Tinkerer's Thread

These guys make shady people look good!
GM: Consumer

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Tinkerer's Thread

Post by Consumer »

Quick Guidelines for Operator/Engineer work
1.) Only the GM knows just what modifiers are in place (+5%, -25%, etc.)
2.) The PC Operator/Engineer only knows the roleplaying factors of which he's aware (not at his shop, not working with full tool set, working under pressure, etc.)
3.) The Operator/Engineer will receive a number of attempts per day equal to his/her Experience Level. Assistants can add to the number of attempts the Operator/Engineer can make in a day. The Assistants will use the Operator's/Engineer's skill level unless their own is higher.

Indicates that an item has been destroyed due to gross incompetence; impossible to salvage.
Indicates that an item has been disabled/broken due to some mistakes; it's repairable though.
Indicates that an item has not been successfully altered, no harm done though.
Indicates that an item has been successfully altered to the desired effect.
Indicates that an item has been miraculously altered beyond the expected results.
Neither the GM nor the Operator/Engineer will be altering your stats, do that yourself and check back here periodically for updates.

Players will be prompted to PM rolls to cover a specific time-frame periodically which the GM will use to determine the results of the character's labors.

Guidelines for assessing attempts per day

Assistant types & Limitations on type of work
Operators, engineers, and other tinkerers receive a number of attempts per day equal to their experience level.
Assistants are assessed at the highest level of skill possessed.

Unskilled Laborers (possess no applicable technical skills) can only assist in basic repairs. (NPCs provide +1 attempt per day)
Skilled Laborers (possess limited technical skills) can only assist in basic repairs. (NPCs provide +2 attempts per day)
Skilled assistants (possess an engineering skill) can assist in technical jobs within their area of expertise. (NPCs provide +3 attempts per day)
Highly skilled assistants (engineers in more than one field) can assist knowledgeably in any endeavor. (NPCs provide +4 attempts per day)

Basic Technical Skills
☞ Art
☞ Aircraft Mechanics
☞ Automotive Mechanics
☞ Basic Electronics
☞ Basic Mechanics
☞ Boat Building
☞ Brewing
☞ Calligraphy
☞ Carpentry
☞ Chemistry
☞ Computer Repair
☞ Cybernetics: Basic
☞ Excavation
☞ General Repair & Maintenance
☞ Jury-Rig
☞ Leather Working
☞ Locksmith
☞ Mining
☞ Recycling
☞ Safe-Cracking
☞ Salvage
☞ Sewing
☞ Skin & Prepare Animal Hides
☞ Whittling & Sculpture

Skilled Technical Skills
☞ Bioware Mechanics
☞ Crime Scene Investigation
☞ Electricity Generation
☞ Field Armorer & Munitions Expert
☞ Vehicle Armorer
☞ Trap Construction
☞ Chemistry: Analytical
☞ Chemistry: Pharmaceutical
☞ Demolitions
☞ Demolitions Disposal
☞ Demolitions: Underwater
☞ Oxygen Systems

Engineering Skills
☞ Artificial Intelligence
☞ Clinical Genetics
☞ Cybernetic Medicine
☞ Electrical Engineer
☞ Genetics
☞ Juicer Technology
☞ Mechanical Engineer
☞ Military Fortifications
☞ Robot Electronics
☞ Robot Mechanics
☞ Weapons Engineer
Tinkering Addendum: Optional Project Rules:
  • For groups like ours, with only a few actual tinkerers, there can be a significant time of non-engagement by the non-tinkerers when a tinker project is required for the story. The conversion of the APC is one such event. Because it will allow for many more skills rolls than normal, more rolls will be needed to complete individual tasks. There are also penalties built in that can be negated by unskilled laborers (the only way to mitigate penalties). As such, the entire group will engage in active assist of the technicians. To do this, they will make a full number of attempts per day equal to their level. But they will do so guided by either their own skill, or that of the lead engineer at a significant penalty based on their rating as an assistant.
    GM Note: This system leverages a lot of semiskilled and unskilled assistants to complete a task quickly. It is ill suited to a large group of tinkerers or to individual tinkering tasks.
    Tinkerer Info Sheets 1/28/2020
    Tinkerer Information Sheet
    • Name: Az' Rael
      Skills of Note: Locksmith, Basic Electronics, Demolitions, Forgery

      Attempts per day as a project lead on a task within your skill set: Semi-skilled: Level+2
      Attempts per day as an active (PC) project assistant: Semi-skilled: +2 Attempts with viable skills only.
      Attempts per day as a NPC project assistant: Semi-skilled: +2 Attempts per day with viable skills

    Tinkerer Information Sheet
    • Name: Pertinax
      Skills of Note: None.
      Attempts per day as a project lead on a task within your skill set: None, no skills viable.
      Attempts per day as an active (PC) project assistant: Unskilled Labor: +1 Attempt per day.
      Attempts per day as a NPC project assistant: Unskilled Labor: +1 Attempt per day.

