Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

If supernatural evil feels persecuted, you can bet the Templar are responsible.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [51] = 51 %
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [80] = 80

((Prowl--87% / 1d100: [20] = 20 % )) working on the cords surreptitiously
((Track & Trap Animals--87% / 1d100: [38] = 38 % )) untying or working through cords
((Wilderness Survival--103% / 1d100: [13] = 13 % )) if more appropriate for working out the knots
Rory wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 2:16 pm "Fine, fer given values of fine. I'd like ta have a laser rifle with me at the moment, though."
She glares at their captors, then shivers and drops her gaze.
"Is it wrong of me ta want 'em all dead? 'cause right now, I do.
Jason smiles in spite of the situation. Glad to hear she hasn't broken.
"A rifle? I'd settle for a reasonably sharp spork." or more preferably, Bonaparte, they think they're all that because of their psy abilities. I'd love to see how they'd handle 105mm plasma "and as for wishing them dead, it would be justice for their crimes. "

Jason's mind goes back to his time as an MP, running down scenarios for how to secure prisoners. He works backwards to see if any of it would help them get loose. Damn, everything I come up with can't work while that guard is there. He thinks of one way to provide some relief.

He speaks out loud, so the guard can hear"Try to work around so that you can sit with your back against something or someone. That will take the pressure off of shoulders and relieve some of the pain." and it will take pressure off of our wrists making it easier to work on the cords.

Jason wiggles over to sit with his back against the cage, facing the guard. He begins trying to work the knot on the cords. If that doesn't work, he feels down one of the bamboo bars to its end to find an edge to work the cord against. He works slowly and deliberately to keep the motions from being easily visible to the guard. He bows his head, watching for the guard through mostly closed eyes, and slows his breathing.

If there is a deity listening who represents warriors, justice, and the fight against darkness. We could use some help here to save my team and these prisoners from torture and death. These villagers prey on the innocent, stealing their magic and devouring their flesh. Aid us in bringing justice for their victims. Jason doesn't know if prayer like that will work, but he is unwilling to pass up any possibility for help
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location:Foothills, north western side, Papua New Guinea.
Date: June 9th, 2:30 AM (5 miutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 81°, Low 67°; Windy/Cloudy/Rainy (45 mph).
Mission Notes
Rory speaks of revenge, while Jason and Rufus quietly work on
Ropeworks would be the preferable skill, but I will accept what has been rolled as alternatives.
their hands. Kai speaks quietly to Rufus’ comment. ”They’ve likely slaked their hunger for the moment, seeing as they’ve captured two spell casters.” The group may just realize that Kai is speaking some manner of accented
Australian English
. If the guard sitting in the dark has noticed or cares what the prisoners are doing, he has made no move to show such. After some effort, Jason and Rory have had their hands freed from the leather cords, leaving their ankles still bound.

Meanwhile outside, the rescue team continues to talk. Teres’ commentary on “knowing one’s enemy” seems to fall on deaf ears as the hardened merc turns away from her to listen to the others. Calvin’s revised idea gets some nods, but when he suggests Akamu scout ahead, he just looks at Calvin with a confused look. ”It’s a straight shot, not much scouting, we just move quietly and hope for the best.” The Lemurian scout says.

Nothing else to be said, the group moves out. The area near the cave and huts is quiet, with little to no movement. Everyone is trying their hardest to
Used Teres Just in Case Roll
towards the entrance of the cave, Whether by luck or happenstance, the rain starts to fall, as they approach, which certainly hides the more egregious of noises the group is making. As the group nears within ninety feet of the cave entrance, the situation changes.

GM Note: Those in the Rescue group with Sixth Sense, find it triggered.

What are your intentions?

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: -10 S.D.C., All PPE Drained, Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 58/60
Rory: -10 S.D.C., All PPE Drained, High Magus Armor 28/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 65/70 M.D.C., -3 I.S.P.
Calvin Wallace: -30 P.P.E., NG-A8 50/50 M.D.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [29] = 29 / 54%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [13] = 13 | 1d100: [47] = 47

"Heads up, people." she says arming herself with the vibro-axe, "Quiet weapons and melee only. take the fight to them and go for a quick take down. ranged/noisy weapon sentries are priority. Lets try to not alert the sentries in the cave if we can avoid it." Teres does not not even consider psionics. It was better to keep her psionic talent under wraps as much as possible. And here we go again walking into another ambush. People need to worry about hidden things. Like sentries or traps. Just because something looks clear, especially if it should be guarded. the soldier thinks.

a knife is Better than nothing in the off-hand the Psi-Druid thinks drawing the knife the Vibro-knife in the off-hand to parry with. While she was not talented in paired weapons the knife could be used to block. It was nice thing too. many of her instructors pushed for swords, but she never liked them. Axes were both tools and weapons. Some were more specialized but for the most part one axe was as good as the next.

Initiative: 1d20+6: [10]+6 = 16
APM: 5
1.Dodge to set up the attacks by getting behind a Sentry.
2. -
3.Strike - axe (Head/neck) 1d20+6: [7]+6 = 13 Damage: 2d6: [5, 6] = 11 MDC
5.Strike - axe (Head/neck) 1d20+6: [3]+6 = 9 Damage: 2d6: [2, 4] = 6 MDC

Parry: if needed
1d20+8: [17]+8 = 25 , 1d20+8: [10]+8 = 18 , 1d20+8: [6]+8 = 14 , 1d20+8: [9]+8 = 17 , 1d20+8: [6]+8 = 14 and 1d20+8: [8]+8 = 16
Dodge: If needed
1d20+9: [16]+9 = 25 , 1d20+9: [16]+9 = 25 , 1d20+9: [5]+9 = 14 , 1d20+9: [4]+9 = 13 , 1d20+9: [19]+9 = 28 and 1d20+9: [19]+9 = 28
Dice rolls
1d20+6: [5]+6 = 11
Last edited by Teres Barton on Fri Nov 22, 2024 8:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 66: [10] = 10
JIC: 1d100: [10] = 10 | 1d20: [13] = 13

Present Conditions:
PPE: 166 (-30 PPE)
ISP: 131 (-2 ISP)
MDC: 274
Sixth Sense Active (+6 to init, +3 to dodge, +2 to parry)
Consumer wrote: Nothing else to be said, the group moves out. The area near the cave a nd huts is quiet, with little to no movement. Everyone is trying their hardest to "stealth" towards the entrance of the cave, Whether by luck or happenstance, the rain starts to fall, as they approach, which certainly hides the more egregious of noises the group is making. As the group nears within ninety feet of the cave entrance, the situation changes.

Scope has nightvision:
Consumer wrote: As for signs of movement or any visible sentries, Calvin also doesn’t see any of those either, it’s possible one or more are in the mouth of the cave, but the fires are washing out the nightvision to make the scene unclear. As for noticing any other tracks, Calvin can not make anything out given the lighting, the weather, and the distance.

1d20+10: [3]+10 = 13
Initative: 1d20+16: [1]+16 = 17

Act#|Action Description|Strike Roll|Damage|
1|Activate night vision on scope and look around to locate sentry. New Perception Roll JIC 1d100 < 66: [55] = 55
2|If Calvin locates sentry, he will shoot Sentry in chest with JA-12, triple pulse.|Strike: 1d20+3: [7]+3 = 10 |Dmg: 1d6*10+10: [4]*10+10 = 50
3|Shoot Sentry in chest with Rifle Again |Strike: 1d20+3: [7]+3 = 10 |Dmg: 1d6*10+10: [1]*10+10 = 20
4|If Sentry is dead, look for other cohorts|New Perception Roll JIC 1d100 < 66: [89] = 89
5|If there are additional sentry(s), shoot closest sentry| 1d20+3: [16]+3 = 19 |Dmg: 1d6*10+10: [2]*10+10 = 30
6|Shoot closest sentry again| 1d20+3: [11]+3 = 14 |Dmg: 1d6*10+10: [2]*10+10 = 30
7|Shoot next nearest sentry if they are spotted| 1d20+3: [3]+3 = 6 |Dmg: 1d6*10+10: [3]*10+10 = 40

At the end of action 4, if there are no more sentries spotted,
5|Go through sentry corpse. Take available blade weapon. Look for clues with the body.
6|Pull corpse aside and leave him sitting up by edge of cave, looking like they are asleep
7|Peer down the cavern via nightvision scope to observe lay of land.

At the end of action 4, if the spotted sentry is not dead:
5|Shoot spotted sentry| 1d20+3: [16]+3 = 19 |Dmg: 1d6*10+10: [1]*10+10 = 20
6|If sentry is dead, look for other sentries.
7|If additional sentries found, shoot to kill:|Strike: 1d20+3: [12]+3 = 15 |Dmg: 1d6*10+10: [3]*10+10 = 40
7|If other sentries not found, move to edge of the cave and stay out of sightlines.

Act#|Auto Parry
1| 1d20+16: [14]+16 = 30
2| 1d20+16: [4]+16 = 20
3| 1d20+16: [1]+16 = 17
4| 1d20+16: [14]+16 = 30
5| 1d20+16: [17]+16 = 33
6| 1d20+16: [17]+16 = 33
7| 1d20+16: [11]+16 = 27

Sixth Sense Active! Where is this sentry?
"Fellas, we've been spotted. Find the sentry and kill him quietly."
Do I turn on more psionics or not? Shoot up parachute flair?
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [3] = 3 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [3] = 3 | 1d100: 1d100: [32] = 32

Rope works 1d100: [50] = 50 /50%

Rory tries to maneuver herself against a wall so she can use pressure to help her get a grasp on the leather cords binding her. She looks over at the guards as she works on the restraints on her hands, trying to loosen them enough that she can get to the knots. Successful or not, she talks to Jaosn and Rufus.

"With any luck, I'll be able ta replenish enough mana in a couple of hours ta be able ta cast something useful."

Looking directly at Rufus, she continues.

"I saw how they seemed ta fizzle the spells when they encountered them. Make sense then ta try and manipulate the environment rather than casting anything on them directly, neh?"

A small smile appears briefly.

"Telekinesis type spells might work. Perhaps fire starting spells, but they take a bit more. Do ye have any ideas?"

After that, she turns her gaze to the cage. She looks for the door to the cage, trying to see how it is secured and judge how heavy it might be. Without looking at the kankoran she muses aloud.

"They seemed quite good at negating my spells. I wonder if they can detect magic in use. If so, that'd stop me from doing anything that takes time. On the other paw, it'd make fer a good distraction from anything else that's happening at the same time."

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 0/165

Armor: High Magus armor: 28/50 MDC

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [49] = 49 %
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 / 1d100: [19] = 19

Seeing as the guard ignored his efforts in untying his hands, and that the other prisoners aren't tied at all, Jason openly unties his feet. With his arms and legs free, Jason stands and stretches, working the kinks out of his joints. If the guard doesn't react, Jason walks over to untie Rufus and Rory. "Well that is done."
Rory wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:16 am "With any luck, I'll be able ta replenish enough mana in a couple of hours ta be able ta cast something useful."
Jason shakes his head as he sits down next to them with his back to the cage and his left side in the direction of the guard. "My guess is that our guard has some way of detecting mana levels or knows how fast it replenishes. They aren't knew at this. " He absently begins coiling the leather cords from their bonds with his hands between his bent knees, so the guard can't see what he is doing. Jason takes the longest one and ties a small loop in each end, forming a garrote.

Now that I have a weapon, how the hell do I get to the guard to use it. He looks at the door of the cage, figuring that, with a bamboo cage, the hinges and latch could be weak points. If the hinges are leather or cord, they could fray with use or develop some rot in the tropical environment. When he is done examining the door, Jason looks to the other prisoners to gather more intel. "Do they ever bring water or food? I would think that they would try to keep prisoners alive, so that they can keep draining them.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [53*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 / 1d100: [68] = 68

- PPE: 0/313
- SDC: 45/55
- HP: 52/52
Jason Long wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2024 4:03 pm"Try to work around so that you can sit with your back against something or someone. That will take the pressure off of shoulders and relieve some of the pain."
Rufus grins slightly as he's working on Rory's bonds. Okay, at least he gets it. Now the next big question is -- once we're untied, how do we get out of this cage without Dirtbag over there blasting us or calling for help?
Consumer wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 8:06 amRory speaks of revenge, while Jason and Rufus quietly work on
Ropeworks would be the preferable skill, but I will accept what has been rolled as alternatives.
their hands. Kai speaks quietly to Rufus’ comment. ”They’ve likely slaked their hunger for the moment, seeing as they’ve captured two spell casters.” The group may just realize that Kai is speaking some manner of accented
Australian English
. If the guard sitting in the dark has noticed or cares what the prisoners are doing, he has made no move to show such. After some effort, Jason and Rory have had their hands freed from the leather cords, leaving their ankles still bound.
"Well, that at least gives us a little time..." Rufus nods, hoping the idle conversation will mask their efforts enough to keep the guard's unwelcome attention at bay. "By the way, it's good to hear English out this way. We've heard it more often that I originally thought, though that still isn't saying a whole lot."
Jason Long wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 10:37 amSeeing as the guard ignored his efforts in untying his hands, and that the other prisoners aren't tied at all, Jason openly unties his feet. With his arms and legs free, Jason stands and stretches, working the kinks out of his joints. If the guard doesn't react, Jason walks over to untie Rufus and Rory. "Well that is done."
If the guard doesn't react and Jason gets the others untied, Rufus snorts softly. Well that's a welcome surprise... wasn't sure how we were going to get our feet without being seen. "Much obliged, moj prijatelj..." he says as he starts rubbing his wrists. "Whoever it was who tied me up like a Midwinter's Eve roast turkey, blood circulation wasn't a priority for them."
Rory wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:16 am"With any luck, I'll be able ta replenish enough mana in a couple of hours ta be able ta cast something useful."

"I saw how they seemed ta fizzle the spells when they encountered them. Make sense then ta try and manipulate the environment rather than casting anything on them directly, neh? Telekinesis type spells might work. Perhaps fire starting spells, but they take a bit more. Do ye have any ideas?"
Rory wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:16 am"My guess is that our guard has some way of detecting mana levels or knows how fast it replenishes. They aren't new at this. "
Rory wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:16 am"They seemed quite good at negating my spells. I wonder if they can detect magic in use. If so, that'd stop me from doing anything that takes time. On the other paw, it'd make fer a good distraction from anything else that's happening at the same time."
"Agreed," Rufus nods, chuckling at the 'on the other paw' comment. "Psi-Stalkers feed on our magical energies, remember?" He points to some of his scars. At least I'll wind up with a nice collection of stripes after this. Maybe. "They can track our magic 'scent' like wolves tracking the scent of blood. I would imagine that's how they found us so quickly -- the three of us probably smelled as strong as Dhaltuun's cooking out in the Dino Swamp. At least they didn't nab Calvin; they'd probably think they had struck the mother lode."

