The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Dockside, Airport, and outskirts of MercTown.
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 63% | 1d100: [26] = 26
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 | 1d100: [83] = 83

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

At Minerva's offer to accompany him, Jack let's out a sigh "Finally"

He shows very little interest in the meeting overall, and impatiently waits patiently as the group discusses the possible new mission.

When the meeting is over and Minerva gathers herself, Jack stands waiting near the door tapping his toe. When they get outside, he lights up a cigarette and after a long drag he tells her "Lead the way...."
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Amber Dach »

(Rolls held over)
Calamity John wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:47 pm "Fenrick deals in secondhand merch and he doesn't much care where it comes from. Most of it 'fell off the back of a truck' in the Coalition States, and at least some of it makes its way west. In my caravans, in the hands of smugglers, what have you. I'll nail down what 'best deals on preem merch' means with him exactly. But he knows a deal is a deal when it comes to me. And I don't cotton to people who can't keep a bargain, so if he has problems paying when his time comes I will deal with that." John's voice gets dead cold and somewhat effeminate sounding at the end of that statement. John also provided air quotes around 'fell off the back of a truck'

John shares with the whole group the tip from Fenrick, his nebulous offer of a discount, and that John will sweeten the pot with a share of the profits from his caravan run if Fenrick's tip doesn't pan out.
Amber gives her two bits of support for the mission. “I’m happy to get our names out here. I’m not exactly happy to be dealing directly with someone of dubious morals, but I am also a realist and know that there is a place for people like him, too. I vote, yes.”
Phinneas_Graves wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:53 pm When asked about his opinion of the possible new mission, Jack replies slightly agitated "I really don't have much of an opinion, except for wanting another arm."

"Now, I'll ask politely. I have no friggin clue about this sort of thing. Would anyone like to help, or should I go roll the dice?"
Minerva wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 4:03 pm Phinneas' tone takes Minerva out of the meeting zone as she looks at him confused. He definitely never spoke to me like that before. But I guess having recently lost your arm will do that to you. If your friend needs help, you help.

"I'll come with you after this meeting, Phin. Give me a moment to get ready."

When the meeting concludes, Minerva grabs her cloak and heads out with Phin to get his new arm.
Amber nods approvingly when Minerva says she will accompany Phinneas. Man, he is acting testy lately. Maybe, post injury mental issues? Or Crazy issues. I don’t know. Hopefully seeing a Cyber-Doc will sort him out a bit. But we should keep an eye on him either way. I'm sure Susan will know more about the psychological effects of losing a limb.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Susan Lee
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100: [100] = 100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 / 1d100: [16] = 16

CONDITIONS: See Invisible

Susan shrugs. "It sounds like a standard mercenary job, although perhaps a bit closer to directly working with the Black Market than might be ideal. There isn't a lot in it that is particularly attractive, but I suppose we also do not have a large number of options currently and getting out of MercTown where we might not be a constant reminder to our previous employer has its own value."

She looks at Phinneas after his strange outburst. "Phinneas, I just offered to help you. We need to sit down and determine what we are going to go purchase before we leave. This is not going to be like going to a restaurant where you'll pick off of an illustrated combo menu."

Susan pauses. "Actually, I have seen some chop shops where that is exactly the ordering method. However we should try to find a better quality of place."
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

(Rolls held)

As Jack is ready to head out with Minerva, Susan's stern rebuttal stops him.

"Sorry Doc. Im just a little.....impatient"

Keep it together idiot. We dont need that stupid kid coming back out

"Being back home and not on edge every second is letting it all sink in and im having a hard time with it is all"

Jack looks at Minerva and motions for them to go sit with Susan to discuss his options.
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Underguard »

After some discussion about the proposed job, the crew has various things they need to take care of before setting out. Amber and the rest appear to resonate with Minerva's suggestion of The Horizon Group, and Amber needs to make those changes official. John wants to finish his adventure through the markets, attempting to land some good scores for the team before departing. Arvid attempts to pray to his granfather, Odin, the All-Father. His immediate prayer appears to go unanswered though if ever Arvid thought he was being observed from his pantheon, he felt it now.

Phinneas is rededicated to fixing his one-arm situation with Susan and Minerva offering to help. Both women notice that the crazy is notably impatient, if not acting different entirely, though they can't place why. Susan's investigation into the Liquid 8 reveals it to be some kind of self-replicating nanites that are currently dormant. Apparently being severed from the host processor on Eight was enough to send the nanites into some form of stand-by though Susan can't tell what triggers it yet. She is confident however it might be capable of replacing Phinneas' arm, though she can't tell without some other organic trials.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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Susan Lee
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Susan Lee »


CONDITIONS: See Invisible

"It's alright, Phinneas," Susan says. He is clearly suffering from PTSD. How much worse must it be for someone already mentally unstable by... well, design is not accurate. By side effect. Yes.

