Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

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Sum of All Fears
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Sum of All Fears »

”DTG” wrote: 5 February 3026
Winter; 10०F
The Ground Battle:

Anyone attempting coordinating will have a difficult time with the traffic over the air waves currently and is overwhelmed by the amount of traffic on the waves,
Gamma 1 they just ran past you!”
”Keep moving!”
”I’m taking fire!”
”Get that Centurion!”
Two to our right, Shit They’re opening up!!!”
”Keep rolling boys!!! FIRE!!!”
”Kit! Where did you go? Tango! Don’t split UP!! Damn it! Can anyone hear me!?!?!”
”You’re in my way Can’t get a shot!”
”For the Dragon!!!!”
”Keep moving on the flanks!”
”They’re coming round the hill! Help!”
”Taking fire from the tank!!”

Bluto realizes he’s lagging a little behind everyone. He was sure his trick had worked but likely due to the initial bombing run it didn’t have the same impact as it would have otherwise. Bluto also notes there was an error in his targeting computer. For some reason a safety engaged when he bent over which prevented him from firing between his legs. He’ll have to get that removed after this fight if he wants to continue his impulsive shenanigans. As Bluto moves forward he spots a hover tank and Locust dash past Gamma in a flanking maneuver to his right. As he faces them his grasshopper shudders and his mech is illuminated green as one of the medium lasers from the locust impacts his right torso. Looking at his screen it shows only minor damage to the armor.

Bluto does see Gamma 1 get hit by a volley of SMRs and lasers from the commando, but it’s clear his armor is still holding. Suddenly Bluto’s grasshopper is rocked by several cannon rounds and machine gun fire from the pike next to the locust. Bluto knows the pike has a pair of MGs and a pair of AC2s. Bluto looks over the minor damage across the front of his mech and is unconcerned. Bluto lines up his own shot on the Locust and open up with all of hit weapons. He does notice on of his medium lasers impact the ground near the locust, but all the others combined into a swarm of deadly energy and missiles blasting off the left side of the mech and melting off the armor on the right arm. Bluto looks back to check on Gamma in time to see Gamma 1 detonate as an AC10 round impacts the Shadow Hawk’s LRM magazine. The left arm is thrown several dozen meters away as the explosion rips the mech to pieces.

Bluto moves towards the Gamma mechs as the lights seem to be moving around them. The locust blasts past Bluto, but he lets it go as he notices the two AC10 Hetzer tanks flipping around to deal with it. Bluto wounded it severely and it should be easy for the tanks to finish. Bluto however locks onto the commando as it flips around to hit Gamma from behind. Well not on Bluto’s watch. He moves up right behind the commando and basically executes it. Ignoring the heat spike from his weapons fire, his medium and large laser cut into the paper thin rear armor and the larger leaser actually punches out through the chest of the commando. The engine flares and dies as the cockpit rockets away from the stricken mech heading towards the north. Not finished, he launches his LRMs at the Battlemaster. His computer registers a hit, but He’s a bit too far out to actually see what he hit. Sweat is beginning to pour down Bluto as the heat sinks work to keep up with all the weapons fire.

As Bluto looks back to Gamma he watches as the Archer moves into view and hammers Gamma 4 with LRMs. They potmark the mech's armor before he sees the mech balloon out and detonate throwing parts across the battlefield in a spectacular explosion. Bluto can surmise the SRM ammo in the Center Torso lit off and detonated.

Bluto then spots Centurion 2 twist towards him and fire. The LRMs fly over his head but the AC10 and Med laser are on target. Bluto is twisted to the right as the AC10 impacts his right arm blasting more armor plates off and the medium laser melts off more armor from his center torso. While jarring, neither hit bypasses his armor.

Perun moves up to Jackson’s vacated area and can now see the headless javelin that Darvin piloted. There’s no way he survived that hit. Perun can see the shrapnel pattern in the ground fanning out behind the mech as it would for any human getting their head removed via a shotgun. Perun holds where Jackson used to be, Ivy pulls up on his left side her AC5 and Large Lasers spit fire as she lays into the crowd. Perun tries to line up a shot on Centurion 1, but it seems to have moved backwards so you end up having a difficult time targeting it from your vantage point. You're still able to get your LRMs to hit its center torso, but all your other weapons streak harmlessly by the mech and burn great furrows into the ground behind it.

Perun loses sight of Centurion 1 as the combat becomes one mass furball brawl. There are no lines and more Friendly and enemy are mixing around trying to gain the advantage of their opponent while trying to keep others from gaining the advantage over them. Perun spots Enforcer 2 close by and opens fire. He lands a single medium laser and his LRMs, but the other medium laser and the large laser burn into the ground next to the mech. His shots don’t do much as the enforcer seems to have not sustained any damage yet. Perun is rewarded with his LRMs impacting the Enforcer’s left leg and his Medium laser melting armor on its left arm.

Perun spots Tabatayo engaging Centurion 3, which has been damaged. Perun watches as Tabatayo’s rounds crack into the internal structure and light off the AC10 ammo stored in the right torso of the Centurion ripping the mech apart in a glorious fireball. The detonation of the magazine sends shockwaves through the ground, felt even through constant combat.

Perun sees a pair of PPC flash from his right and slam into his targeted Enforcer. They both impact the left torso blasting off the armor plates there and punching into the structure. Ivy also adds her fire to Enforcer 2 blasting off nearly all the armor on its left leg and landing an AC5 round in its torso. The Enforcer sways from the impacts, but remains in the fight.

Jackson begins a backwards movement around Ivy as she moves forwards. Jackon cuts his run short as the enforcers and centurions form a firing line. Jackson is pummeled by fire from Centurion 1. LRMs and a medium laser hit his legs and the AC10 impacts his right arm blasting away armor panels. As Jackson is rocked back and forth in his crab, he doesn’t see any alarms and but does not his right arm armor is very low. A shiver finds it’s way down Jackson’s spine as he looks to his right as the Von Luckner hammers Shui in his Kintaro. The concussion of the explosion can be felt through the ground and they rattle Jackson’s teeth. Jackson realizes the Von Luckner is a close range brawler. He saw an AC20 and several SMRs impact Shui. Shui looks to still be in the fight but has taken a lot of punishment from both the Von Luckner and the Battlemaster. Jackson knows they will soon be on him too. Jackson sees a set of missile trails coming up from the back of the formation and he tracks them as they impact Shui further ravaging the Kintaro. The left arm is finally blasted off the mech, but it seems to continue to stand. Jackson lets loose with his weapons and returns the favor to Centurion 1. You watch as the the armor melts over it’s left and center torso, but fails to penetrate the armor. Just as your lasers finish you are rocked by an AC10 round from Enforcer 3. The blue hue of a large laser illuminates your cockpit as the enforcer’s larger laser eats into your left torso, while the AC10 round impacts the center of your mech. Still your armor has stopped everything and nothing has penetrated…yet.

Jackson moves closer to ensure he has a good shot and gets ready to slug it out as he stops next to the ruins of Darvin’s mech. Faced with a tank with an AC20 and SRMs right next to him Jackson can’t ignore this level of threat and opens fire on it. Jackson smiles as he watches armor plates begin to melt under the barrage of his lasers. Unfortunately none of them penetrate the armor. Jackson smiles at his marksmanship as all three of his lasers found their target. The heat immediately spikes in the cockpit as the heat sinks can’t vent all the heat generated by his weapons fire. Jackson can feel the coolant in his vest snaking around his chest to combat the rise in cockpit temperature.

Jackson’s smile is short-lived as he watches the turret turn towards Shui’s Kintaro and removes it from the battlefield. Its SMRs and MG tear into the sides and the AC20 hits so hard it knocks the mech onto its back. Jackson sees the engine sputter and die as the cockpit ignites and carries Shui to safety somewhere to the south. Dread sinks into Jackson's stomach as the turret begins to turn his way. Jackson does see a set of LRMs come overhead and impacting the Von Luckner’s front armor dealing minor damage.

As Jackson is watching the missiles, Enforcer 3 lines him up and fires. Jackson is rocked by the AC10 shell and his torso is illuminated by the bright blue larger laser. Alarms sound and his screen flashes, ”Warning…Armor breached.” The computer calmly alerts him to the breached armor of his center and left torso. ”Warning Critical Damage detected. Heat sink…offline.” The impacts shake the sweat on Jackson’s face and into his eyes. (Left Torso heat sink destroyed; -1 heat sink)

Ford Battle Map II, Turn 2.png

The Air Battle:

V flips over in an immelman. The G-forces crushing him into his seat. As he comes out of the maneuver he spots his target a little ways away opening fire on him. His Stingray shudders under the fire of the SRM’s exploding on his nose and the medium laser melts off armor from his nose and right wing with their green energy. V not to be out done fires all of his weapons in return. The heat in the cockpit immediately spikes and sweat breaks out across his forehead. V finds the pilots suits are not nearly as cooling as a mech warrior's vest is and he is quickly staining his flight suit with sweat. V’s weapon hit their mark, but fail to bring down the enemy craft. He can see the armor splinter off and the engine coughs black smoke. The craft is really on its last legs.

Zoe thinks about maneuvering but she’s far enough away she can bring her guns to bear with a simple gentle bank to her left. She opens up with her weapons immediately spiking the heat in your cockpit as the heat sinks fail to keep up with the weapon heat. Zoe watches through the heat waves as her weapons find their mark and slice through the wing of the enemy craft. Sending it spiraling down towards the ground.

The wingman targets V as he’s closer. His lasers flash over top of your canopy giving your display a green hue for a moment. Before V’s teeth are rattled as several SRMs impact his right wing.

Zoe and V do see the pilot eject from his stricken craft. As they turn to engage the second fighter, they get a second pair of pings on their sensor screens as their computers resolve another pair of SL-21s inbound to their position. Zoe still gives the other pilot a chance to surrender. ”Get bent, puta!!” is his response. V and Zoe can tell the new contacts are close and will be on them soon.

