Dawn Breaker (Super Soldier - Approved)
Moderators: Game Masters, AGMs
- Dawn Breaker
- Posts: 105
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:13 pm
Dawn Breaker (Super Soldier - Approved)
Player Name: Shawn
Link to Ledger: Shawn Allen
Character Name: Subject #7734
Power Catagory:
Alias: Dominique Ferro , "Dawn Breaker" , "Demona" "Sparkplug" Robyn Hood
Occupation: Industrial Saboteur , BBMR Consultant
Alignment: Aberrant
XP Level: 5
XP Points: 17,801 (Updated 2/1/2025 by Dawg)
Next Level @ XP: 16,400
Birth Order/Family Ties:, Miriam Kensington (Surrogate mother, deceased), Darrel Kensington (surrogate father, deceased)
Land of Origin: Bluecove, Delaware, USA
Childhood Environment: Corporate town/small city
Social/Economic Background: Middle rank/Corporate
When Extraordinary Abilities First Manifested: 13
Sentiments/Aliens: They are fine provided they are of use or at least not a threat to humanity or out to exploit humans for profit or to further their own goals.
Sentiments/Mutants: Has no issues with them. It's how they use powers that matter.
Sentiments/Sector 10: She views them as a necessary thing. So long as they do not abuse the power granted.
Sentiments/Chimera: Dominique does not fully trust or distrust them and has no issues.
Dawn's Practice and tactical preferences:
- generally polite and keeps her opinions to herself until she knows someone well enough to gauge their response, can be brutally honest.
- lives by the idea that those who have swords and know how to use them but keep them sheathed will inherit the world.
- does not drink excessively or do drugs. She is always actively researching, learning new skills, or honing/updating her skills.
- will not apologize for wrongs instead, she will correct the faulty behavior in future encounters and acknowledge she made the error. Proof of an effort to correct mistakes is better than apologies in her mind.
- Motto: 'Invent, Innovate, Irradicate' (Has little time/tolerance for what she can't use/takes up space needlessly or is wasted material)
Insanity: Obsession Secrecy (Love/desire): Prizes her employers/teammates, ex-employers/ex-teammates, and BBMR's secrecy and privacy above all else, even in the face of common sense or the greater good. (This 'insanity' is standard to all BBMR clones. no exceptions.)
Stats or modifiers in blue are when transformed into APS: Mercury
Stats or modifiers in this color are when an Adapt To the Environment is in effect
I.Q.: 24
M.E.: 21
M.A.: 18
P.S.: 24 (34 Superhuman)
P.P.: 22
P.E.: 21
P.B.: 12
Speed: 22 (11)
P.P.E.: 4
H.P.: 46
S.D.C.: 130 (+300)
Age: 20
Sex: female
Height: 5'9
Weight: 212 (424 in APS)
- a fit 130ish or so pounds and does not show her strength in terms of physical build
- typically wears Cargo pants, two t-shirts (a short sleeve under a long sleeve), and an oversized hoodie
- Naturally bald, does not grow any body hair (No need to shave legs even.) Aside from eyebrows and lashes which are purple.
- Her eyes are onyx like the rest of her genetic line.
- All BBMR clone mutants, Including research and labor drones, are Type O-negative blood due to mutation. All clones are universal Blood Donors for blood transfusions.
Natural Abilities
Perception: 41%, +10% to perceiving abnormal environmental conditions, enhanced senses from Adapt to environments see rules here
Charm/Impress: 10%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 50%
IQ Bonus: +10%
Max. Encumbrance: 64 (Human) (127) see rules here
Max. Carrying Weight: 480 (6,800)
Max. Lifting Weight: 960 (10,100)
Max. Jumping Ability: 18 feet in Length, 9 feet high (40 feet in length, 13.5 high) see rules here
Sponsoring Organization & Status: Bluecove Bio-Medical Research (Medical/Scientific research facility)
Nature of the Experiment & Type: Exposure to an alien or unknown quantity (radiation, chemical, energy, and carefully crafted Genetics in those used as subjects. The BBMR knows but will not tell. it is a secret hundred's of years old.)
