The Priestess Bride : Endgame
- Mürrischer Reisender
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:28 am
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [43] = 43
JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 / 1d100: [93] = 93
Mürrischer brushes off his mishap on the way up the keep wall and looks around the balcony where he landed, and ear turning uncertainly as his gaze passes to the area around the keep. He keeps that he's glad he's not higher to himself as he returns his attention to the task at hand. They need inside and there is a door left ajar right in front of him. Before doing anything, he considers if the way the grain of the wood suggests it had been enchanted in some way. He cautiously holds the bell so, if anything, the chime of the bell wouldn't be so loud should it ring as he slowly pushes the door more ajar to get a proper peek inside without being spotted by anything that may be there to guard the door. Should he see even the silhouette or shadow of something on this floor he does not take any steps into entering the keep, but should the way look clear he quietly and cautiously so as to not alert anyone inside that may hear his entry. Inside or outside, the Wolfen takes a sniff for familiar scents inside the keep from the doorway, still cautious to not be spotted.
Lore: Magic: Recognize enchantment 1d100: [2] = 2 /10%
Prowl: 1d100: [97] = 97 /45%
Recognize Scent 1d100: [41] = 41 /32%
JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 / 1d100: [93] = 93
Mürrischer brushes off his mishap on the way up the keep wall and looks around the balcony where he landed, and ear turning uncertainly as his gaze passes to the area around the keep. He keeps that he's glad he's not higher to himself as he returns his attention to the task at hand. They need inside and there is a door left ajar right in front of him. Before doing anything, he considers if the way the grain of the wood suggests it had been enchanted in some way. He cautiously holds the bell so, if anything, the chime of the bell wouldn't be so loud should it ring as he slowly pushes the door more ajar to get a proper peek inside without being spotted by anything that may be there to guard the door. Should he see even the silhouette or shadow of something on this floor he does not take any steps into entering the keep, but should the way look clear he quietly and cautiously so as to not alert anyone inside that may hear his entry. Inside or outside, the Wolfen takes a sniff for familiar scents inside the keep from the doorway, still cautious to not be spotted.
Lore: Magic: Recognize enchantment 1d100: [2] = 2 /10%
Prowl: 1d100: [97] = 97 /45%
Recognize Scent 1d100: [41] = 41 /32%
Mürrischer Mürrischer | Ledger Ledger
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [33] = 33
JiC: 1d100: [98] = 98 / 1d20: [3] = 3
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE used: 10/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye remains perched far above on the Keep observing the battle with the Golem, out of the way.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [2] = 2 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [24] = 24 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [31] = 31 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Prowl: 1d100: [10] = 10 /42% [Move quietly down the balcony or in the direction Vizzini points out.]
The sight of the open door leaves Granas to believe the path has been used recently. "If this door is ajar, then it's likely there is someone nearby who left it so. Unless this is the only way to the room with the Keep's Machine in it, we should explore the other route first. Quietly." Granas advises
JiC: 1d100: [98] = 98 / 1d20: [3] = 3
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE used: 10/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye remains perched far above on the Keep observing the battle with the Golem, out of the way.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [2] = 2 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [24] = 24 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [31] = 31 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Prowl: 1d100: [10] = 10 /42% [Move quietly down the balcony or in the direction Vizzini points out.]
Granas ignores the comment from Vizzini and is pleased when Trask is able to pull the weightless Mürrischer up after almost falling down the side of the Keep, the wizard wincing softly as the wolfen tumbles. That was close. Granas thinks softly to himself before remembering the Bareleaf smoke is still in effect. Granas frowns. "Just how long does this Bareleaf effect last?" Granas whispers in apparent frustration from atop the balcony. He looks up to Vizzini. "Where to from here, we have to move quickly. I don't know how long the Golem will last." Granas asks quietly.Vizzini wrote:"He's a disgrace,"
The sight of the open door leaves Granas to believe the path has been used recently. "If this door is ajar, then it's likely there is someone nearby who left it so. Unless this is the only way to the room with the Keep's Machine in it, we should explore the other route first. Quietly." Granas advises
Granas, the traveling mage
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
- Tolliver Trask
- Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:54 pm
- Contact:
Re: The Princess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [12] = 12
Just in Case: 1d20: [8] = 8 , 1d100: [34] = 34
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks), (3 minutes), Armor of Ithan (4min; 160 S.D.C), Invisibility: Simple (22 mins).
Prowl 1d100: [27] = 27 /47% Success (This includes the armor penalty) (To attempt to move quietly.)
Detect Ambush 1d100: [94] = 94 /65% Failure (Looking for signs of planned ambush.)
Detect Concealment & Traps 1d100: [7] = 7 /60% Success (Looking for Traps along the way.)
Trask considers the location for a few long moments. Briefly listening to Vizini insult Mürrischer, and Granas to ask the creature his questions, before Granas poses his final comment.
Just in Case: 1d20: [8] = 8 , 1d100: [34] = 34
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks), (3 minutes), Armor of Ithan (4min; 160 S.D.C), Invisibility: Simple (22 mins).
Prowl 1d100: [27] = 27 /47% Success (This includes the armor penalty) (To attempt to move quietly.)
Detect Ambush 1d100: [94] = 94 /65% Failure (Looking for signs of planned ambush.)
Detect Concealment & Traps 1d100: [7] = 7 /60% Success (Looking for Traps along the way.)
Trask considers the location for a few long moments. Briefly listening to Vizini insult Mürrischer, and Granas to ask the creature his questions, before Granas poses his final comment.
"Agreed. Trask says quietly as he begins to move along the balcony. The old man keeps his eye and ears on the area looking for dangers that may be around. Stealth and expediency don't usually work together. Let's hope we can enjoy the peace for a bit longer. Trask thinks, knowing there will soon be a time for violence.Granas wrote:"If this door is ajar, then it's likely there is someone nearby who left it so. Unless this is the only way to the room with the Keep's Machine in it, we should explore the other route first. Quietly."
"Tonight, boys, we're eating like kings. We've all tasted death too much it seems." ~Shawn James
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
A warm welcome.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:23pm
Outside the keep, Mürrischer, Trask, and Granas huddle together, the sounds of a dreadful fight between the Golem and the keep's minions clearly heard to the south. But our heroes focus on the task at hand: rescuing Luna.
"Where to from here?" Granas asks, his voice low. "We have to move quickly. I don't know how long the golem will last."
Vizzini, his beady eyes scanning the keep, points towards the balcony door. "As I said, beyond that door is a dining room. There's only one other door, past which is a corridor. Take the first right and you'll be in Rugen's research room. No one goes there, but that room connects to both the Machine straight ahead and the Humperdinck's quarters to the left."
Granas considers Vizzini's plan. The balcony door, slightly ajar, is a tempting target. But he has a nagging feeling that something isn't quite right.
"If this door is ajar, then there's likely someone nearby who left it so," he muses. "Unless this is the only way to the room with the Keep's Machine, we should explore the other route first. Quietly."
Trask agrees, and the group moves cautiously along the balcony. Trask takes the lead, whilst Granas follows a few steps behind. Their footsteps are silent as they prowl towards the other door. Vizzini the raven hops along the railing, his eyes scanning the surroundings.
"If you insist," Vizzini says, his voice carrying a hint of annoyance. "The other route leads to Humperdinck's quarters. I've never been there, but logically it must connect to the room with Rugen's magical research. In the research room take the right door for the corridor, or the left for The Machine. To reach the same dining hall, all you need to do is take the door to the corridor, and turn left."
Meanwhile Mürrischer, the rear guard, pauses at the first balcony door. He examines the door closely, his eyes scanning for any signs of enchantment. Finding none, he reaches out cautiously, his hand hovering over the bell.
He has a plan. He would hold the knocker, preventing it from ringing, while peering inside the door. It is a simple enough strategy, one that relies on his stealth, which presumably is all the greater for the weightlessness spell cast upon him by Granas. His feet would scarcely make a sound surely!
However, as Mürrischer reaches for the knocker, he misjudges his distance. His near-weightless form , and his hand brushes against the bell. The bell rings once, a clear, sharp sound that all hear.
Before Mürrischer can react, the door swings open with a forceful slam. A pair of meaty paws reach out, grabbing him by the throat. With a powerful twist, Mürrischer is hurled over a large dining table, his body crashing into the wall. Fortunately he is almost weightless, and the impact only harms his pride.
As he recovers his wits, he looks up to see his assailant. It is a bear-like creature, its broad shoulders and short brown fur giving it a menacing appearance. Despite its smaller stature, a mere five feet tall, it looks incredibly powerful. The bear's mouth is filled with sharp, canine teeth, and its eyes glow with a feral intensity. Our wolfen hero realises it is a Bug Bear, not unlike those spied at the south side of the keep facing the Golem.
It slams the exit door shut, and slides a bar home to prevent it reopening.
Unlike Mürrischer, the bear is unarmed, perhaps its strength and ferocity are its only weapons? Its outline shimmers slightly, revealing that it is cloaked in an invisibility spell. Luckily, Granas' magic allows Mürrischer to see through the illusion.
Unluckily, it appears this bear can see Mürrischer just as easily.
The bear lets out a guttural growl, its voice a low rumble that vibrates through the room.
"ME CRUSH YOU. CRUSH YOU INTO GOO!" it roars, its eyes filled with a savage anger.
Mürrischer, please post combat rolls.
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E. | Bareleaf Smoke | Tongues 1min | AoI: 3min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 21 mins
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: 3min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 21 mins | See Invis: 5 mins | Weightlessness: 4 mins
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82; | AoI: 3 min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 21 mins
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:23pm
Outside the keep, Mürrischer, Trask, and Granas huddle together, the sounds of a dreadful fight between the Golem and the keep's minions clearly heard to the south. But our heroes focus on the task at hand: rescuing Luna.
"Where to from here?" Granas asks, his voice low. "We have to move quickly. I don't know how long the golem will last."
Vizzini, his beady eyes scanning the keep, points towards the balcony door. "As I said, beyond that door is a dining room. There's only one other door, past which is a corridor. Take the first right and you'll be in Rugen's research room. No one goes there, but that room connects to both the Machine straight ahead and the Humperdinck's quarters to the left."
Granas considers Vizzini's plan. The balcony door, slightly ajar, is a tempting target. But he has a nagging feeling that something isn't quite right.
"If this door is ajar, then there's likely someone nearby who left it so," he muses. "Unless this is the only way to the room with the Keep's Machine, we should explore the other route first. Quietly."
Trask agrees, and the group moves cautiously along the balcony. Trask takes the lead, whilst Granas follows a few steps behind. Their footsteps are silent as they prowl towards the other door. Vizzini the raven hops along the railing, his eyes scanning the surroundings.
"If you insist," Vizzini says, his voice carrying a hint of annoyance. "The other route leads to Humperdinck's quarters. I've never been there, but logically it must connect to the room with Rugen's magical research. In the research room take the right door for the corridor, or the left for The Machine. To reach the same dining hall, all you need to do is take the door to the corridor, and turn left."
Meanwhile Mürrischer, the rear guard, pauses at the first balcony door. He examines the door closely, his eyes scanning for any signs of enchantment. Finding none, he reaches out cautiously, his hand hovering over the bell.
He has a plan. He would hold the knocker, preventing it from ringing, while peering inside the door. It is a simple enough strategy, one that relies on his stealth, which presumably is all the greater for the weightlessness spell cast upon him by Granas. His feet would scarcely make a sound surely!
However, as Mürrischer reaches for the knocker, he misjudges his distance. His near-weightless form , and his hand brushes against the bell. The bell rings once, a clear, sharp sound that all hear.
Before Mürrischer can react, the door swings open with a forceful slam. A pair of meaty paws reach out, grabbing him by the throat. With a powerful twist, Mürrischer is hurled over a large dining table, his body crashing into the wall. Fortunately he is almost weightless, and the impact only harms his pride.
As he recovers his wits, he looks up to see his assailant. It is a bear-like creature, its broad shoulders and short brown fur giving it a menacing appearance. Despite its smaller stature, a mere five feet tall, it looks incredibly powerful. The bear's mouth is filled with sharp, canine teeth, and its eyes glow with a feral intensity. Our wolfen hero realises it is a Bug Bear, not unlike those spied at the south side of the keep facing the Golem.
It slams the exit door shut, and slides a bar home to prevent it reopening.
Unlike Mürrischer, the bear is unarmed, perhaps its strength and ferocity are its only weapons? Its outline shimmers slightly, revealing that it is cloaked in an invisibility spell. Luckily, Granas' magic allows Mürrischer to see through the illusion.
Unluckily, it appears this bear can see Mürrischer just as easily.
The bear lets out a guttural growl, its voice a low rumble that vibrates through the room.
"ME CRUSH YOU. CRUSH YOU INTO GOO!" it roars, its eyes filled with a savage anger.
Mürrischer, please post combat rolls.
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E. | Bareleaf Smoke | Tongues 1min | AoI: 3min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 21 mins
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: 3min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 21 mins | See Invis: 5 mins | Weightlessness: 4 mins
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82; | AoI: 3 min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 21 mins
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
- Mürrischer Reisender
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:28 am
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [73] = 73
JIC: 1d20: [5] = 5 / 1d100: [52] = 52
He goes from thinking he'll be fine to into violent conflict in an instant, a small yelp of surprise let out as he hits the wall after being thrown through the room. Seeing the Bug Bear is distracted, he fires an arrow at it. He speaks to the creature though he remembers how unreasonable Vizzini said Bug Bears are, "I guess talking is out?"
He launches another arrow at the Bug Bear and then, if the creature is closing the distance, sends a chair toward it with a foot as though the action would slow the bear as he backs up, going around the table should the path he is taking deem it necessary as he tries to keep distance between him and the aggressive bug bear. He fires an arrow at the bug bear, knowing eventually that will stop working as he stays mobile so as to keep distance between him and the bug bear he's stuck in the room with.
Initiative: 1d20+1: [14]+1 = 15
Action one: Fire an arrow at the Bug Bear 1d20+3: [11]+3 = 14 / 3d6: [6, 3, 1] = 10
Action two: Fire an arrow at the Bug Bear 1d20+3: [3]+3 = 6 / 3d6: [3, 2, 2] = 7
Action three: kick a chair at the bug bear 1d20+1: [16]+1 = 17
Action four: Fire an arrow at the Bug Bear 1d20+3: [19]+3 = 22 / 3d6: [6, 5, 1] = 12
Action Five: kick a chair at the bug bear 1d20+1: [19]+1 = 20
Contingency: Should the bug bear manage to close the distance, Mürrischer instead resorts to returning the favor and meets it in the violent melee, stopping when the bug bear drops.
Action one: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [13]+1 = 14 / 2d4+5: [2, 4]+5 = 11
Action two: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [14]+1 = 15 / 2d4+5: [2, 4]+5 = 11
Action three: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [16]+1 = 17 / 2d4+5: [1, 4]+5 = 10
Action four: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [17]+1 = 18 / 2d4+5: [2, 4]+5 = 11
Action Five: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [19]+1 = 20 / 2d4+5: [3, 2]+5 = 10
*Could I get a knockout on a nat. 20 if he fights in melee?
Parries: 1d20+2: [20]+2 = 22 1d20+2: [16]+2 = 18 1d20+2: [4]+2 = 6 1d20+2: [3]+2 = 5 1d20+2: [7]+2 = 9
JIC: 1d20: [5] = 5 / 1d100: [52] = 52
He goes from thinking he'll be fine to into violent conflict in an instant, a small yelp of surprise let out as he hits the wall after being thrown through the room. Seeing the Bug Bear is distracted, he fires an arrow at it. He speaks to the creature though he remembers how unreasonable Vizzini said Bug Bears are, "I guess talking is out?"
He launches another arrow at the Bug Bear and then, if the creature is closing the distance, sends a chair toward it with a foot as though the action would slow the bear as he backs up, going around the table should the path he is taking deem it necessary as he tries to keep distance between him and the aggressive bug bear. He fires an arrow at the bug bear, knowing eventually that will stop working as he stays mobile so as to keep distance between him and the bug bear he's stuck in the room with.
Initiative: 1d20+1: [14]+1 = 15
Action one: Fire an arrow at the Bug Bear 1d20+3: [11]+3 = 14 / 3d6: [6, 3, 1] = 10
Action two: Fire an arrow at the Bug Bear 1d20+3: [3]+3 = 6 / 3d6: [3, 2, 2] = 7
Action three: kick a chair at the bug bear 1d20+1: [16]+1 = 17
Action four: Fire an arrow at the Bug Bear 1d20+3: [19]+3 = 22 / 3d6: [6, 5, 1] = 12
Action Five: kick a chair at the bug bear 1d20+1: [19]+1 = 20
Contingency: Should the bug bear manage to close the distance, Mürrischer instead resorts to returning the favor and meets it in the violent melee, stopping when the bug bear drops.
Action one: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [13]+1 = 14 / 2d4+5: [2, 4]+5 = 11
Action two: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [14]+1 = 15 / 2d4+5: [2, 4]+5 = 11
Action three: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [16]+1 = 17 / 2d4+5: [1, 4]+5 = 10
Action four: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [17]+1 = 18 / 2d4+5: [2, 4]+5 = 11
Action Five: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [19]+1 = 20 / 2d4+5: [3, 2]+5 = 10
*Could I get a knockout on a nat. 20 if he fights in melee?
Parries: 1d20+2: [20]+2 = 22 1d20+2: [16]+2 = 18 1d20+2: [4]+2 = 6 1d20+2: [3]+2 = 5 1d20+2: [7]+2 = 9
Mürrischer Mürrischer | Ledger Ledger
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [58] = 58
JiC: 1d100: [85] = 85 / 1d20: [7] = 7
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye remains perched far above on the Keep observing the battle with the Golem, out of the way.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [94] = 94 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [55] = 55 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [76] = 76 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Granas looks back as the he hears the door slam shut and the latch lock into place then looks to Trask. "I think Mürrischer got ambushed. We need to make it to the Keep's Machine. The fight that Skye is observing tells me we don't have long before the Albino finishes with the Golem. Get to the machine, activate it, escape the area and then help Mürrischer. Can you get me there?" Granas asks Trask, hoping the experienced fighter will cover his back. Granas works hard to control his thoughts so that they don't echo around them and continues down the balcony towards the other entrance.
Granas' will not waste time exploring rooms, though he will cast Sense Traps [7 PPE/6ft radius around user/8mins] when he nears the other door on the balcony. Granas will follow Vizzini's given direction and use his best guess to make it to the Keep's Machine as quickly as possible.
JiC: 1d100: [85] = 85 / 1d20: [7] = 7
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye remains perched far above on the Keep observing the battle with the Golem, out of the way.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [94] = 94 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [55] = 55 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [76] = 76 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Granas looks back as the he hears the door slam shut and the latch lock into place then looks to Trask. "I think Mürrischer got ambushed. We need to make it to the Keep's Machine. The fight that Skye is observing tells me we don't have long before the Albino finishes with the Golem. Get to the machine, activate it, escape the area and then help Mürrischer. Can you get me there?" Granas asks Trask, hoping the experienced fighter will cover his back. Granas works hard to control his thoughts so that they don't echo around them and continues down the balcony towards the other entrance.
