Job Market Cafe (30)

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Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Underguard »


Open daily from five in the morning until midnight, the Job Market Cafe is a combination internet cafe, coffee shop, diner and meeting place. It seats about two hundred people, serves your standard fare of luncheon food, soup, salads and sandwiches, has some of the best varieties of coffee in town as well as a nice selection of 20 micro-brewery beers, all at reasonable prices. The main draw, however, is finding work in the mercenary trade. The cafe 's owner, Cliff "Fixer" Jones, is well-connected and has his finger on the pulse of the mercenary community - meaning where the latest conflicts are brewing, who's hiring mercs, muscle and mages, what the job pays, and who to contact.

In return for a modest fee (5%), Fixer helps mercenaries, bounty hunters and adventuring groups to find work, providing them with introductions, arranging for meetings and transportation, and presenting valuable intelligence. Fixer Jones is a legend in the business for his ability to hook up the right people for the right job and get things done. As a free service, he keeps electronic bulletin boards on one wall of the Cafe where job postings, bounties, want ads and recruiting pitches are displayed on a rolling video loop. Outside of Mere Ops and the offices in Merc Plaza, the Job Market Cafe is the place to find work, especially small jobs for one man, a duo or small group. More often than not, these are not the biggest, best paying or most glamorous jobs, but they are genuine offers of work at fair wages. Adventurers, gunslingers, headhunters, crazies, mages, and newbies to the mercenary profession flock to this place. Even at midnight and the crack of dawn the Cafe is at least two thirds full, and jam-packed at peak lunch and dinner hours.

A new face has become a almost constant presence in the Job Market Cafe,
Murdoc is a thickly built mountain of a man of indeterminate years, his face shows all the signs of advanced age, but his manner seems to be just the opposite. He is the exact concept of tall dark and handsome, close cropped dark hair, with equally dark eyes, and a face framed in several days of beard. Murdoc is usually seen wearing worn, forest camo fatigues and a motly assortment of gear. His voice is filled with years of experience that he seem s more than willing to pass on to the next generation for a price.

GM NPC Note: Murdoc is an experienced mercenary having worked for several large outfits as both a Juicer and then a headhunter. Fixer has hired him on to take up some of the slack of discussing jobs with the masses. Murdoc is very straight forward about things, so he always shoots it straight with whomever he's talking to.

Travis Murdoc
. Fixer has finally decided to get a little help in his effort to offer jobs to the mercenary populace.

A series of plaques adorn one of the walls, a sign stating "In Memorium" mounted above them. A variety of names adorn the plaques of memorable mercinaries who's lives were cut short.
  • In Memory of Faith (Natasha)
  • In Memory of Dave Watkins (Rimmer Dhall/Lord of the Night)
  • In Memory of James Marlow (Murdoc/The Governor)
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

Megan Price

Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Megan Price »

Perception: [dice]0[/dice]/66% (+15% when either Multi-Optic Eyes or Amplified Hearing are active, +30% when both are active)
Just In Case: [dice]1[/dice]/[dice]2[/dice]
Constant Effects: Sound Filtration System, Universal Head-Jack
Current Effects, Other:

Megan takes a side trip to Miranda's, stopping at the Job Market Cafe to talk with a friend and one time team member of the same merc unit that her uncle was in before he semi-retired. Before he vanished. Megan thought sourly, even though there was nothing she could have done to stop it one way or the other. She takes a seat at a booth, and when a server comes to her table asking what she wants to order, she says "Coffee, please. Also, would you please let Fixer know that I would like to talk to him. If he asks who it is, tell him it's Megan Price." She almost thought about using the nickname he gave her, but decided to keep it mostly professional.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by The Bos »

The same older lady with silver hair and a skosh too much eye shadow as last time. "Here you go, hon. He's with someone at the moment -- I'll keep an eye out and let him know you need to see him as soon as he's free." Half a cup later and the waitress comes up behind her. "He's free now, hon. Go on back."

Megan makes her way to Fixer's booth in the back corner of the JMC where he waves her into the booth with a warm smile. "Welcome back, Megan. Heard you and your G.I.R.L.S. were helping out the Defenders. How'd that little op down in the Warrens go? And what brings you by today?"
Megan Price

Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Megan Price »

Perception: [dice]0[/dice]/66% (+15% when either Multi-Optic Eyes or Amplified Hearing are active, +30% when both are active)
Just In Case: [dice]1[/dice]/[dice]2[/dice]
Constant Effects: Sound Filtration System, Universal Head-Jack
Current Effects, Other:
The Bos wrote:The same older lady with silver hair and a skosh too much eye shadow as last time. "Here you go, hon. He's with someone at the moment -- I'll keep an eye out and let him know you need to see him as soon as he's free." Half a cup later and the waitress comes up behind her. "He's free now, hon. Go on back."

Megan makes her way to Fixer's booth in the back corner of the JMC where he waves her into the booth with a warm smile. "Welcome back, Megan. Heard you and your G.I.R.L.S. were helping out the Defenders. How'd that little op down in the Warrens go? And what brings you by today?"
"I'd rather not say, not because it went south, but because I'm not really sure what I can and can't say, so I would rather play it safe, you know?" Megan replies. She sips on her coffee. "Listen, I remember you telling me that my folks were still alive on a CS Prison Farm somewhere, but you never mentioned exactly where. I understand you had done that to protect me from the urge of trying to break them out on my own. Well, now that I am part of a group, that is more practical." Megan nervously licks her lips and glances around the small cafe. She leans in and in a hushed whisper loud enough for just him to hear "How much would it cost to get someone to scout the base, get a layout of what is where, how many troops are stationed there at a given time, and how many large vehicles, like the Mark V's, and robot vehicles." Leaning back again, she says in a normal voice "I feel I could probably convince Jez in doing this, but not with out some sort of payout, and I was thinking of selling, 'souvenirs', to some very interested people, you know?"
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by The Bos »

Fixer nods and takes a sip of his coffee as Megan is cautiously non-committal. "Heard you lost a gal while you were at it -- that shapeshifting scholar, wasn't it? The one that freaked Polly out by copying her looks last time she was here?" He chuckles. "Pity. A gift like that could come in extremely handy on certain jobs, but it takes a certain mindset to pull it off... and from what little I've seen and heard of her, she'd be better off on a stage than in the field."

His smile evaporates as the subject of conversation turns to her parents. "You're partly right. I don't know exactly where they are, but at the same time I didn't want to dig and find out because I knew you'd try. But I owe the GIRLS a favor because of what you did for Sulley. Give me a couple of days to ask around; I'll put you in contact with someone who can dig up that intel. You'll have to hire them directly yourselves but because it's you and your group I'll waive my normal 'finder's fee' this go-around." He leans in to match Megan's whisper. "And yes it's still a bad idea in my opinion, even with your friends at your back. That's even assuming they're still alive -- and that's not a given at this point."
Megan Price

Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Megan Price »

(Rolls Held)
The Bos wrote:Fixer nods and takes a sip of his coffee as Megan is cautiously non-committal. "Heard you lost a gal while you were at it -- that shapeshifting scholar, wasn't it? The one that freaked Polly out by copying her looks last time she was here?" He chuckles. "Pity. A gift like that could come in extremely handy on certain jobs, but it takes a certain mindset to pull it off... and from what little I've seen and heard of her, she'd be better off on a stage than in the field."
"She was a shapeshifter?" Megan says in surprise before continuing. "Jez felt that she was a liability not only to herself, but the group in general, and as much as I hate to say it, she wasn't wrong. She acted like she was either a pacifist or afraid of combat or something, I don't really know. All I do know is that it caused her to hesitate a couple of times when she shouldn't have. Not to say that hesitating is a bad thing, but if you do it because you are afraid, it will kill you faster than, well, just about anything. As she left, I did give her some advice to go to MercTown Head Hunter Academy if she still wanted to live this life for some training."
The Bos wrote:His smile evaporates as the subject of conversation turns to her parents. "You're partly right. I don't know exactly where they are, but at the same time I didn't want to dig and find out because I knew you'd try. But I owe the GIRLS a favor because of what you did for Sulley. Give me a couple of days to ask around; I'll put you in contact with someone who can dig up that intel. You'll have to hire them directly yourselves but because it's you and your group I'll waive my normal 'finder's fee' this go-around." He leans in to match Megan's whisper. "And yes it's still a bad idea in my opinion, even with your friends at your back. That's even assuming they're still alive -- and that's not a given at this point."
"What's his going rate? I figure I have just about 200k available for this. I know it's probably a bad idea, but I still have to try, their my parents and I can't just leave them to rot there if they are still alive, especially since it looks like they had been set up to take the fall." Megan tearfully says. "I'm also willing to attempt a rescue of my brother and uncle, but there is even more unknown with that aside from them still being alive last time I got an update from you about them. At least with the CS, I can make some assumptions to who they are and what equipment there is to steal and sell off to the Black Market to pay off my debts to make it happen, you know. Listen, boss lady is waiting on me, more or less, so I need to get going, but if you need to get in contact with me, here's my phone number you can text me at." Megan says as she scribbles down her new phone number and slides it to Fixer.

She gets up, gives his hand a gentle squeeze, and calls him by his given name, something she hadn't done publicly often, and not since before her uncle disappeared. "Thank you, Uncle Cliff."

From there, Megan makes her way to Miranda's Fashion Boutique.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Pantera »

Perception: 1d100: [48] = 48 /21% (31% in total darkness)
JIC: 1d100: [29] = 29 / 1d20: [3] = 3

Kibas entered the Cafe, replacing his goggles as he entered. Light was certainly his enemy. He let out a slight grown as he put the goggles over his eyes. He looked for an empty table and made his way there, fearing his height and stature would invite trouble. Once he has taken a seat, he awaits a waitress to come for his order. He pulled out the card he took off Lancer before the Waitress arrives. "I hope Lancer had some real cash on here, otherwise I'm going to look like a fool."

When a waitress arrives, He smiles, "Water please, and do you happen to know a Mr. Kiddie or Mr. Kebab? I was informed by the Constable at the entrance that I was to be meeting someone here. My name is Kibas Rongar if that helps you." His voice remains neutral, though with a voice this deep, it could be considered intimidating to most civilians. Kibas believes that this waitress would not be intimidated. He noted some seasoned mercenaries and bounty hunters, along with some races that would make even his uncle do a double take. If she lived here, she should not be intimidated by a ten-foot-tall feline alien. At least that's what he tells himself as he awaits his drink.
Kibas "Pantera" Rongar

Abilities at all times
Can see clearly in total darkness
Keen sense of smell, vision, and sensitive hearing
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General Disarray
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by General Disarray »

Pantera wrote: Sun Jul 31, 2022 6:33 pm When a waitress arrives, He smiles, "Water please, and do you happen to know a Mr. Kiddie or Mr. Kebab? I was informed by the Constable at the entrance that I was to be meeting someone here. My name is Kibas Rongar if that helps you."
The JMC is buzzing with activity. The speed and efficacy of the wait staff makes it apparent this is the norm. The frazzled and obviously tired waitress pauses, then says ”Water? Really, just water, oh and information. Do I know them? Yes. Were they ordering something that cost money? If so I pray they come soon. One water coming up.” She leaves in a bit of a huff. Within minutes, she returns with a glass of ice water lays it on the table and then moves on to a customer who makes the ‘check’ symbol. Your eyes follow the waitress to the customer. When you turn back to your water, you see a man sitting accross the table from you.
Xander Leopold, Elf
Xander Leopold, Elf
03A6091B-EE2A-4335-A5F9-B012A649F205.jpeg (20.53 KiB) Viewed 10226 times
“You know, you ought to be more careful. Approximately 75% of the people in the cafe believe you are a Feral Battle Cat. The other 25% know you are an alien visitor. Fortunately for you that 25% are also alien visitors. But still a few miles west of here you would be worth a lot of credits. But I digress, Xander Leopold, I am with the Tomorrow Legion MercTown field office. I apologize for the absence of Mr. Kebab. He was apparently waylaid by a surprise inspection of his holdings in MercTown. Rumor has it he has been smuggling contraband and D-Bees to the CS for credits. Nasty business really. He will pay off the guards and they will turn the other way, but that should keep him busy for the next hour. By then you should be well on your way to a safe place with safe people. What is your name? Oh and how rude of me. I should have started with welcome to Earth.”

The waitress stops by and says, “Xander!!!!!” Xander looks up and says, “Hello, Freda. Could we get two lunch specials and two sweet teas. Also we are on a time crunch, if you don’t mind having the esteemed chef to make ours priority.” The waitress smiles and says, “Two meat sandwiches and chips with 2 sweet teas to go coming right up.”

