David Swift - Human Tolkeen Artifact Hunter

The Horizon is not just a line, it is a symbol of limitless possibilities.
GM: Underguard
AGM: Sum of All Fears
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David Swift
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David Swift - Human Tolkeen Artifact Hunter

Post by David Swift »

Player Name: Eric
G-Mail: archon22@gmail.com
Link to Ledger: https://pbprpg.org/forums/viewtopic.php ... 8#p1402568

Character Name: David Swift
Team Codename: Sidestep
Alias: Johann Schmidt, Matty Flint, Deke Helm
Race: Human
O.C.C.: Tolkeen Artifact Hunter
Alignment: Unprincipled
XP Level: 3
XP Points: 4241
Next Level @ XP: 8481
Sentiments/Non-Humans: David grew up in Tolkeen and mostly takes people as they earn. The monsters summoned by Tolkeen as the war went on were so bad they go on his avoid or worse list.
Sentiments/Coalition: David's country was destroyed by the Coalition. He's tired of the fighting around Tolkeen, but anyone from the Coalition will have to prove good intentions more than once before he'll trust them even a bit.
Disposition: Grim to forced cheerful.
Insanity: N?A

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 13
M.A.: 11
P.S.: 13
P.P.: 10
P.E.: 13
P.B.: 11
Speed: 11

P.P.E.: 72
I.S.P.: 26
H.P.: 21
S.D.C.: 26
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200 lbs
Description: Despite his blue eyes and red hair, David just seems to fade into the background. Otherwise, he's average build and height. Unlike many redheads he doesn't have freckles. As Matty Helm, his hair is black, and Deke Flint has hair so blond that it's almost white.

Natural Abilities
Perception: 21%
Charm/Impress: 15%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 15%
Max. Encumbrance: 65 lbs
Max. Carrying Weight: 130 lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 260 lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: 6' long / 3' high

Special Abilities
  • Dimension Sense- After 1d6+2 minutes of concentration (meditating on a new world or reading an open rift), can tell the type of dimension, how dense the dimensional fabric is, whether it can support human life, magical energy levels, whether it is artificially created, and any other type of unusual dimensional characteristics. When reading a rift, the shifter can also get a sense of how soon it will close, whether or not it was random, etc, at –10% to skill. Can also automatically sense a dimensional vortex 1d6 +1/lvl minutes before it opens.
    Dimension sense can also be used to detect dimension-based magic in use (including teleportation, portals, temporal magic, etc.). Activating this aspect of the power costs one melee action; the sensing may be extended for one minute per level by sacrificing another action. If the skill roll is successful, the shifter can attempt to alter (but not stop) the magic being cast. 45%+5%/lvl.
  • Open Rifts- By performing a special ritual lasting 1d6x10+15 minutes, the shifter can cast the dimensional portal and re-open gateway spells at ½ PPE cost. The ritual also allows the shifter to hold the rift open for one minute per level, and manipulate the size of the rift. Maximum size is 10 feet by 10 feet per level of experience.
  • Communication Rift- Costs 50 PPE within half a mile of a nexus, 100 within half a mile of a ley line, and 200 everywhere else. Lasts one minute per level. Skill is 30%+5%/lvl , +20% if performed as a ritual. If the skill roll fails by less than 20%, the portal still connects to the right continent/world/dimension, but not the specific location the shifter was aiming for.
  • Dimensional Teleport Home- For 125 PPE the shifter can teleport himself, his familiar, and whatever he can carry to his home or to selected safehouses.
  • Sense Rifts- Automatically senses rifts. Range is 150 miles, +50 per level. Can also sense other dimensional disturbances (teleports, dimensional anomalies, etc) within half that range.
  • Familiar Link- Creates a telepathic and empathic link. The shifter cannot take any other actions while seeing through the familiar’s eyes. If the familiar is killed, the shifter permanently loses 10 HP and has a 50% chance to go into a coma for 1d6 hours.
  • Summoning- To resist a creature must roll above the shifters MA on 1d20 three out of five times, including ME bonuses and bonuses to save vs. mind control. A natural 20 always wins.
  • Link to the supernatural- none

Psionics (2)

Mask ISP (4)

Range: Self.
Duration : Ten minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P. : 4
A psionic power that enables the character to completely mask all
but 1d4 P.P.E. of his personal P.P.E. base. Characters who can sense
magic energy or see aura will regard this character as having an insignificant
amount of P.P.E. This power is especially good as protection
against Psi-Stalkers and other P.P.E. vampires. Mystics can easily hide
their magical powers through this psionic concealment.

