The Longest Night

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The Longest Night

Post by Borger »

The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

The party of four and their cargo have made it to the streets quickly as they ever could, roughly so it may be. Hectic though it already was there was no thought it could worsen for them. It would be a few short minutes later where they would learn how wrong how close to complete their mission is. Their best bet is to get to base as quickly as they can regardless of who or what may try to stop them. This short time later seems to be when they hear the first groggy groan from the Senator as he begins to come out of the psionic paralysis in the back seat.

The street lamps cast their shadows and the streets seem all but deserted, the isolation on the road broken only by the occasional late-night driver or big rig. Off the roads it is difficult to tell if the shapes in the vague night are people, plants, or some other thing with the rush of the vehicle from their situation.

The Senator lets out a scream as he seems to finally realize his surroundings. "AAAAAGH!"

They all get the sensation something supernatural has come from above, but the night sky makes identification difficult if not entirely impossible. Then it comes down from the skies. Unnatural wings of otherworldly origin. A dive is made to the vehicle's left, then its right. But nothing happens, only the dive as though to identify something. Something rams the roof of the vehicle, shaking the movement of the vehicle. (I'll need two pilot skill rolls to see if the vehicle stays stable and driving at its current speed from whom ever is driving)

How do you proceed?
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Eddie Valentine
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Eddie Valentine »

Perception (36%): d100: [91] = 91
JIC: (100) d100: [88] = 88 -- JIC: (20) d20: [17] = 17
Eddie glances over his shoulder. "Aww somebody shut him up... Wait." He looks upwards.
Borger wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:01 pm The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

Something rams the roof of the vehicle, shaking the movement of the vehicle. (I'll need two pilot skill rolls to see if the vehicle stays stable and driving at its current speed from whom ever is driving)
Eddie lets loose a string of obscenities. A million questions race through his mind about how they tracked and/or found them, but his primary focus is to keep from crashing.

He does have nightvision, so if he gets a good enough look at the thing and can figure out what it is, he calls it out.
  • Not crashing: ((Pilot (Automobile) -- d100: [68] = 68 <= 81%))
    Keeps moving at speed: ((Pilot (Automobile) -- d100: [79] = 79 <= 81% (Barely but wahoo))) !
Figuring that his cohorts will be exiting the vehicle, he tries to hold it steady so they can.
Character sheet: viewtopic.php?t=18960
Range: 90 feet/27.4 m
I.S.P.: 2
Can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
+6 initiative / +2 to parry / +3 to dodge

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 20
P.S.: 33
P.P.: 23
P.E.: 25
P.B.: 13
Speed: 31

Race: Wompyr
P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 60 (+8/lvl)
H.P.: 36
S.D.C.: 134
Natural Abilities
Perception: 36% (+3%)
Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Encumbrance: 180 lbs
Carrying Weight: 1,650 lbs
Lifting Weight: 3,300 lbs
Jump Distance: 49.5' × 24.75'

Racial AbilitiesHorror Factor: 11
Super-regeneration - Heal 2D6 S.D.C./hit points every melee
Supernatural strength and endurance,
Half damage from metal weapons,
Immune to vampire mind control

Racial Vulnerabilities
Blood Dependency: Must drink one pint of blood every 72 hours. Blood frenzy onset after 1 week
Direct sunlight: 2D6 damage every minute (4 melees). Shade for 1 melee triggers healing

Psionics +1 per level
Death Trance
Presence Sense
Alter Aura (Self)
Sense Evil
Deaden Pain
Mind Block
Induce Sleep
Hypnotic Suggestion
Summon Inner Strength
Sixth Sense
R.C.C/ O.C.C. Skills
Basic Math -- 60% (+5%)
Radio: Basic -- 75% (+5 %)
Native Language and Literacy -- 111% (+2%)
Computer Operation -- 65% (+5 %)
Pilot (Automobile) -- 81% (+3% )
First Aid -- 65% (+5%)

R.C.C. Related Skills (+2 at 6, +1 at 9 and 12)
Demolitions -- 71 % (+3%)
Detect Ambush -- 45% (+5%)
Detect Concealment -- 40% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 49 % (+4%)
Rappelling -- 45% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival -- 45% (+5%)
Gymnastics (3rd)
Acrobatics (3rd)
70% +5% per level - Sense of balance
66% +3% per level - Walk tightrope or high wire
66% +3% per level - Work parallel bars & rings
80% +5% per level - Back flip
84% +2% per level - Climb rope
40% base climb

Secondary Skills
Automotive Mechanics -- 50% (+4%)
Prowl 45% (+5%)
Body Building (3rd)
Swimming (3rd) -- 50% (+5)
HTH Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +10
HTH Damage Bonus: +18
Roll w/Punch: +11
Pull Punch: +3
Restrained punch: 2d6
Full strength punch: 5d6
Power punch: d6x10

Weapons Proficiencies
W.P. Handguns +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Blunt +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 20%
Magic (varies): +5
Lethal Poison (14+): +5
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +5
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +5 mind control/possession
Horror Factor (varies): +5
M1911 pistol
  • Range: 164 ft
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Cartridge: .45 ACP
  • Feed: 7 round box mag.
  • Ammunition: 3 magazines - 1 normal, 2 silver jacketed

Silver boot knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6

1967 Ford Mustang
  • A.R. 5, S.D.C. 350
  • Cruising Speed: 80 mph
  • Max Speed: 150 mph
  • Stashed in hidden compartment in trunk:
    * Wooden baseball bat
    * Bandolier w/ 6 wooden stakes
    * Stakeout Ithica Shotgun - 12 gauge buckshot + silver buckshot
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Rhonen »

Perception: 31% / 1d100: [8] = 8
JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 / 1d100: [43] = 43
+13 v HF, +5 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +18% vs Coma/Death, +13 vs Magic, +0 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics
Borger wrote: The Senator lets out a scream as he seems to finally realize his surroundings. "AAAAAGH!"
Fangs wrote: Eddie glances over his shoulder. "Aww somebody shut him up... Wait." He looks upwards.
Rhonen gives the Senator a stern look and when that doesn’t quiet the man, he elbows him in the face to stun him, ripping a length of cloth from the Senator’s clothing and ties a gag around his head. Rhonen then checks to make sure the gag is not so tight to block off all air or blocking his nose as well. I’m not a complete animal…
Borger wrote: Then it comes down from the skies. Unnatural wings of otherworldly origin. A dive is made to the vehicle's left, then its right. But nothing happens, only the dive as though to identify something. Something rams the roof of the vehicle, shaking the movement of the vehicle.
Looking up at the roof Rhonen echo’s Fangs’ string of obscenities and adds, ”Of course, wings….nothing good ever comes with wings....unless it is Buffalo Sauce.”

He then unloads into the roof with the pistol in his right hand.

Almost as an after- thought he begins to prepare his magical shield. ”HH, can you get out there and run interference? I’ll be right behind you!”

(OOC: Planning to cast Mage Armor first round next string before exiting the vehicle)

Sixth Sense (2 PPE)24 ISP Remaining

In case of violence:
Initiative: 1d20+12: 1d20+6: [20]+6 = 26 (+6 from Sixth Sense)

Actions performed not necessarily in this order

Action 1: Reserved for Dodge
Action 2: Reserved for Dodge
Action 3: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [12]+7 = 19 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [6, 6, 4, 3] = 19
Action 4: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [3, 6, 3, 4] = 16
Action 5: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [5, 1, 3, 2] = 11
Action 6: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [13]+7 = 20 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [1, 1, 3, 3] = 8
Action 7: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [10]+7 = 17 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [6, 3, 2, 2] = 13

Parries (+7 included): 1d20+9: [18]+9 = 27 , 1d20+9: [11]+9 = 20 , 1d20+9: [7]+9 = 16 , 1d20+9: [12]+9 = 21 , 1d20+9: [1]+9 = 10
Dodges (+7 included): 1d20+10: [2]+10 = 12 , 1d20+10: [14]+10 = 24 , 1d20+10: [20]+10 = 30 , 1d20+10: [7]+10 = 17 , 1d20+10: [10]+10 = 20
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Duke Malone
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Duke Malone »

The Longest Night
Perception: 59% 1d100: [8] = 8
JIC: 20 1d20: [1] = 1
JIC: 100 1d100: [22] = 22

Initiative: 1d20+3 1d20+3: [15]+3 = 18

Out of the astral plain
Has SN Strength
IS Fully transformed 19 1d20: [8] = 8
The Senator lets out a scream as he seems to finally realize his surroundings. "AAAAAGH!"
HH yells at the Senator from the trunk, “Shut up Senator! We are the good guys, that just save your life from a body double so cut us some slack!” Dang Jerk I save his Life and he attracts attention.

Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 45% 1d100: [5] = 5 for the senator to calm down.
Looking up at the roof ,Rhonen/Timer echo’s Fangs’ string of obscenities and adds, ”Of course, wings….nothing good ever comes with wings....unless it is Buffalo Sauce.”

What the Hell is going on out there?

HH answers the comment from Timmer, “I resemble that fact, and I do love Buffalo Wings.”

Rhonen/Timer then unloads into the roof with the pistol in his right hand.
Almost as an after- thought he begins to prepare his magical shield. ”HH, can you get out there and run interference? I’ll be right behind you!”
HH comes up with a plan, “You Know I’m holding the Senators Double here? How many are out there and What are they. Somebody needs to cover this one,If I leave. I Guess I can take him with me as a decoy?”

Technical: Lore Nightbanes 55% 1d100: [80] = 80 to have some Idea what wing creature it might be? Must be one of Several Creatures.
HH will depending on if he takes the Double or someone else takes care of it. He tris to time it so so that when the attacks from the Wing ones hit. He transforms completely and the trunk opens.
Here goes Nothing

6 Actions
1.pops trunk lid if there are a three or more winged
2.Transform into full Gregorian
3. Springs forth ( Carrying or not Carrying Double) Heads Away at 90 degrees from the Car. fly at a speed of up to 70 mph
4. Attack flyer HTH SN Strength 6d6 + Fiery Claws 3d6
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20: [5] = 5 9d6: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 6, 4, 3, 2] = 27
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [1]+10 = 11 9d6: [6, 3, 6, 4, 5, 1, 3, 6, 3] = 37
5. Attack flyer HTH SN Strength 6d6 + Fiery Claws 3d6
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [14]+10 = 24 9d6: [6, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 5, 5, 2] = 29
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [18]+10 = 28 9d6: [6, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 5, 4, 4] = 30
6. Attack flyer HTH SN Strength 6d6 + Fiery Claws 3d6
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [11]+10 = 21 9d6: [3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 5, 2, 6] = 31
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [11]+10 = 21 9d6: [5, 4, 6, 3, 3, 2, 3, 4, 1] = 31

if less than three
1.pops trunk lid
2.Starts Shooting pistol Strike 1d20+9 1d20+9: [13]+9 = 22 Damage 4d+6 4d6: [1, 3, 4, 5] = 13
3. Shooting pistol Strike 1d20+9 1d20+9: [7]+9 = 16 Damage 4d+6 4d6: [4, 4, 2, 4] = 14
4. Shooting pistol Strike 1d20+9 1d20+9: [17]+9 = 26 Damage 4d+6 4d6: [6, 6, 6, 6] = 24
5. Shooting pistol Strike 1d20+9 1d20+9: [3]+9 = 12 Damage 4d+6 4d6: [5, 2, 5, 5] = 17
6. Shooting pistol Strike 1d20+9 1d20+9: [12]+9 = 21 Damage 4d+6 4d6: [4, 1, 3, 6] = 14

Parry: 1d20+13: [11]+13 = 24 , 1d20+13: [17]+13 = 30 1d20+13, 1d20+13: [18]+13 = 31 , 1d20+13: [18]+13 = 31
viewtopic.php?t=18854Duke's Sheet
JEHOEL: Sword of Duke Malone
Lore: Secret Societies
Lore: Psychic:
Lore - Geomancy or Lines of Power
Lore: Magic

OOC Comments
Mental Endurance roll under ME 19, Successful transformation, shift takes one action PPE for going Human 10 PPE
For Partial Transformations or turning back to Human, 10 PPE needed
OOC Comments
Wings, Body, AR 14, S.D.C.: 248, HP 82/ Janissary Brigandine Load Bearing Armor AR 11, S.D.C.: 95 , can get magically repaired./Studded Leather Armor (full) A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Borger »

The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

Eddie only just manages to keep control of the vehicle as one of the winged aggressors dives bombs them, tires screaming with the swerve as he rights the vehicle. The new combat around the vehicle does not make speeding down the road any easier. What is true for one of these aggressors is probably true for the others of the flock, however it may turn out to be. These creatures are black as the night around them with long wings and a build like that of a great bird of prey, but these things looked humanoid and in way could they be birds of prey, likely creatures that come from the Nightlands.

The thing that came from the skies has a friend and Rhonen manages to avoid getting struck by the thing. He too sees that there is more than one.

Better judgement tells Duke to pop the trunk. Everything says three have given them hostile company for this time of night.

There is only seconds of silence before one of the creatures takes another dive at their vehicle, Eddie driving, Rhonen good at avoiding getting struck and Duke taking to an entirely different form to confront them directly, taking a peck from the beak of one of the foul creatures. This same creature of the three takes a bullet from Rhonen. This attack prompts Duke to shoot to the skies where is almost immediately met with a different one of three that only manages to tear his shirt with its terrible, unkempt claws.

Rhonen seems to have kept the attention of the one he already shot and fires again, but it by some power missed his shot. The third that had managed to avoid the team just long enough now had its clammy hands on the doppelganger that was stuffed in the trunk. The Senator himself was barely holding together with everything going on. A bullet is set on trajectory with this one, clipping a shoulder or something going by its jerk.

Rhonen fires again, returning his aim to the one that wants into the car, getting a good shot into it. Duke gets plenty of punches into his adversary in the air which cannot hope to keep up with the flurry of fists sent upon it from the Gregorian, all but helplessly getting battered.

*I will need two more pilot skill rolls from the driver.

Rhonen has 8 darts per gun remaining and has used 5 bullets of one clip.
Eddie has 7 darts remaining and has used 6 of 60 ISP.
Penny has 6 darts before having to reload.
Duke has used 70 ISP of 178 and is 239/248SDC.

Prepare for Round Two
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Rhonen »

Perception: 31% / 1d100: [4] = 4
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [41] = 41
+13 v HF, +5 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +18% vs Coma/Death, +13 vs Magic, +0 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics
Borger wrote: Rhonen seems to have kept the attention of the one he already shot and fires again, but it by some power missed his shot. The third that had managed to avoid the team just long enough now had its clammy hands on the doppelganger that was stuffed in the trunk. The Senator himself was barely holding together with everything going on. A bullet is set on trajectory with this one, clipping a shoulder or something going by its jerk.

