Omega Base: Plainsong

In Century Station Operation Overlord has begun, villains beware!

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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Sinner-G »

Perception (21%?): 1d100: [43] = 43
JIC (d20/d%): 1d20: [12] = 12 / 1d100: [20] = 20

Gideon's enhanced senses told him that one of the helicopters was vectoring this direction by Doppler shift, though he was paying attention to more immediate threats until it started firing machine-guns. He glanced up and saw it was sparring with a flying hero. Unless it gets close enough that he can leap that far, there is not much he can do to help with that.

He also hears shooting farther away, but it is on the other side of the wall and low enough he can not see what is going on with that.

The giant animated tree almost makes him attack it, but he stops short when he realizes the two other heroes in the yard seem to be taking it in stride. It must be one of their team. For now, tag it as "neutral".

So, deal with the immediate, "Dawn Breaker, I think I can handle this group here. Perhaps you should help your friend?"

He thinks, I am a pretty simple fighter, while I could handle fighting the others with Red Sable, convincing them peacefully is not really my Forte. If these ones here attempt to make a break, I should be able to slow them down. My best bet is to maintain control here, and let the others get the remaining group under control.

Contingency: If the Helicopter starts firing weapons at the Prison Yard
Dodges: 1d20+14: [16]+14 = 30 , 1d20+14: [10]+14 = 24 , 1d20+14: [6]+14 = 20

Contingency: If the Prisoners try to escape (seems unlikely, given Maia's intimidation)
Initiative: 1d20+9 , Actions/Round 6, Unarmed Strike bonus: +8, Sonic Helmet Strike bonus +5, Parry Bonus: +13, Dodge: +14, Damage: Karate Kick 2d4+23, Sonic Blast: 3d6 +DC 14 save vs sonic stun

Action 1) Attempt to use Sonic Helmet on the first to break for the opening: Strike 1d20: [4] = 4 (+5=9), Damage 3d6: [6, 3, 3] = 12 , Parry 1d20+13: [19]+13 = 32
Action 2) Karate Kick: Strike 1d20+8: [19]+8 = 27 , Damage 2d4+23: [1, 1]+23 = 25 , Parry 1d20+13: [5]+13 = 18
Action 3) Karate Kick: Strike 1d20+8: [8]+8 = 16 , Damage 2d4+23: [1, 2]+23 = 26 , Parry 1d20+13: [12]+13 = 25
OOC Comments
Only taking 6 actions for now, between the 2 contingencies. I would try to grab the escapees, but as I did not take Wrestling, I might not be good at it.
HP: 44 SDC: 136 Skeleton has a Natural AR of 17 and 2000 SDC
Perception: 56% (+3%),
recognize odors 75%, recognize person by scent 45% track by smell/taste 55% Estimating the distance of the sound at 70% (+5% per level) Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 60% (+5% per level) Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 50% (+5% per level) (- 10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using the ventriloquism and/or impersonation/imitate voice skill), Imitate a voice at 30% (+5% per level)

Heals at a rate of 1d4 HP or SDC per minute, or 2d4*10 HP or SDC per hour for serious injury, Automatic Self-surgery 75%
Number of Attacks: 6, Initiative Bonus: +9, Strike Bonus: +8 (+5 PP bonus), Parry Bonus: +13, Dodge Bonus: +14
Disarm Bonus: --, HTH Damage Bonus: +23, Bonus to Roll w/Punch or Fall: +11, Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8

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Dawn Breaker
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Dawn Breaker »

Perception: 1d100: [78] = 78 / 39%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [20] = 20 | 1d100: [42] = 42
"Dawn Breaker, I think I can handle this group here. Perhaps you should help your friend?"
"Probably a good idea, Holler if you need help." she says, Considering her love of grenades and explosions. Dawn thinks with a smirk as she extends her whip swords, sheathes her bow and makes for the runners. Dawn was raised with the Work smart not hard idea.

"Maia, Sounds like Barricade or Edison can use your help more than us. Thanks for getting them to stop We should be fine once we seal that outer wall.." she says to the plant as she. then heads off to intercept the prisoners. With any luck Mia will Help them keep the chopper away from the jail. She did not want the prisoners injured.

"Sinner-G, We need to seal the hole in the wall once we stop the runners. One of us can guard the other can grab something to block it. How good at jumping and or climbing are you? The one outside the wall will need to jump or climb to get back in." Dawn says before heading to block the runners at the breach in the outer wall incase Red Sable doesn't stop them first. Quickly leaping/running she bolts forward to the breach in the wall.

If Dawn blocks to them first she draws whip swords out be behind her and speaks:
"Gentlemen, you may wish to reconsider your actions. Cooperate now and this escape attempt will be overlooked. If you co-operate and we can get you all to safety.." she offers remaining calm and assertive, but not too aggressive. As she prepares to disable and/or KO them if needed. It was better to not use excessive force.
MA: 1d100: [12] = 12 / 50%

initiative: 1d20+2: [10]+2 = 12
ATM: 6
1 1d20+2: [7]+2 = 9 (entangle)
2 1d20+2: [5]+2 = 7 or 1d20+6: [1]+6 = 7 for a wrestling hold (entangle or if target is entangled get a Arm or Body hold)
3 1d20+2: [15]+2 = 17 or 1d20+6: [11]+6 = 17 for a wrestling hold (entangle or if target is entangled get a Arm or Body hold)
4 1d20+2: [13]+2 = 15 or 1d20+6: [9]+6 = 15 for a wrestling hold (entangle or if target is entangled get a Arm or Body hold)
5 1d20+2: [16]+2 = 18 or 1d20+6: [18]+6 = 24 for a wrestling hold (entangle or if target is entangled get a Arm or Body hold)
6 1d20+2: [4]+2 = 6 or 1d20+6: [12]+6 = 18 for a wrestling hold (entangle or if target is entangled get a Arm or Body hold)
Last edited by Dawn Breaker on Tue Aug 27, 2024 4:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Current Adaption
- does not suffer from dehydration, heat blisters, sunstroke, fatigue, or discomfort usually associated with extreme heat and sun exposure.
- temperatures up to 1 60 degrees Fahrenheit have no ill effect (feels like a warm Spring day)
- only needs the equivalent of two glasses of water (roughly 1 6 ounces) per 24 hours to function at 1 00%
- Even exposure to temperatures up to 200 degrees inflicts only 20% of its normal damage and penalties.

-APS Merury: An attacker must roll a 16 or higher to strike and inflict damage. All kinetic attacks (punches, bullets, etc. ) that inflict damage (from a roll to a strike of 16 or higher) only do half the damage!
Explosions do only 10% of their normal damage, but any explosive damage greater than 50 points will blow the character apart. However, the super being can reform within 1D6 melee rounds (in under two minutes).

- The skin has a Natural A.R. of 14. An opponent's roll to strike must be 15 or higher to inflict damage. Rolls under 14 may hit but do NO damage.

- Heals at a rate of 1d4 Hit Points or S.D.C. per minute 2d4x10 H.P. or S.D.C. per hour for serious injury (heavy trauma, like the character losing all his S.D.C. and/or half or more of his Hit Points Equal to a doctor's surgical skill of 75%

- Heals twice as quickly as an ordinary human

- if the character fails to save, any disease, illness, poison, toxin, or Bio- Manipulation is at half its normal strength, damage, effect, and duration.
Penalties: These bonuses also apply to saves against good lifesaving chemicals and drugs.

-Hypnotic Mental Conditioning
Impervious to possession.

Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)

Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given:
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [18] = 18 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [18] = 18 ; 1d100: [59] = 59
Conditions: None.
Edison Mk. 2: AR: 19; S.D.C.: 350/350; Shield: 200/200
Armored Undersuit: AR: 12; S.D.C.: 40/40
AR-15 w/ Masterkey: Payload: 5.56: 20/20; 12 Gauge: 7/7
MP950 Payload 50/50
Sentry Gun: Payload: 100/100

Radio: Basic 1d100: [80] = 80 /85% Success (Radio Team of Current situation.)

As Edison's shoulder hits the side of the hover truck, he grunts with the effort. Field tests all around. Edison thinks as he speaks up. "Birdie target the trench coat." Edison says. With a click and a whir the servo mounted .30 caliber light machine gun awakens, starts tracking the Trench Coat, and begins firing.

"Active shooter, have him pinned behind one of the hover trucks. Get the civilians clear." Edison says over the team channel, as he stands up from behind the hood of the Hover truck and begins to fire short controlled bursts at the sniper. Guy has some serious hardware and skills. Who is he?

Attacks: 4 (+1 w/Handguns/Rifles)
Initiative: 1d20+4: [16]+4 = 20

Action One: Activate Sentry Gun Drone.
Action Two: Fire Short Burst from AR-15. (Strike: 1d20+3: [20]+3 = 23 Critical; Damage: 5d6*3: [5, 2, 5, 4, 5]*3 = 63 (x2=126))
Action Three: Fire Short Burst from AR-15. (Strike: 1d20+3: [14]+3 = 17 ; Damage: 5d6*3: [2, 3, 2, 5, 1]*3 = 39 )
Action Four: Fire Short Burst from AR-15. (Strike: 1d20+3: [1]+3 = 4 Crit Fail!; Damage: 5d6*3: [1, 1, 1, 3, 6]*3 = 36 )
Action Five: Fire Short Burst from AR-15. (Strike: 1d20+3: [3]+3 = 6 ; Damage: 5d6*3: [6, 4, 4, 5, 2]*3 = 63 )

Drone Action One: Fire at Sniper. (Strike: 1d20+2: [13]+2 = 15 ; Damage: 1d4*10: [3]*10 = 30 )
Drone Action Two: Fire at Sniper. (Strike: 1d20+2: [12]+2 = 14 ; Damage: 1d4*10: [2]*10 = 20 )

Parries as needed: 1d20+9: [12]+9 = 21 , 1d20+9: [2]+9 = 11 , 1d20+9: [9]+9 = 18 , 1d20+9: [20]+9 = 29 , 1d20+9: [16]+9 = 25 .
Dodges vs Ranged Attacks: 1d20+9: [13]+9 = 22 , 1d20+9: [4]+9 = 13 , 1d20+9: [5]+9 = 14 , 1d20+9: [19]+9 = 28 , 1d20+9: [14]+9 = 23 .

“Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero?” ~Dean Winchester
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Steiblah »

Perception: d%: [22] = 22 | 81%
JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 | d%: [2] = 2
Steiblah Character Sheet
  • Nightvision 120 ft, keen normal vision, see the invisible
  • Turn into mist at will
  • Track by smell 45% (+15% to track a blood scent)
  • Dimensional teleport 51%
  • Bio-regenerates 3d6 MDC (HP or SDC) per melee round
  • Resistant to cold (half damage); impervious to toxic gases, heat, and fire (plasma/MD/magic fire does half damage)
  • Self and up to 300 additional pounds up to five miles away at will, 73%+3%/level
  • Magically speaks and understands all languages at 98%
  • Can shape change into any living creature, intelligent or animal, as long as it is no smaller than one foot and no larger than 10 feet. Impersonation skill is 96% if the subject is in her presence, 82% if very familiar with the individual or working from photos/video, 40% if working from memory and with little personal knowledge of the subject. The Raksasha may use her shapechanging abilities to alter or improve the disguise at any time.
  • 94% if the Raksasha is very familiar with the individual, 80% if working from a good sound recording, 30% if working from memory or with little knowledge of the subject.
  • Silver weapons do equivalent MD. In SDC worlds: Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage.
    • Increased Range by 50%: All the ranges of super powers, psionics, magic, senses (even mundane ones) receive the +50%
    • Increased S.D.C. by 50%
    • Increased ISP by 50%:
      plus recovers 9 per hour of meditation, 3 per hour of rest/sleep
    • Increased PPE by 50%: plus recovers 15 per hour of meditation, 8 per hour of rest
    • Increased Healing: rolled 2+1=3. x3 multiplier
    • Incredible ISP Recovery [Mega Psi Power]: recovers ISP at 6 per minute of meditation or rest, 1 per minute of activity.
    • Achilles Heel: Extremely Bound to Good Karma Needs to act according to good karma (GM discretion). Without the aid of good karma, the hero has all combat bonuses reduced in half, loses one attack, and skills are -35%.

  • PPE: 900/900
    ISP: 980/1050
    HP: 78/78 +5 (SoM)
    SDC: 45/45
    Natural AR: 10
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +28% (SoM)
Toxins (15+): +10 +2(SoM)
Magic (varies): +11 +2(SoM)
Lethal Poison (14+): +10 +2(SoM)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +10 +2(SoM)
Insanity (12+): +7
Psionics (10+): +7
HF: +12
Possession: +2 (additional)
+4 to all other saving throws

Image Steven Resch, human psi-healer.

    • Presents as level 2.
    • No alignment alteration.
    • Psychic ability: Show ISP level to be lower, ~50-100 total ISP.
    • Conceal amount of base PPE. Only 1-2 points.
    • Conceal the presence of magic.
    • Attributes appear to be 1/2 of what they really are.
    2hrs 14.25 min.
  • Enhanced Perception. 4.00 min. +15% Perception, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +10% to any skill that relies on basic senses. +50% to all natural senses.
  • Enhanced Reflexes 9.00 min [+1 APM, +3 init, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +2 to PP, +15% physical skills]
  • Mind's Eye 9.00 min [+3 init, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge]
  • Strength of Mind 9.00 min [+10 PS, +5 PE, +20 SDC]
  • Summon Inner Strength 49.00 min [+10 SDC, +2 save vs poison, +5% save vs coma/death]
  • Telepathy: Superior 9.00 min
  • Empathic Charisma 24.00 min [MA +1d4+2, PB +2, trust/intimidate/charm/impress 85% minimum]
Glad that all the civilians are able to move on their own volition, Steve re-iterates to Shaz as gunfire barks just a block away, "I can get the injured to the ambulances. It's just two blocks south of here. Your attention is needed elsewhere. It sounds like it is getting messy out there."

How much of my abilities do I reveal? I could significantly increase their chances for survival by wrapping each one in a magical Armor of Ithan, but that would break my cover story of being a psi-healer... Good Guy Steiblah... Opposite action of my prior existence. I shouldn't worry about keeping my cover intact when there are innocents in danger.

"Gather up, stay close to me. Let me grant each of you some magical protection as we move. We are heading south two blocks to those ambulances... See them? Good. Keep moving. Stay close." Steve directs as he grants Armor of Ithan to each (x5) as they walk.

Should his sixth sense trigger, with impending danger incoming, Steve will try to erect a TK: Force Field to intercede and absorb whatever hazard it is on its way.
Edison wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:21 pm"Active shooter, have him pinned behind one of the hover trucks. Get the civilians clear."
"We are moving," Steve confirms over the team comms.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Shazbut »

JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 , 1d100: [39] = 39
Perception: 70% / 1d100: [65] = 65 (SUCCESS)

  • Mimic active: no
  • Conditions: APS: Void, Shadow Cloak, Slime Generation - coated with slime going up this round. Contingent Intangibility also.
  • Passive Abilities
    • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
    • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
    • Immune to horrific nauseating scents.
    • Superior vision about five times better than normal humans, which means an 18 inch sign can be read a mile away.
    • Nightvision - 500 feet (152.4 m).
    • Can see ultraviolet light.
    • Radiates low levels of radiation.
  • H.P.: 28/28
  • S.D.C.: 268/268
  • A.R.: 17 (Omega Suit), 10 (Void Form)
  • Omega Suit S.D.C by location: Arms 90/90 each, Legs: 100 each, Main Body: 250, *Body Camera: 15

Edison wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:21 pm"Active shooter, have him pinned behind one of the hover trucks. Get the civilians clear."
Shazbut's ears perk up at the sound of Edison's urgent transmission. Active shooter? Maybe we make him inactive the skunky way!

He glances around, assessing the situation, when Steiblah reassures him he can leave.
Steiblah wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 4:04 pm Steve re-iterates to Shaz as gunfire barks just a block away, "I can get the injured to the ambulances. It's just two blocks south of here. Your attention is needed elsewhere. It sounds like it is getting messy out there."
"Yes yes," the skunk says agreeably. "I stops Mr Shooter."

With that, Shazbut turns towards the sound of gunfire, and there's an evil skunky look in his eyes. With a surge of adrenaline, Shazbut sprints down an alley between two large buildings, his black and white fur a speedy blur against the walls.

Meanwhile, his split mind races, planning his strategy. I no want to kill anyone. I needs something skunky. And then, an idea hits him. I'm gonna have to use my stuff! With a mental command, Shazbut's fur secretes a thick, green slime. The substance, a funky alien concoction of pure stench, is both slippery and gloriously nauseating.

As Shazbut approaches the scene of the gunfire, he gives the shooter the sort of innocent blink every skunk gives before unleashing its funky stuff. Shazbut is no different.

He says, "Hi there, buddy! Will you play with me?". With a playful squeal the slime coated alien skunk leaps into the shooter's arms, with a Voice of Command saying "Catch me!" Shazbut unleashes more terrible gooey stench and other unspeakable things at the shooter in the ensuing chaos.

A skunk never kills you. You'll only wish you were dead. Haha!

APM: 14

Initiative (+20): 1d20+20: [11]+20 = 31

Action 1:
  • Multitasking Mind A - Activate Slime Generation -
    Nauseating Stench - Slime has a stomach-turning stench. Characters have varying likelihood of losing their lunch:
    • P.E. 14 or less have 01-93% chance
    • P.E. 15-24 have 01-75% chance
    • P.E. 25 or greater 01-50% chance
    Vomiting causes the character to lose all attacks for one melee round (15 seconds) and if attacked while retching, they are -3 on initiative, -3 to parry and dodge, and cannot perform a skill, cast a spell or use psionics.
    Even characters who manage to hold on to their stomach contents are distracted by the terrible smell. Stench Penalties: As long as they are within a 40 foot (12.2 m) radius of the slime they are -1 on initiative, -1 to parry, disarm and pull punch; doing a skill takes 30% longer and
    suffers a -15% penalty on skill performance. Double the range and the penalties for characters with Heightened Sense of Smell or Animal abilities. Triple the penalties when the individual is covered in slime. (Time for a wash!)
  • Multitasking Mind B - Run to the scene of the shooting!
    Shazbut moves PBP.png
    Shazbut moves PBP.png (533.02 KiB) Viewed 8554 times
Action 2:
  • Multitasking Mind A -
    Coat Self with Slime - The super being can coat himself in his own slime to make him difficult to wrestle, pin, bear hug or entangle in hand to hand combat. Anyone striking/grappling/holding the slime maker is -4 to strike/hold/entangle and has a 01-60% chance of slipping and falling on the slime surrounding him. If the attacker falls, he takes 1D4 damage, loses his grip/hold on the slime maker, loses initiative and must spend two melee actions getting back on his own feet. ALSO roll for the stench factor! Roll to see if the opponent can avoid vomiting every time he grapples with the slime maker. Vomiting is likely to give the slime maker time to escape or counterattack.
    - Strike 1d20+10: [15]+10 = 25 , Damage 1d6+13: [4]+13 = 17 !
  • Multitasking Mind B - Vocalisation -
    Power of Command: Once per minute (every fourth melee round), can issue a single, simple command, with no more than two words. Everyone who hears and fails their saving throw (12 or higher), must comply for the next 1D4+1 melee actions/attacks (6-12 seconds). Note: Commands that encourage violence, violence on others, self-destruction , or suicide, do NOT work.
    Range: 100 foot radius (30.5 m) of the speaker.
    Duration: 1D4+1 melee actions/attacks.
    Damage: None, just issues a simple command.
    Attacks per Melee: Two melee actions and may only be used once every 60 seconds.
    Saving Throw: 12 or higher (M.E. bonuses applicable) means the person(s) does NOT have to obey the command. Furthermore, characters with an M.E. of 24 or higher and characters with mind control abilities of their own are immune. Master psychics need only roll a 10 or higher to save.
    - "Catch me!"
Still fighting? OK, no more Mr Nice Skunk

Action 3:
  • Multitasking Mind A -
    This strange super ability enables the super being to seize control of a single appendage. The victim of this possession gets to make a saving throw vs possession. If successful, the victim loses 1D4 melee attacks that round (or the next), but is otherwise okay and immune from additional Limb Possession attacks by that super being for the next 12 hours.
    on his weapon wielding arm!
  • Multitasking Mind B - Activate APS: Void
Action 4:
  • *Multitasking Mind A - Control shooter's limb
    This strange super ability enables the super being to seize control of a single appendage. The victim of this possession gets to make a saving throw vs possession. If successful, the victim loses 1D4 melee attacks that round (or the next), but is otherwise okay and immune from additional Limb Possession attacks by that super being for the next 12 hours.
    if possessed. Drop the gun!
  • Multitasking Mind B - APS: Void -
    Range: 100' or touch
    Duration: 1D4 melees
    Effect: -8 to Strike, Parry & Dodge and -25% to skills (save vs. 16 with no bonuses for 1/2, each blast counts as one action, +3 to Strike on Aimed Shots)
    ! Strike 1d20+8: [3]+8 = 11
* If gun arm not possessed, instead
Slime the Floor - slime bolts can also be used to cover the floor, ground and street. Going across a patch of slime-covered floor (or having slime-covered feet) must be done at a Spd of 5 or less. Going faster than a Spd of 5 has a 01-80% chance of the character slipping and falling (1D6 damage, loses initiative.
underneath Mr Shooter's feet.

