Liam Marconi (Chaos Earth Blue Zone Wizard) Level UP

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Liam Marconi
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Liam Marconi (Chaos Earth Blue Zone Wizard) Level UP

Post by Liam Marconi »

Player Name: Alan
YIM Handle: ADGunhouse
PP Ledger Link

Character Name: Liam Marconi
Race: Human
O.C.C.: Blue Zone Wizard
Alignment: Principled (Good)
XP Level: 5
XP Points: 14,950 SoAF 30 SEP 24
Next Level @ XP: 14,000
Sentiments/Non-Humans: What the heck is that?
Sentiments/NEMA: May be humanity’s best hope.
Disposition: Confused and in over his head, he is used to things making sense and tries to make sense of what is going on.
Insanity: None (yet)

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 13
M.A.: 12
P.S.: 13
P.P.: 12
P.E.: 14
P.B.: 10
Speed: 16

P.P.E.: 39
H.P.: 31
S.D.C.: 22
M.D.C.: 30 (Blue Zone Only)
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 170#
Description: A young man of Hispanic descent, while he appears reasonably fit there is little about him that seems outstanding

Natural Abilities
Perception Bonus: 27%+3/L
Charm/Impress: 0%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
Max. Encumbrance: 51#
Max. Carrying Weight: 130#
Max. Lifting Weight: 260#
Max. Jumping Ability: 6.5' long, 3.25' high (half without a running start)

Special Abilities
1) Can only cast spells if within 500’+50/L (650') of a ley line or nexus (Psychosomatic Limit)
2) Can only cast 1 spell or other magic effect per round
3) Available PPE can vary (1d6*10 random roll each round). Has little or no understanding of the PPE cost of spells
4) Until level 3, can only cast a total of 15 spells per day safely before becoming fatigued, after 15 spells, a) PPE costs double, b) range , damage, and duration are halved, c) Character’s SPD and Attacks/Round are halved (but can still cast 1 spell per round), d) Zone Wizard’s MDC (only available in the blue zone) is halved, e) can only cast spells for 1 minute per PE after the first 15, but is in danger of collapse or coma (roll a save at +20%). At level 4, he learns how to handle magic energy more safely.
5) The blue zone is inherently dangerous
1) Becomes a Mega-damage being. If within 500’ of a Ley Line, is surrounded by an invisible natural magical force field that has 20MDC+1d6/L and which regenerates 1 MDC per round. This is automatic, requiring no concentration or will to activate
2) Fire Energy Bolt: Range 300’+50’/L, +2 strike (but must have line of sight to target). Damage: 3d6 SDC for 2 PPE, 4d6 for 3 PPE, 6d6 for 4 PPE, 1D6 MDC for 6 PPE, 2d6 MDC for 8 PPE, 3d6 MPC for 10 PPE. Each blast counts as an action, but does NOT count as a spell (May be fired at will as long as the character remains in the Blue Zone)
3) Energy Fist: Duration 1 Melee per level, Damage 2d6 MDC, Cost 2 PPE (counts as a spell), for the duration the character’s fists crackle with blue energy and tiny lightning bolts
4) Calm Storms: Duration 10 Minutes per level for Ley Line Storms, 30 minutes per level for natural storms. To work the storm (or a significant part of it) must be over the blue zone. Intensity of storm (within 1 mile per level radius) is halved, as is duration. (Counts as a spell)
5) Float On ley lines: Maximum speed 10, maximum height 15 feet. Requires 1 melee of concentration to start, but does not require concentration or spending PPE to maintain. (Does not count as a spell.)
6) Ley Line Regeneration: Can triple the natural rate of healing when near a ley line. Additionall, up to twice a day, can perform instant rejuvenation to restore 4d6 HP and 4d6 SDC as well as purging the body of Poisons/Toxins and Disease.
7) Sense the coming of Ley Line Storms: Can feel the disturbance of a storm along the Ley Line and tell if it is a natual storm or a Ley Line Storm, what direction it is coming from, and roughly wgen it will arrive (accurate to within 1d4 minutes. Automatic
8 ) Sense the opening of a dimensional portal : Can feel a disturbance on the Blue Zone/Ley Line and tell if it is a Dimensional Portal opening. The Mage can tell approximately where the rift is located and how long it remains open. He can not tell if anything passes through it or what world it connects to. Automatic
9) Sense Power Surge: Knows when the ley line is surging, and if it is severe enough to try to flee or take cover. Automatic
10) See and communicate with entities: Only functions when within 100’ of the Blue Zone, can only see entities that are naturally invisible, not those hidden or rendered invisible by other means. Communication is done by speaking, somehow each side understands the other. Automatic
11) Sense Supernatural being and demons: Only when within 100’ of blue zone, Range 1000’+200’/L, Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience, PPE: 4, Does not count as a spell
12) Teleport out of Blue Zone: One way teleportation to nearest point outside of ley line. Duration: Instant, Limitation: Can only teleport self at level 1, may add an additional person at every even level, PPE cost: 30, Counts as a spell
13) Initial Spell Knowledge: 12 Spells total, 6 Chaos Magic spells and choice of either 2 spells each from Wizard Invocations 1-4 or 4 each from Level 1-2.
14) Learning new spells: has no formal means of learning magic, has to figure it out themselves, at each level they may successfully develop 2 new spells from Chaos Magic or Wizard Invocations of any level less than or equal to their own level of experience.
15) Secret PPE Reserve: Base reserve of PPE energy equal to PE*2 plus 1d6+1/L, this extra energy is subconsciously used when most needed (usually triggered by intense emotion) but can not be used intentionally.
16) Zoner Bonuses: +1 Save vs magic, +2 save vs Horror, +1 save vs illusions, +2 save vs possession. Spell Strength starts at 12 and increases by 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12.

