Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

These fuckers are too stubborn to die.
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Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

The sun is too bright. The day is too cheery and too cold at the same time.

You've all arrived to find out what sort of deal the Roughnecks are making with this dragon.
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Jack Killian
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Jack Killian »

Perception: 72% 1d100: [52] = 52
JIC d20: 1d20: [12] = 12
JIC: 1d100: [36] = 36

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet
Talisman Invincible 200 MD (OFF) waiting to be Recharged
Talisman of Mystic Invisibility
Altess Eviscerator Count Bustamante

Jack arrives at Crimson Dragon with the other team mates, He is excited as to what Ignatos found for him. He is wearing his light armor just incase. Still thinking about the teams encounter with the Bikers from yesterday. He is glad that he didn't resort to burning anyone.

When he sees Ignatos He greets him, "Greetings Sir."
"Flash Fry, put another Shrimp on the Barbie" Gmail: Sinder.JKing@gmail.com
OOC Comments
viewtopic.php?t=14446Jack Killian[/url]
OOC Comments
P.P.E.: 4
I.S.P.: 196/196
H.P.: 42/ 42 MD
S.D.C.: 90/ 90

NE-BA-50 “Raider” Heavy Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 80
Arms: 55 each
Legs: 80 each
Main Body: 140
Weight: 30 lbs.
Modifiers: -20% to physical skills
Naruni Thermo-Kinetic Armor (p.35-36, DB8)
Book Reference: p.40, DB8

Weapon Carried:

CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
Laser: 2,000'
Grenade Launcher: 1,200'
Single shot: 2d6 M.D.
Burst: 6d6 M.D.
Grenade: 2D6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Micro-fusion grenade: 6d6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot pulse bursts only; 1 grenade or 4-grenade bursts only
E-Clip: 21 shots

Altess Eviscerator (Patron Item)
Damage: 6D6
Special Abilities
• Electrical Discharge:
• • Range: Touch or up to 200'
• • Damage: 4D6

MP-3 MageFire Bolt Pistol

Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6+3 M.D.

NeraTech Pn-50 "Splatter Gun"
Range: 60', Payload: 18/clip,
2 clips (current)Acid: 4D6 S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D. to a 3 foot radius.

CN-1 Net

Skorblade Short Sword
Damage: 1D8 M.D.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

TW "Dragonfire" Flamethrower
Range: 100'
Damage: single Shot: 1D6x10 M.D.
Spray: 1D6x10 M.D. to all targets in a 100' long & 10' wide arc (3 APM)
Rate of Fire: single shots & sprays only
Payload: 5 blasts per P.P.E. clip
Weight: 8 lbs.

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet

The amulet changes color whenever an entity is within 100'

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Ash, the kid (Theros)
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Ash, the kid (Theros) »

Perception: 34% (+15% involving vampires or undead) 1d100: [85] = 85
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18
JIC: 1d100: [76] = 76
Initiative 1d20+1: [2]+1 = 3
Sense vampires/undead always active
Recognize Secondary Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special) 40% 1d100: [72] = 72
Recognize Wild Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special) 70% 1d100: [40] = 40
Recognize Master Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special)40% 1d100: [10] = 10

Walking through the door, looking out of place, the kid looks around and spots Jack.

~Phew, glad someone was here before me~

Ash walks over to Jack and waves a small gesture. Then proceeds to do his best wall flower impersonation after thinking about last night's events and already feeling a tinge of guilt, so this time he is trying his best to not interfere with anyone's good time or business.

Looks around the place while waiting for the others.
Outside of his armor's, appears to be a early teenager, despite his age. Dark red hair (Auburn) Light Blue/Grey eyes, sparse freckles on body, tall, athletic build. He has his marks of heritage on his wrists as do every True Atlantean, he wears leather bracers over them outside of his armor's. Tattoos are placed mainly on his torso, so not as visible if worn with regular clothing, along with quite a number of talismans that look like dogtags around his neck.
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Venenifer »

Perception: 1d100: [38] = 38 /63%
JiC: 1d20: [14] = 14 / 1d100: [20] = 20

MDC: 640/640 | Barding MDC: 640/640(Barding BR: 2d6/melee) | P.P.E.: 136/136 | I.S.P.: 144/152
| HF (when identified as a dragon): 11 (13 w/Frills extended in Dragon Form) | Nightvision: 200ft | See Invisible (at will) | Shadow Meld (at will) | Cold/Fire 1/2 DMG | Impervious to All Forms Of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/min | Sense Ley Lines/Nexuses/Dragons 20mi | Visually ID dragons within 4,000ft | Sixth Sense [Active, 2ISP] |
Range: 100 ft (30.5 m) plus 50ft (15.2m) per level for prove, or 200ft (61m) plus 100ft (30.5) for two-way communication
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 8
Just like the lesser Sensitive power of telepathy, Telepathy: Superior grants the ability to hear surface thoughts, or send and receive telepathic messages. However, this superior form of the power gives the character the ability to read deeper or even subconscious thoughts. If the victim fails the saving through, the psychic will be able to read thoughts on any subject he wants. This can include passwords, names of contacts, the victim's true name, and even skills. Sometimes (65% (40%+3% per level)) the character will be able to see or hear parts of memories associated with the thoughts they are reading from the victim. A saving throw should be rolled for each skill/memory/thought that the character tries to read. The character can make one attempt to pull information for each attack per melee.


Jack wrote:"Greetings Sir."
Ven is still in the store, or loitering nearby when Jack Killian and Theros arrive. This store has quite a collection of items. I wouldn't mind collecting such artifacts later on in life, but I can't help but think they make him a target. Though, we are far away from Splynn here. Ven considers to herself, her experience in Atlantis still weighing on her. When the others arrive, she likely appears from behind one of the shelves as she is perusing. "Ah, my friends. I decided against waiting and wanted to meet Ignatos before our official gathering. " Ven addressed Jack and Theros. "Ash. Jack. I trust the others are arriving soon as well." Ven asks with a smile before turning back to Ignatos.

"Pardon me for not disclosing who my friends were when we met. I wanted to greet you, dragon to dragon. Now I can admit, I am quite curious what job you could have for us." Ven says to Ignatos.
Venenifer, the Royal Frilled Dragon

P.P.E.: 136 | I.S.P.: 152 | Natural A.R.: 13 | Personal MDC: 630 | Barding MDC: 630D/315H
(+ 1 on all other saving throws not listed here) )
Coma/Death: 28%
Magic (varies): +6
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +9
Mind Control (varies): +3
Horror Factor (varies): +6

HF/Awe: 11/13 when frills flared. | Nightvision 200ft | See Invisible at Will | Shadow Meld at Will | Half Damage Fire/Plasma/Cold | Impervious to all forms of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/minute | Sense Ley Lines, Nexuses, Pyramids and Dragons within 20 miles | Visually see past other dragon's illusions within 4,000ft

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Everyone manages to drag themselves to the meeting the next morning.*

The shelves lining the walls are filled to the brim with an eclectic assortment of magical artifacts, each pulsating with it's unique energy. Glowing crystals, enchanted weapons, and shimmering potions vie for attention amidst the sea of mystical wonders.

As the Roughnecks take in their surroundings, those in the know can't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the vast array of magical treasures that surround them.

"Welcome, Roughnecks," Ignatos says, his voice echoing in the spacious interior of The Crimson Dragon. "I trust your journey was not too arduous?"

When Ven identifies herself as one of the Roughnecks, he appraises her again. "Well, that ensures at least someone will survive to answer some questions at least."

[Ash, you notice a peculiar symbol etched into the floor beneath Ven's feet, glowing faintly with an ethereal light. It bears the mark of ancient Atlantean magic, hinting at another connection to your heritage in as many days.]

[William Summers, as you step into The Crimson Dragon, you notice a display of ancient tomes you hadn't spotted before tucked away in a corner, their spines adorned with intricate runes. They seem to beckon to you, promising hidden knowledge and untold power.]

[Wolf Whitaker, as you lead your robotic companions towards The Crimson Dragon, you notice a group of shady figures lurking in the alley nearby, eyeing the store suspiciously.]

"The job is both simple and complicated. I have someone a month overdue for a meeting to report on an errand I sent him on. A Dwarf Techno-Wizard by the name of Thurin Granitebeard. He's supposed to be bringing me some melt glass from Northern Canada. He last reported in finding the correct region to collect samples when he came to Old Bones for supplies. Not long after that, I lost the ability to scry on him. I have coordinates for the dig site, but it may be better to follow his trail from Old Bones. If he's late, escort him to me. If he's dead, find out how. If he's trying to cheat me, teach everyone a lesson and use him as an example. Either way, the melt glass is a bonus for me so if you can't find anything about him, I'll be happy with the glass. If he fucked me or is dead, getting me at least some of the glass is a bonus."

"The pay is your set of rings, and 250k up front to cover incidental expenses."

Ignatos's presence looms large over the room, his gaze unwavering as he awaits the Roughnecks' response, tinted with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.

John shows up as soon as the dragon finishes his pitch.

[John Altfeld, your radar senses come alive as you step inside, detecting a strange anomaly—a faint but distinct presence that seems to be invisible to the naked eye, lurking in the far corner of the room.]

*There are several of you in the tracker. Assume you are with the group and manage to overcome the hangover enough to respond coherently when you get back.
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Ash, the kid (Theros)
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Ash, the kid (Theros) »

Perception: 34% (+15% involving vampires or undead) 1d100: [86] = 86
JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6
JIC: 1d100: [18] = 18
Initiative 1d20+1: [5]+1 = 6
Sense vampires/undead always active
Recognize Secondary Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special) 40% 1d100: [42] = 42
Recognize Wild Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special) 70% 1d100: [73] = 73
Recognize Master Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special)40% 1d100: [43] = 43

Looking at Ven and the spot she is standing, the kid walks over to her all the while keeping an eye on the symbol under her, he motions to the ground beneath her. "That seem familiar to you as well? Just to be safe Miss Vennifer, can you take a few steps off it." as he tries to get a better look at it while Will and the Red Dragon speak.
Outside of his armor's, appears to be a early teenager, despite his age. Dark red hair (Auburn) Light Blue/Grey eyes, sparse freckles on body, tall, athletic build. He has his marks of heritage on his wrists as do every True Atlantean, he wears leather bracers over them outside of his armor's. Tattoos are placed mainly on his torso, so not as visible if worn with regular clothing, along with quite a number of talismans that look like dogtags around his neck.
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Venenifer »

Perception: 1d100: [81] = 81 /63%
JiC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [48] = 48

MDC: 640/640 | Barding MDC: 640/640(Barding BR: 2d6/melee) | P.P.E.: 136/136 | I.S.P.: 144/152
| HF (when identified as a dragon): 11 (13 w/Frills extended in Dragon Form) | Nightvision: 200ft | See Invisible (at will) | Shadow Meld (at will) | Cold/Fire 1/2 DMG | Impervious to All Forms Of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/min | Sense Ley Lines/Nexuses/Dragons 20mi | Visually ID dragons within 4,000ft | Sixth Sense [Active, 2ISP] |
Range: 100 ft (30.5 m) plus 50ft (15.2m) per level for prove, or 200ft (61m) plus 100ft (30.5) for two-way communication
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 8
Just like the lesser Sensitive power of telepathy, Telepathy: Superior grants the ability to hear surface thoughts, or send and receive telepathic messages. However, this superior form of the power gives the character the ability to read deeper or even subconscious thoughts. If the victim fails the saving through, the psychic will be able to read thoughts on any subject he wants. This can include passwords, names of contacts, the victim's true name, and even skills. Sometimes (65% (40%+3% per level)) the character will be able to see or hear parts of memories associated with the thoughts they are reading from the victim. A saving throw should be rolled for each skill/memory/thought that the character tries to read. The character can make one attempt to pull information for each attack per melee.


Ignatos wrote:"Well, that ensures at least someone will survive to answer some questions at least."
Ven raises a hand and waves off the comment as if it were a compliment. "Oh, I'm quite sure you'll be pleased with these and their abilities to finish a job." Ven teases, rolling her neck to look at John and William.
Ash wrote:"That seem familiar to you as well? Just to be safe Miss Vennifer, can you take a few steps off it."
Ven glances down at her feet then back to Ash and nods. "No it isn't familiar to me." She answers, stepping back from whatever symbol Ash pointed to on the floor. Curious. A dragon charm, perhaps. Not that it should be needed. Perhaps an inactive but primed ward. Ven muses, glancing back towards Ignatos as he continues his disclosure.
Ignatos wrote:"Either way, the melt glass is a bonus for me so if you can't find anything about him, I'll be happy with the glass. If he fucked me or is dead, getting me at least some of the glass is a bonus."

