Character creation process, setting info, maps, and RULES are located here.
DM: Blackhaunt

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Post by CHIMERA »


Each major task will have all rolls and attempts edited into the original requests. All results arbitrated by (A)GM will also be edited and a new post will be made to the thread stating who has had actions completed/results entered in order to alert those subscribed to the thread's subscription features. Players please post each project as its own post. If a project has several major features like a force-field for armor, weapons systems for armor, and the armor itself, each should be its own post. A priority will be established in order of required completion. Each time you complete new tinker attempt(s) and have edited into the original post ensure that you make a brief post of what you have attempted and link the post in question in order to make it clearer for the (A)GM reviewing your thread. All actions will have a Date/Time Stamp (DDMMYY@HH:MM) at the front of the first line for each of the actions entered.

My quick guidelines for Operator work
1.) Only the GM knows just what modifiers are in place (+5%, -25%, etc.)
2.) The PC Operator only knows the roleplaying factors of which he's aware (not at his shop, not working with full tool set, working under pressure, etc.)
3.) The Operator will receive a number of attempts per day equal to his Experience Level.

Indicates that an item has been destroyed due to gross incompetence; impossible to salvage.
Indicates that an item has been disabled/broken due to some mistakes; it's repairable though.
Indicates that an item has not been successfully altered, no harm done though.
Indicates that an item has been successfully altered to the desired effect.
Indicates that an item has been miraculously altered beyond the expected results.
Neither Blackhaunt nor Maniacal Laugh will be altering your stats, do that yourself and check back here periodically for updates.

Players will be prompted to post rolls to cover a specific time-frame periodically which the GM will use to determine the results of the character's labors.

Guidelines for assessing attempts per day

Assistant types & Limitations on type of work
Operators and other tinkerers receive a number of attempts per day equal to their experience level.
Assistants are assessed at the highest level of skill possessed.

Unskilled assistants (possess no applicable technical skills) can only assist in basic repairs. (+1 attempt per day)
Basically skilled assistants (possess limited technical skills) can only assist in basic repairs. (+2 attempts per day)
Skilled assistants (possess an engineering skill) can assist in technical jobs within their area of expertise. (+3 attempts per day)
Highly skilled assistants (engineers in more than one field) can assist knowledgeably in any endeavor. (+4 attempts per day)

Basic Technical Skills
☞ Aircraft Mechanics
☞ Automotive Mechanics
☞ Basic Electronics
☞ Basic Mechanics
☞ Computer Repair
☞ Cybernetics: Basic
☞ General Repair & Maintenance
☞ Jury-Rig
☞ Salvage

Skilled Technical Skills
☞ Bioware Mechanics
☞ Electricity Generation
☞ Field Armorer & Munitions Expert
☞ Vehicle Armorer

Engineering Skills
☞ Electrical Engineer
☞ Mechanical Engineer
☞ Robot Electronics
☞ Robot Mechanics
☞ Weapons Engineer

Other Useful Skills (Added by T-Rex)
Recognize Weapon Quality (weaponry)
Appraise Goods
Rope Works (large vehicle work)
Chemistry: Analytical
Computer Programming
Computer Hacking
Archaeology (lostech)

Spells Learned through Study
Green text indicates a spell learned through individual study of a scroll.
Blue text indicates a spell learned through individual study of a spell book, or other type of study material.
Purple text indicates a spell learned through tutelage at the Collegiate Arcane or another brotherhood/guildhall.
(This is used as an archive to record spells studied.)

Spell Scrolls on-hand

Spell Books on-hand

Name of Spell Being Actively Studied:
Length of Study Required:
Date Started:
Date of Expected Completion:

Code Block
OOC Comments

Code: Select all

[size=150][u][b]Spells Learned through Study[/b][/u][/size]
[color=#008000]Green text indicates a spell learned through individual study of a scroll.[/color]
[color=#0040FF]Blue text indicates a spell learned through individual study of a spell book, or other type of study material.[/color]
[color=#4000FF]Purple text indicates a spell learned through tutelage at the Collegiate Arcane or another brotherhood/guildhall.[/color]
[i](This is used as an archive to record spells studied.)[/i]

[size=150][u][b]Spell Scrolls on-hand[/b][/u][/size]

[size=150][u][b]Spell Books on-hand[/b][/u][/size]

[b]Name of Spell Being Actively Studied:[/b] 
[b]Length of Study Required:[/b] 
[b]Date Started:[/b] 
[b]Date of Expected Completion:[/b]
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Post by CHIMERA »

The Operator's Assistants

Barricade: Skilled Assistant, +5 attempts per day
Basic Technical Skills
Basic Electronics 40% (+5%)
Basic Mechanics 65% (+5%)
Skilled Technical Skills
Computer Programming 65% (+5%)
Situational Skills
Computer Operation 75% (+5%)

Brute: Skilled Assistant, +4 attempts per day
Basic Technical Skills
Basic Electronics 77% (+5%)
General Repair/Maintenance 62% (5%)
Skilled Technical Skills
Auto Mechanics 62% (+5%)
Situational Skills
Computer Operations 62% (+5%)

Crucible: Skilled Assistant, +1 attempts per day
Basic Technical Skills
Basic Electronics 60% (+5%)
Basic Mechanics 60% (+5%)
Situational Skills
Chemistry: Basic 60% (+5%)
Computer Operation 60% (+5%)

Rook: Skilled Assistant, +5 attempts per day
Basic Technical Skills
Basic Mechanics 45% (+5%)
Skilled Technical Skills
Automotive Mechanics 40% (+5%)
Computer Programming 50% (+5%)
Situational Skills
Computer Operation 60% (+5%)

Sentinel: Operator, +6 attempts per day
Basic Technical Skills
Basic Electronics 98% (+5%)
Skilled Technical Skills
Computer Programming 98% (+5%)
Engineering Skills
Electrical Engineer 98% (+5%)
Robot Electronics 98% (+5%)
Robot Mechanics 93% (+5%)
Situational Skills
Biology 98% (+5%)
Chemistry: Basic 98% (+5%)
Chemistry: Analytical 83% (+5%)
Computer Operation 108% (+5%)

Wi-Fi: Operator, +9 attempts per day
Basic Technical Skills
Basic Electronics 103% (+5%)
Basic Mechanics 83% (+5%)
Computer Repair 98% (+5%)
Skilled Technical Skills
Computer Programming 103% (+5%)
Field Armorer & Munitions Expert 64% (+5%)
Engineering Skills
Electrical Engineer 69% (+5%)
Mechanical Engineer 59% (+5%)
Robot Electronics 64% (+5%)
Robot Mechanics 54% (+5%)
Situational Skills
Artificial Intelligence 89% (+3%)
Chemistry: Basic 73% (+5%)
Chemistry: Analytical 68% (+5%)
Computer Hacking 103% (+5%)
Computer Operation 113% (+5%)
Genetics 84% (+5%)
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Last edited by Wi-Fi on Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Last edited by Wi-Fi on Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by CHIMERA »

Wi-Fi wrote:Immediate Request for trucks (made from the army/Triton if need to)
Side turrets and armor for trucks
-Turrets: mounting bracket for T1 laser rifle and/T1 Laser Cannons (removable to use in raids or take with if truck is stranded)
-Armour (tank armor or reactive armor)
-Towing Wheels on Hover trucks (just incase)
Call made in character (Critical success)
Please post these equipment requests on the Procurement Department thread.
Wi-Fi wrote:Tune up trucks
Skills: (Assist Sentinel on install and put together)
Mechanical Engineer [dice]1373618:0[/dice]/50%
Mechanical Engineer [dice]1373618:1[/dice]/50% (Fix/double check work if needed)
Electrical Engineer [dice]1373618:2[/dice]/60%
Electrical Engineer [dice]1373618:3[/dice]/60% (Fix/double check work if needed)
Make these for any weapons added to the hovertrucks
This post is incomplete and I'm not sure what exactly you modifications you are making to the hovertrucks, what you expect to do with your tinkering, and in the case of the turrets what you are working with since you haven't requested anything on the Procurement Department thread. Once you have laid out what you plan to make, you should clearly state what each skill roll does and then I will determine whether or not you succeed.
Wi-Fi wrote:bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard to reach spots.
1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
(pg. 345, Main book)
2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

