Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

If supernatural evil feels persecuted, you can bet the Templar are responsible.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Jungle North of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 9:36 PM (2 hours have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Ley Line Effect: Mages may draw 10 P.P.E. per round, Increase the range and duration of a spell by 50% when on or within 2 miles of a ley line.
Mission Notes
Calvin: Detect Ambush (Looking for possible foes in the surrounding areas.) The area us certainly full of potential ambush sites, given the heavy brush and trees in the vicinity.
Tracking Human (Looking for travel patterns of possible foes in the surround areas.) Nothing seems apparent
Lore: Magic (General Knowledge of spell casters, leylines and associated abilities and boosts) Has a basic general knowledge of the primary abilities of a Ley Line Walker.
Lore: Psionics Only knows what Calvin has personally experienced, and not much about Psi-Druids, given Teres does not commonly use her abilities in any discernible way.
Teres: Psychic Omni-Sight. No electronic bugs. No secret compartments or such.
Weather Sense. Clear weather for the next 24 hours.
Jason: Prowl (moving quietly while scouting the area) While successful, not much use when everyone else is being noisy.
Tracking (People) (checking the area for signs people have been through the area) Doesn’t appear that people have been in this particular area for a while.
Track & Trap Animals (checking the area for signs of animals) A variety of animals have been through the area, large cats, small rodents, and a variety of big and small reptilian tracks.
Sensory Equipment (scanning the area) Dense foliage makes radar returns almost impossible to read.
Radio: Basic (scanning the frequencies) Nothing in range.
Wilderness Survival (setting up a camp) Takes a few hours.
Rufus: Track blood scent None scented in the area.
Recognize common/known smells Lots of forest/jungle scents, animal scat, etc.
Recognize the scent of others Templar seem legit.

Rufus expresses immense pleasure at being on a ley line for the first time in a while.
Rufus wrote:"Ohhhhhhhhh YEAH! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... Uncle Rufus has missed you, my big blue glowing friend. He has missed you so very much."
Calvin makes note of the eerie feeling he’s having, which is commented on by several other members of the Templar.
Calvin wrote:"You feel that? There seems to be eyes gazing upon us. It's not a good feeling. We should find out whom they belong to."
Teres wrote:"There is that feeling of someone in the shadows. Now would be a good time to do a check. and ya, a protection circle around camp sounds good."
Rufus wrote:"Well, we ARE in a jungle… I'd be more worried if there wasn't somebody watching us all the time. As long as that's all they're doing, though, as far as I'm concerned, they can binge watch us like their favorite vidshow."
Jason wrote:"Is this feeling normal for a leyline or is this something I should be concerned about?"
Rufus wrote:"You mean the feeling that we're being watched, or the borderline-effervescent tingles throughout your nervous system from being totally immersed in ley line energy? For what it's worth, 'no not really' on the first one and 'definitely yes' on the second. At least that's the way it is for me."
Teres wrote:"anyplace with more than 10 people I don't know gives me that 'I am being watched feeling' anyway, Boss."
With his concerns noted, Calvin asks various members to perform some tasks, and questions as well. Meanwhile, Jason begins clearing a space large enough for the group to relax in, it’s not a small task by the amount of brush and debris in the area.
Calvin wrote:"Hey Rufus, How long do you need to commune with the leyline? Could you throw up a leyline observation ball please while we make camp?."
Rufus wrote:"A solid 48 hours in total, plus occasional breaks when necessary." Rufus replies. "I've tried rushing my communions to cut down on the time, but you can't speed it up much at all without screwing up the liminal harmonics. I guess Professor Ulfsild was right -- there are no shortcuts to a proper thaumaturgical alignment. On the plus side, my observation balls don't expire as long as we're on a line."
Calvin wrote:"Hey Teres, if you can get from a taller vantage point, like a tree branch, and set up a nest, I'd be most appreciative. I'll cover you while you make the climb. I don't know about you, but my psionic abilities seem stronger in this area. Do you have any abilities that help you observe things, especially things that like to wait in the tall grass for their prey?"
Teres talks about dog boys.
Teres wrote:"A dog boy would be handy right now. A second dog nose and set Dog ears would be nice. I can do an Omni-sight and sensor sweep once you set the circle. What I would not do to have Dog boy here right now. One of the benefits of rogue dog boys is all those keen senses."
Rufus wrote:"Heh, I thought Dog Boys hated ley lines? Sure, it boosts their normal psi-powers, but as I understand things it scrambles up their supernatural radar senses. Now who'd really be a good addition right now would be moja mati -- my mother. Mati is the best tracker in all of Houndstooth. Chief Optimus like to joke about how she must have some bloodhound in her... but only when she's not around!"
Teres wrote:"Dog boys do get jittery. but their noses and ears work just fine. Paranoia can be a good thing when paired with discipline. A watch is definitely going to be a thing. It should always be a thing."
Rufus wrote:"But when it's paired with fear, hatred, and xenophobia towards non-humans -- especially non-humans with magical talents -- it's anything but..."
Meanwhile Calvin talks with Rory.
Calvin wrote:"Rory, it's probably time for you to start your experiments. Jason, if you can look for a spot along the line where we'd be less exposed, I'd appreciate it."
Rory wrote:"I'll get on with that overnight. For now, there's a few things I should probably get onto. Aye, that looks good. Well, if it works fer my armor, it'll work fer other people's too. Once we're settled fer the night, bring me whatever needs ta be fixed, an' I'll get onto it."
Rory goes and spends about ten minutes almost completely fixing her armor, before coming back to talk to the group.
Rory wrote:"I can create a protection circle around the camp if ye want, but only if everybody is okay with it. I'd nae like to inconvenience anyone, ye ken?"
Rufus wrote:"That's a good idea. Create as big a circle as you can -- I'd recommend making sure the jeep is inside it as well if that's possible -- and I'll conjure up a shelter or two inside it as well. They'll keep the weather out for about 9 hours, which should be more than enough for us to get our 2-hour power naps. Though I'd still recommend a 2-person watch at night though. I don't suppose either of you happen to know any ward spells, do you? They'd definitely be handy right now."
While Rory considers the task, and Rufus gives his enthusiastic agreement. Rory finds the terrain is not well suited for the intricacies of a Protection circle, so one is not in the cards. Rufus meanwhile casts several spells, dropping a load of wood for a fire, before floating into the air to meditate.
Rufus wrote:"I would say 'wake me up if anything interesting happens,' but the truth is I'll still be awake... I'll just be a little out of it."
About two hours pass before Jason has the area cleared enough to make a camp, Rufus casts a pair of Sheltering Forces to act as tents before really getting to work on his meditations. Everyone who is spending their time looking for trouble doesn’t see anything, but the feeling of dread still remains. Teres meditates on the weather, and sees clear skies for the next twenty-four hours. By now the sun has fully set, and only the blue glow of the ley line is keeping the dark away, it seems exceptionally bright now that it is night time.

What are your Intentions?

Everyone in the Party has Sustain (9 Days; Ends June 8th, 4 PM)
Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: -110 P.P.E., Fly as an Eagle (150 Minutes; Ends May 30th, 10 PM)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace: -10 I.S.P.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [86] = 86 / 52%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [19] = 19 | 1d100: [24] = 24

Activate animal empathy
Sense Dimensional Anomaly (4)
See the Invisible (4)
Presence Sense (4)
Track & Trap Animals 1d100: [83] = 83 / 50%/60% (track only)
Prowl 1d100: [78] = 78 / 65%
Detect Ambush 1d100: [100] = 100 / 55% (+5%)
Detect Concealment 1d100: [80] = 80 / 50% (+5%)
Prowl 1d100: [36] = 36 / 65% (+5%)

"I will get to scouting a bit anyone want to join me? See if we have any animal or non-animal life around. Maybe, find a pet. Promise I won't bring any tentacle aliens back if I can help it." Teres says while checking the quivers and weapons she had. Here is hoping I don't need these. thinks the Psi-druid.

"I better plan this one. I could end up in another dimension, in some other part of the world or as food for something from any of those places." The idea of being eaten by a shark was the least of her concern in Leyline. Teres remembered the prep speeches about leylines and the threats they had. It was not a great motivator to make a person want to go into one. but the job was what it was.

"Here is hoping there is no magical flying sharks.” she grins as she heads out. Once in the brush her movement goes into a more safe, quiet and concealed form. Sticking to the bottoms of trees and other areas checking ground as she goes.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [85] = 85 %
JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 / 1d100: [23] = 23 %

((Wilderness Survival--103% / 1d100: [58] = 58 % )) maintaining the fire through the night
((Sensory Equipment—82% / 1d100: [95] = 95 % )) scanning the woods through the night

Once Jason has the camp set up, he sits on the hood of the jeep with his back to the fire. This way, the fire won't affect my night vision or mess with thermal, if I need to use it.

He tells the others, "I'll watch through the night and sleep after daybreak, so you mages do whatever it is you need to do." He muses about a line in an old movie, something about 'go do that voodoo that you do...'
Teres Barton wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:03 pm "I will get to scouting a bit anyone want to join me? See if we have any animal or non-animal life around. Maybe, find a pet. Promise I won't bring any tentacle aliens back if I can help it."
Jason calls out to Teres, "I'd rather you hold off to do that until morning. If you do, I can go with you once I get my two hours sleep. If you don't want to wait, at least keep your radio open and stay close enough that you can see thee light from the fire." During the night, Jason will periodically put more wood on the fire and scan the treeline with his thermal sensors. He thinks about the information he has so far on the gods of this world. He decides to spend some time meditating on it the next day. Maybe the magic of the leyline will somehow connect him with a god that he could serve. He doesn't know about the god Calvin suggested. How can a mortal man become a god? Aren't gods supernatural beings from the start?
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

"I can wait until morning. Omni sight should help even from here. I'll help watch with the odd Omni-Sight. " she shrugs finding a spot to do an omni sight from. Sitting she focuses into meditative state.
Omni sight
Special Bonuses & Abilities :
• Pinpoints the locations of electrical outlets, electronic "bugs" (spy and surveillance devices), electronic devices, and other energy and heat sources, as well as bionic body parts and cybernetic implants close to the surface of the skin (not bio-systems or artificial internal organs). Such concealed or obscured items can be identified by their shape and heat pattern. Success Ratio: 1d100: [63] = 63 60%per level of experience.
• This ability can also help the psychic to locate secret compartments and trap doors. Success Ratio: 1d100: [78] = 78 /55%per level of experience.
• See the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum of light.
• See heat signatures: can tell if an engine has been recently used or a weapon recently fired (within the last 15 minutes), follow recent footprints or vapor trails (within the last five minutes), see heat signatures in darkness, and so on.
• Hyper-sensitive to movement. The psychic can not be surprised by movement or attacks within the 500-foot (152 m) radius or confines of the area under psionic scrutiny (may be substantially smaller indoors; closed off by walls and doors).
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [92*] = 1
(perception bonuses doubled while on a ley line, so actual skill would be 101% instead of 86% normally)

JIC: 1d20: [12] = 12 / 1d100: [23] = 23

- PPE: 178/313
- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

- Sustain: 9 Days remaining
Sustain allows the recipient of this enchantment to go for days without food, water, or breathable air! The magic keeps their energy level up and removes the need for any outside source of these things. In addition, the recipient only needs two hours sleep per night for the duration of the magic. The individual can survive in almost any environment. However, the character remains vulnerable to other external conditions such as heat, cold, and physical damage, and fatigues from exertion as normal.

- Ley Line Observation Ball
9 MDC | 4,500’ (1,371.6 m) range | Speed up to 30mph/48 km. | +3 dodge.

- Sheltering Force (2): 7 hours remaining
Jason Long wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:03 pm
Teres Barton wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:03 pm "I will get to scouting a bit anyone want to join me? See if we have any animal or non-animal life around. Maybe, find a pet. Promise I won't bring any tentacle aliens back if I can help it."
"I'd rather you hold off to do that until morning. If you do, I can go with you once I get my two hours sleep. If you don't want to wait, at least keep your radio open and stay close enough that you can see thee light from the fire."
Even though Rufus' eyes are closed, he can still see everything that's going on courtesy of his observation orb. "That's pretty sound advice, if you don't have nightvision... though for what it's worth, the line's lighting things up pretty well."
Teres Barton wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:41 pm "I can wait until morning. Omni sight should help even from here. I'll help watch with the odd Omni-Sight. " she shrugs finding a spot to do an omni sight from. Sitting she focuses into meditative state.
Well now, he thinks to himself with a grin. Looks like common sense has won the night -- at least for the time being, anyway.

He keeps his observation orb at the ready, periodically looking in different directions.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d20 < 58%: [17] = 17
JIC: 1d100: [97] = 97 | 1d20: [15] = 15

(sorry short post. My week has been insane)

Calvin listens to his cohorts and their plans.

This eeriness will not go away. If it is a spell effect, I should feel something different. But it's just a vibe... And that's not particularly informative or accurate.

Settling into the night, Calvin finds some joy that the leyline will light up much of the surroundings.

Calvin frowns a bit at Teres' decision.
I guess there's not much need to go scouting right quick, but I would have loved to have her perched at a higher vantage point instead of relying on OmniSight from the ground.

Calvin makes a note if his surroundings for any particular location (tall sturdy trees, unusual geological formations, etc) where he or Teres can set up a sentry's nest.
(wilderness survival: 1d100 < 43%: [47] = 47 ) see if there is a valuable hunting spot.
(Land Navigation: 1d100 < 64%: [50] = 50
If he finds the spot, he will motion to Teres and Jason and says:

"That seems like a good spot where we can have get good eyes over the area. Would you like me up there or would you rather I cover your six, Jason?"

