Vincent 'V' Moreau -- BattleTech

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Vincent Moreau
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Vincent 'V' Moreau -- BattleTech

Post by Vincent Moreau »

Character Name: Vincent ‘V’ Moreau
Callsign/Alias: Volcano; ‘V’
Total XP: 6,000
Unspent XP: 400
Sentiments/Federated Suns: The best of the worst, at least their people aren't oppressed.
Sentiments/Lyran Commonwealth: A distinct dislike and distrust for this collection of feudal houses. Their oppressive and authoritarian nature cause him to steer clear.
Sentiments/Draconis Combine: Another authoritarian state that he actively tries to avoid.
Sentiments/Capellan Confederation: The worst of the worst, the tyrannical and totalitarianism of the Capellan Confederation is a threat to everyone.
Sentiments/Free Worlds League: Their chaotic nature makes it easier to manuever within, though it's constant state of civil war makes it dangerous to stay there for long.
Sentiments/Periphery Worlds: Where he tries to spend his time.
Disposition: A quiet and reserved individual, not for a lack of confidence but due to a lack of faith. He only shares his first name with those he trusts, otherwise it's just 'V' and he never talks about his past.

Attribute Value Link Value XP Spent
STR: 2 -1 200
BOD: 2 -1 200
RFL: 7 +1 700
DEX: 7 +1 700
INT: 5 0 500
WIL: 7 +1 700
CHA: 4 0 400
EDG: 2 -2 200

Trait Name: TP (Trait Points) Page ref XP cost
Combat Sense +4 p.110 +400
Fast Learner +3 p.117 +300
Good Vision +1 p.118 +100
Natural Aptitude, Pilot Aerospace (Inactive) +4 p.125 +500
Dark Secret -3 p.112 -300
Enemy -2 p.113 -200
Blood Mark -2 p.109 -200
Introvert -1 p.121 -100

Standard Damage: 0/4 (2x BOD score)
Fatigue Damage: 0/14 (2x WIL Score)
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 181cm; 5'11"
Weight: 74kg; 164lbs
Description: V is a lean and relatively fit man, though he is no body builder. He is usually clean shaven and sports a loose, sometimes messy orange hairstyle. He is subjected to helmet hair after he disembarks from his vehicle. He has relatively unique gray eyes.

MOVEMENT: Measured in Meters per Turn (MPT)
Walk: 9
Run/Evade: 19
Sprint: 38
Climb: 4
Crawl: 2
Swim: 9

Skill Name: Current Level Target Number (TN) Complexity of Action (C) Link XP
Art/Drawing 1 9 CA INT + DEX 24
Communications/Conventional EM 1 7 SB INT 24
Communications/Hyperpulse Generator 2 7 SB INT 24
Computers 2 9 CA DEX + INT 40
Cryptography 4 9 CA INT + WIL 96
Escape Artist 2 9 CA STR + DEX 40
Gunnery/Aerospace 6 8 SA RFL + DEX 184
Gunnery/Air Vehicle 3 8 SA RFL + DEX 64
Gunnery/Mech 3 8 SA RFL + DEX 64
Interrogation 3 8 CA WIL + CHA 64
Investigation 3 9 CA INT + WIL 64
Language/English 4 8 SA INT + CHA 96
Leadership 4 8 SA WIL + CHA 96
Martial Arts 4 7 SA REF + DEX 96
Navigation/Air 5 7 SB INT 136
Navigation/Space 4 7 SB INT 96
Negotiation 1 8 CB CHA 24
Perception 4 7 SB INT 96
Piloting/Aerospace 6 7 SA RFL + DEX 184
Piloting/Air Vehicle 3 8 SA RFL + DEX 64
Piloting/Mech 3 8 SA RFL + DEX 64
Sensor Operations 4 8 SA INT + WIL 96
Small Arms 2 8 SB DEX 40
Stealth 4 9 CA REF + WIL 96
Strategy 4 9 CA INT + WIL 96
Tactics/Air 2 9 CA INT + WIL 40
Tactics/Land 1 9 CA INT + WIL 24
Tactics/Space 2 9 CA INT + WIL 40
Technician/Aeronautics 2 9 CA DEX + INT 40
Technician/Electrical 2 9 CA DEX + INT 40
Zero-G Operations 2 7 SB RFL 40
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Vincent Moreau
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Re: Vincent 'V' Moreau -- Equipment

Post by Vincent Moreau »



-Stingray F-90S
V's Stingray.png
V's Stingray.png (111.67 KiB) Viewed 2691 times
Data Sheet
Stingray F-90S.PNG
Carried/In Hand

Worn on Person
Auto-Pistol (Serrek 7875D) in Hip Holster.
Environmental Suit (Light)

• Space: C-Bills: 72
• Space: Personal Music Set
• Space: Polarized Goggles
• Space: Jump Suit
• Space: Work Boots
• Space: Picture of him, Vixen and Shaft in front of their fighters
• Space: Drawing/sketch pad
• Space: A copy of War and Peace
• Space:
• Space:

Stored in Vehicle
Civilian Blazer (jacket) and clothing.
Emergency Rations

Stored in Lodging

Gear Stats

Weapons: (Include Ammunition count for weapons in the Notes)
Item Ratings AP/BD Range Shots Cost Mass Notes
Auto Pistol Serrek 787SD C/X-C-B/C 3B/3 5/25/50/120 16 185/3 400 G 16 Rnds, +1 Attack & Service, Laser Sight +1, Barrel Mounted Flashlight, Flash and Sound Suppressor and Holster
Flare Pistol C/A-A-A/B 2B/2CS 2/5/11/20 5 25/2 400 G/20 G SEE EMERGENCY FLARES, P. 312
Survival Knife A/A-A-A/A 1M/1 1M 8 250 G
BAR (M/B/E/X) Explanation
M = Melee Rating
B = Balistic Rating
E = Energy Rating
X = Explosive Rating
Protective Gear:
Item Ratings BAR (M/B/E/X) Cost Base/Repair Mass Coverage Notes
Environmental Suit (Light) C/B - C - B/B 4/1/3/1 200/35 12 KG FULL 6-Hours of Life Support
Polarized Goggles B/A-A-A/A N/A 10 0.1 KG Eyes BAR 5 vs Flash
Misc Gear:
Item Ratings Cost Mass Range Power Use Notes
Advanced Field Kit C/A-A-A/A 100 15 KG N/A N/A +2 Survival Rolls;
Military Communicator D/A-A-A/B 50 100 G 10 KM 1 PPH
Electric Compass B/A-A-A/A 30 0.1 G 0.1 PPH +2 TO NAVIGATION / GROUND SKILL ROLLS
Parachute C/A-A-A/A 78 8 G
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Vincent Moreau
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Re: Vincent 'V' Moreau -- Background

Post by Vincent Moreau »


Vincent Moreau was an ace pilot for the Lyran Commonwealth, serving at the whim of Social General Jack Harper. A brutal man who was somewhat more efficient than his counterparts yet still fell into the trap of disorganization and incompetence. General Harper noticed Moreau’s aptitude at a young age and took him to be trained, and he soon became one of the best pilots Harper had ever seen. The only thing he was lacking was experience and wisdom but Harper wasn’t worried about that. Moreau followed orders and was a genius in combat. Moreau was a quiet kid, always with his nose in the books, on the tarmac with his fighter or, on rare occasions, painting.

At the age of 18, Moreau was made Lance Leader of his wing and led through a great deal of hardship and success. During his tenure, he used the callsign Volcano; signifying the targets he was given were always left as smoking craters. His wing consisted of two other aerospace fighters, both around his age. Janet Fox, callsign Vixen and Cameron O’Neill, callsign Shaft. Their Lance was known as the Phoenix Force. Each of them were skilled pilots in their own right and took their lead from Moreau. They served a few years together in support of ground mechs hitting various targets. To each of them, a target given was just that, a target. It wasn’t a person, a group or anything. It was a target, something they’ve hit countless times in training. Nothing more.

On a fateful day, all that changed. A particularly volatile conflict escalated and The Phoenix Force was called in for air support. Ground Mechs were holding station five clicks away and a particular target needed to be eliminated before they could advance. There was another air unit opposing them so the Phoenix Force went in with intent to kill. It was almost child’s play for the Phoenix Force, Vixen and Shaft peeled off to lure the enemy air away while Volcano set up for a strafing run. He had a guided ballistic package that was locked on target, and Harper was on comms with his lance specifically. It was odd for the General to take such a direct involvement in a particular strike, but Moreau wasn’t going to question his orders.

As soon as Moreau dropped the package, he heard Vixen break over the comm telling him to abort, but it was too late. The target had already been incinerated as Vixen took his wing. The ground forces they were sent to kill were refugees, and the air unit was made up of civilians trying to protect them which explains why it felt so easy. When Volcano tried to raise Harper on comms again, the line was dead so they made their way back towards their lines to find answers.