Rhonen fires again, returning his aim to the one that wants into the car, getting a good shot into it. Duke gets plenty of punches into his adversary in the air which cannot hope to keep up with the flurry of fists sent upon it from the Gregorian, all but helplessly getting battered.
Seeing that the creatures appear to not care who they hurt, Rhonen casts Mage Armor on the Senator, then goes through the same process to cast it on himself.
OOC Comments
Mage Armor (7 PPE) AR – 14 SDC – 130 Duration: 3 Minutes
Once certain he has done what he can to armor the Senator and himself, Rhonen turns his attention to the creature going after the doppleganger. Firing through the back window, he gets to his knees, ready to push through the window and go hand to hand to fight for the Doppleganger.

”Scribbles, protect the Senator. Don’t let them get him.”

In case of violence:
Initiative: 1d20+6: 1d20+6: [9]+6 = 15

Actions performed not necessarily in this order

Action 1: Cast Mage Armor on Senator
Action 2: Cast Mage Armor on Rhonen
Action 3: Strike: Glock .40 1d20+7: [3]+7 = 10 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [1, 3, 1, 3] = 8
Action 4: Strike: Glock .40 1d20+7: [6]+7 = 13 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [5, 6, 2, 3] = 16
Action 5: Strike: Glock .40 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [5, 6, 5, 3] = 19
Action 6: Strike: Glock .40 1d20+7: [12]+7 = 19 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [2, 3, 4, 2] = 11
Action 7: Reserved for Dodge

Parries (+7 included): 1d20+7: [2]+7 = 9 , 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , 1d20+7: [6]+7 = 13 , 1d20+7: [19]+7 = 26 , 1d20+7: [10]+7 = 17
Dodges (+7 included): 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22 , 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22 , 1d20+7: [8]+7 = 15 , 1d20+7: [6]+7 = 13 , 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22
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Duke Malone
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Duke Malone »

The Longest Night/ Round 2:the Sword of Fire and Death
Perception: 59% 1d100: [8] = 8
JIC: 20 1d20: 1d20: [11] = 11
JIC: 100 1d100: 1d100: [37] = 37

Initiative: 1d20+3 1d20+3: [6]+3 = 9

Out of the astral plain
Has SN Strength
IS Fully transformed: Gregorian
OOC Comments
height 7 feet (2.1 m), but weight stays the same. The Pyros are tall and wiry, bordering on lanky. Skin is a deep metallic bronze. Hair becomes a fiery red and seems to writhe and flow as though a constant wind were blowing through it. The eyes of a Pyros burn with divine fire when he is angry. Wings are a metallic silver or bronze. Weight does not affect flight (the ability to fly is as much magical as anything
Psi-Sword Range: Self Duration: 20 minutes. I.S.P.: 30 Saving Throw: None Prerequisite: Third level of experience. Psi-swords are psychic energy weapons that the character can mentally will into existence. The sword appears out of thin air as a shimmering blade of energy that resembles a glowing sword. The sword's actual appearance will generally reflect its creator. A character who is impressed by strength and power will create a huge claymore-like weapon, while somebody who prides himself on speed and agility will create a rapier or saber. Each weapon is equally powerful regardless of its form and size. The blade can even change color and shape to fit the current mood of its wielder. Psi-sword damage: 6D6 at level three (one cannot select this power until level three). Add I D6 at levels four, seven, nine, twelve and fifteen. The damage can be adjusted to inflict a minimum of 2D6 damage points, or increased by increments of I D6 up to the character's current maximum.
HH is Going full Vindicator on these Evil Creatures
OOC Comments
The Vindicators are hunters of the Guilty, Punisher of the Wicked and bringers of vengeance. Most see things in black or white terms, are quick to judgement and quicker to take brutal action to punish. Infernal Vindicators are extremely dangerous, personal insult at the smallest and exercising a punishing vengeance through brutality and torture, if not actually inflicting the final of death.

They all must die! For all that is holy
Duke let s it be known, ”I smite thee with all my might!” Then a fiery rapier appears in his right hand. As he continues the onslaught against the flyers, he will go after the closet to the car until it dies. Then go after another.

6 Actions
Attack flyer HTH Damage, right hand SN Strength 6d6 + Psi Sword 7d6 , left SN Strength 6d6 + Fiery Claws 3d6
1. Call forth the Psi Sword-30 ISP

2. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [3]+10 = 13 Damage: 13d6: [2, 6, 2, 3, 6, 3, 1, 2, 1, 6, 5, 3, 3] = 43
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [5]+10 = 15 Damage: 9d6: [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2] = 22

3. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [3]+10 = 13 Damage: 13d6: [4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 2, 4, 5, 4, 6, 2, 2, 1] = 51
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [4]+10 = 14 Damage: 9d6: [5, 3, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 2, 6] = 38

4 Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [15]+10 = 25 Damage: 13d6: [3, 2, 3, 4, 6, 1, 6, 2, 4, 5, 1, 5, 1] = 43
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [9]+10 = 19 Damage: 9d6: [2, 4, 5, 2, 5, 2, 4, 3, 5] = 32

5. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [2]+10 = 12 Damage: 13d6: [6, 5, 6, 3, 4, 2, 4, 5, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3] = 50
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [7]+10 = 17 Damage: 9d6: [2, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 1, 4] = 34

6. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [8]+10 = 18 Damage: 13d6: [1, 6, 1, 6, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4] = 38
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [6]+10 = 16 Damage: 9d6: [3, 4, 1, 6, 5, 2, 1, 5, 3] = 30

Parry: 1d20+13: 1d20+13: [19]+13 = 32 , 1d20+13: 1d20+13: [9]+13 = 22 , 1d20+13 1d20+13: [9]+13 = 22 , 1d20+13 1d20+13: [1]+13 = 14 , 1d20+13 1d20+13: [4]+13 = 17 , 1d20+13 1d20+13: [7]+13 = 20
viewtopic.php?t=18854Duke's Sheet
JEHOEL: Sword of Duke Malone
Lore: Secret Societies
Lore: Psychic:
Lore - Geomancy or Lines of Power
Lore: Magic

OOC Comments
Mental Endurance roll under ME 19, Successful transformation, shift takes one action PPE for going Human 10 PPE
For Partial Transformations or turning back to Human, 10 PPE needed
OOC Comments
Wings, Body, AR 14, S.D.C.: 248, HP 82/ Janissary Brigandine Load Bearing Armor AR 11, S.D.C.: 95 , can get magically repaired./Studded Leather Armor (full) A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38
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Eddie Valentine
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Eddie Valentine »

Perception (36%): d100: [78] = 78
JIC: (100) d100: [35] = 35 -- JIC: (20) d20: [6] = 6
  • Not crashing: ((Pilot (Automobile) -- d100: [59] = 59 <= 81%)) Woohoo!
    Keeps moving at speed: ((Pilot (Automobile) -- d100: [87] = 87 <= 81% )) DOH!!
Eddie keeps laser-focused on the road to make themselves as hard a target to hit as possible, paying keen attention to his sixth sense to avoid crashing. He notes the spell casting behind him. "Good call."

He remembers how powerful Duke was at their recruitment interview and hopes that fight wasn't a fluke.
Character sheet: viewtopic.php?t=18960
Range: 90 feet/27.4 m
I.S.P.: 2
Can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
+6 initiative / +2 to parry / +3 to dodge

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 20
P.S.: 33
P.P.: 23
P.E.: 25
P.B.: 13
Speed: 31

Race: Wompyr
P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 60 (+8/lvl)
H.P.: 36
S.D.C.: 134
Natural Abilities
Perception: 36% (+3%)
Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Encumbrance: 180 lbs
Carrying Weight: 1,650 lbs
Lifting Weight: 3,300 lbs
Jump Distance: 49.5' × 24.75'

Racial AbilitiesHorror Factor: 11
Super-regeneration - Heal 2D6 S.D.C./hit points every melee
Supernatural strength and endurance,
Half damage from metal weapons,
Immune to vampire mind control

Racial Vulnerabilities
Blood Dependency: Must drink one pint of blood every 72 hours. Blood frenzy onset after 1 week
Direct sunlight: 2D6 damage every minute (4 melees). Shade for 1 melee triggers healing

Psionics +1 per level
Death Trance
Presence Sense
Alter Aura (Self)
Sense Evil
Deaden Pain
Mind Block
Induce Sleep
Hypnotic Suggestion
Summon Inner Strength
Sixth Sense
R.C.C/ O.C.C. Skills
Basic Math -- 60% (+5%)
Radio: Basic -- 75% (+5 %)
Native Language and Literacy -- 111% (+2%)
Computer Operation -- 65% (+5 %)
Pilot (Automobile) -- 81% (+3% )
First Aid -- 65% (+5%)

R.C.C. Related Skills (+2 at 6, +1 at 9 and 12)
Demolitions -- 71 % (+3%)
Detect Ambush -- 45% (+5%)
Detect Concealment -- 40% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 49 % (+4%)
Rappelling -- 45% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival -- 45% (+5%)
Gymnastics (3rd)
Acrobatics (3rd)
70% +5% per level - Sense of balance
66% +3% per level - Walk tightrope or high wire
66% +3% per level - Work parallel bars & rings
80% +5% per level - Back flip
84% +2% per level - Climb rope
40% base climb

Secondary Skills
Automotive Mechanics -- 50% (+4%)
Prowl 45% (+5%)
Body Building (3rd)
Swimming (3rd) -- 50% (+5)
HTH Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +10
HTH Damage Bonus: +18
Roll w/Punch: +11
Pull Punch: +3
Restrained punch: 2d6
Full strength punch: 5d6
Power punch: d6x10

Weapons Proficiencies
W.P. Handguns +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Blunt +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 20%
Magic (varies): +5
Lethal Poison (14+): +5
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +5
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +5 mind control/possession
Horror Factor (varies): +5
M1911 pistol
  • Range: 164 ft
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Cartridge: .45 ACP
  • Feed: 7 round box mag.
  • Ammunition: 3 magazines - 1 normal, 2 silver jacketed

Silver boot knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6

1967 Ford Mustang
  • A.R. 5, S.D.C. 350
  • Cruising Speed: 80 mph
  • Max Speed: 150 mph
  • Stashed in hidden compartment in trunk:
    * Wooden baseball bat
    * Bandolier w/ 6 wooden stakes
    * Stakeout Ithica Shotgun - 12 gauge buckshot + silver buckshot
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Borger »

The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

There is a moment in this chase where Eddie nearly loses control of the vehicle as Rhonen casts mage armor on the senator. One of the creature from the nightlands still hasn't let up on whatever it's objective is as it lashes out for Eddie, narrowly missing as it reaches around the car's frame and window. A glow in the sky above is the signal that Duke has summoned a fiery rapier letting out a battle cry as he does. There is a thunk to the rear of the vehicle as the third aggressor bangs against the vehicle as it continues to try to retrieve the doppelganger. There is screaming from both the senator and his doppelganger.

Rhonen is quick to also cast mage armor on himself right before the creature attacking the occupants of the car decides to ram against it. Above the car, Duke leaves no room for the reaction of his adversary with the swings of his rapier. his adversary similarly lashes out at him. The third party of the creatures of the nightlands begins to retreat from the chase with a curious expression only Rhonen and Duke notice for a split second.

Rhonen shoots at the one seemingly trying to escape and lands a lucky hit, earning a hollow squawk in turn. The one attacking them and vehicle again throws itself against their get away car with the Senator crying out "My car!"

Duke continues to leave his opponent zero room for victory and finds himself already feeling himself on the verge of victory, even in its attempt to dodge out of the way. The doppelganger is carried just that much further away, kicking and screaming the grasp of a creature from the Nightlands.

A bullet from Rhonen's glock catches their regular assailant as it decides it would once again try to knock the vehicle off the road. Duke finds his opponent defeated and removed from the world in a cold blast of inky black before the second swing of his latest flourish can even meet. the creature with the doppeganger continues to go straight up.

The rest of the round continues is a strongly similar way of Eddie hoping to keep control of the Senator's car as Rhonen and Duke fight off the creatures they know have come from the nightlands.

*I will need two more pilot skill rolls from the driver.

Rhonen has 8 darts per gun remaining and has used 5 bullets of one clip. Has 84 of 98 PPE remaining.
Eddie has 7 darts remaining and has used 6 of 60 ISP.
Penny has 6 darts before having to reload.
Duke has used 70 ISP of 178 and is 227/248SDC.

Now begins round three
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Rhonen »

Perception: 31% / 1d100: [15] = 15
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 / 1d100: [29] = 29
+13 v HF, +5 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +18% vs Coma/Death, +13 vs Magic, +0 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics
Borger wrote: The third party of the creatures of the nightlands begins to retreat from the chase with a curious expression only Rhonen and Duke notice for a split second….The doppelganger is carried just that much further away, kicking and screaming the grasp of a creature from the Nightlands.
Rhonen continues to shoot as he sees the creature with the Doppleganger get further away. crap, pretty soon he will be out of range.

Feeling the car take another hit he decides to change tactics. HH will have to chase that one.

As he pulls himself out the back window, closing the trunk with his butt, he looks to the senator. ”Stay down and out of sight and hope you are worth all this trouble.”

Seated on the trunk with his legs through the back window curved around the back of the seat to steady him and attempts to drive the claws of his left hand through the roof of the car to hold on….
OOC Comments
If the creature moves to HTH range Rhonen will drop his handgun through the back window and attempt to grapple/claw the attacker.

