Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [25*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [30] = 30

- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

"Hmmm..." Rufus hums as he reaches out with his arcane senses, his eyes closed shut. "There's a ley line not too far off in... that direction," he points to the north. "If Calvin or Rory can sense it, you can bet Teres the Adventure Gal is going to want to go explore." He opens his eyes and shrugs. "Truth be told, though, I actually need to spend a couple of days on one myself. We ley line mages need to periodically spend time communing with lines to keep ourselves in thaumaturgical alignment with the harmonics of..." he pauses and clears his throat.

"Sorry. Basically, we need magical tune-ups every so often -- and I'm long overdue." He shakes his head. "But first things first. We need to find some leads on Lemurians."
Consumer wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 8:01 amIt takes jason a few tries to get out what he’s trying to say, but once it’s clear to the provisioner what Jason is asking, he speaks up. ”You’re in it. The town is only a few districts, Docks, Residential, Industrial, and the fringe. As for the rest, not so much, we’re a pretty accepting people. I’d personally avoid the Fringe, full of thieves and such. No, no libraries or academies, and as for shrines or temples.. There’s one on the eastern edge of the dock area.” The Provisioner says. With a wave farewell the group leaves the warehouse and ends up on the street once more.

Vlad is the next to speak up. ”I’m going to go back to the boat. This has been enough outside for me today.” Vlad says as he shifts into a raven and flies off. Jessie for her part shrugs. ”I’m just along for the ride really. You guys want to go get food, I’m down with that.” The Valkyrie says.
"So that's a 'no' on lunch from Vlad, I guess..." Rufus mutters. "Alright, we're looking for a place that offers hot steaks and cold brews. Let's see what's available..." He mutters a couple of helpful incantations
"Tongues" (12 PPE) to better understand/converse with others, and "Eyes of Thoth" (8 PPE) to understand written languages such as signs, maps, and menus
and begins searching signage, standing maps (hopefully there are still "YOU ARE HERE" map signs in the future), and even asking local authorities/non-food business owners for recommendations until they find themselves an appropriate establishment.

Once they're seated with cold brews in hand he lets out a sigh. "Okay... so the good news is that we're in a friendly port with a berthing for a week and groceries on the way. The bad news is that we're striking out on finding leads about the Lemurians unless the others have had much better luck than we have..." He snorts softly. Nah, they'd have radioed us by now if they had. "So let's review. No libraries, and no academies. Plus I haven't seen the first sign that says 'Lemurian Expert on Duty' anywhere around here. So who else might be in a position to have information we could use? Since the city isn't likely nearby we'd need to focus on individuals who do business over long distances. Cartographers, maybe? Oceanographers? Shipping companies that do trade with far off cities? Perhaps merchants who deal in imported goods from said far-off cites? Maybe even shipbuilders who have experience with large-scale floating structures and would know where they could get materials or resources sufficient to build or repair such things?" He pulls a sip from his drink. "I don't suppose this place has an airport? I would imagine a floating city would be relatively easy to spot from the air."

He falls silent for a moment, as if trying to wring any better ideas out of his brain, before looking at Jason and Jessie. "Any ideas, you two? Any other options we could look into?"
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [27] = 27 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [5] = 5 | 1d100: 1d100: [20] = 20

Rory continues to follow the lead of the other two as Calvin makes his purchases.

Not bad, not bad. Now, most of the woodworking gear we want will be able to fit in the dimensional pocket in my backpack, so I'm not going to have to worry about carrying so much weight round. Which means we can do that as soon as we check out the armorers, then start looking for Lemurians.

"Okay. Looks like we got a good start on this. Next step checking fer armorers?"

She looks to Teres for a lead on that at a similar time to Teres expressing her interest in the same.

"Right you are." she chuckles. "Now we have some idea on where we are in relation ta everything around us, the next step is ta make sure we can survive the search, yeah?"

She hefts her backpack.

"If we see anywhere selling woodworking tools on the way, we can make their day. And while exchanging my credit fer their tools and a chunk of gratitude, we can ask fer any leads on the Lemurians. If we find some armorers first, we can do the same with them - pay fer repairs and see if we can acquire some information. Make sense?"

She starts to whistle happily, then stops.

"Sorry, shouldn't do that. Whistlin' is almost guaranteed ta annoy someone. An' thinkin' of annoyin' people, just in case ye don't realize, the best person ta be doin' the talking has gotta be one o' you two. Much as I think o' meself as being social, I'm well aware o' the fact that people don't warm ta me as fast as they do ta the likes of Calvin here, or you, Teres."

She shrugs.

"So, armor, then woodworking. Unless we see a hardware shop first. Let's go!"

As she starts to walk she looks pensive.

If we can't find a place that can repair armor, I can do it myself if we find a ley line. It'd be nice to have it done before we leave here, though. The day you walk into the wilderness with damaged armor is the day you meet a reason for wearing armor. Woodworking is good for me, but it's a bonus, not a necessity. A ley line, though...

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike
Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
OOC Comments
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Jason Long
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [71] = 71 %
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [20] = 20

Condition: Babelfish- 1d100: [49] = 49 %
Consumer wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 8:01 am Vlad is the next to speak up. ”I’m going to go back to the boat. This has been enough outside for me today.” Vlad says as he shifts into a raven and flies off. Jessie for her part shrugs. ”I’m just along for the ride really. You guys want to go get food, I’m down with that.” The Valkyrie says.
Jason smiles as Vlad leaves. Well, I at least got him out for a bit. Taking in the sights as they find somewhere to get the mentioned steaks and beer.

When the first beer arrives, Jason raises a glass to Jesse. "Here's to our captain for getting us this far and putting up with us, Cheers!" He settles back and listens to Rufus' ideas.

The lack of intel is frustrating to him. "So far, we have been asking where the Lemurrians are. Which isn't getting us very far. I think we should also start asking more about them as a people. We know next to nothing about them, so its hard to get in their heads to see how they think." He takes a long pull from his beer. "That's why I was hoping for a library or academy. If we knew more about them as a whole, we could find a better way of contacting them. Come to think of it. It may be better to ask around more openly to speak with a Lemurrian. If they are that secretive, letting them be the ones to make contact couldn't hurt."

As the meal continues, Jason bounces ideas back and forth with Rufus. "I think you might be onto something with shipping businesses. If they exist, one might have a way to get messages or deliveries back and forth to the city. If so, we could always just send a message to Kiri-Kiri to let him know that the couriers are in the area."

After their meal is complete, Jason asks Rufus and Jesse if they would mind checking out the shrine area with him. If they agree, that's where they head next.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Docks District; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 12:40 PM (2 hours has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)
Group 1
Calvin, Rory, Teres

The trio continues to converse for a bit, going over what they’d like to do.
Teres wrote:"So, we have a map. Seems to me that is a start. Our next logical stop is the bookstores and shops A Lemurian would likely go to or have an interest in. They would look for information that was hard to get. That means they may know the shopkeepers or local sailors... Maybe we will get lucky and that map will be a way to them. The bookstores should have something to help with that map. I'm pretty sure the bookstores may have other useful info on sea life and people living in the sea and their customs... And that armorer can probably wait until we find our contact. Hmm, maybe I should see them first. just in case?"
Calvin wrote:"I know nothing about them and don't really have any intuition as to start guessing... Book stores would be a good start. However, you remember the dream vision I had? I was in a dark, hot jungle with humidity. In the distance, hidden by the foliage, I could hear many things crashing through the brush chasing something. I had a feeling if we didn't stop the chase, life would be a lot more difficult... We will probably need to find an armorer before we go out of the immediate town and adventure again too. Let's get to it."
Rory wrote:"Okay. Looks like we got a good start on this. Next step checking fer armorers?.. Right you are... Now we have some idea on where we are in relation ta everything around us, the next step is ta make sure we can survive the search, yeah?.. If we see anywhere selling woodworking tools on the way, we can make their day. And while exchanging my credit fer their tools and a chunk of gratitude, we can ask fer any leads on the Lemurians. If we find some armorers first, we can do the same with them - pay fer repairs and see if we can acquire some information. Make sense?.. Sorry, shouldn't do that. Whistlin' is almost guaranteed ta annoy someone. An' thinkin' of annoyin' people, just in case ye don't realize, the best person ta be doin' the talking has gotta be one o' you two. Much as I think o' meself as being social, I'm well aware o' the fact that people don't warm ta me as fast as they do ta the likes of Calvin here, or you, Teres... So, armor, then woodworking. Unless we see a hardware shop first. Let's go!"
Having passed a pair of shops that seemed like they sold armor, it made the most sense to go there first, this is followed by a bit of a search for a place that sells wood working tools. All the while Calvin keeps an eye out for bookstores, while politely conversing with the locals for some information.
Rory and Teres, make a decision on what you want to buy, and note it in your next post. ~Consumer

Calvinfinds out the following things over the next hour or two. There is no bookstore per say, just some places happen to have a small collection of books for sale among other things, and he has no luck finding a dictionary or anything short of a pile of fiction novels. As for the other things Calvin is investigating, he finds that the only real requirement to enter the residential area is to not be an undesirable, likely meaning poor or a trouble maker, it seems other than that travel around the city is generally unrestricted. As for his attempt to see what else he can learn from the map, it doesn’t really offer a view of the area outside of Port Moresby, so no luck on learning paths around the outside of the city. Calvin notes that the wall only seems to surround what the city considers the residential district.

Woodworking Tools
Woodcarving Kit
  • Contains all the necessary knives, files, and chisels to work as a wood carver, all in a waterproof canvas pouch.
  • Weight: 5 lbs.
  • Cost: 500 credits.

Basic Woodworking Toolbox
  • Contains all the necessary tools to perform minor woodworking chores/repairs, not suitable for construction. All is contained in a metal tool box.
  • Weight: 30 lbs.
  • Cost: 1,500 credits.

Advanced Woodworking Toolbox
  • Contains all the necessary tools to work as a carpenter on the go, minus anything too big to fit in the metal tool chest.
  • Weight: 50 lbs.
  • Cost: 3,000 credits.

Armor Available:
LEWS-9 Light Environmental Wet Suit (15,000 credits (+3,000 credits w/ boots); WB07: Underseas pg 137)
MEWS-10 Medium Environmental Wet Suit (50,000 credits; WB07: Underseas pg 139)
Navy Body Armor (40,000 credits; WB07: Underseas pg 118)
US Marine Combat Armor (50,000 credits; WB07: Underseas pg 118)
HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor (30,000 credits; WB08: Japan pg 186)
Trapper Body Armor (13,000 credits; WB17: Warlords of Russia pg 173)
Battleforge Body Armor (45,000 credits; WB17: Warlords of Russia pg 174)
Base-4 Armored Clothing: Military flightsuit (12,000 credits; WB:19: Australia pg 207)
Base-4 Armored Clothing: M.D.C. Flak Vest (17,000 credits; WB:19: Australia pg 208)
Urban Warrior Padded Environmental Body Armor (35,000 credits; R:UE pg 268)
Plastic-Man Full Environmental Body Armor (18,000 credits; R:UE pg 268)
Huntsman Plate & Padded Armor (24,000 credits; R:UE pg 268)
Bushman Full Composite Environmental Body Armor (32,000 credits; R:UE pg 268)

Group 2
Jason and Rufus
Rufus wrote:"Hmmm... There's a ley line not too far off in... that direction, If Calvin or Rory can sense it, you can bet Teres the Adventure Gal is going to want to go explore. Truth be told, though, I actually need to spend a couple of days on one myself. We ley line mages need to periodically spend time communing with lines to keep ourselves in thaumaturgical alignment with the harmonics of... Sorry. Basically, we need magical tune-ups every so often -- and I'm long overdue. But first things first. We need to find some leads on Lemurians."

"So that's a 'no' on lunch from Vlad, I guess... Alright, we're looking for a place that offers hot steaks and cold brews. Let's see what's available..."
The search for an appropriate dining establishment takes a little bit, but with Rufus’ particular magical talents, he’s able to figure out a place that will cater to their needs. It’s the kind of place captains meet with clients, thus having a slightly elevated atmosphere versus the other local eateries. Between Rufus and Jessie, the trio is able to order their meals and beverages, a local brew of beer that has a slightly sweet aftertaste.
Rufus wrote:"Okay... so the good news is that we're in a friendly port with a berthing for a week and groceries on the way. The bad news is that we're striking out on finding leads about the Lemurians unless the others have had much better luck than we have... So let's review. No libraries, and no academies. Plus I haven't seen the first sign that says 'Lemurian Expert on Duty' anywhere around here. So who else might be in a position to have information we could use? Since the city isn't likely nearby we'd need to focus on individuals who do business over long distances. Cartographers, maybe? Oceanographers? Shipping companies that do trade with far off cities? Perhaps merchants who deal in imported goods from said far-off cites? Maybe even shipbuilders who have experience with large-scale floating structures and would know where they could get materials or resources sufficient to build or repair such things? I don't suppose this place has an airport? I would imagine a floating city would be relatively easy to spot from the air. Any ideas, you two? Any other options we could look into?"
Jason wrote:"So far, we have been asking where the Lemurrians are. Which isn't getting us very far. I think we should also start asking more about them as a people. We know next to nothing about them, so its hard to get in their heads to see how they think. That's why I was hoping for a library or academy. If we knew more about them as a whole, we could find a better way of contacting them. Come to think of it. It may be better to ask around more openly to speak with a Lemurrian. If they are that secretive, letting them be the ones to make contact couldn't hurt. I think you might be onto something with shipping businesses. If they exist, one might have a way to get messages or deliveries back and forth to the city. If so, we could always just send a message to Kiri-Kiri to let him know that the couriers are in the area."
Jessie speaks up. ”We’ve been sitting on the Lemurian sighting for like two months… I know it’s not our fault for having gotten the info from such a distance away, but I imagine that lead growing colder the longer we take. I would suggest asking the locals if they’ve seen Lemurians in the recent past, and maybe heading towards that ship breaking yard to ask there as well. Port Moresby seems a great place to base camp though.” Jessie says before taking a long pull of her beer.

”We may be able to buy cheaply or rent a land vehicle and make the trip overland.” Jessie notes.

What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace:
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [77] = 77 %
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [51] = 51
Consumer wrote: Wed May 08, 2024 9:20 am Jessie speaks up. ”We’ve been sitting on the Lemurian sighting for like two months… I know it’s not our fault for having gotten the info from such a distance away, but I imagine that lead growing colder the longer we take. I would suggest asking the locals if they’ve seen Lemurians in the recent past, and maybe heading towards that ship breaking yard to ask there as well. Port Moresby seems a great place to base camp though.” Jessie says before taking a long pull of her beer.