The doctor goes silent for an uncomfortably long time, clearly struggling with something mentally. "There is... one other... possible solution. I do not recommend it, however."

She clears her throat. "I have done initial studies on what I have dubbed Liquid 8 and discovered that it is a kind of self-replicating nanite hive, rather than a true liquid metal shell. Since being separated from The Enemy, it has become mostly inert, though it shows minor responses to direct radio signal, as though it were 'hearing' but not 'listening.'"

"I hypothesize that introducing a new direct processor to lead it may result in it becoming active and... benign? I do not know how it would react to having a brain as its new processor, or MoM implants. In theory, the right processor will allow it to be controlled completely, but it would require further testing."

She stops, then adds, "Also, it probably needs to be fed hypertensile scrap metals to gain mass, lest it consume flesh. It appears to have no interest in hypertensile glass/ceramic compounds."

"Again, I do not recommend this as a solution. It needs to be tested on nonhuman subjects and even basic radios equipment before this kind of use."
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

(Rolls held)

Jack's eyes widen at Susan's suggestion of using the liquid nanites salvaged from Eight.

Imagine the power.......

"Be honest Doc.....if you wouldnt recommend it, you wouldnt have suggested it. You're just as curious as i am now"

Jack's brow furrows as he contemplates the nanites. He has seen what Eight was capable of, and the thought of harnessing even a small bit of that power is utterly intoxicating.

I would be unstoppable......

"How soon? Could this be done, I mean?" Jack inquires excitedly. "What if.....I were to go and get a miminal replacement? No sense spending too much. And then......we introduce the nanites to the bionic as the metal they need for replication?"

Jack's eyes glimmer with an impatient excitement as he ponders the possibilities of the power waiting to be harnessed. Before Susan really has a chance to answer he tells her "Let's do it. I volunteer. Figure out any safeguards you can and let's do it. For science......"
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Susan Lee
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Susan Lee »


CONDITIONS: See Invisible

Susan reaches out, trying to take Phinneas's hands in hers. "Phinneas, I need to stress that this is not safe. I only mentioned it because it is taking up a large portion of my mind space currently and I am distracted. Think of how many 'crazies' were killed in the early stages of researching the technology. We have not even tested radios or literal guinea pigs."

And what we could accomplish if we leapfrog the research queue...

"At the very least, let's do a few tests before we introduce it to your system."

But you're right. You're always right. And your name can be in scientific papers across a thousand universes.
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

(Rolls Held)

Jack gives Susan's hand a squeeze. He is almost shaking trying to contain his excitement. "Whatever makes you feel better Doc."

One, two, Jack is coming for you.....

"The only thing i ask......" Jack gives her a look as if he is reading her thoughts " that you're honest with me. Dont play the protective mother role when all you really want to do is let the mad scientist out."

Three, four, kicking in your door

"What's our next move?"
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Susan Lee
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Susan Lee »

Phinneas_Graves wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 3:43 am "What's our next move?"
Susan ignores Phinneas's attempt to assassinate her character. "I would suggest we get a handful of basic, miniature radio transmitters, something no bigger than what goes into a headjack, for example, and, say, a six-pack of laboratory mice."

She shrugs. "I imagine we'll have some initial information fairly quickly with those."

"Oh, and the hypertensile scrap material I mentioned. Let's get five to ten pounds to start. And a bigger tank for Liquid 8 to live in."

OOC: Nate, can we get the results of separating the Liquid 8 in half and feeding one half of it a teeny radio transmitter to see if I can connect to it and either communicate or control it? Also, if it eats metal. And, finally, what happens if I hand one part of it a mouse.
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100: [8] = 8 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20: [20] = 20 | 1d100: [69] = 69

Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100: [48] = 48
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100: [81] = 81 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100: [32] = 32 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 3 days remaining.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

While Amber has everyone in the same area, she goes over a few items of importance. “Okay, it is good that everyone is getting resupplied and fixed up before we start the next operation. We leave once Phinneas is fixed up and ready.”

She looks at Phinneas and Susan. “I have some reservations about what you are attempting to do. I would really prefer if you did some experimenting before you attached it to Phinneas.” Or not at all. “But I trust you both to do the right thing.”

She clears her throat as she continues. “A few other things. Thanks to Minerva’s suggestion we are no longer called the GIRLS. We are now known as the Horizon Group.” About damn time too. That name was demeaning to women.

