Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

In Century Station Operation Overlord has begun, villains beware!

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Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by CHIMERA »

Prologue: Welcome to Flavorville!
Have you guys eaten at the new restaurant in Willingham? Have you pulled up to one of the over 600 seats at Flavorville U.S.A. Grill & Bar? Did you eat the food? Did you live to tell about the experience?

Did panic grip your soul as you stared into the whirling hypno wheel of the menu, where cuisines and dishes spin in a crazy vortex? When you saw a burger described as "Korean short-rib blended beef patty, LTOP (lettuce, tomato, onion & pickle), MDMA (melted Dubliner, mozzarella & Asiago), and Jonny's signature kimchi sauce on a sourdough pretzel roll," did your mind touch the void for a minute?

Did you notice all the ingredients listed on the menu in the food that you ordered? Did you taste the almond butter used to wrap your egg roll? Does your chicken fried steak taste lighter for being deep fried in avocado oil? Did you see a single clove in your Slayin' Garlic Brioche Loaf?

Why is one of the few items on the menu that you can eat without any sense of shame or regret - a brunch only share plate - the karaage fried ortolan bunting? And why does it come with a shroud?

Did you try the Blue Drink, the one that glows like a liquid aurora borealis? Or the watermelon sugar high ball? Any idea why it tastes like a combination of Axe body spray and zit cream?

How did spaghetti and meatballs, one of the simplest dishes in the American canon, become so busy? Why augment the noodles with risotto that overpowers everything with the taste of wild mushrooms? Why not simply cover the noodles with a hearty red sauce instead of drizzling them with a siracha nacho cheese? Did the meatballs themselves need to have that much cured meat in them?

Is this how you roll in Flavorville?

Why does the chicken Alfredo taste like Cajun blackened shrimp? And for that matter, why does the catfish and andouille jambalaya taste like seven vegetable couscous? Are all the vegetables illusions?

Did you get lost on your way to the bathroom and somehow end up in a different restaurant? Was that restaurant in the same time zone as Century Station? Did you look for your table on the fifth floor and suddenly end up at the bar on the second?

Does the restaurant observe Euclidean geometry?

Did you see the high-watt patron saint of big-flavor no-collar American cuisine, Sammy Hagar himself, wandering around the tables? Or were his bleached blonde locks trailing behind his creamsicle colored Camaro as he did donuts in the parking while going 50 m.p.h.?

Did you notice that you can add bacon to every vegetarian item on the menu? In what world is steak considered a side? Is there pork in the Blue drink?

How do you keep track of all the vastly different Jonny sauces slathered all over the menu, from a rustic horseradish-mustard to a sweet and sour ketchup to a habanero infused marshmallow fluff?

And really, who is Jonny, and why should we trust him to make sauce for us?

What is going on at this new restaurant, really?
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by CHIMERA »

Act I: Apps and Margs
Omega Base, 616 Grayson Street, Retropolis
Date: Thursday, April 30th, 2043
Time: 4:30 pm
Weather: Sunny but mild afternoon (65 degrees Fahrenheit)

Around 3:00 pm, all the members of Bravo Squad receive a text message from Trent: 'MEETING IN THE WAR ROOM AT 4.' When the four heroes arrive, the find Trent and Amanda waiting in front of the big screen. They look at each other a little apprehensively.

"Thanks for being here, everyone," Trent begins. "I have an assignment that I think is perfectly suited to your team's skill set. However, we're waiting on someone before we can get started with the briefing."

Amanda sighs, "I should have gone to pick him up."

"I know," Trent says, "but Eddie insisted on going. You know he's a huge fan."

Trent looks back at the heroes, who might looked confused by what they're hearing, "You know, we can get started. I'm sure Eddie's just get caught in traffic."

"He can't drive 55," Amanda mutters under her breath.

Trent taps his tablet and the image of a large multi-story restaurant in the middle of dense city block appears on the screen. It is the base of your standard skyscraper, a frame of steel beams filled with tempered glass panes. Above the restaurant's four revolving door banks is a large stainless steel sign emblazoned with a neon multi-color eagle. Above the eagle are the words 'FLAVORVILLE U.S.A.', and below it reads 'GRILL & BAR'. "I'm sure some of you are familiar with Flavorville, the x-treme American comfort food restaurant franchise, but for those of you that aren't: Flavorville is a chain with over two dozen locations across North America. They specialize on taking classic American dishes and putting their unique 'international' twist on them. The decor, like the food, is big, bold, and gaudy."

"You don't sound like a fan," Amanda quips.

"It's not where I'd take a first date," Trent replies. "Anyway, have any of you heard of the Flavorville Hangover? It's a weird phenomenon where the area around a Flavorville restaurant seems to take a sudden dive: violent crime increases within a two city block radius; neighboring storefronts go out of business and are replaced with payday loan agencies and the like; rent and property values go down; even the average life expectancy in a neighborhood will noticeably drop within a year of a Flavorville opening. The location in Willingham is no different, so the City Council has taken a special interest in its annual health inspection."

The image on the screen changes to that of a middle aged white man wearing glasses, his boyish face has become puffy as he has gotten older and his black hair, a standard bureaucratic flattop, has a few gray strands. "This is Agent Troy Boyson, he was sent to inspect Flavorville on Monday. He was found sleeping on the sidewalk outside of Flavorville the following morning. Instead of filing his report as soon as possible, he called in sick, which is odd, because he has been spotted at Flavorville every night this week. That's where you all come in."

Before Trent can expand on this, everyone can hear Eddie returning with the Omegas' special guest. Eddie opens the door and then bows reverently as he ushers in no one's (except maybe Eddie) favorite lead singer of Van Halen, the Red Rocker himself, Sammy Hagar! For a 95 year old man, Sammy looks pretty good, healthier than Kieth Richards or Ozzy Osborne 20 years ago. He swaggers into the War Room with a gait that is about 50% arthritis and 50% stage presence. ("He's still got it!" Eddie whispers to himself.)

"What's happening people!" Sammy makes sure to shake hands with everyone in the room. Each greeting is an elaborate ritual of fist pumps, back pats, a few filler sayings like 'it's an honor to be here' and 'thank you for your service', and even some awkward dance moves.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hagar," Trent says unfazed, "I was just briefing my team on your restaurant."

"I don't see why you need to bring in a band of capes to investigate my restaurant. It feels like you guys are just looking for a reason to shut me down."

"We just want to understand the odd phenomena that happen around your restaurant. I'm sure it's just a series of odd coincidences; this is Century Station. Your cooperation will make it easier to clear this up, and then you can get back to serving banh mi tacos and poutine arepas." Trent then looks back to the Omegas. "As I was saying, we are sending you to Flavorville to spend the night. We would like you to go into the restaurant and try to find out what happened to Agent Boyson. What caused him to pas out?"

"I'm sure it was just three too many Cabo Wabo slushie!" Sammy suggests with a chuckle.

"I'd also like to know what he would have put in his report if he wasn't still out sick. Maybe talk to him if you see him having dinner there." Trent gives Sammy a suspicious glare. "Mr. Hagar will escort you to the restaurant. Out of the kindness of his heart, he has offered to treat you all to dinner. After the meal, he will escort you to the back of the restaurant so you can investigate further. Do you have any questions?"

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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Diomedes »

Perception: 1d100: [24] = 24 vs 41% +30% vs Vampires/Undead, +20% Demons/Monsters
JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 , 1d100: [82] = 82

  • Natural AR: 13
  • H.P..: 290/290
  • S.D.C.: 107/107
  • P.P.E.: 296/296
  • Spd: 75'/action

  • Omega Suit | S.D.C. - Main Body 250/250, Arms 90 each, Legs 100 each, Body Camera 15 | Currently worn
  • Omega Field Kit | Currently worn

Diomedes' voice booms as he arrives at War Room 4. "Hello! It is I, Diomedes! Friend Amanda! Friend Trent! I am here after another successful morning traveling Century Station by Bus. Friend Dottie sends her greetings to all of you and a thank you for helping keep the streets of Century Station safe. Phil down at the entrance said to report here."
Diomedes doesn't have a phone, nor the funds to purchase a phone/data plan. Is one provided by the Omegas?
Beneath his mask is a wide smile as he nods and greets his new team and finds his place at the table.

When Eddie and Sammy come in, Diomedes welcomes them. "Friend Eddie, welcome! Who is this that you have brought?" Diomedes has no idea who the special guest is, or his significance. Perhaps this is one of the residents of Willingham who can share some insight on the changes that have of occurred since this Flavorville eatery was opened. As Sammy greets everyone, Diomedes realizes his mistake, Ah, he is the owner. From his behavior, despite Trent's description of what these restaurants cause in the neighborhood, he doesn't believe his restaurant is the cause of these negative changes.

When the mission is outlined and they are told they are going to the restaurant, Diomedes raises his hand. "Friend Trent. Perhaps, Steiblah and I should visit Agent Boyson while team leader Edison and Jeremy go to the restaurant directly with Mr. Hagar. We can join them after we've learned what happened to Agent Boyson?"
Diomedes, EP Record

M.D.C.: 275
Sense Vampires: 600'
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Jeremy Lancaster
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Perception: 1d100: [11] = 11 /30%
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [35] = 35

"Wha's up Diomedes." He says after the Atlantean makes his entry.

"Flavorville? Didn't think I'd ever be." He thinks allowed to hearing the location they'll be investigating. The Red Rocker entering reinded him they were waiting on someone before really getting into the operation. He shakes Sammy's hand when he comes around "Nice to meet you."

He tries to make Sammy feel better about the situation when the Red Rocker deflates, "Pretty sure we're not here to close the restaurant, we're trying to... save it." He has to take a moment to come up with words for the Omegas task.

"I think it was... marketing? that would be a okay place to start." He takes a moment to think back on when he was in the pizza industry.

his head turns to Diomedes at his suggestion. "I was gonna suggest I look for the missing agent, but going to Flavorville is probably a better idea. I would know what I'm looking for after delivering pizzas."
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Steiblah »

Perception: d%: [59] = 59 | 81%
JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 | d%: [54] = 54
Steiblah Character Sheet
  • Nightvision 120 ft, keen normal vision, see the invisible
  • Turn into mist at will
  • Track by smell 45% (+15% to track a blood scent)
  • Dimensional teleport 51%
  • Bio-regenerates 3d6 MDC (HP or SDC) per melee round
  • Resistant to cold (half damage); impervious to toxic gases, heat, and fire (plasma/MD/magic fire does half damage)
  • Self and up to 300 additional pounds up to five miles away at will, 73%+3%/level
  • Magically speaks and understands all languages at 98%
  • Can shape change into any living creature, intelligent or animal, as long as it is no smaller than one foot and no larger than 10 feet. Impersonation skill is 96% if the subject is in her presence, 82% if very familiar with the individual or working from photos/video, 40% if working from memory and with little personal knowledge of the subject. The Raksasha may use her shapechanging abilities to alter or improve the disguise at any time.
  • 94% if the Raksasha is very familiar with the individual, 80% if working from a good sound recording, 30% if working from memory or with little knowledge of the subject.
  • Silver weapons do equivalent MD. In SDC worlds: Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage.
    • Increased Range by 50%: All the ranges of super powers, psionics, magic, senses (even mundane ones) receive the +50%
    • Increased S.D.C. by 50%
    • Increased ISP by 50%:
      plus recovers 9 per hour of meditation, 3 per hour of rest/sleep
    • Increased PPE by 50%: plus recovers 15 per hour of meditation, 8 per hour of rest
    • Increased Healing: rolled 2+1=3. x3 multiplier
    • Incredible ISP Recovery [Mega Psi Power]: recovers ISP at 6 per minute of meditation or rest, 1 per minute of activity.
    • Achilles Heel: Extremely Bound to Good Karma Needs to act according to good karma (GM discretion). Without the aid of good karma, the hero has all combat bonuses reduced in half, loses one attack, and skills are -35%.

  • PPE: 850/900
    ISP: 1050/1050
    HP: 78/78 +5 (SoM)
    SDC: 45/45
    Natural AR: 10
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +28% (SoM)
Toxins (15+): +10 +2(SoM)
Magic (varies): +11 +2(SoM)
Lethal Poison (14+): +10 +2(SoM)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +10 +2(SoM)
Insanity (12+): +7
Psionics (10+): +7
HF: +12
Possession: +2 (additional)
+4 to all other saving throws

Image Steven Resch, human psi-healer.

    • Presents as level 2.
    • No alignment alteration.
    • Psychic ability: Show ISP level to be lower, ~50-100 total ISP.
    • Conceal amount of base PPE. Only 1-2 points.
    • Conceal the presence of magic.
    • Attributes appear to be 1/2 of what they really are.
    2hrs 2.75 min.
  • Enhanced Perception. 11.50 min. +15% Perception, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +10% to any skill that relies on basic senses. +50% to all natural senses.
Having become fairly comfortable with the form of ‘Steve the psi-healer’, Steiblah enters the War Room meeting in human form. The reformed Raksasha then quietly takes a seat but remains keenly aware of the conversation around him.

Trent and Amanda are worried about Eddie on a pick-up. Simply because he is delayed or something deeper?
CHIMERA wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 7:38 pmThe image on the screen changes to that of a middle aged white man wearing glasses, his boyish face has become puffy as he has gotten older and his black hair, a standard bureaucratic flattop, has a few gray strands. "This is Agent Troy Boyson, he was sent to inspect Flavorville on Monday. He was found sleeping on the sidewalk outside of Flavorville the following morning. Instead of filing his report as soon as possible, he called in sick, which is odd, because he has been spotted at Flavorville every night this week. That's where you all come in."
The moment the image of Agent Troy Boyson appears on the screen, Steiblah suspects the possibility that this individual needs to be found and so instantly focuses his psychic energies on scrying for his location ((Psionic Seeking. R25 pg78. -6 ISP. 6 mile range. 30.00 min. d%: [92] = 92 | 70%. Even if the character fails the roll to find the person or item, he will be able to sense whether or not the object is within range.)).

As the heroes are briefed on the suspected situation associated with Flavorville USA and Sammy Hagar makes his entrance, Steiblah is able to piece together a little more regarding their concern. Eddie is meeting an idol of his. And they suspect this idol may be involved in suspicious activity. So they do not want him to become corrupted or unduly influenced. Smart. But there may be little that can be done at this time. Unless of course this Sammy Hagar individual is either a demon in disguise or has made a pact with some malevolent force to… extend his life?

Inherently paranoid and suspicious, Steiblah can’t help but tap his psionics yet again to try to confirm his suspicions ((Sense Supernatural. -3 ISP. 140 ft range. 12.00 min)). At the same time, he knows that there are ways that such supernatural individuals can mask their supernatural nature. And so he does not expect a black-or-white answer to his query.
Diomedes wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 12:53 pmWhen the mission is outlined and they are told they are going to the restaurant, Diomedes raises his hand. "Friend Trent. Perhaps, Steiblah and I should visit Agent Boyson while team leader Edison and Jeremy go to the restaurant directly with Mr. Hagar. We can join them after we've learned what happened to Agent Boyson?"
Jeremy Lancaster wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 2:23 pmhis head turns to Diomedes at his suggestion. "I was gonna suggest I look for the missing agent, but going to Flavorville is probably a better idea. I would know what I'm looking for after delivering pizzas."
”I have no objections with visiting Agent Boyson with Diomedes.” Steiblah confirms.
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [30] = 30 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [15] = 15 ; 1d100: [53] = 53
Conditions: None.
Edison Mk. 2: AR: 19; S.D.C.: 350/350; Shield: 200/200
Armored Undersuit: AR: 12; S.D.C.: 40/40
AR-15 w/ Masterkey: Payload: 5.56: 20/8; 12 Gauge: 7/7
MP950 Payload 50/50
Sentry Gun: Payload: 100/97

Edison sits in on the meeting listening to first Trent and Amanda give the mission briefing, before Eddie and Sammy arrive. Edison nods as he puts together who the man is. My father and grandfather loved his music. Edison thinks. Edison shakes the elderly rockers hand. "Nice to meet you Mr. Hagar." Edison says in polite tones.

Edison listens to the rest of the briefing, taking a few notes in his leather journal.
Diomedes wrote:"Friend Trent. Perhaps, Steiblah and I should visit Agent Boyson while team leader Edison and Jeremy go to the restaurant directly with Mr. Hagar. We can join them after we've learned what happened to Agent Boyson?"
Jeremy wrote:"I was gonna suggest I look for the missing agent, but going to Flavorville is probably a better idea. I would know what I'm looking for after delivering pizzas."
Steiblah wrote:”I have no objections with visiting Agent Boyson with Diomedes.”
Edison shakes his head. "While splitting the team up is certainly an option, I don't think it's really necessary, we'll all go together that way no one misses something they might have otherwise, besides Agent Boyson likely will come to us if we're there already, given he apparently eats there daily now." Edison says. "Anyone have any real objections to this plan?" Edison asks.
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by CHIMERA »

Act I: Apps and Margs
Omega Base, 616 Grayson Street, Retropolis
Date: Thursday, April 30th, 2043
Time: 4:35
Weather: Warm, lightly cloudy day (67 degrees Fahrenheit)

The arrival of a rock star of Sammy Hagar's caliber should be a big deal. To a degree it is for Edison, as he remembers listening to OU812 and For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge in his dad's car. But most of the others have no idea who the 95 year old singer is. Diomedes turns to Eddie to ask this.
Diomedes wrote:"Friend Eddie, welcome! Who is this that you have brought?"
"That's the second greatest singer of all time," Eddie says with hushed reverence, "after the late Ronnie James Dio, of course."

Hearing this, Sammy gives Eddie a wink and then flashes him the devil horns. "That's good company to be in," he says with a laugh.

