The Spire

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Re: The Spire

Post by Elvin »

((Rolls carried))

With a satisfied nod Elvin leaves Exe to stew in his indignation and troubles. The young-old demigod will realise the futility of all this soon enough. No point in pushing him further. He's got a chance for freedom now, all he has to do it make up his mind.

Letting out a happy whistle, Elvin strolls past the armory door. It is a curious door, one that gets his attention. Airtight and secured by a coded entry. Hmm.

A memory flickers in his mind. Draggor did mention something about me needing to arm myself.

He brushes his hand past the lock, but doesn't fiddle with it. Instead he takes a few steps and makes a sharp left turn into the side-corridor leading to the lift. Just before reaching the elevator bay, he stops, and looks around. When he's satisfied he is not being observed, he flicks his wrist, and a shimmering Doorway materialises on the left wall!

He quickly hops through, and the portal behind him dissolves with an almost inaudible sigh.

"Well, well, well," Elvin murmurs, taking in the rows upon rows of gleaming weapons and equipment lining the walls. He finds himself finally alone, hidden away in the Dime Store Magic's Armoury, and the sheer array of possibilities brings a sparkle to his eyes.

He begins his meticulous selection, favouring items small enough to disappear into his pockets. Each chosen piece finds its way into a hidden, extra-dimensional space accessible through his own personal brand of faerie-magic. A pat-down would reveal nothing but empty pockets, the perfect trick for a thieving faerie with a penchant for pilfering.

"The ultimate crime of opportunity," he chuckles to himself.

Elvin takes
  • 1 x HW-19 Stun Pistols (P62 PW:SB)
  • 1 x Slicer GR-Guns (P57 DB3)
  • 5 x Slicer GR Magazines (P57 DB3)
  • 2 x NE-4 Pistols (P117 DB2)
  • 10 x NE-4 Pistol magazine (P117 DB2)
  • 1 x NE Ripper Bayonets (P24 NE wave 2)
  • 4 x Cans of Blackball Spray Paint(P116 Merc-ops)
  • 4 x Doses of Block-Out (P112 Merc Ops)
  • 10 x Instant Heat MREs (Mercops P116)
  • 1 x Sleep Safe sensor systems (P253-254 NG2)
  • 2 x Restraint Dispensers (P143 PW)
  • 10 x E-Clips
  • 5 x P-Field Batteries (sadly, no P-Fields to be seen in here)
  • 10 x NE-10G Fragmentation Grenades (4d6 MD to 30 ft. radius)
  • 10 x NE-10G HE Grenades (6d6 MD to a 12 ft. radius)
  • 10 x NE-20G HE Grenades (P56 DB3)
  • 10 x Smoke Grenades (P260 RUE)
  • 10 x Wilks Blinder Grenades (P209 New West)
  • 10 x Incendiary Hand grenades (P123 Merc-Ops)
  • 5 x TW Flare Grenade (P150 Merc-Ops)
  • 5 x TW TK Grenades (P151 Merc-Ops)
  • 1 x TW Vampire Chaser steam grenades (P79 Arzno)
  • 10 x KHEX Plastique Cubes (1d6x10 MD to 10ft. area, moulding it properly results in double damage)
  • 5 x Mini-Motion Detector Detonators (P114 Merc Ops)
  • 5 x Electronic Time Delay Detonators (P114 Merc Ops)
  • 5 x Pull Detonator (P114 Merc Ops)
  • 5 x Pressure Release Fuse (P114 Merc Ops)
  • 2 x box of 6 Electric Blasting Caps (p114 Merc Ops)
  • 20 x Smart Micro Missiles (P56 DB3)

Hrm, no launcher with those micro smart missiles. And I'll need a P-Field generator to go with those batteries. And not a single shield generator in all of this! Time to go shopping in Center I suppose. But first let's see the good Captain!

Exiting the armory with a secret pocketful of pilfered armaments, Elvin practically skips towards Captain Andra. His usual swagger is amplified by the thrill of his heist and the promise of more to come.

Reaching the Captain, Elvin tilts his head back, giving him a charming smile. "Draggor, bless his scaly hide, suggested I get myself properly armed for this little escapade of yours, Captain." He gestures vaguely towards himself. "Any chance I could score some credits for a few personal shields, perhaps? And maybe some lighter weaponry – something easy to carry but still packs a punch, you know?" Like a wrist launcher for those 20 smart micro missiles I took from the armoury. Heh heh.

His voice drips with an exaggerated innocence, and there's a playful glint sparkling in his eyes.
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Re: The Spire

Post by Captain Andra Sekona »

(Rolls held over)

Captain Sekona hears his name coming from below and looks down to see Elvin. "Hey Elvin, good to see your face. Hope you're enjoying your stay on the Dime Store Magic. We tried to make it as much of a home as it is a battle ship. Anyway, what can I help you with?"

When Elvin mentions his need for some armament funds, the good Captain is happy to oblige. He pulls out a digital cred chit tied to his thumb print. He touches it to Elvin's cred card and transfers 250,000© to Elvin from the ship's Equipment and Munitions Fund. "That should cover you. Can't have you unprotected out there. We come across all kinds of nasty stuff out there." He smiles and puts the chit back in his belt pouch. "And feel free to take a look through our armory. We've got a lot of gear just sitting around unused. Some of it might be a little big for you, but...y' what you can. Alright, I'm off to exercise. Catch a moonbeam, Elvin." And with that Captain Sekona heads to the Gym on the Upper Deck.
Captain Sekona
Captain Andra Sekona
MDC: 439/439

Saving Throw Bonuses:
Vs. Insanity: +9|Vs. Magic: +10|Vs. Possession: +7|Vs. Psionic: +7
Vs. Poison: +7|Vs. Mind Control: +6|Vs. Disease: +6|Vs. Illusion: +5
Vs. Horror Factor: +8|Vs. Coma/Death: +51%|Perception: +3
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Re: The Spire

Post by Elvin »

(Rolls held over)
Captain Andra Sekona wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2024 4:31 pm When Elvin mentions his need for some armament funds, the good Captain is happy to oblige. He pulls out a digital cred chit tied to his thumb print. He touches it to Elvin's cred card and transfers 250,000© to Elvin from the ship's Equipment and Munitions Fund. "That should cover you. Can't have you unprotected out there. We come across all kinds of nasty stuff out there."
A grin stretches across Elvin's face as wide as it can go, threatening to split his head in two.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand credits, you say?" he whistles in surprise. "My, my, Captain, you are far too generous! I'll put it to good use."
Captain Andra Sekona wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2024 4:31 pm He smiles and puts the chit back in his belt pouch. "And feel free to take a look through our armory. We've got a lot of gear just sitting around unused. Some of it might be a little big for you, but...y' what you can."
Internally, Elvin chuckles. This is child's play.

"I just might do that," he says aloud, patting the newly charged cred card against his chest. Maybe I will get a few more explosives.
Captain Andra Sekona wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2024 4:31 pmAlright, I'm off to exercise. Catch a moonbeam, Elvin."
"I gotta say, I like the new you!" He beams happily, and then with a final, exaggerated bow towards the Captain, he too saunters off the ship, a veritable one-man heist in progress.

He emerges into the bustling heart of Center! The faerie, still five feet tall, is greeted by a cacophony of sights and sounds. Millions of beings from a thousand different worlds throng the streets, a dazzling tapestry of life woven from countless cultures and technologies. And all of them with pockets and valuable belongings!

He inhales deeply, the air thick with the energy of a million dreams and desires. He shudders delightedly.

Wooooahhh! I just think I had an evilgasm.

A slow, predatory smile spreads across his face. He rubs his hands together delightedly. In this city, anything is possible! The question isn't what can I do, but what will I do!

After ensuring he isn't being followed by any pesky hero types, he promptly loses himself in the crowd.
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Re: The Spire

Post by Metri »

Perception: d%: [63] = 63 | 67%
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 | d%: [100] = 100 %
Character Sheet
  • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
  • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
    • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [77] = 77 | 86%.
    • Track by psychic scent: d%: [51] = 51 | 95%.
  • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [90] = 90 | 97%.
  • Sense Life. 300ft.
PPE: 171/171
ISP: 242/275
Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
MDC: 73/73
MTB1_PPE: 180/180
MTB2_PPE: 180/180
MTB3_PPE: 180/180
SoE_PPE: 80/80
WoS_PPE: 40/40
Saving Throw Bonuses
+1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
Coma/Death: +4%
Magic (varies): +1
Lethal Poison (14+): +1
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
Insanity (12+): +1
Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
+7 vs Possession
+2 vs Despair
+2 vs Horror Factor
+2 vs Illusions
+1 vs Poison and Disease

    Draggor wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2024 2:16 pmAssuming Metri has joined, "Seek out the Destroyers of Life? They found us with the Time Relic once, maybe they know where it is now?" The creature has said more today than nearly their entire time with the Galactic Adventurers to date, manic in comparison.
    Not a bad idea. Skorl concludes.

    No, it certainly can be. We no longer have the Time Relic. The thing Decker wanted. So reaching out to him can place a target on our backs. Instead, we just sacrificed parts of ourselves for the betterment of the galaxy, and lost Icky... poor Icky...

    Yea. Tough break there. Why don't you meditate on that a bit more. Skorl suggests.

    I... More than a suggestion, Metri's sacrifice to the Time Relic manifests itself as Skorl emerges to the surface and takes over, submerging the quiet diplomat into the Yhabbayar's subconscious.

    With a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth and a more overt look of confidence, Metri responds to Draggor, clearly devoid of the speech restrictions hindering his past communications, "We can't know unless we ask, right? I can take care of this. I'm on it!" He clenches his tridactyl fingers and fist-pumps the air assertively.

    Eager to try out his new body, Skorl saunters off within the DSM. Once he finds a little privacy and a comms station, he reaches out to the ship's AI. "Datephus, patch me through on this comms station to the local Naruni branch office."

    When the connection is made, Skorl leaves a video recording, "Message for Vice Executive Director Decker. Sorry we missed each other the other time. Your trio of associates spoke highly of your intentions to recover your missing item. And being a relic of the past, I would like to further discuss the future opportunity where we can find some mutual common ground. We are currently on Center and you can find us at this call-back number. End transmission."
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    Re: The Spire

    Post by Talon »

    Perception: 1d100: [54] = 54 /42%
    JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 ; 1d100: [24] = 24

    Active Effects: None.
    Captain Andra Sekona wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2024 12:27 am "Datephus, docking check." Captain Sekona flips three switches on the console to cut power to the engines, engage the magnetic locks, and to activate the microphone connected to the shipwide intercom. "This is your Captain speaking, we have landed on Center. The current local time is 0947 hours. We'd like to take this time to thank all passengers for flying the starry skies with the Dime Store Magic. You may now disembark." Hitting the switch to turn it back off, he stretches and gets out of the Captain's chair. He turns to his co-pilot and says "Nice flying. Smooth as silk."
    Talon gives a slight smirk from the co-pilot's seat. "You expect anything less? I did keep this tub airborne in the "not-future". Landing is easy compared to that." Talon looks out the window, "I thought Serron was big. It's nothing compared to this. So this is Phase World. I don't think I can accurately describe what I'm feeling." Talon follows Andra to the galley with the rest of the crew.

    Talon smiles a little as everyone bombards him with questions about finding Mort Fingerling. Talon's fingers gently brush the edge of the picture in his pocket, "Well it seems like a good idea to find him before he can launch another galaxy ending plan. I hope he doesn't have a stock pile of these things around. Anyway. Data brokers are likely going to be our best bet for the time being. Given that I have no idea how he vanished the first time we are going to need to figure that out before we attempt any interdiction of the man." Talon pauses for a moment, How to track the untrackable? "Well I can start with the data brokers. I do recall most of the information we gained previously. Given the date of that information it's unlikely that it was changed with the shift in the timeline. Meaning that Mort does have benefactors in the UWW currently. It also means we might be able to get more information on the ones who bankrolled the operation. I'll need some money and time to get the answers we seek, but I'm confident I can get them. I'm not letting this bastard get away."

    If only Talon were feeling as confident on the inside. Turning the picture over in my mind...What does it mean...who were these people? Was i responsible for their deaths?...There can be no other option. How did I kill them? Why did it happen? Was it some kind of accident? was it intentional? What HAPPENED?!?!?!?! Talon will burry himself in finding Mort as a way to avoid thinking about difficult questions for now. Even as they continue to nag at the back of his mind when ever he stops for just a moment they come rushing back.

    Personal MDC: 145
    SDC: 102 (For Non-MDC Worlds Only)
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    Re: The Spire

    Post by Elvin »

    ((Rolls carried))

    In Center
    Elvin navigates a bustling Center avenue. He catches the enticing aroma of fermented grains and exotic spices wafting from a nearby bar. He pauses for a moment, considering a quick pit stop. It's not really my thing is it? Hrm, ah but if one were to find a drunken mech pilot the pockets will be 'oh so easy' to pick.... He is about to enter the bar for an evening of picking pockets when something else catches his eye.

    Elvin's heart flutters a moment as his gaze catches the sight of a colossal structure across the bustling avenue. A casino! But it isn't just any casino; this edifice is indeed a monument to chance, a glittering beacon promising a kaleidoscope of delights. The Wonder World Casino, its name emblazoned in a dozen different languages and accented with swirling holographic flourishes, pulse with an energy that resonates with a primal part of Elvin's being. The larcenous part.

    A predatory grin threatens to split his face in two. Indeed, horns almost grow from atop his head. Ahh look at that. Isn't is beautiful? Here, amid the flashing lights and the intoxicating clatter of chips, the dreary world of intergalactic drama is transformed into a playground of amusements! This is what I need! And I need it bigly thank you very much!

    He, Elvin, the master of deception and a connoisseur of calculated risks, is about to step into his element.

    But then, a fleeting image flickers across his mind's eye – Exe, slumped in his cabin, a picture of dejection. The memory, unexpected and unwelcome, causes Elvin's grin to falter for a fraction of a second.

    Oh come now, I'll only be an hour. Two at most! He taps his foot impatiently, and is about to dismiss the thought when an idea takes flight.

    Oh why not? A little merriment might just be the antidote Exe needs to shake off his grumpy mood. It will clear his head, and he's now old enough for casino's now isn't he?

    He raises a finger, and playfully admonishes the casino itself as if it were an old friend.

    "Soon, my glittering friend," he addresses the Wonder World Casino with a wink and a bow. "But first, there are a few mopey souls in need of a… well, a nudge towards the brighter side of things."

    With renewed purpose, Elvin turns away from the casino, and hurries through the throngs of Center back to the Dime Store Magic.

    Dime Store Magic
    He enters the ship with a cheerful whistle, and searches for the brooding young-old demigod within the metallic confines of the ship. When he spots Exe, Elvin's grin returns full force.

    "Exe the Elder!" he announces in a voice ringing with exaggerated theatricality. "A respite from your labors has been declared! Consider yourself formally invited to a place of… well, refreshments and games!" The faerie's eyes twinkle delightedly.

    Before Exe can even contemplate a response, Elvin throws a playful wink towards a group of galaxy-weary crewmates in various stages of moping, coping or combinations of the two. "And you lot too!" he declares, his voice adopting a more inclusive tone. "Those frowns simply won't do! Come on, a couple hours of living will clear your heads and remind you what life is all about!"

    Will Exe accept his invitation? Would the crew, burdened by the weight of their troubles, be tempted by the promise of some carefree time and bonding? Wouldn't an hour or so of me-time clear heads and actually increase their problem solving capabilities? Only time will tell!