Calvin then takes the initative to build an early warning system. He uses a few of his high explosion grenades, mixes in with some floss from the first aid kit and a few branches to hold everything in place to build a small landmine (demolitions: 1d100 < 76%: [58] = 58 )

Calvin will place these landmines (4 of them) at various points that are obvious approach points about 200 yards from camp. Settling back into camp, he alerts his fellow camp mates where those land mines are and tells them to stay far away.

Turning to Jason, Calvin notes his leaders sentry orientation and communicates the following: If Calvin manages to discover a high vantage point of note, he will set up a position there and orient himself where he can cover the camp as well as Jason's six. He will then communicate with Teres any other noteworthy positions he has found and offer to aid her in setting up her overwatch position. If there are not any, then Calvin will set up by Jason and orient himself to cover Jason's behind.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [54] = 54 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [2] = 2 | 1d100: 1d100: [33] = 33

Rory walks around the area, trying to find a good way to inscribe the circle in the ground. Try as she might, she can't find suitable ground to make it.
She returns to the ground shaking her head.

"Sorry, people. The ground just ain't right. Can't make a circle here. Might some other options I can work on - lemme think on it a bit."
Rufus wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:28 pm Rufus nods. "I don't suppose either of you happen to know any ward spells, do you? They'd definitely be handy right now."
She snaps her fingers.

"Aye, that's what I was tryin' ta think of. Wards. I can do those."

She runs through the options in her head, then looks over the camp again, trying to work out the best locations to place them.

(Military fortifications: 1d100<60%) 1d100: [57] = 57 )
(Based upon this roll, she tries to determine the places it would be best to put a Fear ward to discourage intruders.)

"Hmm, there's some wards would be nice, but they need ta be obvious, and they need ta be touched ta trigger. I'm thinkin' a fear effect would be best - making an intruder run away feels a bit nicer than hitting them with an attack spell, especially if they're not necessarily an enemy."

She looks to Jason and points to the spots she thinks would be good for a Ward.

"Those are the places I think would be good. Works like a fear spell, with a 20 foot radius. I'll create some wooden planks, dig 'em as deep inta the ground as I can ta secure 'em, and inscribe the wards. If they're touched, the effect triggers. If the intruders avoid them..."

She shrugs.

"Mostly a simple deterrent. It's like puttin' up a 'Stay away' sign."

If Jason and the others are happy, she casts Create Wood to make the planks she needs, digs (and pounds) them as deeply into the ground as she thinks is needed to make them secure, then casts the Fear ward on each (each casting creates two separate wards: 90PPE/casting).
Once the wards are up in their various perimeter locations, she returns back to the center of the camp and settles down to see if she can make some arrows for Teres this time.

(Whittling & sculpture: 1d100<50%) 1d100: [37] = 37 )
(If we're within the leyline and she can draw upon it, she'll flash any arrow shafts she successfully makes into Ironwood. If not, she'll wait until daytime.)

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 165/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 50/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Jungle North of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 10:06 PM (30 minutes have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Ley Line Effect: Mages may draw 10 P.P.E. per round, Increase the range and duration of a spell by 50% when on or within 2 miles of a ley line.
Mission Notes

The group begins to settle in, but the paranoia still runs strong. Teres is going to go scouting, but Jason calls her off till morning. Calvin looks for a viable perch, but doesn’t see anything very suitable that doesn’t require modification first, while Rory looks for places to place fear wards. Calvin begins stringing up some grenades, whether they’ll work or not, time will tell, and Rory begins digging the first hole to mount a board. Jason sits on the hood of the jeep and looks about, but notices nothing unusual, while Teres just sits around. Up in the air above, Rufus meditates, while he can see what is going on, he’s more than a little distracted by his meditations. Jessie floats nearby, seemingly mocking gravity while on the ley line.

Those that have sixth sense feel it tingling, as some manner of danger approaches. Looking about, shows no sign of danger till the literal last second when several bipedal reptilian creatures leap from the undergrowth to attack.


Combat Posts

Everyone in the Party has Sustain (9 Days; Ends June 8th, 4 PM)
Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 44/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton:
Calvin Wallace:
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [88*] = 1
(perception bonuses doubled while on a ley line, so actual skill would be 101% instead of 86% normally)

JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 / 1d100: [38] = 38
Initiative: 1d20+3: [7]+3 = 10
APM: 8

- PPE: 313/313 at the start of this post (assumed; can draw extra 20 PPE per round when on a ley line and recovers 15 PPE per hour while meditating)
- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

- Sustain: 9 Days remaining
Sustain allows the recipient of this enchantment to go for days without food, water, or breathable air! The magic keeps their energy level up and removes the need for any outside source of these things. In addition, the recipient only needs two hours sleep per night for the duration of the magic. The individual can survive in almost any environment. However, the character remains vulnerable to other external conditions such as heat, cold, and physical damage, and fatigues from exertion as normal.

- Ley Line Observation Ball
9 MDC | 4,500’ (1,371.6 m) range | Speed up to 30mph/48 km. | +3 dodge.

- Lantern Lights (3): 2 hours remaining each
- Sheltering Force (2): 6.5 hours remaining

The sudden rustling in the undergrowth causes Rufus' sensitive ears to prick up and he starts floating up higher. Odin's bristling beard! I was just getting started! This better be-- oh. Oh yeah. He opens his eyes.

"Raptors AGAIN??????" he groans. "What is this, the New Dinosaur Swamp or something?"

Knowing that this unwelcome interruption is wrecking his meditations, and will make him have to start all over again, he rolls his eyes and sighs. "Okay. Fine. Whatever. লে লাইন টেন্ড্রিল বোল্ট..." he growls as his eyes begin to glow while a shimmering force field materializes around his body and a small ball of what looks to be miniature lightning starts to form above his upturned hand.
OOC: casting Ley Line Force Field (38 MDC; 10 PPE) and Ley Line Tendril Bolts (6d6+20 MD per tendril bolt; 26 PPE)

"You mess with the mage, you get the lightning -- right up the arse," Rufus growls. "I would say 'remember that next time,' but... you know..." he adds with a smirk as with the flick of his wrist he sends out ley line energy bolts at the four closest raptors (or however many of the closest four are within 90' of him).

Of Course You Realize, This... Means... War...
1.) Cast Ley Line Force Field (10 PPE): 38 MDC
Remains as long as he stays on the line or until he dispels it. If destroyed it regenerates at full strength at the start of the next melee round

2. & 3.) Cast Ley Line Tendril Bolts (26 PPE): 6d6+20 MD per tendril
4.) Tendril bolt attacks. Save: -2 to save vs spell strength 14. Successful save means half damage. -- 6d6+20: [2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 1]+20 = 36 M.D. per tendril.
5.) Tendril bolt attacks. Save: -2 to save vs spell strength 14. Successful save means half damage. -- 6d6+20: [6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 1]+20 = 48 M.D. per tendril.
6.) Tendril bolt attacks. Save: -2 to save vs spell strength 14. Successful save means half damage. -- 6d6+20: [5, 6, 1, 5, 5, 3]+20 = 45 M.D. per tendril.
7.) Tendril bolt attacks. Save: -2 to save vs spell strength 14. Successful save means half damage. -- 6d6+20: [1, 5, 6, 1, 6, 6]+20 = 45 M.D. per tendril.

8.) Grudgingly reserved for dodging. Dodge: 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 OLE!

- Note: This is considered an 8th level spell.
- Range: 10 foot (3 m) per level of experience. Currently 90 feet (27 m)
- Duration: One melee round. Each four tier blast counts as one melee attack.
- Damage: Currently 6D6 M.D.
- Saving Throw: -2; a successful save means the victim suffers only half damage.
- Limitations: This spell can only be cast when on a ley line.
- P.P.E.: 26 (half for Ley Line Walkers and Shifters). Doubling the amount of P.P.E. (26 points for Ley Line Walkers and Shifters) adds +20 M.D. to each of the bolts.
- Damage: 2D6 M.D. at level one, +1D6 M.D. per every two additional levels of experience (i.e. 2D6 at level one, 3D6 at level three, 4D6 at level five, 5D6 at level seven, and so on). The level of damage inflicted can be regulated by the spell caster in increments of 1D6 M.D., so as little as 1D6 M.D. to full damage (depending on the level of the mage) or anything in between can be inflicted. Each blast counts as one melee attack. The casting of the spell to create this attack uses at least up one melee attack/action to begin with.

This spell creates a sphere of energy that either encircles the hand or appears floating in the palm of the character's hand (as depicted on the cover of this book). Four bolts of mystic energy emit from the energy sphere simultaneously to strike four different targets, each suffering the same amount of damage. Each energy bolt appears to shoot out like miniature arcs of lightning to strike the four nearest enemies/opponents to the spell caster (never an ally).

When used against one opponent, only two energy tendrils strike him, each doing damage. The other two don't even appear. If there are two opponents, two energy tendrils will strike each. If there are three opponents, two energy tendrils will strike either the nearest opponent or a supernatural opponent (if present), and one will strike each of the other two antagonists.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Perception: 1d100 < 58%: [31] = 31
JIC: 1d100: [14] = 14 | 1d20: [4] = 4
APM: 7

- PPE: 145/145 at the start of this post (assumed; can draw extra 10 PPE per round when on a ley line)
- ISP: 57/57 at the start of this post
- Sustain: 9 Days remaining
- Sixth Sense Active (+6 to init, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, Cannot be surprised) (-2 ISP)
- Impervious to all energy attacks, immune to lasers/ion blasts/particle beams, plasma bolts, electricity, fire, heat, radiation (conventional)
- Heat and Cold resistant (does half damage)
- Magic created Energy and Ley line storms inflict half damage!
- On a leyline (Magic):
Being at/on a ley line OR one mile from a nexus point doubles the range, duration, and damage of magic spells. The Mage can also draw an additional 10 P.P.E. (Double for LLW & LLR) every 15 seconds. Magic spells and effects (damage, range and duration) are doubled. Plus his own P.P.E. recovers at the increased rate of 10 P.P.E. per 1/2 hour, without meditation. House Rules: ... 57#p146157

- On a leyline (Psionics):
+50% Range and Duration near a Ley Line.

Calvin feels the hair on his back bristle. His mouth is dry and his eyes twitch gently. A wave of focus washes over him.
Something is coming.

Looking up, he sees five large lizards crawling out of the jungle growth and approach the Templars with explicit hostility.

Dang it, they are on the other side of the jeep. I need to move to a more advantageous spot!

Moving quickly, Calvin first imparts a psionic buff to himself as he sprints towards and jumps onto the hood of the Jeep. Seeing the foes are bipedal, Calvin decides to cast buffs on himself and activate his tw sword first. This will give him the option of inserting himself between his team mates and their combatants later. Then he proceeds to attempt to immobilize his foes as efficiently as possible, casting Carpet of Adhesion in such a manner so that the spell ensorcels as many foes as possible. (talked with GM about distance). Once the foes are immobilized, he will go back to buffing his nearest team mates, then reclaim some PPE himself.

Initiative 1d20: [14] = 14 +6 (sixth sense) + 5(combat bonuses) = 25
Action 1: Cast Enhanced Reflexes on himself and get on top of the hood of the Jeep (Self, 15 minute/60 melees duration, +1 attack, +3 to init, + 2 to parry and dodge, +2 to PP, +15% to any skill that requires on coordination or balance) (-10 ISP)
Action 2: Cast Superhuman Agility on himself (Self, 20 melees, +1 to init, +1 to parry, +5 to dodge, +5 to roll with impact, Autododge +5, Auto roll with impact, +20% to climb/rappell.) (-15 PPE)
Action 3: Cast Armor of Ithan on himself (Self, 10 minutes or 40 melees, 100 MDC, Magic Fire, Lightning, Cold do half damage) (-10 PPE)
Action 4: Activate TW Sword (Damage 5D6 MD *2 + 2D6 MD, duration 10 Minutes or 40 Melee) (-10 PPE)
Action 5: Cast Carpet of Adhesion on a pair of raptors (range 60 feet, duration 100 melee rounds) (-10 PPE)
Action 6: Cast Carpet of Adhesion on a pair of raptors (range 60 feet, duration 100 melee rounds) (-10 PPE)
Action 7: Cast Carpet of Adhesion on the raptor on the most right of the map (range 60 feet, duration 100 melee rounds) (-10 PPE). If Raptor is not in range, Cast Armor of Ithan on Jason (-10 PPE)
Action 8: If Jason has not been buffed, buff Jason. Cast Armor of Ithan on Jason (-10 PPE). Else, channel PPE from leyline (+10 PPE)

Auto Parries:
Action 1 with bare hands: 1d20: [1] = 1 +9(hth) +2(sixth sense) +2(enhanced reflexes) = 14 (auto fail)
Action 2 with bare hands: 1d20: [5] = 5 +9(hth) +2(sixth sense) +2(enhanced reflexes) +1(superhuman agility) = 19
Action 3 with bare hands: 1d20: [20] = 20 +9(hth) +2(sixth sense) +2(enhanced reflexes) +1(superhuman agility) = nat 20, 32
Action 4 with TW Sword: 1d20: [9] = 9 +9(hth) +2(sixth sense) +2(enhanced reflexes) +1(superhuman agility) +2(WP Sword) +1(TW Sword +1 to s/p) = 26
Action 5 with TW Sword: 1d20: [3] = 3 +9(hth) +2(sixth sense) +2(enhanced reflexes) +1(superhuman agility) +2(WP Sword) +1(TW Sword +1 to s/p) = 20
Action 6 with TW Sword: 1d20: [8] = 8 +9(hth) +2(sixth sense) +2(enhanced reflexes) +1(superhuman agility) +2(WP Sword) +1(TW Sword +1 to s/p) = 25
Action 7 with TW Sword: 1d20: [4] = 4 +9(hth) +2(sixth sense) +2(enhanced reflexes) +1(superhuman agility) +2(WP Sword) +1(TW Sword +1 to s/p) = 21
Action 8 with TW Sword: 1d20: [18] = 18 +9(hth) +2(sixth sense) +2(enhanced reflexes) +1(superhuman agility) +2(WP Sword) +1(TW Sword +1 to s/p) = 35