Steiblah, meanwhile, uses his demonic powers to find out how a guy who partied with Mötley Crüe and Aerosmith is still alive into his 90's. Sammy himself would say it's 'clean living and good eating', and that's not a complete lie. Steiblah can sense that Sammy is a normal human, but he has definitely eaten something super natural in the past 12 hours at least as evidenced by the whiff of an aura trailing from his pants.

After hearing their assignment, the members of Bravo squad discuss how they want to investigate Flavorville. Immediately, the idea of splitting up is tossed around. Diomedes and Steiblah want to search for the 'missing' health inspector, Troy Boyson. However, Edison points out that is an ineffective strategy.
Edison wrote:"While splitting the team up is certainly an option, I don't think it's really necessary, we'll all go together that way no one misses something they might have otherwise, besides Agent Boyson likely will come to us if we're there already, given he apparently eats there daily now."
"That's a good point," Trent says. "CSPD has sent officers to Agent Boyson's house yesterday to do a wellness check, and he did not answer the door. We don't know where he is during the daytime."

Hearing this Steiblah uses his powers to see if he can sense Agent Boyson, but to no avail. He is not within a six mile radius of the Omega Base.

"But we do know where he's been at night," Amanda chimes in. She taps her tablet a few times, and social media images appear on the big screen in the war room. The first image shows Agent Boyson on Sunday afternoon grilling with some friends. He looks hale and healthy; maybe a little overweight and puffy from too much sodium in his diet, but nothing out of the ordinary.

With another tap, Amanda pulls up an image of Agent Boyson walking into Flavorville appears on the screen. This time he looks less good. He looks about 15 pounds lighter, but it's mostly in his face. He's unshaven with disheveled hair, bloodshot eyes, and a dull yellow complexion. His clothes, gray slacks, a red turtleneck, and khaki trench coat are wrinkled to the point that even Lieutenant Columbo would tell him to get them ironed. "That was taken on Tuesday night," Amanda says.

She taps her tablet another time and another image of Agent Boyson outside of Flavorville. He looks even worse in this image: more haggard, paler. At least he changed clothes: back jeans and turtleneck. Amanda says, "And that's last night."

"As you can see," Trent explains, "you'll probably find him at the restaurant again tonight. If you do, see if you can figure out why he has been behaving so oddly."

"You can always come with and conduct that interview yourself while I show your boys around the place," Sammy offers, making finger pistols at Trent.

"I appreciate the offer, but I have dinner plans," Trent replies coldly.

"You do?" Amanda asks with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Dinner with my mother," Trent explains. "She wants to talk about Uncle Opie, and try to smooth things over with my father."

"Things must be real great if your mom wants to have a meal with you," Amanda replies sarcastically. "I wish I could come for moral support, but I also have plans tonight."

"You do?" Trent blurts, forgetting about his family and their inherent unpleasantness.

"Going out with some girlfriends for drinks," Amanda replies. "If you need to blow off some steam afterwards, send me a text."

Sammy looks to Eddie, extending the invite without a word. The janitor blushes at the offer and then stammers, "It's an honor Mr. Hagar, but I'm afraid I can't today. I have to take my son to physical therapy after work. He would be thrilled to meet you too, sir."

Eddie clasps his hands and bows in respect. "It's great to see a man so invested in his kids. I'll leave backstage passes to my next show in Century Station for you two with your boss. Now who wants to PAR-TAY!?!?!"

Bravo squad has about 30 minutes to get ready before a shuttle bus comes to pick up the heroes and take them to Flavorville.

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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [85] = 85 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [16] = 16 ; 1d100: [23] = 23
Conditions: None.
Personal Mission Notes.
Outfit: Short Sleeved button up (Plaid), Grey Cargo Pants, Work Boots, Ball cap.
Omega Suit v3.1.7 (Under clothes) AR: 17 S.D.C.: 250/250
Lemat Revolver Payload (.38): 8/8 or (20 Guage): 1/1

Edison listens to the rest of the meeting, nodding along and adding notes to his journal. Once the group is dismissed, Edison looks to the group. "While they didn't say it, I'm gonna assume we're not going loaded for bear. Which to be fair, I don't think it concerns most of you as I think you all have powers of some sort. I on the other hand may be at a slight disadvantage, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it I suppose. I'd like all of you to dress nicely, you know clean clothes that don't look a complete mess, no need to go for the nines if that's not your thing especially given we will likely end up covered in food at some point. I'll see you all in the garage in twenty-five minutes then." Edison says, before getting up and making his way to his room.

Edison cant help humming Running with the Devil as he gets ready. Not wanting to make an initial scene, Edison puts on his omega suit and throws clothes over top of it, going with a clean pair of cargo pants and a plaid button up short sleeved shirt, this coupled with his usual boots and ball cap, left Edison ready to go. Edison grabs his shoulder bag and decides to toss on of his revolvers and some ammo in it, just in case. Edison pauses at his door and sighs. Turning around, Edison pulls out his storage case with wheels (effectively a large suitcase) and begins stowing the Edison Mk 2 suit with it's other components, tossing a few extra boxes of 5.56 ammo in for good luck. Locking the case, Edison leaves his room, dressed for the night. Edison makes his way to the garage, and awaits the shuttle bus to take Bravo to the restaurant.
“Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero?” ~Dean Winchester
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Diomedes »

Perception: 1d100: [67] = 67 vs 41% +30% vs Vampires/Undead, +20% Demons/Monsters
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 , 1d100: [82] = 82

  • Natural AR: 13
  • H.P..: 290/290
  • S.D.C.: 107/107
  • P.P.E.: 296/296
  • Spd: 75'/action

  • Omega Suit | S.D.C. - Main Body 250/250, Arms 90 each, Legs 100 each, Body Camera 15 | Currently worn
  • Omega Field Kit | Currently worn

With the confirmation that Agent Boyson, despite apparently not being at his home, had been at Flavorville every night looking more and more disheveled, Diomedes nods in agreement with Edison about staying together. When Edison mentions to go in civilian dress, Diomedes asks, "Very well. It is unlikely that I will go unnoticed, but do we all want to go in as a group, or do you want some of us to move about independently?"

Returning to his room, Diomedes looks at the sparse wardrobe and finally spots an
two wild and crazy guys.jpg
two wild and crazy guys.jpg (40.44 KiB) Viewed 11365 times
that seems to be appropriate to what he saw other people wearing in the photos of Agent Boyson. Everyone was very complimentary of this shirt and pants. I wouldn't dare wear something like this in Manoa. He looks around and finds the wallet that Agent Apizza had given him the day he joined the Omegas that is his 'identity' in this dimension and puts it in his rear pocket.

Walking out to the parking lot, he sees the other's stares and raises his hands in a placating gesture and says, "Do not be fooled. It is still I, Diomedes or I suppose for tonight, you may call me Edgar Frog."
Diomedes, EP Record

M.D.C.: 275
Sense Vampires: 600'
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Jeremy Lancaster
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Perception: 1d100: [1] = 1 /30%
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [3] = 3

Worn: Collared shirt, easy-fit jeans, and a pair of boots over an Omega suit.

"Well, I'm set." He says after the meeting and makes no effort to change clothes, only putting on an omega suit under what he already had on in case of conflict after considering just going as a dog. A decent thought had he not any idea if he knew if Flavorville was dog-friendly and would be outside more than the team expected to be.

He catches himself knowing he needs an alternate name. I need a hero name or something. Uuuuuuh...

Even if the time is short before he'll be off to a location he's never been to before in his life Jeremy spends it barely thinking of an alias and even acts like he isn't going anywhere.

In the garage, as much as a minute after he heard to be there, but still well within the time before the shuttle arrives, Jeremy looks around and asks only if he doesn't see Sammy, "Do we know where we're going to start or are we gonna decide when we get there?"

"I also decided why not take Cerberus for a test run as a name." He says whether Sammy is in the garage or not.
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Steiblah »

Perception: d%: [44] = 44 | 81%
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 | d%: [53] = 53
Steiblah Character Sheet
  • Nightvision 120 ft, keen normal vision, see the invisible
  • Turn into mist at will
  • Track by smell 45% (+15% to track a blood scent)
  • Dimensional teleport 51%
  • Bio-regenerates 3d6 MDC (HP or SDC) per melee round
  • Resistant to cold (half damage); impervious to toxic gases, heat, and fire (plasma/MD/magic fire does half damage)
  • Self and up to 300 additional pounds up to five miles away at will, 73%+3%/level
  • Magically speaks and understands all languages at 98%
  • Can shape change into any living creature, intelligent or animal, as long as it is no smaller than one foot and no larger than 10 feet. Impersonation skill is 96% if the subject is in her presence, 82% if very familiar with the individual or working from photos/video, 40% if working from memory and with little personal knowledge of the subject. The Raksasha may use her shapechanging abilities to alter or improve the disguise at any time.
  • 94% if the Raksasha is very familiar with the individual, 80% if working from a good sound recording, 30% if working from memory or with little knowledge of the subject.
  • Silver weapons do equivalent MD. In SDC worlds: Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage.
    • Increased Range by 50%: All the ranges of super powers, psionics, magic, senses (even mundane ones) receive the +50%
    • Increased S.D.C. by 50%
    • Increased ISP by 50%:
      plus recovers 9 per hour of meditation, 3 per hour of rest/sleep
    • Increased PPE by 50%: plus recovers 15 per hour of meditation, 8 per hour of rest
    • Increased Healing: rolled 2+1=3. x3 multiplier
    • Incredible ISP Recovery [Mega Psi Power]: recovers ISP at 6 per minute of meditation or rest, 1 per minute of activity.
    • Achilles Heel: Extremely Bound to Good Karma Needs to act according to good karma (GM discretion). Without the aid of good karma, the hero has all combat bonuses reduced in half, loses one attack, and skills are -35%.

  • PPE: 850/900
    ISP: 1050/1050
    HP: 78/78 +5 (SoM)
    SDC: 45/45
    Natural AR: 10
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +28% (SoM)
Toxins (15+): +10 +2(SoM)
Magic (varies): +11 +2(SoM)
Lethal Poison (14+): +10 +2(SoM)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +10 +2(SoM)
Insanity (12+): +7
Psionics (10+): +7
HF: +12
Possession: +2 (additional)
+4 to all other saving throws

Image Steven Resch, human psi-healer... wearing a loud ROY (red/orange/yellow)

    • Presents as level 2.
    • No alignment alteration.
    • Psychic ability: Show ISP level to be lower, ~50-100 total ISP.
    • Conceal amount of base PPE. Only 1-2 points.
    • Conceal the presence of magic.
    • Attributes appear to be 1/2 of what they really are.
    2hrs 2.75 min.
  • Enhanced Perception. 11.50 min. +15% Perception, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +10% to any skill that relies on basic senses. +50% to all natural senses.
CHIMERA wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2024 1:38 pmSteiblah, meanwhile, uses his demonic powers to find out how a guy who partied with Mötley Crüe and Aerosmith is still alive into his 90's. Sammy himself would say it's 'clean living and good eating', and that's not a complete lie. Steiblah can sense that Sammy is a normal human, but he has definitely eaten something super natural in the past 12 hours at least as evidenced by the whiff of an aura trailing from his pants.
Steiblah's psychic investigation draws an inward eyebrow raise at the supernatural odor trailing from Sammy's pants. He looks around furtively a moment to see if anyone else 'saw' what he did. Not wanting to interrupt, give away the clue, and not seeing anyone else noticing the detail he saw, Steiblah tamps down his response and does not say anything.

Mildly troubled by his inability to sense the location of Agent Boyson, Steiblah nonetheless tucks away the nugget of information and gives the plot a chance to play out a bit further before he makes any judgements. He does not protest to Bravo going together to Flavorville in lieu of searching for Boyson at his place of residence. And wonders quietly what has sparked such devotion to the restaurant.

Could this 'good eating' be some manner of supernaturally-infused addiction that motivates Agent Boyson to return every night to consume more? Could the whiff of supernatural I sensed from Sammy be the result of long-term addiction? Somehow extends a mortal's life at the cost of something else? Steiblah is left to wonder on his own after they are dismissed to get ready.

Since it does not take the reformed Raksasha long to change, he is ready to depart almost instantaneously and so waits patiently in the common room for the others to finish their preparations.

Seeing Edison and Diomedes adopt outfits that could be perceived as 'fun', Steiblah decides to get more in line with that train of thought. In an instant, his shirt is replaced with a tie dye shirt consisting of the non-subtle colors of red/orange/yellow.

He follows Edison, Diomedes and Jeremy to wait for the shuttle bus.

Assuming it is just the three of them (no Sammy or Eddie), Steiblah will remark aloud to the rest of Bravo, "Though that Sammy Hagar is mortal, there was something within his digestive tract that gave off whiffs of the supernatural. I can only wonder if the food at Flavorville is not somehow suspect. Perhaps a vehicle by which some greater supernatural power is advancing a nefarious agenda?"

"I am looking forward to our investigation." the reformed Raksasha admits, "There are some rather interesting possibilities to explain what may be going on."
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by CHIMERA »

Act I: Apps and Margs
Flavorville Grill & Bar, 504 Grocer Drive, Willingham
Date: Thursday, April 30th, 2043
Time: 5:30 pm
Weather: Warm, lightly cloudy day (66 degrees Fahrenheit)

After the heroes have gathered their gear, they assemble outside of the Omega Mansion to wait for their shuttle bus to take them to dinner. Everyone puts their standard issue Omega suit on underneath their normal clothes. Edison comes out with a roller suitcase containing his custom armor and weapons, which gets Sammy's attention until Diomedes steps out; his clothes cannot be called normal. Sammy lowers his sun glasses and then grins. "That's a nice shirt, Edgar," he says. "I think I wore something like that during my first solo tour."

If Diomedes, I'm sorry, I mean if Edgar Frog allows Sammy to inspect the shirt closer, he will look at the tag on the back of the shirt's collar. "House of Festrunk? This could be one of my old shirts."

Seeing Steiblah, I'm sorry, Steve's tie dyed shirt, Sammy says, "You didn't strike as a Phishhead, but groovy brother."

When Steve glances to Trent and Amanda for an explanation, Trent shakes his head and mouths, 'Don't ask.' Your GM shares Trent's opinion on Phish, for the record.

Jeremy also takes the time to announce his new handle.
Jeremy wrote:"I also decided why not take Cerberus for a test run as a name"
"Yeah dawg!" Sammy bellows.

For the first time all afternoon, Trent agrees with the Omegas' guest. He says with clear approval, "For someone who has been to hell and back, that's very appropriate call sign."

Then the shuttle pulls up. A lanky man with a long gaunt face and stringy hair dangling from underneath his chauffer's cap opens the door; the nametag on his shirt says 'Waldo'. He points at the seats behind him with his thumb and says, "Sit down."

Everyone does so meekly, expecting a quiet drive. But then, after closing the doors to the shuttle, Waldo turns on the radio and peels out of the Omega Base. Sammy spends the entire trip running up and down the aisle of the shuttle headbanging.

About 30 blistering minutes later, the shuttle screeches to a halt in front of Flavorville. The smell of burgers, fry oil, and hot sauce is noticeable the moment the heroes step out of the vehicle. The other thing that is noticeable is how dirty everything is around the restaurant. Empty cigarette packs and discarded insulin needles litter the street and a number of store fronts along the block are out of business. The Flavorville Hangover has set in.

But that's not the only thing that the Omegas may notice. Diomedes immediately senses there are vampires inside the building. The aura is strong and distinct, in fact it is almost overwhelming to the slayer. In all his adventures, Diomedes has never felt anything like this. Somehow, but Diomedes can't intuit how just yet, Flavorville is the beginning of a vampire invasion, but one that the Omegas still can stem.

"Welcome to mi casa when I'm away from mi casa in Cabo," Sammy says. Further scrutiny of Sammy will reveal that he is sincere. He does not give a whiff of vampirism. There is no sign he has been bitten or a thrall. As best as Diomedes can tell, Sammy is completely oblivious to the evil inside his restaurant franchise.

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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Diomedes »

Perception: 1d100: [52] = 52 vs 41% +30% vs Vampires/Undead, +20% Demons/Monsters
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 , 1d100: [10] = 10

  • Natural AR: 13
  • H.P..: 290/290
  • S.D.C.: 107/107
  • P.P.E.: 296/296
  • Spd: 75'/action

  • Bonuses when fighting Vampires: +15% Perception vs Undead, +2 Initiative, +1 Strike/Parry/Dodge, +2 Strike Impale/Stake the heart, +2 vs Insanity +3 vs HF (Vampires, Protectors and summoned animals) +1 Possession
  • Gut Feelings, Hunches and Realizations Involving Vampires
  • Bad Feeling that something is not right: 70% (+5%) - On success +1 Initiative and +5% Perception
  • Feeling that vampires are around or exerting control and influence over a community--81% (+3%) vs 1d100: [57] = 57
  • Finding and recognizing evidence of the undead's presence or involvement--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [82] = 82
  • Hunch that someone is a vampire servant, henchman or assassin--73% (+5%)vs 1d100: [44] = 44
  • Recognize Vampire Mind Slave--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [85] = 85
  • Recognize Wild Vampire--105% (+3%)vs 1d100: [80] = 80
  • Recognize Secondary Vampire--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [35] = 35
  • Recognize Master Vampire--71% (+3%) vs 1d100: [93] = 93
  • Guess Vampire's lair based on knowledge of undead and reports of vampire's activities and other evidence--41% (+3%) vs 1d100: [1] = 1
  • Find actual lair or coffin at suspected location--66% (+3%) vs 1d100: [96] = 96
  • Lore: Vampires 91% (+3%) vs 1d100: [51] = 51
  • Vampire Combat: Knows all vampire weakness, vulnerabilities, tactics, methods of attack, defenses, etc.
    • Resistance vs Vampire Seduction: +5 vs Pheromone-based trance (+1 @ 11, 15)
      Resistance vs Vampire Mind Control: +1
      Resistance vs Vampire Hypnotic Suggestion: +2
  • Sense Vampires: Automatic 600', cannot pinpoint location
  • Command Trust and Leadership
  • Calm and direct civilians: 50/level
  • Settle nerves of a small squad fighting force: 10+1d6/level. On success all non-Undead Slayers receive +1 Initiative, +1 Horror Factor if Undead Slayer within 250'

  • Omega Suit | S.D.C. - Main Body 250/250, Arms 90 each, Legs 100 each, Body Camera 15 | Currently worn
  • Omega Field Kit | Currently worn

Diomedes acknowledges Sammy's approval, "Thank you friend Sammy. I was issued these clothes while investigating a night club. Agent Apizza brought me along as his 'wing man', and said this outfit was 'fly', but there are no wings that I could find magical or otherwise. We spent the evening speaking and dancing with many women, but were unable to find anything nefarious with the night club."