What do you do?
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Mr Rogers
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Mr Rogers »

Entering the Job Market Cafe, Ethan is blissfully unaware of the fetid air of the dive. Though, for those regulars with nostrils, it is like wine.


The sound comes from an electronic arcade box near the entrance where Ethan enters. A cafe patron is there furiously working at the controls. He has the look of a retired wrestler, with short cut hair bleached stark white, and a physique seemingly carved from a block of raw muscle. This rock of a man shrieks in terror, for the game is the greater killer. Several patrons are watching the match closely; chuckling and drinking.

One of the audience laughs, "Lars, that tree is going to squish you! You picked a crappy fighter to take that on! Ha!"


On a large screen, Ethan sees a blue energy wave being launched from the joined fists of the pixellated fighting skunk. It is swatted away by its electronic opponent; a collosal tree-like being.

Omega Fighter Screenshot.jpg

The arcade game machine has bold signage up the top, "DEATH MACHINE: Omega Fighter Edition!" The hulking tree-being character gobs out damaging lava bombs, which the patron's skunk fighter is nimbly avoiding when Ethan interrupts.
Ethan Gaunt wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 2:03 pm Once he arrives at the JMC, he stops at the nearest patron. "Pardon my interruption of you patronage. I seek Fixer. . . where may I find this fixer?"
Suitably distracted, the game quickly unravels for the hapless Lars. The pixellated tree-monster picks up a car and throws it at Lars' little skunk fighter. Without a player to guide it, the skunk becomes little more than a gory stain as it makes brutal contact. The screen fades to black and the text "GAME OVER" flashes.

The audience howls with laughter.

Lars sighs and drains the last half of his foaming glass of beer. "I could have won that!" he growls in frustration. He looks at Ethan a long moment, then points towards the bar. "Fixer owns the place. Last I saw he was at the bar. He knows pretty much everyone that matters if you're between jobs."

The Death Machine game starts playing a mocking tune, over which a cold electronic voice asks patrons, "Who is the ultimate Death Machine? No one can take me! Hah hah hah!"

"I can show you. I'm out of beer and this primitive game only accepts coin tokens to play, which you can get at the bar."
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Ethan Gaunt
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Ethan Gaunt »

Silent but Deadly wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 4:34 pm Entering the Job Market Cafe, Ethan is blissfully unaware of the fetid air of the dive. Though, for those regulars with nostrils, it is like wine.


The sound comes from an electronic arcade box near the entrance where Ethan enters. A cafe patron is there furiously working at the controls. He has the look of a retired wrestler, with short cut hair bleached stark white, and a physique seemingly carved from a block of raw muscle. This rock of a man shrieks in terror, for the game is the greater killer. Several patrons are watching the match closely; chuckling and drinking.

One of the audience laughs, "Lars, that tree is going to squish you! You picked a crappy fighter to take that on! Ha!"


On a large screen, Ethan sees a blue energy wave being launched from the joined fists of the pixellated fighting skunk. It is swatted away by its electronic opponent; a collosal tree-like being.

Omega Fighter Screenshot.jpg

The arcade game machine has bold signage up the top, "DEATH MACHINE: Omega Fighter Edition!" The hulking tree-being character gobs out damaging lava bombs, which the patron's skunk fighter is nimbly avoiding when Ethan interrupts.
Ethan Gaunt wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 2:03 pm Once he arrives at the JMC, he stops at the nearest patron. "Pardon my interruption of you patronage. I seek Fixer. . . where may I find this fixer?"
Suitably distracted, the game quickly unravels for the hapless Lars. The pixellated tree-monster picks up a car and throws it at Lars' little skunk fighter. Without a player to guide it, the skunk becomes little more than a gory stain as it makes brutal contact. The screen fades to black and the text "GAME OVER" flashes.

The audience howls with laughter.

Lars sighs and drains the last half of his foaming glass of beer. "I could have won that!" he growls in frustration. He looks at Ethan a long moment, then points towards the bar. "Fixer owns the place. Last I saw he was at the bar. He knows pretty much everyone that matters if you're between jobs."

The Death Machine game starts playing a mocking tune, over which a cold electronic voice asks patrons, "Who is the ultimate Death Machine? No one can take me! Hah hah hah!"
"Fascinating! You control this digital white striped carnivore puppet and face the digital plant based life form puppet in combat? And you pay money for this? Is someone controlling this plant based puppet, or are its actions dictated by some form of artificial intelligence? It is like a form of digital gladitoral slavery that is quite affordable. Kudos to the man who invented such a concept. It seems to be a victimless form of slavery, well except the irreparable damage to your pride brought about by the hysterical laughter of those who seem to revel in your loss and humiliation. In spite of your failure, you seem to be quite formidable in your puppetry. You would make a good Avatar if there were actual souls to be reaped in such an endeavor. But alas there is not."
Silent but Deadly wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 4:34 pm "I can show you. I'm out of beer and this primitive game only accepts coin tokens to play, which you can get at the bar."
"Excellent, I sincerely appreciate your assistance. When it is your time and I am set to reap your soul, know that this deed will be rewarded with a swift and painless death. It is the least I can do for your kindness."
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Pantera »

Perception: 1d100: [89] = 89 /21%
Just in Case: 1d20: [14] = 14 ; 1d100: [70] = 70
1. Without Sustenance (Does not need to Eat or Drink, can withstand temperatures from 110 degrees to 10 degrees) (Day Zero of Six)
2. Nightvision: can see in total darkness
3. Keen sense of smell and vision
4. Sensitive Hearing
FAS Tier 1 Armor:
Main Body MDC: 80/80
Arm MDC: 40 (Each)/40
Leg MDC: 50 (Each)/ 50
Helmet MDC: 40/40

Kibas nearly had a double take as a person appeared in the seat opposite of him. "What is a Feral Battle Cat? They sound like they would be a problem in a city such as this." Kibas took a sip of his water, feeling his body loosen up as his natural abilities stop trying to hold his body together. He was on day four without actual food or drink and as water reentered his body, his power could finally relax.

He once again turned his attention to the man before him. "You are far too small to be a Titon, far too little bionic enhancements to be a Silison, far too warm for you to survive as an Aluta, far too happy to be a Manarr. If you were an Arismal, you'd also have light protecting goggles like myself. And I do not see an Atorian female watching you meaning you aren't Artorian. The ears keep bugging me, because humans do not have such sharp ears."