Auto dodges:
Action 1: N/A
Action 2: 1d20: [18] = 18 +4(pp) +5(superhuman agility) = 22
Action 3: 1d20: [4] = 4 +4(pp) +5(superhuman agility) = 13
Action 4: 1d20: [9] = 9 +4(pp) +5(superhuman agility) = 18
Action 5: 1d20: [6] = 6 +4(pp) +5(superhuman agility) = 15
Action 6: 1d20: [15] = 15 +4(pp) +5(superhuman agility) = 24
Action 7: 1d20: [3] = 3 +4(pp) +5(superhuman agility) = 12
Action 8: 1d20: [8] = 8 +4(pp) +5(superhuman agility) = 17

Auto Roll With Punch/Fall
Action 1: 1d20: [20] = 20 + 9(hth) = nat20, 29
Action 2: 1d20: [17] = 17 + 9(hth) +5(Superhuman Agility) = 31
Action 3: 1d20: [2] = 2 + 9(hth) +5(Superhuman Agility) = 16
Action 4: 1d20: [16] = 16 + 9(hth) +5(Superhuman Agility) = 30
Action 5: 1d20: [19] = 19 + 9(hth) +5(Superhuman Agility) = 33
Action 6: 1d20: [20] = 20 + 9(hth) +5(Superhuman Agility) = nat20, 34
Action 7: 1d20: [15] = 15 + 9(hth) +5(Superhuman Agility) = 29
Action 8: 1d20: [5] = 5 + 9(hth) +5(Superhuman Agility) = 19

1. Armor of Ithan: 100 MD, 39 melees, 100 MDC, Magic Fire, Lightning, Cold do half damage
2. Enhanced Reflexes: 59 melees duration, +1 attack, +3 to init, + 2 to parry and dodge, +2 to PP, +15% to any skill that requires on coordination or balance
3. Superhuman Agility: 19 melees, +1 to init, +1 to parry, +5 to dodge, +5 to roll with impact, Autododge +5, Auto roll with impact, +20% to climb/rappell.
4. Sustain: 9 Days Left
5. Psionic combat on Leyline:
+50% Range and Duration near a Ley Line.

6. Magic combat on Leyline:
Being at/on a ley line OR one mile from a nexus point doubles the range, duration, and damage of magic spells. The Mage can also draw an additional 10 P.P.E. (Double for LLW & LLR) every 15 seconds. Magic spells and effects (damage, range and duration) are doubled. Plus his own P.P.E. recovers at the increased rate of 10 P.P.E. per 1/2 hour, without meditation. House Rules: ... 57#p146157

7. Sixth Sense (Cannot be surprised. Combat bonuses are over)
8. PPE = 145 - 75 = 70 (no channelling) or 145 - 65 + 10 (channelling) = 90
9. ISP = 57 - 10 = 47
10. Impervious to all energy attacks, immune to lasers/ion blasts/particle beams, plasma bolts, electricity, fire, heat, radiation (conventional)
11. Magic created Energy and Ley line storms inflict half damage!
12. Fire and cold resistant (does half damage)
13. Sustain (9 Days Left)
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [77] = 77 / 54%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [7] = 7 | 1d100: [69] = 69

I need to get altitude or good cover. long as that empathy is on I should be safe. I hope. Teres considers as she looks for a a good place to snipe from. They could likely jump a good height so no spot was 100% safe. She would keep the vibro-tomahawk at the ready as well as her Tesla bow if they get too close.

Raptors were supposed be extinct. Leave it to magic to spawn them on earth. she thinks to herself.

"If only I could get you critters on the boat and not have you treat the templar's as Breakfast, lunch and dinner." she says to no one in particular as she aims and releases. the bolt of lightening made for its target. she focuses and targets some raptors with Bio manipulation: paralysis randomly

Initiative: 1d20: [16] = 16
APM: 5
1) find cover
2) Bio manipulation: Paralysis 1d20: [11] = 11 (duration: 4d4: [4, 4, 2, 2] = 12 )
3) Bio manipulation: Paralysis 1d20: [17] = 17 (duration: 4d4: [3, 4, 3, 1] = 11 )
4) Bio manipulation: Paralysis 1d20: [6] = 6 (duration: 4d4: [2, 2, 4, 4] = 12 )
5) take cover 1d20: [19] = 19

Parry: if needed
1) 1d20+5: [6]+5 = 11
2) 1d20+5: [3]+5 = 8
3) 1d20+5: [6]+5 = 11
4) 1d20+5: [9]+5 = 14
5) 1d20+5: [14]+5 = 19

Dodge: if needed
1) 1d20+5: [13]+5 = 18
2) 1d20+5: [9]+5 = 14
3) 1d20+5: [9]+5 = 14
4) 1d20+5: [19]+5 = 24
5) 1d20+5: [17]+5 = 22
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [70] = 70 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [8] = 8 | 1d100: 1d100: [25] = 25
Initiative: 1d20+3: 1d20+3: [13]+3 = 16

Rory curses as the raptors leap out from the jungle.

"I'm gettin' right sick of beasties that're tryin' ta kill me."

Her first move is to cast the spell Armor Bizarre on herself, before yelling at the raptors.

"I've just repaired me armor. I'm not having it damaged by the likes of you!"

As soon as the familiar feel of the spell protection writhes into place, she pulls the Nuhr rune musket from her backpack, and starts snapping off shots at them, dodging only if one comes into point blank range.

APM: 6
1, 2) Cast Armor Bizarre (15PPE, 90MDC, Horror factor 12, duration 6 minutes)
3) Draw Nuhr rune musket
4) Fire Nuhr rune musket 1d20-2: 1d20-2: [15]-2 = 13 Damage roll (if needed) 6d6MD: 6d6: [5, 3, 2, 3, 4, 6] = 23
5) Fire Nuhr rune musket 1d20-2: 1d20-2: [13]-2 = 11 Damage roll (if needed) 6d6MD: 6d6: [4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 4] = 16
6) Fire Nuhr rune musket 1d20-2: 1d20-2: [8]-2 = 6 Damage roll (if needed) 6d6MD: 6d6: [4, 5, 6, 3, 5, 4] = 27

Dodge: if needed
3) 1d20+2: 1d20+2: [7]+2 = 9
4) 1d20+2: 1d20+2: [7]+2 = 9
5) 1d20+2: 1d20+2: [4]+2 = 6
6) 1d20+2: 1d20+2: [13]+2 = 15

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 165/165 (-15 for Armor Bizarre)

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 44/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50 (minus however many shots she takes)
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
OOC Comments
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [24] = 24 %
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 / 1d100: [94] = 94

Jason is feeling a bit bored as he watches the perimeter. His mind wanders, considering the deities he has learned about. I really don't know if....Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! As raptors charge from the trees. He immediately yells to the others as he fires his Super 10 at the nearest threat, "Incoming Raptors to the north and east! Jason angles to put the Trarius' shield towards the leftmost raptor, trusting it to take the brunt of an attack.

Initiative: 1d20+4: [14]+4 = 18
Actions: 6
1: fire shotgun at closest raptor 1d20+4: [7]+4 = 11 to hit, 5d6: [4, 1, 1, 4, 3] = 13 MD
2: fire shotgun at closest raptor 1d20+4: [3]+4 = 7 to hit, 5d6: [4, 6, 2, 5, 5] = 22 MD
3: fire shotgun at closest raptor 1d20+4: [16]+4 = 20 to hit, 5d6: [6, 1, 3, 3, 3] = 16 MD
4: fire shotgun at closest raptor 1d20+4: [8]+4 = 12 to hit, 5d6: [6, 4, 4, 2, 4] = 20 MD
5: fire shotgun at closest raptor 1d20+4: [19]+4 = 23 to hit, 5d6: [3, 2, 1, 6, 5] = 17 MD
6: reserved for dodge, 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16
Parries with shield where appropriate, 1d20+7: [5]+7 = 12 , 1d20+7: [8]+7 = 15 , 1d20+7: [2]+7 = 9
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Jungle North of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 10:06 PM (30 minutes have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Ley Line Effect: Mages may draw 10 P.P.E. per round, Increase the range and duration of a spell by 50% when on or within 2 miles of a ley line.
Mission Notes

Calvin Initiative: 25
Raptors Initiative: 20
Jason Initiative: 18
Jessie Initiative: 18
Teres Initiative: 16
Rory Initiative: 16
Rufus Initiative 10

Calvin: Manifest Enhanced Reflexes (-10 ISP)
Raptor 1: Charge towards Calvin, attack with Sickle-Claw Toe. (Strike: 18; Damage: 24 M.D.)
Raptor 2: Charge Jason, attack with Sickle-Claw Toe. (Strike: 15; Damage: 18 M.D.) (Parried)
Raptor 3: Charge Jason, attack with Sickle-Claw Toe. (Strike: 8; Damage: 13 M.D.) (Parried)
Raptor 4: Charge towards Rory.
Raptor 5: Charge and Leap Attack Rufus. (Strike: 14; Damage: 15 M.D.) (Dodged)
Jason: fire shotgun at closest raptor (Strike: 11; Damage: 13 M.D.)
Jessie: Drop Down and attack Raptor 5. (Strike: 21; Damage: 10 M.D.) (Parry Attempted)
Teres: find cover
Rory: Begin Casting Armor Bizarre (90MDC) (-15 P.P.E.)
Rufus: Cast Ley Line Force Field (38 M.D.C.) (-10 PPE)

Calvin channels his inner mental powers and sees the world slow just a bit around him, as he moves to be near Jason, the two of them are unable to occupy the hood at the same time so Calvin will have to resort to being next to the vehicle. Meanwhile the Raptors as a whole charge, One gets leaps and tears a mighty gash into Calvin’s armor. Jason parries the sickle-claw of the two leaping at him with the thick shoulder shield of his armor. One charges at Rory, but doesn’t quite reach the dwarf magus. The final one leaps high into the air, and is only missed by Rufus, expertly dodging himself higher. Jason fires his shotgun into the one nearest to him, blasting a decent wound in it’s scaly hide. Jessie drops from her spot near Rufus and slashes into the Raptor that just tried to disembowel him, carving a wound with her enchanted sword. Teres tries to find cover, hunkering down near a tree. Rory begins casting a defensive spell, as does Rufus.

Calvin: Cast Superhuman Agility (-15 PPE)
Raptor 1: Bites at Calvin. (Strike: 11, Damage: 17 M.D.) (Auto-Dodged)
Raptor 2: Bites at Jason. (Strike: 6; Damage: 20 M.D.) (Parried)
Raptor 3: Bites at Jason. (Strike: 12; Damage: 15 M.D.) (Dodged)
Raptor 4: Attack Rory with Sickle-Claw Toe. (Strike: 10; Damage: 20 M.D.) (Dodged)
Raptor 5: Bite Jessie. (Strike: 14; Damage: 15) (Parried)
Jason: fire shotgun at closest raptor (Strike: 7; Damage: 22 M.D.)
Jessie: Attack Raptor with her Enchanted Sword. (Strike: 7; Damage: 17 M.D.) (Parried)
Teres: Bio manipulation: Paralysis (Raptor 4 Paralyzed)
Rory: Spell Interupted.
Rufus: Begin Casting Ley Line Tendril Bolts (26 PPE)

Calvin quickly casts a spell to further improve his reflexes, before dodging the Raptor trying to eat his face. Jason Parries, then dodges a pair of bites from the two Raptors attacking him. Rory dodges aout of the way of the leaping Raptor coming for her, but it causes her to lose concentration on her spell, it fizzles from her mind. The last Raptor tries to bite Jessie who parries it deftly with her sword. Jason again blasts the Raptor in front of him, really putting some hurt on it. Jessie tries to carve more wounds into the Raptor near her, but it manages to knock her blade out of line. Teres manifests the Evil eye on the Raptor near Rory, and it falls over paralyzed. Rory is still reeling from the interruption of her spell. Rufus begins casting a powerful Ley Line spell.

Calvin: Cast Armor of Ithan (100 MDC) (-10 PPE)
Raptor 1: Bite at Calvin. (Strike: 12; Damage: 18 M.D.) (Parried)
Raptor 2: Bite at Jason: (Strike: 13; Damage: 18 M.D.)
Raptor 3: Move to go attack Teres.
Raptor 4: Paralyzed
Raptor 5: Bite at Jessie. (Strike: 6; Damage: 12 M.D.) (Parried)
Jason: fire shotgun at closest raptor (Strike: 20; Damage: 16 M.D.)
Jessie: Slash at the Raptor. (Strike: 22; Damage: 11 M.D.) (Parry Attempted)
Teres: Bio manipulation: Paralysis (Saved)
Rory: Draw Nuhr rune musket
Rufus: Finish Casting Ley Line Tendril Bolts (26 PPE)

Calvin casts a defensive spell, before a Raptor tries to bite him once more, which Calvin easily parries the bite away from him. The other Raptor bites into Jason, scoring his armor more. The second Raptor moves away from Jason and starts running towards Teres. A sad Raptor lays on the ground unable to move, While the other nearby tries to bite Jessie, who parries it once more with her sword. Jason takes the opportunity to attack the Raptor in front of him, putting a shotgun blast into its hide. Jessie again cuts the Raptor she is fighting. Teres tries to Evil Eye another Raptor, but its will seems too strong for it. Rory unshoulders her rifle, while Rufus completes his spell.