    For the willing, Elvin leads the way into Center, and the wonders of the Wonder World Casino!

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    Re: The Spire

    Post by Dark Lord »

    For the first time since you left Yaya, you feel like you can take a beat to compose yourselves. Most of you, silently or loudly, spend your first evening back on-planet trying to recover from your ordeal. Draggor raises the subject of next steps, and suggests going to Alexandria next- if the Dime Store Magic’s stealth systems are up to the task of running the UWW blockade. Starchief orders Datephus to continue searching for news mentions of Alexandria, and suggests to Talon that some more information-gathering is in order. The bounty hunter agrees, but it won’t be as easy this time- while Center does have its information brokers, they’re not nearly as commonplace as on Windscape so it will take some doing. Joan spends time talking to the others and trying to get used to her new physical surroundings, while Ghast takes the opposite approach to his new mental surroundings. After a little mischievous back-and-forth, Elvin helps himself to the armory (and some of Andra’s credits), and then makes it his mission to Cheer Exe Up (via a casino). The demigod, for his part, is having a helluva time getting over the literal loss of his youth. He tries to cast a remote viewing of Fingerling, but he hasn’t actually spent enough time in the man’s presence to lock on. The casting fails. Swallowing his frustration (and some tears), Exe later excuses himself to one of Center’s local ley line nexuses to do his next summoning. Finally, Metri decides to throw caution to the wind and contact the local Naruni branch asking to speak to Decker. The Yhabbayar is promptly greeted by a pert receptionist who gives him an equally perky response Mister Decker is very busy but I will be sure to pass your message along to his assistant. Thank you for choosing Naruni for all your personal defense needs!” While not exactly inspiring confidence, Metri suspects that will have to do.

    At the nexus, intoning the summoning spell and opening the communication rift take Exe’s mind off of his new age. And size. A little bit, anyway. Having already pulled Matthew from the Spirits of Light, Exe is familiar enough with the process that the summoning does not trouble him much. His call is answered promptly by a pillar of angry orange fire peering through the rift. ”YOUNG ONE. IF YE SWEAR TO ALWAYS WORK TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT, AND TO AVENGE THEM YE CANNOT PROTECT, WHEN YE CAN, THEN YE SHALL HAVE MY BLADE. SWEAR THE OATH AND THE PACT IS SEALED.”

    Meanwhile, Elvin is aching to go down to the casino.

    What are you doing?
    Why kill a PC when you can torture their player?
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    Re: The Spire

    Post by Joan Echo »

    Perception (33%) 1d100<33: [91] = 0
    JiC 1d20: [8] = 8 / 1d100: [98] = 98

    Splugorth Talisman of Armor of Ithan (activated twice) 100/100
    Teal tank-top with black floral print
    Black skirt with gold fringe
    Strappy sandals
    HPC bracelet with bejeweled strap

    In many ways, the gods are just like us mortals. They cope with loss by going through the five stages of grief. Currently, Joan Echo is stuck in the first stage; there isn't anything keeping her from going home to Yaya. She brushes off the Dime Store's Magic inability to take her to Yaya as just bad luck. I'm no expert in flying a spaceship. Though she has a harder time accepting Draggor's comment.
    Draggor wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2024 2:16 pm"Might be stuck with us until this galactic conspiracy wraps up."
    "Nonsense," Joan replies, "I just need to find a ride to the Yayamama System. And we're on Center, it can't be that hard to find a ship here. Want to come with?"

    She heads over to the spaceport and looks for a list of ships that are preparing for departure. How often do ships fly to the Yayamama System, once a day? It's less common than that Joni. Pshaw, you travel all the time, so how hard can it be? Eventually she has to accept that there aren't daily trips to the Yayamama System. Not that I'm going to admit it. So she goes back to the departure list and starts looking for any ships that are flying near the Yayamama System.
    Status: Joan Echo
    M.D.C.: 300 | P.P.E.: 50 | I.S.P.:82
    May the rest of the Yayamama Pantheon have mercy on our SOULS!
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    Re: The Spire

    Post by Draggor »

    Perception: 1d100: [77] = 77 | 30%
    JIC: 1d20: 1d20: [3] = 3 | 1d100: [49] = 49
    Metri wrote:With a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth and a more overt look of confidence, Metri responds to Draggor, clearly devoid of the speech restrictions hindering his past communications, "We can't know unless we ask, right? I can take care of this. I'm on it!" He clenches his tridactyl fingers and fist-pumps the air assertively.
    This new Metri sure is something! You're presuming that's Metri. Whoever it is, they seem fun! Be nice to him... Draggor's head slowly tilts curiously towards their teammate's new way of expression. "Good luck!"

    Joan wrote:"Nonsense," Joan replies, "I just need to find a ride to the Yayamama System. And we're on Center, it can't be that hard to find a ship here. Want to come with?"
    Someone should keep an eye out while Joan... adjusts. Juan would want that. We're in agreement! Draggor beams at the invitation, "Gladly! Gives us some time to get to know each other!" Draggor is more than happy to play along with Joan's current rejection of reality. Previously the creature would go out of their way to cover up, but this pilot exudes comfort with their briefs of modesty. On their way out, they give parting words to Ghast and Talon, "Take some time for yourselves while we're here, who knows when we get to come back next!"

    "You know, last time these eyes were active, was before you met the other of our kind... Drakos?" That dates this pilot to several centuries ago: All the while they talk, the creature reacts like a distracted Targ, eager to take in and see everything around them. While Joan digs through ship manifests to try to get home, Draggor casually looks, but otherwise gives their attention further to their surroundings. "Juan is The Wanderer, is one of your kind Fate? Look to go home, can't, look elsewhere, and you might just find Yayamama unexpectedly."

    This is a waste of time. NEED TO FIGHT! We could disappear. The potency of these other voices, lives, tugs at the controls of this vessel, causing the current pilot to reassert dominance. "Someday we... I will go home, but until then, the Three Galaxies has a lot to offer. The mission the crew is on? Same people that ruined your party you know..."
    Draggor | Ledger
    M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
    P.P.E.: 89 / 89

    The Cast:
    The Hero, The Exile, The Merc, The Lustful, OG Violence, Argent Warrior, The Lost One

    Events of Note
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    Re: The Spire

    Post by Metri »

    Perception: d%: [67] = 67 | 67%
    JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 | d%: [53] = 53 %
    Character Sheet
    • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
    • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
      • Base (detect & ID creature): d% | 86%.
      • Track by psychic scent: d% | 95%.
    • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100 | 97%.
    • Sense Life. 300ft.
    PPE: 171/171
    ISP: 242/275
    Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
    MDC: 73/73
    MTB1_PPE: 180/180
    MTB2_PPE: 180/180
    MTB3_PPE: 180/180
    SoE_PPE: 80/80
    WoS_PPE: 40/40
    Saving Throw Bonuses
    +1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
    Coma/Death: +4%
    Magic (varies): +1
    Lethal Poison (14+): +1
    Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
    Insanity (12+): +1
    Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
    +7 vs Possession
    +2 vs Despair
    +2 vs Horror Factor
    +2 vs Illusions
    +1 vs Poison and Disease

      "Done and done." Skorl congratulates himself afterward.

      Riding on a high of accomplishment, he can't help but lick his lips at the thoughts of finally being in possession of a proper body. Though wrinkled and old-looking, he could feel the Yhabbayar's agility. And so had a fair sense that it could bear what the Norse warrior wanted to do next.

      I wonder if I should risk trying to get some physical comfort the old fashioned way, or simply contribute some credits to the oldest profession. Maybe the latter. Not sure how long I have. Best make use of it!

      Hurrying off, Skorl pads his way to off to find some escort services. Rather than journey to the dregs, he instead commits Metri's credits to a higher quality liaison in the upper levels. Once he secures the commitment of three high class escorts Skorl spends some creds on a fancy hotel room and some liquor. He has himself a night of debauchery, somewhat surprised at the Yhabbayar's endurance and flexibility.

      Come morning, he does the classy thing of going one more round before securing the ladies a late check-out and the opportunity to order themselves some more room service on him.

      By mid-morning, he has padded his way back to the DSM. His debauchery still lingering on him through the exotic perfumes rubbed off on the Yhabbayar's body.

      "A fine morning to you." Skorl greets whomever he bumps into with an upturned grin.
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      Re: The Spire

      Post by Exe »

      Perception: 1d100: [58] = 58 /42%
      JiC: 1d20: [11] = 11 / 1d100: [8] = 8

      Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

      MDC: 142/142
      PPE: 291/291
      ISP: 60/60
      Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110



      Exe watches the pillar of fire erupt in nothing short of awe. The elemental spirits that roamed the Megaverse had always been worthy of his awe and admiration, and being able to call on them for aid was like a dream to the demi-god. Exe remembers when he first set eyes on Matthew, the normally patronizing but admirable earth Spirit. Matthew had proven an invaluable ally and even mentor towards Exe, but all Spirits were different. As Exe had discovered, ageless-ness doesn't always equal wisdom and good decisions. All Exe could do now was hope the one who answered his call was just as helpful.
      The powerful words distorted by the fire, almost as though the pillar of fire itself was speaking. For the briefest of moments, Exe felt like he did when he was a teenager summoning Matthew for the first time. Young one? Exe questions in his mind with a soft smile. He knew what to do and stood his ground amid the dancing flames, glancing at Matthew briefly who only nods for Exe to move forward. Exe takes a step forward and answers the pillar of fire. "I swear to always protect the innocent and avenge what I fail to protect. It is my oath to protect those whom evil would toy with, to bring retribution on those who hurt others for pleasure. Of this I do swear." Exe responds, gazing at the fire.

      Moments after Exe finishes his oath to the pillar of fire it seems to erupt and then just as quickly, vanish into nothing but a plum of smoke slowly dissipating. Out of the smoke walks a woman in comfortable cloths with burning red hair. She looks at Exe and stops a few feet away from them. "I am called Kalinda, and you have my blade. If I find your words untrue, I will not hesitate to turn it on you." She states firmly to which Exe only nods.

      "You can trust that won't be necessary, Kalinda. I welcome you and thank you for answering my call. Standing beside me is Matthew.". Exe introduces the pair. "Brother." She says simply with a short, respectful bow of her head. "Sister." Matthew responds with his own short bow. "I will introduce you too the crew I travel with, as well as my familiar when we return to the ship. We will return to the ship first before anything else." Exe states to which both Spirits offer a nod.

      When Exe returns to the ship, he likely encounters Metri/Skorl (maybe Talon, Ghast and Andra) and will introduce Kalinda to them. "Hello there, I was successful in bringing another ally to help. This is Kalinda, a Fire Spirit." Exe states and Kalinda offers whomever is there a respectful bow as Exe then leads Kalinda and Matthew back to his room. Before he opens the door, he briefly winces. I need a bigger room or something... Exe momentarily considers as the door opens. Once inside, Exe introduces Kalinda to Corus, the Familiar. "This is my familiar, Corus. A lightning Eagle." Exe explains to which Corus coos and chirps once as Kalinda is all but taken in by the beautiful avian.

      After the introductions, Exe points out notable spaces in his room. "If we need more space, I'll see what I can do but for now we will all be sharing. Keep this radio on in case I call, but right now I need to replace some damaged equipment in the market. Stay here, Matthew can get you up to speed on what's happened so far." Exe states to which Kalinda and Matthew both nod.

      Exe then heads out to the Mall to replace his Mage's Armor and look for a couple other things.
      Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead

      Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
      "The Ariel Spirit of Light, Matthew, is speaking."
      "The Seraph Spirit of Light, Kalinda, is speaking."
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      Re: The Spire

      Post by Ghast »

      Perception: 1d100: [87] = 87 /52%
      Just in Case: 1d20: [10] = 10 ; 1d100: [31] = 31
      Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive),
      360° scanning capability, +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise

      H.P.: 33/33
      S.D.C.: 70/70
      I.S.P.: 249/249
      Current Outfit: Clothes (Black T-Shirt, Worn Beige Cargo Pants, Raggedy Gray Sweater, Arm wraps, Combat Boots), Red Scarf, Weapon Harness, ratty overcoat.
      Weapons & Armor
      Armor: NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor 90/90
      Integrated Force Field: 75/75
      Weapons: HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle Ammo: 30/15
      NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol Ammo: 10/10
      Slicer GR-Gun Ammo: 12/12
      Phase Sword
      Ripper Bayonet
      A Variety of explosives.

      Ghast not wanting to be truly alone, decides to take a walk off the ship and the Spire for a while. Ghast makes his way down to the city proper via the Phase Transporter Pad, coming out of Doodles. "How do?" Ghast says as he makes his way out of the shop and onto the main path. I should try and get a Augmenting Helmet, it certainly would help my energy conservation. So we can kill more! Or we can keep our hide just a bit longer. I suppose either is useful. Ghast thinks as he weaves his way through the crowds, opting to just walk down to the the shopping levels instead of taking any means of transport.

      As he walks, Ghast observes the people around him. All of them likely ignorant of the chaos they were spared. Was pure madness worth this? Anything is worth it in the pursuit of power. Honestly didn't you learn anything? Ghast thinks with the unbidden voice of his former handler buzzing seductively through his brain. Ghast shakes his head and stops at a street side vendor for a bit of food. Icky... was your sacrifice worth it. Are you truly gone? Ghast thinks as he eats the hand pie of questionable origin.

      You could make a fortune in murder here. The suggestion startles Ghast, as he's tried real hard to not murder people. Ghast can't help but agree that if he were to either just start murdering people or doing contract work again, he would likely make fortunes. Ghast shakes the thought from his head as he enters the shopping areas.

      ((Posted in the Mall))
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      Dime Store Magic
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      Re: The Spire

      Post by Dime Store Magic »

      With the Galactic Adventurers still reeling from their recent ordeal they scatter to the four winds dealing with the trauma in their own ways.

      Andra and Elvin

      The pair leave the ship and head towards level 3 for some good clean fun.


      The psi-slayer gets out early to check out the market and spends his day searching for items on his shopping list.


      The bounty hunter, Fingerling still for front in his mind, tries to use his knowledge gained in the future that didn't happen to help him find a lead using the Dime Store Magic's system to connect to Center's information net.

      Draggor and Joan

      Joan's foray to the spaceport is met with dismay. The space port is operating at about 1% of capacity. Wrecked ships* still clutter most of the hangers. She returns a bit dejected with Draggor following her around like a tail. Is Draggor flirting with Joan?

      *Per Rate a Deity:
      DonJuanDeLaNooch wrote: Juan Echo
      Yayamama Pantheon
      10 out of 10
      It was over 37 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. A ship touched down hard (basically crashed) on the spaceport that looked like it should have been condemned a century before. I was on waste management detail. I get to the ship and the airlock opens and a river of fluid pour out and ran all over my boots. From inside I could hear a banging. Before I could enter, a large red man came out beating a pot with a large ladle. He said he was a 'Traveler' and greeted me lustily, called me a 'favored urqos' whatever that means. It was a long wet day cleaning out that mess. You'd think I'd say it was the worst day of my life, but it was the BEST. When I got home and was stripping off my uniform, me girl told me I smelled delicious and was friskier than a tomcat on a moon lite night. Thanks Traveler!


      Some say the smaller the package, the more expensive the prize. Others claim it's all about the motion of the ocean. But when you have supernatural endurance, none of that matters. What Skorl calls high class, others might call skank. Nevertheless he returns to the DSM satiated (for the time being). Is there a little itch down there? A little burning sensation after using the three seashells? Only time will tell if it becomes something more.