Nature of the Test Subject: Mutant
Current Status with the Sponsoring Organization: active
Likelihood of Successful Replication: A bona-fide success
Special Abilities
Alter Physical Self Mercury
Adapt To The Environment
Extraordinary Intelligence
Special Super soldier Enhancement
Attempted to Make the Character Invulnerable
Internal Robotic Medical System
Hypnotic Mental Conditioning
Immune System Enhancement
Special Skills
Specialties (From Extraordinary I.Q.):
Mathematics: Advanced 105% (+5%)
Artificial Intelligence 72% (+3%)
Robotics Program (From Extraordinary I.Q.):
Computer Operation 95% (+5%)
Computer Programming 65% (+5%)
Robot Electronics 60% (+5%)
--Electrical Engineer 65% (+5%)
Robot Mechanics 50% (+5%)
--Mechanical Engineer 55% (+5%)
*Robots and Power Armor 74% (+4%)
*Sensory Equipment 45% (+5%)
Extra Rogue or Communications skills (+10%):
Computer Hacking 65% (+5%)
I.D. Undercover Agent 66% (+4%)
Find Contraband, Weapons, & Cybernetics 62% (+4%)
Tracking: People 65% (+5%)
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert 70% (+5%)
--Basic Mechanics 60% (+5%)
Demolitions Disposal 76% (+3%, 2nd Level)
Trap Construction 43% (+4%,2nd Level)
Trap & Mine Detection 40% (+5%,2nd Level)
Crime Scene Investigation 45% (+5%)
Biology 40% (+5%)
Chemistry 40% (+5%)
Chemistry: Analytical 25% (+5%)
EP Purchased Skills
O.C.C. Skills
Education: Equal to a Military Specialist
Fundamental Skills:
Pilot: Automobile 78% (+2%)
Mathematics: Basic 105% (+5%)
Language: English 112% (+1%)
Literacy: English 80% (+5%)
Business Program (+20%)
Mathematics: Basic 105% (+5%)
Business and Finance 85% (+5%)
Computer Operation 95% (+5%)
Law 80% (+5%)
Research 100% (+5%)
Communications Program (+20%)
Basic Electronics 80% (+5%)
Radio: Basic 95% (+5%)
Electronic Countermeasures 80% (+5%)
T.V./Video 75% (+5%)
Cryptography 75% (+5%)
Professional Thief Program (+15%)
Locksmith 75% (+5%)
Prowl 80% (+5%)
Climbing 90 (+5%)
Surveillance 80% (+5%)
Espionage Program (Basic)(+10%)
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Intelligence 66% (+4%)
Interrogation 70% (+5%)
Detect Ambush 70% (+5%)
Detect Concealment 65% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival 70% (+5%)
Physical/Athletic Program
Acrobatics & Gymnastics:
--Sense of Balance 78% (+2%)
--Walk Tightrope or High Wire 77% (+3%)
--Work Parallel Bars & Rings 82% (+3%)
--Back Flip 88% (+2%)
--(or adds +10 to Prowl skill)
--(or adds +20% to Climbing skill)
--Climb Rope/Rappel 78% (+2%)
Swimming 70% (+5%)
Weapon Proficiency: Ancient Weapons Program
Paired Weapons (Whip-sword/Whip-sword)
W.P. Whip
W.P. Targeting
W.P. Archery
W.P. Master Archery:
Secondary Skills
Literacy: Braille 79% (+3%) [Not a spoken language]
First Aid 75% (+5%)
Computer Repair 60% (+5%)
Astronomy & Navigation 75% (+5%)
Pilot: Hover Craft (Ground) 80% (+5% 2nd level)
Forced March (2nd Level)
Athletics (general) (2nd Level)
Carpentry 45% (+5%,2nd Level)
Combat Data
HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5 (+1 from Pseudo pods)
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +8
Dodge Bonus: +9
HTH Damage Bonus: +7 (+19)
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +8
Bonus to Roll w/fall: +8
Bonus to Roll w/impact: +3
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3
Bonus to Disarm: +2
(the following are moves she uses)
Hand strikes
Special and other Bonuses
Adapt to Physical Environment Combat-related info:
Adapt to Physical Environment (Arctic/Freezing):
Adapt to Physical Environment (Desert/Extreme Heat and Dry):
Adapt to Physical Environment (Radiation):
Adapt to Physical Environment (Disease/Plague):
Adapt To The Environment (Nocturnal or Underground):
Never used outside of training
Weapon Proficiency
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike
Bonus Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
Physical Prowess modifiers apply to strike, parry, and dodge in HTH melee combat and ranged melee attacks (natural energy blasts, thrown objects, & archery) only.
W.P. Master Archery - +3 strike (+9 with W.P. Targeting/P.P.), +1 parry (+9 with HTH) +2 to disarm (+3 with HTH), +2 Initiative, Crit Strike n19+, +60' range
W.P. Archery - +3 strike (+9 with W.P. Targeting/P.P.), +1 parry (+9 with HTH) +1 to disarm (+3 with HTH)
W.P. Targeting - +2 strike (+6 with P.P)
W.P. Whip - +2 strike (+8 with HTH), +2 disarm (+4 with HTH), +2 entangle, +2 damage
W.P. Energy Rifle +2 strike
W.P. Handguns +1 strike
W.P. Shotguns +2 strike
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +17%
Magic (varies): +3, +10 vs mind control, impervious to possession (+5), +9 vs Illusions
Lethal Poison (14+): +11
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +11
Insanity (12+): +4
Psionics (varies): +8 to save vs Bio-Manipulative type attacks, +10 to save vs mind control, +5 to save vs all other psionic attacks, impervious to possession (+5), +9 vs. Illusions
Horror Factor (varies): +4
Disease: +8
Toxins: +8
Link to Ledger: Shawn Allen
Character Name: Subject #7734
Power Catagory:
Alias: Dominique Ferro , "Dawn Breaker" , "Demona" "Sparkplug" Robyn Hood
Occupation: Industrial Saboteur , BBMR Consultant
Alignment: Aberrant
XP Level: 5
XP Points: 17,801 (Updated 2/1/2025 by Dawg)
Next Level @ XP: 16,400
Birth Order/Family Ties:, Miriam Kensington (Surrogate mother, deceased), Darrel Kensington (surrogate father, deceased)
Land of Origin: Bluecove, Delaware, USA
Childhood Environment: Corporate town/small city
Social/Economic Background: Middle rank/Corporate
When Extraordinary Abilities First Manifested: 13
Sentiments/Aliens: They are fine provided they are of use or at least not a threat to humanity or out to exploit humans for profit or to further their own goals.
Sentiments/Mutants: Has no issues with them. It's how they use powers that matter.
Sentiments/Sector 10: She views them as a necessary thing. So long as they do not abuse the power granted.
Sentiments/Chimera: Dominique does not fully trust or distrust them and has no issues.
