Stardust - WIP

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Stardust - WIP

Post by Stardust »

Player Name: Bailey
Link to Ledger: ... 5#p1403585

Character Name: Caidyn Oberon
Alias: Stardust,
R.C.C.: Pleasurer R.C.C. (pg 88, DB2)
Alignment: Unprincipled
XP Level: 3
XP Points: 4,301
Next Level @ XP: 8,601
Sentiments/Non-Humans: Has no care about anyone’s specific origin whatsoever.
Sentiments/Coalition: Knows next to nothing about the Coalition except what can be heard from word of mouth. From the sounds of it, it reminds them of countless other types of dictatorships and so far has steered clear.
Disposition: Sarcastic, dismissive and a bit of a nihilist. Overly flirtatious in stressful situations.
Insanity: Selective Traumatic Amnesia by withdrawing into Multiple Personalities.
Multiple Personalities:
Main Identity: Caidyn Oberon. Largely untrusting and considers everyone an abuser out for their own ambitions. This personality is seldom seen except by those it trusts without reservation and is the most vulnerable of all. This identity largely disassociates from the face they are a Pleasurer and what Stardust has to do through Selective Traumatic Amnesia. Though sometimes the memories of Stardust appear as nightmares.Caidyn is largely a nihilist, believing nothing that they do to escape what they are will ever work.
Second Identity: Starshot - A gun loving, sarcastic and dismissive identity that is the first main face of Caidyn Oberon. When combat erupts or a tense situation emerges, Starshot is the snappy, quick-witted and dry humor talker who is far too good at dismissing their own problems and compartmentalization.
Third Identity: Stardust – Stardust is effeminate and flamboyant, relying on Empathic Dependence and Tele-Empathy to read those around them and say the right thing, do the right thing, and make everyone happy. Stardust only appears when coerced into sexual acts and takes the brunt of the trauma for the other identities.

I.Q.: 19 (+5%)
M.E.: 15
P.S.: 14
P.P.: 15
P.E.: 15
P.B.: Varies -- (Usually in a beautiful form with P.B. of 22)
Speed: 17 (Approx 12 MPH/17 KPH)

P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 90 + 10/lvl
H.P.: 25 + 1d6/Lvl
S.D.C.: 51
Age: 22
Sex: N/A - Is usually a male.
Height: N/A - Favorite form is around 5’11”
Weight: 144 lbs
Description: Stardust’s most common and popular form is that of a tall, thin and effeminate man with white hair and multi-colored eyes.

Racial Abilities
Awe/H.F.: ~12 when identified as a Pleasurer/Changeling
Can assume any humanoid form, but their weight remains unchanged. Hair, fur and scales can be imitated. More importantly, the pleasurer can pick-up images in a person’s mind and take the shape of those images. Loved ones, private fantasies, and famous people are among the pleasurer' s repertoire of shapes.
Note: Disguise ability equal to 79% +2% per level of experience.

Tele-Empathy and Empathic Dependence:
Pleasurers can sense feelings and surface thoughts. This is a natural power that costs no I.S.P. points, and has a range of 100 feet (30.5 m) plus 30 feet (9. 1 m) per level of experience.
Furthermore, the character can experience the feelings of one or more people as if they were its own - happiness will make it happy, depression will make it sad, and so on. A few can reverse the "emotional charge" to feel the opposite a person is feeling, turning pain into pleasure, for example, or to experience pleasure whenever the subject feels any strong emotions, both positive and negative.
Pleasurer performers can "tune into" the mood of a crowd, receiving a super-charged surge from their feelings. The character can shut off this power at will by raising a mind block (see psionic powers), unless they have lost themselves to the emotions: 01 -60% chance, but only applicable when emotions are extremely high, or a crowd of people are lost in the emotions of the moment (such as during a concert, fight, riot, etc.).