In case of violence:
Initiative: 1d20+6: 1d20+6: [14]+6 = 20

Actions performed not necessarily in this order

Action 1: Crawl out the back window
Action 2: Reserved for Dodge
Action 3: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [6]+7 = 13 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [4, 6, 1, 1] = 12
Action 4: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [16]+7 = 23 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [6, 4, 5, 4] = 19
Action 5: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [18]+7 = 25 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [2, 4, 4, 4] = 14
Action 6: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [7]+7 = 14 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [3, 3, 4, 2] = 12
Action 7: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [10]+7 = 17 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [3, 2, 2, 3] = 10

If it ends up HTH:

Action 1: Crawl out the back window
Action 2: Reserved for Dodge
Action 3: Strike: Right Claw 1d20+7: [5]+7 = 12 , Damage – (5D6+11): 5d6+11: [2, 4, 1, 5, 4]+11 = 27
Left Claw – Ready to Parry (Ambidextrous)
Action 4: Strike: ight Claw 1d20+7: [2]+7 = 9 , Damage – (5D6+11): 5d6+11: [1, 4, 3, 1, 1]+11 = 21
Left Claw – Ready to Parry (Ambidextrous)
Action 5: ight Claw 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , Damage – (5D6+11): 5d6+11: [3, 1, 3, 2, 5]+11 = 25
Left Claw – Ready to Parry (Ambidextrous)
Action 6: ight Claw 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , Damage – (5D6+11): 5d6+11: [2, 3, 2, 1, 3]+11 = 22
Left Claw – Ready to Parry (Ambidextrous)

Parries (+7 included): 1d20+7: [3]+7 = 10 , 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22 , 1d20+7: [14]+7 = 21
Dodges (+7 included): 1d20+7: [2]+7 = 9 , 1d20+7: [10]+7 = 17 , 1d20+7: [7]+7 = 14 , 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , 1d20+7: [6]+7 = 13
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Duke Malone
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Duke Malone »

The Longest Night or Which one is Which, Switch?
Perception: 59% 1d100: [69] = 69
JIC: 20 1d20: [1] = 1
JIC: 100 1d100: [89] = 89
Initiative: 1d20+3 1d20+3: [10]+3 = 13

Out of the astral plain
Has SN Strength
Gregorian Form:
OOC Comments
height to 7 feet (2.1 m), but weight stays the same. The Pyros are tall and wiry, bordering on lanky. Skin is a deep metallic bronze. Hair becomes a fiery red and seems to writhe and flow as though a constant wind were blowing through it. The eyes of a Pyros burn with divine fire when he is angry. The wings are a metallic silver or bronze. Weight does not affect flight (the ability to fly is as magical as anything else, though the Pyros' wings must be manifested to do so).
OOC Comments
Range: Self Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience. I.S.P.: 30 Saving Throw: None Prerequisite: Third level of experience. Psi-swords are psychic energy weapons that the character mentally will into existence. The sword appears out of thin air as a shimmering blade of energy that resembles a glowing sword. The sword's actual appearance will generally reflect its creator. A character who is impressed by strength and power will create a huge claymore-like weapon, while somebody who prides himself on speed and agility will create a rapier or saber. Each weapon is equally powerful regardless of its form and size. The blade can even change color and shape to fit the current mood of its wielder. Psi-sword damage: 6D6 at level three (one cannot select this power until level three). Add I D6 at levels four, seven, nine, twelve and fifteen. The damage can be adjusted to inflict a minimum of 2D6 damage points or increased by increments of I D6 up to the character's current maximum.
Above the car, Duke leaves no room for the reaction of his adversary with the swings of his rapier. his adversary similarly lashes out at him. The third party of the creatures of the Nightlands begins to retreat from the chase with a curious expression only Rhonen and Duke notice for a split second.
What is going on with them running from a Fight? Don't they know they must be destroyd by my hands!
Duke continues to leave his opponent zero room for victory and finds himself already feeling himself on the verge of victory, even in it’s attempt to dodge out of the way. The doppelganger is carried just that much further away, kicking and screaming the grasp of a creature from the Nightlands.
That is odd? Did they get the real Senator?
Duke finds his opponent defeated and removed from the world in a cold blast of inky black before the second swing of his latest flourish can even meet. The creature with the doppleganger continues to go straight up.
HH, Duke, after finishing with his latest target starts after the one carrying the doppleganger.
When in Range of the flying creature he uses Bio-Manipulation (the evil eye)
OOC Comments
ISP:10, Range: 160 Paralysis: Immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop functioning. Victims are completely incapacitated for the duration.
Then he closes fast on his prey

6 Actions
Attack flyer HTH Damage, right hand SN Strength 6d6 + Psi Sword 7d6 , left SN Strength 6d6 + Fiery Claws 3d6
1. Attack flyer that has Congressman/ Doppleganger Using Bio-Manipulation

2. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [12]+10 = 22 Damage: 13d6: 13d6: [4, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 5, 3] = 41
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [12]+10 = 22 Damage: 9d6: 9d6: [3, 2, 6, 6, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2] = 29

3. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [14]+10 = 24 Damage: 13d6: 13d6: [2, 2, 5, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5] = 43
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [19]+10 = 29 Damage: 9d6: 9d6: [3, 1, 3, 3, 5, 2, 6, 6, 6] = 35

4 Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [5]+10 = 15 Damage: 13d6: 13d6: [3, 2, 4, 3, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 3, 3, 1, 6] = 38
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [16]+10 = 26 Damage: 9d6: 9d6: [2, 3, 1, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 6] = 23

5. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [12]+10 = 22 Damage: 13d6: 13d6: [2, 2, 4, 4, 3, 1, 4, 6, 3, 4, 3, 6, 2] = 44
Left Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [9]+10 = 19 Damage: 9d6: 9d6: [2, 4, 6, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2] = 28

6. Attack flyer or grab the Congressman/ Doppleganger
Right Hand Strike
1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [16]+10 = 26 Damage: 13d6: 13d6: [2, 6, 2, 4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 6, 4, 1, 4, 4] = 49
Left Hand Strike / grab
1d20+10 1d20+10: 1d20+10: [5]+10 = 15 Damage: 9d6: 9d6: [4, 2, 6, 3, 2, 3, 4, 1, 4] = 29

Parry: 1d20+13, 1d20+13: [7]+13 = 20 1d20+13, 1d20+13: [16]+13 = 29 1d20+13, 1d20+13: [7]+13 = 20 1d20+13, 1d20+13: [4]+13 = 17 1d20+13, 1d20+13: [11]+13 = 24
Dice rolls
133d6: [2, 6, 1, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 5, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 2, 6, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 6, 4, 6, 2, 1, 2, 6, 2, 6, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 1, 3, 5, 5, 2, 4, 6, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 5, 5, 4, 2, 1, 5, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6, 1, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 4, 6, 3, 1, 5, 1, 1, 5, 6, 5, 4, 2, 4, 4, 6, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 6, 3, 1, 6, 1, 2, 5, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 6, 4, 3, 3, 2] = 443
viewtopic.php?t=18854Duke's Sheet
JEHOEL: Sword of Duke Malone
Lore: Secret Societies
Lore: Psychic:
Lore - Geomancy or Lines of Power
Lore: Magic

OOC Comments
Mental Endurance roll under ME 19, Successful transformation, shift takes one action PPE for going Human 10 PPE
For Partial Transformations or turning back to Human, 10 PPE needed
OOC Comments
Wings, Body, AR 14, S.D.C.: 248, HP 82/ Janissary Brigandine Load Bearing Armor AR 11, S.D.C.: 95 , can get magically repaired./Studded Leather Armor (full) A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38
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Eddie Valentine
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Eddie Valentine »

Perception (36%): d100: [98] = 98
JIC: (100) d100: [53] = 53 -- JIC: (20) d20: [20] = 20
  • Not crashing: ((Pilot (Automobile) -- d100: [56] = 56 <= 81%))
    Keeps moving at speed: ((Pilot (Automobile) -- d100: [83] = 83 <= 81% ))
For a hot minute, Eddie considers going on the offensive the next time that flyer comes down to ground level, but the thumping and scratching on the roof reminds him that swerving would be bad news for Rhonen.

Staying as focused as he can on his Sixth Sense, he holds the car steady and dodges if he senses claws coming anywhere near the driver's side window or tires.
2 actions for Dodges if needed: d20 + 10: [18] = 18 -- d20 + 10: [19] = 19
Character sheet: viewtopic.php?t=18960
Range: 90 feet/27.4 m
I.S.P.: 2
Can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
+6 initiative / +2 to parry / +3 to dodge

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 20
P.S.: 33
P.P.: 23
P.E.: 25
P.B.: 13
Speed: 31

Race: Wompyr
P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 60 (+8/lvl)
H.P.: 36
S.D.C.: 134
Natural Abilities
Perception: 36% (+3%)
Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Encumbrance: 180 lbs
Carrying Weight: 1,650 lbs
Lifting Weight: 3,300 lbs
Jump Distance: 49.5' × 24.75'

Racial AbilitiesHorror Factor: 11
Super-regeneration - Heal 2D6 S.D.C./hit points every melee
Supernatural strength and endurance,
Half damage from metal weapons,
Immune to vampire mind control

Racial Vulnerabilities
Blood Dependency: Must drink one pint of blood every 72 hours. Blood frenzy onset after 1 week
Direct sunlight: 2D6 damage every minute (4 melees). Shade for 1 melee triggers healing

Psionics +1 per level
Death Trance
Presence Sense
Alter Aura (Self)
Sense Evil
Deaden Pain
Mind Block
Induce Sleep
Hypnotic Suggestion
Summon Inner Strength
Sixth Sense
R.C.C/ O.C.C. Skills
Basic Math -- 60% (+5%)
Radio: Basic -- 75% (+5 %)
Native Language and Literacy -- 111% (+2%)
Computer Operation -- 65% (+5 %)
Pilot (Automobile) -- 81% (+3% )
First Aid -- 65% (+5%)

R.C.C. Related Skills (+2 at 6, +1 at 9 and 12)
Demolitions -- 71 % (+3%)
Detect Ambush -- 45% (+5%)
Detect Concealment -- 40% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 49 % (+4%)
Rappelling -- 45% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival -- 45% (+5%)
Gymnastics (3rd)
Acrobatics (3rd)
70% +5% per level - Sense of balance
66% +3% per level - Walk tightrope or high wire
66% +3% per level - Work parallel bars & rings
80% +5% per level - Back flip
84% +2% per level - Climb rope
40% base climb

Secondary Skills
Automotive Mechanics -- 50% (+4%)
Prowl 45% (+5%)
Body Building (3rd)
Swimming (3rd) -- 50% (+5)
HTH Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +10
HTH Damage Bonus: +18
Roll w/Punch: +11
Pull Punch: +3
Restrained punch: 2d6
Full strength punch: 5d6
Power punch: d6x10

Weapons Proficiencies
W.P. Handguns +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Blunt +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 20%
Magic (varies): +5
Lethal Poison (14+): +5
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +5
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +5 mind control/possession
Horror Factor (varies): +5
M1911 pistol
  • Range: 164 ft
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Cartridge: .45 ACP
  • Feed: 7 round box mag.
  • Ammunition: 3 magazines - 1 normal, 2 silver jacketed

Silver boot knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6

1967 Ford Mustang
  • A.R. 5, S.D.C. 350
  • Cruising Speed: 80 mph
  • Max Speed: 150 mph
  • Stashed in hidden compartment in trunk:
    * Wooden baseball bat
    * Bandolier w/ 6 wooden stakes
    * Stakeout Ithica Shotgun - 12 gauge buckshot + silver buckshot
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Borger »

The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

Conflict continues to churn around the car yet the driver, Eddie continues to maintain control of the vehicle even as the creature of the Nightlands slams against the vehicle. Rhonen decides it was time to personally go after said supernatural creature through the back. Duke, having lost his initial combatant decides it was time to get back their doppelganger prisoner from the sluggish kidnapper of the abducted doppelganger.

Being a Werepanther, he slashes and tears at the damnable thing attacking their get away car to the screams of the Senator in their custody. The words of encouragement do not seem to ease the Senator's panic, but, at least, momentarily mutes the sound. Even though it is obvious the creature really wants to see that he bleed, nothing it does seems to even shave the fur of the Werepanther.

The fight between Duke and the one trying to make off with their prisoner is a different tale. In short, it was over when he caught up and the hunter Nightlands creature may as well have never bothered fight back in any capacity. Be it the speed of his Psi-sword swings of mastery or the incompetence of his aggressor, Duke near effortlessly avoided striking the doppelganger even when used as a shield. There is a momentary fumble as his fight ends faster that killing blow dragging it back to the Nightlands in a haze of ice cold black and he realizes it truly is over. Never the less, he does catch the doppelganger that is still in a panic.

Rhonen has 8 darts per gun remaining and has used 5 bullets of one clip. Has 84 of 98 PPE remaining
Eddie has 7 darts remaining and has used 6 of 60 ISP.
Penny has 6 darts before having to reload.
Duke has used 70 ISP of 178 and is 227/248SDC.

Come round Four
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Rhonen »

Perception: 31% / 1d100: [3] = 3
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 / 1d100: [49] = 49
+13 v HF, +5 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +18% vs Coma/Death, +13 vs Magic, +0 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics
Borger wrote: Being a Werepanther, he slashes and tears at the damnable thing attacking their get away car to the screams of the Senator in their custody. The words of encouragement do not seem to ease the Senator's panic, but, at least, momentarily mutes the sound. Even though it is obvious the creature really wants to see that he bleed, nothing it does seems to even shave the fur of the Werepanther.
Falcon looks around for other opponents and sees HH take out the last. Yeah, I really need to get a way to fly. He slips back into the back seat and gives the senator a look that says, “shut the F- up” while retrieving the pistol he dropped into the car when going HTH with the creature.

As he secures and reloads the weapon his mind runs scenarios. "Fangs, we need to get off the grid and into another vehicle. Find a parking ramp where we can switch cars under cover.”

He then turns to scribbles, ”Any luck on getting ahold of HQ for a pick-up/switch?”

In case of violence:
Initiative: 1d20+6: 1d20+6: [13]+6 = 19

Actions performed not necessarily in this order

Action 1: Reserved for Dodge
Action 2: Reserved for Dodge
Action 3: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [10]+7 = 17 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [3, 2, 2, 3] = 10
Action 4: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [17]+7 = 24 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [4, 1, 3, 2] = 10
Action 5: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [17]+7 = 24 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [5, 1, 2, 5] = 13
Action 6: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [18]+7 = 25 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [5, 4, 5, 6] = 20
Action 7: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [6, 2, 3, 1] = 12

Parries (+7 included): 1d20+7: [2]+7 = 9 , 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , 1d20+7: [7]+7 = 14 , 1d20+7: [5]+7 = 12 , 1d20+7: [14]+7 = 21
Dodges (+7 included): 1d20+7: [19]+7 = 26 , 1d20+7: [7]+7 = 14 ,
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Duke Malone
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Duke Malone »

The Longest Night/ Round 3: What do you do with the Spare?
Perception: 59% 1d100: [59] = 59
JIC: 20 1d20: 1d20: [9] = 9
JIC: 100 1d100: 1d100: [34] = 34

Initiative: 1d20+3 1d20+3: [6]+3 = 9

Out of the astral plain
Has SN Strength
IS Fully transformed: Gregorian height 7 feet (2.1 m), but weight stays the same. The Pyros are tall and wiry, bordering on lanky. Skin is a deep metallic bronze. Hair becomes a fiery red and seems to writhe and flow as though a constant wind were blowing through it. The eyes of a Pyros burn with divine fire when he is angry. Wings are a metallic silver or bronze. Weight does not affect flight (the ability to fly is as much magical as anything

HH, Duke carries the Doppelganger back toward the others he speaks a warning to the Doppelganger, “Your life may be shorter the more you struggle. I would like it if both you survive!”