Dawn's Practice and tactical preferences:
- generally polite and keeps her opinions to herself until she knows someone well enough to gauge their response, can be brutally honest.
- lives by the idea that those who have swords and know how to use them but keep them sheathed will inherit the world.
- does not drink excessively or do drugs. She is always actively researching, learning new skills, or honing/updating her skills.
- will not apologize for wrongs instead, she will correct the faulty behavior in future encounters and acknowledge she made the error. Proof of an effort to correct mistakes is better than apologies in her mind.
- Motto: 'Invent, Innovate, Irradicate' (Has little time/tolerance for what she can't use/takes up space needlessly or is wasted material)
Insanity: Obsession Secrecy (Love/desire): Prizes her employers/teammates, ex-employers/ex-teammates, and BBMR's secrecy and privacy above all else, even in the face of common sense or the greater good. (This 'insanity' is standard to all BBMR clones. no exceptions.)
Stats or modifiers in blue are when transformed into APS: Mercury
Stats or modifiers in this color are when an Adapt To the Environment is in effect
I.Q.: 24
M.E.: 21
M.A.: 18
P.S.: 24 (34 Superhuman)
P.P.: 22
P.E.: 21
P.B.: 12
Speed: 22 (11)
P.P.E.: 4
H.P.: 46
S.D.C.: 130 (+300)
Age: 20
Sex: female
Height: 5'9
Weight: 212 (424 in APS)
- a fit 130ish or so pounds and does not show her strength in terms of physical build
- typically wears Cargo pants, two t-shirts (a short sleeve under a long sleeve), and an oversized hoodie
- Naturally bald, does not grow any body hair (No need to shave legs even.) Aside from eyebrows and lashes which are purple.
- Her eyes are onyx like the rest of her genetic line.
- All BBMR clone mutants, Including research and labor drones, are Type O-negative blood due to mutation. All clones are universal Blood Donors for blood transfusions.
Natural Abilities
Perception: 41%, +10% to perceiving abnormal environmental conditions, enhanced senses from Adapt to environments see rules here
Charm/Impress: 10%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 50%
IQ Bonus: +10%
Max. Encumbrance: 64 (Human) (127) see rules here
Max. Carrying Weight: 480 (6,800)
Max. Lifting Weight: 960 (10,100)
Max. Jumping Ability: 18 feet in Length, 9 feet high (40 feet in length, 13.5 high) see rules here
Sponsoring Organization & Status: Bluecove Bio-Medical Research (Medical/Scientific research facility)
Nature of the Experiment & Type: Exposure to an alien or unknown quantity (radiation, chemical, energy, and carefully crafted Genetics in those used as subjects. The BBMR knows but will not tell. it is a secret hundred's of years old.)
Nature of the Test Subject: Mutant
Current Status with the Sponsoring Organization: active
Likelihood of Successful Replication: A bona-fide success
Special Abilities
Alter Physical Self Mercury
Adapt To The Environment
Extraordinary Intelligence
Special Super soldier Enhancement
Attempted to Make the Character Invulnerable
Internal Robotic Medical System
Hypnotic Mental Conditioning
Immune System Enhancement
Special Skills
Specialties (From Extraordinary I.Q.):
Mathematics: Advanced 105% (+5%)
Artificial Intelligence 72% (+3%)
Robotics Program (From Extraordinary I.Q.):
Computer Operation 95% (+5%)
Computer Programming 65% (+5%)
Robot Electronics 60% (+5%)
--Electrical Engineer 65% (+5%)
Robot Mechanics 50% (+5%)
--Mechanical Engineer 55% (+5%)
*Robots and Power Armor 74% (+4%)
*Sensory Equipment 45% (+5%)
Extra Rogue or Communications skills (+10%):
Computer Hacking 65% (+5%)
I.D. Undercover Agent 66% (+4%)
Find Contraband, Weapons, & Cybernetics 62% (+4%)
Tracking: People 65% (+5%)
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert 70% (+5%)
--Basic Mechanics 60% (+5%)
Demolitions Disposal 76% (+3%, 2nd Level)
Trap Construction 43% (+4%,2nd Level)
Trap & Mine Detection 40% (+5%,2nd Level)
Crime Scene Investigation 45% (+5%)
Biology 40% (+5%)
Chemistry 40% (+5%)
Chemistry: Analytical 25% (+5%)
EP Purchased Skills
O.C.C. Skills
Education: Equal to a Military Specialist
Fundamental Skills:
Pilot: Automobile 78% (+2%)
Mathematics: Basic 105% (+5%)
Language: English 112% (+1%)
Literacy: English 80% (+5%)
Business Program (+20%)
Mathematics: Basic 105% (+5%)
Business and Finance 85% (+5%)
Computer Operation 95% (+5%)
Law 80% (+5%)
Research 100% (+5%)
Communications Program (+20%)
Basic Electronics 80% (+5%)
Radio: Basic 95% (+5%)
Electronic Countermeasures 80% (+5%)
T.V./Video 75% (+5%)
Cryptography 75% (+5%)
Professional Thief Program (+15%)
Locksmith 75% (+5%)
Prowl 80% (+5%)
Climbing 90 (+5%)
Surveillance 80% (+5%)
Espionage Program (Basic)(+10%)
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Intelligence 66% (+4%)
Interrogation 70% (+5%)