When Jeremy comes out an announces his heroic identity, Diomedes puts a heavy hand on his shoulder and says savoring the new name, "Friend Cerberus." He nods and looks to the left and right of Jeremy's head, "I did not know you had more than one head. It is easy to lose one's head in dangerous situations, having an extra or two could make the difference. Come let us enter the bus." He reaches into his pocket and produces his pass. "I have my pass ready."

A look of disappointment crosses Diomedes face as he steps on to the shuttle and discovers it's not like the other buses he's ridden in the last few days, he looks down and sees Waldo's name tag. "Hello friend Waldo, I am Dio..Edgar, please take us to Flavorville!" He finds a seat on the right side.

As they approach, the fine blond hairs on Diomedes' arm stand up and he feels a familiar mental twinge. Vampires! More than one. Diomedes puts his hand over his wrist where one of his marks of heritage is located, a tattoo of a staked heart (Protection from Vampires | 15 PPE | 8 hours | Impervious to Vampire Pheromones, Slow Bite, and Mind Control of vampires and related species) and focuses his will activating it. Without turning his head away from the window he continues examining the building and says, "Friend Cerberus, remember when Azzaraxes and I discussed what I did before joining the Omegas? It looks like you are going to see it for yourself."

Stepping out of the bus, Diomedes looks up at the sky and the position of the sun. "We've got about two hours before sunset, we can not afford to dawdle." He looks over at Sammy and asks, "Friend Sammy, do you have a partner in your business. Perhaps someone who likes to party all night and sleep all day? And exactly how many Flavorville restaurants are there?" Diomedes activates a second tattoo, this one of three eyes (Supernatural Vision | 20 PPE | 80 min | Night vision 1200', See the invisible, See Aura, +1 Strike/Initiative) and looks over Sammy more closely. He does not look to have been made a thrall or otherwise under a vampire's control. These are vampires not to be underestimated, to have left him untouched as to not arouse immediate suspicion.

Diomedes tries to catch Jeremy's eye as he says, "I think Steve and I should go inside first, team leader Edison, I believe Jeremy wishes to walk the perimeter. Find out how many entrances there are."

If it's possible to speak to his teammates without anyone overhearing, he says, "I am certain there are multiple vampires inside the building. We need to find their lairs and stake them before the sun sets. They will most likely have mind controlled people inside to protect them."
Diomedes, EP Record

M.D.C.: 275
Sense Vampires: 600'
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Perception: 1d100: [6] = 6 /30%
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 / 1d100: [36] = 36

Beyond almost jumping when Sammy loudly acknowledges the alias he decided to use, Jeremy doesn't really respond to how the others have about it. He gets onto and sits in the shuttle with a huff, any energy that may have been there extinguished by Waldo being a downer.

The ride to Flavorville is very different than the meek shuttle boarding and he can't help all that much as he jams to the rock with as much skill as a guy that has no idea what he is doing. He exits the shuttle only a little dizzy and perfectly fine with the choices made that led to it. "Huh?" Jeremy says when Diomedes gets his attention about vampires and is far from thrilled, "Oh. Fantastic..."

It takes him a moment to figure out Diomedes' plan when he suggests going around a different way and nods, "Yeah. Easy enough signal if somethin' happens." He shrugs, "Who knows? Might run into, uuuh..., Agent Boyson."

He stops himself before he can wander off, "Oh. Anyone else I should watch for?"
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [63] = 63 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [10] = 10 ; 1d100: [78] = 78
Conditions: None.
Personal Mission Notes.
Outfit: Short Sleeved button up (Plaid), Grey Cargo Pants, Work Boots, Ball cap.
Omega Suit v3.1.7 (Under clothes) AR: 17 S.D.C.: 250/250
Lemat Revolver Payload (.38): 8/8 or (20 Guage): 1/1

Edison sits on the shuttle bus and just observes the others as the trip happens. This is gonna be a very interesting night I think Edison thinks on the trip as Sammy dances around on the bus. once there Edison grabs his bags and steps off. Here we are. Edison thinks as he takes in the building.
Diomedes wrote:"I think Steve and I should go inside first, team leader Edison, I believe Jeremy wishes to walk the perimeter. Find out how many entrances there are."
Edison shakes his head. "We're all going inside. We'll have time to search the outside of the building later, right now we're heading to dinner as ordered." Edison says, trying to nip the splitting the group talk in the butt. "Besides, if something is going on, I doubt it will be so obvious in the daytime that we can just sus it out by simple observation." Edison adds, before making his way inside the building behind Sammy.

Note: If Diomedes does have an oportunity to talk of vampires in private, Edison will nod. "Interesting. Definitely something to keep an eye on."
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Diomedes »

(rolls carried)

Diomedes unease grows when Edison disregards Diomedes recommendation for the non-magical part of the team stay outside. I've got a bad feeling about this. A mixture of expressions cross the Undead Slayers face, the desire to object evident and obviously being suppressed. "Very well. But note, we are unprepared to encounter what lies within. You are correct, if we take no action and leave well before dusk, I too doubt anything will happen." But I cannot guarantee what will happen this night. He holds Edison's arm, as Sammy begins walking in. "Watch people's breathing, or lack thereof, cold clammy skin, and those wearing excessive makeup."

Diomedes lets go of Edison, and calls out loudly to Sammy, "I have had a craving for fried potatoes. Does your restaurant serve any seasoned with garlic and parmesan cheese? That would hit the spot." Diomedes forces a smile on his face and rubs his belly as he steps forward to be last into Flavorville.
Diomedes, EP Record

M.D.C.: 275
Sense Vampires: 600'
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by CHIMERA »

Act I: Apps and Margs
Flavorville Grill & Bar, 504 Grocer Drive, Willingham
Date: Thursday, April 30th, 2043
Time: 5:45 pm
Weather: Warm, lightly cloudy day (66 degrees Fahrenheit)

Staring at the door of Flavorville is like staring into the entrance to Hades itself. This is not the first time someone has said it, and it probably won't be the last time. Diomedes can't help but feel like he's walking into a trap. So he asks Sammy a little more about the restaurant chain.
Diomedes wrote:"Friend Sammy, do you have a partner in your business. Perhaps someone who likes to party all night and sleep all day? And exactly how many Flavorville restaurants are there?"
"We have 37 locations around the world," Sammy says with pride, "including in Paris, Frankfurt, Kyiv, Dubai, Melbourne, and Hong Kong. We'll talk more about that once we sit down in the restaurant."

He has to think about Diomedes' first question a little more. "And you've described pretty much everyone I know. Like a full two thirds of the people I know are nocturnal creatures." Sammy then goes on to describe the life of a rock star, which consists of sleeping all day and rocking out all night, when months at a time are spent in cavernous recording studios (sometimes inside European chalets), where seeing the sun seems like an activity that needs to be penciled in, and how it even ropes in all the people in his orbit including roadies, guitar techs, personal assistants, life coaches, etc. Diomedes recognizes that this lifestyle provides the perfect cover for vampires to opreate in; they can hide in plain sight. It also reminds him of those Anne Rice Novels that Agent Apizza gushes about. As odd as it is to have a paranormal investigator read books about vampires and demons, he insists that it is the finest literature written in the past 70 years.

But at the same time, Sammy's soliloquy about his life also gives Diomedes a chance to quickly survey the exterior of the restaurant. It is in the middle of a large skyscraper that takes up a full city block. The restaurant's footprint is narrow but tall - taking up about a quarter of a city block wide and based on the exterior windows going up at least four floors. On one side of Flavorville is a vape shop that has a sign for discount cigars; on the other is a cell phone store. The only way in and out of Flavorville are two revolving doors and automatic hand-cap doors on each side. There are none that seem to connect to either side of the skyscraper. This might raise concerns about how Century Station's building inspectors allowed this type of fire hazard in the first place, but it also means that Diomedes doesn't have to worry about vampires running in and out of the restaurant while he's inside.

As they walk into the restaurant, Diomedes shares some basic advice to his teammates. But looking around, everything seems safe. The whole place reeks of vampires, but he doesn't see any present in the dining area. Nor do any of the servers appear to be mind slaves, though some of them might be loyal servants. With all the flair worn, it is hard to say what is vampire iconography and what is kitsch. The same can be said for the hostess that takes Bravo to their table, a woman in her late 20's with dyed blonde hair. She wears heavy mascara and dark red lipstick. She is wearing the restaurant's uniform of a red button down with black slacks and vest, which is adorned with over 20 buttons. Among the buttons are a set of hearts each a different color of the rainbow, a cartoon bat with a smiley face, and a set of teeth of smiling teeth with sharp canines.

Bravo is seated at a three sided booth on the second floor of the restaurant. The seats are over stuffed red pleather lined with chrome fittings, and the table has a matching chrome frame. The hostess hands everyone a plastic coated menu that is 20 pages thick and includes everything from: frozen drinks to mocktails and all-night brunch to sweet and savory cheesecakes.
Diomedes wrote:"I have had a craving for fried potatoes. Does your restaurant serve any seasoned with garlic and parmesan cheese? That would hit the spot."
"You know it brother!" Sammy says. "Our menu was put together by this Guy who was a seasoned master of big bold flavors! Everyone order yourself whatever you want! It's on me! Once we get our food, then I'll explain how you'll be getting to the back of the house of the restaurant." He gives everyone a serious look and says, "You'll want to order something to drink, something with citric acid will help, trust me."

A waiter wearing a uniform nearly identical to the hostess's comes to the table to take orders. But first he tells you about the Guy's daily special menu:

Guy specials.jpg

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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [39] = 39 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [12] = 12 ; 1d100: [62] = 62
Conditions: None.
Personal Mission Notes.
Outfit: Short Sleeved button up (Plaid), Grey Cargo Pants, Work Boots, Ball cap.
Omega Suit v3.1.7 (Under clothes) AR: 17 S.D.C.: 250/250
Lemat Revolver Payload (.38): 8/8 or (20 Guage): 1/1

Marcus listens to Diomedes, nodding to the advice he gives, before following Sammy into the restaurant, pulling his carry case behind himself. Marcus listens to the aging rocker talk about the similarities of Vampires and Rockstars, trying very hard to shake his head at the general absurdity of it. Once at the table, Marcus finds a spot to sit and looks to the others. "Certainly an interesting place." Marcus says, trying not to sound sarcastic. Now that I see the decor and the general dress code, I can certainly believe there is a vampire theme going on. Marcus thinks as the waiter hands him a bulky menu. With a raising of his eyebrows, Marcus sighs. "Why does the menu need to be so bulky? Like seriously how much of the menu is eaten on a regular basis?" Marcus says incredulously as he begins to page through it. It's like... oh what's that places name, they have a literal book for a menu... Cheesecake Factory. Not sure how they even stay in business, their cheesecake isn't even that good. Marcus thinks as he considers the special, and the million plus items on the menu. The cuisine is all over the place too... So strange. Marcus thinks with an inward sigh.

Once the waiter returns, Marcus has made up his mind as to what he will eat. Might as well sample some of the oddities. Marcu thinks before speaking up. "Hi there, I'll have the Anticuchos de Corazón, the Giardiniera Italian Sausage Chili with the Minnesota Wild Rice Salad, and I'll try the Dark Michelada for my drink. You know what, let me get a side of this Jonny Sauce as well. When in Rome as they say." Marcus says when prompted.

Marcus looks to the team as they make their orders, and waits for the waiter to leave before speaking up once more. "Sammy, I would like a list of the employees that work here at some point tonight if possible. Also, how long have you been partnered with the Flavortown brand?" Marcus asks, his voice polite. "Edgar, I think you may be on to something... Just wonder how it fits in with eccentric dining experiences. Just point out anything you notice if you would." Marcus says, genuinely glad to have the undead slayer on his side.
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Diomedes »

Perception: 1d100: [13] = 13 vs 41% +30% vs Vampires/Undead, +20% Demons/Monsters
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 , 1d100: [28] = 28

  • Natural AR: 13
  • H.P..: 290/290
  • S.D.C.: 107/107
  • P.P.E.: 261/296
  • Spd: 75'/action

  • Bonuses when fighting Vampires: +15% Perception vs Undead, +2 Initiative, +1 Strike/Parry/Dodge, +2 Strike Impale/Stake the heart, +2 vs Insanity +3 vs HF (Vampires, Protectors and summoned animals) +1 Possession
  • Gut Feelings, Hunches and Realizations Involving Vampires
  • Bad Feeling that something is not right: 70% (+5%) - On success +1 Initiative and +5% Perception
  • Feeling that vampires are around or exerting control and influence over a community--81% (+3%) vs 1d100: [57] = 57
  • Finding and recognizing evidence of the undead's presence or involvement--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [48] = 48
  • Hunch that someone is a vampire servant, henchman or assassin--73% (+5%)vs 1d100: [98] = 98
  • Recognize Vampire Mind Slave--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [36] = 36
  • Recognize Wild Vampire--105% (+3%)vs 1d100: [57] = 57
  • Recognize Secondary Vampire--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [23] = 23
  • Recognize Master Vampire--71% (+3%) vs 1d100: [49] = 49
  • Guess Vampire's lair based on knowledge of undead and reports of vampire's activities and other evidence--41% (+3%) vs 1d100: [9] = 9
  • Find actual lair or coffin at suspected location--66% (+3%) vs 1d100: [38] = 38
  • Lore: Vampires 91% (+3%) vs 1d100: [38] = 38
  • Vampire Combat: Knows all vampire weakness, vulnerabilities, tactics, methods of attack, defenses, etc.
    • Resistance vs Vampire Seduction: +5 vs Pheromone-based trance (+1 @ 11, 15)
      Resistance vs Vampire Mind Control: +1
      Resistance vs Vampire Hypnotic Suggestion: +2
  • Sense Vampires: Automatic 600', cannot pinpoint location
  • Command Trust and Leadership
  • Calm and direct civilians: 50/level
  • Settle nerves of a small squad fighting force: 10+1d6/level. On success all non-Undead Slayers receive +1 Initiative, +1 Horror Factor if Undead Slayer within 250'

Protection from Vampires | 15 PPE | 8 hours | Impervious to Vampire Pheromones, Slow Bite, and Mind Control of vampires and related species
Supernatural Vision | 20 PPE | 80 min | Night vision 1200', See the invisible, See Aura, +1 Strike/Initiative

  • Omega Suit | S.D.C. - Main Body 250/250, Arms 90 each, Legs 100 each, Body Camera 15 | Currently worn under street clothes
  • Omega Field Kit | Currently worn

Charm/Impress 45% vs 1d100: [20] = 20 | Success | Time to make new friends
Performance 50% vs 1d100: [58] = 58 | Fail | Cool, but not too cool, someone who knows how to have fun
Dance 45% vs 1d100: [11] = 11 | Success | Dance with whatever is playing
Sing 55% vs 1d100: [50] = 50 |Success | Sing along with whatever is playing

As Diomedes steps through the entrance, he turns and looks himself over in the reflection of the glass in the door frame. He licks the ends of his pinky fingers and then draws the two fingers across his eyebrows smoothing out. He adjusts the wide collar of his shirt and makes sure the flare from his pants aren't caught in his boots. The Undead Slayer is a huge man, so rather than trying to hide, he draws attention to himself. Whatever unease he initially feels goes away as his desire to hunt takes over. He is not trapped in a building filled with vampires. There are vampires trapped in a building with him. It's a tall narrow restaurant, windows in the front are facing north so the inside will remain in shadow as much as possible. No normal side exits, but to a creature that can turn into mist, the ventilation system would make for easy egress. I can see why a vampire would choose this place.

His head sways in rhythm to the music playing and as he catches the beat he tries to guess the lyrics and sing along. He dances along behind the rest of the group, his expression open and inviting, reaching out and twirling any ladies that happen to walk past him. Reaching the table, he slides in and takes a menu, he looks at all the flare and sees the name tag, he makes eye contact and says, "Thank you, [hostess' name]."

He flips the pages of the menu without actually looking at the pages as he continues to check out the restaurant. He still hadn't decided when the waitress comes back to take the order. When it gets to him he looks down at the page he is on sees the heading Sammy's Childhood Memories. He reads off the first item, "I'll have 2
Would normally be a traditional sloppy joe, but the bun is Mexican torta topped with giardineria (well really escabeche I would suppose)
, with a side of tator tots and concord grapes."
He looks over at the little table tent of drink specials and sees one with the name of a city that he recognizes and says, "and to drink, hmm, something with some kick, an
The Acapulco Clam Digger drink recipe a red colored drink made in the Bloody Mary tradition. Made form silver tequila, Clamato, horseradish, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice, and served over ice in a highball glass.
, yes that's what I will have. Do you think you could ask the chef to top the tator tots with freshly grated garlic and parmesan cheese? Oh, and a tall glasses of water for everyone, no ice. Thank you [waitress' name]."