      Across the multiverse much is discussed about mad mages. They debate on who is crazier a Summoner or a Shifter. A Summoner knows exactly what they are calling when they create their circle, and does it anyways A shifter whispers what they want out into the multiverse and lets luck of the draw decide will happen, and does it anyways. Both let previous successes bolster the ego to try and go and subjugate or convince beings to join them. Exe has successfully called another spirit of light into service. Exe introduces the new spirit to Draggor, Joan, Metri, and Talon and spends some time scouting the empty quarters looking for more space for his retinue before heading back out to Center.

      What are your intentions?
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      Re: The Spire

      Post by Metri »

      Perception: d%: [91] = 91 | 67%
      JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 | d%: [61] = 61 %
      Character Sheet
      • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
      • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
        • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [60] = 60 | 86%.
        • Track by psychic scent: d%: [40] = 40 | 95%.
      • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [78] = 78 | 97%.
      • Sense Life. 300ft.
      PPE: 171/171
      ISP: 242/275
      Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
      MDC: 73/73
      MTB1_PPE: 180/180
      MTB2_PPE: 180/180
      MTB3_PPE: 180/180
      SoE_PPE: 80/80
      WoS_PPE: 40/40
      Saving Throw Bonuses
      +1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
      Coma/Death: +4%
      Magic (varies): +1
      Lethal Poison (14+): +1
      Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
      Insanity (12+): +1
      Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
      +7 vs Possession
      +2 vs Despair
      +2 vs Horror Factor
      +2 vs Illusions
      +1 vs Poison and Disease

        Exe wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:02 pmWhen Exe returns to the ship, he likely encounters Metri/Skorl (maybe Talon, Ghast and Andra) and will introduce Kalinda to them. "Hello there, I was successful in bringing another ally to help. This is Kalinda, a Fire Spirit."
        Skorl runs his eyes up and down the fine-figured angel hungrily.

        "Alright alright alright, Kalinda." he greets, channeling his inner Matthew McConaughey. "If you ever feel the need to spread out a bit, you are welcome to my room."

        Though his words are technically generous, the tone drips with lecherousness that seems wholly at odds with Metri's prior behavior.

        Assuming Kalinda declines, Skorl shrugs and replies softly, "Invitation continues to remain open if you change your mind."

        Yea... That one is a looker. I could absolutely get used to this.

        As others leave to go shopping, Skorl instead heads to the gym to fully test out the Yhabbayar's physical limits. Should any observe, they will see the Yhabbayar as a blur of motion, similar to when fully engaged in combat. After about an hour of non-stop acrobatics, Skorl retires to his room to shower and nap, satisfied in the quality of the Yhabbayar's physical form.

        He will lounge the time away, taking in shipboard entertainment, napping and eating.
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        Joan Echo
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Joan Echo »

        Perception (33%) 1d100<33: [38] = 0
        JiC 1d20: [1] = 1 / 1d100: [80] = 80

        Splugorth Talisman of Armor of Ithan (inactive)
        Teal tank-top with black floral print
        Black skirt with gold fringe
        Strappy sandals
        HPC bracelet with bejeweled band

        The walk to Center's port is a chance to get reaquainted with Draggor. When her brother visited with the Adventurers, Joan spent the most time with Draggor. And as such, she is particularly fond of them.
        Draggor wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:50 am"You know, last time these eyes were active, was before you met the other of our kind... Drakos?"
        That was over a thousand years ago," Joan replies. "But you're so long lived that it could have been several thousands of years ago. I'm sure you have stories to tell of back then."

        Joan loves to hear any stories Draggor might tell. This is the way of the hostess, she is always to listen to the tales of any guests that stop in her abode. But her abode remains elusive, as a search through the docks of Center don't have any flights going close to the Yayamama System. She takes her disappointment in stride, while quietly seething underneath. I'm going to get home. Sure you will, Joni. It might take some time, but you'll get back home. And then I'm going to shoot you into our sun, Jonny.
        Draggor wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:50 am"Juan is The Wanderer, is one of your kind Fate? Look to go home, can't, look elsewhere, and you might just find Yayamama unexpectedly."
        "Fate?" Joan pauses to think about this for a second. While not the most 'intellectual' of the pantheons (Jonny being a prime example), the Yayamama do like to philosophize (including Jonny). "There hasn't been a goddess of destiny in my lifetime; I don't think there's been in one in the last three generations. But, I suppose one way to think about it is that we're all avatars of fate. We represent the things we are meant to be. Jonny is the Wanderer because he's fated to roam the stars. And I'm the hostess because I should be at home, ordering pizza for movie night with my favorite urqos.*"
        Draggor wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:50 am"Someday we... I will go home, but until then, the Three Galaxies has a lot to offer. The mission the crew is on? Same people that ruined your party you know..."
        "That wasn't the first banquet Juan has ruined with or without help from outside forces," she replies. "So the first thing I do when I get back is snap his walking staff in half." Then she sighs, "But I guess working with your team is something to do until I find a ride. Let's go back to the ship."

        The next morning, Joan wakes up late, and goes to the galley to find Metri/Skorl roving around the galleys.
        Safe Metri wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:26 pm"A fine morning to you"
        "Greetings wee urqos," Joan says glancing over the food. "What did you prepare for breakfast? And mind if I grab a bit?" She asks this as she grabs a bite from Metri's plate. If Metri gives her a funny look, she winks at him and says, "What is on the agenda today? Are we chasing after more demons? Or getting Thraxus moisturizing lotion?"

        *DONG! DONG! DONG!
        The sound of the bells echo through the halls; someone is at the door. Typically, it is the duty of the Hostess to greet anyone who arrives at the tower after dark. But since she is gone, that duty falls on her brother, the Wanderer. A handurqos leads him by the hand to the entrance.
        "I don't see why I need to personally attend to this matter," the Wanderer says.
        "It's what your sister would want," the handurqos replies. "And you might cheer you up to see some guests."
        "The only thing that will bring me joy is traveling the stars again."
        Nonetheless, he opens the door to a young man with long hair tied in a bun and a wispy goatee. The man is holding 5 thin boxes in one arm. "Pizza delivery. I have five party sized stuffed crust pizzas with extra hot sausage."
        The Wanderer looks to the handurqos, confused.
        "He comes here every week at this time," the handurqos explains, "your sister made arrangements for this years ago. He brings the pizza, he is invited in, sometimes he helps with chores around the tower, fixes the plumbing, washes some dirty dirty clothes, and so on..."
        "Thank you, Urqos Swoo," Juan says tersely, "but we will not need his services. Please tip him generously and take the pizzas to the custodial staff." He turns around to walk away.
        "Do you want the extra dipping sauce?" The Wanderer pauses, and his eyes brighten for the first time since he returned to his home planet.
        Status: Joan Echo
        M.D.C.: 300 | P.P.E.: 50 | I.S.P.:82
        May the rest of the Yayamama Pantheon have mercy on our SOULS!
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Exe »

        Perception: 1d100: [80] = 80 /42%
        JiC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [22] = 22

        Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

        MDC: 142/142
        PPE: 291/291
        ISP: 60/60
        Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110



        While Exe is introducing his new ally to those still onboard the DSM, the curious encounter with the Skrotri occurs as the little green alien presents a new way of speaking. Exe curiously looks at Metri with uncertainty as the green alien is not only speaking different, but acting different. Metri's really changed since this travel back in time stint... like a total different person. I never knew his Rune Hammer... Skrol? Exe finds himself thinking as Metri-Skrol doesn't address Exe and instead lays it on thick towards Kalinda.
        Unsafe Metri wrote:"Alright alright alright, Kalinda." "If you ever feel the need to spread out a bit, you are welcome to my room."
        Kalinda doesn't respond to the offer at first and instead turns to Exe. "Just to be clear, I'm not allowed to kill your teammates?" She asks Exe and the demi-god shakes his head while placing a hand on his forehead.

        "No, no." Exe says slowly, rubbing his forehead. Guess I should've expected this sorta reaction from at least a couple people. Exe thinks to himself. "No killing without permission unless it's self defense." Exe responds, to which Kalinda nods a bit curtly.
        Unsafe Metri wrote:"Invitation continues to remain open if you change your mind."
        Kalinda glances down at the little green man and shakes her head. "Don't count on it, little man." She responds dismissively as Exe simply shakes his head.

        "I'm going to get them settled. I'll be back." Exe says to Skortri and leads Kalinda and Matthew back to the small ship room. Exe considers his growing roster and the tight confinement of his room. Some extra space would be better. Doubt this ship will be able to accommodate that but we'll see. Exe thinks. "After thinking on it, I'm going to see if I can't get us a different spot to rest." Exe says. "For now, stay here. Kalinda, please listen to Matthew in my absence. I will be back soon." Exe says and both Spirits nod as Exe goes out to complete his shopping.

        Exe returns from shopping with two new blades and an order for his new armor, still shorter thanks to his failed modification attempt. Ugh, just awhile longer like this. Exe muses to himself with a furrowed brow, for now only wearing the simple and unarmored robes he purchased.

        Exe will attempt to catch Captain Andra either out and about or on the DSM. "So, Captain, how hard would it be for me to get a larger room, maybe merge two together? I was able to summon another ally which has officially made my small room crowded with Corus, Matthew and Kalinda. I don't want to keep any of them in the hold or something like that. Oh, you need to meet my new ally, as well." Exe asks of Andra.
        Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead

        Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
        "The Ariel Spirit of Light, Matthew, is speaking."
        "The Seraph Spirit of Light, Kalinda, is speaking."
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Ghast »

        Perception: 1d100: [78] = 78 /52%
        Just in Case: 1d20: [5] = 5 ; 1d100: [20] = 20
        Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive),
        360° scanning capability, +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise

        H.P.: 33/33
        S.D.C.: 70/70
        I.S.P.: 249/249
        Current Outfit: Clothes (Black T-Shirt, Worn Beige Cargo Pants, Raggedy Gray Sweater, Arm wraps, Combat Boots), Red Scarf, Weapon Harness, ratty overcoat.
        Weapons & Armor
        Armor: NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor 90/90
        Integrated Force Field: 75/75
        Weapons: HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle Ammo: 30/15
        NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol Ammo: 10/10
        Slicer GR-Gun Ammo: 12/12
        Phase Sword
        Ripper Bayonet
        A Variety of explosives.

        Ghast returns to the ship a bit dejected that he couldn't find what he was looking for. He spends a few hours flipping between moping and seething, anyone close enough to him likely can feel the mix of emotions rolling off of him. With a grunt of frustration, Ghast puts his armor on and leaves the ship once more.

        ((Level 3a. The Blood Dome))
        “We are what we choose to be.” ~Altaïr
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        Captain Andra Sekona
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Captain Andra Sekona »

        Perception: 1d100: [92] = 92 /62%
        JIC: 1d20: [5] = 5 / 1d100: [8] = 8

        Back from the Casino excursion with Exe, Captain Sekona thinks hard about his next steps. I need to check up on Talon, see where we're at with intel on Fingerling...goddamn Fingerling. I'll need to... I'll need to set up an altar for the Chef. Maybe right here in the Galley. Andra reaches up and grabs a box of Gorallian Char-biscuits to snack on while he thinks. We'll have to get a new chef. Maybe a chef bot, we can't replace a personality like Iktinos. The loss of a good friend, maybe one of his best, almost overwhelms his Iron Will as a couple of tears fall down his face. Followed immediately by a sniffling laughter, he thinks He would kill me if he knew I was eating this biscuits. Andra wipes his face and heads toward his room.
        Exe wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2024 9:04 am Exe will attempt to catch Captain Andra either out and about or on the DSM. "So, Captain, how hard would it be for me to get a larger room, maybe merge two together? I was able to summon another ally which has officially made my small room crowded with Corus, Matthew and Kalinda. I don't want to keep any of them in the hold or something like that. Oh, you need to meet my new ally, as well." Exe asks of Andra.
        Still not used to the sight of Exe as his elder, Andra is unsure of how to properly greet him. Handshake? Salute? Nod? "Exe, hope you're holding up through all of this... change." The Captain listens to the Godling about recent events and chimes in with his approval. "Your allies have already proven indispensable in our fight against evil in the Three Galaxies. The more the merrier. Kalinda, you say? I will have to meet them indeed. I believe I have a solution for your problem." Starchief leads Exe to his quarters. "This is my room. The Captain's room. It's big because Captains are important, right? But what good is all this space if I'm not using it? I've got my bed, my sword, and a couple of pictures. That's about it. If you could use the space, it's yours. You're in charge of moving the items between rooms though. I can't be doing everything around here." Andra gives Exe a wink, a pat on the back and then walks off toward the Galley. OK, maybe just one more Char-biscuit...
        Captain Sekona
        Captain Andra Sekona
        MDC: 439/439

        Saving Throw Bonuses:
        Vs. Insanity: +9|Vs. Magic: +10|Vs. Possession: +7|Vs. Psionic: +7
        Vs. Poison: +7|Vs. Mind Control: +6|Vs. Disease: +6|Vs. Illusion: +5
        Vs. Horror Factor: +8|Vs. Coma/Death: +51%|Perception: +3
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Elvin »

        JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 , 1d100: [82] = 82
        Perception: 28% / 1d100: [76] = 76 (FAIL)

        Conditions: Cloaking

        Elvin returns to the Dime Store Magic with a bounce in his step, the weight of his newfound fortune certainly lightening his spirits! He sets about his butler duties with renewed vigor, and seeks to transforms the bridge from a battle-scarred command center into a semblance of order. He does battle with the sweat-stained surfaces until they gleam under his ministrations, and any discarded equipment will find its way back to its rightful place.

        Housekeeping 74% (Professional standard): 1d100: [7] = 7 (SUCCESS)

        Inevitably Elvin hears about Kalinda, the new ally of Exe. So he decides to properly greet this new being, and get an idea of what to make of this new player in this game. He wonders what else Exe might summon up next. Do each of these allies get 1.5 million per job also? Exe has a neat racket going if that's the case. I'll have to ask him. Maybe I could get myself a pet monkey, and he naturally gets a share also? I'll think on it more afterwards.

        When a suitable opportunity arises, he knocks on the door and enters. On sight of the glorious angel Elvin bows formally, reaching into his dimensional pockets for the flowers he picked from the Casino buffet. Then, with a flourish that belies his diminutive stature, he steps forward, and the bouquet of Dreambloom flowers are suddenly clutched in his hands.

        "Welcome aboard, madam," he declares, his voice filled with serene formality. "As Chief Hospitality Officer, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome. These, I believe, are a small token of our appreciation for your assistance." He presents the bouquet with a flourish, and a warm smile, and the iridescent petals catch the light in a mesmerizing display.

