8] = 132
Save vs Magic(+17)/Psionics 12+(+11)/Horror(+19): 12d20: [16, 15, 8, 2, 17, 20, 18, 2, 6, 11, 17, 8] = 140

If Cosmic Armor drops, Grant will trigger a charge from his Fly like an Eagle talisman, then cast Armor Bizarre (165 M.D.)
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Daisuke »

Perception: d%: [26] = 26 | 74%
JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 | d%: [43] = 43 %
Initiative: 1d20+14: [4]+14 = 18
  • Base: 7
  • Fighting Spirit: 2
: 9
Save vs HF: 1d20+13: [4]+13 = 17
Note: Save vs magic (
Character is immune to any effect of magic where a save vs magic is allowed. Physical attacks generated by magic do half damage.
GM-requested rolls
  • Save vs Psionic (12). 1d20+8: [4]+8 = 12 , 1d20+8: [14]+8 = 22 , 1d20+8: [20]+8 = 28
Character Sheet

  • MDC: 291/303
  • PPE: 13/13
  • Worn:
    • Casual Clothes
    • CP-40 <slung>. Current e-clip: 12/21 shots.
    • 6 spare e-clips
TFRC-02 FreeRunner Combat Exoskeleton
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 45
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: +5% to prowl, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +1 APM, +3 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to disarm, +6 to roll w/impact, -10% to electronic perception
  • All Features of Triax EBA
  • Molecular Adhesion Pads on hands and feet
  • Impact Absorbing Systems (p.89, MercOps)
  • Triples wearer's speed, fatigue reduced to 20% usual rate
  • Increase leap ability by 50%
  • Infrared & thermal masking

Book Reference: Kraus Imported Arms

Wilk's Jet Pack
M.D.C.: 20
Crew: One
Power System: Electric
Maximum Speed: 120 mph
Maximum Altitude: 1,200'
Maximum Range: 500 miles
Dimensions: 3' long, 30 lbs.
Book Reference: p.267, R:UE

CA-4 Dead Boy EBA
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 70
  • Arms: 60 each
  • Legs: 80 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 20 lbs.
Modifiers: -5% to climb, -20% to other physical skills
  • All standard Dead Boy EBA features (p.100, WB11)

Book Reference: p.100, WB11

NG Bush Pilot Armored Jumpsuit
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Flight Helmet: 35
  • Arms: 9 each
  • Legs: 20 each
  • Main Body: 25

Weight: 6 lbs.
Modifiers: None
  • Flight helmet includes built-in radio and nightvision goggles

Book Reference: p.77-78, WB33

NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 50
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 50 each
  • Main Body: 90

Weight: 21 lbs. for human equivalent, 35 lbs. for giant-sized.
Modifiers: -10% to physical skills
  • All standard NE environmental armor features (p.35-36, DB8)
    Upgrades and Packages
    • HUD Visor Allows 6 different screens to be viewed without impairing vision.
    • Basic Weapons Package
      • Retractable Energy Blade (Right Forearm)
        • Damage: 3D6 M.D.
      • Garrote Strangle Cord (Left Wrist)
        • Damage: 4D6 (+P.S. Damage Bonus)
      • Plasma Flame Thrower
        • Range: 200' (20' AoE)
        • Damage: 5D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 15 Shots per E-Clip
      • Utility Laser Finger
        • Range: 1,000'
        • Damage: 2D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 20 shots. (Standard E-Clip)
    • Robotic Exoskeleton
      • Robotic P.S. of 25, +4 P.P., +20 Speed, +10' to leaps, +10% to Climbing, Reduce Fatigue by 75%
      • Restrained Punch: 6D6, Punch/Kick: 1D4 M.D., Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2D4 M.D.
    • Built-In N-F20A Force Field
      • M.D.C.: 75
      • Voice Activated
    • Laser Distancer & Targeting
      • +1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
      • Range 2,000'
    • Optics Enhancements
      • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
      • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
      • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
      • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
      • Light Polarization
    • Mini-Radar/Sonar System
      • Can track up to 12 targets
      • Range: 2 miles
    • Integrated Sensor Pod
      • 360° scanning capability
      • +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
    • Advanced Communication Package
      • Includes: Basic receiver/transmitter, secure cryptological encoding, burst transmission capability, and if the Suit has the HUD Enhancement is capable of sending and receiving text communications
      • Range: 30 miles
    • IFF & Targeting Computer
      • Computerized recognition and identification system similar to the Wilk's PC-2020 Field Identifier System
      • Can Identify up to 6,000 targets with 92% accuracy
    • Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers
      • +2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
    • Identification Package
      • Laser, Holographic, Portable Computer, Programmed with thousands of images of known enemy insignia, uniforms, body armor, weapons, robots, and combat vehicles.
      • Includes: Passive Night Vision Goggles, Portable Language Translator, and a Laser Distancer

Book Reference: p.37-39, DB8

Wilk's 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon
  • Range: 3000'
  • Damage: 5D6+3 M.D. per shot or 3D4x10 M.D. per 3-pulse burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-pulse bursts only
  • Payload: 240 shots with a portable generator
  • Weight: 40 lbs.; portable generator weighs 70 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons; Generator recharges at 8 shots per hour; 1 hour to charge when connected to nuclear power supply
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.104, MercOps

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle
  • Range: 2000'
  • Damage:
    • Low-power shot: 3D6
    • Low-power burst: 1D6x10
    • Single shot: 2D6 M.D.
    • Burst: 6D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot bursts only
  • Payload:
    • E-Clip: 21 shots
    • LE-Clip: 30 shots
    • E-Canister: adds 60 shots to overall payload
    • Note: 30 low power shots = 1 M.D. shot
  • Weight: 9 lbs.; 4 lbs. for an E-canister
  • Features: Passive nightvision scope (2,000'), laser targeting
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
  • Book Reference: p.92, WB11

GAW .50 Six Barrel Machine-Gun
  • Range: 8,000'
  • Damage: 2D6x10, or 2D6x100 burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 10-round bursts only
  • Payload: 300, 600 or 1,200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum
  • Weight: 85 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.121, Merc Ops

Saving Throw Bonuses (if Mimic/revert to base stats)
Eye of Odin grants +1 save vs all (not included below)
Coma/Death: 28% (+4%)
Toxins (15+): +7 (+1)
Magic (varies): +7 (+1)
Magic (Illusions): +10 (+2)
Magic (mind-altering): +15 (+7)
Lethal Poison (14+): +7 (+1)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +7 (+1)
Insanity (12+): +16
Psionics (12+): +7
Horror Factor: +13
Disease: +7 (+2)
Drugs (mind-altering): +8 (+6)
Possession: +13 (+6)
  • Sustain | BOM 109 | 33 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
  • Copy Animal Attributes [Mole]. ((Super Burrowing, Nightvision, Impervious to Magic)) 69.50 min.
  • Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 71.50 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 414/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
  • Fighting Spirit: +2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 10.25 Min
  • Superhuman Agility: +5 Auto-Dodge | + 1 on initiative | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 10.25 Min
  • Warp Sound: Silence @Demon Locust 1. 34.25 min
  • Warp Sound: Silence @Demon Locust 2. 34.25 min

I’ve made a tactical error… Daisuke realizes as he finds himself nearly alone in his approach engaging the demon locusts. He spares a glance in Gloriosa’s direction. Worse than that, I’ve accidentally split the team, leaving only myself and Gloriosa as their primary targets. I must rectify this situation.

”I’m coming back, head back toward the rest of the team!” Daisuke bellows with amplified sound to Gloriosa. As if to emphasize the point, he waves frantically for her to disengage and fly back from whence she came.

To more rapidly cover the ground between them and the rest of the team, Daisuke opens a portal for himself to get ahead of Gloriosa on their return flight. Then, once in front of GLoriosa, he opens another portal, letting the dragon go first, with the end destination being where the rest of the team are pow-wowing. After the dragon goes through, Daisuke does the same.

”Apologies. I was unaware we were disengaged from combat. I will try to pay more attention to my surroundings.” Daisuke will concede to his teammates once he is back.

If instead, it looks like Gloriosa will successfully disengage with ample time to return to the rest of the team in safety, Daisuke will take a gamble with his life and try to fight the demon locusts tactically with the knowledge that he might best be able to extract himself should he run into issues.

Instead of continuing his direct flight back toward the team, Daisuke will angle his flight toward the ground (expecting the locusts to continue to give chase). Once he reaches the ground however, the Arismal will lean on the powers copied from the mole and he will Super Burrow ((PU1 p.43-44)) a Daisuke-sized tunnel ((25 ft/melee if dirt/sand, 10 ft/melee if hard, packed earth, clay or ground… if need to chop through stone/rock, abandon plan, portal back toward team as originally intended)) into the ground at a 35 degree angle.

After one melee round ((hopefully 25 ft in, but will settle for 10 ft deep if necessary)), Daisuke will turn around to face any incoming locust. Having built himself a cozy choke point tunnel, and waiting (likely not very long) for the pursuing locust(s) to be fully within his tunnel before shooting at them at point-blank range, Daisuke figures the likelihood that he miss to be minimized. Also, the tunnel should make for his locust opponents to need to engage him one at a time (because they cannot fit more than one abreast within the tunnel), allowing him to focus-fire. And presumably if he destroys one, there is a chance that another will be immediately behind the first, giving the Arismal another prime target without needing to search for the next locust’s location.

APM: 9

Action 1: Instant Weapon (draw): GAW .50 Six Barrel Machine Gun
Action 2: Shoot 10-round burst @ nearest demon locust pursuing him in the tunnel with GAW .50 (silver-plated). Strike: 1d20+4: [8]+4 = 12 . Damage: 2d6: [4, 4] = 8 *100 SDC (silver-plated).
Action 3: Shoot 10-round burst @ nearest demon locust pursuing him in the tunnel with GAW .50 (silver-plated). Strike: 1d20+4: [18]+4 = 22 . Damage: 2d6: [5, 2] = 7 *100 SDC (silver-plated).
Action 4: Shoot 10-round burst @ nearest demon locust pursuing him in the tunnel with GAW .50 (silver-plated). Strike: 1d20+4: [6]+4 = 10 . Damage: 2d6: [2, 2] = 4 *100 SDC (silver-plated).
Action 5: Shoot 10-round burst @ nearest demon locust pursuing him in the tunnel with GAW .50 (silver-plated). Strike: 1d20+4: [13]+4 = 17 . Damage: 2d6: [1, 1] = 2 *100 SDC (silver-plated).
Action 6: Shoot 10-round burst @ nearest demon locust pursuing him in the tunnel with GAW .50 (silver-plated). Strike: 1d20+4: [14]+4 = 18 . Damage: 2d6: [3, 1] = 4 *100 SDC (silver-plated).
Action 7: Shoot 10-round burst @ nearest demon locust pursuing him in the tunnel with GAW .50 (silver-plated). Strike: 1d20+4: [15]+4 = 19 . Damage: 2d6: [2, 6] = 8 *100 SDC (silver-plated).
Action 8: Shoot 10-round burst @ nearest demon locust pursuing him in the tunnel with GAW .50 (silver-plated). Strike: 1d20+4: [18]+4 = 22 . Damage: 2d6: [2, 6] = 8 *100 SDC (silver-plated).
Action 9: Reserved for contingencies.

  • If the silver-plated ammunition looks ineffective, abandon tactic. Stow machine gun back into instant weapon. Portal back to surface. Then portal back toward team.
  • If it seems the locust are wise to the tactic (hopefully after destroying one or more of them), and Daisuke no longer has valid targets, stow matching gun back into instant weapon. Head back toward surface to assess situation.
  • If first trio of demon locusts is destroyed and second trio has not yet arrived, stow instant weapon, deepen tunnel but leveling out so that there is a bend to the tunnel that the next group of locusts will need to traverse. Prepare again at the end of this second section of tunnel for the pursuit of the rest of the demon locusts.
Last edited by Daisuke on Fri Dec 06, 2024 5:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 , 1d100: [70] = 70
PER: 1d100: [48] = 48 vs. 97%

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 71.25 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 435/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
+2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 11.00 Minutes
+5 Auto-Dodge | + 1 on initiative | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 11.00 Minutes
8m00s, can hide in shadows 5+ ft tall, +15% to prowl, attackers -5 to hit.