He throws a sideways glance at the guard, then one at the other prisoners. "The only idea I've got at the moment is that we can't 'abracadabra' our way out of this one and we're going to have to rely on our non-magical talents for the time being. On the plus side, our being drained at the moment might actually be a blessing in disguise if we don't 'smell' as strong as normal." He shrugs. "But I'm not a Psi-Stalker expert, so I could be wrong on that."
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location:Foothills, north western side, Papua New Guinea.
Date: June 9th, 2:37 AM (7 minutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 81°, Low 67°; Windy/Cloudy/Rainy (45 mph).
Mission Notes
The next few moments go from well intended plans, to utter chaos. As the group is slightly forewarned, the plan of silently taking out whoever sees them is shattered as soon as the group gets even a step closer. A cacophonous rattling noise can be heard as the guard who sees the approaching rescuers pulls a rope that sets off what is both a clever but primitive alarm. The next few seconds are ones of violence as Calvin opens fire on the now visible guard, while Murdoc and the thus far silent Lani charge forward at blistering speeds. Within six seconds the Sentry is quite dead, but the damage is done. The team can hear the echoing of shouts as the cannibals are roused and on the move.

Meanwhile below in a sturdy cage of bamboo and sinew, the remaining Templar work to untie themselves. If the guard is bothered by this or the talking he doesn’t show it. As the last of the Templar are freed from their bonds a metallic rattling can be heard echoing around the tunnels. It’s here that the guard perks up, grabbing his polearm and running off to see what is happening. This leaves the prisoners alone for the first time.

The Templar get to witness something terrifying from the Lemurians with them as Lani seems to scream and charges a large cluster of cannibals. The violence she begins to perpetuate upon them is very reminiscent of sharks, complete with biting. Meanwhile Murdoc and Leo fire controlled bursts of rifle and railgun fire into other cannibals. Calvin and Teres add to the damage in their own ways, leaving a bloody mess as they are pressed from two directions. It appears that this cave is a buried car park, which really limits the directions one can go. Several minutes of violence pass as it seems the last of the cannibals is felled. It’s here that Akamu has to calm his companion down from whatever frenzy she’s in.

The violence ended, giving the Templar time to find their kidnapped companions. At the bottom of the car park They find the others considering how to escape their prison. As well as a trio of battered, beaten, and partially eaten Lemurians are with them. Outside the storm begins to rage further.

I sped this along for my own sake, Two PCs and half a dozen NPCs versus a large amount of MDC infused Cannibals was not something I wanted to drag out for several weeks, especially when the outcome would have been exactly this.

What are your intentions?

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: -10 S.D.C., All PPE Drained, Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 58/60
Rory: -10 S.D.C., All PPE Drained, High Magus Armor 28/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 65/70 M.D.C., -3 I.S.P.
Calvin Wallace: -30 P.P.E., NG-A8 50/50 M.D.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 66%: [7] = 7
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 | 1d100: [68] = 68
Consumer wrote: The Templar get to witness something terrifying from the Lemurians with them as Lani seems to scream and charges a large cluster of cannibals. The violence she begins to perpetuate upon them is very reminiscent of sharks, complete with biting. Meanwhile Murdoc and Leo fire controlled bursts of rifle and railgun fire into other cannibals. Calvin and Teres add to the damage in their own ways, leaving a bloody mess as they are pressed from two directions. It appears that this cave is a buried car park, which really limits the directions one can go. Several minutes of violence pass as it seems the last of the cannibals is felled. It’s here that Akamu has to calm his companion down from whatever frenzy she’s in.

The violence ended, giving the Templar time to find their kidnapped companions. At the bottom of the car park They find the others considering how to escape their prison. As well as a trio of battered, beaten, and partially eaten Lemurians are with them. Outside the storm begins to rage further.
Fights over... We gotta check in on the survivors!

Looking to his cohorts in captivity, Calvin first moves to free them.

"Stand back fellas, I'm gonna cut this cage loose."
Consumer Post from 10/30 wrote: The prisoners are taken to the lower level, where they are stripped of their possessions. Rory and Rufus then get to experience the terrifying and painful experience of being drained of their power, with several small cuts. Before they are tossed into a Cage with three other people, who look a lot worse for wear.
Powering on his TW sword (-10 PPE), Calvin proceeds to cut through the Cage. Producing a hatchet from his pack, he moves to to undo the ties of his team mates, but then realized that his cohorts have already freed themselves.

First thing about being a good doctor is to talk to the patients!

"Hey folks, sorry to keep you dudes waiting. Who needs medical care?"

Eyeing his three cohorts, Calvin deduces that they are not too worse for wear. Looking to the other side of the cage, he sees the remaining three captives (or what's left of them).

"Those people look like they need a bunch of help!"

Eying the three remaining lemurians gingerly, Calvin makes a quick note mentally (Doctor MD: 1d100 < 78%: [70] = 70 )

Walking over to the Lemurians, Calvin addresses the trio quickly:

"You folks need immediate medical attention. I am a trained medic, would you please let me examine you and dress your wounds?"

Calvin waits for a response from the Lemurians. He shoots a glance to Rufus and Rory and says:

"You guys have been drained? Do either of you have some healing spells? I can give you some energy when I need to call on your acumen later."
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [89] = 89 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [16] = 16 | 1d100: 1d100: [11] = 11

Rory breathes a sigh of relief when she sees Calvin coming toward them. She throws up her hand to shield her eyes as he cuts through the bars of the cage, and lowers her hand when he's done.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 2:08 pm "Hey folks, sorry to keep you dudes waiting. Who needs medical care?"
She wordlessly points to the Lemurian captives, and watches as he goes to check on them. She stretches a little, massaging her wrists.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 2:08 pm Calvin waits for a response from the Lemurians. He shoots a glance to Rufus and Rory and says:

"You guys have been drained? Do either of you have some healing spells? I can give you some energy when I need to call on your acumen later."
"Drained? Oh yeah, right ta the bottom. Tank's definitely got the needle pointed at empty. Fer now, that is. As fer healing, aye, I can do some minor healing once I recover a bit. Major league healing, hell, I dinnae have the energy ta do that even when I'm at full. Got the spells alright, but not the juice ta make 'em work, 'less I'm at a ley line."

She looks down at herself, then at the other captives.

"An' even if it seems a bit profligate, a complete cleanse would probably do morale a whole Hel of a lot o' good.

A smile comes to her lips.

"I can do that one too, once I recover a bit. I tell ya what, I've got a few things I wanna do once I'm back ta health, just in case there's a next time. I ain't gonna be such as easy victim again. No freakin' way."

The smile stays on her lips, but her eyes lose all their warmth.

"Never again." she murmurs under her breath.

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 15/25
-Current PPE: 0/165

Armor: High Magus armor: 28/50 MDC

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
OOC Comments
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [98] = 0
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [98] = 98

- PPE: 0/313
- SDC: 45/55
- HP: 52/52


Consumer wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 8:34 amMeanwhile below in a sturdy cage of bamboo and sinew, the remaining Templar work to untie themselves. If the guard is bothered by this or the talking he doesn’t show it. As the last of the Templar are freed from their bonds a metallic rattling can be heard echoing around the tunnels. It’s here that the guard perks up, grabbing his polearm and running off to see what is happening. This leaves the prisoners alone for the first time.
Rufus' keen ears pick up the sound of the rattling, causing his ears to prick up and swivel towards the sound of the commotion. Well, sounds like the cavalry's arrived. Either that or we're getting company in here...

"Better hope that's not Leo and Kilo, prijatelj umazanije..." he snarls as the guard runs off. "Hope you enjoyed your last meal!"

He springs to his feet as the guard leaves. "Alright, no telling if that's a rescue or the rest of the group's being served up on a silver platter..." he motions to Rory and Jason as he approaches the cage. "So we gotta work fast. Let's see if we can get some of these bars loose -- at least loose enough that I can slip through and then find something that'll get the rest of us out of here." He glances back at the Lemurians and gives them a grin. "Chin up, friends -- with any luck at all, meat and magicka are both off the menu for tonight."

He starts working at the sinew strands that hold the cage together with his claws/fangs and pulling at the bamboo logs.

Should they get the cage loose enough for him to get out,
he immediately slips through and starts looking for anything that looks like a key to unlock the cage or something sharp that will let him cut through the cords/bamboo to get a hole big enough for the others to get out as well. If he manages to get the cage open, or at least a big enough hole for Rory/Jason, he ushers them out. "Alright, let's find some weapons and get ready. We'll have company sooner or later..." he growls as he starts looking around for suitable (or even not-so-suitable) items that could be used as weapons. At the sound of someone approaching, he waves the others back in the shadows. "We've got company. Here we go..."

Should they not get the cage loose enough for him to get out,
he keeps clawing/gnawing at the sinew cords until his ears pick up the sound of someone approaching. "Uh-oh, we've got company..." he mutters as he motions everyone back away from the cage.

Calvin_Wallace wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 2:08 pmLooking to his cohorts in captivity, Calvin first moves to free them.

"Stand back fellas, I'm gonna cut this cage loose."
Rufus gives a yip of excitement when he sees Calvin. "Well, you're not tied up and stuck on a skewer... so I take it the daring rescue is a success?" He chuckles as he takes a step back while Cal whips out his sword. "You didn't by chance happen upon a Shemarrian war party did you?" If anyone gives him a strange look he shrugs. "Enh, inside joke. Had to have been there I guess."
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 2:08 pm"Hey folks, sorry to keep you dudes waiting. Who needs medical care?"
Rory wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:10 amShe wordlessly points to the Lemurian captives, and watches as he goes to check on them. She stretches a little, massaging her wrists.
"Yeah, definitely our friends over here..." He points to the Lemurians as well. "Kai, Helo, Ahi, this is Calvin. You may have figured it out already, but he's with us. He can help you."
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 2:08 pm"You guys have been drained? Do either of you have some healing spells? I can give you some energy when I need to call on your acumen later."
Rory wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:10 am"Drained? Oh yeah, right ta the bottom. Tank's definitely got the needle pointed at empty. Fer now, that is. As fer healing, aye, I can do some minor healing once I recover a bit. Major league healing, hell, I dinnae have the energy ta do that even when I'm at full. Got the spells alright, but not the juice ta make 'em work, 'less I'm at a ley line."
Rufus points to his cuts. "Oh yeah, my tank's empty too. Bone dry. We'll be fine; save your energy for our friends..." he suddenly looks around. "Wait, where's everybody else? Do we have time for in-depth healing right now? Aren't you worried about native reinforcements?"
Rory wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:10 am"An' even if it seems a bit profligate, a complete cleanse would probably do morale a whole Hel of a lot o' good.
Rufus nods. "That's high on my priority list too... but first things first, we need to make sure we're not about to get a Round Two," he growls as he looks around for a suitable weapon.
Rory wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 1:10 am"I can do that one too, once I recover a bit. I tell ya what, I've got a few things I wanna do once I'm back ta health, just in case there's a next time. I ain't gonna be such as easy victim again. No freakin' way. Never again."
"Amen..." he nods grimly as he grabs up whatever weapon(s) he can find and starts making his way to the mouth of the cave. "You two guard Calvin. I'll see if we're getting any more company."
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

(Rolls held over)

Just as Rufus starts to take off, Calvin says:

"Rufus, slow down my man. We ran into some of your friends. Leo and Murdoc? They travelled here in company with two Lemurians, Lani and Akamu. They did most of the work clearing out this structure. I think they have plenty in reserve to pull sentry duty."

"Rufus, let me talk to the patients over there for a second. We swapped capabilities when we first met, I remember you telling me you had some healing spells. Once I get a good idea on what we're working with, maybe I can give you some mystical energy of mine and you can help me with that poor person's leg?"

Calvin waits for a response.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [35] = 35 %
JIC: 1d20: [5] = 5 / 1d100: [27] = 27
Consumer wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 8:34 am Meanwhile below in a sturdy cage of bamboo and sinew, the remaining Templar work to untie themselves. If the guard is bothered by this or the talking he doesn’t show it. As the last of the Templar are freed from their bonds a metallic rattling can be heard echoing around the tunnels. It’s here that the guard perks up, grabbing his polearm and running off to see what is happening. This leaves the prisoners alone for the first time.
Jason smiles and the sounds and comments to the others, "It appears some misfortune has come to our captors. How nice..." He moves to help Rufus work on the cage, throwing all of his strength into making a gap wide enough for the Kankoran to squeeze through.

If it works, Jason will keep working on the bars to make a hole big enough for Rory and himself to get through. If he gets free, he moves up to where the guard went out of sight to watch for threats, the garotte held in his hands.

If it doesn't work, Jason comments to Rufus, "Never thought I'd need to carry a weapon hidden in my underwear." He decides not to comment on where and how some criminals concealed their contraband.

At the sound of their rescuers, Jason relaxes. "What kept you, Calvin? Just kidding, good to see you. Are there any more bad guys?"
Rufus wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 2:33 pm . "You two guard Calvin. I'll see if we're getting any more company."
Jason shakes his head. He is about to comment when Calvin speaks up.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 2:50 pm "Rufus, slow down my man. We ran into some of your friends. Leo and Murdoc? They travelled here in company with two Lemurians, Lani and Akamu. They did most of the work clearing out this structure. I think they have plenty in reserve to pull sentry duty."

"Rufus, let me talk to the patients over there for a second. We swapped capabilities when we first met, I remember you telling me you had some healing spells. Once I get a good idea on what we're working with, maybe I can give you some mystical energy of mine and you can help me with that poor person's leg?"
Jason is shocked at the mention of the two Templar names. "Leo and Murdoc are here? Well, topside is secure for now. I can't help with patching the Lemurians up. What Calvin says makes a lot of sense, Rufus. Why don't you stay down here. I'll go find our gear and a cleaner place to move the wounded to."

Jason will head up the ramp, hunting for the Templars' clothes, weapons, and equipment. He also looks for anything the locals used for their own sick or injured, medical supplies, or at least a 'clean' area and fresh water for the prisoners' injuries.

If Jason finds their gear, he will re-equip himself before bringing the rest to Rory and Rufus. He also tells them what he found for the care of the injured.