Spell Knowledge
Spell Strength: 13
Chaos Magic:
Leap Frog (2)
Lifeline (3)
Campfire Sphere : Range: Self, Duration: 1 hour/L, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 4, Effect: Sheds magical light and heat over a 20’ radius, but does not ignite flammables
Debris Wall: Range: 60' +10'/L, Duration: 2 minutes, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 8, Effect: Creates a wall out of debris and loose materials that can stop up to 16 MDC per attack. Anything passing through the wall suffers 2d6*10 MDC. The wall heals from holes punched through it in 1 melee action.
Environmental Protective Cloak:Range: Self, up to two others by touch, or one other up to 20’ away, 30 minutes/Level, Saving throw: None, PPE: 5, Effect: Allows those covered to survive without a gas mask, goggles, or heavy protective clothing by filtering out dangerous materials and excess temperatures
Eye Spy: Range: Self, Duration: 2 Minutes/L (Double on ley line), Saving Throw: None, PPE: 6, Effect: Allows one designated person to see and hear everything the caster does.
Fly Like a Superhuman: Range: Self, Duration: 5 minutes/L (double in blue zone), Saving Throw: None, PPE: 20, Effect: Can fly without visible support at a speed of 15 mph/L. Gains a +2 to dodge while in flight.
Hot Rod: Range: Touch, Duration: 5 minutes per level, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 6, Effect: Increases the speed of any vehicle the character is in by 50% without negative side effects or penalties. The caster must remain in physical contact with the vehicle for the duration.
Leap Frog: Range: Self or 1 other person within 100' (line of sight required), Duration: One Melee round (each leap is 1 melee action), Saving Throw: None, PPE: 2, Effect: The target of the spell can jump over a person, object, or barrier up to 20' high per level. May not land on the the thing being leapt over unless there is something in the way that must be leapt over to get there.
Lifeline (Rope): Range: Self; Line of sight up to 100' + 20'/L, Duration: 2 Minutes/L, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 3, Effect: Makes a length of rope appear, one end within the caster's hands and the other in the hands (or around the feet) of the person needing the lifeline. This may only be used to rescue another person and pull them up. out, or to the caster's side.
Magic Box Range: Touch (Requires an opaque box with a lid), Duration: 15 Seconds (but see effect), Saving Throw: None, PPE: 8: Effect: Either permanently repairs a broken object which would have less than 8 MDC, or renders it invisible until it is removed from the box (caster’s choice).
Move Debris: Range: 10’+3’ per level, Duration: Requires 2 melee rounds for results, which then last until again altered, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 6, Effect: Three possible effects; 1) Clear an area (20’ radius) for camping, 2) Unbury something (creates a tunnel or trench Level*10’+10’ long and 3’ wide through loose material) or 3) Create a shelter in the form of a 5 sided lean-to style hut that can hold up to 6 people.
Renew (Revitalize Food): Range: Touch or 1’/L, Duration: Takes 5 seconds for results, which are then permanent, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 15, Effect: Restores spoiled food and drink to like new.
Soothe & Heal Burns & Itching: Range: Touch (others only), Duration: 1 Hour per level, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 25: Effect Instantly takes away pain and itching and restores 1d6 per hour, however the patient must sleep during the healing process.