Detect Ambush 70% (+5%)
Detect Concealment 65% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival 70% (+5%)
Physical/Athletic Program
Acrobatics & Gymnastics:
--Sense of Balance 78% (+2%)
--Walk Tightrope or High Wire 77% (+3%)
--Work Parallel Bars & Rings 82% (+3%)
--Back Flip 88% (+2%)
--(or adds +10 to Prowl skill)
--(or adds +20% to Climbing skill)
--Climb Rope/Rappel 78% (+2%)
Swimming 70% (+5%)
Weapon Proficiency: Ancient Weapons Program
Paired Weapons (Whip-sword/Whip-sword)
W.P. Whip
W.P. Targeting
W.P. Archery
W.P. Master Archery:
Secondary Skills
Literacy: Braille 79% (+3%) [Not a spoken language]
First Aid 75% (+5%)
Computer Repair 60% (+5%)
Astronomy & Navigation 75% (+5%)
Pilot: Hover Craft (Ground) 80% (+5% 2nd level)
Forced March (2nd Level)
Athletics (general) (2nd Level)
Carpentry 45% (+5%,2nd Level)
Combat Data
HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5 (+1 from Pseudo pods)
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +8
Dodge Bonus: +9
HTH Damage Bonus: +7 (+19)
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +8
Bonus to Roll w/fall: +8
Bonus to Roll w/impact: +3
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3
Bonus to Disarm: +2
(the following are moves she uses)
Hand strikes
Special and other Bonuses
Adapt to Physical Environment Combat-related info:
Adapt to Physical Environment (Arctic/Freezing):
Adapt to Physical Environment (Desert/Extreme Heat and Dry):
Adapt to Physical Environment (Radiation):
Adapt to Physical Environment (Disease/Plague):
Adapt To The Environment (Nocturnal or Underground):
Never used outside of training
Weapon Proficiency
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike
Bonus Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
Physical Prowess modifiers apply to strike, parry, and dodge in HTH melee combat and ranged melee attacks (natural energy blasts, thrown objects, & archery) only.
W.P. Master Archery - +3 strike (+9 with W.P. Targeting/P.P.), +1 parry (+9 with HTH) +2 to disarm (+3 with HTH), +2 Initiative, Crit Strike n19+, +60' range
W.P. Archery - +3 strike (+9 with W.P. Targeting/P.P.), +1 parry (+9 with HTH) +1 to disarm (+3 with HTH)
W.P. Targeting - +2 strike (+6 with P.P)
W.P. Whip - +2 strike (+8 with HTH), +2 disarm (+4 with HTH), +2 entangle, +2 damage
W.P. Energy Rifle +2 strike
W.P. Handguns +1 strike
W.P. Shotguns +2 strike
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +17%
Magic (varies): +3, +10 vs mind control, impervious to possession (+5), +9 vs Illusions
Lethal Poison (14+): +11
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +11
Insanity (12+): +4
Psionics (varies): +8 to save vs Bio-Manipulative type attacks, +10 to save vs mind control, +5 to save vs all other psionic attacks, impervious to possession (+5), +9 vs. Illusions
Horror Factor (varies): +4
Disease: +8
Toxins: +8
Last edited by Dawn Breaker on Sun Feb 16, 2025 11:30 am, edited 155 times in total.
Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)
Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given:
- Dawn Breaker
- Posts: 105
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:13 pm
Re: Dawnbreaker
Vehicles/Mounts are listed first.
Cargo Van
Abacus series notebook (Integrated Thinking Systems (ITS) entry, Century Station page 74) SDC: 150 (Titanium Shell)
(HU2, page 348)
• Space: adhesive pads
• Space: bandages
• Space: gauze pads
• Space: adhesive tape
• Space: splints
• Space: sterile gloves
• Space: scissors
• Space: forceps
• Space: thermometers
• Space: needles
• Space: razor blades
• Space: pins
• Space: medicine
• Space: ointment
• Space: salt tablets
• Space: israeli-bandages x 3
• Space: Tourniquets x 3
• Space: backpack straps
• Space: shoulder straps
(HU2, page 348)
• Space: Key Making impressions (HU2, page: 346)
• Space: Cables, spare batteries, and such for computer/electronics
• Space: Wire-cutters Complete with a belt sheath (HU2, page 348)
• Space: Lock picks (Superior) (HU2, page 346)
• Space: Ear Mike Radio Receiver and Transmitter (HU2, Page 344)
• Space: "
• Space: Gas mask (HU2, page 348)
• Space: "
• Space: Infrared Goggles (new superior type) (HU2, page 343)
• Space: "
• Space: Locksmith/Security Tool kit
• Space: backpack straps
• Space: shoulder straps
Ithaca Model 37 "Stakeout" with 16 'breaching rounds' on the Ithaca Model 37
- ID/wallet
- Locksmith and Security certification
- usual feminine products and such
- pocket knife (Swiss-army/mechanics type)
Worn on Person
- 'Green Arrow' Hoodie
- unmarked Military Field Jacket (with Velcro for ) or Sector 10
- Cargo Pants (Military/Security quality, multiple weave, extra stitching)
- Hiking shoes (full safety, non-ferrous)
CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)

Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items, or individual tools.
