G-Mail: Joseph.h.brady13
Discord: Iamtheborger
Link to Ledger: Ledger Link
Character Name: Orrucks
Alias: Killer Croc, Korrork, the Nutcracker, and even 'AAAAAH giant crocodile', among others
Race: Grackle Tooth
O.C.C.: Safecracker
Alignment: Aberrant
XP Level: 3
XP Points: 4,801
Next Level @ XP: 9,601
Sentiments/Non-Humans: Most are okay after a while.
Sentiments/Coalition: They hate me, I can hate them too.
Disposition: As fun as any Grackle but also an ornery croc.
Insanity: None
I.Q.: 9
M.E.: 12
M.A.: 23
P.S.: [Supernatural] 29
P.P.: 22
P.E.: 13
P.B.: 9
Speed: 18
P.P.E.: 13
H.P.: (For SDC environments) 40
S.D.C.: (For SDC environments) 33 and natural AR 9
M.D.C.: 83, +3d6 per level.
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 8 feet 4 inches
Weight: 720lbs
Description: A croc that walks on two feet and the scars of being to close to an explosion or five at one point or another.
Racial Abilities
Sharp vision, incredible strength, excellent reflexes, quick wit, faster healer: recovers lost MDC at a rate of 2d6 per 12 hours.
Prehensile Tail: All Grackle Tooth have a long, tapering, 12-15 feet prehensile tail. Adds one extra attack per melee round and can use hand held melee weapons to strike, and even handguns. However, a weapon fired by the tail is -3 to strike even for a aimed shot. If damaged or lost, the tail will regenerate at a rate of one foot per month until it reaches its full length.
R.C.C. Skills: Mechanical aptitude automatically gives the Grackle Tooth character one extra WP: Modern, and the skills Basic Electronics and Basic Mechanics, both at +10%. Furthermore, all mechanical and repair/building skills taken under an O.C.C. enjoy a further +10% skill bonus. These skills and bonuses are in addition to those from a chosen O.C.C..
HF: 12
Finds the cold uncomfortable, and skill performance is -5%, and combat are -1 when forced in temperatures below 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Freezing temperatures feel like below zero to Grackle Tooth. The D-Bees' large size and reputation as warriors make them prime targets in an attack.
Natural Abilities
Perception: 60% /an additional +20% on Perception rolls to determine if an explosive device or ordnance is “live” or a “dud” see rules here
Charm/Impress: (P.B. 15=25%, 14=20%, etc.)
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 75% (M.A. 15=35%, 14=30%, etc.)
Max. Encumbrance: 720lbs see rules here
Max. Carrying Weight: 1450lbs
Max. Lifting Weight: 2900lbs
Max. Jumping Ability: 55.1 feet across and 21.75 feet high see rules here
Special Abilities
1. Black Market Benefits: All three Black Market Benefits are available to this character. Many Safecrackers operate legitimate “Locksmith” businesses on the side, or as a cover, for their nefarious activities.
Professional Courtesy & Connections
Black Market Loans & Credit Loans
Black Market Enterprises
2. Black Market Special Abilities of the Safecracker: The Safecracker begins play with B&D Man and Fence. The Safecracker may pick two additional Black Market Special Abilities of choice at level one, and one more at levels 3, 7, 10 and 13.
B&E Man: The Black marketeer got his start with breaking and enter robberies and he remains a skilled burglar. Bonuses: Automatically gts the skills Basic Electronics and Locksmith at +20% and gets a +5% bonus on the skills Computer Operation, Prowl, Pick Locks, and Surveillance.
Fence: The character has a background in recognizing the value in items and knowledge of what they sell for on the open market. Bonuses: Automatically gets the Appraise Goods and Gemology at +10% and enjoys a +5% bonus to the skills Barter, Forgery, and Recognize Weapon Quality.
Appraise Goods 50% (+5%)
Gemology 45% (+5%)
Slippery: +5% to perception, +1 dodge, automatically gets Escape Artist at +15%, and a +5% bonus to the skills Detect Ambush, Disguise, Impersonation, I.D. Undercover Agents, Law [General], and Undercover Operations.
Escape Artist 60% (+5%)
Steady Nerves: Many Black Marketeers are accustomed to keeping their heads under fire, bluffing authorities, and walking past security and checkpoints with a smile on their face even when packing heat or transporting a trunk full of contraband. This practiced skill at remaining calm during stressful and even terrifying moments provides the character with nerves of steel and calm resolve. Bonuses: No penalties to perception apply under duress , +2 save vs horror factor, driving penalties for trick/evasive manuvers are half, +6% to all Demolitions skills and +5% to the skills Disguise, Impersonation, Undercover Ops, and a +1 to MA.
3. Safecracker: The Safecracker’s skill with explosives and locks reaches considerably deeper than the mere Safe-Cracking, Locksmith or Demolitions skills. A talented Safecracker possesses highly sensitive hands and ears, a delicate sense of touch, and a knack for opening the most difficult locks. In fact, many Safecrackers view locks that are claimed to be “impossible” to open as a challenge to be overcome. Some Safecrackers possess an uncanny, almost supernatural ability to coax a lock open, even going so far as to talk to the lock whilst working on it. Safecrackers may choose ONE of the following abilities at level 1, and one additional ability at levels 5, 10 and 13:
O.C.C. Skills
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
Basic Mechanics 50% (+5%)
Basic Electronics 65% (+5%)
Language: Native Tongue 105% (+1%)
Literacy: Native Language 65% (+5%)
Language: Other: Dragonese 66% (+3%)
Literacy: Other: Dragonese 50% (+5%)
Mathematics: Basic 75% (+5%)
Computer Operation 60% (+5%)
Demolitions 87% (+3%)
Demolitions Disposal 87% (+3%)
Locksmith 50% (+5%)
Mechanical Engineer 45% (+5%)
Pick Locks 55% (+5%)
Safe-Cracking 48% (+4%)
Pilot: Hover Craft (Ground) 70% (+5%)
Radio: Basic 65% (+5%)
W.P. Handguns
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
O.C.C. Related Skills
Brewing: Basic 35%/40% (+5%)
Chemistry 50% (+5%)
Streetwise 39% (+5%)
Damage Control and Disaster Response 50% (+5%)
[Level One] General Repair & Maintenance 45% (+5%)
[Level One] Pilot: Truck 45% (+4%)
Secondary Skills
Cook 45% (+5%)
Climbing/Rappelling 50/40% (+5%)
Prowl 40% (+5%)
Swimming 60% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival 40% (+5%)
[Level One] Land Navigation 36% (+4%)
[Level One] Law: General 40% (+5%)
MGP Skills:
Secondary: Play Musical Instrument 35% (+5%) Guitar
Secondary: Lore: Demons & Monsters 30% (+5%)
Usually Unavailable: Paramedic 40% (+5%)
Combat Data
HTH Type: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +3
Strike Bonus: +5
Parry Bonus: +9
Dodge Bonus: +8
HTH Damage Bonus: +14 SDC
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +5
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +6
Bonus to Disarm: none
Body flip/throw does d6 SDC, victim loses initiative and one attack
May perform Karate and any hand strikes/punch
Karate-style kick
May perform any foot strike except Leap Kick
Bite does 2D6 MD
Tail strike do the same damage as a punch
Restrained Punch: 5d6+14 SDC
Full Strength Punch: 3d6 MD
Power Punch: 6d6 MD and counts as 2 attacks
Weapon Proficiencies
Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons: +2 to strike
- +1 to Strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13.
- +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
Magic (varies): +1
Lethal Poison (14+):
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +2
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +1
Horror Factor (varies): +7
Impervious to carcinogens