If he encounters Leo and Murdoc, he praises them and their friends, "Thanks for the rescue! You guys really saved our skins. There are three Lemurrians with Calvin, Rory, and Rufus at the bottom level of the parking garage. " He leads them back to the injured.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

(rolls held over)
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 2:50 pm"Rufus, slow down my man. We ran into some of your friends. Leo and Murdoc? They travelled here in company with two Lemurians, Lani and Akamu. They did most of the work clearing out this structure. I think they have plenty in reserve to pull sentry duty."
Rufus stops mid-stride and turns to face Calvin. "Wait, hold up just a fur-bearin' minute..." His eyes narrow. "Did... did you just say you ran into Leo and Murdoc? As in two members of the Templar we left behind hundreds of miles away... and they're HERE on this speck of land out in the middle of absolutely nowhere?"

Assuming Calvin nods in response, a chuckle escapes Rufus' muzzle. And then another. And in a heartbeat the chuckles erupt into full-blown laughter.
Jason Long wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 7:22 pm"Leo and Murdoc are here? Well, topside is secure for now. I can't help with patching the Lemurians up. What Calvin says makes a lot of sense, Rufus. Why don't you stay down here. I'll go find our gear and a cleaner place to move the wounded to."
Rufus nods as he finally stops laughing. "Sorry... it's just that I pulled Leo's and Kilo's names out of my tail when I was trying to bluff our way out of this earlier. Having one of my bluffs turn out to be true... well... it's kinda mind-blowing, isn't it?"

He clears his throat as he starts walking back. "Well if Leo, Murdoc, and Jessie are up there along with Teres and some Lemurian reinforcements, then sounds like things should be well in hand. My apologies for storming off like that -- turns out I don't react well to being a Psi-Stalker buffet." More like just being royally pissed off at discovering that you weren't good enough. Again. But they don't need to know that.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 2:50 pm"Rufus, let me talk to the patients over there for a second. We swapped capabilities when we first met, I remember you telling me you had some healing spells. Once I get a good idea on what we're working with, maybe I can give you some mystical energy of mine and you can help me with that poor person's leg?"
"I do know a couple of spells, yeah..." Rufus nods as he comes over to the one-legged Lemurian ((OOC: Can't remember which one is the amputee)). "I can heal up the minor stuff, but unless the rest of that leg's lying around here somewhere I'm afraid a prosthetic is in your future my friend..." he kneels down beside them. "Alright, you're the doctor. Figure out what's going on here -- beside the obvious -- and charge me up. Not so much that you're bone dry, of course; let's worry about getting our friend here stabilized and then we can finish the job once we've had a chance to recoup our energies."

Once Calvin's made his diagnosis and charged Rufus up a bit ((OOC: however much Calvin feels is safe and appropriate)) he'll start casting as many Heal Wounds on the amputee as he can. "Okay, just relax. You're safe and among friends now."

Should he have enough PPE from Calvin, if the amputee is stabilized and Rufus can do no more for him he'll turn his attention to the other Lemurians as needed. ((OOC: casting for 50 PPE's worth here, depending on how much Calvin transfers))

Heal Wounds #1: -10 PPE, restores 3d6: [1, 4, 4] = 9 SDC and 1d6: [2] = 2 Hit Points
Heal Wounds #2: -10 PPE, restores 3d6: [1, 6, 3] = 10 SDC and 1d6: [6] = 6 Hit Points
Heal Wounds #3: -10 PPE, restores 3d6: [3, 6, 6] = 15 SDC and 1d6: [6] = 6 Hit Points
Heal Wounds #4: -10 PPE, restores 3d6: [2, 4, 2] = 8 SDC and 1d6: [5] = 5 Hit Points
Heal Wounds #5: -10 PPE, restores 3d6: [5, 3, 2] = 10 SDC and 1d6: [4] = 4 Hit Points
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

(Rolls held over)

Present Conditions:
PPE: 166 (-30 PPE)
ISP: 131 (-2 ISP)
MDC: 274
Jason wrote: At the sound of their rescuers, Jason relaxes. "What kept you, Calvin? Just kidding, good to see you. Are there any more bad guys?"
"Sure hope not boss. They got mowed down pretty quickly. We got down here as quickly as we can."
Jason wrote: Jason is shocked at the mention of the two Templar names. "Leo and Murdoc are here? Well, topside is secure for now. I can't help with patching the Lemurians up. What Calvin says makes a lot of sense, Rufus. Why don't you stay down here. I'll go find our gear and a cleaner place to move the wounded to."
"Thanks boss. Lemme get these guys squared away and I'll join you."
Rufus wrote: "I do know a couple of spells, yeah..." Rufus nods as he comes over to the one-legged Lemurian ((OOC: Can't remember which one is the amputee)). "I can heal up the minor stuff, but unless the rest of that leg's lying around here somewhere I'm afraid a prosthetic is in your future my friend..." he kneels down beside them. "Alright, you're the doctor. Figure out what's going on here -- beside the obvious -- and charge me up. Not so much that you're bone dry, of course; let's worry about getting our friend here stabilized and then we can finish the job once we've had a chance to recoup our energies."

Once Calvin's made his diagnosis and charged Rufus up a bit ((OOC: however much Calvin feels is safe and appropriate)) he'll start casting as many Heal Wounds on the amputee as he can. "Okay, just relax. You're safe and among friends now."

Should he have enough PPE from Calvin, if the amputee is stabilized and Rufus can do no more for him he'll turn his attention to the other Lemurians as needed. ((OOC: casting for 50 PPE's worth here, depending on how much Calvin transfers))
Calvin concentrates for a second and focuses his mystic energy into a bluish ball that lightly glows in the dark. The monkey hands Rufus a moderate amount of energy (-86 PPE. 80 PPE left).

Calvin re-ponders his observations from before (see previous Medical: MD roll).
"Let me take a look at them first. I gave you a bit extra so that you can cast sustain on them if the patients say they need be."

Calvin then says to the injured Lemurians:

"Rufus here has a bit of juice from me to cast healing spells. Can you tell me what symptoms you are suffering from? You without the leg, do you have a fever yet? The other two, when was the last time you guys ate or had any water?"

Calvin waits for their responses, then relays instructions for Rufus to follow.

Once the spells have been cast, Calvin waits for the effects to settle. He will then ask Rufus to help him move the patients to the higher level floors.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [75] = 75 / 54%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [3] = 3 | 1d100: [10] = 10

Detect Ambush 1d100: [41] = 41 / 55%
Detect Concealment 1d100: [95] = 95 / 50%
Trap & Mine Detection 1d100: [79] = 79 / 50%

"I'll be on parameter duty incase we get any stray cannibal patrols, animals or Dino's show up." Teres says and and head to out to do perimeter duty. No point in being here as I am not going to be any help. Teres thinks cleaning and putting the axe away as she left. She was just happy they were all alive. Considering what she knew of and remembered from serving Psi-Stalkers they could be worse than the threats they were used against. What was the old expression one of her Psychic instructors used? Those who fight monsters risk becoming one.

Once able to see outside, and here comes the weather. glad we have this parking lot here. being buried it will be good cover so long as we do not too flooded or are too low in elevation. continues to keep watch.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location:Foothills, north western side, Papua New Guinea.
Date: June 9th, 5:37 AM (3 hours has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 81°, Low 67°; Windy/Cloudy/First stages of Storm incoming (50 mph).
Mission Notes
With Leo and Lani guarding the entrance, the others look for their missing companions. At the bottom level trapped in a well made cage of bamboo and sinew, the Templar find not only their kidnapped members but also three of the remaining Lemurians, one of which is missing his right leg from the knee down. It’s clear that those in the cage have already freed themselves of any bindings, but have been stripped down to their small clothes. Calvin is quick to cut the cage open, which brings true freedom to all involved.

When Calvin asks who needs medical attention, a soft weak chuckle comes from the man sitting on the floor. ”Pretty sure everyone here.” He says still chuckling quietly. It doesn’t take a degree in psychology to note that the three Lemurians are traumatized, and likely will not be whole for quite some time. Calvin asks a few questions and finds that everyone is drained of any energy at the moment, so either he has to give up his power, or cast the spells himself, both of which he seems willing to do. (Calvin can donate up to 98 P.P.E.) Rufus uses the proffered energy to cast several healing spells, which does seem to perk up the Lemurians a bit.

Akamu approaches and kneels near his battered fellows. ”Hauʻoli wau i ka ʻike ʻana i kekahi o ʻoukou e ola nei. E hoʻokuʻu aku mākou iā ʻoe ke hala ka ʻino.
Only translatable by the Babble Fish. ”I'm glad to see some of you still live. We'll get you away as soon as the storm passes.”
Akamu says, before turning to the Templar. ”We thank you for your help in rescuing our brethren.”

The group moves on from the dingy cage looking for better accommodations. While nothing in this place is truly clean, The living area does seem the better choice to wait out the incoming storm. After a few hours of rummaging, the Templar are able to gather up all of their missing gear, as well as a collection of battered things owned by the Cannibals. As for food and water, there isn’t much in the way of food that can be easily identified as safe to eat, water on the other hand seems to be plentiful enough.

Meanwhile near the entrance, Leo, Lani, and Teres sit and watch. If there is anything out there it’s almost impossible to see, with the driving rain and howling wind. But with three people on watch it’s at least safer this way. Lani is silent as she sits, while Leo hums to himself, his railgun resting across his legs.

The folk deeper in the cave can hear the wind, but it seems pretty safe where they’re at now. The Lemurians have fallen asleep, the Scout sitting next to them. Off to the side stands Jessie, just watching over the group while Vlad tuts about trying to make the best of the situation. Murdoc, ever the restless paces.

What are your intentions?

24 BG-15 Blue/Green Laser Pistol, 50 or so Vibro-Knives in rough repair, 300,000 credits worth of valuables weighing approximately 50 lbs. Everything else is generic adventuring equipment worth little to nothing.

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: -10 S.D.C., All PPE Drained, Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 58/60
Rory: -10 S.D.C., All PPE Drained, High Magus Armor 28/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 65/70 M.D.C., -3 I.S.P.
Calvin Wallace: -30 P.P.E., NG-A8 50/50 M.D.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 66: [27] = 27
JIC: 1d100: [68] = 68 | 1d20: [10] = 10

Present conditions:
PPE: 46 (-30 PPE from encounter/fight) (-90 PPE for healing)
ISP: 121 (-2 ISP from sixth sense) (-10 ISP from this round's worth of actions)
MDC: 274

Calvin could feel a gentle trickle of cold sweat combing his back as he hands over large amount of magical energy to Rufus.

Seeing the Lemurians perked up and somewhat healed, he moves in after the spell castings are over and inspects any open wounds that need to be addressed.

If the Lemurian with the amputeed leg requires additional bandaging to keep the amputated area clean, Calvin will reach into his med kit and quickly apply a dressing. 1d100 < 73%: [43] = 43

Otherwise, he will cast "Deaden Pain" (-4 ISP) on the leg. This is to prevent nerve signals from firing so that the patient will stop feeling the presence of a phantom limb. Hopefully this will let the Lemurian explorer rest easier.

Once the Lemurians have been dealt with, he returns to Rory and Rufus. "You guys got cut. Let me see your wounds and maybe I can heal them up."

If permitted, Calvin will cast "Healing Touch" (-6 ISP) on Rory.
In chat, Rufus's player has stated that Rufus will politely decline.
The storm picks up. The howling winds could be heard quite a distance from the mouth of the cave. Seeing that sentry duties are taken care of, Calvin starts to gather the corpses of the fallen. He rummages through the fallens' belongings while disconnecting armor, placing things into piles.

When the storm clears, we're gonna have to build a giant fucking pyre and burn them down.

Amongst the generic adventuring gear pile, Calvin will keep note of any kind of tools, collapsible shovels, survival implements like small axes. They will need some carpentry implements to build a pyre, as well as an axe to chop down trees. He will ask if he can take from the pile of otherwise non-noteworthy gear when the opportunity avails itself.

When Calvin sees a moment to talk to Jason alone, Calvin will motion to him and ask if they can speak quietly. Then Calvin will gently bring up the radio communication just before the ambush occurs:

"Hey boss. I didn't mean to counterman your orders when the ambush started. I uhh, how should I put it, have a supernaturally attuned sense of mortal danger. It's a psionic ability. My mom had it too. My forehead starts to sweat and I start tasting metal, kinda like when you know you are about to go into a big fight? Everything slows down for me for about 15 seconds. It's not a hunch or a feeling, rather it's a... very much a physical response. That's how I knew we were about to get jumped."

"When I yelled into a radio for hostiles, we didn't act quick enough. Do you want to have a code over the radio for when I get the... hrmn... heebee geebies again? I also saw Teres act quicker than normally, I think she might have the same danger sense."

Calvin waits for Jason for a response. He will listen to his boss as Jason has far more organizational military experience and Calvin will heed any instruction going forward.

Once the conversation with Jason winds to a end, Calvin will go find a quiet spot in the cave to meditate. Once he locates a good spot, Calvin unfurls his pack and grabs something soft to make into a cushion so he can sit comfortably. Using the meditation skill first, he hopes to recharge much of his magical reserves 1d100 < 93%: [24] = 24 . Falling into a trance almost immediately, Calvin moves to meditate for five hours to recover at a rate of 36 PPE/hour. (up to 180 PPE recovered). He then gets up, stretches a bit and takes in his refreshed state. Calvin then heads back into meditation trance using the psionic power to recover his psychic reserves (12 ISP/hr).

Topped off, he will open up his notebook and make a few sketches. He wants to preserve the location of this cave. However, Calvin is no cartographer. He will do his best to note the location of this cave from the coast line, preferably from the beach the Templars landed on. After committing whatever details he can remember onto paper, Calvin will lie down, using the soft padding as a make shift pillow, and try and catch some shut eye, if there is still any to be had.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [56] = 56 %
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 / 1d100: [63] = 63

Once he has his gear back, Jason dons his armor. He then lights up a cigar and spends a quiet moment savoring the nicotine before helping to separate out the good from bad gear.

With the storm still howling, Jason sees Calvin start to gather the corpses. He heads over and starts helping. "What's your plan for the bodies? " If Calvin mentions burning them, Jason disagrees. "With this storm, we would have real problems finding enough dry wood. When the Lemurians are up and about, why don't we just dump the bodies in the bottom of the parking deck. Its a better burial than they deserve. Local wildlife will find them and have a nice feast. Poetic justice."

When Calvin motions him away from the others, Jason goes willingly.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Mon Dec 09, 2024 12:31 am "Hey boss. I didn't mean to counterman your orders when the ambush started. I uhh, how should I put it, have a supernaturally attuned sense of mortal danger. It's a psionic ability. My mom had it too. My forehead starts to sweat and I start tasting metal, kinda like when you know you are about to go into a big fight? Everything slows down for me for about 15 seconds. It's not a hunch or a feeling, rather it's a... very much a physical response. That's how I knew we were about to get jumped."