    Tinkerer Information Sheet
    • Name: Raz i'Syul Arro
      Skills of Note: Basic Electronics, Demolitions, Demolitions: Underwater, Locksmith, Mechanical Engineer, Starship Mechanics, Computer Programing, Computer Hacking, Weapons Engineer, Jury-Rig

      Attempts per day as a project lead on a task within your skill set: Highly skilled: Level+4 Attempts per day.
      Attempts per day as an active (PC) project assistant: Highly skilled: +4 Attempts per day.
      Attempts per day as a NPC project assistant: Highly skilled: +4 Attempts per day.

    Tinkerer Information Sheet
    • Name: Kesslan
      Skills of Note: Basic Mechanics, Electronics Basic, Locksmith, Trap Construction, Field Armorer, Demolitions: Disposal, Demolitions, Homemade Explosives, Jury-Rig.

      Attempts per day as a project lead on a task within your skill set: Skilled Laborer: Level +2 attempts per day.
      Attempts per day as an active (PC) project assistant: Skilled Laborer: +2 attempts per day.
      Attempts per day as a NPC project assistant: Skilled Laborer: +2 attempts per day.

    Tinkerer Information Sheet
    • Name: Scythe
      Skills of Note: Basic Electronics, Basic Mechanics.

      Attempts per day as a project lead on a task within your skill set: Skilled Laborer: Level +2 attempt per day.
      Attempts per day as an active (PC) project assistant: Skilled Laborer: +2 attempt per day.
      Attempts per day as a NPC project assistant: Skilled Laborer: +2 attempt per day.

    Tinkerer Information Sheet
    • Name: Alvidan
      Skills of Note: Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Basic Mechanics, Computer Programming, Basic Electronics, Computer Repair, Mechanical Engineer, Vehicle Armorer, Weapons Engineer, Space: Drive Repair, Spaceship Mechanics

      Attempts per day as a project lead on a task within your skill set: Highly skilled assistants: Level +4 attempts per day.
      Attempts per day as an active (PC) project assistant: Highly skilled assistants: +4 attempts per day.
      Attempts per day as a NPC project assistant: Highly skilled assistants: +4 attempts per day.

    Tinkerer Information Sheet
    • Name: Bryke
      Skills of Note: None.

      Attempts per day as a project lead on a task within your skill set: Unskilled Laborers: +1 attempt per day.
      Attempts per day as an active (PC) project assistant: Unskilled Laborers: +1 attempt per day.
      Attempts per day as a NPC project assistant: Unskilled Laborers: +1 attempt per day.

    Terms of Note:
    • Project Skill: A skill used to create a project. These are usually, but not always higher engineering or scientific skills, but leather working, cooking and other tasks can be done as projects too.
    • Project Difficulty: A rating of the difficulty and complexity of the task. This number, from two (2) to ten (10), is the number of skill checks required for a task within the project.
    • Project Task: One for each rating. Consists of a skill and a basic description. GMs are encouraged to get creating with the skills for a project task (mechanical engineering for casings and fabrications, weapons engineering for anything involving weapons, electrical engineering for electrical work, Computer Programming for computer systems, etc),
    • Project Lead: The skilled tinkerer who is the primary for all tasks on a project.
    • Highly skilled assistants: Other skilled tinkers acting as a second on a project. Could be the Project Lead, just isn't.
    • Skilled Assistants: This is a person with numerous secondary tinkering skills that allow them to make checks to assist with a project. Could not lead the project.
    • Skilled Laborer: This is a person with a few basic skills of note, but no real tinkering skill.
    • Unskilled Laborer: A laborer able to do any manual and repetitive tasks, but unable to do any extensive tasks. Will roll the Project Lead's Basic Mechanics or Basic Electronics skill at -20%. May not complete tasks on a project, but they can give a bonus of +10% to any other project worker's skill rating if successful. There is no penalty for failure, aside from wasted time. Critical Failures reduce the affected skill level by -5% instead. Critical Successes increase the affected skill by 20% instead. The laborer player chooses who it applies to and what skill is affected when they roll.
    Project Rules Process:
    • 1. A player or the GM proposes a project.
      2. The GM assigns a difficulty from 2 to 10. Projects requiring only one roll are not tinkering projects - they are skill rolls.
      3. The Project Lead (and any PC assistants) will declare who is rolling for what. Each PC may work on multiple projects, as long as it is done sequentially (project 1, Project 2, etc - no hopping around). They should assign themselves a number of rolls equal to their attempts.
      • A. The Project Lead MUST do at least one third of the skill rolls themselves (round up). They can assign themselves more than the minimum.
        B. An assisting PC may only do up to one third of the skill rolls required on a Project (round up).
      4. All PCs will make their own rolls. They will get a number of attempts equal to their level.
      5. A NPC assistant can assist any player with a rating of Skilled Assistant or higher. Doing so offers the normal boost to their attempts per day.
      6. An assisting player can request alternate skills for certain checks. For example, A Weapon Engineering roll might be substituted to a Mechanical Engineering skill roll and a Field Armorer and Munitions skill roll (both must succeed or the task fails). Alternate skills always carry a -5% (Engineering Skills), -10% (Skilled Technical Skills), or -15% (Basic Technical Skills) to the skill checks involved, in addition to other skill penalties, such as poor working conditions, insufficient specialty tools, etc. Unskilled Laborers can help mitigate these penalties.
  • Examples:
    Replacing a Weapon System on a Base, Vehicle or Robot at a well equipped shop:
    Difficulty: 3
    Skills Required: Weapons Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Programming

    Replacing a Weapon System on a Base, Vehicle or Robot at a basically equipped shop or in the field with access to heavy lift gear and adequate tools:
    Difficulty: 4
    Skills Required: Weapons Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Programming, and Mechanical Engineering
Project Template:
Project Name
  • Description of Project: A short description of what the project goal is

    Parts Used:

    Designed Quirks: These occasionally provide bonuses to build a project.

    Time Needed | Allocated: To be determined by GM

    Designed Statistics:
To be determined by GM

Code: Select all

[size=115][b]Project Name[/b][/size]
[list][b]Description of Project:[/b]  [color=red]A short description of what the project goal is[/color]

[b]Parts Used:[/b]

[b]Designed Quirks:[/b] [color=red]These occasionally provide bonuses to build a project.[/color]

[b]Time Needed | Allocated:[/b] [color=red]To be determined by GM[/color]

[b]Designed Statistics:[/b][/list]
To be determined by GM
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Dimension Master
Posts: 2100
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Re: Tinkerer's Thread

Post by Consumer »

Spells Learned through Study
Green text indicates a spell learned through individual study of a scroll.
Blue text indicates a spell learned through individual study of a spell book, or other type of study material.
Purple text indicates a spell learned through tutelage at the Collegiate Arcane or another brotherhood/guildhall.
(This is used as an archive to record spells studied.)

Spell Scrolls on-hand
Scroll of Weightlessness x3 5th Level

Spell Books on-hand
Level 5
Grimoire of Escape
Grimoire of Superhuman Strength
Grimoire of Superhuman Speed
Level 6
Grimoire of Frequency Jamming
Grimoire of Words of Truth
Level 8
Grimoire of Force Bonds
Level 9
Grimoire of Create Steel
Grimoire of Protection Circle: Simple

Name of Spell Being Actively Studied:
Length of Study Required:
Date Started:
Date of Expected Completion:

Code: Select all

[b]Name of Spell Being Actively Studied:[/b] 
[b]Length of Study Required:[/b]
[b]Date Started:[/b] 
[b]Date of Expected Completion:[/b]
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Re: Tinkerer's Thread

Post by Bryke »

Project Name VR Holo Project
Description of Project:
This idea is to create something like a StarTrek HoloDeck. The intention is to build something with room enough for all but one Rogue at all times. A byproduct of this design is that PC's can move to the holodeck ig and write WHATEVER story they desire, (confined to the HoloDeck and its sessions

Philosophy of usage: As in practicing Jiu-Jitsu the Gracie way, one is already a rank above their own long before they receive recognition for it. The hope is that in practical use, a user will get to a level and plateau at times. However the random surges of difficulty will keep Rogues humble, as well as ready for REAL combat at all times.

GM Update: 2/26/24; This is going to be an unlikely thing for it to be a full room, as there really isn't a lot of rooms available for such a project. We can still move along with the suit mock-up though.