Granas' will not waste time exploring rooms, though he will cast Sense Traps [7 PPE/6ft radius around user/8mins] when he nears the other door on the balcony. Granas will follow Vizzini's given direction and use his best guess to make it to the Keep's Machine as quickly as possible.
Granas, the traveling mage
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
- Tolliver Trask
- Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:54 pm
- Contact:
Re: The Princess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [3] = 3
Just in Case: 1d20: [4] = 4 , 1d100: [67] = 67
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks), (2:45 minutes), Armor of Ithan (3:45 min; 160 S.D.C), Invisibility: Simple (21:45 mins).
Prowl 1d100: [67] = 67 /47% (This includes the armor penalty) (To attempt to move quietly.)
Detect Ambush 1d100: [46] = 46 /65% (Looking for signs of planned ambush.)
Detect Concealment & Traps 1d100: [5] = 5 /60% (Looking for Traps along the way.)
Just in Case: 1d20: [4] = 4 , 1d100: [67] = 67
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks), (2:45 minutes), Armor of Ithan (3:45 min; 160 S.D.C), Invisibility: Simple (21:45 mins).
Prowl 1d100: [67] = 67 /47% (This includes the armor penalty) (To attempt to move quietly.)
Detect Ambush 1d100: [46] = 46 /65% (Looking for signs of planned ambush.)
Detect Concealment & Traps 1d100: [5] = 5 /60% (Looking for Traps along the way.)
Trask shakes his head. Sounds like it. Yeah lets move, quicker we get out of here the quicker we can finish off the stragglers." Trask says in a low tone as he moves with a quiet purpose. At the second door, Trask takes some care to get it open quietly, before moving forward. If only the wolfen would have followed us instead of doing whatever he felt like. Trask thinks as he continues to look for the next objective.Granas wrote:"I think Mürrischer got ambushed. We need to make it to the Keep's Machine. The fight that Skye is observing tells me we don't have long before the Albino finishes with the Golem. Get to the machine, activate it, escape the area and then help Mürrischer. Can you get me there?"
"Tonight, boys, we're eating like kings. We've all tasted death too much it seems." ~Shawn James
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
Clash of the Fuzzies - Round 1
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:23:15pm
Our hero Mürrischer, his blood pounding in his veins, faces the bugbear! The creature, despite its smaller stature, might be a formidable opponent indeed. The wolfen can clearly see its muscles rippling beneath its fur. Its eyes, glowing with a feral intensity, seem quite eager for violence.
Mürrischer, with reflexes honed by years of practice, draws and looses an arrow in one smooth motion. The arrow flies true, however the bugbear is more agile than anticipated. It dives sideways, and the arrow embeds itself in the wooden door behind it. Undeterred, Mürrischer looses a second arrow, but his aim is off, and the arrow deflects harmlessly off the dining table.
Just as Mürrischer is about to fire a third arrow, the bugbear vanishes from sight! This is not invisibility, for it reappears to the wolfen's right.
Mürrischer reacts quickly and turns to face it. With a powerful punch, he connects with the bear's nose, but to his surprise, the blow seems to have little effect. The wolfen is still nearly weightless, and his physical blows lack the power they ought to have. The bear, seemingly amused by Mürrischer's pathetic punches, swipes at him with a powerful claw. Mürrischer, though weightless, still possesses uncanny reflexes and parries the attack with ease.
He lands another punch, but again, it is like hitting a brick wall. The bear barely flinches. "THAT NOT HURT!" it roars, and its laughter echoes through the dining hall.
The bugbear's eyes narrow, and it grins evilly. Its form shifts, growing even larger and more menacing, and a moment later Mürrischer faces the bugbear in the form of an enormous grizzly. A grizzly with sharp claws!
"BUT THIS WILL!" he gloats as it bares big nasty teeth. Undeterred, Mürrischer punches the enormous bear, ever so lightly, on the nose again.
The bugbear grizzly seems annoyed. "STOP THAT!" And he sneezes. A violent explosion of mucus and saliva catches Mürrischer off guard. The sticky substance coats him from head to toe.
P.S.: Granas and Trask up next!
Butcher's Bill
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: 3min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 21 mins | See Invis: 5 mins | Weightlessness: 4 mins
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:23:15pm
Our hero Mürrischer, his blood pounding in his veins, faces the bugbear! The creature, despite its smaller stature, might be a formidable opponent indeed. The wolfen can clearly see its muscles rippling beneath its fur. Its eyes, glowing with a feral intensity, seem quite eager for violence.
Mürrischer, with reflexes honed by years of practice, draws and looses an arrow in one smooth motion. The arrow flies true, however the bugbear is more agile than anticipated. It dives sideways, and the arrow embeds itself in the wooden door behind it. Undeterred, Mürrischer looses a second arrow, but his aim is off, and the arrow deflects harmlessly off the dining table.
Just as Mürrischer is about to fire a third arrow, the bugbear vanishes from sight! This is not invisibility, for it reappears to the wolfen's right.
Mürrischer reacts quickly and turns to face it. With a powerful punch, he connects with the bear's nose, but to his surprise, the blow seems to have little effect. The wolfen is still nearly weightless, and his physical blows lack the power they ought to have. The bear, seemingly amused by Mürrischer's pathetic punches, swipes at him with a powerful claw. Mürrischer, though weightless, still possesses uncanny reflexes and parries the attack with ease.
He lands another punch, but again, it is like hitting a brick wall. The bear barely flinches. "THAT NOT HURT!" it roars, and its laughter echoes through the dining hall.
The bugbear's eyes narrow, and it grins evilly. Its form shifts, growing even larger and more menacing, and a moment later Mürrischer faces the bugbear in the form of an enormous grizzly. A grizzly with sharp claws!
"BUT THIS WILL!" he gloats as it bares big nasty teeth. Undeterred, Mürrischer punches the enormous bear, ever so lightly, on the nose again.
The bugbear grizzly seems annoyed. "STOP THAT!" And he sneezes. A violent explosion of mucus and saliva catches Mürrischer off guard. The sticky substance coats him from head to toe.
P.S.: Granas and Trask up next!
Butcher's Bill
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: 3min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 21 mins | See Invis: 5 mins | Weightlessness: 4 mins
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
A Race Against Time.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:24pm
Granas, Trask, and Vizzini hurry along the balcony. They know Mürrischer is in some kind of danger, and decide to press on quickly before it is too late for all of them.
As they approach the other balcony door, Granas pauses, his eyes upon the door. This one is closed. He casts Sense Traps (-7 P.P.E.), his magic searching for any hidden dangers. Finding nothing, he nods to Trask, who steps forward and pushes open the door.
Inside, they find themselves in a dimly lit room. At a glance it seems a luxurious haven indeed, a four-poster bed, piled high with plush cushions and soft blankets, dominates the room. Two goblins are awaiting you by a cold fireplace, they are armed with daggers and ready for action. They look right through Trask and Granas, and their eye settle on the raven. Just then Trask hears the muffled sound of a bear roaring somewhere beyond this room. The goblins also turn their heads to listen, but then Vizzini squawks, his voice commanding attention. "Plans changed!" he shouts.
The goblins raise eyebrows at this. And Trask, though he might be going mad, thinks he hears roaring laughter.
"I have new invisible business partners. Do not impede them. Are there any guards between us and the Machine?" Vizzini asks in Gobbely, his eyes narrowed and fixed upon the goblin pair.
The goblins are taken aback. They exchange a glance, their confusion evident. But then, they bow to Vizzini. One of the goblins, a particularly menacing-looking creature, steps forward. "No, Boss," it replies, its voice a mixture of fear and respect.
Vizzini nods, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "Good," he says, his voice turning to a command. "Lead on!"
Our heroes are led through the bedroom to a door. Trask thinks he hears a mighty sneeze, but Granas hears naught but their own footsteps. The next room seems to be a magical workshop; a cluttered laboratory filled with strange-looking devices and jars of exotic ingredients.
The goblins do not linger, but hurry through and open another door. Beyond, the group sees a chamber of power. It is a circular room filled with an eerie glow. Several beings are chained to the walls, their bodies limp and lifeless. There is a male elf, a female gnome, a female six-armed slender elf-like being, and a diminutive red wolfen being. Luna is not present. Trask, ever perceptive, sees a very faint glow of power radiating from the prisoner's very skin.
Then into this dreadful sight steps Vizzini. He waves his arms about extravagantly.
"This is the Machine!" he announces.
The room is circular in shape, the room's floor is polished smooth stone. That floor is etched with a series of concentric circles, with a star design at the centre. There are other geometric shapes in the design which are different. Circles, a triangle, and various runes of power, all made from a glowing azure stone perfectly set into the floor.
Granas instantly recognises the floor as a strange combination of circle and ward magic. Though the function of the arrayed magics before you are not immediately apparent, both Trask and Granas notice a small pale stone set into one of the circles glow momentarily. With it, the skin of the many-armed elf lady glows ever so briefly. A moment later, all fades back to normal.
To those versed in Lore: Magic, make 5 checks against Recognize magic wards, runes and circles if you opt to investigate how the Machine might be triggered. An unspecified penalty will be applied to your checks.
Vizzini, his eyes sparkling with excitement, urges Granas forward. "Come, wizard, let's see what you can do!" He transforms back into his goblinoid self, rubbing his hands together gleefully as he steps aside and watches.
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E. | Bareleaf Smoke | Tongues expired | AoI: 2min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 20 mins
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82; | AoI: 2 min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 20 mins
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:24pm
Granas, Trask, and Vizzini hurry along the balcony. They know Mürrischer is in some kind of danger, and decide to press on quickly before it is too late for all of them.
As they approach the other balcony door, Granas pauses, his eyes upon the door. This one is closed. He casts Sense Traps (-7 P.P.E.), his magic searching for any hidden dangers. Finding nothing, he nods to Trask, who steps forward and pushes open the door.
Inside, they find themselves in a dimly lit room. At a glance it seems a luxurious haven indeed, a four-poster bed, piled high with plush cushions and soft blankets, dominates the room. Two goblins are awaiting you by a cold fireplace, they are armed with daggers and ready for action. They look right through Trask and Granas, and their eye settle on the raven. Just then Trask hears the muffled sound of a bear roaring somewhere beyond this room. The goblins also turn their heads to listen, but then Vizzini squawks, his voice commanding attention. "Plans changed!" he shouts.
The goblins raise eyebrows at this. And Trask, though he might be going mad, thinks he hears roaring laughter.
"I have new invisible business partners. Do not impede them. Are there any guards between us and the Machine?" Vizzini asks in Gobbely, his eyes narrowed and fixed upon the goblin pair.
The goblins are taken aback. They exchange a glance, their confusion evident. But then, they bow to Vizzini. One of the goblins, a particularly menacing-looking creature, steps forward. "No, Boss," it replies, its voice a mixture of fear and respect.
Vizzini nods, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "Good," he says, his voice turning to a command. "Lead on!"
Our heroes are led through the bedroom to a door. Trask thinks he hears a mighty sneeze, but Granas hears naught but their own footsteps. The next room seems to be a magical workshop; a cluttered laboratory filled with strange-looking devices and jars of exotic ingredients.
The goblins do not linger, but hurry through and open another door. Beyond, the group sees a chamber of power. It is a circular room filled with an eerie glow. Several beings are chained to the walls, their bodies limp and lifeless. There is a male elf, a female gnome, a female six-armed slender elf-like being, and a diminutive red wolfen being. Luna is not present. Trask, ever perceptive, sees a very faint glow of power radiating from the prisoner's very skin.
Then into this dreadful sight steps Vizzini. He waves his arms about extravagantly.
"This is the Machine!" he announces.
The room is circular in shape, the room's floor is polished smooth stone. That floor is etched with a series of concentric circles, with a star design at the centre. There are other geometric shapes in the design which are different. Circles, a triangle, and various runes of power, all made from a glowing azure stone perfectly set into the floor.
Granas instantly recognises the floor as a strange combination of circle and ward magic. Though the function of the arrayed magics before you are not immediately apparent, both Trask and Granas notice a small pale stone set into one of the circles glow momentarily. With it, the skin of the many-armed elf lady glows ever so briefly. A moment later, all fades back to normal.
To those versed in Lore: Magic, make 5 checks against Recognize magic wards, runes and circles if you opt to investigate how the Machine might be triggered. An unspecified penalty will be applied to your checks.
Vizzini, his eyes sparkling with excitement, urges Granas forward. "Come, wizard, let's see what you can do!" He transforms back into his goblinoid self, rubbing his hands together gleefully as he steps aside and watches.
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E. | Bareleaf Smoke | Tongues expired | AoI: 2min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 20 mins
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82; | AoI: 2 min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 20 mins
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [43] = 43
JiC: 1d100: [25] = 25 / 1d20: [1] = 1
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye remains perched far above on the Keep observing the battle with the Golem, out of the way.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [80] = 80 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [62] = 62 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [43] = 43 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: MGP Crit Success
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: MGP Crit Success
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: MGP Crit Success
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: MGP Crit Success
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: MGP Crit Success
As they arrive at the Machine, Granas takes stock of the four prisoners. The mage takes a moment to recast Tongues on himself and cursing at the duration of the smoke under his breathe. He turns to Vizzini and Trask. "This is going to take me a minute to figure out. Vizzini, can you send your two goblin friends to help our wolfen ally while I figure this thing out? Trask, I'd like you to stay and cover me while I do." Granas requests then begins studying the symbols on the Machine to interpret how it functions.
If Granas is able to figure it out and activate it without issue, Granas will attempt to make it teleport to Adrianna. If there is some trick to activating it, he will relay what he finds to Trask.
JiC: 1d100: [25] = 25 / 1d20: [1] = 1
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye remains perched far above on the Keep observing the battle with the Golem, out of the way.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [80] = 80 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [62] = 62 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [43] = 43 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: MGP Crit Success
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: MGP Crit Success
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: MGP Crit Success
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: MGP Crit Success
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: MGP Crit Success
As they arrive at the Machine, Granas takes stock of the four prisoners. The mage takes a moment to recast Tongues on himself and cursing at the duration of the smoke under his breathe. He turns to Vizzini and Trask. "This is going to take me a minute to figure out. Vizzini, can you send your two goblin friends to help our wolfen ally while I figure this thing out? Trask, I'd like you to stay and cover me while I do." Granas requests then begins studying the symbols on the Machine to interpret how it functions.
If Granas is able to figure it out and activate it without issue, Granas will attempt to make it teleport to Adrianna. If there is some trick to activating it, he will relay what he finds to Trask.
Granas, the traveling mage
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
- Mürrischer Reisender
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:28 am
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [28] = 28
JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 / 1d100: [55] = 55
"Den stand down." The Wolfen responds to being told to stop even as he gets coated in Bug Bear snot. He makes an attempt to take a swing at his adversary should the Bug Bear continue to fight. He threatens it even with the effects of magic upon him, "I vill do it again.
Horror Factor: 12
He continues to try to pummel the bug bear to the best of his weightless capacity if it hasn't stood down and stopped trying to fight him, really hoping to at a minimum knock it unconscious so he can move on. Granas this isn't helpful right now.
Initiative: 1d20+1: [11]+1 = 12
Action one: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [7]+1 = 8 / 2d4+5: [4, 4]+5 = 13
Action two: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [12]+1 = 13 / 2d4+5: [4, 3]+5 = 12
Action three: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [17]+1 = 18 / 2d4+5: [1, 1]+5 = 7
Action four: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [15]+1 = 16 / 2d4+5: [1, 2]+5 = 8
Action Five: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [20]+1 = 21 / 2d4+5: [4, 4]+5 = 13
*Could I get a knockout on a nat. 20?
Parries: 1d20+2: [5]+2 = 7 1d20+2: [11]+2 = 13 1d20+2: [19]+2 = 21 1d20+2: [8]+2 = 10 1d20+2: [15]+2 = 17
JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 / 1d100: [55] = 55
"Den stand down." The Wolfen responds to being told to stop even as he gets coated in Bug Bear snot. He makes an attempt to take a swing at his adversary should the Bug Bear continue to fight. He threatens it even with the effects of magic upon him, "I vill do it again.
Horror Factor: 12
He continues to try to pummel the bug bear to the best of his weightless capacity if it hasn't stood down and stopped trying to fight him, really hoping to at a minimum knock it unconscious so he can move on. Granas this isn't helpful right now.
Initiative: 1d20+1: [11]+1 = 12
Action one: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [7]+1 = 8 / 2d4+5: [4, 4]+5 = 13
Action two: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [12]+1 = 13 / 2d4+5: [4, 3]+5 = 12
Action three: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [17]+1 = 18 / 2d4+5: [1, 1]+5 = 7
Action four: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [15]+1 = 16 / 2d4+5: [1, 2]+5 = 8
Action Five: Punch the bug bear. 1d20+1: [20]+1 = 21 / 2d4+5: [4, 4]+5 = 13
*Could I get a knockout on a nat. 20?
Parries: 1d20+2: [5]+2 = 7 1d20+2: [11]+2 = 13 1d20+2: [19]+2 = 21 1d20+2: [8]+2 = 10 1d20+2: [15]+2 = 17
Mürrischer Mürrischer | Ledger Ledger
- Tolliver Trask
- Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:54 pm
- Contact:
Re: The Princess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [58] = 58
Just in Case: 1d20: [16] = 16 , 1d100: [31] = 31
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks), (1:00 minute), Armor of Ithan (2:00 min; 160 S.D.C), Invisibility: Simple (20:00 mins).
Just in Case: 1d20: [16] = 16 , 1d100: [31] = 31
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks), (1:00 minute), Armor of Ithan (2:00 min; 160 S.D.C), Invisibility: Simple (20:00 mins).
"Aye, I can watch your back Wizard." Trask says as he leans his Lucern Hammer against the wall, and unlimbers his tower shield. The worn looking wood and iron shield studded with hob nails, a magical treasure to those in the know. Trask follows this up by drawing his long sword, pale iron and dwarven crafted, gifted to him all those years ago for deeds of daring done. Now armed and shielded, Trask takes up a spot nearer the middle of the room so that he may react to threats from any direction. Certainly not your first time covering the backside of a wizard while he does something. Trask thinks with an inwards grin. "Just be fast, the quicker this happens the safer we all are." Trask says.Granas wrote:"This is going to take me a minute to figure out. Vizzini, can you send your two goblin friends to help our wolfen ally while I figure this thing out? Trask, I'd like you to stay and cover me while I do."
"Tonight, boys, we're eating like kings. We've all tasted death too much it seems." ~Shawn James
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
Clash of the Fuzzies - Round 2
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:23:30pm
Mürrischer, now covered in bugbear boogies, is the faster of the two again, and unloads a quick jab, which is easily blocked by the grizzly bugbear. The bugbear responds with a savage bite, which Mürrischer fails to avoid, and he is mauled. Fortunately Granas' Armor of Ithan spell protects him from harm, and a shower of magical sparks is all the bear's bite yields.