• Space: Knife: Survival (HU2, page 347)
• Space: Utensil Kit knife, fork, and spoon set with sheath (HU2, page 347)
• Space: Flatbread
• Space: light canned food (pull top), mixed nuts with additives for nutritional flavor purposes in a waterproof container
• Space: Snack Food for Energy, Vitamins, and Water-cleaning pills in a water-proof container
• Space: Extra pair of socks in a waterproof container
• Space: Field cleaning and Repair kit for a bow (Variant of gun type, HU2, Page 340-1)(Variant of gun type, HU2, page 340)
• Space: Cables and such for computer/phone
• Space: First aid kit (Boo-Boo kit) and Spare batteries in a waterproof container
• Space: Fire-starting kit and Hand-Held Flares (HU2, 341)
• Space: israeli-bandages x 3
• Space: Tourniquets x 3
-Bow Hunter Accessory bag for compact bow (HU2, page 347)
• Space: (for bow only) Customized Compact Compound Bow "Trinity Ghoul" (the weapons nickname)
• Space: Shooting Glasses (HU2, page: 348)
• Space: Shooting Ear Plugs
• Space: Field cleaning and Repair kit for a bow (Variant of gun type, HU2, Page 341)(Variant of gun type, HU2, page 340)
• Space: Tourniquet and Israeli bandage are also in the bag
Quivers (x4,42 arrows total):
Arrow type as needed
Location: Bow Mounted (6 arrows)
• Space: Standard Arrow
• Space: Standard Arrow
• Space: Standard Arrow
• Space: Standard Arrow
• Space: Standard Arrow
• Space: Standard Arrow
Location: front of leg: (6 arrows)
• Space: Microphone Arrow
• Space: Camera Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: ECM Arrow
• Space: Sonic Arrow
• Space: Flare Arrow
Location: side of leg: (6 arrows)
• Space: Microphone Arrow
• Space: Camera Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: ECM Arrow
• Space: Sonic Arrow
• Space: Flare Arrow
Location: small of back (24 arrows)
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: "Canister" Arrow (tear gas)
• Space: "Canister" Arrow (Knock out gas)
• Space: "Canister" Arrow (smoke)
• Space: "Canister" Arrow (smoke)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 2d6 (8 inch Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 2d6 (8 inch Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 4d6 (1ft 4 inch Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 4d6 (1ft 4 inch Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 4d6 (1ft 4 inch Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 6d6 (2 ft Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 6d6 (2 ft Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 6d6 (2 ft Blast radius)
• Space: Microphone Arrow
• Space: Camera Arrow
• Space: Radar Arrow
• Space: ECM Arrow
• Space: Sonic Arrow
• Space: Flare Arrow
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items, or individual tools.
- Belt pouch: mini-first-aid kit
- Belt pouch: Smartphone
- Belt Pouch: extra Tourniquet
- Belt Pouch: Israeli bandage
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
Stored in Vehicle
Stored in Room at Omega HQ
(if needed):(HU2, page 347)
Stored in Armory at Omega HQ
Stored in Armory at Sector 10 Safe house/Cave
Life savings 1,000 credits
On hand: 175
Additional Financial Resources: In addition to a possible life saving (see optional rules to rounding out one's character in HU2), there is a 01 -80% (1d100 chance the character also owns a personal vehicle. The car is less than a year old. Presumably, the character has a job, an apartment, and reasonable personal possessions. If in the military, housing on or near a military base is provided free, as is any medical treatment, and access to base facilities
Gear Stats
Bionics & Cybernetics Nano-Hive Brain Implant (Patron Item)
Nano-Hive Brain Implant (Cybernetic Implant)
By utilizing a microscopic port on the skin and the ability of the nano-bots to utilize the organic material of the body, Mindwerks has created an implant that can create a tiny insect-sized drone that can be sent out for short-range recon. The drone can get anywhere a mosquito-sized insect might but has incredible strength for its size. It has two modes: an autonomous mode where it will follow a predetermined path and come back and report what has been seen as a sensory download into the character's brain, or the character can directly take control of an insect's eye view. The Cost: Because it needs highly adaptive biological material, this implant draws from the natural spine.
Nano-Hive Reconnaissance Drone
FAS Torso Armor (Half Suit)
Ithaca Model 37 "Stakeout"
Omega Suit v3.1.7 - Alpha

S.D.C. by Location:
Vehicles/Mounts are listed first.
Cargo Van
- Crew: 1 plus passenger.
- AR: 10.
- SDC: Tires (4) 50 each. Main Body 500.
- Top Speed: 120 mph.
- Miles Per Gallon: 19 mpg.
- Fuel Tank: 15.1 gallons.
- Cargo: 50 cubic feet. 200 lbs on rooftop rack.
- Tow: 4 tons.
- Bonuses: None.
Abacus series notebook (Integrated Thinking Systems (ITS) entry, Century Station page 74) SDC: 150 (Titanium Shell)
(HU2, page 348)
• Space: adhesive pads
• Space: bandages
• Space: gauze pads
• Space: adhesive tape
• Space: splints
• Space: sterile gloves
• Space: scissors
• Space: forceps
• Space: thermometers
• Space: needles
• Space: razor blades
• Space: pins
• Space: medicine
• Space: ointment
• Space: salt tablets
• Space: israeli-bandages x 3
• Space: Tourniquets x 3
• Space: backpack straps
• Space: shoulder straps
(HU2, page 348)
• Space: Key Making impressions (HU2, page: 346)
• Space: Cables, spare batteries, and such for computer/electronics
• Space: Wire-cutters Complete with a belt sheath (HU2, page 348)
• Space: Lock picks (Superior) (HU2, page 346)
• Space: Ear Mike Radio Receiver and Transmitter (HU2, Page 344)
• Space: "
• Space: Gas mask (HU2, page 348)
• Space: "
• Space: Infrared Goggles (new superior type) (HU2, page 343)
• Space: "
• Space: Locksmith/Security Tool kit
• Space: backpack straps
• Space: shoulder straps
Ithaca Model 37 "Stakeout" with 16 'breaching rounds' on the Ithaca Model 37
- ID/wallet
- Locksmith and Security certification
- usual feminine products and such
- pocket knife (Swiss-army/mechanics type)
Worn on Person
- 'Green Arrow' Hoodie
- unmarked Military Field Jacket (with Velcro for ) or Sector 10
- Cargo Pants (Military/Security quality, multiple weave, extra stitching)
- Hiking shoes (full safety, non-ferrous)
CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)

- 12 attachment points
- Integrated IRMSS : 20,000 credits to recharge (R: UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items, or individual tools.