Calvin: Activate TW Sword (-10 PPE)
Raptor 1: Bite at Calvin. (Strike: 15, Damage: 16 M.D.) (Parried)
Raptor 2: Bite at Jason. (Strike: 7; Damage: 17 M.D.)
Raptor 3: Attack Teres with Sickle-Claw Toe. (Strike: 8; Damage: 18 M.D.) (Dodged)
Raptor 4: Paralyzed
Raptor 5: Bite at Jessie. (Strike: 18; Damage: 14 M.D.) (Parried)
Jason: fire shotgun at closest raptor (Strike: 12; Damage: 20 M.D.)
Jessie: Strike at the Raptor. (Strike: 21; Damage: 13 M.D.) (Parry Attempted)
Teres: Bio manipulation: Paralysis (Raptor 3 Paralyzed)
Rory: Fire Nuhr rune musket (Strike: 13; Damage: 23 M.D.)
Rufus: Tendril bolt attacks. (36 M.D. per tendril.)

Calvin empowered his TW Conduit sword causing sparks to arc along its length. The Raptor tries to bite Calvin once more, but finds itself parried with the flat of the sword. Jason’s armor takes another blow. Teres manages to dodge the leaping Raptor coming for her while the paralyzed one whines. Jessie parries the pite coming for her legs, while Jason retaliates by shooting the Raptor in front of him. Jessie carves another wound into the Raptor near her, while Teres manages to paralyze the one that just leaped at her. Rory hits the Raptor near Jessie with a firebolt from her musket before Rufus begins reigning destruction in the forms of energy bolts into four of the Raptors nearest to him.

Calvin: Cast Carpet of Adhesion on a pair of raptors (-10 PPE)
Raptor 1: Bite at Calvin. (Strike: 11; Damage: 22 M.D.) (Parried)
Raptor 2: Bite at Jason. (Strike: 16; Damage: 17 M.D.)
Raptor 3: Paralyzed
Raptor 4: Paralyzed
Raptor 5: Bite at Jessie. (Strike: Nat 20; Damage: 48 M.D.) (Parry Attempted)
Jason: fire shotgun at closest raptor (Strike: 23; Damage: 17 M.D.)
Jessie: Cast Armor of Ithan (70 M.D.) (-10 P.P.E.)
Teres: Sacrificed for Dodge.
Rory: Fire Nuhr rune musket (Strike: 11; Damage: 16 M.D.)
Rufus: Tendril bolt attacks. (48 M.D. per tendril.)

Calvin casts a spell covering the area in front of him and Jason with a sticky carpet, catching both Raptor’s fast. Even caught, the two Raptors are still close enough to attack, biting at Calvin who parries the massive head, while Jason’s armor takes another brutal hit. The paralyzed Raptors whine in pain and frustration, While the one fighting Jessie, savages her armor to near shreds. Jason puts another round in the Raptor near him, nearly killing it. Jessie casts a defensive spell in anticipation of more fighting. Rory fires her musket, killing the Raptor near Jessie. Rufus again reigns death down upon the creatures, killing the Raptors in front of Calvin and Jason, while heavily wounding the others.

Calvin: Cast Carpet of Adhesion on a pair of raptors (-10 PPE)
Jason: Reserved Dodge Used.
Jessie: Lift up near Rufus.
Rory: Fire Nuhr rune musket (Strike: 6; Damage: 27 M.D.)
Rufus: Tendril bolt attacks. (45 M.D. per tendril.)
Calvin: No Targets
Rufus: No Targets
Calvin: No targets
Rufus: Dodge: Nat 20; 27 (Used)

Calvin refrains from casting another spell as all the beasts are paralyzed, while Rory Mercy kills the one nearest to her, and Rufus finishes off the last. This leaves the Templar a bit battered and bruised, but safe for the moment.


What are your Intentions?

Everyone in the Party has Sustain (9 Days; Ends June 8th, 4 PM)
Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 61/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: -36 P.P.E.
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C., -15 P.P.E.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C., -20 I.S.P.
Calvin Wallace: NG-A8 26/50 M.D., -10 I.S.P., -45 P.P.E.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C. -10 P.P.E.

Raptor 1: 0/101 Carpet of Adhesion, Dead.
Raptor 2: 0/106 Dead.
Raptor 3: 0/104 Paralyzed, Dead.
Raptor 4: 0/105 Paralyzed, Dead.
Raptor 5: 0/100 Dead
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [85] = 85 %
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [42] = 42

Jason begins reloading his shotgun and says to Calvin, "Thanks for the assist. You good?" He then calls out to the team, "Good job, people. Is anyone hurt?" Once he is reloaded and sure nothing else is going to come running out of the trees, Jason goes to each team member, checking to see the damages. He then starts checking over his armor, shaking his head at the damage. "Since we are surrounded by all this magical energy, does anyone have a way to patch armor?" If anyone can, Jason asks them if they will work on it the following day.

As everyone finishes their post battle routines, Jason calls them all together. "Ok, folks. That really was good work. From surprise, we dropped 5 raptors in 15 seconds with no losses. The question is, what do we do now. Do you want to stay here and continue what you were doing? If so, we need to get rid of these bodies and clean the site, so more predators don't come sniffing around. Or we can scout around for a more defensible site and start over. Finally we can head back to town. I've got no dog in this fight. " He smiles at Rufus. He waits to hear the discussion.

---If the rest of the team decides to stay, Jason begins working to pull the carcasses deep into the woods. He will use the jeep to pull them all at least a mile from the camp. Back at the camp, he throws dirt and ash from the fire on the blood to cover up the odor. Once he is done, He resumes his watch until daybreak. At dawn, he asks if someone will take over so he can get his two hours of sleep. Once he is up and about, Jason will go scout with Teres, if she is still up for it.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [28] = 28
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 | 1d100 < 43%: [61] = 61

1. Armor of Ithan: 100 MD, 39 melees, 100 MDC, Magic Fire, Lightning, Cold do half damage
2. Enhanced Reflexes: 59 melees duration, +1 attack, +3 to init, + 2 to parry and dodge, +2 to PP, +15% to any skill that requires on coordination or balance
3. Superhuman Agility: 19 melees, +1 to init, +1 to parry, +5 to dodge, +5 to roll with impact, Autododge +5, Auto roll with impact, +20% to climb/rappell.
4. Sustain: 9 Days Left
5. Psionic combat on Leyline:
6. Magic combat on Leyline:
7. Sixth Sense (Cannot be surprised. Combat bonuses are over)
8. PPE = 145 - 75 = 70 (no channelling) or 145 - 65 + 10 (channelling) = 90
9. ISP = 57 - 10 = 47
10. Impervious to all energy attacks, immune to lasers/ion blasts/particle beams, plasma bolts, electricity, fire, heat, radiation (conventional)
11. Magic created Energy and Ley line storms inflict half damage!
12. Fire and cold resistant (does half damage)

Jason wrote: Jason begins reloading his shotgun and says to Calvin, "Thanks for the assist. You good?" He then calls out to the team, "Good job, people. Is anyone hurt?" Once he is reloaded and sure nothing else is going to come running out of the trees, Jason goes to each team member, checking to see the damages. He then starts checking over his armor, shaking his head at the damage. "Since we are surrounded by all this magical energy, does anyone have a way to patch armor?" If anyone can, Jason asks them if they will work on it the following day.
Calvin replies with a nod:
"No big deal. My armor is a bit dented but I should be alright."

Taking a quick gander to Jason's armor and doing some mental math, (Field Armorer 1d100: [57] = 57 ), Calvin follows up with a reply:
"Rory was repairing her armor on the leyline before. She is using a spell called "Mend the Broken". It's generally pretty efficient for small repairs. Since your armor is more than a bit dinged up, we're gonna need a pull more energy from the leyline."

"This is what I propose. Rory, Rufus and I will simultaneously pull magic energy continusously for the leyline for 10 minutes. Then I will hand what PPE Rory can hold to consume in her incantation. Rufus channels as much as both of us. My guess is that it do that a few times and in 35 minutes or so Rory should have more than enough juice to completely fix your armor.
OOC Comments
Worked out the rough math in chat.
If we have any time left, we can work on the rest of the group's damaged items."

Calvin looks at the large gash on his chest plate and looks back at the dead raptors on the ground...
"I suppose my armor could use some fixing too... This should take about 5 minutes or so."

Calvin turns back to Rufus and Rory, and then Jason. He says:
"Let's get to it. Jason, you can leave the armor on. It shouldn't make a difference. Let's move our stuff closer to the leyline though."
Jason wrote: As everyone finishes their post battle routines, Jason calls them all together. "Ok, folks. That really was good work. From surprise, we dropped 5 raptors in 15 seconds with no losses. The question is, what do we do now. Do you want to stay here and continue what you were doing? If so, we need to get rid of these bodies and clean the site, so more predators don't come sniffing around. Or we can scout around for a more defensible site and start over. Finally we can head back to town. I've got no dog in this fight. " He smiles at Rufus. He waits to hear the discussion.
Calvin replies: "Agreed, let's rid the corpses first and fix up the site." He ponders on what to do (Wilderness Survival: 1d100 < 63: [40] = 40 ) and tries to come up with a plan.
OOC Comments
Out of game, I don't know how it would be feasible to hide five dino corpses... I'm gonna look at the books a bit and ponder.
It then dawned on him that he had a psi-druid amongst his cohorts and this was entirely in her wheel house.

"Boss, let's not drag the corpses anywhere yet. They look heavy and the blood and refuse could possibly leave a trail right back to this campsite."

Turning to Teres, he says:

"Aight, Teres. First order of business here. What parts of these things are valuable? I can help you chop things and I can identify the parts that people use for medicine and magic, but what to do with the rest of these carcasses to avoid pesky scavengers is really your wheel house here. What do you propose?"

"I suppose we can cut the bits out that we can flip when we get back into town. But I would really like your input Teres, before we continue."

Calvin looks to wait for a response, but then he remembers something:

"Nobody move. I got to clear the traps. Hold on!"

Happy that his Enhanced Perception and Enhanced Reflexes are still in tact for a few more minutes, (+25% to skills requiring dexterity and perception), Calvin quickly goes and disables all his make shift grenade traps before his teammates have an opportunity to run across them:

(Demolitions Disposal: 1d100 < 100%: [10] = 10 , 1d100 < 100%: [88] = 88 , 1d100 < 100%: [56] = 56 , 1d100 < 100%: [9] = 9 , 1d100 < 100%: [88] = 88 )

He cleans up all the mines and repockets all the grenades. Breathing out a big sigh of relief, he turns back to Teres and waits for a response.
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [81] = 81 / 54%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [10] = 10 | 1d100: [95] = 95
Jason wrote:The question is, what do we do now. Do you want to stay here and continue what you were doing? If so, we need to get rid of these bodies and clean the site, so more predators don't come sniffing around. Or we can scout around for a more defensible site and start over. Finally we can head back to town. I've got no dog in this fight.
Calvin wrote: "Boss, let's not drag the corpses anywhere yet. They look heavy and the blood and refuse could possibly leave a trail right back to this campsite."

Turning to Teres, he says:

"Aight, Teres. First order of business here. What parts of these things are valuable? I can help you chop things and I can identify the parts that people use for medicine and magic, but what to do with the rest of these carcasses to avoid pesky scavengers is really your wheel house here. What do you propose?"

"I suppose we can cut the bits out that we can flip when we get back into town. But I would really like your input Teres, before we continue."

the trail of guts such should be avoidable. Fly or incinerate the remains. Teres thinks. She was listening but focused on the scenery and looks at them thoughtfully as considers the options. She considers flying it out then realizes the mages had spells that solve it in an efficient manner. A simple spell to destroy the body was in order.

"Just hit them with a spell to destroy the body where they are. I remember being taught to use flares and gas or Plasma weapons and grenades to disintegrate bodies while on operations to avoid leaving a trail. I don't think we need to worry about parts of the dinos, our boat can only carry so much. Plus, the process of bleeding and treating a larger animal takes time and will be detected by all that blood. Unless someone wants to skin it for boots and de claw it. " she adds as she kept watch but gets pulled into a conversation.

"Now if we could have captured one alive, but raptors make terrible boat or indoor pets due to a mix of aggression and predatorial instinct." she adds. Hmmm could try and get one when I get home. a guard dino would be fun. Teres thinks.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Rolls Held Over

Calvin listens to Teres:
Teres wrote: "Just hit them with a spell to destroy the body where they are. I remember being taught to use flares and gas or Plasma weapons and grenades to disintegrate bodies while on operations to avoid leaving a trail. I don't think we need to worry about parts of the dinos, our boat can only carry so much. Plus, the process of bleeding and treating a larger animal takes time and will be detected by all that blood. Unless someone wants to skin it for boots and de claw it. " she adds as she kept watch but gets pulled into a conversation.

"Now if we could have captured one alive, but raptors make terrible boat or indoor pets due to a mix of aggression and predatorial instinct." she adds. Hmmm could try and get one when I get home. a guard dino would be fun. Teres thinks.
He ponders for a second and says:
"I'll declaw the dinos. The head is probably too much work. I have a fly sheet in my tent I can wrap the parts in. Then we will destroy the body with magic."

Calvin looks to Rufus and Jason for any other suggestions. If he doesn't get any, he will proceed to hack off the front and hind claws of the individual raptors using his TW Sword: (Damage rolls: 7d6 *2: [4, 4, 3, 5, 6, 3, 3] = 28 , 7d6*2: [6, 2, 1, 1, 6, 2, 4]*2 = 44 , 7d6*2: [6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 1, 1]*2 = 40 , 7d6*2: [5, 1, 4, 6, 6, 3, 1]*2 = 52 , 7d6*2: [4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 5, 2]*2 = 50 , 7d6*2: [4, 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 5]*2 = 48 , 7d6*2: [3, 1, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6]*2 = 46 )

If Rufus or Jason opposes those actions, then he will oblige everyone by helping incinerate the corpses by using call lightning with damage: 1d6*5 (*2) if needed.

