Hub Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

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Hub Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Underguard »


A place where mercenaries, adventurers, Wilderness Scouts, Psi-Stalkers, and people of all kinds can come to buy, sell, and swap goods.

The area is a sprawling open space that takes up an entire city block. The outer rim is parking, and the inner square is open space where 800- 1 000 vendors set up tables every weekend, flea market style, to sell used goods of every kind. Only one quarter are small-time or part-time professional merchant dealers. The rest of the space is reserved for mercenaries, adventurers, wilderness folk, and local residents looking to sell used goods. For residents, that might include handmade crafts and artwork, nicknacks, antiques, furniture, and old clothes or household items. For mercs, adventurers and wilderness people, goods include weapons, armor, vehicles, ammunition, military gear, camping gear, uniforms, medals, salvaged parts and components, souvenirs and booty taken from their opponents (or victims), animal furs and horns, even animal heads and teeth, magic items, gemstones, books, and exotic items from far away lands or alien weapons and gizmos, or otherworldly paper-weights, nicknacks, artwork and junk that looks cool or weird, as well as (alleged) pre-Rifts relics.

This is a great place for deals - but buyer beware, because all items are sold "as is," "all sales final" (no refunds), may be authentic or a forgery, and prices vary from seller to seller. The same item may be offered by twenty different dealers at twenty different prices. Ultimately, the price depends on how badly the seller needs money. If the seller is a merc or adventurer down on his luck, the prices could be as low as 20-40% of the going market price. Most common items, including guns, E-Clips, armor and military gear, sell at a 25-50% discount below the standard market price of the item new. Only popular, hard to find items, magic items and "hot" items (for whatever reason) sell for their full value or higher (2-5 times higher than the normal market price). In some cases, a seller may not know what he or she has, or its true value, and may sell a weapon or magic item worth tens of thousands of credits for a couple thousand or even a few hundred. Likewise, a friend or relative who inherits their merc or adventuring buddy 's equipment might not know or care what the items are worth and may sell them at blow-out prices of 10-30% of their true value just to get rid of the junk, or because they hold sad or bad memories for the person (i.e., the loss of a loved one, a terrible war, persecution, etc.). These sellers are uncommon and lucky finds, but inevitably, a half dozen such deals are there to be found 1 06 times a weekend; typically early in the swap meet. Dealers may also buy, trade and swap goods with customers and fellow dealers.

A 10' long, 6' deep space costs 100 credits for a three day sales period, Friday, Saturday and Sunday; ten table maximum space allowed for any one vendor. The dealer can bring his own tables and booth display or rent sturdy but shabby eight foot (2.4 m) long by three foot (0.9 m) deep tables from the Hub Swap Meet organizers at a cost of 30 credits per each table for all three days. Prices are all half for residents (proof of c itizenship required). Swap Meets/Flea Markets run every week from Friday through Sunday, from 9:00 A.M. till 9:00 P.M., set up starts Thursday and Friday morning (starting at 6:00 A.M.), but additional goods/new stock can be brought in throughout the show.

Note: The Flea Market is always a popular and busy attraction for visitors, and also a good place for player characters to make discount purchases, trade surplus and booty, meet fellow adventurers, swap stories and rumors, meet with a client, or just spend a pleasant afternoon.
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Kat Porter »

Perception: 18+4=22
JIC d20: 4
JIC d100: 80

I.D. Undercover Agent 59%: 58 PASS
Streetwise 55%: 05 PASS
History: Post-Apocolyptic (MercTown) 63/58%: 83 FAIL (Helper roll to I.D. Defenders)

Kat has Cole pull up as close as he can to the appropriate trash can without looking suspicious. "Wait here. Keep an eye open." If the coast looks clear, Kat walks up to the trash can, pulls the rifles out and loads them in the duffle bag she just got from Naruni. The City Rat then walks back to Cole's car and hops in.

If the coast isn't clear by now, Kat has Cole drive on to the Job Market Cafe.