• Space: Knife: Survival (HU2, page 347)
• Space: Utensil Kit knife, fork, and spoon set with sheath (HU2, page 347)
• Space: Flatbread
• Space: light canned food (pull top), mixed nuts with additives for nutritional flavor purposes in a waterproof container
• Space: Snack Food for Energy, Vitamins, and Water-cleaning pills in a water-proof container
• Space: Extra pair of socks in a waterproof container
• Space: Field cleaning and Repair kit for a bow (Variant of gun type, HU2, Page 340-1)(Variant of gun type, HU2, page 340)
• Space: Cables and such for computer/phone
• Space: First aid kit (Boo-Boo kit) and Spare batteries in a waterproof container
• Space: Fire-starting kit and Hand-Held Flares (HU2, 341)
• Space: israeli-bandages x 3
• Space: Tourniquets x 3
-Bow Hunter Accessory bag for compact bow (HU2, page 347)
• Space: (for bow only) Customized Compact Compound Bow "Trinity Ghoul" (the weapons nickname)
• Space: Shooting Glasses (HU2, page: 348)
• Space: Shooting Ear Plugs
• Space: Field cleaning and Repair kit for a bow (Variant of gun type, HU2, Page 341)(Variant of gun type, HU2, page 340)
• Space: Tourniquet and Israeli bandage are also in the bag
Quivers (x4,42 arrows total):
Arrow type as needed
Location: Bow Mounted (6 arrows)
• Space: Standard Arrow
• Space: Standard Arrow
• Space: Standard Arrow
• Space: Standard Arrow
• Space: Standard Arrow
• Space: Standard Arrow
Location: front of leg: (6 arrows)
• Space: Microphone Arrow
• Space: Camera Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: ECM Arrow
• Space: Sonic Arrow
• Space: Flare Arrow
Location: side of leg: (6 arrows)
• Space: Microphone Arrow
• Space: Camera Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: ECM Arrow
• Space: Sonic Arrow
• Space: Flare Arrow
Location: small of back (24 arrows)
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: Neural-stun Arrow
• Space: "Canister" Arrow (tear gas)
• Space: "Canister" Arrow (Knock out gas)
• Space: "Canister" Arrow (smoke)
• Space: "Canister" Arrow (smoke)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 2d6 (8 inch Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 2d6 (8 inch Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 4d6 (1ft 4 inch Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 4d6 (1ft 4 inch Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 4d6 (1ft 4 inch Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 6d6 (2 ft Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 6d6 (2 ft Blast radius)
• Space: Explosive Arrow - 6d6 (2 ft Blast radius)
• Space: Microphone Arrow
• Space: Camera Arrow
• Space: Radar Arrow
• Space: ECM Arrow
• Space: Sonic Arrow
• Space: Flare Arrow
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items, or individual tools.
- Belt pouch: mini-first-aid kit
- Belt pouch: Smartphone
- Belt Pouch: extra Tourniquet
- Belt Pouch: Israeli bandage
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
Stored in Vehicle
Stored in Room at Omega HQ
(if needed):(HU2, page 347)
Stored in Armory at Omega HQ
Stored in Armory at Sector 10 Safe house/Cave
Life savings 1,000 credits
On hand: 175
Additional Financial Resources: In addition to a possible life saving (see optional rules to rounding out one's character in HU2), there is a 01 -80% (1d100 chance the character also owns a personal vehicle. The car is less than a year old. Presumably, the character has a job, an apartment, and reasonable personal possessions. If in the military, housing on or near a military base is provided free, as is any medical treatment, and access to base facilities
Gear Stats
Bionics & Cybernetics Nano-Hive Brain Implant (Patron Item)
Nano-Hive Brain Implant (Cybernetic Implant)
By utilizing a microscopic port on the skin and the ability of the nano-bots to utilize the organic material of the body, Mindwerks has created an implant that can create a tiny insect-sized drone that can be sent out for short-range recon. The drone can get anywhere a mosquito-sized insect might but has incredible strength for its size. It has two modes: an autonomous mode where it will follow a predetermined path and come back and report what has been seen as a sensory download into the character's brain, or the character can directly take control of an insect's eye view. The Cost: Because it needs highly adaptive biological material, this implant draws from the natural spine.
- The shock from this costs the character 25% of their hit points, which recover naturally
Nano-Hive Reconnaissance Drone

- S.D.C.: 30
- Hit Points: 1
- Range:
- Autonomous mode: 500'
- User controlled mode: 250'
- Duration: Flight time of 20 minutes
- Speed: 22 (15 mph)
FAS Torso Armor (Half Suit)
- A.R.: 10
- S.D.C.: 80
- Weight: 10 lbs.