"Den stand down." Mürrischer responds. "I vill do it again."
The two trade and block one another's blows a moment, before a light punch from our wolfen hero one again connects. This time with the bear's neck.
"THAT NOT HURT." The bugbear exclaims, and he bites but is avoided once more by the quick wolfen.
There is another flurry of blows, before Mürrischer seems to plant his near-weightless feet on the floor, and deliver a savage uppercut. Weightless or no, he is able to get leverage from the solid floor and the bear looks crosseyed at Mürrischer before adding, "MUCH."
Then his eyes roll to the back of his head, and the beast falls to the floor unconscious. A moment later the grizzy bear returns to its natural form of a small fuzzy wuzzy bear-man, who is snoring soundly.
P.S.: Granas and Trask up next!
Butcher's Bill
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: 3 min, 152/160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 21 mins | See Invis: 5 mins | Weightlessness: 4 mins
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:23:30pm
Mürrischer, now covered in bugbear boogies, is the faster of the two again, and unloads a quick jab, which is easily blocked by the grizzly bugbear. The bugbear responds with a savage bite, which Mürrischer fails to avoid, and he is mauled. Fortunately Granas' Armor of Ithan spell protects him from harm, and a shower of magical sparks is all the bear's bite yields.
"Den stand down." Mürrischer responds. "I vill do it again."
The two trade and block one another's blows a moment, before a light punch from our wolfen hero one again connects. This time with the bear's neck.
"THAT NOT HURT." The bugbear exclaims, and he bites but is avoided once more by the quick wolfen.
There is another flurry of blows, before Mürrischer seems to plant his near-weightless feet on the floor, and deliver a savage uppercut. Weightless or no, he is able to get leverage from the solid floor and the bear looks crosseyed at Mürrischer before adding, "MUCH."
Then his eyes roll to the back of his head, and the beast falls to the floor unconscious. A moment later the grizzy bear returns to its natural form of a small fuzzy wuzzy bear-man, who is snoring soundly.
P.S.: Granas and Trask up next!
Butcher's Bill
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: 3 min, 152/160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 21 mins | See Invis: 5 mins | Weightlessness: 4 mins
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
The Heart of the Keep.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:25pm
Granas tells Vizzini to send his minions to assist Mürrischer in the dining hall. With eyes fixed on the intricate runes of the floor, the goblin mutters, "Alright, alright." He snaps his fingers and points to the exit. "Go help Mürrischer," he orders, "and make sure you don't get yourselves killed. I'm not making my own breakfasts!"
The henchmen exchange a nervous glance before scurrying off into the hallway.
Trask wisely assesses the situation. He swaps weapons and moves to a strategic position in the center of the room. There he stands ready to face whatever threats might arise, and his eyes are alert for any signs of danger. As he stands there, he remembers this isn't his first time protecting a busy wizard.
Vizzini is less helpful. The stands close at Granas' elbow, his eyes staring uncomprehendingly at the intricate magical design. "So? Do the magic thing!" He waves his hands vaguely in a wizardly manner.
For his part, Granas is feeling incredibly skilled, or , as he carefully studies the intricate design of the Power Chamber. It is a work beyond anything he has ever seen.
"I'm waiting!" Vizzini interrupts.
In the brief time he has, Granas gains some important insights into a few of the larger designs before him.
The Power Leech Circles: There are three circles on the edges of the design, and each appear connected to three of the four prisoners on the wall. In terms of hard magic, the wizard cannot tell with certainty what they do, although he is fairly certain it is a power leech of some kind. These circles are linked to the gnome, the elf, and the six-armed elven lady. The diminutive red wolfen-dwarf being, whilst chained to the wall, appears to he unconnected to the design.
"You were supposed to be this colossus. A great, legendary wizard! And yet we're still here!"
The Central Triangle: Second, Granas studies the triangle intently, but with haste. The triangle, a perfect equilateral shape, might be a symbol of balance and harmony. Equal sides. Equal angles at the points. He can sense a powerful energy emanating from the symbol, a raw force. The three points of the triangle seem to be important, and each possesses a slightly different in intensity of power. As he focuses his attention on the triangle, he begins to perceive a subtle energy flow, a dance of power between the three points. It is a delicate balance, a harmony that might be disrupted with the slightest touch.
"Did I make it clear that your job is at stake?"
The Moonstone: Third, there is something else, something that does not quite fit. A moonstone, a foreign element in the otherwise harmonious design, and it pulses erratically with an eerie light. It is set atop a mystic symbol. To Granas it seems not a part of the original design, but is rather a stone set on top of the beautiful blue azure stonework laid out in the floor. A modification, or parasite, Granas does not know. But this moonstone emits a slight ethereal light briefly, then is quiet again. Then another flash. It seems to be doing it in a random pattern.
"I do not accept excuses. We're just going to have to find ourselves a new wizard, that's all."
The Outer Circle: Fourth, at the outermost limit of the floor design is a wide circle. It is a vast and encompassing design, the largest rune of the floor. It hums with energy, but to what purpose? All he knows is that as he studies the circle, he feels a sense of peace and security. Like a mother's embrace. It is certainly a powerful ward, but what powers does it possess? Granas cannot tell.
As Granas looks for a trigger, he can see two options. The Outer Circle, and The Central Triangle. If he were to direct his magical force at one of these, it would trigger a cascade of energy from the Power Leech circles into it. Meanwhile The Moonstone already seems to be active, and it is drawing energy and utilising it somehow.
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E. | Bareleaf Smoke | Tongues expired | AoI: 1min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 19 mins
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82; | AoI: 2 min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 19 mins
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:25pm
Granas tells Vizzini to send his minions to assist Mürrischer in the dining hall. With eyes fixed on the intricate runes of the floor, the goblin mutters, "Alright, alright." He snaps his fingers and points to the exit. "Go help Mürrischer," he orders, "and make sure you don't get yourselves killed. I'm not making my own breakfasts!"
The henchmen exchange a nervous glance before scurrying off into the hallway.
Trask wisely assesses the situation. He swaps weapons and moves to a strategic position in the center of the room. There he stands ready to face whatever threats might arise, and his eyes are alert for any signs of danger. As he stands there, he remembers this isn't his first time protecting a busy wizard.
Vizzini is less helpful. The stands close at Granas' elbow, his eyes staring uncomprehendingly at the intricate magical design. "So? Do the magic thing!" He waves his hands vaguely in a wizardly manner.
For his part, Granas is feeling incredibly skilled, or , as he carefully studies the intricate design of the Power Chamber. It is a work beyond anything he has ever seen.
"I'm waiting!" Vizzini interrupts.
In the brief time he has, Granas gains some important insights into a few of the larger designs before him.
The Power Leech Circles: There are three circles on the edges of the design, and each appear connected to three of the four prisoners on the wall. In terms of hard magic, the wizard cannot tell with certainty what they do, although he is fairly certain it is a power leech of some kind. These circles are linked to the gnome, the elf, and the six-armed elven lady. The diminutive red wolfen-dwarf being, whilst chained to the wall, appears to he unconnected to the design.
"You were supposed to be this colossus. A great, legendary wizard! And yet we're still here!"
The Central Triangle: Second, Granas studies the triangle intently, but with haste. The triangle, a perfect equilateral shape, might be a symbol of balance and harmony. Equal sides. Equal angles at the points. He can sense a powerful energy emanating from the symbol, a raw force. The three points of the triangle seem to be important, and each possesses a slightly different in intensity of power. As he focuses his attention on the triangle, he begins to perceive a subtle energy flow, a dance of power between the three points. It is a delicate balance, a harmony that might be disrupted with the slightest touch.
"Did I make it clear that your job is at stake?"
The Moonstone: Third, there is something else, something that does not quite fit. A moonstone, a foreign element in the otherwise harmonious design, and it pulses erratically with an eerie light. It is set atop a mystic symbol. To Granas it seems not a part of the original design, but is rather a stone set on top of the beautiful blue azure stonework laid out in the floor. A modification, or parasite, Granas does not know. But this moonstone emits a slight ethereal light briefly, then is quiet again. Then another flash. It seems to be doing it in a random pattern.
"I do not accept excuses. We're just going to have to find ourselves a new wizard, that's all."
The Outer Circle: Fourth, at the outermost limit of the floor design is a wide circle. It is a vast and encompassing design, the largest rune of the floor. It hums with energy, but to what purpose? All he knows is that as he studies the circle, he feels a sense of peace and security. Like a mother's embrace. It is certainly a powerful ward, but what powers does it possess? Granas cannot tell.
As Granas looks for a trigger, he can see two options. The Outer Circle, and The Central Triangle. If he were to direct his magical force at one of these, it would trigger a cascade of energy from the Power Leech circles into it. Meanwhile The Moonstone already seems to be active, and it is drawing energy and utilising it somehow.
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E. | Bareleaf Smoke | Tongues expired | AoI: 1min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 19 mins
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82; | AoI: 2 min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 19 mins
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [38] = 38
JiC: 1d100: [12] = 12 / 1d20: [9] = 9
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye remains perched far above on the Keep observing the battle with the Golem, out of the way.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [68] = 68 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [91] = 91 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [14] = 14 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: 1d100: [80] = 80 /82% [Try to identify if there is a teleportation circle specifically]
Grana studies the rune work and is visibly impressed by its intricacies, his learned time as a student proving useful as he basically blocks Vizzini out almost completely. "Maybe one of you should check on the prisoners." Granas says softly while staring at the rune work, dismissing Vizzini's comments. The goblin sounding like little more than white noise to the practiced mage. Despite his experience around runework and magic, Granas can't help but admit that even this was something he'd never seen before. At least, not in this way. Once the wizard has a grasp on it, he turns towards Trask and Vizzini.
"These three circles work in tandem with each other and seem to draw energy from the chained prisoners, like a leech or siphon. The triangle seems to represent a type of balance or harmony, equal angels and lengths with energy flowing between the tips in a fragile balance. The Moonstone was added in afterwards, possibly a modification or manipulation to the original intent of the runes. It's pulse is at a random pattern from what I can tell. Finally, this larger circle feels almost like a protection circle, it flows with energy. What it is though I would need more time to be certain." Granas explains, walking through what he has discovered.
"From what I can tell, there are two main methods of activation. The outer circle and the central triangle. Activating either of these would trigger the energy currently stored in the inner leeching circle. The moonstone is also actively drawing energy in some way and could be a focus point, perhaps a mystical steering of sorts. But that is guessing." Granas continues then walks the circle. "We haven't much time before the fight outside is over, so we must make a decision and activate one of them." Granas considers, looking away from then runes and back towards Trask and Vizzini, to see if they have any input.
Granas takes a few seconds to mull over it, not knowing full well what to expect from either. He will take an extra moment to see if he recognizes the Circles of Teleportation specifically, or specific location names inscribed into the runework. From what I remember if circle magic, locations are written in, unless this si done via thought. Granas considers then shakes his head as the Bareleaf is still in effect and his voice speaks out. "From what I know of circle magic, my thought is we must activate the outer circler to channel the power within and teleport the keep." Granas finishes his thought. [Granas will change his thought if his skill check identifies something else.] Granas will move to activate the runes knowing that their time is running short and not wanting to engage with the Albino.
JiC: 1d100: [12] = 12 / 1d20: [9] = 9
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye remains perched far above on the Keep observing the battle with the Golem, out of the way.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [68] = 68 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [91] = 91 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [14] = 14 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Lore, Magic: Recognize Magic Ward, Rune and Circles: 1d100: [80] = 80 /82% [Try to identify if there is a teleportation circle specifically]
Grana studies the rune work and is visibly impressed by its intricacies, his learned time as a student proving useful as he basically blocks Vizzini out almost completely. "Maybe one of you should check on the prisoners." Granas says softly while staring at the rune work, dismissing Vizzini's comments. The goblin sounding like little more than white noise to the practiced mage. Despite his experience around runework and magic, Granas can't help but admit that even this was something he'd never seen before. At least, not in this way. Once the wizard has a grasp on it, he turns towards Trask and Vizzini.
"These three circles work in tandem with each other and seem to draw energy from the chained prisoners, like a leech or siphon. The triangle seems to represent a type of balance or harmony, equal angels and lengths with energy flowing between the tips in a fragile balance. The Moonstone was added in afterwards, possibly a modification or manipulation to the original intent of the runes. It's pulse is at a random pattern from what I can tell. Finally, this larger circle feels almost like a protection circle, it flows with energy. What it is though I would need more time to be certain." Granas explains, walking through what he has discovered.
"From what I can tell, there are two main methods of activation. The outer circle and the central triangle. Activating either of these would trigger the energy currently stored in the inner leeching circle. The moonstone is also actively drawing energy in some way and could be a focus point, perhaps a mystical steering of sorts. But that is guessing." Granas continues then walks the circle. "We haven't much time before the fight outside is over, so we must make a decision and activate one of them." Granas considers, looking away from then runes and back towards Trask and Vizzini, to see if they have any input.
Granas takes a few seconds to mull over it, not knowing full well what to expect from either. He will take an extra moment to see if he recognizes the Circles of Teleportation specifically, or specific location names inscribed into the runework. From what I remember if circle magic, locations are written in, unless this si done via thought. Granas considers then shakes his head as the Bareleaf is still in effect and his voice speaks out. "From what I know of circle magic, my thought is we must activate the outer circler to channel the power within and teleport the keep." Granas finishes his thought. [Granas will change his thought if his skill check identifies something else.] Granas will move to activate the runes knowing that their time is running short and not wanting to engage with the Albino.
Granas, the traveling mage
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
The Dining Hall
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:25pm
Mürrischer, panting slightly from his recent encounter, takes a moment to survey the dining hall. It is a grand room indeed. There is the long, polished table that dominates the center, which Mürrischer was thrown over. It is flanked by ornate chairs. The walls are adorned with curious paintings, depicting strange creatures - a six-legged panther, a metallic bull, a serpentine beast and more.
At the southern end of the room, two wide and squat urns can be seen. A quick inspection finds they are filled with chopped wood. A fireplace, its hearth currently cold, is set into the eastern wall. On the north side of the room is a large wooden cabinet. Mürrischer checks this out, and finds they hold a collection of folded tablecloths, porcelain dishes, and utensils.
His ears prick up as he hears a sudden noise that echoes from the stairwell to the north. It sounds like a slamming door. Then the sound of footsteps, heavy and hurried, sound as someone. Or something. Is ascending the stairs.
Before he can react, the door to the west bursts open. Two goblins, their faces ugly and green, charge into the room, weapons drawn.
Butcher's Bill
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: 2 min, 152/160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 20 mins | See Invis: 4 mins | Weightlessness: 3 mins
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:25pm
Mürrischer, panting slightly from his recent encounter, takes a moment to survey the dining hall. It is a grand room indeed. There is the long, polished table that dominates the center, which Mürrischer was thrown over. It is flanked by ornate chairs. The walls are adorned with curious paintings, depicting strange creatures - a six-legged panther, a metallic bull, a serpentine beast and more.
At the southern end of the room, two wide and squat urns can be seen. A quick inspection finds they are filled with chopped wood. A fireplace, its hearth currently cold, is set into the eastern wall. On the north side of the room is a large wooden cabinet. Mürrischer checks this out, and finds they hold a collection of folded tablecloths, porcelain dishes, and utensils.
His ears prick up as he hears a sudden noise that echoes from the stairwell to the north. It sounds like a slamming door. Then the sound of footsteps, heavy and hurried, sound as someone. Or something. Is ascending the stairs.
Before he can react, the door to the west bursts open. Two goblins, their faces ugly and green, charge into the room, weapons drawn.
Butcher's Bill
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: 2 min, 152/160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 20 mins | See Invis: 4 mins | Weightlessness: 3 mins
- Mürrischer Reisender
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:28 am
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [39] = 39
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [12] = 12
The Wolfen looks around the room, hoping to find a place to keep the bug bear for the time being, deciding on emptying out wood from an urn and stuffing him there. Little green men with weapons interrupt him before he even can. He's also sure he doesn't want to know what else is coming up the stairs. "I just knocked that out." He grumbles to himself. He briefly worries about what is on the stairs. Please don't be the one guy.
He stares at the goblins, not sure what good talking could do for him. "Uuuh... Hi. Nice place you got here, paintings are a nice touch."
I can't just leave. I'm doing something here.
Should the goblins seem to be on a warpath with the trespassing Wolfen, he considers fighting them too, but remembers and hopes Vizzini wasn't lying. Vizzini dice, "Vuelve al principio "Vizzini dice, "Vuelve al principio."
He has his bow in hand for if whatever it is coming up the stairs isn't friendly as he quickly and quietly as possible makes his way for the door the goblins entered through and slips through, hoping not to draw more attention to himself.
Prowl: 1d100: [92] = 92 /45%
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [12] = 12
The Wolfen looks around the room, hoping to find a place to keep the bug bear for the time being, deciding on emptying out wood from an urn and stuffing him there. Little green men with weapons interrupt him before he even can. He's also sure he doesn't want to know what else is coming up the stairs. "I just knocked that out." He grumbles to himself. He briefly worries about what is on the stairs. Please don't be the one guy.
He stares at the goblins, not sure what good talking could do for him. "Uuuh... Hi. Nice place you got here, paintings are a nice touch."
I can't just leave. I'm doing something here.
Should the goblins seem to be on a warpath with the trespassing Wolfen, he considers fighting them too, but remembers and hopes Vizzini wasn't lying. Vizzini dice, "Vuelve al principio "Vizzini dice, "Vuelve al principio."
He has his bow in hand for if whatever it is coming up the stairs isn't friendly as he quickly and quietly as possible makes his way for the door the goblins entered through and slips through, hoping not to draw more attention to himself.
Prowl: 1d100: [92] = 92 /45%
Mürrischer Mürrischer | Ledger Ledger
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
The Machine.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:25:30pm
The door to the west of the dining hall bursts open, and two goblin thugs storm in, with weapons drawn. Mürrischer, in the process of trying to stuff a bug bear into a woodfire urn, looks a little uncertain.
"Uuuh... Hi. Nice place you got here, paintings are a nice touch."
The goblins, having a better notion of the gravity of the situation, lunge at Mürrischer. "Run!" one of them yelled, pushing Mürrischer towards the door, and into the hallway. "First door on the right!"
As Mürrischer stumbles out of the dining room, one goblin transforms into a small, black rat and scurries behind the cabinet. The other goblin, with a wild look in its eyes, slams the door shut, and runs.
Mürrischer, heart pounding, races with the goblin down the corridor. They take the door, and find themselves reunited with Granas, Trask, Vizzini and some new faces.....
Daskyn's consciousness, trapped within the illusory prison, struggles against the darkness. My will is stronger than yours, he declares, and his mind is a fortress of determination. With a surge of willpower, he pushes against the invisible barrier, his consciousness straining to break free.
Suddenly, the darkness dissipated, replaced by a blinding light. Daskyn's eyes snap open, and the harsh illumination causes him to wince uncomfortably. He finds himself in a circular chamber, its floor etched with intricate, glowing blue runes. The light emanating from the runes was intense, causing his eyes to water.