(Job Market Cafe)
Do Not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex.
Kat Porter
[ooc=Conditions]P.P.E.: 19
H.P.: 24
S.D.C.: 39
Perception Bonus: +5
Charm/Impress: 20%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 65%

Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Cole »

Perception: 8+7=15
JIC: 18/71%

Surveillance: skill 60%, rolled 34%, PASS (to spot anyone either staking out the trash can or otherwise keeping a watch on the area)

Cole slowly pulls the Rover up to the appropriate trash can and makes sure to hand Kat the leftover wrapper and empty coffee cups from the cafeteria at the hospital. Hopefully the trash will at least give something of a pretext to stopping at a trash can in case anyone was watching; the last thing they needed at the moment would be to have the Defenders coming down on their heads for possession of banned firearms within the city walls.

If Cole manages to spot anyone watching over the can specifically, he'll immediately alert Kat and move on to the Job Market Cafe without stopping at the can at all.

((Job-Market Cafe))
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Venatus Vinco »

When Kat and Cole arrive at the HUB Swap Meet they saw it is somewhat deserted, most of the stall owners and shoppers having cleared out during the shoot out. The CS soldiers who had been the last people standing also seem to have moved off as they, and the armor at the centre of all this commotion, were gone.

The devastation from the missile hits are still evident all around. A MercTown Defenders forensic unit has cordoned off the area of the fire fight and missile impacts. However, the lowly trash can where the PAS had stashed the weapons was, thankfully, outside the crime scene tape. Any on lookers in the area were too busy looking at the results of the battle to noticed what was happening at the lowly trash can.

Slowing down at the trash can Cole handed Kat some refuse to deposit in the can. She moved expertly removing the rifles and depositing them in the bag emblazoned with a Naurni logo. Kat was back in the vehicle before much of anything could happen and Cole drove away.

((Two TX-30s already reflected on Kat's Character Sheet))
Venatus Vinco
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Jenny Jeffries »

Perception: 17+2(+5 vs. Machines/Magic)=19(22)
JIC d20: 6
JIC d100: 88

Charm/Impress: 28/35% PASS
Trust/Intimidate: 19/50% PASS
Wardrobe & Grooming: 52/68 PASS

Jenny makes her way to the swap meet, looking around at everything, but Jenny specifically is hunting for clothing.

The jumpsuit she's been wearing through Canada, the Robotech factory, and Eylor is getting a break.
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Jenny Jeffries »

Perception: 6+2(5 vs. Machines/Magic)=8(11)
JIC d20: 14
JIC d100: 73

Jenny will take four jumpsuits (preferably neon pinks and yellows with black striping) from 'Misser Einchtein', none of them with M.D.C materials. Jenny simply doesn't have the money for expensive purchases until Titan writes her a check.

From Chuck, Jenny will buy one pilot's jumpsuit (the kind with Velcro for patches) and one pair of boots.

Jenny is also looking around for a sundress and sandals.
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Jenny Jeffries »

(Rolls Held)

Jenny buys one sundress, preferably yellow or orange. And matching sandals- not expensive.

After the purchases are concluded, the Techno-Wizard heads back to the compound.

(Explorers Inc Compound)

(Yeah the B.M. card is the only funds Jenny has right now.)
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Dhaltuun Onyxforge »

Perception [dice]0[/dice]
JIC [dice]1[/dice]
JIC [dice]2[/dice]

Dhaltuun walks around, just checking out the stalls. He makes his way towards the farmer’s market area. ”Holy Fuck!! There be a shit ton of different peoples here. He keeps looking around for about 30 minutes, then decides to find food. ”Where to , Marcella? The guard circled his place..” He points at “The Job Market Cafe” ”...What do you think?” He folds up he map and heads off, caressing Marcella as he walks. ”This place is way to much for me. Give me a good wind, strong sails, and the feel of deck under my feet any day over this. Nice place to visit but i couldn’t do it all the time. “

((Job Market Cafe))
Dhaltuun Onyxforge ... 80&t=16028
OOC Comments
S.D.C.: 64/64
Hit Points: 49/49
P.P.E.: 115/115

Armor Worn: Mage armor
Weapon(s) Carried and Locations: WI-SR15 Sniper Rifle with Kisentite bayonet (slung over left shoulder), NEMA Automag (AMT) Pistol (on CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig), Kisentite Cutlass with silvered basket (strapped to left hip in a scabbard), Nuhr Rune Grappling Hook & Line (Tied to right hip), BigBore "Buccaneer" Breech-Lock Pistol (L-R)/TW Firebolt Pistol (R-L)(on old style baldric)