”We may be able to buy cheaply or rent a land vehicle and make the trip overland.” Jessie notes.
Jason freezes for a moment, then slowly lowers his beer. How the hell did I forget about that sighting report. Dammit! "Jesse, you are absolutely right. That sighting report slipped my mind for some reason and I didn't realize that this was the correct area for it. In fact..." Jason finishes his beer and signals for the server. "Might as well start now. " He waits patiently for the server to come over. When they do he asks, "Another round of beers, please. And some information. Do you know if there are any Lemurians in the area or who we should ask about them?" Whether or not they have information, Jason tips them well.

After they finish, Jason explains to Rufus and Jesse that he still wants to check out the Shrine area next. As they walk, Jason keeps an eye out for anything like a news stand, figuring that in a smaller town, they would know of anything worth knowing. If he finds someone who fits the bill, he asks them about Lemurians.

Finally when they get to the shrine, pays his respects and asks about the deities honored there.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [42] = 42
JIC: 1d100: [78] = 78 | 1d20: [19] = 19
Consumer wrote: Having passed a pair of shops that seemed like they sold armor, it made the most sense to go there first, this is followed by a bit of a search for a place that sells wood working tools. All the while Calvin keeps an eye out for bookstores, while politely conversing with the locals for some information.
Rory and Teres, make a decision on what you want to buy, and note it in your next post. ~Consumer

Calvin finds out the following things over the next hour or two. There is no bookstore per say, just some places happen to have a small collection of books for sale among other things, and he has no luck finding a dictionary or anything short of a pile of fiction novels. As for the other things Calvin is investigating, he finds that the only real requirement to enter the residential area is to not be an undesirable, likely meaning poor or a trouble maker, it seems other than that travel around the city is generally unrestricted. As for his attempt to see what else he can learn from the map, it doesn’t really offer a view of the area outside of Port Moresby, so no luck on learning paths around the outside of the city. Calvin notes that the wall only seems to surround what the city considers the residential district.
Aight, we got the lay of the land, buth otherwise this seems to be another seemingly dead end. This is a shipping town and a resupply port. Any reason that Lemurians would have had to stick around for would be to conduct some kind of business. We can try staking out more respectable establishments and maybe track foot traffic? Or they could have wandered off outside of town... Why would semi aquatic deebees travel inland though? That doesn't make sense.

At least we found some resupply stores. I'm broke, so I'll probably ask for a grenade budget when I meet up with the leadership. Maybe someone can spot me a horse too.

Calvin turns to Teres and Rory:

"We can keep canvasing Port Moresby for signs. I think however, now that we have a map, we can go back to Jason and Rufus and map out a systematic approach to the town. Maybe we'll run across something, maybe we wouldn't. But at least we'd have a process of elimination. I'm gonna radio those two and see where they are at."

(Radio Basic: 1d100 < 68%: [46] = 46 )

Rufus, Jason. We've done some basic window shopping and did get a decent lay of the town and where to resupply. Where are you guys? We should head your way and figure out our next steps.

Calvin waits for a response.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [94] = 94 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [10] = 10 | 1d100: [43] = 43
Babal fish:
1d100: [57] = 57 /50%
1d100: [46] = 46 / 50%
HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor (30,000 credits; WB08: Japan pg 186)
Base-4 Armored Clothing: Military flight suit (12,000 credits; WB:19: Australia pg 207)
Base-4 Armored Clothing: M.D.C. Flak Vest (17,000 credits; WB:19: Australia pg 208)
Battleforge Body Armor (45,000 credits; WB17: Warlords of Russia pg 174)
Navy Body Armor (40,000 credits; WB07: Underseas pg 118)
US Marine Combat Armor (50,000 credits; WB07: Underseas pg 118)
total: 244,000

Seeing the suits she spots several she likes. Two also grab her attention. The US Marine and New Navy armor seem to have an interest. New navy? Jason was interested in them. I'll grab that and the US marine suit as well. She thinks as she notices some of the styling as both being combat-related.

Tapping her translator in place the Psi-druid looks at the suits considers and decides to buy a few. It would be best to have a spare just in case. The ex-Psi-battalion trooper thought as she pointed to the ones she wanted.

I'll have the Battleforged, New navy, US marine, a Mews 10, HA-6 frontiersman, that flight suit and flak vest” Teres says with a smile pointing to each suit. I would love a spare diving suit. But priorities. And I get the impression dive suits won't be hard to find in coastal areas. If we need more of them the psi-druid thinks.
MEWS-10 Medium Environmental Wet Suit (50,000 credits; WB07: Underseas pg 139)
Navy Body Armor (40,000 credits; WB07: Underseas pg 118)
US Marine Combat Armor (50,000 credits; WB07: Underseas pg 118)
HA-6 "Frontiersman" Body Armor (30,000 credits; WB08: Japan pg 186)
Battleforge Body Armor (45,000 credits; WB17: Warlords of Russia pg 174)
Base-4 Armored Clothing: Military flightsuit (12,000 credits; WB:19: Australia pg 207)
Base-4 Armored Clothing: M.D.C. Flak Vest (17,000 credits; WB:19: Australia pg 208)
Total: 244,000 Credits

I was curious about that new navy and US marine suit. Can you tell me anything about who made them? I am a bit of an armorer myself. Hobby and essential repairs mostly. Oh and has anyone come in mentioning Lumerian sighting out of curiosity?” she asks as she hands over the credits.
Calvin wrote:"We can keep canvasing Port Moresby for signs. I think however, now that we have a map, we can go back to Jason and Rufus and map out a systematic approach to the town. Maybe we'll run across something, maybe we wouldn't. But at least we'd have a process of elimination. I'm gonna radio those two and see where they are at."

Sounds good enough to me until we get a specific person to look for. We can canvas and stop to ask any locals of interest as we return to the boat. Both Rory and I have items to put away. I want to get into this new flight suit and Frontiersman suit.” she adds with grin “If I can wear the flight suit under it.” she offers.

Once at the boat with the group with Ruffas and Jason she shows them the New navy and US Marine armor. "I saw these, I thought they might be interesting to you, or at least a nice collector piece. I have a new suit to try on. be right back"
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [59*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [48] = 48

- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

Consumer wrote: Wed May 08, 2024 9:20 am Jessie speaks up. ”We’ve been sitting on the Lemurian sighting for like two months… I know it’s not our fault for having gotten the info from such a distance away, but I imagine that lead growing colder the longer we take. I would suggest asking the locals if they’ve seen Lemurians in the recent past, and maybe heading towards that ship breaking yard to ask there as well. Port Moresby seems a great place to base camp though.” Jessie says before taking a long pull of her beer.

”We may be able to buy cheaply or rent a land vehicle and make the trip overland.” Jessie notes.
"Fair points," Rufus nods as he takes a pull of his own beer. "I guess floating cities don't necessarily stay in one place like those on land. Makes sense now that I think about it." She's not wrong on the 'base camp' idea either... he adds to himself. Seems like a big enough hub for trade and travel. Convenient ley line nearby. They don't seem to mind d-bees either.
Jason Long wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 5:05 pm"Jesse, you are absolutely right. That sighting report slipped my mind for some reason and I didn't realize that this was the correct area for it. In fact..." Jason finishes his beer and signals for the server. "Might as well start now. " He waits patiently for the server to come over. When they do he asks, "Another round of beers, please. And some information. Do you know if there are any Lemurians in the area or who we should ask about them?"
"Specifically, can you think of anyone who's come in here and mentioned seeing any Lemurians recently?" Rufus adds.

Once the meal (and drinks) are done, Rufus will follow along to the shrine and pays the proper amount of respect to the god(s) represented... but he remains largely silent, preferring to let Jason do the talking for the time being as he keeps his eyes open around them. He's specifically looking for anyone that could fit the general descriptions of what they discussed -- cartographers/oceanographers, shipping establishments, anyone who might have information about the island and its history, that sort of thing. If he sees any along the way he'll stop in and ask about Lemurians in general and if anyone's reported seeing them recently in particular.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 11:50 pmRufus, Jason. We've done some basic window shopping and did get a decent lay of the town and where to resupply. Where are you guys? We should head your way and figure out our next steps.
Rufus opens his comlink. "Roger that, Calvin. We're checking out the shrine and keeping an eye out for anyone who might know something about our task at hand or anyone who might have seen some recently. Here's hoping you found out more than we did -- we'll see you back at the boat."


Later, back at the boat... Rufus raises an eyebrow at Teres' purchases but makes no sound except for a soft sigh out through his nose. Eventually though he does speak up.

"Alright, so this at least establishes that the New Navy has had contact with the locals. If that's the case, then maybe Lemurians have come here to trade goods or services as well. Did you find out anything along that line?"

He pauses a moment. "Anyway... Jason, Jessie, and I were discussing strategy earlier. Clearly we're not getting very far. Maybe we haven't been asking the right questions -- or the right people. I figure that since the city isn't likely nearby we'd need to focus on individuals who do business over long distances. Cartographers, oceanographers, shipping companies that do trade with far off cities, that sort of thing. Perhaps merchants who deal in imported goods from said far-off cites... or maybe even shipbuilders who have experience with large-scale floating structures and would know where they could get materials or resources sufficient to build or repair such things. Also, I don't suppose any of you found out if this place has an airport, did you? I would imagine a floating city would be relatively easy to spot from the air. Any thoughts along that line?"
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [39] = 39 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [3] = 3 | 1d100: 1d100: [7] = 7

After Teres' bulk purchase of armor, Rory's purchase of woodworking gear was almost unnoticeable.
She lets the shop owner upsell her from the basic woodworking tools to a more comprehensive set.
(Advanced Woodworking Toolbox:
Contains all the necessary tools to work as a carpenter on the go, minus anything too big to fit in the metal tool chest.
Weight: 50 lbs.
Cost: 3,000 credits)
As she does, she slips in a question to the shop owner.

"Do ye have any idea how ta get in touch with any Lemurians? I were supposed ta ask after one of 'em if I happened across 'em, an' I figure this is probably as close to 'em as I've ever been. Only I don't have any clue how ta even find one, let alone talk to 'em."

She looks hopefully at the shop owner, hoping they may take pity on the clueless sap they just sold 3000 credits worth of tools to.

(She tries to remember anything the person says, even if it's just some general ideas of who to ask)

She leaves the shop with a large metal tool chest in her left hand, and a smile on her face. After they've all done their shopping, she compares notes with Teres and Calvin.

Well, that was useful. With this, I can definitely make some stuff during travel and other downtimes. Arrows for Teres, a staff for Calvin, a tripod for my rune musket. Well worth the credits.

"So, did any of us have any luck finding a lead on the Lemurians?"

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike
Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
OOC Comments
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Rufas wrote: "Anyway... Jason, Jessie, and I were discussing strategy earlier. Clearly we're not getting very far. Maybe we haven't been asking the right questions -- or the right people. I figure that since the city isn't likely nearby we'd need to focus on individuals who do business over long distances. Cartographers, oceanographers, shipping companies that do trade with far off cities, that sort of thing. Perhaps merchants who deal in imported goods from said far-off cites... or maybe even shipbuilders who have experience with large-scale floating structures and would know where they could get materials or resources sufficient to build or repair such things. Also, I don't suppose any of you found out if this place has an airport, did you? I would imagine a floating city would be relatively easy to spot from the air. Any thoughts along that line?"
"A sound place to start. a city-sized ship will need power as well. and I am certain it won't run on the energy magazines I use in my pistol. So it has to charge somewhere at some point. If it runs on magic then it needs Ley lines or places of strong magic. We can get a look as we pass those that are on the route to the shipyard." she agrees.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

(Rolls held over)
Rufus wrote: "Alright, so this at least establishes that the New Navy has had contact with the locals. If that's the case, then maybe Lemurians have come here to trade goods or services as well. Did you find out anything along that line?"

He pauses a moment. "Anyway... Jason, Jessie, and I were discussing strategy earlier. Clearly we're not getting very far. Maybe we haven't been asking the right questions -- or the right people. I figure that since the city isn't likely nearby we'd need to focus on individuals who do business over long distances. Cartographers, oceanographers, shipping companies that do trade with far off cities, that sort of thing. Perhaps merchants who deal in imported goods from said far-off cites... or maybe even shipbuilders who have experience with large-scale floating structures and would know where they could get materials or resources sufficient to build or repair such things. Also, I don't suppose any of you found out if this place has an airport, did you? I would imagine a floating city would be relatively easy to spot from the air. Any thoughts along that line?"
At the urging of Rufus, Calvin whips out the map and proceeds to look for an airport. "It doesn't look like they have one." (GM answer)

Calvin nods to Rufus as Rufus lists the professions to make an inquiry with. Shipping companies...

"Well, crazy idea. We know the Lemurians deal in ocean plants. Maybe since Port Moresby has land here, beyond the city there might be hamlets of civilization where their main economy is largely agrarian. As advanced civilizations generally enjoy rarities as luxuries, you think Lemurian traders would approach farmers and live stock herders here for what would be hard to get goods back home? Farms are definitely easier to see from the air.

There is also the nagging bit of my vision when I got lost in the crazy light in the sea a few weeks ago. I sense what we are looking for is running around in the thick of the tropical wilderness anyway, away from the shores and definitely away from man-made structures such as these.

As Teres said, the leyline theory can be worth exploring. Rory could also use the magic energy to work on things. I can feel a leyline north of here. Should we explore?


Calvin waits for a response from the rest of the group.
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Wed May 22, 2024 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Docks District; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 12:40 PM (2 hours has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)
Group 1
Calvin, Rory, Teres
Teres wrote:I was curious about that new navy and US marine suit. Can you tell me anything about who made them? I am a bit of an armorer myself. Hobby and essential repairs mostly. Oh and has anyone come in mentioning Lumerian sighting out of curiosity?
The sales person looks at Teres and shrugs. We get bulk shipments, I have no idea. I’m not even the armorer, just the counter person. As for Lemurian’s no idea. Not something I’ve overheard.” The salesperson says as Teres pays a small fortune for over a hundred pounds of armor.
Rory wrote:"Do ye have any idea how ta get in touch with any Lemurians? I were supposed ta ask after one of 'em if I happened across 'em, an' I figure this is probably as close to 'em as I've ever been. Only I don't have any clue how ta even find one, let alone talk to 'em."
The old man manning the hardware store nods. ”I have a guy who gets specialized wood from them a few times a year. I can ask, but it might be weeks or months before I hear anything. Lemurians are a private lot, takes quite a bit to get them to warm up to you on more than a business relationship. If you’re lucky a few might be in port, but they look like everyone else really, unless they’re wearing that living armor they sometimes have.” The old man says. ”Want me to try and get a hold of him, like I said it may take a long time?” The old man asks. Whether Rory asks or not, she eventually makes her way back to the group.
Calvin wrote:"We can keep canvasing Port Moresby for signs. I think however, now that we have a map, we can go back to Jason and Rufus and map out a systematic approach to the town. Maybe we'll run across something, maybe we wouldn't. But at least we'd have a process of elimination. I'm gonna radio those two and see where they are at."
Teres wrote:Sounds good enough to me until we get a specific person to look for. We can canvas and stop to ask any locals of interest as we return to the boat. Both Rory and I have items to put away. I want to get into this new flight suit and Frontiersman suit.” she adds with grin “If I can wear the flight suit under it.
Rory wrote:"So, did any of us have any luck finding a lead on the Lemurians?"
Calvin radios the others. And gets a prompt response.
Rufus wrote:"Roger that, Calvin. We're checking out the shrine and keeping an eye out for anyone who might know something about our task at hand or anyone who might have seen some recently. Here's hoping you found out more than we did -- we'll see you back at the boat."
Afterwards the trio head back to the boat, to find Vlad loading boxes of food into the cargo hold.