4. Flashlight
First of all, grammar check. Those first two lines are hard to read. Again, post equipment requests in the Procurement Department thread, then post in the Tinker thread what you want to make. I do not have a clear idea of what you want to do or how you plan on installing this to a hovertruck.
Wi-Fi wrote:Close Quarters Handguns (upgrade/repair)
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"

Again, the format is inconsistent and I'd like a clearer sense of what you are making and how you will go about doing so. I would recommend looking at some other player's tinkering projects to get a better sense of the format I'd like you to use going forward.
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Gun Mounted camera x4 to be mounted on here Close quarters pistols
  • Description of Project:
    A camera the mounts under a gun.
    (A visual for clarity and not to insult anyone's common sense.)
    Time: started: the night before the big day
    Parts Used:
    1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
    camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
    (pg. 345, Main book)
    2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
    and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
    14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
    Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

    3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder (encrypted) and battery

    4. Flashlight

    a layer of strong plastic
    Designed Quirks:
    Time Needed | Allocated:
    Not long....a few hours at best. 2-3 its basic work and prefab parts
    Designed Statistics:
See Items used to make it.

3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

4. Flashlight

Rolls needed to make them:
Camera #1
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]0[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics [dice]1[/dice]/94%
Camera #1 (Recovery if needed)
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]2[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics [dice]3[/dice]/94%
Camera #2
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]4[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics [dice]5[/dice]/94%
Camera #2 (Recovery if needed)
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert:[dice]6[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics [dice]7[/dice]/94%
Camera #3
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]8[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics[dice]9[/dice]/94%
Camera #3 (Recovery if needed)
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]10[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics [dice]11[/dice]/94%
Camera #4
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert:[dice]12[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics[dice]13[/dice]/94%
Camera #4 (Recovery if needed)
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert:[dice]14[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics [dice]15[/dice]/94%

Project Name
  • Description of Project:
    Dying her old nest suit to match the Omega suit
    Time: started: the night before the big day
    Parts Used:
    Dark grey-Black Dye and possibly spray paint
    Nest suit and parts already owned (her personal items)

    Designed Quirks:
    To be red and black with some gold high lights
    Time Needed | Allocated:
    Not long..a few hours maybe?
    Designed Statistics:
To be red and black with some gold high lights like the Omega outfit.
Reinforced Nest Riding Suit
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]16[/dice]/64%
Reinforced Racing Gloves
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]17[/dice]/64%
Elbow Pads
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]18[/dice]/64%
Knee Pads
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]19[/dice]/64%
Motorcycle Helmet
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]20[/dice]/64%

  • Description of Project:
    small plates holding small chutes for urban use.Mini-parachutes for Omega suits and some amour types
    Image here:
    OOC Comments

    Parts Used:
    Plastic/Ceramic plates
    small parachutes
    discharge mechanism
    Designed Quirks:
    Mini-parachutes for Omega suits and some amour types
    Time Needed | Allocated:
    TBA likely only designed.
    Designed Statistics:
a small plate worn on shoulders. (used in pairs)

Rolls needed:
Plate one:
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert:[dice]21[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics [dice]22[/dice]/94%
(Recovery if needed)
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert:[dice]23[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics [dice]24[/dice]/94%
Plate Two:
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert:[dice]25[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics [dice]26[/dice]/94%
(Recovery if needed)
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert:[dice]27[/dice]/64%
Basic electronics [dice]28[/dice]/94%
Last edited by Wi-Fi on Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Modular Turret
  • Description of Project:
    A modular turret for the Hover truck (mounts on side)
    OCC'd due to Image size
    OOC Comments
    Parts Used:
    Retractable Weapon holding bracket/clamp
    Shell and mechanical arm to hold bracket/clamp
    Modular Base/carrying case
    Camera modules

    Designed Quirks:
    None, it just needs to hold a laser rifle or T1 laser canon.
    Time Needed | Allocated:
    Unknown, Army might have a working model. If not a day per canon if parts are prefabbed
    Designed Statistics:
Mounts to side of Hover truck
retractable weapon arm has universal E-clip charger with clip attachment (Any Laser rifle that fits the charger can be plugged in)
Remote trigger system, Camera and 180 degree turn/swivel (Retractable Weapon holding bracket/clamp)
Turret Unit should be removable to allow it to be retrieved if hover needs to be left behind.

Rolls needed for turret:
(Others may do this if not...)
Mechanical Engineer [dice]0[/dice]/54%
Electrical Engineer [dice]1[/dice]/64%
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]2[/dice]/55%
Recovery rolls:
Mechanical Engineer [dice]3[/dice]/54%
Electrical Engineer [dice]4[/dice]/64%
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]5[/dice]/55%
Rolls needed for Camera modules:
Mechanical Engineer [dice]6[/dice]/54%
Electrical Engineer [dice]7[/dice]/64%
Mechanical Engineer [dice]8[/dice]/54%
Electrical Engineer [dice]9[/dice]/64%
Mechanical Engineer [dice]10[/dice]/54%
Electrical Engineer [dice]11[/dice]/64%
Mechanical Engineer [dice]12[/dice]/54%
Electrical Engineer [dice]13[/dice]/64%

Rolls needed for Camera modules: Recovery
Mechanical Engineer [dice]14[/dice]/54%
Electrical Engineer [dice]15[/dice]/64%
Mechanical Engineer [dice]16[/dice]/54%
Electrical Engineer [dice]17[/dice]/64%
Mechanical Engineer [dice]18[/dice]/54%
Electrical Engineer [dice]19[/dice]/64%
Mechanical Engineer [dice]20[/dice]/54%
Electrical Engineer [dice]21[/dice]/64%

Parking wheels for Hover Truck:
Mechanical Engineer [dice]22[/dice]/54%
Basic Electricics [dice]23[/dice]/94%
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Posts: 870
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Rook's Talon
Description of Project:
Wrist mounted Dart launcher
Parts Used:
Trigger device (Palm Like spiderman's Web shooters)
ammo strap for darts
Designed Quirks:
Time Needed | Allocated: with workspace and access to a 3d printer hour or so. started earlier in the week.
Custom-Built Dart Launching wrist band
  • Range: varies by projectile/dart
  • Damage: As per dart or projectile
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload options: 7 darts per wrist band (total: 14)
    • Explosive 1d4*10 (3ft radius, impact detonation)
    • Tazer/Tranq
    • Tazer
    • Phosphorous (burns for 4d6 on impact Plus 1d6 for 2d4 rounds)
    • other darts and projectiles can be customized as needed (see darts and specialized bullets)
    • Weight: 4 lbs. (fully loaded, Distribution makes it feel lighter.)
    • Features: additional Dart straps can be carried to reload.
    • Modifiers: Built-in pocket flashlight, plastic shell hardened (10-40 SDC?)

      Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]0[/dice]/55% (critical Success)
      Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]1[/dice]/55% (Recovery roll if needed)

      Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]2[/dice]/55% (critical Success)
      Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]3[/dice]/55% (recovery roll if needed)
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by CHIMERA »

Wi-Fi wrote:Project Name
Description of Project:
Dying her old nest suit to match the Omega suit
Time: started: the night before the big day
Parts Used:
Dark grey-Black Dye and possibly spray paint
Nest suit and parts already owned (her personal items)

Designed Quirks:
To be red and black with some gold high lights
Time Needed | Allocated:
Not long..a few hours maybe?
Designed Statistics:[/list]
To be red and black with some gold high lights like the Omega outfit.
Reinforced Nest Riding Suit
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]1374270:16[/dice]/64%
Reinforced Racing Gloves
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]1374270:17[/dice]/64%
Elbow Pads
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]1374270:18[/dice]/64%
Knee Pads
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]1374270:19[/dice]/64%
Motorcycle Helmet
Field Armorer/Munitions Expert: [dice]1374270:20[/dice]/64%
Date: Thursday April 3rd, 2043
Weather: Outside: Sparse clouds, brisk, bright (53 degrees Fahrenheit)
Time: 8:55 am (Note: You just received your new Omega suit the morning of the Big Day (see the Procurement Department for the details on the time) you only have enough time to dye your equipment in before the press conference. All your other tinkering projects will have to wait until the game progresses and you have time to procure the equipment for your other projects. I will post responses to those projects when the game moves beyond April 3rd, so please do not delete those skill rolls from your above posts. If you want to make changes to those above posts, please talk to me first.)