Natural Abilities
Perception: 26% + 3%
Charm/Impress: Varies ~~ (Usually in a form with 60%)
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Max. Encumbrance: 43.2 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 140 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 280 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: 11ft long, 4.5 ft high

Major Psionic
  • Mind Block
  • Sense Evil
  • See Aura
  • Empathy [3x normal range]
  • Object Read
  • Telepathy
  • Sixth Sense
  • Deaden Senses
  • Resist Fatigue
  • Alter Aura
  • Bio-Regenerate (Self)
  • Deaden Pain
  • Suppress Fear
O.C.C. Skills
  • Language, Pleasurer- 113%
  • Language, English - 81% (+ 3%)
  • Language, French - 81% (+ 3%)
  • Language, Italian - 81% (+ 3%)
  • Language, German - 81% (+ 3%)
  • Dance - 65% (+ 5%)
  • Play Musical Instrument; Guitar - 60% (+ 5%)
  • Play Musical Instrument; Piano- 60% (+ 5%)
  • Sing - 60% (+ 5%)
  • First Aid - 70% (+ 5%)
  • Acrobatics
    -Sense of Balance: 75% (+ 5%)
    -Walk tightrope or high wire: 71% (+ 3%)
    -Climb Rope: 89% (+ 2%)
    -Back Flip: 75% (+ 5%)
    -Climb: 55% (+ 5%)
    -Prowl: 45% (+ 5%)
  • T.V./Video - 50% (+ 5%)
  • W.P.: Energy Pistol
  • H2H Expert
O.C.C. Related Skills
[+2 @ Level 3, 6 || +1 @ Level 9, 12]
Communications: Any (+ 1 0%)
Domestic: Any (+5 %)
Electrical: Basic only.
Espionage: Any (+5 %)
Mechanical : None
Medical : Paramedic only.
Military : None
Physical : Any
Pilot: Any
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue : Any (+6%)
Science : Basic and Advanced Math only (+ 1 0%)
Technical: Any (+ 10%)
W.P. : Any
Wilderness: None
  • Impersonation: 40%/26% + 4%
  • Seduction: 37% (+ 3%) + Attribute P.B. bonus
  • Imitate Voices and Sounds: 61%/55% (+4%)
  • Pick Pockets: 46% (+ 5%)
  • Palming: 41% (+ 5%)
  • Robot & Power Armor: 67% (+ 3%)
  • Robot Combat: BASIC
  • [Lvl 3] Robot Combat: ELITE
  • [Lvl 3] Pick Pockets: 46% (+ 5%)
Secondary Skills
[+2 new secondary skills at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15]
  • Rope Works: 30% (+ 5%)
  • Wardrobe and Grooming: 65% (+ 5%)
  • Performance: 45% (+ 5%)
  • Brewing: 40%/45% (+ 5%)
  • Sewing 55% (+ 5%)
  • [Lvl 3] Appraise Goods 45% (+ 5%)
  • [Lvl 3] Radio, Basic: 65% (+ 5%)
Combat Data
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 4
Initiative Bonus: +0
Strike Bonus: +2
Parry Bonus: +3
Dodge Bonus: +3
HTH Damage Bonus:
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +2
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3
Bonus to Disarm: +2
Other: Kick Attack [1d8], Karate Punch

Robot Combat Data: BASIC
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +0
Melee Strike Bonus: +3
Ranged Strike Bonus: +2
Parry Bonus: +4
Dodge Bonus: +4
HTH Damage Bonus:
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +3
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3
Bonus to Disarm: +2
Other: Body Block/Tackle/Ram [1d4 M.D.C. + 1-60% chance of Knockdown]

Robot Combat Data: ELITE: Flying
Number of Attacks: 6
Initiative Bonus: +2
Melee Strike Bonus: +4
Ranged Strike Bonus: +4
Parry Bonus: +6
Dodge Bonus: +5
Aerial Dodge Bonus: +5
HTH Damage Bonus:
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +6
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +6
Bonus to Disarm: +4
Other: Tear/Pry with hands [1d4 M.D.C.], Body Block/Tackle/Ram [1d4 M.D.C. + 1-60% chance of Knockdown], Full Speed Running Ram [Double Robotic P.S. DMG Bonus, + 1-60% chance of Knockdown]

Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost

W.P. Energy Pistol +2 (+1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.)

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +3%
Magic (varies):
Lethal Poison (14+):
Non-Lethal Poison (16+):
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies):
Horror Factor (varies):
Add others as needed
Last edited by Stardust on Tue Jan 07, 2025 8:16 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Stardust - WIP

Post by Stardust »

  • Items which have stats have their name in bold type.
  • Items which have stats or images are fully listed under Gear Stats.
  • As such, there should be no stats or images above the Gear Stats header.