- Range: 760 ft (Master Archery adds a further 60 ft to its 700)
- Damage: 2d6 or by arrow type
- Rate of Fire: As per the character's hand-to-hand attacks per melee
- Payload: Quiver of 6 arrows Typically hunting or Targeting arrows. If on mission non or less-lethal arrows will be in the bow Quiver only.
- Weight: 13 lbs.
- Features:
-reduces vibration.
- two compact bows merged for combat poundage (currently 90 lbs) and range. The bow can be set to 140 lbs safely.
- High-tech sights/range finder, Silencers, compass, and weather/wind sensors. (To detect changes around her)
- Enhanced structural integrity to use for going down rope/cables without snapping
- D-Ring (to hook up cord/cable), and sling to prevent dropping it.
- Modified string set up with spacers and interweaving the two bow strings into one where the arrow is released. - Modifiers: W.P. Bow, requires
- Book Reference: HUGMG
Ithaca Model 37 "Stakeout"
- Range: 150'
- Damage: 4D6 buck or 5D6 slug
- Rate of Fire: Single shots only
- Payload: 8-round tubular magazine (Slug-Shot for breaching duty. 8 loaded and 8 on the weapon's side, opposite of the shell ejection port)
- Weight: 5 lbs.
- Features: W.P. Shotgun, slide-action repeater, 12 gauge,
- Modifiers:-sling (with rings to clip to a harness or belt)
- Book Reference: HUGMG
Omega Suit v3.1.7 - Alpha

S.D.C. by Location:
- Arms: 90 each
- Legs: 100 each
- Main Body: 250
- *Body Camera: 15
- AR: 17
- *Body Camera (-2 to strike via aimed shot only)
- Hyper-mimetic alloy fibers change size and molecular composition to fit wearer regardless of APS powers, shape or size changes.
- Built-in short range encrypted radio transceiver (Omega freq only).
- Built-in RFID transponder for C.S.P.D. verifies wearer is a Centurion to all C.S.P.D. and their precise GPS location within 20'
- Body Camera located in center of chest.
- Anti-Tamper system
- Wrist mounted computer - allows real-time tracking of Omega agents in the field
Last edited by Dawn Breaker on Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:10 am, edited 61 times in total.
Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)
Quick post items:
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Orders given:
- Dawn Breaker
- Posts: 105
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:13 pm
Re: Dawnbreaker
Field handler: Erik Weisz
Call sign: 'the Magician'
Current Assignment: Infiltration Team Six (a.k.a: Sinister Six)
Current City: Ultropolis
Subject Profile: Infiltration Team Six (a.k.a: Sinister Six)
The Mark 10 Teslas are not the social creatures the Ellison Mark 5-6 research drones are. The mark 10's do know what friendship is but tend to use it as a tool to manipulate or achieve a goal. While they do prefer to avoid unneeded social interaction with non-clones, they nevertheless have grown more familiar with most of the social standards of others. Clones all being the same take some things for granted. They roughly have the same personality and don't offend or start trouble as often with their types as they do others. On missions, their innate traits to hyper-focus cover a lot of the social shortcomings by giving them the drive to push past social issues.
True friendship is reserved for teammates and fellow clones. These 'friendships' are often less emotional, but they do protect each other and Dawn Breaker (Subject #7734 or Dominique Ferro) will do what she can to help if she can. People would describe her as an introvert with Asperger's at times. Some of her 'autistic-like' traits include a lack of empathy at times (particularly on a mission or mission-related research), difficulty with social cues occasionally, and a hyper fixation on her tasks and special interests. Dawn Breaker has suffered a few traumas, which could have further exacerbated her social discomfort but she came out unscathed for the most part.
These traits were intended to keep them from deviation from their task. As to how these traits do not become a problem in a mission that is what Hypnotic Mental Conditioning enhancement (or HMCE) is for. It focuses the clones on the task at hand. It is a method we have employed to great effect in the security and research department as well. HMCE also seems to have aided in Dominique's recovery from the loss of Kara several years back. Her current partner, Catalyst (Subject #6674 or Caroline Stanton), also suffered a similar loss as Dawn Breaker did. Both have bonded well and both are currently in good mental health despite the trauma they have experienced. I recommend keeping them as a team due to their strong affection and compatibility with one another.
All BBMR clones, Including research and labor drones, are Type O-negative blood. This is because the clones are intended to be universal Blood Donors for times when blood transfusions are needed without risk of rejection or incompatibility issues. Due to the need for type O-negative blood for surgery or emergency transfusions, they must donate twice a week. These two are no exceptions and do so regularly. I suspect it is the Jelly bears that keep Catalyst and Dawn Breaker going back without hassle.
I have attached Combat and some behavioral notes on Subject #7734 and Subject #6674 of significance. Both display mastery of and use archery as combat and operations assets. A selection of arrows designed for observation and to use as early warning are standard in their quivers. Dominique carries Catalyst's quiver and bow when both need them. They prefer smaller compact Combat Compound bows.
Combat Profile: Dawn Breaker Catalyst
Team Operations have had the Sinister 6 work with another team regularly, Team 4 or The Frighteners. Both teams work well together and get along well for a mixed-gender team. Team 4 consists of Vector and Argent both are super soldiers with the standard HMCE and other augments. Their handler is Donald Blake, a Demon Hunter Trained by the head of the Infiltration Division.