Answers they’d never find and a line they’d never cross; the ground mech’s opened fire on them and tore through Shaft’s bird in seconds. Shaft’s fighter erupted into a burning fireball and crashed near the Mechs. Vixen and Volcano broke off in opposite directions after he ordered her to retreat, to where he didn’t even know. The last he saw of Vixen was her fighter being hit and going down across enemy lines. She could’ve survived, but he couldn’t help her. Volcano was being pursued.

Another air unit, one he had worked with before known as the Phantom Storm, were on his tail. He had been hit and was trailing smoke. He was at a disadvantage and he knew it. Mentally cursing himself for what he was about to do, he set his fighter to crash and ejected. The smoke covered his escape as the Phantom Storm barrelled past him towards the crash site. For reasons unknown, his wing was targeted by those he used to call allies and everything he had worked for his entire life was gone.

Moreau made it back across new enemy lines towards a space port and found there was a wanted poster for him, Janet and Cameron. They had been disavowed by Harper and used as scapegoats, whether by faulty intel or intentional betrayal, Moreau didn’t know. Though he swore he’d find out and clear his name and the name of his wing. Moreau soon learned he had a mark on him, they must’ve learned he escaped the crash. He barely escaped that planet with his life.

Now Moreau works trying to find any information he can on why he and his wing was betrayed. He constantly keeps his eyes peeled for any signs that Janet survived, but if she was smart she went to ground like he did. It’s been nearly a year since that unfortunate event, and he is no closer to learning the truth. He’s evaded several bounty hunters since then, which leads him to believe he is marked for death because of what he knows. Harper is covering his tracks and trying to cut off loose ends. Being on his own is becoming more and more dangerous, and without his wing, he doesn't have anyone who he could rely on.
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Vincent Moreau
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2024 7:36 am

Re: Vincent 'V' Moreau -- BattleTech - Post Template

Post by Vincent Moreau »

Found in Total Warfare pg 74
Velocity Table.PNG
Velocity Table.PNG (26.2 KiB) Viewed 2709 times
Special Maneuvers Table.PNG
Low-Alt Table.PNG
Low-Alt Table.PNG (18.02 KiB) Viewed 2709 times

Code: Select all

Perception: [roll]2d6+5[/roll] (7 Base TN)
JIC: [roll]2d6[/roll]
JIC: [roll]2d6[/roll]




[b][color=#0000FF]Turn 1:[/color][/b]
[b]Init:[/b] [roll]3d6-L[/roll]

[b]Current Velocity:[/b] 

[b]Starting Altitude:[/b]

[b]Thrust Points Expended:[/b] 

[b]Pilot Check:[/b] Pilot, Aerospace: [roll]2d6+8[/roll] (8 Base TN)

AC/5: Gunnery, Aerospace: [roll]2d6+8[/roll] (8 Base TN) 
Medium Laser: Gunnery, Aerospace: [roll]2d6+8[/roll] (8 Base TN) 
Medium Laser: Gunnery, Aerospace: [roll]2d6+8[/roll] (8 Base TN) 

[b]Alternate Target:[/b] 

Sensory Operation (8 Base TN): [roll]2d6+5[/roll] | [roll]2d6+5[/roll] | [roll]2d6+5[/roll] 
Pilot, Aerospace (8 Base TN): [roll]2d6+8[/roll] | [roll]2d6+8[/roll] | [roll]2d6+8[/roll] | [roll]2d6+8[/roll] 

[b]End of Turn Velocity:[/b] 

[b]Ending Altitude:[/b]

[b][color=#FF00FF]Turn 2:[/color][/b]
[b]Init:[/b] [roll]3d6-L[/roll]

[b]Current Velocity:[/b] 

[b]Starting Altitude:[/b]

[b]Thrust Points Expended:[/b] 

[b]Pilot Check:[/b] Pilot, Aerospace: [roll]2d6+8[/roll] (8 Base TN)

AC/5: Gunnery, Aerospace: [roll]2d6+8[/roll] (8 Base TN) 
Medium Laser: Gunnery, Aerospace: [roll]2d6+8[/roll] (8 Base TN) 
Medium Laser: Gunnery, Aerospace: [roll]2d6+8[/roll] (8 Base TN) 

[b]Alternate Target:[/b] 

Sensory Operation (8 Base TN): [roll]2d6+5[/roll] | [roll]2d6+5[/roll] | [roll]2d6+5[/roll] 
Pilot, Aerospace (8 Base TN): [roll]2d6+8[/roll] | [roll]2d6+8[/roll] | [roll]2d6+8[/roll] | [roll]2d6+8[/roll] 

[b]End of Turn Velocity:[/b] 

[b]Ending Altitude:[/b] 
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