"Do you often walk up to strangers and babble on about your associates? Were I part of the Galactic Patrol, your behind would be subject to a multitude of crimes." Kibas put his elbows on the table, allowing his jaw to rest on his clenched hands, "And this can not be Earth. I have studied Earth. Population is about 9 Billion, sprawling cities across the land, and creatures of Jerrick Seven are not on Earth. So do not take me for a fool or a naive cub. I am Kibas Rongar, the Pantera, The Hunter in Darkness. And while I may be grateful for the sustenance you are ordering, know that if you intend to sell me to slavers, you will have a fight on your hands." Kibas narrowed his eyes, attempting to look intimidating. (Intimidate: 1d100: [47] = 47 / 15%) but internally he was wondering if he could survive. "What if he has allies in this cafe, was that the reason for the drawing? And how did he know I would be here, let alone days as I arrived thousands of miles away?"
Kibas "Pantera" Rongar

Abilities at all times
Can see clearly in total darkness
Keen sense of smell, vision, and sensitive hearing
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General Disarray
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by General Disarray »

Pantera wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 5:23 pm Kibas nearly had a double take as a person appeared in the seat opposite of him. "What is a Feral Battle Cat? They sound like they would be a problem in a city such as this." Kibas took a sip of his water, feeling his body loosen up as his natural abilities stop trying to hold his body together. He was on day four without actual food or drink and as water reentered his body, his power could finally relax.

He once again turned his attention to the man before him. "You are far too small to be a Titon, far too little bionic enhancements to be a Silison, far too warm for you to survive as an Aluta, far too happy to be a Manarr. If you were an Arismal, you'd also have light protecting goggles like myself. And I do not see an Atorian female watching you meaning you aren't Artorian. The ears keep bugging me, because humans do not have such sharp ears."

"Do you often walk up to strangers and babble on about your associates? Were I part of the Galactic Patrol, your behind would be subject to a multitude of crimes." Kibas put his elbows on the table, allowing his jaw to rest on his clenched hands, "And this can not be Earth. I have studied Earth. Population is about 9 Billion, sprawling cities across the land, and creatures of Jerrick Seven are not on Earth. So do not take me for a fool or a naive cub. I am Kibas Rongar, the Pantera, The Hunter in Darkness. And while I may be grateful for the sustenance you are ordering, know that if you intend to sell me to slavers, you will have a fight on your hands." Kibas narrowed his eyes, attempting to look intimidating. (Intimidate: 1d100: [47] = 47 / 15%) but internally he was wondering if he could survive.
He looks to be somewhat miffed by your comments, and even with lack of knowledge of earth body language you can tell he is forcing control of himself, that slowly wanes as he speaks. “This kitty has claws and apparently used the old encyclopedias in his research of Earth. Kibas Rongar, the Pantera, The Hunter in Darkness, from what you shared, I assume you found yourself on Earth with no intention of being here. You don’t know where you are, so let me catch you up to speed, and quickly because time is of the essence. The Earth you knew was destroyed over a century ago when Rifts began opening all over its globe. Let’s say humans had a hard time holding on to a good thing. Since then the largest human based Super Power in the Region the Coalition States, descendants of the Earth before, believe that everything went to shit because people like you and I came through those Rifts. Their solution to the their problem with their world is that beings like us should be destroyed, or in some cases experimented on. So your very presence on this planet puts you in danger, especially when you know fuck all about this planet.

As I said, I am with a group called the Tomorrow Legion. We are a mixture of Humans, lite on the zealotry, and D-Bees, like you and I, that are dedicated to protecting Earth by uniting all of its inhabitants. And important at this moment, making it safe for visitors like yourself. Now the moment that someone realizes that you are completely oblivious to your situation they will not see you as the Hunter in the Darkness, but instead, as a bipedal cat shaped pile of credit sticks. My benefactors have arranged for your safe transport to Castle Refuge. Once there they can try to help you get home or maybe if you feel our cause is noble enough you could join it. Honestly I don’t care what you choose. This was my first field assignment. I was just coming to offer you refuge, possibly a way home. You need to decide whether or not to take the offer. But I didn’t come here to be intimidated by someone I was offering assistance to. And why would you lead with intimidation? Sure the file said Conchol were strong warriors, but you have no idea what I am capable of. I could bombard you with so much Arcane energy you would know what it tasted like when I was done with you. I was in Tolkeen fighting the CS when it fell. They had to drag me away, so if you think you can intimidate me you will be sorely disappointed. The arrogance, the downright. . .”
He immediately stops himself and closes his mouth with what appears to be every ounce of mental fortitude he can muster. You swear you see him counting under his breath. “I apologize, I have a temper.”

“We have a team of armed men on their way to Castle Refuge from MercTown that you could join on this journey. Right now, especially now, strength in numbers is the key to making any journey in this territory safely. The window for this escort option is quickly closing. You want to stay here in MercTown and pray that no one try’s to cash in on your capture, then so be it. I did my job and made the offer.” He hands you a map of MercTown. “If you choose to join them. Go to this location. Be there within the hour. I have no idea how quickly they will depart.” He points to an ‘X’ on the map. “If you choose not to go, this is the bar where you can find me should you need help. Know if that occasion arises, my formidable assistance comes with a healthy dose of ‘I told you so.’ I hope you make the right decision. The sandwiches are paid for and they were both for you. You need to put some meat on your bones. You may have a long journey ahead of you. With all that said, any questions or concerns before I go?” He sits back and waits for a response.
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Mr Rogers
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Mr Rogers »

Ethan Gaunt wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 6:59 am "Fascinating! You control this digital white striped carnivore puppet and face the digital plant based life form puppet in combat? And you pay money for this? Is someone controlling this plant based puppet, or are its actions dictated by some form of artificial intelligence? It is like a form of digital gladitoral slavery that is quite affordable. Kudos to the man who invented such a concept. It seems to be a victimless form of slavery, well except the irreparable damage to your pride brought about by the hysterical laughter of those who seem to revel in your loss and humiliation. In spite of your failure, you seem to be quite formidable in your puppetry. You would make a good Avatar if there were actual souls to be reaped in such an endeavor. But alas there is not."
Silent but Deadly wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 4:34 pm "I can show you. I'm out of beer and this primitive game only accepts coin tokens to play, which you can get at the bar."
"Excellent, I sincerely appreciate your assistance. When it is your time and I am set to reap your soul, know that this deed will be rewarded with a swift and painless death. It is the least I can do for your kindness."