        Invoke Trust/Intimidate 94%: 1d100: [88] = 88 (SUCCESS)
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Exe »

        [Rolls Held]
        Captain Sekona wrote:"Exe, hope you're holding up through all of this... change."
        Exe simply shrugs and hides a look of contempt. "Not really focusing on that at the moment, just trying to look forward. Finding and stopping Fingerling is what matters." Exe responds, showing a certain level of deflection towards his sacrifice and burying himself in his focus to find their foe. Can't afford to spend any more time thinking about it. I'm only getting... older... now. Exe winces at the thought then banishes it from his mind.
        Captain Sekona wrote:"Your allies have already proven indispensable in our fight against evil in the Three Galaxies. The more the merrier. Kalinda, you say? I will have to meet them indeed. I believe I have a solution for your problem." Starchief leads Exe to his quarters. "This is my room. The Captain's room. It's big because Captains are important, right? But what good is all this space if I'm not using it? I've got my bed, my sword, and a couple of pictures. That's about it. If you could use the space, it's yours. You're in charge of moving the items between rooms though. I can't be doing everything around here."
        Exe walks with the Captain and nods as he speaks, looking a little baffled at the offer. "This would suit us perfectly, I think. And I can get them to help move us. Thank you, Captain. Now, your turn to follow me." Exe leads Captain Sekona to current room and introduces him to Kalinda. "Captain Sekona, this is Kalinda. Kalinda, this is the captain of the crew and ship." Exe introduces the pair and Kalinda offers a courteous bow. "He's sacrificing his larger Captain's room for us. Matthew, Kalinda. Could you please help me move everything to the other room. Corus, I need you to make your way over there too so I can get this room cleaned." Exe tells his minions, with Corus activating his Float on Air talisman then slowly floating down the hallway as Matthew and Kalinda grab what little Exe actually has. Exe will grab whatever remains, then cast Cleanse to clean the room of any lingering animal smell or otherwise.
        Elvin wrote:"Welcome aboard, madam," ... "As Chief Hospitality Officer, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome. These, I believe, are a small token of our appreciation for your assistance."
        While moving to the new room, or after, when Elvin introduces himself to Kalinda, the angel offers a courteous nod of her head. "Thank you. As Chief Hospitality Officer, you might want to teach your fellows how to be as courteous." Kalinda offers, keeping her reply short.
        Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead

        Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
        "The Ariel Spirit of Light, Matthew, is speaking."
        "The Seraph Spirit of Light, Kalinda, is speaking."
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Elvin »

        ((Rolls carried))
        Elvin wrote:"Welcome aboard, madam," ... "As Chief Hospitality Officer, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome. These, I believe, are a small token of our appreciation for your assistance."
        Exe wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:46 pm While moving to the new room, or after, when Elvin introduces himself to Kalinda, the angel offers a courteous nod of her head. "Thank you. As Chief Hospitality Officer, you might want to teach your fellows how to be as courteous." Kalinda offers, keeping her reply short.
        Elvin nods solemnly, his gaze fixed on Kalinda. "I understand your frustration," he replies agreeably. He maintains his carefully constructed facade of professionalism, but shrugs helplessly. "Alas," he adds, his voice coloured with the deepest humility, "I am a recent addition to the crew, having only assumed the mantle of Chief Hospitality Officer at lunchtime."

        He glances at Exe, wondering what happened in his absence. Something rude, but I doubt anything violent. With a sincere voice he offers a little explanation, "This journey through time has taken a toll on all. Each crew member has sacrificed a part of themselves, a piece of their lives, in the hopes of saving countless others. It's a heavy burden to bear. I don't know what discourtesy you suffered, but know that some might not be in their right mind for a time."

        He pauses, allowing a moment for his words to sink in. "Patience, I believe, is a virtue sorely tested in these extraordinary circumstances. We are all adjusting to this new reality, finding our way back to our feet so to speak."

        Including Exe. A stolen life.

        There's a moment's hesitation as Elvin decides whether to go further. The memory of Exe alone in his room earlier prompts him to go ahead. What harm can it do? On the pretense of handing over his gift of sweet edible flowers, the faerie flutters up on his butterfly wings closer to her ear. (OOC: she's 10 feet tall?) "Please take these, if you don't like looking at them you'll find they smell nice. Go on try it! And if you don't like that either, well, they're also quite tasty." As he leans closer to Kalinda, his voice drops to a near whisper.

        In the intricate, lyrical tongue of the Faerie, he imparts a grave warning and question. "Your.. master is it? Exe? He's more fragile in spirit than he looks. He paid a heavy toll for this temporal journey. A precious amount of his life has been stolen by the cruel hand of time. He was very .. erm .. young .. before this trip." Then, with a hopeful tone, he adds, "Do you happen to know a way to restore the lifespan he's lost?"

        Elvin stays only as long as he's welcome, and when there's no need for him, the faerie makes for the exit. He reverts back to better understood languages. "Well, I am guessing there's chores that need doing, so I had best attend my duties." With a final, exaggerated bow, Elvin turns and walks away.

        What are my duties? Hospitality? Wonderful, it gives me an excuse to be nosy. Housekeeping? There's no better excuse for rummaging about looking for secrets. And Andra's little job... finding this Fingerling character, getting the drop on him and stealing everything!
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Draggor »

        Perception: 1d100: [37] = 37 | 30%
        JIC: 1d20: 1d20: [14] = 14 | 1d100: [4] = 4

        Joan wrote:"But you're so long lived that it could have been several thousands of years ago. I'm sure you have stories to tell of back then."
        The only story that matters is the one before us, and is untold! Stories are a risk, they don't need to know. Juan, and Joan, are our greatest allies yet. They wouldn't like our home, but would be curious... Don't let them go!

        Draggor's louder internal arguments manifest more often as a wince or pause, yet still the most boisterous of lives retains control, for now anyway. "So many they all rush to escape! But.. our first quest? After many cycles of living among remote asteroid miners, we started to... settle in. They would try to teach us things, especially drinking. My ability to heal? Poisons are fleeting effects, but were told of things that could take hold. Like Juan, the need to see, taste more of the Three Galaxies grew, hopped ships, took dangerous work, all to chase this experience. Curious that Elvin is part of our crew now: faerie wine, after tens of cycles, did me in. I think the Lost One's desire for it came from me." Details fill in as Joan asks, including many a bar fight, and wagers designed to harm, or even kill, that Draggor always emerged victorious. Of note, spending an hour in an overloading reactor chamber, not only emerging unscathed, but having delayed the explosion with their time inside.

        "You know, that I even get to tell you this is a story. Watching us do many fantastic things, but not feel them, as me? Odd. Frustrating. But a second chance is a second chance. Reminds me when, later, we... did a lot of things this crew wouldn't like... for hire. Took us all the way to..." Draggor trails off as one voice in particular interrupts. THAT IS NOT YOUR STORY TO TELL! "Still getting used to this," the creature says, hand holding at their naturally armored and spiked head, another attempt at being cavalier in the face of this new, yet old, way of living.
        Joan wrote:"There hasn't been a goddess of destiny in my lifetime; I don't think there's been in one in the last three generations. But, I suppose one way to think about it is that we're all avatars of fate. We represent the things we are meant to be. Jonny is the Wanderer because he's fated to roam the stars. And I'm the hostess because I should be at home, ordering pizza for movie night with my favorite urqos.*"
        "What's it like to spend so many cycles around so many that you outlive?" A blunt question, but fitting from this pilot as they never stayed in place too long to learn. We started to learn... And it cost us! Don't dwell on the irrelevant. They are gods. Maybe that's a better way. The sudden turn to philosophical discussion lasts the rest of the trip back to the ship.
        Exe wrote: "Hello there, I was successful in bringing another ally to help. This is Kalinda, a Fire Spirit."
        Wearing the badge of Galactic Adventurer supposedly means exceptional events occur like a routine: in this case a new summon should fall under expectation. Yet the creature feels a pang of unbridled rage wash over them at the mere thought of being present for Kalinda's acquisition, all of their past lives bubbling up just like the Time Relic's sacrifice. WE MUST KILL IT! WE SHOULD LEAVE AND TAKE BOUNTIES! WE MUST SERVE OUR GREATER CAUSE! THIS CREW IS DANGEROUS AND UNBALANCED! WE MUST DO BETTER! Somehow the current pilot maintains their seat, though the neon blue eyes flash brightly for a few moments.

        "Kalinda, welcome, we're a mad bunch trying to do the right thing. I think, anyway." That was incredibly upsetting... the party can't be over yet! "And speaking of doing the right thing, we should go to Alexandria. Datephus, status of crew? All are on board?"
        Draggor | Ledger
        M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
        P.P.E.: 89 / 89

        The Cast:
        The Hero, The Exile, The Merc, The Lustful, OG Violence, Argent Warrior, The Lost One

        Events of Note
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        Dime Store Magic
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Dime Store Magic »

        The Galactic Adventurers gather together at the end of another day at the virtual if not literal center of the known universe, the Spire, in the huge city called Center on the planet with the un-inventive name of Phase World. Elvin and Andras come back after a shopping spree that heavily depletes the GA's treasury. Andra loaded down in boxes of various sizes. The team greet Exe's new ally, the apparently super sexy Kalinda. Who is immediately annoyed at being hit upon by a small greenish gnome-like being. While Joan and Draggor continue to contemplate the meaning of life to immortal beings. The group reshuffles the lodging, putting Exe and Co into the Captain's quarters finally giving him enough room to put up his posters of the neo-punk Temporal Outlaws, the soulful Shifters, and the P-Pop group Prom Squad.

        It's only after they gather in the galley that they notice that Talon and Ghast are not present. A quick check of Talon's room finds it empty. Ghast's room still has a handful of items and clothes leaving the team to believe that he is still out wandering Center.

        In the morning, Captain Sekona is awoken by Datephus, "CAPTAIN DESIGNATE: SEKONA. I HAVE A TIME DELAYED MESSAGE FROM CREW DESIGNATE: TALON."
        Video Message wrote:On the Tri-Vid, an image appears of a tired, disheveled looking Talon, behind him the tackable surface of his cabin, he has pictures, printed articles, notes, and lines drawing connections between the objects. The Talus begins to speak, "Captain, I have a lead on Fingerling, but I couldn't wait for you all to come back to discuss it as a committee. I need to act, now. I think I've found a lead on a subsidiary company and I'm going to try to infiltrate it. I am going to have to go dark. If I find anything out I will try to send you word if not return and share it in person. I know you and the rest of the team want to stop that rat bastard just like I do. We've paid to heavy a price to let him just get away with his crimes. I set this message on a time delay in case this lead doesn't pan out, but if you've your seeing this then I am probably already off planet. Wish me luck, Talon, out." You can see in the video Talon reaching towards something next to the image and then video ends.
        Kyle if there is a different exit message you want to leave, you are welcome to post it.
        What are your intentions
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Elvin »

        JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 , 1d100: [88] = 88
        Perception: 28% / 1d100: [60] = 60 (FAIL)

        Conditions: Cloaking
        Dime Store Magic wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:09 am Elvin and Andras come back after a shopping spree that heavily depletes the GA's treasury. Andra loaded down in boxes of various sizes.
        Elvin, his eyes sparkling with anticipation, has the haul of 'equipment' placed in an empty room, which will be his future quarters.

        Like a child on the morning of his birthday, Elvin dives into his newly acquired treasure trove. Guns are inspected, and shells loaded with methodical precision. Explosives and grenades are handled with a familiarity born of countless intergalactic crimes, and his eyes gleam with a dangerous light.

        "With this sort of arsenal," he murmurs, a wicked grin spreading across his face, "I could conquer a small planet. If I were the sort of fellow who was into that sort of thing. But I'm not that sort, am I? No, I'm the sort of fellow who sorts out the captain's problems."

        Klepto, his rune dagger companion, eagerly asks in the faerie's mind. So, are we robbing that casino now?

        Elvin waves the idea away, his laughter bubbling over. No, no, my dear Klepto. Our captain has outdone himself. This is a bounty beyond our wildest dreams! Look at this! He holds up a piece of equipment, his excitement infectious.

        He said it's coming out of your pay. Klepto reminds him, there's a hint of distaste in its tone. You're employed now. Working for the man.

        Elvin's laughter grows louder. Pay? What pay? We've been paid in advance, and with interest! The captain's needs and our desires have aligned perfectly. It's almost too good to be true. His eyes land on the Ring of X-Ray Vision, and there's a look of mischief in his eyes. Just imagine the possibilities!

        Klepto sounds a warning in his mind. Your captain will expect results.

        Elvin's grin widens. Oh, he'll get results. And more. We'll find his enemies, and we'll make them regret ever crossing him. In fact, we 'owe' it to the captain to replenish his arsenal of credits don't we? So I expect I have no choice but to consider this a down payment on acquiring future loot. Vast amounts of loot. It's the only way to 'repay' him right? The only way to ease the burden of guilt which weighs down our hearts that so much was expended to enrich... I mean... equip us to do our solemn duty to the galaxy. Ha ha!

        Another thought occurs to Elvin. And if this mission is as critical as the captain claims, he mentally muses, then this gear is an investment, not an expense. What use are credits gathering dust in his pockets when they can be transformed into tools that will make me an invaluable asset to the crew? And if we're talking about saving the galaxy, well, that’s a whole new level of reputation. The thief who saved the galaxy? Now that’s a title worth having. Reputation is everything in this business, and business is about to get very, very good.

        Elvin, with the cunning of a fox, stashes the bulk of his newfound arsenal into his dimensional pockets. Wisely, he'd purchased items sized perfectly for his bottomless pouches of infinite greed. Magical rings, however, are a different story. He slips these onto his fingers, one by one, testing their enchantments with a mischievous grin. The same with other items of magic.

        Then, satisfied with his preparations, Elvin rejoins the crew, his step as light as a feather.
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        Re: The Spire

        Post by Metri »

        Perception: d%: [91] = 91 | 67%
        JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 | d%: [85] = 85 %
        Character Sheet
        • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
        • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
          • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [27] = 27 | 86%.
          • Track by psychic scent: d%: [51] = 51 | 95%.
        • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [2] = 2 | 97%.
        • Sense Life. 300ft.
        PPE: 171/171
        ISP: 242/275
        Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
        MDC: 73/73
        MTB1_PPE: 180/180
        MTB2_PPE: 180/180
        MTB3_PPE: 180/180
        SoE_PPE: 80/80
        WoS_PPE: 40/40
        Saving Throw Bonuses
        +1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
        Coma/Death: +4%
        Magic (varies): +1
        Lethal Poison (14+): +1
        Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
        Insanity (12+): +1
        Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
        +7 vs Possession
        +2 vs Despair
        +2 vs Horror Factor
        +2 vs Illusions
        +1 vs Poison and Disease

          Joan Echo wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:22 pm
          Safe Metri wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 4:26 pm"A fine morning to you"
          "Greetings wee urqos," Joan says glancing over the food. "What did you prepare for breakfast? And mind if I grab a bit?" She asks this as she grabs a bite from Metri's plate. If Metri gives her a funny look, she winks at him and says, "What is on the agenda today? Are we chasing after more demons? Or getting Thraxus moisturizing lotion?"
          A strange smirk peeks out from the corner of Metri's mouth at the mis-interpreted playfulness of Joan. The wink especially tugs at some of Skorl's urge-strings in a blatant way. "I think I could make some space in my schedule to put you on the agenda... The lotion is in the third drawer from the top." He jerks a tridactyl thumb back in the direction of his quarters in an unsubtle invitation. "If not, I think you owe me a bite to eat." Metri nods curtly at the void-space on his plate of food where Joan sampled from.
          Exe wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2024 9:04 amKalinda glances down at the little green man and shakes her head. "Don't count on it, little man." She responds dismissively as Exe simply shakes his head.
          Ooh, she's fiery! Spicy! I'll need to play the long game on this one. But I will bed her in time!

          "I never do." Skorl replies, "And yet, it inevitably happens." He rolls his shoulders into an open-arm shrug that conveniently shows off his biceps that he makes dance to a tune nobody hears.

          Trust. d%: [34] = 34 | 92%

          The diminuitive Yhabbayar's brazen womanizing seems wholly incomprehensible as a successful tactic. But until Skorl finds the limits of his new body's allure, he will keep pushing.

          Later, having found himself rebuffed at a higher frequency than he is familiar, Skorl catches sight of his current Yhabbayar body and frowns in disappointment.

          No wonder. This green exterior is all wrinkles and no muscles! How in the world has he been successful at combat if he can't poke someone's eye out with a flex? I had better work on this.