When it comes time for you to make out your wish lists please also answer the following questions.
  • On a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being most important, please assign a value to each wish list category for this PC.
  • Also, would you sacrifice an entire category to have a better selection in another? Yes
  • If so, which would you sacrifice and which would you improve? Sacrifice Main Weapon to improve Transportation
Wish List Categories

Standard Categories
  • Transportation – 1
    NG-XF17 Ironwing (WB34/pg 103-106)
    NE-EA35 "Earth Angel" (DB8/pg 44-46)
    Flying Titan (R:UE / pg 272)

    Secondary Weapon – 3
    NE-202 Slim-Line "Widow-Maker" Heavy Plasma Cartridge Pistol (DB8/p 25)
    NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol (DB2/p 117)
    PH-21 Phase Beamer (DB2/p 123)

    Armor/Protection – 2
    Note: This category includes: Force fields, EBA (environmental body armor), and assorted other types of armor and protection from damage
    super-duper armor (book/page reference)
    NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor (DB8/p 37-39) w/ Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers, Optics Enhancement and Forcefield
    NE-CW20 Camouflage Variable Armor (Mercenaries/p124-125)
NG Stalker Suit (WB34/ p58-59)

Allocate your items into the categories listed in green!

Vehicles/Mounts are listed first.

Carried/In Hand

Worn on Person

Utility Belt
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
• Attachment:
• Attachment:

The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:

Stored in Vehicle

Gear Stats
Last edited by Stardust on Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stardust - WIP

Post by Stardust »

Background Story

Caidyn Oberon was born to this life and has worked on Paradise-II as a consort of sorts. Within ‘Town’ Love, Caidyn has lived and worked at a mega-resort known as The Arium. Caidyn was one of the best at what they do and often paired with dignitaries from a number of worlds, not that Caidyn knew or cared what that meant. All these dignitaries were the same; brutes with a simple mind. Caidyn was good at doing what was asked without complaint, often receiving some of the best ratings while also recovering information for their masters.

Did Caidyn like it? In truth, Caidyn’s mind had cracked long ago. Who Caidyn was depended on the day, they were who they needed to be and nothing was a purer example of this than Caidyn’s stage name and personality, Stardust. Stardust protected the inner dreams and innocence of Caidyn, doing whatever was wanted, however they wanted with a smile. Stardust thrives off of the Empathic Dependence inherent in all Pleasurers, while Caidyn is revolted by it. Caidyn is no stranger to giving in and letting Stardust take over in many situations, believing it is an inescapable fact of life; to submit and disassociate.

When Caidyn has to fight for their life, Starshot comes out. A sarcastic, flirty and dismissive personality who shows a complete disregard for their own life; purposefully so. When Stardust engages in depravity, drugs, alcohol or lust there is a reason. A hope that eventually they may be broken enough to not be a favorite pet anymore. When Starshot engages in sarcasm and smile-driven violence, it is through a belief that maybe this time, it will be the last time. Two self-destructive personalities co-exist with Caidyn, who only sees one way out but is unable to do it.

One day, Caidyn performed too well for a dignitary of a race they still can’t properly name, book smarts was never Caidyn’s strong point.Though Caidyn never failed to say exactly what their patron wanted to hear, or do what they wanted to do; and appear to like it. So much so that this dignitary offered Caidyn a deal. He would help Caidyn escape the Pleasure Planets in return for their soul, it was a deal made in blood. Caidyn was desperate to find a way out of being what they were and thought this was it, but they were mistaken. So gravely mistaken.

Now, Caidyn’s new master, a devil they only know as Erus, owns them and their soul. Since their new life, they have traveled to countless planets and realms with Erus. Erus uses Caidyn’s abilities to weaken the resolve of other dignitaries during negotiations, regularly passing Caidyn off like a doll to be played with as its own personal, mortal succubus. Though, Erus was never shy nor kind to Caidyn, any kindness often a facade for a nightmare. Caidyn began recessing into their mind more and more, with Stardust becoming more predominant and shielding Caidyn from the trauma. Erus also has a penchant for making content, often renting out a studio on whatever planet they visited and using Caidyn to produce new content to be sold. It was quite lucrative for Erus and Caidyn quickly became an indispensable asset. Caidyn wasn’t Erus’s only pet, but apparently his favorite.