Once the corpses have been disposed of, Calvin will go back to the leyline and help fix Jason's armor by helping Rory channel.
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Wed Aug 14, 2024 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [37*] = 1
(perception bonuses doubled while on a ley line, so actual skill would be 101% instead of 86% normally)

JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 / 1d100: [95] = 95

- PPE: 277/313 at the start of this post
- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

- Sustain: 9 Days remaining
Sustain allows the recipient of this enchantment to go for days without food, water, or breathable air! The magic keeps their energy level up and removes the need for any outside source of these things. In addition, the recipient only needs two hours sleep per night for the duration of the magic. The individual can survive in almost any environment. However, the character remains vulnerable to other external conditions such as heat, cold, and physical damage, and fatigues from exertion as normal.

- Ley Line Observation Ball
9 MDC | 4,500’ (1,371.6 m) range | Speed up to 30mph/48 km. | +3 dodge.

- Lantern Lights (3): 2 hours remaining each
- Sheltering Force (2): 6.5 hours remaining
- Ley Line Force Field: 38/38 MDC
Jason Long wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 10:52 am"Good job, people. Is anyone hurt?"
"Fine." No, that didn't sound very convincing. No, I don't care. Should have known this wouldn't work out; it's way too dangerous.

The ball of lightning dissipates from Rufus' hands (as does the force field protecting him) as he floats down beside Jessie. "Thanks for the assist. You okay?" Once she answers, Rufus nods and turns to the others. "Anybody need healing?" He'll cast Heal Wounds on anyone who needs it and as often as needed, while saying very little and looking like he's not even all there.
Jason Long wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 10:52 am"Since we are surrounded by all this magical energy, does anyone have a way to patch armor?"
"Yeah..." Rufus mutters. "It'll take a lot of energy and a lot of time, but if we gotta do it then no better place than on a Line."
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 12:54 am"This is what I propose. Rory, Rufus and I will simultaneously pull magic energy continusously for the leyline for 10 minutes. Then I will hand what PPE Rory can hold to consume in her incantation. Rufus channels as much as both of us. My guess is that it do that a few times and in 35 minutes or so Rory should have more than enough juice to completely fix your armor.
OOC Comments
Worked out the rough math in chat.
If we have any time left, we can work on the rest of the group's damaged items."
"Yeah, that'll work..." he nods without looking up. "I can cast mending spells too; you help Rory with hers."
Jason Long wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 10:52 am"Ok, folks. That really was good work. From surprise, we dropped 5 raptors in 15 seconds with no losses. The question is, what do we do now. Do you want to stay here and continue what you were doing? If so, we need to get rid of these bodies and clean the site, so more predators don't come sniffing around. Or we can scout around for a more defensible site and start over. Finally we can head back to town. I've got no dog in this fight. " He smiles at Rufus.
Rufus snorts softly, but doesn't return the smile. "No. No point in trying to stay out here longer than we absolutely have to. If my communing with the line is interrupted for any reason I have to start all over... and we're not likely to make it a full 48 hours without more interruptions." He sighs heavily. "Let's just get this job wrapped up so we can get back home. I can do what I need to do back at the Guild."
Teres Barton wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:03 pm"Just hit them with a spell to destroy the body where they are. I remember being taught to use flares and gas or Plasma weapons and grenades to disintegrate bodies while on operations to avoid leaving a trail. I don't think we need to worry about parts of the dinos, our boat can only carry so much. Plus, the process of bleeding and treating a larger animal takes time and will be detected by all that blood. Unless someone wants to skin it for boots and de claw it. "
A low growl emanates from Rufus' throat. "FINE. Pull off or cut off anything you want to keep, then get yourselves clear." He floats up slightly and mutters more incantations. As his eyes glow once again and another ball of lightning forms in his hands he starts muttering.

"The first Ley Line we've come across in months... We were minding our own business... not hurting anyone... would have left without making a mess..."

The lightning ball glows brighter before tendril bolts lash out at the raptors once again.











Rufus keeps casting tendril bolts and blasting the raptor corpses (OOC: the base spell, not the version with bonus damage) until there's nothing left of them but ash or he runs out of PPE (whichever comes first). When he's done he drifts down to the ground and goes down on one knee, breathing heavily.

Side Note: Kankoran have a Horror Factor of 12, at least when they are seen in combat or when angry or threatening. Just felt like a good time to mention it. :)
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [10] = 10 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [17] = 17 | 1d100: 1d100: [72] = 72

Rory slumps a little as the fight ends.

"Blasted beasties."

He looks around at the corpses of the raptors.

Jason Long wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 10:52 am"Since we are surrounded by all this magical energy, does anyone have a way to patch armor?"
"Aye, I can do that. It'll take a while ta get the energy I need from the line, but it's nae problem. As soon as I've drawn all I can, I'll use it on the armor. Rince an' repeat as often as it takes ta finish the job."

She looks around at the others.

"Same goes fer everyone else. Anyone needs armor repaired, I can do it."

She looks over as Rufus starts to lose his temper.
Rufus wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:22 pm


Rufus keeps casting tendril bolts and blasting the raptor corpses until there's nothing left of them but ash or he runs out of PPE (whichever comes first). When he's done he drifts down to the ground and goes down on one knee, breathing heavily.
She cocks her head and looks at Rufus.

"So, tell me, Rufus: How do ye *really* feel?"

She flashes a smile and walks over, going down on one knee to check on him.

"It's okay, man, it's okay. Seriously, though - how're ye feeling?"

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 150/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 44/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50 (minus however many shots she takes)
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Jungle North of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 10:09 PM (3 minutes have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Ley Line Effect: Mages may draw 10 P.P.E. per round, Increase the range and duration of a spell by 50% when on or within 2 miles of a ley line.
Mission Notes
Calvin: (Field Armorer The armor is pretty well beat up and would require definite shop time as field repairs would be insufficient to fully repair it.
Wilderness Survival Best idea would be to bury them a distance away, and try to cover up or remove all the other blood spilt. But given the amount, this is a rather tall ask.

The fight is over, but it seems Rufus is not remotely happy. Bruskly the Kankoran tells the group to do what they will to the corpses of the raptors. Which apparently is hacking off feet and heads, before Rufus has a ley line fueled rage fest, throwing bolts of energy into the corpses. What was once a possibly containable mess, is now much much worse as gibbets of raptor are blasted all over the terrain and area, making cleaning a blood scent likely impossible. Though for what it’s worth the jungle seems really quiet for the moment.

Calvin takes some time to pull up his IEDs, while the others mill about. ”Well that just happened…” Jessie says floating above the group.

What are your intentions?

Everyone in the Party has Sustain (9 Days; Ends June 8th, 4 PM)
Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 61/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: -36 P.P.E.
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C., -15 P.P.E.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C., -20 I.S.P.
Calvin Wallace: NG-A8 26/50 M.D., -10 I.S.P., -45 P.P.E.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C. -10 P.P.E.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 73%: [32] = 32
JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 | 1d100: [65] = 65

1. Armor of Ithan: 100 MD, 27 melees, 100 MDC, Magic Fire, Lightning, Cold do half damage
2. Enhanced Reflexes: 47 melees duration, +1 attack, +3 to init, + 2 to parry and dodge, +2 to PP, +15% to any skill that requires on coordination or balance
3. Superhuman Agility: 7 melees, +1 to init, +1 to parry, +5 to dodge, +5 to roll with impact, Autododge +5, Auto roll with impact, +20% to climb/rappell.
4. Sustain: 9 Days Left
5. Psionic combat on Leyline:
6. Magic combat on Leyline:
7. Sixth Sense (Cannot be surprised. Combat bonuses are over)
8. PPE = 145 - 75 = 70 (no channelling) or 145 - 65 + 10 (channelling) = 90
9. ISP = 57 - 10 = 47
10. Impervious to all energy attacks, immune to lasers/ion blasts/particle beams, plasma bolts, electricity, fire, heat, radiation (conventional)
11. Magic created Energy and Ley line storms inflict half damage!
12. Fire and cold resistant (does half damage)

Consumer wrote: The fight is over, but it seems Rufus is not remotely happy. Bruskly the Kankoran tells the group to do what they will to the corpses of the raptors. Which apparently is hacking off feet and heads, before Rufus has a ley line fueled rage fest, throwing bolts of energy into the corpses. What was once a possibly containable mess, is now much much worse as gibbets of raptor are blasted all over the terrain and area, making cleaning a blood scent likely impossible. Though for what it’s worth the jungle seems really quiet for the moment.

Calvin takes some time to pull up his IEDs, while the others mill about. ”Well that just happened…” Jessie says floating above the group.
Calvin takes in the field of carnage around him as he gingerly picks up his ieds.
Welp, I guess we're not blowing up corpses again to get rid of them. That was a bad idea. Why did Teres recommend that?
We're gonna have to make a note to talk down Rufus from doing something like that ever again. Anyway, lots of room for personal growth for everyone here.

As Calvin waits for a response, he takes the opportunity to pull some ppe from the leyline (+10 PPE).

Taking a second to pause and find the right words, Calvin says:
"Well that didn't quite work out as planned. No matter. We need to get out of the area."

"Rufus, let's not get too frustrated. Not all is lost. Let's go up the leyline in flight. If one of us takes an aerial vantage point, we can find a flatter spot to get a protection circle going."

"We need to get to the air quickly to get out of the way of predators and scavengers. Rufus, Rory, do you guys have any spells to shrink the jeep or help me carry it on our backs?"
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [41*] = 1
(perception bonuses doubled while on a ley line, so actual skill would be 101% instead of 86% normally)

JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [68] = 68

- PPE: 241/313 at the start of this post
- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

- Sustain: 9 Days remaining
Sustain allows the recipient of this enchantment to go for days without food, water, or breathable air! The magic keeps their energy level up and removes the need for any outside source of these things. In addition, the recipient only needs two hours sleep per night for the duration of the magic. The individual can survive in almost any environment. However, the character remains vulnerable to other external conditions such as heat, cold, and physical damage, and fatigues from exertion as normal.

- Ley Line Observation Ball
9 MDC | 4,500’ (1,371.6 m) range | Speed up to 30mph/48 km. | +3 dodge.

- Lantern Lights (3): 2 hours remaining each
- Sheltering Force (2): 6.5 hours remaining
- Ley Line Force Field: 38/38 MDC
Rory wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:40 pm"It's okay, man, it's okay. Seriously, though - how're ye feeling?"
Unfortunately, it's not so much the physical exertion that's got Rufus down as it is the 'post-orgy-of-destruction clarity' -- the knowing that what he's done has only made their situation so much worse. What was it Uncle Cato liked to say? 'If you don't control your anger, your anger will control you.' He sighs as he stands up. "I've been better, thanks..." he pats Rory on the shoulder. "But that's all on me. I'm very sorry, my friends. It's just been so long since we -- I -- have been able to spend some time on a ley line and I let my frustration get the better of me. I should have known better than to try and commune in an unknown area, and I should have remembered that those tendril blasts have an explosive element to them. And because of all that I messed things up big time, for which I humbly apologize."
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:47 am"Rufus, let's not get too frustrated. Not all is lost. Let's go up the leyline in flight. If one of us takes an aerial vantage point, we can find a flatter spot to get a protection circle going."
Rufus sighs as he stands up. "No, you're right. The quicker we get out of here, and the less noise we make, the better. Flying is our best option..." he glances at Jason. "Even though it might not be the preferred option."
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:47 am"We need to get to the air quickly to get out of the way of predators and scavengers. Rufus, Rory, do you guys have any spells to shrink the jeep or help me carry it on our backs?"
Rufus shakes his head. "Shrinking the jeep? No, at least I don't anyway. But carrying it..." he starts thinking. "You say you're a supernatural being, right? So you've got strength to go along with it, right? I've got a strength spell that'll allow me or anyone else who I cast it on to carry roughly 1,500 pounds. It doesn't last very long, but here on the line it should last about..." he does some quick mental math. "About 8-9 minutes. That's enough time to get clear of this area and set down somewhere else down the ley line. Hopefully someplace safer and less raptor-infested, anyway. I can cast flight spells on everyone first, and then the strength spell on me and say one other for good measure. Between you, me, and one more we should be able to airlift the jeep with no major problems." He looks around. "Anybody wanna help us move a jeep?"

If there are no objections to this plan, he'll start casting flight spells on everyone and save the strength spells for last (himself and any volunteer/volunteers). "Alright then, get a good grip and think of a happy little thought -- up, up, and away!"
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

(Present Conditions Held Over)

(Rolls Held Over)
Rufus wrote: Unfortunately, it's not so much the physical exertion that's got Rufus down as it is the 'post-orgy-of-destruction clarity' -- the knowing that what he's done has only made their situation so much worse. What was it Uncle Cato liked to say? 'If you don't control your anger, your anger will control you.' He sighs as he stands up. "I've been better, thanks..." he pats Rory on the shoulder. "But that's all on me. I'm very sorry, my friends. It's just been so long since we -- I -- have been able to spend some time on a ley line and I let my frustration get the better of me. I should have known better than to try and commune in an unknown area, and I should have remembered that those tendril blasts have an explosive element to them. And because of all that I messed things up big time, for which I humbly apologize."
This could've happened to me. I bet my dad has done this shit many a time. Getting annoyed at other people who were getting annoyed with themselves, seldom helps. Although that advice about blasting organic matter with magic turned out to be a real dud. From now on, we might have to lean on Teres less. Still, this is a managerial decision.