Head still bobbing to the beat, Diomedes answers Edison, "Ah friend Edison, this is a target rich environment, don't you think. Only one way in or out so if you see a senorita you like, you can easily head them off and turn them back to the dance floor. And did you see the stylish outfits of the staff? It's like everyone is in costume. I bet you wouldn't even recognize your enemy unless they said something." Diomedes eyes flick back out to watching all the people looking for newcomers who don't appear to have entered through the front doors.
Diomedes, EP Record

M.D.C.: 275
Sense Vampires: 600'
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Perception: 1d100: [99] = 99 /30%
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [90] = 90

Sammy's soliloquy shouldn't sound a familiar as it does to him, but doesn't dwell on it too long as the group is guided into the skyscraper, through the restaurant, and to a table that looks like a tortilla chip. He has to remind himself they're probably up against vampires here as he asks the hostess, "Are there ways to get the buttons or are they for fun?"

He sits at the table in the table that likely is about as comfortable as a moss covered boulder in the wild, stark contrast to the old seats of his pickup's one would sink into like a deflating inflatable chair with a hole in it. "Oh god..." He whispers to himself at the immense size of the menu the hostess hands him.

It takes a bit more than a normal moment to look through twenty solid pages of choice available, maybe even the last to order with how he doesn't remember ever seeing a menu with more than fourteen items to pick from. His internal amusement to how little he enters restaurants; once a month max is his first thought to a number. He settles on
Pig's head cheese grilled in a glaze of a mix of Jonny Sauce and concord grape jelly and topped with hot giardiniera a though they were on friendly terms.
Romanian White Bean Dip and toasted rye slices.
, and a glass of clamato juice with lemon. We'll see if that actually goes together.

"Well... one way in and most for most of the people that come here." Jeremy chimes in.
Last edited by Jeremy Lancaster on Sat Jan 11, 2025 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Steiblah »

Perception: d%: [7] = 7 | 81%
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 | d%: [56] = 56
Steiblah Character Sheet
  • Nightvision 120 ft, keen normal vision, see the invisible
  • Turn into mist at will
  • Track by smell 45% (+15% to track a blood scent)
  • Dimensional teleport 51%
  • Bio-regenerates 3d6 MDC (HP or SDC) per melee round
  • Resistant to cold (half damage); impervious to toxic gases, heat, and fire (plasma/MD/magic fire does half damage)
  • Self and up to 300 additional pounds up to five miles away at will, 73%+3%/level
  • Magically speaks and understands all languages at 98%
  • Can shape change into any living creature, intelligent or animal, as long as it is no smaller than one foot and no larger than 10 feet. Impersonation skill is 96% if the subject is in her presence, 82% if very familiar with the individual or working from photos/video, 40% if working from memory and with little personal knowledge of the subject. The Raksasha may use her shapechanging abilities to alter or improve the disguise at any time.
  • 94% if the Raksasha is very familiar with the individual, 80% if working from a good sound recording, 30% if working from memory or with little knowledge of the subject.
  • Silver weapons do equivalent MD. In SDC worlds: Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage.
    • Increased Range by 50%: All the ranges of super powers, psionics, magic, senses (even mundane ones) receive the +50%
    • Increased S.D.C. by 50%
    • Increased ISP by 50%:
      plus recovers 9 per hour of meditation, 3 per hour of rest/sleep
    • Increased PPE by 50%: plus recovers 15 per hour of meditation, 8 per hour of rest
    • Increased Healing: rolled 2+1=3. x3 multiplier
    • Incredible ISP Recovery [Mega Psi Power]: recovers ISP at 6 per minute of meditation or rest, 1 per minute of activity.
    • Achilles Heel: Extremely Bound to Good Karma Needs to act according to good karma (GM discretion). Without the aid of good karma, the hero has all combat bonuses reduced in half, loses one attack, and skills are -35%.

  • PPE: 850/900
    ISP: 1050/1050
    HP: 78/78 +5 (SoM)
    SDC: 45/45
    Natural AR: 10
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +28% (SoM)
Toxins (15+): +10 +2(SoM)
Magic (varies): +11 +2(SoM)
Lethal Poison (14+): +10 +2(SoM)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +10 +2(SoM)
Insanity (12+): +7
Psionics (10+): +7
HF: +12
Possession: +2 (additional)
+4 to all other saving throws

Image Steven Resch, human psi-healer... wearing a loud ROY (red/orange/yellow)

    • Presents as level 2.
    • No alignment alteration.
    • Psychic ability: Show ISP level to be lower, ~50-100 total ISP.
    • Conceal amount of base PPE. Only 1-2 points.
    • Conceal the presence of magic.
    • Attributes appear to be 1/2 of what they really are.
    2hrs 2.75 min.
  • Enhanced Perception. 11.50 min. +15% Perception, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +10% to any skill that relies on basic senses. +50% to all natural senses.
Remaining quiet during the transport and approach to Flavorville, Diomede's subtle warnings to his teammates draw some internal concerns from the reformed Raksasha.
Diomedes wrote: Sun Dec 15, 2024 3:11 pm"Very well. But note, we are unprepared to encounter what lies within. You are correct, if we take no action and leave well before dusk, I too doubt anything will happen." He holds Edison's arm, as Sammy begins walking in. "Watch people's breathing, or lack thereof, cold clammy skin, and those wearing excessive makeup."
Leave before dusk? Watch for breathing, cold clammy skin and excessive make-up? What is Diomedes worried about? And could this be linked to Sammy's digestive supernatural trail?

((Lore: Demons/Monsters. d%: [83] = 83 | 106%))

Should Steiblah put the clues together and realize the potential of a vampiric infestation, he will need to work hard to suppress his inherent demonic revulsion at the ancient supernatural foe. They are a plague and have intentionally or inadvertently thwarted many schemes in Steiblah's past life. Still, though able to remain hidden from sight, infestation through food would be a stark break from their traditional pattern of spread. And would set a dangerous precedent into the future. As mortals tend to be rather weak-willed and gluttonous in the face of unlimited overly fatty and fried foods.

Not wanting to reveal their hand quite yet, Steve joins the others in perusing the voluminous menu. When it is his turn to place his order with the waitstaff, Steve offers, "I'll start with a Chicago-style "
baked potato topped with sour cream, bacon bits, green onion and a layer of chilled hot giardiniera
" baked potato, an order of Vietnamese fried egg rolls with Nuoc Cham Jonny sauce... a
a cut wedge of lettuce with chopped hazelnuts, smoked bacon, halved concord grapes, crumbled gorgonzola dolce cheese, dressed in a citrus vinaigrette
for my entree, and a "
a Canadian pale lager infused with clamato juice
" lager garnished with three maraschino cherries stuck through a toothpick umbrella to drink. Thank you."

Activating his telepathy ((Telepathy: Superior. -8 ISP)), Steve reaches out to the minds of his teammates. This is Steiblah. Apologies for the mental intrusion. But we are not planning on actually eating this food are we? I sensed a supernatural trail emanating from Sammy's digestive tract. And we shouldn't forget that there is a distinct possibility that Agent Boyson may also have consumed some of the food, which may explain his behavioral oddities after investigating the restaurant.
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Diomedes »

(rolls carried)

Psionics 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16 vs 15 | Success | Hostile/unrecognized mental contact

Diomedes is watching the other patrons in Flavorville, when Steiblah's telepathic intrusion. He is standing next to the table, sort of dancing in place when he feels that nagging sensation of mental contact, but it's familiar. He turns back to see Steiblah confirm that its him and lets the message through. Supernatural food? I've seen vampires sedate victims before, but that was with more mundane drugs and the use of their own mental abilities. When I think of magical foods, my first thought is of faeries. Could they have trapped some and compelled them to create magical food and drink? Diomedes thinks back to Steilblah. Diomedes uses his own ability to see aura and focuses on what is on people's tables.

He steps forward to one of the other tables where people are eating and leans over, an excited expression on his face, "Hello my friends, I am Edgar! This is my first time at Flavorville! What did you order, it looks amazing. Oh really? Oh, what is your friend having? Amazing! I am having the Sloppy Sammies, well I will, once the waitress brings them back out. And to drink, that is a bright red for sure. Clamato is what makes it so red, so cool." Come to think of it, I think we all ordered a drink with this tomato-clam juice. A bit on the nose for a vampire den. I've typically been a drink one, spill one, give one away kind of drinker, but perhaps tonight, I will have to start with spilling one. We will need to find an excuse to see the kitchens.
Diomedes, EP Record

M.D.C.: 275
Sense Vampires: 600'
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by CHIMERA »

Act I: Apps and Margs
Flavorville Grill & Bar, 504 Grocer Drive, Willingham
Date: Thursday, April 30th, 2043
Time: 6:00 pm
Weather: The sun is getting low (64 degrees Fahrenheit)

The dinner rush at Flavorville picks up shortly after the Omegas arrive. By the time they have placed their orders, nearly every table on their floor of the restaurant is occupied. Despite this, and likely because they eating with rock royalty, their own service is quick and attentive. A waitress comes by every five minutes to refill everyone's glass of water. She also pauses once to take a selfie with Sammy and make flirty eyes with Diomedes.

Sensing that they are eating in a den of evil, Steiblah (who early heard Diomedes warning of vampires and has seen nothing to disprove the Atlantean's instinct) wonders if the food is safe. He uses his telepathy to ask his teammates what they think. Diomedes takes the suggestion to heart and decides to do a little investigating before their dinner arrives. He leans across the aisle and sees a table of three, two men and a woman, just getting their own orders.
Diomedes wrote:"Hello my friends, I am Edgar! This is my first time at Flavorville! What did you order, it looks amazing. Oh really? Oh, what is your friend having? Amazing! I am having the Sloppy Sammies, well I will, once the waitress brings them back out. And to drink, that is a bright red for sure. Clamato is what makes it so red, so cool."
"I got the the Salisbury Vinadloo (a loaf made of minced lamb and Indian spices, studded with hot giardinara, and with a concord grape jam glaze before baked to vibrant perfection) with marinara pizza papa rellenos (mashed potatoes stuffed with clamato, anchovies, and mozzarella cheese deep fried until crispier than a pizza crust), and the Jonny's fresh mint raita on the side," the first man says, who is holding a large frozen margarita. Diomedes looks at the plate, and, while it makes him question what people in this dimension considers food, it does not have any aura. None of the food on the table is magical.

The woman sitting next to him says, "I got Southside Jimmy's gazpacho (fire roasted tomatoes, clamato, hot giardinara, tajin spice, and fresh Greek oregano and thyme, blitzed into a perfect cold soup and topped with Jonny's extra lemony tzatziki) and the with a five French fromage (brie, comté, emmental, gruyere, and mimolette) grilled cheese." She holds up her wine glass and says, "And I'm washing it down with the Catskills Calimocho!"

"I just went with something simple," the second man, who has the Blue Drink with a swizzle stick that looks suspiciously like a strip of bacon, says. "I went with the chicken tenders with a side of Jonny's sichuan peppercorn and grape mole and a side of loaded tots (with parm and giardenara)." He smiles at Diomedes, and then glances over his shoulder. "Is that the Red Rocker over there?"

"He's a huge fan," the woman adds.

"HUUUUUGE fan." The three of them smile bashfully. "Would it be rude to..."

And with that the man with the Blue Drink is over at Bravo's table gushing about how much he loves Sammy's music, how he was the best singer for Van Halen, how many times he has seen Sammy live, his thoughts on which tour was the best (2028 when he was opening for the Struts but the real draw), and which song soundtracked his best 'dates'. Someone makes an awkward sound at that point, and the man changes the subject. "I don't know if you would be so kind as to... grace us with..."

"You wanna rock out with Hagar the Horrible?" Sammy asks. He flashes his megawatt grin and then jumps on the table, knocking over two glasses of water. He points at a nearby waitress. "Sugar, get me a mic, RIGHT NOW!"

"Yessir, Mister Hagar." The waitress smiles back as if she received a coded message. She runs across the dining room and abruptly disappears. Everyone stops eating to look to the Omegas, expecting Sammy to put on a show. Over the speakers a piano starts tinkle in the background. It gets louder until it was drowned by a swell of guitars. The piano and guitars go back and forth until the waitress returns back to Sammy with a microphone.

"This one goes out to my man Eddie. Rest in power, brother," he says pointing to the ceiling. "And screw you Wolfgang! You were never strong enough to carry Michael Anthony's bass! You hear me? You hear me you punk?" The music continues while Sammy regains his composure. And then he launches into a charged version of his hit song with Van Halen, "Right Now". One thing that becomes clear as the song goes on is that this not simply a karaoke version. There is a live band playing somewhere in the restaurant.

Seeing a chance to scout the restaurant, Diomedes jumps on the table to dance with Sammy*. Sammy, for his part, is more than happy to have a backup dancer. Even though Diomedes doesn't know the words to the song, chanting the chorus is easy enough. Then guitar breaks into a solo. As Diomedes dances with Sammy along to the sick riffs, he scans over the restaurant. Across the room, right at the door that leads to the bathroom, Diomedes sees the guitarist, a pale skinny man with long hair covering his face and a black kimono with flared pants. He is a vampire.

Alas, Diomedes cannot make a move for his existential foe. The crowd of diners around the table is impenetrable, and when he finishes the solo, the vampire disappears behind the door. He manages to force his way through one last chorus and the song wraps up. For his part, Steiblah can sense Diomedes' distress. When the music's over the food arrives. Two servers are ready to wipe down the table and bring in fresh glasses of water along with everyone's meals.

Diomedes looks over the food and nothing gives off an aura. Everyone's meal is decidedly non-magical. It is edible as well. Whether or not it is delicious is a matter of debate and taste, but the person with a cultivated palatte will notice that the food is a little too salty; the 'big bold flavors' hit like a sledgehammer and wipe out any sense of nuance. A prime example are the garlic parm tots that Diomedes ordered for the table. The tater tots are fried to crispy golden perfection and covered with parm like it is fresh fallen snow on a ski slope. Then there's the garlic. Many chefs, particularly in Australia, live by the mantra, 'respect the ingredients', and by that measure, the garlic was handled by a vampire or someone who works closely with them. The cloves have been quartered and tossed into one corner of the basket. A little bit of a black nitril glove is one of the cloves; don't worry, the chef avoided slicing their actual finger. As everyone takes the time to start eating, Edison asks Sammy more about the restaurant.
Edison wrote:"Sammy, I would like a list of the employees that work here at some point tonight if possible. Also, how long have you been partnered with the Flavortown brand?"
"I don't think I can get you that by tonight," Sammy says. "We have over 50 servers that work at our Century Station location, and the back of the house is... a bit more complicated. But we can talk about that in a bit.

"But I've been with Flavorville since we had one location in Chula Vista. I met this Guy who was grilling sidewalk burgers, and we collaborated on the first Flavorville. But he left the business when we disagreed about how we were going to expand the brand. The Guy wanted to open a second location in San Clemente, but I wanted to partner with a venture capital firm and expand more aggressively. And we've been doing well for the past 13 years."

Once everyone has started to eat, Sam taps his glass to get everyone's attention. "Now that we got our drinks, I think we need to talk a bit more about how things are going to proceed from here." He pulls out five vials from the inner pocket of his leather jacket. "This is rift root, one of the wildest drugs that I have ever taken with Johnny Depp. It's like ayahuasca, except you don't just see other worlds, you can literally walk through them. Which is important, because it's the only way to reach the kitchen.

"You see, all of our Flavorville restaurants share a single kitchen, which is located in its own plane of existence. Our team of elite chefs live in this other dimension where they churn out quality food to all of our patrons around the world. I'm assuming that you guys will want to go inspect the kitchen and the pantries, like that health inspector did, and in order to do so you'll need to be able to walk between dimensions. The vitamin C reduces the nausea and helps with the other stuff." Sammy then hands each person a vail of rift root extract. It can be consumed on its own or mixed into your PC's drink. It will then take about 45 minutes before the rift root starts to work.


* I'm using Diomedes skill rolls here. There is no dance floor at Flavorville, so this is his best opportunity to perform.

The Flavorville MGP Game results:
GMGPG Judge -- Edison.jpg
GMGPG Judge - Diomedes.JPG
GMGPG Judge - Jeremy.JPG
GMGPG Judge  - Steiblah.JPG
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [72] = 72 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [12] = 12 ; 1d100: [67] = 67
Conditions: None.
Personal Mission Notes.
Outfit: Short Sleeved button up (Plaid), Grey Cargo Pants, Work Boots, Ball cap.
Omega Suit v3.1.7 (Under clothes) AR: 17 S.D.C.: 250/250
Lemat Revolver Payload (.38): 8/8 or (20 Guage): 1/1

CHIMERA wrote:"I don't think I can get you that by tonight," Sammy says. "We have over 50 servers that work at our Century Station location, and the back of the house is... a bit more complicated. But we can talk about that in a bit.
Marcus looks at Sammy incredulously. "Okay, might need it for the after action report I guess." Marcus says. What the hell is this place? Marcus thinks.
CHIMERA wrote:"But I've been with Flavorville since we had one location in Chula Vista. I met this Guy who was grilling sidewalk burgers, and we collaborated on the first Flavorville. But he left the business when we disagreed about how we were going to expand the brand. The Guy wanted to open a second location in San Clemente, but I wanted to partner with a venture capital firm and expand more aggressively. And we've been doing well for the past 13 years."
Marcus keeps his thoughts to himself for the moment. Everyone has their way to do stuff I guess. Marcus thinks as he tries to not judge the aged rocker. When Marcus' drink arrives he looks at it. Looks alright. Marcus thinks.
CHIMERA wrote:"Now that we got our drinks, I think we need to talk a bit more about how things are going to proceed from here. This is rift root, one of the wildest drugs that I have ever taken with Johnny Depp. It's like ayahuasca, except you don't just see other worlds, you can literally walk through them. Which is important, because it's the only way to reach the kitchen. You see, all of our Flavorville restaurants share a single kitchen, which is located in its own plane of existence. Our team of elite chefs live in this other dimension where they churn out quality food to all of our patrons around the world. I'm assuming that you guys will want to go inspect the kitchen and the pantries, like that health inspector did, and in order to do so you'll need to be able to walk between dimensions. The vitamin C reduces the nausea and helps with the other stuff."