Ronith grimaces as the team fragments. A younger me would have snuffed that out sooner. I’ll need to work on the team’s discipline if we survive this. I suppose that’s what happens when you take rookies and a hatchling to fight demon lords. Ronith crouches down and readies his blades, then turns to Hemlock. ”Call your fog, but cover the SkyBunker. We’ll take to the air and hide out while we catch a breath and plan our next move. Then get back there yourselves- Keiko, watch Hemlock’s back. I’m going after the others- don’t wait, we’ll teleport out.” Calling upon his cosmic armor enchantment, Ronith rockets into the air and flies towards the demon locust. As he catches up to Daisuke and the others he grunts from gritted teeth ”Portal. Out. Now!” He then flies to engage the locust- covering the team’s retreat as usual, then pulling back through the portal to get some distance from the swarm, and from there making his way back to the SkyBunker.

Initiative: 1d20+15: [7]+15 = 22
APM: 9

Attack 1: Paired sword strike at demon locust: 1d20+23: [16]+23 = 39 to strike, 1d6*11: [1]*11 = 11 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+23: [1]+23 = 24 to strike, 6d6: [5, 3, 5, 2, 5, 5] = 25
Attack 2: Paired sword strike at demon locust: 1d20+23: [7]+23 = 30 to strike, 1d6*11: [3]*11 = 33 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+23: [16]+23 = 39 to strike, 6d6: [6, 6, 4, 1, 1, 3] = 21
Attack 3: Paired sword strike at demon locust: 1d20+23: [17]+23 = 40 to strike, 1d6*11: [3]*11 = 33 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+23: [7]+23 = 30 to strike, 6d6: [2, 1, 6, 4, 4, 2] = 19
Attack 4: Paired sword strike at demon locust: 1d20+23: [3]+23 = 26 to strike, 1d6*11: [4]*11 = 44 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+23: [1]+23 = 24 to strike, 6d6: [5, 2, 2, 6, 6, 5] = 26
Attack 5: Paired sword strike at demon locust: 1d20+23: [12]+23 = 35 to strike, 1d6*11: [3]*11 = 33 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+23: [4]+23 = 27 to strike, 6d6: [3, 1, 5, 3, 5, 5] = 22
Attack 6: Paired sword strike at demon locust: 1d20+23: [13]+23 = 36 to strike, 1d6*11: [6]*11 = 66 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+23: [6]+23 = 29 to strike, 6d6: [6, 3, 4, 2, 6, 3] = 24
Attack 7: Paired sword strike at demon locust: 1d20+23: [1]+23 = 24 to strike, 1d6*11: [1]*11 = 11 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+23: [17]+23 = 40 to strike, 6d6: [5, 2, 5, 4, 2, 5] = 23
Attack 8: Paired sword strike at demon locust: 1d20+23: [18]+23 = 41 to strike, 1d6*11: [5]*11 = 55 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+23: [19]+23 = 42 to strike, 6d6: [6, 2, 3, 1, 3, 3] = 18
Attack 9: Paired sword strike at demon locust: 1d20+23: [10]+23 = 33 to strike, 1d6*11: [4]*11 = 44 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+23: [8]+23 = 31 to strike, 6d6: [4, 4, 2, 6, 4, 5] = 25

Contingency: Evacuate through Daisuke’s or Grant’s portal once the others are through. 1d20+20: [7]+20 = 27 to dodge.
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 , 1d100: [74] = 74
Perception: 78% / 1d100: [63] = 63 (SUCCESS)

  • P.P.E.: 815/815
  • I.S.P.: 171/268 remaining
  • M.D.C.: 725/725

Energy Sphere: 637/1500 P.P.E. remaining for 30 days
Ghost M.D.C.: 509/509 remaining, P.P.E.: 1240/1400 remaining
Cloudjumper P.P.E.: 475/880 remaining, I.S.P.: 182/196 remaining
Firefox P.P.E.: 498/685 remaining, I.S.P.: 227/237 remaining
Phantom P.P.E.: 70/100 PPE remaining
Talisman of P.P.E. Battery: 0/300 remaining
Spinning Blades Talisman: 2/3 remaining

  • Impervious to Fire; Duration 74 minutes. Impervious to normal, magical and mega-damage fires.
  • Impervious to normal weapons
  • Impervious to poison, chemicals, drugs, gas, and disease
  • Impervious to horror factor and possession
  • Does not breathe air
  • Nightvision 1200'
  • Understands all languages
  • Firequake; Range: 500 feet, affects a 100 foot radius. Duration: 7 rounds. Damage: 5d6 M.D. plus effects. p.73 BoM
  • Tornado; Duration 8 minutes
  • Impervious to Fire; Duration 74 minutes. Impervious to normal, magical and mega-damage fires.
  • See the Invisible
  • Super Telekinesis
  • Wall of Wind; Size: 80 feet long, 48 feet high. Duration: 39 minutes. Effect: wind has SN PS 40, and only enemies weighing over 2 tons may pass through it. Damage: 2d4 M.D. p.64 BoM

  • Phantom
    Duration: 1 hour 34 minutes
    M.D.C.: 61; impervious to cold, electricity, poison, disease and fear.
    Attributes: Invisible (its natural state), eight feet (2.4 m) tall, P.S. 22, P.P. 19, I.Q. 10, and flying speed is 45 mph (72 km).
    Combat: Four physical attacks per melee round or two by magic, and inflicts 2D6 M.D. from punch or 4D6 M.D. from a power punch (counts as two attacks). +2 on initiative, +4 to strike and parry, +7 to dodge, and can see the invisible.
    Magic: Can cast all level 1-4 Air Elemental magic.
  • Dancing Fires 30 rounds, 36 magically animated flames, p.79 BoM
  • Screaming Wall of Flame; Range: 90 feet, affects a 90 foot area. Duration: 31 rounds. Damage: 4d6 M.D., Horror Factor 16 plus effects
Shadow Wall; Duration 49 minutes. 450 feet long, 150 feet high, and some 45 feet thick. Various effects.
Illusionary Forest; Duration 7 hours, 4 minutes. -4 to save vs Hemlock's spell strength. An African forest that joins with the real one nearby.
Metamorphosis: Human; Duration 4 hours, 34 minutes. -dismissing this round
Wall of Wind; Size: 150 feet long, 90 feet high. Duration: 89 minutes. Effect: wind has SN PS 47, and only enemies weighing over 2 tons may pass through it. Damage: 2d4 M.D., p.125 BoM

See the invisible
Heightened Presence Sense: constant 100ft range
Sustain: 15 days
Spinning Blades: duration 13/15 rounds remaining
Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 94 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 520/550 M.D.C. remaining, Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Fortify Against Disease (-15 P.P.E.) * +4 save vs disease, +1 vs poison; duration 29 hours 34 minutes
Impervious to Fire (-5 P.P.E.) ; duration 49 minutes
Impervious to Poison (-5 P.P.E.) ; duration 49 minutes
Fighting Spirit: +2 APM | +1 on initiative | +1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 11 Minutes
Superhuman Agility: +5 Auto-Dodge | +1 on initiative | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 11 Minutes

  • Duration: 49 minutes.
  • Psi-Sword damage: 14D6 M.D.
  • I.S.P.: 30
Enhance Reflexes
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 4 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 10
  • +1 attack per melee, +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge. +2 to P.P. (adding further bonuses to strike/parry/dodge if boosted to 16 or higher), and +15% to all Physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.
Enhanced Perception
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 49 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 10
  • +15% to Perception, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and a +10% to any skill that relies on any of the basic senses (such as Intelligence, Tracking, or certain Physical skills like Juggling or Prowl).
Mind's Eye
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 4 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 8
  • Radar-like vision at a range of 850ft. Even things concealed through magic (except Invisibility: Superior) can be seen. No penalties when blinded or in complete darkness. The psychic can sense everything in all directions at an accuracy of 103%. Grants: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and cannot be snuck upon or surprised. Heavy rain or smoke greatly hinders this power, negating the bonuses and giving a -30% to interpreting ability.
Resist Damage
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 49 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 25
  • Half damage from kinetic damage. Even damage that goes directly to Hit Points is halved. Furthermore, the biofeedback field absorbs the first 5 M.D.C. or Hit Points of damage from each attack.
Resist Energy
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 49 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 8
  • Half damage from energy attacks. This can include lasers, plasma, particle beams, psionic energy, and magic energy.
Resist Fatigue
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 5 hours, 34 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 4
Alter Aura (looks thoroughly evil)
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 14 hours, 34 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 2
Sixth Sense (this round only) : +6 on initiative roll, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge

Total psi buffs; +1 APM, +12 on initiative, +3 to strike, +8 to parry and +9 dodge, +2 P.P., +15% to Perception

Ronith wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2024 2:04 pmRonith crouches down and readies his blades, then turns to Hemlock. ”Call your fog, but cover the SkyBunker. We’ll take to the air and hide out while we catch a breath and plan our next move. Then get back there yourselves- Keiko, watch Hemlock’s back. I’m going after the others- don’t wait, we’ll teleport out.”
Hemlock nods absently to Ronith's orders while watching the chaos unfold. There's a flicker of contemplative amusement in her eyes. Daisuke will have Ronith's aid in a moment, and then these heroes will regroup for the next battle, she thinks.

"When the fog hits," she says, her voice cutting through the roar of the conjured elemental tornado. "you cannot trust your flight powers. Skybunker would do well to fly clear away from the fog, trust me on this. Teleport out quickly. War will not enjoy the experience." She laughs at the thought.

Meanwhile, Cloudjumper directs the tornado to intercept some Locust demons that might be warded off before they reach Keiko.

Hemlock's eyes narrow as she thinks quickly, Pestilence thinks he's outwitted us, but he underestimates the power of trickery. Am I not a child of Loki, the god of trickery? Let this group retreat, Pestilence will think us routed and desperate, but all the while I shall show them the meaning of trickery. Meanwhile War, oh dear War, you are in for a shock should you fly into my wondrous fey fog.
Ronith wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2024 2:04 pmRonith crouches down and readies his blades, then turns to Hemlock. Calling upon his cosmic armor enchantment, Ronith rockets into the air and flies towards the demon locust. As he catches up to Daisuke and the others he grunts from gritted teeth ”Portal. Out. Now!” He then flies to engage the locust- covering the team’s retreat as usual, then pulling back through the portal to get some distance from the swarm, and from there making his way back to the SkyBunker.
Hemlock quickly ties her Talisman of Barrage and Wink Out to the tassels of her Air Staff. "Use this magic when all other magic fails you," she tells Cloudjumper telepathically.

Then, with one eye on Ronith's mad dash to Daisuke, she works her Summon Fog spell (-140 P.P.E. lasts 15 hours). She completes the magic when the two meet. If the lore of this realm prevent fogs co-existing with raging tornadoes, Cloudjumper dismisses her magical tornado. But a raging fog tornado would indeed be a terrifying thing! To be unable to see the terrible thing that sucks you up and pummels you before it is too late! That is the terrible and imaginative combination Hemlock has in mind.

Page 143, BoM. No saving throw, flight and hasty movement impossible. Enjoy.
. That word barely begins to describe the spell justly. The fog, congealing from the very atmosphere, makes the air is so thick that our heroes can see clearly only for four feet about them. Up to ten feet they only see shadowy figures and shapes. Beyond that, nothing.And the fog is vast. A full fifteen miles of area about them. It muddles the sense of direction, and makes flight impossible. Indeed, even a run is impossible, lest one fall down embarrassingly. And it isn't just a mere mist; about them still lies Hemlock's vast illusionary forest, and the trap of her disguised Shadow Wall spell. It is a land of trickery, and somewhere, Loki may well be smiling. But I'm done yet, not by a long way.

Alone with Keiko, Hemlock is a beacon of joyful calm. She decides it is a good time to teach the young felinoid shifter a lesson in advanced magic. "I've been doing this for three thousand years, and what I am about to do will be something you will never see in those magical colleges run by mortals. I may well die, for there are no guarantees in anything, but I promise it will be instructive. So, you can depart now and live, or you can follow me and see some very advanced magic." She giggles, and adds, "And perhaps die with me."

If Keiko remains, Hemlock instructs in a delighted and excited tone, "This fog is no ordinary mist," she warns Keiko, her voice echoing through the dense air. "**Do not try to run or fly within it. If you need to retreat, teleport, or simply walk away. Anything faster will embarrass you."

** Summon Fog spell states flight impossible. So should War fly into the area at supersonic speeds, he is in for a terrible shock and an almighty crash!