Action 5:
  • Multitasking Mind A - Conjure an
    PU3, p.67
    , that the shooter's pants have fallen around his ankles, hindering his ability to move.
  • Multitasking Mind B - Shoot a
    Each Sticky Glob is about the size of a softball and spreads out to cover a two foot (0.6 m) area on impact with the target. The sticky balls of super-adhesive will adhere firmly to anyone who is struck or who touches it after it has been expelled (except for the character who created it). Once stuck in a Sticky Glob, freeing the character requires a combined P.S. of 50 (and uses up two melee attacks/actions), or a Supernatural P.S. of 27 or greater to pull the victim free. Otherwise, the victim will have to wait until it dissolves naturally. Trying to shoot through the adhesive to free the victim will not work, and using fire, heat or energy attacks will also see half the damage inflicted to the glob also inflicted to the stuck victim!
    , Strike 1d20+11: [6]+11 = 17
Action 6:
  • *Multitasking Mind A - Control shooter's limb
    This strange super ability enables the super being to seize control of a single appendage. The victim of this possession gets to make a saving throw vs possession. If successful, the victim loses 1D4 melee attacks that round (or the next), but is otherwise okay and immune from additional Limb Possession attacks by that super being for the next 12 hours.
    if possessed. Shooter punches himself in the groin!
  • Multitasking Mind B - Shoot a
    Each Sticky Glob is about the size of a softball and spreads out to cover a two foot (0.6 m) area on impact with the target. The sticky balls of super-adhesive will adhere firmly to anyone who is struck or who touches it after it has been expelled (except for the character who created it). Once stuck in a Sticky Glob, freeing the character requires a combined P.S. of 50 (and uses up two melee attacks/actions), or a Supernatural P.S. of 27 or greater to pull the victim free. Otherwise, the victim will have to wait until it dissolves naturally. Trying to shoot through the adhesive to free the victim will not work, and using fire, heat or energy attacks will also see half the damage inflicted to the glob also inflicted to the stuck victim!
    , Strike 1d20+11: [8]+11 = 19
* If gun arm is possessed!

Action 7:
  • *Multitasking Mind A - Control shooter's limb
    This strange super ability enables the super being to seize control of a single appendage. The victim of this possession gets to make a saving throw vs possession. If successful, the victim loses 1D4 melee attacks that round (or the next), but is otherwise okay and immune from additional Limb Possession attacks by that super being for the next 12 hours.
    if possessed. Shooter takes off his fancy red goggles and throws them away!
  • Multitasking Mind B - Shoot a
    Each Sticky Glob is about the size of a softball and spreads out to cover a two foot (0.6 m) area on impact with the target. The sticky balls of super-adhesive will adhere firmly to anyone who is struck or who touches it after it has been expelled (except for the character who created it). Once stuck in a Sticky Glob, freeing the character requires a combined P.S. of 50 (and uses up two melee attacks/actions), or a Supernatural P.S. of 27 or greater to pull the victim free. Otherwise, the victim will have to wait until it dissolves naturally. Trying to shoot through the adhesive to free the victim will not work, and using fire, heat or energy attacks will also see half the damage inflicted to the glob also inflicted to the stuck victim!
    , Strike 1d20+11: [8]+11 = 19
* If gun arm is possessed!

Action 8:
  • *Multitasking Mind A - Control shooter's limb
    This strange super ability enables the super being to seize control of a single appendage. The victim of this possession gets to make a saving throw vs possession. If successful, the victim loses 1D4 melee attacks that round (or the next), but is otherwise okay and immune from additional Limb Possession attacks by that super being for the next 12 hours.
    if possessed. Shooter slaps himself in the face.
  • Multitasking Mind B - Shoot a
    Each Sticky Glob is about the size of a softball and spreads out to cover a two foot (0.6 m) area on impact with the target. The sticky balls of super-adhesive will adhere firmly to anyone who is struck or who touches it after it has been expelled (except for the character who created it). Once stuck in a Sticky Glob, freeing the character requires a combined P.S. of 50 (and uses up two melee attacks/actions), or a Supernatural P.S. of 27 or greater to pull the victim free. Otherwise, the victim will have to wait until it dissolves naturally. Trying to shoot through the adhesive to free the victim will not work, and using fire, heat or energy attacks will also see half the damage inflicted to the glob also inflicted to the stuck victim!
    , Strike 1d20+11: [3]+11 = 14
* If gun arm is possessed!

Action 9:
  • *Multitasking Mind A - Control shooter's limb
    This strange super ability enables the super being to seize control of a single appendage. The victim of this possession gets to make a saving throw vs possession. If successful, the victim loses 1D4 melee attacks that round (or the next), but is otherwise okay and immune from additional Limb Possession attacks by that super being for the next 12 hours.
    if possessed. Shooter covers his eyes with his possessed hand and keeps it there.
  • Multitasking Mind B - Shoot a
    Each Sticky Glob is about the size of a softball and spreads out to cover a two foot (0.6 m) area on impact with the target. The sticky balls of super-adhesive will adhere firmly to anyone who is struck or who touches it after it has been expelled (except for the character who created it). Once stuck in a Sticky Glob, freeing the character requires a combined P.S. of 50 (and uses up two melee attacks/actions), or a Supernatural P.S. of 27 or greater to pull the victim free. Otherwise, the victim will have to wait until it dissolves naturally. Trying to shoot through the adhesive to free the victim will not work, and using fire, heat or energy attacks will also see half the damage inflicted to the glob also inflicted to the stuck victim!
    , Strike 1d20+11: [12]+11 = 23
* If gun arm is possessed!

Action 10:
  • Shoot a
    Each Sticky Glob is about the size of a softball and spreads out to cover a two foot (0.6 m) area on impact with the target. The sticky balls of super-adhesive will adhere firmly to anyone who is struck or who touches it after it has been expelled (except for the character who created it). Once stuck in a Sticky Glob, freeing the character requires a combined P.S. of 50 (and uses up two melee attacks/actions), or a Supernatural P.S. of 27 or greater to pull the victim free. Otherwise, the victim will have to wait until it dissolves naturally. Trying to shoot through the adhesive to free the victim will not work, and using fire, heat or energy attacks will also see half the damage inflicted to the glob also inflicted to the stuck victim!
    , Strike 1d20+11: [17]+11 = 28
Still not incapacitated?!

Action 11:
  • Multitasking Mind A - Activate APS: Void
    A victim can hold his breath for approximately 5 seconds per P.E. attribute point, provided he has some idea the attack is coming (ie: a hero or villain that has fought a void character before and seen or experienced this ability). The victim(s) is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge until he passes out
    removing all oxygen from the localized area.
  • Multitasking Mind B - Shoot a
    Each Sticky Glob is about the size of a softball and spreads out to cover a two foot (0.6 m) area on impact with the target. The sticky balls of super-adhesive will adhere firmly to anyone who is struck or who touches it after it has been expelled (except for the character who created it). Once stuck in a Sticky Glob, freeing the character requires a combined P.S. of 50 (and uses up two melee attacks/actions), or a Supernatural P.S. of 27 or greater to pull the victim free. Otherwise, the victim will have to wait until it dissolves naturally. Trying to shoot through the adhesive to free the victim will not work, and using fire, heat or energy attacks will also see half the damage inflicted to the glob also inflicted to the stuck victim!
    , Strike 1d20+11: [6]+11 = 17
Action 12:
  • Multitasking Mind A - Conjure an
    PU3, p.67
    , that Mr Shooter is in a void of total blackness around Shazbut and Mr Shooter.
  • Multitasking Mind B - Shoot a
    Each Sticky Glob is about the size of a softball and spreads out to cover a two foot (0.6 m) area on impact with the target. The sticky balls of super-adhesive will adhere firmly to anyone who is struck or who touches it after it has been expelled (except for the character who created it). Once stuck in a Sticky Glob, freeing the character requires a combined P.S. of 50 (and uses up two melee attacks/actions), or a Supernatural P.S. of 27 or greater to pull the victim free. Otherwise, the victim will have to wait until it dissolves naturally. Trying to shoot through the adhesive to free the victim will not work, and using fire, heat or energy attacks will also see half the damage inflicted to the glob also inflicted to the stuck victim!
    , Strike 1d20+11: [9]+11 = 20
Action 13:
  • Multitasking Mind A - Activate Shadow Cloak
  • Multitasking Mind B - Slime the
    If the slime is shot into an opponent's eyes (requires a Called Shot), he is temporarily blinded (-10 to strike, parry and dodge). Blindness lasts for 2D4 melee rounds or until the eyes are rinsed with water or eye drops. No damage, otherwise.
    of Mr Shooter, Strike 1d20+11: [16]+11 = 27
Action 14:
  • Multitasking Mind A - Activate Vibration->Intangibility
  • Multitasking Mind B - previous called shot takes 2 APM to pull off
Contingency: If Shazbut is shot at with weird funky weapons, attempts to dodge. Also turns Intangible if in trouble, using one half of his Multitasking mind to maintain it whilst shooting nasty attacks with the other.

Contingency: If the Shooter is incapacitated from stench, Shazbut uses Sticky Globs to glue the shooter's arms to his body, and his legs to the pavement. Then he checks out that Helicopter.

Contingency: If Mr Shooter drops early and actions permit, Shazbut flies into the chopper, passing into it via intangibility. When en-route, Shazbut conjures himself an illusion of a suicide-vest stacked with rows of glorious dynamite. In entering the chopper he cries out, "DON'T SHOOT! I'M LOADED!" He also smells rather bad thanks to his slime coating, so everyone might start throwing up....

Parry (+14) - (If in Void Form add additional +1): 1d20+14: [8]+14 = 22 , 1d20+14: [17]+14 = 31 , 1d20+14: [19]+14 = 33 , 1d20+14: [12]+14 = 26 , 1d20+14: [20]+14 = 34 , 1d20+14: [17]+14 = 31 , 1d20+14: [16]+14 = 30 , 1d20+14: [7]+14 = 21 , 1d20+14: [5]+14 = 19 , 1d20+14: [14]+14 = 28 , 1d20+14: [7]+14 = 21 , 1d20+14: [17]+14 = 31 , 1d20+14: [3]+14 = 17

Dodge (+12) - (If in Void Form add additional +4): 1d20+12: [9]+12 = 21 , 1d20+12: [3]+12 = 15 , 1d20+12: [18]+12 = 30 , 1d20+12: [4]+12 = 16 , 1d20+12: [19]+12 = 31 , 1d20+12: [6]+12 = 18 , 1d20+12: [14]+12 = 26 , 1d20+12: [17]+12 = 29 , 1d20+12: [15]+12 = 27 , 1d20+12: [15]+12 = 27 , 1d20+12: [13]+12 = 25 , 1d20+12: [5]+12 = 17 , 1d20+12: [5]+12 = 17

*Gravity Wave Shield
Causes all physical attacks, including bullets, grenade shrapnel, missiles, rail gun rounds, punches (regardless of the attacker's P.S.), kicks, swords and other melee weapons, car crashes or similar attacks, to stop short of hitting the super being. This power functions as a parry (roll a D20 as normal) against all incoming physical attacks, including those from behind or surprise, only the usual bonuses are NOT added to this gravity parry.
: 1d20+4: [20]+4 = 24 , 1d20+4: [11]+4 = 15 , 1d20+4: [8]+4 = 12 , 1d20+4: [13]+4 = 17 , 1d20+4: [17]+4 = 21 , 1d20+4: [8]+4 = 12 , 1d20+4: [18]+4 = 22 , 1d20+4: [4]+4 = 8

Auto Dodge (+7): 1d20+7: [3]+7 = 10 , 1d20+7: [5]+7 = 12 , 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16 , 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16 , 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , 1d20+7: [6]+7 = 13 , 1d20+7: [7]+7 = 14 , 1d20+7: [16]+7 = 23
Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Sinner-G »

(Rolls Carried over)
Dawn Breaker wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:14 pm
"Sinner-G, We need to seal the hole in the wall once we stop the runners. One of us can guard the other can grab something to block it. How good at jumping and or climbing are you? The one outside the wall will need to jump or climb to get back in." Dawn says before heading to block the runners at the breach in the outer wall incase Red Sable doesn't stop them first. Quickly leaping/running she bolts forward to the breach in the wall.
Gideon replies, "When I was being tested, I was able to clear twenty-four feet with a running start, I might be able to grab the top of a thirty-foot wall. I am a decent, but not super, climber."

It really does not matter to Sinner-G who does which part of the job as long as the job get done, he will do whichever part is needed.
Last edited by Sinner-G on Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
HP: 44 SDC: 136 Skeleton has a Natural AR of 17 and 2000 SDC
Perception: 56% (+3%),
recognize odors 75%, recognize person by scent 45% track by smell/taste 55% Estimating the distance of the sound at 70% (+5% per level) Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 60% (+5% per level) Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 50% (+5% per level) (- 10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using the ventriloquism and/or impersonation/imitate voice skill), Imitate a voice at 30% (+5% per level)

Heals at a rate of 1d4 HP or SDC per minute, or 2d4*10 HP or SDC per hour for serious injury, Automatic Self-surgery 75%
Number of Attacks: 6, Initiative Bonus: +9, Strike Bonus: +8 (+5 PP bonus), Parry Bonus: +13, Dodge Bonus: +14
Disarm Bonus: --, HTH Damage Bonus: +23, Bonus to Roll w/Punch or Fall: +11, Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8

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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Maia »

JIC: 1d20: [12] = 12 , 1d100: [45] = 45
PER: 1d100: [3] = 3 vs. 76%

130/130 SDC remaining; adds natural AR of 15 and +10 to PS/PP/PE, +40 to Spd, +3 strike/parry/dodge, +4 to damage. Takes 1/3 damage from light and laser attacks.
150/150 SDC remaining; 11.75 minutes remaining. Form of the Leopard: Adds extraordinary PP, superhuman PS, energy claws, nightstalking, enhanced leaping, supervision: nightvision plus the following natural abilities (Monsters and Animals, P. 217): Climb 90%, prowl 90%, track by smell or sight 50%, exceptional hearing and eyesight. +1 APM, energy aura inflicts 2d6 plus normal punch. Cannot safely touch anyone/anything.
Add 8,500 pounds, 1000 SDC, and 50 PS; HF is 16, +2 strike/parry, -4 dodge, spd is doubled.

Maia initially ignores Dawn’s orders as she assumes the tiny human is talking to someone else. With the prisoners suitably cowed, she has a chance to look beneath her and eventually realizes that she is being addressed by name. Why is this human giving us orders? Does she really expect our obedience? Her eyes narrow and she bends down to glare at Dawn close. Her ‘tone’ drips with warning as she rumbles ”NO.” We could end her with a single step. Probably not worth upsetting the others though. Either impertinent or foolish. The Life will make use of her soon enough. After a moment’s consideration, she decides to simply ignore the others gathered around the prison entrance. Let the humans handle one another.

Barricade, however, Maia feels slightly protective towards. Upon hearing the machinegun fire her head jerks around, suddenly alert for this new threat. Still in the mood for some violence (but smart enough not to vent it upon certain of her teammates), Maia takes a moment to track the helicopter before rounding on it and striding over towards it in a couple of massive bounds. She will reach out with one arm and try to snatch the helicopter out of midair- heedless of the damage it might do to her appendage. Maia will also use stretch time to accelerate her attack and hopefully prevent the helicopter from darting out of the way. If she succeeds in grasping the vehicle she will point its weapons towards the ground, and begin dragging it in the same direction so that she can crush the offending weapon but there will still be some chance of taking its occupants alive. She will even encourage them along by rumbling, "FLEE. OR SERVE. THE LIFE."

Initiative: 1d20+5: [5]+5 = 10
APM: 9

Actions 1+2: React to gunfire, stride over to helicopter.
Action 3: Stretch time to accelerate her next punch.
Action 4: Grab helicopter; 1d20+13: [2]+13 = 15 to strike, 2d6: [6, 4] = 10 damage from energy aura
Action 5: Point the helicopter's weapons towards the ground and lower it to give occupants a chance to flee.
Actions 6-9: Crush the helicopter if it's still putting up a fight (use punch damage of 4d4x10+2d6+60 per action?).

Auto-parries: 1d20+15: [13]+15 = 28 , 1d20+15: [16]+15 = 31 , 1d20+15: [10]+15 = 25 , 1d20+15: [7]+15 = 22 , 1d20+15: [15]+15 = 30 , 1d20+15: [7]+15 = 22 , 1d20+15: [13]+15 = 28 , 1d20+15: [12]+15 = 27 , 1d20+15: [2]+15 = 17
Last edited by Maia on Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Passive abilities: See infrared/ultraviolet (range 450ft.), Life sense (powerful life forms including supernatural, super-powered, magic, major/master psychics, hurt/dying; 1800ft. range).
4/4 healing touches today; 930/930 SDC remaining.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Dawn Breaker »

MAia wrote:Her ‘tone’ drips with warning as she rumbles ”NO.”
Well, there is a piece of S**T teammate if I ever saw one. I won't count That one ever. Eh, just probably just because I am new or they are just an A**hole. I should not be to harsh yet. When did people stop preventing the problem and just deal with consequences? she thinks not flinching or moving. If this is what Blade was talking about the entire Omega team should be shut down. They are worse than the criminals, Thugs with power.

Sinner G wrote:"When I was being tested, I was able to clear twenty-four feet with a running start, I might be able to grab the top of a thirty-foot wall. I am a decent, but not super, climber."
"I have these tendrils so I can climb easier. I can fetch the cover while you watch for escapees." Dawn nods to Sinner-G as she head to the task of guarding the breach until the prisoners get in line.