V drops onto the tail of the wingman as he turns to engage Zoe. It’s an easy maneuver not even worth mentioning; it's so routine V could drop in an enemy's tail like this in his sleep. Zoe rolls over and initiates a head on pass with the wingman. The wingman’s fire passes harmlessly on either side of Zoe’s Stingray. However both her and V’s shots are very accurate. The heat reduces from V’s cockpit, leaving it warm but not as uncomfortable as it was. He will have sweat stains on his flight suit when he’s done here. V’s weapons bite into the wings and the aft of the SL-21. V can see pieces of armor sluff of like dandruff from his weapons fire.

Zoe stands on a wing tip and banks hard right to line up her shot on the wingman as she unleashes all her weapons a second time. Her hits are a little more spread out this time and while she watches armor panels buckle under the attack, the SL-21 remains defiantly airborne. The heat is now making Zoe’s extremely uncomfortable. Her controls are moving sluggish as the computer struggles under the increased temperature and her targeting system is now having difficulty tracking targets. (-1 from Attack rolls/Roll straight 2d6 against TN 5 to keep control of your craft.)

The two new SL-21’s have arrived.

You are both at Altitude 3.

The two new SL-21's are at altitude 6.

Air battle Turn 2.png

--Jackson: LLA: 17/22; RLA: 16/22; RAA: 4/14; LTA: 0/14; LTS: 8/12; CTA: 0/18; Left Torso Heat sink destroyed; Total heat: +5
--Bluto: RTA: 15/20; RAA: 20/22; LAA: 10/22; CTA: 23/30; LTA: 18/20; Total Heat: +4
--Perun: Total Heat:
--V: RW: 31/42; N: 41/50; total Heat: +0
--Zoe: LW Armor: 24/42; Nose Armor: 45/50; Total Heat: +8
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Zephyr Stormbow (PF); Lynch (Spooks)
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Bluto »

Perception: 2d6+2: [6, 3]+2 = 11 (7 Base TN) (SUCCESS)
JIC: 2d6: [3, 1] = 4
JIC: 2d6: [2, 2] = 4

Bluto focuses on the chaos unfolding around him. He sees the Centurion 2 taking shots at him, its weapons blazing. "Time to get personal," he mutters, maneuvering his mech closer to the enemy. If I'm close at least those LRM's won't be a problem, and maybe I can jump behind it.

Then, he spots an opportunity. Centurion 4 has its back turned to Gamma Lance, and himself. "Big mistake pal!"

Unless Commander Perun issues orders, Bluto tries to assist folks. But he does nothing to counter his commander's words.

The guys that ate cluster bombs, maybe we can finish 'em quick.

He quickly sees merit in Gamma closing with the Archer to avoid LRM fire, and hopes they can survive the Enforcer a little while longer. "Gamma Lance," he shouts. "get in that Archer's face before he kills you. AND NAIL CENTURION 4's REAR!"

In fact Bluto sees rear arc opportunities everywhere as the DDF allies largely control the angles. "Harbingers watch Centurion 2’s rear for a shot! Cover each other, shoot ass when you see it! Repeat, cover each other, shoot ass when you see it! We got the angles."

He advances on Centurion 2, but fires the bulk of his weapons at the vulnerable rear of Centurion 4's rear instead. Not expecting that, he thinks and hopes. If Gamma do the same we might end him.

He sees Hayate lining up a similar rearward shot at Archer 2, and approves mightily.

In turn 2, Bluto prioritises protecting his rear and blowing out rear armor of enemies. If need be, he will use jump jets to get a rearward shot and unleash an full salvo.

As he wrestles with his controls, he growls at the pilots, figuring they ought to be strafing soon, "How's it going Redwings?"

Init: 2d6: [5, 1] = 6
Tactics (Land): 2d6+1: [5, 3]+1 = 9 (9 Base TN) -Coord with Gamma lance (SUCCESS)

LRM5 2d6+12: [3, 3]+12 = 18
Large Laser 2d6+12: [3, 5]+12 = 20
Medium Laser 2d6+12: [1, 4]+12 = 17
Medium Laser 2d6+12: [1, 1]+12 = 14
Medium Laser 2d6+12: [5, 4]+12 = 21

Heat carried forward: +4
Weapon and Movement Heat: 2 + 2 + 8 + 9 = 21
Heat Sinks: 22
Total Heat this turn: 3

  • RUNNING - Forward 6 MP
  • Moved - 6 hexes
  • BLUTO 1 - Ford Battle Map II, Turn 2.png
  • Destroy Centurion 4 while Bluto is in its rear armor arc.
    Bluto tries to avoid exposing his own vulnerable sides to the enemy.
  • If Archer 2 turns to face Hayate, Bluto will do what Hayate hoped to do and shoot out the Archer's rear armor.
Piloting/'Mech: 2d6+11: [6, 6]+11 = 23 (CRIT)
Piloting/'Mech: 2d6+11: [2, 2]+11 = 15

Sensor Operations: 2d6+2: [6, 1]+2 = 9 (8 Base TN)

Init: 2d6: [2, 4] = 6

LRM5 2d6+12: [2, 3]+12 = 17
Large Laser 2d6+12: [3, 5]+12 = 20
Medium Laser 2d6+12: [5, 5]+12 = 22
Medium Laser 2d6+12: [3, 6]+12 = 21
Medium Laser 2d6+12: [2, 2]+12 = 16
Medium Laser 2d6+12: [3, 4]+12 = 19

Heat carried forward: 3
Weapon and Movement Heat: 3 + 2 + 8 + 12 = 27
Heat Sinks: 22
Total Heat this turn: +8

  • JUMPING - north 3 MP.
  • Moved - 3 hexes
  • BLUTO 2 - Ford Battle Map II, Turn 2.png
  • Get close enough to the archer to threaten it with a full salvo. Keep Bluto's rear arc away from enemies.
  • Archer is the priority, unless there's a critically damaged mech in range that can be finished off.
  • Shoot ass if Bluto sees it!
  • If a side is critically damaged, ensure jump landing point has a facing that protects it from too much fire.
  • If that Battlemaster is threatening Harbringers, Bluto directs his long range fire at it.
Piloting/'Mech: 2d6+11: [6, 4]+11 = 21
Piloting/'Mech: 2d6+11: [4, 6]+11 = 21

Sensor Operations: 2d6+2: [3, 2]+2 = 7 (8 Base TN)
Last edited by Bluto on Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Jackson Cooper
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Jackson Cooper »

Perception: 2d6+2: [6, 2]+2 = 10
JIC: 2d6: 2d6: [2, 3] = 5
JIC: 2d6: 2d6: [2, 6] = 8

(Active effects: Compulsion/Stubborn, Fit, Good Vision)

Red warning lights flash all around the cockpit as Jackson reels from the beating his mech is taking. While his cooling vest does seem to be doing its job, Jackson definitely notices the change in temperature inside the cockpit. Jackson blinks away the sweat in his eyes and is now able to appreciate the damage that the Crab has taken. Damn! Armor on two torsos is gone and it looks like that last laser shot singed the internals. Jackson grits his teeth as he notices the two Enforcers in front of him making their way towards him. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the Von Luckner's massive turret slowly turning towards him. You stop movin', you're dead, kid! "Shhhit!" Jackson pushes the throttle to full and the Crab breaks into a run. The Crab moves more sluggishly due to the heat spike, but Jackson knows he can still outrun the Enforcers, if only just. Knowing he hasn't got much time to spare, Jackson hits the comms as he makes for the gap between the two Enforcers.

"Slick! Tango! Cooper here! Armor is gone on two front torsos and and my mech's taken internal damage. I reckon I've got more armor on my backside than up front! Gonna try to get the attention of those damn Enforcers! If'n they turn around towards me, you light the bastards' rear armor up, you hear?! Cooper out!"

It's a crazy plan. Jackson knows it. But sometimes crazy is just what you need. And if his lance mates can open up that rear armor and turn the tide, then it was worth a try.

Turn 1:

Initiative: 2d6: [5, 3] = 8

Jackson will run 6 hexes, cutting between Enforcer 1 and 3, hoping to draw their attention and have them turn their backs to the DDF firing line. Once past the Enforcers, he will turn towards Centurion 1's rear and take a shot with his large laser, medium laser and small laser. If Centurion 1 is not in range, Archer 1 will be his priority target. Otherwise, the nearest mech or vehicle will be targeted.

Large Laser (L or R depending on the location of the target) (8 heat): 2d6+6: [5, 3]+6 = 14
Medium Laser (CT) (3 Heat): 2d6+6: [3, 4]+6 = 13
Small Laser (HD) (1 Heat): 2d6+6: [4, 4]+6 = 14
Kick Attack: 2d6+5: [5, 3]+5 = 13

Contingencies: Jackson will attempt to shield his exposed Center and Left torsos by favoring showing his right side to the enemy. If any enemy closes to melee range, he will attack with a kick.


Heat from last turn - 5 heat
Large Laser (L or R) - 8 heat
Medium Laser (CT) - 3 heat
Small Laser (HD) - 1 heat
Running: 2 heat

Total Heat: 19 (4 over!)

Jackson turn 1.png

Turn 2:

Initiative: 2d6: [2, 4] = 6

Jackson will run 8 hexes, swinging out behind Archer 1 and the rest of the enemy rear line. If the opportunity presents itself, he will dump all of his lasers into the Archer's rear armor in an alpha strike! If not in range, Jackson will fire on the nearest mech with its rear armor exposed. Otherwise he will fire on any mech being targeted by Tango, Perun or Tabayto.

Large Laser (L or R depending on the location of the target) (8 heat): 2d6+6: [2, 1]+6 = 9
Large Laser (L or R depending on the location of the target) (8 heat): 2d6+6: [3, 4]+6 = 13
Medium Laser (CT) (3 heat): 2d6+6: [5, 1]+6 = 12
Small Laser (HD) (1 heat) 2d6+6: [3, 4]+6 = 13
Kick Attack: 2d6+5: [1, 1]+5 = 7


Large Laser (R) - 8 heat
Large Laser (L) - 8 heat
Medium Laser (CT) - 3 heat
Small Laser (HD) - 1 heat
Running - 2 heat

Total Heat: 22 (7 over!)

Contingencies: Any enemy approaching melee range will receive a kick attack.