Wizard Invocations:
Lantern Light Level: 1, Range: 10’, Duration: 30 minutes/Level, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 1, Effect: Creates a small sphere a light that can be moved at will as long as it stays with 10’ of the caster and moves no faster than a speed of 12. This can shed light from a dim 10 lumens (like a nightlight) to a bright 300 lumens (about like a spotlight).
Thunderclap Level: 1, Range: 30’ radius of caster, Duration: Instant: Saving Throw: Horror Factor 8, PPE: 4, Effect: can produce a loud noise which and be heard up to a mile distant, those within the area (other than the caster) are startled and distracted, giving the caster a bonis of +5 initiative, and +1 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge, and must save vs an HF of 8.
Extinguish Fire Level: 2, Range: 80’+10’/Level, Duration: 1 minute/Level, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 4, Effect Can extinguish 2 areas within range, each of 20’ radius, every melee round for the duration.
Manipulate Objects Level: 2, Range: 50’+10’/Level, Duration: 2 minutes per level, None (but only effect the inanimate), PPE: 2 per 5 pounds, Effect: Maximum weight 10 pounds/Level, maximum speed of movement 10 (human average speed). Insufficient fine control to pick pocket or grab objects out of hands, nor can it be use to open doors, flip switches, etc (though manipulated objects might push a button or joggle a switch). Objects can possibly be used to do damage, but it hits at a -2 strike and gets no other bonuses.
Armor of Ithan Level: 3, Range: Self or creature touched, Duration: 1 minute/Level, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 10, Effect: Creates an invisible suit of magic armor with 10 MDC/Level of the caster. Magic fire, lightning, and cold do half damage to the armor.
Light Healing Level: 3, Range: Touch, Duration: Instant, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 6, Effect: Instantly restores 1d6 SDC or 1d4 Hp (not both) th the creature touched.
Carpet of Adhesion Level: 4, Range: 30’/Level, Duration: 10 melees/Level, Save: special, PPE: 10, Effect: Creates an area of high adhesive covering up to 200 square feet (not more than 20’ on the longest side). Any creature that touches the surface can make a saving throw against magic, if successful they are able to break free in 2d6 rounds, otherwise they remain stuck until the spell ends.
Multiple Image Level: 4, Range: Self, Duration: 1 minute/level, Saving Throw: Viewers can make a save at -4 to see through the illusion, PPE: 7, Effect: Creates three identical images of the mage which mirror their movements exactly. This provides the caster a bonus of +2 Initiative, +2 Dodge, and +1 Strike.
Heal Wounds Level: 5, Range: Touch or 3' away, Duration: Instant, Saving Throw: Standard, it the person resists it, PPE: 10, Effect: Restore 3d6 SDC and 1d6/HP
Superhuman Strength Level: 5, Range: Self or 1 person by touch, Duration: 2 melees per level, Saving Throw: None, PPE: 10, Effect: Grants the character Superhuman PS 30, PE of 24, and adds +30 SDC for the duration of the magic

O.C.C. Skills
Language: English 96%+1%
Literacy: English 93%+2%
Mathematics: Basic - 94% +3%
Climbing - 65%/55% +5%
Computer Operation - 87% +3%
Land Navigation - 57% +4%
Lore: Demons & Monsters - 55% +5%
Automobile - 80% +2%
Bicycling - 82% +3%
Gardening - 65%+5%

O.C.C. Related Skills
Language: Italian - 77% +3%
Radio: Basic - 70%+5%
First Aid - 65% +5%
General Athletics
Swimming - 70% +5%
W.P. Revolver
Hand to Hand: Basic
WP: Axe

Military Specialty
Military Etiquette - 60% +5%
WP Energy Rifle
WP Knife

Secondary Skills
WP Shotgun
Weapon Systems 45% +5%

Combat Data
HTH Type: Basic
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus:
Strike Bonus: +1
Parry Bonus: +3
Dodge Bonus: +3
HTH Damage Bonus:
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +2
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +2
Bonus to Disarm: +1
Other: Kick Attack for 1d8 SDC

Weapon Proficiencies

Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost

WP Axe: +1 Strike
WP Knife: +2 Strike, +2 Parry, +2 Throw
WP: Handguns (Revolver): +2 Strike
WP: Energy Rifle +2 strike
WP: Shotgun +2 Strike