Current Adaption
- does not suffer from dehydration, heat blisters, sunstroke, fatigue, or discomfort usually associated with extreme heat and sun exposure.
- temperatures up to 1 60 degrees Fahrenheit have no ill effect (feels like a warm Spring day)
- only needs the equivalent of two glasses of water (roughly 1 6 ounces) per 24 hours to function at 1 00%
- Even exposure to temperatures up to 200 degrees inflicts only 20% of its normal damage and penalties.

-APS Merury: An attacker must roll a 16 or higher to strike and inflict damage. All kinetic attacks (punches, bullets, etc. ) that inflict damage (from a roll to a strike of 16 or higher) only do half the damage!
Explosions do only 10% of their normal damage, but any explosive damage greater than 50 points will blow the character apart. However, the super being can reform within 1D6 melee rounds (in under two minutes).

- The skin has a Natural A.R. of 14. An opponent's roll to strike must be 15 or higher to inflict damage. Rolls under 14 may hit but do NO damage.

- Heals at a rate of 1d4 Hit Points or S.D.C. per minute 2d4x10 H.P. or S.D.C. per hour for serious injury (heavy trauma, like the character losing all his S.D.C. and/or half or more of his Hit Points Equal to a doctor's surgical skill of 75%

- Heals twice as quickly as an ordinary human

- if the character fails to save, any disease, illness, poison, toxin, or Bio- Manipulation is at half its normal strength, damage, effect, and duration.
Penalties: These bonuses also apply to saves against good lifesaving chemicals and drugs.

-Hypnotic Mental Conditioning
Impervious to possession.

Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)

Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given:
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Tom Cassidy
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Tom Cassidy »

Perception: 1d100<69: [23*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 / 1d100: [65] = 65
Initiative: 1d20-1: [6]-1 = 5
APM: Currently 5 (normally 7; -1 for body armor and -1 for flight disc)

- Force Field SDC: 3,000/3,900
- Giant Force Construct Left Hand: 300/300 SDC, 74.5 minutes remaining
- Giant Force Construct Right Hand: 300/300 SDC, 74.5 minutes remaining
- Force Field Body Armor: 300/300 SDC, 47.5 minutes remaining
- Flying Force Disc: 340/390 SDC, 450mph max
CHIMERA wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:01 pmTeam leader Barricade should be watching over his team with satisfaction. Unfortunately, he sees an unidentified helicopter moving in closely. He radios the team their orders as he heads towards the chopper. Suddenly it makes a sharp turn to face Barricade and strafes to the jail. As it does so, two heavy machine guns open fire on him. Barricade's energy deal absorbs most of the attack, but his flying disc takes some damage as well (-50 S.D.C.). He notices that the helicopter has a set of eight rockets in its under-carriage.
Of course it's armed, Barricade sighs to himself as he deflects as much of the machine gun fire as he can with his energy shield. How did I not see it was armed? Heck, it's ready to go to war -- or start one.

Regardless, he can see it's armed now... and he's most likely mere seconds away from staring down some intense rocket fire. He's survived worse, of course, but just because he can -- or at least thinks he can -- doesn't mean he's in the mood to do so. Well, time to get up close and personal... bet you're not ready for someone as fast as me...

"Rogue chopper is armed, people!" he almost shouts into his comms. "Machine guns, rockets, probably a few surprises kept inside. Maia? You ever played 'catch' with a helicopter? I'm going to try and disable the rotor and I'll need you to catch it so it doesn't crash into anything."

He zooms in towards the helicopter, hoping to close the distance between them before the pilot can launch his rockets. As he does so he sees Maia already reaching towards it as well. "Okay, well, that works too..." he chuckles. "Let's bring it down together then."

His plan is simple: Grab hold of the chopper with his giant energy fists, position himself out of the rockets' arc of fire (ideally underneath), and strike at the main rotor with his energy whip until it's non-functional. At least it sounds simple in theory, he snorts to himself. What could possibly go wrong?

Combat Shenanigans
Combat Shenanigans:
Note: critical strike on nat 19-20

1.) Close with the helicopter at full speed.
2.) Activate Energy Whip -- (3D6+28)x2 SDC damage per strike

3a.) Grab helicopter. Strike: 1d20+1: [17]+1 = 18
4a.) Grab helicopter. Strike: 1d20+1: [12]+1 = 13
5a.) Grab helicopter. Strike: 1d20+1: [5]+1 = 6

If he manages to grab the helicopter at any point, he'll use up his remaining attacks with the whip.

4b.) Strike at rotor with whip. Strike: 1d20+2: [11]+2 = 13 | Damage: 3d6+28: [4, 3, 2]+28 = 37 (doubled) SDC
5b.) Strike at rotor with whip. Strike: 1d20+2: [19]+2 = 21 CRIT! | Damage: 3d6+28: [6, 3, 4]+28 = 41 (doubled) SDC

Parrying as needed with Energy Shield: 1d20+9: [1]+9 = 10 , 1d20+9: [11]+9 = 20 , 1d20+9: [12]+9 = 21 , 1d20+9: [17]+9 = 26 , 1d20+9: [2]+9 = 11
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Red Sable
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Red Sable »

Base -- 39%
  • Bionics:
  • Vision (day or night) -- 59%
  • Hearing -- 59%
  • Motion -- 44%
= 1d100: [82] = 82
JIC: D20= 1d20: [11] = 11 ; %= 1d100: [83] = 83
CHIMERA wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:01 pm The two prisoners halt their charge of Red in an instant and stare at the single most terrifying either had ever scene. Likewise, the prisoners being corralled by Dawn and Sinner fall to their knees. Only two prisoners seem immune to Maia's command, either that or they were so scared that are running away from her.
Red Sable's eyes bulge at the interaction between Maia and Dawn, the only evidence of her reaction being the raised eyebrows. Then she notes a handful of detainees regaining their wits, foolish intentions apparent in their body language as they look at the gaping hole in the outer wall promising freedom.

She moves on an intercept course, staying ahead of them. "Hey. Aspiring convicts! Really? Someone set the jail on fire to break out someone way more important than you. There's a sniper out there. Cars crushed by an invisible force. An attack HELO. And..." She gestures up behind her. "Whatever the <bleep> that thing is." She points with her left hand toward the corral of other inmates, generating a visible spark in her right fist. "Move!"

  • Action 1: Draw billy clubs (Divide damage below between each prisoner)
  • Action 2: Nightsticks = 1d20+8: [8]+8 = 16 -- 1d20+8: [9]+8 = 17
    -- Damage: 1d6+13: [6]+13 = 19 -- 1d6+13: [6]+13 = 19
  • Action 3: Nightsticks = 1d20+8: [4]+8 = 12 -- 1d20+8: [7]+8 = 15
    -- Damage: 1d6+13: [2]+13 = 15 -- 1d6+13: [3]+13 = 16
  • Action 4: Nightsticks = 1d20+8: [14]+8 = 22 -- 1d20+8: [16]+8 = 24
    -- Damage: 1d6+13: [4]+13 = 17 -- 1d6+13: [4]+13 = 17
  • Action 5: Nightsticks = 1d20+8: [7]+8 = 15 -- 1d20+8: [18]+8 = 26
    -- Damage: 1d6+13: [6]+13 = 19 -- 1d6+13: [3]+13 = 16
  • Action 6: Nightsticks = 1d20+8: [9]+8 = 17 -- 1d20+8: [16]+8 = 24
    -- Damage: 1d6+13: [2]+13 = 15 -- 1d6+13: [6]+13 = 19
  • Parries as needed: 1d20+11: [17]+11 = 28 -- 1d20+11: [19]+11 = 30 -- 1d20+11: [8]+11 = 19 -- 1d20+11: [5]+11 = 16 -- 1d20+11: [15]+11 = 26 -- 1d20+11: [5]+11 = 16
  • Reserve 2 actions for dodges instead of nightstick attacks if needed: 1d20+15: [13]+15 = 28 -- 1d20+15: [9]+15 = 24
Character Sheet:

Red = Bionics
I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 19
P.S.: 16 (28)
P.P.: 13 (26)
P.E.: 23
P.B.: 12 (up to 24 depending on Disguise roll)
Speed: 20 (88)

Carry: 560 lbs -- Lift: 1,120 lbs (.5 tons)
Encumbrance: 150 lbs
Standing Jump: 20' x 8.5' (+2'x.5')
Running Jump: 58' x 31.5' (+2' x .5')

HP: 29
SDC: 75
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs (250 lbs)

HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 6
Initiative Bonus: +3
Strike Bonus: +6 (+9 unarmed)
Parry Bonus: +9 (+14 unarmed)
Dodge Bonus: +15
Disarm Bonus: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: +13
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +10
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3

Weapon Proficiencies
W.P. Blunt - +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
W.P. Paired Weapons (see RUE p. 327)
W.P. Targeting - +1 to strike at levels, 1, 3, 7, and 10.

Modern Weapons
W.P. Handguns - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Sub-Machine Gun - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
W.P. Energy Pistol - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 16%
Toxins (15+): +4
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies):
Omega Suit
AR: 17
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Bespoke Armored Seal Suit
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 20 each
  • Legs: 30 each
  • Main Body: 70
Features: The suit forms seals at the cuffs and collar.

Glock w/ TI .50 ACE mod
  • Range: 165'
  • Damage: 6D6 (Explosive = 8D6)
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 15 round magazine
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Handguns, 9mm Parabellum cartridge, Laser Targeting (1,200'); fits on pistols & revolvers only
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on aimed shots
  • Book Reference: Century Station

Polycarbonate Knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight: 1 lb

Nightstick (2)
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight: 1 lb

Pepper Gas/Spray
  • Range: 6 feet
  • Damage: No damage.
  • Penalties: -10 to Strike, Parry and Dodge for 5D4 Minutes.
  • Saving Throw: None.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only.
  • Payload: 35 shots.
  • Weight: 0.5 oz
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by CHIMERA »

Act III: 19-2000
Willingham District Courthouse and Jail, 2530 S Calfinch Ave, Willingham, Century Station
Date: Thursday, April 23rd, 2043
Time: 1:36 pm
Weather: Sunny afternoon (66 degrees Fahrenheit)

Butcher's Bill
Barricade: -71 S.D.C. to flying disc
Dawn Breaker: -5 S.D.C. Omega suit
Edison: - 60 S.D.C. to Mark II armor
Lenok: -100 S.D.C. Omega suit; -11 S.D.C.
Maia: -60 S.D.C.
Sinner-G: -5 S.D.C. superhero costume

Edison wrote:"Active shooter, have him pinned behind one of the hover trucks. Get the civilians clear."
Edison barks into his radio for backup as he tries to pin down one of the architects of the prison break. Unfortunately, for him the Omegas are stretched then: Barricade is engaging in an aerial battle with another of the criminals. Dawn Breaker, Maia, and Red Sable have established order in the prison along with their new friend, Sinner-G. And Steiblah and Shazbut are taking care of the collateral damage from the mayhem.

Hearing their teammate, Steiblah finishes casting his Armor of Ithan spells*, and then leads the civilians to ambulances south of the scene.
Steiblah wrote:"I can get the injured to the ambulances. It's just two blocks south of here. Your attention is needed elsewhere. It sounds like it is getting messy out there."
Shazbut wrote:"Yes yes, I stops Mr Shooter."
When civilians are about a half block away, one of the paramedics runs meet them. He waives them over to the ambulance and shouts, "This way! This way! All clear this way!" He glances over to Steiblah and gives him a thumbs up, "We can take care of them from here!"

While Shazbut runs over to the rescue, there is a brief lull in the gunfire between Edison and Red Goggles. Edison stops to set up his sentry drone, which effectively allows him to fire twice at the same time. The drone's shot hits the passenger side mirror, but Edison hits Red Goggles in the shoulder. The bullet goes clean through, Edison sees a ploom of blood rise from behind the car as his opponent ducks back down. Then Edison finds out why his opponent didn't return fire - a grenade slides across the street, and under the hovertuck. The blast knocks Edison backwards into the brick building behind him (-30 S.D.C. to Mark II armor), and the glass windows on both sides of him shatter from the blast.

Edison might wonder to himself how he lost control of this situation, but order is instituted in fits and starts. As he gets back up he can hear the sound of his drone providing continued cover fire. As Red Goggles ducks to avoid the drone a 200 lbs. greased skunk shoulder checks him into the passenger door of the hovertruck, putting a bigger dent than Diomedes did to the rear door of that same truck the week before. (It is not a good day for vehicles owned by members of the Omegas. At this very moment, some punk in Megapolis is stealing the gas cap from Eve's Elantra.) He lets out a grunt of pain and then slumps to the ground incapacitated.

Order is largely established in the jail yard. Dawn and Sinner keep most of the prisoners who have exited the jail corralled inside the yard. The few that came out ready to fight had been mostly subdued by Red Sable, but Maia's warning cowed the few that weren't down. The only exceptions are two who have decided to run away from Maia. Were they simply so terrified by the plant gestalt that they just wanted to go and hide? Dawn and Sinner seem to believe so, and thus hold the breach in the jail wall. Red, seeing them from the distance, doesn't want to take that chance. She makes a full sprint it towards them, shouting as she runs.
Red Sable wrote:"Hey. Aspiring convicts! Really? Someone set the jail on fire to break out someone way more important than you. There's a sniper out there. Cars crushed by an invisible force. An attack HELO. And..."
Then she notices that the two of them are absolutely escaping. One of them throws a blank on top of the jail wall. Well, it's not just a blanket; it's several woven together so that it is a loop ladder and then covers the barbwire on the top of wall to make for an easy climb over. The first one makes it over the wall before Red can make it to the wall. As she gets close to the wall she draws her billy clubs. The second escapee raises his fists for a fight and is promptly dropped with two clubs to his left torso.

It might seem odd that Dawn and Sinner didn't notice the two making a run for it, but to fair, they are distracted by the aerial battle happening over the jail. Barricade approached an errant helicopter expecting to quickly 'redirect' it. Instead he got a firefight of his own.

He maneuvers closer to the helicopter while keeping his energy shield up. It absorbs the brunt of the damage from machine guns, but the energy platform continues to catch stray bullets (-21 S.D.C.). Barricade strafes to the chopper's right rail and throws his whip on its landing skid. He can see the pilot, a young Black woman wearing a bodysuit emblazoned with a A. She tries to make a hard turn but ends up right into Maia's now fully grown fist. Caught on both ends by a superhero, she tightens her grip on the pitchstick and then fires two rockets on Maia (-60 S.D.C.).

The enraged plant gestalt squeezes the cockpit of the helicopter, crushing it like a paper cup. Thankfully(?), the pilot is able to escape. Leaping off the left side of the helicopter towards the building facing the jail.


* Steiblah was able to cast all the spells during the last round of posts, but I'm rehashing it because it makes the narrative flow a little more smoothly.
Jailbreak 4.jpg
MAP NOTES: Same as before, but the dark purple dot off the helicopter is the pilot. Also, Steve is technically off map due south of where his name marker is located.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Maia »

JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 , 1d100: [91] = 91
PER: 1d100: [13] = 13 vs. 76%

130/130 SDC remaining; adds natural AR of 15 and +10 to PS/PP/PE, +40 to Spd, +3 strike/parry/dodge, +4 to damage. Takes 1/3 damage from light and laser attacks.
90/150 SDC remaining; 11.5 minutes remaining. Form of the Leopard: Adds extraordinary PP, superhuman PS, energy claws, nightstalking, enhanced leaping, supervision: nightvision plus the following natural abilities (Monsters and Animals, P. 217): Climb 90%, prowl 90%, track by smell or sight 50%, exceptional hearing and eyesight. +1 APM, energy aura inflicts 2d6 plus normal punch. Cannot safely touch anyone/anything.
Add 8,500 pounds, 1000 SDC, and 50 PS; HF is 16, +2 strike/parry, -4 dodge, spd is doubled.
Authority Figure: The super being appears to be some type of authority figure, like a police officer, military officer, judge, politician, mayor, priest, etc., as seems to best fit the situation. The victim will follow any reasonable instructions, commands or requests made by the "Authority Figure." Only those who hate and/or defy authority figures will react with hostility or defiance. 30-foot radius/level around Maia, or single target in line of sight up to 150ft/level away. Costs one action to maintain, save is 16+ with ME bonuses.

If Maia feels the rockets impact on her energy aura, she gives no sign as she crushes the helicopter into a fine pulp. The giant then nonchalantly tosses the wreck of the copter in front of the jail, blocking off the hole Dawn had been so concerned about earlier. Maia will then gaze down and decide to do something about the escaping pilot, unless another hostile force quickly reveals itself. With a gesture, she tries to create crystals encasing the woman’s lower body. Even if she breaks free, they will slow her down. If that fails to slow her, Maia will change her personal recognition aura to that of an authority figure and bark out ”STOP! NOW!” at the fleeing woman. If that still doesn’t slow her down, Maia will create a geyser in the pilot’s way. Finally, if any other hostile targets make themselves known she will round on them and promptly punch them with a massive fist.

Initiative: 1d20+5: [16]+5 = 21
APM: 9

Action 1: Toss ruined helicopter at opening in the prison wall. 1d20+13: [11]+13 = 24 to strike.
Action 2: Encase pilot’s lower body in crystal.
Action 3: Activate personal recognition.
Actions 4-5: Create geyser in the pilot’s path if she’s still fleeing.
Action 6: Punches if needed. 1d20+13: [12]+13 = 25 to strike, 4d4*10: [1, 4, 4, 3]*10 = 120 + 2d6: [3, 2] = 5 +60 damage.
Action 7: Punches if needed. 1d20+13: [7]+13 = 20 to strike, 4d4*10: [1, 3, 1, 1]*10 = 60 + 2d6: [2, 4] = 6 +60 damage.
Action 8: Punches if needed. 1d20+13: [1]+13 = 14 to strike, 4d4*10: [4, 1, 1, 3]*10 = 90 + 2d6: [3, 4] = 7 +60 damage.
Action 9: Punches if needed. 1d20+13: [18]+13 = 31 to strike, 4d4*10: [1, 4, 1, 4]*10 = 100 + 2d6: [3, 6] = 9 +60 damage.

Auto-parries: 1d20+15: [7]+15 = 22 , 1d20+15: [14]+15 = 29 , 1d20+15: [11]+15 = 26 , 1d20+15: [5]+15 = 20 , 1d20+15: [16]+15 = 31 , 1d20+15: [14]+15 = 29 , 1d20+15: [9]+15 = 24 , 1d20+15: [15]+15 = 30 , 1d20+15: [14]+15 = 29
Passive abilities: See infrared/ultraviolet (range 450ft.), Life sense (powerful life forms including supernatural, super-powered, magic, major/master psychics, hurt/dying; 1800ft. range).
4/4 healing touches today; 930/930 SDC remaining.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Steiblah »

Perception: d%: [55] = 55 | 81%
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 | d%: [87] = 87
Steiblah Character Sheet
  • Nightvision 120 ft, keen normal vision, see the invisible
  • Turn into mist at will
  • Track by smell 45% (+15% to track a blood scent)
  • Dimensional teleport 51%
  • Bio-regenerates 3d6 MDC (HP or SDC) per melee round
  • Resistant to cold (half damage); impervious to toxic gases, heat, and fire (plasma/MD/magic fire does half damage)
  • Self and up to 300 additional pounds up to five miles away at will, 73%+3%/level
  • Magically speaks and understands all languages at 98%
  • Can shape change into any living creature, intelligent or animal, as long as it is no smaller than one foot and no larger than 10 feet. Impersonation skill is 96% if the subject is in her presence, 82% if very familiar with the individual or working from photos/video, 40% if working from memory and with little personal knowledge of the subject. The Raksasha may use her shapechanging abilities to alter or improve the disguise at any time.
  • 94% if the Raksasha is very familiar with the individual, 80% if working from a good sound recording, 30% if working from memory or with little knowledge of the subject.
  • Silver weapons do equivalent MD. In SDC worlds: Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage.
    • Increased Range by 50%: All the ranges of super powers, psionics, magic, senses (even mundane ones) receive the +50%
    • Increased S.D.C. by 50%
    • Increased ISP by 50%:
      plus recovers 9 per hour of meditation, 3 per hour of rest/sleep
    • Increased PPE by 50%: plus recovers 15 per hour of meditation, 8 per hour of rest
    • Increased Healing: rolled 2+1=3. x3 multiplier
    • Incredible ISP Recovery [Mega Psi Power]: recovers ISP at 6 per minute of meditation or rest, 1 per minute of activity.
    • Achilles Heel: Extremely Bound to Good Karma Needs to act according to good karma (GM discretion). Without the aid of good karma, the hero has all combat bonuses reduced in half, loses one attack, and skills are -35%.