Field notes: Dawn Breaker
Call sign: 'the Magician'
Current Assignment: Infiltration Team Six (a.k.a: Sinister Six)
Current City: Ultropolis
Subject Profile: Infiltration Team Six (a.k.a: Sinister Six)
The Mark 10 Teslas are not the social creatures the Ellison Mark 5-6 research drones are. The mark 10's do know what friendship is but tend to use it as a tool to manipulate or achieve a goal. While they do prefer to avoid unneeded social interaction with non-clones, they nevertheless have grown more familiar with most of the social standards of others. Clones all being the same take some things for granted. They roughly have the same personality and don't offend or start trouble as often with their types as they do others. On missions, their innate traits to hyper-focus cover a lot of the social shortcomings by giving them the drive to push past social issues.
True friendship is reserved for teammates and fellow clones. These 'friendships' are often less emotional, but they do protect each other and Dawn Breaker (Subject #7734 or Dominique Ferro) will do what she can to help if she can. People would describe her as an introvert with Asperger's at times. Some of her 'autistic-like' traits include a lack of empathy at times (particularly on a mission or mission-related research), difficulty with social cues occasionally, and a hyper fixation on her tasks and special interests. Dawn Breaker has suffered a few traumas, which could have further exacerbated her social discomfort but she came out unscathed for the most part.
These traits were intended to keep them from deviation from their task. As to how these traits do not become a problem in a mission that is what Hypnotic Mental Conditioning enhancement (or HMCE) is for. It focuses the clones on the task at hand. It is a method we have employed to great effect in the security and research department as well. HMCE also seems to have aided in Dominique's recovery from the loss of Kara several years back. Her current partner, Catalyst (Subject #6674 or Caroline Stanton), also suffered a similar loss as Dawn Breaker did. Both have bonded well and both are currently in good mental health despite the trauma they have experienced. I recommend keeping them as a team due to their strong affection and compatibility with one another.
All BBMR clones, Including research and labor drones, are Type O-negative blood. This is because the clones are intended to be universal Blood Donors for times when blood transfusions are needed without risk of rejection or incompatibility issues. Due to the need for type O-negative blood for surgery or emergency transfusions, they must donate twice a week. These two are no exceptions and do so regularly. I suspect it is the Jelly bears that keep Catalyst and Dawn Breaker going back without hassle.
I have attached Combat and some behavioral notes on Subject #7734 and Subject #6674 of significance. Both display mastery of and use archery as combat and operations assets. A selection of arrows designed for observation and to use as early warning are standard in their quivers. Dominique carries Catalyst's quiver and bow when both need them. They prefer smaller compact Combat Compound bows.
Combat Profile: Dawn Breaker Catalyst
Team Operations have had the Sinister 6 work with another team regularly, Team 4 or The Frighteners. Both teams work well together and get along well for a mixed-gender team. Team 4 consists of Vector and Argent both are super soldiers with the standard HMCE and other augments. Their handler is Donald Blake, a Demon Hunter Trained by the head of the Infiltration Division.
Field notes: Dawn Breaker
Last edited by Dawn Breaker on Sat Jan 25, 2025 2:38 pm, edited 18 times in total.
Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)
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Orders given:
- Dawn Breaker
- Posts: 105
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:13 pm
Re: Dawn Breaker (Super Soldier - Approved)
Tinker's Notebook:
Last edited by Dawn Breaker on Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:17 am, edited 12 times in total.
Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)
Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given:
- Dawn Breaker
- Posts: 105
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:13 pm
Re: Dawn Breaker (Super Soldier - Approved)
Ignore entry
Last edited by Dawn Breaker on Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:15 am, edited 8 times in total.
Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)
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Points of contact:
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Orders given:
- Dawn Breaker
- Posts: 105
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:13 pm
Re: Dawn Breaker (Super Soldier - Approved)
Tinker's Notebook:
Last edited by Dawn Breaker on Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:16 am, edited 8 times in total.
Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)
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Points of contact:
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Orders given:
- Dawn Breaker
- Posts: 105
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:13 pm
Re: Dawn Breaker (Super Soldier - Approved)
Tinker's Notebook:
Van upgrades (WIP)
Description of Project: Van upgrades to improve efficiency and add concealed compartments.
Parts Used:
Time Needed | Allocated:
Designed Statistics:
Van Upgrade
Book Reference:
Van upgrades (WIP)
Description of Project: Van upgrades to improve efficiency and add concealed compartments.
Parts Used:
- -Abacus series notebook with hacker/Infiltration software and a stealth modem
- Concealed and secured compact computer towers
- Keyhole or Tube Microphones: many
- Keyhole or Tube cameras: many
- Various sourced electronics
- tinted, seethrough Solar panels shaped as Windows and Windshields
- Power source: rechargeable batteries (with Plugin and Solar)
-Roof rack with adjustable Lights (with conceals cameras of various spectrums as needed) to see around
- monitor station with a visual for external cameras.
- Upgrade armor and engines
Time Needed | Allocated:
Designed Statistics:
Van Upgrade
- - Keyhole or Tube Microphone: Records around the the van.
- Keyhole or Tube camera: Records around the van.
- Faraday cage and soundproof interior/engine
-Work station
- Comm-suite and surveillance monitors for cameras and mics.
Book Reference:
Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)
Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given:
- Dawn Breaker
- Posts: 105
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:13 pm
Re: Rolling post:
Level 4:
Hitpoint roll:
Hitpoint roll:
Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)
Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given:
- Dawn Breaker
- Posts: 105
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:13 pm
Re: Dawn Breaker Photos and images of note
Sector Suit
Non-Sector Suit:
Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)
Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given:
- Dawn Breaker
- Posts: 105
- Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:13 pm
Re: Dawn Breaker (Super Soldier - Approved)
Hit points:
Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)
Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given: