Dedicated Tinkering Thread

True Grit: Only the crustiest mercs can do the crustiest work.
GM: Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Archive Account
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Dedicated Tinkering Thread

Post by Archive Account »

Tinkering: The Mechanics of Fabrication, Modification and Repair

If you want to make something, repair something, or improve something that would generally count as either equipment or body modification, you are trying to tinker. These rules are for you.

A Tinkerer is a character that can build something above and beyond, with limited resources and/or time. They are the ones that can build on the spot; to make or repair something in an improvised or inventive way, making use of whatever items are at hand. A non Tinkerer can still Engineer and perform repairs

How do you determine who is a Tinkerer:
Any character can be a tinkerer, the number of attempts are based on which skills the character has. But Only player characters get an additional 1/2 their character level (round down) to the total number of attempts.
  • Basic Technical Skills: (Each skill provides +1/4 attempt per day)
  • Basic Electronics
  • Basic Mechanics
  • Computer Repair
  • Cybernetics: Basic
  • General Repair & Maintenance
  • Jury-Rig
  • Salvage

    Skilled Technical Skills: (Each skill provides +1/2 attempt per day)
  • Aircraft Mechanics
  • Automotive Mechanics
  • Bioware Mechanics
  • Electricity Generation
  • Field Armorer & Munitions Expert
  • Vehicle Armorer
  • Computer Programming
  • Class Ability (This is a catch all, for any characters who have a technical based class ability (or multiple). These class abilities usually mean they are more advanced than their skill based counterparts)

    Engineering Skills: (Each Skill provides +1 attempt per day)
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Robot Electronics
  • Robot Mechanics
  • Weapons Engineer
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotechnology Engineering
  • Starship Engineering
Definition of an Assistant:
Assistants are characters who have limited to no skills in construction. But like most beings, these characters can be directed by a Tinkerer and perform menial tasks such as lifting, carrying, and fetching items for the Tinkerer.

Assistants use the same criteria of a Tinkerer.

Situational Skills, Powers, and Abilities
  • Computer Operations (+1/4 attempt per day when dealing with computerized systems)
  • Sensory Equipment (+1/4 attempt per day when used in connection with diagnostic equipment)
  • Computer Hacking (+1/2 attempt per day when dealing with programming and modification of programs and A.I.s)
  • Chemistry: Basic (+1/4 attempt per day when dealing with chemical compounds)
  • Chemistry: Analytical (+1/2 attempt per day when dealing with chemical compounds)
  • Chemistry: Pharmaceutical (+1 attempt per day when dealing with chemical compounds and medicines, drugs, or toxins)
  • Juicer Technology (+1/2 attempt per day when dealing with drugs, medicines, and Juicer Conversion)
  • Biology (+1/4 attempt per day when dealing with interactions with living beings- cybernetics, drugs, toxins, medications, genetic modification, etc)
  • Xenology (+1/4 attempt per day when dealing with interaction with alien or inter-dimensional life, as per biology)
  • Genetics (+1/4 attempt per day for dealing with biological organisms)
  • Clinical Genetics (+1/2 attempt per day for dealing with biological organisms)
  • M.D. In Cybernetics (+1/4 attempt per day for dealing with cybernetics and bionics)
  • Gemology (+1/4 attempt per day for Techno-Wizardry/Assistants)
  • Recycling (+1/4 attempt per day when using salvaged or scrapyard components)

    Specific Psionics
  • Telemechanics: +1 attempt per day on anything to do with mechanics, electronics, artificial intelligence, programming, and all related fields.
  • Total Recall: +1/4 attempt per day on anything that large volumes of memorized information would be useful (ie. genetic codes, mechanic's workbooks, computer programming, etc)

    Specific Spells
  • Create Metal: +1/4 attempt per day in salvage and fabrication situations

    Specific Powers
  • Power Touch: +1 attempt per day in all repair situations and medical recovery.
In other situations when crafting, other skills could be useful and with GM's approval might net +1/4 attempt per day. A valid case for the skills use must be presented. Sewing might help make low-tech hide M.D.C. armors, while Weapon Proficiencies and Piloting skills may help with their specialties because of familiarization. Medical skills and healing spells and psionics may aid in recovery from cybernetics surgery or Juicer Augmentation.