After receiving the new Omega suit, Wi-Fi is inspired to update her coat to match the new equipment. She finds some old red spray paint and black leather polish on hand, sadly nothing gold, and she starts to apply it to her old gear. She starts by putting sharp accents on the cuffs of her coat and on her pads and helmet. To get clean lines on those accents, she uses the leather polish to sharpen the edges and add contrast. Unfortunately, by the time she gets to working on the body of her coat, preparations for the press conference have begun. Feeling the pressure of the time, and trying to block out the noise outside the garage, Wi-FI gets sloppy, instead of accent lines highlighting her figure, she has red splashes with blurry edges running across its front at varying angles. It looks chic, in a Banksy kind of way.
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Post by CHIMERA »

Date: Saturday, April 4th, 2043
Weather: Clear skies, very light fog on the ground (64 degrees Fahrenheit)
Time: 10:00 am

Wi-fi starts her weekend by attempting to assemble the modular turrets.* Unfortunately, contrary to what the Swedes have advertised, the instructions are not easy to follow, and read as if they were originally written in Urdu, translated to Swedish, and then finally translated to English. As a result, Wi-Fi spends the bulk of her Saturday assembling the turret for one hovertruck, and failing miserably. Looking at the parts littered in the garage late in the afternoon she can only sigh and be thankful that she was careful when disassembling the truck, and she can try again the following day.

The good news is that trial and error on the first day pays off on the second (April 5th). While the rest of the Omegas sleep in on Sunday, Wi-Fi spends her morning assembling the turrets on both trucks, which she manages to do. Except for the cameras.** Try as she might, she cannot find any indication of how to attach the cameras to the turret despite looking at the diagrams and reading the instructions twice. Eventually she turns to the Swedish instructions, and uses a web based translation app to read through it. While she still has no idea how to install the camera, she does find a recipe for lamb meatballs in one of the appendices. She also sees a friendly reminder to make sure to tune-up one's hovertruck at least every three months for optimal efficiency. So she does. Her attempt at realigning the wheels leaves them exactly where they were (no harm, no foul), but she does manage to replace some fuses in the trucks' engines, which improves their performance and fixes the high-pitched hum when the trucks are running.

Code: Select all

-5% to any skill roll invovlving the hovertruck, provided the driver has the proper driving skills
Having spent most of her weekend on the trucks, decides to spend her Sunday afternoon working on her guns***. It takes Wi-Fi little time to install the camera and flashlight to her guns, and by 6 p.m. she has put two guns fully equipped. She makes an attempt to install the third, but either tired, hungry, or both, she doesn't get everything aligned completely and has to take it apart. Realizing she needs to go to sleep before her briefing in the morning, she calls arming the two new hovertrucks and half of her pistols a minor victory, and gets ready for work the next day.

* We need to talk about the way you format your posts, as they should be consistent, especially internally. Clearly let me know what each set of rolls are for, and keep them organized so I can tell which rolls belong with which task. Next time you do a tinkering project, we will establish a format that will make this easier for both of us.
** So you had a lot of failed rolls, especially in electronics, and the way I sorted through was to use your successful mechanical engineer rolls to account for successfully installing both turrets, while the failures were you not doing it right. Thankfully, you posted recovery rolls, as that meant you could do the project again if you failed.
***Of your three non-vehicle projects (gun camera; suit parachutes; and Rook's talon), the gun is the only project you can actually work on at the moment. I need specifics on the parachutes, including you requesting the parts needed in the procurement thread; you want to provide me with a description of the deployment method if you expect them to work. As for the talon, as you've described it so far it's not going to work in any capacity. First off you do not have any parts for the different components you have described; secondly, the components you want to build do not fit together as you describe them. If you seriously want to make this (and I strong doubts that this will work at all), we will need to have a long conversation about how to put this together before you post.
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Post by Wi-Fi »

A wrist-mounted dart launcher nothing special. we have Dartguns and rifles already in the base.I can Telemechanic them for specs. Spiderman palm trigger idea can work fine. a two finger system to prevent miss fire.

If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Widowsbite.jpg (10.93 KiB) Viewed 15487 times
Last edited by Wi-Fi on Wed Sep 16, 2020 12:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Posts: 870
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Post by Wi-Fi »

the parachute is a smaller version placed on the back of this using our more advanced materials for parachutes. This should mean 2 smaller chutes instead a 24 ft. one and place them on the back by or just below the shoulders. Again nothing special other than chutes. For those who can not fly to not turn into a blood splat and a pile of broken bones on the concrete...and yes they are real.
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
made by: ... parachute/

The 24 ft. (7.3m) Diameter Chest Reserve Assembly is an emergency parachute designed to be used in the event of a malfunction of the primary back type parachute.

T-10R Characteristics
Shape: Flat Circular
Diameter (nominal): 24 feet (7.3m)
Number of suspension lines: 24
Pilot Chute
Shape: Flat Octagonal
Diameter: 40 inches (1.016m)
Canopy Material: 1.1 oz. PIA-C-7020, type I ripstop nylon parachute cloth
Maximum Weight Capacity: 360 lbs. (163 kg)
Steerable: No
Maximum Jump Wind Speed: 15 mph (13 knots)
Descent Rate: Avg. 22 ft./sec. (6.7 m/s)
Minimum Deployment Altitude: 500 ft. (152m)
Maximum Deployment Speed: 150 mph (130 knots)
Age Life: 16.5 years
Service Life: 12 years
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Diamond Level Patron
Posts: 870
Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:28 am


Post by Wi-Fi »

Wrist dartgun...CO2 powered. What I had in mind and this guy made it in the garage.

Make Working Black Widow Bites! - $20 Electric Dart Gloves (30 Million Volts)
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Would accept help as needed and approach the new team support
Robot control and sensor/hacking suite:
Description of Project: A sensor and computer suite to wear over her Omega suit (or for when she does not have an omega suit)
OOC Comments
NVG/Thermal and standard camera for use with the computer
a flip-down monitor for fieldwork, a thermal optic system, Passive NVG, and a camera (with removable covers).
with Flak Hood with embedded sensors to shield the Optic Systems unit from both light and some damage. Also reduces the chances of the optic being sniped.
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Would accept help as needed and approach the new team support

Robot control and sensor/hacking suite:
Description of Project: A sensor and computer suite to wear over her Omega suit (or for when she does not have an omega suit)
(Omega suit with suit and gas mask on)
OOC Comments
Wi-Fi Omega suit10.jpg
Sensor and radar Kilt/skirt and arm/leg padding worn over the omega suit (Can be worn with out the omega suit as well). Sensors placed in the arms/legs cover the side and front and when crouched underneath her should the material she is on allow radar/motion tracking through. the kilt also serves as a protective layer for computer hardware she may have at the small of the back or any installed al the inside of the kilt itself:

to keep better track of spiders and track the movement of other allies and enemies in her vicinity, Including in the dark if she needs to be stealthy and can not turn on lights. Like the hood, it is of flak jacket material embedded with sensors and strategically placed plates. It also has some plates to help shield the computer hardware she carries at the small of her back from damage to a limited degree. The robot spiders can also grip the plates to be carried in emergencies. (or when they get pesky and decide to climb on it)
parts needed:
Flak jackets
computer hardware (hard drives, combat-capable field computers, and cables with appropriate ties and other pouches)
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by CHIMERA »

Wi-Fi wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:42 pm Robot control and sensor/hacking suite:
Description of Project: A sensor and computer suite to wear over her Omega suit (or for when she does not have an omega suit)
(Omega suit with suit and gas mask on)
OOC Comments
Wi-Fi Omega suit10.jpg
I think this is a very feasible project, but we need to flesh out some of the details and start to stat this out.