          And so Skorl will take Metri's body to the DSM's gym to work out. He finds himself mildly surprised at the Yhabbayar's unaugmented strength, but can't for the life of him figure out why he is so slim in form.
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          Joan Echo
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          Re: The Spire

          Post by Joan Echo »

          Perception (33%) 1d100<33: [76] = 0
          JiC 1d20: [19] = 19 / 1d100: [30] = 30

          Splugorth Talisman of Armor of Ithan (inactive)
          Teal tank-top with black floral print
          Black skirt with gold fringe
          Strappy sandals
          HPC bracelet with bejeweled band

          Effects and skills
          Cook (70%) 1d100<70: [96] = 0 - dinner anyone?

          Joan listens to Draggors stories of their past lives with joy. Draggor may recognize that same eagerness to hear of a person's adventures from her brother. However, unlike Juan, Joan doesn't feel the need to one up Draggor's stories with adventures of her own. She simply smiles and asks for more details. This isn't the same Draggor that we first met. Apparently that one was the Lost One. Wonder what this one calls themself.
          Draggor wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:53 pm"... Took us all the way to... Still getting used to this."
          Joan politely laughs, "I think that's true for all of us. I'm starting to suspect that forces greater than the gods are going to keep me with your group longer than I'd like."
          Draggor wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:53 pm"What's it like to spend so many cycles around so many that you outlive?"
          Joan shrugs. "We all have different life expectancies, some are just shorter than others. It's like one of Jonny's friends, this guy called the Many Faced God*, used to say, 'valar more ghoulish'. You just enjoy people for the time that they are here, you know? That's what being the Goddess of Hospitality is, making sure that everyone's stay here is as pleasant as possible."

          Despite her protestations, Joan makes herself very comfortable on the Dime Store Magic. She gets to know the new crew members and 'ingratiate' herself by eating directly off their plates.
          Sage Metri wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2024 11:11 am"I think I could make some space in my schedule to put you on the agenda... The lotion is in the third drawer from the top. If not, I think you owe me a bite to eat."
          "Well how about this," Joan replies with a coy smile, "since you made me breakfast, I'll make dinner for the whole crew."

          She runs her hand over Metri's head. Urqos Metri is behaving different; I wonder how the time relic affected him. Different how, Jonny? He's just as sweet as when he visited Yaya. I think he's flirting with you. I didn't know he could flirt. Maybe he just likes me more than you.
          Exe wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:46 pm"Kalinda, this is the captain of the crew and ship."
          Draggor wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:53 pm"Kalinda, welcome, we're a mad bunch trying to do the right thing. I think, anyway."
          Fae Elvin wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:22 pm"As Chief Hospitality Officer, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome. These, I believe, are a small token of our appreciation for your assistance."
          "Ahem!" Joan scowls at Elvin's self-deputation. "You have the literal Goddess of Hospitality on board! If you're going to claim that title, then you had better be ready to serve at my altar. You can start by helping me make dinner for the crew. Prep a salad and whip up a meringue for dessert. Hurry now."
          Kalinda wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:46 pm"Thank you. As Chief Hospitality Officer, you might want to teach your fellows how to be as courteous."
          "Welcome," Joan sizes up the new spirit, "I am Joan Echo of the Yayamama Pantheon. I met your predecessor, Michael, briefly, but he had a lovely soul. I look forward to getting to know you better." So much better.

          Dinner shows that while Joan is a gracious Hostess and she can assemble a spread, she has let her kitchen staff do the bulk of the cooking for at least the past several decades if not century. Thankfully, Icky is not around to see how Joan has disrespected the ingredients he left in the galley, but hopefully Elvin is able to salvage something. The following morning she decides to not cook, and instead lays out a breakfast of sliced fruits, cold cereals, breads, and spreads.

          *Per Rate-A-Deity
          syrio_4L wrote:The Stranger
          Andal Pantheon
          1 out of 10
          not today
          Status: Joan Echo
          M.D.C.: 300 | P.P.E.: 50 | I.S.P.:82
          May the rest of the Yayamama Pantheon have mercy on our SOULS!
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          Re: The Spire

          Post by Elvin »

          ((Rolls carried))
          Joan Echo wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:02 am
          Exe wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:46 pm"Kalinda, this is the captain of the crew and ship."
          Draggor wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:53 pm"Kalinda, welcome, we're a mad bunch trying to do the right thing. I think, anyway."
          Fae Elvin wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:22 pm"As Chief Hospitality Officer, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome. These, I believe, are a small token of our appreciation for your assistance."
          "Ahem!" Joan scowls at Elvin's self-deputation. "You have the literal Goddess of Hospitality on board!"
          Elvin is surprised by this, as he recalls the Captain himself appointing the position to him. He thinks back..
          Captain Andra Sekona wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:43 am "A job offer? That would be interesting. But you already have a job. You're the Chief Hospitality Officer aboard the Dime Store Magic! But I'll admit, a casino life could be a bit more...docile, if you're looking to live a boring life instead of dashing through the void facing uncertain odds at all times with the best crew this side of eternity! That was my sales pitch to get you to stay. Did it work?" Andra takes a few more bites before he continues.
          Outwardly his only reaction is to flare his nostrils and sniff airily. The bouquet of flowers he holds is withdrawn and, with a dramatic flourish, vanishes into his dimensional pocket.

          You won't be needing these then.

          Taking a step back, Elvin bows deeply, and presents a picture of deference. "Oh, dearest Goddess," he drawls, and his voice drips with false humility, "I stand corrected. You, of course, are the true goddess of hospitality. I only thought so after the captain's appointed me the burden of this responsibility. Silly of me to think so. So please, feel free to offer up the gift you instead prepared for our new arrival."

          But you don't have anything prepared, do you? Ha. All sizzle, no steak.

          Elvin's eyes flicker to Joan's empty hands, and a smug smirk briefly crosses his face before he masks it with a practiced nonchalance.
          Joan Echo wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:02 am "If you're going to claim that title, then you had better be ready to serve at my altar. You can start by helping me make dinner for the crew. Prep a salad and whip up a meringue for dessert. Hurry now."
          Oh I don't think so. If you're going to take my job, then you do it. I've got better things to do than be your altar-fairy.

          Elvin's eyes widen in mock surprise, his innocent facade a perfect mask for the rogue's mischief within. "Alas, my culinary skills are as nonexistent as my talent for diplomacy," he shrugs, feigning disappointment. "Perhaps I can better contribute by handling the laundry? Is that a job you also are claiming? Sheets can be my specialty!" With that, he spins on his heel and disappears down the corridor. A cheerful whistle cuts through the air as he goes in search of dirty linen.

          I'll be sure to check all the pockets of your dirty clothes in case you misplaced anything interesting.
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          Re: The Spire

          Post by Draggor »

          Perception: 1d100: [25] = 25 | 30%
          JIC: 1d20: 1d20: [10] = 10 | 1d100: [20] = 20

          Joan wrote:"We all have different life expectancies, some are just shorter than others. It's like one of Jonny's friends, this guy called the Many Faced God*, used to say, 'valar more ghoulish'. You just enjoy people for the time that they are here, you know? That's what being the Goddess of Hospitality is, making sure that everyone's stay here is as pleasant as possible."
          Draggor regards Joan with the most sincere affection, "That's very.. enlightened." YOU never learned what it feels like. If we are involved, we're fated to know it over and over. Good thing Joan is like us! One day will be your last with Joan, what then? The pilot overrules those deeply sad thoughts: no time like the present to enjoy, well, present company! "Consider me an ally with that intent, and ardent defender if the need arises." What of OUR devotion?! If only Juan could see this version of the creature!

          The other crewmate exuding the type of energy that calls out to this pilot? Metri. Yes, the Time Relic exacted costs, but much like Draggor's current pilot, someone, or something, reaps the benefits. Said they would be a vessel. Is that so strange? He's hammered! The alien looks delighted with themself at their inner monologue.

          At the eventual dinner assembled by our dear Goddess of Hospitality (or the following breakfast), the creature strikes up a conversation with Metri's pilot. "What do you make of this ship? Of us?" That 'us' part comes loaded with ambiguity: do they mean the crew at large? Or all those voices waiting to have a turn?
          Draggor | Ledger
          M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
          P.P.E.: 89 / 89

          The Cast:
          The Hero, The Exile, The Merc, The Lustful, OG Violence, Argent Warrior, The Lost One

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          Re: The Spire

          Post by Exe »

          Perception: 1d100: [84] = 84 /42%
          JiC: 1d100: [44] = 44 / 1d20: [8] = 8

          Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

          MDC: 142/142
          PPE: 291/291
          ISP: 60/60
          Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110

          Computer Operation: 1d100: [66] = 66 /71% [Looking for noteworthy news that could lead to Fingerling]


          When Exe and his minions settle into the larger room, Kalinda looks between Matthew and Exe while crossing her arms. "From what I understood, your party was one of champions, not depraved deviants." She finishes as more of a statement than a question as Exe nods. "Yeah, we've all been through some changes recently. The little green guy used to be more wizened but now he's totally different. Joan's brother, Juan, used to be among us. The others have made some sacrifices as well. I gave up 1,000 years of my life." Exe explains, trying to justify the actions of his crew. "You needn't interact with them. Matthew usually keeps to himself and they left him alone." Exe adds as Kalinda nods. "Yes, there have been considerable changes as I tried explaining earlier, but the mission remains the same." Matthew confirms. "Yes. The mission is to stop the one known as Fingerling and his allies from finishing their goal. Previously, he had been successful in striking about ten major worlds and assassinating the UWW Leader. Due in part to our sacrifices, we were able to prevent that." Exe adds and Kalinda simply listens. "I will help you in your fight against this Fingerling. I will not suffer a deviant's advances." Kalinda warns and Exe nods. "Nor should you have too. For now, please make yourselves comfortable in here. I will go and speak with the crew about the next steps." Exe says as both his minions nod. The demi-god then pats Corus before leaving the room.

          Exe will then return to the main room with those still on board, looking for Andra, Draggor and the others. Exe will take time to listen to the news broadcasts for any signs of note that may lead to Fingerling or his allies as he broaches the question of what to do next. "So, my allies are settled. Fingerling is still out there. He and his allies are still in motion for their nefarious goals that we barely managed to stop. Judging by their actions, they won't just stop their actions, they'll get more creative and could well go on the offensive given this loss. Do we have any news or ideas on how to find them before they strike again?" Exe asks.
          Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead

          Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
          "The Ariel Spirit of Light, Matthew, is speaking."
          "The Seraph Spirit of Light, Kalinda, is speaking."
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          Re: The Spire

          Post by Dime Store Magic »

          It's a lazy day aboard the Dime Store Magic. The crew continue to grapple with their internal and external changes that have occurred because of the events on Omega Kron. To avert mutiny the captain having been relegated to a different room spends the day there. Elvin and Joan jockey for the position of head scullery maid aboard the ship, the 'winner' is still undetermined. Elvin's efforts to tidy up the DSM are herculean as he finds cobwebs and dust bunnies throughout the ship. Little bits of pearlescent egg shell pieces turn up in odd places (top of shelves, between pieces of equipment, air vents, etc) which if shown to those that were on the Dime Store Magic when they went to the Yayamama system react with a look of suppressed terror.

          The day closes with Ghast still not having returned and what to do about Fingerling foremost in the teams mind.

          What are your intentions?
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          Joan Echo
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          Re: The Spire

          Post by Joan Echo »

          Perception (33%) 1d100<33: [22*] = 1
          JiC 1d20: [5] = 5 / 1d100: [9] = 9

          Splugorth Talisman of Armor of Ithan (inactive)
          Teal tank-top with black floral print
          Black skirt with gold fringe
          Strappy sandals
          HPC bracelet with bejeweled band
          Fae Elvin wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:50 pm"Oh, dearest Goddess I stand corrected. You, of course, are the true goddess of hospitality. I only thought so after the captain's appointed me the burden of this responsibility. Silly of me to think so. So please, feel free to offer up the gift you instead prepared for our new arrival."
          Joan politely laughs, "That's a very urqos way of thinking about hospitality. Gifts are nice, but its not the essence of hosting." She shrugs, "Besides, I just got here. If I really am going to be staying on this ship, it's going to take me weeks to get settled in." Then she stretches. "I'll need to redecorate Jonny's old room, buy some more clothes, stock the galley, redecorate the common room, I think. But that's for later, right now snacks."
          Fae Elvin wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:50 pm"Alas, my culinary skills are as nonexistent as my talent for diplomacy. Perhaps I can better contribute by handling the laundry? Is that a job you also are claiming? Sheets can be my specialty!"
          "Sounds lovely," Joan says. "You can be responsible for tidying up the ship." Did you vouch for the fae too? Sure, he's a fellow traveler. Among other things. As Elvin flies away she shouts, "And stay out of my room! It doesn't need to be cleaned." It needs to be disinfected and ritualistically burned.

          Later, when Exe returns unaccompanied by his companions, Joan learns a little more about the mission at hand.
          Exe wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:50 am"So, my allies are settled. Fingerling is still out there. He and his allies are still in motion for their nefarious goals that we barely managed to stop. Judging by their actions, they won't just stop their actions, they'll get more creative and could well go on the offensive given this loss. Do we have any news or ideas on how to find them before they strike again?"
          "Urqos Fingerling?" Joan asks. She can hear Juan's voice rambling through a rushed explanation of the events from the previous adventure, but it's all so jarring from what she remembered back home on Yaya. "His people reached out about hosting a business conference on Yaya several weeks ago, confab with the UWW about some ultra-net deal, lots of ambassadors, investors, and people there just to schmooze. That was the banquet that you boys crashed."

          If asked for more details about Fingerling: "Never met him personally, only dealt with his urqos. Really professional group, a little intense and broody, but maybe that's because the were all in the same death cult. Urqos get really weird about their religions, but I don't judge. That's being a rude host."

          On the banquet: "I have to admit, it was a little strange to host a UWW conference on Yaya, but it's not unheard of. We're neutral ground, and we do like to put together a good time for visiting delegates, so we've hosted similar events for other governments over the centuries."

          And finally, just in case, when all is said and done: "Huh, so Urqos Fingerling was broadcasting some sort of signal to transform urqos to demons? Maybe the banquet was a test run to see if his technology would work? I guess we should be thankful it only hit a small part of my domain."
          Status: Joan Echo
          M.D.C.: 300 | P.P.E.: 50 | I.S.P.:82
          May the rest of the Yayamama Pantheon have mercy on our SOULS!
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          Re: The Spire

          Post by Metri »

          Perception: d%: [16] = 16 | 67%
          JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 | d%: [38] = 38 %
          Character Sheet
          • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
          • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
            • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [16] = 16 | 86%.
            • Track by psychic scent: d%: [13] = 13 | 95%.
          • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [4] = 4 | 97%.
          • Sense Life. 300ft.
          PPE: 171/171
          ISP: 242/275
          Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
          MDC: 73/73
          MTB1_PPE: 180/180
          MTB2_PPE: 180/180
          MTB3_PPE: 180/180
          SoE_PPE: 80/80
          WoS_PPE: 40/40
          Saving Throw Bonuses
          +1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
          Coma/Death: +4%
          Magic (varies): +1
          Lethal Poison (14+): +1
          Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
          Insanity (12+): +1
          Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
          +7 vs Possession
          +2 vs Despair
          +2 vs Horror Factor
          +2 vs Illusions
          +1 vs Poison and Disease

            After working up a healthy sweat, Metri is practically glistening when he returns to the lounge to look for re-hydration and a snack. He makes himself up some ice water and the equivalent of potato chips from a bag and sets himself down unceremoniously on the floor with legs splayed out as the discussion about Fingerling rages. Uncharacteristically, he empties the bag of chips onto the floor and eats off the floor.
            Exe wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:50 amExe will then return to the main room with those still on board, looking for Andra, Draggor and the others. Exe will take time to listen to the news broadcasts for any signs of note that may lead to Fingerling or his allies as he broaches the question of what to do next. "So, my allies are settled. Fingerling is still out there. He and his allies are still in motion for their nefarious goals that we barely managed to stop. Judging by their actions, they won't just stop their actions, they'll get more creative and could well go on the offensive given this loss. Do we have any news or ideas on how to find them before they strike again?" Exe asks.
            Huh. Guess this hero work is trickier than I thought. Just get me in the fight and let me smash something...