Group 2
Jason and Rufus

The meal is beginning to wrap up.
Jason wrote:"Jesse, you are absolutely right. That sighting report slipped my mind for some reason and I didn't realize that this was the correct area for it. In fact... Might as well start now.”

Rufus wrote:"Fair points, I guess floating cities don't necessarily stay in one place like those on land. Makes sense now that I think about it."
The Waitress returns.
Jason wrote:”Another round of beers, please. And some information. Do you know if there are any Lemurians in the area or who we should ask about them?"
Rufus wrote:"Specifically, can you think of anyone who's come in here and mentioned seeing any Lemurians recently?"
The waitress seems to think for a moment. ”They’re not very common around here, mostly staying to whatever underwater places they call home. Occasionally some come here to do business or whatever it is they feel like, but I don’t know of any living around here.” The Waitress says before getting the trio another round of beer.

Calvin radios the team, and Rufus responds.
Calvin wrote:Rufus, Jason. We've done some basic window shopping and did get a decent lay of the town and where to resupply. Where are you guys? We should head your way and figure out our next steps.
The trio finish their drinks and make their way towards the shrine they were told about. It seems a simple affair, a brick building with colorful cloth banners and other bright accouterments. Inside the trio find a small chapel, with a older man in a black robe sweeping the floor. He looks up and smiles. ”Welcome travelers, how may I help you?”

What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace:
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [78] = 78 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [13] = 13 | 1d100: [22] = 22
Babble fish:
1d100: [30] = 30 / 50%
1d100: [96] = 96 / 50%
Before heading to the boat:
The salesperson wrote:We get bulk shipments, I have no idea. I’m not even the armorer, just the counter person. As for Lemurian’s no idea. Not something I’ve overheard.”
"Who in town would I talk to about Lumerians or other strange sightings?" she asks the salesperson " And do you have a spare box or something I can put these suits in? "

Most towns had a guy or groups into that sort of supernatural and alien lore. Some sailors had reputations for seeing strange things and using those to make money or fame telling the tales. Worse case the local priests and so-called holy men were a possible source.

So the new navy sells in bulk to locals—a good way to promote a good reputation and make cash. I am in the wrong business to make money. Not that I would be able to manage it.

Meeting up with group two:
Calvin wrote:"Teres, why don't you go change and put on a new suit of armor, you can leave your old stuff to be repaired here most likely. I'll help you carry the rest of your stuff back."
"That was the plan. we don't have time for me to wait on repairs and the mages do not have spare energy. I even grabbed a spare suit for myself. And Jason can use one of them if he wants to " she says grining.

at the boat
"Guessing the others haven't returned. I need to show the New Navy suit and give Jason the cigars I found later." Teres shrugs heading below deck to put her armor away. As she does she spots Vlad.

"Vlad, need a hand let us know. Calvin and Rory are on the boat as well. " She tells the herth spirit moving the armor in an out-of-the-way place. picking up the flight suit and Frontiersman armor heads off to see if the flight armor will fit under the frontiersman. If not shrugs and puts on the frontiersman suit. White and grey? it's not the best camo but a pancho or small camo net can fix that. and I can always paint to match as I need to later. and the white/grey pattern works in a few other places too. She thinks. The Psi-druid is happy with the purchase. Once she has her gear on, she heads to the main deck.
Rory wrote:" So, did any of us have any luck finding a lead on the Lemurians?"
"Nothing . That shrine is likely used for dealing with sailors. I would bet you Rufus and Jason are going to ask there too. " She moves in the new suit to get used to it as she talks.

"I also found that new Navy sells in bulk here. so they trade. I bet Jason and Rufus will be happy to learn. If they want to find the new navy the armorer or shop owner might be help." Teres crouches and kneels to adjust a quiver and her bow sheath and vibro axe position.
Last edited by Teres Barton on Fri May 24, 2024 2:07 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Perception: 1d100 < 58%: [11] = 11
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 | 1d100: [23] = 23

Calvin looks at the six suits of armor and lets out a small whistle. He says:

"Teres, why don't you go change and put on a new suit of armor, you can leave your old stuff to be repaired here most likely. I'll help you carry the rest of your stuff back."

Calvin then turns to the clerk and casts Tongues (-10 PPE):

"I'm feeling a leyline to the north of us and it looks like it is beyond the city. I'd like to look beyond the city walls and visit, but I don't know the lay of the land and I have no idea what to expect. Could you recommend a reputable wilderness guide? Also, do you know of a magic shop in town and perhaps a few weapons shops where I can compare prices for grenades and explosives?"
(MA: 1d100 < 55: [64] = 64 )
(PB: 1d100 < 60: [70] = 70 )
(Research: 1d100 < 59: [96] = 96 )
Yay or nay, Calvin thanks the clerk for his answer.

If he is told about a wilderness scout, he will visit and ask for a consultation. He will then explain that the group would like to visit the leyline up north. Calvin is looking for a secluded spot where Rory can settle in and get her items made while the others make camp. So he's interested on figuring out how to get there. Additionally, Calvin is looking for foes to avoid, monsters to stay away from, as well as pockets of humanity that might prove to be helpful if there is a crisis later.
(MA: 1d100 < 55: [45] = 45 )
(PB: 1d100 < 60: [46] = 46 )
(Research: 1d100 < 59: [13] = 13 )

If he is told about a magic shop, Calvin will visit and ask for a consultation. He will then explain that the group would like to visit the leyline up north. If the wilderness scout provided sufficient answers to Calvin's previous questions, he will not repeat them here. Instead, Calvin will ask for a list of gear that the shopkeeper thinks would aid search and rescue as well as wilderness exploration. Calvin will also look for land transportation to rent or buy, e.g. TW vehicles, animals he can ride. If he learns of a place where he can rent a horse, he'll pay a visit as well.
(MA: 1d100 < 55: [2] = 2 )
(PB: 1d100 < 60: [12] = 12 )
(Research: 1d100 < 59: [88] = 88 )

Last but not least, Calvin will visit the weapons shop and look for grenades as well as budget night vision equipment that can be easily affixed to his helmet.

At every shop, Calvin will make a note to gingerly inquire about Lemurians visiting.
(MA: 1d100 < 55: [35] = 35 )
(PB: 1d100 < 60: [48] = 48 )
(Research: 1d100 < 59: [10] = 10 )
He will indicate that he has a business associate that he is supposed to meet, but said associate has not made his rendezvous. Furthermore, Calvin will pay for various consultations. However, Calvin will not be buying anything right now, as his funds are low. He will consult with the rest of the group on what their collective needs are, and then procure away once that has been established.

After helping Teres with her haul, Calvin will wait on the Templar for the return of Jason and Rufus.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Teres wrote:"Who in town would I talk to about Lumerians or other strange sightings? And do you have a spare box or something I can put these suits in? "
The clerk shakes their head. " No idea ma'am, not a topic of interest I've personally had. As for a box, sure." The salesperson answers, retireving Teres a large cardboard box.

Calvin wrote:"I'm feeling a leyline to the north of us and it looks like it is beyond the city. I'd like to look beyond the city walls and visit, but I don't know the lay of the land and I have no idea what to expect. Could you recommend a reputable wilderness guide? Also, do you know of a magic shop in town and perhaps a few weapons shops where I can compare prices for grenades and explosives?"
The salesperson looks a bit confused. "No idea, It's not safe for folk like me outside of town, so I don't leave. Maybe ask one of the militia, they may know more. As for a Magic and weapons shops, they're scattered around here, I don't have much use for either so I don't know specifically where they are." The Salesperson answers.

If/when Calvin wanders the city a bit more looking for a weapons shop and/or a magic shop, he finds several. His inquires about the Ley Line amount to such. Some local magic users do occasionally go up there, but usually with a bunch of support, as the area is dangerous, given it's a Ley Line, and the wild parts of the island are filled with an assortment of dangers from wild animals, monsters, and primitives who don't take kindly to the city dwellers. The clerk of the magic shop can't rightly answer the question of what gear you should take to go and rescue someone, it's clearly not their area of expertise. As for transportation, they note there are several places that sell or rent vehicles, whether they are TW or not, he has no idea. The clerk doesn't seem to know what a horse is either, which is a bit strange to Calvin.

I need a book/pg number.

Calvin's inquiries about Lemurians is roughly the same across the board, no one particularly knows one any themselves, and when they do occassionally visit Port Moresby, they don't tend to stay long. It seems Lemurians are not fans of industrial living. In the end, Calvin is left with the impression, that the groups only real option is to head north and actually check out the supposed sighting.

Eventually back at the boat, the group finds Vlad finishing up stowing the food bought earlier.
Teres wrote:"Guessing the others haven't returned. I need to show the New Navy suit and give Jason the cigars I found later. Vlad, need a hand let us know. Calvin and Rory are on the boat as well. "
Vlad shakes his head. "All done, so no help is needed, besides I have a system, and it likely would take me too long to teach it to you." Vlad says as he grabs a few items and makes his way to the boats small galley. Leaving Rory, Calvin, and Teres alone on the deck.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [97] = 97 / 39%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [1] = 1 | 1d100: [27] = 27

" From what the store people told me the locals in the city don't know any more than us. I am thinking of a quick visit to any guides or Botany people in town and then we head out to see the sites and the people living outside the city. It strikes me they would be more prone to meeting Lumerians. " she says as she takes in the view of the harbor. "They dealt with botanists and others in the natural sciences on the mining platform. It makes sense they would not change here. Even sailors here seemed to be more into modern ships and staying above the waves mostly."

"Plus we have a good opportunity to assist the locals in hunting monsters outside the walls and three of you could use that ley line you mentioned," she adds. Not to mention I will be out of this city. would be nice to be in a proper natural environment. she thinks. The idea of ruins or places unknown or overlooked by the locals being important to the templars made sense. and if the vision is supposed to mean anything there is no jungle in
the city
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [33] = 33 %
JIC: 1d20: [14] = 14 / 1d100: [11] = 11

Babelfish: 1d100: [81] = 81
Babelfish: 1d100: [61] = 61

((Research--77% / 1d100: [50] = 50 % )) gathering information on the gods at the shrine
((Navigation—91% / 1d100: [72] = 72 % )) looking at routes to the sighting area
((Research--77% / 1d100: [37] = 37 % )) looking for an appropriate vehicle

Arriving at the shrine, Jason smiles at the robed gentleman. “ Good day, sir. Would you tell me about this shrine? What deities are honored here? Would you tell me a bit about them? I find that I am drawn to seek a patron deity, but I have yet to find one who I can serve whole heartedly. “
Jason listens carefully and respectfully to anything and everything that the gentleman can tell him. If the man mentions anything about Lemurian deities, Jason questions him about any Lemurians or Lemurian settlements in the area. Once Jason has gathered what information that he can, if Lemurians have not been mentioned previously, he broaches the subject.
It’s worth asking.
”Do you know of any Lemurians or Lemurian settlements in the area? We are trying to find a Lemurian city and have not had much luck. “
Jason takes his time speaking with the man, repeating as much as necessary when the Babelfish lets him down.
After learning all he can from the gentleman, Jason thanks him and gives him a 100 credit donation for the shrine.
Heading outside, Jason then turns to Rufus and Jesse. ”Any other stops before we head back to the boat and compare notes with the others?” If neither of them have any suggestions, Jason leads them back to the boat and shares what little they learned with the others.
When Teres tells Jason that the New Navy trades in bulk, he gets the name and directions to the shop. That will have to wait though, prime mission first, we’ve taken long enough.
”Thanks, Teres. I’ll speak with them before we finally leave. From what you all have learned, it sounds like we should head to the sighting area. It was my mistake for not having us stop there on the way." Jason pulls out the charts and winces at the distance involved. ”I make it about 1000 miles by sea and over 800 by land. Unless there are objections, I say we see what kind of vehicles are available for rent. If they have some type of hover vehicle that can skim over the treetops and have the range to get there and back, it would be far faster than taking the boat and marching inland. Although if only wheeled vehicles area available, with that terrain the boat would be faster“
If there is enough daylight once any debate is finished, Jason will head out to see what vehicles are available for rent.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [56] = 56
JIC: 1d100: [25] = 25 | 1d20: [3] = 3
Consumer wrote: If/when Calvin wanders the city a bit more looking for a weapons shop and/or a magic shop, he finds several. His inquires about the Ley Line amount to such. Some local magic users do occasionally go up there, but usually with a bunch of support, as the area is dangerous, given it's a Ley Line, and the wild parts of the island are filled with an assortment of dangers from wild animals, monsters, and primitives who don't take kindly to the city dwellers. The clerk of the magic shop can't rightly answer the question of what gear you should take to go and rescue someone, it's clearly not their area of expertise. As for transportation, they note there are several places that sell or rent vehicles, whether they are TW or not, he has no idea. The clerk doesn't seem to know what a horse is either, which is a bit strange to Calvin.

Calvin's inquiries about Lemurians is roughly the same across the board, no one particularly knows one any themselves, and when they do occassionally visit Port Moresby, they don't tend to stay long. It seems Lemurians are not fans of industrial living. In the end, Calvin is left with the impression, that the groups only real option is to head north and actually check out the supposed sighting.
Calvin relays the information to Jason. Having heard Teres speak of the sighting several times, he visualizes where it is on the map. We should probably hit up the leyline so that Rory can get her work done before we back track several hundred miles. Why didn't we stop off at the sighting area before hitting port? It was on the way...

Calvin pipes up:
"I understand that outside of the town, it's a bit dangerous. However if we go to the sighting area by land, the leyline will be on the way. Plus like Teres said, even if Lemurians disembarked at port, they remain dissatisfied with city living and industrial lifestyles. Since Lemurians travel the oceans with giant floating cities, if those cities are not artifacts of industrial technology, then it is possible that their society leverages magic as a technological substitute. If the Lemurians we are looking for traveled afar using magic, then recharging magic energies by meditating close to leylines improves recovery tremendously. It's pretty much universal for all mages.

