Crow - Mystic Knight

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Crow - Mystic Knight

Post by Crow »

Player Name: Sean
Discord: Grimfang221 #6873
Link to Ledger: Ledger

Character Name: Rickard Rosch
Alias: Crow
Race: Human
O.C.C.: Mystic Knight
Alignment: Aberrant
XP Level: 3
XP Points: 5601 [UG 01OCT24]
Next Level @ XP: 9200
Sentiments/Non-Humans: Like everyone they must either help themselves or be trodden down
Sentiments/Coalition: Has Just another fish in a large pond.
Disposition: A stoic man prone to quiet reflection. Actions are everything to him as words much like the wind vanish with the breathe they are carried on.

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 11
P.S.: 23
P.P.: 13
P.E.: 22
P.B.: 7
Speed: 25

P.P.E: 110
I.S.P: 24
H.P. 33
S.D.C.: 39
Age: 24
Sex: male
Height: average 5'6"
Weight: Stocky 150lbs
Description: A short stocky man with a clean shaven face and close cropped hair. His face is a mix match of old battle scars and hes missing a few teeth leaving him with a battered appearance. A perpetual scowl is etched onto his face only his green eyes hold any life in them. Prefers to wear his armour when possible and dresses in greys when off duty.

Natural Abilities
Perception: 21% 3%
Charm/Impress: -15%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 15%
Max. Encumbrance: 460
Max. Carrying Weight: 460
Max. Lifting Weight: 920
Max. Jumping Ability: 13ft across/ 7 up

Special Abilities
1:P.P.E. Channeling:
The spell caster can channel and convert PPE energy into other types of energy.
-can power most simple electronics by holding them in hand and willing it. No ppe cost
-Recharge most types of batteries:1 small sdc battery per level cost 1 ppe
-Recharge large sdc battery (automobile) 2ppe
-Standard E-Clip:12ppe
-Long E-clip: 18ppe
-Energy Canister/Railgun: 30ppe
-Recharge a high powered energy cannon with one blast (1d6x10 to 2d6x10 md Two blasts if the energy beam does 6d6 to 1d4x10md): 30ppe
2: Fire Energy Bolts: Can fire 4d6md energy bolts (+1d6md at lvls 4,8,12)1000ft from hands or eyes. PPe cost (5) per blastAn additional 1000ft can be added for 10PPE.
3: Steal/Redirect Ley Line Energy: The Knight can prevent others from drawing on ley line energy at a particular location along that line; 50ft diameter per level of experience.
He can also steal PPE being summoned by one or more mages during a time of power by redirecting the flare of energy into himself.
He can then use the stolen energy for his own magic.
4: Impervious to Energy: The Mystic Knight is impervious to lasers, ion blasts, particle beams, plasma bolts, electricity, fire, heat, and radiation
5: Master of Combat:+1d6[5] = 5 PS,+1 PE,+1d6+6 [3]+6 = 9 SPD, +1 attack, +3 initiative, +3 disarm,+2 entangle, +1 roll w/ impact/fall, +2 pull punch, =5% save vs coma/death, +2 vs disease/poison
6: Ley Line Abilities: Sense ley lines,Ley line phase, Ley Line Rejuvenation

1: See Invisible
2: Sixth Sense
3: Resist Fatigue
4: Mind Block
5: Commune w/ Spirits
6: Intuitive Combat
7: Night Vision
8: Mask I.S.P. & Psionics
9: Mask P.P.E.

Spell Knowledge
Spell Strength: 12
1: Magic Shield
2: Armour of Ithan
3: Aura of Death
4: Tongues
5: Energize Spell
6: Fists of Fury
7: Power Weapon
8: Teleport Lesser
9: Levitation
10: Multiple Image
11: Superhuman Strength

O.C.C. Skills
Language: Native Tongue 121% (+1%)
Language: Gobblely 79% (+3%)
Literacy: Native Language 70% (+5%)
Horsemanship: Exotic Animals 55%/45% (+5%)
Horsemanship: Knight 55%/45% (+5%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters 55% (+5%)
Lore: Magic General Knowledge: 50% (+5%)
Land Navigation 58% (+4%)
Intelligence 54% (+4%)
Surveillance 55% (+5%)
Military Fortifications 60% (+5%)
Military Etiquette 65% (+5%)
Prowl 55% (+5%)
Concealment 42% (+4%)