Current Conditions:

Saving Throws, Bonuses, and other handy information
Coma/Death: +14%
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+): --
Psionic (15+): --
Possession: +2
Horror Factor: +11

Nightvision 300 feet
Sharp vision (doesn’t deteriorate with time)
Augmented P.S.
Superior endurance (fatigues at 1/4 normal rate)
Max. Encumbrance: 108 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 460 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 920 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: Leap 5' long X 4' ft high
Swimming: can swim 69 yards/meters per round for 88 rounds

Special Abilities
Dimensional Rift Home
  • Can always find his way home from another dimension.
    Can always dimensional teleport home at the cost of a paltry 75 P.P.E.
    Only applies to himself and his familiar as well as gear carried and not anybody else (a full rift or dimensional portal is necessary to take others with him).
    Uses 1 melee action
    Rifting on same world - 1/2 ppe of dimension rift home
    Limit - must have visited location before or use communication rift
    Will appear on nexus near desired location (or stone pyramid)
    Can even use on ley line to move along it or jump to a nearby ley line
Sense Rifts
  • Range - within 90 miles +20 miles per level
    Will detect new rift if it opens along the line I am on, regardless of distance (will know where rift is as well as size)
    Can detect teleports and other dimension disturbances at 45 miles +10 miles per level
    He will also instantly know what general direction the rift is located and whether the rift is big or small.
    Note: This sensing ability specifically relates to dimensional portals/rifts and not ley nexuses and ley lines.
Dimension Sense - 49% (+5%)
  • Concentrate for 1d6+2 mins to know: type of dimension, if it supports human life, its magic Level, how it was created, if it will close soon, its frequency of opening, any dimensional monsters nearby or in portal (-10% skill), plus unusual characteristics, just by reading portal or meditating after stepping thru
    See O.C.C. description for further details
Dimensional Travel
[/list]Cost: 125 P.P.E. for familiar and caster / +25 P.P.E. per person / remains open for 1 min
When targeting a random dimension - can open anywhere / drawn to locations rich in P.P.E.
When targeting home dimension - 100% random location appearance
When targeting dimensions visited - will appear in random, but hospitable location
Can use Re-Open Gateway or Dimensional portal at 1/2 P.P.E. in ritual / takes 1d6x10+15 min / open for 1 min per level (4th lvl = 4 mins), close it at will, manipulate size at will (max 10 ft tall x 10 ft wide per level)(4th Lvl = 40 ft tall x 40 ft wide)[/list]

Communication Rift
  • P.P.E.: on or within 1/2 mile of nexus - 50 P.P.E. / on or within 1/2 mile of ley line - 100 P.P.E. / anywhere else away from ley line - 200 P.P.E.
    Duration: 1 min per level (4th = 4 mins)
    Success ratio 34% +5% if done as ritual gives +20% success
    Time to open: 1d4 rds / as ritual: takes 1d6x10+15 min
    If fail but within 20% will contact correct location but not necessarily the right target
    Send familiar - must return in time or trapped until a portal can be opened (x1 per 24 hrs)
Familiar Link
  • Linked to – Marcella the Osprey (monsters and animals pg 158-159)
    Mentally and physically linked with familiar
    Familiar is linked to the shifter and obeys his every command, verbal and mental.
    If the familiar is killed, the shifter will permanently lose 10 hit points; see description for full consequences.
  • Battle of wills - roll above my MA +ME bonus; 3 out of 5x (if fail is subservient)
    If save - roll init....if I win close rift / if fail creature appears and might attack
    If beat creature - use pact
    If lose to creature - the shifter might be attacked or the being escapes
    Max # of Minions: 2 lesser (4 sub demons) - sub demons or imp-like minor being, poltergeists or haunting entity = 1 lesser/2 lesser beings = 1 greater
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Barracuda »

Perception: [dice]0[/dice]
JIC: [dice]1[/dice]/[dice]2[/dice]

Ben arrives at the Flea Market and looks around at all of the various booths and vendors. Getting lost in the diversity of products, it takes him a solid ten minutes to refocus his attention on his goals. Clothes. Regular, non super-hero costume clothes. He starts looking around for a clothing booth that has menswear. Once there, he looks for/asks if they have blue jeans and button up shirts in purple, teal and dark blue.
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Zoe »

The first booth you find is actually a large truck pulled in long ways with an opening side. A fashionably dressed man helps you. "Yes sir! I do have blue jeans and a purple button up. If you buy both, you get the hat for free! I just got the latest designs! This style is all the rage in Lazlo right now." he says, showing you a catalog.


