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Character Name: Dr. Nigel Alistair Davies-ClarkeAlias: Professor, Doctor, Dr. Davies-Clarke, Dr. Nigel, Nigel
Occupation: Scholar, University Professor
O.C.C.: Modified BTS Mystic
Alignment: Unprincipled
XP Level: 1
XP Points: 2,000 (9/1/24 ~Consumer)
Next Level @ XP: 2,051
Sentiments/Supernatural: Nigel acknowledges that science can’t explain absolutely everything. There are powers beyond mortal man’s ability to comprehend throughout the known universe – and whatever may lie beyond, for that matter. Some of these powers lurk in dark corners of the universe and have bred the most terrible things. But as you can’t have shadow without light, there must surely be more benevolent powers in not-so-dark corners of the universe as well.
Sentiments/Mages & Psychics: Nigel has no issues with his fellow psychics. Psychic abilities may be exceedingly rare, certainly, but they result from subtle alterations/mutations in the brain’s chemical and physiological makeup and are nothing to be feared by the general public any more or less so than someone wielding a tool or a weapon. In other words, they’re rare but they’re natural. Magic, on the other hand, is anything but as far as he’s concerned. There are too many unknowns about magic for his liking – for example, how does he know how to use magic in the first place? How does he know how to speak incantations in a language he never learned? And who – or what – possesses the power he calls upon to use it? For someone who’s built a career on knowledge/learning, the lack of answers is what bothers him the most… followed very closely by the nagging suspicion that the answers he seeks won’t bring him any comfort.
Disposition: At first glance, Nigel comes across as playful and whimsical, if a bit capricious at times -- which hints at a more firm and slightly darker version of himself underneath. He enjoys playing the role of the ‘good but somewhat absent-minded professor’ because a.) it’s fun, b.) people tend to warm up to him a bit easier, c.) adversaries tend to underestimate his true abilities, and d.) it helps mask the pain/grief he still feels from the loss of his wife and daughter.
Insanity: None, at least none so far anyway.
I.Q.: 19 (+5% one-time bonus to all skills)
M.E.: 22 (+4 vs psionic attack; +5 vs insanity)
M.A.: 21 (65% trust/intimidate)
P.S.: 16 (+1 SDC damage)
P.P.: 12
P.E.: 14
P.B.: 8
Speed: 8
P.P.E.: 12
I.S.P.: 10
H.P.: 20
S.D.C.: 22
Age: 45 (born in 1880)
Sex: Male
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: roughly 165 pounds
Description: Nigel looks more ‘likeable hobo’ than ‘hero’ in his baggy trousers, scruffy hair, and lopsided bow tie (part of his ‘absent-minded professor’ persona; he can look a lot more professional when he wants/needs to). He also strikes a rather non-imposing figure at 5’ 8” tall and average build, but closer inspection reveals his eyes twinkle with intelligence and imagination. In other words, he’s a lot more formidable than he looks.
Natural Abilities
Perception: 25% (+3%) (double when on a ley line)
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 65%
Max. Encumbrance: 51 pounds
Max. Carrying Weight: 160 pounds
Max. Lifting Weight: 320 pounds
Max. Jumping Ability: 8 feet across, 4 feet high with a running start
(Major Psychic; save on 12+)
- Sense Supernatural Evil (No ISP)
- Opening Oneself to the Supernatural (No ISP)
- Astral Projection (10)
- Bio-Regeneration (self; 6)
- Clairvoyance (4)
- Commune with Spirits (6)
- Exorcism (10)
- Object Read (6)
- Psychic Diagnosis (4)
- Sixth Sense (2)
- Suppress Fear (8)
- Telepathy (4)
Spell Knowledge
Spell Strength: 12
- Climb (3)
- Cloud of Smoke (2)
- Globe of Daylight (2)
- Levitation (5)
- See Aura (6)
- See the Invisible (4)
- Sense Magic (4)
- Turn Dead (6)
Common Skills
Language: Native Tongue (English) 98% (+1%)
Literacy: Native Language (English) 91% (+2%)
Mathematics: Basic 90% (+3%)
Occupational Skills
Creative Writing 55% (+5%)
Cryptography 55% (+5%)
Forensics 65% (+5%)
History 84%/64%(+4%)
Language: Latin 73% (+3%)
Literacy: Latin 70% (+5%)
Medical Doctor 89%/79% (+4%)
Pathology 70% (+5%)
Public Speaking 55% (+5%)
Research 75% (+5%)
Technical Writing 60% (+5%)
Toxicology 70% (+5%)
Wardrobe & Grooming 69% (+4%)
Elective Skills
Anthropology 60% (+5%)
Archaeology 70%/50% (+5%) (area of special interest)
Biology 60% (+5%)
Chemistry 70% (+5%)
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical 60% (+5%)
Hand to Hand: Basic
Lore: Demons & Monsters 50% (+5%)
Lore: Paranormal & Psionics 50% (+5%)
Secondary Skills
Pilot Automobile 68% (+3%)
W.P. Handguns
Combat Data
HTH Type: Basic
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus:
Strike Bonus:
Parry Bonus: +2
Dodge Bonus: +2
HTH Damage Bonus: +1
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +3
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +2
Bonus to Disarm:
Other: Automatic KO on natural 20
Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
W.P. Handguns
Saving Throw Bonuses
Magic (varies): +1
Lethal Poison (14+):
Non-Lethal Poison (16+):
Insanity (12+): +5
Psionics (12+): +4
Horror Factor (varies): +4
Possession: +2