1d100: [46] = 46
1d20: [17] = 17
1d100: [83] = 83
Code: Select all
[*] Fighting Spirit: +2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 12 Minutes
Code: Select all
[*] Superhuman Agility: +5 Auto-Dodge | +5 to dodge | + 1 on initiative | | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 12 Minutes
Keiko is stunned by the level of devastation wrought and offers little of her normal cheerful banter or comments. Keiko will cast a few spells to assist herself, Zand and Ronith.
"Hold still for just a moment. These will help us fight. We all want to make it back right?" Keiko give a tight smile. The normal cheerfulness and warmth is gone. Keiko casts Fighting Spirit and Superhuman Agility on the three of them. (Keiko, Zand, and Ronith) (-105 PPE from Energy Sphere)
As they step through Keiko makes sure to float a bit to avoid getting stuck in the mud churned up from the storm.
"They sure made a mess here. I'm glad Grant gave us this spell. I'm not sure this muck would come out of my clothes otherwise.
Keiko gives Ronith a thumbs up as he issues his orders,
"You got it. We'll finish them up lickdy split!" Keiko makes sure Zand is with her as she draws her sword and axe.
"Call if you need help." She winks at Ronith as they dash towards their opponents. Keiko casts Fleet Feet and pumps PPE into the Omega Blade and Mage Bane to activate their abilities, just prior to engagement. (-87 PPE from Energy Sphere)
Keiko quickly drops into the mists of any support troops Famine has and begins to quickly dispatch them. Keiko moves like a dancer through the battlefield gracefully sliding around danger while swinging her weapons around her.
Current Active Spells:
- Fleet Feet Effects: P.P.: 50 (+3 to Strike, Dodge, Parry; +6 to Init); SPD: 46; x2 APM; -2 Init; -20% to delicate skill checks (4 minutes)
- Fighting Spirit (12 minutes)
- Superhuman Agility (12 Minutes)
- Cosmic Armor: 550/550 MDC
- Omega Blade: Ranged Activation (3 minutes)
- Mage Bane (6 minutes)
- Energy Sphere: 208/400 PPE
APM: 18
1d20+17: [7]+17 = 24
Action 1: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [5]+18 = 23
; Damage:
7d6: [6, 6, 1, 3, 3, 4, 2] = 25
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [3]+17 = 20
; Damage:
5d6+9: [6, 5, 3, 2, 1]+9 = 26
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 2: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [17]+18 = 35
; Damage:
7d6: [2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 5, 6] = 30
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25
; Damage:
5d6+9: [3, 3, 2, 6, 5]+9 = 28
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 3: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [16]+18 = 34
; Damage:
7d6: [5, 3, 4, 6, 3, 2, 2] = 25
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [13]+17 = 30
; Damage:
5d6+9: [3, 6, 3, 2, 6]+9 = 29
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 4: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [10]+18 = 28
; Damage:
7d6: [5, 3, 3, 3, 6, 1, 5] = 26
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [11]+17 = 28
; Damage:
5d6+9: [3, 6, 1, 2, 3]+9 = 24
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 5: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [14]+18 = 32
; Damage:
7d6: [1, 2, 3, 2, 6, 1, 6] = 21
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25
; Damage:
5d6+9: [5, 1, 3, 6, 6]+9 = 30
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 6: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [11]+18 = 29
; Damage:
7d6: [2, 6, 5, 1, 4, 1, 4] = 23
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32
; Damage:
5d6+9: [4, 1, 6, 6, 2]+9 = 28
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 7: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [6]+18 = 24
; Damage:
7d6: [4, 6, 4, 3, 1, 4, 4] = 26
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [2]+17 = 19
; Damage:
5d6+9: [1, 2, 3, 2, 5]+9 = 22
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 8: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [4]+18 = 22
; Damage:
7d6: [4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 2, 1] = 25
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25
; Damage:
5d6+9: [3, 2, 4, 1, 5]+9 = 24
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 9: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [20]+18 = 38
Nat 20!; Damage:
7d6: [5, 4, 2, 3, 5, 2, 3] = 24
x2 =
48 MD; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25
; Damage:
5d6+9: [6, 6, 6, 2, 6]+9 = 35
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 10: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [3]+18 = 21
; Damage:
7d6: [3, 1, 6, 5, 2, 2, 5] = 24
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [13]+17 = 30
; Damage:
5d6+9: [3, 2, 3, 2, 6]+9 = 25
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 11: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [1]+18 = 19
; Damage:
7d6: [2, 2, 5, 6, 6, 3, 6] = 30
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34
; Damage:
5d6+9: [1, 6, 6, 1, 2]+9 = 25
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 12: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [4]+18 = 22
; Damage:
7d6: [4, 1, 4, 5, 3, 6, 3] = 26
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [5]+17 = 22
; Damage:
5d6+9: [4, 4, 6, 1, 6]+9 = 30
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 13: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [12]+18 = 30
; Damage:
7d6: [2, 6, 2, 2, 6, 2, 5] = 25
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [20]+17 = 37
Nat 20!; Damage:
5d6+9: [2, 1, 4, 5, 1]+9 = 22
x2 =
44 MD Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 14: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [20]+18 = 38
Nat 20!; Damage:
7d6: [3, 3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 1] = 20
x2 =
40 MD; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32
; Damage:
5d6+9: [4, 4, 4, 4, 5]+9 = 30
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 15: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [4]+18 = 22
; Damage:
7d6: [6, 2, 2, 5, 6, 2, 5] = 28
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25
; Damage:
5d6+9: [6, 1, 5, 2, 4]+9 = 27
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 16: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [19]+18 = 37
Crit!; Damage:
7d6: [1, 2, 6, 2, 2, 6, 6] = 25
x2 =
50 MD; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25
; Damage:
5d6+9: [1, 5, 5, 2, 3]+9 = 25
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 17: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [7]+18 = 25
; Damage:
7d6: [2, 2, 5, 3, 4, 3, 5] = 24
; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33
; Damage:
5d6+9: [6, 2, 5, 5, 3]+9 = 30
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 18: Right Omega Blade strike:
1d20+18: [20]+18 = 38
Nat 20!; Damage:
7d6: [1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 4] = 18
x2 =
36 MD; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike:
1d20+17: [12]+17 = 29
; Damage:
5d6+9: [2, 2, 1, 5, 1]+9 = 20
Target: Save vs Magic (22)
1d20+17: [5]+17 = 22
1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33
1d20+17: [1]+17 = 18
1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33
1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31
1d20+17: [6]+17 = 23
1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25
1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31
1d20+17: [18]+17 = 35
1d20+17: [2]+17 = 19
1d20+17: [3]+17 = 20
1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34
1d20+17: [11]+17 = 28
1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25
1d20+17: [19]+17 = 36
1d20+17: [7]+17 = 24
1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34
1d20+17: [9]+17 = 26
-If Cosmic Armor goes down, Keiko will use an action to activate her mundane FF.
-If Keiko needs to attack at range she will use the power bolt from the Omega blade. Same Attack Rolls. Damage changes to 5d6+14.
-If Ronith need help or there is a good opening Keiko will land a hit on Famine with Mage Bane, until it's clear the debuff takes, then she will move back to other targets.