Marcus looks at Sammy. "How do you even pass local Health Inspections? Like you have me baffled right now. And now we have to take mind altering drugs to even interact with the kitchen..." Marcus says before stopping. Keep an open mind... keep an open mind... Marcus thinks, while taking a deep breath. With a sigh he continues. "Other than nausea does it have any other side effects?" Marcus thinks. Is this the supernatural smell Steiblah noticed?.. What the hell are we getting into? Marcus thinks as he take the vial and pours it into his Dark Michelada.

Marcus sighs once more before downing the drink. I'm not sure how I feel about this... it's definitely different... I guess it's okay. Marcus thinks. "So now we wait I guess, I suppose we'll have time to eat at least." Marcus says looking at his teammates. Highway to Hell I guess.
“Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero?” ~Dean Winchester
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Perception: 1d100: [42] = 42 /30%
JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 / 1d100: [79] = 79

Well, he's drunk. He thinks when stranger comes to gush over the old rocker and doesn't interject anything as Sammy starts an improvised concert with a table for a stage. What keeps him going?

He notices nothing with the distraction of the show put on. After the show and everything arrives questions get answered. "what's this about a Capital Firm?"

Unless he's stopped by someone, he gives what he ordered a try and fights reacting to the amount of salt he wasn't expecting. Outside the salt, it might have had something going for it that wasn't looks. I didn't know you could mess that up... but it's fine.

"Were they bribed? Kinda sounds like it's just acid." He uncertainly looks at the vial even with additional detail as to why they need to consume it. He answers Eddie's question, "As long as it's clean, equipment works, and no potential infestations, a kitchen passes for the most part."

"Alright. Here goes nothin' " He says before shooting the Rift Root by itself and taking a swig of his drink a couple seconds after barring being stopped before then. Let's hope I don't just start trippin'. "Eat, drink, whatever Sammy here was just doing." He says after Eddie's comment.
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Diomedes »

Perception: 1d100: [86] = 86 vs 41% +30% vs Vampires/Undead, +20% Demons/Monsters
JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 , 1d100: [17] = 17

  • Natural AR: 13
  • H.P..: 290/290
  • S.D.C.: 107/107
  • P.P.E.: 296/296
  • Spd: 75'/action

  • Bonuses when fighting Vampires: +15% Perception vs Undead, +2 Initiative, +1 Strike/Parry/Dodge, +2 Strike Impale/Stake the heart, +2 vs Insanity +3 vs HF (Vampires, Protectors and summoned animals) +1 Possession
  • Gut Feelings, Hunches and Realizations Involving Vampires
  • Bad Feeling that something is not right: 70% (+5%) - On success +1 Initiative and +5% Perception
  • Feeling that vampires are around or exerting control and influence over a community--81% (+3%) vs 1d100: [79] = 79
  • Finding and recognizing evidence of the undead's presence or involvement--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [91] = 91
  • Hunch that someone is a vampire servant, henchman or assassin--73% (+5%)vs 1d100: [54] = 54
  • Recognize Vampire Mind Slave--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [2] = 2
  • Recognize Wild Vampire--105% (+3%)vs 1d100: [20] = 20
  • Recognize Secondary Vampire--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [26] = 26
  • Recognize Master Vampire--71% (+3%) vs 1d100: [49] = 49
  • Guess Vampire's lair based on knowledge of undead and reports of vampire's activities and other evidence--41% (+3%) vs 1d100: [83] = 83
  • Find actual lair or coffin at suspected location--66% (+3%) vs 1d100: [73] = 73
  • Lore: Vampires 91% (+3%) vs 1d100: [45] = 45
  • Vampire Combat: Knows all vampire weakness, vulnerabilities, tactics, methods of attack, defenses, etc.
    • Resistance vs Vampire Seduction: +5 vs Pheromone-based trance (+1 @ 11, 15)
      Resistance vs Vampire Mind Control: +1
      Resistance vs Vampire Hypnotic Suggestion: +2
  • Sense Vampires: Automatic 600', cannot pinpoint location
  • Command Trust and Leadership
  • Calm and direct civilians: 50/level
  • Settle nerves of a small squad fighting force: 10+1d6/level. On success all non-Undead Slayers receive +1 Initiative, +1 Horror Factor if Undead Slayer within 250'

Protection from Vampires | 15 PPE | 7.75 hours | Impervious to Vampire Pheromones, Slow Bite, and Mind Control of vampires and related species
Supernatural Vision | 20 PPE | 65 min | Night vision 1200', See the invisible, See Aura, +1 Strike/Initiative

  • Omega Suit | S.D.C. - Main Body 250/250, Arms 90 each, Legs 100 each, Body Camera 15 | Currently worn under street clothes
  • Omega Field Kit | Currently worn

Lore: Magic General 70%/Recognize Enchantment 55% vs 1d100: [45] = 45 | Success | What does Diomedes know of Rift Root?

"The one playing the guitar is a target." Diomedes says without immediately commenting further. Mentally, he says, The vampire went back into the kitchen.

He looks back at the food and picks up his sloppy Sammy and bites into. This is surprisingly good. Could a mind controlled chef do this? Or were the vampires in the food service industry before they were turned? Diomedes has his drink in his hand when Sammy begins explaining about Rift Root and the kitchen. The glass shatters.

"WHAT?" Diomedes exclaims as bits of glass and red liquid splatter across the table. "You claim to not what is going on, but you have arranged for beings from another dimension to gain multiple footholds on your planet?" The tall Undead Slayer stands and begins to reach across the table with the intent to grab Sammy by the short hairs, long hairs or whatever hairs are available, but he sees the expressions of his teammates and his hand opens and he flicks a piece of glass off of Sammy's shirt. Growling, "Sorry, sometimes I don't know my own strength. Steiblah, if you are still reading my thoughts, we need to evacuate the building, can you use your mental abilities to pull a fire alarm a few minutes before we breach the kitchen?"

"Sammy, you say there are fifty servers, how many people should we expect to find in the kitchen?" Diomedes asks.

If there is no other recourse but drinking the accursed rift root. Diomedes downs it in one gulp and waits for it to take effect. "Once this potion is active, we should pull the fire alarm to clear the building. Team Leader Edison, do you wish to notify headquarters? he says while waiting impatiently.

Before entering the kitchen dimension, Diomedes will activate his simple weapon dagger tattoo (2 PPE | 4 hours | 1d6 S.D.C.) and then break a few wooden chair legs and sharpen them into stakes once the patrons have fled. (The goal is to have at least a few extra stakes than the number of people Sammy says to expect working in the Kitchen.) As he finishes each one, he hands it to one of the team. Who would have thought the one time I could really use my favorite stake I'd leave it at home.
Dice rolls
1d100: [33] = 33
1d100: [13] = 13
1d100: [16] = 16
1d100: [68] = 68
1d100: [22] = 22
1d100: [48] = 48
1d100: [34] = 34
1d100: [100] = 100
1d100: [7] = 7
1d100: [81] = 81
1d100: [80] = 80
1d100: [68] = 68
1d20: [8] = 8
1d100: [21] = 21
Diomedes, EP Record

M.D.C.: 275
Sense Vampires: 600'
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Edison »

[[Rolls Carried Over]]

Marcus listens to Jeremy try and answer the question he posed Sammy, but doesn't make any comment, as Jeremy wasn't the target of the question. When Diomedes reacts, Marcus cringes. I get its potentially dangerous, but man he's high strung
Diomedes wrote:"Once this potion is active, we should pull the fire alarm to clear the building. Team Leader Edison, do you wish to notify headquarters?
"That is the opposite of what we should do. We're not here to make a scene. React to scenes sure, but not make one no. I get that we're in a potentially very dangerous situation. But we have to follow rules and protocol. Our mission comes first, discover what made Agent Boyson change as he has, and figure out if this place is breaking any laws both local and international. Scaring everyone away will do nothing but hinder the process, as much as I don't know about Vampires and other supernatural creatures, I do know that disrupting the norm is the quickest way of forcing them to do something really rash or just going into hiding to come back at a later date and cause more misery." Marcus says.

"Sammy. I can't even begin to fathom the kind of operation you're running here, and I really hope you have the ability to explain it to me before I start seeing colors where they shouldn't be." Marcus says looking at Sammy.
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Steiblah »

Perception: d%: [1] = 1 | 81%
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 | d%: [49] = 49
Steiblah Character Sheet
  • Nightvision 120 ft, keen normal vision, see the invisible
  • Turn into mist at will
  • Track by smell 45% (+15% to track a blood scent)
  • Dimensional teleport 51%
  • Bio-regenerates 3d6 MDC (HP or SDC) per melee round
  • Resistant to cold (half damage); impervious to toxic gases, heat, and fire (plasma/MD/magic fire does half damage)
  • Self and up to 300 additional pounds up to five miles away at will, 73%+3%/level
  • Magically speaks and understands all languages at 98%
  • Can shape change into any living creature, intelligent or animal, as long as it is no smaller than one foot and no larger than 10 feet. Impersonation skill is 96% if the subject is in her presence, 82% if very familiar with the individual or working from photos/video, 40% if working from memory and with little personal knowledge of the subject. The Raksasha may use her shapechanging abilities to alter or improve the disguise at any time.
  • 94% if the Raksasha is very familiar with the individual, 80% if working from a good sound recording, 30% if working from memory or with little knowledge of the subject.
  • Silver weapons do equivalent MD. In SDC worlds: Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage.
    • Increased Range by 50%: All the ranges of super powers, psionics, magic, senses (even mundane ones) receive the +50%
    • Increased S.D.C. by 50%
    • Increased ISP by 50%:
      plus recovers 9 per hour of meditation, 3 per hour of rest/sleep
    • Increased PPE by 50%: plus recovers 15 per hour of meditation, 8 per hour of rest
    • Increased Healing: rolled 2+1=3. x3 multiplier
    • Incredible ISP Recovery [Mega Psi Power]: recovers ISP at 6 per minute of meditation or rest, 1 per minute of activity.
    • Achilles Heel: Extremely Bound to Good Karma Needs to act according to good karma (GM discretion). Without the aid of good karma, the hero has all combat bonuses reduced in half, loses one attack, and skills are -35%.

  • PPE: 850/900
    ISP: 1050/1050
    HP: 78/78 +5 (SoM)
    SDC: 45/45
    Natural AR: 10
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +28% (SoM)
Toxins (15+): +10 +2(SoM)
Magic (varies): +11 +2(SoM)
Lethal Poison (14+): +10 +2(SoM)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +10 +2(SoM)
Insanity (12+): +7
Psionics (10+): +7
HF: +12
Possession: +2 (additional)
+4 to all other saving throws

Image Steven Resch, human psi-healer... wearing a loud ROY (red/orange/yellow)

    • Presents as level 2.
    • No alignment alteration.
    • Psychic ability: Show ISP level to be lower, ~50-100 total ISP.
    • Conceal amount of base PPE. Only 1-2 points.
    • Conceal the presence of magic.
    • Attributes appear to be 1/2 of what they really are.
    2hrs 2.75 min.
  • Enhanced Perception. 12.00 min. +15% Perception, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +10% to any skill that relies on basic senses. +50% to all natural senses.
  • Telepathy: Superior. 12.00 min.
Quietly keeping up his enhanced perception and telepathy while in a resting state at the restaurant, Steiblah's ears perk and his sensitivities to oddity strain at the mention of a dimensionally-segregated kitchen by Sammy.

Vampires and now a kitchen in another dimension? What a curious place Flavorville is! Surely there is some means by which food is regularly transported to this location. Or at least a way that servers can regularly transition from here to the kitchen for pick-up. Otherwise the logistics of running a restaurant simply don't make sense.

Realizing that he may need to dramatically improve his psychic sensitivities if he is to unravel the mysteries of this location, the reformed Raksasha amplifies himself using psionics in
  • Sense Dimensional Anomaly (4) <== See if Steiblah can sense the dimensional connection (either portal or device)
    • If dimensional anomaly is sensed/visible: Read Dimensional Portal (6)
  • Sense Time (2) <== So that no time is "lost".
  • Sense Supernatural (3) <== Hoping vampires will ping. If overwhelming (too much supernatural in vicinity), do not maintain... release the ability.
  • Sense Magic (3)
  • Sense Psionics (4)
  • Mind's Eye (8)
Diomedes wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:35 pm"The one playing the guitar is a target."
Assuming Steve can swivel his head quickly enough to spot the guitarist mentioned by his Atlantean compatriot, Steve will immediately nod slightly at Diomedes in acknowledgment while trying to lock on to the individual with a psionic seeking ((Psionic Seeking. -6 ISP. 30.00 min. 6 mile range. d%: [79] = 79 | 70% chance of finding someone or something. Even if the character fails the roll to find the person or item, he will be able to sense whether or not the object is within his range.)). Inwardly, Steiblah hopes that he is able to trace back the location of whatever dimensional anomaly connects the staff working at Flavorville with the dimensional kitchen when his ability to sense the guitarist suddenly vanishes.
Diomedes wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:35 pmMentally, he says, The vampire went back into the kitchen.
Should Steiblah feel as though he has a lock on the guitarist, he will mentally respond. I have a psychic lock on his location. Otherwise the response will be more generic, such as: I feel his presence within a six-mile range.
Diomedes wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:35 pmSteiblah, if you are still reading my thoughts, we need to evacuate the building, can you use your mental abilities to pull a fire alarm a few minutes before we breach the kitchen?"
I can try to telekinetically manipulate a visible alarm. However, I am uncertain how this 'rift root' may function and whether we will be sent on a collective dream-like vision or if we will actually be physically transported to the kitchen dimension. Steiblah responds in thought.
Edison wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 3:24 pm
Diomedes wrote:"Once this potion is active, we should pull the fire alarm to clear the building. Team Leader Edison, do you wish to notify headquarters?
"That is the opposite of what we should do. We're not here to make a scene. React to scenes sure, but not make one no. I get that we're in a potentially very dangerous situation. But we have to follow rules and protocol. Our mission comes first, discover what made Agent Boyson change as he has, and figure out if this place is breaking any laws both local and international. Scaring everyone away will do nothing but hinder the process, as much as I don't know about Vampires and other supernatural creatures, I do know that disrupting the norm is the quickest way of forcing them to do something really rash or just going into hiding to come back at a later date and cause more misery." Marcus says.
Steve decides to weigh in on the conversation, "No disrespect Sir, but Diomedes is trying to save innocent lives. What we are potentially about to encounter is among the most insidious type of enemy... even against those I used to be affiliated with. Besides, if all the Flavorville restaurants are fed by the same kitchen, it doesn't seem likely that they would shut down or otherwise change their operation in the kitchen based on a fire alarm at one of their locations. They would likely simply endure the loss in throughput as the fire department clears the restaurant and lets the patrons back in for continued consumption of their comestibles."
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Edison »

[[Rolls Carried Over]]
Steiblah wrote:"No disrespect Sir, but Diomedes is trying to save innocent lives. What we are potentially about to encounter is among the most insidious type of enemy... even against those I used to be affiliated with. Besides, if all the Flavorville restaurants are fed by the same kitchen, it doesn't seem likely that they would shut down or otherwise change their operation in the kitchen based on a fire alarm at one of their locations. They would likely simply endure the loss in throughput as the fire department clears the restaurant and lets the patrons back in for continued consumption of their comestibles."
Marcus sighs. "I understand where both of you are coming from. But you need to look at the possible bigger picture. Whatever they do here effects neighborhoods. We're not just trying to save Century Station, we're trying to save thirty-six other neighborhoods. Warning them that we're onto them is only going to make our job much worse. Right now they probably think we're as easy to deal with as Agent Boyson, who came in here alone and generally unknowing. We need to really see what is happening here, versus just finding a vampire or two and killing them, which likely won't solve the problem either. Remember the camp... that old man had fingers in everything, we need to figure out what things they have their fingers in first." Marcus says.

Man it's hard to be the leader of super heroes... especially when you don't have powers of your own. Edison thinks, still waiting on Sammy to answer his questions.
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by CHIMERA »

Act I: Apps and Margs
Flavorville Grill & Bar, 504 Grocer Drive, Willingham
Date: Thursday, April 30th, 2043
Time: 6:45 pm
Weather: Sunset (64 degrees Fahrenheit)

During Sammy's performance Diomedes signals to Steiblah that he spots a vampire. Steiblah immediately activates more of his psionic powers in order to track the monster. He senses the creature immediately, standing in front of a very big if ambiguous dimensional portal. The whole wall is the portal, except Steiblah can't see how someone could pass through it. In fact, he sees it in action. The guitarist finishes his solo, and in an instant he is gone. He isn't within six miles of Flavorville, he's not even within the same dimension anymore. Steiblah can sense that where there is one vampire there are more on the other side.

A second later, a waiter walks out of the wall carrying plates of food. He is a normal human being. As are the two bussers who walk back through the wall with tubs of dirty dishes. Steiblah is thoroughly confused as to how the portal works. It is not some sort of machinery. The mention of rift root explains some the weirdness.