Then the elder godling asks the young shifter, "Now, if we were to find Pestilence in all this how ought we go about this whilst cloaked in this fog? The demons are powerful, but unimaginative."

If Keiko offers her suggestions, Hemlock listens with interest. Then the very experienced godling lays out her idea.

"The dull demons will expect us to be retreating. Seeing the Skybunker moving away from the battle will confirm it in their tiny minds. The clever ones might think it a ruse, and think us hunting for Pestilence on the ground, hidden by this fog. Those rare ones who are cleverer still, will try and take to the air, thinking us coming from above. The fog will thwart that, they cannot fly because of that magical fog, and so that will confirm in their minds that somehow we can indeed fly in the middle of a Summon Fog spell."

She raises an eyebrow and smirks, "But I will do none of those things. While their eyes and senses are upon the mist-shrouded sky, we will be coming from below. You'll need a D-Phase spell to follow me. Come along."

Hemlock, riding Ghost, shifts to an intangible state. Ghost, meanwhile, is a greater earth elemental and can ride through the deep earth underneath with ease. Keiko, if she wishes, can cast D-Phase and join the godling, riding behind Hemlock on Ghost.

Safely nestled in the bosom of the earth, at a depth of some 30 feet, Hemlock rides her elemental elk through the rock. She reaches out her senses for Pestilence, using her
A reflexive, sixth sense-type power that alerts the Psi-Ghost character to the presence of other sentient individuals around him. Automatically aware of all intelligent presences within his range. If the Ghost focuses the whole of his attention on this ability (takes 1D4 melee rounds), it becomes a psychic radar that can determine the exact number of presences and pinpoint their precise location. Additionally, this power alerts the Psi-Ghost to when he is under observation by surveillance cameras and other systems that are manned by a sentient being; he gets a case of the ''jitters'' and the hair stands on the back of his neck. The Psi-Ghost can locate the surveillance system's operator(s) if he/they are within range, the same way he can locate sentient individuals by making a skill roll.

With the insect swarm scattered to the four winds, I should be able to find you now... you naughty little demon thing. Then we'll have some fun you and I.

Heightened Presence Sense pinpointing location 90%: 1d100: [48] = 48

Contingency: Should Hemlock locate Pestilence.

"There!" Hemlock points upwards to where Pestilence is located. Oddly enough, the Psi-Ghost power of Intangibility allows her to speak. "Your idea to freeze time and plant explosives is a good one. I'd like to show you an alternative. The raw power of stopped time is nice, but imagination is by far the thing you can't do without. Any fool can toss a lightning bolt, or unleash an Anti-Magic Cloud. But it's the combinations of lesser and greater magics that really will set you apart from all the other spell slingers out there."

She warns her companions, "Ghost, make the earth tremble. Firefox, all the lava you can muster. Cloudjumper, the wind." They all begin casting their magics....

In response Firefox casts Burst Into Flame (-70 P.P.E.) in anticipation of mayhem.

Hemlock casts a few spells.
  • Disharmonise, all whilst still from under the rock, (-150 P.P.E.), affecting all in 750 foot radius. All enemies on the surface must save vs Hemlock's magic.
  • Time Warp: Slow Motion, (-45 P.P.E.) affecting all in a 450 foot radius. There is no saving throw, though temporal beings like Keiko are unaffected.
  • p.250 BoM for full details, but here is a snippet..
    • Always has the initiative, can never be surprised or attacked from behind, has three additional melee attacks, is +4 to strike, +6 to parry and dodge, +6 to save vs psionics and magic, +6 to save vs poison and drugs, +10 to save vs Horror Factor.
    • Teleport: Superior, Time Warp: Fast Forward, Time and Space Warp at will.
    • Omniscient even when stepping into the 3-D world. Aware of virtually everything around him. Can see all spectrums of light, heat,
    magic energy, radiation and electromagnetism. Can also see through walls, doors, floors and containers as if they were thin air.
    • Can step in and out of the third dimension at will. See BoM for details.
    • Impervious to illusions, mind control and illusionary magic and psionics and mind controlling drugs.
    , (-350 P.P.E.), turning the godling into a four dimensional being.
Then she enters the scene like a being from an ancient myth. Hemlock, a fey vision of ethereal grace, emerges from the very fog-shrouded earth, her white elk steed a majestic creature. Her disharmonise spell surrounds her with aura of hazy light that expands in all directions. She radiates power, in her hands are her owl staff and flaming katana. All foes about her move in slow motion.

She addresses Pestilence, her emerald eyes gleaming with her very best evil glare.

"I am Hemlock, daughter of Loki," she declares, her voice echoing through the fog.

Her emerald eyes flash with righteous anger, and she points her flaming katana directly at Pestilence. "I am a Gardener!" she declares, her voice a mixture of annoyance and righteous anger. "For all the crops you've blighted, for all the gardens you've ravaged, for all the time I've spent picking grasshoppers out of daffodils!"

Hemlock shouts, "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!"

Right on cue, her companions spells are unleashed.
  • Ghost: Earthquake ((-50 P.P.E.)) A devastating invocation that sends terrible shock waves through the ground, causing it to rumble, undulate, and tear open. The fissure runs 600 feet, inflicting its incredible destruction to everything in its path.
  • Firefox: River of Lava ((-50 P.P.E.)) In the fissure, a boiling river of lava emerges. The spell may be 270 feet long, 45 feet wide, 45 feet deep.
  • Cloudjumper: Tornado ((-60 P.P.E.)). This is a second tornado, and the first, still active, moves to join its mate. The awesome black funnel cloud is the center of the storm has winds of 120 to 180 mph and sucks in the lava of the lake, and Pestilence.
Imagine if you will, Hemlock's intent. A swirling, viscous vortex of lava. A terrifying display of elemental fury. This tornado, a colossal whirlwind of destruction, traps Pestilence and his horde on insects within its fiery embrace. These menacing creatures should be helpless, consumed by the colossal inferno. Such a terrifying thing would be awe inspiring, but in truth it can barely been seen amid Hemlock's smothering Fog Cloud. But the roaring sound of elemental fury would be terrible indeed.

Hemlock of course, sees it all, as in her fourth dimensional state she can see in all spectrums of light, and is omniscient. She telepathically instills in the others a vision of what is going. To satisfy their morbid curiosity, and also to help direct their destruction.

Those villains who try to run find themselves falling over from the Fog's magical effects (no saving throw), and flight is impossible. They cannot even see from where the tornado is coming. Meanwhile Cloudjumper summons more tornadoes. Firefox more lava. The earth trembles, knocking over all land-locked beings. There is also a good chance moving enemies will walk into Hemlock's enormous Shadow Wall, which is still hidden in the Fog and Illusion of the place.

The lava tornado may also move in slow motion, thanks to Hemlock's time slowing magic. This may or may not affect how long a being is entrapped inside it before being ejected. When Pestilence is ejected, flight is impossible, and it falls to the earth. Thereafter, a tornado picks it up again and repeats the destructive process.

For Cloudjumper and Firefox, this is personal. They are greater Kachina Spirits, and they love the world the Horsemen are intent on destroying. Coupled with Hemlock's creativity and raw power, they seek to end the Horseman and keep it entrapped in lava tornadoes until it's health is depleted.

Contingency: Magma Immunity.
Hemlock will negate magic on the Horseman should it seem resistant to burning nastiness. Hemlock can teleport in and out of the scene at will, thanks to Fourth Dimensional Form.

Contingency: Unexpected surprises.
Cloudjumper will use the Talisman of Barrage to assault enemies who get too close, or Wink Out to have Hemlock and Keiko vanish out of sight for some unforeseen danger to pass.

Contingency: Disaster.
Hemlock will escape with Keiko and the others using Fourth Dimension teleportation, which can be done at will.

Contingency: Success.
If Pestilence is ended, Hemlock possesses the ability to teleport in space and time (see Time Warp: Space & Time p.251 BoM) at will. She transports Keiko to a place of her choosing, and in a future time of her choosing (OOC: when the player chooses to return to active duty she can be with the H4H!).

Hemlock gives Keiko some parting words. Her gaze turns from the elemental chaos and falls on Keiko. "Wasn't that fun?" she asks.

"Now go," she commands, her voice firm. "Rejoin your friends. I will finish things here." She pauses, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I cannot allow these Demon Locusts to survive. This is too good an opportunity to miss. If you stay, you will die."

A wry smile plays on her lips. "Be well, Keiko. I will rejoin you if I survive." With that, she turns back to the battlefield, ready to face whatever horrors the Horseman Pestilence has left in the area, and Keiko is teleported away.
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 34*C (89*F), large, thick fog covers a 15 mile area. The remainder of the Lava Tornado causes a brief increase in temperature in the surrounding area.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Grant quickly orders Zand and Lilith back to the Skybunker and they comply as the team begins to fragment. Ronith mentally curses the lack of coordination, especially against such a powerful force as the Horsemen. Ronith has Keiko support Hemlock as Hemlock begins preparations for her idea, with Ronith and Grant then following Gloriosa to aid Daisuke before Daisuke is swarmed by Locusts.

Hemlock has Cloudjumper direct the tornado to intercept some of the Locust, which much to everyone's fortune, does succeed in pulling at least one Locust into the funnel, possibly more but it's hard to tell. There are still some coming from another angle and Cloudjumper maneuvers the Tornado in such a way that it won't impact Ronith, Gloriosa, Grant or Daisuke.

Gloriosa, followed by Ronith and Grant, quickly close in on Daisuke as he is being attacked by two Locust, with at least one more incoming. As the Locusts close in on Daisuke, he feels a particular lump form in his throat that renders him unable to speak [Unable to speak for 12 minutes] followed by another series of mental attacks, though the Arismal saves against them. Daisuke summons his machine gun and opens fire on the nearest Locust, peppering it with silver plated bullets. As Daisuke does this, the Locust flies through the barrage and moves to engage Daisuke in melee combat. Daisuke darts from the air to the ground to evade the Locust with his faster Cosmic Armor.

Ronith, Gloriosa, and Grant all enter range, with Ronith moving to shred the incoming Locust with his sword while Gloriosa spews fire in another direction to deter the other incoming Locust. Grant successfully lobs several arcs of lightning at the Locusts. As the trio arrive to back Daisuke up, Daisuke and Ronith both notice the eruption of a thick fog that begins to cover the area not in the Tornado's path. The Tornado's errant winds disrupting parts of the Fog, prompting Cloudjumper to dismiss the Tornado. Soon enough, the Fog completely envelopes a 15 miles area.

As the Fog envelopes the Heroes, and the Locust they are battling, they soon all completely drop to the ground. Hemlock's warning that flight of any sort is impossible holds true as even the Magical Cosmic Armor is grounded. Grant, Ronith, Daisuke and Gloriosa all lose sight of each other within the Fog since being grounded, but also note that the Demon Locusts are obscured in the Fog. Daisuke takes this moment to burrow into the ground, though the Fog does follow him into the hole. His copied abilities help him counter the lack of direction the Fog induces thanks to his subterranean senses. It is so thick, no one can see more than an arm's length ahead of them and sensor systems are completely worthless. Though, Zand and Lilith radio back to the Heroes as the Fog encompasses the field. "Zand here, we're at the Skybunker. It's on the edge of the Fog. Can't ping anything in the Fog with the sensors. Can still see several radar blips around the Fog, though." Zand radios. Though the group's sense of direction is in complete shambles, anyone with a team radio can follow the radio signal back to the Skybunker. [Provide a Radio Basic roll to accomplish this, add a Prowl roll at +20% to avoid attracting a Locust's attention. Daisuke only needs to roll a Land Nav check to make it back to the bunker underground and isn't under a fear of tripping. Running faster than a speed of 10 has a 60% chance for tripping every 30ft of travel. There is a 30% chance of running into a Locust on the ground even while Prowling. Ronith, Grant, Daisuke, Gloriosa; Please provide 5 d100 rolls for possible Locust encounter in the Fog. Also provide 5 d100s if you intend on traveling faster than a speed of 10 (>7 1/2 MPH)]

Now alone with Keiko and impressed with her work, Hemlock focuses on the other half of her plan. To route out this errant Horseman, Pestilence, that has been toying with them. The Gardening Godling of the Forest feeling a certain level of personal disdain to everything that Pestilence represents. Hemlock warns Keiko about how dangerous her plan will be, but the Felinoid merely smirks at the possible danger and follows Hemlock. Hemlock then gives Keiko a brief on the Fog's restrictions then informs Keiko to cast D-Phase on herself and jump on Ghost, Hemlock's mighty Elk. Hemlock makes herself become intangible and then the Elk disappears into the Earth amid the fog. Keiko can only see dirt and rock around them as Hemlock guides Ghost using her Heightened Presence Sense in a focused mode in order to pinpoint sentients.