Saving Throw Bonuses
Magic (varies): +1
Lethal Poison (14+):
Non-Lethal Poison (16+):
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies):
Horror Factor: +2
Illusion: +1
Possession: +2
Last edited by Liam Marconi on Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:50 am, edited 22 times in total.
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Liam Marconi
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Re: Liam Marconi (Chaos Earth Blue Zone Wizard) - In Progress

Post by Liam Marconi »

Character Rolls:
4d6: [3, 5, 3, 5] = 16 =13, 4d6: [3, 3, 1, 6] = 13 =12, 4d6: [4, 4, 6, 1] = 15 =14, 4d6: [4, 2, 4, 2] = 12 =10
4d6: [4, 3, 5, 1] = 13 =12, 4d6: [3, 5, 6, 2] = 16 =14, 4d6: [2, 2, 5, 6] = 15 =13, 4d6: [2, 4, 6, 1] = 13 =12
Hmmm, pretty average, with nothing exceptional.
SPD: 1d6: [3] = 3 HP: 1d6: [5] = 5 , SDC: 1d8: [6] = 6 , PPE: 1d6+2: [2]+2 = 4

Basic SDC (as the class does not say): 2d6+12: [1, 6]+12 = 19
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Re: Liam Marconi (Chaos Earth Blue Zone Wizard) - In Progress

Post by Liam Marconi »

  • Starting equipment will be negotiated between each player and the Game Master.
  • Items which have stats have their name in bold type.
  • Items which have stats or images are fully listed under Gear Stats.
  • As such, there should be no stats or images above the Gear Stats header.

Vehicles/Mounts are listed first.

Carried/In Hand
Tends to keep hands free unless something else is needed.

Worn on Person
Khaki Fatigues
LV-10 MDC Armored Vest
NEMA Standard Body Armor Helmet and air filter
LSR-250 Laser Rifle
2 extra e-clips
2 Smoke grenades
2 flares
utility belt canteen
First Aid kit
Disposable cigarette lighter
air filter & Gas Mask
Walkie Talkie
OOC Comments
This is his militia uniform, not his day to day clothing.
Stored in Vehicle

Gear Stats
NEMA LSR-250 Laser "Sharpshooter" Laser Rifle
OOC Comments
  • Range: 3,000'
  • Damage:
    • Light Shot: 2D6 M.D.
    • Heavy Shot: 4D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 21 light shots (or 10 heavy) per E-Clip, or 168 light blasts (or 84 heavy) with Backpack Battery
  • Weight: 5 lbs.
  • Features: Laser targeting, telescopic and passive nightvision scope (3,000')
  • Modifiers: +3 to strike on aimed shots when laser targeting system engaged
  • Book Reference: p.56, CE
LV-10 Mega-Damage Vest
OOC Comments
M.D.C. by Location:
• Main Body: 30
Modifiers: Excellent Mobility, No Penalties
Weight: 6 lbs. (6.75 kg)
Special Features: AR 11 (Raised to AR-13 when helmet is worn)
Book Reference: Page 61, Chaos Earth
NEMA Standard Body Armor Helmet
OOC Comments
M.D.C. by Location
  • Helmet: 70
    Weight: (Unspecified
    • Voice-actuated support computer and database.
    • Built-in loudspeaker: 80 decibels.
    • Directional, short-range radio built into the helmet. Range: 5 miles
    • Polarized visor.
    • Color: (M.O.S. specific)
    Book Reference: p.62-63, Chaos Earth[/size]
OOC Comments
  • Damage: 1D6 M.D.
  • Payload: 1 E-Clip will last for approximately 1 hour of use
  • Weight: 1 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.259, R:UE
Smoke Grenade
OOC Comments
  • Range: 120' thrown
  • Damage: -5 to combat actions in a 20-30' AoE
First-Aid Kit (standard)
Last edited by Liam Marconi on Mon Dec 12, 2022 5:40 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Liam Marconi
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Re: Liam Marconi (Chaos Earth Blue Zone Wizard) - In Progress

Post by Liam Marconi »

Background Story

[*]Please include the applicable XP chart for your character at the bottom of this post.[/color][/list]

Address the questions in this video, and your background is likely to be very solid.[/list]
  • Where were you born & what follows from that?
  • Who are/were your parents & what follows from that?
  • Are your parents still alive & what follows from that?
  • Why did you join NEMA?
  • What were you doing when the apocalypse hit & what follows from that?
  • Why did you leave home & what follows from that?
  • What did you leave behind & what follows from that?
  • What do you want & what follows from that?
  • Outlook on Earth's Future?
Alonzo Marconi came to the USA on a Work Visa from Italy, working in one of the chip manufacturing plants in the "Ohio Silicon Valley". He brought over his wife Miriam and eventually had three children, the youngest of which was Liam.