"The pay is your set of rings, and 250k up front to cover incidental expenses."
Ven smiles coyly. "If I may, I have some questions. Inferring you want this done quickly, as you've already been waiting, yes? Anything unusual about the geographic area this melt grass grows? These rings, what would they do?" She asks blatantly, showing off her ringless hands. "And what is this little rune on the floor?" She points to what Ash pointed out earlier as if she had a lightbulb moment and remembered.
Venenifer, the Royal Frilled Dragon

P.P.E.: 136 | I.S.P.: 152 | Natural A.R.: 13 | Personal MDC: 630 | Barding MDC: 630D/315H
(+ 1 on all other saving throws not listed here) )
Coma/Death: 28%
Magic (varies): +6
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +9
Mind Control (varies): +3
Horror Factor (varies): +6

HF/Awe: 11/13 when frills flared. | Nightvision 200ft | See Invisible at Will | Shadow Meld at Will | Half Damage Fire/Plasma/Cold | Impervious to all forms of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/minute | Sense Ley Lines, Nexuses, Pyramids and Dragons within 20 miles | Visually see past other dragon's illusions within 4,000ft

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Dragon Q&A

The dragon blinks. "Oh Mister Summers didn't share his concept with you? He's commissioned six of them. The price tag is in the low 8 figures."

"He is a month overdue at this point, and has been out of contact for five months. You just returned, however, so I understand if you need to recover before you get on the trail. The up front money is for rearming, of course. The trail might get cold if you wait too long, however."

"I don't rightly know to be honest. It was placed there by someone who was working for me. An Atlantean, of course. As far as I can tell it doesn't do anything but look interesting. It reads of faint magic, but it doesn't scry on me, it hasn't blown up on anyone, and it seems harmless and fits the decor."
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Ash, the kid (Theros)
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Ash, the kid (Theros) »

Perception: 34% (+15% involving vampires or undead) 1d100: [62] = 62
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7
JIC: 1d100: [34] = 34
Initiative 1d20+1: [14]+1 = 15
Sense vampires/undead always active
Recognize Secondary Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special) 40% 1d100: [62] = 62
Recognize Wild Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special) 70% 1d100: [64] = 64
Recognize Master Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special)40% 1d100: [20] = 20
Operate Dimensional Pyramids (special): Base Skill: 60% 1d100: [89] = 89
rue Atlanteans know Lore: Dimensions at 51% 1d100: [89] = 89

Crimon dragon wrote:"I don't rightly know to be honest. It was placed there by someone who was working for me. An Atlantean, of course. As far as I can tell it doesn't do anything but look interesting. It reads of faint magic, but it doesn't scry on me, it hasn't blown up on anyone, and it seems harmless and fits the decor."]
Curiously looking at the Rune after hearing a Fellow Atlantean did the work. ~Our stone builders work on pyramids, I wonder if that is a sigil for travelling~ he thinks back to the pyramids he used during training and his travels to the rifts earth dimension.

He bends over and leans down, balancing his body weight on his knees and heels in a crotched position, and lets his fingers run over the carved emblem while thinking back to the dimensional travel and communication controls, trying to recall what they all looked like.
Outside of his armor's, appears to be a early teenager, despite his age. Dark red hair (Auburn) Light Blue/Grey eyes, sparse freckles on body, tall, athletic build. He has his marks of heritage on his wrists as do every True Atlantean, he wears leather bracers over them outside of his armor's. Tattoos are placed mainly on his torso, so not as visible if worn with regular clothing, along with quite a number of talismans that look like dogtags around his neck.
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John Altfeld
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by John Altfeld »

Perception: 1d100: [58] = 58 / 86%
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [44] = 44

CONDITIONS: John is at +1 foot, See Invisible (500'), Radar, Immune to Possession, Mindblock Autodefense, can't be touched by undead, can't be mind controlled by vampires, etc.

John, without a hangover, walks in after his meeting at the real estate office, finding that the rest of the team is already there and talking to Ignatos. He gives a broad wave to them and crosses the shop to join them, entering the conversation in time to say, "And what, exactly is melt glass? So we know what we're looking for - obsidian?"

I thought Will and Wolf would be here by now...

Noting the strange presence in the corner, he actively avoids looking at it with his eyes, instead trying to determine what it might be.
Interpret Shapes: 1d100: [58] = 58 / 85%

John nods at the mention of the rings.

"Is there a picture of your courier or some kind of intelligence packet we can flip through?"
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Mini Update

Ash does recognize the symbol vaguely. It is present on the interior of some pyramids he has visited. It is not integral to the functioning of the pyramid, is not Stone Magic and the best Ash can recall of any previous inquiries about it other than 'i don't know' or 'it looks cool' is that it is supposed to be some sort of good luck charm and a sign of trust.

John, it is a humanoid.

Ignatos points at a tablet on the counter. "Of course. It's all on that thing."
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Jack Killian »

Perception: 72% 1d100: [56] = 56
JIC d20: 1d20: [7] = 7
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 20

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet
Talisman Invincible 200 MD (OFF) waiting to be Recharged
Talisman of Mystic Invisibility
Altess Eviscerator Count Bustamante

When Ignatos appears Jack waits his turn after most of the others have talk And Ignatos explains the mission. Jack Speaks up, "Who is providing the Transport up there Teleport, rift then around the area do we bring our own? Special Gear we might need? Canada, Cold right? Any luck on finding the Items I requested."
"Flash Fry, put another Shrimp on the Barbie" Gmail: Sinder.JKing@gmail.com
OOC Comments
viewtopic.php?t=14446Jack Killian[/url]
OOC Comments
P.P.E.: 4
I.S.P.: 196/196
H.P.: 42/ 42 MD
S.D.C.: 90/ 90

NE-BA-50 “Raider” Heavy Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 80
Arms: 55 each
Legs: 80 each
Main Body: 140
Weight: 30 lbs.
Modifiers: -20% to physical skills
Naruni Thermo-Kinetic Armor (p.35-36, DB8)
Book Reference: p.40, DB8

Weapon Carried:

CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
Laser: 2,000'
Grenade Launcher: 1,200'
Single shot: 2d6 M.D.
Burst: 6d6 M.D.
Grenade: 2D6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Micro-fusion grenade: 6d6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot pulse bursts only; 1 grenade or 4-grenade bursts only
E-Clip: 21 shots

Altess Eviscerator (Patron Item)
Damage: 6D6
Special Abilities
• Electrical Discharge:
• • Range: Touch or up to 200'
• • Damage: 4D6

MP-3 MageFire Bolt Pistol

Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6+3 M.D.

NeraTech Pn-50 "Splatter Gun"
Range: 60', Payload: 18/clip,
2 clips (current)Acid: 4D6 S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D. to a 3 foot radius.

CN-1 Net

Skorblade Short Sword
Damage: 1D8 M.D.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

TW "Dragonfire" Flamethrower
Range: 100'
Damage: single Shot: 1D6x10 M.D.
Spray: 1D6x10 M.D. to all targets in a 100' long & 10' wide arc (3 APM)
Rate of Fire: single shots & sprays only
Payload: 5 blasts per P.P.E. clip
Weight: 8 lbs.

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet

The amulet changes color whenever an entity is within 100'

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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

(Mini Update)

"Transportation to the mission area is normally the freelancer's problem to figure out, or I'm supposed to negotiate downward, right? I'm sorry, but I don't often hire you guys, you buy trinkets from me and ask me about bloodstained trinkets you pried off some still-smoking corpse. I could probably whip up a teleportation circle, but you may want to follow his tracks. His route to Old Bones in the first place is in the mission notes."

The dragon holds down a small round disk on a chain. "I have the talisman you requested, Burster. The rest of it is quite exotic. I have put out.... feelers?.... for the other items you seek."*

*After accounting for suggested penalties, Jack didn't pass availability for any of the other items. Not even close enough that a contact could help.
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John Altfeld
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by John Altfeld »

Perception: 1d100: [36] = 36 / 86%
JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 / 1d100: [54] = 54

CONDITIONS: John is at +1 foot, See Invisible (500'), Radar, Immune to Possession, Mindblock Autodefense, can't be touched by undead, can't be mind controlled by vampires, etc.

John internally sighs at Jack. "Don't worry, Mr. Ignatos, we've got transportation. It's not a problem. And thank you for the information packet."

"I think everyone will be impressed with the rings Will designed." Not me, I didn't help. No need to put that out there.

John then pretends to browse through the shop, gradually working his way closer to the humanoid figure hiding in the corner. If/when he gets there, he tries to grab it. If the figure tries to make a break for it, John moves as fast as necessary to catch it.

Prowl: 1d100: [29] = 29 / 100%

Strike: 1d20+8: [16]+8 = 24 , 1d20+8: [10]+8 = 18 , 1d20+8: [15]+8 = 23
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Venenifer »

Perception: 1d100: [30] = 30 /63%
JiC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [67] = 67

MDC: 640/640 | Barding MDC: 640/640(Barding BR: 2d6/melee) | P.P.E.: 136/136 | I.S.P.: 144/152
| HF (when identified as a dragon): 11 (13 w/Frills extended in Dragon Form) | Nightvision: 200ft | See Invisible (at will) | Shadow Meld (at will) | Cold/Fire 1/2 DMG | Impervious to All Forms Of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/min | Sense Ley Lines/Nexuses/Dragons 20mi | Visually ID dragons within 4,000ft | Sixth Sense [Active, 2ISP] |
Range: 100 ft (30.5 m) plus 50ft (15.2m) per level for prove, or 200ft (61m) plus 100ft (30.5) for two-way communication
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 8
Just like the lesser Sensitive power of telepathy, Telepathy: Superior grants the ability to hear surface thoughts, or send and receive telepathic messages. However, this superior form of the power gives the character the ability to read deeper or even subconscious thoughts. If the victim fails the saving through, the psychic will be able to read thoughts on any subject he wants. This can include passwords, names of contacts, the victim's true name, and even skills. Sometimes (65% (40%+3% per level)) the character will be able to see or hear parts of memories associated with the thoughts they are reading from the victim. A saving throw should be rolled for each skill/memory/thought that the character tries to read. The character can make one attempt to pull information for each attack per melee.

Lore, Demons and Monsters: 1d100: [39] = 39 /55% [What does Ven know about the Xiticix in Canada]


Ven listens to Ignatos explain the rings, then the runic symbol that was at her feet. Despite his assurances that it is nothing uncouth, she steps away from it. Looking to John as he asks for some more details information about who and what, she returns her gaze to her fellow Dragon. Ven doesn't make a move for the Tablet that Ignatos points out, instead allowing one of her more technologically inclined friends to do that for her. I expect when we find this courier, someone will say something. She considers to herself.

Ven makes no move to follow John on his little perusal of the store, instead thinking about the mission at hand. "We will discuss transportation and a timeline among ourselves, but I don't suspect we will wait much longer now that we have the information we need. I am curious of one other thing." She pauses, placing her finger to her chin as she thinks. I remember from my time in Atlantis the mention of a rather ruthless bug people living in the north of this continent. I wonder if they got the courier... Ven considers. "I've heard rumors of bug people that live up north. Rumors only, though. What do you know about them, and do you think your little courier could've fallen prey to them?" Ven asks
Venenifer, the Royal Frilled Dragon

P.P.E.: 136 | I.S.P.: 152 | Natural A.R.: 13 | Personal MDC: 630 | Barding MDC: 630D/315H
(+ 1 on all other saving throws not listed here) )
Coma/Death: 28%
Magic (varies): +6
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +9
Mind Control (varies): +3
Horror Factor (varies): +6

HF/Awe: 11/13 when frills flared. | Nightvision 200ft | See Invisible at Will | Shadow Meld at Will | Half Damage Fire/Plasma/Cold | Impervious to all forms of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/minute | Sense Ley Lines, Nexuses, Pyramids and Dragons within 20 miles | Visually see past other dragon's illusions within 4,000ft

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Ash, the kid (Theros)
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Ash, the kid (Theros) »

Perception: 34% (+15% involving vampires or undead) 1d100: [84] = 84
JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19
JIC: 1d100: [9] = 9
Initiative 1d20+1: [15]+1 = 16
Sense vampires/undead always active
Recognize Secondary Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special) 40% 1d100: [54] = 54
Recognize Wild Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special) 70% 1d100: [78] = 78
Recognize Master Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special)40% 1d100: [84] = 84

Realizing the gist of what the carving is, he relaxes a bit visibly, not realizing he was a bit tense until that moment, before Ven's second glance at the Rune. "I think I recall what that is, it's usually just in the pyramids, so it was a bit out of place and confusing, but its basically a seal of approval in a nutshell. It being placed here is a sort of sign of respect for fellow Atlanteans to recognize for this place, or more accurately, him" as he gestures to Ignatos.