"When I yelled into a radio for hostiles, we didn't act quick enough. Do you want to have a code over the radio for when I get the... hrmn... heebee geebies again? I also saw Teres act quicker than normally, I think she might have the same danger sense."
So that's what that was.. Jason ponders the implications of this 'danger sense', shaking his head over his mis-read of the situation. "Its OK Calvin. You did the right thing. If I had understood, I could have prevented Rory and Rufus from suffering their mana being drained. We do need to work on our inter-team communications. You see, to me, "hostiles" doesn't necessarily mean imminent deadly threat. We'll have to come up with a word or phrase that could be said openly. It would have to be innocuous enough to not inform the target, but unusual enough so that we wouldn't confuse the meaning." Jason runs several options through his head, Tango Uniform? Fugazi? Donkey Balls? "Fugazi might work. It's slang for 'screwy', or 'fucked up'. Its also something I haven't heard civilians use. "

After their talk, Jason heads back to the others to wait out the storm and for the Lemurians to wake up. When they are up and have had a chance to eat, Jason approaches them and asks them if they need further assistance on the island or transportation off of it. "We have a boat, once the storm blows itself out. It would be tight, but I think we could transport you. If you don't need or want help, then maybe you could help us. We are trying to find the city of Gamu, so that we can retrieve a package for our client. "
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [74*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [91] = 91

- PPE: 40/313 at the start of this post (he cast 50 of Calvin's 90 donated PPE last round)
- SDC: 45/55
- HP: 52/52


Rufus feels the flow of energy into him from Calvin. Ah, that's a little better... he thinks to himself as he grins and sets to casting healing spells. Assuming the Lemurians don't need any additional healing spells he nods. "My friends, how have they done for you in terms of food and drink? I think I've got enough energy left for a few sustenance spells that can take care of you for a few days... well... more like over a week, actually, but it'll definitely tide you over until you can get back to a proper dining table."

Should they indicate a need/desire for it, he'll nod and lay hands on them. "Very well -- বজায় রাখা..."
As I understand it, there are three Lemurians and Rufus can cast it on two people at a time, so as long as there aren't more than four he'll only need to cast Sustain twice for a total of 24 PPE

If there is still healing that needs to be done, he'll cast up to four more Heal Wounds spells instead.

Heal Wounds #1: -10 PPE, restores 3d6: [6, 5, 4] = 15 SDC and 1d6: [1] = 1 Hit Points
Heal Wounds #2: -10 PPE, restores 3d6: [3, 6, 3] = 12 SDC and 1d6: [1] = 1 Hit Points
Heal Wounds #3: -10 PPE, restores 3d6: [5, 3, 6] = 14 SDC and 1d6: [5] = 5 Hit Points
Heal Wounds #4: -10 PPE, restores 3d6: [5, 5, 3] = 13 SDC and 1d6: [2] = 2 Hit Points

Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:37 amAkamu approaches and kneels near his battered fellows. ”Hauʻoli wau i ka ʻike ʻana i kekahi o ʻoukou e ola nei. E hoʻokuʻu aku mākou iā ʻoe ke hala ka ʻino.
Only translatable by the Babble Fish. ”I'm glad to see some of you still live. We'll get you away as soon as the storm passes.”
Akamu says, before turning to the Templar. ”We thank you for your help in rescuing our brethren.”

Rufus raises up and brushes himself off as well as can be expected before offering Akamu his hand to shake. "And we thank YOU for your help in rescuing us as well," he adds with a grin. "From what I've been told of what happened out there, I almost feel sorry for our captors..." he adds a wink. "Almost."
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Mon Dec 09, 2024 12:31 am"You guys got cut. Let me see your wounds and maybe I can heal them up."

When Calvin approaches with the offer of healing, Rufus smiles but gently waves him away. "I appreciate the offer, moj prijatelj, but you've already been more than generous on my account. Please save your energy for those who need it worse than I do. I'll be fine -- with any luck, these’ll make some impressive additions to my 'stripes' collection that I can show off to the family the next time I visit back home."

His smile fades as soon as Calvin turns away. No, my friend, I need these stripes… he sighs to himself as he looks down at his wounds. I need them as reminders. I need to remember this day and what happened when I let myself get outmaneuvered and overpowered. I need to think better on my feet. I need to be ready for the unexpected. I need to just… just be better. The next time I let someone get the better of me, there may not be a timely rescue to save the day.


Rufus spends much of the next hour helping tend to the wounded Lemurians, catching up with Leo and Murdoc, meeting the Lemurian reinforcements, and generally being sociable. If he's got enough PPE left, he'll also allow himself the luxury of a Cleanse spell once he's gotten back dressed/geared up. Speaking of gear, he fishes out one of the more serviceable looking blue-green laser pistols from the loot pile along with a vibro-blade and a couple of spare e-clips. "What? I collect pistols, and we probably should all carry a vibro-blade. Y'know, 'just in case' and all that..." he says as he stows them into his bag of holding. I'll worry about where I'll actually carry them later.

After everyone seems more or less settled he'll excuse himself for the time being. "I don't mean to be anti-social, old friends and new, but I'm afraid my magical battery is still in dire need of recharging. But please, interrupt my meditation if you need me." He makes himself as comfortable as possible (for whatever that's worth in their current surroundings) and begins to enter his meditative trance.
Recovers spent PPE at rate of 7/hour sleeping or resting and 15/hour meditating (1 hour meditation counts as 1 hour of sleep in terms of recovering from fatigue and physical rest). So spending 10-11 hours meditating should result in 150-165 PPE recovered.

Should he hear/smell/see Jessie moving up close to him, his ears will flicker in her direction. "I envy you sometimes, you know..." he says under his breath without moving (or even opening his eyes, for that matter). "You're never caught off guard, you never seem out of your element, you always seem to know what to do, and you never seem..." He pauses, the words on the tip of his tongue but he's hesitant to spit them out.



He makes a face, as if he can physically taste the words he just spoke -- and they taste awful. Like the meat platter Dhaltuun tried to 'improve' that one time at Roma's and wound up getting sick all over the floor.

"How do you do it, prijatelj? What's your secret? I got caught flat-furred and wound up a liability. I got us captured and drained because I didn't think fast enough. Because I didn't act fast enough. Because..." he sighs heavily. "Because I wasn't good enough. And others suffered because of it." He shakes his head, still not willing to open his eyes. "I can't afford to not be good enough. Not anymore. Not after... after this, anyway."
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location:Foothills, north western side, Papua New Guinea.
Date: June 9th, 5:37 PM (12 hours has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 81°, Low 67°; Windy/Cloudy/First stages of Storm incoming (50 mph).
Mission Notes
The storm rages, and those watching it can now see why it was very clear they needed to find real shelter as winds pick up to over a hundred and forty miles per hour, tearing trees and the buildings outside the cave to shreds with the kind of force that no amount of armor would have protected against.

Inside the rest of the templar tend to wounds and the reacquisition of their gear, Which doesn’t take too long. In the end the only thing most of them can do is rest and wait, with the storm howling outside.

Rufus finds a quiet moment to talk to Jessie who wanders the cave.
Rufus wrote:"I envy you sometimes, you know... You're never caught off guard, you never seem out of your element, you always seem to know what to do, and you never seem..."



"How do you do it, prijatelj? What's your secret? I got caught flat-furred and wound up a liability. I got us captured and drained because I didn't think fast enough. Because I didn't act fast enough. Because... Because I wasn't good enough. And others suffered because of it. I can't afford to not be good enough. Not anymore. Not after... after this, anyway."
Jessie hugs Rufus’ furry head. ”I don’t think you did anything wrong. We were out maneuvered and they had a major trick up their sleeve. As for how I am rarely caught off guard, it’s an ability of mine, much like Calvin touts. It’s fairly common, but unless you have mental powers, unattainable. Also I am a Chooser of the Slain, I have been at this for a very long time.” Jessie says in a soft voice.

”This worked out in the end, so don’t stress it too hard. It was an unwinnable situation, that you had to make the best of.” Jessie says, squeezing Rufus tightly.

Meanwhile Calvin and Jason converse, before Calvin goes to meditate.

Several hours pass, and it seems the storm begins to move on or peeter out. It’s around this time that the Lemurian prisoners awaken, finally having been able to get some real rest after literal months of torture.
Jason wrote:"We have a boat, once the storm blows itself out. It would be tight, but I think we could transport you. If you don't need or want help, then maybe you could help us. We are trying to find the city of Gamu, so that we can retrieve a package for our client. "

Akamu nods at Jason. ”Leo and Murdoc were telling Lani and I about your situation, which, not gonna lie, is strange indeed. I know of Gamu, and I can get you there. Normally this would be Taboo, but you and yours did us a good deed, and from what I can tell, you mean no harm to our people.” Akamu says with a weak smile.

”So once the storm is clear we’ll head back down to the coast and retrieve our submersible. From there we can go to Gamu. How did you store your boat? Because the storm was fierce, you may not have one anymore.” Akamu says, with a hint of concern. Given that Jason, nor anyone else in the Templar save Jessie can answer that question, it’s left unanswered for the moment.

The storm finally passes, and the Templar can make their way from the cave to the shore. It’s weirdly easier and harder at the same time, which a large percentage of trees just gone, the sightlines are easier, but now the ground is rather water saturated making going about as slow as before.

Several hours of walking later the group arrives on what appears to be a devastated shore, debris is strewn about everywhere. Akamu nods at the sight and speaks up. ”I’ll get the sub, it’ll take me a little bit.” The Lemurian scout says as he dives into the ocean and disappears.

What are your intentions?

It takes Akamu about an hour to come back with a small submersible that can house the group. Here is the time to say your goodbyes to Papua New Guinea. After this I will fast forward the trip to Gamu Island, and ever so close to the end of this adventure. ~Consumer

24 BG-15 Blue/Green Laser Pistol, 50 or so Vibro-Knives in rough repair, 300,000 credits worth of valuables weighing approximately 50 lbs. Everything else is generic adventuring equipment worth little to nothing.

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 58/60
Rory: High Magus Armor 28/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 65/70 M.D.C..
Calvin Wallace: NG-A8 50/50 M.D.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 66: [82] = 82
JIC: 1d100: [42] = 42 | 1d20: [14] = 14
Jason wrote: So that's what that was.. Jason ponders the implications of this 'danger sense', shaking his head over his mis-read of the situation. "Its OK Calvin. You did the right thing. If I had understood, I could have prevented Rory and Rufus from suffering their mana being drained. We do need to work on our inter-team communications. You see, to me, "hostiles" doesn't necessarily mean imminent deadly threat. We'll have to come up with a word or phrase that could be said openly. It would have to be innocuous enough to not inform the target, but unusual enough so that we wouldn't confuse the meaning." Jason runs several options through his head, Tango Uniform? Fugazi? Donkey Balls? "Fugazi might work. It's slang for 'screwy', or 'fucked up'. Its also something I haven't heard civilians use. "
Calvin replies: "Fugazi it is. We can talk about it with the rest of the crew later, in case others have the same power."
Jason wrote: With the storm still howling, Jason sees Calvin start to gather the corpses. He heads over and starts helping. "What's your plan for the bodies? " If Calvin mentions burning them, Jason disagrees. "With this storm, we would have real problems finding enough dry wood. When the Lemurians are up and about, why don't we just dump the bodies in the bottom of the parking deck. Its a better burial than they deserve. Local wildlife will find them and have a nice feast. Poetic justice."
Calvin listens to Jason quietly. I guess I can see his perspective here. I'm not completely against it. I just want to burn them down so it wouldn't attract another group of critters nesting here, or give necromancers any additional body parts to play with. But with the local dino population, this cache of food wouldn't last long anyway.

Calvin gives Jason a nod. Shame, I haven't set fire to anything with my mind in a while.. He cracks a small smile at the thought.
Rufus wrote: When Calvin approaches with the offer of healing, Rufus smiles but gently waves him away. "I appreciate the offer, moj prijatelj, but you've already been more than generous on my account. Please save your energy for those who need it worse than I do. I'll be fine -- with any luck, these’ll make some impressive additions to my 'stripes' collection that I can show off to the family the next time I visit back home."
When talking to Rufus, Calvin can't seem to shake the feeling that Rufus hasn't had the best run in combat lately. Between blowing up the dino corpses, and now getting captured by the psi stalkers, Calvin chalks it mostly to a) frustration on the first count b) and miscommunication on the later. I guess I'm going to be scouting ahead from now on and let Teres take point while Jason covers the rear, unless someone more qualified comes around..

As Rufus spends his time being sociable, Calvin tries and listens in for content and amusement. Rufus certainly knows how to work a crowd. It's probably best to take this slow and ramp up the social butterfly later.. The wear and tear of the weapons gathered bothered Calvin a bit. This pile of shit seriously needs an audit, and maybe some tenderness to get back to full working condition.

Calvin proceeds to go through pile of gathered pistols and vibro knives. Just as he sits down, Rufus comes over:
Rufus wrote: Speaking of gear, he fishes out one of the more serviceable looking blue-green laser pistols from the loot pile along with a vibro-blade and a couple of spare e-clips. "What? I collect pistols, and we probably should all carry a vibro-blade. Y'know, 'just in case' and all that..." he says as he stows them into his bag of holding. I'll worry about where I'll actually carry them later.
Calvin replies:

"Indeed. We could always use a vibro blade for backup. I have some expertise in field stripping and repairing weaponry. I don't have any proper tools with me right now, but I should be able to tell what guns and knives are good or bad. I can't overhaul these things entirely, but we can sort out this stuff and then let loose someone else who are actual weapons engineers."

Without further ado, Calvin watches Rufus pick over the pile. Then he combs through the pile of pistols and vibro knives and sets them into three piles: immediately functional, needs repair, good for spare parts. As the group waits for their ride, Calvin diligently works through the weapons. (Field Armorer & Munitions Expert: 1d100 < 68: [3] = 3 , Basic Mechanics: 1d100 < 63%: [22] = 22 ). He pulls the e-clips from the all the weapons and examines them, making sure they can still hold a charge.

Once the weapons are inspected, Calvin gathers up a few bags from the adventuring gear pile and bundles the weapons with their assorted designation. Then he bundles the gear into separate bags and hands them out to different group members to help carry, but not before taking a functioning vibro blade, along with one short eclip, for himself.
Consumer wrote: The storm finally passes, and the Templar can make their way from the cave to the shore. It’s weirdly easier and harder at the same time, which a large percentage of trees just gone, the sightlines are easier, but now the ground is rather water saturated making going about as slow as before.