O.C.C. Related Skills
Skill name--Totaled %
Sensory Equipment 50% (+5%)
Radio: Basic 65% (+5%)
Fencing (3) -+1 strike , +1 parry , +1d6 dmg with sword
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Mathematics: Basic 75% (+5%)
Lore: Religion 55% (+5%)
Gymnastics (L1)
--Sense of Balance 53% (+3%)
--Work Parallel Bars & Rings 63% (+3%)
--Back Flip 72% (+2%)
--Basic Prowl Ability adds +5% to Prowl skill
--Basic Climb Ability 30% (+5%)
--Climb Rope/Rappel 62%(+2%)

Secondary Skills
Skill name--Totaled %
Fishing 55% (+5%)
Wardrobe & Grooming 62% (+4%)
Cook 50% (+5%)
Basic Mechanics 35% (+5%) (L1)
First Aid 50% (+5%) (L1)

Combat Data
HTH Type:Expert
Number of Attacks:6
Initiative Bonus:+3
Strike Bonus:+2
Parry Bonus:+5
Dodge Bonus:+5 (S.D.C.)
HTH Damage Bonus:+8
Bonus to Roll w/Punch:+4
Bonus to Pull a Punch:+5
Bonus to Disarm:+5
Karate Punch: 1d8 S.D.C.
Kick Attack: 1d8 S.D.C.

Weapon Proficiencies

Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost

Wp sword +3 strike, +2 parry
Wp knives +2 strike, +3 parry
Wp Energy pistol +3 strike
Wp Energy Rifle +2 strike
Wp paired weapons

Saving Throw Bonuses
Magic (varies):
Lethal Poison (14+): +2
Non-Lethal Poison (16+):+2
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies):
Horror Factor (varies):
Add others as needed
Last edited by Crow on Fri Nov 01, 2024 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crow - Mystic Knight

Post by Crow »


Carried/In Hand

Worn on Person
-primary weapon

Utility Belt
• Attachment: canteen
• Attachment: E-clip
• Attachment: secondary weapon
• Attachment: E-clip

• Space: Ceremonial robes
• Space: knapsack
• Space: food rations (three weeks)
• Space: 50ft rope
• Space: 1 flare
• Space: Flashlight
• Space: canteen
• Space: compass
• Space: pocket knife
• Space: hand cuffs

Stored in Vehicle

Secure Universal Card: 5000 credits
Non-Secure Black funds: 2000 credits worth of gems/metals

Gear Stats

Battle Fury Blade
  • M.D.C. of the Weapon: 200, regenerates 20 M.D.C. per day
  • Range: close combat
  • Damage: 6D6 M.D.
  • Activation Cost: 40 P.P.E. or 80 I.S.P.
  • Duration of Charge: Battle Fury lasts 12 melee rounds/3 minutes.
  • Weight: 7 lbs.
  • Features:
    • Wielder gets two strike rolls for one expended APM; opponents are -5 to parry second attack
    • Wielder is encased in a suit of magical force with 100 M.D.C. for the duration of the Battle Fury
    • Device Level: unlisted
    • P.P.E. Construction Cost: unlisted
    • Construction Time: takes 2-3 months to make
    • Spell Chain Needed: Ensorcel (400), Speed Weapon (100), Power Weapon (35), Invincible Armor (30) and Enchant Weapon (1000).
  • Book Reference: p.317, BoM

Mystic Knight Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Demon-Ram Horn Helmet: 40
  • Arms - 30 ea
  • Legs - 45ea
  • Body: 70

Weight: 20lbs
Modifiers: -5% to Climb, Prowl and other physical skills requiring mobility or manual dexerity. -10% to Acrobatics, Gymnastics and other skills requiring extreme mobility.

NG-45LP Long Pistol
  • Range: 1,200'
  • Damage: 5D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 8 shots per E-clip
  • Weight: 5 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Energy Pistol
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.191-192, WB33
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Re: Crow - Mystic Knight

Post by Crow »

I'm the first born of twins, a fact I never let my brother forget. My early life spent in private schools in Freehold. Learning the history of magic and the future it would bring us. My brother and I never quite saw eye to eye but we were inseparable none the less.

Tolkeen always had a dismissive attitude towards the Coalition States, relegating them to backwards fascists. But the propaganda had been increasing in hostility. Some of our classmates had already signed up with the military in a wave of patriotism I found odd.

One night my brother and I awoke to the sound of our parents yelling. My father insisted that it would be safer to leave Freehold and stay with his family on the east coast of Michigan. He wouldn't have his sons become fodder for warlords.

Our mother, a talented psychic healer, knew her skills would be in dire need declared she would stay. The argument ended with my mother on the ground and my father standing over her.

Shortly after, we were heading out with a dozen others on an old flat bed truck towards an uncertain fate.

Our caravan grew with each village and hovel we passed as others fled the growing tensions. What started as a dozen grew into a hundred. A nomadic town travelling slowly east. Food was scarce but everyone pitched in to help each other.