Parts/Equipment Used: VR Haptic Suit, HPC.

GM Update: 2/26/24; Feel free to add more parts to make your project work.

Designed Quirks: These occasionally provide bonuses to build a project.
50% of the time for a full session only, a level is +1 difficulty without the user knowing. [The "extra difficulty" levels are recorded magically behind a firewall.]

30% of the time for a full session only, a level is +3 difficulty without the user knowing.

5% of the time for a full session only, a level is +5 difficulty with an obscure audible glitch or warning.

GM Update: 2/26/24; I am unsure what you mean by this. Please elaborate if possible.

Has only one difficulty setting, "Lethal."

Lethal however has a default MAX Damage setting of 1/5 mdc/sdc of user current total.

The simulation calculates what is lethal for the user (only the user knows this information) once a session is ended the "weakness" information is purged from the system- every time, irrevocably. Only the user knows this information unless an authorized accompanying Rogue member was allowed in session AND makes an appropriate perception check.

GM Update: 2/26/24; This will be impossible with the current equipment being used, You would have to build some manner of actual "weapon" into the suit to cause actual damage to the user.

All sessions are private unless the user decides other wise.

Each member of the Rogues has access, can customize their session to however they choose, only the "lethal" levels ALWAYS remain at 1/5... etc.

GM Update: 2/26/24; This is doable.

Lastly, when damage equals lethal all beings are rendered unconscious, and potential vertigo or equivalent sets in upon waking for up to an hour after ward.

GM Update: 2/26/24; This would be something for me to determine and could not be designed into it.

[Ship emergencies cause an automatic exit of the program.]
GM Update: 2/26/24; This would require some manner of ship integration.

[Levels are tiered like Tekken and give Moniker(s)]

GM Update: 2/26/24; This is really dependent of what the VR similation is, and is generally unimportant to the items design.

Time Needed | Allocated:
Initial Project: 10 hours.
Modified by rolls: (+35 hours)
Total Time: (45 hours; for one working suit.)

GM Update: 2/26/24; This may change depending on above clarification.

Designed Statistics:
To be determined by GM

Skills Used:[/list]
Computer Operation (To create the 3D model on his HPC) Bryke is having difficulties with this.) (+10 hours)
Computer Programming (To develop new algorithms along with rough pseudo-code for the prototype.) Bryke is having many difficulties with this. (+25 hours)
Mechanical Engineering (To do the work and research of asking the question, "Is this idea possible?") Yes it is possible, it will be a timely project.
Basic Electronics (Disassembling and reworking the electrical components on one harness after verifying that the idea is possible) It is possible and this has been done.
Last edited by Bryke on Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities
Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision.
Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved.
Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83%
Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.

PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634 (All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186



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Call Names/Nicknames:
Bryke, Wraith
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Re: Tinkerer's Thread

Post by Bryke »

Project Name TW Spell Doodads
  • Description of Project: A short description of what the project goal is
    1. Want to TW one of Brykes Naruni Multi-Tool functions to become a wand in order to cast appropriate form spells without breaking any of the functionality.
    2. Want to TW or mark both of Bryke's PH-40's to cast attack spells
    3. [Will find a true pocket watch] Use this to cast Temporal spells that deal with time.
    4. [Will find an intricate/ornate jewelry or cigar box] Use this to cast spells that deal with manipulating dimensional energies
    5. Want to TW/Mark his helmet and a bobble of some sort that he will use to cast utility spells like Tongues, See the invisible, etc
    6. Want to TW/Mark his spacer suit to cast armor and mobility spells
    7. Want to TW/Mark something salvaged with a bar of soap shape, or reconfigure some scrap, or electronic doohicky that spins, or trims beards, etc to cast the spell Cleanse

    -- Will add as necessary --

    Parts Used:
    Naruni Multi-Tool, scrap metal, scrap wood, malfunctioned electronics, mini electronics, spare parts found around ship, etc.

    Designed Quirks: These occasionally provide bonuses to build a project.
    Bryke signs his stuff currently with a symbol

    Time Needed | Allocated: To be determined by GM

    Designed Statistics:
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities
Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision.
Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved.
Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83%
Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.

PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634 (All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186



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Call Names/Nicknames:
Bryke, Wraith
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Re: Tinkerer's Thread

Post by Bryke »

Project Name LightBlade for Bel
  • Description of Project - Form/Function: This hilt will be a singular curved shaft piece of molded composite material, and/or shaped wood, with a weighted spherical pommel. Hills and valleys run the length of one curved side. The valleys serve as the grip and therefore have the exact number to comfortably fit the digits of Bel's dominant hand. The pommel end of the hilt is weighted, reinforced, and spherical with a punched or smoothly bored through-hole. The hole will fit Bel's pointer finger comfortably with approximately (3-5)mm of radial space for that digit allowing the hilt to be used with a reversed grip "Karambit-style." The blade will project from pommel to guard-edge and beyond around Bel's hand forming a slim rapier style guard [the blade hides the hand and can be used to parry when active]. The second function is to glow a different color when magic is sensed and/or supernatural are in range. There are no machined edges in this hilt and therefore any "machine" sharp edges are chamfered and smoothed. The jewel or object housing the spell is embedded into the length of the grip, covered by the palm of the user when active. Along the shaft is a molded compartment for one cylindrical battery.

    Parts Used:
    Solid shaft made of non-metallic composite, or wood [iff wood, reinforced after by the spell "ironwood"]. Laser scalpel [for designs, signature and inscription], one clear quartz crystal, red zircon, and piece of jade worth approximately 3000 creds. 1 battery, and battery housing electronic component. Miscellaneous wires.

    Designed Quirks: These occasionally provide bonuses to build a project. Generally provided by GM

    TW Creation Guidelines:
    Max Device Level: 4th

    3. Total necessary Spell Chain(s): 4
    Primary (function): LightBlade (60)
    Secondary (energy conversion): Blinding Flash (1), Electric Arc (8), Globe of Daylight (2), Energy Field (10)

    Primary (function): Sense Magic (4)
    Secondary (energy conversion): Energy Bolt (5), Energize Spell (12+)

    4. Required Gems:
    Spellchain(s) Prim|Sec [1]: at least 2 quartz (clear) (60 cred/karat), red zircon (2000 cred/karat), quartz (ruby) (300 cred/karat)
    Spellchain(s) Prim|Sec [2]: fire agate (600 cred/karat), quartz (clear) (60 cred/karat), red zircon (2000 cred/karat)

    5. PPE Construction Cost: Func1: Total PPE cost(s) of the spell(s) involved with this spellchain * Device Level *10 / # of Karats in Primary Spell Gem + Func2: Total PPE cost(s) of the spell(s) involved with this spellchain * Device Level *10 / # of Karats in Primary Spell Gem ... etc.
    SC1: 81*4*10 = 3240 / 21 => 154.285
    SC2: 21*4*10 = / 20 => 42

    Total: SC1 + SC2 = 196.285

    6. Activation Cost: PPE Construction Cost/20
    9.814 = 10 ppe

    7. Device Construction Time: Time in hours = (PPE Construction Cost / 10) * Device Level

    78.514 hrs

    8. Construction Cost of Device (repeat steps 4-8 per each spell chain): PPE Construction Cost * 10 * Device Level + Cost of all required gems
    ConCostFunc1: SC1*10*4 = 6171.4
    ConCostFunc2: SC2*10*4 = 1680
    Tot1: = 7851.4
    TotGems: = 1260 + 120 + 4000 + 600 | 1200 + 120 + 4000 = 11,300

    Tot1 + TotGems => 19.1514 K

    10. PPE Storage (if any): none

    Math: Basic| 113% | 1d100: [23] = 23
    Math: Advanced| 98% | 1d100: [75] = 75
    Mechanical Engineering| 65% | 1d100: [29] = 29
    Weapons Engineer| 30% | 1d100: [44] = 44
    Techno-Wizardry Construction| 97% | 1d100: [7] = 7

    Time Needed | Allocated: To be determined by GM

    Designed Statistics:To be determined by GM
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities
Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision.
Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved.
Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83%
Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.

PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634 (All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186



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Call Names/Nicknames:
Bryke, Wraith
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Re: Tinkerer's Thread

Post by Bryke »

Project Name Focusing Rod | Wand | Karambit.
  • Description of Project - Form/Function: Naruni Multitool made into an oversized karambit style knife. Approximately half a meter in length or less. The device will utilize the functions of the Naruni multitool to change shape(s). The shape(s) will be in the shape of a suitable "focus device" to cast a spell as a techno-wizard without causing penalty. This device can be upgraded over time, and can add other shapes/settings to a maximum of plus one half the current maximum. The device changes shape at the speed in which it takes to cast that particular spell "on time." i.e. if a spell takes 2 actions/melee (30 sec) then the time it takes to form the focus device is approx. 29.999 sec. Practical use will be: the TW powers the device once to wake it up and can use it for an amount of time, any number of changes within that time.