Telepathy (4)

Range: Read surface thoughts up to 60 feet ( 1 8. 3 m) away or two-way
telepathic communication up to 1 40 feet (42 . 7 m) +40 feet ( 1 2 .2 m) per
level of experience.
Du ration : 2 minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P. : 4
Saving T h row: Conditional. When a character suspects he is being
telepathically probed he can resist, getting the standard saving throw.
Mind B locks will completely prevent telepathic probes or communications
as long as the block is up.
The power of Telepathy allows the psychic to eavesdrop on what
another person is thinking at a particular moment. This is done by focusing
on that one individual and picking up on his or her surface
thoughts. Surface thoughts are those thoughts and musings uppermost
in a target' s mind. A deep probe into memory is not possible. Although
the psychic can read the thoughts of several people, he can only do so
by focusing on one person at a time. S imultaneous, multiple mind reading
is impossible for the character.
Limited telepathic communication is also possible. The telepath can
send a directed thought message to one person at a time. The message
must be as brief and clear as possible. Like, "John, I need you immediately.
Hurry ! " or "Stop ! D on ' t do that." "Come here," "Look out" or
"Press the green button." However, two-way telepathic communication
is not possible except between two characters both with telepathic abilities.

Spell Knowledge
Spell Strength: 12+

Level 1
Globe of Daylight (2)
Sense Evil (2)
Sense Magic (4)

Level 2
Turn Dead (6)

Level 3
Armor of Ithan (10)
Energy Bolt (5)

Level 4
Energy Field (10)
Repel Animals (7)
Trance (10)
Shadow Meld (10)

Level 5
Calling (8)
Charm (12)
Sustain (12)

Level 6
Call Lightning (15)
Compulsion (20)
Time Slip (20)
Tongues (10)

Level 7
Constrain Being (20)

Level 8
Exorcism (30)
Protection Circle: Simple (45)

Level 9
Summon and Control Canines (50)

Level 10
Summon and Control Rodents (70)

Level 11
Energy Sphere (120)
Re-Open Gateway (180)
Rift Teleportation (200)

Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Dimensional Portal (1000)

O.C.C. Skills
Intelligence 50% (+4%)
Detect Ambush 45% (+5%)
Lore: Dimensions 35% (+5%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters 45% (+5%)
Lore: Magic
--General Knowledge: 40% (+5%)
--Recog. Magic Circles, Runes, etc: 30% (+5%)
--Recognize Enchantment 23% (+4%)
Language: American 90% (+1%)
Language: Dragonese 71% (+3%)
Language: Spanish 71% (+3%)
Prowl 45% (+5%)
Land Navigation 54% (+4%)
Wilderness Survival 50% (+5%)
WP: Knife
WP: Energy Rifle
Hand to Hand: Expert

O.C.C. Related Skills
Barter 52% (+4%)
Disguise 52% (+5%)
Seduction 38% (+3% plus Attribute bonuses)
Impersonation 60%/46% (+4%)
Imitate Voice & Sounds 54%/48% (+4%)
Undercover Ops 62% (+5%)
Electronic Countermeasures 50% (+5%)
Computer Operation 60% (+5%)
[L3] Kick Boxing
[L3] Forgery 30% (+5%)

Secondary Skills
Literacy: American 50% (+5%)
Pilot: Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 68% (+4%)
Wardrobe & Grooming 58% (+4%)
Radio: Basic 55% (+5%)
Research 50% (+5%)
WP: Energy Pistol
[L3] Cook 35% (+5%)
[L3]Pilot: Automobile 60% (+2%)