Hemlock isn't sure where she is according to the Fog she summoned, but she pinpoints a single presence some ways away that is not moving but certainly sentient. All of the Demon Locusts are moving within the Fog, whereas this one is staying still. This gives Hemlock reason to believe she has discovered Pestilence. Hemlock casts Disharmonise, then Time Warp. As these two spells begin to take affect near the pinpointed sentient, Hemlock can tell it starts trying to escape the radius as Hemlock shows Keiko her Fourth Dimensional Self. The moment Hemlock does this, she can identify it is indeed Pestilence she has found as she rides up from the ground with Keiko on the back of Ghost to greet the Horseman. Hemlock can see the large wall of Fog is about 300m NW of their location.

turns and looks at Hemlock, the being seems to be a walking collection of bugs holding a staff. Pestilence only smiles a wicked grin at Hemlock but doesn't answer as the Horseman holds up his hand and a new swarm of bugs begins to surround Hemlock and Keiko on Ghost, though they are still intangible. Then, Hemlock responds in kind with her summoned allies.

All of the Heroes on the Ground and in the Skybunker suddenly feel an eruption as the ground quakes beneath them. Ghost summons a violent earthquake with Pestilence being the epicenter as Firefox brings forth a wall of Lava that seems to encompass Pestilence. Cloudjumper brings a black funnel down on Pestilence as it summons another Tornado. The Tornado quickly becomes enflamed and glowing red as the lava is swirled around the vortex. The Tornado close enough that it begins shredding parts of the Fog's radius as it swells around Pestilence.

Hemlock, thanks to being in a Fourth Dimensional state can see that Pestilence's body of bugs has been basically dissolved by the fire and now stands at the epicenter of the Tornado as a towering and imposing skeleton. It seems to be able to weather both the lava and the winds, though in the center it is not flung into the air though Hemlock can see it is most perturbed. Pestilence keeps trying to leave the funnel but Cloudjumper, with Hemlock's guidance is keeping the tornado of lava centered on Pestilence.

Hemlock notes it will require a little more effort from her to eradicate Pestilence by herself, so she turns to Keiko and offers the Feline mage a bit of parting advice and thanks before teleporting Keiko back to the Skybunker as Hemlock and Ghost teleport into the funnel with Pestilence. There, the Godling decides this dimension is too good for the plague that Pestilence is. Sure, War and Death were still around, but Pestilence was against the very nature of Hemlock and it was this desire to protect nature that was ignited within her.

As quickly as everyone felt the Earthquake and the new Lava Tornado, it was gone. Keiko watches on the sensors at the location where Hemlock was, suddenly there is nothing. The sensors also show that all the circling Locust seem to be retreating, though some Heroes remain trapped in a lasting Fog. Outside the Fog, all of the insects that had been within the area are gone.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: 3 minute have passed.

Combat within the Fog has completely ceased unless you run into a Locust, though it will be simple to evade them in the Fog.

Keiko, Zand and Lilith are at the Skybunker.
Ronith, Grant, Daisuke and Gloriosa are in the Fog.

Ronith: -115 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Grant: -30 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Daisuke: -86 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Keiko: Cosmic Armor Renewed; -12 personal S.D.C. from fall;
Hemlock: -10 MDC from Cosmic Armor, -19 MDC from Phantom
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Grant Latham
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [57] = 57
JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 , 1d100: [21] = 21
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m 1d100: [87] = 87
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 78.50 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 520 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 479 PPE

3 PPE | MA 9 | 1.25 min | Able to read a license plate from up to 2 miles away)

+2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 7.25 Minutes

Duration 66.25 minutes. Impervious to normal, magical and mega-damage fires. Hemlock caster level.

5 PPE | MA 9 | 45.25 min | Thermographic like vision out to 1500' (distance tripled by the Farsensing spell)

2 PPE | BOM 92 | 12.25 min | 90' radius

4 PPE | BOM 92 | 12.25 min | 120' radius

+5 Auto-Dodge | + 1 on initiative | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 7.25 Minutes


Radio Basic 79% vs 1d100: [87] = 87 | Failure | Follow radio signal, nope
Meet a Demon Locust 30% vs 5d100: [68, 47, 46, 56, 7] = 224 | 1 Success? Hopefully, Grant spots it before it spots him

Grant drops to a crouch as he touches down on the ground unable to outrun the fog. The Skybunker should just be a few hundred yards in that direction Grant hears a sound in the distance and turns back that direction, no that direction, uh oh. The frame of reference is lost, and so is Grant. I have basically a 25% chance of picking the right direction. Wonderful. Grant's earpiece buzzes with the sound of Zand's voice. The radio, maybe I can use that to identify a direction. He adjusts the knobs on the radio. "On my way, Grant out." the mage says over the radio in a whisper.

He begins moving out in what he hopes is the correct direction. Grant's unorthodox training to become a Lord Magus had gifted him with many skills, memories from other people, but being stealthy was not one of them. He'd successfully relied on his magic up to this point. He triggers Mystic Invisibility (MA17 |2 of 3 charges remaining | 50 min | Undetectable by psionics or magic. Includes Psi-Stalker/Dog boy or similar. No aura.) from one of the talisman rings on his left hand so that he can not be detected magically or psychically. In return, Grant uses his activated ability to sense evil, magic and to avoid the demon locust and other undesirables moving opposite direction of what he senses.

As he moves, he feels various enchantments of his own come to an end, but with no sense of how long it will take for him to get out of the fog, he lets them expire. If he comes across an enemy, his first action is to trigger Invulnerability (BOM 116 | 2.5 min | Impervious to Cold, Fire, Energy, Disease, Poisons, Toxins, Gases, and Drugs. 50 M.D.C. force field. +10 vs Magic, Psionics, HF) and defends himself with his Omega Blade.

APM: 12(13 w/Magic)
Initiative: 1d20+8: [15]+8 = 23
Critical Strike on nat 18-20, or from behind.
Deathblow on nat 20
  1. Activate Invulnerability Talisman
  2. Strike with Omega Sword, Strike 1d20+11: [18]+11 = 29 crit!, Damage 6d6: [2, 6, 2, 4, 1, 3] = 18 M.D.
  3. Strike with Omega Sword, Strike 1d20+11: [4]+11 = 15 , Damage 6d6: [5, 5, 6, 3, 6, 6] = 31 M.D.
  4. Strike with Omega Sword, Strike 1d20+11: [9]+11 = 20 , Damage 6d6: [4, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6] = 28 M.D.
  5. Strike with Omega Sword, Strike 1d20+11: [14]+11 = 25 , Damage 6d6: [3, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5] = 20 M.D.
  6. Strike with Omega Sword, Strike 1d20+11: [16]+11 = 27 , Damage 6d6: [5, 3, 1, 5, 1, 2] = 17 M.D.
  7. Strike with Omega Sword, Strike 1d20+11: [4]+11 = 15 , Damage 6d6: [3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 1] = 20 M.D.
  8. Strike with Omega Sword, Strike 1d20+11: [9]+11 = 20 , Damage 6d6: [5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6] = 21 M.D.
  9. Strike with Omega Sword, Strike 1d20+11: [3]+11 = 14 , Damage 6d6: [3, 2, 4, 1, 3, 2] = 15 M.D.
  10. Strike with Omega Sword, Strike 1d20+11: [7]+11 = 18 , Damage 6d6: [4, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3] = 25 M.D.
  11. Strike with Omega Sword, Strike 1d20+11: [3]+11 = 14 , Damage 6d6: [1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 5] = 13 M.D.

Parry (+11 with Omega Blade)/Dodge(+6)/Auto Dodge(+5)/Roll(+10): 12d20: [11, 11, 2, 10, 3, 10, 10, 15, 19, 17, 17, 12] = 137
Save vs Magic(+17)/Psionics 12+(+11)/Horror(+19): 12d20: [20, 6, 11, 4, 16, 9, 1, 4, 8, 16, 4, 11] = 110

If Cosmic Armor drops, Grant will cast Armor Bizarre (165 M.D.)
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 , 1d100: [98] = 98
PER: 1d100: [43] = 43 vs. 97%

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 71.00 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 435/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
+2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 10.75 Minutes
+5 Auto-Dodge | + 1 on initiative | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 10.75 Minutes
7m45s, can hide in shadows 5+ ft tall, +15% to prowl, attackers -5 to hit.
26m00s, Can see shape of everything within a 750-foot radius even if concealed by magic (save for invisibility: superior), no penalties when blind, can sense and interpret shape/distance/direction/speed/location of everything around in all directions with accuracy of 94%, adds +3I, +2s, +2p/d and cannot be snuck upon or surprised. Heavy rain or smoke negates bonuses and induces a -30% penalty.

Prowl: 1d100: [53] = 53 vs. 136%
To remain hidden
Locust encounters: 1d100: [18] = 18 , 1d100: [3] = 3 , 1d100: [64] = 64 , 1d100: [18] = 18 , 1d100: [90] = 90
High speed: 1d100: [38] = 38 , 1d100: [69] = 69 , 1d100: [51] = 51 , 1d100: [5] = 5 , 1d100: [47] = 47
Mind’s eye- 1d100: [46] = 46 vs. 94%
To find the others, avoid demons, and get back to the APC

As the fog settles in Ronith will use Mind’s Eye ((-8 ISP)) to try and see through the fog. Assuming he is successful he will attempt to locate the others quietly and withdraw. If Mind’s Eye helps mitigate the difficulty of navigating the terrain in the fog Ronith will attempt to go faster, but if he stumbles a lot he will slow down. If nothing else, it should give Ronith an idea of what Hemlock is doing with Pestilence at the center of the storm. Ye gods! I hope she knows what she’s doing… Surely Odin will protect her. Ronith says a silent (and very quick) prayer for the Godling before he returns his mind to the task of getting the others and guiding them out of the area. As the immediate threat ebbs he will slow down if needed, but be quick to defend himself with his blades if the demons (or any other foes) return for another round.

Initiative: 1d20+18: [14]+18 = 32
APM: 9

Attack 1: Use mind’s eye.
Attack 2: Movement and attack if threatened. Paired sword strike: 1d20+25: [1]+25 = 26 to strike, 1d6*11: [1]*11 = 11 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+25: [17]+25 = 42 to strike, 6d6: [4, 6, 1, 3, 4, 5] = 23
Attack 3: Movement and attack if threatened. Paired sword strike: 1d20+25: [10]+25 = 35 to strike, 1d6*11: [5]*11 = 55 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+25: [19]+25 = 44 to strike, 6d6: [4, 5, 2, 5, 2, 3] = 21
Attack 4: Movement and attack if threatened. Paired sword strike: 1d20+25: [13]+25 = 38 to strike, 1d6*11: [5]*11 = 55 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+25: [20]+25 = 45 to strike, 6d6: [6, 1, 6, 3, 2, 6] = 24
Attack 5: Movement and attack if threatened. Paired sword strike: 1d20+25: [14]+25 = 39 to strike, 1d6*11: [5]*11 = 55 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+25: [14]+25 = 39 to strike, 6d6: [1, 5, 1, 6, 3, 5] = 21
Attack 6: Movement and attack if threatened. Paired sword strike: 1d20+25: [12]+25 = 37 to strike, 1d6*11: [1]*11 = 11 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+25: [8]+25 = 33 to strike, 6d6: [4, 5, 4, 4, 2, 3] = 22
Attack 7: Movement and attack if threatened. Paired sword strike: 1d20+25: [15]+25 = 40 to strike, 1d6*11: [5]*11 = 55 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+25: [2]+25 = 27 to strike, 6d6: [5, 3, 6, 3, 6, 1] = 24
Attack 8: Movement and attack if threatened. Paired sword strike: 1d20+25: [17]+25 = 42 to strike, 1d6*11: [4]*11 = 44 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+25: [17]+25 = 42 to strike, 6d6: [4, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2] = 20
Attack 9: Movement and attack if threatened. Paired sword strike: 1d20+25: [12]+25 = 37 to strike, 1d6*11: [5]*11 = 55 MD with Frostfang, 1d20+25: [14]+25 = 39 to strike, 6d6: [1, 2, 6, 2, 6, 5] = 22
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Gloriosa »

Perception: 1d100: [35] = 35 /29%
JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 / 1d100: [4] = 4

"Awww man..." The fog rolling in is a tactic Gloriosa has seen before. Hemmy uses it to control a battlefield. Or to water a regular field. There's a lot of moisture in fog. But he also knows it means the sky has been taken from him and it will be a while before he can find his way out of the obscuring envelopment.