It is remarkably easy to get a bunch of superheroes intoxicated. Case in point, if you put a shot glass in front of Tony Stark he will empty before you have the chance to tell him the name of that drink. We all know what Ghost Rider was blazing during his down time. And you shouldn't operate heavy machinery if you've been around Swamp Thing for more than 15 minutes. But do you, dear reader, know why General Ross is the 'Red' Hulk? Because he's lit up more than the average four star general. We won't even get into what goes on at Ben Grimm's poker nights. Which is all to say that we shouldn't be surprised that the Omegas down Sammy Hagar's bizarre hallucinogen with no questions. The questions come afterwards.
Edison wrote:"How do you even pass local Health Inspections? Like you have me baffled right now. And now we have to take mind altering drugs to even interact with the kitchen..."
"Well technically, we're not registered as a restaurant," Sammy says with an aw shucks smile. "We're more like a pavilion where foodtrucks gather. And since the kitchen is in another dimension, it technically isn't under the jurisdiction of any health code. We just have to make sure we don't bring in any dishes that are considered 'illegal' to a specific franchise. (So no pulled pork sliders in Dubai, no CBD cocktails in St. Louis, stuff like that.) And rift root? This is so rare that it isn't regulated at all."
Diomedes wrote:"You claim to not what is going on, but you have arranged for beings from another dimension to gain multiple footholds on your planet?"
Sammy doesn't struggle when Diomedes grabs him by the collar of his bowling shirt. And graciously accepts the vampire slayer's apology. He doesn't exactly look like he understands why Diomedes is so upset by all of this. "C'mon, it's not like I'm the first guy to do something like this. There are aliens from outer space here, people that lived on parallel worlds, actual demons walking around like they're people. But it's all legal, I promise. Our investors said it was cheaper to rent a single kitchen in another dimension. Plus we have much better quality control on our food. The Down Home Fried Salami and Grits is authentic in New Orleans as it in Portland."

Edison breaks the tension a little by asking more about rift root.
Edison wrote:"Other than nausea does it have any other side effects?"
"You're going to see a lot of weird things tonight, my brother," Sammy says. "I've had some deep conversations with Jim Morrison riding the root. But you might also might feel a bit more lethargic and have trouble calculating the tip*. In fact, why don't we get some more Vitamin C for the table?"

Sammy turns and calls over another random waitress, "Sugar, can we get a round of OJ shooters for the table?"

"Right away, sir," she replies and disappears into the restaurant.
Diomedes wrote:"Sammy, you say there are fifty servers, how many people should we expect to find in the kitchen?"
"I don't have an exact knowledge of that," Sammy explains. "When we opened the first Flavorville, I did a little front of the house work, you know, helped with the design and branding, packed the house on occasion. But I left the kitchen to my Guy. He was doing all sorts of weird things back there, inventing crazy cooking tools, I didn't ask any questions. Part of the reason I wanted to move to another dimension was because I didn't want to explain what he was up to. A self-sustaining fusion pizza oven? C'mon!"

Sensing that Diomedes might not be satisfied with that response, he says, "Look, I know my way around there, and I can show you where the pantries are, and the margarita bar where we make all our frozen drinks. We even have a couple private 'chef's tables' rooms and our corporate offices there."

With a little more guidance of how Flavorville works, Diomedes starts to formulate a plan.
Diomedes wrote:"Once this potion is active, we should pull the fire alarm to clear the building. Team Leader Edison, do you wish to notify headquarters?"
Edison wrote:"That is the opposite of what we should do... and cause more misery."
Steiblah wrote:"No disrespect Sir... They would likely simply endure the loss in throughput as the fire department clears the restaurant and lets the patrons back in for continued consumption of their comestibles."
Edison wrote:"I understand where both of you are coming from... that old man had fingers in everything, we need to figure out what things they have their fingers in first."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Sammy says. "Let's not do something too x-treme (like our South of the Carolina Reaper Potato Chip Nachos). Once the rift root takes effect, I'll show you around the back, and you're going to see that there's nothing weird about our inter-dimensional all-American fusion restaurant. And maybe we'll see your boy Troy. If he has been here the last three nights, then maybe he'll pop up here again, we're open til 10. But we let him in as courtesy to CHIMERA. They come in accusing us of ruining the neighborhood. We're trying to support local businesses."
Edison wrote:"Sammy. I can't even begin to fathom the kind of operation you're running here, and I really hope you have the ability to explain it to me before I start seeing colors where they shouldn't be."
Sammy knocks back his orange juice shooter. It has a sharp citric taste that is accentuated by a bit of chili and then tempered by agave syrup. "When we decided to expand, we knew we'd need to get some outside money. A VC group showed up, and they had this great business model: move the kitchen to a pocket dimension that they already owned, have one central kitchen that served all our franchises. Our first Guy didn't want to go along with, said the workload was inhuman. But the VC group had a team of chefs ready to replace him. We paid out the Guy for the rights to the Flavorville brand and recipes, left him the original Chula Vista location, and then grew from there."

"Every time we open a new location," Sammy continues, "we create a new semi-permeable dimensional portal. At least that's how it was explained to me. That's what connects the restaurant to the kitchen in the other dimension. Rift root is this plant that makes it possible to see the portal more clearly, so all our servers are given that as part of a mandatory corporate vitamin pack. It allows them to also transport food from the kitchen to the dining area."

As Sammy finishes up this explanation, a small man, no more than five foot five, dressed in a sharp black suit with a matching fedora, wiry white hair that must have been luscious when he was younger, strides into the dining area. He practically walks through the crowd unaffected. He feels almost unreal, like a projection rather than an actual person. In fact, to Steiblah, he reads as a dimensional anomaly. However, the man seems more real when he goes straight up to Sammy and shakes his hand. "Mister Hagar," he says in a strong brogue.

Sammy gets up and hugs the man, "Mr. Morrison. How have you been fellow traveler?"


* Rift root
Duration: 12 hours
Effects: ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [69] = 69 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [9] = 9 ; 1d100: [23] = 23
Duration: 12 hours
Effects: ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses[/size]
Personal Mission Notes.
Outfit: Short Sleeved button up (Plaid), Grey Cargo Pants, Work Boots, Ball cap.
Omega Suit v3.1.7 (Under clothes) AR: 17 S.D.C.: 250/250
Lemat Revolver Payload (.38): 8/8 or (20 Guage): 1/1

Sammy wrote:"Well technically, we're not registered as a restaurant, We're more like a pavilion where foodtrucks gather. And since the kitchen is in another dimension, it technically isn't under the jurisdiction of any health code. We just have to make sure we don't bring in any dishes that are considered 'illegal' to a specific franchise. (So no pulled pork sliders in Dubai, no CBD cocktails in St. Louis, stuff like that.) And rift root? This is so rare that it isn't regulated at all."
Marcus listens to Sammy, and tries really hard to hold back his judgement. "I suppose that is one way to do it." Marcus says.
Sammy wrote:"You're going to see a lot of weird things tonight, my brother, I've had some deep conversations with Jim Morrison riding the root. But you might also might feel a bit more lethargic and have trouble calculating the tip. In fact, why don't we get some more Vitamin C for the table?"

Oh joy. Marcus thinks. This is going to be a fun evening. Marcus concludes while Sammy orders the VItamin C shooters. When they come, Marcus drinks his. Look for more Orange Juice later. Marcus mentally notes.
Sammy wrote:"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Let's not do something too x-treme (like our South of the Carolina Reaper Potato Chip Nachos). Once the rift root takes effect, I'll show you around the back, and you're going to see that there's nothing weird about our inter-dimensional all-American fusion restaurant. And maybe we'll see your boy Troy. If he has been here the last three nights, then maybe he'll pop up here again, we're open til 10. But we let him in as courtesy to CHIMERA. They come in accusing us of ruining the neighborhood. We're trying to support local businesses."
"No offense Sammy, but it seems to be a theme of areas your restaurants open in. You certainly can't blame Century Station to show some concern, given the past decade generally being what it was. We will try and keep an open mind while we investigate." Marcus says, trying to mollify everyone present. Vampires... and who knows what else... Why would he think this was a good idea? Macus muses.
Sammy wrote:"When we decided to expand, we knew we'd need to get some outside money. A VC group showed up, and they had this great business model: move the kitchen to a pocket dimension that they already owned, have one central kitchen that served all our franchises. Our first Guy didn't want to go along with, said the workload was inhuman. But the VC group had a team of chefs ready to replace him. We paid out the Guy for the rights to the Flavorville brand and recipes, left him the original Chula Vista location, and then grew from there."

"Every time we open a new location, we create a new semi-permeable dimensional portal. At least that's how it was explained to me. That's what connects the restaurant to the kitchen in the other dimension. Rift root is this plant that makes it possible to see the portal more clearly, so all our servers are given that as part of a mandatory corporate vitamin pack. It allows them to also transport food from the kitchen to the dining area."
Marcus listens to a tale as old as time, something good crushed by corporate sensibility. I feel bad for Guy. Marcus thinks. "So some corporate mage comes in and makes the portal... I guess that answers some of my initial questions.

When Mr. Morrison arrives, Marcus is more than a little confused. Is he not really here?
“Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero?” ~Dean Winchester
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Perception: 1d100: [74] = 74 /30%
JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 / 1d100: [25] = 25
Conditions: Affected by

Duration: 12 hours
Effects: ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses

Not the worst thing I've heard of going on in restaurants. Is his first thought to how Sammy describes how the multidimensional kitchen is run and maintained.

"Uuuuh.. Sammy, have you not seen the increase in crime in the area recently? Not saying it's Flavorville's fault, just that that's how it looks to the people higher up."

He looks to his left, right, and ahead wondering how many of who may be listening to the table as Sammy explains what he can, not acknowledging that might, indeed, be listening in case any of them is a vampire. He stays quiet mostly until the small man comes to the table. "You look vaguely familiar."

Mr. Morrison? As in Billy? That guy? Is that Really him or the root got me trippin? Instead of asking if he's really there, he decides to wait a moment to see if something is said or done to suggest he is not. He greets the potential hallucination even if he is not entirely sure, "Hi."
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Diomedes »

Perception: 1d100: [95] = 95 vs 41% +30% vs Vampires/Undead, +20% Demons/Monsters
JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 , 1d100: [2] = 2

  • Natural AR: 13
  • H.P..: 290/290
  • S.D.C.: 107/107
  • P.P.E.: 261/296
  • Spd: 75'/action

  • Bonuses when fighting Vampires: +15% Perception vs Undead, +2 Initiative, +1 Strike/Parry/Dodge, +2 Strike Impale/Stake the heart, +2 vs Insanity +3 vs HF (Vampires, Protectors and summoned animals) +1 Possession
  • Gut Feelings, Hunches and Realizations Involving Vampires
  • Bad Feeling that something is not right: 70% (+5%) vs [roll]1d100[/roll - On success +1 Initiative and +5% Perception
  • Feeling that vampires are around or exerting control and influence over a community--81% (+3%) vs 1d100: [33] = 33
  • Finding and recognizing evidence of the undead's presence or involvement--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [44] = 44
  • Hunch that someone is a vampire servant, henchman or assassin--73% (+5%)vs 1d100: [42] = 42
  • Recognize Vampire Mind Slave--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [35] = 35
  • Recognize Wild Vampire--105% (+3%)vs 1d100: [33] = 33
  • Recognize Secondary Vampire--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [48] = 48
  • Recognize Master Vampire--71% (+3%) vs 1d100: [43] = 43
  • Guess Vampire's lair based on knowledge of undead and reports of vampire's activities and other evidence--41% (+3%) vs 1d100: [66] = 66
  • Find actual lair or coffin at suspected location--66% (+3%) vs 1d100: [44] = 44
  • Lore: Vampires 91% (+3%) vs 1d100: [5] = 5
  • Vampire Combat: Knows all vampire weakness, vulnerabilities, tactics, methods of attack, defenses, etc.
    • Resistance vs Vampire Seduction: +5 vs Pheromone-based trance (+1 @ 11, 15)
      Resistance vs Vampire Mind Control: +1
      Resistance vs Vampire Hypnotic Suggestion: +2
  • Sense Vampires: Automatic 600', cannot pinpoint location
  • Command Trust and Leadership
  • Calm and direct civilians: 50/level
  • Settle nerves of a small squad fighting force: 10+1d6/level. On success all non-Undead Slayers receive +1 Initiative, +1 Horror Factor if Undead Slayer within 250'

Protection from Vampires | 15 PPE | 7.75 hours | Impervious to Vampire Pheromones, Slow Bite, and Mind Control of vampires and related species
Supernatural Vision | 20 PPE | 65 min | Night vision 1200', See the invisible, See Aura, +1 Strike/Initiative

  • Omega Suit | S.D.C. - Main Body 250/250, Arms 90 each, Legs 100 each, Body Camera 15 | Currently worn under street clothes
  • Omega Field Kit | Currently worn

Rift Root | 12 hours | ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses

Should have asked Azzaraxes for a Skull Engulfed in Flames tattoo. Diomedes thinks as he conjures up an image of staking vampires and throwing them onto the stovetops. As the rift root takes hold, Diomedes looks for the tell tale signs of others who also have taken the drug.

Burnt vamps always smell like ass. But we do need to do something with the vampires we stake, dragging them back through a portal will not be enough. We do have our newly named Cerberus with us. Yes his abilities should fit the bill nicely. Inwardly, Diomedes grins.

Diomedes is only half listening to Sammy's ramble, when he mentions a 'VC Group', Diomedes turns back to him, "What is this VC group you speak of Sammy? Vampire Club, vampire cooks?"

When Mr. Morrison shows up and introduced, Diomedes uses his supernatural vision to check the man's aura. Looking over his clothes, Diomedes notes to himself, Formally, no, impeccably dressed. They do not address each other casually. Is this one of Sammy's partner? Diomedes asks, "Hello Mr. Morrison, are you one of Mr. Hagar's business partners? What is your area of responsibility?"

"I think it is time we visit the kitchen, give our compliments to the chefs." Diomedes says in a surprisingly calm tone compared to previously.
Diomedes, EP Record

M.D.C.: 275
Sense Vampires: 600'
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by CHIMERA »

Act I: Apps and Margs
Flavorville Grill & Bar, 504 Grocer Drive, Willingham
Date: Thursday, April 30th, 2043
Time: 7:00 pm
Weather: Sunset (64 degrees Fahrenheit)

It is hard to pinpoint the exact moment that the rift root's effects hit, but a good indicator is when a strange natty dressed little man walks up to Sammy Hagar. He seems like a hallucination; no one else seems to notice or react to him as he strides across the dining room floor. But they all see him, and Sammy even physically interacts him.

With has hand on Sammy's shoulder the man says, "Decided to take a bit of a moon dance and check in on my friends around the mega-verse." He has a brassy voice like a geriatric frog, but it has a cadence of poetry. "You look like you're having a night out yourself," he adds looking around the table, "though these lads don't look like the usual riff-raff you surround yourself with."
Jeremy wrote:"You look vaguely familiar."
"I bloody well should," the man snaps, his Northern Irish accent sounding more abrasive. "I'm Van 'the Man' Morrison." Assuming that no one immediately recognizes him, Van adds "I'm the last rebel rock star standing?" Still nothing. "The Latest Record Project Series? Avalon Sunset? Astral Weeks? Have you ever heard of the fuckin' British Invasion? Cuz I started that whole thing before those fucking hacks from Liverpool."

Finally, Diomedes breaks the tension, or at the very least shifts the rant:
Diomedes wrote:"Hello Mr. Morrison, are you one of Mr. Hagar's business partners? What is your area of responsibility?"
"Not a chance in hell," Van spits. Sammy for his part just smiles, seemingly used to Van's rants. "There are more liars and thieves in the restaurant business than there are in the music industry, my good friend, Mr. Hagar no included in either case." Sammy laughs and pats Van's back, but Van keeps going, "You know I invented the wrap sandwich in 1978? Was playing a gig at Shea Stadium and then some wanker shortstop stole the idea and started a restaurant. And to start a franchise you need to get VC money, don't get me started on those ghouls!"
Diomedes wrote:"What is this VC group you speak of? Vampire Club, vampire cooks?"*
"Vampires is about right," Van says. "They come into a new business, extract every bit of money out of it, and then leave the original owners stuck with all the debt."

"My investors are not vampires," Sammy interjects. "They're just out-of-the-box thinkers with an aggressive business model. Our expansion has been incredibly profitable for everyone. I totally trust them." Looking around the table, he decides to change the subject, "So it sounds like the rift root is working. Let's go to the kitchen. Van, want to come with?"

"Not tonight lads, I'm about to skiddle off to this place called the Glen Wyllan Nexus and get some ideas for my latest Celtic music project." And in an instant, Van Morrison is gone.

As if that is pefectly normal, Sammy just gets up and leads the Omegas to the back of the restaurant. He leads them around a corner to a hallway that wasn't there when the heroes first arrived. In front of them are three doors. Steiblah can clearly since that he is in the mouth of a dimensional portal. Walking out of the hallway takes him back to Century Station, walking through the center door leads into the pocket dimension where Flavorville's kitchens are housed, and the other two doors are the bathrooms.

"I can lead you to most of the places around the back of the house: the pantries, the meat freezer, the bar. Or you can wander around on your own. Just remember, the rift root will ware out after twelve hours, so you need to be back in the dining room by sunrise."


* I've edited and reordered Diomedes dialogue make the scene move more organically

Rift root
Duration: 12 hours
Effects: ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses

Traveling around Flavorville
To move from one location in the restaurant to another, you must successfully roll land navigation (don't forget there's a -10% penalty for using rift root). If your PC does not have land navigation, then you may roll the skill at 20%. If you pass the skill roll, your PC arrives at the desired location. If they fail the roll, they will end up somewhere else.

Traveling with Sammy Hagar negates the need for a land navigation roll. If traveling in a group without Sammy Hagar, every PC must roll land navigation, but only one successful roll is necessary to reach the desired destination.