Wi-Fi wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:42 pmSensor and radar Kilt/skirt and arm/leg padding worn over the omega suit (Can be worn with out the omega suit as well).
Let's start with the actual outfit, because you are describing this as a full body suit (with a kilt), that is worn over the Omega Suit. As a matter of practicality, this will encumber any who wears it. Because it is made of a bulky material and will have all sorts of tech on it, it will limit the wearer's mobility and slow them down. Even if you manage to trim some of the bulk (more on that in a bit), it's still going to be another layer of clothing that is worn. No matter what, there will be skill and combat penalties for wearing it. Plus, as a full body suit, it will be difficult to put on and take off. Suggestion: make it a hooded overcoat that is worn over the Omega Suit. This will limit the penalties for wearing it.

Wi-Fi wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:42 pmSensors placed in the arms/legs cover the side and front and when crouched underneath her should the material she is on allow radar/motion tracking through.
This sounds like overkill. I'll fiat that the sensors are strategically placed for optimum reception. More importantly, I need details on the sensors themselves. Requirement: when you update your post you need to specify exactly what type of sensor systems you are putting into the suit. You briefly mention radar and motion here, but this needs to be laid out more clearly on equipment list. From that we can then determine the range it will work at and what it can and cannot detect.
Wi-Fi wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:42 pmthe kilt also serves as a protective layer for computer hardware she may have at the small of the back or any installed al the inside of the kilt itself:
All this is practical, but it's also means that what you are making is going to be heavy. You're putting a protective material over hardware. Requirement: when you update your post you will want to provide me a projected weight. Consider how much flak material you want to add, as well as the weight of the computer systems (one cannot just run the outfit's sensors from a field computer; the sensors need to be connected to their own processor). Remember that there is a tradeoff, the lighter you make it, the higher the penalties for the skill rolls when you manufacture. Miniaturization makes any tinkering project more difficult and can raise the skill pass by 40+%.

Wi-Fi wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:42 pmto keep better track of spiders and track the movement of other allies and enemies in her vicinity, Including in the dark if she needs to be stealthy and can not turn on lights. Like the hood, it is of flak jacket material embedded with sensors and strategically placed plates
Let's talk about the hood, because it should not be a stand alone item. Putting all that hardware, plus armor, will make it very heavy. If it is integrated into this project, then it can run on the same computer system as the sensors. This does pose one design challenge; by nature a hood is loose and easy to pull over one's head. In fact, it's too loose for a heads up display (HUD), since the material would move around and fold, like fabric, providing an inconsistent display. Plates are stiff and must be fixed into place in order to work effectively. Requirement: combine your two tinker posts, this is one project. Also consider how the hood will attach to the rest of the outfit, since it will need fixed pieces; we can talk about options.

Wi-Fi wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:42 pmThe robot spiders can also grip the plates to be carried in emergencies. (or when they get pesky and decide to climb on it)
Suggestion: actual docking ports for the robot spiders. If the spiders hand loosely from the outfit then the wearer will lose even more mobility and there will be penalties associated with that. Specific plates (see below) that are put on the sides of the outfit will make this feasible.

Update your parts needed:
Flak jackets - You will have access to as many as you need, but figure out the weight of all the fabric
Sensors - As mentioned above, give me specific systems, and provide me with information on real-world hardware so we can determine the weight of the outfit. You can list all of this in the parts needed section, but I want details.
Computer Hardware - This can be easily added to the outfit, but list out some basic specs. And remember, the suit needs its own computer since it will be running your sensory array
Hood parts - I need more on how the hood is going to work, especially the HUD
Ceramic plates - These were already requested in the procurement thread, and even if they hadn't you could make hard plastic ones with a 3D printer, these would be for the spider docks

You can update the post above as need be. But in the revisions please make sure to give me more specifics on the equipment needed and start to plan for how much the final product will weigh. When I see those I will update this post to discuss my thoughts on stats, skill and combat penalties for the outfit, and finally the required skill rolls.
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Modular-flak Sensor system
AR: 13
*Long coat(a Frag. Cape/Vest essentially)-120
*Skirt - 60 (with Hard plastic plates)
Skirt pouch (right) - 30 (with Hard plastic plates)
Spider bot Core - 50 SDC (with Hard plastic instead of metal cover)
Skirt pouch (left) - 30 (with Hard plastic plates)
Leg pouches x2 (optional)
BodyVest (Above the skirt) 30 SDC

Project notes If a long coat(a Frag. Cape/Vest essentially) it would provide 120 SDC and 13 AR. however, the jacket weighs 16 pounds. (bring the total to 21 pounds.) Plastic plates may reduce weight but it is still heavy) while they can be worn together the weight will make it an issue (total wieght of 32 pounds).

Hood: (Can be worn separate without the skirt)
A few sensors and plates to keep the Optics under it safe
Also serves to keep it out of sight and from light if operating at night or in dark places.

Optics: (Can be worn separate without the skirt)
Infrared (Military)
Passive NVG (Military)
Google Glass/ flip out monitor (Military) Linked to skirt and her computer

BodyVest (Above the skirt)
Role protects Items placed on the back or to hold weapons/ammo/gear/spider bots
wraps around the body and ties at the side of the body with up to 8 pockets. Can also carry one spider per side on special mounting plates along the center stomach and along the spine (Foldout extensions allow the spider legs to magnetically grip with a quick-lock mechanism to hold them in place if the magnets fail.)
Skirt piece: Covers the backside and vital equip for the sensor as well as house sensors to better monitor surroundings.
Weight:11 pounds
6 lbs. (skirt with Hard plastic plates)
3 computers add 1380g or (3 pounds) including batteries
2 pounds spider bot Core system

Primary reasons:
1) Kilt acts as a cover for equipment on the back and protects the back of the legs.
2) the hardware is much easier to add or remove as needed.
3) a full coat would need to alter the Omega suit to hold up a 20-30 plus pound Flak jacket. unless a lighter material is available a full coat will be only for when heavy combat is an absolute. Will build a heavy combat variant for those with meta strength on request or as needed.)
4) Most importantly...A full flack coat would be far too heavy for Wi-Fi to wear. Limited meta strength and a heavy coat only make her a liability in combat and in a movement when the aura gets shot up. Which will happen a lot considering the enemy capabilities. Her allies will draw in tough opposition and she will need to face them too. Not just those at her combat and power level.

Equipment needed:
'Sensor' Kilt:
weight: 6 pounds (8 pounds with Hardened plastic x6)
Sensor package:
3x Military Tactical Data Terminal RT5( latest, model top of the line) (keeps it updated) with full upgrades linked to the main router system
OOC Comments
1 back up to store data
1 operating
1 unit in reserve should one the other 2 fail or need backup or additional power/data to operating
(Maxed memory, RAM, and cooling reasonably allowable. top of the line whatever that is in-game. at 4 terabyte storage and 1 terabyte processing each computer.)
Battery pack (for sensors and to charge the Field computers, includes a standard plugin for USB and cords to charge skirt batteries.)
Motion detector Signaler strips 8 on the skirt (Page 159, Ninjas and super-spies)

Military Utility belt and harness for skirt pouches for miscellaneous items (under the skirt for added protection.
Skirt Pouch (Left)
Radar Signal detector Military Handheld (side pouch)
Extra hook-up military cable for ease of replacements in the field
Ultraviolet strips Signaler strips -a bundle of 10 (Page 159, Ninjas and super-spies)
Motion detector Signaler strips -a bundle of 10 (Page 159, Ninjas and super-spies)

Skirt Pouch (Right)
Identical to spider bots systems for range and functionality (for better compatibility)
Video Receiver and Transmitter (Linked to spider Bots)
Combat Computer (Linked to spider Bots)
Motion Detector and Warning System (Linked to spider Bots)
Micro-Radar (Linked to spider Bots)
Last edited by Wi-Fi on Thu Sep 23, 2021 9:59 pm, edited 6 times in total.
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Posts: 870
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Spiderbot Cases for hover trucks
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by CHIMERA »

Your most recent post did make some important changes, but some those changes raised new issues with the design that need to be addressed. It will need significant work before you are ready to start rolling. I'm going to start by listing part by part the issues with the project as is. Aside from this, your tinkering post is disorganized and hard to follow. After listing the required revisions, I will lay out a template for how you should edit your previous post. As I said last time, I don't want you to make a new post for the same project, simply edit your previous post.
Wi-Fi wrote:Modular-flak Sensor System
So right off the bat, I'm requiring this to be a single article of clothing. As a modular set of armor it's going to be hard to keep track of in game, and I'm not sure how all the parts you have listed will fit together. Some things, like the skirt and skirt pouch seem to be part of the same item, and I am confused as to where the 'spider bot Core' goes, since below you list that as part of the skirt as well.
Wi-Fi wrote:Hood: (Can be worn separate without the skirt)
You did not address any of the basic construction issues with a hood. First of all a hood should be attached to something, otherwise it's a loose cloth resting on one's head and prone to falling off.

