Announcement: Heraclitus might have once said that The only constant in life is change, and I am no exception. I am stepping back from the GM role in favor of someone with the time to give the campaign what it deserves. It's been fun.
Game Master (GM)
- Maintain a GM post rate at a minimum of one adventure post per week.
- Have the IM contact info of each player in their group.
- Notify all players in the group via IM or PM of new GM posts, and other important updates.
- Maintain your adventure notes in the GM's Cabal. (Gist: If a random GM can't pick up and run the adventure from your notes, the notes are unsatisfactory.)
- Be available for IM chat at least one day a week.
- Coordinate with the AGM regarding expected adventure dates & time-frames.
- Consult with AGM regarding XP awards.
- Directly notify AGM via PM of any expected absences in addition to the Account Status Tracker.
- GMs will be rated according to merit by their players every quadrimester.
- Rating will be done by players on the following schedule:
- Quad 1: June 1st
- Quad 2: October 1st
- Quad 3: February 1st
- Each is responsible for creating his rating poll on the above schedule.
- Players are responsible for rating the GMs within a week of the poll being posted, and posting notice that they have voted (in the same thread.)
- Ratings will be conducted via poll and averaged to the nearest whole number.
- Players who do not vote will be removed from the average.
9: You have earned 9 MGP.
8: You have earned 8 MGP.
7: You have earned 7 MGP.
4-6: You have earned only 5 MGP, also, you're on probation.
1-3: Your position is now vacant; the group's AGM will post the availability of the group's GM position to the OOC Recruiting Thread
This poll will close automatically a week after Quad ends.