  • PPE: 850/900
    ISP: 980/1050
    HP: 78/78 +5 (SoM)
    SDC: 45/45
    Natural AR: 10
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +28% (SoM)
Toxins (15+): +10 +2(SoM)
Magic (varies): +11 +2(SoM)
Lethal Poison (14+): +10 +2(SoM)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +10 +2(SoM)
Insanity (12+): +7
Psionics (10+): +7
HF: +12
Possession: +2 (additional)
+4 to all other saving throws

Image Steven Resch, human psi-healer.

    • Presents as level 2.
    • No alignment alteration.
    • Psychic ability: Show ISP level to be lower, ~50-100 total ISP.
    • Conceal amount of base PPE. Only 1-2 points.
    • Conceal the presence of magic.
    • Attributes appear to be 1/2 of what they really are.
    2hrs 14.00 min.
  • Enhanced Perception. 3.75 min. +15% Perception, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +10% to any skill that relies on basic senses. +50% to all natural senses.
  • Enhanced Reflexes 8.75 min [+1 APM, +3 init, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +2 to PP, +15% physical skills]
  • Mind's Eye 8.75 min [+3 init, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge]
  • Strength of Mind 8.75 min [+10 PS, +5 PE, +20 SDC]
  • Summon Inner Strength 48.75 min [+10 SDC, +2 save vs poison, +5% save vs coma/death]
  • Telepathy: Superior 8.75 min
  • Empathic Charisma 23.75 min [MA +1d4+2, PB +2, trust/intimidate/charm/impress 85% minimum]
CHIMERA wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:57 pmWhen civilians are about a half block away, one of the paramedics runs meet them. He waives them over to the ambulance and shouts, "This way! This way! All clear this way!" He glances over to Steiblah and gives him a thumbs up, "We can take care of them from here!"
"I leave them in your capable hands then!" Steve responds after dropping off the civilians and enthusiastically returns the thumbs up. He then cancels each Armor of Ithan he wrapped the civilians with. It wouldn't make sense for the medics to need to bang their way through magical protection before they can start administering medical aid.

I need to get back to the skirmish anyway. Sounded pretty chaotic... Steiblah thinks to himself as the sounds of explosions (from rockets and/or helicopter) reverberate north of his position. He almost instinctively teleports back into the fray. But thinks better of it. Good Guy Steiblah encourages him to jog back to where the activity is happening.

Presuming that he sees Maia's massive form wrestling with a helicopter from his vantage a few blocks away, Steiblah decides to approach from a slightly different angle.

Once he is one block up ((assuming he was 2 blocks south of the map where the ambulances were gathered)), he breaks off the North-South road and heads East. Looking around, he hopes to spot some manner of flying insect (bee, fly, wasp, etc.). If he cannot find a flying insect, he will settle for a ground-based one.

Upon finding a suitable insect, Steve will cast Monster Insect (HU2 p. 333), transforming the ordinary insect into a monstrous version of it the size of a bull/horse ((-100 PPE. 25.00 min.)). And will hop on its back, urging it to fly up into the air so that he can get a better vantage point in an effort to assess what is going on.

Assuming he spots the fleeing prisoners... If Red Sable, Sinner-G or Dawn Breaker haven't yet secured the escapees that scaled the wall, Steve will urge his mount to fly down to intercept.

"I believe you are heading the wrong way. Kindly make your way back in the direction of the prison facility." Steve will ask politely. If they do not comply, but instead try to flee, Steve will attempt to drop a TK: Force Field on them, bubbling them in place until they bash their way through the invisible wall of force. He will then radio an update to the team.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [14] = 14 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [3] = 3 ; 1d100: [82] = 82
Conditions: None.
Edison Mk. 2: AR: 19; S.D.C.: 350/290; Shield: 200/200
Armored Undersuit: AR: 12; S.D.C.: 40/40
AR-15 w/ Masterkey: Payload: 5.56: 20/8; 12 Gauge: 7/7
MP950 Payload 50/50
Sentry Gun: Payload: 100/97

Edison groans from the ground. "Birdie, Stand down!" Edison says as the automated shoulder turret returns to a stowed position. Well so much for limiting the collateral. Edison thinks as he watches a monstrous sized Maia crush the helicopter. Jesus Christ! She's powerful. Edison thinks as he gets up from the ground to find Shazbut having knocked the sniper out. Thanks for the assist." Edison says as e walks towards the sniper. Well the armor is holding up a lot better than the previous suit. I can think of a few add-ons for a later date though. Edison thinks as he pulls a pair of cuffs from one of his pouches. "Let us get him restrained." Edison says, before switching to radio. "Shooter down, restraining him now, how is the rest of the situation?" Edison says as he begins pulling any visible weapons from the sniper's person before rolling him to his stomach to cuff him. "You have the right to lay there till I figure out what is going on." Edison says looking to Shazbut. "You see any other trouble?"
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Steiblah »

((rolls carried over))
Edison wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:08 am"Shooter down, restraining him now, how is the rest of the situation?"
Reminded by Edison's message that he did not update the rest of the team, Steve takes a moment and replies, "Civilians all clear to the South. Coming back to conflict zone."

This team is certainly efficient in how quickly it is able to diffuse hazardous situations. I wonder if there is anything left of concern.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Shazbut »

JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 , 1d100: [95] = 95
Perception: 70% / 1d100: [80] = 80 (FAIL)

  • Mimic active: no
  • Conditions: Slime Generation - coated with slime going up this round.
  • Passive Abilities
    • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
    • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
    • Immune to horrific nauseating scents.
    • Superior vision about five times better than normal humans, which means an 18 inch sign can be read a mile away.
    • Nightvision - 500 feet (152.4 m).
    • Can see ultraviolet light.
    • Radiates low levels of radiation.
  • H.P.: 28/28
  • S.D.C.: 268/268
  • A.R.: 17 (Omega Suit), 10 (Void Form)
  • Omega Suit S.D.C by location: Arms 90/90 each, Legs: 100 each, Main Body: 250, *Body Camera: 15

Edison wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:08 am Thanks for the assist." Edison says as e walks towards the sniper. Well the armor is holding up a lot better than the previous suit. I can think of a few add-ons for a later date though. Edison thinks as he pulls a pair of cuffs from one of his pouches. "Let us get him restrained." Edison says, before switching to radio. "Shooter down, restraining him now, how is the rest of the situation?" Edison says as he begins pulling any visible weapons from the sniper's person before rolling him to his stomach to cuff him. "You have the right to lay there till I figure out what is going on." Edison says looking to Shazbut. "You see any other trouble?"
Shazbut salutes, a mock-heroic gesture that sends a fleck of slime flying through the air. "No problemski," he replies, his voice dripping with casual charm. He watches a moment as Edison, clad in his super cool power armor suit, handcuffs the defeated shooter.

Then his eyes scan the scene, taking in the chaos that had unfolded.

Prison gates, twisted and burning.

Maia, playing with the chopper.

Not much else I thinks!

"I think this is about over now," Shazbut declares, and he feels a sense of satisfaction washing over him. "But just to be sure, I'll take a look around." With that, he speeds off, performing a patrol around the prison to ensure no prisoners are at large. Should he find any, the skunk slimes them.
Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Dawn Breaker
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Dawn Breaker »

Perception: 1d100: [69] = 69 / 36%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [7] = 7 | 1d100: [39] = 39

Radio Basic: 1d100: [44] = 44 /90%
Radio Basic: 1d100: [76] = 76 /90%
Edison wrote:"Shooter down, restraining him now, how is the rest of the situation?"
"Prisoners contained and in reasonably good health. Waiting on clearance from Jail guards to put them back inside." Dawn responds on the radio. once finished on the radio.

"Nice work, Red. We did okay. If our plant had did his or her job and plugged the hole they would have been less likely to try and escape. Like Sun tzu says about troops 'if you put them in places they can not run they will prefer to fight to the death over flight.' in this case if leave prisoners no obvious escape route they will prefer co-operation to escape." she says once she can talk with Red and Sinner G.

"Lets keep an eye on them and try not to excite or cause panic among them while the Jail sorts out what to do with them. If either of you have a power to seal up that hole feel free to do so. if not we guard the breach until we get them inside. I'll radio the Jail now. Lets see if we can talk to the one you caught, red. Maybe he knows something useful." she requests of her fellow heroes.

With allies like Maia who needs enemies? at least we only lost one. Another loose end for me to tie up. That would explain why she is teamed with Barricade. a good strategy to use him as a motivator. Better permanently assign the plant to him is probably what they do. Dawn thinks to herself.

tapping her radio, " Willingham district jail, This is Agent Dawn Breaker of Sector 10 and the omega's. we have your prisoners in the yard. let us know when we can send them back in and where you want them, Dawn Breaker out".

1d100: [72] = 72 1d100: [37] = 37 1d100: [27] = 27 1d20: [7] = 7 1d100: [26] = 26

Current Adaption
- does not suffer from dehydration, heat blisters, sunstroke, fatigue, or discomfort usually associated with extreme heat and sun exposure.
- temperatures up to 1 60 degrees Fahrenheit have no ill effect (feels like a warm Spring day)
- only needs the equivalent of two glasses of water (roughly 1 6 ounces) per 24 hours to function at 1 00%
- Even exposure to temperatures up to 200 degrees inflicts only 20% of its normal damage and penalties.

-APS Merury: An attacker must roll a 16 or higher to strike and inflict damage. All kinetic attacks (punches, bullets, etc. ) that inflict damage (from a roll to a strike of 16 or higher) only do half the damage!
Explosions do only 10% of their normal damage, but any explosive damage greater than 50 points will blow the character apart. However, the super being can reform within 1D6 melee rounds (in under two minutes).

- The skin has a Natural A.R. of 14. An opponent's roll to strike must be 15 or higher to inflict damage. Rolls under 14 may hit but do NO damage.

- Heals at a rate of 1d4 Hit Points or S.D.C. per minute 2d4x10 H.P. or S.D.C. per hour for serious injury (heavy trauma, like the character losing all his S.D.C. and/or half or more of his Hit Points Equal to a doctor's surgical skill of 75%

- Heals twice as quickly as an ordinary human

- if the character fails to save, any disease, illness, poison, toxin, or Bio- Manipulation is at half its normal strength, damage, effect, and duration.
Penalties: These bonuses also apply to saves against good lifesaving chemicals and drugs.

-Hypnotic Mental Conditioning
Impervious to possession.

Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)

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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Sinner-G »

Perception (56%): 1d100: [31] = 31
JIC (d20/d%): 1d20: [5] = 5 / 1d100: [13] = 13

Sinner-G realizes that two people are making a break, but also realizes something else, Currently I am responsible for the safety of all these others, I can not go after the two escapees and protect these others if the trouble comes here. Like it or not, I have to remain.

No, he does not like the thought of anyone getting away, but the greater responsibility must prevail.

He has no way to talk over the radio, but suggests, "Perhaps you can let allies outside know about the ones who are getting away."

He thinks, After the prisoners are one again under the control, perhaps I can try following the trail, if he is not stopped.

Not that he will give odds on the escapees not being stopped, but right now, he can not prevent it.
HP: 44 SDC: 136 Skeleton has a Natural AR of 17 and 2000 SDC
Perception: 56% (+3%),
recognize odors 75%, recognize person by scent 45% track by smell/taste 55% Estimating the distance of the sound at 70% (+5% per level) Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 60% (+5% per level) Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 50% (+5% per level) (- 10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using the ventriloquism and/or impersonation/imitate voice skill), Imitate a voice at 30% (+5% per level)

Heals at a rate of 1d4 HP or SDC per minute, or 2d4*10 HP or SDC per hour for serious injury, Automatic Self-surgery 75%
Number of Attacks: 6, Initiative Bonus: +9, Strike Bonus: +8 (+5 PP bonus), Parry Bonus: +13, Dodge Bonus: +14
Disarm Bonus: --, HTH Damage Bonus: +23, Bonus to Roll w/Punch or Fall: +11, Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8

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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Dawn Breaker »

Basic radio: 1d100: [80] = 80 / 90%
"Perhaps you can let allies outside know about the ones who are getting away."
"Ya the cameras and radios may down for others," she pauses, "Thanks for the reminder. I sometimes forget not everyone has communications implants." she shrugs.

She taps the radio; "Dawn Breaker here, Be advised we have two potential escapees as well. they went over the wall. Red sable is after them now I think." Dawn radios. The Super soldier and agent did expect others to have similar communications implants like her. This is not a BBMR or Sector Operation and she needed to sometimes remember that. she thinks watching the remaining prisoners.

Current Adaption
- does not suffer from dehydration, heat blisters, sunstroke, fatigue, or discomfort usually associated with extreme heat and sun exposure.
- temperatures up to 1 60 degrees Fahrenheit have no ill effect (feels like a warm Spring day)
- only needs the equivalent of two glasses of water (roughly 1 6 ounces) per 24 hours to function at 1 00%
- Even exposure to temperatures up to 200 degrees inflicts only 20% of its normal damage and penalties.

-APS Merury: An attacker must roll a 16 or higher to strike and inflict damage. All kinetic attacks (punches, bullets, etc. ) that inflict damage (from a roll to a strike of 16 or higher) only do half the damage!
Explosions do only 10% of their normal damage, but any explosive damage greater than 50 points will blow the character apart. However, the super being can reform within 1D6 melee rounds (in under two minutes).

- The skin has a Natural A.R. of 14. An opponent's roll to strike must be 15 or higher to inflict damage. Rolls under 14 may hit but do NO damage.

- Heals at a rate of 1d4 Hit Points or S.D.C. per minute 2d4x10 H.P. or S.D.C. per hour for serious injury (heavy trauma, like the character losing all his S.D.C. and/or half or more of his Hit Points Equal to a doctor's surgical skill of 75%

- Heals twice as quickly as an ordinary human

- if the character fails to save, any disease, illness, poison, toxin, or Bio- Manipulation is at half its normal strength, damage, effect, and duration.
Penalties: These bonuses also apply to saves against good lifesaving chemicals and drugs.

-Hypnotic Mental Conditioning
Impervious to possession.

Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)

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Red Sable
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Red Sable »

Base -- 39%
  • Bionics:
  • Vision (day or night) -- 59%
  • Hearing -- 59%
  • Motion -- 44%
= 1d100: [43] = 43
JIC: D20= 1d20: [3] = 3 ; %= 1d100: [54] = 54
CHIMERA wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:57 pmOrder is largely established in the jail yard. ... The only exceptions are two who have decided to run away from Maia. Were they simply so terrified by the plant gestalt that they just wanted to go and hide? Dawn and Sinner seem to believe so, and thus hold the breach in the jail wall.

Red, seeing them from the distance, doesn't want to take that chance. She makes a full sprint towards them, shouting as she runs.

She notices that the two of them are absolutely escaping. One of them throws a blanket on top of the jail wall. Well, it's not just a blanket; it's several woven together so that it is a loop ladder and then covers the barbwire on the top of wall to make for an easy climb over.

The first one makes it over the wall before Red can make it to the wall. ... The second escapee raises his fists for a fight and is promptly dropped with two clubs to his left torso.
Sable regards the blanket-ladder. Oh yeah, that's totally something I'd come up with on the fly when the wall explodes and the building is fire.
Dawn Breaker wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 4:25 am "Nice work, Red. We did okay. If our plant..."
Sable squints in confusion at the chatter over her radio. Are you kidding me?

"Heads up! I found our tango. Anyone recognize this dipstick?"

Gina's transmits a clipped video from her eye-camera for those who can see it. In theory, the image will be less shaky than her Omega armor bodycam. Her computer chip tries to
Photography: 1d100<=63: [53*] = 1
if the fleeing man ever turns his head to at least give her a view of his profile.

While it does that, Red Sable runs and jumps
Climbing? d100<=55: [76] = 0
up the wall of the jail and
Forward flip: 1d100<=79: [50*] = 1
over the fence.

She lands awkwardly after her foot slips on the launch, but she scrambles back to her feet and tears off after the fleeing suspect.

"HEY!" she yells, using her voice modulator in the hopes of getting him to turn around and/or slow down. "Nice plan. Almost worked, too." Once she's within 60-ish feet, she slows to half-speed and leaps at him, going for a takedown so as not to cripple him as badly as the last poor fool.

  • Action 1: Awkward jump and landing over the fence
  • Action 2: RUN!
  • Action 3-4: Flying jump kick = 1d20+9: [11]+9 = 20
    -- Damage: 4d6+13: [1, 2, 4, 5]+13 = 25 -- Attempt to pull damage: 1d20+3: [13]+3 = 16
  • Action 5: Scissor-takedown = 1d20+9: [2]+9 = 11
  • Action 6: Apply armbar = 1d20+9: [11]+9 = 20
  • Parries if needed during last 2 actions when we're at close range: 1d20+11: [8]+11 = 19 -- 1d20+11: [15]+11 = 26
  • Reserve 2 actions for dodges instead if needed: 1d20+15: [6]+15 = 21 -- 1d20+15: [8]+15 = 23
Character Sheet:

Red = Bionics
I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 19
P.S.: 16 (28)
P.P.: 13 (26)
P.E.: 23
P.B.: 12 (up to 24 depending on Disguise roll)
Speed: 20 (88)

Carry: 560 lbs -- Lift: 1,120 lbs (.5 tons)
Encumbrance: 150 lbs
Standing Jump: 20' x 8.5' (+2'x.5')
Running Jump: 58' x 31.5' (+2' x .5')

HP: 29
SDC: 75
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs (250 lbs)

HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 6
Initiative Bonus: +3
Strike Bonus: +6 (+9 unarmed)
Parry Bonus: +9 (+14 unarmed)
Dodge Bonus: +15
Disarm Bonus: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: +13
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +10
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3

Weapon Proficiencies
W.P. Blunt - +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
W.P. Paired Weapons (see RUE p. 327)
W.P. Targeting - +1 to strike at levels, 1, 3, 7, and 10.

Modern Weapons
W.P. Handguns - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Sub-Machine Gun - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
W.P. Energy Pistol - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 16%
Toxins (15+): +4
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies):
Omega Suit
AR: 17
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Bespoke Armored Seal Suit
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 20 each
  • Legs: 30 each
  • Main Body: 70
Features: The suit forms seals at the cuffs and collar.