Several hours of walking later the group arrives on what appears to be a devastated shore, debris is strewn about everywhere. Akamu nods at the sight and speaks up. ”I’ll get the sub, it’ll take me a little bit.” The Lemurian scout says as he dives into the ocean and disappears.
Calvin follows the group. He's carrying the rubber raft along with his own pack. I'm gonna have to slim down what I bring the next time if I want to be the scout.. Eying the colossal damage in the wake of a heavy hurricane storm, Calvin quietly whistles to himself. As the long match progresses, Calvin checks his notes and makes sure his notes to the underground parking lot is accurate.

Finally arriving on the beach, he watches as Akamu descend below the waves. Looking towards Jessie, he asks simply: "Hey Jessie, what happened to our boat?". Using the rubber raft carrying case a makeshift seat, Calvin sets the rest of his gear down and waits for a response.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [38*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 / 1d100: [21] = 21

- PPE: 184/313 at the start of this post
The last GM post doesn't indicate that any more spells were needed, so I'm taking off 6 PPE for Rufus' Cleanse spell on himself for a total of 34 PPE remaining before he starts meditating... and for ease of tracking I'm going to estimate that he got in a good 10 hours worth of meditation, which would recoup 150 PPE.

- SDC: 45/55
- HP: 52/52

- Basic Mechanics 1d100<57: [24*] = 1 (to help him pick out serviceable weapons/help Calvin sort through the stash)
- Field Armorer & Munitions Expert -- 1d100<67: [22*] = 1 (to help him pick out serviceable weapons/help Calvin sort through the stash)
- Salvage -- 1d100<47: [62] = 0 (to help him pick out serviceable weapons/help Calvin sort through the stash)

(sorry, probably should have posted these skill checks last post)

Calvin_Wallace wrote: Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:07 am"Indeed. We could always use a vibro blade for backup. I have some expertise in field stripping and repairing weaponry. I don't have any proper tools with me right now, but I should be able to tell what guns and knives are good or bad. I can't overhaul these things entirely, but we can sort out this stuff and then let loose someone else who are actual weapons engineers."
Rufus nods. "Same here. At one point I wanted to go into Techno-Wizardry, but got talked out of it... so all I know is pretty much just the basics. As for tools, though..." he shrugs off his backpack and starts rummaging through it, ultimately pulling out a gun repair kit and pulling a cleaning kit from a pouch on his harness. "Not exactly a proper work bench, but better than nothing..." he hands the kits over to Calvin. "You want to start working on sorting things, I'll help you for a little while before I need to start recharging."

A little while later, he stands up and looks at his watch. Well, that's two hours gone... he muses as he does some mental calculations. Another four or five would be better, but I'll take it... he shrugs as he finds his place to settle down and starts making himself comfortable. "Feel free to use the tools as long as you need..." he nods to Calvin. "If I'm out of it when you're done, just slip 'em back into the pack. I've left the bear traps inside disarmed so you won't lose any fingers..." he adds with a smirk as he closes his eyes and starts to meditate.

Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2024 6:36 amJessie hugs Rufus’ furry head. ”I don’t think you did anything wrong. We were out maneuvered and they had a major trick up their sleeve. As for how I am rarely caught off guard, it’s an ability of mine, much like Calvin touts. It’s fairly common, but unless you have mental powers, unattainable. Also I am a Chooser of the Slain, I have been at this for a very long time. This worked out in the end, so don’t stress it too hard. It was an unwinnable situation, that you had to make the best of.” Jessie says, squeezing Rufus tightly,
"Hvala, dragi prijatelj
Thank you, dear friend
Rufus smiles and returns Jessie's hug as best he can. If kankoran could purr, he'd definitely be doing it. "It's just that this and the incident with the raptors were just a couple of unpleasant reminders of some long-term... 'issues' I've had as long as I can remember. I guess what I needed was a big hug and some encouraging words of wisdom from the Templar's resident voice of experience." He gives Jessie's arms a pat. "Just another reason I'm glad you two decided to stick around with us."


Later... As the combined group makes its way back to the beach, Rufus offers to cast a flight spell on the amputee to make the going easier and will likely cast one on himself as well so he can serve as an airborne lookout (plus it's easier than walking and Rufus needs to feel some breeze right about now). It's much easier to keep track of his companions on the ground than before, of course, without as many trees blocking the view. Rufus can't help but stare in awe at the destruction. "I'll say this for those natives," he says to no one in particular, "they at least had the right idea for their village. Can't get much more stormproof than an underground parking deck. We probably would have been blown away had he tried sheltering anywhere else in the area."

Once the groups reach the beach, he alights down and looks out towards the rock formations where he last saw the boat.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:07 am"Hey Jessie, what happened to our boat?"
Took the words right out of my mouth... Rufus nods as Akamu's unanswered question echoes in his mind. "Jessie, you need someone to fly out with you and help get it under way?"

If she agrees, then Rufus will fly out with her and assist. Otherwise he'll wait on the beach with the others. While he's waiting he shakes his head and laughs. "I still think it's hilarious that we left you two hundreds of miles away -- if not thousands -- and yet you still beat us here..." he gives Leo and Murdoc a grin.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location:Foothills, north western side, Papua New Guinea.
Date: June 15th, 5:00 PM (6 days have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 90°, Low 73°; Clear skies, light winds..
Mission Notes
Calvin wrote:"Hey Jessie, what happened to our boat?"
Jessie looks towards Calvin and smirks. ”It’s hard to say exactly, but know that it is safe and that it can be retrieved at a moment's notice.” Jessie says, it’s clear she’s keeping some manner of secret to herself, and is unlikely to give a straighter answer than the one she’s given.
Rufus wrote:"Jessie, you need someone to fly out with you and help get it under way?"
Jessie looks over to Rufus. ”Not necessary, the Lemurians said they’d give us a ride. I think it’ll be faster given it’s a motorized vehicle.” Jessie says.

Akamu arrives with a submersible, surfacing and pulling it a few yards from shore. It is a yellow and white affair that appears to be a civilian model. Lani picks up the crippled Kai and carries him into the ocean to get on board, while the other Lemurian’s follow suit. It takes a few minutes for everyone to get situated in the interior of the vehicle, before the hatch is sealed and the submarine makes way.

The next few days are rather dull, as the submarine makes its way to parts unknown. Watching the ocean through the forward view port occasionally shows some wildlife or geological formation, which is all that really amounts to interesting outside. The Lemurians continue to heal, and seem to be in brighter spirits, even going so far as to sing songs and tell stories, but a lot of the context of either is lost on the non-Lemurians. It’s during this part of the trip that Lani takes off her bulky armor, and stows it to better fit into the area, which while a little crowded, is still cozy enough to not cause too much stress.

After nearly a week, Akamu speaks up. ”We’re nearing Gamu Island. I have gotten permission for your arrival. A few notes, you will be limited to the visitor’s area, and Kiri-Kiri will be there to meet you. I would advise not deviating from that.” Akamu says as an upside down mountain begins to loom into view, as the submarine gets closer, more details can be made out, such as a orb of what one could assume is air surrounding the mountain and dozens of smaller forms swimming or moving about around the island. A pair of sleek mini-subs and a massive sea serpent with a squad of Lemurians riding on the outside come up to the submarine, and escort it the rest of the way in.

The submarine enters a tunnel and eventually surfaces in a large pool surrounded by gardens. ”This is where we part ways. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us and wish you luck in your travels.” Akamu says. With that the Templar are escorted out of the sub and onto solid land once more, even if the solid land is a few hundred feet below the surface of the ocean. Standing near the gangplank is an elderly looking woman wearing a colorful robe with a shawl made of some manner of green material. She is flanked by two men wearing organic looking body armor. ”Welcome to Gamu Island, I trust your trip from Papua New Guinea was uneventful.” The woman says, obviously informed that the group has been traveling a long while. ”I am Kiri-Kiri, and these two statues are my entourage. Please let us head to the visitors center and I can get you what you seek.” Kiri-Kiri says, leading the Templar to a nearby building, and a series of very comfortable looking chairs, lounges, and benches. Jessie and Vlad find a spot to sit while the rest of the Templar talk with Kiri-Kiri.

”So please tell me about yourselves?” Kiri-Kiri says as a servant brings refreshments for the group.

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 58/60
Rory: High Magus Armor 28/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 65/70 M.D.C..
Calvin Wallace: NG-A8 50/50 M.D.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [29] = 29 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [12] = 12 | 1d100: [89] = 89
Babel fish: 1d100: [56] = 56

She was still not in a talkative mood thanks to her time away from Lonestar. It may not have been the best place to live, but it was home and she missed it. for now she just wanted to get this mission over and get back to a setting she liked. All this underwater, jungles and island living was interesting but not her thing. Even an animal had a natural environment. Would a polar bear be happy in a desert? She would gladly protect those other Biomes and give them all the respect they were due, but they were not her 'natural' environment. So they did not provide that same sense of comfort. People were the same as animals at their core.

She had to admit the idea of an island like this was impressive. a nice place to visit, but I would not like live here full time. she thinks.

When Ki Ri speaks up she is pulled out her thoughts and she replies, "Nothing special in my past nor anything I feel would be helpful now, Kiri-Kiri. I am simply not that interesting a person. only a Psi-druid nothing more." she says then goes back to her thoughts. when the message gets garbled she simply shrugs.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

PER: 1d100 < 66: [14] = 14
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 | 1d100: [36] = 36

Rufus wrote: Rufus nods. "Same here. At one point I wanted to go into Techno-Wizardry, but got talked out of it... so all I know is pretty much just the basics. As for tools, though..." he shrugs off his backpack and starts rummaging through it, ultimately pulling out a gun repair kit and pulling a cleaning kit from a pouch on his harness. "Not exactly a proper work bench, but better than nothing..." he hands the kits over to Calvin. "You want to start working on sorting things, I'll help you for a little while before I need to start recharging."

A little while later, he stands up and looks at his watch. Well, that's two hours gone... he muses as he does some mental calculations. Another four or five would be better, but I'll take it... he shrugs as he finds his place to settle down and starts making himself comfortable. "Feel free to use the tools as long as you need..." he nods to Calvin. "If I'm out of it when you're done, just slip 'em back into the pack. I've left the bear traps inside disarmed so you won't lose any fingers..." he adds with a smirk as he closes his eyes and starts to meditate.

Calvin eyes the tools greedily. Man, I'm going to need to stock up whenever I can.. Accepting the tools graciously, Calvin says: "Man Rufus, how will we ever get anything done without you?".

Working diligently through the pile for a few hours, he puts together a pile of weapons he deems to be in acceptable working order. The rest he finds a t shirt in his bag and wraps them up in a bundle. Then he stows the weapons away in bags and returns the tools, only to find Rufus in deep meditation.

Best not bother him now. He doesn't like being woken out of his trance for no reason.


By the time they get to the beach, Calvin is thoroughly done with with lugging hundreds of pounds of equipment whilst clumsily waddling through the country side.

I'm gonna need a vehicle of some sort. And even then, I'll probably need some spells that will help me move heavy things. Can't always depend on brute strength. Also, I need to keep my hands free.

Consumer wrote: Jessie looks towards Calvin and smirks. ”It’s hard to say exactly, but know that it is safe and that it can be retrieved at a moment's notice.” Jessie says, it’s clear she’s keeping some manner of secret to herself, and is unlikely to give a straighter answer than the one she’s given.

Hearing her reply, Calvin raises his eyebrows and smirks back. Whatever you say, lady.
Nodding in acknowledgement, Calvin responds simply with "Ay ay Captain." and leaves the mystery alone.

Consumer wrote: Jessie looks over to Rufus. ”Not necessary, the Lemurians said they’d give us a ride. I think it’ll be faster given it’s a motorized vehicle.” Jessie says.

Akamu arrives with a submersible, surfacing and pulling it a few yards from shore. It is a yellow and white affair that appears to be a civilian model. Lani picks up the crippled Kai and carries him into the ocean to get on board, while the other Lemurian’s follow suit. It takes a few minutes for everyone to get situated in the interior of the vehicle, before the hatch is sealed and the submarine makes way.

The next few days are rather dull, as the submarine makes its way to parts unknown. Watching the ocean through the forward view port occasionally shows some wildlife or geological formation, which is all that really amounts to interesting outside. The Lemurians continue to heal, and seem to be in brighter spirits, even going so far as to sing songs and tell stories, but a lot of the context of either is lost on the non-Lemurians. It’s during this part of the trip that Lani takes off her bulky armor, and stows it to better fit into the area, which while a little crowded, is still cozy enough to not cause too much stress.

Calvin is barely able to contain his excitement for the first few parts of his journey. Having never been on a sub before, he spends the first few hours staring out of the nearest view port into the ocean. Audible gasps, oos and ahhs in low volume accompany the thoroughly captivating view. I'M IN A SUB AND THE OCEAN IS BEAUTIFUL! Is that a whale with a fucking unicorn horn? Oh my god, so many dolphins and fish... THIS IS SO FREAKING COOL!

As the Lemurians quietly talk amongst themselves, Calvin heeds the temptation to cast Tongues to listen in. Maybe it's best to let them have their space. They've been cooped up so long.. Meanwhile, he digs out his sketchpad and some pencils, and begins to quietly journal the events of the past few days.
Finally, he sits restfully in his seat during his trip. He has a personal record of meditation time that he is working to beat.
Longest I've been under trance is 16 hours. Let's try and beat that. Then I'm gonna make better friends with the group. If this goes longer than a few days, surely some folks will want to talk.

Meditation: 1d100 < 93%: [5] = 5

Coming out of his trance, he gets out of his seat and gingerly stretches a bit, and then tries to make conversation with his team mates. Teres seems to be in a bad mood, so Calvin gingerly inquires: "Teres, you alright?" Getting little to no response, he moves on to converse with Rory, Rufus and Jason. He is tempted to ask the Murdoc and Leo for some martial arts practice, but with the lack of space on the ship, he just tries to listen in and be sociable when called upon.

MA: 1d100 < 55%: [81] = 81
PB: 1d100 < 60%: [2] = 2

Consumer wrote: After nearly a week, Akamu speaks up. ”We’re nearing Gamu Island. I have gotten permission for your arrival. A few notes, you will be limited to the visitor’s area, and Kiri-Kiri will be there to meet you. I would advise not deviating from that.” Akamu says as an upside down mountain begins to loom into view, as the submarine gets closer, more details can be made out, such as a orb of what one could assume is air surrounding the mountain and dozens of smaller forms swimming or moving about around the island. A pair of sleek mini-subs and a massive sea serpent with a squad of Lemurians riding on the outside come up to the submarine, and escort it the rest of the way in.