Our camp had become too big too ignore. Patrols regularly reported seeing scouts keeping eyes on us. One night a piercing scream tore through the camp. Sounds of clashing steel and guns firing rose in answer. Slavers had came down from the woodlands. Killing those that resisted and chaining those that could not or would not fight back. I ran leaving everyone behind and letting fear guide me. The sound of hooves grew with each ragged breath I took. I dared a glimpse back only to trip over something soft. The torn body of an old woman. I looked away horrified, only to be met by an image from my nightmares.

A knight in bone white armour looked down on me as I tried to catch my breath. His eyes betrayed an unquenchable bloodlust. Laughing he turned his massive warhorse and rode off, signaling for others to chain me.

My father, brother, and I were chained together and lead away with the others. We watched as our father crumbled in upon himself with each passing day. A failure of a man unable to do what was needed of him when it needed done. My brother consoled him.

With each day under our masters we watched as our father crumbled in upon himself. They gathered many of us into rows before a great stone alter deep in the snowy woods.

The only sound a wet mewling from up ahead. I watched as one by one the people I had come to know as friends were taken to the altar. Where the warrior in white waited with his blood slickened sword. A pile of heads beside him..

My brother and I waited for our death. Time began to be measured in bodies, each one thrown aside meant another step towards my doom. A sense of cold detachment overtook me, where I saw all the steps in my life that had lead me here. Weakness, and a refusal to take my own life into my hands. My father sobbed as he was dragged forth. He begged and pleaded for our life's to be spared and to take his instead.

The futility of his actions were lost on him, for he joined the other headless corpses that lined the path. As my time came at last to kneel before this apparition of death I felt true serenity.

As I looked into his eyes for what I thought would be last my moment on this earth. I saw past the carnal lust for blood worn like a mask, to the inner calm inside. He lowered his umbral blade, pushing me aside with the gentlest of movements.

I turned only to see my own astonished face looking back at me before head separated from body. I watched my own death through my twins eyes.

The warrior took me with him after his business had concluded at the massacre. I was to be his squire and learn everything I could. I was to address him as Lord Deimos if I valued my life. He took me deep into the wilderness where his House, the Order of The Scale, lay hidden in fog and trees . There amidst snow covered pines and frozen lakes I learned how to take my life back into my own hands. Lord Deimos was a ruthless master. I trained day and night , in hand to hand , demonology , magical lore, and where the rules of war could be or even broken.

Through grit and blood I honed my mind, body , and soul to work as one. Pushing my limits beyond their norms. On my twentieth birthday my Lord Deimos saw fit to initiate me into the ranks of the Scale. A small House, only meriting six Mystic Knights in all that served the priests of Dragonwright.

They branded me with the Gateway upon my breast with the Black Rose of Styphon tattooed inside.

Now a full brother, I left the confines of the Order as a Wandering Knight. I travelled south into the Magic Zone, finding employment as a bodyguard and assassin. These contracts took me far and wide across the midwest and southern swamps. My most daunting challenge came while protecting a shifter as she traversed the ruins of Tolkeen. She had discovered the location of an untapped cache of magical artifacts and was determined to be the first to reach it. As she began the ritual to unlock its contents, we were beset upon by a team of foolhardy adventurers. One, a Battle Magus, wielded a silver flamberge. She summoned aid in the form of demons but I warned them away from this deadly warrior. Our duel rang out across the battlefield as each of us probed the others defenses. Looking for the merest slip in focus. As the others fell around us the dance continued. The battle Magus let loose a final flurry of lightning quick attacks. As the last blow deflected off of my own battered blade, my opportunity rose and I planted my sword in the hollow of his throat. Victorious I took his blade as my own and rested his head from his shoulders. Our task finished the shifter and I left. Finally landing to Merctown where I seek to test my skills on more challenging tasks.

The God-Dragons have shown me that in the stygian abyss of my soul I yearn to Dominate. I want to lead others into war and battle. To do more than serve others I wish to serve myself. But to lead one must follow, and I plan to follow the darkest group of killers I can find.

1. 0000 - 2300
2. 2301 - 4600
3. 4601 - 9200
4. 9201 - 17400
5. 18401 - 26500
6. 26501 - 36600
7. 36601 - 51700
8. 51701 - 74800
9. 74801 - 100900
10. 100901 - 140000
11. 140001 - 193100
12. 193101 - 235200
13. 235201 - 290400
14. 290401 - 350600
15. 350601 - 425800
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Re: Crow - Mystic Knight

Post by Crow »

1d4: [4] = 4
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