"My soul was removed to make room for more beer," replies Lars, his face full of sincerity.

After a moment he frowns and then shrugs. "Games build your persistence and patience, so when some git you try and make nice with talks about reaping your soul.. you can give them a chance instead of blowing them to their component parts. Not everyone will be as enlightened as me, so I don't expect to see you around very long."

"Over there, that paunchy bastard with the glasses," Lars says delicately while pointing to the far end of the bar, "That's Fixer. Enjoy the rest of your life stranger." With that the hulking white-haired man heads directly to a barman, leaving Ethan alone. You can overhear Lars loudly ordering beer and game tokens.

Fixer is sitting in a booth sipping a beverage and seems alone at this time.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Ethan Gaunt »

Perception 21%: # 64 Details:[d100 (64)]
JIC: # 23 Details:[d100 (23)], # 9 Details:[d20 (9)]
Silent but Deadly wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 4:30 am "My soul was removed to make room for more beer," replies Lars, his face full of sincerity.
"You traded your soul for earthly pleasures. Very wise indeed." Wise indeed, once a soul is reaped its value diminishes to almost nothing.
Silent but Deadly wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 4:30 am After a moment he frowns and then shrugs. "Games build your persistence and patience, so when some git you try and make nice with talks about reaping your soul.. you can give them a chance instead of blowing them to their component parts. Not everyone will be as enlightened as me, so I don't expect to see you around very long."
"Death is inevitable. I merely reap that which you lose, I do not cause said loss. I can however ease the pain of the death you have chosen for yourself. Please understand that discussing the inevitable reaping of your soul is not a threat, just an inevitability. That being said, you will not see me here long. For once I have collected my avatars, we shall travel the world in discharge of my duties."
Silent but Deadly wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2022 4:30 am "Over there, that paunchy bastard with the glasses," Lars says delicately while pointing to the far end of the bar, "That's Fixer. Enjoy the rest of your life stranger." With that the hulking white-haired man heads directly to a barman, leaving Ethan alone. You can overhear Lars loudly ordering beer and game tokens.

Fixer is sitting in a booth sipping a beverage and seems alone at this time.
"Farewell Lars. Until we meet again. May your life be full of Victory and Wealth."

He walks up to the Fixer. "Greetings, fixer. I seek your guidance in locating my Avatars of Death. Of the mercenary groups in MercTown, which of them have brought about the most shufflings off of the mortal coil? This group will become my Avatars."
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Mr Rogers »

Ethan joins Fixer as he sits near a window of the Cafe, sipping fragrant coffee and watching the rosy morning sunlight awaken the city.

He listens to Ethan's talk of reaping and avatars with an unreadable expression. He is a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, wearing a nice flannel top.

"That's all very exciting, " Fixer murmurs drowsily, holding his coffee cup close to his chest, "but it's very tiring, too. I think I'll need some pancakes. Hmm, yes. Pancakes."

The thinks for a moment, then looks at Ethan thoughtfully. "Well, I hear the Spook Squad is hiring. Probably the most dangerous folk in the city, if not beyond. You should check out their HQ, it's not far from here, just be careful about their security."

"It really is a beautiful morning." he adds to no one in particular.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Pantera »

Kibas chuckled as the man showed his true self. "One does have a bite it seems. Anger and fear are true motivators. They help drop the facade of what we want them to see to what we are. I have no doubt you are a capable warrior, but one does need to be sure I'm speaking to you and not what someone wants you to be."

Kibas takes a sip of his drink, eyeing the human with narrowed eyes. "As I have no means of employment for the moment, I will accept your offer.
I will be there as soon as I finish my meal, to which thank you again. it saves me from spending whatever is on this."
Kibas pulls out the Black Market card he pulled off Lancer nearly a week ago. "I am sure any questions I have will be answered when I get to this location. I bid you farewell for now." That last line was not intended to sound hostile, but more of a long winded goodbye.

He finshed up the two meals, both of which brought some color back to his skin under his fur. He stared at the map where the X was, trying to familiarize the map itself. He then got up and left the JMC for this X location.

Continue posting here.
Kibas "Pantera" Rongar

Abilities at all times
Can see clearly in total darkness
Keen sense of smell, vision, and sensitive hearing
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by General Disarray »

Pantera wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:09 pm Kibas chuckled as the man showed his true self. "One does have a bite it seems. Anger and fear are true motivators. They help drop the facade of what we want them to see to what we are. I have no doubt you are a capable warrior, but one does need to be sure I'm speaking to you and not what someone wants you to be."
Xander smiles and says with a sly grin, "Anyone will tell you in the Legion, I am rarely what they want me to be."
Pantera wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:09 pm Kibas takes a sip of his drink, eyeing the human with narrowed eyes. "As I have no means of employment for the moment, I will accept your offer.
I will be there as soon as I finish my meal, to which thank you again. it saves me from spending whatever is on this."
Kibas pulls out the Black Market card he pulled off Lancer nearly a week ago. "I am sure any questions I have will be answered when I get to this location. I bid you farewell for now." That last line was not intended to sound hostile, but more of a long winded goodbye.

He finshed up the two meals, both of which brought some color back to his skin under his fur. He stared at the map where the X was, trying to familiarize the map itself. He then got up and left the JMC for this X location.
"Farewell Kibas Rognar, you will meet the far more affable Lt. Rawlings at your destination. He will brief you and make sure any needs you have are met. He will also initiate introductions with your escorts. Should you find yourself in Merctown again, please by all means swing by my office and we can resume our semi-hostile banter. I bid you adieu." His eyes brighten as he looks behind you, causing you to instinctively look finding nothing. When you turn back Xander is gone. On the table is the map he gave you.

You make your way to the location on the map, a building with what appears to be offices and living space stands before you. You see a camera with a button and a sign that says ring bell for assistance. You ring the bell.

Continue Posting here. viewtopic.php?t=18801
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Ethan Gaunt
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Ethan Gaunt »

Perception 21%: d100: [30] = 30
JIC: d20: [4] = 4 , d100: [16] = 16
Dice Lord wrote: Sat Dec 17, 2022 2:28 pm "That's all very exciting, " Fixer murmurs drowsily, holding his coffee cup close to his chest, "but it's very tiring, too. I think I'll need some pancakes. Hmm, yes. Pancakes."

