Time and Weather wrote:Location: Jungle North of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 9:36 PM (2 hours have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Ley Line Effect: Mages may draw 10 P.P.E. per round, Increase the range and duration of a spell by 50% when on or within 2 miles of a ley line.
Mission Notes
Rufus expresses immense pleasure at being on a ley line for the first time in a while.
Calvin makes note of the eerie feeling he’s having, which is commented on by several other members of the Templar.Rufus wrote:"Ohhhhhhhhh YEAH! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... Uncle Rufus has missed you, my big blue glowing friend. He has missed you so very much."
Calvin wrote:"You feel that? There seems to be eyes gazing upon us. It's not a good feeling. We should find out whom they belong to."
Teres wrote:"There is that feeling of someone in the shadows. Now would be a good time to do a check. and ya, a protection circle around camp sounds good."
Rufus wrote:"Well, we ARE in a jungle… I'd be more worried if there wasn't somebody watching us all the time. As long as that's all they're doing, though, as far as I'm concerned, they can binge watch us like their favorite vidshow."
Jason wrote:"Is this feeling normal for a leyline or is this something I should be concerned about?"
Rufus wrote:"You mean the feeling that we're being watched, or the borderline-effervescent tingles throughout your nervous system from being totally immersed in ley line energy? For what it's worth, 'no not really' on the first one and 'definitely yes' on the second. At least that's the way it is for me."
With his concerns noted, Calvin asks various members to perform some tasks, and questions as well. Meanwhile, Jason begins clearing a space large enough for the group to relax in, it’s not a small task by the amount of brush and debris in the area.Teres wrote:"anyplace with more than 10 people I don't know gives me that 'I am being watched feeling' anyway, Boss."
Calvin wrote:"Hey Rufus, How long do you need to commune with the leyline? Could you throw up a leyline observation ball please while we make camp?."
Rufus wrote:"A solid 48 hours in total, plus occasional breaks when necessary." Rufus replies. "I've tried rushing my communions to cut down on the time, but you can't speed it up much at all without screwing up the liminal harmonics. I guess Professor Ulfsild was right -- there are no shortcuts to a proper thaumaturgical alignment. On the plus side, my observation balls don't expire as long as we're on a line."
Teres talks about dog boys.Calvin wrote:"Hey Teres, if you can get from a taller vantage point, like a tree branch, and set up a nest, I'd be most appreciative. I'll cover you while you make the climb. I don't know about you, but my psionic abilities seem stronger in this area. Do you have any abilities that help you observe things, especially things that like to wait in the tall grass for their prey?"
Teres wrote:"A dog boy would be handy right now. A second dog nose and set Dog ears would be nice. I can do an Omni-sight and sensor sweep once you set the circle. What I would not do to have Dog boy here right now. One of the benefits of rogue dog boys is all those keen senses."
Rufus wrote:"Heh, I thought Dog Boys hated ley lines? Sure, it boosts their normal psi-powers, but as I understand things it scrambles up their supernatural radar senses. Now who'd really be a good addition right now would be moja mati -- my mother. Mati is the best tracker in all of Houndstooth. Chief Optimus like to joke about how she must have some bloodhound in her... but only when she's not around!"
Teres wrote:"Dog boys do get jittery. but their noses and ears work just fine. Paranoia can be a good thing when paired with discipline. A watch is definitely going to be a thing. It should always be a thing."
Meanwhile Calvin talks with Rory.Rufus wrote:"But when it's paired with fear, hatred, and xenophobia towards non-humans -- especially non-humans with magical talents -- it's anything but..."
Calvin wrote:"Rory, it's probably time for you to start your experiments. Jason, if you can look for a spot along the line where we'd be less exposed, I'd appreciate it."
Rory goes and spends about ten minutes almost completely fixing her armor, before coming back to talk to the group.Rory wrote:"I'll get on with that overnight. For now, there's a few things I should probably get onto. Aye, that looks good. Well, if it works fer my armor, it'll work fer other people's too. Once we're settled fer the night, bring me whatever needs ta be fixed, an' I'll get onto it."
Rory wrote:"I can create a protection circle around the camp if ye want, but only if everybody is okay with it. I'd nae like to inconvenience anyone, ye ken?"
While Rory considers the task, and Rufus gives his enthusiastic agreement. Rory finds the terrain is not well suited for the intricacies of a Protection circle, so one is not in the cards. Rufus meanwhile casts several spells, dropping a load of wood for a fire, before floating into the air to meditate.Rufus wrote:"That's a good idea. Create as big a circle as you can -- I'd recommend making sure the jeep is inside it as well if that's possible -- and I'll conjure up a shelter or two inside it as well. They'll keep the weather out for about 9 hours, which should be more than enough for us to get our 2-hour power naps. Though I'd still recommend a 2-person watch at night though. I don't suppose either of you happen to know any ward spells, do you? They'd definitely be handy right now."
About two hours pass before Jason has the area cleared enough to make a camp, Rufus casts a pair of Sheltering Forces to act as tents before really getting to work on his meditations. Everyone who is spending their time looking for trouble doesn’t see anything, but the feeling of dread still remains. Teres meditates on the weather, and sees clear skies for the next twenty-four hours. By now the sun has fully set, and only the blue glow of the ley line is keeping the dark away, it seems exceptionally bright now that it is night time.Rufus wrote:"I would say 'wake me up if anything interesting happens,' but the truth is I'll still be awake... I'll just be a little out of it."
What are your Intentions?