As he approaches the car he doesn’t land but speaks to the group, “Tell them we have the Doppelganger with us they might want to pick a different site for retrieval. I’m not sure if this one can be traced or if it is of any good?”

Strikes if necessary .
6 Actions
Attack flyer HTH Damage, right hand SN Strength 6d6 + Psi Sword 7d6 , left SN Strength 6d6 + Fiery Claws 3d6

1, Attack
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [1]+10 = 11 Damage: 13d6: [3, 5, 4, 4, 5, 1, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 3] = 56 critical miss
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

2. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [18]+10 = 28 Damage: 13d6: [2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 2, 4, 4, 3, 1] = 53
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

3. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [13]+10 = 23 Damage: 13d6: [3, 5, 3, 1, 5, 5, 3, 5, 1, 6, 4, 2, 6] = 49
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

4 Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [20]+10 = 30 Damage: 13d6: [6, 2, 6, 2, 1, 6, 1, 6, 5, 3, 4, 4, 3] = 49 critical Strike 98
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

5. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [8]+10 = 18 Damage: 13d6: [4, 6, 6, 3, 5, 5, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 1, 3] = 47
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

6. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [4]+10 = 14 Damage: 13d6: [5, 6, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6, 1, 3, 1, 2, 5, 1] = 50
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger
viewtopic.php?t=18854Duke's Sheet
JEHOEL: Sword of Duke Malone
Lore: Secret Societies
Lore: Psychic:
Lore - Geomancy or Lines of Power
Lore: Magic

OOC Comments
Mental Endurance roll under ME 19, Successful transformation, shift takes one action PPE for going Human 10 PPE
For Partial Transformations or turning back to Human, 10 PPE needed
OOC Comments
Wings, Body, AR 14, S.D.C.: 248, HP 82/ Janissary Brigandine Load Bearing Armor AR 11, S.D.C.: 95 , can get magically repaired./Studded Leather Armor (full) A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38
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Eddie Valentine
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Eddie Valentine »

Perception (36%): d100: [87] = 87
JIC: (100) d100: [70] = 70 -- JIC: (20) d20: [18] = 18
Eddie eventually stops the car when he can tell that the coast is clear so everyone can regroup.
Rhonen wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:27 am As he secures and reloads the weapon his mind runs scenarios. "Fangs, we need to get off the grid and into another vehicle. Find a parking ramp where we can switch cars under cover.”
"No problem. This town has no shortage of shitty areas with cheap cars to break into."
Duke Malone wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:18 pm HH, Duke carries the Doppelganger back toward the others he speaks a warning to the Doppelganger, “Your life may be shorter the more you struggle. I would like it if both you survive!”

As he approaches the car he doesn’t land but speaks to the group, “Tell them we have the Doppelganger with us they might want to pick a different site for retrieval. I’m not sure if this one can be traced or if it is of any good?”

It takes Eddie a minute to process the sight of Duke's arrival in his transformed state. He'd never seen anything like him before.

"Are we sure he's not the way they were able to track us?" Eddie asks, pointing to the creature. "Is he really worth keeping? He wasn't part of the mission."

He supports whatever decision the others make and drives to a suitable location to make the switch.
Character sheet: viewtopic.php?t=18960
Range: 90 feet/27.4 m
I.S.P.: 2
Can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
+6 initiative / +2 to parry / +3 to dodge

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 20
P.S.: 33
P.P.: 23
P.E.: 25
P.B.: 13
Speed: 31

Race: Wompyr
P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 60 (+8/lvl)
H.P.: 36
S.D.C.: 134
Natural Abilities
Perception: 36% (+3%)
Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Encumbrance: 180 lbs
Carrying Weight: 1,650 lbs
Lifting Weight: 3,300 lbs
Jump Distance: 49.5' × 24.75'

Racial AbilitiesHorror Factor: 11
Super-regeneration - Heal 2D6 S.D.C./hit points every melee
Supernatural strength and endurance,
Half damage from metal weapons,
Immune to vampire mind control

Racial Vulnerabilities
Blood Dependency: Must drink one pint of blood every 72 hours. Blood frenzy onset after 1 week
Direct sunlight: 2D6 damage every minute (4 melees). Shade for 1 melee triggers healing

Psionics +1 per level
Death Trance
Presence Sense
Alter Aura (Self)
Sense Evil
Deaden Pain
Mind Block
Induce Sleep
Hypnotic Suggestion
Summon Inner Strength
Sixth Sense
R.C.C/ O.C.C. Skills
Basic Math -- 60% (+5%)
Radio: Basic -- 75% (+5 %)
Native Language and Literacy -- 111% (+2%)
Computer Operation -- 65% (+5 %)
Pilot (Automobile) -- 81% (+3% )
First Aid -- 65% (+5%)

R.C.C. Related Skills (+2 at 6, +1 at 9 and 12)
Demolitions -- 71 % (+3%)
Detect Ambush -- 45% (+5%)
Detect Concealment -- 40% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 49 % (+4%)
Rappelling -- 45% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival -- 45% (+5%)
Gymnastics (3rd)
Acrobatics (3rd)
70% +5% per level - Sense of balance
66% +3% per level - Walk tightrope or high wire
66% +3% per level - Work parallel bars & rings
80% +5% per level - Back flip
84% +2% per level - Climb rope
40% base climb

Secondary Skills
Automotive Mechanics -- 50% (+4%)
Prowl 45% (+5%)
Body Building (3rd)
Swimming (3rd) -- 50% (+5)
HTH Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +10
HTH Damage Bonus: +18
Roll w/Punch: +11
Pull Punch: +3
Restrained punch: 2d6
Full strength punch: 5d6
Power punch: d6x10

Weapons Proficiencies
W.P. Handguns +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Blunt +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 20%
Magic (varies): +5
Lethal Poison (14+): +5
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +5
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +5 mind control/possession
Horror Factor (varies): +5
M1911 pistol
  • Range: 164 ft
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Cartridge: .45 ACP
  • Feed: 7 round box mag.
  • Ammunition: 3 magazines - 1 normal, 2 silver jacketed

Silver boot knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6

1967 Ford Mustang
  • A.R. 5, S.D.C. 350
  • Cruising Speed: 80 mph
  • Max Speed: 150 mph
  • Stashed in hidden compartment in trunk:
    * Wooden baseball bat
    * Bandolier w/ 6 wooden stakes
    * Stakeout Ithica Shotgun - 12 gauge buckshot + silver buckshot
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Borger »

The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

Eddie steers as Rhonen continues to fight of the nightlands creature harassing their get away vehicle ad the final of the three are drug back to whence it came within the next few seconds, albeit a violent next few seconds. Senator and Doppelganger once again in proximity to see each other start screaming that the truth the other exist. There is a stop in motion as the group get in contact with HQ and the two way conversation begins, with interjection from a certain senator and Doppelganger to confirm things. Their next plan and step is to get to a wide open parking lot. Should be a simple task. Right?

A couple minutes back on the road and they know they're getting close to their destination, Senator and Doppelganger separated with the behavior akin to that of toddler twins that refuse to get along, but the trip so far now a quiet trip. Of the party, everyone but Eddie noticed to girl in black on the sidewalk gliding in grace for the brief moment they were able to see her as they drove by at speed. Odd for this time of night for anyone to be out, especially alone.

Though Eddie did not see anything on the road, he bore witness to something else, something no one else would see. It was sudden and a brief sight of a fanged maw lunging from the dark in a gnashing, hissed bite at his face.

Rhonen too saw something else. They were on the road and the world cracked like a mirror right before his eyes and began to drift apart...

The party makes it to the turn in to the parking lot without incident.

Rhonen has 8 darts per gun remaining and has used 5 bullets of one clip. Has 84 of 98 PPE remaining. He has used 2 of 26ISP.
Eddie has 7 darts remaining and has used 8 of 60 ISP.
Penny has 6 darts before having to reload. [this character has left the party as of this post]
Duke has used 70 ISP of 178 and is 227/248SDC.
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Duke Malone
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Duke Malone »

The Longest Night/ Round 2:Parking lot of Hope
Perception: 59% 1d100: [19] = 19
JIC: 20 1d20: 1d20: [7] = 7
JIC: 100 1d100: 1d100: [80] = 80

Duke / HH still holding the Doppelganger and keeps his body between them. HH is busy making s sure this evil fiend doesn’t have a chance.
Once at the parking lot He looks around for the contacts and says, “Anyone see anything? Check the radios.”
viewtopic.php?t=18854Duke's Sheet
JEHOEL: Sword of Duke Malone
Lore: Secret Societies
Lore: Psychic:
Lore - Geomancy or Lines of Power
Lore: Magic

OOC Comments
Mental Endurance roll under ME 19, Successful transformation, shift takes one action PPE for going Human 10 PPE
For Partial Transformations or turning back to Human, 10 PPE needed
OOC Comments
Wings, Body, AR 14, S.D.C.: 248, HP 82/ Janissary Brigandine Load Bearing Armor AR 11, S.D.C.: 95 , can get magically repaired./Studded Leather Armor (full) A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38
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Eddie Valentine
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Eddie Valentine »

Perception (36%): d100: [20] = 20
JIC: (100) d100: [27] = 27 -- JIC: (20) d20: [6] = 6
Borger wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 7:49 am Though Eddie did not see anything on the road, he bore witness to something else, something no one else would see. It was sudden and a brief sight of a fanged maw lunging from the dark in a gnashing, hissed bite at his face.
"The fu--!?!"

Eddie's eyes dart all around looking on high alert. He slams on the brakes as they reach the parking lot. "Outta the car. Now!" He opens the door so forcefully that he likely rips it off its hinges with his supernatural strength. If it does come off, he holds onto it with one hand as he has the feeling he will need a shield or a weapon or both.

HF: 11 -- HF Save: d20+5: [9]+5 = 14
Magic Save: d20+5: [2]+5 = 7
Psionics Save: d20+5: [1]+5 = 6
Initiative: d20 + 6: [11] = 11
Character sheet: viewtopic.php?t=18960
Range: 90 feet/27.4 m
I.S.P.: 2
Can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
+6 initiative / +2 to parry / +3 to dodge

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 20
P.S.: 33
P.P.: 23
P.E.: 25
P.B.: 13
Speed: 31

Race: Wompyr
P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 60 (+8/lvl)
H.P.: 36
S.D.C.: 134
Natural Abilities
Perception: 36% (+3%)
Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Encumbrance: 180 lbs
Carrying Weight: 1,650 lbs
Lifting Weight: 3,300 lbs
Jump Distance: 49.5' × 24.75'

Racial AbilitiesHorror Factor: 11
Super-regeneration - Heal 2D6 S.D.C./hit points every melee
Supernatural strength and endurance,
Half damage from metal weapons,
Immune to vampire mind control

Racial Vulnerabilities
Blood Dependency: Must drink one pint of blood every 72 hours. Blood frenzy onset after 1 week
Direct sunlight: 2D6 damage every minute (4 melees). Shade for 1 melee triggers healing

Psionics +1 per level
Death Trance
Presence Sense
Alter Aura (Self)
Sense Evil
Deaden Pain
Mind Block
Induce Sleep
Hypnotic Suggestion
Summon Inner Strength
Sixth Sense
R.C.C/ O.C.C. Skills
Basic Math -- 60% (+5%)
Radio: Basic -- 75% (+5 %)
Native Language and Literacy -- 111% (+2%)
Computer Operation -- 65% (+5 %)
Pilot (Automobile) -- 81% (+3% )
First Aid -- 65% (+5%)

R.C.C. Related Skills (+2 at 6, +1 at 9 and 12)
Demolitions -- 71 % (+3%)
Detect Ambush -- 45% (+5%)
Detect Concealment -- 40% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 49 % (+4%)
Rappelling -- 45% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival -- 45% (+5%)
Gymnastics (3rd)
Acrobatics (3rd)
70% +5% per level - Sense of balance
66% +3% per level - Walk tightrope or high wire
66% +3% per level - Work parallel bars & rings
80% +5% per level - Back flip
84% +2% per level - Climb rope
40% base climb

Secondary Skills
Automotive Mechanics -- 50% (+4%)
Prowl 45% (+5%)
Body Building (3rd)
Swimming (3rd) -- 50% (+5)
HTH Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +10
HTH Damage Bonus: +18
Roll w/Punch: +11
Pull Punch: +3
Restrained punch: 2d6
Full strength punch: 5d6
Power punch: d6x10

Weapons Proficiencies
W.P. Handguns +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Blunt +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 20%
Magic (varies): +5
Lethal Poison (14+): +5
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +5
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +5 mind control/possession
Horror Factor (varies): +5
M1911 pistol
  • Range: 164 ft
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Cartridge: .45 ACP
  • Feed: 7 round box mag.
  • Ammunition: 3 magazines - 1 normal, 2 silver jacketed

Silver boot knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6

1967 Ford Mustang
  • A.R. 5, S.D.C. 350
  • Cruising Speed: 80 mph
  • Max Speed: 150 mph
  • Stashed in hidden compartment in trunk:
    * Wooden baseball bat
    * Bandolier w/ 6 wooden stakes
    * Stakeout Ithica Shotgun - 12 gauge buckshot + silver buckshot
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Rhonen »

Perception: 31% / 1d100: [68] = 68
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [32] = 32
+13 v HF, +5 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +18% vs Coma/Death, +13 vs Magic, +0 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics
Eddie wrote: Eddie's eyes dart all around looking on high alert. He slams on the brakes as they reach the parking lot. "Outta the car. Now!" He opens the door so forcefully that he likely rips it off its hinges with his supernatural strength. If it does come off, he holds onto it with one hand as he has the feeling he will need a shield or a weapon or both.
Rhonen looks around as they enter the open parking lot. who the hell chose this location? No cover, no concealment.