Implementing Tinkering
The rules located in HU2 pg 121-143, and in the RUE for Techno-Wizardry on pg 131 give totals of time in hours or days. A simple conversion of this to Tinkering attempts is as follows:

1 Hour=1 Attempt
1 Day=8 Attempts

GM's Decision will cover the following (exclusively):
1. How many rolls to succeed.
2. How much time needed to build.
3. When is something impossible to build.

Q. What about Low Tech Crafters?
A. In specific circumstances, a GM can throw out the standard crafting skills, and instead use the following list (each provides .25 attempts per day). Class abilities and character level count as normal (a high level Analytical Genius or Operator still might be helpful, just not as helpful). Class abilities still count as .5 attempts per day.
  • Low Tech Crafting Skills
    Armor/Weapon Decoration (from Palladium Fantasy)
    Botany (herbs mostly)
    Fashion Tools (from Palladium Fantasy)
    Holistic Medicine
    Mining and Prospecting (Metals)
    Mystic Herbology (from Rifts: England)
    Pottery (from Palladium Fantasy)
    Recycling (Metals mostly)
    Skin and Prepare Animal Hides
    Whittling and Sculpting
    Wilderness Survival (herbs and other plants mostly)

Re: Dedicated Tinkering Thread

Post by Wakiza »

Wakiza's Modified NG-X114 Cougar
M.D.C. by Location:
  • *Head: 112
  • *Shoulder Laser: 37
  • *Shoulder Grenade Launchers (2): 25 each
  • *Chest Grenade Launchers (6): 6 each
  • Left Plated Shoulder: 87
  • Arms (2): 112 each
  • *Forearm Vibro-Swords (2): 62 each
  • *Right Forearm Ion Blaster: 19
  • *Left Forearm Flamethrower: 22
  • **Finger & Toe Vibro-Claws (20): 12 each
  • Legs (2): 181 each
  • *Leg Thrusters (2 per leg): 15 each
  • Hard-Shell Backpack: 44
  • Hard-Shell Flamer Fuel Drum: 31
  • N-F50A Superheavy Force Field: 160
  • Main Body: 312

* Requires a called shot at -4 to strike
** Requires a called shot at -8 to strike
Statistical Data:
Running: 60 mph max, hydro-jet pack removal adds 12 mph to top speed
Leaping: 12' high and 12' across; 22' high or 22' across w/thrusters; land from heights up to 300'
Climbing: 24 mph up sheer cliff faces, 42 mph at angles of 50-90°
Water: Water: Can swim at 6 mph, 800' max depth
Class: Urban Assault and Xiticix Fighter Power Armor
Crew: One
Dimensions: 7.6' high, 3' wide, 3' long, 391 lbs.
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. 28
Cargo: Hard-Shell Backpack & external belts/pouches
Power System: Nuclear
Weapon Systems: (One UEL link for handheld energy weapon)
NG-314 Tri-Barrel Laser Blaster (right shoulder)
  • Range: 1,760'
  • Damage: 2d6, 4d6, or 6d6 M.D. per blast/multi-blast
  • Rate of Fire: Single, dual, or triple-shot blasts only
  • Payload: unlimited

NG-X114 Forearm Ion Blaster (right forearm)
  • Range: 1,100'
  • Damage: 3d6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: unlimited

NG-XG114 Grenade Launchers (2, 1 each shoulder)
  • Range: 660'
  • Damage: varies with type
  • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, 3, or 4 at a time
  • Payload: 8 total

Secondary Grenade Launchers (2)
  • Range: 660'
  • Damage: varies with type
  • Rate of Fire: 1, 2, or 3 at a time
  • Payload: 6 total

Silvered Forearm Vibro-Swords (2, right forearm)
  • Range: Close combat
  • Damage: 4d6 M.D.

Silvered Vibro-Claws (20, fingertips & toes)
  • Range: Close combat
  • Damage: Hands; 1d6 M.D. per finger, claw strike does 6d6 M.D.,
  • Damage: Feet; big-toe only does 2d4+4 M.D., claw kick does 6d6+6 M.D.