Known locations
  • Dry goods pantry
  • Fresh produce pantry
  • Meat freezer
  • Frozen bar
  • Chef's tables rooms
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Diomedes »

Perception: 1d100: [82] = 82 vs 41% +30% vs Vampires/Undead, +20% Demons/Monsters
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 , 1d100: [39] = 39

  • Natural AR: 13
  • H.P..: 290/290
  • S.D.C.: 107/107
  • P.P.E.: 261/296
  • Spd: 75'/action

  • Bonuses when fighting Vampires: +15% Perception vs Undead, +2 Initiative, +1 Strike/Parry/Dodge, +2 Strike Impale/Stake the heart, +2 vs Insanity +3 vs HF (Vampires, Protectors and summoned animals) +1 Possession
  • Gut Feelings, Hunches and Realizations Involving Vampires
  • Bad Feeling that something is not right: 70% (+5%) vs [roll]1d100[/roll - On success +1 Initiative and +5% Perception
  • Feeling that vampires are around or exerting control and influence over a community--81% (+3%) vs 1d100
  • Finding and recognizing evidence of the undead's presence or involvement--81% (+3%)vs 1d100
  • Hunch that someone is a vampire servant, henchman or assassin--73% (+5%)vs 1d100
  • Recognize Vampire Mind Slave--81% (+3%)vs 1d100
  • Recognize Wild Vampire--105% (+3%)vs 1d100
  • Recognize Secondary Vampire--81% (+3%)vs 1d100
  • Recognize Master Vampire--71% (+3%) vs 1d100
  • Guess Vampire's lair based on knowledge of undead and reports of vampire's activities and other evidence--41% (+3%) vs 1d100
  • Find actual lair or coffin at suspected location--66% (+3%) vs 1d100
  • Lore: Vampires 91% (+3%) vs 1d100
  • Vampire Combat: Knows all vampire weakness, vulnerabilities, tactics, methods of attack, defenses, etc.
    • Resistance vs Vampire Seduction: +5 vs Pheromone-based trance (+1 @ 11, 15)
      Resistance vs Vampire Mind Control: +1
      Resistance vs Vampire Hypnotic Suggestion: +2
  • Sense Vampires: Automatic 600', cannot pinpoint location
  • Command Trust and Leadership
  • Calm and direct civilians: 50/level
  • Settle nerves of a small squad fighting force: 10+1d6/level. On success all non-Undead Slayers receive +1 Initiative, +1 Horror Factor if Undead Slayer within 250'

Protection from Vampires | 15 PPE | 7.50 hours | Impervious to Vampire Pheromones, Slow Bite, and Mind Control of vampires and related species
Supernatural Vision | 20 PPE | 50 min | Night vision 1200', See the invisible, See Aura, +1 Strike/Initiative

  • Omega Suit | S.D.C. - Main Body 250/250, Arms 90 each, Legs 100 each, Body Camera 15 | Currently worn under street clothes
  • Omega Field Kit | Currently worn

Rift Root | 12 hours | ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses

Navigation 75% (with penalty) vs 1d100: [99] = 99 | Failure | Navigation does include the ability to identify landmarks for purposes of identify direction and location.. Probably won’t be able to find his way out of a restroom stall with this roll.

"What time is it? Diomedes asks his team. A sigh escapes his lips when he hears that it's 7pm. Our edge is gone, but then the kitchen is probably in some sort of dimension of perpetual night anyway. It probably wouldn't matter if we came back at dawn. "It's time to screw our courage to the sticking place."

Standing up from the table, Diomedes shrugs his shoulders and shakes out his arms underneath his gaudy shirt and hidden uniform. "Let us stick together for the tour, I am sure Sammy's insights will be entertaining." I can't keep them safe if I hunt alone in there and they are not out here.

He had been planning to break chair legs for stakes, but if he sees pool tables, he says, "Let's go play a game." He takes up the cues and hands them out and says, "Hold on to these while we go back to the Kitchen, when we get through the portal, I will sharpen them for us."
Diomedes, EP Record

M.D.C.: 275
Sense Vampires: 600'
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Perception: 1d100: [89] = 89 /30%
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 / 1d100: [80] = 80

Duration: 12 hours
Effects: ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses

Something like that. Jeremy thinks as he is corrected but has heard a little about him when he was younger. "Very outspoken on the media."

Following Sammy around to the back as he watches out for their missing agent, he considers how familiar areas are until they're not, which isn't to surprising for him on account of Flavorville not being the comparably smaller pizza place he used to deliver for. Stopping at the doors, he looks at them with an Uuuuuuh. as the learns what he doors lead to and how long the Rift Root is supposed to last. "-Kay."

Diomedes beats him to the suggestion of staying together, at least for now. He however does counter the offer of a stake if or when he does offer, "I got light and fire."

"But could the tour be here all the way through to the other side?" He asks Sammy for a direction the tour of the back take as a start to familiarizing himself with the layout of the area. "And what's the wildest thing I might see while I'm on this Rift root?"
Land Navigation: 1d100: [16] = 16 /-10% brings it down to 46% to succeed
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [87] = 87 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [1] = 1 ; 1d100: [16] = 16
Duration: 12 hours
Effects: ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses[/size]
Personal Mission Notes.
Outfit: Short Sleeved button up (Plaid), Grey Cargo Pants, Work Boots, Ball cap.
Omega Suit v3.1.7 (Under clothes) AR: 17 S.D.C.: 250/250

Edison sighs. I knew this wouldn't be simple... "While I'd rather wait till the restaurant closes before hitting the kitchen, you guys are just chomping at the bit. I gotta suit up, try not to start a multiversal incident before then." Edison says, a hint of annoyance at the flow of things. Edison says as he gets up and makes his way to the restroom with his armored case rolling behind him. Once in the restroom Edison lets out a deep breath. It's like they don't trust me to make any decision, especially when they just keep wanting to run off and fight, which isn't even the mission. Edison thinks as he enters the stall. Setting his case atop the toilet tank, Edison keys in the code. Figure out Boyson's problem, make sure the restaurant is safe, figure out why the neighborhood goes to crap. Edison thinks as he starts taking off his civilian clothes and folding them up. Yeah I'm sure the Vampires he sensed might be a part of the problem, but I will bet dollars to donuts that it's only a single part of it. Edison thinks as he starts affixing the suit over his body. I hope being fully loaded doesn't cause an issue with the populace. All I need is Trent and Carla to start yelling at me. Edison thinks as he finishes the suit up. The HUD in is visor begins the boot-up sequence. Maybe I'm trying too hard, I should trust them as well... Which I do, it's just their tactics are not optimal. While it's booting, Edison puts his civilian clothes in the case and locks it once more, ready as he's gonna be. Edison takes a deep breath and leaves the bathroom and makes his way back to the table.

"Alright Mr. Hagar, let's get this tour rolling I guess." Edison says as he parks his case under the table.
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by CHIMERA »

Act II: Bottomless Nacho Bar
Flavorville Grill & Bar, Somewhere?
Date: Thursday, April 30th, 2043
Time: 7:15 pm
Weather: ???

Before crossing over to the other side, where Flavorville's kitchen area resides, Edison decides to go to the bathroom and get ready. (That's actually a good idea. Does any other hero need to use the little boys' room before the go off to straddle a dimensional barrier?) Diomedes does not find any wooden chairs or tables (no pool tables at all) to turn into stakes. Once Edison is armored up and back with the others, Sammy opens the door that leads to the back of the house.

It is a series of narrow hallways and stair banks that correspond to Lovecraftian geometry. Corridors seem to curve just enough to make it impossible to see where they end. None of the flights of stairs goes more than six feet up, and they all turn in one direction or another. It is almost impossible to figure out one's location: it is hard to keep track of which direction one is going, and there are few points of reference to help. One might even wonder if there is an outside to this dimension or if it is in actuality a cavernous space filled out by the vampires.

At the top of one short flight of stairs Sammy points to four exceedingly small doors, "Some of these doors are dorms for our sous chefs. When they work long shifts, sometimes it's easier to spend the night here."

At this point one of the Omegas asks where Sammy is leading them. He pauses and looks confused, "I don't know, no one said what they wanted to see first. How about I show you the pass."

Sammy walks past two stair wells, but he goes up the third one on the left, and doubles back along a hallway that might be directly above the one that the Omegas were just on. He turns right at one intersection and then pushes open a set of double doors. A long metal serving table winds as far the eye can see both ways. Line chefs run up with dishes that they slide under the heat lamps hanging over the table. Sometimes the chef stops for 15 seconds to add some final garnish or adjustments to the dish before handing it of to one of the dozens of servers waiting nearby. The server takes the dishes they need and then heads through one of the dozens of doors that face the serving table and back to their respective Flavorville location. It is a complex a complex and well oiled machine.

"This is where it all comes together," Sammy says. "There isn't one kitchen. The food is prepared in multiple sites. We got a special fire pit for grilling most of our meats. The place where we keep our deep fryers is called 'The Aquarium', because there are so many gigantic tanks of oil. Our frozen drinks are made in a one-of-a-kind cryo bar. And all of that food is then brought up here to distributed to our over three dozen locations."

As the Omegas gaze into the hollow unceasing soul of a corporate kitchen, a blonde woman dressed in all back and wearing a headset with microphone comes running up to Sammy. "Mr. Hagar, I'm so glad I found you," she says tapping at the screen of a tablet she is carrying. "We have a karaoke emergency at the Raleigh location, and we need to you to lead the third floor dining area in a sing-a-long."

Sammy sighs, "I perform more now than when I was on tour." He looks to the Bravo team. "I have to leave you for a moment. Feel free to explore on your own, and I'll come look for you when I've put out this fire."

Sammy and the women go down a flight of stairs, disappearing when they turn right into another narrow hallway. The Omegas can move to any of the known locations listed below. They may also talk to the servers or the line chefs at the pass to learn more about Flavorville. Or ask some questions and then move on to one location. Just be sure to clearly state where your PC is going, who is going with, and roll for land navigation.

Twitch is more antsy than usual. The anxiety of eating at large restaurant in downtown Indianapolis would have been enough on its own. But his buddy Jerry had said getting outside of his comfort zone would do him some good. It did not, as he felt like everyone in the crowded restaurant was staring at him. And on top of that, servers just seem to appear and disappear like magic. He tries to see where they are coming from but he cannot. He felt like he had made a mistake walking into Flavorville in the first place.

Then the servers made a mistake of their own, bringing him the wrong drink; Terrance had ordered a frozen Yoo-Hoo espresso martini and instead was given a blue monstrosity that tasted oddly like bacon and nopales. He drank it anyway, not wanting to cause a scene, but then he started to feel a little queasy. So once he finished his drink but before his food arrived, he asked a waiter where the bathroom is. The waiter pointed to two doors at the back wall, and said the bathroom was through it and to the right.

Apparently he went through the wrong door, because he turned to the right and has spent the past five minutes walking down a serpent like hallway with no doors. He goes up a flight of stairs, seeing a door at the base of them, but this just leads to another hall with doors on each side. Please roll land navigation to see what happens next.


Rift root
Duration: 12 hours
Effects: ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses

Traveling around Flavorville
To move from one location in the restaurant to another, you must successfully roll land navigation (don't forget there's a -10% penalty for using rift root). If your PC does not have land navigation, then you may roll the skill at 20%. If you pass the skill roll, your PC arrives at the desired location. If they fail the roll, they will end up somewhere else.

Traveling with Sammy Hagar negates the need for a land navigation roll. If traveling in a group without Sammy Hagar, every PC must roll land navigation, but only one successful roll is necessary to reach the desired destination.

  • Dry goods pantry
  • Fresh produce pantry
  • Meat freezer
  • Frozen bar
  • Chef's table rooms
  • Pass
  • Deep fryer 'aquarium'
  • Flame grill pit
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Twitch »

perception: 21% 1d100: [94] = 94
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 1d100: [23] = 23

I had been patrolling Near Eastside a bit outside of downtown Indy for a while now. I had beat up my share of the local punks, and had them mostly in line. Then came a target which they found a bit too rich to pass on. Wandering down the street, obviously tipsy, and dressed in fine business clothing came a middle aged gentleman. "What the hell is he doing in this neighborhood?" I thought to myself."Flashing a Rolex here is gonna lose you a hand buddy. ". Lucky for him, tonight he had a guardian angel. I was dressed in my normal garb, black sweats, black hoodie, and black sneakers so I stuck to the shadows like crazy glue. If nothing happened "Ha!, something always happens- he'd never know I was there.

I trailed him a couple blocks watching him weave down the sidewalk, looking at parked cars. It was boring, like everything else in this slow world, but I knew there'd be trouble. Trouble never stops in this world. "Did this fool decide to save on a garage parking out here? As he was passing a dark alley (most of the streetlights around here were curiously shot out) a group of toughs moved out and surrounded him. He was plenty addled enough that his reactions were slow and inadequate. "Wallet, keys, watch, ring or we cut you old man!" "Maybe we cut you anyway for fun!" "Yeah, I like to slice and dice!"
Sounded like a fun crowd.

I quickly moved up, snapping out my folding batons at the last moment and clubbing the closest the back of his head, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. The others lost interest in the rich drunk and turned on me. Their movements were clearly untrained, and like everything since that day at the lab, looked like slow motion. A knife here, a chain there, and a swinging crowbar all coming from different angles were probably dangerous, but I just danced around them all striking knees, elbows, throats, and the back above the kidneys. Nothing was lethal, or too permanent, but it all damn well hurt. The punks went down like tenpins at the local alley. I don't think they knew what hit them. In short order they were all on the ground either keening in pain, or out cold. I decided to standardize and knocked the wake ones out to avoid potential problems. Thwack, thwack, thwack.

The businessman, sobered up by his close call was staring aghast at the spectacle. "Who are you? What just happened? Nah, I mean, aw hell I don't know what I mean. Thanks. You saved me! How can I repay you?"

"I'm Twitch." I replied, not meeting his eyes. He didn't need to see my face for his sake and mine. "I help people. Just don't park out this way again. You should know better. "

"But my car's right over there. " he stammered.

"And you weren't gonna make it over there. Pay for a garage downtown. " I grumbled back.

Before he walked over to his car, he fumbled something out of his pocket. He started pushing buttons on it while I watched in all directions, wishing he would just get in his car and have it drive him home.

"Here, take this, it's a crypto wallet. It's yours, password is savior, but you want to change it of course. Thanks again. " handing me the device and then heading to his car. He activated the biometric ID, got in and it sped off towards wherever.

"Ok, that was a bit odd, but OK. " I thought to mysellf. I kept at my patrol for what seemed like days, but it was only until around 3 AM. Nothing else happened (rats, dogs, cats, they all got my attention, but nothing dangerous to me). I made my way back to my ratty apartment, not far from this shining part of Indy. Hitting the fridge I grabbed a soda and a frozen pizza with the works and got it cooking. I was starving by then so I also grabbed a couple snack bars, and a protein bar or three. As I scarfed down the calories while waiting on the pizza I decided to check out the device. It had a port for my AV/Data terminal so I plugged it in. A prompt came out and I typed in the password he told me. Up came an interface indicating that I had $2000 in the latest up and coming crypto currency. "Well damn, that's generous. " I immediately figure out how to transfer that into my bank account. The pizza was done cooking, so I shoveled that into the bottomless pit which was my stomach since the accident and crashed. After a long morning of the usual tossing and turning which passed for sleep, I woke up, ate several bowls of oatmeal, and headed for the dojo. Being Saturday Jerry was there working out. We sparred a bit. I had to keep things toned down to avoid hurting him, but that's another type of training in a way.

"You know, you need to get out more. What do you do? Stay at home, come here, and repeat?" he said as we took a breather for water (for him, food and water for me).

"Yeah so. I'm not comfortable around people who aren't used to me. ". Not having nose, lips, or ears can be a touch offputting.

"That can't be healthy. You gotta get out of your shell. I hear there's a restaurant this side of downtown that everyone is raving about I think it's called Flavorville. You should go try it. "

"Nah, I'm good. " I try to shrug it off.

He persists "No, you owe me, and you owe yourself. Go there tonight. Do I need to lend you a few bucks? I the pension lacking? I like raiding those deep pockets. "

"No, all good in money right now, and OK, I'll do what you ask just so we can get back to sparring. I know you'll never quit pestering me. "

"Good, that's settled, now I can kick your ass. Ok, maybe I can at least land a kick for once. " he says putting down his water bottle.

So that's how I ended up at Flavorville for dinner this evening. It was a real odd place for a restaurant. Normally I expect one floor, but this was occupying several floors of an office building and seemed damned busy. As always in my black hoodie, but this time in some stretchy black jeans, which passes for dress up for me. Under the hoodie was the soft armor, and of course my folding batons on my belt since you don't leave home without em.

In spite of how busy it appeared the hostess was able to get me to a table at a corner in the back, She probably wondered why I kept talking to the floor, but I bet she's happier that way. Leaving me with a menu which looked more like a small textbook, she asked for my drink order. Glancing at the drinks section of the menu quicky I ordered the first thing my eyes fell on- a frozen Yoo-Hoo espresso martini. The hostess wandered off and said a server would be back in no time. I sat with my head down taking sidelong glances around the place. It was noisy, busy, and downright trippy. The servers would move around like phantoms. I mean I see everything in slow motion since my head runs so fast, but I still couldn't track their comings and goings. Something was definitely up in this place so I was on my guard. OK, I'm always on my guard, but this was cranked to '11'. My drink order came after a short bit (I think, my sense of time is off, nothing seems short, always long). Ok, something came in a glass, but it surely wasn't what I ordered. It was blue and frosty with a damned umbrella on it. Not wanting to cause a hubbub, I just ordered a lot of food and started drinking it. My nerves had me extra hungry.