Besides, Rory wants to check out the leyline anyway. She needs extra mystical power to make stuff. Also, the armorer that Teres did most of the shopping has some good repair smiths. They could repair some of the wear and tear accrued over the course of the journey while we get our other prep work done.

"Oh and last but not least, before we take off, could you spot me a few thousand creds for grenades?".

Calvin waits for a response.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [25] = 25 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [10] = 10 | 1d100: 1d100: [28] = 28

Rory smiles as Calvin mentions about the ley line.

Yes! Another one who wants a leyline.

Her face reddens a little as he continues on to mention that she wanted to check out the leyline.

I've been noticed - and mentioned! That's not just gratifying, it also saves me the embarrassment of mentioning it to the whole group. I must find some way to repay him, even if he doesn't realize just how much that means to me.

"Aye, if I can tap inta a leyline fer a bit, I can do a bit of armor repair, and should be able ta whip up a few arrows fer Teres."

Scratching at her nose, she continues.

"These Lemurians seem ta be a mite hard ta find. Calvin's mention of trying ta find 'em through followin' the leylines seems like an idea ta think on."

She turns to Teres.

"Ye said that people outside the city might be the ones ta talk to about Lemurians, an' I figure that if they're a bit leery of technology, that'd make darn good sense."

She grins and adds.

"Better ideas than any I've come up with, that's fer sure."

She turns then to Jason.

"If i can get close enough ta one of them leylines, I have spells that can repair damaged armor, create wood fer making stuff, then making that wood harder'n iron. Is there anythin' else ye can think that might be useful fer me ta think about?"

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike
Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Docks District; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 1:00 PM (20 minutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)

Group 2
Jason and Rufus
Jason wrote: “ Good day, sir. Would you tell me about this shrine? What deities are honored here? Would you tell me a bit about them? I find that I am drawn to seek a patron deity, but I have yet to find one who I can serve whole heartedly.“
The old priest nods. ”We honor the Lord and his son Jesus Christ here.” The old man says. Jason’s notes about looking for a foreign god seem to put a damper on the old man’s smile. ”Not many foreign deities are worshiped here in Port Moresby, as we stick to the old ways of our ancestors. Is there anything else I can help you with?” The old priest says.
Jason wrote:”Do you know of any Lemurians or Lemurian settlements in the area? We are trying to find a Lemurian city and have not had much luck. “
The old man nods. ”While I don’t know any specifics, the Lemurians tend to reside in one of three places, either in very small groups among other populaces, though I do not believe there are any here in Port Moresby. They live in their hidden floating islands, which outsiders are unwelcome, or they reside in small communities underwater, tending to their crops and animals. Again, I don’t know where any of these are, I only hear about them from sailors coming around.” The old man says. Not having anything else Rufus, Jessie, and Jason head back towards the boat.


Back at the boat, everyone gathers, and Teres and Calvin tell Jason and Rufus what they learned, while Rory doesn’t mention anything the woodshop owner said to her.
Teres wrote:"From what the store people told me the locals in the city don't know any more than us. I am thinking of a quick visit to any guides or Botany people in town and then we head out to see the sites and the people living outside the city. It strikes me they would be more prone to meeting Lemurians. They dealt with botanists and others in the natural sciences on the mining platform. It makes sense they would not change here. Even sailors here seemed to be more into modern ships and staying above the waves mostly. Plus we have a good opportunity to assist the locals in hunting monsters outside the walls and three of you could use that ley line you mentioned."
Calvin wrote:"I understand that outside of the town, it's a bit dangerous. However if we go to the sighting area by land, the leyline will be on the way. Plus like Teres said, even if Lemurians disembarked at port, they remain dissatisfied with city living and industrial lifestyles. Since Lemurians travel the oceans with giant floating cities, if those cities are not artifacts of industrial technology, then it is possible that their society leverages magic as a technological substitute. If the Lemurians we are looking for traveled afar using magic, then recharging magic energies by meditating close to leylines improves recovery tremendously. It's pretty much universal for all mages. Besides, Rory wants to check out the leyline anyway. She needs extra mystical power to make stuff. Also, the armorer that Teres did most of the shopping has some good repair smiths. They could repair some of the wear and tear accrued over the course of the journey while we get our other prep work done. Oh and last but not least, before we take off, could you spot me a few thousand creds for grenades?"
Jason wrote:”Thanks, Teres. I’ll speak with them before we finally leave. From what you all have learned, it sounds like we should head to the sighting area. It was my mistake for not having us stop there on the way. I make it about 1000 miles by sea and over 800 by land. Unless there are objections, I say we see what kind of vehicles are available for rent. If they have some type of hover vehicle that can skim over the treetops and have the range to get there and back, it would be far faster than taking the boat and marching inland. Although if only wheeled vehicles area available, with that terrain the boat would be faster“
Rory wrote:"Aye, if I can tap inta a leyline fer a bit, I can do a bit of armor repair, and should be able ta whip up a few arrows fer Teres. These Lemurians seem ta be a mite hard ta find. Calvin's mention of trying ta find 'em through followin' the leylines seems like an idea ta think on. Ye said that people outside the city might be the ones ta talk to about Lemurians, an' I figure that if they're a bit leery of technology, that'd make darn good sense. Better ideas than any I've come up with, that's fer sure. If i can get close enough ta one of them leylines, I have spells that can repair damaged armor, create wood fer making stuff, then making that wood harder'n iron. Is there anythin' else ye can think that might be useful fer me ta think about?"
What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace:
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [99] = 99
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 | 1d100: [85] = 85

Calvin looks at Jason as he ponders how to enunciate back tracking is a bad idea. The vision... I mean it can be wilderness anywhere... But I have a hunch the Lemurians made port here. We should go check the leyline just to see if they stopped off to recharge before heading off.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't around for the sighting information. Does that mean it's at least several months old. If we go to the leyline first, it's only an hour or so away, even if it is the wrong direction. We'd still have to go through the work of securing land transportation."

"I'd rent a horse and go check it out myself with a few of you, but they don't even have horses... I don't we have much luck splitting up anyways. What say you?"

Calvin turns to Rory:

"When you were about the market, did you find anything about Lemurians?"
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [94] = 94 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [6] = 6 | 1d100: [34] = 34
Jason wrote: wrote:” Thanks, Teres. I’ll speak with them before we finally leave. From what you all have learned, it sounds like we should head to the sighting area. It was my mistake for not having us stop there on the way. I make it about 1000 miles by sea and over 800 by land. Unless there are objections, I say we see what kind of vehicles are available for rent. If they have some type of hover vehicle that can skim over the treetops and have the range to get there and back, it would be far faster than taking the boat and marching inland. Although if only wheeled vehicles area available, with that terrain the boat would be faster“
"We need to get in motion. we can worry about mistakes later like my old wilderness survival instructor said: 'Survival won't happen unless we make it happen.' the natives out there can give us details probably" she says carefully backtracking was a thing, Even well planned military operations needed to do it. she thinks.
Calvin wrote:"I'm sorry, I wasn't around for the sighting information. Does that mean it's at least several months old. If we go to the leyline first, it's only an hour or so away, even if it is the wrong direction. We'd still have to go through the work of securing land transportation."

"I'd rent a horse and go check it out myself with a few of you, but they don't even have horses... I don't we have much luck splitting up anyways. What say you?"
"I agree splitting up is probably a bad idea near a ley Line and in places like this. They likely have some sort of animal that can be ridden. Hovercycles and hovercraft should work if we can get them." she adds, Horses are not the only ridable creatures. and here is hoping the local animals can sense the incoming threat.. she thinks.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [78] = 78 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [14] = 14 | 1d100: 1d100: [16] = 16

Rory initially busies herself with putting away the chest of woodworking equipment in a secure location.

No way I'm losing this in a storm.

She focuses intently on her task, and then starts listening in to general conversation.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:57 pm Calvin turns to Rory:

"When you were about the market, did you find anything about Lemurians?"
She starts to shake her head, then looks back at where she'd just stored the gear.

"Aye, I did hear somethin'. Lemme see. The shop owner said something about them. I think he gets specialized wood from them a few times a year. No, wait, not him, but one of his guys gets it. I kinda nodded when he asked if I wanted him ta get in touch with the guy - might takes weeks or months before they hear anything. Maybe we could give the guy a way of getting in touch with us the moment he hears anything, and that can be our backup plan?"

Shaking her head, she continues.

"I was really hoping someone else could have got something a bit more tangible than 'Maybe in a week or a month or so', especially since we were looking at heading off again soon. Still, with not many other clues at all, maybe that's one we can nail down by giving him a way ta contact us."

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [45] = 45 %
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [30] = 30

((Research--77% / 1d100: [47] = 47 % )) locating hover vehicles

As the team discusses their opinions. Jason listens closely.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:57 pm "I'm sorry, I wasn't around for the sighting information. Does that mean it's at least several months old. If we go to the leyline first, it's only an hour or so away, even if it is the wrong direction. We'd still have to go through the work of securing land transportation."

"I'd rent a horse and go check it out myself with a few of you, but they don't even have horses... I don't we have much luck splitting up anyways. What say you?"
Teres Barton wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:40 pm "I agree splitting up is probably a bad idea near a ley Line and in places like this. They likely have some sort of animal that can be ridden. Hovercycles and hovercraft should work if we can get them." she adds,
"This far from assistance, we will stick together. We saw what can happen with the wreck when we get out of support range. ", he responds to Calvin and Teres.
Rory wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:48 pm "Aye, I did hear somethin'. Lemme see. The shop owner said something about them. I think he gets specialized wood from them a few times a year. No, wait, not him, but one of his guys gets it. I kinda nodded when he asked if I wanted him ta get in touch with the guy - might takes weeks or months before they hear anything. Maybe we could give the guy a way of getting in touch with us the moment he hears anything, and that can be our backup plan?"

We probably won't be here in months, but it won't hurt to ask. "Would you go back to that shop owner and confirm that we would like him to get contact with his source? Give him our boat slip number for getting messages to us. " Jason transfers 100 credits from the team card to Rory, "Also, give him this for his trouble. "

Jason then considers Calvin's mention of horses. Secretly, he is glad there aren't any to be found. He doesn't believe that any animal could cover the distances involved in a reasonable time frame.

"Ok, it looks like we have a consensus. We rent a vehicle or vehicles for transport. With hover transport, that leyline isn't that far out of the way. We will head there for you magic types to do your thing, then we head west to the last sighting. We will be able to firm up plans once we know what our vehicle options are. I can operate hoverbikes and other hover vehicles. I know Rufus can handle a hoverbike. To keep there from being a single point of failure, I would suggest we rent 2 hover bikes and a hover truck. "

Once the group is done talking, Jason asks for someone with the translation spell to accompany him to check out the rental businesses. His priorities are ruggedness and range.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Docks District; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 2:00 PM (1 hour has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)

At the boat everyone gathered, a meeting of the minds happens. Not much new information is passed, but everything is now out in the open, known to all the members of the Templar
Teres wrote:"We need to get in motion. we can worry about mistakes later like my old wilderness survival instructor said: 'Survival won't happen unless we make it happen.' the natives out there can give us details probably"
Calvin wrote:"I'm sorry, I wasn't around for the sighting information. Does that mean it's at least several months old. If we go to the leyline first, it's only an hour or so away, even if it is the wrong direction. We'd still have to go through the work of securing land transportation. I'd rent a horse and go check it out myself with a few of you, but they don't even have horses... I don't we have much luck splitting up anyways. What say you?"
Teres wrote:"I agree splitting up is probably a bad idea near a ley Line and in places like this. They likely have some sort of animal that can be ridden. Hovercycles and hovercraft should work if we can get them."
Jason wrote:"This far from assistance, we will stick together. We saw what can happen with the wreck when we get out of support range. "
Calvin wrote:"When you were about the market, did you find anything about Lemurians?"
Rory wrote:"Aye, I did hear somethin'. Lemme see. The shop owner said something about them. I think he gets specialized wood from them a few times a year. No, wait, not him, but one of his guys gets it. I kinda nodded when he asked if I wanted him ta get in touch with the guy - might takes weeks or months before they hear anything. Maybe we could give the guy a way of getting in touch with us the moment he hears anything, and that can be our backup plan? I was really hoping someone else could have got something a bit more tangible than 'Maybe in a week or a month or so', especially since we were looking at heading off again soon. Still, with not many other clues at all, maybe that's one we can nail down by giving him a way ta contact us."
Jason wrote:"Would you go back to that shop owner and confirm that we would like him to get contact with his source? Give him our boat slip number for getting messages to us. Also, give him this for his trouble. Ok, it looks like we have a consensus. We rent a vehicle or vehicles for transport. With hover transport, that leyline isn't that far out of the way. We will head there for you magic types to do your thing, then we head west to the last sighting. We will be able to firm up plans once we know what our vehicle options are. I can operate hoverbikes and other hover vehicles. I know Rufus can handle a hoverbike. To keep there from being a single point of failure, I would suggest we rent 2 hover bikes and a hover truck. "
Jessie and Rufus watch the discussion from the sideline. ”I haven’t seen a hover vehicle since we arrived here, so I don’t know if that is an option. Do any of you know how to drive a ground vehicle?” Jessie asks, seemingly remembering the one time Dhaltuun forced her to drive his dune buggy, which she promptly crashed several times.

The group makes their way back into the town, looking for somewhere to purchase or rent a vehicle. Most of what the group sees being used are motorized rickshaws and small battered looking trucks. The group eventually passes from the docks area into the residential hub of Port Moresby. The residential arae is far cleaner and less eccentric than the dock area. The people living here seem to be friendly enough, but foreigners do seem to attract stares. It is here that they find a place selling and renting vehicles. But like Jessie mentioned, none of them seem hover capable. Most of them are small vehicles well suited to the crowded streets of Port Moresby, but a few of them are more normal sized vehicles including vans and pick up trucks. None of them appear to be well armored, but they all do seem to be functional.

Upon their approach, a salesperson makes their way to the group. ”Welcome, how can I help you?” He says in his native tongue.

Motorized Rickshaw (1 pilot, up to 3 passengers) 10,000 credits
Small truck (1 Pilot, 1 passenger (2 can sit in the bed) 15,000 credits
Full sized Pickup Truck (1 pilot, 2 passengers (4 can sit in bed) 22,000 credits.
Jeep (1 pilot, 4 passengers) 26,000 credits
Van (1 pilot, 8 passengers) 30,000 credits

What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace:
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [56] = 56 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [18] = 18 | 1d100: [36] = 36
Jessie wrote: ”I haven’t seen a hover vehicle since we arrived here, so I don’t know if that is an option. Do any of you know how to drive a ground vehicle?”
There are other mercs like us in these parts. So they must be around, not here so we adapt and overcome until we find better options. For now, it is wheels. I am pretty sure Jason can drive one. The Tankers I know drive most things well from my experience. There seems to be a compulsion among them to drive better than the next guy.” Most tankers in the CS could anyway due to the presence of wheeled vehicles in many places. Hover and power armor can be expensive, and require specialties potentially less common.