Forearm Flamethrower (left)
  • Range: 88'
  • Damage: 3d6 M.D. to 10' AoE around target
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 3 blasts

Hand to Hand Combat: Damage as per Robotic P.S. 28
Handheld Weapons (optional): Any other handheld weapon can be used
Features of Note:
  • All standard features common to powered armor (p.271, R:UE)
  • Helmet Camera & Gun Camera; 96 hours of video or 4,000 images
  • Advanced Audio: helmet integrated loudspeaker, language translator, voice modulator (20 variations)
  • Nightvision Optics (2,000')

Modifiers: +1 to initiative, +2 to parry, +1 to roll w/impact, +5% to climb, further modified by an operator
Book Reference: p.72-76, WB34

(2) P.P.E. Battery Talismans
Magic Features
  • P.P.E.: 50

Book Reference: p.150, BoM

Talisman of Negate Magic
Magic Features
  • Negate magic
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.150, BoM

Talisman of Talisman of Superhuman Agility
Magic Features
  • Talisman of Superhuman Agility
  • Duration: 30 seconds
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.150, BoM

Talisman of Talisman of Charismatic Aura
Magic Features
  • Talisman of Charismatic Aura
  • Duration: 1 minute 30 seconds
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.150, BoM

The Aerial Guardian
Rare Enchanted Ring
Magic Features
  • Fly as the Eagle: 120 minutes; three times daily
  • Protection from Psionics: Constant +1 to save

Curse: Unknown
History: Unknown

Ring of Teleport
Rare Enchanted Ring
Magic Features
  • Teleport: Self, up to 25 miles. Three times daily.

Curse: (if any)
Notes: Chances of success same as spell Teleport: Superior
History: (if any)
Book Reference: p.47, DB 7

Deathbringer Sword
TW Sword
M.D.C.: 200 M.D.
Damage: 1d6x10 M.D.
TW Characteristics:
  • Invulnerability (50 ppe) Duration 2 minutes; wielder's body becomes impervious to all forms of attack save magic and psionics (protection does not extend to armor)
  • Sub-Particle Acceleration (20 ppe) Range 500'; 1d6x10+5 M.D.
  • Spinning Blades (20 ppe)

Book Reference: p.317, BoM

Wolf's Armor

Wolf's Modified NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 62
  • Arms: 50 each
  • Legs: 62 each
  • Main Body: 112

Weight: 21 lbs. for human equivalent, 35 lbs. for giant-sized.
Modifiers: -10% to physical skills
  • All standard NE environmental armor features (p.35-36, DB8)
  • Thermo-Kinetic Armor (thermal and kinetic attacks do 25% less damage)
  • Modular Features & Upgrades Packages
  • Robotic Exoskeleton
    • Robotic P.S. of 25, +4 P.P., +20 Speed, +10' to leaps, +10% to Climbing, Reduce Fatigue by 75%
    • Restrained Punch: 6D6, Punch/Kick: 1D4 M.D., Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2D4 M.D.
  • Laser Distancer & Targeting
    • +1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
    • Range 2,000'
  • Optics Enhancements
    • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
    • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
    • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
    • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
    • Light Polarization
  • HUD Visor Allows 6 different screens to be viewed without impairing vision.
  • Integrated Sensor Pod
    • 360° scanning capability
    • +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
  • Advanced Communication Package
    • Includes: Basic receiver/transmitter, secure cryptological encoding, burst transmission capability, and if the Suit has the HUD Enhancement is capable of sending and receiving text communications
    • Range: 30 miles
  • Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers
    • +2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
  • Built-In N-F50A Force Field
    • M.D.C.: 160
    • Voice Activated

Operator upgraded armor by 25%
Book Reference: p.37-39, DB8
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William Summers
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Location: Roughnecks - PC

Re: Dedicated Tinkering Thread

Post by William Summers »

Incredibly long post about making stuff
7 members of the Roughnecks
Will: Doesn't need amulet.
Jack: See the Invisible and Turn the Undead
Lux: Turn the Undead
Wak: Turn the Undead
John: Doesn't need amulet
Seamus: See the Invisible and Turn the Undead
Wolf: Take Will's See The Invisible Amulet

Need dog tags made of Titanium or other strong SDC metal.
Multiple colors needed. 20 of each.
Levels 1-8, no illusion

1. Invulnerability=Green (525)
2. Cloak of Darkness=Black (506)
3. Invincible Armor=Silver (530)
4. Lightblade=White (520)
5. Fighting Spirit=Red (520)
6. Magical-Adrenal Rush=Orange (545)
7. Sheltering Force=Champagne (520)
8. Superhuman Agility=Purple (515)
9. Superhuman Speed=Blue (510)
10. Chromatic Protection=Rainbow (510)
Spell casting
Will uses the ley line available at the College to draw from.