Well, don't want to run into any of the bugs in here so maybe I'll just... Gloriosa shifts into his
, turns invisible, and starts a fast-paced canter in the direction he's facing. Either I sit here and wait, or I get it moving!

Gloriosa does his best to avoid combat with any of the bugs trapped in the fog with him, as he makes his way out.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 34*C (89*F), large, thick fog covers a 15 mile area. The remainder of the Lava Tornado causes a brief increase in temperature in the surrounding area.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Inside the Fog is almost like a maze, but the fighting has ceased and been replaced with a fear of running face first into a Locust without support. Grant tries to follow the radio signal but only gets static feedback at first as he starts moving and trying to use infrared vision and is able to avoid the closer Locust without much issue. It also lets him spot Gloriosa in the fog as the dragon assumes the form of a random dog. The pair end up meeting up and sticking together, with Grant able to walk them through the Locust without engagement. Unfortunately for them both, Ronith is moving far too fast to catch up too. Grant tries following the radio signal again (Using JiC 100) and manages to pick up the Skybunker's direction as Keiko leaves the radio signal open. Daisuke simply remains underground and burrows in the direction of the of the Skybunker, unable to speak but not debilitated completely.

Keiko eventually comes on the line. "I'm spotting some signals on the other side of the fog appearing and flying away. You guys or Locusts? We're staying put until we spot you." Keiko offers over the line. Ronith ends up barreling into a Locust due to his fast speed and the Fog partially interfering with his Minds' Eye, however the Cyber-knight is ready for it and tumbles beneath the frustrated demon, cutting it's legs as Ronith disappears back into the fog as quickly as he appeared.

Several tense minutes pass, with Daisuke being the first to pop out from the earth outside the Fog, able to fly again. Daisuke makes it to the Skybunker, the tense constraints on his vocal cords still apparent but lessening. Ronith ends up barreling out of the Fog towards the south of it, though quickly is able to re-orient himself and make his way back to the Skybunker. Grant and Gloriosa are the last two to emerge from the fog together, and the pair make it back to the Skybunker. Keiko looks to the others. "I still can't get a read on Hemlock or Pestilence but it looks like the Locusts are leaving the immediate area. Lilith and Zand are over here." Keiko says as she greets her fellow teammates.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: It took about 10 minutes for everyone to get out of the Fog.
Daisuke has two minutes before he can speak again, but will be able to speak during his post.
Everyone is in the Skybunker

Ronith: -115 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Grant: -30 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Daisuke: -86 MDC from Cosmic Armor ;
Keiko: Cosmic Armor Renewed; -12 personal S.D.C. from fall;
Hemlock: -10 MDC from Cosmic Armor, -19 MDC from Phantom
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Gloriosa »

Perception: 1d100: [5] = 5 /29%
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 / 1d100: [53] = 53

”Hi Mister Grant! It’s me, Gloriosa! I’m not really a dog. Also, most dogs aren’t this color. But you probably knew that. I think you’ve probably seen a dog before. This breed is called a Labrador Retriever. I don’t know why they call it that though. Probably because they… SQUIRREL.”
Gloriosa freezes in place for a moment before continuing on in stride with Grant.
“That was a dog joke. Anyway, did you know that dogs can…” Gloriosa does a terrible job at being stealthy, though the fog cover helps make up for that. He walks and walks and walks with Grant until…

”Hey look! No more fog! Let’s get back to the others! I’ve gotta tell Hemmy about how we dodged all those bugs back there!”

Gloriosa takes flight with Grant (either flying with him, clothing in his jaws or next to him) and heads back to the Skybunker. ”What’s up dudes?! We’re baaaack! It was crazy down there! They were all bzzz bzzz bzzz and we were all pew pew pew and then it was like…” At this point, Gloriosa does his best impression of a foghorn. ”And then I was all woof woof and then I saw Grant and then we flew and now we’re here and I’m all like blah blah blah, amirite?!” He smiles a
and then
on the ground to rest. ”So, did we get it? Pestilence? That’s two down, two to go, right? Someone tell Hemmy I’m gonna take a nap.”

Gloriosa curls up and takes a nap. Not because he’s tired, but because he’s a dragon and he can.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [40] = 40
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 , 1d100: [82] = 82
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m 1d100
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 68.50 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 520 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 479 PPE

Duration 56.25 minutes. Impervious to normal, magical and mega-damage fires. Hemlock caster level.

5 PPE | MA 9 | 35.25 min | Thermographic like vision out to 500'

2 PPE | BOM 92 | 2.25 min | 90' radius

4 PPE | BOM 92 | 2.25 min | 120' radius

Sense Ley Line 94% vs 1d100: [99] = 99 Is there a ley line within 110 miles of them? LOL - Nope.

Caught up in the swirling discordant magical energies released by Hemlock and her minions, Grant hears garbled communication over the radio but can't get a fix. Finding Gloriosa, he tries again while listening to the dragon-dog prattle. We are getting closer to the edge I think. Distracted, Grant treats Gloriosa like the dog it appears to be. In a whisper, "Ah Glorisa, I am glad I met a friend and not one of these demonic bugs. Now, heel! Quiet! Walkies! Walkies! Down! Good boy." He puts his hand over Gloriosa's muzzle and awkwardly holds his Omega Sword up to his lips and says, "Ssh, locust. Okay, it's gone, walkies, walkies."

Stepping out of the fog, Grant nods at Gloriosa's observation, "Yes, back to the Skybunker, hurray." Grant lifts off the ground, his silverly-blue form hugging the ground as they speed off.

"Hemlock could be anywhere in that fog cloud, the magical energy she expended was tremendous, trying to find her in the cloud would be worse than finding a needle in a haystack. I think our choices are we wait until the fog disburses and try to find her, or regroup with another of the teams and hope she finds her way back to us," Grant says once they've regrouped on the Skybunker.

If Grant unable to sense any ley lines says, "I don't sense any ley lines nearby to help us replenish our energies." He waves to the fog and shrugs, and then says, "I think we should try and regroup with one of the other teams, while the fog is still shielding us."

Grant also tries to find out what is happening with the other teams on the TW radio. This is H4H. We've defeated Famine, and believe we have engaged the minions of a second horseman, possibly Pestilence. What is the status of the other teams? Over."
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

The Other Side
Underguard wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2024 9:12 pm Hemlock, thanks to being in a Fourth Dimensional state can see that Pestilence's body of bugs has been basically dissolved by the fire and now stands at the epicenter of the Tornado as a towering and imposing skeleton. It seems to be able to weather both the lava and the winds, though in the center it is not flung into the air though Hemlock can see it is most perturbed. Pestilence keeps trying to leave the funnel but Cloudjumper, with Hemlock's guidance is keeping the tornado of lava centered on Pestilence.

Hemlock notes it will require a little more effort from her to eradicate Pestilence by herself, so she turns to Keiko and offers the Feline mage a bit of parting advice and thanks before teleporting Keiko back to the Skybunker as Hemlock and Ghost teleport into the funnel with Pestilence. There, the Godling decides this dimension is too good for the plague that Pestilence is. Sure, War and Death were still around, but Pestilence was against the very nature of Hemlock and it was this desire to protect nature that was ignited within her.
Hemlock of Asgard has transcended the limitations of the physical world. And time itself. She and her foe are falling through the Astral Plane, it is disorienting, yet strangely exhilarating.
Gloriosa wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:55 pm He smiles a
and then
on the ground to rest. ”So, did we get it? Pestilence? That’s two down, two to go, right? Someone tell Hemmy I’m gonna take a nap.”

Gloriosa curls up and takes a nap. Not because he’s tired, but because he’s a dragon and he can.
As Hemlock and Pestilence hurtle through the swirling chaos of the Astral Plane, Hemlock cannot help but think of Gloriosa, the young dragon hatchling left behind with the Heroes for Hire. She feels a pang of parental concern, a strange feeling indeed as she's never thought to have children of her own yet, and it tugs at her heart. She hopes he is safe, that he will continue learning, that he will thrive, no matter what the outcome of this battle. Somehow, across the vast expanse of the Astral Plane, a connection, a thread of parental love, links them. Gloriosa, in his own way, seems to sense this, a vision of his foster mother, an ancient godling of Asgard, battling monstrous foes in a realm beyond comprehension flashing through his mind as he slumbers. Oddly, he sees this through the eyes of Hemlock, and even hears her very thoughts.

In her fourth dimensional state she continues to battle Pestilence. A phantom in the Astral Plane, her senses are attuned to so much more than is possible to beings confined by the rivers of time. Pestilence, a skeletal shell of its former self, fights wildly as Hemlock continues to assault it.

The astral stars of infinity are their only witnesses, a silent backdrop to an epic struggle.

She anticipates the Horseman's movements before they occur, for her mind is a now mirror that reflects the future. She shifts back and fourth from her fourth dimensional state, vanishing and reappearing behind Pestilence, sometimes skipping a few seconds, or even a minute, but always returning anew. Her flaming katana and owl staff are a blur of motion meeting out punishment.

Reality is indeed warped in this astral place of twilight. Cloudjumper screeches in triumph whenever it lands a blow. And Firefox, the spirit of the katana, snarls with satisfaction. The battle rages, a chaotic symphony of divine power and demonic fury. Godling vs Demon.

As they tumble through this Astral Infinity, Hemlock's mind races. Pestilence is fleeing, retreating to his own domain, whatever hell these Horsemen reside between their apocalyptic visits. She wonders. Is this the source of Ragnarok itself? Some desolate plane, a festering wound in the fabric of reality? The thought disturbed her, and she was determined to see it. So she pursues Pestilence relentlessly as they hurtle towards the unknown.

If I see this place, Hemlock muses between savage cuts at Pestilence's face, I can always return to it later. It may be useful knowledge.

Then, with a jarring jolt, the fabric of reality tears anew. The astral stars about them fade to white and are replaced by a blinding, disorienting light. A dimensional shockwave, a ripple in the very fabric of existence, hurls Hemlock and Pestilence into a new plane of reality.

Here it is!

It is not Earth. Far from it. This is the apocalyptic ruin that is the home dimension of the Four Horsemen, a desolate wasteland where they reside between their visits to other realms. Hemlock is no stranger to traversing the realms, but this dimension feels different, ancient and malevolent.

She steps outside of time once more, and surveys the landscape. Twisted spires of rock pierce a perpetual twilight. They cast long, skeletal shadows across a barren wasteland. The air is thick with the stench of decay and despair, and there is a sense of foreboding of something that dwells deep within the ground below her feet.

This is their domain, she muses, the source of their power. A shiver runs down her spine. Now that I have seen it, I might be able to use it. Perhaps as a… deterrent. For those who annoy me excessively. Her mind conjures images of particularly irritating bureaucrats, politicians, and perhaps even the occasional bard who insisted on singing off-key.

Hemlock, her emerald eyes gleaming with a predatory light, watches as Pestilence, skeletal and freshly banished, stumbles back. But then, another figure emerges from the swirling shadows – Famine.

"Well, well," Hemlock says in a silken whisper that cuts through the oppressive silence. "Looks like the family reunion is in full swing."

A chilling smile plays upon her lips. "Two down, two to go."

The two Horsemen, their skeletal forms flickering in the dim light, turn in unison to face Hemlock. "This realm," Famine rasps in a chilling whisper, "is the corpse of a greater power. The body of an Old One!"

A chilling silence follows. Hemlock wonders at this primal source of darkness, a wellspring of apocalyptic power?

"And it will be your tomb," they add. Then the true battle commences.

But for Gloriosa, the vision is ended.
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 , 1d100: [54] = 54
PER: 1d100: [48] = 48 vs. 97%

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 61.00 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 435/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
16m00s, Can see shape of everything within a 750-foot radius even if concealed by magic (save for invisibility: superior), no penalties when blind, can sense and interpret shape/distance/direction/speed/location of everything around in all directions with accuracy of 94%, adds +3I, +2s, +2p/d and cannot be snuck upon or surprised. Heavy rain or smoke negates bonuses and induces a -30% penalty.