The submarine enters a tunnel and eventually surfaces in a large pool surrounded by gardens. ”This is where we part ways. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us and wish you luck in your travels.” Akamu says. With that the Templar are escorted out of the sub and onto solid land once more, even if the solid land is a few hundred feet below the surface of the ocean. Standing near the gangplank is an elderly looking woman wearing a colorful robe with a shawl made of some manner of green material. She is flanked by two men wearing organic looking body armor. ”Welcome to Gamu Island, I trust your trip from Papua New Guinea was uneventful.” The woman says, obviously informed that the group has been traveling a long while. ”I am Kiri-Kiri, and these two statues are my entourage. Please let us head to the visitors center and I can get you what you seek.” Kiri-Kiri says, leading the Templar to a nearby building, and a series of very comfortable looking chairs, lounges, and benches. Jessie and Vlad find a spot to sit while the rest of the Templar talk with Kiri-Kiri.

As Akamu speaks up, Calvin simply nods in acknowledgement. When opportune, he gently asks the Lemurians and says: "Who's Kiri-Kiri?". He will gently inquire about Lemurian etiquette and customs, what is expected of visitors, what is considered good form.

On arrival, Calvin makes a special note to thank Akamu for helping rescue his team mates as well as carting them across oceans. Disembarking, Calvin will heed to any and all advice that was bestowed upon him.

On meeting Kiri-Kiri, Calvin takes a deep bow and thanks her for her hospitality. Her escorts are wearing body armor that looks alive. Is that the basis of their technology? Do they augment organic matter to make it work for them?

As the group is chaperoned to the visitor's center, Calvin couldn't help but notice that the furniture and layout of the facility are well thought through and deliberately adorned for people who have came off of long trip. Finally sitting down, Kiri-Kiri begins to ask about the group.
Teres wrote: When Ki Ri speaks up she is pulled out her thoughts and she replies, "Nothing special in my past nor anything I feel would be helpful now, Kiri-Kiri. I am simply not that interesting a person. only a Psi-druid nothing more." she says then goes back to her thoughts. when the message gets garbled she simply shrugs.
"This is not how things are done! These people are being welcoming. Tell them what we want and be nice about it?"

Calvin closes his eyes for a second, then shoots a look to Jason and Rufus. Unfastening and taking off his helmut, Calvin addresses Kiri-Kiri as one would address someone of authority, i.e. with deft and utmost courtesy

"Madam Kiri-Kiri, we are the Templar, an adventuring group out of North America. I am Calvin Wallace. Please accept our humble thanks for your hospitality. Our leaders are Mr. Jason Long and Mr. Rufus here. Our charge is to retrieve an object for our patron that has been kept on Gamu for safe keeping."

Calvin looks to Rufus and Jason to fill in the details.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [10*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [38] = 38

- Assuming that after 6 days Rufus' PPE, HP, and SDC are all back to max. And hopefully some wicked cool scars stripes as a result.

- Charm/Impress: 1d100<40: [70] = 0 (when meeting Kiri-Kiri)
- Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 1d100<25: [42] = 0 (when meeting Kiri-Kiri)
- Sense Ley Line: 90 miles (144.8 km). Can follow the feeling to the location of the ley line. 1d100<77: [42*] = 1
- Sense Ley Line Nexus: Can follow ley line to as many nexus points as it may have. 1d100<87: [38*] = 1
- Sense a Rift: Anywhere within 130 miles (209.2 km) of him.
- Sense Magic in Use: Up to 900’ (274.3 m) away.
- See Magic Energy. Range: 1,000' (305 m)
- Track blood scent up to 1,000’/305 m away: 1d100<68: [20*] = 1
- Recognize common/known smells: 1d100<79: [6*] = 1
- Recognize the scent of others up to 50’/15.2 m away: 1d100<58: [37*] = 1
- Keen Hearing (equal to a Dog Boy): Can hear into a higher range of sound and can register sounds of 35,000 vibrations per second compared to 20,000 in humans and 25,000 in cats. His large ears work like external sound receivers that can pick up and swivel to focus in on the sound of the noise. He can also shut off their inner ear to filter the general din of noise in zero-in on the sound he wants to concentrate on.

Calvin_Wallace wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 12:41 pm"Man Rufus, how will we ever get anything done without you?"
Rufus chuckles. "Let's hope we never have to find out, prijatelj..." He gives Calvin a pat on the shoulder as he goes to find a place to meditate.

Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:02 am
Calvin wrote:"Hey Jessie, what happened to our boat?"
Jessie looks towards Calvin and smirks. ”It’s hard to say exactly, but know that it is safe and that it can be retrieved at a moment's notice.” Jessie says, it’s clear she’s keeping some manner of secret to herself, and is unlikely to give a straighter answer than the one she’s given.
Rufus wrote:"Jessie, you need someone to fly out with you and help get it under way?"
Jessie looks over to Rufus. ”Not necessary, the Lemurians said they’d give us a ride. I think it’ll be faster given it’s a motorized vehicle.” Jessie says.
Rufus grins and gives Jessie a quick glance. You parked it in Asgard, didn't you? He chuckles to himself. You stuck it through a portal somewhere, somehow... or else I'm a chihuahua's uncle.

The surfacing of the submersible quickly captures his attention. He's heard of them, sure, but to actually see one in operation... well, that's a seahorse of a different color.

"Oooooooooooooooooo..." he coos. "Zdaj pa tako potujete v stilu..."
"Now that's how you travel in style..."

Like Calvin, he's like a kid in a candy store when they're riding along in the submersible and is insanely curious about the vessel itself, but tries his best to keep from pestering Akamu or the others too much. He pays close attention when the sub encounters landmarks/wildlife -- it's probably everyday fare for the Lemurians, but it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the Templar. More than once he thinks about Liam and Crosses-The-Undertow as they encounter the wildlife. This must be what it's like to be in their world, he thinks to himself. Seems pretty lonely to me, but apparently crossing the empty and open seas agrees with them.

"It's a pity we'll likely never see them again," he mutters to nobody in particular. "I enjoyed our visit, brief as it was."

He also checks in with Kai from time to time, offering additional healing spells if needed (saying "hey, it's the least we can do in exchange for the ride" if asked).
Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:02 am”We’re nearing Gamu Island. I have gotten permission for your arrival. A few notes, you will be limited to the visitor’s area, and Kiri-Kiri will be there to meet you. I would advise not deviating from that.” Akamu says as an upside down mountain begins to loom into view, as the submarine gets closer, more details can be made out, such as a orb of what one could assume is air surrounding the mountain and dozens of smaller forms swimming or moving about around the island. A pair of sleek mini-subs and a massive sea serpent with a squad of Lemurians riding on the outside come up to the submarine, and escort it the rest of the way in.
Rufus nods. "That's completely understanda-- whoa. Od's whiskers..." his eyes grow big as he sees the upside-down mountain for the first time. "That's Gamu, I presume?" he asks Akamu. "Every time I think I've seen something impressive out here, something even more impressive shows up. I'm not sure I could imagine seeing anything out here more impressive than this, though."

The sea serpent escort catches his eye. "Well I guess that's one mystery answered..." he chuckles. "I wondered what made those massive prints back on the beach."
Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:02 amThe submarine enters a tunnel and eventually surfaces in a large pool surrounded by gardens. ”This is where we part ways. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us and wish you luck in your travels.”
"And we greatly appreciate everything you've done for us as well," Rufus replies with a slight bow. "Farewell, moji prijatelji," he says to the other Lemurians. "We may have met under the absolute worst of circumstances, but we're glad to have gotten to know you all. I pray your recoveries are swift and complete."
Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:02 amStanding near the gangplank is an elderly looking woman wearing a colorful robe with a shawl made of some manner of green material. She is flanked by two men wearing organic looking body armor. ”Welcome to Gamu Island, I trust your trip from Papua New Guinea was uneventful.” The woman says, obviously informed that the group has been traveling a long while. ”I am Kiri-Kiri, and these two statues are my entourage. Please let us head to the visitors center and I can get you what you seek.”
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, ma'am..." Rufus bows in greeting. "Our trip was uneventful in the sense that nothing unpleasant happened, but it was my first ride in a submarine..." he shrugs with a sheepish grin as he walks to the visitor's center. "So it was quite an event for me, at least."
Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:02 am”So please tell me about yourselves?” Kiri-Kiri says as a servant brings refreshments for the group.
Teres Barton wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:26 am"Nothing special in my past nor anything I feel would be helpful now, Kiri-Kiri. I am simply not that interesting a person. only a Psi-druid nothing more."
Rufus sighs softly and shakes his head slightly. He's about to say something when Calvin beats him to it.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 12:41 pm"Madam Kiri-Kiri, we are the Templar, an adventuring group out of North America. I am Calvin Wallace. Please accept our humble thanks for your hospitality. Our leaders are Mr. Jason Long and Mr. Rufus here. Our charge is to retrieve an object for our patron that has been kept on Gamu for safe keeping."
"Indeed," Rufus nods. "We greatly appreciate your hospitality, ma'am, especially the part about making an exception allowing us to visit in the first place." He gestures to Calvin. "Cal here is correct. Some would call us 'mercenaries,' I'm sure, and they technically wouldn't be far wrong, but we do our best to make sure we help people who need helping as much as possible. As far as introductions go... I'm Rufus of Clan Longfang, and these are Teres, Jason, Rory, Leo, Murdoc, Jessie, and Vlad."

"As far as our charge... it's not so much a 'job' as it is returning a favor. Our patron not only healed Leo here of a terrible illness, and quite frankly saved his life, but he also came to our aid while defending Leo's family homestead from bandits. In return he asked that we seek you out." he shrugs apologetically to Leo. "Sorry, prijatelj, don't mean to embarrass you."

He looks to Jason, deferring to him for the specifics. No point in stepping on his tail too hard.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [84] = 84 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [11] = 11 | 1d100: 1d100: [75] = 75

Skill rolls:
Weapons Engineer: 1d100: [58] = 58 / 75%
Mechanical Engineer: 1d100: [93] = 93 / 75%
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Thu Dec 12, 2024 12:07 am
"I can't overhaul these things entirely, but we can sort out this stuff and then let loose someone else who are actual weapons engineers."

Once the weapons are inspected, Calvin gathers up a few bags from the adventuring gear pile and bundles the weapons with their assorted designation. Then he bundles the gear into separate bags and hands them out to different group members to help carry, but not before taking a functioning vibro blade, along with one short eclip, for himself.
After Rufus has sorted the weapons out, Rory has a good look at them, trying to determine how much work each of them will take to bring it up to good working order.

She looks them over and occasionally says "Hmm."

"Yeah, we can do somethin' with these."

She looks at Rufus.

"Good selection."

She then turns to Calvin as soon as they're bundled together.

"Much appreciate the bundling. I can sort stuff out, but I'm nae the best at packing. Just ask, well, anyone, really. I always want ta take everything, an' I can never get it all inta the bags, so stuff is always dribblin' out."

Once the submarine arrives, she says quiet. During the entire trip, she's looking at how everything is put together. She stays quiet, trying to work out how the engineering of the submarine works. From time to time she pauses, looking contemplative, before resuming her observation.

When they arrive at their destination, her mouth drops open as she takes in the sight.

"Woah. Now this, this is impressive!

As if embarrassed by her unintended comment, she blushes and stands behind the others as they are greeted by Kiri-Kiri.

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 0/165

Armor: High Magus armor: 28/50 MDC

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
OOC Comments
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Jason Long
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

Jason helps hauls gear to the shore and waits for the sub with the others.
Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:02 am "Hey Jessie, what happened to our boat?"

Jessie looks towards Calvin and smirks. ”It’s hard to say exactly, but know that it is safe and that it can be retrieved at a moment's notice.” Jessie says, it’s clear she’s keeping some manner of secret to herself, and is unlikely to give a straighter answer than the one she’s given.

Rufus wrote:
"Jessie, you need someone to fly out with you and help get it under way?"

Jessie looks over to Rufus. ”Not necessary, the Lemurians said they’d give us a ride. I think it’ll be faster given it’s a motorized vehicle.” Jessie says.
Well, that answers one question Jason helps Calvin load the gear onto the sub. He removes his armor and stows it to make more room. The closeness of the sub is comforting to his tanker's sensibilities. He finds the undersea view peaceful and relaxes.
Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:02 am ”This is where we part ways. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us and wish you luck in your travels.” Akamu says. With that the Templar are escorted out of the sub and onto solid land once more, even if the solid land is a few hundred feet below the surface of the ocean.
Jason thanks Alamu for the transportation and wishes the Lemurians healing and good fortune.
Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:02 am Standing near the gangplank is an elderly looking woman wearing a colorful robe with a shawl made of some manner of green material. She is flanked by two men wearing organic looking body armor. ”Welcome to Gamu Island, I trust your trip from Papua New Guinea was uneventful.” The woman says, obviously informed that the group has been traveling a long while. ”I am Kiri-Kiri, and these two statues are my entourage. Please let us head to the visitors center and I can get you what you seek.”