Stealing a glance at Jason and Rufus, Calvin opts to say little. Instead, he chooses to listen to Rufus flesh out their next few moves:
Rufus wrote: Rufus shakes his head. "Shrinking the jeep? No, at least I don't anyway. But carrying it..." he starts thinking. "You say you're a supernatural being, right? So you've got strength to go along with it, right? I've got a strength spell that'll allow me or anyone else who I cast it on to carry roughly 1,500 pounds. It doesn't last very long, but here on the line it should last about..." he does some quick mental math. "About 8-9 minutes. That's enough time to get clear of this area and set down somewhere else down the ley line. Hopefully someplace safer and less raptor-infested, anyway. I can cast flight spells on everyone first, and then the strength spell on me and say one other for good measure. Between you, me, and one more we should be able to airlift the jeep with no major problems." He looks around. "Anybody wanna help us move a jeep?"
Calvin turns to Rufus and says:
"I can dead lift about 3100 pounds and carry about 1550. Between the two of us, we should be able to heft this jeep. Since Jason doesn't want to fly, he should stay in the jeep. Rufus, if you can cast flight spells on me, you and everyone else, me and you, we can carry this glorified sedan chair with our esteemed leader in it. Rory, if you could fly a bit ahead and look for either a defendible position or a flat piece of ground where you can stand up a protection circle, that would be awesome.

Turning back to Rufus, Calvin continues:
"Me and you, we can carry the jeep in flight to the top of the tree line, then we follow the leyline northwest until Rory or someone else finds a place that is properly deserted before we set this down."
Rufus wrote: If there are no objections to this plan, he'll start casting flight spells on everyone and save the strength spells for last (himself and any volunteer/volunteers). "Alright then, get a good grip and think of a happy little thought -- up, up, and away!"
Calvin does not object. He simply lets the magic energy well up inside of him. Within moments, he could feel his body defy gravity to his whim. Moving his backpack to the front of the body, Calvin reaches for the front end of the jeep. Once Rufus gets in position on his end, Calvin turns around with his head facing forward with his back touching the grill of the jeep. Bending his knees, he casts carpet of adhesion on his hands (-10 PPE) and grabs the bottom of the bumper. "Rufus, lemme know you're ready. Once you are, count off to three and we will both lift off. Per altitude, we're gonna just clear the tree line. Rory, thanks much."

Without further incident, Calvin hefts the front of the jeep along with Rufus at the back until they clear the tree line. Then Calvin will let Rory fly ahead first a bit, then follow behind her while riding parallel to the leyline.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [58] = 58 %
JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 / 1d100: [33] = 33

Jason stands and just stares for a minute at the mess from Rufus' hissy fit. Well, that happened. There's no cleaning this up, short of a napalm strike. "Umm, Rufus? Buddy? I think you need to take a deep breath and sit down for a few minutes. "

Jason listens to the suggestions for how to proceed. More flying? shit

Jason straps himself into the jeep, and double checks that his armor's kinetic dampening system is working before giving the others the ok to move them.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [82] = 82 / 54%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [10] = 10 | 1d100: [44] = 44
Rufus wrote:I -- have been able to spend some time on a ley line and I let my frustration get the better of me. I should have known better than to try and commune in an unknown area, and I should have remembered that those tendril blasts have an explosive element to them. And because of all that I messed things up big time, for which I humbly apologize.
"It happens to the best of us. We need to do that shield you do on the body being destroyed. Just put a hand on the body, armor then a fire spell. It might contain the blast provided the spell is weaker than that armor spell. I should have thought about containing the blast before I suggested the idea. Plasma grenades were half-spheres and covered the entire body so there was no mess." she pauses, "Necromancy and demon magic do not improve my mood. As you know I am not a fan of magic, but I have a special dislike of necromancy and Demon magic. One day you will need give me the basics on it. Its good know what you don't like." she says with a shrug.

Its a wonder I put with mages at all. but Rufus and Rory seem good. Now I have some concerns about Calvin. if he sells to necromancy does use it? something to keep a watch for. she thinks as she lifts off and follows the group. Some days she wished she had stayed in the CS.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Jungle North of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 10:49 PM (50 minutes have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Ley Line Effect: Mages may draw 10 P.P.E. per round, Increase the range and duration of a spell by 50% when on or within 2 miles of a ley line.
Mission Notes

Calvin and Rufus discuss a plan while Teres adds her two cents. In the end a few spells are cast and the crew prepares to leave. Jessie moves next to Jason and places a hand on his shoulder. Almost instantly Jason feels the deep seated fears of flying subside (Suppress Fear). Jessie then moves up with Rufus and Calvin and helps lift the jeep into the air and fly it to a new location. None seem exactly perfect and weirdly enough it almost seems like in the end it might be harder to get the jeep out of the jungle as they set it down in a clearing big enough for at least the Jeep.

Once down the mages get to work doing the one true task they’re aiming for, repairing Jason and Calvin's armor. Which takes approximately forty minutes to do. Now with the task handled, the group can hear that the jungle is alive with movement, and if they want to forgo another battle, it may be best to get moving.

GM Notes: Calvin Carpet of Adhesion cannot be used in the manner you described.
Teres Plasma Grenades would have done basically the same thing Rufus did, except more fire. The CS uses Plasma guns and Plasma Flamethrowers to mass dispose of corpses.

All I just want to move this along.

What are your intentions?

Everyone in the Party has Sustain (9 Days; Ends June 8th, 4 PM)
Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 70/70 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace: NG-A8 50/50 M.D.C.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 73%: [57] = 57
JIC: 1d20: [12] = 12 | 1d100: [8] = 8

Armor fully repaired
Fly like an eagle spell: 6 hours ish duration, 50 mph. +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to damage on a diving attack. Bonuses apply in flight.
PPE: Full recovered, 145.
ISP: 53 (-10 for enhanced perception) -> 43

Calvin surveys the surroundings. Despite his sixth sense remaining quiet, something feels awry.

"Well, we're done here. Let's go."

Turning to Rufus and Jason

"The flight spell is still active. Would you like me to scout or cover the rear? You guys pick, and we should really get going."

Scanning the immediate area, Calvin will do whatever he is instructed to do while paying attention to the immediate surroundings. If he is asked to scout, he will fly ahead of the jeep by about 50 yards or so. If he is asked to bring up the rear, he will either float behind the jeep by about 10 yards, constantly looking around to make sure nothing is approaching the group.

Turning on Enhanced Perception, he wants to make sure he is totally aware of his surroundings to the best of his abilites.

Prowl rolls: 1d100 < 68%: [79] = 79 , 1d100 < 68%: [7] = 7 , 1d100 < 68%: [51] = 51 (+10% from enhanced perception)
Tracking rolls (looking for humaniods in the area): 1d100 < 68%: [94] = 94 , 1d100 < 68%: [88] = 88 , 1d100 < 68%: [84] = 84 (+10% from enhanced perception)
Detech Ambush rolls: 1d100 < 73%: [48] = 48 , 1d100 < 73%: [69] = 69 , 1d100 < 73%: [57] = 57
Land Navigation rolls: 1d100 < 79%: [77] = 77 , 1d100 < 79%: [55] = 55 , 1d100 < 79%: [18] = 18

(OOC: Skill rolls were copied off from an old post. I posted originally from my gm account)
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:40 am, edited 6 times in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [22] = 22 %
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [26] = 26

((Land Navigation--91% / 1d100: [2] = 2 % )) plotting the leyline

Feeling the fear leave him, Jason looks at Jesse in awe and respect. "Thank you, Jesse. You have no idea how much I';; need that." Once the group land and finish repairs, he is disappointed that the move doesn't seem to have helped.
Consumer wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 5:19 am Now with the task handled, the group can hear that the jungle is alive with movement, and if they want to forgo another battle, it may be best to get moving.
Well that was a cluster "Rufus, I promise that we will find you another leyline, but this isn't working. I'll plot it out and see where it intersects the coast. We can go there on the moat. For now, lets get back to town. " Jason plots the leyline on the chart. If there are no objections, Jason suggests Calvin scout ahead so they can head back to town.

If the trip back is uneventful, Jason will drop the team off at the boat and head off to return the jeep. While walking back to the dock, Jason will stop at the vendor who sold the New Navy gear to ask about contacting them.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [99] = 0
(perception bonuses doubled while on a ley line, so actual skill would be 101% instead of 86% normally)

JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 / 1d100: [41] = 41

- PPE: Heck if I know/313 at the start of this post
- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

- Sustain: 9 Days remaining
Sustain allows the recipient of this enchantment to go for days without food, water, or breathable air! The magic keeps their energy level up and removes the need for any outside source of these things. In addition, the recipient only needs two hours sleep per night for the duration of the magic. The individual can survive in almost any environment. However, the character remains vulnerable to other external conditions such as heat, cold, and physical damage, and fatigues from exertion as normal.

- Ley Line Observation Ball
9 MDC | 4,500’ (1,371.6 m) range | Speed up to 30mph/48 km. | +3 dodge.

- Fly as the Eagle Spell: 5 hours, 10 minutes remaining
- Lantern Lights (3): 1 hour, 10 minutes remaining each
- Ley Line Force Field: 38/38 MDC
Consumer wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 5:19 amOnce down the mages get to work doing the one true task they’re aiming for, repairing Jason and Calvin's armor. Which takes approximately forty minutes to do. Now with the task handled, the group can hear that the jungle is alive with movement, and if they want to forgo another battle, it may be best to get moving.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 9:20 am"Well, we're done here. Let's go."

Turning to Rufus and Jason

"The flight spell is still active. Would you like me to scout or cover the rear? You guys pick, and we should really get going."
Jason Long wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:21 pm"Rufus, I promise that we will find you another leyline, but this isn't working. I'll plot it out and see where it intersects the coast. We can go there on the moat. For now, lets get back to town. "
"Yeah, I agree..." Rufus nods as he dusts off his hands. "Just chalk it up to a moment of frustration that I'm gonna regret for a while. Let's just get back to looking for Lemurians -- the sooner we find this Kiri-Kiri and get what Mack's looking for, the sooner we can get back to Merctown. The College has rooms for ley line communion; I suppose I can hold out until then." Say it once more with feeling, I don't think they believe you any more than you believe yourself... he adds silently. Oh well, doesn't really matter anyway. We've got work to do.

"Calvin, while you're scouting for a way out of here I'm gonna recharge myself..." he says as he starts floating up high. "Won't take too long, but don't wait on me regardless. I'll catch up if I have to."

Rufus starts absorbing as much arcane energy as he can, as fast as he can, until his reserves are at full strength. He briefly contemplates conjuring a magical battery (energy sphere) but ultimately decides against it as it'll keep him here longer than absolutely necessary -- and 'longer than absolutely necessary' doesn't seem advisable at the moment.

"Alright, let's get out of here..." he says as he floats down a bit towards the group, hoping to sound in better spirits than he actually is. "Maybe Vlad will fix us some nice tea or something when we get back." He looks down at Jason. "You think you can drive it out of here, boss? Or should we try to airlift as far as we can?"

If Jason tries driving out, he'll fly along with/above the jeep on the lookout for any possible ambushes/distractions/oddly-located coffee and gift shops along the way. If they need to airlift, however, he'll cast another strength spell on himself and help Jessie/Calvin carry the jeep as far away from the ley line as he can before the spell wears off.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [25] = 25 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [14] = 14 | 1d100: 1d100: [64] = 64

Rory looks around at a scene from a horror story. Luckily none of the blood was theirs.

Were we lucky, or are we just that good? Honestly, while I can chalk it up to being that good, it's probably safer to err on the side of us having a lot of luck on our side as well. This could have gone worse.

She thinks back over the events of the battle, and shakes her head.

Far worse.

"Let's get that armor repaired as much as we can before we head off."

She draws on the leyline until she has as much energy as she can handle, then expends everything above her normal PPE reserve on a Mend the Broken spell for either Jason or Calvin's armor (whoever needs it more). She repeats that as many times as she can before the group is ready to leave. Once everyone's ready, she acknowledges that her time playing with power is, for the moment, up.

Mebbe we should get ourselves moving, yeah?

For as long as they remain in range of the leyline, she'll draw on it for power to do more armor mending, but as soon as she's out of range she'll stop. As much as she wants to be useful, she also knows that she needs to be as close to maximum energy levels as she can be - for the next attack.

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 150/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 44/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 46 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [28] = 28 / 54%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [16] = 16 | 1d100: [40] = 40

Prowl 1d100: [24] = 24 / 65%
Dowsing for water Base Skill: 1d100: [18] = 18 / 63%
Lore: Cattle & Animals 1d100: [16] = 16 / 70% (to ID any threats or useful items and such)
Identify Plants & Fruit 1d100: [29] = 29 / 80% (to ID any threats or useful items and such)
Wilderness Survival 1d100: [33] = 33 / 70% (to ID any threats or useful items and such)
Land Navigation 1d100: [29] = 29 / 74% (to ID any threats or Landmarks and such)

"I'll check parameter for any wild animals or other threats as we travel. Most animals won't attack me." Teres says plainly and head out to look for obvious and more hidden threats. She also checks for water sources like rivers or underground sources that beasties might hide in or that could help bolster their supplies.

Any fish or lack of prey would also hint at potential threats living or otherwise. Given there were gateways and portals letting all sorts of things in like monsters and alien animals with foreign parasites and disease are a concern. as one survival instructor told her. Dysentery is not a good way to die. she thinks.

A parasite or other airborne threat from an alien world could kill them just as quickly as any monster. With bow and an arrow ready she looks about being as quiet and non-aggressive as possible should she need to scout.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Dock District, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 31, 2:49 AM (4 hours have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 90°, Low 80°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes

With the armor repaired, the group gets moving while they still can, for risk of ending up in an endless cycle of armor repair shenanigans. As thought previously the trip back is even more difficult, but not impossible, It just ends up taking an hour longer that last as the group has to weave the jeep through the dense jungle and occasionally extricate it from crevices and other ruts, all while in a rather dark jungle. Eventually the crew hits the band of farmland ringing Port Moresby, and then the slums of the city. It seems that the city endures even given the late time of night, with late night venues still open for the likely drunk crowds. At almost three in the morning, the Templar finally park the jeep near the boat, completing a ill fated side trip.