Jackson turn 2.png

Additional Piloting Rolls:
2d6+5: [3, 4]+5 = 12
2d6+5: [1, 6]+5 = 12
2d6+5: [4, 2]+5 = 11
Last edited by Jackson Cooper on Sun Nov 17, 2024 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Dr. Zoe Kyaku
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Dr. Zoe Kyaku »

Perception: 2d6+7: [5, 3]+7 = 15 | (7 Base TN)
JIC: 2d6: [4, 5] = 9
JIC: 2d6: [3, 2] = 5
Sensor Operations. 2d6+6: [1, 2]+6 = 9 | (8 Base TN)

(-1 from Attack rolls/Roll straight 2d6 against TN 5 to keep control of your craft.)
2d6: [6, 4] = 10

Zoe's hands are slick with sweat as she wrestles with the controls. The Stingray's systems were screaming, overheating from the intense combat. The damaged canopy lets in scorching heat, and the cockpit is almost unbearable.

Despite the discomfort, she remains focused, her eyes glued to the enemy fighter. A surge of adrenaline courses through her veins as she sees the first fighter plummet to the ground. The second somehow survives her barrage and is still in the fight.

Surrender. You have no chance. She thinks.
Sum of All Fears wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:29 amAs they turn to engage the second fighter, they get a second pair of pings on their sensor screens as their computers resolve another pair of SL-21s inbound to their position.
Zoe's heart sinks. Just when she thought the battle was winding down... Two more. Those dropships were fully loaded. Damn. She curses under her breath, in fluent Japanese, her mind racing.

"V, we have a problem," she radios, her voice filled with urgency. "Two more bogeys incoming, high altitude."
Sum of All Fears wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:29 amZoe still gives the other pilot a chance to surrender. ”Get bent, puta!!” is his response.
Zoe's expression turns grim.

"Very well," she replies, her voice cold and calculated. "The alternative."

She quickly reassesses the situation. Her heat is high and the damaged fighter would swoop past her in a heartbeat. V's on his tail. So if it flies past her alive, she calls on V. "V, finish this one, I will intercept the others,"

Zoe banks her damaged Stingray, angling towards the two fighters. She slows down, but climbs altitude. She is in no hurry to get into close range, and intends to take advantage of her longer range weaponry. She also let's atmospheric drag slow her down, to keep her at arms length as long as possible.
Bluto wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 1:58 pmIn fact Bluto sees rear arc opportunities everywhere as the DDF allies largely control the angles. "Harbingers watch Centurion 4's rear for a shot! Cover each other, shoot ass when you see it! Repeat, cover each other, shoot ass when you see it! We got the angles."
She broadcasts to V only, "Tactically sound but... is he drunk?"
She broadcasts to Grasshopper 1 only, "Are you drunk?"
She broadcasts to Commander Perun, "Is he drunk?"

She recalls stories of old, of warriors who drank before battle to steel their nerves. Perhaps alcohol could indeed instill courage, but it could also cloud judgment and impair performance. I hope for the former and not the latter.
Bluto wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 1:58 pmAs he wrestles with his controls, he growls at the pilots, figuring they ought to be strafing soon, "How's it going Redwings?"
"This is RedWing One. They had four fighters. One dead, a second will be soon. Then two more before we can support you."

Turn 1:
Initiative: 2d6: [4, 2] = 6
Tactics/Air: 2d6+5: [6, 6]+5 = 17 (9 Base TN) CRITICAL SUCCESS add 1d6: [4] = 4
What bonus
Air Tactics is rank 2. So Zoe gets +2 to init? Does a crit make it better?
Init and Tactics.png
Init and Tactics.png (42.35 KiB) Viewed 6623 times
Current Velocity: 2 (Elevation 3)

Thrust Points Expended:
1 Thrust. Facing change to the left.
4 Thrust. Climbing to altitude 5.
2 Thrust to maintain speed

Pilot Check: 2d6+6: [3, 3]+6 = 12

Attacks: {Heat effect of -1 from Attack rolls not applied}
AC 5 2d6+6: [5, 5]+6 = 16
Large Laser Strike 2d6+6: [1, 5]+6 = 12
Large Laser Strike 2d6+6: [1, 3]+6 = 10

Total hear before turn: +8
Heat emitted: 1 + 8 + 8 = 17
Heat sinks: 19
Total heat: +6

Alternate Target: Whichever is closest.

If an enemy fighter gets on her left side and threatens her damaged wing, Zoe executes a 180-degree Half-roll (1 Thrust point -1 Pilot control check) to reverse her left and right sides.

Additional piloting if required:
2d6+6: [5, 4]+6 = 15
2d6+6: [1, 5]+6 = 12
2d6+6: [3, 4]+6 = 13
2d6+6: [3, 4]+6 = 13

End of Turn Velocity: 2 (Elevation 5)

Turn 2:
Initiative: 2d6: [1, 3] = 4
Tactics/Air: 2d6+5: [6, 4]+5 = 15 (9 Base TN)

Current Velocity: 2 (Elevation 5)

Thrust Points Expended:
2 Thrust. Climbing to altitude 6.

Pilot Check: 2d6+6: [6, 4]+6 = 16


AC 5 2d6+6: [5, 2]+6 = 13
Large Laser Strike 2d6+6: [5, 5]+6 = 16
Large Laser Strike 2d6+6: [6, 2]+6 = 14

Total hear before turn: +6
Heat emitted: 1 + 8 + 8 = 17
Heat sinks: 19
Total heat: +4

Alternate Target: The same SL-21 if possible.

Contingencies: If Zoe is in range of the enemy's guns, she will not decelerate, but instead increase maintain velocity 2.
She will maneuver as appropriate depending if I misunderstand the range of the enemy guns (no medium laser can pass 9 hexes, Zoe should be safe I think)

Additional piloting if required:
2d6+6: [3, 3]+6 = 12
2d6+6: [4, 1]+6 = 11
2d6+6: [2, 3]+6 = 11
2d6+6: [4, 5]+6 = 15

End of Turn Velocity: 1 (Elevation 6) -atmosphere slows her down
Zoe Turn 2.png
Last edited by Dr. Zoe Kyaku on Sun Nov 17, 2024 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Bluto »

((Rolls carried))
Dr. Zoe Kyaku wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 7:13 pm She broadcasts to Grasshopper 1 only, "Are you drunk?"
Bluto's a little surprised to get a private ping from a fancy skyflyer, but when there's a gap he replies affably.

"I haven't had any beer today," he intones solemnly. "Just whiskey. Whiskey doesn't count."

Bluto doesn't chuckle, he sounds completely serious, and in truth he's too focused at the moment trying to kill other mechwarriors.
Dr. Zoe Kyaku wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 7:13 pm
Bluto wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 1:58 pmAs he wrestles with his controls, he growls at the pilots, figuring they ought to be strafing soon, "How's it going Redwings?"
"This is RedWing One. They had four fighters. One dead, a second will be soon. Then two more before we can support you."
Outnumbered two to one and they're winning, he thinks. He's impressed.
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Re: Detroit: Emergency Operation; Defend Ford

Post by Perun »

Perception: 3d6-L+4: [5, 5, 6]-L+4 = 15 | (7 Base TN)
JIC: 2d6: [5, 1] = 6
JIC: 2d6: [4, 3] = 7

Active Effects: (Good Vision, Good Hearing, Patient)

With each down/destroyed mech on their side, Perun feels a pang of guilt shoot through his being. But in the heat of battle, he presses his focus past that and tries to stay focused on the developing battle in hopes of minimizing further losses.

I don't think I can... In the chaos of a grand melee, there is no responsiveness to orders given with detail. Only reliance on training and any pre-determined tactics that have been honed through practice. A tiny voice nags at him in the back of his mind.

Assessing his sensor pings, Perun quickly concludes that positionally, they might be slowly developing an advantage. And that through attrition and maneuver, friendly forces were making their way toward a pincer action, forcing OpFor to pick and choose who to expose their rear to.

Perun's comms light up with further chatter.
Jackson Cooper wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 4:31 pm"Slick! Tango! Cooper here! Armor is gone on two front torsos and and my mech's taken internal damage. I reckon I've got more armor on my backside than up front! Gonna try to get the attention of those damn Enforcers! If'n they turn around towards me, you light the bastards' rear armor up, you hear?! Cooper out!"
"Roger Cooper. Maneuver. Left flank is relatively safe. Advancing my Griffin off the firing line to give them another target to shoot at while you make for safety."
Dr. Zoe Kyaku wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 7:13 pmShe broadcasts to Commander Perun, "Is he drunk?"
Not 100% certain what the flygal is referring to, Perun quickly assumes she is talking about Bluto who just gave orders in rapid staccato to try to reinforce the right flank and salvage what is left of Gamma lance.

"Leadership juice, ma'am. It's called 'Leadership Juice'." Perun keys back. And returns his attention to the fight.

Urging his Griffin off to a run, Perun heads straight down the hill (and is gladdened to see Jackson also heading in the same direction, trying to cut straight through the melee), turning only at the last minute to face slightly in Jackson's direction. He will open fire on anyone shooting at Jackson to try to draw attention to himself instead. Alternatively, if Jackson isn't being shot at anymore, Perun will look for openings (ideally rear armor shots) within range.

Executing a more complex maneuver, Perun sees Jackson making a sloping counterclockwise run for the safety of the left flank. The logistics specialist veers to the west before clockwise rotating in a tighter circle than Jackson (possibly providing some cover for the fleeing Griffin at certain times) and hopefully finding openings for rear armor shots either for himself or for mechs that turn to try to shoot at the pair of maneuvering Griffins.

Turn 1:
Init: 2d6: [1, 2] = 3

  • RUNNING - up to 8 MP
  • Moved - 8 hexes
  • Ford_II_T1_Perun.png

Large Laser(RA) [8H]: 2d6+2: [1, 1]+2 = 4
Medium Laser(RA) [3H]: 2d6+2: [3, 2]+2 = 7
Medium Laser(RA) [3H]: 2d6+2: [2, 2]+2 = 6

Target Priorities:
  • Mechs shooting at Jackson that are within range. To draw their attention/fire.
  • Targets of opportunity (rear armor shots) within range.
  • Nearest target within range.

Keep left side exposed more than right side via torso twist.