Most recently, Erus has brought Caidyn to Earth through a portal. Another negotiation, this time with Naruni and several Earth-born interests included one from the Headhunter’s Guild and Collegiate of Magic. Erus also rented out a studio in Merctown for more content; however, Caidyn was able to escape into the crowd of mercenaries. During one such negotiation, Erus had sent Caidyn to the newly rented warehouse with a small escort and this was when Caidyn made their escape. This isn’t the first time or planet where Caidyn has tried running away, and it probably won’t be the last. Every time Caidyn tries escaping and is forced to return, the following days at Erus’s hand are filled with nightmares. Caidyn escaped this time on a new planet, somewhere called Earth that they know nothing about but took what supplies and gear they could.

Now, Caidyn hops between mercenary groups. Never staying for very long and in search of something even they aren’t sure of; a sense of belonging, friendship, somewhere they can exist without fear. Though Erus is looking for them. One thing they are sure of is they will never be truly free until Erus is dealt with and they can finally break the chains of what they were made to be and find out who they can be..
Last edited by Stardust on Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Stardust - WIP

Post by Stardust »

Character Reference Sheet

Character Seal/Crest

  • What emotion best describes your character? Depends on the personality currently in control
  • What emotion does your character evoke in others? Lust, Pity – Either they are lusted over for their capabilities or they are pitied for them. Few look beyond the mask of Stardust to see the tortured soul underneath it all.
  • What does your character need most? Self-respect and Unconditional Trust. They have never been cared for beyond as an asset, never a person.
  • What is your character’s goal in life? Defeat their inner demons, break the chains of the fate of the Pleasurer.
  • How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished? They have no idea and consistently battle with inner turmoil about what the right course of action is
  • Where did your character come from? They don’t know; as far as they know they have always been in the service of their employer who technically owns them. They have tried running away a number of times, but always end up back within their grip.
  • When did you grow up? There was no childhood, not one that can be remembered. It has been constantly said that they were created, not born, to serve their master. It is the only life they have ever known
  • What values does your character hold? Deep down they value honest and openness however rarely will lower their own walls for such communication.
  • How does your character dress? Very well, usually flamboyantly and when in prime time, always with a different, fashionable outfit.
  • What are your character’s means? .The ability to mentally connect with others and see what they want, what they need and provide it for them.
  • What are your character’s personal tastes? Pansexual and Aromantic due to their status as a Pleasurer. They feel a sexual attraction to any gender or race, however rarely, if ever, actually develop romantic feelings.
  • What are your character’s opinions?
  • What is your character’s comfort zone? Depends on the personality. In the heat of combat, high off a drug binge or passed out from an alcoholic binge.
  • Who has had the biggest impact on your character’s life? The Erus, their master and who has commanded them for the majority of their recalled life.
  • What are some of your character’s unexpected quirks? Almost all of their forms have multi-colored eyes for reasons unsaid; Picks food off other peoples plates, enjoys drug use and alcohol consumption as a way to forget or relax.
Play Details
  • What kind of story does your character belong in? Roleplaying story, unless armed with a power armor
  • What role does your character fill? Espionage agent, power armor
  • What should the other players know about your character? They are subjected to sexual abuse or assault frequently and dismiss it as something unavoidable due to what they are.
  • What is your play style?. Roleplayer
  • How do you want your character to die? I want them to ascend to demi-god, cosmo-knight, godling or some other empowered thing to break the chains of the Pleasurer R.C.C. and finally be truly free.
Wish List
  • Item 1: Cloak of Guises, PFRPG 257-258
  • Item 2: Silverhawk Power Armor
  • Item 3: Ironwing Power Armor
  • Item 4: W-F1 Power Armor
  • Short Term Goals:
    • Goal 1: Find safe haven
      Suggested Solutions (Goal 1): Join a group or find allies with whom they actually begin to trust. Character process after joining a group on board and keeping everyone at arms length. This will be accomplished when they actually open up to someone/another PC.
    • Goal 2: Learn more about Erus
      Suggested Solutions (Goal 2): Erus is a Raksasha demon, though Caidyn has no idea where to even begin to try to determine what it is. Erus has always had odd, evil or other such minions doing his bidding while Caidyn was traveling with him.
    • Goal 3: Acquire a loyal pet
      Suggested Solutions (Goal 3): Caidyn wants or needs a pet when they are ready to care for something else as a means of self-healing. Will probably start with a plant after acquiring the Gardening skill
  • Mid Term Goals:
    • Goal 1: Escape the deal with Erus
      Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1): Either Erus is killed or Stardust finds a way to earn freedom either through banishing Erus or finding another way out of the deal.
    • Goal 2: Come to terms with what they are
      Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2): Accepting the past, how they were created/raised and accept what they are doesn't control who they can be. Defeating Selective Traumatic Amnesia Insanity
    • Goal 3: Open a tailoring location for specialized request
      Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3): Get Sewing for a second time, use money acquired through merc work to rent out a location in the Warrens or Business District of Merctown.
  • Long Term Goals:
    • Goal 1: Come to terms with who they are
      Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1): No longer need the shelter of the other personalities, accept themselves for who they are and defeat the Multiple Personalities they have and become one, whole person despite the past. Character Milestone Roleplay
    • Goal 2:
      Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2):
    • Goal 3: Break the chains of the Pleasurer R.C.C.
      Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3): Ascend to Godling/Demi-god or Cosmo-Knight. Become what they can be, not what they were created to be.
  1. Is the character verbose or stoic? Verbose
  2. Is the character funny or dour? Both
  3. Is the character a follower or a leader? Always been a follower but has the capacity to lead.
  4. How does the character react when under pressure? A different personality will be born to bore the brunt of the pressure and excel in it.
  5. Does the character volunteer for tasks? Rarely
  6. Is the character friendly? Sometimes too friendly
  7. Does the character offer mercy? Yes, except to slavers.
  8. Is the character curious and/or adventurous? Adventurous, yes. Anything to escape.
  9. Is the character prejudiced about anything? Slavers and Abuse Victims
  10. How does the character react to aliens? Race is irrelevant.
  11. How does the character react when the character is the victim of prejudice? By slipping into a different personality and giving the aggressor what they want.
  12. What is the character's passion? Dreaming
Last edited by Stardust on Mon Jan 06, 2025 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stardust - WIP