On the ship Vlad is fast asleep, not having the benefit of Rufus’ sustain spells. Nothing seems out of place or amiss either.

What are your intentions?

Everyone in the Party has Sustain (9 Days; Ends June 8th, 4 PM)
Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 70/70 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace: NG-A8 50/50 M.D.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [28] = 28 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [11] = 11 | 1d100: [12] = 12

Detect ambush 1d100: [40] = 40 / 55%

Teres was glad to get some wilderness time. It was much better than the crowded streets, general noise and light pollution. Seeing stars was a nice thing. She takes a deep breath and grimaced. Nice the taste of gas and chemicals. You can taste it in the air. she thinks, Suppose that is price of human progress until they get cleaner energy. then goes to find a spot sit and relax. After a few minutes cleans up and takes a shower.

"I need to get real food, I am off to find some over night place that still has an open kitchen." Teres says. Looking at a map for one of the places near the boat and grabs her energy pistol and laser bow before leaving. She was not in a people mood the walk would do her good and it was better to let the cook sleep and leave his kitchen undisturbed.
Last edited by Teres Barton on Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [62] = 62
JIC: 1d100: [50] = 50 | 1d20: [10] = 10
Consumer wrote: As thought previously the trip back is even more difficult, but not impossible, It just ends up taking an hour longer that last as the group has to weave the jeep through the dense jungle and occasionally extricate it from crevices and other ruts, all while in a rather dark jungle. Eventually the crew hits the band of farmland ringing Port Moresby, and then the slums of the city. It seems that the city endures even given the late time of night, with late night venues still open for the likely drunk crowds. At almost three in the morning, the Templar finally park the jeep near the boat, completing a ill fated side trip.
Calvin hovers just 20 meters ahead of the jeep. Glancing back at the jungle, he reflects on a lyric he heard his mom sing mournfully:

"We were spinning 'round so silly drunk
Green was just like rippling leaves
In a forest full of promises
Hundred thousand broken-down dreams"

"Man, I really feel for Rufus. When I meditate I just need to find a tree or a waterfall. He needs a leyline. We'll see about getting him what he needs..."

"I never thanked everyone involved for getting my armor fixed. I should do that. Maybe get Rory and Rufus something to eat later... Whenever I come down from this sustain spell."

Out of the jungle, they traverse across prairies. Eventually they come to flatter ground. Just across the horizon, Calvin can see the farmland that has surrounded Port Moresby. He drops to the ground, just to the side of the jeep, and decides to run along side it for a spell. Pushing himself to do a full sprint, he keeps up with the jeep for another mile or two, until he slows down a bit, takes to the air and follows the jeep back into town.

Once they arrive back to the Sea Templar, Calvin plunks down his stuff somewhere quietly, taking care not to wake Vlad. Calvin would see this time of day as mid shift when he was on night watch duty.

"Was I wrong to push the visit to the leyline? It seemed so much more viable that the Lemurians would recharge there. It sucks that we didn't see any."

He settles back into a quiet spot on the deck and contemplates his priorities once his shift is over.

"Where did we see some traders that deal in animal parts, especially traders that deal in magical trinkets..."

Calvin pulls out the map that he obtained from the corner store and looks at his markings for interesting shops.

"Well, my goal tomorrow is to pay Rufus back for the grenades. Then at least I'm square with him. Maybe clearing my debt with him would put him in a better mood."

Calvin then proceeds to cross his legs and meditates for a few hours before the day begins. He will attempt to recharge his magic reserves up first, then his psychic ones. Once his reserves are topped off, he will accompany Jason to return the jeep.
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [46] = 46 %
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 / 1d100: [82] = 82

Babelfish: 1d100: [6] = 6 , 1d100: [1] = 1

As the group pulls up to the boat, Jason realizes that it is too late to return the jeep or to speak with the shopkeeper. He parks and goes aboard to drop of his gear. Seeing that Vlad is asleep, Jason is quiet as possible. He goes back on deck to remove his armor, grateful for the opportunity to stretch. He goes to the cockpit and pulls out the marine chart to plot out the leyline. Damn, its not along the way to the sighting location

Jason quietly asks Rufus to join him on the dock, so they can talk without disturbing Vlad. "That leyline doesn't appear to cross our course between here and the sighting location. If we get near another one, let me know. We'll find some way for you to get your meditation time sooner or later. " Jason chats with Rufus for a bit before going back aboard. He sleeps for a couple hours, on deck.

Once morning breaks, Jason gathers the team. "I've got to return the Jeep this morning and check on that vendor who has the New Navy contact. Unless anyone has any objections, we'll cast off for that sighting location when I get back. The boat is already refueled and restocked. Hopefully that lead will pan out, so we can finish this mission and head home. " Jason can't wait to get back and get behind the controls of Bonaparte again. It seems like years since he's driven the VHT. Need to pick some more ammo and get some target practice in. Never thought I'd miss the smell of cordite.

Jason returns the jeep to the rental lot and heads to the vendor where Teres found the New Navy gear. He greets the clerk, "Good morning. I understand that you or your supplier has contact with the New Navy. I need to get a message to them, regarding one of their personnel. Can you ask them to contact me or tell me how to contact them? They can reach me by radio on 156.450mhz."

If there is a member of the New Navy at the store, Jason will explain. "A few weeks ago, my team was on the island of Enggano. We came across an outpost on the northwestern end of the island that had been wiped out by Nautyl. We fought several of them and found the jacket of one of your men. We didn't find anything to identify them. As one soldier to another, I felt it was my duty to notify their command."

Once finished at the shop, Jason heads back to the boat. If he did not speak with a member of the New Navy, he makes sure his radio is tuned to monitor 156.450.

Once everyone is ready to go, Jason asks Jesse to take the helm to get them to the sighting location.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

(Rolls held over)
Jason Long wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:00 pm Once morning breaks, Jason gathers the team. "I've got to return the Jeep this morning and check on that vendor who has the New Navy contact. Unless anyone has any objections, we'll cast off for that sighting location when I get back. The boat is already refueled and restocked. Hopefully that lead will pan out, so we can finish this mission and head home. " Jason can't wait to get back and get behind the controls of Bonaparte again. It seems like years since he's driven the VHT. Need to pick some more ammo and get some target practice in. Never thought I'd miss the smell of cordite.
Calvin turns to Jason and says:
"Hey Boss, you mind if I tag along? I'm gonna hawk some stuff so I can pay Rufus back for the grenades. I would appreciate a partner if you think we have time to spare."

Calvin waits for a response.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

[Rolls held over]
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:16 pm Calvin turns to Jason and says:
"Hey Boss, you mind if I tag along? I'm gonna hawk some stuff so I can pay Rufus back for the grenades. I would appreciate a partner if you think we have time to spare."
"Sure, jump in. It shouldn't take long."
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

(Rolls Held Over)
Jason Long wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:53 pm [Rolls held over]

"Sure, jump in. It shouldn't take long."
Calvin eagerly jumps into the jeep. "Finally, I think I might be able to find my place in this group."

Riding shotgun, Calvin grins ear to ear as the wind makes ripples in his fur.

Once they arrive at the vehicle merchant's, Calvin will observe the financial transaction. Then when he gets to the shopping bazaar, he will hope to emulate some of those skills, albeit lacking the grace and fluency of the oft-practiced professional. Still, he will attempt to get the best price for the raptor claws as he scans the bazaar for suitable vendors.

Trust/Intimidate: 1d100 < 55%: [85] = 85
Charm/Impress: 1d100 < 60%: [46] = 46
Perception: 1d100 < 58%: [29] = 29
Barter: 1d100 < 41%: [58] = 58
Appraise Goods: 1d100 < 34%: [55] = 55
Lore: Magic 1d100 < 63%: [31] = 31 (looking for reputable vendors)
Lore: Demon and Monster 1d100 < 63%: [57] = 57 (Avoid sketchy looking folks)
Research: 1d100 < 59%: [64] = 64 (Get an overall idea of how animal parts are priced, what they are worth to different people and optimize from there)
Basic Math: 1d100 < 45%: [41] = 41 (Not get screwed on change)
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Dock District, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: June 8th, 2:00 PM (8.5 days have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 81°, Low 67°; Windy/Cloudy (25 mph).
Mission Notes

Some of the Templar use the lateness of the night to rest, Teres makes her way from the boat into the crowded night market to find food. Throughout the whole trip, she is suffering from anxiety like she normally feels in large crowds. These crowds are full of loud boisterous drunken folk who have been out drinking for hours. Teres’ choices of food are a variety of food stalls selling mostly quick food. Picking one at random, she pays the modest fee of three credits and gets a bowl of noodles with some toppings. Teres finds it very hard to enjoy her meal surrounded by all these people, but manages to finish, before going back to the boat.

Morning rises, and Jason makes it known that he intends to return the Jeep, and visit the armor shop Teres spent a fortune at. Which Calvin asks to tag along to try and sell the Raptor parts he collected. At the car place, the dealer looks over the jeep tutting about the dirt and blood all over the vehicle. In the end Jason receives ten thousand credits back as the dealer keeps a portion to do repairs and clean the vehicle.

The trip to the armor shop is also uneventful, with the crowds being relatively mellow during the early morning. At the shop, Jason tries to get in contact with the New Navy, but the proprietor seems confused. When Jason explains his situation, the proprietor clarifies. ”We buy in bulk from a supplier, we don’t deal with them directly. My supplier is located in Tritonia, how they acquire it is unknown to me. I just sell it,” The man says
This was never mentioned that they had a direct line to the New Navy. I think Shawn may have just inferred it from the fact they sell the armor. ~Consumer.

Calvin tries to sell the Raptor parts to the local magic shops, none of whom seem particularly interested, the best offer he receives is one hundred credits per whole foot
Titan Raptors per their write up have little value save to the Splugorth who occasionally buy whole packs for gladiatorial games. ~Consumer.

Back at the boat the crew makes ready to sail north. Jessie barks orders for the rest of the Templar to follow as they sail away from Port Moresby. Approximately eight and a half days pass as the Templar hug the coast of Papua New Guinea, the only civilization they pass is a massive ship breaking operation about a hundred miles up the coast from Port Moresby, other than that the occasional ruin or wrecked ship can be seen along the coast. It is early afternoon when the crew makes it near the shore of the sighting. The weather appears to be getting rougher as the day goes on.

What are your intentions?

Everyone in the Party has Sustain (9 Days; Ends June 8th, 4 PM)
Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 70/70 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace: NG-A8 50/50 M.D.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [71] = 71
JIC: 1d100: [91] = 91 | 1d20: [7] = 7

At Port Moresby's Bazaar:
Consumer wrote: Calvin tries to sell the Raptor parts to the local magic shops, none of whom seem particularly interested, the best offer he receives is one hundred credits per whole foot
Calvin sighs deeply. We had 5 dead raptors, 2 feet each, 100 creds per. That's maybe a grand? Well, I'll pay back whatever I can pay back. Go from there.
Once he gets back to the boat, Calvin will locate Rufus and says:

"I know this doesn't make us even yet, but thanks for spotting me. I really appreciate it. I'll get the rest to you once I get paid."

Then he will hand over the cred stick of 1000 credits.

While on the boat trip for eight and a half days:

Calvin engages with small talk with various members of the Templar.
Consumer wrote: Back at the boat, the crew makes ready to sail north. Jessie barks orders for the rest of the Templar to follow as they sail away from Port Moresby. Approximately eight and a half days pass as the Templar hug the coast of Papua New Guinea, the only civilization they pass is a massive ship breaking operation about a hundred miles up the coast from Port Moresby, other than that the occasional ruin or wrecked ship can be seen along the coast. It is early afternoon when the crew makes it near the shore of the sighting. The weather appears to be getting rougher as the day goes on.
Well, the weather looks like it's getting worse. We should get to shore quickly

Looking out towards the shore as a point of interest, Calvin will look for peers or jetties, anywhere for the Sea Templar to dock. If there isn't a place to disembark, Calvin will turn to Jessie and asks:

"Hey Jessie, is it possible you take us as close to the shore as possible? Once you drop anchor, we'll help take down the sails, and then we'll head out on the rubber raft."

Without further ado, Calvin preps for landing. After inflating the rubber raft at the stern of the boat, he checks the eclip that powers the motor to make sure it is filled.
(-12 PPE if recharge necessary). Looking over his gear once more, he makes sure he has everything he needs. Rifle, check... Grenades, check... TW Sword, check... Looks like it's going to rain, better bring the rain suit. Change of clothes... Are we staying here overnight?

Once he gets his gear ready, he looks to getting the ship ready for the storm.
Jason Long wrote: If Jason sees the inlet, he points it out to Jesse. "What do you think? Can this boat navigate that river?"

If Jesse ok's it, Jason recommends that they head upstream as far as they can, and then anchor mid-stream. At least they would be sheltered from heavy storms and have less distance to go on foot. Once the boat is anchored, They can take the dinghy further.
Listening to Jason, Calvin ponders quietly: Yeah, let's get out of the way of the weather. I could definitely get behind not going over choppy water in the dinghy!

Rufus wrote: "We should probably also try to find as sheltered a spot as possible to drop anchor and ride out this storm..." Rufus looks first at Calvin, then at Jason, then at Jessie. "Shall I do an aerial search nearby?"
Calvin replies to Rufus:

"Most definitely, especially if we can't find anything quick from here. You want me to bring anything of yours with us? I can throw it on the rubber dinghy!"