The thinks for a moment, then looks at Ethan thoughtfully. "Well, I hear the Spook Squad is hiring. Probably the most dangerous folk in the city, if not beyond. You should check out their HQ, it's not far from here, just be careful about their security."

"It really is a beautiful morning." he adds to no one in particular.
"You are quite the silly man but I like your energy. The Spook Squad. I will go to their headquarters and if they are as dangerous as you say, then they will make perfect Avatars, together we will reap souls of those we deem deserving. You said it isn't far from here could you be more specific as to its location?" Security will be of only a minor nuisance and nothing will keep me from my duty and securing Avatars to assist in such.

Once directions are given Ethan will make his way to HQ posthaste.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

Perception: 1d100: [69] = 69 /24% (+15% regarding machines and/or magic)
JIC: 1d20: [14] = 14 / 1d100: [80] = 80

Sixth Sense - Always on

Pilot Motorcycle 72% - 1d100: [28] = 28
Combat Driving
Pilot: Jump Bike Combat - 60% - 1d100: [34] = 34

Serrano pulls up in front of the job market cafe. Letting out a slow whistle, he lifts his goggles up to his forehead. ”This is impressive.” He sits on his bike and looks around at the different shops nearby. ”I wonder what goodies I could find in those. “ With a nod of affirmation, Serrano looks around to make sure he isn't being followed. ”The CS could be anywhere.” He gets off his bike and heads inside the cafe.

Seeing an empty spot he grabs a seat. ((OCC anywhere is good)) He then reads the board while he waits for someone to come talk to him.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Several interesting-sounding gigs scroll by the screen as Serrano awaits service- but all end with 'see Fixer' for contact info. One about assembling a team of freelancers to the north sound really good- north is away from Lone Star. It isn't long before a waitress with a pad comes up to Serrano and asks Anything to eat or drink, hon?"
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

Perception: 1d100: [58] = 58 /24% (+15% regarding machines and/or magic)
JIC: [roll]1d20[/roll]/ 1d100: [11] = 11

Sixth Sense - Always on

TW Construction 86% - design deadball spell focus 1d100: [67] = 67
Gemology - 35% - know gems that may work 1d100: [68] = 68
TW Construction 86% - design suit 1d100: [40] = 40
Gemology - 35% - know gems that may work 1d100: [86] = 86
TW Construction 86% - summoning thingy (need to work on name) 1d100: [24] = 24
Gemology - 35% - know gems that may work 1d100: [39] = 39

Serrano looks up at the server. ”Hi. Can I get a burger and some fries?? Maybe a soda?? Thank you.” He gives a little nod and then lets his eyes return to the screen. He keeps reading the one about the north. ”I like that. North, away from those following me. Now, Who is Fixer??” Serrano looks around to see if he can identify this Fixer.

After a few moments of looking like a tourist, Serrano stops and gives a little smile of embarrassment as he pulls out his notepad and starts going over TW ideas. ”Lets see. Where did u leave off? Oh yeah, There were 3 I like. 1- using deadballs as spell focal points (as in spells starts where ball hits or stops) 2 - Make motorcycle riding suit with added strength and agility and finally 3 - some sort of thingy to summon help when needed.” Seeing them written out, he realizes the size of the jobs ahead of him. He gives a little shrug and looks around, letting his thoughts settle.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

As Serrano awkwardly looks around, the waitress comes back with an Adams Cola in the can, dew dripping off it. "If you're looking for Fixer sweetie, he's in his office. First time in the Jay Em Cee?"

"I'll see if he's busy right now. You wanna tell me what job got your attention on the board, that might help free him up. But eat first, his office is enough of a hazard zone without his interviewees leaving dishes around."
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

Perception: 1d100: [88] = 88 /24% (+15% regarding machines and/or magic)
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [77] = 77

Sixth Sense - Always on

Serrano gives a small shake of his head and jumps a little in surprise. Looking up he offers a shy smile ”Sorry, I was really focused.” He accepts the drink, taking a small sip as he puts it down on the table. ”Yes, my first time.” He looks at the board for a quick moment, then goes back to the waitress “”I like the North job. So you can let him know? That would be awesome.” He offers another shy smile. ’I will do as you say. Eat. I will sit here and wait till i am told when to go see him.”
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Nash »

OOC Comments
Perception: 24% (+5% involving vampires or undead, +15% involving electronics or machines) / 1d100: [48] = 48
JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 / 1d100: [96] = 96
+4 v HF, +9 HF involving machines, +2 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +8% vs Coma/Death, +4 vs Magic, +9 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics (10+)
HF: 12 when ID’d as a True Atlantean
HP: 31/31
SDC: 66/66
PPE: 27/27
ISP: 136/136
Sixth Sense – Always On
Nash stops by the Golden Nugget to secure his purchases in his room. While there, he loads his new slug thrower and straps it to his armor. Better safe than sorry. Just wish I could get something other than stakes and crosses to handle vampires, JIC.

That done he heads to the Job Market Café, his head on a swivel.
Rex wrote: "If you're looking for Fixer sweetie, he's in his office. First time in the Jay Em Cee?"

"I'll see if he's busy right now. You wanna tell me what job got your attention on the board, that might help free him up. But eat first, his office is enough of a hazard zone without his interviewees leaving dishes around."
Serrano wrote:”Yes, my first time.” He looks at the board for a quick moment, then goes back to the waitress “”I like the North job. So you can let him know? That would be awesome.” He offers another shy smile. ’I will do as you say. Eat. I will sit here and wait till i am told when to go see him.”
Nash takes a seat next to what looks like a Ratling or something similar and overhears his conversation with the waitress. As she leaves he nods politely to her and leans towards his companion.

”You here looking for work too? So am I. Any suggestions?” Nash has grown up and worked with all kinds of beings and found that being kind and jovial tends to work well when you are new and all alone.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

((Rolls Held))

Serrano looks up in shock as someone speaks to him. Blinking rapidly, he looks around before pointing at himself. ”Who?? Me??” He quickly gulps and turns to better face this stranger. ”Smile. Be polite. Don't show teeth or eyelids. Stand straight, well in this case, sit straight.”