    GM Note: This would require advanced reengineering of the device, so I am prone to say no to any shapes not listed in the normal items description. As for the speed of the spell, that also seems not very feasible as using it as a focus versus having powers imbued in it are two very different things.

    Parts Used:
    Naruni Multitool, mdc metal alloy. Laser scalpel [for designs, signature and inscription], one clear quartz crystal, red zircon, and piece of jade worth approximately 3000 creds. 1 battery, and battery housing electronic component. Miscellaneous wires.

    GM Note: Seems fine, but given the malleable nature of the device, I don't think engravings/inscriptions are possible.

    Designed Quirks: These occasionally provide bonuses to build a project. Generally provided by GM

    .... Idea.....
    1. Unsure of how this got into his design while working on it at The Blackstone Tower, but on rare occasions the spell "Warp Space" over rides whatever spell was intended, directly before, the caster is compelled to recite the phrase "1, 2, 3, Not It."

    natural roll of 2 or 3.

    He has tried to remove the quirk but is utterly unable to. A theory of his is that it was placed there as reminder to not take life so seriously. "Smell the flowers."

    GM Note: I'm just gonna say no to random non-imbued spells being an option to be a quirk.
    OOC Comments
    I imagined it could have come from someone at the tower... was where I was going with the idea, as a prank or a 'lesson to learn' for the debt he had accrued... I imagined it could have taken place while taking a break on the project.
    TW Creation Guidelines:
    Max Device Level: 4th

    3. Total necessary Spell Chain(s): 2
    Primary (function): Magic Warrior (60)
    Secondary (energy conversion): Energy Bolt (5), Electric Arc (8), Energize Spell (12+), Time Slip (20)

    4. Required Gems:
    Spellchain(s) Primary: Pearl (white) (5000 cred/karat) x1 @ 21c
    Spellchain(s) Secondary: Red zircon (2000 cred/karat) x3 @ 3c each, Quartz (clear) (60 cred/karat) x1 @ 20c

    5. PPE Construction Cost: Func1: Total PPE cost(s) of the spell(s) involved with this spellchain * Device Level *10 / # of Karats in Primary Spell Gem + [Func2: Total PPE cost(s) of the spell(s) involved with this spellchain * Device Level *10 / # of Karats in Primary Spell Gem] ... etc.
    SC1: 60*4*10 = 2400 / 21 => 114.2857
    SC2: 45*4*10 = 1000 / 29 => 62.0689

    Total: SC1 + SC2 = 176.34

    6. Activation Cost: PPE Construction Cost/20
    8.817 = 9 ppe

    7. Device Construction Time: Time in hours = (PPE Construction Cost / 10) * Device Level

    17.634 hrs

    GM Note: Math is wrong, should be 70.5 hours.

    8. Construction Cost of Device (repeat steps 4-8 per each spell chain): PPE Construction Cost * 10 * Device Level + Cost of all required gems
    ConCostFunc1: SC1*10*4 = 4571.428
    ConCostFunc2: SC2*10*4 = 2402.756
    Tot1: = 6974.184
    TotGems: = 105,000 | 18,000 + 1,200 = 124,200

    Tot1 + TotGems => 131,174.18

    10. PPE Storage (if any): none

    Math: Basic| 113% | 1d100: [66] = 66 GM Note: Unsure of the purpose of this skill.
    Math: Advanced| 98% | 1d100: [59] = 59 GM Note: Unsure of the purpose of this skill.
    Mechanical Engineering| 65% | 1d100: [76] = 76 Failure
    Weapons Engineer| 30% | 1d100: [99] = 99 Critical Failure
    Techno-Wizardry Construction| 97% | 1d100: [28] = 28
    • -20% Prototype Schematics. Rough plans and notes for a work in progress. Untested and unproven new version or concept. Once a working device with the bugs worked out is successfully created from the
      schematics, this penalty is voided.
    • -20% Form doesn't follow function. The item chosen for enchantments form doesn't make rational sense for the effect wanted.

    Time Needed | Allocated: color=red]105 hours.[/color]

    GM Note:+50% time added due to critical failure and failure of engineering skills.
    GM Note: Total Cost is 181,174, new parts needed due to critical failure of engineering and engineering skills.