“Additionally. We have been a little lax in some of our operational security for the last couple of ops we have been on. I would like to maintain some anonymity while on operations to maintain our edge and keep our foes off balance. So, I would like institute a system of codenames for all radio communications. We need to keep our strategies undercover, and calling each other by our real names is a rookie move.” She thinks back to Jerrick in particular. That kid broadcast everything in the open for everyone to hear.

She has a little twinkle in her eyes. “I'm thinking mine will be 'Vixen'. Swift, sly, and decisive, just like me.” She says with a smile. “Plus it goes with my ink.” As she shows her Fox tattoo on her left shoulder. “Feel free to come up with your own or ask around for suggestions.”

Before she leaves them to what they are doing to prepare for the upcoming mission she says. “Let’s hustle up our prep. There are people out there that are in danger and we need to move soon.”

Amber goes up to her room and finds a comfortable spot to mediate. Let's see if we can get a glimpse about what we are facing. She lets her mind wander and reach out towards the area they are heading into. She uses her Precognition ability to see if she can determine anything about what is going on in the area they are heading towards.

(OOC: She will attempt 5 times a day until they are ready to leave. If you want more rolls, just ask!)

Precognition Atttempts
Precognition Skill: 66%
Attempt 1: 1d100: [28] = 28
Attempt 2: 1d100: [81] = 81
Attempt 3: 1d100: [2] = 2
Attempt 4: 1d100: [77] = 77
Attempt 5: 1d100: [44] = 44
Attempt 6: 1d100: [89] = 89
Attempt 7: 1d100: [46] = 46
Attempt 8: 1d100: [42] = 42
Attempt 9: 1d100: [63] = 63
Attempt 10: 1d100: [69] = 69

Modifiers: -40% when trying to glean future information about an enemy, rival, or someone in hiding.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

Perception: 64% 1d100: [84] = 84 +25% For Electrical 1d100 1d100: [97] = 97
JIC d20: 1d20 1d20: [10] = 10
JIC: 1d100 1d100: [68] = 68

Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Arvid is listening to the others at the Hanger, “This call sign thing is new to me, and secure communications? Bolt is what my father called me, but Eagle is also good. I usually spend my time on the Turbo Board flying top cover. Grandfather called me Lord of Lightning, but that is a bit cumbersome and LOL means something different I understand. Maybe Just Double L? If we switch callsigns occasionally It might provide better security. I will go with what the team decides.”
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Minerva »

Perception: 1d100: [59] = 59 /59%
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [15] = 15

The rush to grab Phinneas a replacement limb is halted when Susan introduces her experimental idea to the hangar. Minerva waits for that to play out and listens to Amber's points. When the idea of codenames arises, she thinks for a short while. After both Amber and Arvid speak up, she goes. "Like the symbol of my namesake, you can call me 'Raptor' in the field."

If she can make herself helpful during Susan's experiments (if anything gets out of control, holding it in place with telekinesis), she will make herself available.
Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 426
  • H.P.: 130
  • S.D.C.: 207
  • M.D.C.: 322 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Underguard »

[The Experiment]

Phinneas and Susan discuss the prospect of using the L8 in an attempt to replace Phinneas' arm. PhinneasJack comes up with an idea to go in line with Susan's suggestion. With a plan in mind for some testing, Susan, Minerva and PhinneasJack set off to acquire the materials. Susan finds there are several smaller radio transmitters in the hangar that can be used while Minerva runs over to the bestiary to find a small collection of field mic (20cr for a group of six live field mice) that the clerk assumes is either for feeding or testing; these aren't pet rodents.

With all the materials in hand, barring a cheap robotic arm, Susan begins her test. She first tries to separate the L8 into two different containers and finds the L8 to be a lot like a sludge with a remarkable tensile strength holding it together between the two containers. However Minerva is able to delicately cut it with her psi-sword to avoid any material coming in contact with it yet and both pieces drop into their respective containers. Then, Susan then configures one of the small radio transmitters and connects to it, then places it gingerly inside the container inside the L8 blob. Susan and Co observes the L8 seem to react to the material and they watch it appear to dissolve as the L8 grows in mass and starts to move in some sort of capillary rise. Susan's connection with the transmitter is cut off and she doesn't seem to be able to communicate to it.

When she adds one of the mice too it, something else happens that is nothing short of extraordinary. The L8 covers part of the mouse as it squeaks in surprise though it doesn't dissolve the mouse, instead it seems to take shape around the mouse. The mouse continues to squeak as it tries to first get away from the L8 then it seems to calm down as the L8 settles around the mouse's legs, tail and underbelly, encasing them in a silver-like material. The mouse then starts to move around a bit awkwardly, akin to a canine when it wears shoes, but no longer squeaking. By all accounts, it appears that the L8 bonded to the mouse. What that actually means for an intelligent person is another story and the mouse was certainly expressing discomfort.