As Eddie rips his way from the car, Rhonen opens his own door and yanks the Senator with him as he exits. He briefly glances at the Senator, ”I don’t have time to coddle you. If you want to live you grab onto my belt and keep with me.” then attempts to control his own voice ”Easy Fangs. We can do this.” He then uses the car as cover at his back and strains his senses, both normal and supernatural, searching for any threat.
Borger wrote: Rhonen too saw something else. They were on the road and the world cracked like a mirror right before his eyes and began to drift apart...
HH wrote: “Anyone see anything? Check the radios.”
Rhonen continues to search for both enemies, and a better defensive position among the buildings. ”I thought I was someone, a shadow back on the road. Keep your eyes open. He then shakes his head. Not certain what that other was, but not going to mention it.

In case of violence:
Initiative: 1d20+6: 1d20+6: [5]+6 = 11

Actions performed not necessarily in this order

Action 1: Crawl out the back window
Action 2: Reserved for Dodge
Action 3: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [17]+7 = 24 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [1, 4, 6, 2] = 13
Action 4: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [6]+7 = 13 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [4, 5, 5, 5] = 19
Action 5: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [4]+7 = 11 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [3, 4, 4, 4] = 15
Action 6: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [10]+7 = 17 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [2, 3, 5, 6] = 16
Action 7: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [3, 3, 1, 3] = 10

Parries (+7 included): 1d20+7: [5]+7 = 12 , 1d20+7: [1]+7 = 8 , 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22 , 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16 , 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27
Dodges (+7 included): 1d20+7: [18]+7 = 25 , 1d20+7: [13]+7 = 20 , 1d20+7: [13]+7 = 20 , 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , 1d20+7: [7]+7 = 14
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Duke Malone
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Duke Malone »

The Longest Night/ Round 3 Oh where or where is anyone?
Perception: 59% 1d100: [19] = 19
JIC: 20 1d20: 1d20: [3] = 3
JIC: 100 1d100: 1d100: [71] = 71

Initiative: 1d20+3 1d20+3: [4]+3 = 7

Out of the astral plain
Has SN Strength
IS Fully transformed: Gregorian height 7 feet (2.1 m), but weight stays the same. The Pyros are tall and wiry, bordering on lanky. Skin is a deep metallic bronze. Hair becomes a fiery red and seems to writhe and flow as though a constant wind were blowing through it. The eyes of a Pyros burn with divine fire when he is angry. Wings are a metallic silver or bronze. Weight does not affect flight (the ability to fly is as much magical as anything

HH or Duke is out of the car dragging the Doppelganger with him. A quick question comes to mind and he speaks it, “OK, did everyone se What I thought I saw? Are we even in the right parking lot on the right Earth?”
Strikes if necessary .
6 Actions
Attack flyer HTH Damage, right hand SN Strength 6d6 + Psi Sword 7d6 , left SN Strength 6d6 + Fiery Claws 3d6

1, Attack
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 : 1d20+10: [17]+10 = 27 Damage: 13d6: [4, 5, 5, 1, 2, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 1, 5, 5] = 52
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

2. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [18]+10 = 28 1d20+10: Damage: 13d6: [3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 1, 1, 1, 2, 5, 2, 5, 3] = 43 [
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

3. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [16]+10 = 26 1d20+10: Damage: 13d6: [3, 5, 1, 5, 6, 2, 4, 4, 5, 3, 1, 3, 3] = 45
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

4 Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [16]+10 = 26 1d20+10: Damage: 13d6: [6, 5, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 1, 2, 5] = 42
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

5. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [13]+10 = 23 Damage: 13d6: [6, 3, 1, 6, 2, 6, 4, 3, 5, 2, 1, 5, 3] = 47
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

6. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [15]+10 = 25 1d20+10: Damage: 13d6: [2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 5, 3] = 41
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger
viewtopic.php?t=18854Duke's Sheet
JEHOEL: Sword of Duke Malone
Lore: Secret Societies
Lore: Psychic:
Lore - Geomancy or Lines of Power
Lore: Magic

OOC Comments
Mental Endurance roll under ME 19, Successful transformation, shift takes one action PPE for going Human 10 PPE
For Partial Transformations or turning back to Human, 10 PPE needed
OOC Comments
Wings, Body, AR 14, S.D.C.: 248, HP 82/ Janissary Brigandine Load Bearing Armor AR 11, S.D.C.: 95 , can get magically repaired./Studded Leather Armor (full) A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Borger »

The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

The next seconds seem longer than they were as the Nightbane fumble with what some seen and cannot match up in conversation, but they each are certain what they seen is real and coming. They maintain their confusion in the light of a parking lot light as they discern they are safely in an almost barren Walmart parking lot. Their company being the distant looks of a drug deal and the very few vehicles spread vastly apart here. The chill of spring night brewed in the atmosphere of the distant sea shore neither seen nor smelled. The hung grin of the waning crescent in the sky looking down on the parking lot for a late night riddle.

The radios came through normally. T-minus 6 minutes to retrieval, since an accident slowed the pick up crew, an inconvenience surely, but not a catastrophic one. A quiet night even after two of three swore to have seen something terrible coming there way.

From here on in this post, read carefully to know for certain which illusion is your character's.

The party settles for the short wait on edge given what they are sure to know. Even Senator and Doppelganger, though separated by Duke, who seems ever enthused by this have found a calm,even if secured by threat of silence.

"Rabbit." He hears come from the parking lot from a soft hum of a woman's voice in a tease. "What're you doing Rabbit? This place isn't safe."

At first he sees it just bob and sway at he edge of his sight. It was just a figure he could surmise had two arms, two legs, a head, and a torso. Then it suddenly convulsed in place and opened its eyes, if two pure white holes where eye sockets would be count as eyes. It just stared back, then began to wave with its head cocked to one side. After a short time two long, rabbit like ears erected atop its head as it continued to creepily wave, otherwise stiff as a board.

One lonely rabbit hopping through the tulips
paused to sniff the bight colored flowers.
Happy with its petals, gave it a nibble and soon was back on its waaaaay-

Hums in tune like a song on the breeze around the vehicle, though Duke could see no one singing from any direction. at the end of the last word an emaciated house cat faded into being before his eyes on the hood of the car that sat facing away from him and turned its head alone 180 degrees around to cast its beady yellow eyes on Duke and grinned ear to ear impossibly and starred at him. The others in the car seemed to see it too, flabbergasted beyond response.

Rhonen has 8 darts per gun remaining and has used 5 bullets of one clip. Has 84 of 98 PPE remaining. He has used 2 of 26ISP.
Eddie has 7 darts remaining and has used 8 of 60 ISP.
Penny has 6 darts before having to reload. [this character has left the party as of this post]
Duke has used 70 ISP of 178 and is 227/248SDC.

There will need to be a save vs illusions to break free of the illusions
What do you do?
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Rhonen »

Perception: 31% / 1d100: [21] = 21
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [71] = 71
+13 v HF, +5 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +18% vs Coma/Death, +13 vs Magic, +0 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics

Track by Smell: 60%
borger wrote: At first he sees it just bob and sway at he edge of his sight. It was just a figure he could surmise had two arms, two legs, a head, and a torso. Then it suddenly convulsed in place and opened its eyes, if two pure white holes where eye sockets would be count as eyes. It just stared back, then began to wave with its head cocked to one side. After a short time two long, rabbit like ears erected atop its head as it continued to creepily wave, otherwise stiff as a board.
Rhonen stretches his senses, knowing his nose and ears are likely more powerful than some of the team’s. Come on. Can I catch something on the wind. As he sniffs in every direction.

”Uh, guys. Anyone else seeing something out of a dark version of Alice and the Looking Glass?”

In case of violence:
Initiative: 1d20+6: 1d20+6: [4]+6 = 10

Actions performed not necessarily in this order

Action 1: Crawl out the back window
Action 2: Reserved for Dodge
Action 3: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [6, 5, 1, 4] = 16
Action 4: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [16]+7 = 23 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [5, 4, 4, 1] = 14
Action 5: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [10]+7 = 17 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [6, 4, 5, 3] = 18
Action 6: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [3, 2, 2, 1] = 8
Action 7: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [10]+7 = 17 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [6, 2, 2, 2] = 12

Parries (+7 included): 1d20+7: [8]+7 = 15 , 1d20+7: [2]+7 = 9 , 1d20+7: [19]+7 = 26 , 1d20+7: [13]+7 = 20 , 1d20+7: [2]+7 = 9
Dodges (+7 included): 1d20+7: [5]+7 = 12 , 1d20+7: [2]+7 = 9 , 1d20+7: [7]+7 = 14 , 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , 1d20+7: [8]+7 = 15
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Eddie Valentine
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Eddie Valentine »

Perception (36%): d100: [78] = 78
JIC: (100) d100: [6] = 6 -- JIC: (20) d20: [20] = 20
HF: 11 -- HF Save: d20+5: [15]+5 = 20
Magic Save: d20+5: [18]+5 = 23
Psionics Save: d20+5: [3]+5 = 8
Borger wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 3:42 pm The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

The party settles for the short wait on edge given what they are sure to know. Even Senator and Doppelganger, though separated by Duke, who seems ever enthused by this have found a calm, even if secured by threat of silence.

"Rabbit." He hears come from the parking lot from a soft hum of a woman's voice in a tease. "What're you doing Rabbit? This place isn't safe."
"You hear that?"

Eddie's head swivels, looking for the source of the voice. He keeps hold of the car door like a shield, swiftly drawing his M1911 with the other hand.

Seeing nothing in the wide-open parking lot despite possessing night vision and there being no cover, he sweeps his aim in a wide arc. "You're damn right it's not safe. Come out."

With his sixth sense already triggered, and getting too-surreal feeling from his surroundings, he throws up a

Range: Self.
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 4 (per each duration period).
This is the ability to completely close or block oneself from all psychic/mental emanations. When intentionally closed to supernatural or psychic forces the character can not sense anything, cannot use psychic abilities, nor be influenced by others. A Mind Block will prevent penetration of Telepathy, Thought Reading, Empathy, Hypnotic Suggestion, and Empathic Transmission. It can be an invaluable protective shield when dealing with malevolent psychic forces.

Adds a bonus of+ 1 to save vs all psychic and mental attacks.

  • Initiative: d20+7: [16]+7 = 23 (Sixth Sense)
    Action 1: Draw pistol
    Action 2: Mind Block

    ((If perceived or actual violence ensues))

    Action 3: Shoot d20+5: [4]+5 = 9
    Action 4: Shoot d20+5: [3]+5 = 8
    Action 5 (reserved): Dodge d20+5: [15]+5 = 20
    Parries: d20+5: [6]+5 = 11 -- d20+5: [16]+5 = 21 -- d20+5: [7]+5 = 12 -- d20+5: [1]+5 = 6 -- d20+5: [20]+5 = 25
Character sheet: viewtopic.php?t=18960
Range: 90 feet/27.4 m
I.S.P.: 2
Can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
+6 initiative / +2 to parry / +3 to dodge

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 20
P.S.: 33
P.P.: 23
P.E.: 25
P.B.: 13
Speed: 31

Race: Wompyr
P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 60 (+8/lvl)
H.P.: 36
S.D.C.: 134
Natural Abilities
Perception: 36% (+3%)
Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Encumbrance: 180 lbs
Carrying Weight: 1,650 lbs
Lifting Weight: 3,300 lbs
Jump Distance: 49.5' × 24.75'

Racial AbilitiesHorror Factor: 11
Super-regeneration - Heal 2D6 S.D.C./hit points every melee
Supernatural strength and endurance,
Half damage from metal weapons,
Immune to vampire mind control

Racial Vulnerabilities
Blood Dependency: Must drink one pint of blood every 72 hours. Blood frenzy onset after 1 week
Direct sunlight: 2D6 damage every minute (4 melees). Shade for 1 melee triggers healing

Psionics +1 per level
Death Trance
Presence Sense
Alter Aura (Self)
Sense Evil
Deaden Pain
Mind Block
Induce Sleep
Hypnotic Suggestion
Summon Inner Strength
Sixth Sense
R.C.C/ O.C.C. Skills
Basic Math -- 60% (+5%)
Radio: Basic -- 75% (+5 %)
Native Language and Literacy -- 111% (+2%)
Computer Operation -- 65% (+5 %)
Pilot (Automobile) -- 81% (+3% )
First Aid -- 65% (+5%)

R.C.C. Related Skills (+2 at 6, +1 at 9 and 12)
Demolitions -- 71 % (+3%)
Detect Ambush -- 45% (+5%)
Detect Concealment -- 40% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 49 % (+4%)
Rappelling -- 45% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival -- 45% (+5%)
Gymnastics (3rd)
Acrobatics (3rd)
70% +5% per level - Sense of balance
66% +3% per level - Walk tightrope or high wire
66% +3% per level - Work parallel bars & rings
80% +5% per level - Back flip
84% +2% per level - Climb rope
40% base climb

Secondary Skills
Automotive Mechanics -- 50% (+4%)
Prowl 45% (+5%)
Body Building (3rd)
Swimming (3rd) -- 50% (+5)
HTH Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +10
HTH Damage Bonus: +18
Roll w/Punch: +11
Pull Punch: +3
Restrained punch: 2d6
Full strength punch: 5d6
Power punch: d6x10

Weapons Proficiencies
W.P. Handguns +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Blunt +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 20%
Magic (varies): +5
Lethal Poison (14+): +5
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +5
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +5 mind control/possession
Horror Factor (varies): +5
M1911 pistol
  • Range: 164 ft
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Cartridge: .45 ACP
  • Feed: 7 round box mag.
  • Ammunition: 3 magazines - 1 normal, 2 silver jacketed

Silver boot knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6

1967 Ford Mustang
  • A.R. 5, S.D.C. 350
  • Cruising Speed: 80 mph
  • Max Speed: 150 mph
  • Stashed in hidden compartment in trunk:
    * Wooden baseball bat
    * Bandolier w/ 6 wooden stakes
    * Stakeout Ithica Shotgun - 12 gauge buckshot + silver buckshot
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Duke Malone
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Duke Malone »

The Longest Night/ Round 4 Hippity Hop goes the Bunny, And the Cat smiles
Perception: 59% 1d100: [35] = 35
JIC: 20 1d20: 1d20: [16] = 16
JIC: 100 1d100: 1d100: [70] = 70

Initiative: 1d20+3

Out of the astral plain
Has SN Strength
IS Fully transformed:
OOC Comments
Gregorian height 7 feet (2.1 m), but weight stays the same. The Pyros are tall and wiry, bordering on lanky. Skin is a deep metallic bronze. Hair becomes a fiery red and seems to writhe and flow as though a constant wind were blowing through it. The eyes of a Pyros burn with divine fire when he is angry. Wings are a metallic silver or bronze. Weight does not affect flight (the ability to fly is as much magical as anything
One lonely rabbit hopping through the tulips
paused to sniff the bight colored flowers.
Happy with its petals, gave it a nibble and soon was back on its waaaaay-
Hums in tune like a song on the breeze around the vehicle, though Duke could see no one singing from any direction. at the end of the last word an emaciated house cat faded into being before his eyes on the hood of the car that sat facing away from him and turned its head alone 180 degrees around to cast its beady yellow eyes on Duke and grinned ear to ear impossibly and starred at him. The others in the car seemed to see it too, flabbergasted beyond response.
Duke/ HH is confused, A play off of Alice I Wonderland? and speaks up, “Anyone else having weird things happening. Guys just be careful.”
”Uh, guys. Anyone else seeing something out of a dark version of Alice and the Looking Glass?”
HH responds, “I See a rabbit Tulips and the Cheshire Cat. and there is an Odd tune. Can someone silence that?”
HH stills holds on to the Doppelganger, and speaks to it, “You make a snezze, I kill you, anything not benefiting us I kill you. I don’t want you, they want you! Just be a good Puppet and I won’t cut your Strings. You Got it! I said you got it?"
Strikes if necessary.