~Bug people? That's different, and sounds messy~ As he imagines stepping on giant bugs trying to crawl around in an unusually large kitchen. Scrunches his face a bit at the imagery of the ~Stomp~ and a huge wave of guts flowing from under a giant foot, like a water balloon full of slime. ~Gross~
Outside of his armor's, appears to be a early teenager, despite his age. Dark red hair (Auburn) Light Blue/Grey eyes, sparse freckles on body, tall, athletic build. He has his marks of heritage on his wrists as do every True Atlantean, he wears leather bracers over them outside of his armor's. Tattoos are placed mainly on his torso, so not as visible if worn with regular clothing, along with quite a number of talismans that look like dogtags around his neck.
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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Mini Update
Venenifer wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:57 pm "I've heard rumors of bug people that live up north. Rumors only, though. What do you know about them, and do you think your little courier could've fallen prey to them?" Ven asks
"You mean the Xy-tick-icks*, I think. They are quite a ways west of old Labrador, which is the northeastern reached claimed by Free Quebec but rarely inhabited in the last decade or so by anyone other than Inuit tribesmen. Before that the Splugorth had a base there that local sellswords such as yourself wiped off the map. The melt glass I sent Mister Granitebeard to acquire for me is the only physical remains of that base, other than a blast crater. So, unless Thurin got hopelessly lost, the bug men are not to blame. Free Quebec itself is far more likely if he came to a hostile end."

John, the figure you are attempting to corner pulls an MC Escher- walks up the wall and stands on the interior of the roof where Ignatos seems to lair when he's showing his scales. The figure pulls this off well before John gets anywhere near him.

Ignatos looks puzzledly** at John browsing the store in the middle of a work meeting.

*Its a pretty good transliteration of Xiticix.

**Only Ven picks up on this body language.
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Jack Killian »

Perception: 72% 1d100: [45] = 45
JIC d20: 1d20: [7] = 7
JIC: 1d100: [25] = 25

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet
Talisman Invincible 200 MD (OFF) waiting to be Recharged
Talisman of Mystic Invisibility
Talisman of Time Slip
Altess Eviscerator Count Bustamante
The dragon holds down a small round disk on a chain. "I have the talisman you requested, Burster. The rest of it is quite exotic. I have put out.... feelers?.... for the other items you seek."
Jack holds his hands opens and thanks Ignatos, “I thank you for this and all you can do to find the others.” Jack takes the chain and then drapes the talisman around his neck.”
John internally sighs at Jack. "Don't worry, Mr. Ignatos, we've got transportation. It's not a problem. And thank you for the information packet."
Jack smiles and speaks up, “I didn’t me to Insult you. I have a new ride, I wanted to try out. I guess I can do that for this mission. “

Jack stays in the background as other things are discussed. Jack hears talk about Xiticix in Canada, What the hell are those.

Count Bustamante responds,
Research 98% 1d100: [52] = 52
“They seem to be rather large flying humanoid bug monsters that prey on those with abilities in magic and psi.” After a pause,
"They are located in Minnesota, and not near Old bones which is east and north of us.
"Flash Fry, put another Shrimp on the Barbie" Gmail: Sinder.JKing@gmail.com
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viewtopic.php?t=14446Jack Killian[/url]
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P.P.E.: 4
I.S.P.: 196/196
H.P.: 42/ 42 MD
S.D.C.: 90/ 90

NE-BA-50 “Raider” Heavy Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 80
Arms: 55 each
Legs: 80 each
Main Body: 140
Weight: 30 lbs.
Modifiers: -20% to physical skills
Naruni Thermo-Kinetic Armor (p.35-36, DB8)
Book Reference: p.40, DB8

Weapon Carried:

CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
Laser: 2,000'
Grenade Launcher: 1,200'
Single shot: 2d6 M.D.
Burst: 6d6 M.D.
Grenade: 2D6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Micro-fusion grenade: 6d6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot pulse bursts only; 1 grenade or 4-grenade bursts only
E-Clip: 21 shots

Altess Eviscerator (Patron Item)
Damage: 6D6
Special Abilities
• Electrical Discharge:
• • Range: Touch or up to 200'
• • Damage: 4D6

MP-3 MageFire Bolt Pistol

Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6+3 M.D.

NeraTech Pn-50 "Splatter Gun"
Range: 60', Payload: 18/clip,
2 clips (current)Acid: 4D6 S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D. to a 3 foot radius.

CN-1 Net

Skorblade Short Sword
Damage: 1D8 M.D.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

TW "Dragonfire" Flamethrower
Range: 100'
Damage: single Shot: 1D6x10 M.D.
Spray: 1D6x10 M.D. to all targets in a 100' long & 10' wide arc (3 APM)
Rate of Fire: single shots & sprays only
Payload: 5 blasts per P.P.E. clip
Weight: 8 lbs.

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet

The amulet changes color whenever an entity is within 100'

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Venenifer »

Perception: 1d100: [16] = 16 /63%
JiC: 1d20: [19] = 19 / 1d100: [75] = 75

MDC: 640/640 | Barding MDC: 640/640(Barding BR: 2d6/melee) | P.P.E.: 136/136 | I.S.P.: 144/152
| HF (when identified as a dragon): 11 (13 w/Frills extended in Dragon Form) | Nightvision: 200ft | See Invisible (at will) | Shadow Meld (at will) | Cold/Fire 1/2 DMG | Impervious to All Forms Of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/min | Sense Ley Lines/Nexuses/Dragons 20mi | Visually ID dragons within 4,000ft | Sixth Sense [Active, 2ISP] |
Range: 100 ft (30.5 m) plus 50ft (15.2m) per level for prove, or 200ft (61m) plus 100ft (30.5) for two-way communication
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 8
Just like the lesser Sensitive power of telepathy, Telepathy: Superior grants the ability to hear surface thoughts, or send and receive telepathic messages. However, this superior form of the power gives the character the ability to read deeper or even subconscious thoughts. If the victim fails the saving through, the psychic will be able to read thoughts on any subject he wants. This can include passwords, names of contacts, the victim's true name, and even skills. Sometimes (65% (40%+3% per level)) the character will be able to see or hear parts of memories associated with the thoughts they are reading from the victim. A saving throw should be rolled for each skill/memory/thought that the character tries to read. The character can make one attempt to pull information for each attack per melee.


Ignatos wrote:"You mean the Xy-tick-icks*, I think. They are quite a ways west of old Labrador, which is the northeastern reached claimed by Free Quebec but rarely inhabited in the last decade or so by anyone other than Inuit tribesmen. Before that the Splugorth had a base there that local sellswords such as yourself wiped off the map. The melt glass I sent Mister Granitebeard to acquire for me is the only physical remains of that base, other than a blast crater. So, unless Thurin got hopelessly lost, the bug men are not to blame. Free Quebec itself is far more likely if he came to a hostile end."
Ven nods in understanding. "I appreciate the background information. I'm not as up to date with the going's on this side of the Pacific Pond." Ven admits her relatively newer status to the North American continent. When Ignatos' gaze fixes onto John with a puzzled look, Ven narrows her own eyes then follows his gaze to John. "He must've seen something that caught his eye." Ven informs her fellow dragon, still unaware of what John is actually hunting. "He's no thief, though." Ven adds. I do so hope Ignatos doesn't suspect John of being a thief. Though, what is he doing over there? Ven ponders, her gaze returning to John.

"John. Find something... interesting? Would you like to share with the rest of us?" Ven openly asks.
Venenifer, the Royal Frilled Dragon

P.P.E.: 136 | I.S.P.: 152 | Natural A.R.: 13 | Personal MDC: 630 | Barding MDC: 630D/315H
(+ 1 on all other saving throws not listed here) )
Coma/Death: 28%
Magic (varies): +6
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +9
Mind Control (varies): +3
Horror Factor (varies): +6

HF/Awe: 11/13 when frills flared. | Nightvision 200ft | See Invisible at Will | Shadow Meld at Will | Half Damage Fire/Plasma/Cold | Impervious to all forms of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/minute | Sense Ley Lines, Nexuses, Pyramids and Dragons within 20 miles | Visually see past other dragon's illusions within 4,000ft

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Jack Killian »

(((Rolls Carry Over))))

Where the bloody hell is Old Bones?
Count Bustamante, "Well, you are from the Land Down Under. Old Bonds is from the Land Up Yonder! The Land of Snow and blubber. Can you hear the blizzard is coming. You better run before you're six feet under."

"Depending on the time of year, you might have to dress warmly. But if you're on fire all the time you should be warm. Watch out for the Moose on the loose."

Jack Looks around and ask, "Hey John, or anyone, Old Bones, Where is it exactly?"

Count Bustamante displays a map and adds, "You might wat to get some more education. Spread your wings, learn more about this land you're in."
"Flash Fry, put another Shrimp on the Barbie" Gmail: Sinder.JKing@gmail.com
OOC Comments
viewtopic.php?t=14446Jack Killian[/url]
OOC Comments
P.P.E.: 4
I.S.P.: 196/196
H.P.: 42/ 42 MD
S.D.C.: 90/ 90

NE-BA-50 “Raider” Heavy Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 80
Arms: 55 each
Legs: 80 each
Main Body: 140
Weight: 30 lbs.
Modifiers: -20% to physical skills
Naruni Thermo-Kinetic Armor (p.35-36, DB8)
Book Reference: p.40, DB8

Weapon Carried:

CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
Laser: 2,000'
Grenade Launcher: 1,200'
Single shot: 2d6 M.D.
Burst: 6d6 M.D.
Grenade: 2D6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Micro-fusion grenade: 6d6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot pulse bursts only; 1 grenade or 4-grenade bursts only
E-Clip: 21 shots

Altess Eviscerator (Patron Item)
Damage: 6D6
Special Abilities
• Electrical Discharge:
• • Range: Touch or up to 200'
• • Damage: 4D6

MP-3 MageFire Bolt Pistol

Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6+3 M.D.

NeraTech Pn-50 "Splatter Gun"
Range: 60', Payload: 18/clip,
2 clips (current)Acid: 4D6 S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D. to a 3 foot radius.

CN-1 Net

Skorblade Short Sword
Damage: 1D8 M.D.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

TW "Dragonfire" Flamethrower
Range: 100'
Damage: single Shot: 1D6x10 M.D.
Spray: 1D6x10 M.D. to all targets in a 100' long & 10' wide arc (3 APM)
Rate of Fire: single shots & sprays only
Payload: 5 blasts per P.P.E. clip
Weight: 8 lbs.

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet

The amulet changes color whenever an entity is within 100'

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John Altfeld
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by John Altfeld »

Perception: 1d100: [56] = 56
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [62] = 62

CONDITIONS: John is at +1 foot, See Invisible (500'), Radar, Immune to Possession, Mindblock Autodefense, can't be touched by undead, can't be mind controlled by vampires, etc.

John doesn’t initially respond to Ven’s question or Ignatos’s dirty looks. Instead he jumps into the air, trying to grab the invisible presence.

Initiative: 1d20+13: [3]+13 = 16

Grabbies: 1d20+8: [10]+8 = 18 , 1d20+8: [11]+8 = 19 , 1d20+8: [15]+8 = 23 , 1d20+8: [4]+8 = 12

As he’s chasing the interloper down, John says. “There’s an invisible guy. He was in the corner, then on the ceiling. Not sure how they’re hiding from magic sight.”

But I’d love to find out for future use…
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Wolf Whitaker
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Wolf Whitaker »

Perception: 1d100: [12] = 12 /74%
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 ; 1d100: [51] = 51

Paranoia Thought Text
Active Effects:
  • HF: 12
  • (Opponents must roll to save vs horror factor whenever the Gunslinger makes a serious threat (stop or else ... ) and again if and when he first draws his weapon on a character. Likewise, those who attack a Gunslinger must roll to save vs Horror Factor whenever facing the Gunslinger in a one-on-one showdown, duel, or shootout, and whenever an opponent makes his first move to attack the Gunslinger, even if the gunslinger isn't aware the character plans to attack.
  • +6 to all saves
  • See Invisible 200 ft
  • Integrated Sensor Pod - NE Armor
    • 360° scanning capability
    • Allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
  • Optics Enhancements
    • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
    • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
    • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
    • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
  • +40% to all Weapon Ranges
  • Toxins are only 50% effective and last for 50% of listed duration.

Wolf arrives and has Dusty and the Wolves wait outside. The interlopers do not go unnoticed by Wolf. "Keep an eye out." Wolf speaks lowly to his wolves and horse.