    Designed Statistics:

    TW Modified Multitool
    TW Tool/Melee Weapon
    Reconfigurable metal rod with pistol grip: 500 programmed tool shapes in every possible calibration
    • Range: extendable to 4'
    • Damage: 2D6 M.D. (welder-axe configuration)
    • Rate of Fire: N/A
    • Payload: 60 uses per E-clip
    • Features: Near equivalent of a full mechanic's kit
    • TW Feature: Magic Warrior (As per spell, cast at 4th level proficiency) (9 P.P.E.)
      • Quirk: Magic Hungry: All spells channeled through this device cost 10% more P.P.E.
      • Quirk: Mechanical Hitch: Due to some manner of miscalibration, the device takes a full 15 second to shift into any new tool.
    • Modifiers: +10% to all mechanical skill rolls
    • Book Reference: p.143, DB2
Last edited by Bryke on Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities
Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision.
Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved.
Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83%
Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.

PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634 (All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186



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Bryke, Wraith
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Re: Tinkerer's Thread

Post by Bryke »

Project Name Avoidance of Visual Detection (AVD)
  • Description of Project - Form/Function: Adds the use of the spell "Invisibility Superior" to Armor.

    Parts Used:
    Cloak. Emerald (green), Zircon (red), mdc leather or flexible non-metallic composite machined squares, rectangles and/or circles (this forms a type of "ravioli" to house "jeweled circuit"). Miscellaneous wires. Laser scalpel [for designs, signature and inscription].

    Designed Quirks: These occasionally provide bonuses to build a project. Generally provided by GM

    TW Creation Guidelines:
    Max Device Level: 4th

    3. Total necessary Spell Chain(s): 2
    Primary (function): Invisibility: Superior (20)
    Secondary (energy conversion): Energy Bolt (5), Electric Arc (8)

    4. Required Gems:
    Spellchain(s) Prim|Sec [1]: Emerald (green) x1, 16,000 cred/karat, x5 karats = 80,000
    Spellchain(s) Prim|Sec [2]: Zircon (red) x2, 2000 cred/karat, x4 karats each = 16,000

    5. PPE Construction Cost: Func1: Total PPE cost(s) of the spell(s) involved with this spellchain * Device Level *10 / # of Karats in Primary Spell Gem + Func2: Total PPE cost(s) of the spell(s) involved with this spellchain * Device Level *10 / # of Karats in Primary Spell Gem ... etc.
    SC1: 20*4*10 = 800 / 5 => 160
    SC2: 13*4*10 = 520 / 8 => 65

    Total: SC1 + SC2 = 225

    6. Activation Cost: PPE Construction Cost/20
    11.25 = 12 ppe

    7. Device Construction Time: Time in hours = (PPE Construction Cost / 10) * Device Level
    90 hrs

    8. Construction Cost of Device (repeat steps 4-8 per each spell chain): PPE Construction Cost * 10 * Device Level + Cost of all required gems
    ConCostFunc1: SC1*10*4 = 6400
    ConCostFunc2: SC2*10*4 = 2600
    Tot1: = 9000
    TotGems: = 80,000 | 16,000 =96,000

    Tot1 + TotGems => 105 K

    10. PPE Storage (if any): none

    Math: Basic| 113% | 1d100: [31] = 31 (unecessary Skill)
    Mechanical Engineering| 65% | 1d100: [78] = 78 (unecessary Skill)
    Techno-Wizardry Construction| 97% | 1d100: [33] = 33
    Electrical Engineer | 60% | 1d100: [74] = 74 Planning
    Electrical Engineer | 60% | 1d100: [44] = 44 Implementation

    Current Modifiers
    -80% No Schematics. Planning? Who needs planning... why do I have these gems left over? Or a new, uncertain design concept.
    -20% Adding Techno-Wizardry to Technology With out the Appropriate Skills. This penalty is cumulative for each skill required, but not known. (Solved)

    So the following things need done now. I need 1 Electrical Engineering roll specifically for planning purposes. And an additional one for implementation.

    Time Needed | Allocated: 90 hours +10 hours for design.

    Designed Statistics:To be determined by GM
Last edited by Bryke on Wed Oct 23, 2024 1:43 pm, edited 6 times in total.
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities
Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision.
Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved.
Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83%
Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.

PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634 (All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186



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Call Names/Nicknames:
Bryke, Wraith
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Re: Tinkerer's Thread

Post by Bryke »

Project Name Overdrive
  • Description of Project - Form/Function: Adds the use of the spell "Time-Warp: Slow Motion" to Armor.