6 Actions
Attack flyer HTH Damage, right hand SN Strength 6d6 + Psi Sword 7d6 , left SN Strength 6d6 + Fiery Claws 3d6

1, Attack
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [4]+10 = 14 Damage: 13d6: [4, 3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 3, 1, 1] = 43
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

2. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [9]+10 = 19 Damage: 13d6: [4, 6, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 5, 6, 5, 5, 1] = 49
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

3. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [2]+10 = 12 Damage: 13d6: [2, 5, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 4, 6, 3, 6, 6, 4] = 57
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

4 Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [2]+10 = 12 Damage: 13d6: [2, 3, 5, 6, 5, 2, 4, 2, 4, 1, 6, 2, 1] = 43
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

5. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [7]+10 = 17 Damage: 13d6: [2, 2, 4, 3, 1, 6, 4, 1, 4, 6, 4, 1, 3] = 41
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

6. Attack flyer
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [9]+10 = 19 Damage: 13d6: [6, 5, 3, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 6] = 45
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger
viewtopic.php?t=18854Duke's Sheet
JEHOEL: Sword of Duke Malone
Lore: Secret Societies
Lore: Psychic:
Lore - Geomancy or Lines of Power
Lore: Magic

OOC Comments
Mental Endurance roll under ME 19, Successful transformation, shift takes one action PPE for going Human 10 PPE
For Partial Transformations or turning back to Human, 10 PPE needed
OOC Comments
Wings, Body, AR 14, S.D.C.: 248, HP 82/ Janissary Brigandine Load Bearing Armor AR 11, S.D.C.: 95 , can get magically repaired./Studded Leather Armor (full) A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Borger »

The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

Just as earlier, be mindful of illusion your character is a part of.

His eyes and ears don't seem to fail him. It's just him, the party, and the fully erect rabbit waving back at him.

Everyone does confirm the do indeed see what he sees and sound just as confused as he is... well all but the Senator, he sees to want to at least try to talk to it.

Rhonen decided to shoot at the creature instead of communicate, bullets piecing through, but instead of falling to its death or at least bleeding and retaliating, where a bullet passes through there is a trail of inky black immaterial matter behind the rabbit. It stops waving and casually stalks walking closer. In the light of a parking lot light, it comes to light that it is a smiling rabbit mask and an all black body suit. "Such a naughty kitty cat... So naughty."

At some moment during the interaction, it is as though something changed ever so slightly and what exactly seems improbable to pin point exactly. The humanoid in the rabbit costume too, also seemed to notice but didn't seem to actually react.

He gets assurance from the others, whom seem to be looking around for the source as well and coming up short. Eddie even goes so far as to call out the owner of the voice. Even as the owner emerges from nothing and reveals herself as absolutely gorgeous with flowing, brunet hair what he sees cracks like an tub television losing service for a second and he finds himself in the parking lot as it were when they pulled into the parking lot. Was it really all in his head? Broken by a decision to put up a mind block?

It would seem he left a false reality. It is hard to tell, real as it all seemed.

Duke continues to have his interaction with the cat, everyone responding as though experiencing exactly what he is.

"So angry tonight," The Chesire teases not moving an inch initially. Its head turns front again with sound of a cracking neck and stretchs like a normal feline before laying on the hood of the vehicle. "It's not like I'm here to kill you so late in the night.." The cat puts a paw under its chin in thought a moment as though considering why it was there at all.

At some moment during the interaction, it is as though something changed ever so slightly and what exactly seems improbable to pin point exactly. The cat too, also seemed to notice but shrugged it off.

Rhonen has 8 darts per gun remaining and has used 5 bullets of one clip. Has 84 of 98 PPE remaining. He has used 2 of 26ISP.
Eddie has 7 darts remaining and has used 12 of 60 ISP.
Penny has 6 darts before having to reload. [this character has left the party as of this post]
Duke has used 70 ISP of 178 and is 227/248SDC.

What do you do?
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Rhonen »

Perception: 31% / 1d100: [83] = 83
JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 / 1d100: [77] = 77
+13 v HF, +5 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +18% vs Coma/Death, +13 vs Magic, +0 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics
Borger wrote: Rhonen decided to shoot at the creature instead of communicate, bullets piecing through, but instead of falling to its death or at least bleeding and retaliating, where a bullet passes through there is a trail of inky black immaterial matter behind the rabbit. It stops waving and casually stalks walking closer. In the light of a parking lot light, it comes to light that it is a smiling rabbit mask and an all black body suit. "Such a naughty kitty cat... So naughty."

At some moment during the interaction, it is as though something changed ever so slightly and what exactly seems improbable to pin point exactly. The humanoid in the rabbit costume too, also seemed to notice but didn't seem to actually react.
Seeing the bullets pass through the creature doing little or no damage, Rhonen’s level of caution ups a notch. What the hell is this?

Lore: Demon (50%): 1d100: [33] = 33

Rhonen also strengthens his mind and adds the ability to see the invisible to his other senses.

Seeing as normal bullets are doing no good, Rhonen takes a moment to reload his Glock with silver bullets and prepares for roast rabbit.

”You know, we naughty kitties eat rabbits, right? But I’m willing to play nice. You stop where you are and we can talk. What is it you want?”

OOC Comments
Rhonen will withhold violence unless the creature continues to advance to within striking range (20’ or so)

In case of violence:
Initiative: 1d20+6: 1d20+6: [2]+6 = 8

Actions performed not necessarily in this order

Action 1: Activate Mind Block (4 ISP)
Action 2: Activate See the Invisible (4 ISP)
Action 3: Reserved for Dodge
Action 4: Reload with Silver Bullets
Action 5: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [17]+7 = 24 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [2, 6, 3, 6] = 17
Action 6: Strike: Fire Bolt (7 PPE) 115’ 1d20+4: [11]+4 = 15 , Damage – (6D6): 6d6: [5, 6, 1, 2, 4, 6] = 24

Parries (+7 included): 1d20+7: [13]+7 = 20 , 1d20+7: [17]+7 = 24 , 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16 , 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22 , 1d20+7: [2]+7 = 9
Dodges (+7 included): 1d20+7: [14]+7 = 21 , 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , 1d20+7: [8]+7 = 15 , 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16
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Duke Malone
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Duke Malone »

The Longest Night/ Round 5 the Cat smiles or Where is the catnip when you need it?
Perception: 59% 1d100: [63] = 63
JIC: 20 1d20: 1d20: [13] = 13
JIC: 100 1d100: 1d100: [89] = 89

Initiative: 1d20+3 1d20+3: [13]+3 = 16

Out of the astral plain
Has SN Strength
IS Fully transformed: Gregorian height 7 feet (2.1 m), but weight stays the same. The Pyros are tall and wiry, bordering on lanky. Skin is a deep metallic bronze. Hair becomes a fiery red and seems to writhe and flow as though a constant wind were blowing through it. The eyes of a Pyros burn with divine fire when he is angry. Wings are a metallic silver or bronze. Weight does not affect flight (the ability to fly is as much magical as anything.
"So angry tonight," The Chesire teases not moving an inch initially. Its head turns front again with sound of a cracking neck and stretchs like a normal feline before laying on the hood of the vehicle. "It's not like I'm here to kill you so late in the night.." The cat puts a paw under its chin in thought a moment as though considering why it was there at all.
At some moment during the interaction, it is as though something changed ever so slightly and what exactly seems improbable to pin point exactly. The cat too, also seemed to notice but shrugged it off.
HH/Duke keeps an eye on the smiling cat, I wonder what creature has the ability to create such an Illusion. And how does one Combat such things. Maybe some light might help. Duke speaks, “Well it is my Job to be angry. I do like cats so I’m hoping it doesn’t come down to claws and teeth. I wonder whose forces are trying to get in here? Team any idea how to deal with this illusion? I’m thinking I can shed some light on this old man, you Got your SPF up rated?”

lore: Demons and Monsters 75% What creature can cause illusions. 1d100: [78] = 78

Am I detecting any other Nightbane with this ability around.
Technical: Lore Nightbanes 55% 1d100: [84] = 84

Strikes if necessary.
6 Actions
Attack flyer HTH Damage, right hand SN Strength 6d6 + Psi Sword 7d6 , left SN Strength 6d6 + Fiery Claws 3d6

1, Attack
Sun Light glow

2. Attack
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [7]+10 = 17 Damage: 13d6: [2, 6, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 5] = 41
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

3. Attack
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [8]+10 = 18 Damage: 13d6: [1, 5, 6, 3, 2, 2, 6, 5, 6, 6, 4, 2, 4] = 52
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

4 Attack
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [3]+10 = 13 Damage: 13d6: [2, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 3, 6, 4, 6, 4, 3, 2] = 45
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

5. Attack
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [8]+10 = 18 Damage: 13d6: [3, 2, 6, 1, 2, 5, 5, 3, 6, 4, 5, 6, 4] = 52
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger

6. Attack
Right Hand Strike 1d20+10 1d20+10: [16]+10 = 26 Damage: 13d6: [4, 4, 4, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 6, 5, 4] = 52
Left Hand Strike holding Doppelganger
Sunlight glow
viewtopic.php?t=18854Duke's Sheet
JEHOEL: Sword of Duke Malone
Lore: Secret Societies
Lore: Psychic:
Lore - Geomancy or Lines of Power
Lore: Magic

OOC Comments
Mental Endurance roll under ME 19, Successful transformation, shift takes one action PPE for going Human 10 PPE
For Partial Transformations or turning back to Human, 10 PPE needed
OOC Comments
Wings, Body, AR 14, S.D.C.: 248, HP 82/ Janissary Brigandine Load Bearing Armor AR 11, S.D.C.: 95 , can get magically repaired./Studded Leather Armor (full) A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38
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Eddie Valentine
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Eddie Valentine »

Perception (36%): d100: [46] = 46
JIC: (100) d100: [55] = 55 -- JIC: (20) d20: [2] = 2
HF: 11 -- HF Save: d20+5: [17]+5 = 22
Magic Save: d20+5: [17]+5 = 22
Psionics Save: d20+5: [6]+5 = 11
Active power: Mind Block
Borger wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 1:10 am The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

Even as the owner emerges from nothing and reveals herself as absolutely gorgeous with flowing, brunette hair what he sees cracks like a tube television losing service for a second and he finds himself in the parking lot as it were when they pulled into the parking lot. Was it really all in his head? Broken by a decision to put up a mind block?

It would seem he left a false reality. It is hard to tell, real as it all seemed.
Eddie swivels his pistol toward the brunette when the illusion distorts in response his mind block. It takes him another second of looking around at the empty lot and the sound of Rhonen's gunshots for reality to register. He drops his "shield" and holsters his gun.

Initiative: d20+1: [20]+1 = 21

"Tez, it ain't real!" He reaches for him, but sees that he's coming to as well ((Because his first action on round 2 was also Mind Block)).

He turns to the angel. "Double-H they're messing with our heads."

Action 1: Holster weapon
Action 2: Knock Rhonen's arm down so he stops shooting. d20+5: [19]+5 = 24
Action 3: Try to hold Duke back. d20+5: [4]+5 = 9

((...and in case Rhonen thinks I'm part of the illusion))
Action 4: Dodge d20+5: [18]+5 = 23
Action 5: Dodge d20+5: [14]+5 = 19
Parries: d20+5: [15]+5 = 20 -- d20+5: [14]+5 = 19 -- d20+5: [15]+5 = 20 -- d20+5: [2]+5 = 7 -- d20+5: [13]+5 = 18
Character sheet: viewtopic.php?t=18960
Range: 90 feet/27.4 m
I.S.P.: 2
Can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
+6 initiative / +2 to parry / +3 to dodge

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 20
P.S.: 33
P.P.: 23
P.E.: 25
P.B.: 13
Speed: 31

Race: Wompyr
P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 60 (+8/lvl)
H.P.: 36
S.D.C.: 134
Natural Abilities
Perception: 36% (+3%)
Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Encumbrance: 180 lbs
Carrying Weight: 1,650 lbs
Lifting Weight: 3,300 lbs
Jump Distance: 49.5' × 24.75'

Racial AbilitiesHorror Factor: 11
Super-regeneration - Heal 2D6 S.D.C./hit points every melee
Supernatural strength and endurance,
Half damage from metal weapons,
Immune to vampire mind control

Racial Vulnerabilities
Blood Dependency: Must drink one pint of blood every 72 hours. Blood frenzy onset after 1 week
Direct sunlight: 2D6 damage every minute (4 melees). Shade for 1 melee triggers healing

Psionics +1 per level
Death Trance
Presence Sense
Alter Aura (Self)
Sense Evil
Deaden Pain
Mind Block
Induce Sleep
Hypnotic Suggestion
Summon Inner Strength
Sixth Sense
R.C.C/ O.C.C. Skills
Basic Math -- 60% (+5%)
Radio: Basic -- 75% (+5 %)
Native Language and Literacy -- 111% (+2%)
Computer Operation -- 65% (+5 %)
Pilot (Automobile) -- 81% (+3% )
First Aid -- 65% (+5%)

R.C.C. Related Skills (+2 at 6, +1 at 9 and 12)
Demolitions -- 71 % (+3%)
Detect Ambush -- 45% (+5%)
Detect Concealment -- 40% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 49 % (+4%)
Rappelling -- 45% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival -- 45% (+5%)
Gymnastics (3rd)
Acrobatics (3rd)
70% +5% per level - Sense of balance
66% +3% per level - Walk tightrope or high wire
66% +3% per level - Work parallel bars & rings
80% +5% per level - Back flip
84% +2% per level - Climb rope
40% base climb

Secondary Skills
Automotive Mechanics -- 50% (+4%)
Prowl 45% (+5%)
Body Building (3rd)
Swimming (3rd) -- 50% (+5)
HTH Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +10
HTH Damage Bonus: +18
Roll w/Punch: +11
Pull Punch: +3
Restrained punch: 2d6
Full strength punch: 5d6
Power punch: d6x10

Weapons Proficiencies
W.P. Handguns +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Blunt +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 20%
Magic (varies): +5
Lethal Poison (14+): +5
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +5
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +5 mind control/possession
Horror Factor (varies): +5
M1911 pistol
  • Range: 164 ft
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Cartridge: .45 ACP
  • Feed: 7 round box mag.
  • Ammunition: 3 magazines - 1 normal, 2 silver jacketed

Silver boot knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6

1967 Ford Mustang
  • A.R. 5, S.D.C. 350
  • Cruising Speed: 80 mph
  • Max Speed: 150 mph
  • Stashed in hidden compartment in trunk:
    * Wooden baseball bat
    * Bandolier w/ 6 wooden stakes
    * Stakeout Ithica Shotgun - 12 gauge buckshot + silver buckshot
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Borger »

The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

"We want you to join us kitty cat." The person in the bunny costume continues their approach. "You'll live longer if you join us.