Wolf listens to the prattling of the others as they recieve information of their job. Seems simple enough. Go find this dude. Get the melt Glass and get back. Should be easy. I would like to know more about the melt glass. If we are to retrieve it then we should have some idea of what we are looking for. Wolf glances over at Will and notices he seems to be suffering greatly from last nights shenanigans. Alcohol doesn't seem to effect me as badly as it used to. Must be something to do with the training I went through. Wolf moves over to inspect the tablet Ignatos motioned to.

Wolf nods in agreement. "Ignatos, your payment seems to be fair. I believe we can accept the job.

What is John doing? Wolf looks around as John mentions the invisible person. "Well that's new. Something that can hide from both mechanical and magical detection methods? Might explain the people loitering outside. A small group was scoping out the shop as we entered. Wolf looks at Ignatos as he drops the tablet into his bag, "We will accept the job. It seems you've other guests to attend to. Shall we leave them to your wrath for intruding?" Wolf wants to see if Ignatos wants the Roughnecks to deal with this issue of if he want to handle it himself.

If the Men outside begin moving towards the shop the Wolves will activate their FFs and alert Wolf to the approaching threats.
Wolf Whitaker

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Venenifer »

[Rolls Held]
Wolf wrote:
John wrote: “There’s an invisible guy. He was in the corner, then on the ceiling. Not sure how they’re hiding from magic sight.”
"Well that's new. Something that can hide from both mechanical and magical detection methods? Might explain the people loitering outside. A small group was scoping out the shop as we entered. We will accept the job. It seems you've other guests to attend to. Shall we leave them to your wrath for intruding?"
Ven visibly perks up, as if intrigued that they are being spied upon. "Oh, it seems we have a voyuer with us then? Interesting that they are so adept at remaining hidden." Ven observes. "Aren't we popular this week." Ven openly comments, recalling the bar scene with the bikers. I wonder if this is related to that scene or this job. Ven considers to herself. Looking back towards Ignatos at the comment from Wolf, Ven smiles inhumanly. Yes, I would like to see what he could do. But I doubt he'll take direct action. Ven muses as she mentally triggers her psionic detection [Extended Presence Sense] to try and track the invisible one.

Extended Presence Sense: 1d100: [30] = 30 /75%
Venenifer, the Royal Frilled Dragon

P.P.E.: 136 | I.S.P.: 152 | Natural A.R.: 13 | Personal MDC: 630 | Barding MDC: 630D/315H
(+ 1 on all other saving throws not listed here) )
Coma/Death: 28%
Magic (varies): +6
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +9
Mind Control (varies): +3
Horror Factor (varies): +6

HF/Awe: 11/13 when frills flared. | Nightvision 200ft | See Invisible at Will | Shadow Meld at Will | Half Damage Fire/Plasma/Cold | Impervious to all forms of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/minute | Sense Ley Lines, Nexuses, Pyramids and Dragons within 20 miles | Visually see past other dragon's illusions within 4,000ft

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by William Summers »

Perception: 1d100: [5] = 5 /51% (+15% regarding machines and/or magic)
JIC: 1d20: [5] = 5 / 1d100: [54] = 54

Even with my Battle Magus training for years, honing my mind and body, I was NOT prepared for a drinking contest with a Larmac. Never again.

Queasy and a little shaky, Will takes in the conversation about their mission. When the team mentions they haven't heard about what these rings as payment are, he chimes in. "Flight. Invisibility. Teleportation. I call it the
The Lazlo Goodbye
Very Rare Enchanted Ring
Magic Features
  • Fly (as an eagle): 60 minutes; twice daily
  • Invisibility: 10 minutes; three times daily.
  • Teleport: Instant; three times daily.

Curse: None.
History: Drafted by William V. Summers and John H.E. Altfeld in response to the question, "Wait, what if we can’t win?"
. Difficult to create and thus, expensive. One for each of us. I think you'll all see that this was a good deal."

"Ignatos, the terms of this job are agreeable. As Wolf said, we'll take it. We can handle our own transportation and we'll bring you back something; dead, alive and/or glass."

John's commotion about an invisible person piques Will's interest, but only enough for a brief glance to confirm it hiding from magical sight. "Catch it or don't, just do it quietly. My head is killing me."
The Man in Black
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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Deal With the Dragon is Official
”The Boss” wrote:"Ignatos, the terms of this job are agreeable. As Wolf said, we'll take it. We can handle our own transportation and we'll bring you back something; dead, alive and/or glass."
”Thank you, Mister Summers. I find your word highly reliable.”

John and the Double Invisibility Droid

John leaps up and comes down with-

-for those who can see magical invisibility, there is a vague shimmering humanoid-shaped form in John’s arms. Those also familiar with Naruni stealth technology would have instant recognition of it being based on that.

-for those who cannot, he seems to be holding air.

There was a metal on metal wrenching sound. Everyone but Jack and John saw some sparks. But the logical conclusion might be John just ripped down a light fixture if they can’t make out magical invisibility.

John, this thing is heavy. Like its made of mostly metal. You have no issue with it, it’s lighter than the rocket bike was but not by much.

A voice familiar to only John comes out of the shadow. ”Perceptive as well as handsome.”

A heavily modified Triax labor bot appears in John’s hands. It’s covered in a strange film, most of its exterior is made of non-standard materiel and its encrusted with gems.

”You stole my toy, called him a snack and left him with a bunch of goody two-shoes. You didn’t even eat him. We are not done with each other yet, John and the Roughnecks. Oh, that’s a good band name!”

Some of the red gemstones on the things chest glow ominously. ”One last thing. I have nothing to do with the ruffians outside, but I was wondering if it was going to be entertaining. I guess I have to find another way to watch now. Toodleoo.”

A short sound bite from a song comes out of the speakers* and the thing starts exuding molten gold out of its cracks which then form into several bars on the ground. John is holding a steaming hulk. And then metal feet fall on his head.

Ignatos changes into his human form and claps his hands once for attention. ”Maybe you’ll want some additional help? I have been scouting a couple freelancers in case one of the groups I do regular business with didn’t darken my door soon. I’ll make them rings too so you don’t have to figure out how to pay them? They both come recommended by Fixer Jones and he seems to have a knack for it, so if you like them- keep them.”

William, headache and regrets from the day before notwithstanding, sees gems on a machine and knows what that means.**

Wolf’s Eyes Outside

Outside, Wolf notices one of the bikers from last night pull up to the gaggle of ruffians. Its the giant ogre who was blocking the door. He shakes his head at the bikers, flashes what looks like a customized BigBore Six-Shooter at them, and says something garbled by the bike engine, but the speech pattern recognition software from Triax is pretty sure it was ”Go fuck off or I’ll eat you and rape your mothers.” in American. Then he takes off. About half the gaggle leaves immediately, looking properly chastised.

The others have a brief conversation about reporting back to someone called the Monkey somewhere referred to as Brass. Whoever the Monkey is, he apparently doesn’t care that the ‘baby-faced kid’ is the ‘Atlanteans’ cousin’. They elect a lookout from amongst their number, who is waiting in a beat up nondescript hovercar that might have once been a livery cab, texting on the phone and watching the door.


The Roughnecks have a new job, unfinished business with diverse people for an apparant penchant for eating sapient creatures, and splitting headaches. Except John, who cheated.

What are you doing?

Quest Item

Ignatos’ Datafile Tablet
OOC Comments
Contains several Blackman dossiers and technical notes from Thurin Granitebeard, as well as some other notes from an unnamed Techno-Wizard who plans to use the melt glass as a substitute for gemstones to make what seems like magical bunker-buster bombs, and another author who is most likely Ignatos himself.
-Best used with Research.
-Will provide a +15% bonus to Science and Technical skill checks related to this mission when consulted for information. Time Required: 1d6 hours, minus 10 minutes per margin of success on a Research roll by any member of the group to a minimum of 1 minute.
-May allow Research to substitute for some skill checks, at GM discretion.
-Information may be downloaded to other devices to provide multiple copies of all notes.

**This is an TW Engineering puzzle. We’ll treat it a bit like crafting to make out what all this thing did.
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Wolf Whitaker
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Wolf Whitaker »

Perception: 1d100: [69] = 69 /74%
JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 ; 1d100: [65] = 65

Paranoia Thought Text
Active Effects:
  • HF: 12
  • (Opponents must roll to save vs horror factor whenever the Gunslinger makes a serious threat (stop or else ... ) and again if and when he first draws his weapon on a character. Likewise, those who attack a Gunslinger must roll to save vs Horror Factor whenever facing the Gunslinger in a one-on-one showdown, duel, or shootout, and whenever an opponent makes his first move to attack the Gunslinger, even if the gunslinger isn't aware the character plans to attack.
  • +6 to all saves
  • See Invisible 200 ft
  • Integrated Sensor Pod - NE Armor
    • 360° scanning capability
    • Allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
  • Mini-Radar/Sonar System
    • Can track up to 12 targets
    • Range: 2 miles
  • Optics Enhancements
    • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
    • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
    • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
    • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
  • +40% to all Modern Weapon Ranges
  • Toxins are only 50% effective and last for 50% of listed duration.

Wolf looks at the robot as it squirms in John's clutches, Hmm. Interesting. Invisibility to both magic and tech...that is dangerous. Far too dangerous. We will need to be on alert for surprise attacks...I'm aware. But see. I told you John had his uses. Never would have seen it if he hadn't have gotten to it first......Nothing? Oh well.

Wolf watches the machine speak. That's not a recording. its reacting to the environment...It's being controlled...Likely by magic. Wolf rolls his eyes and scoffs at the comment about the Roughnecks still having business with the person. Wolf's tone is completely level and cold, "Don't blame the tool for how it's used. If you take issue, see our employers. If you still want to take issue with us then, Wolf gives a cold thin smile, "Well you seem to know where we are. Next time come yourself, coward."

Wolf turns away as his robots show him the happening outside. Seems we won a supporter in the biker gang...Unexpected. You should still kill them all...I'm still going to...You should kill this one too...no. He likely will ahve more information. Need him alive for now...How predicable...Shut up. Wolf key's in commands to Shadow to allow Wolf to access the sensor suite on his back. Wolf scans through the Radio frequency spectrum to the MT cellular tower frequencies. Wolf quietly speaks to Shadow, "Ok Shadow lets set you up to be the new cell tower. Reconfigure your radio transmitter/receiver to mirror the cell tower. Set the name as a signal booster tower. Set to directional antenna to only focus on that cell phone. Now let's pipe the information on to my screens through the gauntlet." Wolf works to set up a signal relay between his robot and the cell tower. This will act as a "Man-in the middle" tower allowing Wolf to intercept the cell data and decode the information with the advanced communication suite in both his armor and Shadow.

--Radio Basic-- 1d100: [47] = 47 /80% (Find and tune to the RF band used by the MT cell network)
--Electronic Countermeasures 1d100: [28] = 28 /55% (Set up as a signal booster to have the lookout's cell phone routed through Shadow before heading to the Cell tower)
--Electronic Countermeasures 1d100: [19] = 19 /55% (Demodulate the signal information and view what the man has been sending)
--Electronic Countermeasures 1d100: [56] = 56 /55% (Identify the cell number of the recipient of the text messages or calls)

Wolf looks over the information and records it to the memory on his drone gauntlet. Wolf then turns to the group, "Seems they left a look out. The bikers from yesterday apparently tried to warn off this gang from messing with us. Not sure what to make of that. But these gang member seem to not care and have some beef with us. I'm currently intercepting the phone of the look out." Wolf looks directly at Ven, "Ven can you please make me invisible? Wolf then looks to Ignatos "May I use your backdoor? I have a little business with the man outside apparently. Wolf looks abck to the others, "I'll be right back. If you hear more then two shots then you should come running.

Once Ven casts Invisibility on Wolf he will slip out the backdoor and make his way to the man in the car.
--Prowl-- 1d100: [16] = 16 /85%

Wolf will key in instructions to Shadow. Once Wolf approaches the car Shadow will use the directional antenna to transmit energy (aka Noise) to overload the cell frequency towards the car. The interference should prevent the cell phone from connecting to to the tower and getting a signal. It should also be limited to the direction of the car and will not be noticeable very far past the car.
--Electronic Countermeasures 1d100: [45] = 45 /55% (Directional RF interference on the cell phone band range)

Wolf sneaks up to the side of the car, from behind if possible, with his NE-6SL in hand. Once next to the window Wolf will speak, "Drop the phone. Remove the keys from the ignition, drop them to the floor. If you do anything other then what I tell you, you will die." Wolf leans against the car with his gun pointing at the kid's head, "Why is your boss so interested in the Roughnecks? I don't recall doing anything to earn your boss's ire...yet." Interrogation-- 1d100: [58] = 58 /85% Wolf's cold voice carries an edge to it, "You better speak up before the others get here. They are much less kind then I am."