After stabbing the locust into submission, Ronith hurries to try and escape the fog and meet up with the others. He touches down and asks ”Is this everyone?” just as Gloriosa and Grant emerge from the fog. All save one, anyway. Odinspeed, Hemlock. Glad that the sorrow in his face is concealed from view, Ronith waves the others into the Skybunker. ”Let’s go. We can get these people to safety, regroup, and plan our next move.” Before entering the APC Ronith stares into the fog, hoping against hope that his new (yet old) recruit is alright despite dangling with a demon lord. That should be you, old man. Don’t rest your bones for too long. With a soft sigh Ronith enters the APC and gets back to business. At Grant’s question, Ronith shakes his head. ”No, Hemlock can take care of herself. Our job is to do all we can with the time she has given us.” The cyber-knight can’t help but brood, a little, but he tries to keep his dark mood to himself.
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 34*C (89*F)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Everyone watches around the fog and the vast majority of the Demon Locusts in the area disperse in random locations, though only Keiko knows for that Hemlock engaged Pestilence directly and then vanished with the Horsemen. Gloriosa, still as a dog, is looking around and asking for Hemmy and that Pestilence has been bested. Grant doesn't notice any Ley Lines in the area. Ronith takes a headcount, Lilith and Zand both accounted for. Hemlock is the only one who hasn't returned to the Bunker with Keiko seeming to be quiet, as if in thought.

Grant takes to the radio to contact the other two main teams and hears back from Dawn Patrol almost immediately. "Dawn Patrol here, we are still in pursuit of War who is still bound south by southeast. War is going much faster than us, though. We haven't heard from the Granite Knights." There is a pause over the radio before it clicks again. "If you had Famine and Pestilence, and we had War, then they were tracking Death. Hopefully we hear from them soon. Over" The Dawn Mercenary says over the line.

The Fog remains like a soup of clouds over the area just beyond the bunker and is a giant dead zone for sensors. Though it stands to reason that War will see it and head towards it. The group isn't sure how far away War is but Ronith can figure they have at least 15-20 minutes of time to plan and regroup. Right now the Skybunker is still parked about a mile south, southwest of the fog.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: About 10 minutes have passed

Ronith: -115 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Grant: -30 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Daisuke: -86 MDC from Cosmic Armor ;
Keiko: Cosmic Armor Renewed; -12 personal S.D.C. from fall;
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [72] = 72
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 , 1d100: [14] = 14
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m 1d100
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 58.50 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 520 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 479 PPE

Duration 46.25 minutes. Impervious to normal, magical and mega-damage fires. Hemlock caster level.

5 PPE | MA 9 | 255.25 min | Thermographic like vision out to 500'

Sense Ley Line 94% vs 1d100: [23] = 23 Is there a ley line within 110 miles of them?
Sensory Equipment 109% vs 1d100: [98] = 98 | Detect War's detectors | Oh lordy. Maybe that JIC will help.

After hearing Dawn Patrol's response, Grant replies back, Thanks Dawn Patrol. Can you give us a description of War? You said he was moving faster than you, was this under his own power or was he on a vehicle?

Grant looks towards Inzah, Where can we go to drop these people off? If we leave a trail, we are going to doom whomever we leave them with. "Inzah, is there any place you'd recommend dropping off the survivors short of returning back to Taunak? I don't think we want to go directly to any village or town, but some place that these people can hide and then move out after we have gone is probably best."

Based on Inzah's recommendation, Grant instructs Butch and Sundance, "Get us off the ground and head [direction from Inzah], keep low, but best possible speed." If the Dawn Patrol mention that War was using technology to move fast Grant will move up to the sensor station once underway. He uses the sensors to see if he can detect War using his own radar/lidar). If War is using some sort of military vehicle or robot, then it seems reasonable that he'd be expert in their use including sensors.
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 , 1d100: [24] = 24
PER: 1d100: [55] = 55 vs. 97%

Land Navigation- 1d100: [84] = 84 vs. 106%
To locate signs of suitable habitations, or failing that a secluded area, to drop off their guests.
Paramedic- 1d100: [54] = 54 vs. 121%
To provide any medical attention needed to the refugees.

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 51.00 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 435/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
6m00s, Can see shape of everything within a 750-foot radius even if concealed by magic (save for invisibility: superior), no penalties when blind, can sense and interpret shape/distance/direction/speed/location of everything around in all directions with accuracy of 94%, adds +3I, +2s, +2p/d and cannot be snuck upon or surprised. Heavy rain or smoke negates bonuses and induces a -30% penalty.

Ronith sighs at the headcount. No more casualties. That’s something, at least. Given that we’ve taken down one- maybe two- Horsemen. Still, I would dearly love to know whether the fiend is down. That Hemlock’s sacrifice had some meaning to it. Ronith will nod at Grant taking the lead on finding the refugees a home, guided by Inzah’s recommendation. If the locals can find somewhere to safely debark the refugees, Ronith will let them lead it. Otherwise, he’ll take a look at any maps or navigation equipment they have and see if he can figure out somewhere safe(-ish) to deposit them. Either way, he’ll call out to the others, ”Well done, everyone. With luck, and Hemlock’s sacrifice, we are halfway done. Take five- we’re going to need to be as close to rested as we can get if we are do battle with War.” And whatever monstrosities guard him. Ronith, for his part, doesn’t feel much need to meditate so he moves among the people they saved to offer what medical aid he can- conventional first aid for the most part, healing touches with Frostfang where necessary.
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Gloriosa »

Perception: 1d100: [26] = 26 /29%
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [36] = 36

Sleep comes easily to Gloriosa. A quick curl up, get your head near your feet, make sure your tail is in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and boom it's snooze o'clock. It's what happens after that is harder to predict or control. Last week, he had a dream about his parent, Aghaingeir and what seemed like his current adventures soaring above snowcapped forest under heavy cloud cover. The week before, it was a tea party with Bumblebee and action figures of the rest of the Heroes for Hire. But today, he dreams of his best friend, Hemlock.

It's a cool dream. He's fighting that dude Pestilence and totally beating him up. The background keeps changing; a field of stars, a pile of gold, a lake of fire, a pile of gold, so on and so forth. At one point, a table with four turtles eating pizza slowly floats by. Huh.

Cloudjumper and Firefox do a bunch of cool stuff as Hemmy continues to lay the smack down. The background changes one final time and it's all gross and boring. Rocks and stuff. Never did care much about rocks. All of a sudden there's two dudes for Hemmy to fight!

Back in the real world, Gloriosa as a metamorphed red dog is kicking in his sleep while muttering "You can do it, Hemmy".

Bumblebee pokes him a couple of times to wake him up.

Image"Gloriosa. Are you having a bad dream. You should wake up."Image

Gloriosa's eyes dart open and he looks around. "Wait. Where is Hemlock?"

When he hears the news that his mentor, co-traveler, best friend in the whole wide world is missing, he springs into action, leaping out of the Skybunker and
as close as he can manage to the fog where his friend was last seen. Maybe there's a portal or a heat signature or some sign of where she went. He uses every sense at his disposal to try to locate his friend, but there's a sinking feeling in his heart that he didn't just have a dream, but rather a glimpse into Hemlock's current reality.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Daisuke »

Perception: d%: [51] = 51 | 74%
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 | d%: [43] = 43 %
Character Sheet

  • MDC: 291/303
  • PPE: 13/13
  • Worn:
    • Casual Clothes
    • CP-40 <slung>. Current e-clip: 12/21 shots.
    • 6 spare e-clips
TFRC-02 FreeRunner Combat Exoskeleton
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 45
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: +5% to prowl, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +1 APM, +3 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to disarm, +6 to roll w/impact, -10% to electronic perception
  • All Features of Triax EBA
  • Molecular Adhesion Pads on hands and feet
  • Impact Absorbing Systems (p.89, MercOps)
  • Triples wearer's speed, fatigue reduced to 20% usual rate
  • Increase leap ability by 50%
  • Infrared & thermal masking

Book Reference: Kraus Imported Arms

Wilk's Jet Pack
M.D.C.: 20
Crew: One
Power System: Electric
Maximum Speed: 120 mph
Maximum Altitude: 1,200'
Maximum Range: 500 miles
Dimensions: 3' long, 30 lbs.
Book Reference: p.267, R:UE

CA-4 Dead Boy EBA
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 70
  • Arms: 60 each
  • Legs: 80 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 20 lbs.
Modifiers: -5% to climb, -20% to other physical skills
  • All standard Dead Boy EBA features (p.100, WB11)

Book Reference: p.100, WB11

NG Bush Pilot Armored Jumpsuit
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Flight Helmet: 35
  • Arms: 9 each
  • Legs: 20 each
  • Main Body: 25

Weight: 6 lbs.
Modifiers: None
  • Flight helmet includes built-in radio and nightvision goggles

Book Reference: p.77-78, WB33

NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 50
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 50 each
  • Main Body: 90

Weight: 21 lbs. for human equivalent, 35 lbs. for giant-sized.
Modifiers: -10% to physical skills
  • All standard NE environmental armor features (p.35-36, DB8)
    Upgrades and Packages
    • HUD Visor Allows 6 different screens to be viewed without impairing vision.
    • Basic Weapons Package
      • Retractable Energy Blade (Right Forearm)
        • Damage: 3D6 M.D.
      • Garrote Strangle Cord (Left Wrist)
        • Damage: 4D6 (+P.S. Damage Bonus)
      • Plasma Flame Thrower
        • Range: 200' (20' AoE)
        • Damage: 5D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 15 Shots per E-Clip
      • Utility Laser Finger
        • Range: 1,000'
        • Damage: 2D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 20 shots. (Standard E-Clip)
    • Robotic Exoskeleton
      • Robotic P.S. of 25, +4 P.P., +20 Speed, +10' to leaps, +10% to Climbing, Reduce Fatigue by 75%
      • Restrained Punch: 6D6, Punch/Kick: 1D4 M.D., Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2D4 M.D.
    • Built-In N-F20A Force Field
      • M.D.C.: 75
      • Voice Activated
    • Laser Distancer & Targeting
      • +1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
      • Range 2,000'
    • Optics Enhancements
      • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
      • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
      • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
      • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
      • Light Polarization
    • Mini-Radar/Sonar System
      • Can track up to 12 targets
      • Range: 2 miles
    • Integrated Sensor Pod
      • 360° scanning capability
      • +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
    • Advanced Communication Package
      • Includes: Basic receiver/transmitter, secure cryptological encoding, burst transmission capability, and if the Suit has the HUD Enhancement is capable of sending and receiving text communications
      • Range: 30 miles
    • IFF & Targeting Computer
      • Computerized recognition and identification system similar to the Wilk's PC-2020 Field Identifier System
      • Can Identify up to 6,000 targets with 92% accuracy
    • Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers
      • +2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
    • Identification Package
      • Laser, Holographic, Portable Computer, Programmed with thousands of images of known enemy insignia, uniforms, body armor, weapons, robots, and combat vehicles.
      • Includes: Passive Night Vision Goggles, Portable Language Translator, and a Laser Distancer

Book Reference: p.37-39, DB8

Wilk's 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon
  • Range: 3000'
  • Damage: 5D6+3 M.D. per shot or 3D4x10 M.D. per 3-pulse burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-pulse bursts only
  • Payload: 240 shots with a portable generator
  • Weight: 40 lbs.; portable generator weighs 70 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons; Generator recharges at 8 shots per hour; 1 hour to charge when connected to nuclear power supply
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.104, MercOps

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle
  • Range: 2000'
  • Damage:
    • Low-power shot: 3D6
    • Low-power burst: 1D6x10
    • Single shot: 2D6 M.D.
    • Burst: 6D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot bursts only
  • Payload:
    • E-Clip: 21 shots
    • LE-Clip: 30 shots
    • E-Canister: adds 60 shots to overall payload
    • Note: 30 low power shots = 1 M.D. shot
  • Weight: 9 lbs.; 4 lbs. for an E-canister
  • Features: Passive nightvision scope (2,000'), laser targeting
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
  • Book Reference: p.92, WB11

GAW .50 Six Barrel Machine-Gun
  • Range: 8,000'
  • Damage: 2D6x10, or 2D6x100 burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 10-round bursts only
  • Payload: 300, 600 or 1,200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum
  • Weight: 85 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.121, Merc Ops

Saving Throw Bonuses (if Mimic/revert to base stats)
Eye of Odin grants +1 save vs all (not included below)
Coma/Death: 28% (+4%)
Toxins (15+): +7 (+1)
Magic (varies): +7 (+1)
Magic (Illusions): +10 (+2)
Magic (mind-altering): +15 (+7)
Lethal Poison (14+): +7 (+1)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +7 (+1)
Insanity (12+): +16
Psionics (12+): +7
Horror Factor: +13
Disease: +7 (+2)
Drugs (mind-altering): +8 (+6)
Possession: +13 (+6)
  • Sustain | BOM 109 | 33 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
  • Copy Animal Attributes [Mole]. ((Super Burrowing, Nightvision, Impervious to Magic)) 69.50 min.
  • Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 51.00 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 414/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Ronith wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 4:27 pm”Well done, everyone. With luck, and Hemlock’s sacrifice, we are halfway done. Take five- we’re going to need to be as close to rested as we can get if we are do battle with War.”
If Hemlock is no longer here, the dynamics of the fight will be very different. And I, for one, will need to be on point and cannot afford to make mistakes like I did in the earlier fight. Daisuke muses. Then realizes that he should take this opportunity to rectify the problem he had in the previous fight.