"I'm positive I can get the shirt in black as well. I'm not sure about teal. How many would you like?"

He also has styles for the less fashion conscious, including boot cut jeans, solid t-shirts and some plain button ups as well. 40 credits for a pair of "last season's" jeans, 15 for a "blue collar" t-shirt and 35 for an "uninspired button-up".
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Barracuda »

Perception: [dice]0[/dice]
JIC: [dice]1[/dice]/[dice]2[/dice]

Barracuda has to restrain himself from laughing out loud in the merchants face. Holy shit, look at those pants! Knowing that the look on his face is more than likely giving him away, he lets the merchant in on his little secret. "Sorry, where I come from, those pants are a few...seasons out of style. I'll take five pairs of your boot cut jeans, three purple button ups, three in black, five solid t-shirts, and..." He looks down at his feet realizing that his immunity to melee attacks combined with his affinity for aquatics means that he forgot to put on shoes in public... again. "... and a pair of boots and a pair of sneakers, if you've got em." He flashes the man a large smile, trying to show his appreciation for the work that he is putting in... even if he did just try to sell him bell bottoms.
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by SNAFU »

The man looks bewildered at your critique of the latest fashions. "A man with your physique needs to set himself apart. But the customer is always right. Are you sure you don't want to try on the hat?" Content with providing your desired purchase, he seems to lament but is polite and cheerful regardless. "Thank you for your purchase! Please come again.".

The sounds of the market are both chaotic but also so mundane as to be comforting. The sky is blue, the smell of food rumbles your tummy and the diversity of offerings in the market inspire curiosity. Still something doesn't feel quite right. You can't put your finger on it. Perhaps it is all in your head, but a general sense of wariness has grown. It is possible you are just hungry. If you look around though, all seems right with the world... or at least as much as it ever is in MercTown.
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Barracuda »

Perception: [dice]0[/dice]
JIC: [dice]1[/dice]/[dice]2[/dice]

"Thanks!" Barracuda takes his purchase and takes a look around the market. I got clothes... I think its time I full embrace this aquatic heritage of mine. New weapon time!

Barracuda heads to Weapons of Yore.
Benjamin "Barracuda" Berry, Lord of the Bay
SDC: 121/121
HP: 23/23
Critical Strike: 18-20

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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Vheld »

Vheld wrote:JIC: [dice]1345405:0[/dice], [dice]1345405:1[/dice]
PER: [dice]1345405:2[/dice]
Unceremoniously setting Bel'Dar down just outside the market (regardless of the stir it may or may not cause), Vheld sets out looking primarily for junk. Trinkets, charms, and cheap jewelry he can use to create six new talismans (the cheaper and less assuming, the better). In addition, Vheld is looking for a large, heavy duty dog collar for Sil- one that will not be destroyed easily (i.e., made of MDC materials) and with a framework that will allow him to easily attach several talismans to it.

For the dog collar, Vheld will pay any price within reason. For the talismans, he won't bother to haggle for any price under 100 credits apiece (which should more than cover the kind of junk he's looking for).

Once Vheld has found a suitable collar, and sufficient junk for six new talismans, it is back to the Mages' Guild.

((--> Mages' Guild))
Leave me alone.
Spell Strength +5 (victims need 17 or better to save vs. Vheld's incantations)
Automatic senses: Vampires (1000 ft/100% chance to recognize on sight), Rifts (550 miles), and Ley Lines (85%, 100 miles; +10% for nexuses)
33d remaining
PPE: 204/345 (Vheld), 83/83 (Sil), 100/1100 (energy sphere), 400/400 (Skarrah), 480/480 (Bakir), 162/162 (Birga). ISP: 90/90 (Medallion), 500/500 (Skarrah). MDC: 800/800(Skarrah), 1200/1200 (Bakir), 187/187 (Birga).
3/3 on Vheld IA, 3/3 on Ring of Invisibility, 3/3 on Animate Dead, 3/3 on Skarrah IA, 3/3 on Bakir IA.

Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by SNAFU »

Vheld finds a collar that should serve his purpose.

Military-Grade Collar
  • M.D.C.: 25
  • Weight: 3 lbs

Code: Select all

[b]Military-Grade Collar[/b]
[size=85][list][*]M.D.C.: 25
[*]Weight: 3 lbs[/list][/size]
And six baubles:

Code: Select all

The total cost is 3000 credits.
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by John Altfeld »

Perception: [dice]0[/dice]
JiC d20/d100: [dice]1[/dice] / [dice]2[/dice]

John enters and peruses the stalls looking for rare and nice-looking hides, particularly from Eastern and Western Tiger-Claw Raptors, Scampers and Spitfire Leapers. He's not particularly interested in dropping prices, but does know what things are worth and doesn't want to get ripped off. He's willing to drop as much as 20,000 credits on hides.

Barter: [dice]3[/dice] / 56%
Appraise Goods: [dice]4[/dice] / 56%

Scamper Hide - Dinosaur Swamp pg. 24 - up to 100 credits each.
Spitfire Leaper Hide - Dinosaur Swamp pg. 34. - 1000-2000 credits each.
Leatherwing - New West pg. 149 - 100-300 credits per animal (that would have the hide attached, so probably same price as the hide)
Raptor Hide - Couldn't find listed price. Guessing more expensive like the Spitfire.
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Armstrong »

"How about you sir?" the dbee with the trilby hat calls you over. He lifts up his trilby hat with his two fingered left hand. to say hello. He stands about 5 feet tall, with a pear shaped pale green body, pot belly and bulbous brown eyes
"Have I got some deals for you today sir."

As John identifies what he wants
John Altfeld wrote:rare and nice-looking hides, particularly from Eastern and Western Tiger-Claw Raptors, Scampers, Ostrosaurs and Spitfire Leapers
We do have some raptor hides, but..." however he sees the excited look of interest in John's face, "but of course, fine choice sir, got these of a tribe of Akysse just this morning. Freshly delivered, only recently been cured."

He quickly looks in the back of his stall and pulls out a large box of luridly stripped hides, buried underneath some assorted pans at the rear.

"These are very hard to come by, I could not part with these for less than ... 20k you say. Well, you are twisting my fingers sir, but for a man of your obvious stature, 20k it is. A fine bargain it is sir."
OOC Comments
well, you did critically fail your barter roll
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Re: Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by John Altfeld »


John bows to the nice man, pays him and hefts the box of hides to his shoulder. "Thank you! I hope to see you again!"

He then leaves for Old Town Tannery.
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Re: Hub Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Calamity John »

Perception 25% (+5% about a good deal): 1d100: [55] = 55
JIC d20: 1d20: [4] = 4
JIC d100: 1d100: [23] = 23

John's browsing for Availability:
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [11] = 11
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [3] = 3
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [92] = 92
Barter 104%: 1d100: [12] = 12
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [51] = 51
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [100] = 100
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [15] = 15
Research 94%: 1d100: [68] = 68

John is here in the heart of a Traveling Merchants wet dream.

He's gonna browse around. He's gonna rent a spot and park his truck.

John is gonna make deals today. Before these mercenaries he's started hanging out with cause headaches.

Oh, if they gave John a wish list, he'll look for it too.
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

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Re: Hub Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Underguard »

As John peruses the Flea Market for what he would consider good deals, he finds a lot of average deals fluttering about. Guns, ammunition and the like at just around retail value. A lot of it has added flair, likely coming from previous mercenaries and proving their second-hand nature. John passes several stalls that are empty with sellers just starting to occupy, though no merchandise has been placed yet. He mentally notes to visit them again after they set up. Otherwise, during John's first round nothing really strikes his attention. He is able to find a good spot to park his truck though, and then makes another round.