Glock w/ TI .50 ACE mod
  • Range: 165'
  • Damage: 6D6 (Explosive = 8D6)
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 15 round magazine
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Handguns, 9mm Parabellum cartridge, Laser Targeting (1,200'); fits on pistols & revolvers only
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on aimed shots
  • Book Reference: Century Station

Polycarbonate Knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight: 1 lb

Nightstick (2)
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight: 1 lb

Pepper Gas/Spray
  • Range: 6 feet
  • Damage: No damage.
  • Penalties: -10 to Strike, Parry and Dodge for 5D4 Minutes.
  • Saving Throw: None.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only.
  • Payload: 35 shots.
  • Weight: 0.5 oz
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Shazbut »

(Rolls carried)
Dawn Breaker wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 1:49 pm
She taps the radio; "Dawn Breaker here, Be advised we have two potential escapees as well. they went over the wall.
Really sounds like WiFi.

Which wall? I looks!

Shazbut, a slimy stinky fun blur of black and white, accelerates towards the prison wall, his mind wondering which wall.

I guess not west, Maia will gobble them up. Maybe north ? I looky there first.

As he nears the wall, he looks for a pair of escapees. This isn’t a jailbreak, it’s an opportunity. He is the skunky stench cannon looking for a victim for his funky stuff. And he won’t hesitate to use it.

Frankly he’s been looking for an excuse for weeks now, and he isn’t about to let it go to waste.

If he fails to locate anyone he seeks clarification, and uses his speed and stench to deliver excellent olfactory justice!

He sings joyfully as he does what must be done!

“♫ It smells like justice, pure and true,
It comes from love, just for you! ♫”
Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Dawn Breaker »

Radio: basic [roll]1d100[/roll]/90%
Shazbut wrote:Which wall? I looks!
(*Provided the map is orientated North at the top*)
"Dawn Breaker here, Looks to be the south wall, Shaz. Follow Red Sables beacon she is in pursuit. To anyone else that is free, I could use some help to move and secure prisoners." Dawn responds keeping an eye on the rest of prisoners. I would be nice if they sorted out the inside so we could get these guys indoors or away from this fire. It can't be warm in those Prison outfits. She thinks.

"Are any of you injured? we need to move now." she asks the inmates. Looking for surface bleeding or burns. This was the sort of thing heroes and people like sector had before being hardened to the job.

Dawn like many of the engineered clones had a flaw of being too human at times. It was a thing that was discouraged, but they were built in. If no injuries are present and she gets help Dawn looks for a good spot to take them and means to get them there.

Even Mark 10's and their "kill or be killed" programming had a protocol to helped or not harm people, Humans in particular. The company liked it for good PR, but Corporate raiders and other less than legal jobs it was a weak point. It was what made them enforce a Code of conduct and loyalty in the field that was similar to a soldier.
Last edited by Dawn Breaker on Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Current Adaption
- does not suffer from dehydration, heat blisters, sunstroke, fatigue, or discomfort usually associated with extreme heat and sun exposure.
- temperatures up to 1 60 degrees Fahrenheit have no ill effect (feels like a warm Spring day)
- only needs the equivalent of two glasses of water (roughly 1 6 ounces) per 24 hours to function at 1 00%
- Even exposure to temperatures up to 200 degrees inflicts only 20% of its normal damage and penalties.

-APS Merury: An attacker must roll a 16 or higher to strike and inflict damage. All kinetic attacks (punches, bullets, etc. ) that inflict damage (from a roll to a strike of 16 or higher) only do half the damage!
Explosions do only 10% of their normal damage, but any explosive damage greater than 50 points will blow the character apart. However, the super being can reform within 1D6 melee rounds (in under two minutes).

- The skin has a Natural A.R. of 14. An opponent's roll to strike must be 15 or higher to inflict damage. Rolls under 14 may hit but do NO damage.

- Heals at a rate of 1d4 Hit Points or S.D.C. per minute 2d4x10 H.P. or S.D.C. per hour for serious injury (heavy trauma, like the character losing all his S.D.C. and/or half or more of his Hit Points Equal to a doctor's surgical skill of 75%

- Heals twice as quickly as an ordinary human

- if the character fails to save, any disease, illness, poison, toxin, or Bio- Manipulation is at half its normal strength, damage, effect, and duration.
Penalties: These bonuses also apply to saves against good lifesaving chemicals and drugs.

-Hypnotic Mental Conditioning
Impervious to possession.

Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)

Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given:
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Red Sable
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Red Sable »

(Rolls carried)
Shazbut wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 3:49 am Which wall? I looks!

Shazbut, a slimy stinky fun blur of black and white, accelerates towards the prison wall, his mind wondering which wall.
"South wall! Red Sable in pursuit eastbound on Geraci Street!"
Character Sheet:

Red = Bionics
I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 19
P.S.: 16 (28)
P.P.: 13 (26)
P.E.: 23
P.B.: 12 (up to 24 depending on Disguise roll)
Speed: 20 (88)

Carry: 560 lbs -- Lift: 1,120 lbs (.5 tons)
Encumbrance: 150 lbs
Standing Jump: 20' x 8.5' (+2'x.5')
Running Jump: 58' x 31.5' (+2' x .5')

HP: 29
SDC: 75
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs (250 lbs)

HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 6
Initiative Bonus: +3
Strike Bonus: +6 (+9 unarmed)
Parry Bonus: +9 (+14 unarmed)
Dodge Bonus: +15
Disarm Bonus: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: +13
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +10
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3

Weapon Proficiencies
W.P. Blunt - +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
W.P. Paired Weapons (see RUE p. 327)
W.P. Targeting - +1 to strike at levels, 1, 3, 7, and 10.

Modern Weapons
W.P. Handguns - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Sub-Machine Gun - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
W.P. Energy Pistol - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 16%
Toxins (15+): +4
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies):
Omega Suit
AR: 17
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Bespoke Armored Seal Suit
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 20 each
  • Legs: 30 each
  • Main Body: 70
Features: The suit forms seals at the cuffs and collar.

Glock w/ TI .50 ACE mod
  • Range: 165'
  • Damage: 6D6 (Explosive = 8D6)
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 15 round magazine
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Handguns, 9mm Parabellum cartridge, Laser Targeting (1,200'); fits on pistols & revolvers only
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on aimed shots
  • Book Reference: Century Station

Polycarbonate Knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight: 1 lb

Nightstick (2)
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight: 1 lb

Pepper Gas/Spray
  • Range: 6 feet
  • Damage: No damage.
  • Penalties: -10 to Strike, Parry and Dodge for 5D4 Minutes.
  • Saving Throw: None.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only.
  • Payload: 35 shots.
  • Weight: 0.5 oz
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Shazbut »

(Rolls carried)
Red Sable wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:14 am (Rolls carried)
Shazbut wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 3:49 am Which wall? I looks!

Shazbut, a slimy stinky fun blur of black and white, accelerates towards the prison wall, his mind wondering which wall.
"South wall! Red Sable in pursuit eastbound on Geraci Street!"
Shazbut's ears perk up at the radio transmission. A smirk spreads across his face. Details are importante! Yet he takes the momentary confusion in his stride.

South wall, eh? he sounds playful. Challenge accepted!

The Skunkster turns on a dime, his slick slimy form twisting and turning as he reverses direction. The city block, a blur of buildings, streets, smoke, fire and helicopter remnants, seem to warp around him as he accelerates towards the south wall.

He is a blur of black and white, a streak of stench defying the laws of physics. His speed is nothing short of astonishing, his stench is beyond comprehension. The wind whips through his fur, and his little fuzzy legs move faster, a sound that matches the rhythm of his heart.

As he approaches the south wall, he looks for his allies and enemies, and seeks to deal out sweet sweet justice as previously described.
Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Tom Cassidy »

Perception: 1d100<69: [29*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [12] = 12 / 1d100: [28] = 28
Initiative: 1d20-1: [13]-1 = 12
APM: Currently 5 (normally 7; -1 for body armor and -1 for flight disc)

- Force Field SDC: 3,000/3,900
- Giant Force Construct Left Hand: 300/300 SDC, 74.25 minutes remaining
- Giant Force Construct Right Hand: 300/300 SDC, 74.25 minutes remaining
- Force Field Body Armor: 300/300 SDC, 47.25 minutes remaining
- Flying Force Disc: 319/390 SDC, 450mph max
CHIMERA wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:57 pmBarricade approached an errant helicopter expecting to quickly 'redirect' it. Instead he got a firefight of his own.

He maneuvers closer to the helicopter while keeping his energy shield up. It absorbs the brunt of the damage from machine guns, but the energy platform continues to catch stray bullets (-21 S.D.C.). Barricade strafes to the chopper's right rail and throws his whip on its landing skid. He can see the pilot, a young Black woman wearing a bodysuit emblazoned with a A. She tries to make a hard turn but ends up right into Maia's now fully grown fist. Caught on both ends by a superhero, she tightens her grip on the pitchstick and then fires two rockets on Maia (-60 S.D.C.).

The enraged plant gestalt squeezes the cockpit of the helicopter, crushing it like a paper cup. Thankfully(?), the pilot is able to escape. Leaping off the left side of the helicopter towards the building facing the jail.
Barricade winces slightly as Maia takes the brunt of the rogue chopper's rocket attack, but at least it seems like it doesn't have an effect on her in the least. About like me at the moment, he notes to himself with a snort. I'M HELPING!

Seeing the pilot jump out of the helicopter, however, he's determined to be of some use on this mission. "Uh-oh, time for the ol' tip drill..." he mutters under his breath as he reaches out to catch the pilot. Knowing that most people wouldn't jump out of a helicopter while it's up in the air without some backup means of flight (or at least surviving the fall) he keeps an eye on the pilot's trajectory to ensure a proper interception.
Dawn Breaker wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 1:49 pm"Dawn Breaker here, Be advised we have two potential escapees as well. they went over the wall. Red sable is after them now I think."
Red Sable wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:14 am"South wall! Red Sable in pursuit eastbound on Geraci Street!"
The falling/flying pilot is Barricade's top priority, but if he manages to capture her he'll turn his attention to the pursuit and try to grab the escaping inmate as well.
Combat Tomfoolery
Note: critical strike on nat 19-20

1.) Catch/grab pilot. Strike: 1d20+1: [3]+1 = 4
2.) Catch/grab pilot. Strike: 1d20+1: [6]+1 = 7
3.) Catch/grab pilot. Strike: 1d20+1: [1]+1 = 2
4.) Catch/grab pilot. Strike: 1d20+1: [8]+1 = 9
5.) Catch/grab pilot. Strike: 1d20+1: [5]+1 = 6

If he manages to grab the pilot at any time, he'll zoom after the escapee and try to do the same.

Parrying as needed with Energy Shield: 1d20+9: [14]+9 = 23 , 1d20+9: [15]+9 = 24 , 1d20+9: [10]+9 = 19 , 1d20+9: [18]+9 = 27 , 1d20+9: [20]+9 = 29
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Steiblah »

((rolls carried over))
Shazbut wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:14 pm
Red Sable wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:14 am (Rolls carried)
Shazbut wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 3:49 am Which wall? I looks!

Shazbut, a slimy stinky fun blur of black and white, accelerates towards the prison wall, his mind wondering which wall.
"South wall! Red Sable in pursuit eastbound on Geraci Street!"
South wall, eh? he sounds playful. Challenge accepted!
So the breakout is technically still not contained. Steiblah thinks as he hears his teammates chirp on the radio about escapees.

"Given my current position, I will try to maintain a southern border perimeter." Steve offers over the comms.

Assuming his attempts to give himself a flying insect mount are successful, he will take to the air and try to maintain an overwatch from his south-side position.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by CHIMERA »

Act III: 19-2000
Willingham District Courthouse and Jail, 2530 S Calfinch Ave, Willingham, Century Station
Date: Thursday, April 23rd, 2043
Time: 1:36 pm
Weather: Sunny afternoon (66 degrees Fahrenheit)

Butcher's Bill
Barricade: -71 S.D.C. to flying disc
Dawn Breaker: -5 S.D.C. Omega suit
Edison: - 60 S.D.C. to Mark II armor
Lenok: -100 S.D.C. Omega suit; -11 S.D.C.
Maia: -60 S.D.C.
Sinner-G: -5 S.D.C. superhero costume

The Omegas have largely contained the scene around the Willingham Jail. With a forceful shoulder check, Shazbut has contained the sniper. Edison deactivates his drone and approaches the sniper as well. He kicks the gun away from the sniper's hand and then opens up his trench coat. Underneath, Edison sees something equally terrifying and inspiring: a home-made sonic cannon with a rocket launcher attachment; there is also a sniper rifle with a collapsible barrel. Edison tells Shazbut that he has the situation under control and then proceeds to disarm and handcuff the sniper with no resistence.

Shazbut rushes across the street towards the jail. As he does so, he sees Maia forcefully subdue the other architect of this jail break. She casually flings the wrecked helicopter towards the jail. With a flat thud, the wreckage lands right in the gap in the wall. While that is happening, the pilot falls to the ground. Barricade dives to catch her, but misses her. Thankfully Maia is able to put a crystal casing around her that breaks her fall. Barricade lands next to her and handcuffs her.

With the hole in the jail wall plugged by the helicopter, Shaz cannot go in to help contain the scene there. Then again, he doesn't need to. Dawn Breaker and Sinner-G have the prisoners peacefully contained, more or less. The fires near the hole in the jail itself have been put out by a few prisoners with fire extinguishers.
wrote:"Willingham district jail, This is Agent Dawn Breaker of Sector 10 and the omega's. we have your prisoners in the yard. let us know when we can send them back in and where you want them, Dawn Breaker out"
"Roger that, Dawn Breaker," a voice on the radio chimes in, "We will advise emergency responders that the scene is secure and they can approach. Backup is on its way."

So Shazbut looks down the street where he sees Steiblah riding a fairly large ant, think the size of a Shetland pony, back towards the others. But then Steiblah makes a sharp turn to his left. Curious, Shazbut follows after him. Down the street, they see Red Sable.

While Dawn and Sinner stayed with the prisoners in the jail yard, Red chased after two that tried to make a run for it. After taking the first one down, she vaults herself over the wall. It's not a clean leap, and she stumbles on the landing. After notifying the team she is in pursuit, Red scrambles up and chases after the fleeing criminal. When she gets close, she slide tackles him, taking him to the ground. She then goes to pin him, but he dodges and responds with a swift kick to her her head. Red deflects it, grabbing his leg and twisting him to the ground.

Jailbreak 5.jpg
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Shazbut »

JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 , 1d100: [16] = 16
Perception: 70% / 1d100: [48] = 48 (SUCCESS)

  • Mimic active: no
  • Conditions: Slime Generation - coated with slime going up this round.
  • Passive Abilities
    • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
    • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
    • Immune to horrific nauseating scents.
    • Superior vision about five times better than normal humans, which means an 18 inch sign can be read a mile away.
    • Nightvision - 500 feet (152.4 m).
    • Can see ultraviolet light.
    • Radiates low levels of radiation.
  • H.P.: 28/28
  • S.D.C.: 268/268
  • A.R.: 17 (Omega Suit), 10 (Void Form)
  • Omega Suit S.D.C by location: Arms 90/90 each, Legs: 100 each, Main Body: 250, *Body Camera: 15

Shazbut, his eyes scanning the scene, spots the commotion unfolding just south of the prison. Ooh Red Sable doing the hand-to-hand combat with an escaped prisoner! Where the other one?

A thrill of excitement courses through the little skunk. He wishes he had some popcorn to watch the fistfight! He ooh's as Red Sable executes a flawless slide tackle, and aah's when the prisoner executes swift kick that would have sent most opponents reeling. Oh but not Red Sable! Go Go!

Though this is a fight worthy of his admiration, he can't stand idly by. With a possible second prisoner still on the loose (if he was caught it might not have been announced yet) he gets to work. With a burst of speed, he moves south of the fistfight, and looks for any other badguys.

Is there another escaper? Some badguys coming to help? A getaway car?

If no other threats present themselves, he asks Red Sable, "You need some helping?" He is so far keeping his distance so his stinky goodness doesn't incapacitate poor Red Sable.

If Red Sable doesn't want help, he enjoys the show. If the badguys seeks to break away and run, Shazbut naturally moves to intercept. His slimy skin may cause the poor man to lose his lunch.

If Red Sable desires aid, the skunk points at the naughty escapee and shouts with his Vocalisation -
Power of Command: Once per minute (every fourth melee round), can issue a single, simple command, with no more than two words. Everyone who hears and fails their saving throw (12 or higher), must comply for the next 1D4+1 melee actions/attacks (6-12 seconds). Note: Commands that encourage violence, violence on others, self-destruction , or suicide, do NOT work.
Range: 100 foot radius (30.5 m) of the speaker.
Duration: 1D4+1 melee actions/attacks.
Damage: None, just issues a simple command.
Attacks per Melee: Two melee actions and may only be used once every 60 seconds.
Saving Throw: 12 or higher (M.E. bonuses applicable) means the person(s) does NOT have to obey the command. Furthermore, characters with an M.E. of 24 or higher and characters with mind control abilities of their own are immune. Master psychics need only roll a 10 or higher to save.
- "Badguy Surrender!"

APM: 14

Initiative (+20): 1d20+20: [20]+20 = 40

Action 1: Zip to south of fight and look for other badguys
Action 2: Looking looking!
Action 3: ask Red Sable, "You need some helping?"
Action 4: Voice of Command attack, "Badguy Surrender!"
Action 5: Shoot a
Each Sticky Glob is about the size of a softball and spreads out to cover a two foot (0.6 m) area on impact with the target. The sticky balls of super-adhesive will adhere firmly to anyone who is struck or who touches it after it has been expelled (except for the character who created it). Once stuck in a Sticky Glob, freeing the character requires a combined P.S. of 50 (and uses up two melee attacks/actions), or a Supernatural P.S. of 27 or greater to pull the victim free. Otherwise, the victim will have to wait until it dissolves naturally. Trying to shoot through the adhesive to free the victim will not work, and using fire, heat or energy attacks will also see half the damage inflicted to the glob also inflicted to the stuck victim!
, Strike 1d20+11: [17]+11 = 28 at Mr Badguy, sticking his leg to the road. "Naughty!"
Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [74] = 74 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [12] = 12 ; 1d100: [22] = 22
Conditions: None.
Edison Mk. 2: AR: 19; S.D.C.: 350/290; Shield: 200/200
Armored Undersuit: AR: 12; S.D.C.: 40/40
AR-15 w/ Masterkey: Payload: 5.56: 20/8; 12 Gauge: 7/7
MP950 Payload 50/50
Sentry Gun: Payload: 100/97

Paramedic 1d100: [96] = 96 /75% Failure(Check suspect.) Obviously he's very dead.

Edison picks the subdued sniper up and places him sitting leaning against the busted hover truck. "Omega's looks like we're clear, collect up the culprits and begin assisting local response teams." Edsion radios. Edison switches to Barricades channel. "Sniper is loaded for bear, Shazbut knocked him out cold, but we may have lost both hover trucks." Edison says as he begins to police up the disarmed weapons and tosses them in the back of the least damaged vehicle for safety purposes. Once done, Edison goes back to the suspect to look him over. "So what was your little plan here?" Edison asks, not expecting an answer, more just musing to himself. "Obviously you're well informed, because it would take more than a little guesswork to knock Lennok out of the sky with a conventional weapon. I look forward to looking over your hand build sound cannon, looks like some interesting tech." Edison says as he paces about thinking.
“Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero?” ~Dean Winchester
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Dawn Breaker
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Dawn Breaker »

Perception: 1d100: [9] = 9 / 39%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [9] = 9 | 1d100: [63] = 63
Radio Basic 1d100: [37] = 37 / 90%
Radio Basic 1d100: [18] = 18 / 90%
First aid to assist the prisoner if needed 1d100: [96] = 96 /70%

"Nice work on the fires." she says approvingly. Even if it was for their own survival the mutant was going give them encouragement. It might be the thing that helps them find a better way if they needed one. hearing the radio she responds to the Jail staff.
"Roger that, Dawn Breaker," a voice on the radio chimes in, "We will advise emergency responders that the scene is secure and they can approach. Backup is on its way."
"Dawn Breaker here. Understood, Will advise if there are any changes." she responds with a movement of her neck. One the advantages of implanted coms. I have to say for all that bad rep S-10 does have the right tools. the mutant thinks.