Combat Data
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 4
Initiative Bonus: +0
Strike Bonus: +2 (+3 w Knives)
Parry Bonus: +3
Dodge Bonus: +3
HTH Damage Bonus:
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +2
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3
Bonus to Disarm: +2

Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost

W.P. Knife - +1 to strike. +2 to parry. +2 to strike when thrown.
W.P. Energy Rifle - +1
W.P. Energy Pistol - +2

Saving Throw Bonuses on pg 346
Coma/Death: +1%
Magic (varies): +1
Lethal Poison (14+): +0
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +0
Insanity (12+): +0
Psionics (minor psychic): 12+
Horror Factor (varies): +2
Possession: +0
Last edited by David Swift on Mon Nov 11, 2024 5:24 pm, edited 38 times in total.
David Swift


Carried/In Hand:
TW Storm Rifle

Worn on Person:
Traveling clothes
Wraith Suit
Armored Clothes (28/28)
Secured card in inner pocket of vest.
NGMI card: 3200

Utility Belt:
LP2 Laser pistol
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David Swift
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 4:38 pm

Re: David Swift - Human Tolkeen Artifact Hunter

Post by David Swift »

Secure NGMI Card: 3200 credits
Non-Secure Black Card: 6500 credits

Vehicles/Mounts are listed first.

Carried/In Hand
TW Storm Rifle

Worn on Person
Traveling clothes
Wraith Suit
Armored Clothes (Duster and Pants)
Secured card in inner pocket of vest.

Utility Belt
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: radio
• Attachment: canteen
• Attachment: LP2 Laser Pistol
• Attachment: E Clip

The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: 1 regular set of clothes and 1 dressy set
• Space: Portable computer
• Space: E Clip
• Space: E Clip
• Space: binoculars, pocket laser distancer
• Space: pocket mirror
• Space: CD recorder/player
• Space: 3 sacks
• Space: Black Market card in concealed pocket
• Space: Multiple ID sets in concealed pocket

Stored in Vehicle
Air Filter and Gas Mask
6 wooden steaks and mallet
silver holy symbol
E Clip

Gear Stats

MA-W1 TV Wraith Suit
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Armor of Ithan: 50

Weight: 3 lbs.
Modifiers: Excellent Mobility, no penalties
Magical Features:
  • Each activation activates the following for the full duration or until Armor of Ithan is broken at 5th level.
  • Armor of Ithan: 30 PPE or 60 ISP per activation | 10 minute duration per activation
  • Breathe Without Air
  • Chameleon
  • Escape
  • Float in Air (leaves no footprints, spd reduced by half)
  • Invisibility: Superior
  • Levitation
  • See the Invisible
  • Shadow Meld

Book Reference: Merc Ops/154

Armored M.D.C. Sharp Duster/Long Coat
  • M.D.C.: 28
  • Weight: 8 lbs.

Streetwolf M.D.C. Combat Pants
  • M.D.C.: 8
  • Weight: 2 lbs.

TW Storm Rifle
  • Range: Lightning 2,000', Wind Rush 1,000'
  • Damage: 5d6 M.D.C. per single bolt of lighting
  • Alternative Attack: Wind Rush (3rd Level)
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6 blasts per charge
  • Weight: 9 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None

TW Characteristics:
  • TW Functions: None
  • Activation Cost: 20 P.P.E. or 40 I.S.P. to recharge
  • Book Reference: p.326, BoM

LP2 Laser Pistol
  • Range: 800
  • Damage: 2D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 18 shots per E-Clip, 36 shots per LE-Clip
  • Weight: 2 lbs.
  • Features: Laser focusing optics
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike
  • Book Reference: p.145, Black Market