During his second round, he passes though same stalls that now have more interesting items on display. John can tell that these sellers aren't regulars and likely received this stuff from friends or family killed in action; possibly scavengers on the battlefield. John suspects that they are looking to make some quick money. Possibly the most interesting so far has been a series of Coalition States weaponry. The CP-30 Laser Pulse Pistol and CP-50 Dragonfire Assault Laser; John might be able to guess these were salvaged off of a Coalition Special Forces soldier. The serial numbers have been etched off. John also sees the head-piece of the CA-7 Dead Boy Armor, and if he presses, will find the full armor set is for sale with only minor scuffing and damage.

If John engages the seller, he finds the young man eager to part with the items. John recognizes them as contraband not normally seen within Merctown so it's all too likely the seller wants to be done with them before he is caught with them by any Coalition personnel.

Offered prices:
CP-7 (Damage equates to 10% of total MDC on Main Body and right arm.) -- 200,000c
CP-30 -- 25,000c
C-50 -- 48,000c

The seconds tall is selling a couple technowizardry items. The Mind Shatter Helmet is seen locked on display, as well as a couple different weapons hailing from Armstrong TW Armaments Co. Each of the items seems to be somewhat marked down from retail price, and if pressed the seller claims to have more than what is on display.

Offered prices:
Mindshatter Helmet -- 165,000c
Thunderbolt Shotgun w/ PPE battery attachment -- 45,000c
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: Hub Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Calamity John »

(Rolls Held- but see Availability per item below)
John does really want the Mind Shatter Helmet. He also wants the complete set of CS gear- for cosplaying purposes and possibly for resale. John wouldn't even mind the TW shotgun- it's probably something he could use or sell to a Pecos bandit for a markup. The big problem is, John can't spend money he hasn't earned yet.

John will try to barter and trade any of his goods to these two- with a solid run at trading the coke machine square across with either vendor being his opening shot. He also inquires about Minerva's rings with the magic merchant who has the helmet. Actually buying it from the merchant will sketch John out at the last minute and he will get on the team radio for a real magic expert to come help him with this if he finds one.

John only mentions the Tech Warrior Power Armor he's trying to move if he can tell the vendor has.... say 8 million credits in visible inventory.

If John sees anyone who seems to specialize in cybernetics, John asks about Susan's vehicle link.

John also will buy any of these items he finds here, trying to earn his commission.*
OOC Comments
M-160*- Amber
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [100] = 100
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [39] = 39
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [30] = 30
Barter 104%: 1d100: [78] = 78
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [59] = 59
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [54] = 54
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [8] = 8
Research 94%: 1d100: [59] = 59
IPR-16 Ion Pulse Rifle- Amber Backup
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [79] = 79
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [68] = 68
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [35] = 35
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [52] = 52
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [21] = 21
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [41] = 41
Research 94%: 1d100: [69] = 69

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [58] = 58
Q1-02 Stopper Ion Pistol- Amber
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [87] = 87
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [97] = 97
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [34] = 34
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [41] = 41
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [5] = 5
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [26] = 26
Research 94%: 1d100: [96] = 96

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [21] = 21
NG-P9 Heavy Particle Beam Rifle- Minerva
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [30] = 30
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [28] = 28
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [98] = 98
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [93] = 93
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [59] = 59
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [52] = 52
Research 94%: 1d100: [68] = 68

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [49] = 49
NG-PB713 Particle Beam Pistol- Minerva
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [65] = 65
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [53] = 53
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [54] = 54
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [54] = 54
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [46] = 46
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [60] = 60
Research 94%: 1d100: [53] = 53

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [71] = 71
NG-E15 Pulse Plasma Ejector- Minerva
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [38] = 38
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [7] = 7
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [18] = 18
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [81] = 81
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [54] = 54
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [34] = 34
Research 94%: 1d100: [22] = 22

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [25] = 25
2x Power Pack- Minerva
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [37] = 37
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [14] = 14
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [50] = 50
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [23] = 23
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [42] = 42
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [45] = 45
Research 94%: 1d100: [87] = 87

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [25] = 25
Wilks 1000- Susan
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [80] = 80
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [48] = 48
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [19] = 19
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [84] = 84
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [35] = 35
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [9] = 9
Research 94%: 1d100: [27] = 27

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [58] = 58
Triax Borg Railgun- Susan
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [7] = 7
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [62] = 62
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [12] = 12
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [78] = 78
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [13] = 13
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [89] = 89
Research 94%: 1d100: [81] = 81

