Each major task will have all rolls and attempts edited into the original requests. All results arbitrated by (A)GM will also be edited and a new post will be made to the thread stating who has had actions completed/results entered in order to alert those subscribed to the thread's subscription features. Players please post each project as its own post. If a project has several major features like a force-field for armor, weapons systems for armor, and the armor itself, each should be its own post. A priority will be established in order of required completion. Each time you complete new tinker attempt(s) and have edited into the original post ensure that you make a brief post of what you have attempted and link the post in question in order to make it clearer for the (A)GM reviewing your thread. All actions will have a Date/Time Stamp (DDMMYY@HH:MM) at the front of the first line for each of the actions entered.
My quick guidelines for Operator work
1.) Only the GM knows just what modifiers are in place (+5%, -25%, etc.)
2.) The PC Operator only knows the roleplaying factors of which he's aware (not at his shop, not working with full tool set, working under pressure, etc.)
3.) The Operator will receive a number of attempts per day equal to his Experience Level.
Indicates that an item has been destroyed due to gross incompetence; impossible to salvage.
Indicates that an item has been disabled/broken due to some mistakes; it's repairable though.
Indicates that an item has not been successfully altered, no harm done though.
Indicates that an item has been successfully altered to the desired effect.
Indicates that an item has been miraculously altered beyond the expected results.
Neither Blackhaunt nor Maniacal Laugh will be altering your stats, do that yourself and check back here periodically for updates.
Players will be prompted to post rolls to cover a specific time-frame periodically which the GM will use to determine the results of the character's labors.
Guidelines for assessing attempts per day
Assistant types & Limitations on type of work
Operators and other tinkerers receive a number of attempts per day equal to their experience level.
Assistants are assessed at the highest level of skill possessed.
Unskilled assistants (possess no applicable technical skills) can only assist in basic repairs. (+1 attempt per day)
Basically skilled assistants (possess limited technical skills) can only assist in basic repairs. (+2 attempts per day)
Skilled assistants (possess an engineering skill) can assist in technical jobs within their area of expertise. (+3 attempts per day)
Highly skilled assistants (engineers in more than one field) can assist knowledgeably in any endeavor. (+4 attempts per day)
Basic Technical Skills
☞ Aircraft Mechanics
☞ Automotive Mechanics
☞ Basic Electronics
☞ Basic Mechanics
☞ Computer Repair
☞ Cybernetics: Basic
☞ General Repair & Maintenance
☞ Jury-Rig
☞ Salvage
Skilled Technical Skills
☞ Bioware Mechanics
☞ Electricity Generation
☞ Field Armorer & Munitions Expert
☞ Vehicle Armorer
Engineering Skills
☞ Electrical Engineer
☞ Mechanical Engineer
☞ Robot Electronics
☞ Robot Mechanics
☞ Weapons Engineer
Other Useful Skills (Added by T-Rex)
Recognize Weapon Quality (weaponry)
Appraise Goods
Rope Works (large vehicle work)
Chemistry: Analytical
Computer Programming
Computer Hacking
Archaeology (lostech)
Spells Learned through Study
Green text indicates a spell learned through individual study of a scroll.
Blue text indicates a spell learned through individual study of a spell book, or other type of study material.
Purple text indicates a spell learned through tutelage at the Collegiate Arcane or another brotherhood/guildhall.
(This is used as an archive to record spells studied.)
Spell Scrolls on-hand
Spell Books on-hand
Name of Spell Being Actively Studied:
Length of Study Required:
Date Started:
Date of Expected Completion:
Code Block