When Liam was 7 years old, the family visited the Serpent Mound for a Total Eclipse of the Sun. The site marks a Ley Line Nexus, as many such sites do, and the Eclipse brought a PPE surge that attuned the precocious young Liam to magic. Until the surge faded he performed magical feats, which no one else witnessed because he had wandered off a little, and he was told they were all his imagination. He repressed the memory and thought it only a dream for over a decade. This did lead to him going to college to study ancient culture and mythology in Atlanta. Unlike many, he found himself resisting the trend towards genetic enhancement, it somehow made him uncomfortable.

Not being a scholarship-level mind, he had to pay his way through college and joined the national guard to help do so. He still visited home, when not at school or on duty, to see his parents and siblings (and, recently, his first niece). When last he was in the Ohio Valley, he family was just fine.

For fun, he splits his time between gardening and involvement in Role-playing games. His knowledge of myths and legends lets him know the legendary weaknesses of many monsters...though many times the GM would change things up so the players would have to think and not just look on-line.

He has heard of the rising tensions in South America and is worried that the situation appears to be escalating. He has been told to be on alert, that his unit may be called up in the event of the situation becoming worse. Until then, he is trying to continue life as usual.

XP Chart: (Using Ley Line Walker chart until a Blue Zone Wizard chart is found)
1 0000-2240
2 2141-4480
3 4481-8960
4 8961-17420
5 17421-25920
6 25921-35920
7 35921-50920
8 50921-70920
9 70921-95920
10 95921-135920
11 135921-185920
12 185921-225920
13 225921-275920
14 275921-335920
15 335921-395920
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Archive Account
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Re: Liam Marconi (Chaos Earth Blue Zone Wizard) - Ready for review

Post by Archive Account »

Character Sheet
XP Level:
XP Points:
Next Level @ XP:
Entries are completely missing.
This needs to be resolved and this entry updated.
Natural Abilities
Another missing entry, plus the vertical spacing between these two areas is missing.
Language: English (93%+1%)
Literacy: English (85%+2%)
Mathematics: Basic - 82% +3%
Climbing - 45%/35% +5%
Inconsistent formatting. I don't know if this is the result of the skill list or the player's actions, but it needs to be fixed.
All the weapon proficiency entries
All need correct punctuation. The red text needs to be removed. The information needs to go below the block of blue text.

Tags are broken causing the sheet to look a mess.
Khaki Fatigues, MDC Armored Vest, Standard helmet and air filter, LSR-250 Laser Rifle with 2 extra e-clips, 2 smoke grenades, 2 flares, Vibro-knife, utility belt canteen, First Aid medical kit, Flashlight, Disposable cigarette lighter, air filter & Gas Mask, Walkie Talkie
These are always shown as vertical lists.
The directions were ignored. Items which have stats have their name in bold type. Anything under gear stats can be hidden away in an OOC or Inline tag.

Once you are finished writing the background, and the DM is satisfied with it, the instructions & questions are no longer necessary.
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Liam Marconi
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Re: Liam Marconi (Chaos Earth Blue Zone Wizard)

Post by Liam Marconi »

Looks like I need to upgrade to level 4.

Hit Points: 3d6: [6, 3, 2] = 11
PPE: 3d6+1: [6, 1, 6]+1 = 14
MDC (Blue Zone): 3d6: [1, 2, 5] = 8
6 total new spells from either Chaos Magic or Wizards Invocations (2 per level, not of any level higher than his own level t the time they were gained)

I think I will go with 2 Chaos spells at level 2: Debris Wall (8) and Hot Rod (6)
At Level 3 also 2 Chaos Spells: Fly Like a Superhuman (20) and Leap Frog (2)
And another 2 Chaos Spells at Level 4: Eye Spy (6) and Lifeline (3)

I gain 1 skill at level 4, with GM permission I am taking Weapon Systems (40% +5%/L)

At Level 4 in Hand to Hand (Basic) I am +2 to Parry and Dodge, have a basic kick attack (for 1d8 SDC) and gain one extra attack per round.
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Liam Marconi
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Re: Liam Marconi (Chaos Earth Blue Zone Wizard) Level UP

Post by Liam Marconi »

I am confused about whether I should have leveled up, but I have done so.

Hit Points: 1d6: [1] = 1
PPE: 1d6+1: [6]+1 = 7
MDC: (in Blue Zone): 1d6: [2] = 2
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