""SG, they are sending people now. nice work with keeping them calm for a guy that is not good with people. With any luck the two strays are being taken care of now. ooh ya, the runner by the wall, right. nearly forgot about him. It seems the Plant did block the hole. What is that saying? Be careful what you wish for?" she adds with smirk. Even if it was because she frustrated. But I do know Barricade is a good way to get her out the way. she thinks

"I am going to get the stunned prisoner near the wall." As she does she radios Red and Shaz once out of earshot of the prisoners. Dawn can't have them hear what she was going to say.

"Whoever is rounding up prisoners, Once you get them keep them separate from the rest. They may know something about the escape. We can ask the Jail for their file before we talk to them. Find something to encourage him to talk like a child that we can help him visit or something like that with out the other prisoners knowing. Dawn Breaker out she radios as she nears and checks the stunned prisoner while cuffing him.

She did remember her Trench Warfare training in the company. Like a few others she wondered why even do that. It was explained it never went away, just became less common or visible. As a drone operator it was her role to operate also key. The conflicts in the Ukraine and other places in the world with limited tech still dug trenches. and one of the key rules was make sure an enemy was dead/stunned.

Nearing the prisoner readied to use a stun arrow in hand but put it away. better to give them a weapon. She extends her whip sword to act as a cuff. Once the whip sword does its thing she attempts to put an actual cuff on him. Dawn knew he could be faking it too and readied for a fight just incase.

APM: 6 (5+1)
Initiative: 1d20+2: [13]+2 = 15
1.entangle prisoner Strike: 1d20+6: [6]+6 = 12
2. If entangle misses) Body block/tackle prisoner Strike 1d20+6: [17]+6 = 23 Damage: 2d4: [2, 3] = 5
3. Pin/Incapacitate to put on cuff If trying to cuff a hostile, Strike 1d20+6: [5]+6 = 11
4. Pin/Incapacitate to put on cuff If trying to cuff a hostile, Strike 1d20+6: [20]+6 = 26
5. Cuff Strike 1d20+6: [17]+6 = 23
6. lock/check cuffs
Last edited by Dawn Breaker on Thu Sep 19, 2024 5:35 am, edited 5 times in total.

Current Adaption
- does not suffer from dehydration, heat blisters, sunstroke, fatigue, or discomfort usually associated with extreme heat and sun exposure.
- temperatures up to 1 60 degrees Fahrenheit have no ill effect (feels like a warm Spring day)
- only needs the equivalent of two glasses of water (roughly 1 6 ounces) per 24 hours to function at 1 00%
- Even exposure to temperatures up to 200 degrees inflicts only 20% of its normal damage and penalties.

-APS Merury: An attacker must roll a 16 or higher to strike and inflict damage. All kinetic attacks (punches, bullets, etc. ) that inflict damage (from a roll to a strike of 16 or higher) only do half the damage!
Explosions do only 10% of their normal damage, but any explosive damage greater than 50 points will blow the character apart. However, the super being can reform within 1D6 melee rounds (in under two minutes).

- The skin has a Natural A.R. of 14. An opponent's roll to strike must be 15 or higher to inflict damage. Rolls under 14 may hit but do NO damage.

- Heals at a rate of 1d4 Hit Points or S.D.C. per minute 2d4x10 H.P. or S.D.C. per hour for serious injury (heavy trauma, like the character losing all his S.D.C. and/or half or more of his Hit Points Equal to a doctor's surgical skill of 75%

- Heals twice as quickly as an ordinary human

- if the character fails to save, any disease, illness, poison, toxin, or Bio- Manipulation is at half its normal strength, damage, effect, and duration.
Penalties: These bonuses also apply to saves against good lifesaving chemicals and drugs.

-Hypnotic Mental Conditioning
Impervious to possession.

Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)

Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given:
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Sinner-G »

Perception (56%): 1d100: [16] = 16
JIC (d20/d%): 1d20: [11] = 11 / 1d100: [42] = 42

Gideon may not be able to see, but it sounds like a couple of the heroes are taking care of the escapee. The burning helicopter being dropped in front of the break in the outer wall should discourage anyone headed in that direction, one more problem taken care of.

He looks at Dawn Breaker and then at the prisoners, "It seems like things are generally well in hand, but I have to wonder if the one who got over the wall is the one all this was for, or if he is yet another distraction?"

He thinks, If the person all this was done to help escape did not make it out, the people behind this may try again. If I were doing this, I would have waited on the other side of the wall and traded places with the prisoner and then let myself be captured while the real person breaking out gets away. They would not be expecting my powers, so I could easily escape later.

He says to Dawn Breaker, "They need to to a roll call and head count, and if everyone is accounted for, they need to make sure they have the real person, not a duplicate. This much effort on a breakout, is going to have more than one plan. The one all this was for is actually still here, they will have a way to try again."

To the Prisoners, he says, "The rest of you, your cooperation has been noticed. I feel certain it will help when you go for your next hearings." He would say that better if he understood law. He wishes he was more sure, it is not like fair treatment was always assured.
HP: 44 SDC: 136 Skeleton has a Natural AR of 17 and 2000 SDC
Perception: 56% (+3%),
recognize odors 75%, recognize person by scent 45% track by smell/taste 55% Estimating the distance of the sound at 70% (+5% per level) Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 60% (+5% per level) Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 50% (+5% per level) (- 10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using the ventriloquism and/or impersonation/imitate voice skill), Imitate a voice at 30% (+5% per level)

Heals at a rate of 1d4 HP or SDC per minute, or 2d4*10 HP or SDC per hour for serious injury, Automatic Self-surgery 75%
Number of Attacks: 6, Initiative Bonus: +9, Strike Bonus: +8 (+5 PP bonus), Parry Bonus: +13, Dodge Bonus: +14
Disarm Bonus: --, HTH Damage Bonus: +23, Bonus to Roll w/Punch or Fall: +11, Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8

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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Maia »

JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 , 1d100: [81] = 81
PER: 1d100: [55] = 55 vs. 76%

130/130 SDC remaining; adds natural AR of 15 and +10 to PS/PP/PE, +40 to Spd, +3 strike/parry/dodge, +4 to damage. Takes 1/3 damage from light and laser attacks.
Homeless Person:Sees the super human as a vagabond/transient and probably ignores him altogether.

Maia flinches and roars as the helicopter attacks, but her energy aura holds and she makes sure it doesn’t stay aloft for a second salvo. Acknowledging Barricade’s thanks with a plantlike grunt, Maia nonchalantly chucks the ruins of the helicopter and more-or-less plugs the hole that one of the humans was going on about. Why do they need a physical barrier when they have raw fear? The humans in the building are clearly going nowhere near The Life. She doesn’t particularly care about the runaways, but now that she has surveyed the damage Maia can extrapolate as to what will happen next. She shrinks down to a mere 10 feet tall, and dispels her totem energy aura. Her crystal armor she will keep, but she alters her personal recognition aura to that of a homeless person in the hopes that all the arriving humans will ignore her. She then slips away to go wait by the Omegas’ ride, but keep an alert eye out for the need for any more fighting. Should the prisoners try to escape again she’ll revert her personal recognition and repeat in a growl, ”MEAT. INSIDE.”
Passive abilities: See infrared/ultraviolet (range 450ft.), Life sense (powerful life forms including supernatural, super-powered, magic, major/master psychics, hurt/dying; 1800ft. range).
4/4 healing touches today; 930/930 SDC remaining.
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Red Sable
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Red Sable »

Base -- 39%
  • Bionics:
  • Vision (day or night) -- 59%
  • Hearing -- 59%
  • Motion -- 44%
= 1d100: [92] = 92
JIC: D20= 1d20: [18] = 18 ; %= 1d100: [59] = 59
CHIMERA wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:11 pm Curious, Shazbut follows after him. Down the street, they see Red Sable.

While Dawn and Sinner stayed with the prisoners in the jail yard, Red chased after two that tried to make a run for it. After taking the first one down, she vaults herself over the wall. It's not a clean leap, and she stumbles on the landing. After notifying the team she is in pursuit, Red scrambles up and chases after the fleeing criminal. When she gets close, she slide tackles him, taking him to the ground. She then goes to pin him, but he dodges and responds with a swift kick to her her head. Red deflects it, grabbing his leg and twisting him to the ground.
Having taken the runner down, and her motion sensor confirming there are no inbound cars about to ruin her day, she attempts to detain the target with a leg bar, yanking one of his ankles braced against her stomach and entwining his legs with her shin jammed into his crotch.
Shazbut wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 3:02 pm If no other threats present themselves, he asks Red Sable, "You need some helping?" He is so far keeping his distance so his stinky goodness doesn't incapacitate poor Red Sable.
God I hope not. If I can't handle one loser, that would really suck for my first impression.

"Uhh, keep an eye on traffic," she says instead.

((Assuming the grappling attempts go as intended))

Sable gives the perp a nonplussed look until he stops struggling while she locks his legs up with a P.S. 28. She procures her zip ties from her combat harness with her free hand and holds it out toward Shazbut. "Be a sweetheart and cuff him for me."
  • Action 1: Apply leg-bar while he's down = 1d20+7: [18]+7 = 25
    If he escapes...
  • Action 2: Sweep the leg as he tries to get up. 1d20+9: [9]+9 = 18
  • Action 3: Apply toe-hold = 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18
    If grappling just ain't happening...
  • Action 5-6: Beat em up = 1d20+9: [16]+9 = 25 -- 1d20+9: [6]+9 = 15
    -- Dmg = 1d4+13: [2]+13 = 15 -- 1d4+13: [3]+13 = 16
    • Parries if applicable: 1d20+11: [15]+11 = 26 -- 1d20+11: [15]+11 = 26 -- 1d20+11: [5]+11 = 16 -- 1d20+11: [17]+11 = 28 -- 1d20+11: [4]+11 = 15 -- 1d20+11: [19]+11 = 30
    • Reserve 2 actions for dodges if something incoming is more urgent: 1d20+15: [13]+15 = 28 -- 1d20+15: [16]+15 = 31
Last edited by Red Sable on Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Character Sheet:

Red = Bionics
I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 19
P.S.: 16 (28)
P.P.: 13 (26)
P.E.: 23
P.B.: 12 (up to 24 depending on Disguise roll)
Speed: 20 (88)

Carry: 560 lbs -- Lift: 1,120 lbs (.5 tons)
Encumbrance: 150 lbs
Standing Jump: 20' x 8.5' (+2'x.5')
Running Jump: 58' x 31.5' (+2' x .5')

HP: 29
SDC: 75
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs (250 lbs)

HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 6
Initiative Bonus: +3
Strike Bonus: +6 (+9 unarmed)
Parry Bonus: +9 (+14 unarmed)
Dodge Bonus: +15
Disarm Bonus: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: +13
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +10
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3

Weapon Proficiencies
W.P. Blunt - +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
W.P. Paired Weapons (see RUE p. 327)
W.P. Targeting - +1 to strike at levels, 1, 3, 7, and 10.

Modern Weapons
W.P. Handguns - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Sub-Machine Gun - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
W.P. Energy Pistol - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 16%
Toxins (15+): +4
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies):
Omega Suit
AR: 17
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Bespoke Armored Seal Suit
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 20 each
  • Legs: 30 each
  • Main Body: 70
Features: The suit forms seals at the cuffs and collar.

Glock w/ TI .50 ACE mod
  • Range: 165'
  • Damage: 6D6 (Explosive = 8D6)
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 15 round magazine
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Handguns, 9mm Parabellum cartridge, Laser Targeting (1,200'); fits on pistols & revolvers only
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on aimed shots
  • Book Reference: Century Station

Polycarbonate Knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight: 1 lb

Nightstick (2)
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight: 1 lb

Pepper Gas/Spray
  • Range: 6 feet
  • Damage: No damage.
  • Penalties: -10 to Strike, Parry and Dodge for 5D4 Minutes.
  • Saving Throw: None.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only.
  • Payload: 35 shots.
  • Weight: 0.5 oz
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Tom Cassidy
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Tom Cassidy »

Perception: 1d100<69: [3*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 / 1d100: [47] = 47
Initiative: 1d20-1: [13]-1 = 12
APM: Currently 6 (normally 7; -1 for body armor)

- Force Field SDC: 3,000/3,900
- Giant Force Construct Left Hand: 300/300 SDC, 74 minutes remaining
- Giant Force Construct Right Hand: 300/300 SDC, 74 minutes remaining
- Force Field Body Armor: 300/300 SDC, 47 minutes remaining
CHIMERA wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:11 pmShazbut rushes across the street towards the jail. As he does so, he sees Maia forcefully subdue the other architect of this jail break. She casually flings the wrecked helicopter towards the jail. With a flat thud, the wreckage lands right in the gap in the wall. While that is happening, the pilot falls to the ground. Barricade dives to catch her, but misses her. Thankfully Maia is able to put a crystal casing around her that breaks her fall. Barricade lands next to her and handcuffs her.
Wow, you're just being freakin' useless all over the place today... Barricade thinks to himself as he cancels his flight disc and drops to the ground. Using his giant energy hands to restrain the pilot, he handcuffs her and pulls out his Miranda Rights card to read her the spiel.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense. You are now under arrest."

Alright, Hardcase, I did it by the book like you said. Again. Hope you're happy.
CHIMERA wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:11 pm
wrote:"Willingham district jail, This is Agent Dawn Breaker of Sector 10 and the omega's. we have your prisoners in the yard. let us know when we can send them back in and where you want them, Dawn Breaker out"
"Roger that, Dawn Breaker," a voice on the radio chimes in, "We will advise emergency responders that the scene is secure and they can approach. Backup is on its way."
Edison wrote: Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:52 am"Omega's looks like we're clear, collect up the culprits and begin assisting local response teams."

"Roger that," Barricade responds. "Alright folks, sound off -- what's your status, do you have any prisoners, and do you have any wounded? And does anyone have eyes on Lenok?"

If any of the others need their prisoners/wounded airlifted into the jail yard, Barricade will hop on a fresh flight disc and bring them in. Otherwise he'll seek out Dawn's new friend. I don't know if he looks more like a kid's action figure or a stuntman who jumps his motorcycle over a line of beer trucks... he muses as he lays eyes on him for the first time. Not that anyone who ever wore an SLJ uniform has any room to talk... he adds with a slight internal shudder.

"You must be our Good Samaritan," he says with a grin. "The handle's Barricade -- who might you be?" He offers his hand to shake. "We appreciate the assist. You in the neighborhood for a specific reason, or just out for fun?"
Edison, Private Channel wrote: Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:52 am"Sniper is loaded for bear, Shazbut knocked him out cold, but we may have lost both hover trucks."
"Kinda confirms that 'Boris' was the target and they knew we'd respond, wouldn't you say?" Barricade replies back on the private channel. "Chopper pilot's wearing a big 'A' on her outfit -- I'd bet a jelly donut that stands for 'Archimedes' and either Boris is the guy himself or he's very close to him. Either way keep your guard up; I have a feeling we're not out of the woods just yet."
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Steiblah »

Perception: d%: [92] = 92 | 81%
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 | d%: [56] = 56
Steiblah Character Sheet
  • Nightvision 120 ft, keen normal vision, see the invisible
  • Turn into mist at will
  • Track by smell 45% (+15% to track a blood scent)
  • Dimensional teleport 51%
  • Bio-regenerates 3d6 MDC (HP or SDC) per melee round
  • Resistant to cold (half damage); impervious to toxic gases, heat, and fire (plasma/MD/magic fire does half damage)
  • Self and up to 300 additional pounds up to five miles away at will, 73%+3%/level
  • Magically speaks and understands all languages at 98%
  • Can shape change into any living creature, intelligent or animal, as long as it is no smaller than one foot and no larger than 10 feet. Impersonation skill is 96% if the subject is in her presence, 82% if very familiar with the individual or working from photos/video, 40% if working from memory and with little personal knowledge of the subject. The Raksasha may use her shapechanging abilities to alter or improve the disguise at any time.
  • 94% if the Raksasha is very familiar with the individual, 80% if working from a good sound recording, 30% if working from memory or with little knowledge of the subject.
  • Silver weapons do equivalent MD. In SDC worlds: Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage.
    • Increased Range by 50%: All the ranges of super powers, psionics, magic, senses (even mundane ones) receive the +50%
    • Increased S.D.C. by 50%
    • Increased ISP by 50%:
      plus recovers 9 per hour of meditation, 3 per hour of rest/sleep
    • Increased PPE by 50%: plus recovers 15 per hour of meditation, 8 per hour of rest
    • Increased Healing: rolled 2+1=3. x3 multiplier
    • Incredible ISP Recovery [Mega Psi Power]: recovers ISP at 6 per minute of meditation or rest, 1 per minute of activity.
    • Achilles Heel: Extremely Bound to Good Karma Needs to act according to good karma (GM discretion). Without the aid of good karma, the hero has all combat bonuses reduced in half, loses one attack, and skills are -35%.

  • PPE: 850/900
    ISP: 980/1050
    HP: 78/78 +5 (SoM)
    SDC: 45/45
    Natural AR: 10
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +28% (SoM)
Toxins (15+): +10 +2(SoM)
Magic (varies): +11 +2(SoM)
Lethal Poison (14+): +10 +2(SoM)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +10 +2(SoM)
Insanity (12+): +7
Psionics (10+): +7
HF: +12
Possession: +2 (additional)
+4 to all other saving throws

Image Steven Resch, human psi-healer.

    • Presents as level 2.
    • No alignment alteration.
    • Psychic ability: Show ISP level to be lower, ~50-100 total ISP.
    • Conceal amount of base PPE. Only 1-2 points.
    • Conceal the presence of magic.
    • Attributes appear to be 1/2 of what they really are.
    2hrs 13.75 min.
  • Enhanced Perception. 3.50 min. +15% Perception, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +10% to any skill that relies on basic senses. +50% to all natural senses.
  • Enhanced Reflexes 8.50 min [+1 APM, +3 init, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +2 to PP, +15% physical skills]
  • Mind's Eye 8.50 min [+3 init, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge]
  • Strength of Mind 8.50 min [+10 PS, +5 PE, +20 SDC]
  • Summon Inner Strength 48.50 min [+10 SDC, +2 save vs poison, +5% save vs coma/death]
  • Telepathy: Superior 8.50 min
  • Empathic Charisma 23.50 min [MA +1d4+2, PB +2, trust/intimidate/charm/impress 85% minimum]
Coming upon Red wrestling to the ground one of the prison escapees, Steve pats the thorax of his ant-mount and urges it to come to a stop.

Don't think I need to get involved in the physical subduing of that individual. Seems she has it well in hand. Steve thinks while soothingly running a hand along the ant's side.
Red Sable wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 5:04 am"Uhh, keep an eye on traffic," she says instead.
"I believe there is a police cordon in place, but I will help keep an eye out also." Steve helpfully offers as Red Sable and Shazbut sort out duties.