Post by Stardust »

I.Q.: (4d6-L)+6: [3, 4, 2, 6]-L = 13 = 19
M.E.: (4d6-L)+6: [2, 6, 1, 1]-L = 9 = 15
M.A.: (5d6-L)+4: [5, 1, 2, 3, 6]-L = 16 = 20
P.S.: 4d6-L: [5, 4, 4, 5]-L = 14 = 14
P.P.: 5d6-L: [4, 2, 3, 6, 1]-L = 15 = 15
P.E.: 5d6-L: [3, 3, 3, 6, 2]-L = 15 = 15
Speed: 5d6-L: [6, 1, 6, 3, 2]-L = 17 = 17

P.P.E.: 3d6: [1, 3, 2] = 6
I.S.P.: 2d6*10: [3, 3]*10 = 60 + 10/lvl = 90
H.P.: 3d6: [2, 2, 6] = 10 + PE = 25
S.D.C.: 1d6+10: [1]+10 = 11 + 40 = 51
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Re: Stardust - WIP

Post by Stardust »

Question for Chargen GM
I wrote into the back story about stealing what items they could as they escaped when brought to Earth, would that help me have some basic starting gear for an R.C.C. that doesn't get starting equipment normally?

Question for anyone
Please let me know if I missed anything or did something wrong. This is almost ready for review I think.
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Re: Stardust - WIP

Post by Mad Dawg »

I like the concept and think this PC would make a great addition to any group in either the Merctown or Three Galaxies dimensions. There are only two things I would suggest editing to your sheet. This is purely cosmetic, but I recommend using lists or ordered lists for the Insanities section just to clearly separate the different personalities. (The advantage of an ordered list is that it allows you to add on other insanities to your PC if they come up.) The other thing is lock in the Charm/Impress stat similar to invoke trust. You can put that it fluctuates in the parentheses, but having a solid number makes your GM's life easier.
I hope this advice helps!
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