    Parts Used:
    Cloak. Tourmaline crystal (black), Zircon (red), Onyx, old watch, mdc leather or flexible non-metallic composite machined squares, rectangles and/or circles (this forms a type of "ravioli" to house "jeweled circuit"), miscellaneous wires. Laser scalpel [for designs, signature and inscription].

    Designed Quirks: These occasionally provide bonuses to build a project. Generally provided by GM

    TW Creation Guidelines:
    Max Device Level: 4th

    3. Total necessary Spell Chain(s): 2
    Primary (function): Time Warp: Slow Motion (45+)
    Secondary (energy conversion): Energy Bolt (5), Electric Arc (8), Time Slip (20)

    4. Required Gems:
    Spellchain(s) Prim|Sec [1]: Tourmaline (black) x1, 120 cred/karat, x20 karats = 2400
    Spellchain(s) Prim|Sec [2]: Zircon (red) x2, 2000 cred/karat, x4 karats each = 16,000; Onyx x1, 1000 cred/karat, x5 karats = 5,000

    5. PPE Construction Cost: Func1: Total PPE cost(s) of the spell(s) involved with this spellchain * Device Level *10 / # of Karats in Primary Spell Gem + Func2: Total PPE cost(s) of the spell(s) involved with this spellchain * Device Level *10 / # of Karats in Primary Spell Gem ... etc.
    SC1: 45*4*10 = 1800 / 20 => 90
    SC2: 33*4*10 = / 13 => 101.538

    Total: SC1 + SC2 = 191.538

    6. Activation Cost: PPE Construction Cost/20
    9.5769 = 10 ppe

    7. Device Construction Time: Time in hours = (PPE Construction Cost / 10) * Device Level

    76.6152 hrs

    8. Construction Cost of Device (repeat steps 4-8 per each spell chain): PPE Construction Cost * 10 * Device Level + Cost of all required gems
    ConCostFunc1: SC1*10*4 = 3600
    ConCostFunc2: SC2*10*4 = 4061.52
    Tot1: = 7661.52
    TotGems: = 2400 | 16,000 + 5000 = 23,400

    Tot1 + TotGems => 31.06152 K

    10. PPE Storage (if any): none

    Math: Basic| 113% | 1d100: [60] = 60
    Mechanical Engineering| 65% | 1d100: [1] = 1
    Techno-Wizardry Construction| 97% | 1d100: [8] = 8

    Current Modifiers
    -80% No Schematics. Planning? Who needs planning... why do I have these gems left over? Or a new, uncertain design concept.
    -20% Adding Techno-Wizardry to Technology With out the Appropriate Skills. This penalty is cumulative for each skill required, but not known.

    There is likely another penalty for form doesn't follow function, I just haven't looked it up.

    Schematics are made via Mechanical Engineering. Is this just here as warning for me to let me know if I do not have a skill (like sewing) then this is what I have to look forward to, or is this currently what is being applied to this design?

    Is Bryke purchasing this cloak or making it from scratch?
    What is the cloak made out of?
    Also would like to see a sewing or general repair & maintenance roll, as one is making a cloak... and not anything actually mechanical.
    Is this supposed to be part of the Cloak above?

    As above, he was applying it to his cloak, however I will change it to the armor he wears and hope that Mechanical Engineering covers the non-techno wizardy skill.. Otherwise and also for the future I will use MP/CP to gain a more reasonable skill. Possibly General Repair, and Sewing, because he wants to magic his cloak.

    Time Needed | Allocated: To be determined by GM

    Designed Statistics:To be determined by GM
OOC Comments
Natural Abilities
Doesn't breathe air and are immune to radiation and normal heat, fire, cold, gases and disease. Can see in total darkness and have eagle-like normal vision.
Phased bodies: Prometheans are in a permanent state of “phase.” Damage from any M.D. source becomes S.D.C. and any damage from an S.D.C. source is halved.
Phased Teleportation: Prometheans can “step out of phase” and travel at incredible speeds in an intangible state. Concentration takes one melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round. Range: One mile per level of experience. Chance of Success: 50% +4%/lvl| 83%
Sense Dimensional Anomalies: Can automatically detect rifts, dimensional envelopes and pockets, fourth-dimensional and Two-dimensional beings, astral travelers and the invisible energy essence of alien-intelligence's and entities. Range: One mile (1.6) or line of sight, whichever is less.
Ley Line Phasing: Equal to the ley line walker ability.

PPE: 233/302
ISP: 119/185
SDC: 634/634 (All damage from MD sources converted to SDC)
HP: 186/186



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Call Names/Nicknames:
Bryke, Wraith
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