[Amber's Foresight]

Amber herself expresses some reservations about the application of L8 but trusts Susan and Phinneas enough to let them try. Hoping she doesn't come to regret that decision later. Moving from that, Amber finalizes the change to Horizon Group and then starts talking operational security and callsigns. Minerva and Arvid are all too keen to jump onto the idea of callsigns as the three of the determine suitable callsigns. Susan seems to dismiss the idea in lieu of her experiment. Amber also lays down her directive to hustle up prep as best as possible to go investigate what is happening in the western world.

While the others move to begin Susan's test, Amber moves to her room and falls into a deep mediation to attempt to garner some understanding of the threat they will be facing. Several of her attempts show her nothing, though a few of them show her glimpses of the possible future.
Precognition can only be attempted twice a day
Remember these are possible glimpses of the future.

Amber sees a relatively small village somewhere in the west under the cover of darkness. A saloon with barricaded windows and a front door. The sounds of hushed voices heard within as a series of shadows move in the darkness. A loud crash is heard, followed by a monstrous screech several screams and then silence. Amber tries to focus her vision on the shadow but it is shrouded in darkness.

Amber's next successful attempt provides a much crisper vision, and she sees herself and her team with her as they stand. She is talking to someone with a star on her shirt, a sheriff? The town has taken in survivors from a neighboring village with a number around 400 people. A robot steed is seen patiently waiting behind the sheriff as a deafening screech is heard in the distance; it is daylight. Another one is heard from the other side, and another. Amber feels the sensation of being circled, surrounded.

Amber sees a dark room, someone is laying on a table. Susan? Minerva? Herself? It's hard to say but there is someone else in the room with them. Suddenly a blinding light is turned on behind the figure, leaving them as nothing more than a dark silhouette with several appendages coming out of it's back as it approaches the table. Amber sees Minerva on the table, strapped down and restrained as she hears chilling words echo in the chamber. "Shhh, don't cry." And before the vision fades, Amber sees what she can only guess is a form of knife being held up by the silhouette.

A flash back to the village shows a clearer image of the shadow, it is a tall lenky looking creature that Amber can't identify. It has a tail and appears largely predator but doesn't seem to be related to vampires. It almost reminds Amber of the stories of dinosaurs only different. Maybe closer to what Amber and company met down in South Africa. The creature is tussling hand in hand with Arvid, who despite his strength finds himself almost even with the beast. Arvid unleashes an electrical surge that seems to case it to retreat into the darkness.

Amber and company are inside the saloon, drinking. Everyone appears joyful, the windows aren't boarded up and they are the center of attention. Even Phinneas is there with what appears to be a sleek mechanical arm of sort, bionics? Was Susan's experiment a success? The sheriff approaches them with a somber face as the root of their problem still exists. Passing a piece of Information that the vision can't see, Amber's flash to them driving away, northwest-ward from the settlement.
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 63% | 1d100: [40] = 40
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 | 1d100: [49] = 49

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

Jack watches with anticipation as Susan begins her testing. He watches with amusement as the L8 absorbs the small radio equipment and grows in size, just as she predicted.

His eyebrow raises as the mouse is introduced to the L8.

Should be amusing either way.....

As the L8 takes hold of the mouse and assumes it's final form on the seemingly unharmed rodent, Jack looks to Susan and asks "That's good right?"
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100: [16] = 16 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20: [8] = 8 | 1d100: [92] = 92

Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100: [33] = 33
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100: [44] = 44 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100: [82] = 82 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 3 days remaining.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

[Post Vision]
As she closed her eyes to meditate, the world around her faded, giving way to the psychic realm where time bled into possibility. Images swirled, but the truth remained cloaked in shadows, eluding her grasp. Her heart racing despite her training, Amber finds herself desperate for answers. With each attempt, the visions grow more vivid and more disturbing.
Even as her final vision paints a positive scene, with her friends and her seeming to be safe inside the saloon, an undercurrent of dread still lurked.

As Amber returned from the depths of her visions, her heart pounded, a mixture of warning and hope. She gathered her bearings, longing for clarity but haunted by uncertainty. She didn't want to alarm her team, but the potential threats they faced felt all too real. By the Gods, those were some creepy visions. But, I need to tell them of what I saw.

When she joined her comrades, they were engrossed in the excitement of preparing for their venture. Callsigns reverberated off the walls, a moment of levity amidst the gravity of their mission. Minerva and Arvid enthusiastically debated their new handles, while Susan remained absorbed in the experimentation with the Liquid 8.

“Listen,” Amber began, her voice steady but laced with urgency. “I had some visions, horrific glimpses into the future. They’re troubling, and I believe we need to consider every possible threat to our mission.”

