Callsign/Alias: Volcano; ‘V’
Total XP: 6,000
Unspent XP: 400
Sentiments/Federated Suns: The best of the worst, at least their people aren't oppressed.
Sentiments/Lyran Commonwealth: A distinct dislike and distrust for this collection of feudal houses. Their oppressive and authoritarian nature cause him to steer clear.
Sentiments/Draconis Combine: Another authoritarian state that he actively tries to avoid.
Sentiments/Capellan Confederation: The worst of the worst, the tyrannical and totalitarianism of the Capellan Confederation is a threat to everyone.
Sentiments/Free Worlds League: Their chaotic nature makes it easier to manuever within, though it's constant state of civil war makes it dangerous to stay there for long.
Sentiments/Periphery Worlds: Where he tries to spend his time.
Disposition: A quiet and reserved individual, not for a lack of confidence but due to a lack of faith. He only shares his first name with those he trusts, otherwise it's just 'V' and he never talks about his past.
Attribute | Value | Link Value | XP Spent |
STR: | 2 | -1 | 200 |
BOD: | 2 | -1 | 200 |
RFL: | 7 | +1 | 700 |
DEX: | 7 | +1 | 700 |
INT: | 5 | 0 | 500 |
WIL: | 7 | +1 | 700 |
CHA: | 4 | 0 | 400 |
EDG: | 2 | -2 | 200 |
Trait Name: | TP (Trait Points) | Page ref | XP cost |
Combat Sense | +4 | p.110 | +400 |
Fast Learner | +3 | p.117 | +300 |
Good Vision | +1 | p.118 | +100 |
Natural Aptitude, Pilot Aerospace (Inactive) | +4 | p.125 | +500 |
Dark Secret | -3 | p.112 | -300 |
Enemy | -2 | p.113 | -200 |
Blood Mark | -2 | p.109 | -200 |
Introvert | -1 | p.121 | -100 |
Standard Damage: 0/4 (2x BOD score)
Fatigue Damage: 0/14 (2x WIL Score)
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 181cm; 5'11"
Weight: 74kg; 164lbs
Description: V is a lean and relatively fit man, though he is no body builder. He is usually clean shaven and sports a loose, sometimes messy orange hairstyle. He is subjected to helmet hair after he disembarks from his vehicle. He has relatively unique gray eyes.
MOVEMENT: Measured in Meters per Turn (MPT)
Walk: 9
Run/Evade: 19
Sprint: 38
Climb: 4
Crawl: 2
Swim: 9
Skill Name: | Current Level | Target Number (TN) | Complexity of Action (C) | Link | XP |
Art/Drawing | 1 | 9 | CA | INT + DEX | 24 |
Communications/Conventional EM | 1 | 7 | SB | INT | 24 |
Communications/Hyperpulse Generator | 2 | 7 | SB | INT | 24 |
Computers | 2 | 9 | CA | DEX + INT | 40 |
Cryptography | 4 | 9 | CA | INT + WIL | 96 |
Escape Artist | 2 | 9 | CA | STR + DEX | 40 |
Gunnery/Aerospace | 6 | 8 | SA | RFL + DEX | 184 |
Gunnery/Air Vehicle | 3 | 8 | SA | RFL + DEX | 64 |
Gunnery/Mech | 3 | 8 | SA | RFL + DEX | 64 |
Interrogation | 3 | 8 | CA | WIL + CHA | 64 |
Investigation | 3 | 9 | CA | INT + WIL | 64 |
Language/English | 4 | 8 | SA | INT + CHA | 96 |
Leadership | 4 | 8 | SA | WIL + CHA | 96 |
Martial Arts | 4 | 7 | SA | REF + DEX | 96 |
Navigation/Air | 5 | 7 | SB | INT | 136 |
Navigation/Space | 4 | 7 | SB | INT | 96 |
Negotiation | 1 | 8 | CB | CHA | 24 |
Perception | 4 | 7 | SB | INT | 96 |
Piloting/Aerospace | 6 | 7 | SA | RFL + DEX | 184 |
Piloting/Air Vehicle | 3 | 8 | SA | RFL + DEX | 64 |
Piloting/Mech | 3 | 8 | SA | RFL + DEX | 64 |
Sensor Operations | 4 | 8 | SA | INT + WIL | 96 |
Small Arms | 2 | 8 | SB | DEX | 40 |
Stealth | 4 | 9 | CA | REF + WIL | 96 |
Strategy | 4 | 9 | CA | INT + WIL | 96 |
Tactics/Air | 2 | 9 | CA | INT + WIL | 40 |
Tactics/Land | 1 | 9 | CA | INT + WIL | 24 |
Tactics/Space | 2 | 9 | CA | INT + WIL | 40 |
Technician/Aeronautics | 2 | 9 | CA | DEX + INT | 40 |
Technician/Electrical | 2 | 9 | CA | DEX + INT | 40 |
Zero-G Operations | 2 | 7 | SB | RFL | 40 |