            Metri's faraway look reminds those gathered of the look of someone reminiscing on a glorious past. The corners of his lips curl slightly at some humorous thought from the memory... Like the way a decapitated enemy head might have landed somewhat funny with a strange noise.

            With a mouthful of chips, Metri/Skorl offers, "Maybe he has to hit those worlds for one reason or another. Anything in the news about Fingerling setting up new-fangled technology like the one he tried at Yayamama?"
            Joan Echo wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:36 pm"Urqos Fingerling?" Joan asks. She can hear Juan's voice rambling through a rushed explanation of the events from the previous adventure, but it's all so jarring from what she remembered back home on Yaya. "His people reached out about hosting a business conference on Yaya several weeks ago, confab with the UWW about some ultra-net deal, lots of ambassadors, investors, and people there just to schmooze. That was the banquet that you boys crashed."
            Metri/Skorl waves his free hand about like a turning wheel before postulating, "If Fingerling is too hard to track, what about trying to locate the itinerary of his business underlings? Can anyone do that?" Metri/Skorl looks around unknowing before reaching for another handful of floor chips.
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            Re: The Spire

            Post by Exe »

            Perception: 1d100: [15] = 15 /42%
            JiC: 1d20: [6] = 6 / 1d100: [63] = 63

            Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

            MDC: 142/142
            PPE: 291/291
            ISP: 60/60
            Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110


            Joan wrote:"Urqos Fingerling?" ... "His people reached out about hosting a business conference on Yaya several weeks ago, confab with the UWW about some ultra-net deal, lots of ambassadors, investors, and people there just to schmooze. That was the banquet that you boys crashed."
            Exe looks to Joan as the demi-god recalls the demon assaulted Yaya event. "You wouldn't happen to know his home planet? Or maybe he just listed Kron Omega as the location.." Exe thinks aloud. No, doubtful Joan has any extra information on hand. Exe reasons in his head.
            Joan wrote:"Never met him personally, only dealt with his urqos. Really professional group, a little intense and broody, but maybe that's because the were all in the same death cult. Urqos get really weird about their religions, but I don't judge. That's being a rude host."

            On the banquet: "I have to admit, it was a little strange to host a UWW conference on Yaya, but it's not unheard of. We're neutral ground, and we do like to put together a good time for visiting delegates, so we've hosted similar events for other governments over the centuries."

            Huh, so Urqos Fingerling was broadcasting some sort of signal to transform urqos to demons? Maybe the banquet was a test run to see if his technology would work? I guess we should be thankful it only hit a small part of my domain."
            Exe is interested in the additional information, however frivolous, that Joan can provide. Yes, strange indeed. Quite possibly it was a test run, a successful one. But how did it start? Exe considers briefly. "Was that the first time you've hosted a UWW Conference on Yaya? Or is it more of a rarity? Do you remember anything specific who transformed first back on Yaya?" Exe asks, trying to eek out whatever details he can.
            Metriskrol wrote:"Maybe he has to hit those worlds for one reason or another. Anything in the news about Fingerling setting up new-fangled technology like the one he tried at Yayamama?"
            Exe shakes his head. "I haven't heard anything on Fingerling specifically but I'll keep an eye on the news to see what happens. Perhaps we can find information on the PPN, Fingerling's shadow company he used on Kron Omega?" Exe ponders aloud. Exe will ask DSM to cycle through any news headlines in the meantime and catches the report from GNN.
            GNN News wrote:”Good evening. This is Trix Watannabe with GNN. Our top story tonight: A massive fleet of biological ships was spotted heading into the Threshold of the Anvil Galaxy. Gravometric analysis suggests an origin point in the Corkscrew Galaxy, likely the Necrosis system. The question is- what could the Necrols want out there? Burning heretical gene-techs? Raiding Splugorth slave pens? Mounting an expedition to the galactic core for some inscrutable reason? Join our panel of self-credentialed experts for 45 minutes of wild, unsubstantiated speculation as to the motives, goals, and outcomes of this latest development.”
            Exe watches with wide eyes at the premise of an invading Necrol fleet so soon after the failed attempt to demolish the UWW. "There couldn't be a connection between a supposed Necrol Fleet and Fingerling's attempt... could there be? Imagine if we hadn't stopped it, and this fleet was just allowed to move freely while the news was more concerned about the decimated planets... Maybe we should check it out?" Exe considers aloud to anyone still nearby.
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            Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
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            Re: The Spire

            Post by Elvin »

            JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 , 1d100: [46] = 46
            Perception: 28% / 1d100: [42] = 42 (FAIL)

            Conditions: Cloaking

            Elvin watches the news with a keen eye, his interest piqued by a report on the Necrol Fleet. He watches the crew members as they casually discuss the latest developments. He doesn't interrupt, but his devious mind is churning on various possibilities.

            When the others are done, he pipes up.

            "Well, I suppose I can start by checking over Talon's research," he muses, a knowing look on his face. "You know, all those super-encrypted, impossible-to-access files he has on the wing decks." He smirks.

            "I'll bet you I can access those files in under a minute," Elvin challenges, and his eyes scan the room for any takers with credits to burn. "Any takers?"

            Of course, little does the crew know, Elvin had installed a backdoor on the server the very night he arrived.

            Elvin flutters off to the wing deck to access the servers. I suppose those servers are now *my* servers. If he's really gone. Although were they ever really his servers to begin with? He thinks to himself as he taps in the access keys.

            With a few deft strokes, he navigates Talon's files, searching for any clues that might be useful in dealing with the Necrol Fleet or Mr. Fingerling and his associates. If anyone took Elvin's bet his greedy eyes gleam with triumph as he effortlessly accesses the files.

            He glances around at the faces of the crew, if present, and a smug grin spreads across his lips. "Well, anyone want to place a bet on something else?" he taunts cheekily.

            Computer Operation 94%: 1d100: [77] = 77

            Failing that, Elvin digs a little deeper in the wider networks of Center trying to find any useful tidbits.

            Research 89%: 1d100: [87] = 87
            Intelligence 76%: 1d100: [33] = 33

            Oh, and if anyone took Elvin's bet, the faerie happily collects his winnings.
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            Re: The Spire

            Post by Draggor »

            Perception: 1d100: [99] = 99 | 30%
            JIC: 1d20: 1d20: [18] = 18 | 1d100: [49] = 49

            "Good evening. This is Trix Watannabe with GNN. Our top story tonight: A massive fleet of biological ships was spotted heading into the Threshold of the Anvil Galaxy. Gravometric analysis suggests an origin point in the Corkscrew Galaxy, likely the Necrosis system. The question is- what could the Necrols want out there? Burning heretical gene-techs? Raiding Splugorth slave pens? Mounting an expedition to the galactic core for some inscrutable reason? Join our panel of self-credentialed experts for 45 minutes of wild, unsubstantiated speculation as to the motives, goals, and outcomes of this latest development.”
            The current pilot exhales a sigh of relief that none of the Galactic Adventurers hold center stage of the broadcast, or even appear for speculation. Those other lives similarly agree, though assume different possibilities: We're free to pursue the cause! No, we're free ot pursue OUR cause! We're only free for now. We should seek help. We should seek vengeance! It seems my price was worth it... Free to have fun along the way...
            Metri/Skorl wrote:Uncharacteristically, he empties the bag of chips onto the floor and eats off the floor. "If Fingerling is too hard to track, what about trying to locate the itinerary of his business underlings? Can anyone do that?" Metri/Skorl looks around unknowing before reaching for another handful of floor chips.
            Draggor tilts their head in the direction of Metri's vessel. "Extra flavor?" ...why did you say that out loud? "Before we went back, Talon had trouble finding details on those linked businesses. Uncanny lack of data, thought to be a clue itself."
            Exe wrote:"There couldn't be a connection between a supposed Necrol Fleet and Fingerling's attempt... could there be? Imagine if we hadn't stopped it, and this fleet was just allowed to move freely while the news was more concerned about the decimated planets... Maybe we should check it out?"
            The creature responds to Exe, "Coincidence? And our luck? Ha! Kron Omega was only ever part of the plan, whatever it really is. We MUST investigate!" And here I thought playing hero would be boring! At least you understand we're invested. Draggor addresses Captain Sekona, "Are you able to get anything out of Thraxus? He seems to share... some things with you." Should we be referring to him as Sir now? I would.
            Elvin wrote:"Well, I suppose I can start by checking over Talon's research,"
            Draggor experiences mixed feelings on the topic of Talon: on one hand, having any kind of multifaceted approach to this mission seems necessary, yet on the other, the creature can't help but feel this is a compounded price of the Time Relic. "Speaking of our crew... Datephus, where's Ghast?"
            Draggor | Ledger
            M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
            P.P.E.: 89 / 89

            The Cast:
            The Hero, The Exile, The Merc, The Lustful, OG Violence, Argent Warrior, The Lost One

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            Re: The Spire

            Post by Ghast »

            Perception: 1d100: [70] = 70 /55%
            Just in Case: 1d20: [10] = 10 ; 1d100: [32] = 32
            Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive),
            360° scanning capability, +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise

            H.P.: 33/33
            S.D.C.: 70/70
            I.S.P.: 249/249
            Current Outfit: Clothes (Black T-Shirt, Worn Beige Cargo Pants, Raggedy Gray Sweater, Arm wraps, Combat Boots), Red Scarf, Weapon Harness, ratty overcoat.
            Weapons & Armor
            Armor: NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor 90/90
            Integrated Force Field: 75/75
            Weapons: HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle Ammo: 30/15
            NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol Ammo: 10/10
            Slicer GR-Gun Ammo: 12/12
            Phase Sword
            Ripper Bayonet
            A Variety of explosives.

            Ghats makes his way back up from level eight, using public transportation most of the way up. On the trip Ghast mulls over what Sid/K'Tash said. Once back at the landing pad, Ghast looks up at the DSM. Home for now I guess. Ghast thinks as he heads inside, and makes his way to his room to drop his bag off. Ghast makes his way back to the common area, plopping down on one of the couches, and propping his feet up. Much comfier than the floor. Ghast thinks as he looks at the others. "Captain make a decision as to where we're going next?" Ghast asks.
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            Re: The Spire

            Post by Metri »

            ((rolls carried over))
            Exe wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:47 pmExe watches with wide eyes at the premise of an invading Necrol fleet so soon after the failed attempt to demolish the UWW. "There couldn't be a connection between a supposed Necrol Fleet and Fingerling's attempt... could there be? Imagine if we hadn't stopped it, and this fleet was just allowed to move freely while the news was more concerned about the decimated planets... Maybe we should check it out?" Exe considers aloud to anyone still nearby.
            Draggor wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:18 pmThe creature responds to Exe, "Coincidence? And our luck? Ha! Kron Omega was only ever part of the plan, whatever it really is. We MUST investigate!"
            "Yes!" Metri echoes in agreement with loud enthusiasm, "That is a great idea! Makes total sense that the Necrol fleet invasion would not be a coincidence! Let's investigate!"

            And if there's a chance to smash some Necrol skulls... Bonus!
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            Captain Andra Sekona
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            Re: The Spire

            Post by Captain Andra Sekona »

            Perception: 1d100: [56] = 56 /62%
            JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 / 1d100: [78] = 78

            ”Damnit, Talon…” Captain Sekona sits on the edge of his bed as he hears the message from his fellow Seeronian. ”Good luck. Datephus, please ping me if there are any signs of Talon. If you can pull local surveillance feeds, please do so. He might be on his own, but I want to keep an eye on him if possible. We’re never alone when we’re Galactic Adventurers.” Andra spends the day in his room, putting his effects where they go and getting more rest than normal due to the disorienting effects of time travel.

            The next morning, he joins the others in their conversation about Fingerling. ”Talon took off to follow a lead. Hopefully we hear back from him with some intel. That man can cover his own back. Elvin, if you’ve got the skills, let us know what you find in his files. Maybe that will give us a starting point for tracking down Fingerling.”
            Draggor wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:18 pmDraggor addresses Captain Sekona, "Are you able to get anything out of Thraxus? He seems to share... some things with you." Should we be referring to him as Sir now? I would.
            ”I’ll ask. Me and that man don’t like each other very much. And I’m feeling a bit less charming than my usual self. We’ll see what I can get.”

            Addressing the crew, he says ”Well, usually I’d have some sort of motivating speech here…” he runs his hands nervously through his hair. ”Well… I don’t. So uh… let's go see about this Necrol fleet! Yay!”

            Once their meeting is concluded, Captain Sekona sends a message up to Thraxus' office.
            Message wrote:To: Thraxus
            From: Captain Andra Sekona
            Subject: Futurepast
            Body: Hey Thraxus,
            It's me, your favorite space captain. You might remember how my crew and I just saved your life and delivered you safely to your castle. Anyways, we're going to go fix a big thing that happened and we could use some information that's better spoken in person. Meeting? Meeting.

            Captain Andra Y. Sekona of the Dime Store Magic, Leader of the Galactic Adventurers, Saviour of Thraxus
            Captain Sekona
            Captain Andra Sekona
            MDC: 439/439

            Saving Throw Bonuses:
            Vs. Insanity: +9|Vs. Magic: +10|Vs. Possession: +7|Vs. Psionic: +7
            Vs. Poison: +7|Vs. Mind Control: +6|Vs. Disease: +6|Vs. Illusion: +5
            Vs. Horror Factor: +8|Vs. Coma/Death: +51%|Perception: +3
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            Joan Echo
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            Re: The Spire

            Post by Joan Echo »

            <Rolls carry>
            Exe wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:47 pm"You wouldn't happen to know his home planet? Or maybe he just listed Kron Omega as the location..."
            "Nothing like that," Joan replies shaking her head, "His urqos coordinated with my uros. Never had an interaction with the urqos himself. Don't know anything about him except that he was the head of the People Power."
            Exe wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:47 pm"Was that the first time you've hosted a UWW Conference on Yaya? Or is it more of a rarity? Do you remember anything specific who transformed first back on Yaya?"
            The Hostess chuckles at the thought that this was her first rodeo. "We host delegates from the UWW about once every generation or so. Never the same delegation twice, not sure why.* But a couple of different groups come together, we break bread, maybe make some sauce for the bread, and they fly off. Aside from the demons, the last banquet wasn't all that different. I was chatting with the dwarves, (I found a short king!)so I don't know how the brawl started."
            Exe wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:47 pm"I haven't heard anything on Fingerling specifically but I'll keep an eye on the news to see what happens. Perhaps we can find information on the PPN, Fingerling's shadow company he used on Kron Omega?"
            Urqos News wrote:"Good evening. This is Trix Watannabe with... 45 minutes of wild, unsubstantiated speculation as to the motives, goals, and outcomes of this latest development."
            Exe wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:47 pm"There couldn't be a connection between a supposed Necrol Fleet and Fingerling's attempt... could there be? Imagine if we hadn't stopped it, and this fleet was just allowed to move freely while the news was more concerned about the decimated planets... Maybe we should check it out?"
            "That looks dire," Joan says slowly. Jonny, what the fux did you get me caught up in? The fate of the universe. She lets out a small sigh, realizing that her brother isn't exaggerating. "And unavoidable."
            Urqos Andra wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:01 am"I’ll ask. Me and that man don’t like each other very much. And I’m feeling a bit less charming than my usual self. We’ll see what I can get.
            Well, usually I’d have some sort of motivating speech here... Well... I don’t. So uh... let's go see about this Necrol fleet! Yay!"
            "Count me in," Joan says. "Unlike my brother, I'm not one to join an adventure for the sake of it. But this is even bigger than the gods. I need to go shopping, maybe find a smyther to adjust Jonny's armor for me."