NG-CM10 Highwayman Motorcycle
M.D.C. by Location:
  • *Headlights (2): 4 each
  • *Storage Compartment (rear): 20
  • *Plexiglass Windshield: 15
  • *Optional Front-Mounted Weapon: 20
  • *Tires (2): 5 each
  • Main Body: 75
* Requires a called shot at -4 to strike; -90% to speed if 1 tire is destroyed
Statistical Data:
Maximum Speed: 180 mph, -50% on grassy plains, dirt roads, stony deserts, and broken, rough terrain
Range: Unlimited
Modifiers: -10% to piloting on dirt roads, -20% on gravel, shattered roads, and -30% in tall grass and snow deeper than 2", immobilized by sand
Crew: 1 pilot
Class: Motorcycle
Dimensions: 4' high, 3' wide, 6' long, 240 lbs.
Cargo: small container on rear (4 items)
Power System: Solid Oxide
Weapon Systems:
  • None
Features of Note:
  • None
Book Reference: p.202-203, WB34

Wilk's PRC-5 Secure Walkie-Talkie
  • M.D.C.: 2
  • Range: 10 miles
  • Weight: 1 lb.
  • Features: 96 hours before recharge required
  • Modifiers: -25% to crack encryption
  • Book Reference: p.106, MercOps

Wilk's LRD-10A Laser Rangefinder, Designator & Recorder (Binoculars)
  • Range: Close Combat
  • M.D.C.: 2
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: 4 hr. video recording
  • Modifiers: +3 to strike with man-portable guided missiles
  • Book Reference: p.105, MercOps

2 recording disks

Basic MRE (Meal Ready to Eat, just add water, vitamins & nutrients, heating optional, fairly tasty)
7 days worth

2-Person Tent (protection against the cold and rain to to -20°F; water collection system)
Last edited by David Swift on Tue Oct 15, 2024 12:48 pm, edited 11 times in total.
David Swift


Carried/In Hand:
TW Storm Rifle

Worn on Person:
Traveling clothes
Wraith Suit
Armored Clothes (28/28)
Secured card in inner pocket of vest.
NGMI card: 3200

Utility Belt:
LP2 Laser pistol
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David Swift
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 4:38 pm

Re: David Swift - Human Tolkeen Artifact Hunter

Post by David Swift »

Background Story

David, born Johann Schmidt in Tolkeen, and his family would be familiar to mid-20th century America. It was a middle class family that did middle class things. Both his parents worked in the magical industries of Tolkeen, and his younger sister, Vanessa, was a brat that bugged him all the time as they grew up.

Johann planned to follow in his parent’s footsteps until his greater than average magic potential was recognized during his schooling. His growing ability to manipulate dimensions and rifts was noticed. With the clouds of war with the Coalition on the horizon, Johann volunteered for the Tolkeen army. At this point an intelligence agency recruited him. Johann joined the training groups of the Artifact Hunters. Unlike the majority of his peers, Johann was also trained as a spy and infiltrator.

Operating under the primary identity of Deke Flint, but also using Matty Helm and David Swift, he worked in the Federation of Magic gathering intel, doing industrial espionage, and, occasionally, acquiring items of interest. Deke’s handlers kept him at work in the FoM the entire war until the Fall.

Once the destruction of Tolkeen happened, Deke returned to Tolkeen. Unable to change what had happened he worked to help the refugees while frantically searching for any sign of his family. There was no information on his parents, sister, or any of his more extended family. As the flow of refugees ended, Deke moved through several of the guerilla groups still fighting the Coalition. Having been in FoM for the war, he hadn’t been through or hardened by the Sorcerer’s Revenge or other atrocities committed by both sides.

Deke became disillusioned with the pointless acts of revenge and despairing with no word of his family. He decided to make a break with the old ways. He chose to avoid both Tolkeen and the FoM where there were too many memories. Switching to the identity of David Swift, he’s come to MercTown looking for a new life.

David's story to anyone who asks is he lived and worked at Stormspire for the past few years, but with the economic slowdown following the Fall of Tolkeen, he's moved to MercTown looking for work.