Amulet first:
Will starts with 178 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 356 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 9 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. See the Invisible Amulet costs 500 PPE and takes 5 seconds to cast. Turn the Undead Amulet costs 400 PPE and costs 5 second to cast. Will creates two See the Invisible amulets. Amulets round 1 Total time: 31 minutes. Remaining PPE: 334

Will starts with 334 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 200 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. See the Invisible Amulet costs 500 PPE and takes 5 seconds to cast. Turn the Undead Amulet costs 400 PPE and costs 5 second to cast. Will creates three Turn The Undead amulets. Amulets round 2 Total time: 26 minutes. Remaining PPE: 134

Will starts with 134 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 400 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 10 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. See the Invisible Amulet costs 500 PPE and takes 5 seconds to cast. Turn the Undead Amulet costs 400 PPE and costs 5 second to cast. Will creates one Turn The Undead amulet. Amulets round 3 Total time: 32 minutes. Remaining PPE: 934 (full energy sphere +134)

Talisman next:

Will starts with 134 PPE and a full Energy Sphere. He absorbs the max PPE. 400 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 10 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two invulnerability talismans at a cost of 1050 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 1 Total time: 11 minutes. Remaining PPE: 284

Will starts with 284 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 250 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6.25 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two invulnerability talismans at a cost of 1050 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 2 Total time: 28.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 284

Will starts with 284 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 250 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6.25 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two invulnerability talismans at a cost of 1050 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 3 Total time: 28.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 284

Will starts with 284 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 250 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6.25 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates one invulnerability and one Cloak of Darkness talisman at a cost of 1031 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 4 Total time: 28.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 303

Will starts with 303 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 231 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.75 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Cloak of Darkness talismans at a cost of 1012 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 5 Total time: 27.75 minutes. Remaining PPE: 322

Will starts with 322 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 212 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Cloak of Darkness talismans at a cost of 1012 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 6 Total time: 27.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 322

Will starts with 322 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 212 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Cloak of Darkness talismans at a cost of 1012 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 7 Total time: 27.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 322

Will starts with 322 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 212 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Invincible Armor talismans at a cost of 1060 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 8 Total time: 27.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 274

Will starts with 274 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 260 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Invincible Armor talismans at a cost of 1060 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 9 Total time: 28.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 274

Will starts with 274 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 260 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Invincible Armor talismans at a cost of 1060 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 10 Total time: 28.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 274

Will starts with 274 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 260 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates one Invincible Armor and one Lightblade talisman at a cost of 1050 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 11 Total time: 28.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 284

Will starts with 284 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 250 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6.25 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Lightblade talismans at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 12 Total time: 28.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 294

Will starts with 294 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Lightblade talismans at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 13 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 294

Will starts with 294 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Lightblade talismans at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 14 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 294

Will starts with 294 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Fighting Spirit talismans at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 15 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 294

Will starts with 294 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Fighting Spirit talismans at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 16 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 294

Will starts with 294 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Fighting Spirit talismans at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 17 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 294

Will starts with 294 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates one Fighting Spirit and one Magical-Adrenal Rush talisman at a cost of 1065 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 18 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 269

Will starts with 269 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 265 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6.75 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Magical-Adrenal Rush talismans at a cost of 1090 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 19 Total time: 28.75 minutes. Remaining PPE: 244

Will starts with 244 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 290 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 7.25 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Magical-Adrenal Rush talismans at a cost of 1090 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 20 Total time: 29.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 244

Will starts with 244 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 290 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 7.25 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Magical-Adrenal Rush talismans at a cost of 1090 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 21 Total time: 29.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 244

Will starts with 244 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 290 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 7.25 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Sheltering Force talismans at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 22 Total time: 29.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 294

Will starts with 294 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Sheltering Force talismans at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 23 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 294

Will starts with 294 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Sheltering Force talismans at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 23 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 294

Will starts with 294 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates one Sheltering Force and one Superhuman Agility talisman at a cost of 1035 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 24 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 299

Will starts with 299 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 235 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Superhuman Agility talismans at a cost of 1030 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 25 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 304