Basic plan I recommend is we get some wheels and join a convoy going in the direction we are headed if we can—strength in numbers and all. Maybe if we get lucky we can make friends with 'primitives' on the way to learn the lay of the land. Unless someone can come up with a better one?” she offers, people overlook how smart the so-called primitives can be.

Any one have a tongues spell For me?” she asks. Otherwise, she checks up on her translator and hopes Sushi (her fish translator) can cover any potential mistakes.

Besides, unless you see beasts of burden we can buy it is our only option other than walking or flying.” she says to Jessie with a shrug.
”Welcome, how can I help you?”
Babel fish:
1d100: [3] = 3
1d100: [96] = 96
Yes you can, we are looking for a utility Jeep with a removable roof if you have one available.” She states with a smile and relaxed voice. Jeeps were used in Lonestar a lot. They must be reasonably good. Plus trucks were a bit bigger and had less passenger space.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [84] = 84
JIC: 1d20: [5] = 5 | 1d100: [9] = 9
Teres wrote:
“There are other mercs like us in these parts. So they must be around, not here so we adapt and overcome until we find better options. For now, it is wheels. I am pretty sure Jason can drive one. The Tankers I know drive most things well from my experience. There seems to be a compulsion among them to drive better than the next guy.” Most tankers in the CS could anyway due to the presence of wheeled vehicles in many places. Hover and power armor can be expensive, and require specialties potentially less common.

“Basic plan I recommend is we get some wheels and join a convoy going in the direction we are headed if we can—strength in numbers and all. Maybe if we get lucky we can make friends with 'primitives' on the way to learn the lay of the land. Unless someone can come up with a better one?” she offers, people overlook how smart the so-called primitives can be.
Calvin shoots an approval smile at Teres. He says:

"That's a good idea, Teres. Jason, do you want to be the designated driver for this trip? Is there anyone else who can drive a car and be backup?"

"I'll go ask around the magic shops to see if there is a convoy going to to the leyline. If we have any luck, we wouldn't have to make the trek alone."

"Ahhh but first things first"

Calvin quickly chants an incantation and cast Tongues on Teres. (-10 PPE)

Calvin waits for the rest of the group to chime in. If the consensus seems to be heading out to the leyline first, Calvin will go back to the bazaar and enquire within magic centric shops the following:

1) Is there a convoy of mages going to the leyline at a certain time? If there are, what time do they depart? Who would Calvin have to speak to to join said convoy?
2) What kind of wild things can a humanoid group of adventurers expect to encounter in the wild, especially around the area of the leyline? Are there any species that are dangerous, especially to mages and psychics?

MA: 1d100 < 55: [22] = 22 roll for trust
PB: 1d100 < 60: [36] = 36 roll for impress

He will try again to look for grenade prices as well:

Research: 1d100 < 59: [86] = 86
MA: 1d100 < 55: [76] = 76 roll for trust
PB: 1d100 < 60: [41] = 41 roll for impress
Some Grenade Prices
CS grenades: Rifts UE P. 260
Frag, 2D6 MD to 50 feet, 250 credits
Light Explosive, 3d6 to 6 feet, 200 credits
High Explosive, 4d6 to 6 feet, 275 credits
Plasma, 6d6 to 12 feet, 375 credits
Rifle Grenades, 3d6 to 12 feet, 500-550 credits

NG grenades: Rifts Mercenaries P.100
Frag, 2D4 MD to 20 feet, 160 credits
High Explosive, 3d4 to 6 feet, 230 credits
Plasma, 4d6 to 12 feet, 275 credits
Stun grenades, 100 credits

Wtb the following:
6 plasma grenades. CS preferred (2250), but will take NG (1650).
4 frag grenades. CS preferred (1000)
4 HE grenades. CS (1100) over NG (920)
10 stun grenades. (1000)
Total (CS): 5350 or (NG): 4570
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Calvin wrote:"That's a good idea, Teres. Jason, do you want to be the designated driver for this trip? Is there anyone else who can drive a car and be backup?"

"I'll go ask around the magic shops to see if there is a convoy going to to the leyline. If we have any luck, we wouldn't have to make the trek alone."

"Ahhh but first things first"
"Thanks, for assist." she nods. the fish and translator only go so far. always good to have options. she thinks.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [14*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 / 1d100: [62] = 62

- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

Rufus only half-listens to the discussion as his thoughts keep bouncing back and forth between his desire to stick to the overall "Lemurian Hide-and-Seek" mission and his (admittedly more selfish) desire to check out the ley line. But the relative lack of leads on the one eventually swung his mind to the other. Oh well, it's not like there's many other options at the moment anyway. He feels a little guilty agreeing with the plan to check out the ley line, but deep down he's as excited as anyone else.

He shakes his head. "If it hovers or has tracks, I can drive it. Otherwise I'm better off as a passenger." He rubs his chin. "Also, just to be clear, when we get out to the ley line I'm going to need a minimum of 48 hours 'communing' with it. There's no telling when we'll get close enough to another one for me to do a proper meditative attunement."

He'll accompany Calvin on the way to the magic shops while the others focus on arranging transportation (mainly because they're magic shops, which have been a rare sight during their travels on this side of the planet. When the conversations inevitably turn into more shopping, and Calvin finds himself in need of additional funds, Rufus just rolls his eyes and hands his card to the shopkeep. Great. Now _I'm_ playing the enabler to their shopping addictions... he grouses to himself.

Once transportation is arranged he'll chuckle to himself. "If it's all the same, I'll keep an eye out from up top. I'll keep my comlink open in case I see anything of interest." With a quick incantation (and additional ones to anyone wanting to accompany him on high), he floats up into the air at treetop height.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [10] = 10 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [4] = 4 | 1d100: 1d100: [95] = 95

Rory listens to the others as they start to plan the trip to the ley line.

Yes! One solid night communing on a ley line, and I'm *sure* I'll figure out the spells I've been thinking on.

She ponders the fire globe spell that Rufus had used back at the farm. That was one of the ones she'd been thinking on, trying to figure it out. Pretty sure she had it worked out, but a ley line would be invaluable for giving her access to enough energy to use while testing it.

"I cannae drive well, I'm afraid. Now, if yeu had an airplane, I could show ye some tricks... but not anything on land."

When Calvin and Rufus started touring the magic shops, she just followed along, mostly to listen in rather than taking more of a forceful role. Her shyness normally didn't impact her too much when there were just the Templar around, but with others there too, she stepped back.
When Rufus mentioned needing at least 48 hours communing with the leyline, she looked at him quizzically.

"48 hours communing? That's a long time ta be there, but it fits in pretty well with me own plans. All goin' well, I'm going ta be testing out some new spells once we get there. Mebbe we can do some testing together once ye get yer own things done, see how things work so we can combine our magics next time we get into combat. What do ye think?"

When Rufus pulls his flying trick again, she shakes her head and smiles.

That is one useful little trick. Maybe that's somethin I need to learn at some point, just in case my next airplane crashes the way the last one did.

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [57] = 57
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 / 1d100: [17] = 17

Babelfish: 1d100: [74] = 74
1d100: [50] = 50

((Pilot: Automobile--109% / 1d100: [23] = 23 % )) evaluating the jeep
((General Repair & Maintenance—77% / 1d100: [12] = 12 % )) checking the jeep mechanically
Consumer wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:15 am ”Welcome, how can I help you?” He says in his native tongue.
Teres Barton wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:53 pm “Yes you can, we are looking for a utility Jeep with a removable roof if you have one available.”
Jason figures that anyone traveling to the leyline would need a vehicle and that this dealer may know something about it. He adds to Teres request, "We are looking for a vehicle capable of traveling north to the leyline. Do you know if there is a road traveling there? Also, can you recommend any guides who know the interior?" Jason pulls out a map and points to the general area where the leyline should be and the area where the Lemurian was spotted. "We are particularly interested in these two areas."

Jason looks over the jeep when it is pointed out and goes over it to see if it is up to rough travel. If it appears to be, he radios the others, "On the vehicle hunt, there don't appear to be any hover vehicles. We found a jeep that will carry 5 of us. It should do for the trip to the leyline, but it won't be large enough for the run to the sighting. Let's handle the leyline first, then re-evaluate how to get to the sighting location."

If the team call back that it works for them, Jason will rent the jeep.

Before leaving, Jason thanks the man and asks, "By the way, do you know of any Lemurians in the area? We would like to speak with them."
Dice rolls
1d100: [76] = 76
1d20: [11] = 11
1d100: [73] = 73
1d100: [5] = 5
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Docks District; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 4:00 PM (2 hours has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin.(1 AM to 9 AM)
Jason General Repair & Maintenance (checking the jeep mechanically) Seems sound, no major issues seen.

The group splits up once more, with Calvin, Rory, and Rufus heading back to the docks, and Teres and Jason staying at the car dealership. Jason and Teres talk with the salesperson at the dealership.
Teres wrote:Yes you can, we are looking for a utility Jeep with a removable roof if you have one available.
The salesman points to the two Jeeps on his lot, neither appear to have roofs, nor the seeming ability to have them. ”No roofs, but they are jeeps.” The man says.
Jason wrote:"We are looking for a vehicle capable of traveling north to the leyline. Do you know if there is a road traveling there? Also, can you recommend any guides who know the interior? We are particularly interested in these two areas. By the way, do you know of any Lemurians in the area? We would like to speak with them."
The man seems mildly concerned. ”A dirt trail leads towards that area, I don’t know much more than that. The mages do their own thing. As for guides, not really, the land outside Port Moresby is very dangerous, so most folk don’t wander the interior of the island. Too many dinosaurs and cannibals to deal with.Once you go past Breaker’s Point, I doubt you’ll find paths that aren’t meant for animals… What’s a Lemurian?” The man answers.

Meanwhile Calvin, Rufus, and Rory wander between a few weapons shops and the few magic shops. Calvin manages to purchase all the grenades he wanted, with Rufus covering the bill, before hitting the magic shops to ask questions.
Calvin wrote:1) Is there a convoy of mages going to the leyline at a certain time? If there are, what time do they depart? Who would Calvin have to speak to to join said convoy?
At the few shops he’s found Calvin is told the following. While yes the mages do make trips to the Ley Line, it is during specific events to maximize the P.P.E. gained. In this case the next trip is scheduled in three weeks.
Calvin wrote:2) What kind of wild things can a humanoid group of adventurers expect to encounter in the wild, especially around the area of the leyline? Are there any species that are dangerous, especially to mages and psychics?
Dinosaurs, wild animals, creatures coming from random rifts, savages who seem to be more than capable at taking down mages and psychics alike. The mage in question says that they rarely go without large groups of armed guards for protection. Which is similar to what Calvin has been told before.

A few hours later the team meets back up outside the boat, rented Jeep parked nearby.

What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace:
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [76*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [85] = 85

- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

Consumer wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:02 amMeanwhile Calvin, Rufus, and Rory wander between a few weapons shops and the few magic shops. Calvin manages to purchase all the grenades he wanted, with Rufus covering the bill, before hitting the magic shops to ask questions.
Calvin wrote:1) Is there a convoy of mages going to the leyline at a certain time? If there are, what time do they depart? Who would Calvin have to speak to to join said convoy?
At the few shops he’s found Calvin is told the following. While yes the mages do make trips to the Ley Line, it is during specific events to maximize the P.P.E. gained. In this case the next trip is scheduled in three weeks.
Rufus scowls in frustration. Three more weeks? I'd rather not wait if we can avoid it... but for what it's worth, Port Moresby does seem like a pretty nice place. If we absolutely had to wait it out for a while I can think of far worse places.
Consumer wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:02 am
Calvin wrote:2) What kind of wild things can a humanoid group of adventurers expect to encounter in the wild, especially around the area of the leyline? Are there any species that are dangerous, especially to mages and psychics?
Dinosaurs, wild animals, creatures coming from random rifts, savages who seem to be more than capable at taking down mages and psychics alike. The mage in question says that they rarely go without large groups of armed guards for protection. Which is similar to what Calvin has been told before.
Rufus nods along. Yep, it's just our luck for the first ley line we run into in Od knows how long is on the other side of what's essentially a death gauntlet... he snorts. Uncle Cato would probably laugh and ask if I was expecting some sort of nice, quiet 'bed and breakfast' type place to be on the line serving tea and biscuits to visiting mages.

"Okay, so what I'm hearing here is that everyone sticks together and doesn't wander off to explore on their own," he finally says. "Sounds like there are worse things out there than giant mutant sharks..." he gives Rory a quick grin and a wink.
Consumer wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:02 amA few hours later the team meets back up outside the boat, rented Jeep parked nearby.
Rufus looks somewhat doubtfully at the rented jeep. Well, it's not the Behemoth... or the APC... but if it gets us there and back, that's all that matters I suppose. He shakes his head. "Okay, we got our wheels and we got our destination. How long are we planning on staying out there? I need 48 hours myself but not everyone needs to attune to ley lines like I do. Do we have provisions and camping supplies, or should I cast sustenance spells on everyone like I did when we first got to Enganno? Also, I think I'm going to ride high shotgun and fly out there and back; it'll save space in the jeep and we could definitely use some overhead recon along the way. If anyone else wants to fly along, speak up and I'll give you wings."

He also looks over at Jessie and Vlad. "You two want to come with? Or you want to stay and keep an eye on the boat?"

Rufus will help load up the jeep with supplies as needed, and will cast Sustain and/or Fly as the Eagle on anyone who asks. When the group heads out, he'll cast a flight spell on himself to fly up over the jeep and keep pace with it as they drive through town. If he sees any children as they pass by, he'll give them a smile and a wave.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [3] = 3 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [20] = 20 | 1d100: [35] = 35
The Salemen wrote:The salesman points to the two Jeeps on his lot, neither appear to have roofs, nor the seeming ability to have them. ”No roofs, but they are jeeps.” The man says.
"We can put a tarp up if needed. The lack of roof will not be a problem at all." she says looking at the options as Jason gave it his approval. Let a tanker and driver decide if it was good was advice from the people she knew.
The salesmen wrote: ”A dirt trail leads towards that area, I don’t know much more than that. The mages do their own thing. As for guides, not really, the land outside Port Moresby is very dangerous, so most folk don’t wander the interior of the island. Too many dinosaurs and cannibals to deal with.Once you go past Breaker’s Point, I doubt you’ll find paths that aren’t meant for animals… What’s a Lemurian?”
Another that does not know them. Not a surprise given the magic and mystery behind them she thinks.
Rufus wrote:"Okay, so what I'm hearing here is that everyone sticks together and doesn't wander off to explore on their own," he finally says. "Sounds like there are worse things out there than giant mutant sharks..." he gives Rory a quick grin and a wink.
"Team work makes the dream work. Or so I was told in training." she adds, "And there is always something worse out there. Also some interesting pets and allies. I have suspicions some the 'Evil' primitive are not all evil. But I would not stop to make too many friends." The Psi-druid comments then thinks I do wonder what is out there. They said dinosaurs and alien creatures. I wonder if any the animals are alien as well? might be interesting to see some up close.\

"We should minimize our time out there and That fly spell to get high and look makes sense. I would not want land to any large object. That is unless there flying city is shrunk it should be big." Teres shrugged.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

PER: 1d100 < 58%: [71] = 71
JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 | 1d100: [33] = 33
Consumer wrote: At the few shops he’s found Calvin is told the following. While yes the mages do make trips to the Ley Line, it is during specific events to maximize the P.P.E. gained. In this case the next trip is scheduled in three weeks.