David maintains some distant links with Tolkeen refuges especially those supported by Lord Coake. He’ll help as he’s able and still looks for word of his family. If a New Tolkeen grows up espousing the ideals of the pre-war Tolkeen, he’d be likely to head out to look it over and give appropriate support. The destruction of the Coalition as an entity is a long term goal, but not just pointless revenge. From his limited knowledge of ancient history, the Coalition States of America needs to be destroyed and reformed like the World War II German Empire was. For the immediate future, he wants what he’s never really had, a life.

David Swift was mostly used in Stormspire.
Matty Helm was used in the True Federation of Magic
Deke Flint was used in Dweomer.
Johann Schmidt was his birth name and used in Tolkeen.

Possible small bases for Rifting to: Safe houses in Dweomer, Stormspire, and Tolkeen. One in a cave near a Tolkeen refugee in western Colorado. Establish one with the merc team that hires him.

David is suffering from some level of PTSD. He's likely to end up an alcoholic or self-medicated as he's too tightly wound and used to secrets so far to confide in anyone or look for help.

Tolkeen Artifact Hunter
1 0,000 - 2,120
2 2,121 - 4,240
3 4,241 - 8,480
4 8,481 - 16,960
5 16,961 - 24,960
6 24,961 - 34,960
7 34,961 - 49,960
8 49,961 - 69,960
9 69,961 - 94,960
10 94,961 - 129,960
1 1129,961 - 179,960
12 179,961 - 229,960
13 229,961 - 279,960
14 279,961 - 3 29,960
15 329,961 - 3 89,961
Last edited by David Swift on Sat Oct 12, 2024 5:16 pm, edited 5 times in total.
David Swift


Carried/In Hand:
TW Storm Rifle

Worn on Person:
Traveling clothes
Wraith Suit
Armored Clothes (28/28)
Secured card in inner pocket of vest.
NGMI card: 3200

Utility Belt:
LP2 Laser pistol
User avatar
David Swift
Posts: 18
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2024 4:38 pm

Re: David Swift - Human Tolkeen Artifact Hunter

Post by David Swift »

Character Reference Sheet

Character Seal/Crest

  • What emotion best describes your character?
  • What emotion does your character evoke in others?
  • What does your character need most?
  • What is your character’s goal in life?
  • How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished?
  • Where did your character come from?
  • When did you grow up?
  • What values does your character hold?
  • How does your character dress?
  • What are your character’s means? .
  • What are your character’s personal tastes?
  • What are your character’s opinions?
  • What is your character’s comfort zone?
  • Who has had the biggest impact on your character’s life?
  • What are some of your character’s unexpected quirks?
Play Details
  • What kind of story does your character belong in?
  • What role does your character fill?
  • What should the other players know about your character?
  • What is your play style?.
  • How do you want your character to die?
Wish List
  • Item 1:
  • Item 2:
  • Item 3:
  • Item 4:
Short Term Goals:
  • Goal 1:
    Suggested Solutions (Goal 1):

    Goal 2:
    Suggested Solutions (Goal 2):

    Goal 3:
    Suggested Solutions (Goal 3):
Mid Term Goals:
  • Goal 1:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1):

    Goal 2:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2):

    Goal 3:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3):
Long Term Goals:
  • Goal 1:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1):

    Goal 2:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2):

    Goal 3:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3):
  1. Is the character verbose or stoic?
  2. Is the character funny or dour?
  3. Is the character a follower or a leader?
  4. How does the character react when under pressure?
  5. Does the character volunteer for tasks?
  6. Is the character friendly?
  7. Does the character offer mercy?
  8. Is the character curious and/or adventurous?
  9. Is the character prejudiced about anything?
  10. How does the character react to aliens?
  11. How does the character react when the character is the victim of prejudice?
  12. What is the character's passion?
David Swift


Carried/In Hand:
TW Storm Rifle

Worn on Person:
Traveling clothes
Wraith Suit
Armored Clothes (28/28)
Secured card in inner pocket of vest.
NGMI card: 3200

Utility Belt:
LP2 Laser pistol
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