Secondly, you do not explain how the hardware will be attached to it. Because a hood does not have a fixed shape, it is not ideally suited for holding hardware, and especially any optical equipment. A better option would be a helmet, since that would a more stable foundation for all the parts you want to add.
Wi-Fi wrote:Optics: (Can be worn separate without the skirt)
From what I'm reading you want three separate sets of lenses for your optical system. For the moment (but I reserve the right to change my mind), I am fine with both passive night vision and infrared goggles. However, you'll need to explain how Wi-Fi will switch between them since those are two distinct technologies that do different things. You cannot use them at the same time, and if that's your plan then you only need infrared since that is used in other forms of night vision goggles.

For the moment, I'm saying no to Google Glass, it doesn't add anything to the design and would only make switching between optical systems more difficult.
Wi-Fi wrote:BodyVest (Above the skirt)
Role protects Items placed on the back or to hold weapons/ammo/gear/spider bots wraps around the body and ties at the side of the body with up to 8 pockets. Can also carry one spider per side on special mounting plates along the center stomach and along the spine (Foldout extensions allow the spider legs to magnetically grip with a quick-lock mechanism to hold them in place if the magnets fail.)
This sounds overly complicated. The spider bots are only two inches tall, why not just put them in normal pockets? If you insist on plastic plates for the spider bots to cling to you will need to explain the foldout extensions work and what parts are needed for them. But really, the pockets are your easier option
Wi-Fi wrote:Skirt piece: Covers the backside and vital equip for the sensor as well as house sensors to better monitor surroundings.
This sounds less like a skirt and series of plastic plates that wrap around Wi-Fi's waist. If that's what you're going for, this will limit Wi-Fi's mobility in the field. Another issue with the skirt is that you do not explain what a spider bot Core system is or what it does. If this is a new piece of equipment then that will need to be built separately. Finally, you can have one (1) computer, not three.
Wi-Fi wrote:Primary reasons:
1) Kilt acts as a cover for equipment on the back and protects the back of the legs.
The kilt or skirt that you described will provide very little to no protection to Wi-Fi's legs. I cannot imagine this running down to knee length (and if it does, you need to say so), and therefore not covering her legs. Also, when you list the S.D.C. for this outfit, you'll want to follow the normal conventions for armor. The main body (torso) will have the bulk of the S.D.C., but depending on coverage, you can add S.D.C. for the arms, legs, and/or head. Any other parts only get S.D.C. if they are apart from the outfit or something an opponent would specifically target.
Wi-Fi wrote:2) the hardware is much easier to add or remove as needed.
I am not going to approve a modular design that has multiple interconnecting parts. You will not be able to replace parts on the fly. That is going to be a pain to manage in game. This may be modeled on real life equipment, but you also need to consider how this is going to work in a PbP game. That being said, I will allow you to replace broken parts between adventures easily, because that will make make gameplay smoother. (Warning: as with any form of body armor, once the main body has 0 S.D.C., the whole outfit is destroyed and will need to be rebuilt from scratch)
Wi-Fi wrote:3) a full coat would need to alter the Omega suit to hold up a 20-30 plus pound Flak jacket. unless a lighter material is available a full coat will be only for when heavy combat is an absolute. Will build a heavy combat variant for those with meta strength on request or as needed.)
There are lighter materials that you can look up. For example flak is made from steel plates sewn into ballistic nylon. Why not just use the nylon? Or Kevlar?
Wi-Fi wrote:4) Most importantly...A full flack coat would be far too heavy for Wi-Fi to wear. Limited meta strength and a heavy coat only make her a liability in combat and in a movement when the aura gets shot up. Which will happen a lot considering the enemy capabilities. Her allies will draw in tough opposition and she will need to face them too. Not just those at her combat and power level.
I have serious concerns about the outfit's ability to serve as body armor. While it is designed to protect the hardware you're loading on to it, it will have less S.D.C. than the Omega Suit. While this might have good in field use, it is not going to hold up well in a full blown battle.

So these are the things you will need to address in your revised tinkering project. When you edit your post, I also want you to organize your post more carefully so it is easier to follow. Use the following structure:
<If you have an image you can insert it here>
Description: Describe what the final product should look like. As I've said above, this should be one thing, not several different pieces that can be worn together. I should also have an idea of what pieces of equipment are on what parts of the body.


AR: I'll eventually decide on that, but if you give me a realistic project, I'll be generous

Armor (by location): see what I said above about how it should be listed

Effects: What is it going to do? Right now, I'm still not sure how this outfit is supposed to work in game. List the benefits of the final product

Penalties:You may want to consider if there are any penalties for wearing it as well - will it slow down Wi-Fi, limit her dexterity or agility?

Required parts: You've got the parts, now list them in one place one by one. Focus on the essential things, the important pieces of hardware and the material that will make up the majority of the final product. Put a note next to any new pieces of equipment (like the spider bot Core), because those will likely have to be made separately.

Notes: You can make any additional comments here, after you've gotten the necessary parts of the post squared away. Do not put them before the actual information I need to assess this project, and do not insert commentary into the stats. The template I'm listing above will be make it easier to go through the project.

Once you've made the required revisions, I'll review and we'll see where the project goes.
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Prototype Sensor Suite Harness
OOC Comments
Field Router harness.png
OOC Comments
Combat Rig (2).jpg
Combat Rig (2).jpg (51.67 KiB) Viewed 10759 times
Description: A set of sensors and visual monitors to be worn OVER the Omega suit or with other body armor. The visual portions processor reads out to the Facemask mounted smart monitors and provides thermal/Passive Night Vision. They are intended to act as a remote parameter and relay information from placed sensors (Audio and video) and the spider bots (Radar, video, and audio) feed to Wi-Fi.

The shoulder harness is only to hold cables and gear that is non-vital to the suite and a few sensor strips and audio pick-ups. down the side of her body under the armpits is where the cables are linking the facemask to the router. the cables are covered with a strip of triangular hardened plastic and flak-grade kevlar.

What parts do:
OOC Comments
Sensor facemask:
-an Optics unit With NVG (passive), Thermal, and a webcam to capture images sent via the optics) (Optics unit and smart monitors can not be deployed at the same time. but both can be carried at the same time. The webcam is the bottom single camera, the thermal and NVG are the top two cameras.

-A pair of Smart glasses monitor to display webcam and capture thermal and NVG images from the processor. they extend to the eyes via extensions (located under the hood just behind the ears. Snap and Velcro hold them in place)

-When the monitors are out only the Webcam will give a proper image. The optical feed from thermal and passive NVG can be recorded and viewed after for analysis. The motion and audio sensors in the face mask will send info to the monitors if the processor is down.

-Facemask is linked to her mobile router/processor (NVG and thermal will operate without processor)

-Hood is attached to the Facemask with snaps and velcro snugly.

-The hood is a lightly armored hood made of kevlar/Nylon with a set of Shaped-hardened plastic plates to mold around her head and deflect damage or force from her and the facemask. the shaped plates also keep the hood out of her eyes at times. The primary role is to keep the optics from sight and out light when on a mission in dark places. A bright flash in the NVG's is a good way to blind a target.