Dinosaurs, wild animals, creatures coming from random rifts, savages who seem to be more than capable at taking down mages and psychics alike. The mage in question says that they rarely go without large groups of armed guards for protection. Which is similar to what Calvin has been told before.

A few hours later the team meets back up outside the boat, rented Jeep parked nearby.
Calvin mutters an audible groan. Three weeks to a convoy. Well let's make a few assumptions. Leylines are especially active during specific calendar dates. Assuming that mages in Port Moresby have been venturing forth during these dates, even savages would eventually correlate these calendar dates to seasons and phases of the moon. A large convoy means that the mages expect company, so they've been attacked heavily before. This means that the attacks might be somewhat organized.

Maybe there is safety in numbers, maybewe it's all a crap shoot. We can stay out of the way if we are by ourselves. If we are travelling with others, our group is made up of characters whom would feel obliged to help. There is no guarantee that we wouldn't be meat shields either way.

Our foes know how to take down mages and psychics. This implies planning. Fighting a mage or a psychic is best done when they can't cast easily and if they don't have direct line of sight. So ambushes or raids on the convoy would likely come from cover, preferably at night...
Rufus wrote: "Okay, so what I'm hearing here is that everyone sticks together and doesn't wander off to explore on their own," he finally says. "Sounds like there are worse things out there than giant mutant sharks..." he gives Rory a quick grin and a wink.
Calvin nods towards Rufus:
"Yeah, going with the convoy sounds attractive, but the issue is that he convoy would attract a lot of attention. The information from the shops seem to indicate that the attackers have no issue with mages or psychics. With regular convoys going to the leylines on specific occasions, there's going to be a pattern that some of the sophisticated savages can correlate to moon phases and seasons. Combine with the fact that they are travelling with a large pack of mercenaries, this means that they are expecting to be attacked and it takes much to ward off the attackers. So it is likely that the attacks are organized and the number of foes we could face are large.

I'm not sure if keeping a low profile and trying to avoid ambushes by traveling during the day wouldn't be a bad idea. According to the map, the leyline is 50 miles away. So we should get there in two hours. We can travel in the day during the worst part of the heat or go during a rain storm. Normally predators of all types are either staying out of the sun or looking for shelter when it's raining.

Calvin listens to what Teres has to say and nods in response.

He turns to Rufus again and says: "Thanks for spotting me for the grenades. Hopefully we wouldn't have to use them."

Turning to Rory, he asks: "Do you need anymore components before we take off?"

Turning back to Jason and Rufus, he says:

"Did you guys go visit a shrine? Did you find anything interesting?"

Turning to Jason, he says:

"I overheard you having a conversation with Jesse about wanting to be a priest for a God. In my experience, honesty tends to open doors with good natured and principled deities. I have a few connections with some Taoist and Buddhism deities from my father's end of things. What kind of god are you looking for?"

Calvin waits for a response.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [70] = 70 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [20] = 20 | 1d100: 1d100: [15] = 15
Rufus wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:57 pm "Okay, so what I'm hearing here is that everyone sticks together and doesn't wander off to explore on their own," he finally says. "Sounds like there are worse things out there than giant mutant sharks..." he gives Rory a quick grin and a wink.
Rory shakes her head and sighs.

"I dunno. Ye go and make just one wee mistake..."

She grins as she continues.

"... an' next thing ye know, ye've gone and got a reputation."

She sighs dramatically and puts her clenched fist across her chest.

"Oh, how will I ever live it down?"

She finishes by chuckling.
Rufus wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:57 pm Rufus looks somewhat doubtfully at the rented jeep. He shakes his head. "Okay, we got our wheels and we got our destination. How long are we planning on staying out there? I need 48 hours myself but not everyone needs to attune to ley lines like I do. Do we have provisions and camping supplies, or should I cast sustenance spells on everyone like I did when we first got to Enganno? Also, I think I'm going to ride high shotgun and fly out there and back; it'll save space in the jeep and we could definitely use some overhead recon along the way. If anyone else wants to fly along, speak up and I'll give you wings."
Rory shakes her head quite emphatically.

"Not goin' up there without an airplane beneath me. Dwarves, or so I've been told, were never meant to fly. Mebbe if I can cast it meself, just in case anything goes wrong - and if there's creatures out there who have no problems taking down mages and psychics, there's a better'n'even chance they can do a number on active spells. Nah, I'm better here in the jeep. Least that way I can help out with any mechanical fixes, if the need arises.

She stretches, and twists her shoulder slightly.

"I don't need 48 hours, but if I can get ta the leyline and spend some time there, I'm pretty sure I'll be able ta work out the last of the kinks in the spell designs I've been workin' on. And do some armor repairs while I'm at it."

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Docks District; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 4:30 PM (30 minutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin.(1 AM to 9 AM)

The group converses outside the boat near the Jeep. Rufus asks the important question about whether he cast Sustain on the group or not, while the rest of the conversation is filled with theory or of different topics entirely.
Rufus wrote:"You two want to come with? Or you want to stay and keep an eye on the boat?"
Vlad shakes his head. ”No thank you, not my idea of a fun time. I’ll stay with the boat.” Vlad says as he scampers back into the boat.

Jessie shrugs. Nothing better to do, not really anything I need a Ley Line for either. So sure I’ll go.” Jessie says.

With no further business Rufus casts a series of Sustain Spells and Fly as an Eagle upon himself, just before the group leaves. The trip out of Port Moresby through northern exits is relatively uneventful, as the team passes from the hustle and bustle of the dock district, into the more calm area of the residential. The passage from the residential in to the fringes is stark contrast from both previous locations, as the are very much resembles one of the Coalition Mega Cities burbs, a motley collection of ruins, shacks, and tents with downtrodden looking people living in huddled masses. As the group passess through it, they finally move through what amounts to Port Moresby’s agricultural area, with several thousand acres surrounding the edges of the city. Once past that The team finds itself on a dirt path wide enough for a car heading into the thick underbrush and mountainous terrain of the jungle beyond.

What are your Intentions?

Everyone in the Party has Sustain (9 Days; Ends June 8th, 4 PM)
Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: -85 P.P.E., Fly as an Eagle (180 Minutes; Ends May 30th, 7 PM)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace:
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [17] = 17 %
JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 / 1d100: [21] = 21

((Pilot: Automobile--109% / 1d100: [99] = 99 % )) driving the jeep.
((Land Navigation--91% / 1d100: [59] = 59 % )) tracking their progress.

As the team preps for the trip, Jason packs his weapons and a few cigars.
Rufus wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:57 pm" Do we have provisions and camping supplies, or should I cast sustenance spells on everyone like I did when we first got to Enganno?"
Happy that Rufus offered, Jason responds. "It would simplify things greatly. I'll take one. "
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:23 pm "Did you guys go visit a shrine? Did you find anything interesting?"

Turning to Jason, he says:

"I overheard you having a conversation with Jesse about wanting to be a priest for a God. In my experience, honesty tends to open doors with good natured and principled deities. I have a few connections with some Taoist and Buddhism deities from my father's end of things. What kind of god are you looking for?"
Thinking back on the lack of progress at the shrine, Jason replies. "We didn't find anything useful. As for what I am looking for, I'm not sure if priest is the right term. Back home, I never thought much about religion. Deities didn't have any real presence there. In this universe, deities exist and are involved. " Jason pauses, wondering how much he should tell the new Templar. Sighing, he decides to trust Calvin. "Since coming here, I have felt something missing. Now, I'm a career soldier. I spent years in the Army of the Southern Cross, protecting civilians against renegades and alien threats. There was always a higher level of guidance, be it the chain of command, the United Earth Government, or the Constitution. Here, there is just chaos. The only organized military I've seen is the Coalition States. They are as bad as the Nazis of World War 2. I may not agree with everything the UEG did back home, but they are infinitely better that the CS. I fell in with the Templar in MercTown when we were sponsored by the Shrine of the Warrior. I liked the idea that we were dedicated to fighting against the dark. At the time, we specialized in combating supernatural evil. When we went independent, I lost that...guidepost for lack of a better word. After a while, a dwarf named Dhaltuun joined us. He was a devotee of a Norse god named Nord. I began to see in their relationship something that was missing. So, I've been searching for a deity that I could wholeheartedly embrace." Jason pauses to see if he is making any sense to Calvin before continuing. "Thanks to Jesse, I have a fair understanding of the Norse gods. None of them seem a good match. I am a soldier and spent time in the military police, dedicated to protecting the innocent. I believe in justice tempered with mercy. I have seen the need to fight on the side of light against the powers of darkness." Jason stops and smiles, "Ok, I know it sounds cheesy to a lot of people, but I believe in duty, honor, and pride in being part of those holding the line. Years ago, I watched an old film about 300 Greek soldiers holding a pass against a million invaders. Some of the guys I knew thought they were idiots. I found the soldiers act inspiring. Maybe I need to look into the Greek gods?"

Once the Jeep is loaded, Jason takes the wheel and follows Rufus, "Ok, people. we follow the Flying Fox!" Jason takes his time on the drive, watching the road and keeping track of their location. If Rufus notes anything suspicious, Jason stops well short so it can be investigated before moving on.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [46*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 / 1d100: [47] = 47

- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

- Sustain: 9 Days remaining
Sustain allows the recipient of this enchantment to go for days without food, water, or breathable air! The magic keeps their energy level up and removes the need for any outside source of these things. In addition, the recipient only needs two hours sleep per night for the duration of the magic. The individual can survive in almost any environment. However, the character remains vulnerable to other external conditions such as heat, cold, and physical damage, and fatigues from exertion as normal.

- Fly as the Eagle: 150 minutes remaining
The power of flight is bestowed upon the spell caster or person it is cast upon. It is especially effective outdoors, and in large, open areas. Maximum Speed: 50 mph (80 km). Bonuses: +1 to parry, +2 to dodge and +2 to damage on a diving attack. Bonuses apply only when in flight.

Calvin_Wallace wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:23 pm"Yeah, going with the convoy sounds attractive, but the issue is that he convoy would attract a lot of attention. The information from the shops seem to indicate that the attackers have no issue with mages or psychics. With regular convoys going to the leylines on specific occasions, there's going to be a pattern that some of the sophisticated savages can correlate to moon phases and seasons. Combine with the fact that they are travelling with a large pack of mercenaries, this means that they are expecting to be attacked and it takes much to ward off the attackers. So it is likely that the attacks are organized and the number of foes we could face are large.

I'm not sure if keeping a low profile and trying to avoid ambushes by traveling during the day wouldn't be a bad idea. According to the map, the leyline is 50 miles away. So we should get there in two hours. We can travel in the day during the worst part of the heat or go during a rain storm. Normally predators of all types are either staying out of the sun or looking for shelter when it's raining.
Rufus shrugs. "Yeah, I don't know that there's a particularly 'safe' option available unless we want to wait three weeks... and while I like it here well enough, I'm not keen on sitting around idle for that long. Hopefully my keeping a lookout and us looking like we're not worth the effort to attack will keep us out of the worst of it." Not sure I 100% believe that myself, he adds silently, but I have to admit it's been a bit... well, I won't say 'dull' but I just might welcome a bit of action now that we're on dry land again.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:23 pm"Thanks for spotting me for the grenades. Hopefully we wouldn't have to use them."
Rufus nods with a grin. "That's the great thing about grenades -- no expiration date." He chuckles. "Oh I'm sure we'll have to use them sooner or later. Let's just hope it's 'later' rather than 'sooner.'"
Rory wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:32 amShe sighs dramatically and puts her clenched fist across her chest.

"Oh, how will I ever live it down?"

She finishes by chuckling.
"HA!" Rufus laughs. "Hey, if I can live down rolling in like a wrecking ball through the Celestial Dragon's back door and crashing into the steam table, anything's possible."
Jason Long wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 8:44 amHappy that Rufus offered, Jason responds. "It would simplify things greatly. I'll take one. "
"Yeah, the professor back in Lazlo said this spell is a 'must have' for anyone who considers themselves a serious explorer -- either going out in the wild or jumping across dimensions..." Rufus says as he begins prepping his spellcasting. "And I think we've done enough of it to qualify as 'serious explorers,' wouldn't you agree?"

He casts Sustain on everyone who consents to having one. "Now let's not tell Vlad about this -- I don't want him to get his feelings hurt by us saying 'we don't need food for the next week' -- but definitely remind me to cancel them out when we get back..."
Consumer wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 5:28 amJessie shrugs. Nothing better to do, not really anything I need a Ley Line for either. So sure I’ll go.” Jessie says.
"You never know, you just might enjoy it." Rufus chuckles. "At any rate, it's a change from sailing the ocean waves."

He casts a flight spell on himself (and anyone who wants to join him in the air) and floats up alongside the jeep. Ahhhhh, that's better. Nothing like the feeling of flying like you're meant to be up in the air. He chuckles to himself. And why wouldn't I be meant to be up in the air? What's the good of being able to cast spells if you don't do it?
Jason Long wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 8:44 amOnce the Jeep is loaded, Jason takes the wheel and follows Rufus, "Ok, people. we follow the Flying Fox!"
Rufus looks at Jason quizzically. "Why me? It's not like I know where we're going..." He pauses a moment. "Oh yeah. I can track the ley line. I guess I _DO_ know where we're going..." he adds with a laugh before saluting and turning around.
Consumer wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 5:28 am
Rufus takes in the views as they pass through the various sections of town and out into the surrounding countryside. It seems like some things are universal, I guess... he muses as he notices the burb-like conditions out in the fringes.

Landing at the edge of the thick underbrush alongside the dirt path, he looks back at the jeep. "Looks like the easy part's over and the fun begins here..." He gives the others a smirk. "How do we want to play this -- keep on like we have been, or something different?"