She describes her visions as best she can to everyone present. “Whatever the shadows from the village are, they aren’t mere phantoms. They’re hunting us,” she says, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on her shoulders. “We’ll face something formidable. Something that could obliterate our team. I saw a creature, and I can’t shake the feeling that it's evil. Whatever is out there, it won’t just let us waltz into their territory unchallenged. We need to be prepared and we need to go very soon.”

Amber couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that clawed at her thoughts. Her visions flickered like the stars over the barren town outside. She hoped the flashes she had witnessed would not manifest into reality, but deep in her heart, she knew she could not ignore their warnings. If danger awaited them in the shadows, they would stand together against it, united in courage, no matter the cost.

[Mission Preparation]

Amber wiped the sweat from her brow as she turns to her preparations and loading up her new hover jeep. As she crouches by her new hover jeep, which she has affectionately named Amélie, she checks the mini-missiles loaded into the launcher mounted on its sleek frame. Each missile gleamed under the muted light, a promise of protection in a chaotic world.

She goes through an internal list of what she would like to take with them. Man, we could really use some kind of e-clip charger if we’re heading into the mess it looks like we’re getting into. She says to herself, as she double-checked the missile launcher's readiness. We need to take as much food as we can too. Four hundred refugees will need to eat. I'm pretty sure John has been stocking up food to sell, but it may be needed to help out. She sighs. I'm not used to thinking of the larger logistics of things like that. Hopefully John with his business knowledge can help out there.

She loads up her extra weaponry and ammo into the small storage space. Hope we don’t need all this stuff, but never can be too prepared. She looks up in the direction of the lab room where the experiments are going on upstairs and thinks. C’mon Susan. Get this done quickly or get Phinneas a temporary arm. We need to get moving soon. Lives are at stake. She thinks some more. If they are going to be a while, I could pop out and get some maps of the area. Badgerbold's may have some if we are lucky.

She heads upstairs to check on Susan's progress. She tries to be careful to not to disturb Susan, but waits for an opportunity to present herself to ask, "How are things going, Susan? Are we close to making this work or what?"

(Shopping in Merctown]
Amber needs a few more items in Merctown to round out her supplies. She goes from store to store acquiring the items she is looking for.

Shopping List
Long E-Clips (GMG Page 111): 9,000–12,000 credits. Wants 5 E-Clips = 45,000 to 60,000 credits
Mini-missiles (RUE Page 257): Cost: 2,400 credits for armor piercing and 2,400 for plasma. 16 AP & 16 Plasma = 76,800 credits
Instant Heat MRE (MercOps Page 116): Cost: 70 credits each. Wants 30 meals = 2100 credits.
Laser Gyro Navigating (LGN) Aid (MercOps Page 117): Cost: 3,500 credits
Magazine Ammo Bags (MercOps Page 123): 50 credits. Wants 2 bags. 100 credits
Jug, plastic, one gallon (GMG Page 182): 4 cr. each. Wants 6 jugs. 24 credits
Portable Tool Kit: Cost: 400 credits. (GMG Page 187) 400 credits
Customized Grip for M-160 (GMG Page 127): 200 credits

Total = 143,124 credits
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

Perception: 64% 1d100: [18] = 18 +25% For Electrical 1d100 1d100: [65] = 65
JIC d20: 1d20 1d20: [3] = 3
JIC: 1d100 1d100: [54] = 54

Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Arvid is thinking of ways he could help his team mates on his first true adventure with the new Group. I wonder if getting the help of a Major Elemental beside us would help at the beginning, I could go to the College at the Nexus that would give me the best chance it should only take me a few minutes. I should go to Amber and discuss this with her.

He sees her enter the room and is about to talk to her when she speaks up.
“Listen,” Amber began, her voice steady but laced with urgency. “I had some visions, horrific glimpses into the future. They’re troubling, and I believe we need to consider every possible threat to our mission.”

She describes her visions as best she can to everyone present. “Whatever the shadows from the village are, they aren’t mere phantoms. They’re hunting us,” she says, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on her shoulders. “We’ll face something formidable. Something that could obliterate our team. I saw a creature, and I can’t shake the feeling that it's evil. Whatever is out there, it won’t just let us waltz into their territory unchallenged. We need to be prepared, and we need to go very soon.”
Arvid speaks, “Lady Amber, I am wondering if I should try to summon a powerful Air Elemental. I have about 50 percent chance of getting one if at the nexus. I’m just not sure how the others would react. I got the feeling that some in this group would rather not see or know of magic around them. I do not know if, and when, we might be near another Nexus. Eventually I would like to get with a Wizard and try to build a airship, Fly boat or maybe go and get one, as a group Transport. I know I am new here and will do whatever you decide is best for us.”
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Susan Lee
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100: [29] = 29 / 38%
JiC: 1d20: [17] = 17 / 1d100: [39] = 39

CONDITIONS: See Invisible

Susan is initially disappointed that she isn't able to communicate with the Liquid Metal after giving it the transmitter, then watches what happens to the mouse with very real dismay. Has it integrated with the host or did I just create a mouse-shaped Eight?