Will starts with 304 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 230 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.75 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Superhuman Agility talismans at a cost of 1030 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 26 Total time: 27.75 minutes. Remaining PPE: 304

Will starts with 304 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 230 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.75 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Superhuman Agility talismans at a cost of 1030 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 27 Total time: 27.75 minutes. Remaining PPE: 304

Will starts with 304 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 230 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.75 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Superhuman Speed talismans at a cost of 1020 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 28 Total time: 27.75 minutes. Remaining PPE: 314

Will starts with 314 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 220 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Superhuman Speed talismans at a cost of 1020 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 29 Total time: 27.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 314

Will starts with 314 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 220 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Superhuman Speed talismans at a cost of 1020 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 30 Total time: 27.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 314

Will starts with 314 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 220 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates one Superhuman Speed and one Chromatic Protection talisman at a cost of 1020 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 31 Total time: 27.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 314

Will starts with 314 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 220 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Chromatic Protection talismans at a cost of 1020 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 32 Total time: 27.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 314

Will starts with 314 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 220 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Chromatic Protection talismans at a cost of 1020 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 33 Total time: 27.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 314

Will starts with 314 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 220 extra makes for 534 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 474 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 326 PPE into the sphere in 8.25 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (534) in 13.5 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1334 PPE. He creates two Chromatic Protection talismans at a cost of 1020 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 34 Total time: 27.5 minutes. Remaining PPE: 314

Total magic time: 1053.5 minutes or 17.5 hours

See the Invisible Amulet x2
Uncommon Amulet
Magic Effect:
  • Enables the wearer of the medallion to see the invisible (200')

Curse: (if any)
History: (if any)

Code: Select all

[b]See the Invisible Amulet[/b]
[size=85][i]Uncommon Amulet[/i]
[u]Magic Effect:[/u]
[list][*]Enables the wearer of the medallion to see the invisible (200')[/list]
Curse: (if any)
History: (if any)[/size]
Turn the Undead Amulet x4
Uncommon Amulet
Magic Effect:
  • Prevents any undead from physically touching the wearer while they wear or hold the amulet.

Curse: (if any)
History: (if any)

Code: Select all

[b]Turn the Undead Amulet[/b]
[size=85][i]Uncommon Amulet[/i]
[u]Magic Effect:[/u]
[list][*]Prevents any undead from physically touching the wearer while they wear or hold the amulet.[/list]
Curse: (if any)
History: (if any)[/size]

Talisman of Chromatic Protection
Magic Features
  • Chromatic Protection
  • Duration: 8 minutes
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.100/150, BoM

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Chromatic Protection[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Chromatic Protection
[*]Duration: 8 minutes
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.100/150, BoM[/size]
Talisman of Cloak of Darkness
Magic Features
  • Cloak of Darkness
  • Duration: 32 minutes
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.93/150, BoM

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Cloak of Darkness[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Cloak of Darkness
[*]Duration: 32 minutes
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.93/150, BoM[/size]
Talisman of Fighting Spirit
Magic Features
  • Fighting Spirit
  • +1 on Initiative, to strike w/ Guns
  • +2 APM, to disarm, parry and dodge, roll w/ impact, to save vs Possession
  • +3 to strike melee,
  • +4 pull punch, to save vs Horror Factor/fear
  • Crit Strike: Natural 18-20
  • Karate kick, Jump kick, Paired Weapons, leap attack, Judo flip/throw.
  • Duration: 4 minutes
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.16 Mercenary Adventures/p.150, BoM

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Fighting Spirit[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Fighting Spirit
[*]+1 on Initiative, to strike w/ Guns
[*]+2 APM, to disarm, parry and dodge, roll w/ impact, to save vs Possession
[*]+3 to strike melee,
[*]+4 pull punch, to save vs Horror Factor/fear
[*]Crit Strike: Natural 18-20
[*]Karate kick, Jump kick, Paired Weapons, leap attack, Judo flip/throw.
[*]Duration: 4 minutes
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.16 Mercenary Adventures/p.150, BoM[/size] 
Talisman of Invincible Armor
Magic Features
  • Invincible Armor
  • 200/200 MDC
  • Regen: 1D6 MD/melee
  • Equivalent to EBA
  • Energy attacks: 1/2 damage
  • -15% to prowl, climb, swim and other physical skills
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.121/150, BoM