            *Per Rate-A-Deity
            Baxter Hexchilde wrote:Joan Echo
            Yayamama Pantheon
            2 out of 10
            My marriage into the Star Elf Royal Family was supposed to be the diplomatic event of the season. We had decided to make it a destination wedding and chose Yaya because of its affordable rates and highly rated cuisine. However, I return home unmarried and without a father. They ran off to be part of a throuple with a Space Minotaur bartender they met at the wedding rehearsal. The Hexchilde clan is ruined, and no amount of sauce will make me feel better!
            Status: Joan Echo
            M.D.C.: 300 | P.P.E.: 50 | I.S.P.:82
            May the rest of the Yayamama Pantheon have mercy on our SOULS!
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            Dark Lord
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            Re: The Spire

            Post by Dark Lord »

            The crew discusses what to do about Fingerling, but doesn’t come up with much in the way of ideas or leads (especially with your bounty hunter gone). But the news reel quickly captures Exe’s attention, and soon everyone else’s. Elvin takes a quick gander at Talon’s files, but there’s little beyond what he’d already shared with the group- speculation at best, paranoia at worst. A cursory effort around Center’s local criminal (or at least criminal-adjacent) underbelly likewise comes up empty. With the pendulum of opinion swinging generally in the direction of investigating the Necrols, Andra finally reaches out to your erstwhile employer. Doodles replies an hour later with a time set for the next morning.

            Those of you who show up are greeted by the teleportation circle outside the ship abruptly changing color. Presumably, taking you to another of Thraxus’ hidey-holes since the ostentatious one on Level 1 is having… difficulties. Without much preamble, you arrive in a windowless interrogation room- the telltale bare bulb suspended from the center and casting off as much heat and shadow as light. The only deviation from the cliché is that there are enough seats for everyone. Thraxus, Doodles, and his cat are all seated across a barebones metal table across from you. All three chairs are nicer than yours- especially the cats.

            With a nod from Thraxus, Doodles reaches into his vest pocket and slides a credit chip across the table. In a tired voice, Thraxus says "First things first. I am... grateful to you for saving me from that… place." He shudders, and if Joan is in attendance the godling pointedly avoids looking at her. ”It’s only 10 million, I’m afraid- less than your usual, I know. But from what I can tell, you’re done making upgrades to the Dime Store Magic, and with the loss of Alexandria and the devastation in the Manors my assets aren’t quite what they used to be.”

            ”Now. I’m sure at least some of your crew are aching to charge off and help the poor little Atlanteans on their planet. Let me remind you that it is exactly that kind of short-sighted hero-foolery that got us into this mess. And no time-travel devices to get us out of it a second time.” Several of you feel your stomachs drop as you realize Thraxus must know- on some level- what happened in the previous timeline. ”A few other points. The True Atlanteans are far from helpless, and as you yourselves saw the primary danger from these creatures is in their numbers. Adding a few more bodies into the pile isn’t going to change the situation from a bird’s eye view. Your squad, for better or worse, is more suited for targeted strikes. And I intend to use you for that purpose- not for having you blow yourselves up trying to run a UWW blockade. And for gods’ sake, don’t let any of the Atlanteans know you’re responsible for what happened. We have few enough reliable allies in this fight as it is. Now. I assume by your message you are referring to the Necrol fleet on the news. I agree that the priority must be figuring out what they want out there. The news is downplaying this, but that fleet is orders of magnitude larger than anything Consortium intelligence believed the Necrols to be capable of assembling. If the true scope of this crisis got out it would cause a panic- the only saving grace is they’re headed to a sparsely-populated, and highly dangerous, portion of the Anvil Galaxy. The problem is, unless the Necrols have suddenly and inexplicably developed a death wish, they can only have a limited number of goals out in the Threshold.” Thraxus ticks his fingers. ”One, the Splugorth Kingdom of Rynncryll. Two, the Threshold gene-techs- a particularly aggressive offshoot of the gene-splicers found elsewhere in the Three Galaxies. Frankly, if those super-soldiers you encountered are any indication, the Necrols are getting better at refining their bio-tech. That makes either goal particularly troublesome. A lone ship can ride FTL faster than an entire armada- get to the Core of the Anvil galaxy, find whatever it is the Necrols are after, and make sure they can’t get it. If there are no questions, you’re dismissed.”

            What are you doing?
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            Re: The Spire

            Post by Metri »

            Perception: d%: [70] = 70 | 67%
            JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 | d%: [23] = 23 %
            Character Sheet
            • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
            • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
              • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [45] = 45 | 86%.
              • Track by psychic scent: d%: [85] = 85 | 95%.
            • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [43] = 43 | 97%.
            • Sense Life. 300ft.
            PPE: 171/171
            ISP: 242/275
            Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
            MDC: 73/73
            MTB1_PPE: 180/180
            MTB2_PPE: 180/180
            MTB3_PPE: 180/180
            SoE_PPE: 80/80
            WoS_PPE: 40/40
            Saving Throw Bonuses
            +1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
            Coma/Death: +4%
            Magic (varies): +1
            Lethal Poison (14+): +1
            Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
            Insanity (12+): +1
            Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
            +7 vs Possession
            +2 vs Despair
            +2 vs Horror Factor
            +2 vs Illusions
            +1 vs Poison and Disease

              Dark Lord wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:05 pm”Now. I’m sure at least some of your crew are aching to charge off and help the poor little Atlanteans on their planet. Let me remind you that it is exactly that kind of short-sighted hero-foolery that got us into this mess. And no time-travel devices to get us out of it a second time.” Several of you feel your stomachs drop as you realize Thraxus must know- on some level- what happened in the previous timeline.
              Dark Lord wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:05 pm"A lone ship can ride FTL faster than an entire armada- get to the Core of the Anvil galaxy, find whatever it is the Necrols are after, and make sure they can’t get it. If there are no questions, you’re dismissed.”
              Thraxus seems to know more than he is letting on I think... How does he manage that? Isn't it somehow that he receives messages from... himself?

              Skorl wonders, trying to pick at Metri's memories, but falling a bit short because the events occurred prior to the Yhabbayar's joining the Adventurers and was perhaps only skimmed once within the archives of past events. Still, that doesn't stop the man from making brash assumptions and acting on them.

              Raising his hand, Metri/Skorl asks Thraxus bluntly, "So, uh. Based on your messages from yourself... Did we manage to avoid the darkest timeline? Or are we living out the darkest timeline?"

              On some level, the Norse warrior currently in the driver's seat within the Yhabbayar, is hit with a sobering dose of how his newfound freedom may have some sort of cost affiliated with it. And he seems curious, eager perhaps, to find out what that cost may have been.

              Should Thraxus not be forthcoming with an immediate answer, he looks toward the other members of the Galactic Adventurers to see if any of them have any insight. Or if they return him with looks as though he were a raving lunatic.
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              Re: The Spire

              Post by Elvin »

              JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 , 1d100: [13] = 13
              Perception: 28% / 1d100: [86] = 86 (FAIL)

              Conditions: Cloaking

              Ten million.

              Elvin watches the 10 million credits change hands with the same rapt attention a cat reserves for a scurrying mouse. He notes the pocket where Captain Andra stows the hefty sum. He has no intention of picking his pockets,and it is more of a reflexive instinctive action than anything else.

              Ten million.

              Elvin listens intently to the discussion, though his mind momentarily drifts towards visions of a luxurious retirement on a tropical planet. However, the gravity of the situation soon pulls him back to the present. Alas this was no ordinary heist; dealing with a fleet of Necrols, whatever they were.

              "So, what’s a Necrol exactly?" he asks casually. "I don’t think I’ve encountered one before, only heard of in the news. Though I’d be happy to review any available files." He shrugs, "Do they use tech as we understand it? It might be interesting if we could lift some useful data from whatever storage facilities they use."

              "Of course, if we stay ahead of them, we might avoid a confrontation entirely. The Core of the Anvil, you say? I'll be sure to do some research. If there's any additional information you might have on the area I'll be more than happy to review a copy." What's worth stealing in that region of space I wonder?

              He pauses, a calculating look in his eyes. "And if you have any other leads, any rumors or whispers about the Necrol's desires or weaknesses, I'm all ears."

              What do they even want?
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              Re: The Spire

              Post by Ghast »

              Perception: 1d100: [30] = 30 /55%
              Just in Case: 1d20: [9] = 9 ; 1d100: [72] = 72
              Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive),
              360° scanning capability, +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise

              H.P.: 33/33
              S.D.C.: 70/70
              I.S.P.: 249/249
              Current Outfit: Clothes (Black T-Shirt, Worn Beige Cargo Pants, Raggedy Gray Sweater, Arm wraps, Combat Boots), Red Scarf, Weapon Harness, ratty overcoat.
              Weapons & Armor
              Armor: NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor 90/90
              Integrated Force Field: 75/75
              Weapons: HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle Ammo: 30/15
              NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol Ammo: 10/10
              Slicer GR-Gun Ammo: 12/12
              Phase Sword
              Ripper Bayonet
              A Variety of explosives.

              Lore: Galactic Aliens 1d100: [38] = 38 /30% (What is a Necrol?)

              Ghast sits at the meeting, nonchalantly picking at his nails with a knife. "So we're to outrun a fleet into what amounts to the hottest part of the Anvil Galaxy on no intel. It seems par for the course I guess. How many suicide missions does this group take on each year? I know in the short time I've been with you it's bee two and that really amounts to a third of the year." Ghast muses rudely out loud. "Now was that 10 million for the last job or this one?" Ghast asks more pointedly towards Thraxus.

              Are you really poking at one of the most powerful people in the three galaxies? Rich doesn't always mean powerful. Truth to that statement. Ghast's inner monologue and new mental guest converse in the mad man's head.

              Holding his hands up in an acquiescing manner. "Nevermind, the past few days have worn on my already fragile mental state." Ghast says, before looking back to the knife in his hand. You should throw it! No, I think that would go over poorly Ghast thinks against his intrusive thoughts.
              “We are what we choose to be.” ~Altaïr
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              Re: The Spire

              Post by Draggor »

              Perception: 1d100: [89] = 89 | 30%
              JIC: 1d20: 1d20: [15] = 15 | 1d100: [97] = 97

              "Ghast!" Draggor exclaims at his reappearance not long after the inquiry got vocalized. Metri at least seems to be enjoying themselves.
              Joan wrote:"Count me in," Joan says. "Unlike my brother, I'm not one to join an adventure for the sake of it. But this is even bigger than the gods. I need to go shopping, maybe find a smyther to adjust Jonny's armor for me."
              She's right, we need to restock. Our handssss are weaponsss! We agree with being prepared. It wouldn't hurt. Yes, we'll acquire things... We could stand to have more outfits... DO NOT SQUANDER THIS! FINE we'll arm to the teeth! Who knew the topic of shopping would threaten the current pilot's control? "Maybe should do some of that practice the Lost One did..." Draggor mutters quietly to themselves while holding their head for a moment.

              The creature spends the rest of the evening looking up places to shop, consulting Joan, Ghast, or anyone else that wants to partake or offer advice. What they ask for switches without warning, from rare spirits to magical protections to opinions on which types of grenades are most likely to be useful in our immediate future.

              The Next Morning & Meeting with Thraxus
              Sleep seems distant when so much of the lucid dreams intrude and evolve from their many past lives, making it remarkable the Lustful still retains control. While nobody seems friendly with Thraxus, the godling has been, and will continue to be a major player in the Three Galaxies, and regardless of the pilot, Draggor stands a good chance of running into this man for a long, long time. "Think he secretly likes it we keep coming back?" Draggor muses out loud, but especially to Captain Sekona right before the circle activates.

              The experience of teleportation calls to a much more mild version of using the Time Relic: those other lives bubble up and cackle with the type of potency that threatens control. The room we appear in doesn't help: familiar to when the creature routinely committed acts of stalking and violence, the creature's eyes glow brightly, anticipating an attack from the shadows. Alas, no active threat, merely picking a chair, and wondering what makes Thraxus need to flex so hard. We should have a chair like that. YOU don't take anything seriously enough.. It's a seriously nice chair! We are fools, partnered with fools, taking orders from fools.

              The money redirects the combative inner monologues back to the previous day's conflict. Yes, we'll do something with it. RESPONSIBLE things. Draggor thinks to themself to head off any headaches while Thraxus informs of the next mission. That the godling openly acknowledges our use of the Time Relic pulls the creature into focus. Maybe Thraxus sacrificed something too? The rest of the news and instructions feel sane and agreeable, a wonderful change of pace compared to the events leading here.
              Metri/Skorl wrote:"So, uh. Based on your messages from yourself... Did we manage to avoid the darkest timeline? Or are we living out the darkest timeline?"
              "More are breathing than not with this version," the creature offers towards Metri. "And for us? You and I? Seems better." The creature's eyes glow brightly again with that comment.

              Elvin inquiring about worthy tactical information piques the interest of the inner merc, but sadly they are not in the pilot seat. "Confrontation will be very, very bloody, and generally, not the fun kind." Let us savor it then!
              Ghast wrote:"So we're to outrun a fleet into what amounts to the hottest part of the Anvil Galaxy on no intel. It seems par for the course I guess. How many suicide missions does this group take on each year? I know in the short time I've been with you it's bee two and that really amounts to a third of the year."
              "Advantage: not boring. Advantage: payments. Advantage: Having Thraxus owe you one." Draggor's other lives actually do agree with the points made, even if they come from a rather reckless place.

              As for questions to Thraxus of their own, Draggor asks, "Any far reaching contacts for us out there? We keep running into things bigger than us, would be nice to have some help." And wow are we big! STOP!
              Draggor | Ledger
              M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
              P.P.E.: 89 / 89

              The Cast:
              The Hero, The Exile, The Merc, The Lustful, OG Violence, Argent Warrior, The Lost One

              Events of Note
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              Re: The Spire

              Post by Exe »

              Perception: 1d100: [14] = 14 /42%
              JiC: 1d20: [18] = 18 / 1d100: [17] = 17

              Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

              MDC: 142/142
              PPE: 291/291
              ISP: 60/60
              Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110



              Exe's usual giddy disposition has all but evaporated in recent days, with the demi-god seen constantly running his fingers through his beard and gripping tightening his fist. It's almost as though his happiness has been drained and replaced with a sense of staring into the void. It is apparent when Exe makes no attempt to comment on Andra's lackadaisical speech openly as he just stares at the news. A motivating speech would do wonders, now of all times. But I suppose we can't expect that of anyone right now. The galaxies are bereft of so much evil, it's almost suffocating. Exe thinks to himself and shakes his head.
              Joan wrote:"Unlike my brother, I'm not one to join an adventure for the sake of it. But this is even bigger than the gods. I need to go shopping, maybe find a smyther to adjust Jonny's armor for me."
              Exe glances at the newest, oldest member of the group? "You are definitely different from your brother." Exe affirms a fact she well knows.