She tries to understand what she's even seeing.

Artificial Intelligence: 1d100: [78] = 78 / 79%
Computer Programming: 1d100: [37] = 37 / 80%
Cybernetic Medicine: 1d100: [58] = 58 /90%
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100: [64] = 64 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20: [3] = 3 | 1d100: [7] = 7

Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100: [51] = 51
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100: [68] = 68 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100: [47] = 47 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.
Arvid Hammerson wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 7:13 pm Arvid speaks, “Lady Amber, I am wondering if I should try to summon a powerful Air Elemental. I have about 50 percent chance of getting one if at the nexus. I’m just not sure how the others would react. I got the feeling that some in this group would rather not see or know of magic around them. I do not know if, and when, we might be near another Nexus. Eventually I would like to get with a Wizard and try to build an airship, Fly boat or maybe go and get one, as a group Transport. I know I am new here and will do whatever you decide is best for us.”
Amber is a little perplexed as to why Arvid wants to summon an Air Elemental. I hope I don’t offend him, but I’m at a bit of a loss here as to why we need one at this moment. “Thanks for the offer, Arvid. I think it may be a bit premature to summon one of your brothers at this time. I have no issues with magic but it might be good to be a little low-key for the time-being with it. Phinneas seems a tiny bit… off since losing his arm, and with good reason I might add. He has expressed some trepidation about magic before, so I would prefer to have him deal with his loss and the replacement of his arm before we add something potentially disturbing to him at this time. You understand, right?”

She nods thoughtfully. “That sounds like an ambitious and expensive project building an airship. John seems to be good at finding things, so maybe he can help you find something. I wish you good luck in finding one.”

Before she goes about her business, she asks Arvid a question. “I do have a question for you. Would your brothers, like the ones you summoned to assist us in Lazlo, be able to carry something like a small camera for us to scout out the towns when we get there? It would be advantageous to get a look at the towns stealthily before we enter.”
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

(((Rolls Carry Over)))
Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute
Amber is a little perplexed as to why Arvid wants to summon an Air Elemental. I hope I don’t offend him, but I’m at a bit of a loss here as to why we need one at this moment. “Thanks for the offer, Arvid. I think it may be a bit premature to summon one of your brothers at this time. I have no issues with magic but it might be good to be a little low-key for the time-being with it. Phinneas seems a tiny bit… off since losing his arm, and with good reason I might add. He has expressed some trepidation about magic before, so I would prefer to have him deal with his loss and the replacement of his arm before we add something potentially disturbing to him at this time. You understand, right?”
Arvid listens carefully to what Amber has to say. He thought as much at the very beginning, about the others apprehension about magic and Warlocks. He realizes she doesn’t know about summoning the different types of Air Elementals, so he decides he can explain a bit more, “There are different types of the ones I used to help are summoned by spells, easy to do but they are essence fragment of larger elementals, these are short term but are their abilities differ."

"The simple one can stay around for an hour, Speed 35 mph, can carry 1000 lbs. and will stay within 1000 feet of me. "

"The next can do better, it’s more of a Scout. Hour and a half, Speed 45 mph, can carry up to 1100 pound but it can travel unlimited and can cast low level spells. Again, this one is very useful."

"The third is a mount, horse like can stay around for an hour, Speed 45 mph, can carry 1000 lbs. and will stays within 40 feet
The first two are invisible, the mount is simi transparent and only I can control them all."

“The ones I was talking about calling forth is a Minor Air Elemental. They are usually greater power, At this time have a 50% chance of calling this one at a Nexus. The time it can hang around for days but after a week It more than likely become bored, and I should release it. It has spell ability and can understands languages. Now, Natural telepath, range is 300 feet (91.5 m). Fly and hover in energy form, maximum speed of 340 mph, fast. Oh, and they can possess a body.”