If OpFor mech happens to finish turn in adjacent hex, kick attack. Piloting/Mech 2d6+2: [1, 5]+2 = 8

Pilot/Mech: 2d6+2: [1, 5]+2 = 8
Sensor Operations: 2d6+1: [5, 5]+1 = 11

Starting Heat: +1
Weapon & Movement Heat: 16
Heat Sinks: 16
Total Heat this turn: +0

Turn 2:
Init: 2d6: [1, 3] = 4

  • Walking - up to 5 MP
  • Moved - 5 hexes
  • Ford_II_T2_Perun.png

Large Laser(RA) [8H]: 2d6+2: [6, 5]+2 = 13
Medium Laser(RA) [3H]: 2d6+2: [3, 4]+2 = 9
Medium Laser(RA) [3H]: 2d6+2: [2, 2]+2 = 6

Target Priorities:
  • Mechs shooting at Jackson that are within range. To draw their attention/fire.
  • Targets of opportunity (rear armor shots) within range. [Archer plz?]
  • Nearest target within range.

If possible, keep left side more exposed than right side.

If OpFor mech happens to finish turn in adjacent hex, kick attack. Piloting/Mech 2d6+2: [4, 6]+2 = 12

Pilot/Mech: 2d6+2: [2, 4]+2 = 8
Sensor Operations: 2d6+1: [4, 3]+1 = 8

Starting Heat: +1
Weapon & Movement Heat: 15
Heat Sinks: 16
Total Heat this turn: -1
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Vincent Moreau
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Vincent Moreau »

Perception: 2d6+5: [5, 4]+5 = 14 (7 Base TN)
JIC: 2d6: [4, 4] = 8
JIC: 2d6: [1, 5] = 6


V watches with a grin as Zoe successfully shoots down one of the two SL-21's. "One down, one to go." V says with confidence as he peels back and adjusts to target the remaining SL-21. When he hears the return comment from the damaged SL-21, V frowns almost playfully. "Well, he's a rude one, isn't he." V says to no one in specific as he lines up another shot.
Zoe wrote:"V, we have a problem," "Two more bogeys incoming, high altitude."
V checks his radar ping to track the targets and grimaces. "Copy, I see them." V confirms as his radar pings the additional two contacts and V scowls. "One down, three to go." V says through a frown under his breathe. Gonna have to take out this one before their buddies get close enough to give them a numbers advantage. V thinks and refocuses on trying to down the remaining, already damaged SL-21 before its reinforcements arrive.
Zoe wrote:"V, finish this one, I will intercept the others,"
V nods to himself. "Copy, be careful." V calls out and aims to down the damaged fighter as quickly as possible to reinforce Zoe. V favors his left side, falling on the right side of the damaged SL-21 and zeroing in to unload his full compliment of targeted fire to bring the SL-21 down as fast as possible.
Bluto wrote:"Harbingers watch Centurion 4's rear for a shot! Cover each other, shoot ass when you see it! Repeat, cover each other, shoot ass when you see it! We got the angles."
Zoe wrote:"Tactically sound but... is he drunk?"
V takes a moment to chuckle at the question and answers Zoe. "Wouldn't surprise me." V responds to Zoe as Zoe queues up her radio to give the ground DDF forces an update on the air battle.

Turn 1:
Init: 3d6-L: [5, 6, 5]-L = 11

Current Velocity: 2

Starting Altitude: 3

Thrust Points Expended: 3

Pilot Check: Pilot, Aerospace: 2d6+8: [2, 1]+8 = 11 (8 Base TN)

AC/5: Gunnery, Aerospace: 2d6+8: [5, 3]+8 = 16 (8 Base TN)
Medium Laser: Gunnery, Aerospace: 2d6+8: [6, 2]+8 = 16 (8 Base TN)
Medium Laser: Gunnery, Aerospace: 2d6+8: [2, 2]+8 = 12 (8 Base TN)
Large Laser: Gunnery, Aerospace: 2d6+8: [3, 4]+8 = 15 (8 Base TN)
Large Laser: Gunnery, Aerospace: 2d6+8: [4, 4]+8 = 16 (8 Base TN)

Alternate Target:

Sensory Operation (8 Base TN): 2d6+5: [1, 5]+5 = 11 (Track damaged SL-21) | 2d6+5: [1, 2]+5 = 8 (Track Zoe) | 2d6+5: [3, 3]+5 = 11 (Track incoming)
Pilot, Aerospace (8 Base TN): 2d6+8: [2, 6]+8 = 16 | 2d6+8: [2, 5]+8 = 15 | 2d6+8: [5, 5]+8 = 18 | 2d6+8: [2, 5]+8 = 15

End of Turn Velocity: 2

Ending Altitude: 3

Turn 2:
Init: 3d6-L: [5, 1, 6]-L = 11

Starting Heat: 4

Current Velocity: 2

Starting Altitude: 3

Thrust Points Expended:

Pilot Check: Pilot, Aerospace: 2d6+8: [1, 5]+8 = 14 (8 Base TN)

AC/5: Gunnery, Aerospace: 2d6+8: [2, 3]+8 = 13 (8 Base TN)
Medium Laser: Gunnery, Aerospace: 2d6+8: [4, 2]+8 = 14 (8 Base TN)
Medium Laser: Gunnery, Aerospace: 2d6+8: [2, 5]+8 = 15 (8 Base TN)

Alternate Target: If the damaged SL-21 is down, V will peel off and follow Zoe and start climbing in altitude to greet the new SL-21s

Sensory Operation (8 Base TN): 2d6+5: [6, 3]+5 = 14 (Track damaged SL-21) | 2d6+5: [6, 2]+5 = 13 (Track Zoe) | 2d6+5: [6, 2]+5 = 13 (Track incoming)
Pilot, Aerospace (8 Base TN): 2d6+8: [4, 5]+8 = 17 | 2d6+8: [6, 2]+8 = 16 | 2d6+8: [2, 4]+8 = 14 | 2d6+8: [3, 2]+8 = 13

End of Turn Velocity: 2

Ending Altitude: 3
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Sum of All Fears
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Sum of All Fears »

”DTG” wrote: 5 February 3026
Winter; 10०F
Jackson worried about the alarms that kicked his mech into high gear and dashes into the enemy formation. Jackson notes he has run past a Centurion and one of the Archers, But He does spot the back of Centurion 1 directly in front of him. He is partially hidden from the Von Luckner from the low hill next to him. Jackson still receives an alert that missiles are incoming. Several missiles slam into his already damaged Left torso, and one explodes on his head. The concussion kicks Jackson in the chest hard enough to drive the breath from his lungs. As he gasps for breath he can taste the copper of his blood in his mouth from where he likely bit into his cheek from the impact. (1 Lethal Damage; 4 Fatigue Damage.) Jackson still is able to line up his shot on the back of Centurion 1 and fire his Large and Medium Laser. He watches as the blue hue of the large laser melts into the back of his target. Jackson sees a small flash before the mech is consumed in a fireball as the remaining AC10 ammo lights off, spinning the arms of the centurion off in opposite directions. Jackson can feel the concussion wave of the explosion in his mech.

Jackson kicks his mech back around to left, barely missing Perun as he comes around. Jackson’s heart drops as he sees the Von Luckner opening fire at him again. The things has been doging him for the last little bit. Jackson knows the Von Luckner is likely target fixed on him…he might be able to do something with that if he survived this exchange. The AC20 round impacts your left leg blasting off all the remaining armor and cutting into the internal structure. The impact rattles your teeth as more alarms sound. The LRMs hammer into your already vulnerable left torso cutting though it and blasting your left arm free from the mech. The sudden loss of the appendage threatens to unbalance you as the SRMs scream in impacting your center torso and both legs. Through you’re exceptional pilot skill you keep the mech upright as the computer calmly informs you about how fucked you are. ”Warning…Weapon Systems offline. Caution damage exceeds recommended thresholds…would you like to eject?” (You have lost all weapon systems on your left side) Jackson still opens up with the remaining weapons he has on his right side. You score hits on the Von Luckner and you see black smoke billow from its engine as it seems to slow down.

Perun sees Jackson come under fire and move forward to assist or at least be a distraction. However both Kit and Tabatyo also move up leaving the three of them in a line with Perun sandwiched in the middle. Perun watches as Tabatyo is hammered by the Von Luckner’s weapons. Perun hears metal ringing as pieces of Tabatyo’s mech actually bounce off Perun’s Griffon. ”Gah! What a battle!! Perun can hear him spit in his cockpit. ”It’s been awhile since I tasted my own blood. FOR THE DRAGON!!!” Perun looks to his left as Kit and Enforcer 1 exchange fire. Kit’s Centurion is hammered. The Blue larger Laser cuts deep into the center of the mech and you can see the engine flare as its seems to have taken a hit, but the mech is still functional. Then the AC10 round slams into and breaches the armor over Kit’s left torso. The detonation of the round is right on the LRM launcher. Perun can see the LRM is out of action. Looking quickly back to check on Kit, you bear witness to an extraordinary event as Kit facks moving left and raises her AC10 to Enforcer 1’s head and fires. The AC10 round punches through the cockpit and detonates the head of the mech. Enforcer 1 drops to its knees before pitching over onto the ground. With everything going on you have a hard time focusing on your weapons. You hit the firing studs before you are truly ready, sending your weapons fire cutting into the ground near Archer 1 doing nothing more than tilling the soil.

Perun feels the weapons fire from the Von Luckner rock his Griffen as it passes him as the tank targets Jackson. Perun open fire on the tank to try and get it out of the fight. Perun pins the blue and green beams of his lasers into the left side of the tank. Suddenly the side of the tank turns into a roman candle as the fuel lights off and the crew attempt to scramble out as the Tank balloons out and detonates, showing the countryside with metal fragments.