Processor/Router -A box is located at the small of her back and behind. the auxiliary power cells power the sensors when the unit is active and the various parts are connected. the batteries will power the suite for 12 hours. the processor will charge via USB or a plug-in.

the box holds all the necessary gear to operate and record the sensors.
-up to 8 cable links are on it to allow up to 8 pieces of gear to link up to it in addition to the suite standard gear.

Nylon/Kevlar skirt with Hardened Plastic plates
similar to the ones worn by ARC troopers from Star Wars. They can carry pouches, holsters, and a variety of gear as needed. The exact setup will vary by mission. Additional sensors, electronics, and other pouches may be added. She will also style it differently to suit aesthetics for events to have it fit a fancier look or as terrain demands such as night ops or specific camo are required. A hip/Leg mounted pouches hold some sensors to be placed and hold the skirt in place with snaps and/or velcro. The skirt provides limited protection and is not intended as armor for Wi-Fi. its role is to protect the processor.
Future upgrades:
OOC Comments
-Spider pouches allow them to be carried as well. (Right now spiders don't fit safely due to leg structure)
Upgrade plastic to Titanium or another light Non-ferrous metal.
Weight: 10-12 pounds

AR: I'll eventually decide on that, but if you give me a realistic project, I'll be generous

Armor (by location):

Hood *
Shoulder Harness*
Main body - Processor/Router (at the small of the back)**
Covered and concealed Cables***

*-2 to hit and hit any of the components of the suite is a called shot.
**the Processor is behind and can only be hit from behind as a called shot and -2 penalty, even then the skirt covers it and that must be dealt with first.
***In the case of the Cables the Hardened cable protection is a strip of small but highly flexible L-shaped plates over them. they deflect incoming force or projectiles. They are held in place by Velcro and kevlar covers over the harnesses. All harnesses are color matched to armor whenever possible.

Effects: a sensor suite to record and provide visual assistance and analysis in the field. Also allows her to see through the spider bots sensors. this includes Radar, video, and audio feed from the spider bots.

Penalties: Makes her ass look fatter? it's a single-piece flak style armor. no real penalties due to the harness that keeps it in place.

Required parts:
-Chest rig (she has one from a set of armor she aquired earlier)
-Sensor facemask
-an Optics unit encased in Hardened plastic (With NVG, Thermal, and webcam/link cables)

-A pair of extending Smart glasses monitors encased in Hardened plastic back behind ears (one per side)

-Shielded Cable links to her mobile router processor (NVG and thermal will operate without processor should it get disconnected from the network. They can also be issued separately)

- a lightly armored hood made of kevlar/Nylon with a set of Shaped-hardened plastic plates molded to fit around her head. It snaps to the facemask and has several velcro connections to the facemask to keep it in place.

-Wireless Microphone (several as needed):
OOC Comments
This compact mic. is about the size and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds to 14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
Cost: $500.00
Motion Detector Signaler (Several as needed):
OOC Comments
This device is virtually identical in purpose and use as the ultraviolet Signaler, except that it does not emit any vibrations in the air.
Cost: $800.00; fair availability.

-Snaps (Non-ferrous-metal and plastic) (Many)

-Velcro strips (Many)

-Processor/Router (under the skirt for additional protection)
A box is located at the small of her back and behind.
OOC Comments
the box is encased in Hardened plastic and Kevlar holds all the necessary gear to operate and record the sensors. 2x Military Tactical Data Terminal RT5( latest, model top of the line) (keeps it updated) with full upgrades linked to the main router system
OOC Comments
-Nylon/Kevlar skirt with Hardened Plastic plates

-Tactical belt (Worn with skirt)

-Wireless Microphone (several as needed):
OOC Comments
This compact mic. is about the size and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds to 14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
Cost: $500.00
Motion Detector Signaler (Many)
OOC Comments
This device is virtually identical in purpose and use as the ultraviolet Signaler, except that it does not emit any vibrations in the air.
Cost: $800.00; fair availability.
Last edited by Wi-Fi on Mon Nov 01, 2021 6:43 pm, edited 53 times in total.
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by Wi-Fi »

Spiderbot armor and leg upgrades WIP
change legs to better fold in and allow spiders to be carried in pockets
New spider bot design for heavy combat? maybe a skorpion?
OOC Comments
Spiderbots3 (2).jpg
Spiderbots3 (2).jpg (42.75 KiB) Viewed 11141 times
OOC Comments
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by Wi-Fi »

<If you have an image you can insert it here>
Description: Describe what the final product should look like. As I've said above, this should be one thing, not several different pieces that can be worn together. I should also have an idea of what pieces of equipment are on what parts of the body.


AR: I'll eventually decide on that, but if you give me a realistic project, I'll be generous

Armor (by location): none, its a small implant

Effects: Comm unit and peak human hearing. (Might pick up some frequencies such ultra, Infra, and others beyond human range as well.

Penalties: none

Required parts:
hearing aid
some electronics and a bio-friendly rubber spray

Last edited by Wi-Fi on Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If my post is too stupidly written to read...ask me for a translation or hit me up in Hangouts.
Wi-Fi's character sheet
OOC Comments
Bonuses in green apply only when force aura is active.
PPE: 15
ISP: 70/140
HP: 30 (34 with aura)
SDC: 47 (260)
Aura: 240/260 (Aura also gives superhuman strength)
Swarm status: 5 (all healthy)
Stubby/Rover/Sparky/Nameless #1/Nameless #2
SDC: 50/50/50/50/50
SDC: 50
AR: 6

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Mace/Pepper spray Round)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Close quarters Hand pistol (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
OOC Comments
• 12 attachment points
• Integrated IRMSS: 20,000 credits to recharge (R:UE, p.263)
Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Rocksalt)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Armor Piercing)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Shok Lock Cartridges)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Clip (Multi-ball -Low-Lethality)
• Attachment: Flash Pack (pre-Recorded with SOS and emergency beacon flash pattern)
• Attachment: Voice recorder Pack

Omega Field Kit
Collapsible fiberglass nightstick - 1D6 Damage
(2) Dosimeter clip badge
(20) Disposable gloves
(30) Evidence bags
First Aid Kit
Fold-able gas mask
(5) Signal flares
(6) Zip ties

Shock Gloves:
• Range: Melee
• Damage: None. This gloves discharge an energy charge that short circuits the nervous system. Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge for 2d4 melee rounds.
A successful saving throw means the person has successfully fought off the effect and is unimpaired. Roll to save against each strike. Saving throw versus toxins.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only, five shots total per melee
• Payload: 10/10 shots per charge (no clip)

Personal Weapons: Close quarters Hand pistols (2-4 as needed):
OOC Comments
Nest Handgun.gif
an SDC variant based on a NG-11S "Sawed-Off"
  • Range:
    • Shotgun Shells/Slugs: 200'
    • Damage:
      • Shotgun shells:
        [8] scattershot: 4D6
      • Solid slugs: 5D6
      • Rate of Fire: Single shot only
      • Payload: three shots; reloading the gun takes three melee actions
      • Weight: 3 lbs.
      • Features:
        - Ripcord Quick reload system
        - Made of Non-Ferrous metals and Plastic/ceramics (Not magnetic materials)
        - Easy to customize, use and maintain even by novice armorers
        -top venting helps compensate for recoil by pushing down during weapon discharge
        -bottom-mounted camera and mic to record combat to identify targets after they are gone or turned into a bloody mist. also for scouting or looking under hard-to-reach spots.
        1. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal
        camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. Cost: $350.
        (pg. 345, Main book)
        2. Wireless Microphone: This compact mic. is about the size
        and thickness of a box of matches. It can pick up sounds up to
        14 feet (4.3 m) away and broadcast up to 300 feet (91 m) away.
        Cost: $500.00 (pg. 344, Main book)

        3. USB/SDD/chip style recorder and battery (encrypted)

        4. Flashlight
      • Modifiers: None,
      • Book Reference: p.208, WB33
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Post by CHIMERA »