Their arms open wide when their only ten steps away, stopping abruptly. It's like only the two are there outside the vehicle. "Join us kitty cat."

An arm not there, grabs Rhonen's gun hand abruptly. Suddenly, Rhonen watches the world around shatter like glass and come crumbling down around him and it was like none of what he was seeing ever existed.

The cat raises and looks at a paw, comically large claws exposed for a cat of its size, the typical size of a domestic house cat, even if emaciated and everything is off about the feline.

"Oh, The feline seems to get their hopes up, "Then joining us will be so much easier" The feline the stretches longer than one would think possible. "There's plenty of cats where I'm from."

Eddie's voice grabs Duke's attention from much closer than he knows he is. But how? Everything seems to dissolve in a haze as the realization it was all an illusion and most if it, at least, was all a facade.

Eddie and Duke
Having broken free of the illusion first, Eddie tries to break the rest off the team free of the illusion, but it is a strong one, and Rhonen seemed to take a moment longer than Duke had.

Stepping into the light of a street light comes a tall man in a suit with a cane he likely does not need as is purely there for show. Laying across one arm is a black cat with perfect green eyes. He walks like he would be one of those gentlemen types of a bygone time. "Well it is quite late tonight for a stop at the shop isn't it?"

"Why would you lot be out this late?"

The familiar sound of their radio in their vehicle buzzes.

Rhonen has 8 darts per gun remaining and has used 5 bullets of one clip. Has 84 of 98 PPE remaining. He has used 2 of 26ISP.
Eddie has 7 darts remaining and has used 12 of 60 ISP.
Penny has 6 darts before having to reload. [this character has left the party as of this post]
Duke has used 70 ISP of 178 and is 227/248SDC.

What are your intentions?
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Rhonen »

Perception: 31% / 1d100: [52] = 52
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 / 1d100: [98] = 98
+13 v HF, +5 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +18% vs Coma/Death, +13 vs Magic, +0 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics
Borger wrote: "We want you to join us kitty cat." The person in the bunny costume continues their approach. "You'll live longer if you join us.

Their arms open wide when their only ten steps away, stopping abruptly. It's like only the two are there outside the vehicle. "Join us kitty cat."
Rhonen raises his freshly reloaded Glock to take aim at the masked man, right between the bunny eyes. God I hope this works. While concerned on the inside, his professionalism and bravado push through. ”Sorry Buggs. I already have a contract. Maybe if you had come as Sylvester.”
Borger wrote: An arm not there, grabs Rhonen's gun hand abruptly.
Rhonen starts in surprise as his right arm is pulled down. What the F….. It is not often something can get through his senses, both natural and supernatural, to get this close without warning.

Trying to keep his Glock on the bunny, Rhonen bares his fangs and the claws of his left hand and turns to rip the throat out of his attacker.
Borger wrote: Suddenly, Rhonen watches the world around shatter like glass and come crumbling down around him and it was like none of what he was seeing ever existed.
Seeing Fangs holding his arm Rhonen stops himself just short of attacking Eddie. ”Hey Fangs. Cutting it close there.”

Directing his attention to the newcomer Rhonen attempts to sense what it is. (Sorcerous Proficiency). ”So, any idea what to do now?” I hate to owe a bloodsucker, but have to admit Fangs came through. If there is no active contract on him I may have to let him live when this is all done.

In case of violence:
Initiative: 1d20+6: 1d20+6: [14]+6 = 20

Actions performed not necessarily in this order

Action 1: Reserved for Dodge
Action 2: Reserved for Dodge
Action 3: Strike: Left Claw 1d20+7: [4]+7 = 11 , Damage – (5D6+11): 5d6+11: [2, 4, 1, 2, 6]+11 = 26
Action 4: Strike: Left Claw 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16 , Damage – (5D6+11): 5d6+11: [4, 4, 5, 2, 1]+11 = 27
Action 5: Strike: Left Claw 1d20+7: [12]+7 = 19 , Damage – (5D6+11): 5d6+11: [5, 6, 6, 3, 5]+11 = 36
Action 6: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [4, 6, 4, 3] = 17
Action 7: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [2, 6, 2, 2] = 12

Parries (+7 included): 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , 1d20+7: [14]+7 = 21 , 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22
Dodges (+7 included): 1d20+7: [16]+7 = 23 , 1d20+7: [18]+7 = 25 , 1d20+7: [6]+7 = 13 , 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22 , 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22
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Duke Malone
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Duke Malone »

The Longest Night/ Round 6 Wow that was a trip
Perception: 59% 1d100: [12] = 12
JIC: 20 1d20: 1d20: [12] = 12
JIC: 100 1d100: 1d100: [1] = 1

Initiative: 1d20+3 1d20+3: [15]+3 = 18

Sunlight glow
Has SN Strength
IS Fully transformed: Gregorian height 7 feet (2.1 m), but weight stays the same. The Pyros are tall and wiry, bordering on lanky. Skin is a deep metallic bronze. Hair becomes a fiery red and seems to writhe and flow as though a constant wind were blowing through it. The eyes of a Pyros burn with divine fire when he is angry. Wings are a metallic silver or bronze. Weight does not affect flight (the ability to fly is as much magical as anything
"Oh, The feline seems to get their hopes up, "Then joining us will be so much easier" The feline the stretches longer than one would think possible. "There's plenty of cats where I'm from."
Eddie's voice grabs Duke's attention from much closer than he knows he is. But how? Everything seems to dissolve in a haze as the realization it was all an illusion and most if it, at least, was all a facade.

Duke, HH Shakes off the Illusion and speaks, "I'm back and thanks,"
Stepping into the light of a street light comes a tall man in a suit with a cane he likely does not need as is purely there for show. Laying across one arm is a black cat with perfect green eyes. He walks like he would be one of those gentlemen types of a bygone time. "Well it is quite late tonight for a stop at the shop isn't it?"

"Why would you lot be out this late?"

Duke/ HH quips back, "Just out for a nice drive with a bunch of friends. Ran into someone's car jackers buddy's, sorry if they were your friends. If not no Harm No Foul, Right? I mean you look to well dressed for the likes of them. Do you mind me asking who is your Tailor ? He does fantastic work."

The familiar sound of their radio in their vehicle buzzes. Jack keys his mike, "Hey Buddy we are here bit Fuzzy but things are clearing up. Where are you and beware there is a gentleman with his cat out for a bit of night air. Copy?"
viewtopic.php?t=18854Duke's Sheet
JEHOEL: Sword of Duke Malone
Lore: Secret Societies
Lore: Psychic:
Lore - Geomancy or Lines of Power
Lore: Magic

OOC Comments
Mental Endurance roll under ME 19, Successful transformation, shift takes one action PPE for going Human 10 PPE
For Partial Transformations or turning back to Human, 10 PPE needed
OOC Comments
Wings, Body, AR 14, S.D.C.: 248, HP 82/ Janissary Brigandine Load Bearing Armor AR 11, S.D.C.: 95 , can get magically repaired./Studded Leather Armor (full) A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38
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Eddie Valentine
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Eddie Valentine »

Perception (36%): d100: [91] = 91
JIC: (100) d100: [61] = 61 -- JIC: (20) d20: [14] = 14
HF: 11 -- HF Save: d20+5: [14]+5 = 19
Magic Save: d20+5: [12]+5 = 17
Psionics Save: d20+5: [9]+5 = 14
Active power: Mind Block
In light of everything that went down, Eddie can only hope their package was secure and that neither "Senator" ran off.
Borger wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 10:17 am Stepping into the light of a street light comes a tall man in a suit with a cane he likely does not need as is purely there for show. Laying across one arm is a black cat with perfect green eyes. He walks like he would be one of those gentlemen types of a bygone time. "Well it is quite late tonight for a stop at the shop isn't it?"

"Why would you lot be out this late?"
Eddie's first instinct was to re-draw his sidearm, but fights it, not wanting to waste the ammo on what could be any variety of Nightbane. What else would just waltz out of the dark with such dramatic flair in front of a were-tiger and a warrior angel? Despite the loss of his sixth sense, he's glad he kept his mind block up.
Duke Malone wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 6:04 pm Duke/ HH quips back, "Just out for a nice drive with a bunch of friends. Ran into someone's car jackers buddy's, sorry if they were your friends. If not no Harm No Foul, Right? I mean you look to well dressed for the likes of them. Do you mind me asking who is your Tailor ? He does fantastic work."

The familiar sound of their radio in their vehicle buzzes. Jack keys his mike, "Hey Buddy we are here bit Fuzzy but things are clearing up. Where are you and beware there is a gentleman with his cat out for a bit of night air. Copy?"
"Cut the shit, Blofeld. What do you want?"

He tenses, ready to spring in a heartbeat.

Initiative: Make that 1d20+1 (oops): 1d20+6: [4]+6 = 10
Character sheet: viewtopic.php?t=18960
Range: 90 feet/27.4 m
I.S.P.: 2
Can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
+6 initiative / +2 to parry / +3 to dodge

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 20
P.S.: 33
P.P.: 23
P.E.: 25
P.B.: 13
Speed: 31

Race: Wompyr
P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 60 (+8/lvl)
H.P.: 36
S.D.C.: 134
Natural Abilities
Perception: 36% (+3%)
Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Encumbrance: 180 lbs
Carrying Weight: 1,650 lbs
Lifting Weight: 3,300 lbs
Jump Distance: 49.5' × 24.75'

Racial AbilitiesHorror Factor: 11
Super-regeneration - Heal 2D6 S.D.C./hit points every melee
Supernatural strength and endurance,
Half damage from metal weapons,
Immune to vampire mind control

Racial Vulnerabilities
Blood Dependency: Must drink one pint of blood every 72 hours. Blood frenzy onset after 1 week
Direct sunlight: 2D6 damage every minute (4 melees). Shade for 1 melee triggers healing

Psionics +1 per level
Death Trance
Presence Sense
Alter Aura (Self)
Sense Evil
Deaden Pain
Mind Block
Induce Sleep
Hypnotic Suggestion
Summon Inner Strength
Sixth Sense
R.C.C/ O.C.C. Skills
Basic Math -- 60% (+5%)
Radio: Basic -- 75% (+5 %)
Native Language and Literacy -- 111% (+2%)
Computer Operation -- 65% (+5 %)
Pilot (Automobile) -- 81% (+3% )
First Aid -- 65% (+5%)

R.C.C. Related Skills (+2 at 6, +1 at 9 and 12)
Demolitions -- 71 % (+3%)
Detect Ambush -- 45% (+5%)
Detect Concealment -- 40% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 49 % (+4%)
Rappelling -- 45% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival -- 45% (+5%)
Gymnastics (3rd)
Acrobatics (3rd)
70% +5% per level - Sense of balance
66% +3% per level - Walk tightrope or high wire
66% +3% per level - Work parallel bars & rings
80% +5% per level - Back flip
84% +2% per level - Climb rope
40% base climb

Secondary Skills
Automotive Mechanics -- 50% (+4%)
Prowl 45% (+5%)
Body Building (3rd)
Swimming (3rd) -- 50% (+5)
HTH Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +10
HTH Damage Bonus: +18
Roll w/Punch: +11
Pull Punch: +3
Restrained punch: 2d6
Full strength punch: 5d6
Power punch: d6x10

Weapons Proficiencies
W.P. Handguns +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Blunt +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 20%
Magic (varies): +5
Lethal Poison (14+): +5
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +5
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +5 mind control/possession
Horror Factor (varies): +5
M1911 pistol
  • Range: 164 ft
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Cartridge: .45 ACP
  • Feed: 7 round box mag.
  • Ammunition: 3 magazines - 1 normal, 2 silver jacketed

Silver boot knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6

1967 Ford Mustang
  • A.R. 5, S.D.C. 350
  • Cruising Speed: 80 mph
  • Max Speed: 150 mph
  • Stashed in hidden compartment in trunk:
    * Wooden baseball bat
    * Bandolier w/ 6 wooden stakes
    * Stakeout Ithica Shotgun - 12 gauge buckshot + silver buckshot
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Borger »

The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

Dahlia comes over the radio confused. What? What does a guy in a suit have to do with anything. Unless we have to reroute, stay put, we're almost there.

The man in the suit calmly and politely as any gentleman allows the party to converse among themselves until there is a break in the words shared, Why thank you kind sir. She is a plump elderly woman by the name Nora Fith. If you do go for her services, do know her hearing isn't the best these days."

"My business here tonight." He reminds himself just as much as the party what's been going on without needing context. "It is late, so I will respectfully keep this short unless you kind folk have the time to go in depth. I offer proposition of joining the organization I represent."

He holds up his cane when Eddie interrupts. "I'm glad you asked young man. I'm with the Gentlemen of Orderly Professions. A kind group of souls looking for at least some order in this chaotic time.

"What do you say? Is there consideration?" He even reaches for a business card in his coat pocket. "Maybe even from the individual in the back seat of your vehicle?

The Senator doesn't respond potentially from not being able to properly hear the conversation.

After a couple minutes in the parking lot and discussion of if one or more of their party is at all interested in what the man offers, the turn signal of a van becomes vaguely visible of it turning into their parking lot.