Before she goes about her business, she asks Arvid a question. “I do have a question for you. Would your brothers, like the ones you summoned to assist us in Lazlo, be able to carry something like a small camera for us to scout out the towns when we get there? It would be advantageous to get a look at the towns stealthily before we enter.”
Arvid thinks and then decides, “Either the spell version Phantom, or the Minor one I was trying going to call forth. The second one could do a lot more. Listen to conversations and move out Quickly! How Far away is this place two to three hours away? It could carry me there and back in a day.”
“But as I said I only have a 50% chance of getting one every day at a Nexus.”
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Minerva »

Perception: 1d100: [82] = 82 /59%
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 / 1d100: [22] = 22
Amber Dach wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:05 pm“Listen,” Amber began, her voice steady but laced with urgency. “I had some visions, horrific glimpses into the future. They’re troubling, and I believe we need to consider every possible threat to our mission.”

She describes her visions as best she can to everyone present. “Whatever the shadows from the village are, they aren’t mere phantoms. They’re hunting us,” she says, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on her shoulders. “We’ll face something formidable. Something that could obliterate our team. I saw a creature, and I can’t shake the feeling that it's evil. Whatever is out there, it won’t just let us waltz into their territory unchallenged. We need to be prepared and we need to go very soon.”
"We will have to act with caution and prejudice. Do not forget, we are also formidable, no?" Minerva attempts to lift some of the gloom from the reported vision. "I will be prepared shortly, mi hermana. You let me know when it's time and we depart."

Minerva uses her time to decide what loadout to bring with her on this mission. She puts her Stalker suit on first, armoring up with her FreeRunner, strapping on her Chest Rig, and draping it all with her magical cloak. She places a pair of energy pistols in holsters, clips on quite a few special hilts that become swords with the right touch, and stashes in a pouch a self-contained ball of fire that awaits her command to burn bright.

She stands at the ready for the group to take off via whatever method they choose. If needed, she will ride her Black Talon motorcycle.
OOC Comments
I subtracted 307,000 from my credits for the purchases that went through.
Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 426
  • H.P.: 130
  • S.D.C.: 207
  • M.D.C.: 322 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Underguard »

Amber dissects the visions she received and weighs on their accuracy and how much they can be altered now that she has seen them. She remembers an old saying from a source she can't place. Here is the thing about the future. Every time you look at, it changes, because you looked at it, and that changes everything else. Amber can only hope that certain parts of her visions are changeable, though she can't shake the feeling of dread. Disclosing what she's seen to the team, she begins a tedious mission prep while Susan and Phinneas explore the Liquid 8.

As Susan, Phinneas and Minerva observe the newly coated mouse, they note that the mouse doesn't act aggressively towards them. It doesn't seem to act like Eight did, or try to escape. However, it does use the newly bonded nanites effectively as it starts scratching around the container its in and leaving visible marks. It doesn't appear that these nanites have the actual intelligence of Eight, and Susan does recall there being an actual chassis that the liquid eight formed around, and can conclude that the chassis held some sort of processor or memory unit. While observing the mouse as it adjusts to the new bond, Susan is able to hypothesis that the nanites need some sort of host processor to function, otherwise they remain inactive. Though they recall it was acidic to other metal, Susan concludes it can cannibalize other metal substances to make more of itself. There are several paths Susan can take in testing, but she can theorize that if they were to have a simple cybernetic arm installed on Phinneas, then add the Liquid 8, it would cannibalize the arm and form to it. [You can post the intention to purchase and install one here with a skill roll, or to the Hospital/Cyber Street Clinic to have it done] This based on observations of on the mouse, though what features this L8 arm might have for Phinneas is still in the air. The mouse lacks any level of intelligence to properly use the L8 other than as a claw.

Arvid approaches Amber and recommends summoning a Greater Air Elemental to aid in their quest. Though Amber is initially hesitant on the idea, not wanting to aggravate either Phinneas and his subtle aversion to magic, or the elemental itself. Arvid also expresses interest in building an airship for the group, with Amber pointing Arvid towards John to figure out if anything like that is available on the market. Amber and Arvid continue to discuss the use of elementals for when they near the string of afflicted towns. John is hard at work finalizing all the purchases for the group to finalize preparations for the mission. Minerva takes some time to check her motorcycle, as do some of the others. The use of a single transport seeming less likely as many in the group have efficient, single-rider transports.

The last thing the group has to handle is Phinneas' arm situation, with Susan and Phinneas reaching a tipping stone in what they should do. Either they take a leap of faith with the L8 and get a simple cybernetic arm for him then apply the L8, or they get a more advanced cybernetic arm and leave it alone for the time being.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Minerva »

Perception: 1d100: [7] = 7 /59%
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [33] = 33

”Susan and Phinneas, I believe you may be in need of this?” Minerva produces a Standard Mechanical Replacement Cybernetic Hand & Entire Arm from behind her back. ”I picked this up with CJ and from what you’ve been saying, it sounds like installing this and then applying what you have termed… Liquid 8, may provide the results you are looking for. And if that doesn't work, we go back to the arm store to get a better one.” Minerva gives the arm to Susan, steps back and watches the show.
Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 426
  • H.P.: 130
  • S.D.C.: 207
  • M.D.C.: 322 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100: [75] = 75 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20: [3] = 3 | 1d100: [86] = 86

Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100: [60] = 60
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100: [38] = 38 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100: [71] = 71 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

Amber shifted uneasily in the dim light of the hangar. She leaned against the cold metal wall as she paused in her mission prep, twirling the ring around her finger that her mentor, Lady Amara, gave her before they parted ways. It was a gift from a time when the future seemed brighter and clearer to her. Her visions continued echoing in her mind, jagged flashes of a reality that twisted in on itself like a coiled serpent.