Bluto directs the remaining Gamma Shadow Hawks to fire on Centurion 4. However before they can Centurion 4 opens up on Hayate who was flanking and harassing Archer 2. Bluto watches as the AC10 shell and LRMs cut the legs out from under the Jenner, sending it crashing to the ground. The jenner rolls lightly as it hits and bounces from the momentum coming to a rest with its cockpit facing the ground. Bluto does not see an ejection sequence from the Jenner as it lays still on the ground. Bluto readies himself and works through a firing solution when he is hit from the left side. Centurion 2 flanked him and hit him from his blind side. The AC10 and medium laser crack the armor over Bluto’s right torso and the LMRs pepper his legs and arm. The computer alerts him to a minor issue, ”Alert Armor compromised.” Bluto can see he no longer has any armor covering his right torso. The green hue of the medium laser must have been just enough to melt off what was left, without doing anything to the internals. Looking abc to the battlefield Bluto catches sight of 20 LRMs blasting armor of Gamma 2. The Shadow Hawk stubbornly refuses to go down just yet. Bluto, Not to be out done unleashes hell on Centurion 2. He really needs to get his mech to the mechtechs. One of his medium lasers is not aligned right as every shot has just been flying out into the wilderness. The rest of his weapons are highly accurate and hammer Centurion 2. Your LRMs blast into the right arm as your laseres melt into the armor covering various torso sections. Your last green medium laser cleanly punches into the left torso structure of Centurion 2.

Bluto continues his flank trying to get shots on the rear of mechs. However he doesn’t quite end up behind anything. He actually ends up directly in between Enforcer 6 and Centurion 2. Gamma continued after Centurion 4 who decided to move to the other side of the battlefield, but Bluto is confident Gamma can handle them. Right now he’s looking at two other mechs. Bluto does notice the Archers have begun to fall back in the direction they came from. Not by much but they are in a continuous reverse course keeping themselves at range. Bluto is suddenly illuminated in green and his mech shudders slightly as a single medium laser for Centurion 2 melts a little armor off his right arm. Bluto returns the favor with all of his weapons making the Centurion glow green from laser fire, it looks almost radioactive for a moment. The armor melts off portions of the mech. The center torso right leg and right arms are especially bad and you can tell you’ve hit into the internals. As hard as you hit it. The Centurion is almost mocking you by remaining standing.

Ford Battle Map II, Turn 3.png

Zoe leaves the damaged Fighter and her trust to V as she banks into the firing path of the damaged SL-21 in order to get a shot on the newcomers. She opens up with her lasers and AC5. The heat does begin to die down as she watches her lasers and cannon impact the lead SL-21 cracking the armor. She scores hits on the lead fighter but it’s still in the fight.

V drops right in the saddle. V instinctively slides slightly to the right as he opens up on the damaged SL-21. His laser fire rips the engine free from the fighters and sends it shooting off into the distance. The cannon further hammers the SL-21 as it pitches pitches down in a death spiral and the pilot ejects from the stricken craft. V rolls over the top and watches his handy work impact the ground in a fireball. Satisfied V rights himself and banks around to face the newcomers.

To both of your surprise both ships bank hard and flee to the north at speed. Seems they are running.

Suddenly over all the chatter everyone on the ground and in the air hears a radio call, ”Stand Down. All Units stand down.” You all recognize the voice of the mercenary leader. ”Commander Perun. You have won the field today. Please accept our surrender pursuant to section 4, clause 17 of the Mercenary Review Board Charter.”

This section details if a mercenary group believes they would be unable to flee a losing battle in pursuit of a valid MRB contract, they may immediately cease hostilities with the opposing force and surrender themselves into their opponents care to be ransomed to the mercenaries employer at a later date. The only legal stipulation is any vehicle not brought down by weapons fire must be returned in the state it was upon the surrender. COMSTAR is the approving authority and validator of these transactions.

Perun hears Tabatyo in his head set, "Well shit I was looking forward to stepping on the dog like he deserves. 3rd Dieron Regulars stand down."

Perun then hears the Hargbingers in his headset as well, "Harbingers standing down. We've got some crew in need of medical attention. Commander could you call the drop ships out to help treat our most serious cases?"

"Commander Perun, this is Commander Donavan. We're inbound to your location five minutes out. We also have indications the drop ships are lifting off and heading to upper orbit." Donavan's tone takes on an icy chill, "I also need to speak to you and the other Sigma members when I land. There is a situation we need to discuss."

Perun, Bluto, and Jackson can see the survivors powering down their mechs and climbing out of the cockpits unarmed.

"Redwing flight, control. RTB. We'll debrief when you return."

You all lived!!! All hostilities have ceased...Now what?
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Bluto »

Perception: 2d6+2: [6, 2]+2 = 10 (7 Base TN) (SUCCESS)
JIC: 2d6: [6, 6] = 12
JIC: 2d6: [3, 2] = 5

Bluto stares at the enemy as the enemy commander's surrender message goes out. He feels a mix of confusion and disappointment.

I was just starting to enjoy that. The thrill of battle was still coursing through his veins, along with a reasonable amount of liquor.

It all feels a bit anticlimactic.

"Well, that was quick," he mutters, shaking his head. "I was just getting warmed up."

His first thoughts are for the remaining members of Gamma Lance. "Gamma Lance, you guys alright?" he asks, his voice a little slurred, but there's concern there too.

He then radios Perun. "I'm good here, Commander. A bit banged up, but I've had worse." He pauses, then adds, "I was looking forward to baggin that Archer. Bummer, maybe next time."

Bluto's thoughts turn to the fallen Kuritan Jenner. He liked Hayate's plan to backstab the Archer very much, but remembers the Jenner getting the worst of it.

"Hayate," he mutters. "I wonder if he's alright?" He checks the damage on the Jenner, confirming that both legs are missing.

He punches the comms button. "Hey, Hayate, you okay? Pretty mean hit you took there."

Contingency: If it becomes apparent Hayate is not OK, Bluto moves his mech closer to the downed Kuritan mech, and calls for help.
"Someone get some help over here! We need to check on that Jenner!" he calls urgently. I don't know if pilots can easily exit their mechs, or if it's a done thing, but if appropriate Bluto will exit his mech and help with the recovery of mechwarriors.

Likewise, Bluto will check on other pilots and assist as appropriate.

Sum of All Fears wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 4:12 pm "Commander Perun, this is Commander Donavan. We're inbound to your location five minutes out. We also have indications the drop ships are lifting off and heading to upper orbit." Donavan's tone takes on an icy chill, "I also need to speak to you and the other Sigma members when I land. There is a situation we need to discuss."
Bluto listens to Commander Donovan's message, a puzzled look on his face. "What's the problem?" he mutters. "We won, right?"

He scratches his head, trying to figure out what could be bothering Donovan. "Maybe I left the toilet seat up or something," he jokes.

He shook his head, dismissing the thought, and files it under B.F.W. The mechwarrior spends what time he can checking on his guys on the ground and helping pick up the pieces.
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Vincent Moreau
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Vincent Moreau »

Perception: 2d6+5: [5, 2]+5 = 12 (7 Base TN)
JIC: 2d6: [5, 4] = 9
JIC: 2d6: [6, 6] = 12


V watches as the second SL-21 starts plummeting down, though his eyes trail to the pilot who ejected. That's the rude one, oh well, ground forces will deal with him. V considers as he banks to join Zoe and engage the other two. To his surprise, the other two peel off and begin retreating, prompting V to narrow his eyes. "Let's track them." V says to himself as he looks over his radar and radios Zoe. "You seeing this? Looks like they are retreating." V radios to Zoe. Then the call to stand down crackles over the wide band.
Mercenary Leader wrote:”Commander Perun. You have won the field today. Please accept our surrender pursuant to section 4, clause 17 of the Mercenary Review Board Charter.”
V scowls at the message and relocks his Cluster Bombs to prevent any misfires. "Guess they were retreating. Haven't seen a parlay call in awhile." V mutters under his breathe. "Looks like we lose salvage rights too. Better be a bonus for forcing a surrender." V considers to himself out loud. He queues up his radio to Zoe. "Wizard, going to circle the battlefield to confirm that hostilities have ceased." V radios out to Zoe.

As V does a fly by around the battlefield, he triggers his radio to Sigma Lance. "Redwing 2 to Sigma Lance; good work down there. Commencing a circle around the battlefield to confirm surrender." V radios to Perun, Bluto, Jackson and the other mechs on the ground.
Redwing Control wrote:"Redwing flight, control. RTB. We'll debrief when you return."
V sighs. "Sort've think we should stay on station just in case" V considers but nods, deciding against voicing his dissent. "Copy, command. Commencing RTB route. Will advise as we near the base." V responds and then radios Zoe. "Nice flying with you, Wizard. Good work." V compliments Zoe then triggers his radio to Sigma Lance again.

"Redwing 2 to Sigma Lance, Our flight is RTB. Stay Frosty, first round is on me back at base." V offers to the members of Sigma Lance. One drink, meet them then find a nice quiet corner. Maybe draw some of the battlefield if I can remember it. Most grounders are too rowdy for my tastes. V considers to himself as he punches in the navigation data to the base.
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Jackson Cooper
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Jackson Cooper »

Perception: 2d6+2: [1, 4]+2 = 7
JIC: 2d6: 2d6: [2, 1] = 3
JIC: 2d6: 2d6: [1, 2] = 3

(Active effects: Compulsion/Stubborn, Fit, Good Vision)

The ringing in his ears from the last missile impact drowns out both the alarms and the inital radio chatter. Jackson can feel the mental strain on his already rattled brain as it takes a concerted effort for him to remain upright after the loss of nearly the entire left side of his mech. Looking around, he is surprised to see the OpFor's remaining mechs begin to power down. The ringing in Jackson's ears subsides slightly and he is finally able to listen in on the radio chatter. He steers the Crab toward's Perun's Griffin on shaky legs and wipes a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth before hitting the comms.

His voice comes out shakier than he had expected. "Cooper here. 'Mech's on her last legs over here, but I'm alive. Feelin' a little shook up after that last missle salvo. Nice shootin' out there, Slick."
"Redwing 2 to Sigma Lance, Our flight is RTB. Stay Frosty, first round is on me back at base."
Jackson chuckles softly to himself. "Was gonna give you a ten-four, Redwing 2, but that sounds so good I'm gonna give you a ten-five. Thanks for keepin' those birds off our tails."