Jason bows to Kiri-Kiri in response tor her welcome and follows her to the welcome center. Statues? Living statues? Without staring, Jason tries to see if their bodies appear inorganic. His attention returns to Kiri-Kiri once they reach the lounges.
Consumer wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:02 am ”So please tell me about yourselves?” Kiri-Kiri says as a servant brings refreshments for the group.
Jason waits for the others to speak before introducing himself. "Madam Kiri-Kiri, I am Jason Long, Armored Cavalry Soldier, and leader of the Templar. Let me add to my compatriots' appreciation for your hospitality. It is a privilege to be allowed to visit your city. One we won't soon forget. I am not from your world and have never even dreamt of a city like this. "

If Kiri-Kiri, appeared to be asking about the Templar as individuals, Jason adds, "On my homeworld, I operated a heavily armored fighting machine called a Veritech Hover Tank. I was part of the Army of the Southern Cross, which was the primary planetary defense force, defending the world from invaders. Less than two years ago, I was transported by unknown means to your world. I joined The Templar in MercTown to continue helping people and fighting evil. "

Getting back to the team's objective, Jason explains, "Our patron, who we know of as Mack, asked us to find you and collect some genetic information that you have for him. It has been an...interesting trip, but in return for what Mack has done, well worth it. Mack gave us a transmitter to use that will summon a flying creature to return us when we are ready to return. "
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location:Desert Plain, South of Coalition Lonestar, several miles from the Milton Homestead.
Date: June 16th, 2:00 PM (10 hours have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 84°, Low 73°; Clear skies, light winds..
Mission Notes
The visitor area is a proverbial paradise, the area is filled with plants, from mighty trees bearing colorful flowers and fruit, to small shrubberies and other flowering ground plants. A variety of small animals and birds both mundane and exotic can be seen in the area flitting between the branches or playing near the bases. The actual area the group sits in is pleasantly decorated with marble benches and chairs with fine padded cushions. Small tables are scattered about, and it is here that the servants place pitchers and carafes of beverages and plates and trays of finger foods. Kiri-Kiri sits upon one of the chairs, a crystal glass in one hand, while her entourage stand a dozen or more feet away, as if actively trying to not crowd the woman.
Teres wrote:"Nothing special in my past nor anything I feel would be helpful now, Kiri-Kiri. I am simply not that interesting a person. only a Psi-druid nothing more."
Kiri-Kiri shakes her head. ”Oh my dear, no one is not special or uninteresting to me. A Psi-Druid you say. I have several of them in my employ, they are most useful in collecting various animals for cataloging.” Kiri-Kiri says, a look of sadness on her face at Teres’ non committal response.
Calvin wrote:"Madam Kiri-Kiri, we are the Templar, an adventuring group out of North America. I am Calvin Wallace. Please accept our humble thanks for your hospitality. Our leaders are Mr. Jason Long and Mr. Rufus here. Our charge is to retrieve an object for our patron that has been kept on Gamu for safe keeping."
Kiri-Kiri nods to Calvin. ”A pleasure. I think you may have some of the details of why you’re here wrong, but it’s not important. I am glad to play host for you and your companions.” Kiri-Kiri says with a warm smile, before taking a sip of the beverage in her glass.
Rufus wrote:"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, ma'am… Our trip was uneventful in the sense that nothing unpleasant happened, but it was my first ride in a submarine… So it was quite an event for me, at least."
Kiri-Kiri nods, smiling warmly.
Rufus wrote:"Indeed, We greatly appreciate your hospitality, ma'am, especially the part about making an exception allowing us to visit in the first place. Cal here is correct. Some would call us 'mercenaries,' I'm sure, and they technically wouldn't be far wrong, but we do our best to make sure we help people who need helping as much as possible. As far as introductions go... I'm Rufus of Clan Longfang, and these are Teres, Jason, Rory, Leo, Murdoc, Jessie, and Vlad."
Kiri-Kiri appears to be giving Rufus and the group at large her full attention. Looking to each person as Rufus names them.
Rufus wrote:"As far as our charge... it's not so much a 'job' as it is returning a favor. Our patron not only healed Leo here of a terrible illness, and quite frankly saved his life, but he also came to our aid while defending Leo's family homestead from bandits. In return he asked that we seek you out. Sorry, prijatelj, don't mean to embarrass you."

Kiri-Kiri puts her hands together. ”Yes, Mack sent me a general rundown of what had occurred. Sadly he and his kind are very much not allowed in our cities, and I just can’t find time to go and deliver it to him either. I’m glad that you were able to find us. As for the package, I have it and will hand it over once we’re done here. I know Mack arranged for transport to the area and has made a ride home possible as well. So we have until your ride arrives.” Kiri-Kiri says in a warm tone.

Kiri-Kiri smiles at Rory, but it’s clear the Nhur Dwarf intends to stay silent.
Jason wrote:"Madam Kiri-Kiri, I am Jason Long, Armored Cavalry Soldier, and leader of the Templar. Let me add to my compatriots' appreciation for your hospitality. It is a privilege to be allowed to visit your city. One we won't soon forget. I am not from your world and have never even dreamt of a city like this."
Kiri-Kiri smiles and nods. ”The pleasure is all mine. It is quite a beautiful place, ironically one of the lesser islands my people reside on.” Kiri-Kiri says with a mischievous grin.
Jason wrote:"On my homeworld, I operated a heavily armored fighting machine called a Veritech Hover Tank. I was part of the Army of the Southern Cross, which was the primary planetary defense force, defending the world from invaders. Less than two years ago, I was transported by unknown means to your world. I joined The Templar in MercTown to continue helping people and fighting evil."
”A story common to many who now call this place home. I am pleased that people on the mainland are also fighting the good fight. I hear too many tales of oppressive regimes and demon kingdoms for my liking.” Kiri-Kiri says with a slight frown at the thought.
Jason wrote:"Our patron, who we know of as Mack, asked us to find you and collect some genetic information that you have for him. It has been an...interesting trip, but in return for what Mack has done, well worth it. Mack gave us a transmitter to use that will summon a flying creature to return us when we are ready to return."
”Yes, I have been in contact with him recently, so I am pretty up to date as to the plan. Please, make yourselves at home, enjoy the fruits of our labor, some of the fruits are very delicious.” Kiri-Kiri says, obviously trying to liven up the mood.

”So what do you do here specifically?” Murdoc asks.

”I’m glad you asked. I am a geneticist, I take animal traits and tweak them to better improve them or sometimes accidentally create whole new species.” Kiri-Kiri says as a creature similar to a Ring-Tailed Lemur approaches her. She reaches down and scoops it up for it to effectively wrap itself around her arm. ”Like these fellows here, they are equally at home both on the surface and in the ocean.” Kiri-Kiri says showing the creatures webbed hands and feet.

”Why would you work with someone like Mack.” Leo asks, his tone one of curiosity.

”Another wonderful question. I met him a few decades ago, and at first thought he was like the rest of his kind, but found he’s actually more like me than anything else. We became friends, and pen pals trading scientific data over the years. All in all, while he is odd, he’s a good kind of odd.” Kiri-Kiri responds.

With the questions winding down, Jason presses the button to summon their ride. If the trip here was a measure of time, it should take about five hours to arrive. During the next few hours, Kiri-Kiri wines and dines the Templar, and regales them with tales of the Lemurian people. While nothing she tells is a deep dark secret, it is fascinating to meet people who are very similar to Atlanteans, while also being very different from them at the same time. At the end of the five hours a large whale-like creature arrives and docks in the same spot the submarine had docked hours earlier.

”As promised, here is what Mack asked for.” Kiri-Kiri says handing a briefcase sized container to Leo. ”With that, you should be free of your debt.” Kiri-Kiri says.

”It is here we must say our goodbyes. I wish you all a pleasant and safe trip, and hope that maybe sometime in the future we will see each other again.” Kiri-Kiri says as she watches the Templar enter the mouth of the whale. Jessie, knowing Jason’s problems, touches his shoulder before the panic attack can set in. Once secure in the berths, the whale takes off. From inside it’s hard to tell what is happening, but the rhythmic beating of its massive heart and the gentle noise of air filling its lungs offers some tranquility. Five hours pass, before the mouth of the whale opens on a rocky desert vista. The Genesplicer known as Mack stands patiently. ”Welcome back Templar.” Mack says.

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 58/60
Rory: High Magus Armor 28/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 65/70 M.D.C..
Calvin Wallace: NG-A8 50/50 M.D.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 66%: [61] = 61
JIC: 1d100: [55] = 55 | 1d20: [14] = 14

consumer wrote: ”Yes, I have been in contact with him recently, so I am pretty up to date as to the plan. Please, make yourselves at home, enjoy the fruits of our labor, some of the fruits are very delicious.” Kiri-Kiri says, obviously trying to liven up the mood.

”So what do you do here specifically?” Murdoc asks.

”I’m glad you asked. I am a geneticist, I take animal traits and tweak them to better improve them or sometimes accidentally create whole new species.” Kiri-Kiri says as a creature similar to a Ring-Tailed Lemur approaches her. She reaches down and scoops it up for it to effectively wrap itself around her arm. ”Like these fellows here, they are equally at home both on the surface and in the ocean.” Kiri-Kiri says showing the creatures webbed hands and feet.

”Why would you work with someone like Mack.” Leo asks, his tone one of curiosity.

”Another wonderful question. I met him a few decades ago, and at first thought he was like the rest of his kind, but found he’s actually more like me than anything else. We became friends, and pen pals trading scientific data over the years. All in all, while he is odd, he’s a good kind of odd.” Kiri-Kiri responds.

With the questions winding down, Jason presses the button to summon their ride. If the trip here was a measure of time, it should take about five hours to arrive. During the next few hours, Kiri-Kiri wines and dines the Templar, and regales them with tales of the Lemurian people. While nothing she tells is a deep dark secret, it is fascinating to meet people who are very similar to Atlanteans, while also being very different from them at the same time. At the end of the five hours a large whale-like creature arrives and docks in the same spot the submarine had docked hours earlier.

Calvin listens intently. The morality of creating creatures from scratch is a little fuzzy, but at least Kiri-Kiri was creating new species from scratch, not modifying an already living thing into something else. Seeing the amphibious Ring Tailed Lemur, Calvin had a thought... perhaps this is not as strange as my father changing my mom... although she really wanted the change and specifically asked for it.

Calvin quietly eats his food, staring pensively at the Lemur. If all primates were under the dominion of his father, what happens to these creatures? Are these still his cousins, or are they a different sort of thing? Calvin couldn't really decide, and perhaps he didn't really want to spill the beans that he was special in any way, so he quietly kept his concerns to himself.

Gingerly, he thought about posing Kiri-kiri a question about Madhaven mutants, but then he might give away the location of the White Rose camp. He eats his food quietly. What could these people do with the white rose plant? There is no telling how many people it could help. It might also make them a much bigger power in the seas than they are now... Should I share... But if I do, would me and my crew be able to leave? Calvin ponders quietly some more.

I should just make my findings known to the powers that be. Let them figure out how to broker alliances. This is simply an information gathering mission of me. Don't go over your rank, don't try and make agreements with people you can't keep...

When Kiri-Kiri shifts the conversation to culture, Calvin asks gingerly:

"Madam Kiri, I am a paramedic and a medical doctor in training myself. Most of my healing acumen comes either from a well stocked med kit or psionics, with a few spells at my disposal as well. How are the healing arts practised here? For example, we rescued a Lemurian whom had lost his leg, and we could only close the wound. With your technology, would you be able to organically grow him a new limb?"

Calvin waits for an answer, then continues eating. At the conclusion of the meal, Calvin bids his hosts thanks and a fond farewell.

Come time to travel, Calvin could only gasp at the sight of a flying whale. Seating himself inside, he is caught been intrigue and uneasiness. How do these people have control over life like this? This is very strange. Motioning to Rufus, Calvin says:

"Did you guys travel by this way before? This is really, really different."

Once the whale takes off, Calvin tries to block out the world and remain calm. This is as good a time to find center as ever. Casting Suppress Fear (-8 ISP) on himself, he finds that his beads of sweat slow to a trickle and his pulse returning to normal. Well, well.. Many things to journal about.

Slowly he acclimates to the environment. Calvin makes some further notes and scribbles in his journal.
Consumer wrote: Five hours pass, before the mouth of the whale opens on a rocky desert vista. The Genesplicer known as Mack stands patiently. ”Welcome back Templar.” Mack says.
Stepping out of the whale and back into solid ground, Calvin looks over his surroundings. Seeing Mack, he thinks to himself:

So he knows who we are, but I don't know who he is...

"Hey Jason, Rufus, Rory, anyone... Can you guys make introductions please? And if kind sir whom I haven't yet made your acquaintance, could you tell us where we are?"

Calvin waits for a response.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [94] = 94 / 54%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [4] = 4 | 1d100: [64] = 64
Calvin wrote:Five hours pass, before the mouth of the whale opens on a rocky desert vista. The Genesplicer known as Mack stands patiently. ”Welcome back Templar.” Mack says.

Hey Jason, Rufus, Rory, anyone... Can you guys make introductions please? And if kind sir whom I haven't yet made your acquaintance, could you tell us where we are?"
"This is Mack, our current employer. and as to where we are. this is Lonestar I think, telling by the desert." she says in a much better mood visibly and in tone. It's good to be home again. she thinks. She decides to leave mission related issues to Jason and find a nice spot to meditate and get a read on the weather and sense for water.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

(Rolls held over)
Consumer wrote: Five hours pass, before the mouth of the whale opens on a rocky desert vista. The Genesplicer known as Mack stands patiently. ”Welcome back Templar.” Mack says.
Teres wrote: "This is Mack, our current employer. and as to where we are. this is Lonestar I think, telling by the desert." she says in a much better mood visibly and in tone. It's good to be home again. she thinks. She decides to leave mission related issues to Jason and find a nice spot to meditate and get a read on the weather and sense for water.

Calvin ponders: Lonestar... Texas? She could just tell by the terrain? That's cool. Are there no other deserts on the continent?

Calvin responds to Teres: "Thanks, appreciate it."

Calvin introduces himself quickly:

MA: 1d100 < 55: [13] = 13
PB: 1d100 < 60: [39] = 39

"Mr. Mack, or is it Doctor? I'm Calvin Wallace. I fell out of the sky off somewhere off the coast of Sumatra and crashed with some giant Crab People until the Templars were nice enough to let me hitch a ride with them. Nice to meet you!"

Calvin waits a response.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

In the Past
Calvin wrote:"Madam Kiri, I am a paramedic and a medical doctor in training myself. Most of my healing acumen comes either from a well stocked med kit or psionics, with a few spells at my disposal as well. How are the healing arts practised here? For example, we rescued a Lemurian whom had lost his leg, and we could only close the wound. With your technology, would you be able to organically grow him a new limb?"
Kiri-Kiri nods. "What kind of healing arts do we practice? Mundane, psionic, and magic are used, dependent of the severity of the the damage. Could I grow a new limb? Likely, but it's not my particular area of expertise. Oh some healer will likely fix him up right as rain. Magic does wonders for missing limbs." Kiri-Kiri answers.

In the present
Calvin wrote:"Hey Jason, Rufus, Rory, anyone... Can you guys make introductions please? And if kind sir whom I haven't yet made your acquaintance, could you tell us where we are?"
Teres wrote:"This is Mack, our current employer. and as to where we are. this is Lonestar I think, telling by the desert."
Calvin wrote:"Thanks, appreciate it."
Mack chuckles. "Technically this is the former state of Texas, the CS doesn't claim this particular plot of land yet." Mack says. "Also I'm not really an employer, more of a debt collector in this case, I did them a service, and they did something to pay for it." Mack says.
Calvin wrote:"Mr. Mack, or is it Doctor? I'm Calvin Wallace. I fell out of the sky off somewhere off the coast of Sumatra and crashed with some giant Crab People until the Templars were nice enough to let me hitch a ride with them. Nice to meet you!"
"Oh just Mack, no honorifics. Giant Crab people... Fascinating. Well I suppose welcome and hello." Mack says to Calvin.

"So I assume you were successful in getting the package for me?" Mack says in a hopeful tone.