Wi-Fi wrote:Description: A set of sensors and visual monitors to be worn OVER the Omega suit or with other body armor.
Warning!!!!!!: Note: it is not armor on its own!I!!!!!
I still don't know what it will look like when worn.
Wi-Fi wrote:Effects: a sensor suite to record and provide visual assistance and analysis in the field.
I still don't know what this will do in game. It sounds like it doesn't do anything at all. What are the actual in game benefits of Wi-Fi wearing this?
Wi-Fi wrote:Penalties:
-2 to hit and hitting any of the components of the suite is a called shot.
-4 to hit cables as they are small and well concealed. Requires called shot
While these things might be true, they should probably be listed with the S.D.C. or under "Notes". Penalties are the negative effects of wearing the sensor suite, I suspect there should be a mobility penalty for the skirt. I don't know, I still don't know its length.
Wi-Fi wrote:Sensor facemask Holds:
You have two sections on this, one under "Required parts" and one under "Notes", don't do that. First of all, for "Required parts", I wanted a simple list of the parts needed for assembly, not an incomplete explanation of how it is manufactured. Secondly, the two sections are largely identical. Third of all, you create your own headings that are in bold and underlined, but the sections I told you to use are not. That makes your post confusing. Finally, a heavily edited version of this specific part should have been part of the "Description".

Even after reading both sections, I still don't know how all this fits together. Are the smart glasses supposed to be worn under over the NVG? Because that would mean that Wi-Fi is effectively wearing two sets of glasses over her Omega Suit mask, and that will not work. The hood doesn't really make sense as you describe it. If you want to make a 'head piece' (a vaguer word that more accurately describes what you're making) then it should be a single thing that Wi-Fi can wear on her head and hold the facemask in place. But again, that seems impractical, since she would be wearing a full mask over another mask.
Wi-Fi wrote:Shoulder harness for cables and to hold hood.
I'm going off the section you put under "Notes" not "Required Parts", because that has more substance. Again, an edited version of this should have been in your description. You aren't listing any essential parts for the manufacture of your sensor suite. If this is going to hold other equipment, then this should be listed under effects, with spots similar to what you see in the combat harness Wi-Fi already has.
Wi-Fi wrote:Processor/Router
Again, you listed the parts you'd need for assembly are listed under "Notes" not "Required Parts". Some of those parts that you listed have specific in game benefits that you should have put under "Effects". But others, like the basic listening system and the basic robot optic system don't offer Wi-Fi any actual benefits, and don't need to be added. Plus I'm not sure why you'd copy your spider bots systems since those include some of the gear you already listed. But there are more substantive issues that we need to address.

So after reviewing this, I am flatly rejecting your project. This reads like a sly attempt to turn Wi-Fi into an exoskeleton pilot, except there isn't an actual skeleton. The processor unit you want to make needs $1.7 million in parts from the Robot Construction section of the main Heroes Unlimited book. I'm guessing that you will need at least an additional $50,000 for the other parts. You don't have a budget like that to build your suite, and you cannot make a lot of the parts using telemechanics. Wi-Fi may be able to understand how various mechanical parts work, but that's not the same is being able to recreate her robot spiders full sensor systems. What you are proposing is a highly specialized piece of hardware that would require an either an Electrical Genius or Super-Invention PC to make.

Also, you did not follow the template I set for you, and the resulting post required a lot of effort to untangle. While you put down the headings I asked, you did not make them bold. Instead you created your own headings that were bold, underlined, and sometimes italicized. The problem is that this meant the information I needed to evaluate your post was often missing or under the wrong heading. Making things worse, you put a lot of the same information under near identical headings in "Required Parts" and "Notes", but there were differences that I had to catch by going back and forth between sections. Finally, I told you multiple times to edit your previous post NOT to create a new post. The instructions I gave you were to make reviewing your tinkering project easier; if you do not follow them, I will not approve any future projects.
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Post by Edison »

Edison Suit (Mk.2)
Description of Project: A complete overhaul of Edison's armored suit. With advancements/modifications etc.
  • Under Suit
    A stripped down version of the Omega Suit, minus all the bells and whistles.
  • Minor Exoskeleton Reinforcement: Strictly for a slight speed/strength boost.
    +4-6 P.S. & +10 Spd (Similar to the light exoskeletons of Rifts Earth)
  • Base Armor Suit: Hardened Armor to protect Edison.
    Modified for shape Class 4 Hard Armor w/ increased AR & S.D.C. (AR 19; 350 S.D.C.)
  • Optics, Sensor, & Communication Suite: Pretty Straight forward, Optical options, sensors, and comm system.
    20+ mile range radio
    Integrated Multi-Optics Band/Helmet
    Micro Radar, Radiation Detector, Radar Detector
  • Modular Weapons Housing: A modular system to allow Edison to add/remove various weapons systems in his suit.
    A series of Hard points to add new weapons/features. I'm envisioning a more DIY version of War Machine (MCU version)
  • Hazardous Environment Upgrades: Things to save Edison from a variety of hazardous environmental issues.
    Air Filter/Oxygen backup for toxic environments.
Parts Used:
  • An Old Omega Suit
  • Various sourced parts (Hydraulics, Pistons, gyroscopes, gears, etc)
  • Optics Helmet (HU2 pg. 343; $38,000)
  • Backpack Radio (HU2 pg. 344; $1,325)
  • Mini Radar/Sonar (HU2 pg. 345; $32,500)
  • Bio-Monitor System (HU2 pg. 345; $300-$1,000)
  • Modified Firefighter Respirator or similar
  • Modified Class 4 Hard Armor (HU2 pg. 343; $2,800)
  • Small Stable Energy Source (Some manner of Battery)

Designed Quirks:

Time Needed | Allocated:

Designed Statistics:[/list]

Edison Suit Mark II
Custom Built Crime fighting Suit.
S.D.C.: 350
AR: 19
Weight: 50 lbs
Modifiers: Heavy (-1 to all combat rolls and -10% to prowl)
  • Air Filter/Oxygen Back Up. (Filters out airborne toxins/smoke. 1 hour worth of Air)
  • Multi-Optics System
    • Targeting Sight: 1600 feet.
    • lnfrared Optics System: 1600 feet.
    • Telescopic Monocular Lens: Range: 2 miles
    • Thermo-Imager: Range: 1600 feet.
    • HUD: Up to six screens.
    • Special Bonus: +1 to strike when the optics and targeting sight are engaged. Note that the thermo-imager is a special, optical, heat sensory unit that allows the infrared radiation of warm objects to be converted into a visible image. Enables the person to see in darkness, shadows and through smoke
  • Sensor Suite:
    • Mini-Radar/Sonar: Requires radar signal unit and monitor. Trained operators (sensory equipment skill) can positively identify readings/objects, pinpoint location and estimate rate of travel and direction at 65% proficiency. Range: 5 miles.
    • Portable Explosives Detector: Responds to vapor from explosives, such as dynamite, gelignite, T.N.T. and others. An alarm lamp lights up when an explosive is detected.
    • Bio-Monitor System: Reads body temperate, pulse rate, blood pressure, sweat, excursion and other basic physiological reaction.
    • Radiation Detector:
    • Radar Detector:
  • Radio Suite: A stripped down version of the Backpack Radio. Comes with built-in scrambler and up to 1500 channels. Also capable of receiving commercial AMIFM~Television (sound only) and Short-Wave signals. RKO-68. Range: 35 miles.
  • Exoskeleton Support: (+6 P.S., +10 Spd)

Book Reference:
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Post by Blackhaunt »

This job will take 12 hours to build.