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [49] = 49
If there's a used cyber vendor
Hacking Computer- Susan
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [67] = 67
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [47] = 47
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [95] = 95
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [46] = 46
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [67] = 67
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [26] = 26
Research 94%: 1d100: [91] = 91

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [32] = 32
Russian Vehicle Cyberlink- Susan
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [28] = 28
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [85] = 85
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [47] = 47
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [52] = 52
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [70] = 70
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [80] = 80
Research 94%: 1d100: [87] = 87

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [47] = 47
Combat Computer- Susan
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [33] = 33
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [94] = 94
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [16] = 16
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [5] = 5
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [31] = 31
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [98] = 98
Research 94%: 1d100: [89] = 89

Barter for a deal 104%: 1d100: [63] = 63
If the magic vendor has rings and someone answers the radio

Ring 1 (Protection from Spell Magic, Protection from Psionics, Protection from the Undead)*- Minerva
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [25] = 25
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [15] = 15
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [85] = 85
Barter 104%: 1d100: [79] = 79
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [74] = 74
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [42] = 42
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [45] = 45
Research 94%: 1d100: [67] = 67
Ring 2 (Multiple Image, Invisibility, Chameleon)*- Minerva
OOC Comments
Invoke Trust/Intimidate 35% (+5% for military): 1d100: [22] = 22
Archaeology 34%/24%: 1d100: [35] = 35
Appraise Goods 119%: 1d100: [2] = 2
Barter 104%: 1d100: [79] = 79
Roadwise 88% (+10% for Traveling Merchants): 1d100: [43] = 43
Lore: Magic 49%: 1d100: [33] = 33
Find Contraband 80%: 1d100: [83] = 83
Research 94%: 1d100: [26] = 26
*Barter reserved for a deal for everything but the M-160 and the rings.
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Re: Hub Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Underguard »

John finds time escaping him as he continues searching through the variable cornucopia of items on his list given to him by the others. Finally getting a chance to flex that street talk and finds his excursion to be largely successful. Enough so to impress his new crew, maybe. Despite coming off a bit strong at first, he manages to track down a good portion of what he's looking for. John almost doesn't find the M-160 but a stroke of luck has him look in just the right place, at the right vendor, at the right time. Unfortunately, John doesn't find the Q1-02, however he does find the Q1-01. He can't find a specific Hacking or Combat computer, however he does fine a Military-rated durability tablet computer {5 MDC} available that has minor wear and tear. John is also unable to find the Russian Vehicle Cyberlink.

He does stumble upon a magic jeweler and when he describes what he's looking for finds that the specific combination of spells woven into a ring would be incredibly rare and the most they have are a few rings with one or two enchantments. It is recommended to John to seek them out at actual magical outlets or the Collegiate.

M-160*- Amber

IPR-16 Ion Pulse Rifle- Amber Backup

Q1-02 Stopper Ion Pistol- Amber
Q1-01 Laser Pistol

NG-P9 Heavy Particle Beam Rifle- Minerva

NG-PB713 Particle Beam Pistol- Minerva
50,000 {Visibly used and unique pistol with spray painted art-work on it.}

NG-E15 Pulse Plasma Ejector- Minerva

2x Power Pack- Minerva
60,000cr {30,000 per}

Wilks 1000- Susan
150,000 cr

Triax Borg Railgun- Susan
85,000 cr

Military Computer- Susan
7,500 cr

Grand Total: 638,500
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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Re: Hub Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Calamity John »

(Rolls Held)

John will skip the IPR-16 because he actually found Amber's first ask. He will buy the Q1-01 and the Military Computer- if those don't work for the people he is shopping for, he will unload them as merchandise on the road. The prices seem right to John.

John earned enough of a commission to invest a little. He will also pick up that TW Shotgun with his commission funds.
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

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Re: Hub Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Calamity John »

(OOC- Confirming this at 614,500+45,000 for 659,900)
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

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Re: Hub Swap Meet & Flea Market (22)

Post by Underguard »

Calamity John wrote: Mon Oct 21, 2024 11:40 pm (OOC- Confirming this at 614,500+45,000 for 659,900)
OOC - This price is confirmed.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM || PFRPG DM ||
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers) | Vincent Moreau (BattleTech)

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