What are your Intentions?
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

1d100 < 48%: [1] = 1 (Rolls Held Over)
Mack wrote: Mack chuckles. "Technically this is the former state of Texas, the CS doesn't claim this particular plot of land yet." Mack says. "Also I'm not really an employer, more of a debt collector in this case, I did them a service, and they did something to pay for it." Mack says.
Yet... Just how far are we from the CS border?

1d100 < 48%: [1] = 1 (Wilderness Survival)

Deserts are usually too low in humidity to have any clouds.

Looking up towards the sky, Calvin suddenly feels rather naked. No cloud cover... Deserts generally have no trees of any sort. We can see for miles all around us, this means other people can see us too.

"Mack, not to be _hyper_ vigilant here, but just how far are we from the Lonestar borders? If we're close-ish, I'd be more comfortable to get under some cover as quickly as possible."

As he finishes his sentence, he immediately scans the surroundings for cover and hiding places.

I was born just outside of Lonestar in the ruins of Arlington. I don't remember much, but my mom was a runaway and when we were here we were extra careful. When we booked out of the state we tried to travel by night.

Where the heck is the nearest leyline?

Calvin looks into his immediate surroundings and tries to get a gauge of imminent mystical threats.
Sense Leylines (60 mile range, 1d100 < 58%: [26] = 26 )
Sense Nexuses ( 1d100 < 68%: [15] = 15 )
Sense Nearby Opening Rifts (110 Mile range)
Sense Magic In Use (600 ft range)
See Magic Energy (1000ft range)

Calvin waits for a response.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [61*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [12] = 12

- PPE/SDC/HP: Assumed to be fully charged


Consumer wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:38 pm”Another wonderful question. I met him a few decades ago, and at first thought he was like the rest of his kind, but found he’s actually more like me than anything else. We became friends, and pen pals trading scientific data over the years. All in all, while he is odd, he’s a good kind of odd.”
Rufus nods in agreement. Sounds about right. "I did find him a little bit 'odd' as well, truth be told... but his heart seemed to be in the right place, and that was enough for me. Especially after he helped out both Leo and his family homestead."
Consumer wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:38 pmWith the questions winding down, Jason presses the button to summon their ride. If the trip here was a measure of time, it should take about five hours to arrive. During the next few hours, Kiri-Kiri wines and dines the Templar, and regales them with tales of the Lemurian people. While nothing she tells is a deep dark secret, it is fascinating to meet people who are very similar to Atlanteans, while also being very different from them at the same time.
Rufus tries his best to keep from hogging the conversation too much, but he is plenty curious about Lemurian civilization in general and Gamu in particular. Most of his questions are primarily technological in nature (how the city functions both above and below the water, submersible craft, communications/trade with other pockets of civilization, what kinds of monsters/threats they typically have to defend against, etc.) but there are a few questions thrown in about magic and its various applications both here and at other Lemurian locations. Deep down, while he's looking forward to getting back home a part of him wishes he could spend much more time at Gamu learning everything he can. But of course the transport whale arrives all too soon and heralds the end of their stay.
Consumer wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:38 pm”It is here we must say our goodbyes. I wish you all a pleasant and safe trip, and hope that maybe sometime in the future we will see each other again.”
Rufus offers one last bow. "That'd be a tremendous pleasure ma'am. Thank you once again for your generous hospitality. And if you should ever find yourself in Merctown -- or I believe it was called Paducah, Kentucky back in the day -- please give us a call."
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2025 6:01 am"Did you guys travel by this way before? This is really, really different."
Rufus gives Calvin a grin and a nod. "You ever hear of the Biblical myth of the Jonas Brothers being swallowed up by a whale and then spit out again? Well, you're about to get a Jonas-eye view of things." He laughs as he pats Calvin's shoulder. "Seriously... calling it 'different' is a bit of an understatement, but yeah. That's how we got to this part of the world. It feels weird at first but you get used to it. Got a pretty good nap on the trip, in fact." He climbs inside the whale's mouth and finds a seat, squirming just a bit to make sure he's seated well.

"Alright, big fella... take us home..." he mutters as the whale closes its mouth. "Or rather, take us back to Mack." Hopefully he'll meet us at Leo's family homestead, he adds to himself. As odd as it sounds, I'm looking forward to piling into the APC and heading back to our farm. It's not long before Rufus drifts off to sleep once they depart.
Consumer wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:38 pmFive hours pass, before the mouth of the whale opens on a rocky desert vista. The Genesplicer known as Mack stands patiently. ”Welcome back Templar.” Mack says.
"It's good to be back, Mack..." Rufus says as he exits the whale's mouth. "Sorry for the delay; you might say we took the scenic route getting to Gamu." Patting the whale on the cheek, he coos. "Thanks for another safe and uneventful trip, moj prijatelj. I don't think I've ever had more relaxing flights than the ones with you."

He listens to Calvin's and Teres' comments with a grin. I'm sure she's right... but really, it's just good to be back in good ol' North America. At least I think it's North America.
Consumer wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:27 am"So I assume you were successful in getting the package for me?" Mack says in a hopeful tone.
"Yep, we sure did..." Rufus nods and gestures to Leo. "Kiri-Kiri gave it to Leo right before we left Gamu. She sends her regards, by the way."

He pauses a moment, then chuckles as he points to his ear. "Also, these ear fishes did a really good job. At least on the receiving side of things. The talking side could use a bit of work, but in all fairness I was trying to use it to bluff our way out of being used as a buffet for a bunch of Psi-Stalker cannibals."
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [45] = 45 %
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [85] = 85
Consumer wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:38 pm ”It is here we must say our goodbyes. I wish you all a pleasant and safe trip, and hope that maybe sometime in the future we will see each other again.” Kiri-Kiri says as she watches the Templar enter the mouth of the whale.
Jason bow to her before entering the whale, "Thank you for the meal and the conversation. I wish you well in your endeavors. " As he turns to enter the whale, he pauses, steeling himself for the anxiety to come.
Consumer wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:38 pm Jessie, knowing Jason’s problems, touches his shoulder before the panic attack can set in.
"Thank you." he whispers to her and settles himself into his position. Jason seals his armor and begins going over each component of Bonaparte. Step by step, he covers every maintenance specification and process, trying to distract himself for the trip back to North America.

Once the whale opens, Jason unseals his armor and walks out into the desert. Taking a deep breath, he turns and thanks the whale. He then lights a cigar and takes several deep puffs, to calm his nerves.
Consumer wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:27 am "So I assume you were successful in getting the package for me?" Mack says in a hopeful tone.

Jason lets Rufus update Mack while he recovers. Tankers were not meant to fly. He does comment to Mack, "It was an interesting trip. Successful largely due to Jesse. She stepped up, taught us land-lubbers how to sail, and helped keep us straight. I'm not sure what we would have done if she wasn't along." Jason waits for Leo to hand over the package. "I hope the information helps your researches. If it is anything like those Babelfish, it should be a success."

Once the conversation dies down, Jason asks Mack about transportation back to the farm. "Would your flying friend be able to give us a ride back to MercTown? Since Dhaltuun is unavailable, we are without a way back. Our base is a farm, outside of MercTown's walls, so, I think your friend would be safe. "
Dice rolls
1d100: [20] = 20
1d20: [10] = 10
1d100: [47] = 47
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [84] = 84 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [10] = 10 | 1d100: 1d100: [30] = 30
Consumer wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:27 am "So I assume you were successful in getting the package for me?" Mack says in a hopeful tone.
Rory smiles and nods.

"Sorry it took a wee bit longer'n we'd have liked.

She takes a good look at Mack, trying to determine if she's seen his like before. She can't recall anyone quite like him, so she shrugs. At that point she realizes she has been staring. She starts to blush involuntarily, and looks embarrassed.
When Jason speaks up, she appears quite relieved, at least until re-entering the whale is mentioned. Her shoulders tense up slightly.

Need to memorize that farm so I can teleport there if we ever need to. And make some scrolls of Teleport: Superior to use when I do. And find a ley line to draw on for power to make the scrolls in the first place. Once I test out these new spells I have, anyway. Hmm. Was life this busy back in Dweomer? I don't recall it being this busy, but maybe I'm just forgetting things.

She sighs.

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 0/165

Armor: High Magus armor: 28/50 MDC

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location:Milton Homestead, 60 miles South of Coalition Lonestar.
Date: June 16th, 3:30 PM (1.5 hours have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 84°, Low 73°; Clear skies, light winds..
Mission Notes
Calvin wrote:"Mack, not to be _hyper_ vigilant here, but just how far are we from the Lonestar borders? If we're close-ish, I'd be more comfortable to get under some cover as quickly as possible."
Mack shrugs. ”Sixtyish miles from their southern border.” The strange D-bee says.

Sense Leylines: None in 60 miles.
Sense Magic In Use (600 ft range) Unless being used by the Templar, none.
See Magic Energy (1000ft range) Unless being used by the Templar, none.

Rufus wrote:"It's good to be back, Mack... Sorry for the delay; you might say we took the scenic route getting to Gamu."

Mack smiles, which on his face is a bit unnerving. ”Oh you did it faster than I expected. I figured the Babble Fish would have expired before you arrived back. Also not knowing more than the general geographic locale of the island certainly didn’t help. I wish I could have put you closer, but secrecy is what it is.” Mack says, his voice full of genuine sympathy.
Rufus wrote:"Yep, we sure did... Kiri-Kiri gave it to Leo right before we left Gamu. She sends her regards, by the way."

Mack claps his hands together. ”Excellent!” Mack says, as Leo hands the case over. Mack takes a few moments to open the case and take a look at the contents, before closing it. ”All seems in order, so I consider your debt cleared. It has been a pleasure to work with you all.” Mack says.
Rufus wrote:"Also, these ear fishes did a really good job. At least on the receiving side of things. The talking side could use a bit of work, but in all fairness I was trying to use it to bluff our way out of being used as a buffet for a bunch of Psi-Stalker cannibals."
”Psi-Stalkers out there… Interesting, I thought they were a North American continent thing. Wonders never cease.” Mack says, pausing for a moment. ”So one of two things can happen, I can remove the fish now, or you can wait till they expire. Either way is painless… they’ll crawl out before they die, because I know that was going to be asked.” Mack says with a smirk.
Jason wrote:"It was an interesting trip. Successful largely due to Jesse. She stepped up, taught us land-lubbers how to sail, and helped keep us straight. I'm not sure what we would have done if she wasn't along. I hope the information helps your researches. If it is anything like those Babelfish, it should be a success."
Mack nods. ”Even if it isn’t, it may prove useful in the future.” Mack says.
Jason wrote:"Would your flying friend be able to give us a ride back to MercTown? Since Dhaltuun is unavailable, we are without a way back. Our base is a farm, outside of MercTown's walls, so, I think your friend would be safe. "
Mack shakes his head. ”Sadly no, I won’t risk having it fly over CS territory. I’m sure the Milton’s could assist you in your trip back home though.” Mack says. ”Well as much as I would love to stand around and jaw all day, I do need to get back to my residence. I bid you all a farewell.” Mack says before tapping an item on his wrist and vanishing.

Leo looks north. ”Homestead is that way, we’re on the edge of the southern fields. It’s about two miles or so, we should be there in an hour at worst.” Leo says as he starts walking. True to his word, an hour later the Templar are entering the Milton homestead. A dozen or so of the family is moving about working. They mostly stop what they’re doing to greet the Templar before making their way back to their tasks, only Violette stays behind. ”So you’re back from another adventure.” The Milton Matriarch says.

”Yep, My friends are gonna need a ride back to MercTown, I figured we could accommodate that at the least.” Leo says before turning to the Templar. ”I think this is where we part ways. The past few months have shown me that I may need to spend some time here to make sure things continue to run smoothly.” Leo says.

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 58/60
Rory: High Magus Armor 28/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 65/70 M.D.C..
Calvin Wallace: NG-A8 50/50 M.D.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [74] = 74 / 34%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [20] = 20 | 1d100: [81] = 81
Mack wrote:Psi-Stalkers out there… Interesting, I thought they were a North American continent thing. Wonders never cease.
"Many traits and ideas are not isolated to one place. Like the idea of a a spear or bow. Others will get the the idea of or have a psi-stalker like lifeform evolve in other places is not so odd to me. Many animals develop the same way even when they are not in the same place." she adds. Funny how scientists forget such details. she thinks
Mack wrote:”Sadly no, I won’t risk having it fly over CS territory. I’m sure the Milton’s could assist you in your trip back home though.” Mack says. ”Well as much as I would love to stand around and jaw all day, I do need to get back to my residence. I bid you all a farewell.”
"Fully understand, have a safe trip home, Mack" she says. before he vanishes, We could use a tranportation method like that.." the Psi-Druid thinks.
”I think this is where we part ways. The past few months have shown me that I may need to spend some time here to make sure things continue to run smoothly.” Leo says.
"You have done more than your share. Enjoy the down time. Need anything just holler." she smiles Leo offering a hand shake.

"As for that ride we should have those hover cycles here. or did we send them to the farm?" she asks looking to Jason and Rufus.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 66: [92] = 92
JIC: | 1d100<: [74] = 74 | 1d20<: [11] = 11
Consumer wrote: Mack shakes his head. ”Sadly no, I won’t risk having it fly over CS territory. I’m sure the Milton’s could assist you in your trip back home though.” Mack says. ”Well as much as I would love to stand around and jaw all day, I do need to get back to my residence. I bid you all a farewell.” Mack says before tapping an item on his wrist and vanishing.
Calvin extends his hand to Mack to shake, bidding him a fond farewell.

60 miles from the southern border... this puts us, hrmn, a little further south of Odessa? This means we are in the no mans land between Lonestar and Pecos...
Consumer wrote: Leo looks north. ”Homestead is that way, we’re on the edge of the southern fields. It’s about two miles or so, we should be there in an hour at worst.” Leo says as he starts walking. True to his word, an hour later the Templar are entering the Milton homestead. A dozen or so of the family is moving about working. They mostly stop what they’re doing to greet the Templar before making their way back to their tasks, only Violette stays behind. ”So you’re back from another adventure.” The Milton Matriarch says.

”Yep, My friends are gonna need a ride back to MercTown, I figured we could accommodate that at the least.” Leo says before turning to the Templar. ”I think this is where we part ways. The past few months have shown me that I may need to spend some time here to make sure things continue to run smoothly.” Leo says.
Calvin nods quietly to Leo. Looking at his family's homestead, Calvin quietly stirs with a bid of envy.

Perhaps, one of these days, this can be my lot in life.

Calvin doesn't have a vehicle and vaguely remembers that Texas is a long, long way from Merctown. He quietly waits pensively for his ride, wondering how he's going to get to where he finally was suppose to go all those months ago.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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