“Every time you look at it, it changes,” she muttered to herself, recalling the cryptic wisdom that had arrived with her gift. But which parts could be altered? The spectre of doom was looming ever closer, and hope felt as fragile as the remnants of civilization outside.
Minerva wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:36 am "We will have to act with caution and prejudice. Do not forget, we are also formidable, no?" Minerva attempts to lift some of the gloom from the reported vision. "I will be prepared shortly, mi hermana. You let me know when it's time and we depart."
At least someone is getting ready to go, she thinks anxiously. Amber gives a smile and wink in return belying her sense of urgency to get moving toward the danger ahead. "I'm almost ready to go too, mi hermana." She says a quieter voice. "I think the other ones need a hand to get ready to leave. My visions are telling me we need to get going soon or innocents may suffer."

As Minerva turned her back to her preparations, Amber's focus drifted back to the priority at hand. She assists her team in preparing their equipment, packing supplies and readying weapons, Amber felt the weight of hope flicker alongside her fears. As they each prepared for the uncertain path ahead, Amber felt the subtle tremors of fear and hope intertwining, unable to predict what her next vision would reveal. Would they escape the disaster she had glimpsed, or was she merely delaying the inevitable? In a world where every glance changed the future, all Amber could do was trust her instincts and what the fates would bring.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 63% | 1d100: [8] = 8
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 | 1d100: [13] = 13

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

Jack looks on in delighted surprise as Minerva produces the arm.

Things are looking up for ol' Jack

"VERY nice Minerva........Thank you....."

Looking to Susan with anticipation, he asks "Well Doc, what do ya think?"
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

Perception: 64% 1d100: [11] = 11 +25% For Electrical 1d100 1d100: [42] = 42
JIC d20: 1d20 1d20: [9] = 9
JIC: 1d100 1d100: [68] = 68

Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Arvid packs a few things in his Sea Chest like
BB Shotgun Rounds
NG Bush Pilot Armored Jumpsuit
MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s, Jumpsuit, Fatigues
Set of clothing

Then Heads over to Amber and ask her, “Can you find room in your jeep for my Sea Chest it carries a bit of my other gear in case I need it.”
He listens to the others talking about the arm for Phinneas. Arvid speaks up, “I am here to help in anyway I can.”

Arvid thinks, It will be good to get on the road again with my new friends. We need to work out together in battle. I need to remember that I’m not in charge and to listen. before I act. I wonder how the family is doing back at Asggard.
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Amber Dach »

(Rolls held over)
Arvid Hammerson wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:07 pm Then Heads over to Amber and ask her, “Can you find room in your jeep for my Sea Chest it carries a bit of my other gear in case I need it.”
Amber takes mental stock about how much room she has remaining in Amélie. I seem to be the only one that has room for extra gear. I'm going to have to put a limit on what I take on. "I have a small bit of room, but probably not for a Sea Chest. I can take squeeze in an extra backpack, but not much else."
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: The Horizon Group Hangar (1a)

Post by Underguard »

Minerva returns to the hanger with a standard mechanical replacement arm for Phinneas to try using, either with the L8 or without. Susan is still unsure about using the L8 on it, however Phinneas is able to find a cyber-doc on the streets who would install the arm for a motely 15k (Susan can do it for free with a Cybernetic Medicine Roll), but at least this way, Phinneas has a basic arm to use in the interim. It doesn't take more than an hour in either case for Phinneas to get the standard arm attached.

Amber is met with a pleasant surprise while Susan and Phinneas are toiling over L8. A shipment is delivered to the Horizon Hangar packaged from Manoa. Amber's heart nearly skips a beat as she unpacks it to find the pristine Cyber Knight Armor ready and waiting for her. She also sees it bears the crest of the Manoa's Knights on it, and when she tries it on, she finds it fits her perfectly. If there had been any doubt before, Amber now feels a resounding sense of preparedness.

Unless there is more preparation the group wants to do, or if Susan and Phinneas want to try applying the L8 to his new mechanical arm, the group is ready to Head out west.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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