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Invincible Armor[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Invincible Armor
[*][color=#FF0000]200[/color]/200 MDC
[*]Regen: 1D6 MD/melee
[*]Equivalent to EBA
[*]Energy attacks: 1/2 damage
[*]-15% to prowl, climb, swim and other physical skills
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.121/150, BoM[/size]

Talisman of Invulnerability
Magic Features
  • Invulnerability
  • M.D.C.: 50
  • Impervious to cold, disease, drugs, gases, energy, poison, and toxins
  • +10 vs magic, psionics, & horror factor
  • Duration: 8 melees
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.116/150, BoM

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Invulnerability[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[*]M.D.C.: 50
[*]Impervious to cold, disease, drugs, gases, energy, poison, and toxins
[*]+10 vs magic, psionics, & horror factor
[*]Duration: 8 melees
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.116/150, BoM[/size]

Talisman of Lightblade
Magic Features
  • Lightblade
  • Damage: 1d4*10+8 M.D.
  • Duration: 8 minutes
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.117/150, BoM

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Lightblade[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[*]Damage: 1d4*10+8 M.D. 
[*]Duration: 8 minutes
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.117/150, BoM[/size] 
Talisman of Magical-Adrenal Rush
Magic Features
  • Magical-Adrenal Rush
  • +1 to strike, dodge and all saving throws
  • +2 APM
  • +3 on initiative
  • Supernatural P.S.
  • Speed +50%
  • No fatigue, impervious to drugs, mind control, possession, illusions, pain, Horror Factor, can endure 3x normal damage to body.
  • Duration: 8 melees
  • At end of spell, ½ APM, speed, skills, combat bonuses for 1D4 minutes.
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.122/150, BoM

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Magical-Adrenal Rush[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Magical-Adrenal Rush
[*]+1 to strike, dodge and all saving throws
[*]+2 APM
[*]+3 on initiative
[*]Supernatural P.S.
[*]Speed +50%
[*]No fatigue, impervious to drugs, mind control, possession, illusions, pain, Horror Factor, can endure 3x normal damage to body.
[*]Duration: 8 melees
[color=red][*]At end of spell, ½ APM, speed, skills, combat bonuses for 1D4 minutes.[/color]
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.122/150, BoM[/size]
Talisman of Sheltering Force
Magic Features
  • Sheltering Force
  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.114/150, BoM

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Sheltering Force[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Sheltering Force
[*]Duration: 8 hours
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.114/150, BoM[/size] 
Talisman of Superhuman Agility
Magic Features
  • Superhuman Agility
  • +1 on Initiative, Parry
  • +5 to dodge
  • Automatic Dodge: +5
  • Automatically rolls with impact
  • +20% to Climb/Rappel
  • Duration: 4 minutes
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.14 Mercenary Adventures/p.150, BoM

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Superhuman Agility[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Superhuman Agility
[*]+1 on Initiative, Parry
[*]+5 to dodge
[*]Automatic Dodge: +5
[*]Automatically rolls with impact
[*]+20% to Climb/Rappel
[*]Duration: 4 minutes
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.14 Mercenary Adventures/p.150, BoM[/size] 
Talisman of Superhuman Speed
Magic Features
  • Superhuman Speed
  • +2 to Parry
  • +6 to Dodge
  • Speed: 44, no Fatigue
  • Duration: 8 minutes
  • Charges: 3

Book Reference: p.109/150, BoM

Code: Select all

[b]Talisman of Superhuman Speed[/b]
[u]Magic Features[/u]
[list][*]Superhuman Speed
[*]+2 to Parry
[*]+6 to Dodge
[*]Speed: 44, no Fatigue
[*]Duration: 8 minutes
[*]Charges: 3[/list]
Book Reference: p.109/150, BoM[/size]
The Man in Black
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William Summers
Diamond Level Patron
Posts: 531
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Location: Roughnecks - PC

Re: Dedicated Tinkering Thread

Post by William Summers »

Another long post about making things

8 members of the Roughnecks
Will: Doesn't need amulet, all Talisman
Jack: Doesn't need amulet
John: Doesn't need amulet
Wolf: Doesn't need amulet
Ash: See the Invisible and Turn the Undead, all Talisman
Pantera: See the Invisible and Turn the Undead, all Talisman
Nathan: See the Invisible and Turn the Undead, all Talisman
Venenifer: Turn the Undead