As his vision clears, he takes in his surroundings. The chamber is both beautiful and terrifying, a place of immense power. Circular in shape, the room's floor is polished smooth stone. That floor is etched with a series of concentric circles, with a triangle design at the center. There are other geometric shapes in the design which are different. Circles, a triangle, and various runes of power, all made from a glowing azure stone perfectly set into the floor.
All this is secondary compared to the room's occupants. Daskyn sees other beings chained to the wall, as he is; Ash, Alvina and a small fox-like being.
But most important of all are the others in the chamber, those who are not chained. New faces....
Granas, Zephr, Trask, Mürrischer
Mürrischer enters the room with one of Vizzini's goblinoid henchmen. Granas, deep in concentration, tries to ignore Vizzini's 'motivational' chatter. "Maybe one of you should check on the prisoners," he says softly, while is mind is fixed on the intricate runes.
Vizzini, surprisingly, agrees. "That is a very good idea!"
The wizard is too busy to look up, but a few moments later Vizzini provides an update. "None of them have anything valuable on them, but it is conceivable it lies somewhere else. Likely where Humperdinck keeps his trophies, or weapons."
If the goblin knew he was expected to check on their welfare, his facial expression gives no sign of it.
"Now.. are you done YET?!" is all he asks. Daskyn forces himself to reality at this point, and awakens. Vizzini's back is to him, and Granas is entirely too busy to notice him.
For his part, Granas has a theory on how the runes roughly work. Nothing he sees in the designs contradicts his hypothesis. Activating the circle, and then the triangle seems sound. But there are no guarantees.
Then everyone hears an explosion outside the keep. A moment later the entire Keep experiences a shuddering as a thunderous otherworldly voice shouts.
It leaves everyone's ears ringing. Zephyr, who was unconscious, but not magically sedated, awakens with a start!
"Whatever in the world could that be?" Vizzini asks with wide eyes.
Granas, with his brow furrowed in concentration, focuses his energy on the circle. With a surge of power, he activates the rune, and a wave of energy pulses through the chamber. The intricate design of the circle begins to glow, the azure stones illuminating the room with an ethereal light.
The light intensifies, spreading across the walls, the floor, and the ceiling.
If Granas chances a glance through Skye's avian eyes, he sees a sight.
Another shout resounds from outside the keep. "PUNCH! NUTS!"
Then about you, the wards continue their work. The very fabric of the keep seems to shimmer, as if it were being pulled into another dimension. Everyone feels a tingling in their limbs, as if their bodies were being stretched and pulled. The room distorts, its shape shifting and changing. The walls seemed to dissolve, replaced by a swirling vortex of colors and light.
This lasts but a moment, and then the process reverses. Walls become solid once more, the runes azure light reduces in intensity, and suddenly, all is still.
GM: You are all finally together! Is the danger passed? Where are you? Have fun!
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E. | Bareleaf Smoke | Tongues expired | AoI: 1min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 19 mins
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82; | AoI: 2 min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 19 mins
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: 2 min, 152/160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 20 mins | See Invis: 4 mins | Weightlessness: 3 mins
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 24/119 I.S.P.
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:25:30pm
The door to the west of the dining hall bursts open, and two goblin thugs storm in, with weapons drawn. Mürrischer, in the process of trying to stuff a bug bear into a woodfire urn, looks a little uncertain.
"Uuuh... Hi. Nice place you got here, paintings are a nice touch."
The goblins, having a better notion of the gravity of the situation, lunge at Mürrischer. "Run!" one of them yelled, pushing Mürrischer towards the door, and into the hallway. "First door on the right!"
As Mürrischer stumbles out of the dining room, one goblin transforms into a small, black rat and scurries behind the cabinet. The other goblin, with a wild look in its eyes, slams the door shut, and runs.
Mürrischer, heart pounding, races with the goblin down the corridor. They take the door, and find themselves reunited with Granas, Trask, Vizzini and some new faces.....
Daskyn's consciousness, trapped within the illusory prison, struggles against the darkness. My will is stronger than yours, he declares, and his mind is a fortress of determination. With a surge of willpower, he pushes against the invisible barrier, his consciousness straining to break free.
Suddenly, the darkness dissipated, replaced by a blinding light. Daskyn's eyes snap open, and the harsh illumination causes him to wince uncomfortably. He finds himself in a circular chamber, its floor etched with intricate, glowing blue runes. The light emanating from the runes was intense, causing his eyes to water.
As his vision clears, he takes in his surroundings. The chamber is both beautiful and terrifying, a place of immense power. Circular in shape, the room's floor is polished smooth stone. That floor is etched with a series of concentric circles, with a triangle design at the center. There are other geometric shapes in the design which are different. Circles, a triangle, and various runes of power, all made from a glowing azure stone perfectly set into the floor.
All this is secondary compared to the room's occupants. Daskyn sees other beings chained to the wall, as he is; Ash, Alvina and a small fox-like being.
But most important of all are the others in the chamber, those who are not chained. New faces....
Granas, Zephr, Trask, Mürrischer
Mürrischer enters the room with one of Vizzini's goblinoid henchmen. Granas, deep in concentration, tries to ignore Vizzini's 'motivational' chatter. "Maybe one of you should check on the prisoners," he says softly, while is mind is fixed on the intricate runes.
Vizzini, surprisingly, agrees. "That is a very good idea!"
The wizard is too busy to look up, but a few moments later Vizzini provides an update. "None of them have anything valuable on them, but it is conceivable it lies somewhere else. Likely where Humperdinck keeps his trophies, or weapons."
If the goblin knew he was expected to check on their welfare, his facial expression gives no sign of it.
"Now.. are you done YET?!" is all he asks. Daskyn forces himself to reality at this point, and awakens. Vizzini's back is to him, and Granas is entirely too busy to notice him.
For his part, Granas has a theory on how the runes roughly work. Nothing he sees in the designs contradicts his hypothesis. Activating the circle, and then the triangle seems sound. But there are no guarantees.
Then everyone hears an explosion outside the keep. A moment later the entire Keep experiences a shuddering as a thunderous otherworldly voice shouts.
Easter Egg
" --==**{ YOU RUINED MY HAT! }**==--" It leaves everyone's ears ringing. Zephyr, who was unconscious, but not magically sedated, awakens with a start!
"Whatever in the world could that be?" Vizzini asks with wide eyes.
Granas, with his brow furrowed in concentration, focuses his energy on the circle. With a surge of power, he activates the rune, and a wave of energy pulses through the chamber. The intricate design of the circle begins to glow, the azure stones illuminating the room with an ethereal light.
The light intensifies, spreading across the walls, the floor, and the ceiling.
If Granas chances a glance through Skye's avian eyes, he sees a sight.
Another shout resounds from outside the keep. "PUNCH! NUTS!"
Then about you, the wards continue their work. The very fabric of the keep seems to shimmer, as if it were being pulled into another dimension. Everyone feels a tingling in their limbs, as if their bodies were being stretched and pulled. The room distorts, its shape shifting and changing. The walls seemed to dissolve, replaced by a swirling vortex of colors and light.
This lasts but a moment, and then the process reverses. Walls become solid once more, the runes azure light reduces in intensity, and suddenly, all is still.
GM: You are all finally together! Is the danger passed? Where are you? Have fun!
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E. | Bareleaf Smoke | Tongues expired | AoI: 1min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 19 mins
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82; | AoI: 2 min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 19 mins
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: 2 min, 152/160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 20 mins | See Invis: 4 mins | Weightlessness: 3 mins
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 24/119 I.S.P.
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
- Zephyr Stormbow
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2024 4:40 pm
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [57] = 57
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 ; 1d100: [50] = 50
”Ughh…” Zeph groans as the world suddenly comes back to him. Ouch…Why am I so sore all over. Why are my arms over my head? Zeph wills his eyes open and looks up to where he feels the uncomfortable pressure from the manacles pinning him to the wall. ”Huh…Seems I’m in a bit of a bind.” Zeph says to himself before he takes stock of the room in which he finds himself. Zeph looks over to see the Mage with the goblin messing with the glowing stuff on the ground, before finding the others chained up next to him. Uh, oh. That’s never a good thing. Well let's hope they're friendly. Zeph closes his eyes against the twisting of the room, "Ah. What the hell is that?" Once he opens his eyes once more, Zeph will see if he can wiggle himself free from his restraints.
Escape Artist 1d100: [17] = 17 /45% (Escape the bonds)
Prowl 1d100: [58] = 58 /42% (try to release the others quietly)
Zeph twists his arms and relaxes his hands as he slips his bonds, That's one hell of a commotion outside. Need to get these others down from here. Zeph moves over to the others chained up on the wall. He moves quietly hoping the commotion outside will draw the mage's attention, as Zeph is still not sure who the man is or what his connection to the situation is. Zeph clangs the shackles as he tried to get theo other people out of them. Once the loud sound of metal hitting stone rings out he call over his shoulder to the mage, "Don't mind me. We were just leaving." Despite making a racket with the shackles Zeph moves with the strength and grace of a ranger or warrior. Zeph's voice is a little higher pitch then would be expected and his Elven is clearly accented with Wolfen grunts and growls. His black tipped ears continually flick towards Granas as though they are trying to keep track of Granas' movements.
Invoke Trust: 1d100: [41] = 41 /45% (With Granas)
Zeph, looks over his shoulder to see the mage's reaction to what he's doing, before going back to releasing the others chained to the wall. Zeph speaks again as he works to free the others, "I hope you don't mind me saying your castle could use a better make over. It's a little too dour for my taste. Have you thought of putting in a skylight? I think some natural light would do wonders for the ascetics of the room." While Zeph seems to be talking to Granas, he continues to work on freeing the others on the wall.
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 ; 1d100: [50] = 50
- Wolfen
- Gobbely
- Dragonese/Elven
- Human: Northern
”Ughh…” Zeph groans as the world suddenly comes back to him. Ouch…Why am I so sore all over. Why are my arms over my head? Zeph wills his eyes open and looks up to where he feels the uncomfortable pressure from the manacles pinning him to the wall. ”Huh…Seems I’m in a bit of a bind.” Zeph says to himself before he takes stock of the room in which he finds himself. Zeph looks over to see the Mage with the goblin messing with the glowing stuff on the ground, before finding the others chained up next to him. Uh, oh. That’s never a good thing. Well let's hope they're friendly. Zeph closes his eyes against the twisting of the room, "Ah. What the hell is that?" Once he opens his eyes once more, Zeph will see if he can wiggle himself free from his restraints.
Escape Artist 1d100: [17] = 17 /45% (Escape the bonds)
Prowl 1d100: [58] = 58 /42% (try to release the others quietly)
Zeph twists his arms and relaxes his hands as he slips his bonds, That's one hell of a commotion outside. Need to get these others down from here. Zeph moves over to the others chained up on the wall. He moves quietly hoping the commotion outside will draw the mage's attention, as Zeph is still not sure who the man is or what his connection to the situation is. Zeph clangs the shackles as he tried to get theo other people out of them. Once the loud sound of metal hitting stone rings out he call over his shoulder to the mage, "Don't mind me. We were just leaving." Despite making a racket with the shackles Zeph moves with the strength and grace of a ranger or warrior. Zeph's voice is a little higher pitch then would be expected and his Elven is clearly accented with Wolfen grunts and growls. His black tipped ears continually flick towards Granas as though they are trying to keep track of Granas' movements.
Invoke Trust: 1d100: [41] = 41 /45% (With Granas)
Zeph, looks over his shoulder to see the mage's reaction to what he's doing, before going back to releasing the others chained to the wall. Zeph speaks again as he works to free the others, "I hope you don't mind me saying your castle could use a better make over. It's a little too dour for my taste. Have you thought of putting in a skylight? I think some natural light would do wonders for the ascetics of the room." While Zeph seems to be talking to Granas, he continues to work on freeing the others on the wall.
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [62] = 62
JiC: 1d100: [72] = 72 / 1d20: [16] = 16
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye remains perched far above on the Keep observing the battle with the Golem, out of the way.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [98] = 98 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [82] = 82 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [5] = 5 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Granas tries to ignore Vizzini, the goblin might almost elicit a smile for his attitude had Granas not been so focused on the runes. As Granas begins to activate the runes, he hears the thundering boom complaining about a hat jars Granas' attention for a moment. "What the... Skye." Granas says as he connects with Skye briefly to get a gauge of what is going on outside. Much to the wizards horror, the golem has been left a smoldering pile of marshmallow but then, much to his surprise, a walking and talking... skunk? Appears to be approaching the Albino with then makes the Albino punch itself in the groin. Granas quickly disconnects. Whatever is going on out there is buying us time. Granas considers and resumes the activation sequence.
The light intensifying as the wards do their work. Granas looks around as the keep's walls begins to shimmer as the wizards limbs begin to tingle. Soon the room distorts and everything dissolves around them in a vortex of light. Granas has never experienced magic this powerful before, but stands tall amid the mystical vortex as it stops and reverses. The sounds of fighting outside seemingly paused as Granas once again connects to Skye. Where are we, Skye. Granas asks his familiar, not expecting an answer but instead looking out of his eyes to see if the Albino and Skunk are still outside. As long as they are not, Granas breaks from Skye and turns towards the others. Granas then waves his hand to disable the invisibility he cast on Mürrischer, Trask and himself so that everyone can see each other.
"It seems to have worked, though I'm not sure where exactly we are yet. Let's get everyone out of their bindings and find Luna. We can figure out where we are after that." Granas says.
JiC: 1d100: [72] = 72 / 1d20: [16] = 16
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye remains perched far above on the Keep observing the battle with the Golem, out of the way.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [98] = 98 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [82] = 82 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [5] = 5 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Granas tries to ignore Vizzini, the goblin might almost elicit a smile for his attitude had Granas not been so focused on the runes. As Granas begins to activate the runes, he hears the thundering boom complaining about a hat jars Granas' attention for a moment. "What the... Skye." Granas says as he connects with Skye briefly to get a gauge of what is going on outside. Much to the wizards horror, the golem has been left a smoldering pile of marshmallow but then, much to his surprise, a walking and talking... skunk? Appears to be approaching the Albino with then makes the Albino punch itself in the groin. Granas quickly disconnects. Whatever is going on out there is buying us time. Granas considers and resumes the activation sequence.
The light intensifying as the wards do their work. Granas looks around as the keep's walls begins to shimmer as the wizards limbs begin to tingle. Soon the room distorts and everything dissolves around them in a vortex of light. Granas has never experienced magic this powerful before, but stands tall amid the mystical vortex as it stops and reverses. The sounds of fighting outside seemingly paused as Granas once again connects to Skye. Where are we, Skye. Granas asks his familiar, not expecting an answer but instead looking out of his eyes to see if the Albino and Skunk are still outside. As long as they are not, Granas breaks from Skye and turns towards the others. Granas then waves his hand to disable the invisibility he cast on Mürrischer, Trask and himself so that everyone can see each other.
"It seems to have worked, though I'm not sure where exactly we are yet. Let's get everyone out of their bindings and find Luna. We can figure out where we are after that." Granas says.
Granas had completely been ignoring the sounds of the others, even the return of Mürrischer to the room went relatively unnoticed by the mage who was wholly focused on activating the Keep's Machine. He turns to the Kankoran. "Ah, yes. Certainly needs some redecorating. I am the mage, Granas. This is Trask and Mürrischer. And who are you?" Granas asks the Kankoran first as he moves towards the chained elf, jeridu and gnome as well. Granas sees the Elf beginning to stir and tries to undo the bindings. "I'm afraid I can't undo these without a key." Granas admits then turns to Trask and Mürrischer. "We still have to find Luna, and make sure no bugbears are lurking in the keep."Zeph wrote:"I hope you don't mind me saying your castle could use a better make over. It's a little too dour for my taste. Have you thought of putting in a skylight? I think some natural light would do wonders for the ascetics of the room."
Granas, the traveling mage
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [93] = 93
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [79] = 79
Conditions: Nightvision (60ft), Sixth Sense (Inactive), See Aura (60ft, 30sec)
As Daskyn’s vision clears, he notes the beautiful yet horrifying interior of the room that is truly his prison. Shaking his hands against the bindings propping him up on the wall, he turns to see his friend, Alvina, and the gnome, Ash, both bound near him. The fox he doesn’t recognize, nor does he recognize anyone inside the room. Daskyn activates his ability to perceive the of others to determine who he is surrounded by and who may be hurt, turning to Alvina and Ash. “Hey, Alivna. Ash! Wake up.” Daskyn says and will try to kick them with his feet.
When the walls begin to dissolve and the vortex appears, Daskyn’s eyes go wide. He’s seen powerful magic at the hands of his father, but nothing like this. What kind of magic is this? It keeps us locked in our minds and dissovles around us? Am I sure this isn't another illusion? Daskyn considers. When all’s said and done, he turns to everyone else in the room. “Who are you? What just happened?” Daskyn asks
“I am Daskyn, a mind mage. These two are Alvina, and the smaller one is Ash. I don’t know the fox.” Daskyn admits. “Let me loose so I can help my friends and I’ll help you find yours. I can offer some healing.” Daskyn asks.
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [79] = 79
Conditions: Nightvision (60ft), Sixth Sense (Inactive), See Aura (60ft, 30sec)
As Daskyn’s vision clears, he notes the beautiful yet horrifying interior of the room that is truly his prison. Shaking his hands against the bindings propping him up on the wall, he turns to see his friend, Alvina, and the gnome, Ash, both bound near him. The fox he doesn’t recognize, nor does he recognize anyone inside the room. Daskyn activates his ability to perceive the of others to determine who he is surrounded by and who may be hurt, turning to Alvina and Ash. “Hey, Alivna. Ash! Wake up.” Daskyn says and will try to kick them with his feet.
When the walls begin to dissolve and the vortex appears, Daskyn’s eyes go wide. He’s seen powerful magic at the hands of his father, but nothing like this. What kind of magic is this? It keeps us locked in our minds and dissovles around us? Am I sure this isn't another illusion? Daskyn considers. When all’s said and done, he turns to everyone else in the room. “Who are you? What just happened?” Daskyn asks
Granas wrote:“I am the mage, Granas. This is Trask and Mürrischer. And who are you?”
“I am Daskyn, a mind mage. These two are Alvina, and the smaller one is Ash. I don’t know the fox.” Daskyn admits. “Let me loose so I can help my friends and I’ll help you find yours. I can offer some healing.” Daskyn asks.
- Zephyr Stormbow
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2024 4:40 pm
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
**Rolls Held Over**
Trap Animals 1d100: [85] = 85 /60% (Zeph is going to use his knowledge about mechanical animal traps to see is he can figure out if the shackles need a key and if they do how they might be able to be bypassed.)
"Hmm...Outside my knowledge base to remove."