-If Wolf needs to shoot the kid he will. Init: 1d20+31: [13]+31 = 44 ; NE-6SL Strike: 1d20+13: [20]+13 = 33 Nat 20! Damage: 1d4*10: [2]*10 = 20 x2 = 40MD
Wolf Whitaker

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Venenifer »

Perception: 1d100: [25] = 25 /63%
JiC: 1d20: [15] = 15 / 1d100: [79] = 79

MDC: 640/640 | Barding MDC: 640/640(Barding BR: 2d6/melee) | P.P.E.: 136/136 | I.S.P.: 144/152
| HF (when identified as a dragon): 11 (13 w/Frills extended in Dragon Form) | Nightvision: 200ft | See Invisible (at will) | Shadow Meld (at will) | Cold/Fire 1/2 DMG | Impervious to All Forms Of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/min | Sense Ley Lines/Nexuses/Dragons 20mi | Visually ID dragons within 4,000ft | Sixth Sense [Active, 2ISP] |
Range: 100 ft (30.5 m) plus 50ft (15.2m) per level for prove, or 200ft (61m) plus 100ft (30.5) for two-way communication
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 8
Just like the lesser Sensitive power of telepathy, Telepathy: Superior grants the ability to hear surface thoughts, or send and receive telepathic messages. However, this superior form of the power gives the character the ability to read deeper or even subconscious thoughts. If the victim fails the saving through, the psychic will be able to read thoughts on any subject he wants. This can include passwords, names of contacts, the victim's true name, and even skills. Sometimes (65% (40%+3% per level)) the character will be able to see or hear parts of memories associated with the thoughts they are reading from the victim. A saving throw should be rolled for each skill/memory/thought that the character tries to read. The character can make one attempt to pull information for each attack per melee.


Ignatos wrote:”Maybe you’ll want some additional help? I have been scouting a couple freelancers in case one of the groups I do regular business with didn’t darken my door soon. I’ll make them rings too so you don’t have to figure out how to pay them? They both come recommended by Fixer Jones and he seems to have a knack for it, so if you like them- keep them.”
Ven watches John with amusement but remains near the counter with Ignatos and the others. When Ignatos mentions others who might be helpful, the dragoness turns to her fellow with a wry smile. "Why certainly, the more the merrier. Where might we find our little strays?" Ven asks of Ignatos about the two newcomers. They are often so amusing, why not bolster our roster some. She thinks to herself.
Wolf wrote:"Ven can you please make me invisible?
Ven glances at Wolf with a smile. "Oh, of course, darling." She says, laying her hand on Wolf's shoulder as he finds himself enveloped in Invisibility Simple. "You have fun now, if you find something let us know and I'll join you." Ven offers Wolf, but otherwise remains indoors for the time being.
Venenifer, the Royal Frilled Dragon

P.P.E.: 136 | I.S.P.: 152 | Natural A.R.: 13 | Personal MDC: 630 | Barding MDC: 630D/315H
(+ 1 on all other saving throws not listed here) )
Coma/Death: 28%
Magic (varies): +6
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +9
Mind Control (varies): +3
Horror Factor (varies): +6

HF/Awe: 11/13 when frills flared. | Nightvision 200ft | See Invisible at Will | Shadow Meld at Will | Half Damage Fire/Plasma/Cold | Impervious to all forms of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/minute | Sense Ley Lines, Nexuses, Pyramids and Dragons within 20 miles | Visually see past other dragon's illusions within 4,000ft

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Ash, the kid (Theros)
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Ash, the kid (Theros) »

Perception: 34% (+15% involving vampires or undead) 1d100: [22] = 22
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17
JIC: 1d100: [72] = 72
Initiative 1d20+1: [11]+1 = 12
Sense vampires/undead always active
Recognize Secondary Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special) 40% 1d100: [100] = 100
Recognize Wild Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special) 70% 1d100: [76] = 76
Recognize Master Vampires by Appearance (1000ft/special)40% 1d100: [32] = 32
Operate Dimensional Pyramids (special): Base Skill: 60% 1d100: [31] = 31

William Summers wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 8:57 am Queasy and a little shaky, Will takes in the conversation about their mission. When the team mentions they haven't heard about what these rings as payment are, he chimes in. "Flight. Invisibility. Teleportation. I call it the
The Lazlo Goodbye
Very Rare Enchanted Ring
Magic Features
  • Fly (as an eagle): 60 minutes; twice daily
  • Invisibility: 10 minutes; three times daily.
  • Teleport: Instant; three times daily.

Curse: None.
History: Drafted by William V. Summers and John H.E. Altfeld in response to the question, "Wait, what if we can’t win?"
. Difficult to create and thus, expensive. One for each of us. I think you'll all see that this was a good deal."

"Ignatos, the terms of this job are agreeable. As Wolf said, we'll take it. We can handle our own transportation and we'll bring you back something; dead, alive and/or glass."

John's commotion about an invisible person piques Will's interest, but only enough for a brief glance to confirm it hiding from magical sight. "Catch it or don't, just do it quietly. My head is killing me."
~Those sound like great equipment, and this dragon can make them? They truely are a great species~

Watches as John jumps up grabbing the bot and commotion to follow.
Wolf wrote:"Ven can you please make me invisible?
Vennifer wrote: Ven glances at Wolf with a smile. "Oh, of course, darling." She says, laying her hand on Wolf's shoulder as he finds himself enveloped in Invisibility Simple. "You have fun now, if you find something let us know and I'll join you." Ven offers Wolf, but otherwise remains indoors for the time being.
The thought of wolf running aound invisible doesn't sit easy with the kid, and then the idea of the rings giving ALL of us the ability on a whim hit him. ~oh shit, this might not be a good idea after all, that guy is straight up crazy~

Deciding he needs to get his mind off the subject. "When do we leave Sirs and ma'am?"
Outside of his armor's, appears to be a early teenager, despite his age. Dark red hair (Auburn) Light Blue/Grey eyes, sparse freckles on body, tall, athletic build. He has his marks of heritage on his wrists as do every True Atlantean, he wears leather bracers over them outside of his armor's. Tattoos are placed mainly on his torso, so not as visible if worn with regular clothing, along with quite a number of talismans that look like dogtags around his neck.
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by William Summers »

Perception: 1d100: [21] = 21 /51% (+15% regarding machines and/or magic)
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 / 1d100: [100] = 100

Will snaps to attention as the invisible thing turns out to be covered in gems, his forte. Besides war that is. "Ignatos, would you mind if I took a closer look at this pile of slag?" If permitted, Will brings a pair of spectacles out and takes a close look at the golden pile.
Metalwork and Forge – 1d100: [57] = 57 /51% - to determine the different metals involved (I don't have Gemology) - FAIL
Appraise Goods – 1d100: [45] = 45 /53% - to figure out their approximate value - PASS
Electrical Engineer – 1d100: [61] = 61 /68% - to look for any undamaged parts - PASS
Mechanical Engineer – 1d100: [53] = 53 /68% - to look for any undamaged parts - PASS
Techno-Wizardry Construction – 1d100: [35] = 35 /93% - to look for any undamaged parts - PASS

Oh wow, OK, let's see. Red gems, it melted, maybe a Ruby Quartz to Ignite a Fire or a proper Ruby for any number of fire spells... "Are there cameras here, Ignatos? I would like to get another look at this thing. Before it melted." If Ignatos allows it, he'll check out the cameras.

"And regarding the freelancers. Go ahead and whip up two more of the rings. If I like what they've got, I'll hand them over. If not, we'll pay them in creds and send them on their way. Can't just hand these out like candy, y'know." While he says this, he glances toward the books in the corner. If they're easily accessible, he'll head to them and read each of their titles. Just out of curiosity.
Ash, the kid (Theros) wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2024 9:08 am"When do we leave Sirs and ma'am?"
"Excellent question, as always, Kid. We shop, get some rest and we head out in the morning." I like this kid. Respectful, can hold his own, doesn't ask stupid questions. We'll have to get to know him better sometime. Really warrior down.
The Man in Black
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Jack Killian »

Perception: 72% 1d100: [19] = 19
JIC d20: 1d20: [19] = 19
JIC: 1d100: [56] = 56

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet
Talisman Invincible 200 MD (OFF) waiting to be Recharged
Talisman of Mystic Invisibility
Talisman of Time Slip
Altess Eviscerator Count Bustamante

Jack looks at John doing his thing. Wonder what is wrong with the bloke, a Burr up his arse? Oh, crap he got himself an invisible! Dang, this is good entertainment. It speaks, well I’ll be a flying Kola.
Perceptive as well as handsome.” ”You stole my toy, called him a snack and left him with a bunch of goody two-shoes. You didn’t even eat him. We are not done with each other yet, John and the Roughnecks. Oh, that’s a good band name!”

”One last thing. I have nothing to do with the ruffians outside, but I was wondering if it was going to be entertaining. I guess I have to find another way to watch now. Toodleoo.”
Jack speaks to John, “Hey Mate sounds like your girl is a Serious Susan. Or a Jilted Jill. You should have married her". I hope none of Mine finds me, maybe that cat goddess be great. She’s a Cat’s Meow. "John, you need to help us understand about your Fiancé? Maybe she Want's to join the Group to be closer to you."

Count Bustamante Really, concentrate on the job. There are bikers outside.

After wolf speaks, Jack responds, “Don’t kill him. He can give us a lift back."
"Flash Fry, put another Shrimp on the Barbie" Gmail: Sinder.JKing@gmail.com
OOC Comments
viewtopic.php?t=14446Jack Killian[/url]
OOC Comments
P.P.E.: 4
I.S.P.: 196/196
H.P.: 42/ 42 MD
S.D.C.: 90/ 90

NE-BA-50 “Raider” Heavy Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 80
Arms: 55 each
Legs: 80 each
Main Body: 140
Weight: 30 lbs.
Modifiers: -20% to physical skills
Naruni Thermo-Kinetic Armor (p.35-36, DB8)
Book Reference: p.40, DB8

Weapon Carried:

CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
Laser: 2,000'
Grenade Launcher: 1,200'
Single shot: 2d6 M.D.
Burst: 6d6 M.D.
Grenade: 2D6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Micro-fusion grenade: 6d6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot pulse bursts only; 1 grenade or 4-grenade bursts only
E-Clip: 21 shots

Altess Eviscerator (Patron Item)
Damage: 6D6
Special Abilities
• Electrical Discharge:
• • Range: Touch or up to 200'
• • Damage: 4D6

MP-3 MageFire Bolt Pistol

Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6+3 M.D.

NeraTech Pn-50 "Splatter Gun"
Range: 60', Payload: 18/clip,
2 clips (current)Acid: 4D6 S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D. to a 3 foot radius.

CN-1 Net

Skorblade Short Sword
Damage: 1D8 M.D.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

TW "Dragonfire" Flamethrower
Range: 100'
Damage: single Shot: 1D6x10 M.D.
Spray: 1D6x10 M.D. to all targets in a 100' long & 10' wide arc (3 APM)
Rate of Fire: single shots & sprays only
Payload: 5 blasts per P.P.E. clip
Weight: 8 lbs.

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet

The amulet changes color whenever an entity is within 100'

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John Altfeld
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by John Altfeld »

Perception: 1d100: [23] = 23 / 86%
JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 / 1d100: [40] = 40

CONDITIONS: John is at +1 foot, See Invisible (500'), Radar, Immune to Possession, Mindblock Autodefense, can't be touched by undead, can't be mind controlled by vampires, etc.

As he holds the magic robot, John feels nothing but confusion.

"Guys, I think the walls are flirting with me again. And no, Jack, this isn't my girlfriend. I'm not even sure it thinks of itself as female."

But it's kind of hot, though. And has good taste in music. What does it mean that the empty darkness of space seems to be too interested in me?

When the robot starts melting, John immediately drops it. "Oh hell! What's it doing? And why is its blood making gold bars?"

The darkness of space is apparently a neat freak.

Lore: Magic: 1d100: [25] = 25 / 92%

He turns around and rolls his eyes when Ignatos suggests they need more people for this job. To hide his annoyance, he downloads the information for the job to his personal computer, adding, "Hey Wolf, don't depend on invisibility too much. It's ridiculously easy to crack for anyone with the tiniest bit of competence. Let us know if it's time to kill the idiot gang who practically begged us to do it."

"Oh, also this is my robot now."
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

On inspection, the gems remain where they were. Only the gold came out, but the rest of the robot got a little cooked as it came out. The even, perfectly formed flat bars suggest some variation on Create Steel. Gold wire is common in TW construction, and its also vital in corrosion-free connections- like those on computer motherboards. Some sort of fire magic in the spell chain to make it come out all molten like that? Its an odd self-destruct, but that might well be the purpose of at least one spell chain.