Rhonen has 8 darts per gun remaining and has used 5 bullets of one clip. Has 84 of 98 PPE remaining. He has used 2 of 26ISP.
Eddie has 7 darts remaining and has used 12 of 60 ISP.
Penny has 6 darts before having to reload. [this character has left the party as of this post]
Duke has used 70 ISP of 178 and is 227/248SDC.

What are your intentions?
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Eddie Valentine
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Joined: Fri May 19, 2023 7:48 am

Re: The Longest Night

Post by Eddie Valentine »

Perception (36%): d100: [93] = 93
JIC: (100) d100: [19] = 19 -- JIC: (20) d20: [14] = 14
HF: 11 -- HF Save: d20+5: [17]+5 = 22
Magic Save: d20+5: [18]+5 = 23
Psionics Save: d20+5: [5]+5 = 10
Active power: Mind Block
Seeing no one attacking each other, Eddie dials it back a notch.
Borger wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 10:17 am "I'm glad you asked young man. I'm with the Gentlemen of Orderly Professions. A kind group of souls looking for at least some order in this chaotic time.

"What do you say? Is there consideration?" He even reaches for a business card in his coat pocket. "Maybe even from the individual in the back seat of your vehicle?
Eddie holds back a chuckle. "You work for the G.O.P?" He regards the others to gauge their disposition about this guy, then extends his hand to take the business card. "So did we just pass your audition or something? How the hell did you even know we were here?"
Borger wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 10:17 am After a couple minutes in the parking lot and discussion of if one or more of their party is at all interested in what the man offers, the turn signal of a van becomes vaguely visible of it turning into their parking lot.
Eddie scans the area to make sure both "Senators" were secure. "C'mon let's wrap this up."
Character sheet: viewtopic.php?t=18960
Range: 90 feet/27.4 m
I.S.P.: 2
Can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
+6 initiative / +2 to parry / +3 to dodge

I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 15
M.A.: 20
P.S.: 33
P.P.: 23
P.E.: 25
P.B.: 13
Speed: 31

Race: Wompyr
P.P.E.: 6
I.S.P.: 60 (+8/lvl)
H.P.: 36
S.D.C.: 134
Natural Abilities
Perception: 36% (+3%)
Trust/Intimidate: 60%
Encumbrance: 180 lbs
Carrying Weight: 1,650 lbs
Lifting Weight: 3,300 lbs
Jump Distance: 49.5' × 24.75'

Racial AbilitiesHorror Factor: 11
Super-regeneration - Heal 2D6 S.D.C./hit points every melee
Supernatural strength and endurance,
Half damage from metal weapons,
Immune to vampire mind control

Racial Vulnerabilities
Blood Dependency: Must drink one pint of blood every 72 hours. Blood frenzy onset after 1 week
Direct sunlight: 2D6 damage every minute (4 melees). Shade for 1 melee triggers healing

Psionics +1 per level
Death Trance
Presence Sense
Alter Aura (Self)
Sense Evil
Deaden Pain
Mind Block
Induce Sleep
Hypnotic Suggestion
Summon Inner Strength
Sixth Sense
R.C.C/ O.C.C. Skills
Basic Math -- 60% (+5%)
Radio: Basic -- 75% (+5 %)
Native Language and Literacy -- 111% (+2%)
Computer Operation -- 65% (+5 %)
Pilot (Automobile) -- 81% (+3% )
First Aid -- 65% (+5%)

R.C.C. Related Skills (+2 at 6, +1 at 9 and 12)
Demolitions -- 71 % (+3%)
Detect Ambush -- 45% (+5%)
Detect Concealment -- 40% (+5%)
Land Navigation -- 49 % (+4%)
Rappelling -- 45% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival -- 45% (+5%)
Gymnastics (3rd)
Acrobatics (3rd)
70% +5% per level - Sense of balance
66% +3% per level - Walk tightrope or high wire
66% +3% per level - Work parallel bars & rings
80% +5% per level - Back flip
84% +2% per level - Climb rope
40% base climb

Secondary Skills
Automotive Mechanics -- 50% (+4%)
Prowl 45% (+5%)
Body Building (3rd)
Swimming (3rd) -- 50% (+5)
HTH Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +10
Dodge Bonus: +10
HTH Damage Bonus: +18
Roll w/Punch: +11
Pull Punch: +3
Restrained punch: 2d6
Full strength punch: 5d6
Power punch: d6x10

Weapons Proficiencies
W.P. Handguns +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Rifles +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13.
W.P. Shotgun +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14.
W.P. Blunt +1 to strike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Knife +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 13.

Saving Throw Bonuses
Coma/Death: 20%
Magic (varies): +5
Lethal Poison (14+): +5
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +5
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies): +5 mind control/possession
Horror Factor (varies): +5
M1911 pistol
  • Range: 164 ft
  • Damage: 4D6
  • Cartridge: .45 ACP
  • Feed: 7 round box mag.
  • Ammunition: 3 magazines - 1 normal, 2 silver jacketed

Silver boot knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6

1967 Ford Mustang
  • A.R. 5, S.D.C. 350
  • Cruising Speed: 80 mph
  • Max Speed: 150 mph
  • Stashed in hidden compartment in trunk:
    * Wooden baseball bat
    * Bandolier w/ 6 wooden stakes
    * Stakeout Ithica Shotgun - 12 gauge buckshot + silver buckshot
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Duke Malone
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Duke Malone »

The Longest Night/ Round 6 New Job?
Perception: 59% 1d100: [34] = 34
JIC: 20 1d20: 1d20: [2] = 2
JIC: 100 1d100: 1d20: [17] = 17

Initiative: 1d20+3 1d20+3: [8]+3 = 11

Sunlight glow
Has SN Strength
IS Fully transformed: Gregorian height 7 feet (2.1 m), but weight stays the same. The Pyros are tall and wiry, bordering on lanky. Skin is a deep metallic bronze. Hair becomes a fiery red and seems to writhe and flow as though a constant wind were blowing through it. The eyes of a Pyros burn with divine fire when he is angry. Wings are a metallic silver or bronze. Weight does not affect flight (the ability to fly is as much magical as anything

My business here tonight." He reminds himself just as much as the party what's been going on without needing context. "It is late, so I will respectfully keep this short unless you kind folk have the time to go in depth. I offer proposition of joining the organization I represent."
He holds up his cane when Eddie interrupts. "I'm glad you asked young man. I'm with the Gentlemen of Orderly Professions. A kind group of souls looking for at least some order in this chaotic time.
"What do you say? Is there consideration?" He even reaches for a business card in his coat pocket. "Maybe even from the individual in the back seat of your vehicle?
Duke/HH looks around at the others, then speaks up, “Sir, as honorable gentlemen we have a previous engagement and we must first complete our current job, I know you will understand. Our word is our Honor. When the time comes to get in contact with you and the group you represent, How may we do so? I am sure this would be the proper thing to do if the circumstances were reversed? Thank you for the offer.”
viewtopic.php?t=18854Duke's Sheet
JEHOEL: Sword of Duke Malone
Lore: Secret Societies
Lore: Psychic:
Lore - Geomancy or Lines of Power
Lore: Magic

OOC Comments
Mental Endurance roll under ME 19, Successful transformation, shift takes one action PPE for going Human 10 PPE
For Partial Transformations or turning back to Human, 10 PPE needed
OOC Comments
Wings, Body, AR 14, S.D.C.: 248, HP 82/ Janissary Brigandine Load Bearing Armor AR 11, S.D.C.: 95 , can get magically repaired./Studded Leather Armor (full) A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 38
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Rhonen »

Perception: 31% / 1d100: [8] = 8
JIC: 1d20: [5] = 5 / 1d100: [17] = 17
+13 v HF, +5 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +18% vs Coma/Death, +13 vs Magic, +0 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics
Fangs wrote: Eddie holds back a chuckle. "You work for the G.O.P?" He regards the others to gauge their disposition about this guy, then extends his hand to take the business card. "So did we just pass your audition or something? How the hell did you even know we were here?"
HH wrote: Duke/HH looks around at the others, then speaks up, “Sir, as honorable gentlemen we have a previous engagement and we must first complete our current job, I know you will understand. Our word is our Honor. When the time comes to get in contact with you and the group you represent, How may we do so? I am sure this would be the proper thing to do if the circumstances were reversed? Thank you for the offer.”
Penny wrote:………………
Seeing that Fangs and HH have the visitor taken care of, Rhonen growls a bit and backs towards the car to make sure he can cover both the Senator and doppleganger.
Borger wrote: After a couple minutes in the parking lot and discussion of if one or more of their party is at all interested in what the man offers, the turn signal of a van becomes vaguely visible of it turning into their parking lot.
Rhonen strains to confirm the identity of the van. I am so ready for this night to be over.

In case of violence:
Initiative: 1d20+6: 1d20+6: [11]+6 = 17

Actions performed not necessarily in this order

Action 1: Crawl out the back window
Action 2: Reserved for Dodge
Action 3: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [14]+7 = 21 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [2, 1, 3, 3] = 9
Action 4: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [8]+7 = 15 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [5, 3, 6, 4] = 18
Action 5: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [2]+7 = 9 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [5, 2, 3, 3] = 13
Action 6: Right Claw 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16 , Damage – (5D6+11): 5d6+11: [4, 6, 6, 3, 4]+11 = 34
Left Claw – Ready to Parry (Ambidextrous)
Action 7: Right Claw 1d20+7: [7]+7 = 14 , Damage – (5D6+11): 5d6+11: [1, 2, 5, 1, 6]+11 = 26

Parries (+7 included): 1d20+7: [5]+7 = 12 , 1d20+7: [4]+7 = 11 , 1d20+7: [5]+7 = 12 , 1d20+7: [19]+7 = 26 , 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18
Dodges (+7 included): 1d20+7: [8]+7 = 15 , 1d20+7: [18]+7 = 25 , 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , 1d20+7: [1]+7 = 8 , 1d20+7: [8]+7 = 15
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Borger »

The middle of the night
On the streets of Washington DC.

Eddie Valentine wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 8:33 amEddie holds back a chuckle. "You work for the G.O.P?" He regards the others to gauge their disposition about this guy, then extends his hand to take the business card. "So did we just pass your audition or something? How the hell did you even know we were here?"
He smirks before answering, "An unfortunate acronym, yes. But I am not the one that chose it."

"And there was no audition. Just a gentleman out late at night and in the mood to promote the organization I represent." He answers as he gives Eddie a
A simple card of card stock with Gentlemen of Orderly Professions emblazoned in the center of the card comfortable to hold. At the bottom of the card is written simply in black, 'Today for a better tomorrow.'. Also on the card are three phone numbers, one to an office, one to a fax machine, and a third with presumably this suited individual's own business number, Jeffery Fork presumably also his name.
with a smile.
Duke Malone wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 4:24 pmDuke/HH looks around at the others, then speaks up, “Sir, as honorable gentlemen we have a previous engagement and we must first complete our current job, I know you will understand. Our word is our Honor. When the time comes to get in contact with you and the group you represent, How may we do so? I am sure this would be the proper thing to do if the circumstances were reversed? Thank you for the offer.”
"Oh I most certainly do, I just offer you all give it at least a consideration. Nothing wrong with at least an attempt." He answers with a smile

Rhonen gets his sights on the senator and his doppelganger, both of whom seem to have tried to slip away, but current events had found them caught again in the end. The van being their undoing in the long run. A van Rhonen easily identifies as the very van they were delivered to the mansion in.

Their attention draw to the van somehow seems more than enough time for the gentleman to disappear entirely from the area, the dread a prince having been in the area hitting Rhonen hard though there is no physical way one was around suddenly.

"Oh my god. Fangs! How do you get it done then let them loose?" Daliah shouts at them from the van window as the vehicle stops hard, seeing that two individuals that look like the senator drug out of bed are loose in the parking lot.

Rhonen has 8 darts per gun remaining and has used 5 bullets of one clip. Has 84 of 98 PPE remaining. He has used 2 of 26ISP.
Eddie has 7 darts remaining and has used 12 of 60 ISP.
Penny has 6 darts before having to reload. [this character has left the party as of this post]
Duke has used 70 ISP of 178 and is 227/248SDC.

What are your intentions?
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Re: The Longest Night

Post by Rhonen »

Perception: 31% / 1d100: [84] = 84
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [39] = 39
+13 v HF, +5 v Lethal/Non-lethal Toxins, +18% vs Coma/Death, +13 vs Magic, +0 vs Insanity, +6 vs Psionics
Borger wrote: Their attention draw to the van somehow seems more than enough time for the gentleman to disappear entirely from the area, the dread a prince having been in the area hitting Rhonen hard though there is no physical way one was around suddenly.
Rhonen looks around hoping no one notices his shiver as the force of the feeling washes over him. Hmmmm. Didn’t feel that when fancy guy was here.
Borger wrote: Rhonen gets his sights on the senator and his doppelganger, both of whom seem to have tried to slip away, but current events had found them caught again in the end…."Oh my god. Fangs! How do you get it done then let them loose?" Daliah shouts at them from the van window as the vehicle stops hard, seeing that two individuals that look like the senator drug out of bed are loose in the parking lot.
A low growl rumbles from Rhonen as he spots the two trying to run. How stupid are they?

As he takes off after the two, knowing they can’t outrun him, let alone HH, he yells back over his shoulder. ”Not Fangs’ fault. Penny was in charge of corralling them. Besides, we brought you a bonus and everyone knows twins are harder to care for than just one.”

Once he gets his hands on the two Rhonen is not gentle. Gripping tight enough to dig his claws in, but not draw blood, and shaking them a bit.

In case of violence:
Initiative: 1d20+6: 1d20+6: [2]+6 = 8

Actions performed not necessarily in this order

Action 1: Reserved for Dodge
Action 2: Reserved for Dodge
Action 3: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [12]+7 = 19 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [2, 2, 4, 4] = 12
Action 4: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [9]+7 = 16 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [5, 3, 3, 2] = 13
Action 5: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [7]+7 = 14 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [5, 4, 6, 3] = 18
Action 6: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [12]+7 = 19 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [1, 6, 5, 2] = 14
Action 7: Strike: Glock 23 1d20+7: [8]+7 = 15 , Damage – (4D6): 4d6: [2, 1, 3, 5] = 11

Parries (+7 included): 1d20+7: [18]+7 = 25 , 1d20+7: [1]+7 = 8 , 1d20+7: [19]+7 = 26 , 1d20+7: [14]+7 = 21 , 1d20+7: [8]+7 = 15
Dodges (+7 included): 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22 , 1d20+7: [18]+7 = 25 , 1d20+7: [11]+7 = 18 , 1d20+7: [4]+7 = 11 , 1d20+7: [5]+7 = 12
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