- Wolfen
- Gobbely
- Dragonese/Elven
- Human: Northern
Zeph, gives a toothy grin, "Zephyr Stormbow of the Northern Wilderness. Just Zeph is fine though. Please to meet you all." Zeph looks at Mürrischer an nods to him, "Hello cousin." Zeph turns back to the other chained people and really looks at the shackles to see how they function. "Bugbears? A worthy foe." Zeph nods to Trask, "You have been honored with many stripes. You have fought in much honorable combat?"Granas wrote: ↑Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:12 am Granas had completely been ignoring the sounds of the others, even the return of Mürrischer to the room went relatively unnoticed by the mage who was wholly focused on activating the Keep's Machine. He turns to the Kankoran. "Ah, yes. Certainly needs some redecorating. I am the mage, Granas. This is Trask and Mürrischer. And who are you?" Granas asks the Kankoran first as he moves towards the chained elf, jeridu and gnome as well. Granas sees the Elf beginning to stir and tries to undo the bindings. "I'm afraid I can't undo these without a key." Granas admits then turns to Trask and Mürrischer. "We still have to find Luna, and make sure no bugbears are lurking in the keep."
Trap Animals 1d100: [85] = 85 /60% (Zeph is going to use his knowledge about mechanical animal traps to see is he can figure out if the shackles need a key and if they do how they might be able to be bypassed.)
"Hmm...Outside my knowledge base to remove."
Zeph growls at Daskyn, "I am Kankoran and no mere Fox, boy. I know not how I was brought here, or where here is, but you all will have my assistance with locating your missing friend." Zeph takes a look around briefly, "I do wish I still had my bow." He smiles to himself, "Oh well. My claws will work for now." Zeph then returns to looking for a way to free Daskyn and the others.
- Mürrischer Reisender
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:28 am
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [19] = 19
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 / 1d100: [44] = 44
After being ushered through a door in a way he had managed to not consider, Mürrischer goes through the door and the way directed, not entirely sure where or what trap lay ahead. He finds neither, and instead, the others trying to get, what he assumes is the machine they were looking for, functioning. "Vut is this?"
He sees others, restrained and ignored by the others begin to stir. He has no time to ask what is going on a second time before before he an everything around him begins to contort improbably and through other worlds entirely. What he witnesses confuses him almost entirely; a knee-high skunk that can speak fighting the White Mage him and the others very well wanted to avoid in a world far more advanced than anything he was familiar with.
When stability returns to reality again he shifts, not sure if or where his feet would land as he takes those first couple steps. He stops and gets his hand axe to hand and bow away when Granas finally acknowledges him, stepping up to the unfamiliar Kankoran in the room. "She prob'bly isn't to far." And strikes the chain holding the Kankoran in binding, hoping the single swing is enough to break it.
Axe the chain connected to the cuff secure Zephyr to the table once: 1d20+1: [11]+1 = 12 / 2d6: [3, 1] = 4 SDC
"And the key." He responds, should striking a chain not prove enough to grant the Kankoran the use of one hand.
Should the axing prove enough he looks to Granas with, "Ja. Dat shouldn't be too difficult." I know where one is
His head turns to the Kankoran when he is referred to as a cousin. Did the pup just- No... we are not the same. Kankoran. "How did you end up here?" He asks in Wolfen as though it were his only language, though it surely was not.
"If i weren't hunting, I'd have more time to rip you free." He says to Zephyr like it were an apology before making for the closest door to return to searching for Luna. He take a whiff of the air for any trace the elf is somewhere in the keep as he opens the door, hoping to get lucky with it.
Recognize Scent of Others: 1d100: [96] = 96 /32%
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 / 1d100: [44] = 44
After being ushered through a door in a way he had managed to not consider, Mürrischer goes through the door and the way directed, not entirely sure where or what trap lay ahead. He finds neither, and instead, the others trying to get, what he assumes is the machine they were looking for, functioning. "Vut is this?"
He sees others, restrained and ignored by the others begin to stir. He has no time to ask what is going on a second time before before he an everything around him begins to contort improbably and through other worlds entirely. What he witnesses confuses him almost entirely; a knee-high skunk that can speak fighting the White Mage him and the others very well wanted to avoid in a world far more advanced than anything he was familiar with.
When stability returns to reality again he shifts, not sure if or where his feet would land as he takes those first couple steps. He stops and gets his hand axe to hand and bow away when Granas finally acknowledges him, stepping up to the unfamiliar Kankoran in the room. "She prob'bly isn't to far." And strikes the chain holding the Kankoran in binding, hoping the single swing is enough to break it.
Axe the chain connected to the cuff secure Zephyr to the table once: 1d20+1: [11]+1 = 12 / 2d6: [3, 1] = 4 SDC
"And the key." He responds, should striking a chain not prove enough to grant the Kankoran the use of one hand.
Should the axing prove enough he looks to Granas with, "Ja. Dat shouldn't be too difficult." I know where one is
His head turns to the Kankoran when he is referred to as a cousin. Did the pup just- No... we are not the same. Kankoran. "How did you end up here?" He asks in Wolfen as though it were his only language, though it surely was not.
"If i weren't hunting, I'd have more time to rip you free." He says to Zephyr like it were an apology before making for the closest door to return to searching for Luna. He take a whiff of the air for any trace the elf is somewhere in the keep as he opens the door, hoping to get lucky with it.
Recognize Scent of Others: 1d100: [96] = 96 /32%
Mürrischer Mürrischer | Ledger Ledger
- Tolliver Trask
- Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:54 pm
- Contact:
Re: The Princess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [67] = 67
Just in Case: 1d20: [9] = 9 , 1d100: [84] = 84
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
Language: Other: Wolfen 1d100: [1] = 1 /35% Success (To Understand Zephyr and Mürrischer)
Language: Other: Dragonese/Elven 1d100: [31] = 31 /35% Success (To Understand Zephyr)
Trask listens to the conversation as it flows in and out of three languages, While the Wolfen is easier for Trask to grasp, the Elven takes a bit of concentration to make out. In any case, Trask keeps quiet and eyes the prisoners a bit cautiously. So Humperdink was prone to kidnapping folk even more so. Trask thinks before looking towards Vizini. I bet him and his cronies had something to do with it, just like the priests and Luna.
Just in Case: 1d20: [9] = 9 , 1d100: [84] = 84
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
Language: Other: Wolfen 1d100: [1] = 1 /35% Success (To Understand Zephyr and Mürrischer)
Language: Other: Dragonese/Elven 1d100: [31] = 31 /35% Success (To Understand Zephyr)
Trask listens to the conversation as it flows in and out of three languages, While the Wolfen is easier for Trask to grasp, the Elven takes a bit of concentration to make out. In any case, Trask keeps quiet and eyes the prisoners a bit cautiously. So Humperdink was prone to kidnapping folk even more so. Trask thinks before looking towards Vizini. I bet him and his cronies had something to do with it, just like the priests and Luna.
"Yeah, I'm on it." Trask says as he leaves the room to stalk the halls looking for Luna's cell. Gods know where we're at, or if we're even safe, but hey, it's at the very least quiet now. Trask thinks as he starts opening doors and looking in them.Granas wrote:"We still have to find Luna, and make sure no bugbears are lurking in the keep."
"Tonight, boys, we're eating like kings. We've all tasted death too much it seems." ~Shawn James
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
Many Meetings.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:30 pm
With the magical energy dissipated, Granas connects with the osprey Skye. The once chaotic scene of jungles and danger have been transformed into a serene panorama of mountains. The Albino and the cosmic being are gone, replaced by a breathtaking vista.
Skye, his heart still pounding, is slowly calming down. The fear and confusion he had felt moments ago are being replaced by a sense of awe and wonder. He feels safe, thinking the danger passed.
Granas waves away the invisibility he cast upon Mürrischer, Trask and himself. Now visible, they converse with those prisoners who are conscious. Introductions are made, and Daskyn about him.
Mürrischer, an 8 foot tall wolfen, looks at Zephyr's manacles and unhooks his mighty axe from his belt. The moves somewhat unsteadily under the influence of weightlessness, and Zephyr can see that unsteady axe very sharp indeed. However, before Mürrischer can be of any assistance, Zephyr pulls and strains, and mercifully manages to slip his hands out of the manacles. Mercifully they seem designed for folk with thicker wrists!
The helpful wolfen then turns to Daskyn. His muscles tense, he raises his axe, and strikes! He aims for the chains binding Daskyn, there is a clang and sparks fly, but the metal proves to be surprisingly resilient.
Vizzini steps forward. "Hold on," he says in a critical tone. "If you want to go about releasing prisoners, they'd probably be more useful with their limbs intact."
A set of lockpicks appear in his left hand, and he inserts them into the lock. His fingers working deftly and a moment later, the lock clicks open. Daskyn is free.
Mürrischer uses his keen senses of smell and takes in a whiff of the air. As often happens, the wolfen fails to scent anything.
Then Trask exits the room and starts opening doors. The door opposite the corridor is a guest room, which several comfortable looking beds and simple furnishings. The corridor is short, and at the end is a stairwell going down, as well as a closed door. About the stairway area are several things
of interest.
A large stone statue of an elf dominates the space. It looks absolutely regal and splendid. There are also a longbow and quiver on the wall, along with the mounted heads of various beasts. This includes a black unicorn, a boar, and an impressive stag. A fine looking elven longsword and silver dagger are also in display. Both Zephyr and Daskyn recognise these as belonging to them.
"Oh there's a bit of luck," Vizzini says. You all turn and see against a wall a weapons locker. The door is already ajar, possibly from someone leaving in haste. A number of items are here, which are the remainder of Zephyr and Daskyn's equipment lists!
On this floor one door remains, to the northwest. Alternatively, the stairs leading down.
While everyone examines the equipment, Vizzini hops to the south wall and peers out the window. He laughs. "We did it!" he exclaims, his voice filled with excitement. "We've escaped!" He turned to the group, his face beaming at Granas.
"Never doubted you for a second," he lies smoothly.
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E. | Tongues expired | AoI: expired
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82; | AoI: expired
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: expired
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 24/119 I.S.P.
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:30 pm
With the magical energy dissipated, Granas connects with the osprey Skye. The once chaotic scene of jungles and danger have been transformed into a serene panorama of mountains. The Albino and the cosmic being are gone, replaced by a breathtaking vista.
Skye, his heart still pounding, is slowly calming down. The fear and confusion he had felt moments ago are being replaced by a sense of awe and wonder. He feels safe, thinking the danger passed.
Granas waves away the invisibility he cast upon Mürrischer, Trask and himself. Now visible, they converse with those prisoners who are conscious. Introductions are made, and Daskyn about him.
Mürrischer, an 8 foot tall wolfen, looks at Zephyr's manacles and unhooks his mighty axe from his belt. The moves somewhat unsteadily under the influence of weightlessness, and Zephyr can see that unsteady axe very sharp indeed. However, before Mürrischer can be of any assistance, Zephyr pulls and strains, and mercifully manages to slip his hands out of the manacles. Mercifully they seem designed for folk with thicker wrists!
The helpful wolfen then turns to Daskyn. His muscles tense, he raises his axe, and strikes! He aims for the chains binding Daskyn, there is a clang and sparks fly, but the metal proves to be surprisingly resilient.
Vizzini steps forward. "Hold on," he says in a critical tone. "If you want to go about releasing prisoners, they'd probably be more useful with their limbs intact."
A set of lockpicks appear in his left hand, and he inserts them into the lock. His fingers working deftly and a moment later, the lock clicks open. Daskyn is free.
Mürrischer uses his keen senses of smell and takes in a whiff of the air. As often happens, the wolfen fails to scent anything.
The goblin Vizzini replies, "I recall seeing a bow on the trophy wall."Zephyr Stormbow wrote: ↑Fri Nov 08, 2024 9:32 amZeph takes a look around briefly, "I do wish I still had my bow." He smiles to himself, "Oh well. My claws will work for now."
Then Trask exits the room and starts opening doors. The door opposite the corridor is a guest room, which several comfortable looking beds and simple furnishings. The corridor is short, and at the end is a stairwell going down, as well as a closed door. About the stairway area are several things
of interest.
A large stone statue of an elf dominates the space. It looks absolutely regal and splendid. There are also a longbow and quiver on the wall, along with the mounted heads of various beasts. This includes a black unicorn, a boar, and an impressive stag. A fine looking elven longsword and silver dagger are also in display. Both Zephyr and Daskyn recognise these as belonging to them.
"Oh there's a bit of luck," Vizzini says. You all turn and see against a wall a weapons locker. The door is already ajar, possibly from someone leaving in haste. A number of items are here, which are the remainder of Zephyr and Daskyn's equipment lists!
On this floor one door remains, to the northwest. Alternatively, the stairs leading down.
While everyone examines the equipment, Vizzini hops to the south wall and peers out the window. He laughs. "We did it!" he exclaims, his voice filled with excitement. "We've escaped!" He turned to the group, his face beaming at Granas.
"Never doubted you for a second," he lies smoothly.
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E. | Tongues expired | AoI: expired
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82; | AoI: expired
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P. | AoI: expired
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 24/119 I.S.P.
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
- Tolliver Trask
- Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:54 pm
- Contact:
Re: The Princess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [60] = 60
Just in Case: 1d20: [17] = 17 , 1d100: [94] = 94
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
Trask is a bit of a one track mind at the moment, moving to the only unopened door on the second floor. Well if she's not in this room, she'll have to be downstairs. I'll let the brainiacs figure out where we are. Trask thinks as he tries to open the door. If the room proves resilient to opening, he'll make a mental note and head downstairs to look at the rest of the building.
This went too smoothly, so I would not be surprised if there is something very wrong about to happen. Trask thinks idly.
Just in Case: 1d20: [17] = 17 , 1d100: [94] = 94
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
Trask is a bit of a one track mind at the moment, moving to the only unopened door on the second floor. Well if she's not in this room, she'll have to be downstairs. I'll let the brainiacs figure out where we are. Trask thinks as he tries to open the door. If the room proves resilient to opening, he'll make a mental note and head downstairs to look at the rest of the building.
This went too smoothly, so I would not be surprised if there is something very wrong about to happen. Trask thinks idly.
"Tonight, boys, we're eating like kings. We've all tasted death too much it seems." ~Shawn James
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [59] = 59
JiC: 1d100: [82] = 82 / 1d20: [17] = 17
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye is circling the Keep one time to look for any movement in the surrounding area, or signs of a village/city.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [46] = 46 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [19] = 19 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [57] = 57 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Astronomy and Navigation: 1d100: [43] = 43 /47% [Does Granas recognize where they are at after looking through Skye's eyes or out the window]
Lore, Recognize Enchantment: 1d100: [58] = 58 /77% [Does Granas identify any magical items in the armory he could take, a dagger or staff specifically?]
Granas views the newfound sight through his familiars eyes and nods. Okay, it doesn't seem we're in immediate danger. Granas considers then connects with his familiar. Skye, do a quick fly by around the Keep and let me know if you see any movement or a village/city nearby. We need to figure out where we are. Granas tells his familiar then blinks to leave the sight and looks to the others. "Not sure where we are yet, but the outside appears clear for the moment. Let's get our bearings." Granas says aloud to the others.
Granas is about to stop Mürrischer from waving his axe at the prisoners they've helped save but Vizzini steps in and releases them from their bindings. "Thank you, Vizzini." Granas says earnestly as Daskyn and Zephyr are now free. Granas looks to help them up and out of their shackles. "Can you stand on your own? We could use help securing this Keep." Granas asks of both Daskyn and Zephyr, looking to the two slumped bodies of the gnome and six-armed elf-looker with a pange of guilt. It seems we were too late to save them. Granas considers somberly as he makes to search the rest of the Keep with Trask to find Luna.
Outside the room, when the group finds the weapons locker, Granas takes a peek to see if he spots any staffs or potentially magic equipment that doesn't belong to Zephyr or Daskyn he can claim. His attention only drawn briefly by Vizzini.
JiC: 1d100: [82] = 82 / 1d20: [17] = 17
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye is circling the Keep one time to look for any movement in the surrounding area, or signs of a village/city.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [46] = 46 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [19] = 19 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [57] = 57 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Astronomy and Navigation: 1d100: [43] = 43 /47% [Does Granas recognize where they are at after looking through Skye's eyes or out the window]
Lore, Recognize Enchantment: 1d100: [58] = 58 /77% [Does Granas identify any magical items in the armory he could take, a dagger or staff specifically?]
Granas views the newfound sight through his familiars eyes and nods. Okay, it doesn't seem we're in immediate danger. Granas considers then connects with his familiar. Skye, do a quick fly by around the Keep and let me know if you see any movement or a village/city nearby. We need to figure out where we are. Granas tells his familiar then blinks to leave the sight and looks to the others. "Not sure where we are yet, but the outside appears clear for the moment. Let's get our bearings." Granas says aloud to the others.
Granas is about to stop Mürrischer from waving his axe at the prisoners they've helped save but Vizzini steps in and releases them from their bindings. "Thank you, Vizzini." Granas says earnestly as Daskyn and Zephyr are now free. Granas looks to help them up and out of their shackles. "Can you stand on your own? We could use help securing this Keep." Granas asks of both Daskyn and Zephyr, looking to the two slumped bodies of the gnome and six-armed elf-looker with a pange of guilt. It seems we were too late to save them. Granas considers somberly as he makes to search the rest of the Keep with Trask to find Luna.
Outside the room, when the group finds the weapons locker, Granas takes a peek to see if he spots any staffs or potentially magic equipment that doesn't belong to Zephyr or Daskyn he can claim. His attention only drawn briefly by Vizzini.
Granas rolls his eyes in a half-smirk before nodding. "Yeah, let's make sure we didn't land anywhere worse before we celebrate." Granas states with a nod towards the others as he then heads towards the stairs. "Vizzini, do you remember what room they held Luna in?" Granas asks the goblin before proceeding. "Take us there, if you can." Granas finishes.Vizzini wrote:"We did it!" "We've escaped!" "Never doubted you for a second,"
Granas, the traveling mage
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
- Mürrischer Reisender
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:28 am
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [71] = 71
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 / 1d100: [37] = 37
"All I smell I got was the scent of stone." He says, disappointed his sense of smell failed him abysmally enough to know how badly. His head turns to Vizzini when the goblin pipes up again. He asks as though the goblin may have an idea what the Wolfen is asking, "Are there any others that might be inside?"
Once he has the answer, and without pressing too hard for further context he first goes to check on the Bug bear he knocked out very recently and started storing in a wood urn while remembering he heard someone elses feet on the stairs in the same room. Hopefully they're not an issue.
The large Wolfen knows throwing the Bug Bear off the balcony shouldn't be too difficult but has really no idea how he'll respond to whomever he hard coming but missed. He tries not to dwell on how it could go wrong and holds thinking about it for then. Once he's tossed the Bug Bear off the Balcony he takes in the sight of where the group had ended up with the keep. "Alright then..."
He heads back through the dining area and down the stairs and is already mentally prepared to meet whomever he heard coming up before he was ushered a different direction if he hadn't met them as he dealt with a, hopefully, still unconscious Bug Bear.
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 / 1d100: [37] = 37
"All I smell I got was the scent of stone." He says, disappointed his sense of smell failed him abysmally enough to know how badly. His head turns to Vizzini when the goblin pipes up again. He asks as though the goblin may have an idea what the Wolfen is asking, "Are there any others that might be inside?"