Jackson flanks Perun and leans back in his seat before letting out a long sigh and waiting for extraction.
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Dr. Zoe Kyaku
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Dr. Zoe Kyaku »

Perception: 2d6+7: [4, 3]+7 = 14 | (7 Base TN)
JIC: 2d6: [2, 1] = 3
JIC: 2d6: [1, 6] = 7
Sensor Operations. 2d6+6: [2, 3]+6 = 11 | (8 Base TN)
Sum of All Fears wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 4:12 pmTo both of your surprise both ships bank hard and flee to the north at speed. Seems they are running.
Sum of All Fears wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 4:12 pm "Redwing flight, control. RTB. We'll debrief when you return."
Zoe replies, volunteering additional duty if she is allowed. "Understood Control. That terrorist will still want extraction. Our fighters are in good condition to patrol the area if you wish."

She watches the enemy fighters flee very carefully on sensors, alert for any unusual path they take that is not directly to their dropships. If they are going to pick up their bomber, it will be now. If she sees any such suspicious activity, she immediately reports it to control and volunteers for the Redwings to deny them any landing on Detroit soil.

If nothing further can be done, a wave of relief washes over her. The battle had been intense, and her Stingray had taken a beating. She feels exhausted, both physically and mentally.

Yet she feels a sense of disappointment. She had been eager to finish the fight, to deliver a decisive blow to the enemy. But the rules of war were clear: once a surrender was offered, the fighting must cease.

She lets V do the talking with Sigma Lance and she thinks about what has just transpired.
Vincent Moreau wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 8:35 pm He queues up his radio to Zoe. "Wizard, going to circle the battlefield to confirm that hostilities have ceased." V radios out to Zoe.
She sends a message to Sigma, warning about the bomber which triggered all of this bloodshed.
"Redwing 1 to Sigma Lance, any luck finding your terrorist bomber? He will still want extraction and I doubt that sort is covered under any section of the Mercenary Review Board Charter. Good hunting."
Vincent Moreau wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 8:35 pm V responds and then radios Zoe. "Nice flying with you, Wizard. Good work."
"You too. Next time we should bring more cluster munitions, just to be sure."

Zoe then banks the Stingray, turning it towards the base. As she flies, she runs a diagnostic check on the fighter, assessing the extent of the damage. The results are reassuring; the structural integrity of the craft is still sound, and the systems are functioning normally.

Computers 2d6+8: [1, 5]+8 = 14 | (9 Base TN)

She glances out the cockpit, taking in the vast expanse of the sky. The clouds, fluffy and white, contrast with the deep blue sky. A sense of peace washes over her. After the intensity of the battle, the quiet serenity of the sky is a welcome respite.

As she approaches the base, she feels a sense of satisfaction. They fought well, and had emerged victorious. She was proud of herself and her wingman, V. She wonders what might be in store for the debriefing.
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Re: Detroit: Emergency Operation; Defend Ford

Post by Perun »

Perception: 3d6-L+4: [6, 5, 1]-L+4 = 15 | (7 Base TN)
JIC: 2d6: [2, 2] = 4
JIC: 2d6: [3, 5] = 8

Active Effects: (Good Vision, Good Hearing, Patient)

Sum of All Fears wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 4:12 pmSuddenly over all the chatter everyone on the ground and in the air hears a radio call, ”Stand Down. All Units stand down.” You all recognize the voice of the mercenary leader. ”Commander Perun. You have won the field today. Please accept our surrender pursuant to section 4, clause 17 of the Mercenary Review Board Charter.”
Filled with a mixture of relief and confusion at the abrupt surrender, Perun nonetheless recognizes the commonly recognized terms and quickly keys back. "Roger Greyhound Mercenary Co. Surrender acknowledged. Power down. Disarm. Assemble in preparation for transport. And compile search and rescue requests." His comms chirp end of communication.

Despite being wholly unfamiliar with the process, he nonetheless wishes to convey both professionalism and a modicum of compassion to their foes.

Perun allows himself a long sigh as he leans back into the seat of the cockpit and friendlies fill the comms with confirmation.
Sum of All Fears wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 4:12 pmPerun hears Tabatyo in his head set, "Well shit I was looking forward to stepping on the dog like he deserves. 3rd Dieron Regulars stand down."

Perun then hears the Hargbingers in his headset as well, "Harbingers standing down. We've got some crew in need of medical attention. Commander could you call the drop ships out to help treat our most serious cases?"
"Well done everyone. Thank you for your expertise and professionalism. Shift focus to search/rescue and medical. Get our friends help first. And afterward, we can extend services to the surrendered OpFor. Not purely altruistic, but it boosts DDF's ransom pool for future negotiations." Perun keys to friendlies. His voice quivers slightly and experienced mechwarriors might recognize that as a symptom of adrenaline still actively pumping through the logistics specialist.

Deciding to address Tabayto directly, Perun keys to him, "And again, Shino Tabayto. I am honored to have fought by your side today. Thank you for helping with the defense of Ford. If you feel like you want to stick around for future rounds of fights with the OpFor, I think that can be arranged. If not, I leave you to coordinate with Mayor Fernandez regarding the apprehension and transfer of Maurice Shellburn to you. I'm confident that with the drop ship departure, it is only a matter of time before he is found."

But otherwise, Perun tries to do what he can to expedite search/rescue and deployment of medical services.
Bluto wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 7:28 pmHe then radios Perun. "I'm good here, Commander. A bit banged up, but I've had worse." He pauses, then adds, "I was looking forward to baggin that Archer. Bummer, maybe next time."
"Glad to hear you made it. You were executing quite the maneuver back there. And the OpFor was pushing hard on your flank. Leadership juice sounded like it worked its magic. Keep performing like that and there will be plenty of time for trophies in the future." Perun replies. Secretly, he didn't doubt Bluto's ability to make it through the combat. A part of him felt like given the mechwarrior savant's history, the only way he was going down was after the rest of them were defeated first. And Perun was glad of their current outcome instead of that dark possibility.
Jackson Cooper wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 10:48 amHis voice comes out shakier than he had expected. "Cooper here. 'Mech's on her last legs over here, but I'm alive. Feelin' a little shook up after that last missle salvo. Nice shootin' out there, Slick."
"Thanks. I'm rather proud of the tight cluster of scorch marks in the dirt. Maybe next time the OpFor will do me a solid and hold still." Perun quips at an attempt at humor. He had actually missed the majority of his shots and only got lucky at the end dealing the killing blow on the Von Luckner. "Queue up your Crab for the mech-techs and get yourself to the med-techs to get a quick check-up."
Sum of All Fears wrote: Sun Nov 24, 2024 4:12 pm"Commander Perun, this is Commander Donavan. We're inbound to your location five minutes out. We also have indications the drop ships are lifting off and heading to upper orbit." Donavan's tone takes on an icy chill, "I also need to speak to you and the other Sigma members when I land. There is a situation we need to discuss."
"Roger Commander Donavan. See you soon." Perun acknowledges.

"A situation"? Sounds serious. I don't think anyone in the Ford defense committed any violations. Must be something else.
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Re: Detroit: Emergency Operation; Defend Ford

Post by Bluto »

((Rolls carried))
Perun wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 6:33 am
Bluto wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 7:28 pmHe then radios Perun. "I'm good here, Commander. A bit banged up, but I've had worse." He pauses, then adds, "I was looking forward to baggin that Archer. Bummer, maybe next time."
"Glad to hear you made it. You were executing quite the maneuver back there. And the OpFor was pushing hard on your flank. Leadership juice sounded like it worked its magic. Keep performing like that and there will be plenty of time for trophies in the future." Perun replies. Secretly, he didn't doubt Bluto's ability to make it through the combat. A part of him felt like given the mechwarrior savant's history, the only way he was going down was after the rest of them were defeated first. And Perun was glad of their current outcome instead of that dark possibility.
Bluto chuckles, and dismisses the praise by blowing a raspberry. "Nah, didn't do all that much," he says dismissively. He adds, "These surrender monkeys gave it up before it really got started. We could have bagged a Battlemaster and had a stack of Archer parts." He lets out a disappointed sigh. "Next time."
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Sum of All Fears »

”DTG” wrote: 5 February 3026
Winter; 10०F
Bluto, disappointed in the sudden stop to the battle, moves over and radios Hayate. ”Ugh…I think my arm is broken, and my cockpit is blocked by the ground, but otherwise I’m still here. I appreciate the concern. I should have guessed they’d swing around. Didn’t expect them to cut my legs out.”

Perun begins addressing the others as they pull back to provide space for the GreyHound Mercenaries to disembark from their mechs. Tabayto responds to him, ”Commander Perun, You did well in directing this battle. We will assist with securing the mercenaries. It was an honor to fight at your side.”

As Jackson leans back and waits for extraction he notices Kit and Ivy’s mechs over by Darvin’s Javelin. They seem to be over by what remains of the cockpit. Jackson situates himself near Perun for extraction as the adrenalin of this fight begins to wear off. As it does Jackson begins to feel nauseous and dizzy. He’s feeling the effects of a concussion. He should probably seek medical treatment for that. Even if he doesn’t he’s radioed by the medical team to submit for a post battle medical inspection.

Over the next half hour the DDF and Kuritan dropships land close and off load medical and security personnel to assist the wounded and secure the GreyHounds. As they work through the wounded on both sides it becomes very apparent that this battle was devastating to both sides, despite its relatively quick resolution. The DDF, Kuritans, and the Grey Hounds all park their mechs in the open area south of the battlefield. Once they all are out of their mechs and the medical and security personnel get to work.

Personnel recovery is difficult. Hayate needs to be cut out from his mech as the hatch was buried under the ground when he fell. Several of the tank crews didn’t survive, while a few were gravely wounded. When the tanks detonated there was nowhere for their crew to go. In those areas recovery is more about body parts then whole people. Just something to identify the person through DNA. It’s dirty work, but everyone, even the GreyHounds, get to work assisting everyone. Those still living are moved to the Dustoff dropship for medical treatment. After a little while Perun is handed a casualty list detailing the battle injuries and the dead…it's nearly a page and a half long.