The Gems:
Black Pearl
Black Garnet
Ruby Quartz
Lapis Lazuli
Diamond (a lot- at least 50 carats)
Strange Black Rough Uncut Diamond (center chest)

On the feet only:

With some time and study, Will (or any Techno-Wizard) could probably make out the specific spell chains.

Ignatos makes a few phone calls in his human form from behind his store counter. ”One more thing, the freelancers don’t know what I am yet– and let’s keep it that way if they don’t make the cut. Fixer was most discrete in his inquiries on my behalf. I have only met them in this skin.”


Wolf, via his drones, manages to spoof a cell tower for a classic man-in-the-middle attack.

The main problem is, that the guy had more attention on chasing tail than communicating with his fellows. Wolf successfully gets not only his girl’s number, but the tower in the Warrens that she is pinging from. The single ‘nothing yet, how long should I wait?’ message he sends out doesn’t seem to go to any active tower, and for some reason that second number never came up.

The goon’s eyes get big as saucers when Wolf sneaks up on him. That doesn’t stop him from activating screen lock on his phone, cause his fingers were already right there. He pauses for a moment at Wolf’s instructions, clearly sizing things up, but after about a second he drops the phone and slowly moves to remove the keys from the ignition and then drops those.
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Venenifer »

Perception: 1d100: [28] = 28 /63%
JiC: 1d20: [10] = 10 / 1d100: [30] = 30

MDC: 640/640 | Barding MDC: 640/640(Barding BR: 2d6/melee) | P.P.E.: 136/136 | I.S.P.: 144/152
| HF (when identified as a dragon): 11 (13 w/Frills extended in Dragon Form) | Nightvision: 200ft | See Invisible (at will) | Shadow Meld (at will) | Cold/Fire 1/2 DMG | Impervious to All Forms Of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/min | Sense Ley Lines/Nexuses/Dragons 20mi | Visually ID dragons within 4,000ft | Sixth Sense [Active, 2ISP] |
Range: 100 ft (30.5 m) plus 50ft (15.2m) per level for prove, or 200ft (61m) plus 100ft (30.5) for two-way communication
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 8
Just like the lesser Sensitive power of telepathy, Telepathy: Superior grants the ability to hear surface thoughts, or send and receive telepathic messages. However, this superior form of the power gives the character the ability to read deeper or even subconscious thoughts. If the victim fails the saving through, the psychic will be able to read thoughts on any subject he wants. This can include passwords, names of contacts, the victim's true name, and even skills. Sometimes (65% (40%+3% per level)) the character will be able to see or hear parts of memories associated with the thoughts they are reading from the victim. A saving throw should be rolled for each skill/memory/thought that the character tries to read. The character can make one attempt to pull information for each attack per melee.


John wrote:"Hey Wolf, don't depend on invisibility too much. It's ridiculously easy to crack for anyone with the tiniest bit of competence. Let us know if it's time to kill the idiot gang who practically begged us to do it."
Ven nods in agreement. "He has a point, but it does help against the unsuspecting." Ven adds, placing a finger to her lips as if in thought. Truly remarkable how technology has advanced to a point it counters the deeper magics. Ingenuity at it's finest, something to respect about these people. Ven considers.
Ignatos the Human wrote: ”One more thing, the freelancers don’t know what I am yet– and let’s keep it that way if they don’t make the cut. Fixer was most discrete in his inquiries on my behalf. I have only met them in this skin.”
After watching John deal with the flirting wall and Ignatos finishes his phonecall, Ven turns to him with a wry smile and nods. "But of course. One of us is more than most of these can bear at a time, anyways." Ven confirms that she won't spill Ignatos as a dragon, instead enjoying the prospect of playing with the newcomers not unlike a cat who isn't hungry playing with some mice. "Tell me, do we have names of these freelancers and are they meeting us here? It seems we have an audience." Ven comments
Venenifer, the Royal Frilled Dragon

P.P.E.: 136 | I.S.P.: 152 | Natural A.R.: 13 | Personal MDC: 630 | Barding MDC: 630D/315H
(+ 1 on all other saving throws not listed here) )
Coma/Death: 28%
Magic (varies): +6
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +9
Mind Control (varies): +3
Horror Factor (varies): +6

HF/Awe: 11/13 when frills flared. | Nightvision 200ft | See Invisible at Will | Shadow Meld at Will | Half Damage Fire/Plasma/Cold | Impervious to all forms of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/minute | Sense Ley Lines, Nexuses, Pyramids and Dragons within 20 miles | Visually see past other dragon's illusions within 4,000ft

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Wolf Whitaker
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Wolf Whitaker »

Perception: 1d100: [1] = 1 /74%
JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 ; 1d100: [4] = 4

Paranoia Thought Text
Active Effects:
  • HF: 12
  • (Opponents must roll to save vs horror factor whenever the Gunslinger makes a serious threat (stop or else ... ) and again if and when he first draws his weapon on a character. Likewise, those who attack a Gunslinger must roll to save vs Horror Factor whenever facing the Gunslinger in a one-on-one showdown, duel, or shootout, and whenever an opponent makes his first move to attack the Gunslinger, even if the gunslinger isn't aware the character plans to attack.
  • +6 to all saves
  • See Invisible 200 ft
  • Integrated Sensor Pod - NE Armor
    • 360° scanning capability
    • Allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
  • Mini-Radar/Sonar System
    • Can track up to 12 targets
    • Range: 2 miles
  • Optics Enhancements
    • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
    • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
    • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
    • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
  • +40% to all Modern Weapon Ranges
  • Toxins are only 50% effective and last for 50% of listed duration.

Wolf tips his hat to his friends to alleviate their concerns before he departs.

At the Car:

Wolf smiles to himself, "Those are some good instincts you got there, kid. Now I'd like to have a conversation with you. Wolf pulls open the back passenger door and sits behind the kid. "Now please keep both your hands on the top of the steering wheel. Good. Ok. I'd like to keep this moving along. I'd hate for you to not show up to your date later. She seems like a nice girl...Anyway Tell you what if you answer all my questions adequately I'll make sure you can take her to a nice place later tonight. Wolf pulls out his 1200 credit unsecure black card and holds it for the kid to see. "This will be yours as long as you answer my questions. Sound good? Wolf will ask the following questions while providing time for the kid to answer.
Interrogation-- 1d100: [1] = 1 /85% (Holy Crit success!)(Compassion with intimidation through the use of taking about private information while providing tangible incentive for compliance. Give hope the person will be alive to see significant other if questions are answered.)

--What is the name of the gang are you with?
--Why do they have an interest in the Roughnecks?
--What were you to report when we came out of the shop?
--Is there a force waiting to ambush us at some point?
--What do they know about the Roughnecks?
--Were you hired by a third party?
----If so, do you know who the third party is?
--What was the original plan before the Atlantean biker from the Horseman showed up?
--What is the name of your gang's leader?
--Where is your gang headquartered?
--What is the phone number you were reporting to?
--Who owns the phone you were reporting to?

Wolf nods, "Thank you for your time. I would find a different line of work and different people to associate with. I hope we don't see each other again. Enjoy your date. Wolf hands the kid the chit as he gets out of the car and heads back to the shop. Wolf will keep an eye on the phone data as he leaves. You should have killed him...he was just a lookout. wouldn't have done any good. Hopefully with this he'll never show his face to us again. Or his own people will kill him...I wanted us to do it...You whine too much, you know that...only cause you keep not killing people we really should be killing...ugh, enough.

-If needed Wolf will shoot the kid should it come to it. Init: 1d20+34: [3]+34 = 37 NE-6SL 1d20+12: [20]+12 = 32 ; Damage: 1d4*10: [1]*10 = 10
-If the kid tries to run him over or shoot him in the back Wolf will ricochet the shot through the open driverside window. Half Strike bonus only +6 to roll.
Wolf Whitaker

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by William Summers »

Perception: 1d100: [6] = 6 /51% (+15% regarding machines and/or magic)
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 / 1d100: [14] = 14

"Mum's the word, Ignatos. You mind if I take this melt pile? For study?" Will continues pouring over the gems present to see if he can get it to make sense. Techno-Wizardry Construction – 1d100: [48] = 48 /93% - to determine the spell chains involved. - PASS

He takes notes about the gems and the order in which they're placed, whether he's allowed to remove the pile or not.

"When can we expect these freelancers, Ignatos? I'd like to give them the once over before we agree to them tagging along."
The Man in Black
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Jack Killian »

Perception: 72% 1d100: [52] = 52
JIC d20: 1d20: [9] = 9
JIC: 1d100: [82] = 82 1d100: [22] = 22

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet
Talisman Invincible 200 MD (OFF) waiting to be Recharged
Talisman of Mystic Invisibility
Talisman of Time Slip
Altess Eviscerator Count Bustamante

Jack is a bit anxious and ask, “Hey boss are we good to go? I want to check out my new ride.”
"Flash Fry, put another Shrimp on the Barbie" Gmail: Sinder.JKing@gmail.com
OOC Comments
viewtopic.php?t=14446Jack Killian[/url]
OOC Comments
P.P.E.: 4
I.S.P.: 196/196
H.P.: 42/ 42 MD
S.D.C.: 90/ 90

NE-BA-50 “Raider” Heavy Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 80
Arms: 55 each
Legs: 80 each
Main Body: 140
Weight: 30 lbs.
Modifiers: -20% to physical skills
Naruni Thermo-Kinetic Armor (p.35-36, DB8)
Book Reference: p.40, DB8

Weapon Carried:

CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
Laser: 2,000'
Grenade Launcher: 1,200'
Single shot: 2d6 M.D.
Burst: 6d6 M.D.
Grenade: 2D6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Micro-fusion grenade: 6d6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot pulse bursts only; 1 grenade or 4-grenade bursts only
E-Clip: 21 shots

Altess Eviscerator (Patron Item)
Damage: 6D6
Special Abilities
• Electrical Discharge:
• • Range: Touch or up to 200'
• • Damage: 4D6

MP-3 MageFire Bolt Pistol

Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6+3 M.D.

NeraTech Pn-50 "Splatter Gun"
Range: 60', Payload: 18/clip,
2 clips (current)Acid: 4D6 S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D. to a 3 foot radius.

CN-1 Net

Skorblade Short Sword
Damage: 1D8 M.D.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

TW "Dragonfire" Flamethrower
Range: 100'
Damage: single Shot: 1D6x10 M.D.
Spray: 1D6x10 M.D. to all targets in a 100' long & 10' wide arc (3 APM)
Rate of Fire: single shots & sprays only
Payload: 5 blasts per P.P.E. clip
Weight: 8 lbs.

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet

The amulet changes color whenever an entity is within 100'

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

A Close Look at a Coat Rack

William, you identify the Self destruct- its a chain of electric arc, fire bolt, and create steel. It looks like it was limited to just gold and subjected the gold to super heating and then created the ingots, which ruined all the spell chains (most likely gold wire connections- those are popular for Techno-Wizards) and the motherboard at the same time.

There is also an invisibility (superior) spell chain (also with electric arc), and some sort of sticky feet provided by Carpet of Adhesion and Beat Insurmountable Odds. Offensive armament seems strictly technological- an ion cannon and silver coated vibro-blades are concealed in each arm. The silver is pitted and partially melted as well.

Bad Prospects

--What is the name of the gang are you with?
“I’m not in a gang. I’m not even a prospect. Just a hangaround. But the Horsemen. Just not the local ones. We’re here from the motherland.” After some further questioning, the motherland is apparently the southern edge of the Federation of Magic, but he insists on calling it ‘Bama’.
--Why do they have an interest in the Roughnecks?
“These pussies are too busy fighting amongst each other to handle business properly. That’s what the bosses back home think of the show last night.”
--What were you to report when we came out of the shop?
“That you were moving. And where to. Specifically you and your boss Summers.”
--Is there a force waiting to ambush us at some point?
“They didn’t tell me that, I ain’t a patch. I wouldn’t be surprised but they won’t openly shit on the MercTown chapters turf. And those catfighting pussies don’t want any problems with you”
--What do they know about the Roughnecks?
“I dunno what they know, but they gave us five names and seven pictures. The seventh guy is worth a million credits and a tricked out bike. And a patch. But I ain’t seen him. Pictures are on the burner phone.”
--Were you hired by a third party?
“I dunno, Monkey, the Sarge of the Brass chapter is our shotcaller on this.”
--What was the original plan before the Atlantean biker from the Horseman showed up?
“You mean the ogre? I mean those Atlanteans are ugly as piss, but not that bad. We’ve been given parameters, not dictates. The going plan was jump you guys, get you to tell us where number seven is, and hand everyone over to the monkey.”
--What is the name of your gang's leader?
“They call him Mister Mean.”
--Where is your gang headquartered?
“The mother chapter is in Bama. But they all over. You met the MercTown boys.”
--What is the phone number you were reporting to?
“It’s Kenny’s. He’s the one the monkey said was in charge of our group. Look my mamicita got nothin to do with this.”