Daisuke goes through the sky bunker looking for a radio headset that he can key into the team frequency to better coordinate with his squad-mates.

After he sorts out his communications, the Arismal looks to be helpful around the bunker. Since he is not one that needs to rest to replenish mental or magical reserves, he recognizes that he can continue to labor and be of assistance. He finds Grant working hard on trying to get the survivors to safety.
Grant Latham wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:19 pm"Inzah, is there any place you'd recommend dropping off the survivors short of returning back to Taunak? I don't think we want to go directly to any village or town, but some place that these people can hide and then move out after we have gone is probably best."

Based on Inzah's recommendation, Grant instructs Butch and Sundance, "Get us off the ground and head [direction from Inzah], keep low, but best possible speed."
"As an alternative, I can also offer up the possibility of excavating an underground cavern to hide the bunker so that the survivors can be hidden and out of sight at minimum. I believe if given enough time, I can reinforce the support of the cavern to minimize chances of collapse and also leave a tunnel exit to the surface so that those within the bunker are not actually entombed and have options for disembarkation." Daisuke offers. Though internally, he isn't sure they have enough time for such an elaborate construction effort.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 34*C (89*F)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Grant maintains communications with Dawn Patrol. "He's merged with several weapon systems and a type of robot or uparmored power armor I've never seen before. He has at least two flying at similar speeds to him; though they've all slowed down. Maybe you gave him something to think about. We managed to cook some more out of our engines and gained a tail on him. Based on your location; you've got 30 minutes before he's on you unless he slows down again, and we're a few minutes behind that. Maybe we can flank him." The Dawn Merc suggests.

Grant then turns to Inzah who has stabilized the survivors rather efficiently as she nods. "There is a small village of hunters not far from here. Due Southwest maybe 15 miles from us." Inzah suggests, about a 5 minute hop for the Skybunker. Ronith is notably impressed by Inzah's healing ability to be able to stabilize so many. Grant regrettably is now certain there is no Ley Line within 110 miles of them, and can't really be sure where any of them are in Africa except the two known Nexus points in Taunak and Egypt. Ronith has everyone take five to recuperates before the inevitable encounter with War and whatever follows him. Daisuke offers his idea of an underground bunker, though the there likely isn't enough time for that. Grant has Butch move the Skybunker towards the village Inzah suggested.

Gloriosa has a particularly bad dream and when the dragon-dog wakes, he leaps out of the Skybunker and rushes to the last known position of Hemlock to find nothing. No trace of his friend, no portal, no heat signature. There is a faint lingering scent of the rotting stench of Pestilence and a hint of rosary from Hemlock, however both lead to nothing.

Unless Grant orders the Skybunker to stop to chase Gloriosa, it arrives at the village in a matter of minutes. Grant used the time to try to track War's movements on the sensors but the Horsemen must still be out of their range. The village is a low-tech, very basic hut-living group of similar markings to Inzah. They greet Inzah in an unrecognizable language and immediately swarm the Skybunker, helping offload the survivors. Inzah ends up staying with them allowing the Skybunker more room and Inzah a change to finish healing the survivors.

What are your intentions?

[Hot on the War Path]

Stardust sat in the back of the hover craft with several others on the Dawn Patrol. This was the second Mercenary group Stardust joined after escaping into Merctown and, despite some of their crustiness, it was a solid group. Two magic users who operated a form of power armor, the rest were ex-soldiers or mercenaries. According to the captain, one Renault Tarikos, this was the largest contract the group had ever seen but at least a couple of them had some experience taking down big targets.

Right now, it was a high speed chase. Stardust observed War barrel off at speeds well over 1,000 MPH with at least two minions following suit. The Dawn Patrol vehicle wasn't able to hold a candle to that even at top speed. It was however meant for deploying power armors and comfortably held everyone in the small team while in their armors. Though one of the techno-mages on the team was attempting to squeeze some extra engine speed out of it. Tarikos enters the back of the vehicle and addresses the other five members of the Dawn Patrol.

"Alright, listen up. War slowed down, so we've got him on radar. Must be rethinking how it's going to engage the Heroes. Everyone be ready, when it comes time, there will be no slowing down. I just got off comms with the Heroes for Hire. I'm suggesting we pincer War, attack from two sides before the last Horsemen catches up. Questions?" Tarikos asks and one of them raises a hand.

"So it's true then that the Heroes managed to take down two of them? That's some pretty damn impressive firepower." One of the mercenaries asks. Stardust recognizes this mercenary as Adrian Guroni, an ex-soldier. Tarikos nods at the question.

"Seems so, but the firepower on War makes doing that again precarious at best. We've still not heard anything from the Granite Knights. So, let's hope they are simply radio silent." Tarikos states than clasps his hands. "Alright, weapons check and focus time. Need y'all to be fighting for that thing that keeps you alive right now." Tarikos says then leaves towards the front of the craft.

Stardust can hear the engines seem to increase in speed as they are left in the back with the other four members (five counting Stardust). Guroni, sitting across from Stardust nods his head. "Drinks are on me after the payday." Guroni says, prompting one of the other mercs named Jason Sutter to pump their fist. "Gonna sleep for a week after this." Sutter retorts. The mercs continue relatively friendly banter.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: Allowing Stardust some RP time before being thrown into the Combat Grinder.

About 7-10 minutes has passed.

Ronith: -115 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Grant: -30 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Daisuke: -86 MDC from Cosmic Armor ;
Keiko: Cosmic Armor Renewed; -12 personal S.D.C. from fall;
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Gloriosa »

Perception: 1d100: [30] = 30 /29%
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [100] = 100

"She's... gone. They took my only friend to some dimension of evil. I'm going to get her back if it's the last thing I do." Gloriosa takes one last look at the location, marking it in his head permanently. Locations have meaning, just like names. I'll need to come here if I am to get her back. I'm sure of it.

Gloriosa, the totally normal flying red dog and not at all a disguised dragon, flies back to the Skybunker and makes his way to Grant. With deep sadness in his voice, he asks "Mister Wizard, sir. When this is over, will you help me get my friend back? I can't destroy Atlantis without her."

When the Skybunker reaches the village, Gloriosa trots off board and looks around at the surrounds. "Bumblebee, this totally sucks."

Image"I am sorry, Gloriosa. If you would like, I can dig you a hole. Or say one of the catchphrases from this body's user manual."Image
"No thanks, Bumblebee. Let's go look at stuff, OK?"
Image"OK. Let's roll out!"Image
Bumblebee transforms from a robot into a volkswagon and trails Gloriosa through the village.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 , 1d100: [36] = 36
PER: 1d100: [9] = 9 vs. 97%

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 41.00 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 435/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Assuming Ronith also has access to Grant’s communications with the Dawn Patrol he considers their report. The Horseman War can merge with technology? I wonder if it will still be susceptible to my Zen forms. Only one way to find out, I suppose. Might give us the edge we need. When Gloriosa makes a break for it, Ronith turns and races to try and stop her ”Gloriosa, WAIT! We need to stick together!” But the impulsive hatchling is too quick for him. The cyber-knight curses and self-recriminates. You’re getting slow, old man. Should any of the others express a desire to chase after their wayward hatchling, Ronith will scowl and say ”No. The civilians are our first priority. Then we need to prepare to engage War. Gloriosa knows the stakes, and she has every right to be upset over Hemlock. We just have to hope that she will find her way back to us in time.” I’ll be damned if I let any of the others get lost in the fog. Hm. If it’s still there that must mean Hemlock is still alive, right? Odinspeed, Godling. ”Make for the village, but let’s be quick about it- the less time we linger, the lower the chances any of the Horsemen or the Pharoah’s minions will target it.” If our enemies were smart they’d target these people and use them as hostages. We only have to hope that their lust for death and destruction will blind them to such strategic thinking. When they arrive, Ronith will assist with the debarkation of the civilians they rescued with the goal of getting the Skybunker back in the air as soon as possible. Once that is done, he will exhale heavily and take a breather for however little time is left- ideally squeezing in some meditation before it’s back into the fray. When Gloriosa returns, Ronith nods and doesn’t say much beyond a murmured ”I’m sorry about your friend. But perhaps the fog is a good sign- my understanding is limited but I don’t think spells can outlive their creators like that.”
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [8] = 8
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 , 1d100: [48] = 48
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m 1d100: [26] = 26
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 57.50 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 520 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 479 PPE

Duration 39.25 minutes. Impervious to normal, magical and mega-damage fires. Hemlock caster level.

5 PPE | MA 9 | 248.25 min | Thermographic like vision out to 500'


Sensory Equipment 109% vs 1d100: [21] = 21 | Detect the bad guys, good guys, or any guys within the Skybunker's range

Grant shares the information he's received. "We've got about 30 minutes if the horseman doesn't stop or change direction. They say he's using various technological weapon systems that appear to be melded to the horseman's body. The Dawn Patrol said he still has two escorts in power armor as well."

The mage stay on the sensors even as they land unload. I can't think of any power armors or robots that can go fast than the speed to sound. The best NG or CS tech is probably still slower than what the Cosmic Armor spell offers in an atmosphere. Perhaps like a few Operators I've met, War has an ability to increase the performance of technological devices.

From his spot in the cockpit, Grant says, "We should expect that if/when we engage War, he will be as maneuverable as we are. The Skybunker isn't a war machine, he will probably be able to run rings around it. The Dawn Patrol suggested they might be able to flank War. With the speed differential it would seem that our best bet is to move in an arc to allow them to cut the distance." Grant finds a napkin and does a quick diagram. "We will have to engage War so the SkyBunker can move out of harms way. It would be best if we could find someone way to limit his movement. Maybe Daisuke's idea of going to ground is the way to go."

The mage looks out of the windows at the terrain, thinking before continuing, he shouts to get Inzah's attention, "Inzah! Inzah! Over here, please. When she reenters the Skybunker, Grant asks her, Do you or these villagers know of a canyon or densely forested area nearby?"

resized napkin.png
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Stardust »

JIC: 1d100: [78] = 78 / 1d20: [12] = 12
Perception: 1d100: [34] = 34 /26%

Conditions: HF/Awe: 12 (when identified as a Pleasurer), Tele-Empathy and Empathic Dependence (190ft radius)


Caidyn listens to the explanation from Tarikos and just remains silent inside their power armor, ready to deploy at a moments notice. Still not the worst job I’ve ever taken. Caidyn thinks to themself with a brief shudder as the inflection of internal laughter echoes in their head. Hell, nah. Guns, credits and booze? What more could you ask for. Now that’s a good time right there The more energetic and nigh-malicious sounding voice echoes in their head. Babe you wouldn’t know a good time if it were sitting on your lap. A far more feminine voice answers as Caidyn shakes their head. Okay, well, when the marbles fall, gonna need to be trigger happy if we want to survive. Caidyn reminds themself. Say no more, sugar. I got this The exchange is an ongoing one, yet their fellow Merc’s might notice Caidyn’s posture change as Caidyn begins another weapons check, the gun-loving Starshot running the show in her head.
Guroni wrote:"Drinks are on me after the payday."
Starshot holds up their finger and points to Guroni. “You’re on sweet cheeks, I got second round after our pay goes through” Starshot answers then turns to the one named Stutter. “You can sleep with a well deserved hangover, toots. Once we survive this, there’s gonna be some celebrating.” Starshot retorts with an unseeable smirk behind the helmet. Their outward confidence thanks to Starshot taking the reigns and being relatively fearless. Caidyn was having their doubts any of them would survive at all, not that it’s a though they’d share.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 34*C (89*F)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Ronith attempts to stop Gloriosa from bolting off but is far too late to catch her. SIlently cursing himself for not having a better handle on his team, he orders the Skybunker to the village to offload the survivors. Gloriosa goes through some personal dilemma with the friendly spirit Bumblebee who promises to see Hemlocks' mission through to the end. The dragon-dog then making it ways back towards the direction of the Skybunker and the village at a much slower pace than the Skybunker. Grant spends the time discussing tactics while Diasuke, Keiko and the others listen in. Then suddenly, an idea from Daisuke sparks something in Grant's mind and he calls over Inzah again. The question prompts a confused face from the warrior.