Once he has the answer, and without pressing too hard for further context he first goes to check on the Bug bear he knocked out very recently and started storing in a wood urn while remembering he heard someone elses feet on the stairs in the same room. Hopefully they're not an issue.
The large Wolfen knows throwing the Bug Bear off the balcony shouldn't be too difficult but has really no idea how he'll respond to whomever he hard coming but missed. He tries not to dwell on how it could go wrong and holds thinking about it for then. Once he's tossed the Bug Bear off the Balcony he takes in the sight of where the group had ended up with the keep. "Alright then..."
He heads back through the dining area and down the stairs and is already mentally prepared to meet whomever he heard coming up before he was ushered a different direction if he hadn't met them as he dealt with a, hopefully, still unconscious Bug Bear.
Mürrischer Mürrischer | Ledger Ledger
- Zephyr Stormbow
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2024 4:40 pm
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [13] = 13
JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 ; 1d100: [37] = 37
Zeph looks sadly at the two obviously dead bodies chained to the wall, "May you find comfort in your eternal rest with the gods you call your own." Zeph looks back to the rest of the people assembled. Interesting collection of people. Sounds like they are trying to help someone, and they helped me. My grandfather would want me to help them in return. Not out of debt, but because it's the right thing to do.
Zeph moves with everyone to the next room where his gear is located. Zeph's face scrunches up at the displays and seeing his own equipment among the show, "Such a overt display to show domination of other creatures. How sad." Zeph moves to reclaim his own equipment. Quickly donning his armor and ensuring his pack still contains everything, "Good Looks like no one went through my bag. Guess they didn't have the time." Zeph lets his fingers run over the bow when he finally gets to it. Like that of a long lost friend. Everyone can immediately see Zeph's shoulders relax as he grabs up his bow and gives his bow string a few pulls to ensure it's still functional. If anyone watches Zeph, he seems to be quite skilled with handling the bow. Almost like it's an extension of himself. Zeph does look around to see if there is an unclaimed sword laying around. If there isn't one, Zeph will frown slightly, "Oh well. I guess I'll have to get another one."
Zeph looks at the others as he finished cinching down his last bracer. "Do you have a description of the person you are looking for? And perhaps one of the person who is your enemy? I would like to know who we should be looking for and who we should avoid."
JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 ; 1d100: [37] = 37
- Wolfen
- Gobbely
- Dragonese/Elven
- Human: Northern
Zeph looks sadly at the two obviously dead bodies chained to the wall, "May you find comfort in your eternal rest with the gods you call your own." Zeph looks back to the rest of the people assembled. Interesting collection of people. Sounds like they are trying to help someone, and they helped me. My grandfather would want me to help them in return. Not out of debt, but because it's the right thing to do.
Zeph gives a toothy grin to the mage, "Indeed, Granas. I can assist you in your endeavor to locate this "Luna". I am more adept at tracking animals though the woods. Yet I could attempt to track this person should you need me to." Zeph's use of Elven is overly formal. It seems he likely learned from a book and is not versed in slang or the casual use of the language. Or at least he hasn't seemed to use any contractions in Elven yet.Granas wrote: ↑Thu Nov 21, 2024 1:45 pm Granas is about to stop Mürrischer from waving his axe at the prisoners they've helped save but Vizzini steps in and releases them from their bindings. "Thank you, Vizzini." Granas says earnestly as Daskyn and Zephyr are now free. Granas looks to help them up and out of their shackles. "Can you stand on your own? We could use help securing this Keep." Granas asks of both Daskyn and Zephyr, looking to the two slumped bodies of the gnome and six-armed elf-looker with a pange of guilt. It seems we were too late to save them. Granas considers somberly as he makes to search the rest of the Keep with Trask to find Luna.
Zeph moves with everyone to the next room where his gear is located. Zeph's face scrunches up at the displays and seeing his own equipment among the show, "Such a overt display to show domination of other creatures. How sad." Zeph moves to reclaim his own equipment. Quickly donning his armor and ensuring his pack still contains everything, "Good Looks like no one went through my bag. Guess they didn't have the time." Zeph lets his fingers run over the bow when he finally gets to it. Like that of a long lost friend. Everyone can immediately see Zeph's shoulders relax as he grabs up his bow and gives his bow string a few pulls to ensure it's still functional. If anyone watches Zeph, he seems to be quite skilled with handling the bow. Almost like it's an extension of himself. Zeph does look around to see if there is an unclaimed sword laying around. If there isn't one, Zeph will frown slightly, "Oh well. I guess I'll have to get another one."
Zeph looks at the others as he finished cinching down his last bracer. "Do you have a description of the person you are looking for? And perhaps one of the person who is your enemy? I would like to know who we should be looking for and who we should avoid."
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [24] = 24
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [40] = 40
Conditions: Nightvision (60ft), Sixth Sense
As Daskyn feels the chains removed and his hands free once more, he gingerly rubs his wrists as he gets a gist of those in the room. A powerful mage and experienced soldier. Less experienced wolfen with minor psionic tendencies and a kankoran. Daskyn thinks as his eyes then fall on Alvina and Ash. The moment their aura-less bodies fall in his vision and he recognizes they are dead, the elf falls to his knees at their feet with his head down. “I said I’d save them…” Daskyn whispers to himself in disbelief both his long time friend, and the gnome he wanted to help back to their home was nothing more than a memory. A memory I’ll keep alive for as long as I live. If I can, I’ll find that mountain where you once lived and write your name in the stone. Daskyn mentally promises the corpse of Ash, then looks to Alvina. And I promise to keep your good nature in mind, and will do my best to deliver you to your parents. Daskyn mentally promises to his friend, Alvina. Daskyn glances up to the Kankoran who offers them a modicum of a rite. “I knew them both. I would like to see their bodies returned to their homes, even if I must do so alone. It’s the least they deserve. Daskyn comments slowly to Zephyr. Daskyn will lay their bodies down instead of leaving them hanging/dangling from the walls so they look more like people than prisoners.
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [40] = 40
Conditions: Nightvision (60ft), Sixth Sense
As Daskyn feels the chains removed and his hands free once more, he gingerly rubs his wrists as he gets a gist of those in the room. A powerful mage and experienced soldier. Less experienced wolfen with minor psionic tendencies and a kankoran. Daskyn thinks as his eyes then fall on Alvina and Ash. The moment their aura-less bodies fall in his vision and he recognizes they are dead, the elf falls to his knees at their feet with his head down. “I said I’d save them…” Daskyn whispers to himself in disbelief both his long time friend, and the gnome he wanted to help back to their home was nothing more than a memory. A memory I’ll keep alive for as long as I live. If I can, I’ll find that mountain where you once lived and write your name in the stone. Daskyn mentally promises the corpse of Ash, then looks to Alvina. And I promise to keep your good nature in mind, and will do my best to deliver you to your parents. Daskyn mentally promises to his friend, Alvina. Daskyn glances up to the Kankoran who offers them a modicum of a rite. “I knew them both. I would like to see their bodies returned to their homes, even if I must do so alone. It’s the least they deserve. Daskyn comments slowly to Zephyr. Daskyn will lay their bodies down instead of leaving them hanging/dangling from the walls so they look more like people than prisoners.
Daskyn sighs and nods. “Yes, I can help as well. My name is Daskyn. My family armor should be somewhere around here.” Daskyn says and follows them out of the room. Daskyn pauses before leaving and looks at the bodies of Ash and Alvina again with pursed lips and soft eyes as he shakes his head and leaves the room. Following Granas, Zephyr and the others out of the room. Daskyn retrieves his elven-made weapons and armor when he finds them and resecures them. “At least he’d rather have them as trophies instead of trashed like the bodies of his prisoners.” Daskyn says through slightly gritted teeth, turning to Granas, Trask or anyone else. “What can you tell me about the former owner of this Keep?”Granas wrote:"Can you stand on your own? We could use help securing this Keep."
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
[Rolls Held]
Zephyr wrote:"Indeed, Granas. I can assist you in your endeavor to locate this "Luna". I am more adept at tracking animals though the woods. Yet I could attempt to track this person should you need me to."
Granas nods to the pair. "Good, let us find your equipment and search this Keep." Granas offers then turns to Daskyn specifically. "I'm sorry for your loss." Granas adds in solidarity with Daskyn over the loss of Alvina and Ash.Daskyn wrote:“Yes, I can help as well. My name is Daskyn. My family armor should be somewhere around here.”
Granas nods. "We are looking for an Elven Priestess, kidnapped by the former owners of this Keep to serve as an unwilling bride to the Keep's former owner, Prince Humperdinck. Her temple was ransacked, and most of the clergy there slain in a vicious attack." Granas explains to Zeph. "Vizzini should know where the quarters she was in were." Granas notes, looking to the goblin for direction after the group recovers Daskyn and Zeph's equipment.Zeph wrote:"Do you have a description of the person you are looking for? And perhaps one of the person who is your enemy? I would like to know who we should be looking for and who we should avoid."
Granas sighs slowly. "Prince Humperdinck, self proclaimed Changeling royalty, if there is such a thing, with truly wicked intentions. He employed one known as The Albino, a White Mage of sorts who is truly ferocious in combat. This white mage was caretaking the Keep while we infiltrated it. It was only thanks to a Golem I fashioned causing a distraction at the main gate we were able to lure the Albino away and steal the Keep. An affront I do not expect the Albino or Prince Humperdinck to forgive readily. If you stay with us, I suspect we can expect some form of retaliation down the line." Granas explains. "I am not one to seek vengeance, but my business with this Prince is far from done as I don't suspect we'll be able to sleep soundly until he is dealt with one way or another." Granas finishes.Daskyn wrote:“What can you tell me about the former owner of this Keep?”
Granas, the traveling mage
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
The Riddle.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:31 pm
Trask has an ominous feeling. Daskyn has a wonderful feeling, his low psionic energy was part of the illusion he was trapped in, and he finds himself fully replenished. Zeph is just fondly feeling his bow, glad to be once more reunited with it.
Our wolfen hero says
Mürrischer adds, "Are there any others that might be inside?"
Vizzini looks speculative, "Fezzik and Inigo ought to be with Humperdinck and Rugen, in a land far far away. The Albino, as you know, is likewise stranded. Havoc, I think, was outside with his bugbears fighting your golem. If he's here he's downstairs, and you really do not want to meet him." He taps his fingers on his chin, thinking, "I suppose it is possible Rugen has some particularly nasty magical traps. But what are the odds you'd touch the wrong thing and get assaulted by a dragon? I'll tell you, it would be completely and utterly inconceivable."
He waves his arms about him, pointing at the stone elf statue and the room around them. "I already said! The end of the corridor, here. There is a stairway, there!" He gestures towards the staircase, beside the statue, as his tone grows sharper. "And to the right of it, Luna's holding place. There!" He pointed towards the door.
Trask is already approaching that door, and Vizzini exclaims, "At least he gets it!"
He turns to Granas, his expression quite dubious. "You do remember what else I said?" he asks, the annoyance clear in his voice. "About the riddle?"
As Trask reaches out to open Luna's door, a strange sensation washes over him. The door feels icy to the touch. Suddenly a shadowy face materialises on the surface of the door, a grotesque visage adorned with a festive red winter hat.
The shadow speaks, its voice a chilling whisper. "Count Rugen sent you? No matter, before you enter, all must solve my riddle, or its occupant dies terribly."
Once all who wish to hear it move close enough to hear, the Shadow Claus speaks.
"I have no voice, yet I can tell a tale,
No eyes to see, yet I witness all.
I’m born of earth, yet I reach for the sky,
A silent guardian, watching you by."
The shadowy face, in a festive hat, smiles malevolently. "Quickly now," it urges. "She does not have long. Answer wrongly three times, and I am afraid she is in for a most unfortunate fate."
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E.
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82;
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P.
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 119/119 I.S.P.
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:31 pm
Trask has an ominous feeling. Daskyn has a wonderful feeling, his low psionic energy was part of the illusion he was trapped in, and he finds himself fully replenished. Zeph is just fondly feeling his bow, glad to be once more reunited with it.
Our wolfen hero says
Vizzini, leaning against a stone wall, snickers, "I wonder why?"
Mürrischer adds, "Are there any others that might be inside?"
Vizzini looks speculative, "Fezzik and Inigo ought to be with Humperdinck and Rugen, in a land far far away. The Albino, as you know, is likewise stranded. Havoc, I think, was outside with his bugbears fighting your golem. If he's here he's downstairs, and you really do not want to meet him." He taps his fingers on his chin, thinking, "I suppose it is possible Rugen has some particularly nasty magical traps. But what are the odds you'd touch the wrong thing and get assaulted by a dragon? I'll tell you, it would be completely and utterly inconceivable."
Vizzini looks at Granas as if he had a brain made of bricks. "Yes I remember. Do you?" He sighs loudly, and his patience seems to wear thin.
He waves his arms about him, pointing at the stone elf statue and the room around them. "I already said! The end of the corridor, here. There is a stairway, there!" He gestures towards the staircase, beside the statue, as his tone grows sharper. "And to the right of it, Luna's holding place. There!" He pointed towards the door.
Trask is already approaching that door, and Vizzini exclaims, "At least he gets it!"
He turns to Granas, his expression quite dubious. "You do remember what else I said?" he asks, the annoyance clear in his voice. "About the riddle?"
As Trask reaches out to open Luna's door, a strange sensation washes over him. The door feels icy to the touch. Suddenly a shadowy face materialises on the surface of the door, a grotesque visage adorned with a festive red winter hat.
The shadow speaks, its voice a chilling whisper. "Count Rugen sent you? No matter, before you enter, all must solve my riddle, or its occupant dies terribly."
Once all who wish to hear it move close enough to hear, the Shadow Claus speaks.
"I have no voice, yet I can tell a tale,
No eyes to see, yet I witness all.
I’m born of earth, yet I reach for the sky,
A silent guardian, watching you by."
The shadowy face, in a festive hat, smiles malevolently. "Quickly now," it urges. "She does not have long. Answer wrongly three times, and I am afraid she is in for a most unfortunate fate."
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E.
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82;
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P.
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 119/119 I.S.P.
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
- Tolliver Trask
- Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:54 pm
- Contact:
Re: The Princess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [49] = 49
Just in Case: 1d20: [16] = 16 , 1d100: [97] = 97
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
Lore: Magic (General Knowledge): 1d100: [87] = 87 /35% Failure (Is the Shadow an Enchantment?)
Pretty sure Utu would be generally pissed if I failed to retrieve the girl alive. Trask muses further. Pretty sure there are other fail safes in place so we don't just randomly bypass the lock... I wonder if its a creature or an enchantment? Nothing I've ever seen or heard of for sure. Trask thinks.
"Well, My guess to the answer to your riddle is... A Mountain." Trask says biting the proverbial sling stone.
Just in Case: 1d20: [16] = 16 , 1d100: [97] = 97
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
Lore: Magic (General Knowledge): 1d100: [87] = 87 /35% Failure (Is the Shadow an Enchantment?)
If Trask is frightened or amused by the apparation, it is near impossible to tell with the scowl he perpetually wears. Damn, Fae. Trask thinks as he stares down the Shadow Claus. "Three chances huh, more than I expected. gimme a second to mull it over spirit." Trask says as he puts his fingers to his chin and scratches his beard. Could be a few things, but I think it might be Mountain... Maybe. I doubt it's something easy, given that Rugen and Humperdink were mad men. Trask thinks as he continues to scratch his beard thoughtfully.Locknar wrote:"Count Rugen sent you? No matter, before you enter, all must solve my riddle, or its occupant dies terribly."
"I have no voice, yet I can tell a tale,
No eyes to see, yet I witness all.
I’m born of earth, yet I reach for the sky,
A silent guardian, watching you by."
"Quickly now, She does not have long. Answer wrongly three times, and I am afraid she is in for a most unfortunate fate."
Pretty sure Utu would be generally pissed if I failed to retrieve the girl alive. Trask muses further. Pretty sure there are other fail safes in place so we don't just randomly bypass the lock... I wonder if its a creature or an enchantment? Nothing I've ever seen or heard of for sure. Trask thinks.
"Well, My guess to the answer to your riddle is... A Mountain." Trask says biting the proverbial sling stone.
"Tonight, boys, we're eating like kings. We've all tasted death too much it seems." ~Shawn James
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
Two Gone, One To Go.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:32 pm
The Shadow Santa smiles a moment, then it turns into a frown.
"Incorrect," it hisses, its voice growing colder. "You have two attempts remaining."
A sense of dread creeps into the room. The air grows heavy, and the temperature drops noticeably. The holly jolly shadow face on the door twists and contorts, its features becoming more grotesque.
"Time is of the essence," it warns, its voice a chilling whisper.
Vizzini, still leaning by the window, laughs arrogantly. "A book," he declares, his voice filled with self-assurance. "A book, of course. It has no voice, yet tells countless tales. It sees the world, yet has no eyes."
The Shadow Santa's face contorts into a mask of pure malice. "Incorrect," it hisses. "You have one attempt remaining."
Vizzini, undaunted, scoffs. "Incorrect? Inconceivable! A book is the obvious answer." He crosses his arms, his expression defiant. "Perhaps you should reconsider your riddle!"
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E.
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82;
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P.
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 119/119 I.S.P.
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:32 pm
Tolliver Trask wrote: ↑Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:29 pm "Well, My guess to the answer to your riddle is... A Mountain." Trask says biting the proverbial sling stone.
The Shadow Santa smiles a moment, then it turns into a frown.
"Incorrect," it hisses, its voice growing colder. "You have two attempts remaining."
A sense of dread creeps into the room. The air grows heavy, and the temperature drops noticeably. The holly jolly shadow face on the door twists and contorts, its features becoming more grotesque.
"Time is of the essence," it warns, its voice a chilling whisper.
Vizzini, still leaning by the window, laughs arrogantly. "A book," he declares, his voice filled with self-assurance. "A book, of course. It has no voice, yet tells countless tales. It sees the world, yet has no eyes."
The Shadow Santa's face contorts into a mask of pure malice. "Incorrect," it hisses. "You have one attempt remaining."
Vizzini, undaunted, scoffs. "Incorrect? Inconceivable! A book is the obvious answer." He crosses his arms, his expression defiant. "Perhaps you should reconsider your riddle!"
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E.
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P. | Armor: Splint Mail AR: 16; 82/82;
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P.
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 119/119 I.S.P.
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
- Mürrischer Reisender
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:28 am
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [69] = 69
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [38] = 38
A riddle? I'm bad at these. He scorns himself for being of poor use here. He doesn't get much time to think before before attempts are used and feel wasted in trying to release Luna from her cell. The Wolfen concocts a plan that he knows is not much more than a hope for the purchase of time. "But you didn't say vhat dat twee is. Vas it in total, or twee for the each of us?"
If he gets the expected answer of total, he'll just sigh and know the goblin is lucky the Wolfen isn't a lesser Wolfen at the moment, though striking him wasn't entirely out of the question.