  • Darvin (Tango)
  • Hellen Mitcheal (Gamma 2)
  • Gram Ashworth (Hetzer crew, Harbingers)
  • Jake Miller (Hetzer crew, Harbingers)
  • Joseph Farnsworth (AC2 Carrier, Harbingers)
  • Jake Fraily (AC2 Carrier, Harbingers)
  • Jack Merril (AC2 Carrier, Harbingers)
  • Peter Fairbanks (Centurion 1, GH)
  • Trevor Gillian (Enforcer 1, GH)
  • Peir Luffiet (Von Lunckner crew)
  • Henry Iffite (Von Luckner Crew)
  • Paul Sheldon (Von Luckner Crew)
  • Bliar Luffiet (Von Luckner Crew)
  • Gilbert Fluere (Von Luckner Crew)
  • Victor Garcia (Pike 1 Crew)
  • Metzer Gregorey (Pike 1 Crew)
  • Victor Hensley (Pike 1 Crew)
  • Philipe Doluth (Pike 1 Crew)
  • Phil Bellows (Pike 2 Crew)
  • Keletz Harifte (Pike 2 Crew)
  • Frederick Gastoff (Pike 2 Crew)
  • Bell Gregorey (Pike 2 Crew)

  • Jackson (Concussion)
  • Tabatyo (Concussion, Lacerations to face and arms)
  • Charlie Blackmon (Gamma 1), (Right arm and right leg amputation)
  • Hayate (Broken Left arm, Head contusions, Concussion)
  • Kit (3rd degree burns to Left leg, arm, and left side of face, Lacerations to chest)
  • Shui (Concussion, Lacerations to arms and legs)
  • Kohaku (Concussion, Lacerations to face)
  • Ryota (3rd degree burns to right arm, 2nd degree burns to right leg)
  • Bradly Aasworth - Hetzer Crew (Lacerations to back and head)
  • Filix Holsizer - Hetzer Crew (Amputation of right arm, 3rd degree burns to entire right side of body)
  • Taylor Farnsworth - Locust 2 (Concussion, blunt force trauma to head, fractured skull_Orbital)
  • Timothy Locastro - Commando (Concussion, 2nd degree burns to left leg, lacerations to back)
  • Brad Williams - Enforcer 3 (Concussion, broken left leg)
  • Harrison Hill - Enforcer 4 (Broken ribs)
  • Grant Danielson - Enforcer 6 (Broken right arm_Compound, Lacerations to face)

After things are mostly settled the three members of Sigma join up with Commander Donavan and the remaining members of Tango Lance in Angel II’s briefing room. All of tango looks to be upset, but Kit even more so than everyone else. Donavan engages the sounds dampening security measures of the briefing room, ”This is not going to be easy to hear, but There was an incident with the other part of Sigma. The ones who went to the mine. Apparently The pirates infiltrated your home and kidnapped or killed Nimiko. Liang, Margret, JC and Corporal Fitzgerald rushed back to attempt a rescue. The endeavor ended with four dead pirates. Liang, Margret, and Fitz were severely wounded…and JC was killed.” Kit gives a small squeak of surprise as she can’t help but let the tears flow. Ivy pulls her tight to comfort her friend and lance mate. ”After a further investigation Nimiko was not found amongst the premises. There is a full sweep being conducted. But as on now this is being treated very carefully. The depths of the infiltration fo this pirate influence is greater than anyone realized. We will be gathering information over the next month or so. We will be keeping this amongst yourselves and any other brought in by myself or Captain Fisher. Is that understood? I’m sure you have questions and I’ll do my best to answer them for you.” Donavan looks very tired.

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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Bluto »

Perception: 2d6+2: [6, 1]+2 = 9 (7 Base TN) (SUCCESS)
JIC: 2d6: [2, 2] = 4
JIC: 2d6: [1, 2] = 3
Sum of All Fears wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:39 am Bluto, disappointed in the sudden stop to the battle, moves over and radios Hayate. ”Ugh…I think my arm is broken, and my cockpit is blocked by the ground, but otherwise I’m still here. I appreciate the concern. I should have guessed they’d swing around. Didn’t expect them to cut my legs out.”

Perun begins addressing the others as they pull back to provide space for the GreyHound Mercenaries to disembark from their mechs. Tabayto responds to him, ”Commander Perun, You did well in directing this battle. We will assist with securing the mercenaries. It was an honor to fight at your side.”
Bluto's face lights up when he hears Hayate's voice. "Hey, Hayate, we'll get you outta there." He pauses, then adds, "I tried keeping their attention on me, your plan was good. Just unlucky. Wish I had more LRM's in this thing, wrong loadout for the job we had."

Bluto does not speak further to the Kuritans unless spoken to, and returns to the business of mopping up until the briefing is called.

In the briefing room Bluto glances over at Jackson, who may be moving a little stiffly. "You alright, Jack?" he asks. "You look a bit... off. And not in a fun way." Bluto positions himself to the side of Jackson, ready to offer support if needed.

He offers his expert medical opinion. "Either too much beer. Or not enough."
Sum of All Fears wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:39 am As it does Jackson begins to feel nauseous and dizzy. He’s feeling the effects of a concussion. He should probably seek medical treatment for that. Even if he doesn’t he’s radioed by the medical team to submit for a post battle medical inspection.
After things are mostly settled the three members of Sigma join up with Commander Donavan and the remaining members of Tango Lance in Angel II’s briefing room. All of tango looks to be upset, but Kit even more so than everyone else. Donavan engages the sounds dampening security measures of the briefing room, ”This is not going to be easy to hear, but There was an incident with the other part of Sigma. The ones who went to the mine. Apparently The pirates infiltrated your home and kidnapped or killed Nimiko. Liang, Margret, JC and Corporal Fitzgerald rushed back to attempt a rescue. The endeavor ended with four dead pirates. Liang, Margret, and Fitz were severely wounded…and JC was killed.” Kit gives a small squeak of surprise as she can’t help but let the tears flow. Ivy pulls her tight to comfort her friend and lance mate. ”After a further investigation Nimiko was not found amongst the premises. There is a full sweep being conducted. But as on now this is being treated very carefully. The depths of the infiltration fo this pirate influence is greater than anyone realized. We will be gathering information over the next month or so. We will be keeping this amongst yourselves and any other brought in by myself or Captain Fisher. Is that understood? I’m sure you have questions and I’ll do my best to answer them for you.” Donavan looks very tired.
Bluto's face falls when he hears the news of JC's death. He'd only known the mechwarrior for a short time, but he'd quickly grown to like him. "JC?" he mutters, his voice filled with surprise. "That sucks."

Need to find out who killed him and make 'em pay, he thinks. Then he realises the ones responsible are already dead.

Then he gets confused. Indeed, Bluto's confusion is palpable. This isn't just plain old alcoholic confusion, nor the sort of daily confusion one gains from having a low intellect. This is about not knowing anything about the strange history of his new lance mates.

"Pirates? In our base? What the hell's going on?" he exclaims. "I thought we were fighting Davion mercs. How pirates turn up at the same time?"

He shakes his head, trying to make sense of it all. "And Nimiko? Why would they want her? She's just a kid." He turns to Liang, his eyebrows raised in confusion. "What's going on? There a treasure map tattooed on her back leading to King Tut's Golden Undies?"
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Re: Detroit: Emergency Operation; Defend Ford

Post by Perun »

Perception: 3d6-L+4: [4, 2, 6]-L+4 = 14 | (7 Base TN)
JIC: 2d6: [4, 5] = 9
JIC: 2d6: [4, 3] = 7

Active Effects: (Good Vision, Good Hearing, Patient)

Sum of All Fears wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:39 amPerun begins addressing the others as they pull back to provide space for the GreyHound Mercenaries to disembark from their mechs. Tabayto responds to him, ”Commander Perun, You did well in directing this battle. We will assist with securing the mercenaries. It was an honor to fight at your side.”
"You honor me with such high praise, Tabayto." Perun begins, uncertain how to reflect his feeling of mutual respect without either sounding lame or like an echoing duck. The logistics specialist then blurts out, "I learned many lessons this day. Foremost among them is that combat is a less-heavy lift when one surrounds themselves with excellence. Thank you again. Please take full advantage of any and all services DDF can offer in return for the defense of Ford."

Perun gets to the grisly work of after-action reports and is grim when confronted with the casualty list from the battle.

Bloody hell. he thinks, seeing how many lives were lost in crewed vehicles. And an increasingly common phrase within the mechwarrior community pops into his mind.

Kill the meat, save the metal.

Shaking his head slowly, Perun can't help but disagree looking at the cost of life arrayed on the list before him.

If instead of crewed vehicles, each vehicle were a mech, single individuals instead of teams of individuals would have been lost...

But being a numbers man, the logistics specialist knows the math doesn't add up. And it was indeed true that the complex myomer-enhanced mechs were much more expensive to acquire/maintain than crewed vehicles tended to be. And that the salary of the 'meat' was also a pittance when compared to the building-sized mammoth machines.
Sum of All Fears wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:39 amAfter things are mostly settled the three members of Sigma join up with Commander Donavan and the remaining members of Tango Lance in Angel II’s briefing room. All of tango looks to be upset, but Kit even more so than everyone else. Donavan engages the sounds dampening security measures of the briefing room, ”This is not going to be easy to hear, but There was an incident with the other part of Sigma. The ones who went to the mine. Apparently The pirates infiltrated your home and kidnapped or killed Nimiko. Liang, Margret, JC and Corporal Fitzgerald rushed back to attempt a rescue. The endeavor ended with four dead pirates. Liang, Margret, and Fitz were severely wounded…and JC was killed.” Kit gives a small squeak of surprise as she can’t help but let the tears flow. Ivy pulls her tight to comfort her friend and lance mate. ”After a further investigation Nimiko was not found amongst the premises. There is a full sweep being conducted. But as on now this is being treated very carefully. The depths of the infiltration fo this pirate influence is greater than anyone realized. We will be gathering information over the next month or so. We will be keeping this amongst yourselves and any other brought in by myself or Captain Fisher. Is that understood? I’m sure you have questions and I’ll do my best to answer them for you.” Donavan looks very tired.
And the punches just keep on coming.