7 amulets
4 MDC Chains

Need dog tags made of MDC without Iron.
Multiple colors needed. 20 of each.
Levels 1-8, no illusion

1. Invulnerability=Green (525)
2. Cloak of Darkness=Black (506)
3. Invincible Armor=Silver (530)
4. Lightblade=White (520)
5. Fighting Spirit=Red (520)
6. Magical-Adrenal Rush=Orange (545)
7. Sheltering Force=Champagne (520)
8. Superhuman Agility=Purple (515)
9. Superhuman Speed=Blue (510)
10. Chromatic Protection=Rainbow (510)

Will starts with 198 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 396 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 10 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Using the 8th Ring of Elder, See the Invisible Amulet costs 250 PPE and takes 5 seconds to cast. Turn the Undead Amulet costs 200 PPE and costs 5 seconds to cast. Will creates three See the Invisible amulets and three Turn the Undead amulets. Amulets round 1 Total time: 32 minutes. Remaining PPE: 44

Will starts with 44 PPE. He absorbs his normal PPE bringing him up to 198 PPE and takes 4 minutes. He then absorbs the max PPE. 396 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 10 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Turn the Undead Amulet costs 200 PPE and costs 5 seconds to cast. Talisman: Invulnerability costs 263 PPE and costs 5 seconds to cast. Will creates one Turn The Undead amulets and four Invulnerability Talisman. Amulets Round 2/Talisman round 1 Total time: 23 minutes. Remaining PPE: 142

Will starts with 142 PPE. He absorbs his normal PPE bringing him up to 198 PPE and takes 1.5 minutes. He absorbs the max PPE. 396 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 10 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Talisman: Cloak of Darkness costs 253 PPE. He creates four Cloak of Darkness Talisman at a cost of 1012 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 2 Total time: 32 minutes. Remaining PPE: 382

Will starts with 382 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 212 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 5.25 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Talisman: Invincible Armor costs 265 PPE. He creates four Invincible Armor Talisman at a cost of 1060 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 3 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 334

Will starts with 334 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 260 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 6.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Talisman: Lightblade costs 260 PPE. He creates four Lightblade Talisman at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 4 Total time: 28.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 354

Will starts with 354 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Talisman: Fighting Spirit costs 260 PPE. He creates four Fighting Spirit Talisman at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 5 Total time: 28.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 354

Will starts with 354 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Talisman: Magical-Adrenal Rush costs 273 PPE. He creates four Magical-Adrenal Talisman at a cost of 1092 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 6 Total time: 28 minutes. Remaining PPE: 302

Will starts with 302 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 292 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 7.25 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Talisman: Sheltering Force costs 260 PPE. He creates four Sheltering Force Talisman at a cost of 1040 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 7 Total time: 30 minutes. Remaining PPE: 354

Will starts with 354 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 240 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Talisman: Superhuman Agility costs 258 PPE. He creates four Superhuman Agility Talisman at a cost of 1032 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 8 Total time: 28.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 362

Will starts with 362 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 232 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 6 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Talisman: Superhuman Speed costs 255 PPE. He creates four Superhuman Speed Talisman at a cost of 1020 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 9 Total time: 28.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 374

Will starts with 374 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 220 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to max PPE (594) in 15 minutes. Between the energy sphere and his captured PPE, he now has 1394 PPE. Talisman: Chromatic Protection costs 255 PPE. He creates four Chromatic Protection Talisman at a cost of 1020 PPE. Each takes 6 seconds to create.
Talisman round 10 Total time: 28.25 minutes. Remaining PPE: 374

Will starts with 374 PPE. He absorbs the max PPE. 220 extra makes for 594 PPE and takes 5.5 minutes. Casts Energy Sphere 60 PPE and puts 534 PPE in immediately. This takes 5 seconds to cast. He draws 40 PPE/minute to pump an additional 266 PPE into the sphere in 6.75 minutes, bringing it to capacity. He then draws 40 PPE/minute to bring himself up to his normal PPE levels (198) in 5 minutes.