The drink was really odd- tasting like bacon and nopales. How the hell does something frosty taste like bacon?!? Whatever, I was thirsty so I guzzled it down. That had a lot more of a kick than I expected since I felt something get to my head. Flagging down a waiter I asked for the restroom, and followed the directions given. Well I think I followed the directions given. What kind of restaurant hides their damned bathroom anyway?

land navigation vs 20% 1d100: [58] = 58

Twitch would like to find a bathroom and splash some cold water on his face to get his head together.
SDC: 79 HP: 15 PPE:19 ISP:126
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Diomedes »

Perception: 1d100: [100] = 100 vs 41% +30% vs Vampires/Undead, +20% Demons/Monsters (well that's a terrible roll. There are more vampire related rolls in the Vampire Hunting Abilities section)
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 , 1d100: [32] = 32

  • Natural AR: 13
  • H.P..: 290/290
  • S.D.C.: 107/107
  • P.P.E.: 261/296
  • Spd: 75'/action

  • Bonuses when fighting Vampires: +15% Perception vs Undead, +2 Initiative, +1 Strike/Parry/Dodge, +2 Strike Impale/Stake the heart, +2 vs Insanity +3 vs HF (Vampires, Protectors and summoned animals) +1 Possession
  • Gut Feelings, Hunches and Realizations Involving Vampires
  • Bad Feeling that something is not right: 70% (+5%) vs [roll]1d100[/roll - On success +1 Initiative and +5% Perception
  • Feeling that vampires are around or exerting control and influence over a community--81% (+3%) vs 1d100: [13] = 13
  • Finding and recognizing evidence of the undead's presence or involvement--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [36] = 36
  • Hunch that someone is a vampire servant, henchman or assassin--73% (+5%)vs 1d100: [53] = 53
  • Recognize Vampire Mind Slave--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [77] = 77
  • Recognize Wild Vampire--105% (+3%)vs 1d100: [5] = 5
  • Recognize Secondary Vampire--81% (+3%)vs 1d100: [15] = 15
  • Recognize Master Vampire--71% (+3%) vs 1d100: [66] = 66
  • Guess Vampire's lair based on knowledge of undead and reports of vampire's activities and other evidence--41% (+3%) vs 1d100
  • Find actual lair or coffin at suspected location--66% (+3%) vs 1d100: [96] = 96
  • Lore: Vampires 91% (+3%) vs 1d100: [32] = 32
  • Vampire Combat: Knows all vampire weakness, vulnerabilities, tactics, methods of attack, defenses, etc.
    • Resistance vs Vampire Seduction: +5 vs Pheromone-based trance (+1 @ 11, 15)
      Resistance vs Vampire Mind Control: +1
      Resistance vs Vampire Hypnotic Suggestion: +2
  • Sense Vampires: Automatic 600', cannot pinpoint location
  • Command Trust and Leadership
  • Calm and direct civilians: 50/level
  • Settle nerves of a small squad fighting force: 10+1d6/level. On success all non-Undead Slayers receive +1 Initiative, +1 Horror Factor if Undead Slayer within 250'

Protection from Vampires | 15 PPE | 7.25 hours | Impervious to Vampire Pheromones, Slow Bite, and Mind Control of vampires and related species
Supernatural Vision | 20 PPE | 35 min | Night vision 1200', See the invisible, See Aura, +1 Strike/Initiative

  • Omega Suit | S.D.C. - Main Body 250/250, Arms 90 each, Legs 100 each, Body Camera 15 | Currently worn under street clothes
  • Omega Field Kit | Currently worn

Rift Root | 12 hours | ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses

Navigation 75% (with penalty) vs 1d100: [58] = 58 | Success| Meat Freezer
Lore: Dimensions 55% vs 1d100: [88] = 88 | Failure | Confirm Diomedes' theory that they are in a tesseract

Diomedes nods in approval when Edison returns in his armor. Good, he understands the peril. Though there will be no doubt as to why he is there. Diomedes, knowing that rakshasa are the masters of illusion and guile asks, "Steve, is there anything you can do to make Team Leader Edison less noticeable? An illusion or perhaps just simply invisibility?"

Various epithets escape, the Undead Slayers lips as they march up the various stairs, Zeus' shorthairs, Aphrodite's left nipple ring, Are's dinky winky." When they arrive at the pass, Diomedes realizes that he wasn't paying close enough attention. "I believe we may be in a tesseract, a dimensional space that is folded in upon itself." Diomedes uses his supernatural strength and durability to scratch an initial 'D' along with a progressing number as they enter rooms going forward using his fingernail.

Diomedes observes all of the people they come in contact with, are they vampires? Thralls? He looks for the signs that they have been bitten. He asks a few of the people. "Hello friend, I am Edgar Frog. Mr. Hagar invited us to tour the marvelous," a hint of anger escapes on that last word, but is quickly back to the upbeat tone, "kitchens. We are looking for a friend of ours Troy, Troy Benson, have you seen him?"

He turns back when he hears Sammy talking to a woman, "No, I do not agree...", he stops, realizing he is to late to stop the white rabbit known as Sammy Hagar. He sighs, Was this his plan? Assuming no suggestions are given by the people on the pass as to Troy Benson's where abouts, he suggests, "Let us check out the Meat freezer next." Hopefully we do not finding hanging off a hook. He taps one of the people in the room, "Would you mind continuing the tour that Mr. Hagar started? It seems easy to get lost here. We'd like to visit the meat freezer next." Diomedes will stay with the group if the rest of the team wants to look elsewhere first.
Diomedes, EP Record

M.D.C.: 275
Sense Vampires: 600'
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Jeremy Lancaster
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Perception: 1d100: [70] = 70 /30%
JIC: 1d20: [14] = 14 / 1d100: [12] = 12
Conditions: Healing Factor, impervious to fire, plasma, and heat in human or altered form. Rift Root

There went getting an idea how this place is layed out. Jeremy realizes the labyrinthine lay out of the 'back' of Flavorville makes familiarization way to difficult for the amount of time he has. "Pass?" He pipes up before being led to an intersection and a room with a long table full of activity. This I'm mildly familiar with.

"I am vaguely familiar with some of that." He says after the explanation for where they are. He's stopped short when he's whisked away to perform states away potentially. I doubt that's an emergency, but okay.

"Which way is what?" He asks the closest not-immediately busy person that works in the kitchen and considers which space he wants to start his search for Troy. He overhears where Diomedes wants to check first too late as he already heads in the direction of the Flame Grill Pit. I'll probably catch up in a moment.

Even as he watches for Troy, Jeremy can't help but also watch out for lurking vampires and less legal ingredients being used in food prep but doesn't say or do anything about either in hopes he can keep some semblance of the cover of just looking for a missing agent. Should he be stopped by someone, he answers them with, "I'm just here looking fer a Troy Benson. Can't be taller than me, messed up hair, needs a shave, kinda thin. Seen 'im?"

Land Navigation: 1d100: [53] = 53 /-10% brings it down to 46% to succeed to arrive in the Flame Grill Pit.
Lore: Demons and Monsters: 1d100: [71] = 71 /30%
Find Contraband: 1d100: [2] = 2 /51%
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [81] = 81 /56% (-10%; due to Rift Root)
Just in Case: 1d20: [11] = 11 ; 1d100: [32] = 32
Duration: 12 hours
Effects: ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses[/size]
Personal Mission Notes.
Omega Suit v3.1.7 (Under Armor) AR: 17 S.D.C.: 250/250
Edison Suit Mk.II AR: 19; S.D.C.: 350/350
AR-15 w/Masterkey Payload: AR-15 20/20; 12 guage: 7/7
2 Flashbang, 2 Tear Gas, Smoke Grenade, Fragmentation Grenade

Land Navigation 1d100: [93] = 93 /58% Failure (-10% due to Rift Root; Find way to Meat Freezer w/ Diomedes)
Lore: Demons & Monsters 1d100: [40] = 40 /40% Failure (-10% due to Rift Root; Anything look demonic or Monstery?)

Edison follows the aging rocker into the madness of non-euclidean angles and madness inducing designs, the whole while Edison is not only a bit disgusted by the whole thing, but also mildly impressed that it even exist. When Sammy introduces the team to the Pass, Edison looks in awe. Such a monument to corporate insanity Edison thinks as he listens to Sammy start to describe things, before the rocker is whisked away. "Seriously... It's like he doesn't... you know what nevermind." Edison grumbles, before listening to Diomedes talk.
Diomedes wrote:"kitchens. We are looking for a friend of ours Troy, Troy Benson, have you seen him?"
Edison shakes his head. "Troy Boyson, not Benson." Edison corrects.
Diomedes wrote:"Would you mind continuing the tour that Mr. Hagar started? It seems easy to get lost here. We'd like to visit the meat freezer next."
Edison shrugs. "Good a place to start as any..." Edison says turning to look for Jeremy. "Where the hell did he go? What part of running as a group did he not understand?" Edison again grumbles as he follows Diomedes towards the Meat Freezer.
“Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero?” ~Dean Winchester
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by CHIMERA »

Act II: Bottomless Nacho Bar
Flavorville Grill & Bar, Somewhere?
Date: Thursday, April 30th, 2043
Time: 7:20 pm
Weather: ???

Just like so many groupies before, Sammy Hagar has abandoned the Omegas in the middle of his restaurant's kitchen. Not sure where to go on their own, Diomedes sees if he can get help from one of the other staffers at the pass*. He stops the first server that walks by and asks.
Diomedes wrote:"Would you mind continuing the tour that Mr. Hagar started? It seems easy to get lost here. We'd like to visit the meat freezer next."
The young man with bleached dreadlocks and several eyebrow piercings simply shakes his head. "Sorry mate, got packed tables for test cricket in Sydney." He points to a set of stairs that go up. "Freezer's up there, three lefts, a right, two lefts, and two more rights. Can't miss it!"

Diomedes and Edison nod politely, pretending to understand the directions. Surely they can figure their way as they go along. Unfortunately they will have to do it without Jeremy, who disappears on his own without telling anyone. That's been a winning strategy for Bravo in the past.

"I'll go looking for Jeremy," Steiblah volunteers. Edison will assuredly object to another teammate peeling off on their own, but Steiblah has a response. "This place feels... familiar," the demon explains. "I think this dimension is like the demonic prison I escaped from. I want to have a chance to test some theories."

The Meat Freezer
After Steiblah promises to come back to Diomedes and Edison soon, he goes through a set of doors. The other two heroes then head to the meat freezer. They wind their way through odd angled corridors and stairs that lead to no discernible floor. Diomedes starts to suspect they are in fact in a tesseract, and tries to conduct his own experiments. However, he is not quite sure just how this dimension defies conventional physics, if at all. His best efforts are inconclusive.

As they go down one corridor, they encounter another Flavorville staffer, a balding middle aged man with a mustache. He wears a headset and carries a tablet, similar to the one that the staffer that took Sammy away carried. Diomedes sees if this guy can help.
Diomedes wrote:"Hello friend, I am Edgar Frog. Mr. Hagar invited us to tour the marvelous kitchens. We are looking for a friend of ours Troy, Troy Benson, have you seen him?"
Edison wrote:"Troy Boyson, not Benson."
"He doesn't work here, does he?" the man replies. "Because if he's not on my staff I can't account for him." He taps on his tablet a few more times and then glances up. "You two said you were on a backstage tour? Sammy didn't give you passes, did he? No, of course not. That man is like a golden retriever, 19 or 90 years old, he still acts like a puppy." He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out two laminated badges on lanyards. "Take these so people know you're allowed to wander around here. I'd offer more help, but I got three VIP dinners starting in the next fifteen minutes."

After saying that he heads off in the direction that the heroes just came from. Diomedes and Edison keep walking and somehow find the meat freezers. In front of them are six doors: red, pink, orange, white, gray, and black. A woman wearing a parka walks out of the orange door carrying a baking sheet with three broken down chickens, no necks, no feet, and no organs.

Jeremy wanders around the halls with no sense of where he is going. He spends nearly five minutes before he sees another soul. Finally he bumps into a waitress carrying a tray piled with nachos.
Jeremy Lancaster wrote:"I'm just here looking fer a Troy Benson. Can't be taller than me, messed up hair, needs a shave, kinda thin. Seen 'im?"
"Nope," she replies. "Are you sure you should be here? This is an employee only area." Regardless of what Jeremy says, she shrugs. "I need to get to the New York City bar. Excuse me."

Jeremy keeps walking until he reaches an intersection. He takes a right and sees a man standing halfway down the hall. Up until this moment, Twitch has not seen another person. And the closest thing he has seen to a bathroom has scene wandering the halls is a bucket half filled with a dark ooze. He did not stare closer to find out what it was. And now he sees another guy who looks just as lost as he does.


* As is my way, I have reordered some of the dialogue for the sake of the narrative.

Rift root
Duration: 12 hours
Effects: ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses

Traveling around Flavorville
To move from one location in the restaurant to another, you must successfully roll land navigation (don't forget there's a -10% penalty for using rift root). If your PC does not have land navigation, then you may roll the skill at 20%. If you pass the skill roll, your PC arrives at the desired location. If they fail the roll, they will end up somewhere else.

Traveling with Sammy Hagar negates the need for a land navigation roll. If traveling in a group without Sammy Hagar, every PC must roll land navigation, but only one successful roll is necessary to reach the desired destination.

  • Dry goods pantry
  • Fresh produce pantry
  • Meat freezer
  • Frozen bar
  • Chef's table rooms
  • Pass
  • Deep fryer 'aquarium'
  • Flame grill pit
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Twitch »

perception: 21% 1d100: 1d100: [59] = 59
JIC: 1d20: 1d20: [15] = 15 1d100: 1d100: [45] = 45

Twitch has been wondering around for a while now and it is driving him nuts. "I just wanted a damned bathroom" he grumbles to himself as he strides down endless random corridors. "How the hell does all this fit in a single building?"

Finally he spies another person "Hey there buddy, do you know where I can find the bathroom in here? I'm lost and have been for a while. My back teeth are swimming. " he does say this while trying to avoid showing his face since he's still a bit self conscious about that. All the while he keeps looking around, not even considering making eye contact.

He's about given up on trying to figure out how to get anywhere and is simply hoping for help to anywhere. He's getting really hungry anyway.

If, however, the individual doesn't give him any direction, he will shrug, and keep wandering in search of a bathroom, exit, or food.

Land Navigation: 20% 1d100: [10] = 10
SDC: 79 HP: 15 PPE:19 ISP:126
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Perception: 1d100: [25] = 25 /30%
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 / 1d100: [52] = 52
Conditions: Healing Factor, impervious to fire, plasma, and heat in human or altered form, Rift root.

"Not sure I'd be back here if i wasn't given how someone gets back here," He answers the Waitress's question before she just carries on with her business. He watches a very brief moment to familiarize himself with how she looks in case he runs into her again.

It is at an intersection to nowhere he realizes how lost he got looking fire the grills and lets out a sigh, "already lost again."

His search for the grills continues briefly until he comes upon another stranger and asks himself as they grow closer, "Vampire?" Being asked a question, Jeremy chooses to believe this person is not a vampire, just some masked stranger lost as he is, "From 'ere? Nope. And I've been lookin for the grills."

Land Navigation: 1d100: [19] = 19 /-10% brings it down to 46% to figure out where exactly he is without asking.
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Re: Bravo: One Night in Flavorville

Post by Twitch »

<rolls carry>
"Grills? I didn't see any kitchen. Do you work here? I haven't seen anything. I don't understand how there can be this much hallway in a building. It's a big building, but still it doesn't make sense. You have any idea how to get out of here?" he replies while managing to avoid any eye contact. He always seems to be looking up and down the hall.
SDC: 79 HP: 15 PPE:19 ISP:126
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Re: Bravo: Welcome to Flavorville!

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [54] = 54 /56% (-10%; due to Rift Root)
Just in Case: 1d20: [4] = 4 ; 1d100: [29] = 29
Duration: 12 hours
Effects: ability to see and pass through porous dimensional barriers; see people who are also under the influence of rift root; -10% to all skills; - 1 to all combat bonuses[/size]
Personal Mission Notes.
Omega Suit v3.1.7 (Under Armor) AR: 17 S.D.C.: 250/250
Edison Suit Mk.II AR: 19; S.D.C.: 350/350
AR-15 w/Masterkey Payload: AR-15 20/20; 12 guage: 7/7
2 Flashbang, 2 Tear Gas, Smoke Grenade, Fragmentation Grenade

Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 1d100: [27] = 27 /30% (To appear trust worthy)
Steiblah wrote:"I'll go looking for Jeremy, This place feels... familiar, I think this dimension is like the demonic prison I escaped from. I want to have a chance to test some theories."
As perdicted, Edison is prepared to argue, but shuts up when Steiblah quickly explains himself. "Alright, be careful." Edison says, before following Diomedes to the Meat Lockers.
CHIMERA wrote:"He doesn't work here, does he? Because if he's not on my staff I can't account for him.You two said you were on a backstage tour? Sammy didn't give you passes, did he? No, of course not. That man is like a golden retriever, 19 or 90 years old, he still acts like a puppy. Take these so people know you're allowed to wander around here. I'd offer more help, but I got three VIP dinners starting in the next fifteen minutes."
Edison shakes his head and takes the pass. "Yeah, it seems to be a theme." Edison says as he hooks the Lanyard around his neck. "Hmmm..." Edison vocalizes, but doesn't elaborate further. Edison looks at the set up for the freezers, and thinks on the color coding. Nope no idea. Edison thins before looking at the woman.

"Miss do you have a minute. We're here to look into some issues, but are a bit lost. What's behind these doors?" Edison asks, hoping she's not in such a hurry that she can't answer even this question. If she sticks around long enough for a second question, Edison speaks up. "Are there employees behind an of those doors?" Edison asks.

Once the woman leaves, Edison looks to Diomedes. "You ever gamble before? Three Card Monte or the ball cup game? This whole place makes me feel like that, but we're the ball or the queen." Edison says, his worried expression lost behind his helmet's face plate.
“Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero?” ~Dean Winchester
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