Perun is dismayed to hear that the other members of Sigma were waylaid by pirates and that their influence within DDF is at the same time unknown and seemingly ubiquitous. Their shadowy tendrils reaching wherever corruption was a possibility.
Bluto wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:37 am"Pirates? In our base? What the hell's going on?" he exclaims. "I thought we were fighting Davion mercs. How pirates turn up at the same time?"
"An excellent question Bluto. These 'pirates' have been one step ahead of us this entire time. And we have been acting in a wholly reactionary manner since their smuggling operation was initially revealed."

At the mention of 'Captain Fisher', Perun can't help but ask Commander Donavan, "How goes CPT Fisher's mission? Is there an ETA for his return?"
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Re: Detroit: Emergency Operation; Defend Ford

Post by Bluto »

((Rolls carried))
Perun wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:07 pm
Bluto wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:37 am"Pirates? In our base? What the hell's going on?" he exclaims. "I thought we were fighting Davion mercs. How pirates turn up at the same time?"
"An excellent question Bluto. These 'pirates' have been one step ahead of us this entire time. And we have been acting in a wholly reactionary manner since their smuggling operation was initially revealed."

At the mention of 'Captain Fisher', Perun can't help but ask Commander Donavan, "How goes CPT Fisher's mission? Is there an ETA for his return?"
Bluto scratches his head, his messy dark locks going on all directions. "So, we're playing cat and mouse, huh?" he muses. "Well, there's only one way to win that game. Don't be the mouse, not unless you believe those lying cartoons."

"We gotta turn the tables on these pirates, and we gotta do it fast." He shrugs, "We get any of 'em alive?" He makes a fist. "I could ask 'em real nice."
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Jackson Cooper »

Perception: 2d6+2: [5, 5]+2 = 12
JIC: 2d6: 2d6: [5, 1] = 6
JIC: 2d6: 2d6: [1, 1] = 2

(Active effects: Compulsion/Stubborn, Fit, Good Vision)

Jackson heads into the briefing room on shaky legs and stands next to his lance mates as Donovan begins his debriefing. To his eyes at the moment, the casualty list looks a mile long. Seeing Darvin's name at the top of the list, Jackson feels a lead weight forming in his stomach as a flashback of the Javelin pilot's cockpit exploding into a million pieces plays out in his mind, but Donovan's next words are the real kick in the teeth.
This is not going to be easy to hear, but There was an incident with the other part of Sigma. The ones who went to the mine. Apparently The pirates infiltrated your home and kidnapped or killed Nimiko. Liang, Margret, JC and Corporal Fitzgerald rushed back to attempt a rescue. The endeavor ended with four dead pirates. Liang, Margret, and Fitz were severely wounded…and JC was killed. Kit gives a small squeak of surprise as she can’t help but let the tears flow. Ivy pulls her tight to comfort her friend and lance mate. ”After a further investigation Nimiko was not found amongst the premises. There is a full sweep being conducted. But as on now this is being treated very carefully. The depths of the infiltration fo this pirate....
Jackson's eyes go wide and he stumbles backwards until his back hits the wall behind them. A ringing in his ears begins to grow louder, drowning out the rest of Donovan's words.
In the briefing room Bluto glances over at Jackson, who may be moving a little stiffly. "YoU AlRiGhT, Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack?"

Jackson stares at Bluto in shock for a moment as the large mechwarrior's speech comes out slow and garbled. Jackson runs a hand through his hair as he staggers out the door of the briefing room and into the hall. He pushes past two medics who were likely on their way to the briefing room to pull him aside for a checkup. He rests one hand on the wall for support as he unsteadily makes his way towards his destination.

In the dropship's small canteen, Jackson heads to the kitchenette. He throws open the cupboards and proceeds to empty the contents onto the floor with no disregard whatsoever for order or decorum. C'mon. C'mon. I know you're in here somewhere. Jackson's efforts are rewarded with a half-empty bottle of Bluto's leadership juice. The young mechwarrior pulls out the cork with his teeth and pours himself a glass before downing it in one gulp. Then another. The amber liquid burns on its way down, and the ringing in Jackson's ears subsides ever so slightly. He rests his back against the bar and slowly slides down to the floor in a sitting position, bottle clenched in one hand and an empty glass in the other as his head hangs down, memories twisting and twirling through his head.
He grins and claps JC on the back. "Just stick close to me and you'll be fine, Ace."
He clicks his coms. ”Nice take down, Mecho. But I get the assist!!”
"If any of our guns go off first, I'm punching all of you." She a second after the door closes and they're all in the hall on the way to the mechbay. "So play nice."
"Hello, this is Nimiko, My name is Liang. Nice to meet you all."
Jackson shakes his head somberly and rests it against the bar, glancing up at the ceiling.
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Bluto »

((Rolls carried))

Bluto's small mind drifts from the debriefing. Although he's only been here a few minutes it feels like it's been since before Christmas last year.

Indeed, the weight of the situation settles heavily on his shoulders.
Traitors on our side, he thinks, got half our crew messed up, one dead, and Liang's kid snatched. What kind of outfit are we running here? His gaze drifts towards the CO. This is his fault, isn't it? His job to sniff out the bad guys. Maybe I ought to march right up there and… nah.

He pictures himself winding up a punch, the satisfying *thwack* as it connects. A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips. Yeah, that'd feel good. But then the image shifts to the brig, the cold, damp walls closing in. Nah, he thinks again, the smile fading. I'll end up in the brig, and they'll all blame Bluto. Gotta think smarter than that.

Bluto sighs. Thinking is hard work after all. If only I had a fairy godmother to come here and make it all right, he thinks, and a flicker of fantasy brightens the grim reality. He conjured a scene in his mind: a poof of sparkles and smoke, the briefing room is bathed in ethereal light. But as the imaginary smoke clears, his expectations take a sharp left turn. Before him isn't a kindly old fairy with a gentle wand, oh no, Bluto's mind doesn't work that way. Instead a diminutive gnome woman stands before them, a white-haired barbarian wielding an axe almost as big as herself. She has furs and a lot cut tunic. And, Bluto has to admit, she's kind of…hot!
4532.jpg (40.66 KiB) Viewed 90 times
"Fairy Axemother! YEAH!" he cheers silently in his head. The axe-wielding savior of his dreams smiles, and Bluto feels a surge of giddy anticipation. "What are you gonna do to fix this?" he imagines asking.

The gnome barbarian surveys the startled faces of the mechwarriors and commanding officers. "THIS!" she growls, and with a primal yell, she swings her axe.

Bluto’s imagination runs wild. He pictures a whirlwind of destruction, the Fairy Axemother laying waste to incompetence and treachery, all while berating screaming officers about their disastrous hiring practices. "Right on, Fairy Axemother!" he mentally cheers, clapping his hands together in silent approval. "That’ll teach ‘em!"

Meanwhile in reality, Bluto looks a little spaced out, and a slight smile touches his lips. He notices Jackson with a weird look on his face. Is he thinking what I'm thinking?
Jackson Cooper wrote: Thu Jan 02, 2025 1:34 am
In the briefing room Bluto glances over at Jackson, who may be moving a little stiffly. "YoU AlRiGhT, Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack?"

Jackson stares at Bluto in shock for a moment as the large mechwarrior's speech comes out slow and garbled. Jackson runs a hand through his hair as he staggers out the door of the briefing room and into the hall. He pushes past two medics who were likely on their way to the briefing room to pull him aside for a checkup. He rests one hand on the wall for support as he unsteadily makes his way towards his destination.
Bluto watches him go, then shrugs. "He shoulda gone before the briefing started," he mutters to himself.
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Re: Detroit: (Emergency Operation: Defend Ford)

Post by Bluto »

((Rolls carried))

Bluto sits out the rest of the briefing and thinks nothing more of Jackson's disappearance, but if time allows after the briefing, the mechwarrior heads for his favourite drinking spot to relax.

He greets any team mates he sees, and if he sees Jackson...
Jackson Cooper wrote: Thu Jan 02, 2025 1:34 amJackson shakes his head somberly and rests it against the bar, glancing up at the ceiling.
Man I need a drink! Just then, Bluto bounces into the bar, radiating his usual boisterous energy. It's as if none of the horrors of combat happened that day, it's like water off a duck's back. He claps Jackson on the shoulder, oblivious to the other mechwarrior’s distress, or perhaps choosing to ignore it. "Hey, Jackson! If you're gonna get drinking, you gotta do it right! You want to get nicely drunk, and for that you gotta get the good stuff." Bluto flags down the bartender. "Two double shots of that premium under-the-counter whiskey. And put it on my tab!" he announces cheerfully.

After a couple drinks, Bluto decides to tell a story.

"Hey, you ever hear about these Smart Shoes they got on some planets? Guaranteed to get you home, no matter how smashed on booze you get. See, they got this A.I., right? Learns your address, knows your routine, even figures out your shortcuts. So, you can be absolutely *trashed*, right? Blind drunk, can't tell your left from your right, these shoes will get you home safe as houses.

So, this one time, this guy, right? Goes out, has a *massive* one, wakes up the next morning, no idea where he is. He's not home! He's somewhere else! Turns out, the shoes took him home alright. Just not *his* home. Took him all the way back to his mum's place! Place he hadn't lived since he was a little kid! Can you imagine? Waking up in your old bedroom, surrounded by teddy bears and posters of… whatever kids are into these days. Guy was mortified! Said his mum made him breakfast and everything. Toast with smiley faces, the works. Smart shoes, eh?"
Bluto chuckles, shaking his head.

"He had a hell of a job getting rid of them. No matter who he sold them to, they'd show up again the next day. He tried to shut them out, but they just kicked the door down, you know. In the end he emptied a mag of his AX-22 into them. Blew them to pieces! But by then he'd kind of gotten attached to the Smart Shoes in a weird way. Yeah. he felt bad. Maybe he shouldn't have destroyed them? So he went to see a priest. The priest told him... he said it was alright and all that, like, and that the shoes were happy and that they'd gone to heaven."

Bluto finished his glass, then leans in.

"You see, it turns out shoes have 'soles'."

Bluto throws back his head and lets out a hearty laugh that fills the bar. It starts as a chuckle, and then quickly escalates into full-blown laughter. Tears well up in his eyes. He slaps his knee, and wiping away stray tears.
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