If Mürrischer gets the less expected answer of they each individually are to have three tries or she dies, he would propose they get a new riddle or challenge to start fresh
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [38] = 38
A riddle? I'm bad at these. He scorns himself for being of poor use here. He doesn't get much time to think before before attempts are used and feel wasted in trying to release Luna from her cell. The Wolfen concocts a plan that he knows is not much more than a hope for the purchase of time. "But you didn't say vhat dat twee is. Vas it in total, or twee for the each of us?"
If he gets the expected answer of total, he'll just sigh and know the goblin is lucky the Wolfen isn't a lesser Wolfen at the moment, though striking him wasn't entirely out of the question.
If Mürrischer gets the less expected answer of they each individually are to have three tries or she dies, he would propose they get a new riddle or challenge to start fresh
Mürrischer Mürrischer | Ledger Ledger
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [44] = 44
JiC: 1d100: [93] = 93 / 1d20: [11] = 11
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye is circling the Keep one time to look for any movement in the surrounding area, or signs of a village/city.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [73] = 73 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [69] = 69 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [21] = 21 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Lore, Magic Enchantment: 1d100: [71] = 71 /77% [Does Granas recognize the magic guardian of the door as a type of barrier that can be dispelled?]
Lore, Magic General: 1d100: [90] = 90 /92% [Does Granas recognize the magic guardian of the door as a type of barrier that can be dispelled?]
Granas stops at the door guardian and studies it as it speaks. Hmm, a magical guardian for the door. With a riddle and threat of death. This Keep is full of tricks. I wonder if it can be dispelled. Granas considers as Trask and Vizzini both jump in and answer the riddle. Granas winces at the door's responses. We probably should've thought that through a bit more. Granas considers quietly and looks to the door. "We will be right back with our third answer." Granas says to the door and then looks to the others. "Let's take a step back for a moment." Granas says and encourages everyone to follow him and move back.
Granas will hopefully lead them far enough back to be able to talk without worrying about the door overhearing them. "When it comes to magic guardians, it's best to tread carefully. We only have one guess left or else we may lose Luna and that's not something I want to consider. That'd mean we failed." Granas says, pausing and contemplating. "I can see three paths forward". Granas offers. "First, we try to bypass the door entirely. Use the potion Vizzini used on Alwin, one of us goes to the window outside and convinces Luna to take the potion so she can crawl out. I can fly up there and accomplish it." Granas suggests. "Alternatively, I can try to dispel the magic of the door, but I am not sure that will work. Finally, we take our chances with a third guess but we must be careful about what we choose." Granas finishes.
"Vizzini, you still have some of this potion on you." Granas confirms with the Goblin, and will open his hand to hopefully take it from the Goblin, before turning to the others. "We should take a moment to discuss our third answer if we can't get her out through the window. To answer the riddle, a couple things stick out to me. Perhaps Time or Tree; both can be applicable. Tree might be the better choice. If we can decide on our third choice as a backup, together, I think that'd be a good alternative." Granas finishes
JiC: 1d100: [93] = 93 / 1d20: [11] = 11
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye is circling the Keep one time to look for any movement in the surrounding area, or signs of a village/city.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [73] = 73 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [69] = 69 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [21] = 21 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Lore, Magic Enchantment: 1d100: [71] = 71 /77% [Does Granas recognize the magic guardian of the door as a type of barrier that can be dispelled?]
Lore, Magic General: 1d100: [90] = 90 /92% [Does Granas recognize the magic guardian of the door as a type of barrier that can be dispelled?]
Granas stops at the door guardian and studies it as it speaks. Hmm, a magical guardian for the door. With a riddle and threat of death. This Keep is full of tricks. I wonder if it can be dispelled. Granas considers as Trask and Vizzini both jump in and answer the riddle. Granas winces at the door's responses. We probably should've thought that through a bit more. Granas considers quietly and looks to the door. "We will be right back with our third answer." Granas says to the door and then looks to the others. "Let's take a step back for a moment." Granas says and encourages everyone to follow him and move back.
Granas will hopefully lead them far enough back to be able to talk without worrying about the door overhearing them. "When it comes to magic guardians, it's best to tread carefully. We only have one guess left or else we may lose Luna and that's not something I want to consider. That'd mean we failed." Granas says, pausing and contemplating. "I can see three paths forward". Granas offers. "First, we try to bypass the door entirely. Use the potion Vizzini used on Alwin, one of us goes to the window outside and convinces Luna to take the potion so she can crawl out. I can fly up there and accomplish it." Granas suggests. "Alternatively, I can try to dispel the magic of the door, but I am not sure that will work. Finally, we take our chances with a third guess but we must be careful about what we choose." Granas finishes.
"Vizzini, you still have some of this potion on you." Granas confirms with the Goblin, and will open his hand to hopefully take it from the Goblin, before turning to the others. "We should take a moment to discuss our third answer if we can't get her out through the window. To answer the riddle, a couple things stick out to me. Perhaps Time or Tree; both can be applicable. Tree might be the better choice. If we can decide on our third choice as a backup, together, I think that'd be a good alternative." Granas finishes
Granas, the traveling mage
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
- Tolliver Trask
- Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:54 pm
- Contact:
Re: The Princess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [4] = 4
Just in Case: 1d20: [6] = 6 , 1d100: [38] = 38
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
Just in Case: 1d20: [6] = 6 , 1d100: [38] = 38
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
Trask looks to the Cobbler Goblin. A look of murder in his eyes. I will end you. Trask thinks as Mürrischer and Granas talk. Trask steps away from the door, and sighs, looking to the others. "Other options?"Locknar wrote:Vizzini, still leaning by the window, laughs arrogantly. "A book," he declares, his voice filled with self-assurance. "A book, of course. It has no voice, yet tells countless tales. It sees the world, yet has no eyes."
The Shadow Santa's face contorts into a mask of pure malice. "Incorrect," it hisses. "You have one attempt remaining."
Vizzini, undaunted, scoffs. "Incorrect? Inconceivable! A book is the obvious answer." He crosses his arms, his expression defiant. "Perhaps you should reconsider your riddle!"
"Tonight, boys, we're eating like kings. We've all tasted death too much it seems." ~Shawn James
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [36] = 36
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 / 1d100: [52] = 52
Conditions: Nightvision (60ft), Sixth Sense
Telepathy Superior: 1d100: [34] = 34 /46% [Pull the answer straight from the shadow guardian's thoughts]
Object Read, Images: 1d100: [56] = 56 /52% [Can he see an image of the password/answer being spoken]
As the party arrives to the door with a shadow guardian, Daskyn freezes as he studies the door. "I'll try to see if I can discern the answer to the riddle. Though Tree is my current guess." Daskyn mutters quietly to the others. First, Daskyn opens his mind with telepathy superior in an attempt to see if the shadow guardian of the door has any actual independent thoughts or intelligence and if he can discern the answer to the riddle by pulling it from his mind. If that fails, Daskyn will take a moment to kneel down and touch the floor, focusing his mind to get a read of the room and try to see if he can psionically deduce the answer to the riddle based on what images his object read affords him. 2d6: [5, 1] = 6 minutes of focus.
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 / 1d100: [52] = 52
Conditions: Nightvision (60ft), Sixth Sense
Telepathy Superior: 1d100: [34] = 34 /46% [Pull the answer straight from the shadow guardian's thoughts]
Object Read, Images: 1d100: [56] = 56 /52% [Can he see an image of the password/answer being spoken]
Daskyn listens to the explanation from Granas with a stoic expression as he takes in the information. "That explains how Alvina and I ended up here. We broke up a Changeling Den in Llorn awhile back and they obviously hold a grudge where you do not. Curious to meet a human who isn't out for vengeance." Daskyn admits, pausing before adding. "But refreshing. Unfortunately, as you say, it may not be your choice. This Prince has already proven to be one who who is vindictive. Considering I am now a target as well, I might stay with your party, at least until he is dealt with." Daskyn says. Strength in numbers. Perhaps I will try to reach out to any friends my family might have on the Llorn Council for support as well. Daskyn considers.Granas wrote: "Prince Humperdinck, self proclaimed Changeling royalty, if there is such a thing, with truly wicked intentions. He employed one known as The Albino, a White Mage of sorts who is truly ferocious in combat. This white mage was caretaking the Keep while we infiltrated it. It was only thanks to a Golem I fashioned causing a distraction at the main gate we were able to lure the Albino away and steal the Keep. An affront I do not expect the Albino or Prince Humperdinck to forgive readily. If you stay with us, I suspect we can expect some form of retaliation down the line."
As the party arrives to the door with a shadow guardian, Daskyn freezes as he studies the door. "I'll try to see if I can discern the answer to the riddle. Though Tree is my current guess." Daskyn mutters quietly to the others. First, Daskyn opens his mind with telepathy superior in an attempt to see if the shadow guardian of the door has any actual independent thoughts or intelligence and if he can discern the answer to the riddle by pulling it from his mind. If that fails, Daskyn will take a moment to kneel down and touch the floor, focusing his mind to get a read of the room and try to see if he can psionically deduce the answer to the riddle based on what images his object read affords him. 2d6: [5, 1] = 6 minutes of focus.
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
Telepathy and Tricks.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:33 pm
Our heroes have two wrong answers, and the door riddler says there is only one guess left. Mürrischer, ever hopeful, speaks up.
Trask glares at Vizzini with a murderous look. The goblin simply shrugs as if insisting his answer was the best one so far. But he says nothing, and Trask perceives a nervous twitch playing around the goblin's lips.
The old soldier steps away from the door, and sighs, looking to the others. "Other options?"
Daskyn, having survived the near-death experience of the psionic prison, decides to investigate the nature of the Shadow Santa. He cautiously reaches out with his mind, attempting to probe it with his superior telepathy.
To his horror, he finds it is a sentient being. He has an and has a blank expression as Granas leads the group far enough back to be able to talk without worrying about the door overhearing them.
The wizard hatches a few plans in how to deal with the obstacle. When asked about a form changing potion, Vizzini blinks nervously.
"Potion? What potion?" he stammers confusedly as his eyes dart around the room. "I never said anything about a potion. It may well be one of the sacred powers of the Cobbler Goblin for all you know." He puffs out his chest, attempting to regain his composure. "Ancient secrets, you understand? Passed down through generations of my family." He scoffs, "And what did you do with the rest of the grubs in that bowl anyway? Just throw them away? For shame!"
When Granas suggests 'Tree' as the riddle's possible answer Vizzini looks thoughtful. "Tree?" he repeats, tilting his head. He then walks over to the window, peering out at the lush green landscape stretching out before them. "Tree..." he muses, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Hm, yes, perhaps."
Vizzini hops onto the windowsill and sits down, his back is to the breathtaking vista outside. Perched there precariously, he surveys the room with a calculating look in his eyes. "Well, let's see if you are right," he declares, "it fits I think."
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E.
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P.
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P.
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 111/119 I.S.P.; Superior Telepathy 10 mins remaining
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:33 pm
Our heroes have two wrong answers, and the door riddler says there is only one guess left. Mürrischer, ever hopeful, speaks up.
The Shadow Face parodies Vizzini's smug expression, its features contorting into one of grotesque mockery. "Three total," it hisses with a voice dripping with icy disdain. "You aren't very bright are you?"Mürrischer Reisender wrote: ↑Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:53 am The Wolfen concocts a plan that he knows is not much more than a hope for the purchase of time. "But you didn't say vhat dat twee is. Vas it in total, or twee for the each of us?"
Trask glares at Vizzini with a murderous look. The goblin simply shrugs as if insisting his answer was the best one so far. But he says nothing, and Trask perceives a nervous twitch playing around the goblin's lips.
The old soldier steps away from the door, and sighs, looking to the others. "Other options?"
Daskyn, having survived the near-death experience of the psionic prison, decides to investigate the nature of the Shadow Santa. He cautiously reaches out with his mind, attempting to probe it with his superior telepathy.
To his horror, he finds it is a sentient being. He has an and has a blank expression as Granas leads the group far enough back to be able to talk without worrying about the door overhearing them.
The wizard hatches a few plans in how to deal with the obstacle. When asked about a form changing potion, Vizzini blinks nervously.
"Potion? What potion?" he stammers confusedly as his eyes dart around the room. "I never said anything about a potion. It may well be one of the sacred powers of the Cobbler Goblin for all you know." He puffs out his chest, attempting to regain his composure. "Ancient secrets, you understand? Passed down through generations of my family." He scoffs, "And what did you do with the rest of the grubs in that bowl anyway? Just throw them away? For shame!"
When Granas suggests 'Tree' as the riddle's possible answer Vizzini looks thoughtful. "Tree?" he repeats, tilting his head. He then walks over to the window, peering out at the lush green landscape stretching out before them. "Tree..." he muses, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Hm, yes, perhaps."
Vizzini hops onto the windowsill and sits down, his back is to the breathtaking vista outside. Perched there precariously, he surveys the room with a calculating look in his eyes. "Well, let's see if you are right," he declares, "it fits I think."
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E.
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P.
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P.
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 111/119 I.S.P.; Superior Telepathy 10 mins remaining
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [71] = 71
JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 / 1d100: [36] = 36
Conditions: Nightvision (60ft), Sixth Sense
Daskyn feels the ebb and tug of the powerful mind he inadvertently connected too, though now was no time to show weakness. Remain resolute, lest it has a pathway to manipulate you Daskyn tells himself as he overhears the internal musings of the Keep’s Shadow. It is not loyal to it’s old master, perhaps a bargain can be made so that it doesn’t kill this Luna. I wonder what it wants. Daskyn considers though he feels a sharp chill down his spine as he hears the voice echo in his head as if responding to his telepathic link.
JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 / 1d100: [36] = 36
Conditions: Nightvision (60ft), Sixth Sense
Daskyn feels the ebb and tug of the powerful mind he inadvertently connected too, though now was no time to show weakness. Remain resolute, lest it has a pathway to manipulate you Daskyn tells himself as he overhears the internal musings of the Keep’s Shadow. It is not loyal to it’s old master, perhaps a bargain can be made so that it doesn’t kill this Luna. I wonder what it wants. Daskyn considers though he feels a sharp chill down his spine as he hears the voice echo in his head as if responding to his telepathic link.
Daskyn’s eyes are closed as he feels the cold and ancient voice, remaining as resolute as he can. You know my name Spirit, you’ve touched my mind as I have touched yours. You know then what I want and my intentions. I want to free the one trapped behind your door, the Elf named Luna. Tell me, what do you want in return? Daskyn answers the cold voice, attempting to sound as resolute as possible and not betray the hint of uncertainty or unease creeping within him. These with me are no tyrants and could be allies, partners. If you want to explore this, then release the one called Luna. Or you may simply go free. Daskyn adds, tilting his head to look at the Shadow confidently.Shadow wrote:Oh, hello there, a voice, cold and ancient, echoes in Daskyn's mind. And whom might you be? Ahh, Daskyn. Daskyn Sunder from Llorn. Yes. I wondered if you might ever get out of that mind-trick in the Power Chamber. You have potential. Llorn. I've never been there, but I can see it in your mind. Is that where you've sent the keep? Is that where you've sent the keep? Llorn? the voice echoes again, a hint of curiosity in its tone. No, you were not in a state to direct it. Too soon. Too soon. The wizard perhaps?
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [75] = 75
JiC: 1d100: [24] = 24 / 1d20: [3] = 3
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye is circling the Keep one time to look for any movement in the surrounding area, or signs of a village/city.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [25] = 25 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [6] = 6 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [16] = 16 /88% (Not getting shot at)
If/when he notices Daskyn in his trance-like state after saying he was going to try to find out more, the wizard approaches the mentalist. "Daskyn? Have you discovered anything?" Granas asks cautiously as Daskyn stands in a semi-trance like state, though falling quiet and studying the elf instead, looking for signs of distress. What is he doing? Some advanced type of psychic seeing? Granas considers, trying to guess what Daskyn is up too and what he meant.
JiC: 1d100: [24] = 24 / 1d20: [3] = 3
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye is circling the Keep one time to look for any movement in the surrounding area, or signs of a village/city.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [25] = 25 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [6] = 6 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [16] = 16 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Granas narrows his eyes at Vizzini's erratic response. As much as I value life, I am starting to agree with Trask. At least my thought's aren't being projected anymore Granas considers, silently thankful the effects of Bareleaf seem to have dissipated. "Okay, well, are you able to do it again, then? It was something you offered before we came here." Granas reminds Vizzini with a furrowed brow. If he costs us Luna due to his exaggerated words, I will turn away and let Trask do what he wants to do. Granas considers silently.Vizzini wrote:"I never said anything about a potion. It may well be one of the sacred powers of the Cobbler Goblin for all you know."
"So are you saying you can't get Luna out through the window, then?" Granas asks, glancing towards Trask with a frown. "Ideally, we don't need to guess and risk her life." Granas adds then looks around at the others.Vizzini wrote:"Well, let's see if you are right," "it fits I think."
If/when he notices Daskyn in his trance-like state after saying he was going to try to find out more, the wizard approaches the mentalist. "Daskyn? Have you discovered anything?" Granas asks cautiously as Daskyn stands in a semi-trance like state, though falling quiet and studying the elf instead, looking for signs of distress. What is he doing? Some advanced type of psychic seeing? Granas considers, trying to guess what Daskyn is up too and what he meant.
Granas, the traveling mage
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
- Mürrischer Reisender
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:28 am
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [87] = 87
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [89] = 89
-4 ISP for telepathy.
Well, it was worth a shot. He thinks, hearing the more anticipated of responses from the shadow blocking their entry and post-poning the rescue of Luna.
"So I can throw the runt from the window soon?" He telepathically asks Granas as Vizzini 's answer to sneaking the elf through the window without guessing a third time.
Upon noticing Draskn's lack of response, he leaves the elf alone but can help have a little concern for the elfish stranger. What is the elf doing? Has he done something?
He looks from the group to the door with the shadow of Santa on it and back. "All it leaves is who vill try our last time if vee don't have another plan then" He thinks briefly and settles on something likely dangerous for multiple parties, "I could try to rip the door off, bad a plan as it is."
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [89] = 89
-4 ISP for telepathy.
Well, it was worth a shot. He thinks, hearing the more anticipated of responses from the shadow blocking their entry and post-poning the rescue of Luna.
"So I can throw the runt from the window soon?" He telepathically asks Granas as Vizzini 's answer to sneaking the elf through the window without guessing a third time.
Upon noticing Draskn's lack of response, he leaves the elf alone but can help have a little concern for the elfish stranger. What is the elf doing? Has he done something?
He looks from the group to the door with the shadow of Santa on it and back. "All it leaves is who vill try our last time if vee don't have another plan then" He thinks briefly and settles on something likely dangerous for multiple parties, "I could try to rip the door off, bad a plan as it is."
Mürrischer Mürrischer | Ledger Ledger
- Tolliver Trask
- Posts: 271
- Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:54 pm
- Contact:
Re: The Princess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [17] = 17
Just in Case: 1d20: [13] = 13 , 1d100: [98] = 98
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
When Vizini opens his mouth, Trask eyes him grumpily. He better run as soon as this is over, or I am going to strangling him to death. Trask thinks as he paces listening to the others speak, but keeps his mouth shut. Not getting us in further trouble till it already happens. When Mürrischer mentions tearing the door off, he shakes his head. "Normally I'd be all for it, but in this case it's not going to help." Trask says with a smirk. I wonder if we can intimidate the door... probably not. Trask muses, a frown forming on his aged weathered face.