Not seeing much in the way of incoming trouble, another thought occurs to Steiblah. That they are collectively handling the situation, but don't have much of an idea as to why the situation is happening. While (hopefully) the escapee is busy trying to wriggle free from his bionic colleague, Steiblah will peer into their mind with his superior telepathy. Uncertain of how much time he has for the task, he forgoes on some of the subtleties. Instead of just skimming what is on the surface of his thoughts, he immediately delves deep into the issue of this prison break and tries to pry whatever thoughts they have on either it ((victim rolls save vs psi. If fails, Steiblah can read thoughts on whatever subject he wants. See/hear parts of memories of victim. d%: [44] = 44 | 58%)).
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Sinner-G »

Tom Cassidy wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:37 pm
If any of the others need their prisoners/wounded airlifted into the jail yard, Barricade will hop on a fresh flight disc and bring them in. Otherwise he'll seek out Dawn's new friend. I don't know if he looks more like a kid's action figure or a stuntman who jumps his motorcycle over a line of beer trucks... he muses as he lays eyes on him for the first time. Not that anyone who ever wore an SLJ uniform has any room to talk... he adds with a slight internal shudder.

"You must be our Good Samaritan," he says with a grin. "The handle's Barricade -- who might you be?" He offers his hand to shake. "We appreciate the assist. You in the neighborhood for a specific reason, or just out for fun?"
Gideon comments, "Well, if you ask the ones who designed the uniform, I might be Private Prototype. You may be able to find advertising somewhere with that name on it, as they were using me as a Prototype for a new kind of Super Soldier they planned to sell to the highest bidder. I did not like the idea of them using me to potentially sell the process to our enemies, so I ran away. I call myself Sinner-G because they called the process that made me S. A. I. N. T., it seemed suitable irony. I came Here, to Century station, because it seemed the best place for a new super to hang out. As to this specific area, it was a coincidence, I was simple learning the layout of the city and was nearby when I heard the explosion."

Best to start off with the truth, they are bound to check him out, so they will find out the Corp version of his history soon enough.
HP: 44 SDC: 136 Skeleton has a Natural AR of 17 and 2000 SDC
Perception: 56% (+3%),
recognize odors 75%, recognize person by scent 45% track by smell/taste 55% Estimating the distance of the sound at 70% (+5% per level) Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 60% (+5% per level) Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 50% (+5% per level) (- 10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using the ventriloquism and/or impersonation/imitate voice skill), Imitate a voice at 30% (+5% per level)

Heals at a rate of 1d4 HP or SDC per minute, or 2d4*10 HP or SDC per hour for serious injury, Automatic Self-surgery 75%
Number of Attacks: 6, Initiative Bonus: +9, Strike Bonus: +8 (+5 PP bonus), Parry Bonus: +13, Dodge Bonus: +14
Disarm Bonus: --, HTH Damage Bonus: +23, Bonus to Roll w/Punch or Fall: +11, Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8

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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Shazbut »

(Rolls carried))
Red Sable wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 5:04 am"Uhh, keep an eye on traffic," she says instead.
Steiblah wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:34 am "I believe there is a police cordon in place, but I will help keep an eye out also." Steve helpfully offers as Red Sable and Shazbut sort out duties.
"Traffic control? Me?" he echoes, a hint of disbelief in his tone.

If there are no cars, he glances around, his eyes scanning the deserted streets. Where are the cars? Where is the traffic? He turns to Steiblah, a silent question in his eyes, and chuckles.

"Looks like Maia already got that chopper to land. I sees it on my way here. Pretty smooth landing, if you ask me."

, Shazbut does so in his own skunky style. With a little jiggle and dance thrown in.
Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by CHIMERA »

Act III: 19-2000
Willingham District Courthouse and Jail, 2530 S Calfinch Ave, Willingham, Century Station
Date: Thursday, April 23rd, 2043
Time: 1:39 pm
Weather: Sunny afternoon (66 degrees Fahrenheit)

Butcher's Bill
Barricade: -71 S.D.C. to flying disc
Dawn Breaker: -5 S.D.C. Omega suit
Edison: - 60 S.D.C. to Mark II armor
Lenok: -100 S.D.C. Omega suit; -11 S.D.C.
Maia: -60 S.D.C.
Sinner-G: -5 S.D.C. superhero costume

The Omegas have taken down the people that organized the jail break and mostly contained the prisoners in the jail itself. The only exception is the one prisoner to leap over the jail's wall using an improvised ladder. (Come to think of it, that makes it sound like this guy was planning for a jail break.) Red Sable chases after him and successfully tackles him and then pins him using a leg lock.

Shazbut gives Red the space to do her thing. And once the escapee stops resisting arrest, she is able to zip tie him. Steiblah pulls up on his giant ant to probe the man's mind. He immediately gets the basics of the individual: his name is Boris Geckle and he was just arrested by Barricade and the Bravo Boys. Boris has spent the past week waiting for his friends, Hairtrigger and Archimedes, to break him out. They had sent him a message through a crooked prions guard (he didn't know the man's name or see his face, just a note on his meal tray), to be ready. He could only assume that they found out how he had been arrested and that they would specifically prepared for the Omegas.

Over at the prison, Maia shows up to order everyone back in. The prisoners that Red Sable didn't incapacitate quietly file back through the hole in the jail. Inside she can see the prison guards are all unharmed and picking up the debris.

And with that, the Omegas have secured the jail. Edison handcuffs and reads the sniper his rights before checking in with the rest of the team. Everyone comes back with the all clear. Barricade checks in to share some sharp deductions he has made about the identity of the helicopter pilot, which matches with what Steiblah picked up from Boris's memories. (Someone get the man a jelly donut.)

Barricade joins the others in the jail yard and introduces himself to Sinner-G. As he meets the Omega's new prospect he sees another team member depart. An irate Lenok flies off without checking in on the others.

A voice chimes in on the team's radio band: "Omegas, this is Trent. Ambulances and police backup are on their way to clean things up. Be ready to head home."

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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Shazbut »

JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 , 1d100: [40] = 40
Perception: 70% / 1d100: [95] = 95 (FAIL)

  • Mimic active: no
  • Conditions: None
  • Passive Abilities
    • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
    • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
    • Immune to horrific nauseating scents.
    • Superior vision about five times better than normal humans, which means an 18 inch sign can be read a mile away.
    • Nightvision - 500 feet (152.4 m).
    • Can see ultraviolet light.
    • Radiates low levels of radiation.
  • H.P.: 28/28
  • S.D.C.: 268/268
  • A.R.: 17 (Omega Suit), 10 (Void Form)
  • Omega Suit S.D.C by location: Arms 90/90 each, Legs: 100 each, Main Body: 250, *Body Camera: 15

Shazbut watches as the last of the escaped prisoners are apprehended. A sense of satisfaction washes over him and his skunky heart swells with pride.

We got them all! Woohoo!

He decides it's time to end his stench-production, and so reverses the process. The green goo that slicks his fur recedes, and soon enough the slime is gone, although there's a slightly sticky residue leftover that he shakes off. His fur returns to its natural black and white pattern, and the victorious skunk is ready to mingle and strut without making his fellow heroes fall into bouts of projectile vomiting.

As he looks about, his eyes fall upon the captured sniper, his face obscured by those sexy red goggles. Oohh I never see goggles like that before. Then a horrible thought occurs to him. He imagines Edison's face getting remelted by
coming from the sniper's eyes. Maybe dangerous?

With a quick movement, Shazbut zips over and snatches the goggles from the sniper's face. Once there's no risk of Edison getting blasted he relaxes, and examines them closely. His curiosity is quite piqued by the fashion accessory. "Hey, Edison," he asks the high-tech whiz whilst waving the goggles in the air. "What do you think about these? I wonder what they do. I read a comic once where a man with red glasses shot lasers out of his eyes."

Shazbut holds the goggles up to the light, turning them over in his hands. He imagines himself wearing them, patrolling the city with a newfound sense of cool! The possibilities are endless.

"Are they dangerous? Cool?"

He puts them on to see how charming and impressive he looks in them. "Or maybe both! Dangerously cool! You like?" He grins charmingly.

Charm/Impress 80%: 1d100: [30] = 30 (SUCCESS)

Contingency: If Edison has already pulled the goggles (I didn't spot that, but I may have missed it) Shazbut does the same as above, but instead conjures up illusionary red shades mimicking the originals.

Contingency: If Edison wants the goggles, Shazbut happily hands them over without hesitation. Shazbut is not a greedy thing, he craves only music and apple pie.
Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Red Sable »

Red Sable hands Boris off to the jail once they reach a point of semi-organization. "Here ya go."

Outwardly, she's all professional. Inwardly, she's pretty stoked about her performance. She notes Lenok's departure with a squint, wondering what that's all about.

She quietly makes her way over to (what she assumes to be) the others gathered near Barricade and Sinner-G. She hovers in the background and simply but politely acknowledges him with a masked chin and a, "Hey."
Character Sheet:

Red = Bionics
I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 19
P.S.: 16 (28)
P.P.: 13 (26)
P.E.: 23
P.B.: 12 (up to 24 depending on Disguise roll)
Speed: 20 (88)

Carry: 560 lbs -- Lift: 1,120 lbs (.5 tons)
Encumbrance: 150 lbs
Standing Jump: 20' x 8.5' (+2'x.5')
Running Jump: 58' x 31.5' (+2' x .5')

HP: 29
SDC: 75
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155 lbs (250 lbs)

HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 6
Initiative Bonus: +3
Strike Bonus: +6 (+9 unarmed)
Parry Bonus: +9 (+14 unarmed)
Dodge Bonus: +15
Disarm Bonus: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: +13
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +10
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +3

Weapon Proficiencies
W.P. Blunt - +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
W.P. Paired Weapons (see RUE p. 327)
W.P. Targeting - +1 to strike at levels, 1, 3, 7, and 10.

Modern Weapons
W.P. Handguns - +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Sub-Machine Gun - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
W.P. Energy Pistol - +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 16%
Toxins (15+): +4
Magic (varies): +4
Lethal Poison (14+): +4
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +4
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies):
Omega Suit
AR: 17
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 90 each
  • Legs: 100 each
  • Main Body: 250
  • *Body Camera: 15

Bespoke Armored Seal Suit
S.D.C. by Location:
  • Arms: 20 each
  • Legs: 30 each
  • Main Body: 70
Features: The suit forms seals at the cuffs and collar.

Glock w/ TI .50 ACE mod
  • Range: 165'
  • Damage: 6D6 (Explosive = 8D6)
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 15 round magazine
  • Weight: 1.5 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Handguns, 9mm Parabellum cartridge, Laser Targeting (1,200'); fits on pistols & revolvers only
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on aimed shots
  • Book Reference: Century Station

Polycarbonate Knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight: 1 lb

Nightstick (2)
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight: 1 lb

Pepper Gas/Spray
  • Range: 6 feet
  • Damage: No damage.
  • Penalties: -10 to Strike, Parry and Dodge for 5D4 Minutes.
  • Saving Throw: None.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only.
  • Payload: 35 shots.
  • Weight: 0.5 oz
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Steiblah »

Perception: d%: [16] = 16 | 81%
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 | d%: [28] = 28
Steiblah Character Sheet
  • Nightvision 120 ft, keen normal vision, see the invisible
  • Turn into mist at will
  • Track by smell 45% (+15% to track a blood scent)
  • Dimensional teleport 51%
  • Bio-regenerates 3d6 MDC (HP or SDC) per melee round
  • Resistant to cold (half damage); impervious to toxic gases, heat, and fire (plasma/MD/magic fire does half damage)
  • Self and up to 300 additional pounds up to five miles away at will, 73%+3%/level
  • Magically speaks and understands all languages at 98%
  • Can shape change into any living creature, intelligent or animal, as long as it is no smaller than one foot and no larger than 10 feet. Impersonation skill is 96% if the subject is in her presence, 82% if very familiar with the individual or working from photos/video, 40% if working from memory and with little personal knowledge of the subject. The Raksasha may use her shapechanging abilities to alter or improve the disguise at any time.
  • 94% if the Raksasha is very familiar with the individual, 80% if working from a good sound recording, 30% if working from memory or with little knowledge of the subject.
  • Silver weapons do equivalent MD. In SDC worlds: Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage.
    • Increased Range by 50%: All the ranges of super powers, psionics, magic, senses (even mundane ones) receive the +50%
    • Increased S.D.C. by 50%
    • Increased ISP by 50%:
      plus recovers 9 per hour of meditation, 3 per hour of rest/sleep
    • Increased PPE by 50%: plus recovers 15 per hour of meditation, 8 per hour of rest
    • Increased Healing: rolled 2+1=3. x3 multiplier
    • Incredible ISP Recovery [Mega Psi Power]: recovers ISP at 6 per minute of meditation or rest, 1 per minute of activity.
    • Achilles Heel: Extremely Bound to Good Karma Needs to act according to good karma (GM discretion). Without the aid of good karma, the hero has all combat bonuses reduced in half, loses one attack, and skills are -35%.

  • PPE: 850/900
    ISP: 983/1050
    HP: 78/78 +5 (SoM)
    SDC: 45/45
    Natural AR: 10
Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: +28% (SoM)
Toxins (15+): +10 +2(SoM)
Magic (varies): +11 +2(SoM)
Lethal Poison (14+): +10 +2(SoM)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +10 +2(SoM)
Insanity (12+): +7
Psionics (10+): +7
HF: +12
Possession: +2 (additional)
+4 to all other saving throws

Image Steven Resch, human psi-healer.

    • Presents as level 2.
    • No alignment alteration.
    • Psychic ability: Show ISP level to be lower, ~50-100 total ISP.
    • Conceal amount of base PPE. Only 1-2 points.
    • Conceal the presence of magic.
    • Attributes appear to be 1/2 of what they really are.
    2hrs 10.75 min.
  • Enhanced Perception. 0.50 min. +15% Perception, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +10% to any skill that relies on basic senses. +50% to all natural senses.
  • Enhanced Reflexes 5.50 min [+1 APM, +3 init, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +2 to PP, +15% physical skills]
  • Mind's Eye 5.50 min [+3 init, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge]
  • Strength of Mind 5.50 min [+10 PS, +5 PE, +20 SDC]
  • Summon Inner Strength 45.50 min [+10 SDC, +2 save vs poison, +5% save vs coma/death]
  • Telepathy: Superior 5.50 min
  • Empathic Charisma 20.50 min [MA +1d4+2, PB +2, trust/intimidate/charm/impress 85% minimum]
  • Monster Insect (ant: giant). 27.00 min.
CHIMERA wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2024 5:46 pmA voice chimes in on the team's radio band: "Omegas, this is Trent. Ambulances and police backup are on their way to clean things up. Be ready to head home."
Steve keys his throat mic in response, "Unless we want an encore performance of this breakout in the future, I believe we need to speak with the Warden first about a potential compromise in their personnel staffing. A crooked prison guard slipped Boris Geckle a note in his meal tray letting him know about his friends', Hairtrigger and Archimedes, intention to break him out. And even though the information is a week old, perhaps if Boris made the mistake of keeping that note hidden somewhere in his cell, that clue could lead us to find out who the compromised guard is."

Or maybe I should just delve into Boris' mind now for the whereabouts of the note.

Assuming Boris had failed his save previously, which allowed him to read the escapee's thoughts, Steiblah returns to the well and tries to pull out the whereabouts of the meal tray note. Inwardly, he hopes that it is still attainable somewhere. And if Boris mentally gives up its location, Steve will head off to go gather it.

If he gets his hands on the note, he will settle in to perform an object read ((Object Read. -6 ISP. 2d6: [6, 5] = 11 min. Impressions: d%: [54] = 54 | 68%. Images: d%: [17] = 17 | 60%. Present: d%: [9] = 9 | 50%.)) to try to get information about the owner prior to Boris... Which would presumably be the crooked guard.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Dawn Breaker »

Perception: 1d100: [75] = 75 /39%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [12] = 12 | 1d100: [76] = 76
Stieblah wrote: "Unless we want an encore performance of this breakout in the future, I believe we need to speak with the Warden first about a potential compromise in their personnel staffing. A crooked prison guard slipped Boris Geckle a note in his meal tray letting him know about his friends', Hairtrigger and Archimedes, intention to break him out. And even though the information is a week old, perhaps if Boris made the mistake of keeping that note hidden somewhere in his cell, that clue could lead us to find out who the compromised guard is."
Those names ring a bell
Intelligence 1d100: [15] = 15 /64%
and it was way too many coincidences to be random and I am sure the prison does not have Blanket crafting day much less lets them make ladders with them. That confirms my guess this was planned and saves me locating the names. Can't go through Chimera easily. but I do have another resource.
she thinks and dials up her flip phone and calls S-10.

"I have a call to make in private. I'll be right back. Oh and Omega's this is Sinner G. Sinner G, this the Omega's. I will be right back." She smirks as she goes to find a quiet spot away from the group and then messages the following to Blade with her flip phone. They are already touchy about S-10. but I can't waste a resource.

Message on her S-10 untraceable phone:
"Boris Geckle, Hairtrigger and Archimedes were just snagged by the omegas. we can attempt to recruit the Workshop I think. One of the omega's wants to find out which guard got the message to Geckle inside the prison. Not a bad idea, we can use the guard as a source or take him in for interrogation as situation allows. By getting the prisons last week or so of footage from the cell area that Geckle was in should be doable because the guard delivered the message. If you can get me the files on all three workshop team members I would appreciate that. she pauses deciding if she should call or risk being overheard.
Last edited by Dawn Breaker on Fri Oct 04, 2024 12:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Current Adaption
- does not suffer from dehydration, heat blisters, sunstroke, fatigue, or discomfort usually associated with extreme heat and sun exposure.
- temperatures up to 1 60 degrees Fahrenheit have no ill effect (feels like a warm Spring day)
- only needs the equivalent of two glasses of water (roughly 1 6 ounces) per 24 hours to function at 1 00%
- Even exposure to temperatures up to 200 degrees inflicts only 20% of its normal damage and penalties.

-APS Merury: An attacker must roll a 16 or higher to strike and inflict damage. All kinetic attacks (punches, bullets, etc. ) that inflict damage (from a roll to a strike of 16 or higher) only do half the damage!
Explosions do only 10% of their normal damage, but any explosive damage greater than 50 points will blow the character apart. However, the super being can reform within 1D6 melee rounds (in under two minutes).

- The skin has a Natural A.R. of 14. An opponent's roll to strike must be 15 or higher to inflict damage. Rolls under 14 may hit but do NO damage.

- Heals at a rate of 1d4 Hit Points or S.D.C. per minute 2d4x10 H.P. or S.D.C. per hour for serious injury (heavy trauma, like the character losing all his S.D.C. and/or half or more of his Hit Points Equal to a doctor's surgical skill of 75%

- Heals twice as quickly as an ordinary human

- if the character fails to save, any disease, illness, poison, toxin, or Bio- Manipulation is at half its normal strength, damage, effect, and duration.
Penalties: These bonuses also apply to saves against good lifesaving chemicals and drugs.

-Hypnotic Mental Conditioning
Impervious to possession.

Character sheet
Comsec Music mix:
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Iron Maiden - The Trooper (Acid Techno Live Remix)
Sabaton - Gott Mit Uns (Max Subzero Ethereal Party Dance Remix)

Quick post items:
Personal Mission Notes:
Points of contact:
Insertion Method:
Orders given:
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Sinner-G »

Perception (56%): 1d100: [76] = 76
JIC (d20/d%): 1d20: [1] = 1 / 1d100: [52] = 52

Gideon hesitates, uncertain whether is is welcome to go with the Omegas...and if he would be safe with them from the company that created him.