The pictures on the phone all clearly came from the cameras at the MercTown gates. Six of them are very recent- yesterday when the Roughnecks came to town. The seventh is about two years old and focused on a nondescript brown haired brown eyed man. You see a younger William Summers in the background out of focus in the seventh image.

Roughnecks have Prospects Too!

Ignatos responds to William. ”Oh I’ve met them. I believe, nervous personal habits aside, you’ll find them valuable for the task at hand and beyond. One is a fellow arcane tinkerer like yourself and the other is one of those psychics that gets along with machines. One is Serrano, the other named Nash.”

Well before Jack can run off to play with his new toy, two humanoids enter the establishment.
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by William Summers »

Perception: 1d100: [4] = 4 /51% (+15% regarding machines and/or magic)
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [70] = 70

"Oh. Wow. This is... ingenious. Self destructive electrical fire ending in a pile of gold ingots distracting the observer from the immolative obscuration of the Techno-Wizard's signature work." Will reaches into a pouch on his belt, pulls out a sketchpad and a blue marker. He makes some scribbles and writes some characters down. "Wait..." He crosses something out and replaces it with a different something. "Better."

He looks up from his sparkly distraction to reply to Jack. "Not yet, Fireman. We just need to meet up with these freelancers, then we can head back to the compound."
Ignatos wrote: Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:39 am Ignatos responds to William. ”Oh I’ve met them. I believe, nervous personal habits aside, you’ll find them valuable for the task at hand and beyond. One is a fellow arcane tinkerer like yourself and the other is one of those psychics that gets along with machines. One is Serrano, the other named Nash.”
"Serrano and Nash. Easy enough names to remember. A Tee-Dub and a Psi-Tech? Well why didn't you lead with that? I like em already! When did you say they were..." he looks over at the door mid-sentence to see the two humanoids walk in. Scanning their auras with his Eye of Odin, unless obscured somehow, he notices one of them has high PPE and the other is a psychic. "...coming? You two wouldn't happen to be Serrano and Nash, would you? Ignatos here was just telling us about you." If they confirm who they are, Will extends a hand for a firm shake. "Will Summers, CO of the Roughnecks. Introduce yourself to everyone and then we're off to our compound."
The Man in Black
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Nash »

OOC Comments
Perception: 24% (+5% involving vampires or undead, +15% involving electronics or machines) / 1d100: [25] = 25
JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 / 1d100: [3] = 3
+4 v HF, +9 HF involving machines, +2 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +8% vs Coma/Death, +4 vs Magic, +9 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics (10+)
HF: 12 when ID’d as a True Atlantean
HP: 31/31
SDC: 66/66
PPE: 27/27
ISP: 136/136
Sixth Sense – Always On
Rex wrote: Well before Jack can run off to play with his new toy, two humanoids enter the establishment.
Nash tries not to look too overwhelmed as he enters the store. He switches from being self-conscious in his full armor and in awe of the power on display in this store. His family’s operation was above average for Lazlo, but this was amazing. Pull it together. You are war veteran, not a kid in from the fields.
William wrote: he looks over at the door mid-sentence to see the two humanoids walk in. Scanning their auras with his Eye of Odin, unless obscured somehow, he notices one of them has high PPE and the other is a psychic. "...coming? You two wouldn't happen to be Serrano and Nash, would you? Ignatos here was just telling us about you." If they confirm who they are, Will extends a hand for a firm shake. "Will Summers, CO of the Roughnecks. Introduce yourself to everyone and then we're off to our compound."
Nash keeps his eyes roaming as he walks further in to allow Serrano to follow. Too many people I don’t know. Too many places to hide.

As Will steps forward Nash offers his own hand and shakes. “Marcus Nasica, but people call me Nash. I figure you have our basic information, but I’m willing to answer any questions you have.” Nash pauses a bit before adding, ”Sir” Did he introduce himself as CO because it is his position, or is he going to be one of those ‘salute me in the field and call me SIR’ types?

As Nash moves to allow Serrano to introduce himself an greet the other members present he looks quick over his shoulder. ”Is the compound inside or outside the walls? I have stuff in a hotel here and stored in one of the wall lockers.”
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Serrano »

Perception: 1d100: [14] = 14 /24% (+15% regarding machines and/or magic)
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [94] = 94

Sixth Sense always on

Well before Jack can run off to play with his new toy, two humanoids enter the establishment.

Right behind Nash, is a 5 ft chubby rat guy. He is dressed in a grungy, yet clean, mechanic’s jumpsuit. Over this is a trenchcoat. Some may recognize it as an older armored jacket. On his head is a pair of goggles. He isn't very armed. All anyone can see is an old shotgun on his right hip and a club of some kind on his left. He is currently munching on a piece of bark.

As soon as Serrano walks in, he notices Summers and the pile. ”Hi. I am Serrano” He puts his goggles over his eyes and moves towards Summers. Pushing past Nash, (unintentionally a shove) he moves to see what Summers is doing. ”Oh??!! What is that?? Can i see?” He starts picking and prodding the pieces. There is alot of questions as he goes along. Not really directed at anyone, more like he is used to working alone. ”Oh? What are you? How do you work?Oh Shiny!!”
TW Construction 86% - 1d100: [79] = 79
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John Altfeld
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by John Altfeld »

Perception: 1d100: [49] = 49 / 86%
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [19] = 19

CONDITIONS: John is at +1 foot, See Invisible (500'), Radar, Immune to Possession, Mindblock Autodefense, can't be touched by undead, can't be mind controlled by vampires, etc.

John bows again to Ignatos and watches as the two freelancers enter the store, immediately approaching Will. Either they had his image or they're smart enough to realize the person talking to directly to Ignatos is their new boss.

He initially salutes the tall man, "Mark, good to meet you, I'm John." Tin can.

He gently moves the robot away from the rat man. "Shiny, this is mine. I'm going to make it haunted. And it will live in my foyer. I doubt you want Mr. Scritches to get your scent."
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Nash »

(Rolls Carry Over)
Serrano wrote:moves towards Summers. Pushing past Nash, (unintentionally a shove) he moves to see what Summers is doing.
Nash looks over his shoulder, his face showing a little annoyance, until he sees Serrano fawn over the machine. Then his annoyance turns to affection. He is like a little kid or puppy
John wrote:He initially salutes the tall man, "Mark, good to meet you, I'm John." Tin can.
Nash moves to the tall man. Not often I meet someone taller than I am, let alone blue. Had a pair of suede shoes that shade growing up. I miss those shoes. At the salute he nods and offers his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, John. But it's Nash, not Mark. Easy or not."
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Wolf Whitaker
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Wolf Whitaker »

Perception: 1d100: [67] = 67 /74%
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 ; 1d100: [11] = 11

Paranoia Thought Text
Active Effects:
  • HF: 12
  • (Opponents must roll to save vs horror factor whenever the Gunslinger makes a serious threat (stop or else ... ) and again if and when he first draws his weapon on a character. Likewise, those who attack a Gunslinger must roll to save vs Horror Factor whenever facing the Gunslinger in a one-on-one showdown, duel, or shootout, and whenever an opponent makes his first move to attack the Gunslinger, even if the gunslinger isn't aware the character plans to attack.
  • +6 to all saves
  • See Invisible 200 ft
  • Integrated Sensor Pod - NE Armor
    • 360° scanning capability
    • Allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
  • Mini-Radar/Sonar System
    • Can track up to 12 targets
    • Range: 2 miles
  • Optics Enhancements
    • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
    • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
    • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
    • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
  • +40% to all Modern Weapon Ranges
  • Toxins are only 50% effective and last for 50% of listed duration.

Wolf nods along as the man explained the situation. They are trying to kill you...yes. yes they are...we're going to kill then first right?...absolutely...good Wolf grits his teeth as he IDs the pictures as coming from the Defenders check point. Defenders have a leak. We should plug it...We can't take on the defenders a long with everything else....we can...no we can't, but I think I know who can...the good looking Defender girl from before...yup.

Wolf pats the man on the shoulder, "The local chapter was nearly wiped out last night by us. They are like you in that they have good survival instincts. Ok just a few clarification questions and we'll be all done here.

--Who many chapters of the horseman are there?
--Who provided you these pictures?
--Where is Kenny currently residing?
--Please physically describe Kenny.
--Is Kenny a patched member?
--How many out of town Horseman are here in MT?
--Where are the out of town Horseman lodging at?"

Wolf takes the phone and copies over the pictures to his drone gauntlet. He also copies any other information in the phone.

Wolf looks back to the kid and sets the cred stick on the center console. "You're going to tell them where we go as you've been instructed. After that I recommend you leave this group. If I see you again following me or with the group targeting the Roughnecks...we won't be using words anymore...clear?...good. Enjoy your date." Wolf keeps Shadow intercepting the messages from the phone and relaying them to Wolf.

Wolf gets out of the car and heads back to the shop. Wolf will leave the shop door ajar as he enters. Wolf opens the door and starts talking to Will, "Hey boss we need to talk..." Wolf stops as he sees the new faces. "Oh they're here already. Great. Will, We need to talk for a sec." Wolf will pull Will away for a moment. He doesn't actually know the new faces and is not in the mood to spill what he learned in front of them as this is not relating to the job the dragon gave them.

To Will asside:
- Ok so here's what I've learned. Wolf divulges all the information he was able to gather and shows him the pictures taken from the security cameras. Wolf simply nods in acknowledgement of the 7th person. "Former member retired. Got it. Now I have an idea. First I'd like for us to deal with this before doing the Dragon's job. I don't want to have to deal with them randomly showing up at a bad time. Second I'm going to get in contact with the Defenders chick we encountered at the blown up warehouse. She was a straight shooter so I'm sure she'll shake things up and deal with the defenders leaks. While she's doing that I'd like for us to deal with the current lap dogs. I'm sure I can rig some false intel to where we are going. I'd like to have us ready with an ambush for those that show up. Once we're done with that I think we should pay the head guy a visit. Once we're done there we should be clear to get Ignatios' job done without having to worry about additional complications. What do you think?"

Back with the group:
--Wolf walks back out with Will and looks over the new guys. Wolf tips his hat, "You can call me Wolf. Second in command to Will." Wolf is in EBA armor with a pair of SDC SMG's strapped to his back and several pistols in holsters under his duster Two SDC, Two MDC and two TW Thunderguns. He looks like an armored cowboy and there is a robotic horse outside too so it's not a far stretch to make. "Sorry I missed introductions. We had some rats... Wolf turns to the actual rat, "Huh. Odd. Not talking about actual rats. Just some surveillance outside. Nothing you need to worry about as it has nothing to do with the current job." Wolf's face mask is up so you can see his face. His eyes are cold. it seems as though you're not the first new recruits he's met. He doesn't seem to care about if his words were offensive or not, but it seemed like a bit of an apology.

-Should the kid try anything Wolf will shoot him: Init: 1d20+34: [13]+34 = 47 ; NE-6SL Strike: 1d20+12: [14]+12 = 26 ; Damage: 1d4*10: [2]*10 = 20
-Should the kid attempt to send any information contrary to what Wolf instructed Wolf will ricochet a shot through the window through the cracked front door of the shop. -6 from strike above strike roll. Weapon: .44 Auto-Mag (-2 ISP for MDC) damage: 2d6*10: [1, 6]*10 = 70
Wolf Whitaker

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by William Summers »

(rolls held over)

"No need for the formalities, Nash. We got the simple version earlier, you can tell us all about yourself on the road. The compound is Dockside. We can gear up before we take off." Finishing his introduction to Nash, Will looks over at Serrano who is eyeing the pile of Techno-Wizard rubble with the same excitement he experienced.

"Serrano, welcome aboard. Don't touch the robot. The big guy there gets territorial with his stuff. But there's plenty to check out back at the Compound. Looking forward to working with you."