If the decision is to forge ahead, he'll nod and float back up. "Alright then, I'll keep in touch over the comms. We may not be able to keep a constant visual on each other."
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Perception: 1d100 < 58%: [70] = 70 (Perception upped to 73% after casting enhanced perception)
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 | 1d100: [57] = 57
Consumer wrote: With no further business Rufus casts a series of Sustain Spells and Fly as an Eagle upon himself, just before the group leaves. The trip out of Port Moresby through northern exits is relatively uneventful, as the team passes from the hustle and bustle of the dock district, into the more calm area of the residential.
Calvin runs back onto the ship and grabs the rest of his supplies (ooc, the water canteen is filled). Just as he boards the jeep, he felt the onset of magical energy overcome him, followed by the immediate quenching of his thirst and hunger. I need to learn that spell and soon!. Turning to Rufus, Calvin offers his gratitude: "Many thanks, Rufus!"

Calvin looks at the jeep and whistles: Wheels! No cover per se, but that means we can leave the vehicle as soon as we are attacked. Also easier to load bigger things! Could be handy!. He asks rhetorically: "Who's driving?"

As Jason settles into the driver's seat, Calvin decides to sit up front next to the leader. At the onset of the trip, Calvin listens to Jason's reply about his quest to become a priest:
Jason wrote: Thinking back on the lack of progress at the shrine, Jason replies. "We didn't find anything useful. As for what I am looking for, I'm not sure if priest is the right term. Back home, I never thought much about religion. Deities didn't have any real presence there. In this universe, deities exist and are involved. " Jason pauses, wondering how much he should tell the new Templar. Sighing, he decides to trust Calvin. "Since coming here, I have felt something missing. Now, I'm a career soldier. I spent years in the Army of the Southern Cross, protecting civilians against renegades and alien threats. There was always a higher level of guidance, be it the chain of command, the United Earth Government, or the Constitution. Here, there is just chaos. The only organized military I've seen is the Coalition States. They are as bad as the Nazis of World War 2. I may not agree with everything the UEG did back home, but they are infinitely better that the CS. I fell in with the Templar in MercTown when we were sponsored by the Shrine of the Warrior. I liked the idea that we were dedicated to fighting against the dark. At the time, we specialized in combating supernatural evil. When we went independent, I lost that...guidepost for lack of a better word. After a while, a dwarf named Dhaltuun joined us. He was a devotee of a Norse god named Nord. I began to see in their relationship something that was missing. So, I've been searching for a deity that I could wholeheartedly embrace." Jason pauses to see if he is making any sense to Calvin before continuing. "Thanks to Jesse, I have a fair understanding of the Norse gods. None of them seem a good match. I am a soldier and spent time in the military police, dedicated to protecting the innocent. I believe in justice tempered with mercy. I have seen the need to fight on the side of light against the powers of darkness." Jason stops and smiles, "Ok, I know it sounds cheesy to a lot of people, but I believe in duty, honor, and pride in being part of those holding the line. Years ago, I watched an old film about 300 Greek soldiers holding a pass against a million invaders. Some of the guys I knew thought they were idiots. I found the soldiers act inspiring. Maybe I need to look into the Greek gods?"
Calvin replies:

"Ahhh, you seem to enjoy being part of a hierarchical organization, with spoken agreements and unspoken covenants of holding yourself and others accountable. You want to belong to a larger organization where you have the autonomy to execute small parts of the total objective by formulating your own plans and designs."

"Justice tempered with mercy, loyalty, duty, pride, honor... I don't know anybody in the Greek pantheon so I can't really speak on that."

Calvin briefly looks up at the sky and makes a deep sigh.

"I think I know somebody. This guy belongs to multiple religious traditions and happens to share two of them with my father."

Calvin takes a deep breath and proceeds to think back towards years past, when he first met the deity. Uncle HwunChang was about 10 feet tall, his face beat red with an impressive beard running halfway down his chest. Mom and Dad were visiting the Buddah. HwunChang belonged to the pantheon of Buddhism as he became a bodhisattva through royal decree during the Song Dynasty. How shall I regale this?

"Quan Yu is the defacto patron saint of anything related to the martial acts and soldiering in China. But above all, he has always been _the_ deific icon for loyalty. When he was a mortal, he was an incredibly competent cavalry general who worked his way up, serving his liege and laid the foundation of his liege's country. On virtue, he is unimpeachable. Quan Yu was once captured by a competing lord's army while he was escorting his liege's wife and child after their provisional capital had fallen. Quan Yu refused to abandon his liege despite the opposing warlord's sincere overture. However, to safeguard his liege's spouse and child's livelihood under capture, Quan Yu would help this warlord in his quest to unify Northern China. For the next two years, Quan Yu became to most prolific head hunter of this warlord, leadings armies that annihilated the opposition and personally slew the greatest generals of opposing warlords. There was a particular story where he once charged an advancing army alone, plowed through the ranks of hundreds until he reached the command post and slayed the commanding general, right then and there. Then he turned around and went back to his ranks the same way he came through.

For these extraordinary acts, he was bestowed titles, gifts and land. Once news reached Quan Yu that his liege is alive and well, he wrote his warlord a letter of gratitude, returning all those gifts except for his horse. He then escorted his liege's family back to territories his liege controlled. The journey was over several hundred miles by horseback and Quan Yu left behind a trail of bodies of those who thought they could best him in combat and capture him. (OOC: There are approximately 2-3 mainstream versions of this feat, I'm picking the one that sounds the best to me).

"As a god, I would say he doesn't suffer chicanery and he has very little regard for the rich gentry and opulent merchants. Quan Yu prizes competence, leadership, loyalty, fastidiousness and courage above all things. He doesn't appreciate cunning if it means he cannot keep his honor. If he has flaws, it's that he can be arrogant and stubborn. He can be extremely hard to counsel until you have earned his respect. Thankfully, he is an above average military strategist, and it helps that he prefers to lead men into battle than shout orders from the back. He can get on his pantheon's nerves, especially with bouts of irreverence towards the hierarchy. However his troops love him as he will never ask them to do something he wouldn't or couldn't do himself. Even his enemies warily respect him."

"If you truly want to clean this Earth of demons, Quan Yu as a deity is a pretty good bet to stand behind. His icons still guard buddhist temples and much media of old show police stations having an altar of him to pray to and ask for protection and strength."

"Let me know your thoughts. I'm not senior enough to vouch for you, but we may be able to find someone who can once we get back to Merctown."

As the trip progresses, Calvin keeps his eye out for trouble while making sure they are going the right way, should they ever lose sight of Rufus. Casting Enhanced Perception on himself (-10 ISP, Duration 25 Minutes),
Enhanced Perception (10) Self, 5min/lvl, +15% to Perception, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and a +10% to any skill that relies on any of the basic senses, e.g. Intelligence, Tracking, Physical Skills (juggling/prowl/etc)
he employs the following skills periodically, rifle at the ready, hopefully doing his part to make dangers known to the crew before they come to harm.

Sense Leyline: 1d100 < 63%: [85] = 85 , 1d100 < 63%: [46] = 46 , 1d100 < 63%: [54] = 54 (to see where the crew should be going)
Land Navigation: 1d100 < 74%: [82] = 82 , 1d100 < 74%: [26] = 26 , 1d100 < 74%: [40] = 40 (to make sure the group is going the right way)
Detect Ambush: 1d100 < 73%: [81] = 81 , 1d100 < 73%: [63] = 63 , 1d100 < 73%: [31] = 31 (keep an eye out for trouble)
Tracking (Human): 1d100 < 68%: [20] = 20 , 1d100 < 68%: [37] = 37 , 1d100 < 68%: [22] = 22 (be wary of any humaniods and how they are moving, should the Templar come across any of them)

Preset Conditions:
Enhanced Perception (-10 ISP, +15% to Perception, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and a +10% to any skill that relies on any of the basic senses, e.g. Intelligence, Tracking, Physical Skills)
Sustain Spell (8 Days)
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [85] = 85 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [9] = 9 | 1d100: 1d100: [16] = 16
Rufus wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:30 pm "HA!" Rufus laughs. "Hey, if I can live down rolling in like a wrecking ball through the Celestial Dragon's back door and crashing into the steam table, anything's possible."
Rory starts to laugh.

"Now *that* I would have loved ta see."

She claps Rufus on the back.

"All goin' well, I'll have a couple o' new spells ta show ye when we've spent some time at the ley line."

She takes off her backpack, pulls out her Nuhr rune musket, then returns the backpack to its normal position on her back. She does a quick check of the musket before leaning it over her shoulder.

"Well, this'll be useful ta have out fer the trip. Not a lot o' use inside the bag now, is it?"

She looks down at the damage to her armor. The tooth marks are clearly visible, and while they don't go all the way through, it's clear that they impede its protection.

"Can't wait ta get ta the ley line. It's be right nice ta get this back to the shape it's supposed ta be in."

She looks around the others.

"Who else has armor damage that I can be fixing once we make it ta the ley line?"

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Jungle North of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 7:30 PM (3 hours have passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Ley Line Effect: Mages may draw 10 P.P.E. per round, Increase the range and duration of a spell by 50% when on or within 2 miles of a ley line.
Mission Notes

The Templar move deeper into the jungle with most of the crew sitting in the old jeep they’ve rented for the occasion, Rufus and Jessie flying above them to make room. The maps don’t do justice to the absolute ruggedness of the terrain. For not only is it covered in a vast jungle, under all of that is not only mountains, but the debris of the previous generations of society that was wiped away from the earth during the great apocalypse. The group’s jeep is slowly meandering along the trail trying to avoid ruts, sinkholes, and other dangers, this leaves the speed to a bare minimum. On top of all this, Jason for some unusual reason keeps getting the vehicle stuck, to the point that the supernaturally strong individuals have to pull the vehicle free. Thankfully it seems for the moment the locals, and the wildlife have no interest in them, and can only really be heard in the jungle versus seen. As the group progresses up the ridge of a mountain, they lose a road all together, and have to more or less meander their way through the undergrowth.

The group seems to have finally crested the ridgeline and began the descent down towards their goal. The sun, starting to get low in the sky is bringing a whole new interesting problem to the trip, as whole sections of the jungle begin to get darker and hard to see in. While those who can sense Ley Lines can tell it is getting closer, it just seems to be taking forever. Either way the Templar carry on, moving slowly forward through a foreboding jungle. A few more times the Jeep needs rescued from crevices and ruts it gets stuck in. Eventually the foreground begins to take a blue glow as night begins to fall and the sun is now behind the mountains. It’s about here that Rufus’ flight spell begins to wear off, and he is forced to recast it. (-25 P.P.E.) A bit more driving eventually brings the group on the Ley Line proper, a half mile wide stretch of glowing blue energy. While the mages begin to feel invigorated, everyone also feels unease as something is gnawing at the back of their minds. A brief search of the general area doesn’t find a clearing, so the Templar will have to make do with what they have.

What are your Intentions?

Everyone in the Party has Sustain (9 Days; Ends June 8th, 4 PM)
Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rufus: -110 P.P.E., Fly as an Eagle (150 Minutes; Ends May 30th, 10 PM)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace: -10 I.S.P.
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Perception: 1d100 < 58%: [71] = 71 (< 73% because of Enhanced Perception)
JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 | 1d100: [67] = 67

Back on the jeep:
Jason wrote: On the drive, Jason listens intently to Calvin's description of Quan Yu. This guy was one hell of a badass. "That is an impressive history. I have a couple questions though. How did he go from warrior to deity? Do you know how he stands on the battle of light against dark?"
Calvin responds:
"China's ancestral worship is its first true folk religion. Sometimes, local popular figures would be rolled into the local pantheon as well. Other religions often are introduced to different regions as a consequence of trade. Also, different Kingdoms came to power to unify the giant country. With that, different states bring with them their own state religions, and these religions would borrow noteworthy figures from local faiths and co-opt them into their pantheon. After Quan Yu's death in battle, he was first worshipped as a noteworthy spirit in an area noted for revereing famous public figures as it was believed that their spirit would reside in the land and be their ward. Uncle Quan materalized first as a spirit from these local traditions, and grew in fame and power as he was later folded into the Taoist tradition, then a few hundred years later when Buddhism finally came to China, he was introduced into the Buddhist Pantheon. That's really where he met my dad.

As per light vs dark, Quan Yu is a known guardian of the light. He generally has a bone to pick with cruel monsters and malevolent servants of the Yama Kings. He's quick to spring into action when the weak are in need and he has no patience for chicanery and dishonor.

Hope that clears things up.

At the leyline:
Consumer wrote: A bit more driving eventually brings the group on the Ley Line proper, a half mile wide stretch of glowing blue energy. While the mages begin to feel invigorated, everyone also feels unease as something is gnawing at the back of their minds. A brief search of the general area doesn’t find a clearing, so the Templar will have to make do with what they have.
Night draws near as it is early evening. As the sun retreated, the blue hue of the leyline colored the sky. Calvin felt physically refreshed right away. However, something felt amiss. His sixth sense had not kicked off yet, so he wasn't in imminent danger. However, it felt like the immediate jungle had eyes, and they were set their steely gaze upon the Templar.
Leyline Rules for Psionics
Looked them up, they're rather scattered in RUE.

Under Mind Melter OCC description:
+50% Range and Duration near a Ley Line.
Double Range, Duration, and Damage near a Nexus.
Psychics can draw 1d6+1 ISP per round from a ley line, same for a nexus apparently (RUE pg 366), but can't go over their normal max.
Leyline Rules for Magic
Increase the range and duration of a spell by 50% when on or within 2 miles/3.2 km of a ley line. This is overruled by house rule here: ... 57#p146157
Available P.P.E. at Ley Lines: Most magic O.C.C.s can draw 10 P.P.E. once every melee round from a ley
line and 20 P.P.E. from a nexus point (a Ley Line Walker and Ley Line Rifter can draw double: 20 from a ley line, 40
from a Nexus). Note: To access the energy the character must be standing in the ley line or at the nexus point.
Remember, even the thinnest ley line will be at least a few hundred yards/meters wide; most are a mile (1.6 km) wide.
(Rifts UE Errata, cutting room floor, page 11. ... Eratta.pdf)

A mage can hold 3 times their base PPE maximum on a ley line or nexus, and can retain it for 1 minute per PE point once away from the ley line/nexus (Book of Magic, pg. 21)

Double range and damage within 2 miles of a ley line and triple on a nexus.See House Rule above. x6 range and damage when on a Super Nexus like the Devils Gate. x12 range and damage when inside of Stonehenge.
Calvin's thoughts thicken:
"Let's psionically boost my perception and take a look around. Use some of the skills I have to take stock of the things that are taking stock of us."