Regardless of where Jessy drops anchor, Calvin will wait patiently and help tie down sails and preparing for the incoming inclement weather once she does. As storm preparations finish, the rubber boat should be properly inflated. Calvin then scans the rest of the crew for readiness. Once the group is ready to depart, Calvin will push the rubber boat off the aft of the Sea Templar. Hoisting himself and his gear into the boat, he steadies the craft as other people board. Once everyone is good and ready, Calvin will push off the Sea Templar and drive the boat towards the shore.
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [38] = 38 %
JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 / 1d100: [59] = 59

((Radio: Basic--112% / 1d100: [93] = 93 % )) Radio watch
((Sensory Equipment—82% / 1d100: [97] = 97 % )) sensor sweeps, especially as the get near the coast
((Navigation—91% / 1d100: [33] = 33 % )) locating and, if plausible, navigating the river

On the sail up the coast, Jason spends a couple hours each day, sitting with his back against the mast meditating. He meditates on the kind of deity he could serve, and how to reach them. What did that old guy in the robes say in the old movie, 'reach out with your feelings' He continues his underway routine of periodically listening on the radio and running sensor sweeps.
Consumer wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:01 am Back at the boat the crew makes ready to sail north. Jessie barks orders for the rest of the Templar to follow as they sail away from Port Moresby. Approximately eight and a half days pass as the Templar hug the coast of Papua New Guinea, the only civilization they pass is a massive ship breaking operation about a hundred miles up the coast from Port Moresby, other than that the occasional ruin or wrecked ship can be seen along the coast. It is early afternoon when the crew makes it near the shore of the sighting. The weather appears to be getting rougher as the day goes on.
Jason eyes the clouds as they near the shore. I don't like the look of that. He looks at the chart and then examines the coast with binoculars. The chart shows a river that could shelter the boat from the weather. It may even be deep enough for them to stay with the Sea Templar most of the way to the sighting location. He calls out to Teres, "What does your weather sense tell you about what's coming?" If Jason sees the inlet, he points it out to Jesse. "What do you think? Can this boat navigate that river?"

If Jesse ok's it, Jason recommends that they head upstream as far as they can, and then anchor mid-stream. At least they would be sheltered from heavy storms and have less distance to go on foot. Once the boat is anchored, They can take the dinghy further.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [8] = 8 / 39%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [17] = 17 | 1d100: [65] = 65

Base Skill: 1d100: [7] = 7 / 72%
I.S.P. Cost: 3, and requires [roll]ID4[/roll] minutes of meditation.
He calls out to Teres, "What does your weather sense tell you about what's coming?"
"I can do that. Give me a few minutes. While I do that you can start preparations." the Psi-Druid responds and begins finding a spot to meditate. Weather reading was a constant reminder to become a painter.

As she begins to meditate the sky changes from a blue to a pallet of color and patterns. It was by these patterns she 'read' weather. Certain disruptions read as swirls others as a brush patterns, others spots or smears. (i.e like storm of the X-Men).

Not sure it will help if there is magic and other things around it may be unclear. Unless Lemurians have clean nuclear engines or the equal they will use magic. Perhaps a weather check will show abnormalities. It occurred to her a city of magic and other alien tech might leave a foot print. Not something she was expecting but it might happen.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [57*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [87] = 87

- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

- Sustain: 9 Days remaining
Sustain allows the recipient of this enchantment to go for days without food, water, or breathable air! The magic keeps their energy level up and removes the need for any outside source of these things. In addition, the recipient only needs two hours sleep per night for the duration of the magic. The individual can survive in almost any environment. However, the character remains vulnerable to other external conditions such as heat, cold, and physical damage, and fatigues from exertion as normal.

Rufus flies along shotgun, speaking when spoken to but is otherwise rather quiet aside from an audible sigh of relief once the group clears the jungle and the jeep is able to make better time.

Once arriving at the boat he finally pipes up. "Never thought I'd consider this a sight for sore eyes, but here we are..." he chuckles softly (quite likely the first time he's chuckled since arriving at the ley line in the first place) as it occurs to him just how much the boat has come to feel like 'home' on the group's travels. Well, it's not really 'home' but in this part of the world it counts.
Jason Long wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:00 pmJason quietly asks Rufus to join him on the dock, so they can talk without disturbing Vlad. "That leyline doesn't appear to cross our course between here and the sighting location. If we get near another one, let me know. We'll find some way for you to get your meditation time sooner or later. " Jason chats with Rufus for a bit before going back aboard. He sleeps for a couple hours, on deck.
Rufus manages a grin and a nod. "Thanks boss, I appreciate it... but I think this little excursion has just proved that we need to focus on the job at hand so we can get done and get back so I can book a room at the guild and do my meditation in a more comfortable and secure location. Don't get me wrong, it's been quite an adventure and I'm glad for the experience, but we've been out here for weeks chasing one wild goose after another while trying to pay back a stranger for saving the life of a friend who's decided to brush us off entirely and play underwater farmboy in an octopus' garden." He shakes his head. "I don't want to sound as salty as the seawater here, and I honestly don't know if it's a case of us just not going about this right or the Lemurians just being that good at playing hide-and-seek, but the truth is this job's fast losing its charm. Let's just stick to looking for Lemurians -- no more sight-seeing, no more jungle excursions, no more shopping sprees -- until we strike gold."
Teres Barton wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:44 am"I need to get real food, I am off to find some over night place that still has an open kitchen."
"You know that sustenance spell is..." Rufus starts to call out, but stops. "You know what, it's fine. Enjoy." She probably needs some alone time. Heck, we probably could all use some alone time. He sighs a bit as he gestures to cancel the flight and sustenance spells. We could all use a good night's sleep -- and that means more than just two hours' worth.

He casts a cleansing spell on himself to get rid of all the remnants of their bungle in the jungle, then proceeds to strip off his extra gear. "Alright, I think I'm going to bed and sleep off this funk. I've lifted the sustenance spells from everyone so you all can get some good sleep too -- I'm guessing Teres will figure it out when she actually gets hungry. Or sleepy. Or both." He chuckles. "Anyway, good night."


After a few hours of sleep and a good breakfast courtesy of Chef Vlad, Rufus is starting to feel like his old self again. Or at least he seems like it.
Jason Long wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 6:00 pm"I've got to return the Jeep this morning and check on that vendor who has the New Navy contact. Unless anyone has any objections, we'll cast off for that sighting location when I get back. The boat is already refueled and restocked. Hopefully that lead will pan out, so we can finish this mission and head home. "
Rufus nods. "Sounds good. I'll stay here and help Jessie get the boat ready to depart. Give me a holler if you run into any raptors on the way..." he adds with a grin.

He busies himself with preparations while the others are gone -- if the preparations are done before they get back, Rufus can be found sitting on the deck meditating.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:13 pm"I know this doesn't make us even yet, but thanks for spotting me. I really appreciate it. I'll get the rest to you once I get paid."
Rufus gently but firmly pushes Calvin's hand away. "Don't worry about it, moj prijatelj. You can make it up to me when we get back to Merctown if you really want. Until then it's on the house."
Consumer wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:01 amBack at the boat the crew makes ready to sail north. Jessie barks orders for the rest of the Templar to follow as they sail away from Port Moresby. Approximately eight and a half days pass as the Templar hug the coast of Papua New Guinea, the only civilization they pass is a massive ship breaking operation about a hundred miles up the coast from Port Moresby, other than that the occasional ruin or wrecked ship can be seen along the coast. It is early afternoon when the crew makes it near the shore of the sighting. The weather appears to be getting rougher as the day goes on.
In spite of himself, Rufus finds himself singing an old sea shanty to himself. "The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed..."
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:13 pm"Hey Jessie, is it possible you take us as close to the shore as possible? Once you drop anchor, we'll help take down the sails, and then we'll head out on the rubber raft."
"We should probably also try to find as sheltered a spot as possible to drop anchor and ride out this storm..." Rufus looks first at Calvin, then at Jason, then at Jessie. "Shall I do an aerial search nearby?"

If the others agree, he'll cast a flight spell and zoom up into the air where he'll look for a place that's big enough/deep enough for the boat and looks to be sheltered from the worst of the incoming weather (as in wind/swells/waves). If not he'll help with the rigging, securing the boat for the coming storm.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: A lonely beach on the north western side, Papua New Guinea.
Date: June 8th, 2:45 PM (45 minutes have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 81°, Low 67°; Windy/Cloudy (25 mph).
Mission Notes
Teres: Weather Sene A powerful storm is incoming sometime in the next two days (Can sense powerful Storms 6d6+24 hours in advanced) likely to be a typhoon of some power.
Jason: Radio: Basic (Radio watch) While there is plenty of radio traffic, none of it seems particularly interesting as it is mostly shipping traffic heading to or from Port Moresby/Breaker’s Point. One bit that seems to coincide with Teres Weather sense is that some sort of large storm is incoming.
Sensory Equipment (sensor sweeps, especially as the get near the coast) If anything is there, Jason doesn’t see it in the morass of signals being returned by both Radar or Sonar, the area is lousy with submerged junk, and birds seem to be flying all over the place.
Navigation (locating and, if plausible, navigating the river) The map is lousy for this, navigating the river will likely be impossible due to natural dangers under the water’s surface.

With the weather worsening, the crew of the Sea Templar work out what to do next. Teres meditates on the weather and genuinely receives bad news, while Jason can confirm it from what he’s hearing on the radio from local shipping traffic. Jessie looks more annoyed than concerned about the news. ”I’ll take care of getting the ship stowed away for the weather, you guys go and make way to land on the island and I’ll join you once I am done.” Jessie says as she makes her way down into the hold to likely give the bad news to Vlad.

Preparing the dinghy is not too hard, just time consuming as the group waits for the raft to fill. Calvin can sense the E-clip is barely drained, hardly worth the effort to recharge. Within a half hour the group is loaded in the raft, with whatever supplies they have chosen to bring. The trip from the Sea Templar to the shore is a bit rough with the waves being more than a little rough. Once the boat is on shore it’s a simple matter of deflating it for storage. Because one could only guess what would happen if the group just left it on the shore. This leaves the Templar on a lonely beach, if one has the skills there is likely a wealth of information as to events that have happened here in the past. Almost to confirm his earlier suspicions, the river nearby is heavily choked with mangrove making it rather treacherous for the boat.

What are your intentions?

Everyone in the Party has Sustain (9 Days; Ends June 8th, 4 PM)
Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 200/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 239/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor 70/70 M.D.C., -3 I.S.P.
Calvin Wallace: NG-A8 50/50 M.D.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 14/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [76] = 76
JIC: 1d100: [11] = 11 | 1d20: [18] = 18
Tracking (Human): 1d100 < 58%: [48] = 48 Look across the beach, check for human or humaniod tracks and see if there have been anything noteworthy that wandered through the area
Detech Ambush: 1d100 < 63%: [32] = 32 Look beyond the beach and check if there is anything or anyone waiting in cover
Land Navigation: 1d100 < 64%: [20] = 20 We are here on the beach front. Looking at the map, find way to the last Lemurian sighting
Lore DB: 1d100 < 33%: [27] = 27 Try and recall what Lemurians look like and what interesting living habits they might have.
Wilderness Survival: 1d100 < 43%: [21] = 21 for hiding or burying the raft.
Consumer wrote: ”I’ll take care of getting the ship stowed away for the weather, you guys go and make way to land on the island and I’ll join you once I am done.” Jessie says as she makes her way down into the hold to likely give the bad news to Vlad.
Aboard the ship, Calvin nods quietly. Jessie wants us to get a move on. Calvin makes double time on his prep, and soon the excursion is under way.
Consumer wrote: Within a half hour the group is loaded in the raft, with whatever supplies they have chosen to bring. The trip from the Sea Templar to the shore is a bit rough with the waves being more than a little rough. Once the boat is on shore it’s a simple matter of deflating it for storage. Because one could only guess what would happen if the group just left it on the shore. This leaves the Templar on a lonely beach, if one has the skills there is likely a wealth of information as to events that have happened here in the past. Almost to confirm his earlier suspicions, the river nearby is heavily choked with mangrove making it rather treacherous for the boat.
Landing on the beach, Calvin jumps out and pulls the rubber raft up onto dry sand so that the rest of the crew can depart without getting wet. Hauling his own equipment out of the boat, he sets it aside.

"We need to hide the raft. I don't want to deflate it because we might need to leave in a hurry."

Calvin scans his immediate surroundings on the beach. Making a few mental calculations, he has a good idea of where he is in proximity to where the Lemurian sighting was.

The sighting area is this beach. It's been many months since the news, I wonder if they have left any tracks leading away from the beach?!

Calvin takes in the environment. He looks for signs of past travelers arriving into the area and if there were any discernable patterns to where the majority of the tracks lead. He looks for signs of life, especially if past travelers made camp on the beach. Calvin also racks his brains for anything related to Lemurians, consideringtheir weight/height and how it would affect their gait. Calvin would also look for old fire pits, cluster of sea gulls that are clearly picking over left over food, things of that nature. Calvin also looks for signs of past violence, perhaps there are bits and pieces of armor half buried in the sand, perhaps magic and laser burns on rocks and grass. Last but not least, he scans for any and all places that can aid in a prospective ambush. Calvin is first and foremost looking for places for attacks to hide and wait, ready to spring an ambush on unsuspecting travelers. He then picks over the more likely candidates and looks for any sign of life. Then he discerns if those places are also big enough to hide his raft without deflating.

Once he has this information, Calvin will turn to Jason and Rufus and review his findings. Then he will suggest various places to hide the rubber raft if he has any good candidates. If Calvin or his team mates find a spot, they will move the raft and proceed to hide it in that spot.

If he or the rest of the Templar fail to find any suitable place to hide the raft, Calvin will move the raft above the water line on the beach. Then he will use a small shovel or the butt of his rifle to dig a shallow but wide hole where the raft can fit. Then once he places the raft in the hole, he will cover the raft with a few inches of sand. Last but not least, he will take one of his hand held flares, along with any and all tree branches along the breach and mark the spot where the raft was buried.

Once he has completed the raft's covering up, he will ask the rest of the crew for their insight and critique. He will share his findings with the group. After that, Calvin will urge the group to go to the sighting area while the weather is still tolerable and there are a few hours of daylight left.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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