When Wolf walks in, Will makes himself available for a sidebar. "Those idiots really want to come after us? And what the fuck do they want with Baker? Exactly what do you want to deal with? The MercTown chapter of the Horsemen? Whoever's in, what did he call it, 'Bama? I just want to know our full plan before we commit. And agreed, having someone on our ass the whole time won't help a damn thing. Better to take care of that head on."
The Man in Black
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Jack Killian
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Jack Killian »

Perception: 72% 1d100: [54] = 54
JIC d20: 1d20: [10] = 10
JIC: 1d100: [61] = 61

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet
Talisman Invincible 200 MD (OFF) waiting to be Recharged
Talisman of Mystic Invisibility
Talisman of Time Slip
Altess Eviscerator Count Bustamante

Jack, looks at the two and once they introduce themselves he dose the same to them while extending his hand, “Name is Jack, code name, Volcano. I’m a Psi, Burster. But I am also the Doc,Psi type. Yea the Accent, I’m not from around here, but from Aussieland.
That one is a Rat? Act cool, you made out with the Cat Goddess. And you have seen them Dog Boys.
(Description: Shoulder length Red Hair, Blue green eyes, hefty, scruffy beard and moustache, tattoo of a Red Bellied Black Snake, mouth open curled around his right arm. Tiger Snake mouth open curled around his right arm.)
"Flash Fry, put another Shrimp on the Barbie" Gmail: Sinder.JKing@gmail.com
OOC Comments
viewtopic.php?t=14446Jack Killian[/url]
OOC Comments
P.P.E.: 4
I.S.P.: 196/196
H.P.: 42/ 42 MD
S.D.C.: 90/ 90

NE-BA-50 “Raider” Heavy Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 80
Arms: 55 each
Legs: 80 each
Main Body: 140
Weight: 30 lbs.
Modifiers: -20% to physical skills
Naruni Thermo-Kinetic Armor (p.35-36, DB8)
Book Reference: p.40, DB8

Weapon Carried:

CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
Laser: 2,000'
Grenade Launcher: 1,200'
Single shot: 2d6 M.D.
Burst: 6d6 M.D.
Grenade: 2D6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Micro-fusion grenade: 6d6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot pulse bursts only; 1 grenade or 4-grenade bursts only
E-Clip: 21 shots

Altess Eviscerator (Patron Item)
Damage: 6D6
Special Abilities
• Electrical Discharge:
• • Range: Touch or up to 200'
• • Damage: 4D6

MP-3 MageFire Bolt Pistol

Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6+3 M.D.

NeraTech Pn-50 "Splatter Gun"
Range: 60', Payload: 18/clip,
2 clips (current)Acid: 4D6 S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D. to a 3 foot radius.

CN-1 Net

Skorblade Short Sword
Damage: 1D8 M.D.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

TW "Dragonfire" Flamethrower
Range: 100'
Damage: single Shot: 1D6x10 M.D.
Spray: 1D6x10 M.D. to all targets in a 100' long & 10' wide arc (3 APM)
Rate of Fire: single shots & sprays only
Payload: 5 blasts per P.P.E. clip
Weight: 8 lbs.

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet

The amulet changes color whenever an entity is within 100'

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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Nash »

(Rolls Carry Over)
Wolf wrote:"You can call me Wolf. Second in command to Will."....Nothing you need to worry about as it has nothing to do with the current job." Wolf's face mask is up so you can see his face. His eyes are cold. it seems as though you're not the first new recruits he's met. He doesn't seem to care about if his words were offensive or not, but it seemed like a bit of an apology.
Nash, sensing Wolf doesn't want to be touched, nods in response. "I'm Nash, that's Serrano." He pauses a moment, wondering if he is overstepping. Frac it "I appreciate you not wanting us to worry, but if we signed up for the team, not the job, then I have your back. If up north is an al la carte job, then backing you on this costs extra...."

Nash shoots a smile before getting a response. He turns as Jack approaches.
Jack wrote:while extending his hand, “Name is Jack, code name, Volcano. I’m a Psi, Burster. But I am also the Doc,Psi type.
Nash takes the hand and smiles. "I'm trained as a Paramedic and in holistic medicine. Proud to be your back up medic if you'll have me."

Wow, a blue guy, someone from a dimension called Aussie, how many more are there?
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Venenifer »

Perception: 1d100: [52] = 52 /63%
JiC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [68] = 68

MDC: 640/640 | Barding MDC: 640/640(Barding BR: 2d6/melee) | P.P.E.: 136/136 | I.S.P.: 144/152
| HF (when identified as a dragon): 11 (13 w/Frills extended in Dragon Form) | Nightvision: 200ft | See Invisible (at will) | Shadow Meld (at will) | Cold/Fire 1/2 DMG | Impervious to All Forms Of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/min | Sense Ley Lines/Nexuses/Dragons 20mi | Visually ID dragons within 4,000ft | Sixth Sense [Active, 2ISP] |
Range: 100 ft (30.5 m) plus 50ft (15.2m) per level for prove, or 200ft (61m) plus 100ft (30.5) for two-way communication
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 8
Just like the lesser Sensitive power of telepathy, Telepathy: Superior grants the ability to hear surface thoughts, or send and receive telepathic messages. However, this superior form of the power gives the character the ability to read deeper or even subconscious thoughts. If the victim fails the saving through, the psychic will be able to read thoughts on any subject he wants. This can include passwords, names of contacts, the victim's true name, and even skills. Sometimes (65% (40%+3% per level)) the character will be able to see or hear parts of memories associated with the thoughts they are reading from the victim. A saving throw should be rolled for each skill/memory/thought that the character tries to read. The character can make one attempt to pull information for each attack per melee.


Ignatos wrote:"One is a fellow arcane tinkerer like yourself and the other is one of those psychics that gets along with machines. One is Serrano, the other named Nash.”
Ven listens to the names with a bemused look on her face. "Serrano and... Nash, you say?" She turns to look at Ash, the Kid. "A long lost brother of yours, Ash?" Ven says playfully as they arrive mere moments later.
Nash wrote:“Marcus Nasica, but people call me Nash. I figure you have our basic information, but I’m willing to answer any questions you have.”
Serrano wrote:”Hi. I am Serrano”
Ven looks the two arrivals up and down, the beautiful dragoness leaning against the counter as she examines them as they enter. "You may call me Ven. We've been told interesting, if vague things about you. I'm curious to see how you'll perform." She offers the pair of newcomers with a sly smile.
Nash wrote:"I appreciate you not wanting us to worry, but if we signed up for the team, not the job, then I have your back. If up north is an al la carte job, then backing you on this costs extra...."
Ven actually laughs at this comment. Oh my, quite a pitch, this one has. Mortals are all so self important, it's almost cute. Ven considers as she replies to Nash. "Costs extra? My, my someone has an inflated sense of their worth for newcomers. You'll get your share, don't you fret. For now, let's worry about the actual job. You are welcome to sit out, but that won't do too well with your reputation, or lack thereof. Deference might serve better than egotism." Ven remarks to Nash before looking towards William and Wolf.
Wolf wrote:"Huh. Odd. Not talking about actual rats. Just some surveillance outside. Nothing you need to worry about as it has nothing to do with the current job."
Will wrote:"Those idiots really want to come after us? And what the fuck do they want with Baker? Exactly what do you want to deal with? The MercTown chapter of the Horsemen? Whoever's in, what did he call it, 'Bama? I just want to know our full plan before we commit. And agreed, having someone on our ass the whole time won't help a damn thing. Better to take care of that head on."
Ven shakes her head and responds to Will. "Perhaps we should wipe this little chapter of bikers off the map, then. They seem all too keen to put their noses where it doesn't belong, and I do so like my privacy. I don't care that it isn't about Ignatos' job, they still are stalking us and I loathe stalkers. We could make it a fun little outing to test our newcomers spines. Besides that, if we leave without dealing with them, who knows what'll happen to our little compound." Ven remarks, her fingers tracing her chin as she considers what she would do to the motly biker gang. I should rend their minds and leave them as drooling piles of meat. Ven considers to herself.
Venenifer, the Royal Frilled Dragon

P.P.E.: 136 | I.S.P.: 152 | Natural A.R.: 13 | Personal MDC: 630 | Barding MDC: 630D/315H
(+ 1 on all other saving throws not listed here) )
Coma/Death: 28%
Magic (varies): +6
Lethal Poison (14+): +6
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +6
Insanity (12+): +11
Psionics (varies): +9
Mind Control (varies): +3
Horror Factor (varies): +6

HF/Awe: 11/13 when frills flared. | Nightvision 200ft | See Invisible at Will | Shadow Meld at Will | Half Damage Fire/Plasma/Cold | Impervious to all forms of Paralysis | Bio-Regen: 1d4*10 MDC/minute | Sense Ley Lines, Nexuses, Pyramids and Dragons within 20 miles | Visually see past other dragon's illusions within 4,000ft

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John Altfeld
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by John Altfeld »


CONDITIONS: John is at +1 foot, See Invisible (500'), Radar, Immune to Possession, Mindblock Autodefense, can't be touched by undead, can't be mind controlled by vampires, etc.

John nods at Nash, "Nash it is, he says."

That won't be confusing on radio with Ash.

When Wolf pulls Will to the side, John sidles over with them, holding the robot up like it's a fourth member of the conversation. "Who the hell is Baker? And why don't they think we're important enough to have a price on us? That's insulting."

"I was going to suggest we burn down their gang headquarters to lure them into defending it and then kill them all, but I guess if they've got an internal beef that complicates things."

He shrugs. "Like Ven said, we can't risk them following us on this job."
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Wolf Whitaker
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Wolf Whitaker »

**Rolls Held Over**

Wolf looks at Nash as he comments about al a cart jobs. I don't like him. You should just shoot him now and get it over with. I can feel he's going to be a huge pain in the ass...bold to speak up when meeting a prospective employer...kid is too big for his britches...kind of reminds me of myself...you have to be kidding. You can at least back up what you say. I'm not sure these green horns can...I guess we'll see...still think you should kill them and be done with it. I'm getting tired of trying to keep up with all these new threats...get over it already...No.

Wolf looks Nash up and down. Nash can feel the assessing gaze of Wolf. "Look kid, I get want to get paid for a job. We haven't made a call on you guys yet. This doesn't involve you yet hence why we're discussing it away from you. On top of that I don't trust you." Wolf let's the last statement hang for a second before continuing, "Now if we determine this other issue is in need of immediate attention then you guys will have a choice. Come with us and reap the benefits of any recovered material and acquisition of any excess gear we have on hand, or you can sit here with your thumb up your ass waiting for us to return to complete Ingnatos' job." Wolf makes direct eye contact with Nash, "Think on it. We'll be back in a second." Wolf then heads into the back for the side bar with Will and the others.

After hearing everyone's input Wolf nods along with them, "Agreed this is a serious situation. My first plan is to contact the defenders to get them rolling on plugging what ever leak they have. I'm not looking to get falsely accused of anything while in the city. Second. I have instructed the lookout to provide the horseman with our course when we leave this shop. I think it would be best to leave the MT chapter alone for now and once we have eliminated the threat we can install them as the new heads. They will owe us. And if they don't like it we can go back to the original plan of killing them all. Third we will need to draw the non-local Horseman to us outside MT and ambush them. I think there are a few ways we can go about that. We know they are having us watched so we can be very overt about leaving. If you guys know of a good place we can talk about that location in public areas like the Job Cafe. Worst case we know they have an in with the defenders so who ever it is likely has them ready to notify them if we leave MT. Once we get them out there we can kill most leave a few alive for further interrogation. Then dispose of them too. After that we should have a good idea of where their base of operations in "Bama" is. Once we have that we can go there and take it out. What do you think? Any glaring holes in the plan?"
Wolf Whitaker

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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Re: Hangovers, But Meeting Time at the Crimson Dragon

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Wolf Whitaker wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2024 4:49 pm
Wolf pats the man on the shoulder, "The local chapter was nearly wiped out last night by us. They are like you in that they have good survival instincts. Ok just a few clarification questions and we'll be all done here.

--Who many chapters of the horseman are there?
"Uhh. At least six? There were like a dozen around Tolkeen but they all joined the Nomads after the war." The Guy is using his hands and talking aloud. "There's MercTown, The Mother Chapter, the Nomads, and there's Brass, New Lazlo, and the Colorado Baronies. There at least was a chapter in Old Bones, I saw a patch for there. The old-timers really want to reopen a branch in Dino Swamp and Madhaven."
--Who provided you these pictures?
"Up the chain man, talk to Kenny."
--Where is Kenny currently residing?
"He's got a place at the old Greenskin's flop. No problems there, you merc types wiped most of them out too."
--Please physically describe Kenny.
"Big muscled black dude. CS service tats on his arms. Black vest, says 'Prospect' most of the time."
--Is Kenny a patched member?
"Nah, man, but he is a prospect already. Better than the rest of us been doin."
--How many out of town Horseman are here in MT?
"Not a one. Some Nomads are due in next week I think, maybe with a guy from the Mother Chapter to check on us and the MercTown chapter."
--Where are the out of town Horseman lodging at?"

"Well, that's what the patch gets you when you visit someone's turf. A flop at their chapter house. Help with their business, maybe get a payday."
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