Total magic time: 321 minutes or 5.25 hours
The Man in Black
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William Summers
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Re: Dedicated Tinkering Thread

Post by William Summers »

TW Anti-Magic Cloud Forcefield (for John Altfeld) –

1. Determine the Form of the Device – Force Field Projector
2. Determine the Functions of the Device – A field that cancels magic that comes in contact with it or attempts to affect the user powered by the SDC/MDC of the user.
3. Determine How Many Spell Chains Will Be Necessary
1. Anti-Magic Cloud (140; Duration) + Globe of Silence (20; Range) + Negate Magic (30)
2. Life Source (2)
4. Determine the Required Gems – Lapis Lazuli 10 carats (Anti-Magic Cloud, 50,000 credits), Lapis Lazuli 1 carat (Negate Magic, 5,000 credits), Yellow Garnet 1 carat (Globe of Silence, 1,000 credits).
5. Determine the Base P.P.E. Construction Cost - 950
6. Determine the Activation Cost – 48
7. Calculate the Construction Time – 475 hours
8. Construction Cost of the Device – 115,000
9. Determine the Required Gems – Jade 2.5 carats (Life Source, 2,500 credits).
10. Determine the Base P.P.E. Construction Cost - 40
11. Determine the Activation Cost – 2
12. Calculate the Construction Time – 20 hours
13. Construction Cost of the Device – 4,500
14. P.P.E. Storage
15. Apply Any Modifications
16. Building the TW Device
The Man in Black
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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Re: Dedicated Tinkering Thread

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Okay so we are looking at 87 attempts for the schematic (for bonuses)- using TW Device Construction for this.

A complex skill check, I want 87 rolls with more successes than failures for a good schematic, otherwise you have a bad schematic.

William must design the schematic himself- no time savings, but a 'consulting' skill roll from any (and up to all) other PCs on any crafting skill, Gemology, or Lore: Magic will beneficially aid the character: each such success provides a one-time bonus to Williams TW Device Construction skill for this blueprint.

Once the blueprint has been designed, we will assign any required P.P.E. (or equivalent Life Force) for the activation. Depending on success ratio the options will be 20 PPE, 30 PPE or 140 PPE. I think 140 will be the result on a bad schematic only.

Once the blueprint is done, we are looking at 495 attempts for the device, of which William must provide at least half (248) of the total. Any and all other PCs can assist with the other 247 attempts, and it would be good to half the speed of construction.

That's 7.25 (rounded to 8) days for the schematic, and 41.25 (rounded to 42) days for construction on your own. You can lower that to 20.65 (rounded to 21) days with 12 attempts worth of assistants- Probably Wolf or John plus Jack or any two others.
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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Re: Dedicated Tinkering Thread

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

William Summers
Base: 6.5 Attempts per day (13 levels)
Basic Electronics, Computer Repair, General Repair & Maintenance (+.75 Attempts)
TW Device Construction, Computer Programming, Field Armorer & Munitions Expert (+1.5 Attempts)
Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering (+2 Attempts)

(Total Recall, Telemechanics) (up to +1.25 Attempts)

Total: 10.75 Attempts per day (plus conditional)

Base: 2.5 Attempts per day (5 levels)

Total: 2.5 Attempts per day

John Altfelt
Base: 6.5 Attempts per day (13 levels)

Professional Restoration, Computer Programming (+1 Attempt)

Total 7.5 Attempts per day

Base: 2 Attempts per day

Total: 2 Attempts per day

Wolf Whitaker
Base: 4.5 Attempts per day (9 levels)

Basic Electronics, General Repair & Maintenance (+0.5 attempts)
Mechanical Engineer, Weapons Engineer (+2 Attempts)

Total: 7 Attempts per day

Jack Killian
Base: 4.5 Attempts per day (9 levels)

Computer Programming (via Altess Sword) (+0.5 Attempts)

Total: 5 Attempts per day
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William Summers
Diamond Level Patron
Posts: 531
Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:32 am
Location: Roughnecks - PC

Will's Spell Learning Center

Post by William Summers »

Spells Learned through Study
Green text indicates a spell learned through individual study of a scroll.
Blue text indicates a spell learned through individual study of a spell book, or other type of study material.
Purple text indicates a spell learned through tutelage at the Collegiate Arcane or another brotherhood/guildhall.
(This is used as an archive to record spells studied.)

Spell Scrolls on-hand

Spell Books on-hand
Rift Teleportation

Name of Spell Being Actively Studied: Rift Teleportation
Length of Study Required: 22 days
Date Started: December 22 112PA (placeholder date)
Date of Expected Completion: January 13 113PA (placeholder date)
The Man in Black
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