Calvin casts Enhanced Perception on himself: (-10 ISP, 37.5 minutes duration,
+15% to Perception, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and a +10% to any skill that relies on any of the basic senses, e.g. Intelligence, Tracking, Physical Skills
). Then he proceeds to look around for tracks and traces of predators and other spectators from within the woods:

(Detect Ambush 1d100 < 73%: [11] = 11 ) Looking for possible foes in the surrounding areas.
(Tracking Human 1d100 < 68%: [29] = 29 ) Looking for travel patterns of possible foes in the surround areas.

"I wonder if Rufus has anything interesting from a leyline walker, especially around a leyline"
(Lore: Magic 1d100 < 63: [44] = 44 , General Knowledge of spell casters, leylines and associated abilities and boosts)

"I wonder if Teres has anything interesting abilities in these circumstances, especially around a leyline"
(Lore: Psionics 1d100 < 33: [82] = 82 , General Knowledge of psychics, leylines and associated boosts)

Trust/Intimidate: 1d100 < 55%: [91] = 91 . Calvin will adopt a tone he sees best to convince his team mates to come up with a plan and follow it as they prepare to setup camp.

Addressing the group, Calvin says:
"You feel that? There seems to be eyes gazing upon us. It's not a good feeling. We should find out whom they belong to."

Calvin first looks towards to Rufus:
"Hey Rufus, How long do you need to commune with the leyline? Could you throw up a leyline observation ball please while we make camp?."

Calvin then says to Teres:
"Hey Teres, if you can get from a taller vantage point, like a tree branch, and set up a nest, I'd be most appreciative. I'll cover you while you make the climb. I don't know about you, but my psionic abilities seem stronger in this area. Do you have any abilities that help you observe things, especially things that like to wait in the tall grass for their prey?"

Calvin then proceeds to cast Night Vision (-4 ISP, 900 ft, 75 minutes duration,
Can see in dark and amplify light, could be blinded for 3d4 rounds if exposed to sudden light source, can also change one's vision to polarized sight

Turning to Jason and Rory, Calvin says:
"Rory, it's probably time for you to start your experiments. Jason, if you can look for a spot along the line where we'd be less exposed, I'd appreciate it."

Taking a second, Calvin sucks a bit of ISP from the leyline Wow, that taste a bit minty and sour at the same time...
+ 1d6+1: [6]+1 = 7 ISP

Raising his rifle, Calvin will wait for Rufus and Teres's response and cover Teres as need be while he keeps a look out for potential enemies while his senses are enhanced.

Present Conditions:
Night Vision:
Enhanced Perception:
(-14 ISP)
(+7 ISP)
Remaining ISP: 50 ISP
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Sat Aug 03, 2024 12:18 am, edited 4 times in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [61] = 61 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [3] = 3 | 1d100: 1d100: [37] = 37
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:38 pm Turning to Rory, Calvin says:
"Rory, it's probably time for you to start your experiments."
Rory nods to Calvin.

"I'll get on with that overnight. For now, there's a few things I should probably get onto."

She takes off her armor then starts to draw upon the leyline, building up to 220 points beyond her normal mana limits, then expends all 220 as she casts Mend the Broken on the armor, enough to repair seven points of MDC damage. [High Magus armor repaired to 44/50, PPE at 165]
She carefully looks it over, making sure that the spell worked as intended, before drawing on the leyline a second time, this time building up to 190 points over her normal capacity and casting the spell again to repair the remaining damage.
She carefully rubs her fingers over the surface of her newly repaired armor.

"Aye, that looks good. Well, if it works fer my armor, it'll work fer other people's too. Once we're settled fer the night, bring me whatever needs ta be fixed, an' I'll get onto it."

She then turns to Calvin.

"I can create a protection circle around the camp if ye want, but only if everybody is okay with it. I'd nae like to inconvenience anyone, ye ken?"

(If everyone is okay with having a circle of protection, Rory will happily inscribe a Protection Circle: Superior, if the terrain on which the camp is set is suitable for inscribing the circle)

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [90] = 90 / 62%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [10] = 10 | 1d100: [40] = 40

Omni-sight: (+50% range and Duration due ley lines) -19 ISP
• Pinpoints the locations of electrical outlets, electronic "bugs" (spy and surveillance devices), electronic devices, and other energy and heat sources, as well as bionic body parts and cybernetic implants close to the surface of the skin (not bio-systems or artificial internal organs). Such concealed or obscured items can be identified by their shape and heat pattern.
Success Ratio: 1d100: [42] = 42 /65%
• This ability can also help the psychic to locate secret compartments and trap doors. Success Ratio: 1d100: [81] = 81 /55%
• See the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum of light.
• See heat signatures: can tell if an engine has been recently used or a weapon recently fired (within the last 15 minutes), follow recent footprints or vapor trails (within the last five minutes), see heat signatures in darkness, and so on.
• Hyper-sensitive to movement. The psychic can not be surprised by movement or attacks within the 500-foot (152 m) radius or confines of the area under psionic scrutiny (may be substantially smaller indoors; closed off by walls and doors).

See plant and animal aura if she spots an animal
weather sense
1d100: [100] = 100 /76%

"There is that feeling of someone in the shadows. Now would be a good time to do a check. and ya, a protection circle around camp sounds good." Teres agrees as she turns on her animal empathy. She was not normally a pro magic but this close to ley line Teres was not about to complain. Besides the trio of mages seem trust worthy.

"A dog boy would be handy right now. A second dog nose and set Dog ears would be nice." she adds looking for signs of life and a safe spot to do a sensor sweep from.

The Psi-Druid was more open to magic in recent times for a variety of reasons. Chief among them was that it was common and you learn about things by facing them. Not hiding from them like her former commanders did.

"I can do an Omni-sight and sensor sweep once you set the circle. What I would not do to have Dog boy here right now. One of the benefits of rogue dog boys is all those keen senses." she says aloud looking around. the jungle was more a welcome sight than it should have been. for all the danger it felt more comfortable.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<98: [75*] = 1
(perception bonuses doubled while on a ley line, so actual skill would be 101% instead of 86% normally)

JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [6] = 6

- PPE: 178/313
- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

- Sustain: 9 Days remaining
Sustain allows the recipient of this enchantment to go for days without food, water, or breathable air! The magic keeps their energy level up and removes the need for any outside source of these things. In addition, the recipient only needs two hours sleep per night for the duration of the magic. The individual can survive in almost any environment. However, the character remains vulnerable to other external conditions such as heat, cold, and physical damage, and fatigues from exertion as normal.

- Fly as the Eagle: 150 minutes remaining
The power of flight is bestowed upon the spell caster or person it is cast upon. It is especially effective outdoors, and in large, open areas. Maximum Speed: 50 mph (80 km). Bonuses: +1 to parry, +2 to dodge and +2 to damage on a diving attack. Bonuses apply only when in flight.

Despite navigational difficulties on the ground, the trip to the ley line in the air has been quite pleasant for Rufus. More than once he thinks back to browsing the TW vehicles in the Stormspire Store back in MercTown -- and especially some of the enhancements offered as vehicular upgrades. Would have been nice to have been able to enchant that jeep to fly, he muses to himself. Or even better, our APC. He chuckles. That'd be a heck of a sight, an M113 riding into the sky and down again.

As the group gets closer and closer to the ley line the smile on Rufus' face gets bigger and bigger, not unlike someone experiencing a warm sunrise after a long cold night. By the time the group actually reaches it, he's softly laughing non-stop to himself. "Ohhhhhhhhh YEAH!" he cries out as he flies up and spins around inside the ley line, basking in its arcane glow and soaking up PPE like someone desperately trying to get a tan during the first days of summer. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... Uncle Rufus has missed you, my big blue glowing friend. He has missed you so very much." (soaking up 20 PPE per round until his personal reserves are completely filled)

He doesn't get so absorbed in his absorbing that he's deaf/blind to what's going on in/around the group, however.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:38 pm"You feel that? There seems to be eyes gazing upon us. It's not a good feeling. We should find out whom they belong to."
"Well, we ARE in a jungle..." Rufus nods without looking around. "I'd be more worried if there wasn't somebody watching us all the time. As long as that's all they're doing, though, as far as I'm concerned, they can binge watch us like their favorite vidshow."

He's not wrong, he adds to himself. Wouldn't be a bad time for a nasal scan, come to think of it. Rufus looks around and sniffs the wind for anything useful.
Track blood scent up to 1,000’/305 m away: 1d100<68: [34*] = 1
Recognize common/known smells: 1d100<79: [5*] = 1
Recognize the scent of others up to 50’/15.2 m away: 1d100<58: [30*] = 1
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:38 pm"Hey Rufus, How long do you need to commune with the leyline? Could you throw up a leyline observation ball please while we make camp?."
"A solid 48 hours in total, plus occasional breaks when necessary." Rufus replies. "I've tried rushing my communions to cut down on the time, but you can't speed it up much at all without screwing up the liminal harmonics. I guess Professor Ulfsild was right -- there are no shortcuts to a proper thaumaturgical alignment. On the plus side, my observation balls don't expire as long as we're on a line." He snaps his fingers and mutters a quick incantation, which results in a semi-transparent orb about the size of a soccer ball appearing near him.
9 MDC | 4,500’ (1,371.6 m) range | Speed up to 30mph/48 km. | +3 dodge.

Rory wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 3:50 am"I can create a protection circle around the camp if ye want, but only if everybody is okay with it. I'd nae like to inconvenience anyone, ye ken?"
Teres Barton wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2024 4:37 pm"There is that feeling of someone in the shadows. Now would be a good time to do a check. and ya, a protection circle around camp sounds good."
Rufus nods. "That's a good idea. Create as big a circle as you can -- I'd recommend making sure the jeep is inside it as well if that's possible -- and I'll conjure up a shelter or two inside it as well. They'll keep the weather out for about 9 hours, which should be more than enough for us to get our 2-hour power naps. Though I'd still recommend a 2-person watch at night though." He pauses a moment. "I don't suppose either of you happen to know any ward spells, do you? They'd definitely be handy right now."
Teres Barton wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2024 4:37 pm"A dog boy would be handy right now. A second dog nose and set Dog ears would be nice.

I can do an Omni-sight and sensor sweep once you set the circle. What I would not do to have Dog boy here right now. One of the benefits of rogue dog boys is all those keen senses.
"Heh, I thought Dog Boys hated ley lines?" Rufus chuckles. "Sure, it boosts their normal psi-powers, but as I understand things it scrambles up their supernatural radar senses. Now who'd really be a good addition right now would be moja mati -- my mother. Mati is the best tracker in all of Houndstooth. Chief Optimus like to joke about how she must have some bloodhound in her... but only when she's not around!" He laughs.

Once Rory establishes her circle, Rufus will cast Sheltering Force a couple of times so everyone won't have to sleep huddled up in a single dome (assuming there's room) as well as a trio of lantern lights spread out along the circle's perimeter (1 PPE each, 4.5 hour duration) and put his observation ball high up enough to get a good view of the camp. He'll also magically create a stack of firewood in case anyone wants to light a campfire. Once camp is set up and all seems to be quiet, he'll float up into the air and start meditating/communing.

"I would say 'wake me up if anything interesting happens,' but the truth is I'll still be awake... I'll just be a little out of it."
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [8] = 8 %
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [42] = 42 %

((Prowl--87% / 1d100: [59] = 59 % )) moving quietly while scouting the area
((Tracking (People)--107% / 1d100: [35] = 35 % )) checking the area for signs people have been through the area
((Track & Trap Animals--87/97% / 1d100: [28] = 28 % )) checking the area for signs of animals
((Sensory Equipment—82% / 1d100: [78] = 78 % )) scanning the area
((Radio: Basic--112% / 1d100: [91] = 91 % )) scanning the frequencies
((Wilderness Survival--103% / 1d100: [71] = 71 % )) setting up a camp

On the drive, Jason listens intently to Calvin's description of Quan Yu. This guy was one hell of a badass. "That is an impressive history. I have a couple questions though. How did he go from warrior to deity? Do you know how he stands on the battle of light against dark?"

Once at the leyline, Jason initially stays out of the magic using Templars' way. The sense of unease has him on edge and he checks with the others. "Is this feeling normal for a leyline or is this something I should be concerned about?" Since the leyline means nothing to him, he carefully checks the immediate area with his armor's sensors. He doesn't get out of sight of the others. If Jason finds anything, he immediately alerts the others by radio.

If Jason finds nothing of note, he returns to the others and begins clearing brush for a campsite. Once he is done, Jason sits on the hood of the jeep, keeping watch over the others, cycling periodically through his sensors and checking the radio.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

((rolls held over))
Jason Long wrote: Wed Jul 17, 2024 3:25 am"Is this feeling normal for a leyline or is this something I should be concerned about?"
"You mean the feeling that we're being watched, or the borderline-effervescent tingles throughout your nervous system from being totally immersed in ley line energy?" Rufus doesn't even open his eyes or come down from his floating. "For what it's worth, 'no not really' on the first one and 'definitely yes' on the second. At least that's the way it is for me."
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Rufus wrote:Rufus nods. "That's a good idea. Create as big a circle as you can -- I'd recommend making sure the jeep is inside it as well if that's possible -- and I'll conjure up a shelter or two inside it as well. They'll keep the weather out for about 9 hours, which should be more than enough for us to get our 2-hour power naps. Though I'd still recommend a 2-person watch at night though." He pauses a moment. "I don't suppose either of you happen to know any ward spells, do you? They'd definitely be handy right now."

"Heh, I thought Dog Boys hated ley lines?" Rufus chuckles. "Sure, it boosts their normal psi-powers, but as I understand things it scrambles up their supernatural radar senses. Now who'd really be a good addition right now would be moja mati -- my mother. Mati is the best tracker in all of Houndstooth. Chief Optimus like to joke about how she must have some bloodhound in her... but only when she's not around!"
"Dog boys do get jittery. but their noses and ears work just fine. Paranoia can be a good thing when paired with discipline." Teres replies to Rufus, The Psi-druid was aware Dog boys did get a a bit paranoid and defensive in Ley lines Understandably.

"A watch is definitely going to be a thing. It should always be a thing." she grins as Rufus does the laugh.
Jason Long wrote:
"Is this feeling normal for a leyline or is this something I should be concerned about?"
"anyplace with more than 10 people I don't know gives me that 'I am being watched feeling' anyway, Boss." she told Jason.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

((rolls still held over))
Teres Barton wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2024 8:58 am"Dog boys do get jittery. but their noses and ears work just fine. Paranoia can be a good thing when paired with discipline."
"But when it's paired with fear, hatred, and xenophobia towards non-humans -- especially non-humans with magical talents -- it's anything but..." Rufus mutters softly under his breath. But I guess humans who enjoy having Dog Boys around in the first place aren't likely to see it that way. No I'm not bitter, why do you ask?

He goes back to his communing, with only an occasional flick of his ears signaling his attention to the world around him.

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