He thinks, *It would be impolite to leave before he responds to my question. That would be a bad first impression of they want to recruit me. I better stick around at least long enough to see which way the wind blows.*
Red Sable wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2024 6:14 am She quietly makes her way over to (what she assumes to be) the others gathered near Barricade and Sinner-G. She hovers in the background and simply but politely acknowledges him with a masked chin and a, "Hey."
He will say, "Greetings." He had not gotten a chance to talk to Red Sable before, "You did good work, if possibly a bit heavy-handed at first."

He will keep his senses open and be ready to flee if things go badly.

When he first catches sight of Shazbut, Gideon will cock his head at the (he assumes) skunk-like mutant and wonder slightly at the goggles, *Now who is this and what is with those? Obviously there are things going on here I missed. No surprise, I was concentrating on the prisoners.*
HP: 44 SDC: 136 Skeleton has a Natural AR of 17 and 2000 SDC
Perception: 56% (+3%),
recognize odors 75%, recognize person by scent 45% track by smell/taste 55% Estimating the distance of the sound at 70% (+5% per level) Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 60% (+5% per level) Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 50% (+5% per level) (- 10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using the ventriloquism and/or impersonation/imitate voice skill), Imitate a voice at 30% (+5% per level)

Heals at a rate of 1d4 HP or SDC per minute, or 2d4*10 HP or SDC per hour for serious injury, Automatic Self-surgery 75%
Number of Attacks: 6, Initiative Bonus: +9, Strike Bonus: +8 (+5 PP bonus), Parry Bonus: +13, Dodge Bonus: +14
Disarm Bonus: --, HTH Damage Bonus: +23, Bonus to Roll w/Punch or Fall: +11, Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8

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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Edison »

Perception: 1d100: [10] = 10 /56%
Just in Case: 1d20: [11] = 11 ; 1d100: [55] = 55
Conditions: None.
Edison Mk. 2: AR: 19; S.D.C.: 350/290; Shield: 200/200
Armored Undersuit: AR: 12; S.D.C.: 40/40
AR-15 w/ Masterkey: Payload: 5.56: 20/8; 12 Gauge: 7/7
MP950 Payload 50/50
Sentry Gun: Payload: 100/97

CHIMERA wrote:"Omegas, this is Trent. Ambulances and police backup are on their way to clean things up. Be ready to head home."
Edison nods. "Copy, prepping for departure." Edison responds back to Trent, before looking to the unconscious sniper. Whatever Edison was going to do/say/think is interrupted by the high speed antics of the space skunk.
Shazbut wrote:"Hey, Edison, What do you think about these? I wonder what they do. I read a comic once where a man with red glasses shot lasers out of his eyes."

"Are they dangerous? Cool?"

"Or maybe both! Dangerously cool! You like?"
It takes Edison a few moments to collect his thoughts after the display. "They look fine on you, and I would love for you to have them... problem is they're evidence and I have no idea what they do. Also you should not believe what you read in comics... they're just trash writing." Edison says, motioning for Shazbut to relinquish the goggles. "Bosses want us to pack up to leave, got a feeling they're sending some transport to grab us." Edison says as he looks to the sniper once more.

Edison takes a moment to collect the gear that he stripped from the sniper, and hoists the unconscious man up over his shoulder. Omega's let's wrap this up. Collect near the hole in the wall." Edison says over the team frequency. "Shall we?" Edison says gesturing to Shaz to join him in his walk to said hole in the wall.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Shazbut »

((Rolls carried))
Edison wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:25 pm It takes Edison a few moments to collect his thoughts after the display. "They look fine on you, and I would love for you to have them... problem is they're evidence and I have no idea what they do."

Shazbut happily accepts the cool shades cannot be his. Or can they? He hands the goggles back to Edison without complaint, but in his skunky heart he has an idea. Shazbut snaps his fingers, and a pair of stylish, rose-tinted illusionary sunglasses materialise into his hands. A far cry from the bulky goggles of the sniper, these shades are sleek and sophisticated, with a thin silver wire frame that perfectly complements his skunkish features.

With a flourish, he slips on these illusionary glasses, and the world immediately takes on a more rosy hue. "Everything looks better through rose-coloured glasses," he declares, his voice filled with newfound optimism.
Edison wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:25 pm "Also you should not believe what you read in comics... they're just trash writing."
Then, Edison's words about comic books hit him like a ton of bricks. "Trash writing?" he echoes, his voice filled with disbelief. He had always believed in the power of comic books, which were a lot easier than reading newspapers! They not true? The idea that they were nothing more than fantasy is a bitter pill to swallow.

I no believe it!

"But... but... Catwoman!" he exclaims, his eyes wide with shock. "She's real, isn't she? I've always wanted to meet her."

If Edison signals a negative, Shazbut's skunky heart sinks.
Edison wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:25 pm "Bosses want us to pack up to leave, got a feeling they're sending some transport to grab us." Edison says as he looks to the sniper once more.

Edison takes a moment to collect the gear that he stripped from the sniper, and hoists the unconscious man up over his shoulder. Omega's let's wrap this up. Collect near the hole in the wall." Edison says over the team frequency. "Shall we?" Edison says gesturing to Shaz to join him in his walk to said hole in the wall.
Shazbot, his mind buzzing with disbelief, joins Edison as he makes ready to depart. As he does so he continues to rattle off the names of his favourite comic book heroes. "What about Captain America?" he asks innocently. "He's gotta be real, right? I mean, World War II was real, and he was in it!"

Unless Edison lies to the skunk, his skunky face falls further. "But... but... what about Superman? He's from another planet, right? That's gotta be real. I'm from another planet!"

The skunk keeps watch over any prisoners awaiting pickup, and while he's at it he peppers them with questions.

He asks a prisoner, "You know Batman? He's just a rich guy with gadgets. Is he real?"

And another follow up question, "What about Spider-Man?" he persists, at this point his voice is filled with a hint of desperation. "He's just a kid bitten by a radioactive spider. That happened, right?"
Natural Abilities
  • Feel vibrations 72% accuracy. Cannot be snuck upon or caught by surprise from a nearby opponent. Range 45ft. (13.6m).
  • Impervious to radiation that is normally deadly to humans.
  • Can see ultraviolet light.
  • Radiates low levels of radiation.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Maia »

JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 , 1d100: [65] = 65
PER: 1d100: [98] = 98 vs. 76%

130/130 SDC remaining; adds natural AR of 15 and +10 to PS/PP/PE, +40 to Spd, +3 strike/parry/dodge, +4 to damage. Takes 1/3 damage from light and laser attacks.
Homeless Person:Sees the super human as a vagabond/transient and probably ignores him altogether.

After staring down the would-be escapees some more, Maia considers them sufficiently cowed and turns back to the Omegas’ transport. She’ll keep her body for the time being, and merely sit nearby and watch the activity unfold. She makes no effort to help with the wounded, the innocent, or with disaster management. She simply studies the humans. The way the work in concert to perform different tasks. Like an insect hive when they remember to look out for one another. Perhaps more forceful reminders are the key. Should any of the prisoners reacquire their ambitions, she will turn and bark ”STAY.”. But otherwise the great tree lady will remain silent until it’s time to go, at which point she will murmur ”GOOD.”.
Passive abilities: See infrared/ultraviolet (range 450ft.), Life sense (powerful life forms including supernatural, super-powered, magic, major/master psychics, hurt/dying; 1800ft. range).
4/4 healing touches today; 930/930 SDC remaining.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Tom Cassidy »

Perception: 1d100<69: [48*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [14] = 14 / 1d100: [63] = 63
Initiative: 1d20-1: [9]-1 = 8
APM: Currently 6 (normally 7; -1 for body armor)

- Force Field SDC: 3,000/3,900
- Giant Force Construct Left Hand: 300/300 SDC, 71 minutes remaining
- Giant Force Construct Right Hand: 300/300 SDC, 71 minutes remaining
- Force Field Body Armor: 300/300 SDC, 44 minutes remaining
Sinner-G wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 1:13 pm"Well, if you ask the ones who designed the uniform, I might be Private Prototype. You may be able to find advertising somewhere with that name on it, as they were using me as a Prototype for a new kind of Super Soldier they planned to sell to the highest bidder. I did not like the idea of them using me to potentially sell the process to our enemies, so I ran away. I call myself Sinner-G because they called the process that made me S. A. I. N. T., it seemed suitable irony. I came Here, to Century station, because it seemed the best place for a new super to hang out. As to this specific area, it was a coincidence, I was simple learning the layout of the city and was nearby when I heard the explosion."
"Hey, at least it wasn't Colonial-themed with an overabundance of white..." Barricade chuckles. "And you call it 'coincidence,' but I call it a happy accident. You helped squash a jailbreak of someone apparently of rather high importance." He's about to say something else when Trent comes over his comlink.
CHIMERA wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2024 5:46 pm"Omegas, this is Trent. Ambulances and police backup are on their way to clean things up. Be ready to head home."
"Roger that," he replies. "Better call a wrecker service as well -- we've got multiple disabled vehicles on the scene, ours included. Got any transportation options handy?"
Steiblah wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2024 3:38 am"Unless we want an encore performance of this breakout in the future, I believe we need to speak with the Warden first about a potential compromise in their personnel staffing. A crooked prison guard slipped Boris Geckle a note in his meal tray letting him know about his friends', Hairtrigger and Archimedes, intention to break him out. And even though the information is a week old, perhaps if Boris made the mistake of keeping that note hidden somewhere in his cell, that clue could lead us to find out who the compromised guard is."
"Roger that, Steiblah. Good idea," he replies. Guess Edison and I were right -- mostly, anyway. And now we have aliases and additional recipients of that email to go with them. "Captain Cole, you still on the channel? Did you hear any of that? Who would we need to talk to?"

If/when he sees Boris being returned to the jail yard he grins. "Boris! Buddy! You should have called me if you weren't happy with your accommodations -- I would have brought you take-out from Six Dudes and a mint for your pillow!" He gives out a quick laugh. "I do owe you an apology though; I'm sorry I kept calling you 'Archimedes' all this time." He nods towards the (presumably) real Archimedes before turning back to Sinner-G.

"Anyway... just a quick heads-up. The bad news is that the powers that be here in Century Station aren't exactly happy about freelancer good guys around here. The good news is that the Omegas are always on the lookout for those who have skills or super-abilities and who want to make a positive difference here. Would you be interested in doing further work with us?" He sees Lenok fly off in a huff. "And we may have a roster slot or two available."
Edison wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:25 pmOmega's let's wrap this up. Collect near the hole in the wall." Edison says over the team frequency. "Shall we?"
"So yeah, that's our cue. Boys in blue will be here any minute. If you want to talk further about a place with us, you're welcome to come with. If not, then I'd recommend making yourself scarce pronto."

While he waits for a response from Sinner-G, he tries his best not to wade into Shaz's borderline frantic conversation with Edison. Pity Brute isn't here, those two fanboys could talk for hours about superheroes.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Steiblah »

((rolls carried over))
Tom Cassidy wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:42 pm
Edison wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:25 pmOmega's let's wrap this up. Collect near the hole in the wall." Edison says over the team frequency. "Shall we?"
"So yeah, that's our cue. Boys in blue will be here any minute. If you want to talk further about a place with us, you're welcome to come with. If not, then I'd recommend making yourself scarce pronto."

While he waits for a response from Sinner-G, he tries his best not to wade into Shaz's borderline frantic conversation with Edison. Pity Brute isn't here, those two fanboys could talk for hours about superheroes.
That seemed quite the abbreviated jailbreak... Steiblah thinks as he urges his ant-mount toward the meet-up location near the hole in the wall.

He has to fight the urge to reflect on how he would have performed the jailbreak himself, keeping his demonic thoughts at bay. But it would most certainly have been much more sophisticated than what they actually encountered. In fact, perhaps he would have used an obvious jailbreak like that as a cover for the execution of some other, more nefarious scheme. Whether at this particular location or another entirely would depend on the goals.

"Heading to meet-up location. Don't mind the horse-sized ant. It's trained-adjacent." Steve says into his comms.
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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by Sinner-G »

(Rolls carried over)
Tom Cassidy wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:42 pm
Sinner-G wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 1:13 pm"Well, if you ask the ones who designed the uniform, I might be Private Prototype. You may be able to find advertising somewhere with that name on it, as they were using me as a Prototype for a new kind of Super Soldier they planned to sell to the highest bidder. I did not like the idea of them using me to potentially sell the process to our enemies, so I ran away. I call myself Sinner-G because they called the process that made me S. A. I. N. T., it seemed suitable irony. I came Here, to Century station, because it seemed the best place for a new super to hang out. As to this specific area, it was a coincidence, I was simple learning the layout of the city and was nearby when I heard the explosion."
"Hey, at least it wasn't Colonial-themed with an overabundance of white..." Barricade chuckles. "And you call it 'coincidence,' but I call it a happy accident. You helped squash a jailbreak of someone apparently of rather high importance."

"Anyway... just a quick heads-up. The bad news is that the powers that be here in Century Station aren't exactly happy about freelancer good guys around here. The good news is that the Omegas are always on the lookout for those who have skills or super-abilities and who want to make a positive difference here. Would you be interested in doing further work with us?" He sees Lenok fly off in a huff. "And we may have a roster slot or two available."
Gabriel sighs, "Sounds typical, most people in authority do not appreciate anyone not under their authority getting involved in the operation. Especially when it comes to those whose allegiance is unclear."

He remembers that well enough from his time in the army, his superiors complained about it frequently.

He says to Barricade, "Actually, that is likely the problem here, those who created me want me properly under their control, and are likely to make things difficult. They are likely to claim I am a danger...not just because of what I can do, but because the stuff they used to create me was originally not under control. They may even try to claim me as being propitiatory technology. Joining you might be good for me, but it may be a lot of trouble for you. I think it only fair to give you warning."

He read about that in a book during his time of isolation...he had a lot of time for reading then. He assures himself, *I am pretty sure they would not have let me out or be trying to sell the technology if it were not under their control.*

He will continue, "If you want me anyway, despite the headaches it may cause, I will be willing to join you."
HP: 44 SDC: 136 Skeleton has a Natural AR of 17 and 2000 SDC
Perception: 56% (+3%),
recognize odors 75%, recognize person by scent 45% track by smell/taste 55% Estimating the distance of the sound at 70% (+5% per level) Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 60% (+5% per level) Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 50% (+5% per level) (- 10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using the ventriloquism and/or impersonation/imitate voice skill), Imitate a voice at 30% (+5% per level)

Heals at a rate of 1d4 HP or SDC per minute, or 2d4*10 HP or SDC per hour for serious injury, Automatic Self-surgery 75%
Number of Attacks: 6, Initiative Bonus: +9, Strike Bonus: +8 (+5 PP bonus), Parry Bonus: +13, Dodge Bonus: +14
Disarm Bonus: --, HTH Damage Bonus: +23, Bonus to Roll w/Punch or Fall: +11, Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8

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Re: Omega Base: Plainsong

Post by CHIMERA »

Act III: 19-2000
Willingham District Courthouse and Jail, 2530 S Calfinch Ave, Willingham, Century Station
Date: Thursday, April 23rd, 2043
Time: 1:40 pm
Weather: Sunny afternoon (66 degrees Fahrenheit)

Butcher's Bill
Barricade: -71 S.D.C. to flying disc
Dawn Breaker: -5 S.D.C. Omega suit
Edison: - 60 S.D.C. to Mark II armor
Lenok: -100 S.D.C. Omega suit; -11 S.D.C.
Maia: -60 S.D.C.
Sinner-G: -5 S.D.C. superhero costume

With the prison break foiled, the Omegas regroup piecemeal. Seeing that Red Sable and Steiblah have Boris Geckle back in custody, Shazbut dashes back to check on Edison. Edison, likewise has arrested his guy, Hairtrigger. The ever curious skunk sees Hairtrigger's equipment and tries the goggles.

From a distance, they don't seem to show much. The lenses are dark red and he can barely see anything through them. Putting them on is a different experience. When he has them snuggly fit on his face he hears a soft click followed by a high ringing sound. The ringing sound isn't loud, but it is ever present, and it seems to shift in tone as Shazbut moves his head. It is disorienting, just like the images he sees through the goggles; everything appears as blurry black outlines, as if roughly sketched in ink on a red background. He eventually takes them off and hands them over. The two pick up Hairtrigger's sonic cannon and Hairtrigger himself and take the short walk to the jail.

While they do that, the others have already regrouped in the prison yard. Barricade carries Archimedes with him. Walking to the team, he checks in with the Omega Base.
wrote:"Better call a wrecker service as well -- we've got multiple disabled vehicles on the scene, ours included. Got any transportation options handy?"
"Wait... both hovertrucks? You guys treat those vehicles like my dad treats his squash rackets. Except hovertrucks are more expensive, and he earns more than the Omegas annual budget. Ok, I'll for a vehicle to get you back to the base."

Sinnger-G formally introduces himself to the rest of the Omegas. While most of the team chats amongst themselves, Steiblah decides to probe Boris's mind deeper to find out about the note; Boris flushed it down the toilet the same day he received it. Dawn uses the opportunity step away and place a call on her Sector 10 burner.
Dawn Breaker wrote:"Boris Geckle, Hairtrigger and Archimedes were just snagged by the omegas. we can attempt to recruit the Workshop I think. One of the omega's wants to find out which guard got the message to Geckle inside the prison. Not a bad idea, we can use the guard as a source or take him in for interrogation as situation allows. By getting the prisons last week or so of footage from the cell area that Geckle was in should be doable because the guard delivered the message. If you can get me the files on all three workshop team members I would appreciate that."
The voice on the other side is cold and clipped: "Information received. We will see what we can do with this. Tell no one of this conversation."

By the time she returns, Steiblah is reporting to the others on the prison note.*
Steiblah wrote:"Unless we want an encore performance of this breakout in the future, I believe we need to speak with the Warden first about a potential compromise in their personnel staffing. A crooked prison guard slipped Boris Geckle a note in his meal tray letting him know about his friends', Hairtrigger and Archimedes, intention to break him out."
Barricade wrote:"Roger that, Steiblah. Good idea."
"Captain Cole, you still on the channel? Did you hear any of that? Who would we need to talk to?"
There's a loud sigh on the other side of the radio, then Cole replies, "Roger that. I'll take a look into it once the cleanup is done. I won't lie, this has been an ongoing problem in the prison system. I'll be glad to get rid of another crooked guard, but I'd rather find every single one of them."

A minute later, three prison buses arrive with a SWAT escort. The Omegas hand over the three captured villains. Barricade takes this final opportunity to question Boris.
Barricade wrote:"Boris! Buddy! You should have called me if you weren't happy with your accommodations... The good news is that the Omegas are always on the lookout for those who have skills or super-abilities and who want to make a positive difference here. Would you be interested in doing further work with us?"
Boris scowls at Barricade, recognizing him from when the Omegas first arrested him. He gets into line with the other prisoners hopping on the bus. The SWAT officers also accept Archimedes and Hairtrigger. Unless Edison specifically requests keeping it, the officers will take the goggles an sonic cannon with them as well.

After the prison buses leave, the Omegas
arrives. A man wearing a bright red vest and wearing a straw pork pie hat pedals up in a bicycle with a table on its back. Each seat around the table has its own set of peddles.


* While this was originally posted as a radio conversation, for the sake of narrative flow, I'm having this happen after the team regroups.

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