Serrano then straightens his back looks Nash dead in the eyes and tries to smile, excepte it is obvious;y forced. ”Good. Day. To. You. Sir.” He blinks quickly hearing how it sounds coming out his mouth. ”Sorry, i am shy.. Yes, i am looking for work as well. Suggestions?? Yes, you may wait with me as i finish my lunch ans wait to talk to one Mr. Fixer Jones about a job up north. Far away from the Fucking CS.” He opens his eyes in surprise as he covers his mouth in shock. He quickly looks away and takes a sip of his drink.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Nash »

(Rolls Carry Over)

Nash attempts a reassuring smile. "That is the fixer I have been told to meet as well. If there are two positions available on the northern gig, I'd like to join you if you don't mind. Doesn't hurt to have a battle buddy from the beginning. If not, I'm sure he can find me another."

Nash gives Serrano a closer look attempting to discern what his skills might be. "Regarding the CS, I'll drink to that. Well, if I had a drink."

Nash looks around for the waitress figuring he might as well have something to drink. " Did you fight in the Tolkeen resistance too?"
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

(Rolls Carry Over)

Serrano turns and leans on his knees. ”Interesting. Keep talking. I like what i am hearing so far.”
While he talks, one hand moves to pouch at his belt and then he puts what looks like a woodchip in his mouth. ((OOC - imagine someone eating chips while they are engrossed in a convo)). ”I like the sound of a battle buddy.” He waits a moment before answering. ”No, I was a prisoner for a few years.” He then wipes his hands and sticks one out. ”My name is Serrano. Who you?” He says this is an obvious attempt to change the topic.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Nash »

(Rolls Carry Over)

Nash smiles at the interest. Always better to have someone watch your back, if only for a little while. The wood chip seems a bit odd, especially given the rat has food in front of him, but at least it has lots of fiber.
Serrano wrote:”No, I was a prisoner for a few years.” He then wipes his hands and sticks one out. ”My name is Serrano. Who you?” He says this is an obvious attempt to change the topic.
Nash takes Serrano's hand for a quick shake. "I'm Nash. I'm a mechanic, but I can also fly power armor in battle. How about you?" A look of curiosity slides quickly across Nash's face at the mention of 'prisoner'. Maybe trusting this guys isn't the best idea. Then again, we've all done things in the past we aren't proud of.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

((Rolls Carry))

Serrano shakes the hand offered. ”i am also a mechanic, with a magic boost.” He leans back a little bit and looks Nash up and down. ”Alright,lets see here. Pistol on hip, fancy armor, short hair… this guy has had some kind of training. I could do worse for backup.” He almost jumps out of his seat when power armor is mentioned. ”Really? That is awesome. I like to tinker and soup up cars and trucks.” He looks around quickly. ”Noone heard that besides him// Cant let the Cs know that i know magic as well as other secrets.”
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Nash »

(Rolls Carry)
Serrano wrote:Serrano shakes the hand offered. ”i am also a mechanic, with a magic boost.”
Nash nods again. This looks like a good pairing "My father is a mechanic with a magic boost. I used to help in his shop growing up. Just don't let me abuse you too much. There are many modifications I would like for my armor."
Serrano wrote:”Really? That is awesome. I like to tinker and soup up cars and trucks.”
Nash laughs a bit and gestures to his current armor and gear. "You'd think so. Unfortunately my power armor doesn't have enough cargo space. Nothing less professional than flying in with kick-ass armor and two duffel bags strapped to your back"
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

((Rolls Carry))

Serrano’s tail starts to flick in excitement when he hears about Nash’s father. ”Dad was a Techno-wizard?? Nice.” There is a flicker of doubt that flickers across his face for a moment. ”To be fair, I am still new to this. My teacher said i have promise.”
Nash wrote:Nash laughs a bit and gestures to his current armor and gear. "You'd think so. Unfortunately my power armor doesn't have enough cargo space. Nothing less professional than flying in with kick-ass armor and two duffel bags strapped to your back"

Serano looks at Nash with squinty eyes for a moment. ”I may have a few ideas. I would love to do something like this.” He opens his notebook to a page with lots of notes scribbled on it. On the page is a picture of an off road RV with 6 wheels. ’I have been trying to design a mobile garage/home. With your help maybe we can come up with something.” He looks down, almost ashamed. ”Sorry, i get excited about projects.” He sits back and keeps snacking on woodchips.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

The waitress returns with Serrano's food and takes Nash's order.

"Making friends while I was gone? Fixer said he's interested in people about the north job, but it's a busy day for him. Why don't the two of you fill out this little card he had me make up. Hang on, I'll add a second column of boxes."

She hands over a 3 by 5 index card after a moment of scribbling.

By the time the two of you realize you're both probably a shoe-in for the gig, Nash's order arrives.
Index Card wrote:Hey this job needs to check these boxes. The more you tick, the less people we need. Looking to fill it all on a headcount of 10 or less. If so, it's likely a six or seven figure payday.

( ) ( ) Advanced Technical Knowledge- Operator or equiv.
( ) ( ) Familiarity with Techno-Wizardry Principles
( ) ( ) Geological Study and/or Gemology
( ) ( ) Familiarity with Old Bones
( ) ( ) Familiarity with Free Quebec
( ) ( ) Familiarity with Tundra Rangers and/or Inuit
( ) ( ) Combat Experience
( ) ( ) Psychic Sensitive
( ) ( ) Manhunter/Investigation Experience
( ) ( ) French
( ) ( ) Dwarven
( ) ( ) Atlantean
( ) ( ) Inuit
( ) ( ) Euro
The waitress swoops over to collect the card as soon as you seem to be done filling it out.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

((Rolls Carry))

Serrano smiles and thanks her when she hands him the plate. When she is finished speaking, He takes the cards and reads it over. ”okay, lets see what we got here. I can say yes to more than half of the list before linguistics. There i got nothing.”
Index Card wrote:
Hey, this job needs to check these boxes. The more you tick, the less people we need. Looking to fill it all on a headcount of 10 or less. If so, it's likely a six or seven figure payday.
(Y) ( ) Advanced Technical Knowledge- Operator or equiv.
(Y) ( ) Familiarity with Techno-Wizardry Principles
(Y) ( ) Geological Study and/or Gemology
(Y) ( ) Familiarity with Old Bones - based on old training
(Y) () Familiarity with Free Quebec - based on old training
( ) (N) Familiarity with Tundra Rangers and/or Inuit
(Y ) ( ) Combat Experience
(Y) ( ) Psychic Sensitive
( ) (N) Manhunter/Investigation Experience
Linguistics - none listed but can use magic if needed
( ) ( N) French
( ) ( N) Dwarven
( ) ( N) Atlantean
( ) ( N) Inuit
( ) ( N) Euro
Serrano looks at Nash once he is done filling his card out. ”What do you think?? I did pretty good except for the languages part. You??’ He will then enjoy his meal as he waits for Nash to finish.