Post your skill checks below along with any assistants willing to help.
Let the GAMES begin.
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Post by Edison »

Rolls to build Edison MkII

Build/Modify Armor 1d100: [46] = 46 /93% Pass
Electrical Engineer 1d100: [76] = 76 /67% Fail
Second Attempt: Electrical Engineer 1d100: [34] = 34 /67% Pass
Mechanical Engineer 1d100: [61] = 61 /57% Fail
Second Attempt: Mechanical Engineer 1d100: [53] = 53 /57% Pass
Robot Mechanics 1d100: [47] = 47 /53% Pass
Robot Electronics 1d100: [80] = 80 /60% Fail
Second Attempt: Robot Electronics 1d100: [18] = 18 /60% Pass
Chemistry 1d100: [49] = 49 /65% Pass
Chemistry: Analytical 1d100: [93] = 93 /60% Fail
Second Attempt: Chemistry: Analytical 1d100: [58] = 58 /60% Pass
Computer Operation 1d100: [56] = 56 /75% Pass
Computer Programming 1d100: [46] = 46 /65% Pass
Computer Repair 1d100: [31] = 31 /60% Pass
Optic Systems 1d100: [45] = 45 /55% Pass
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Post by Edison »

Edison Suit Mark II: Modular Hardpoint (Left Vambrace)
Description of Project: A weapon's platform to be mounted to the Mark II, Vambrace Hardpoint. The weapons will be stripped down for weight and their firing mechanisms modified to studs mounted on the glove of the particular arm.

Parts Used: Variety of hardened ceramics/plastics. A modified M950 (HU2: GM Guide; pg. 211 ($600)), Modified Dart Gun (HU2: GM Guide; pg 215 ($800)

Designed Quirks: None planned.

Time Needed | Allocated:

Designed Statistics:
Proposed Stats
Modular Vambrace (Mk.1)
Forearm Mounted Weapons Suite
  • Weight: 5 lbs.
  • S.D.C.: 100
    Modified M950
  • Range: 135'
  • Rate of Fire: Burst Fire Capable.
  • Payload: 50 9mm round magazine.
  • Damage: 3D6
    Modified Dart Gun
  • Range: 110'
  • Rate of Fire: Single shot.
  • Payload: 1 dart.
  • Effect: Tranquilizer renders victim unconscious within 1D4 melees unless he saves vs non-lethal poison. Even if the save is successful, victim will become woozy in 1D4 melees making him -2 to strike, parry, and dodge and -10% to skill rolls for 4D4 minutes.
  • Duration : 4D4 minutes.

Edison Suit Mark II: Modular Hardpoint (Right Vambrace)
Description of Project: Forearm computer setup.

Parts Used: Variety of hardened ceramics/plastics. Impact resistant Military Tablet. A variety of computer parts.

Designed Quirks: None planned.

Time Needed | Allocated:

Designed Statistics:
Proposed Stats
Integrated Computer (Mk.1)
Forearm Mounted Hacking Computer
  • Weight: 2 lbs.
  • Touch screen tablet. with ample Processor/RAM.
  • Retractable data cables, for a variety of connector ports.
  • Custom OS/Programming Suite.

Edison Suit Mark II: Modular Weapon (Shoulder Hardpoint)
Description of Project: Automated shoulder mounted sentry gun.

Parts Used: Variety of hardened ceramics/plastics. Parts for motorized bits. Small computer to house drone software, Modified .30 caliber light Machine Gun w/ Ammo Belt and Drum (HU2: GM Guide; pg 214 ($4,000+)).

Designed Quirks: None planned.

Time Needed | Allocated:

Designed Statistics:
Proposed Stats
Sentry Gun (Mk.1)
Shoulder Mounted Sentry Gun
  • Weight: 20 lbs. (35 lbs fully loaded)
  • Range: 3,000'
  • Rate of Fire: Standard.
  • Payload: 100 .30 round belt.
  • Damage: 1D4x10
  • Other Features: Drone Stats: Attacks: 2, Strike: +2.

Tactical Shield
Description of Project: High-tech Riot Shield

Parts Used: Likely a riot shield as a base, magnets for mounting. Various metal, plastic, and Ceramic components to fortify it. Some manner of electrical system for a Taser effect, a Cut Down Shotgun Holster w/ Shell Loops

Designed Quirks: None planned.

Time Needed | Allocated:

Designed Statistics:
Proposed Stats
Barricade Jr. (Tactical Shield (Mk.1))
High Tech Tactical Shield
S.D.C.: 200
  • Reinforced structure.
  • Shotgun Holster. Holds one cut down 12 guage Shotgun and 6 spare shells.
  • Fortification Mode. Piston Spikes to add extra resistance versus pushing.
  • Stun Effect. Save vs Non-Lethal Poison, or suffer a loss of initiative, and lose 1 attack. Charges: 3-5.

Modular Tactical Storage
Description of Project: Modified WEB/MOLLE Gear

Parts Used: A variety of pouches and magnets.
Designed Quirks: None planned.

Time Needed | Allocated:

Designed Statistics:
Proposed Stats
Modular Tactical Storage
  • Magnetic Pouches: A series of easily configurable pouches for storing a variety of gear/ammo/weapons.
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Post by Edison »

Skill Rolls for Edison Mark II: Modular Hardpoint (Left Vambrace)
Build/Modify Armor 1d100: [84] = 84 /95%
Make & Modify Weapons Skill 1d100: [12] = 12 /99%
Electrical Engineer 1d100: [92] = 92 /72%
Second Attempt: Electrical Engineer 1d100: [62] = 62 /72%
Mechanical Engineer 1d100: [86] = 86 /62%
Second Attempt: Mechanical Engineer 1d100: [28] = 28 /62%
Weapons Engineer 1d100: [32] = 32 /60%
Chemistry 1d100: [10] = 10 /70%
Art 1d100: [74] = 74 /70%
Second Attempt: Art 1d100: [5] = 5 /70%

Skill Rolls for Edison Mark II: Modular Hardpoint (Right Vambrace)
Build/Modify Armor 1d100: [49] = 49 /95%
Electrical Engineer 1d100: [58] = 58 /72%
Mechanical Engineer 1d100: [5] = 5 /62%
Chemistry 1d100: [51] = 51 /70%
Art 1d100: [71] = 71 /70%
Second Attempt: Art 1d100: [40] = 40 /70%
Computer Operation 1d100: [39] = 39 /80%
Computer Programming 1d100: [62] = 62 /70%
Computer Repair 1d100: [70] = 70 /65%
Second Attempt: Computer Repair 1d100: [78] = 78 /65%
Third Attempt Computer Repair 1d100: [6] = 6 /65%

Skill Rolls for Edison Mark II: Modular Weapon (Shoulder Hardpoint)
Build/Modify Armor 1d100: [31] = 31 /95%
Make & Modify Weapons Skill 1d100: [46] = 46 /99%
Electrical Engineer 1d100: [77] = 77 /72%
Second Attempt: Electrical Engineer 1d100: [35] = 35 /72%
Mechanical Engineer 1d100: [96] = 96 /62%
Second Attempt: Mechanical Engineer 1d100: [62] = 62 /62%
Weapons Engineer 1d100: [73] = 73 /60%
Second Attempt: Weapons Engineer 1d100: [7] = 7 /60%
Chemistry 1d100: [63] = 63 /70%
Art 1d100: [19] = 19 /70%
Computer Operation 1d100: [74] = 74 /80%
Computer Programming 1d100: [13] = 13 /70%
Computer Repair 1d100: [67] = 67 /65%

Skill Rolls for Tactical Shield (Mk I)
Build/Modify Armor 1d100: [31] = 31 /95%
Make & Modify Weapons Skill [roll]1d100]/99%
Electrical Engineer 1d100: [79] = 79 /72%
Second Attempt: Electrical Engineer 1d100: [12] = 12 /72%
Mechanical Engineer 1d100: [46] = 46 /62%
Weapons Engineer 1d100: [33] = 33 /60%
Chemistry 1d100: [47] = 47 /70%
Art 1d100: [74] = 74 /70%
Second Attempt: Art 1d100: [64] = 64 /70%

Skill Rolls for Modular Tactical Storage (Mk I)
Build/Modify Armor 1d100: [31] = 31 /95%
Dice rolls
1d100: [2] = 2
1d100: [75] = 75
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Post by CHIMERA »

This should have been approved earlier, but it is. Edison will have finished the manufacture of the armor by Wednesday, April 22nd 2043, and ready to wear for the next day.
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