Trask makes his way next to Granas and stands still for a minute, mostly waiting for one of the more learned individuals to think of something.
Just in Case: 1d20: [13] = 13 , 1d100: [98] = 98
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
When Vizini opens his mouth, Trask eyes him grumpily. He better run as soon as this is over, or I am going to strangling him to death. Trask thinks as he paces listening to the others speak, but keeps his mouth shut. Not getting us in further trouble till it already happens. When Mürrischer mentions tearing the door off, he shakes his head. "Normally I'd be all for it, but in this case it's not going to help." Trask says with a smirk. I wonder if we can intimidate the door... probably not. Trask muses, a frown forming on his aged weathered face.
Trask makes his way next to Granas and stands still for a minute, mostly waiting for one of the more learned individuals to think of something.
"Tonight, boys, we're eating like kings. We've all tasted death too much it seems." ~Shawn James
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:34 pm
Mürrischer, eyeing Vizzini perched precariously on the windowsill, cannot help but fantasize about a swift, and rather painful, readjustment of the goblin's position. Trask also harbors violent thoughts, but chooses to keep them to himself.
Granas, growing impatient, presses for action, and tries to get Vizzini's assistance. Suddenly, they all notice Daskyn standing motionless, his eyes glazed over. Indeed, he seems to be in a trance.
The being pauses, its voice a low growl. "Tell me, Daskyn Sunder," it continues out loud for all to hear, "what do you seek? Freedom for this Luna? Or perhaps... something more? A conversation for another time."
Then, as abruptly as it had begun, the presence vanishes. The Shadow Face on the door withdraws, disappearing behind the wooden door. A moment later, the door swings open silently, revealing a room beyond.
The bedroom within is a luxurious haven indeed. A four-poster bed, draped in silk curtains, dominates the room, its ornate headboard shimmering in the soft light. The bed is piled high with plush cushions and soft blankets, inviting relaxation and indulgence.
From the room, Luna emerges, looking disheveled and rattled. Her eyes, wide with a mixture of fear and relief, dart around the room until they land on Granas, Trask, and Mürrischer.
"We have to get out of here!" she exclaims, her voice trembling slightly. "This is a cursed place!"
She looks towards the window, through which a breathtaking view of the mountains beyond can be seen. "Where is Humperdinck? Is he dead?" she asks, her voice filled with urgency.
"We can escape through that window," she said, already moving towards it, unless prevented.
Suddenly, you all realise something is amiss. Vizzini is gone. He had been perched on the windowsill a moment ago, but now there is only an empty space.
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E.
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P.
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P.
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 111/119 I.S.P.; Superior Telepathy 10 mins remaining
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
Unknown Jungle
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:34 pm
Mürrischer, eyeing Vizzini perched precariously on the windowsill, cannot help but fantasize about a swift, and rather painful, readjustment of the goblin's position. Trask also harbors violent thoughts, but chooses to keep them to himself.
Granas, growing impatient, presses for action, and tries to get Vizzini's assistance. Suddenly, they all notice Daskyn standing motionless, his eyes glazed over. Indeed, he seems to be in a trance.
Daskyn's impression is the being seems to be less interested in riddles and more interested in... observing them.
The Shadow Face on the door contorts into a chilling smile. "Observing, indeed," a voice, ancient and chilling, echoes through the room. "Such fascinating creatures. So full of... potential."Daskyn wrote: ↑Tue Jan 14, 2025 10:07 am You know my name Spirit, you’ve touched my mind as I have touched yours. You know then what I want and my intentions. I want to free the one trapped behind your door, the Elf named Luna. Tell me, what do you want in return? Daskyn answers the cold voice, attempting to sound as resolute as possible and not betray the hint of uncertainty or unease creeping within him. These with me are no tyrants and could be allies, partners. If you want to explore this, then release the one called Luna. Or you may simply go free. Daskyn adds, tilting his head to look at the Shadow confidently.
The being pauses, its voice a low growl. "Tell me, Daskyn Sunder," it continues out loud for all to hear, "what do you seek? Freedom for this Luna? Or perhaps... something more? A conversation for another time."
Then, as abruptly as it had begun, the presence vanishes. The Shadow Face on the door withdraws, disappearing behind the wooden door. A moment later, the door swings open silently, revealing a room beyond.
The bedroom within is a luxurious haven indeed. A four-poster bed, draped in silk curtains, dominates the room, its ornate headboard shimmering in the soft light. The bed is piled high with plush cushions and soft blankets, inviting relaxation and indulgence.
From the room, Luna emerges, looking disheveled and rattled. Her eyes, wide with a mixture of fear and relief, dart around the room until they land on Granas, Trask, and Mürrischer.
"We have to get out of here!" she exclaims, her voice trembling slightly. "This is a cursed place!"
She looks towards the window, through which a breathtaking view of the mountains beyond can be seen. "Where is Humperdinck? Is he dead?" she asks, her voice filled with urgency.
"We can escape through that window," she said, already moving towards it, unless prevented.
Suddenly, you all realise something is amiss. Vizzini is gone. He had been perched on the windowsill a moment ago, but now there is only an empty space.
Butcher's Bill
Granas: 41/41 H.P., 22/22 S.D.C., 32/54 I.S.P., 154/245 P.P.E.
Tolliver: 49/49 H.P., 71/71 S.D.C., 27/44 I.S.P.
Mürrischer: 30/30 H.P., 9/29 S.D.C., 22/28 I.S.P.
Daskyn: 20/20 H.P., 10/10 S.D.C., 111/119 I.S.P.; Superior Telepathy 10 mins remaining
Zephyr: 28/28 H.P., 55/55 S.D.C., 21/21 P.P.E.
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
- Mürrischer Reisender
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:28 am
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [15] = 15
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [27] = 27
Better than it could've gone... The Wolfen makes an attempt to stop the elf when she comes out as hysterical as a freed prisoner would be. He hopes to be at least a little reassuring for Luna, "It's fine. Vee trapped 'im in a diff'went plane and took dis fort with us."
He trusts his ever reliable nose to tell him if the elf before them is actually Luna an not just some copy.
Recognize Scent of Others: 1d100: [49] = 49 /32%
Seeing that Vizzini had disappeared while they weren't looking, he is quick to respond, "I didn't throw him." He tries to identify which way the goblin had gone, bringing his nose into the equation as well. Should he identify the direction the goblin had gone, he takes a few steps in that direction, debating if it's really a search to pursue. "Vere Vee done vith him, or did he run before vee can be...?"
Recognize Scent of Others: 1d100: [79] = 79 /32%
Track Humanoids: 1d100: [98] = 98 /60%
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [27] = 27
Better than it could've gone... The Wolfen makes an attempt to stop the elf when she comes out as hysterical as a freed prisoner would be. He hopes to be at least a little reassuring for Luna, "It's fine. Vee trapped 'im in a diff'went plane and took dis fort with us."
He trusts his ever reliable nose to tell him if the elf before them is actually Luna an not just some copy.
Recognize Scent of Others: 1d100: [49] = 49 /32%
Seeing that Vizzini had disappeared while they weren't looking, he is quick to respond, "I didn't throw him." He tries to identify which way the goblin had gone, bringing his nose into the equation as well. Should he identify the direction the goblin had gone, he takes a few steps in that direction, debating if it's really a search to pursue. "Vere Vee done vith him, or did he run before vee can be...?"
Recognize Scent of Others: 1d100: [79] = 79 /32%
Track Humanoids: 1d100: [98] = 98 /60%
Mürrischer Mürrischer | Ledger Ledger
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [52] = 52
JiC: 1d100: [57] = 57 / 1d20: [4] = 4
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye is circling the Keep one time to look for any movement in the surrounding area, or signs of a village/city.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [100] = 100 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [57] = 57 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [46] = 46 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Granas is taken aback as the shadow speaks again before it evaporates from the doorway. This world is full of mysteries. Granas finds himself thinking, focused on the doorway and oblivious to Vizzini's disappearing act. He approaches Daskyn and nods in appreciation. "I don't know what you did, but thank you." Granas says and then approaches the door as Luna emerges.
JiC: 1d100: [57] = 57 / 1d20: [4] = 4
Conditions: Sixth Sense [Inactive, 2ISP] | PPE remaining: 154/245 | Spell Strength: 15 | Familiar Empathetic/Telepathic Link 600ft | AoI: 6min, 160 S.D.C. | Invis Simple: 24 mins | See Invis: 8 mins
Skye is circling the Keep one time to look for any movement in the surrounding area, or signs of a village/city.
Track by Sight: 1d100: [100] = 100 /88%
Track by Smell: 1d100: [57] = 57 /60%
Prowl: 1d100: [46] = 46 /88% (Not getting shot at)
Granas is taken aback as the shadow speaks again before it evaporates from the doorway. This world is full of mysteries. Granas finds himself thinking, focused on the doorway and oblivious to Vizzini's disappearing act. He approaches Daskyn and nods in appreciation. "I don't know what you did, but thank you." Granas says and then approaches the door as Luna emerges.
Granas moves to intercept Lady Luna before she gets to the window. "Milady Luna, it's okay. You are safe now." Granas says trying to stop her from doing a leap out the window as Mürrischer offers some words of encouragement."We have to get out of here!" ... "This is a cursed place!"
Granas nods in agreement. "As our friend Mürrischer has said, Humperdinck is currently stranded in a far away place. We stole this Keep and escaped that area. We managed to empty it of other hostiles as well. Though we haven't yet determined where we are, we were in a rush to leave before the Albino could catch up." Granas explains the gist of the situation and turns to look for Vizzini.Mürrischer wrote:"It's fine. Vee trapped 'im in a diff'went plane and took dis fort with us."
Granas frowns. This is either really bad for us, or really good for us. Though I don't think he would've helped us all this time just to betray us. More than likely saw this as his chance to escape and cut ties. Granas reasons, for the moment less concerned about Vizzini. Granas turns to Trask "I suspect we might want to watch our backs for awhile until we learn if Vizzini is coming back, though he left as our ally, if not a slippery one. In the mean time..." Granas looks back to Luna. "Let's head outside and see if we can't figure out where we are. There is a balcony we used to enter this keep we can start with." Granas offers then, barring any discourse, moves to lead Luna to the balcony while connecting with Skye. Seems Vizzini flew off as Raven. Keep your eyes out but let him go for now. He left as our ally, let's hope it stays that way. Any sign of a city nearby? Granas warns then asks of his familiar.Mürrischer wrote:"Vere Vee done vith him, or did he run before vee can be...?"
Granas, the traveling mage
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
PPE: 245/245 || ISP: 54/54 || HP: 41/41 | SDC: 22/22
Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead
- Tolliver Trask
- Posts: 271
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Re: The Princess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [80] = 80
Just in Case: 1d20: [16] = 16 , 1d100: [6] = 6
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
Land Navigation 1d100: [72] = 72 /54% Failure (Where did the keep land?)
Trask is unsurprised when Vizzini vanishes. I guess he was a genius after all. Good riddance. Trask thinks, a cruel smirk barely visible on his lip. With the door open and Luna safe, Trask huffs and makes his way out onto the battlements once more. "Well where in the Hells are we now?" Trask asks himself as he looks out at the surrounding landscape. While Trask looks he pulls his tobacco pouch and pipe, packing the worn bowl and lighting it with a match. Lord Utu, I know not if that was enough to appease you. But I believe the task to be done, unless you have more visions to offer. Trask quietly prays as he smokes.
Whether or not Trask figures out where they are, he'll make his way back into the keep and rejoin the others.
Just in Case: 1d20: [16] = 16 , 1d100: [6] = 6
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive), Ambidextrous, Resistant to Cold (Soupcon; 1/2 damage from Cold based attacks).
Land Navigation 1d100: [72] = 72 /54% Failure (Where did the keep land?)
Trask is unsurprised when Vizzini vanishes. I guess he was a genius after all. Good riddance. Trask thinks, a cruel smirk barely visible on his lip. With the door open and Luna safe, Trask huffs and makes his way out onto the battlements once more. "Well where in the Hells are we now?" Trask asks himself as he looks out at the surrounding landscape. While Trask looks he pulls his tobacco pouch and pipe, packing the worn bowl and lighting it with a match. Lord Utu, I know not if that was enough to appease you. But I believe the task to be done, unless you have more visions to offer. Trask quietly prays as he smokes.
Whether or not Trask figures out where they are, he'll make his way back into the keep and rejoin the others.
"Tonight, boys, we're eating like kings. We've all tasted death too much it seems." ~Shawn James
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Tolliver Trask; The Suicide King
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [50] = 50
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [47] = 47
Conditions: Nightvision (60ft), Sixth Sense
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [47] = 47
Conditions: Nightvision (60ft), Sixth Sense
Daskyn stands there, frozen in a sense of astonishment as the Shadow makes its comment before departing. “I’m… not sure either. I guess I will find out when it comes back.” Daskyn responds slowly, staring at where the shadow vanished from. I hope I don’t regret this Daskyn can’t help but think as the doors open and an elven prisoner rushes to escape. Daskyn blinks at her features. So this is Luna. Daskyn thinks for a moment as the others rush to her to calm her down.Granas wrote:"I don't know what you did, but thank you."Shadow wrote:"Tell me, Daskyn Sunder," it continues out loud for all to hear, "what do you seek? Freedom for this Luna? Or perhaps... something more? A conversation for another time."
Daskyn follows the others outside, relieved to be breathing free air with his sword in hand. My father would have never forgiven me for losing this sword. Daskyn thinks while holding it in its sheath. Daskyn follows out onto the battlements he hasn’t seen before and tries to see if he recognizes the land.Trask wrote:"Well where in the Hells are we now?"Granas wrote:"Let's head outside and see if we can't figure out where we are. There is a balcony we used to enter this keep we can start with."
- Underguard
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- Location: CAF, UPS and GIRLS GM - nphilip90s/ScytheNP#2513
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
The search for Vizinni turns up nothing, both he and his fellow goblins have seemingly vanished. Skye didn't catch Vizzini leaving, but it is easy to break line of sight. Mürrischer attempts to track the vanished goblin only to find he can't pick up the scent anywhere. Looking threw Skye's eyes let Granas see the cliffside town of Adriana, the Temple of Astra some distance above them. Stepping outside on the Balcony, Trask doesn't recognize it at first nor see any signs of Vizzini. Daskyn steps outside onto the Balcony and doesn't recognize where he is. Luna seems to outstretch her arms under the Adriana sun and releases a breathe before speaking.Conditions wrote:Location: Adriana
Date: 25 September, 345
Weather: Clear skies
Time: 2:45pm-Next day
"We're home. Adriana is but a ways above us. Quickly, I must return to the temple." Luna exclaims, turning to Trask and Granas.
Fortunately, the arrival of the keep did not go unnoticed. As the party leaves through the front gate, they are greeted by the sounds of trotting horses. Everyone but Daskyn quickly recognizes Captain Tomass at the head of the group. They stop a few feet from the party.
"Lady Luna, I'm pleased to see you've returned safely. The priestess Ivy has been maintaining the Temple in your absence. We can take you there." Tomass says then turning to Trask and the others. "You've done good work and will always be welcome in Adriana." Tomass says as Ivy climbs onto one of the armored knights horses, turning to look at the party.
"Yes, please join us at the temple, I must repay this debt." Luna suggests.
Tomass nods in agreement. "I can leave a detachment for your new-found keep?" Granas moves to object as this recommendation before Tomass continues. "They won't go inside." Tomass reiterates and several guards are left at the Keep as the group is brought up to the Temple of Astra.
Ivy greets the party when they return with Luna, and a small feast is prepared. Luna also sets a small golden statue onto the table. "We don't have any money to repay your group, but maybe this. This is one of our idols, and it is quite valuable if sold." Luna offers. The party is able to accept or decline this gift. The meal is delicious and party enjoys a moment of rest and celebration for a successful journey.
The Statue is valued at 1,000g pieces depending on barter ability if sold.
No further GM posts to this thread, I will lock it in a week. Please continue posting here.
This wraps this adventure. You are welcome to post about your celebration night and close off this.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)
- Mürrischer Reisender
- Posts: 121
- Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:28 am
Re: The Priestess Bride : Endgame
1d100: [30] = 30
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 / 1d100: [27] = 27
The Wolfen takes the lack off the sight and word of goblins as Vizzini did indeed leave as soon as his end of the agreement was complete. Better green runt than a lot of the ones he's encountered or heard of. Regardless, he hopes he doesn't have to seen any more at least for a while anyway. The near rush to leave the keep and return to the temple was probably the quickest way to get the topic of goblins from his mind. He only stares, tiredness from the previous events subdued even before he sees the Captain again for the first time in what feels longer than barely the daylight hours time of a day of autumn. "Capten."
He can't think of anything to say about the lack of being able to pay for their services as he doesn't feel there's any need to be paid for what they accomplished. The suggestion of a garrison of guards for their keep does get his attention though. Can't say a guard for our keep isn't a bad idea. Pretty big target. He looks over his shoulder back at the stone keep before turning his head back. " guard at most should be fine."
Being brought before a feast a growing hungry Wolfen could go to his head. Luna again bringing up paying a debt to the group has his earlier thoughts return even as an idol is brought into view. I can see keeping it to remind us what we done for Adriana, not selling it for the coin it's worth.
Mürrischer puts more eating to meat than other things on the table and gladly tells those nearest him at the table about the adventure he was on while at the same time telling it like his nose and knowledge didn't betray him more than once during should someone ask.
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 / 1d100: [27] = 27
The Wolfen takes the lack off the sight and word of goblins as Vizzini did indeed leave as soon as his end of the agreement was complete. Better green runt than a lot of the ones he's encountered or heard of. Regardless, he hopes he doesn't have to seen any more at least for a while anyway. The near rush to leave the keep and return to the temple was probably the quickest way to get the topic of goblins from his mind. He only stares, tiredness from the previous events subdued even before he sees the Captain again for the first time in what feels longer than barely the daylight hours time of a day of autumn. "Capten."
He can't think of anything to say about the lack of being able to pay for their services as he doesn't feel there's any need to be paid for what they accomplished. The suggestion of a garrison of guards for their keep does get his attention though. Can't say a guard for our keep isn't a bad idea. Pretty big target. He looks over his shoulder back at the stone keep before turning his head back. " guard at most should be fine."
Being brought before a feast a growing hungry Wolfen could go to his head. Luna again bringing up paying a debt to the group has his earlier thoughts return even as an idol is brought into view. I can see keeping it to remind us what we done for Adriana, not selling it for the coin it's worth.
Mürrischer puts more eating to meat than other things on the table and gladly tells those nearest him at the table about the adventure he was on while at the same time telling it like his nose and knowledge didn't betray him more than once during should someone ask.
Mürrischer Mürrischer | Ledger Ledger