Once the waitress returns, Serrano looks up at her with a mouthful of food. He offers her a goofy smile and a thumbs up. "This is great. Thank you.” ((Telepathy )) He then uses his elbow to push the card towards her, and goes back to enjoying his meal.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Nash »

(Rolls Carry)
Index Card wrote: Index Card wrote:
Hey this job needs to check these boxes. The more you tick, the less people we need. Looking to fill it all on a headcount of 10 or less. If so, it's likely a six or seven figure payday.

( X) ( ) Advanced Technical Knowledge- Operator or equiv.
(X ) ( ) Familiarity with Techno-Wizardry Principles
( ) ( ) Geological Study and/or Gemology
( ) ( ) Familiarity with Old Bones
(X ) ( ) Familiarity with Free Quebec
( ) ( ) Familiarity with Tundra Rangers and/or Inuit
(X ) ( ) Combat Experience
(X ) ( ) Psychic Sensitive
( ) ( ) Manhunter/Investigation Experience
( ) ( ) French
( ) ( ) Dwarven
(X ) ( ) Atlantean
( ) ( ) Inuit
( ) ( ) Euro
Nash takes the time to consider Serrano's ideas as he fills out the card. The languages are interesting. The only common one is Euro. Sadly, they don't knee proficiency in Greek.
Serrano wrote:Serrano looks at Nash once he is done filling his card out. ”What do you think?? I did pretty good except for the languages part. You??’
Looking over both Nash nods his head. "I think you did better than I did. Hopefully they will take me." Nash isn't particularly concerned they won't.

When the waitress arrives to take both cards Nash gets her attention. "Medium coffee, cream two sugars, please."
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

(Rolls Carry)

"Both of us or none. I was taught that when you find someone you get along with, stick by them. *wistful look in eye* I was frecently taught that strangers can become friends, friends can become family. As a great man once told me..... Blood doesnt make family. right before he freed me and taught me to be what i am." Serrano remebers his mentor fondly.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Nash »

(Rolls Carry)
Serrano wrote:"Both of us or none. I was taught that when you find someone you get along with, stick by them.
Nash looks around for the waitress, hoping Serrano can't see he is a little uncomfortable. Ok, this got intense. He is a bit more like a lonely kid actively looking for approval. I will have to remember that.
Serrano wrote:As a great man once told me..... Blood doesnt make family. right before he freed me and taught me to be what i am."
This gets Nash's attention. He lowers his voice a bit as things like being a prisoner or slave may be uncomfortable. "You said you were a prisoner earlier. Were you a prisoner, as in criminal, or slave?"
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

Serrano looks around. ”I have a past. But yes, I was a slave of sorts. Needless to say, i was caught doing something i have since learned was wrong, i got hurt, and when i woke up i was the prisoner of a tw. After a few years, we became close. He changed my way of thinning and eventually taught me to be what I am. When he passed, he gave me my freedom. I hope to make his memory proud.”
He does a look over each shoulder like he is looking for someone. ”I used to be CS” Serrano uses telepathy to spill his secret to his new friend. His eyes hold a pleading look, like he needs you to believe.
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Nash »

(Rolls Carry)

Nash goes cold at the mention of the CS and his hand instinctively goes to his pistol. Slowly and deliberately, with a bit of a growl, "What do you mean you were CS?"
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

At the most possibly awkward moment, the waitress returns. "Fixer will see you now. Your meals are on the house, so I think you both qualify for the job at least."
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

((Rolls Carry))
Serrano looks at Nash with a flash of fear. He takes a breath, getting ready to answer, but just as the words about to come out, he looks over Nash’s shoulder to see the waitress approach. ”I promise to explain later.” ((telepathy)
Nash wrote:At the most possibly awkward moment, the waitress returns. "Fixer will see you now. Your meals are on the house, so I think you both qualify for the job at least."

He gives a smile to the waitress. ”Thank You, Miss.” He looks at Nash. ’What say you?” He offers a hand for a shake while looking Nash in the eyes. There is determination and honesty in the look. ”We got this.”
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Nash »

(Rolls Carry)
Serrano wrote:He takes a breath, getting ready to answer, but just as the words about to come out, he looks over Nash’s shoulder to see the waitress approach. ”I promise to explain later.” ((telepathy)
Nash takes a breath and counts to 10. I've done shit too. He deserves to be heard and said he 'used' to be CS.
Serrano wrote:He gives a smile to the waitress. ”Thank You, Miss.” He looks at Nash. ’What say you?” He offers a hand for a shake while looking Nash in the eyes. There is determination and honesty in the look. ”We got this.”
Nash stands, forces a smile, and takes Serrano's hand, realizing he is squeezing a bit tighter than he should. He then turns to the waitress. "Lead on....oh, and about my coffee?"
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Serrano »

((Rolls Carry))
Serrano catches Nash’s thought. He lets out a smile as he sends ”Thank you.” He then accepts the handshake, wincing as he does. ”Basically they left me for dead, and refused to pay ransom for me.” At the mention of coffee, Serrano holds up a finger to indicate one for him as well, as he gets up to follow Nash.
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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Re: Job Market Cafe (30)

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Clyde, the man known as Fixer has a cluttered office. One the duo have the pleasure of seeing it several times over the next week.

The desk is covered in dossiers with interesting titles like 'Heroes for Hire 112 P.A. Update' and 'CS 110th SOG Readiness Evaluation, Q4 111 P.A.' from some 'Blackman Agency'.

After a rather probing interview, Fixer introduces you to a blond man with red eyes, who apparently owns a nearby shop- the Crimson Dragon, a magic shop in the Mystic Quarter of the city.

You find yourselves on a stipend retainer of 1000 credits a week for two weeks, and working on mission prep with Fixer.

Then comes a call. Ignatos, the red-eyed blonde has found a squad called the Roughnecks to fill the roster for his mission, and he's put their leader Summers in charge of the operation. Come meet the shot caller at the Crimson Dragon.

(Post to the group adventure thread)
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