              Exe returns to his room after the meeting is adjourned and informs his allies of the plan. "We're going to have a meeting with Thrax-ass and then head off to stop a Necrol invasion. The timing of this invasion is too coincidental and could be connected. I will return soon." Exe advises Kalinda and Matthew before leaving for the meeting, the two Spirits sitting in their own corners respectively and Corus just looking on with a curious gaze.
              Thrax-ass wrote:”Now. I’m sure at least some of your crew are aching to charge off and help the poor little Atlanteans on their planet. Let me remind you that it is exactly that kind of short-sighted hero-foolery that got us into this mess. And no time-travel devices to get us out of it a second time. ... And for gods’ sake, don’t let any of the Atlanteans know you’re responsible for what happened. We have few enough reliable allies in this fight as it is.”
              When they arrive, Exe stands off to the side with his arms crossed as Andra is paid by Thraxus and then watches Thraxus like a hawk. How much does he actually know, without taking part in the sacrifice. Exe finds himself thinking as Thraxus continues his monologue.
              Thrax-ass wrote:”One, the Splugorth Kingdom of Rynncryll. Two, the Threshold gene-techs- a particularly aggressive offshoot of the gene-splicers found elsewhere in the Three Galaxies. Frankly, if those super-soldiers you encountered are any indication, the Necrols are getting better at refining their bio-tech. That makes either goal particularly troublesome. A lone ship can ride FTL faster than an entire armada- get to the Core of the Anvil galaxy, find whatever it is the Necrols are after, and make sure they can’t get it. If there are no questions, you’re dismissed.”
              Exe considers the points Thraxus made and nods. Hmm, attacking the Splurgoth Kingdom doesn't make sense to me, not unprovoked. However the thought of them gaining gene-tech is frightening and does match up to the super soldiers we've been encountering with the demon hordes. A possible infernal alliance in the works? What is the goal? Exe considers, but doesn't have any questions for Thraxus directly.

              Exe's eyes dart to Ghast and Metri, then Draggor and Elvin as they voice their comments and nods. "Yes, any potential allies or friends you have on that side of the void would be helpful even if peripherally. If they gained access to gene-tech or the bio-tech the Splurgoth have it'd be a nightmare. Well, more than it is already." Exe remarks.
              Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead

              Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
              "The Ariel Spirit of Light, Matthew, is speaking."
              "The Seraph Spirit of Light, Kalinda, is speaking."
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              Re: The Spire

              Post by Captain Andra Sekona »

              Perception: 1d100: [4] = 4 /62%
              JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 / 1d100: [80] = 80

              Payday=10,000,000 © UTC

              Pay Structure:
              Salary: 25% of Mission Payout split 8 ways. Maximum payout 1.5M per mission. Any excess money goes back into group fund.
              Fund Split: 12.5% of payout goes to each fund. Any excess past goal is split 50/50 between Ship Fund and Special Group Equipment.

              Exe, Ghast, Draggor, Elvin, Joan Echo, Metri, Cpt. Sekona=7 crew members, so I split the 25% 7 ways instead of 8. 357,142.86 © UTC each. I'll take the .02 less to make it even.

              1,250,000 © UTC to each fund (Equipment & Munitions, Ship, Special Group).

              Slush, Medical, and Galley are capped. Those three combined equal 3,750,000/2=1,875,000 © UTC extra to Ship and Special Group for a combined total of 3,125,000.

              Draggor wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:39 pm"Think he secretly likes it we keep coming back?" Draggor muses out loud, but especially to Captain Sekona right before the circle activates.
              "You know he does. We're his favorite annoyance."

              Heading throught he teleportation circle, Andra looks around the sparsely furnished room. His eyes land on the cat and the obvious difference in their respectivecomfort levels. The cat gets a chair? Of course, this is Thraxus we're talking about. As Doodles slides the cred chip across the table, Captain Sekona slides his hand out, covers the chip and slides it toward himself.

              "You are welcome, Thraxus! It was our genuine pleasure to provide you transport from the demon's mouth back to relative safety. Ten million is good enough for this one. I think our folks will be just fine. We've got a full larder and enough creds for any emergency repairs."

              Thraxus' mention of time travel gets Andra's attention and he listens carefully to the rest of Thraxus' briefing. "Huh. I... I don't think I do have any questions. Very nice briefing, sir."
              Ghast wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:15 pm Ghast sits at the meeting, nonchalantly picking at his nails with a knife. "So we're to outrun a fleet into what amounts to the hottest part of the Anvil Galaxy on no intel. It seems par for the course I guess. How many suicide missions does this group take on each year? I know in the short time I've been with you it's bee two and that really amounts to a third of the year."
              "They're mostly suicide missions. And then there's the Luurducks."

              If Thraxus has no more answers for the crew, Captain Sekona will get up, thank Doodles and Thraxus (but not the cat) for their time and lead the way back to the ship to make preparations for their departure.
              Captain Sekona
              Captain Andra Sekona
              MDC: 439/439

              Saving Throw Bonuses:
              Vs. Insanity: +9|Vs. Magic: +10|Vs. Possession: +7|Vs. Psionic: +7
              Vs. Poison: +7|Vs. Mind Control: +6|Vs. Disease: +6|Vs. Illusion: +5
              Vs. Horror Factor: +8|Vs. Coma/Death: +51%|Perception: +3
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              Re: The Spire

              Post by Metri »

              ((rolls carried over))
              Elvin wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:32 pm"So, what’s a Necrol exactly?" he asks casually. "I don’t think I’ve encountered one before, only heard of in the news. Though I’d be happy to review any available files." He shrugs, "Do they use tech as we understand it? It might be interesting if we could lift some useful data from whatever storage facilities they use."
              "Mysterious group. More rumors than lived experience I'm guessing. But we should be prepared that their technology be quite foreign to what is traditional. " Skorl shrugs in response. He doesn't seem to have much useful to add to the conversation, but simply wants Elvin to feel heard.

              But the reason they are so mysterious is because they don't leave much in the way of survivors...
              Draggor wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:39 pm
              Metri/Skorl wrote:"So, uh. Based on your messages from yourself... Did we manage to avoid the darkest timeline? Or are we living out the darkest timeline?"
              "More are breathing than not with this version," the creature offers towards Metri. "And for us? You and I? Seems better." The creature's eyes glow brightly again with that comment.
              "Yea... it most certainly does. That's why I'm asking boss-man to confirm." Skorl replies. It seems that even though he may have been quite the philanderer in life, he nonetheless had his moral compass pointed toward 'Good'. And seems intent to continue to do so with his newfound bodily freedom.
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              Re: The Spire

              Post by Elvin »

              ((rolls carried))
              Elvin wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:32 pm"So, what’s a Necrol exactly?" he asks casually. "I don’t think I’ve encountered one before, only heard of in the news. Though I’d be happy to review any available files." He shrugs, "Do they use tech as we understand it? It might be interesting if we could lift some useful data from whatever storage facilities they use."
              Metri wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:38 am "Mysterious group. More rumors than lived experience I'm guessing. But we should be prepared that their technology be quite foreign to what is traditional. " Skorl shrugs in response. He doesn't seem to have much useful to add to the conversation, but simply wants Elvin to feel heard.
              Draggor wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:39 pm Elvin inquiring about worthy tactical information piques the interest of the inner merc, but sadly they are not in the pilot seat. "Confrontation will be very, very bloody, and generally, not the fun kind." Let us savor it then!
              Elvin's eyes widen at Draggor's grim assessment. He isn't a fighter, not in the traditional sense. He relies on his wits, his cunning, and his ability to stay in the shadows. But now, with this lot, will I need more than just the usual tricks? Elvin feels a sense of security knowing he's now well-equipped thanks for his gigantic shopping spree.

              He glances around the room, his eyes scanning the faces of his fellow adventurers. "Well," his voice calculating and thoughtful. "Let's hope to stay one step ahead of them. And hopefully they can't see too deeply into the shadows."
              Exe wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 10:11 am Exe's eyes dart to Ghast and Metri, then Draggor and Elvin as they voice their comments and nods. "Yes, any potential allies or friends you have on that side of the void would be helpful even if peripherally. If they gained access to gene-tech or the bio-tech the Splurgoth have it'd be a nightmare. Well, more than it is already." Exe remarks.
              Elvin's eyes narrow as he listens to Old Man Exe's words. "That's very true," he says, his voice low and thoughtful. "Let's assume it's no coincidence the Necrols have entered the picture. Let's say they are indeed allies of your enemies."

              He pauses, his mind racing. "Based on your encounters with Fingerling and his minions, do you think they would be more interested in Splurgoth bio-tech or gene-tech? That might give us a better idea of what they're here for."

              He leans forward, his eyes fixed on Exe, Metri, and Draggor, eager to hear their insights. I wasn't here, so I have no idea. But all of you know your enemy. Right?
              Dark Lord wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:05 pm The problem is, unless the Necrols have suddenly and inexplicably developed a death wish, they can only have a limited number of goals out in the Threshold.”[/b] Thraxus ticks his fingers. ”One, the Splugorth Kingdom of Rynncryll. Two, the Threshold gene-techs- a particularly aggressive offshoot of the gene-splicers found elsewhere in the Three Galaxies. Frankly, if those super-soldiers you encountered are any indication, the Necrols are getting better at refining their bio-tech. That makes either goal particularly troublesome. A lone ship can ride FTL faster than an entire armada- get to the Core of the Anvil galaxy, find whatever it is the Necrols are after, and make sure they can’t get it. If there are no questions, you’re dismissed.”
              "I don't suppose we can glean any hints of their intent based on the course they are taking?" Elvin asks hopefully. He turns his thieving mind to any offered star charts, course routes and systems in the path. He wonders where they might be headed.

              Research 89%: 1d100: [79] = 79
              Intelligence 76%: 1d100: [28] = 28
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              Re: The Spire

              Post by Dark Lord »

              Still worn from his long, unexpected journey Thraxus doesn’t appear to have either much mood or time for chitchat. Those of you who attend the briefing have a few opportunities to make inquiries, but the godling is about as helpful as he always is. To Metri, he shrugs ”That’s the problem with alternate futures. The more progress we make, the less useful the warnings from my alternate self. I can tell you that the message your predecessors brought me said nothing about the Necrol fleet or a trip into the heart of the Anvil Galaxy. The situation on Alexandria was mentioned, however- part of a master stroke that decapitated UWW leadership at a crucial moment. You at least appear to have stopped it from hitting other core worlds. This time.”

              To Draggor and Exe’s inquiry about contacts or allies, Thraxus nods. ”I don’t have much. The gene-splicers are a secretive bunch. The exact location of their base of operations within the Threshold is unknown, but I can tell you that the cosmo-knights keep an eye on them as a rule. I’m only aware of one operating in the area- Sir Qu’Orth. A Kreeghor, if you can believe it, and he has chosen to serve the Forge by trying to depose the Splugorth. Possibly the only race they hate more than humans. Rumor has it Rynncryll and his kingdom are ripe for the taking- the Splugorth himself hasn’t been seen in nearly 50 years. Qu’Orth could be anywhere in the kingdom working to destabilize the Splugorth government, but knowing the cosmo-knights he’s likely working somewhere where he can save the most lives. That to me suggests one of the worlds where the slaves are currently or imminently in revolt- Doodles has prepared a dossier for your approval.” Thraxus nods to his subordinate, at which point Doodles taps a few buttons on a portable computer, before swiping a touchscreen in your direction. Those of you with personal computers will receive a text file containing the
              Information on the kingdom of Rynncryll, DB5 P. 124-128 can be considered in-character knowledge for anyone who reads up on it, save for a few notes that are clearly hidden knowledge (e.g., cosmo-knight infiltration, renegade Splugorth hiding out). Use your judgment and just ping me if you aren’t sure
              . ”To my mind, Plthh or Koliath are the likeliest candidates. But there are several other key worlds Qu’Orth might try to strike described in the dossier. Choose carefully- you won’t have so much of a head start on the Necrols that you can afford to go wandering around Splugorth space for weeks. Of course, it’s the smallest of the Splugorth kingdoms- only a couple dozen worlds last I checked- so you might get away with trying to broadcast a signal or something. Still, Rynncryll definitely still has repression fleets operating in his home systems. You probably shouldn’t announce your presence if you can avoid it. Good luck.”

              If there are no further questions or comments, you are dismissed to return to the ship and begin final preparations. There’s a few rounds of the standard commentary on yet another suicide mission- the team’s stock in trade- with both Andra and Ghast finding themselves in a bit of a mood after everything that’s happened. Still, the Galaxies must be saved and the show must go on. Elvin tries to see what he can dig up on the Necrols, but his efforts with the ship’s computer are limited to general information about them (DB6 P. 61-2, 86-90). Given the hostile aliens’ love of bio-technology, a connection with either target is obvious- both Splugorth bio-wizardry and Gene Splicer genetic manipulation could be used to augment the Necrols’ existing equipment (and presumably these super-soldiers everyone seems to be scared of). You’re no scientist but it’s not a stretch to guess that that would be bad. As far as exact destinations, the worlds making up the Kingdom of Rynncryll are easy enough to locate on most star charts (although charting a course is beyond Elvin’s purview) but there is no indication of where to find the Gene Splicers. Given the distances and differential rotations involved, extrapolating from the Necrols’ detected heading could lead anywhere within the Threshold region of the Anvil Galaxy (but at least they narrowed it down that much).

              You can continue to make preparations- remember that all shopping and other trips into Center require using the teleportation circle to get from the ship to Doodles’ shop. The next time Andra or Ghast leave, they will spot a machine person lurking about outside.

              What are you doing?
              Why kill a PC when you can torture their player?
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              Joan Echo
              Posts: 343
              Joined: Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:42 pm

              Re: The Spire

              Post by Joan Echo »

              Perception (33%) 1d100<33: [41] = 0
              JiC 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [87] = 87

              Splugorth Talisman of Armor of Ithan (inactive)
              Teal tank-top with black floral print
              Black skirt with gold fringe
              Strappy sandals
              HPC bracelet with bejeweled band

              The Hostess sits in the back as Thraxus briefs the Galactic Adventurers on their next adventure. She doesn't comment on her fellow godling's noted iciness, that would be rude. It is ruder that he doesn't reciprocate your hospitality, Joni. Pshaw. But you opened our tower to him when he was in danger. As I would. And because of him, now you can't get home. That was your fault, Jonny. And now you're being conscripted into this war. Same as you, Jonny. And this all sounds very bad.

              She doesn't ask any questions about the mission while Thraxus is in the room. She listens patiently taking in all the information. She has a vague knowledge of Juan's adventures with the team; her psychic link with her brother has fed her with occasional details of what he was doing. But nonetheless, she has questions for the others.

              Once Thraxus is out of the room she looks at everyone and says what is on her mind: "So the Necrols have two potential targets - the gene splicers and the Splugorth - but Thraxus clearly thinks that the Splugorth are the more likely target. Why's that? Would there be a reason the Necrols wouldn't want to attack the gene splicers?"

              After chatting with the rest of the team, Joan goes out shopping. She needs to get prepared for her next mission, and it would be fun to go out among the urqos. She strides out of Doodles' oblivious to anyone outside the gate.
              Status: Joan Echo
              M.D.C.: 300 | P.P.E.: 50 | I.S.P.:82
              May the rest of the Yayamama Pantheon have mercy on our SOULS!

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