"Well, the Great Rift. The largest canyon in a thousand miles, your flying vehicle landed near it before we saved these survivors. It is back towards the east around a hundred miles away. Then the Congo to the west, though that is even further away." Inzah explains as everyone remembers the large, Grand Canyon-like cut in the African Plate. Grant knows if they leave towards the Great Rift now, they'll get there within minutes of War being on them if he doesn't slow down again. Gloriosa has still not arrived at the village yet, though is about 3/4 of the way there.

What are your intentions?

[Hot on the War Path]

"Fine, but I ain't buying no rounds." Stutter retorts and waves off Starshot's remarks as Guroni bumps metallic fists with Starshot. "Lot of gumption. You're alright, kid." Guroni says to Starshot. "How long you been with us anyway? One of the quickest hires we've ever had." Guroni admits as he makes conversation with Starshot and Stutter. "And how'd you land the Ironwing?" Stutter adds. [RP - you can make something up here.]

What are your intentions?
GM Note: Stardust please create a signature with a hyperlink to your sheet.
Next post or two will introduce War so plan accordingly

Ronith: -115 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Grant: -30 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Daisuke: -86 MDC from Cosmic Armor ;
Keiko: Cosmic Armor Renewed; -12 personal S.D.C. from fall;
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Stardust »

JIC: 1d100: [2] = 2 / 1d20: [19] = 19
Perception: 1d100: [49] = 49 /26%

Conditions: HF/Awe: 12 (when identified), Tele-Empathy and Empathic Dependence (190ft radius)

Guroni wrote:"Lot of gumption. You're alright, kid." "How long you been with us anyway? One of the quickest hires we've ever had.""And how'd you land the Ironwing?"

Caidyn waves off the comment with mock confidence. “Few months now, and if I knew we’d be going against some power-mad demons I would’ve taken the stripping job.” Caidyn remarks before patting part of Ironwing’s gauntlet. Shit, why’s this guy trying to make friends. Just trying to complicate things. Turmoil grows in Caidyn’s mind. Don’t pick a fight over it, we need this. Just play along. Imagine how far away we could get with the reward money. Caidyn challenged their inner thoughts. Yeah, play along, sugar. Could always let me drive for a bit, I’ll get them good and friendly. Another thought echoed in their mind. We don’t have to do that anymore. Yeah babe, can just blast shit with the Ironwing instead. Ain’t no one touching this ass while I’m around. A thought confidently flouted in their mind as Caidyn shook their head. Shit, the Ironwing. Make something up. Caidyn says as they realize they have probably been spacing out.

“Oh, sorry toots. Was just reliving how I got this beautiful hunk of steel. Ya know, it wasn’t always this pretty. Had some serious fire thrown at it as I fought my way through a black market gladiatorial ring a ways northwest from Merctown. Was my championship prize. This place just loved having hot armors and sexy drivers to run the numbers up. Amirite?” Caidyn says nudging the nearest merc. How's that for a story? They think with a smirk behind the helmet before changing the subject.

“Speaking of hunk of steel, what are we doing against War? Hasn’t that thing basically shrugged off everything we’ve thrown at it?” Caidyn adds with an apparent robo-shrug. “I mean, I know. Boss said we’re flanking but we need some sort of strat. I say fliers go in first, ground pounders hit when the thing is distracted. Keep shifting its attention and hopefully let the Heroes do a mean ambush.” Caidyn suggests. Heroes for Hire is such a tacky name The thought reminds Caidyn. Must you judge everything? Caidyn scolds themself as another thought crosses their mind. Think they’d be strong enough to fend off Sid? This thought then prompted Caidyn to shudder.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [13] = 13
JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 , 1d100: [96] = 96
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m 1d100: [60] = 60
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 57.50 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 520 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 479 PPE

Duration 39.25 minutes. Impervious to normal, magical and mega-damage fires. Hemlock caster level.

5 PPE | MA 9 | 248.25 min | Thermographic like vision out to 500'


Sensory Equipment 109% vs 1d100: [79] = 79 | Detect the bad guys, good guys, or any guys within the Skybunker's range

"The Great Rift?" Grant says repeating back to Inzah, "Sir Ronith, that seems as good as place as any to make our stand. At the very least it keeps the people of this village safe." Grant turns back to look at the scope, before turning back, "Inzah, if any of those we rescued have their weapons and feel up to continue to the fight invite them back on board."

As Inzah leaves, Grant says to the rest of the team, "I am not the strategist here, but I am thinking we drop them off at the near edge of the Rift to give them the high ground from which to attack, I can cover them in illusion to hide their presence until they attack. We'd keep going and engage War and his minions in the Great Rift, though it sounds like it maybe miles wide. What does everyone else think so Sir Ronith knows all his options to make a decision?"

Grant focuses back on the sensory equipment to make sure they aren't caught by surprise. Whatever we decide, we need to do it quickly, War will catch us out in the open otherwise.
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 34*C (89*F)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Inzha nods and returns to the village and after a few minutes Grant and the others are surprised to see almost three dozen volunteers willing to help fight off War. As Inzah gathers them, Grant begins strategizing with the other Heroes who remain largely quiet. Ronith seems to be in focused thought while Keiko has been uncharacteristically quiet since Hemlock's stunt. Daisuke also appears to be lost in thought though Lilith and Zand seem to listen to Grant's question. "The Great Rift seems better than an open battlefield. I like giving the locals the higher ground by using that." Zand offers. Lilith crosses their arms and nods. "From what I recall the Great Rift was miles large in most points but had several smaller canyons and chokepoints we could probably use." Lilith offers.

What are your intentions?

[Hot on the War Path]

A few of the mercs look between each other at Stardusts' idea and shrug in approval. One of them in a ground armor leans in. "You saw the size of that thing War was riding. Practically ants to that thing." The merc suggests with another merc waving it off. "Well, a multi-pronged attack would be the best way to do it." Then the door to the pilot hatch opens with Tarikos appearing in the doorway.

"What, we doing a planning session without the captain? Sounds like a mutiny." Tarikos says with a frown before cracking up and laughing. "Alright, so I heard multiprong attack. So far we haven't even been able to scan the thing. It just appears as a deadzone on the radar and our instruments have a hard time locking onto it. Means we gotta get close to attack it. As Mane here pointed out, all of our armors are at least half the size if not more." Tarikos recounts. "Better hope those Heroes have some big guns."

"Captain!" The pilot calls out. "Got three migs moving fast from the northeast, right to War. Sensors are picking up Kittani signatures." The pilot warns as Tarikos disappears back into the pilot's room.

What are your intentions?
GM Note:

Ronith: -115 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Grant: -30 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Daisuke: -86 MDC from Cosmic Armor ;
Keiko: Cosmic Armor Renewed; -12 personal S.D.C. from fall;
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Grant Latham
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [52] = 52
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 , 1d100: [65] = 65
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m 1d100
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 57.50 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 520 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 479 PPE

Duration 39.25 minutes. Impervious to normal, magical and mega-damage fires. Hemlock caster level.

5 PPE | MA 9 | 248.25 min | Thermographic like vision out to 500'


Sensory Equipment 109% vs 1d100: [61] = 61 | Detect the bad guys, good guys, or any guys within the Skybunker's range

Grant looks up from the sensor as the volunteers and nods in welcome as they come aboard. These are some brave men and women. They faced Famine and it was luck that we arrived in time to save them. Then they were basically helpless while we dealt with Pestilence, and that outcome was only due to Hemlock's mastery of magic. With everyone aboard, Grant turns towards Butch and Sundance. "Butch! Sundance! Follow Inzah's instructions to travel to the Great Rift. Once we reach the edge we will land and disembark our troops." He holds out his hand and motions to Inzah to move up to find a seat behind the two robots. "Inzah, look for any large rocks or trees that can be used for cover on the cliff edge, if we don't find anything quickly, then just have us land near the edge. I plan to hide everyone under an illusion anyway, but something real to hide behind will help."

Grant will cast Illusionary Forest (BOM 133 | 90 for elaborate illusion | 1000' away affecting 33000 sq ft. using the surrounding area as a reference for the types of trees around | -3 to save | 330 min). If it's all just sand and rock, Grant will cast Illusionary Terrain instead (BOM 141 | 120 for elaborate illusion | -4 to save | 1000' away affecting 33000 sq ft. using the surrounding area as a reference | 330 min)

As they travel, Grant explains the plan to the volunteers if no one else does.

OOC - I estimate that everyone with Cosmic Armor active at the same time as Grant will have about 15 min remain when War appears.
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Gloriosa »

Perception: 1d100: [3] = 3 /29%
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 / 1d100: [13] = 13

Trotting on air, Gloriosa makes his way to the village to meet up with the rest of his team. When he lands, he sits himself down in the middle of the floor and says "She's not there." His emotions can be easily read on his face as the big red dog looks very very sad.

If he makes it in time to hear the orders/plan, he nods and heads toward the Skybunker.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Stardust »

JIC: 1d100: [25] = 25 / 1d20: [17] = 17
Perception: 1d100: [56] = 56 /26%

Conditions: HF/Awe: 12 (when identified), Tele-Empathy and Empathic Dependence (190ft radius)

Tarikos wrote:“Alright, so I heard multiprong attack. So far we haven't even been able to scan the thing. It just appears as a deadzone on the radar and our instruments have a hard time locking onto it. Means we gotta get close to attack it. As Mane here pointed out, all of our armors are at least half the size if not more.” “Better hope those Heroes have some big guns.”
Caidyn nods in agreement, tilting in consideration as they run over the idea in their head. Looks like we’re nearing that time. Heroes took down two of the horsemen, so they must have something working for them, right? Caidyn considers as another through flashes through their mind. Do you mean they must have some big… tools? Caidyn can’t help but shake their head as a louder voice spoke up. Alright, time to take the reigns. We need to impress the boys, afterall. Caidyn considers as their posture shifts within the power armor and Caidyn looks towards the boss and the others.

“Alright, boys, enough what-ifs. This thing is some sort of demon, right? It wants us afraid. Gotta move in fast and hard, surprise it. Look, we got what, three fliers and four ground plus this behemoth. Fliers go in first and engage it in the air. While it’s distracted, the ground pounders move in closer and acquire the target. Use target lock through the ground mechs to launch a salvo from this vessel. Coordinate with Heroes to engage while it’s distracted.” Caidyn says a lot more confidently than last time.
Pilot wrote: “Got three migs moving fast from the northeast, right to War. Sensors are picking up Kittani signatures.”
Caidyn looks over and reacts to the news. “I thought the squids had been beaten down already? I’ll warn Heroes, and unless you stop me, tell them our plan.” Caidyn says before grabbing the radio to the Heroes.

“Heroes, this is Starshot of the Dawn Patrol. We have three Kitanni signatures closing in on War’s location fast; possible remnants of other Splurgoth forces in the area. It’ll buy us time to get in position. I am recommending a multi-prong attack. We will engage with fliers first, then our ground pounders. While it’s distracted with us, you hit it from behind.” Caidyn explains over the radio.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 , 1d100: [6] = 6
PER: 1d100: [37] = 37 vs. 97%

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 21.00 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 435/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Lost in thought, Ronith absently nods along at the suggestion of The Great Rift but otherwise remains silent. When they land and begin disembarking the civilians the team rescued Ronith snaps out of his reverie and helps take charge. ”Let’s get these people off-loaded- I don’t think we have much time before we’ll be needed back in the fight.” I just hope the others don’t engage him without us. If/when they receive the transmission from ‘Starshot’ Ronith will redouble his efforts to get the civilians off-loaded posthaste.
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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