MercTown Real Estate Office (77)

Market District
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John Altfeld
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Re: MercTown Attorneys at Law (51)

Post by John Altfeld »

Perception: 1d100: [10] = 10 / 86%
JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 / 1d100: [60] = 60

CONDITIONS: John is at +1 foot, See Invisible, Radar, Immune to Possession, can't be touched by undead, can't be mind controlled by vampires, etc.

John pushes open the swinging, extra-long saloon doors of the legal offices and chungles up to the reception desk.

"Hi, it's me, John," he says. "I want to buy a building in the Mystic Quarter near the Drinky Sphinx and Kraskut's Manor. I care about sightlines and having the best views possible, even if that's of the drunk students at the Collegiate Arcane. I also need a backyard where Mr. Scritches can hang out."

He motions to Mr. Scritches, the person-sized "service" panthera-thinax.

"I'll also need citizenship papers with that, of course," John adds.
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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MercTown Real Estate Office (77)

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

Granted a monopoly by the government, this semi-private real estate company auctions and sells land in the greater MercTown region. They also serve
as notaries, barristers and realty agents for private citizens wishing to buy or sell houses, businesses and industrial property .
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Jack Killian
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Re: MercTown Real Estate Office (77)

Post by Jack Killian »

John and Jack Land Office

Perception: 72% 1d100: [33] = 33
JIC d20: 1d20: [5] = 5
JIC: 1d100: [71] = 71

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet
Talisman Invincible 200 MD (OFF)
Altess Eviscerator Count Bustamante

Jack follows John to this building.

He looks around as John talks. Nice little shack they got here. Better than a lean to in the Outback.

Count Bustamantes speaks up, “Oh, yes this would be a great place to live.”
"Hi, it's me, John," he says. "I want to buy a building in the Mystic Quarter near the Drinky Sphinx and Kraskut's Manor. I care about sightlines and having the best views possible, even if that's of the drunk students at the Collegiate Arcane. I also need a backyard where Mr. Scritches can hang out."
Jack hears, 'drunk college students', and his mind become more alert to what John is doing and so is Count Bustamantes.

Count Bustamantes states,“Oh here we go again. Jack these ladies might turn you into a toad,”

Jack to the Count, “This place might have Ladies too. I hear Lady lawyers love the Rough Scoundrel type. Besides I could ask one out to the Bar.”
Jacks looks for some lovely ladies.
Charm/Impress: 40% 1d100: [30] = 30
"Flash Fry, put another Shrimp on the Barbie" Gmail:
OOC Comments
viewtopic.php?t=14446Jack Killian[/url]
OOC Comments
P.P.E.: 4
I.S.P.: 196/196
H.P.: 42/ 42 MD
S.D.C.: 90/ 90

NE-BA-50 “Raider” Heavy Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 80
Arms: 55 each
Legs: 80 each
Main Body: 140
Weight: 30 lbs.
Modifiers: -20% to physical skills
Naruni Thermo-Kinetic Armor (p.35-36, DB8)
Book Reference: p.40, DB8

Weapon Carried:

CP-50 "Dragonfire" Assault Pulse Laser and Grenade Launcher
Laser: 2,000'
Grenade Launcher: 1,200'
Single shot: 2d6 M.D.
Burst: 6d6 M.D.
Grenade: 2D6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Micro-fusion grenade: 6d6 M.D. to a 12' area of effect
Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot pulse bursts only; 1 grenade or 4-grenade bursts only
E-Clip: 21 shots

Altess Eviscerator (Patron Item)
Damage: 6D6
Special Abilities
• Electrical Discharge:
• • Range: Touch or up to 200'
• • Damage: 4D6

MP-3 MageFire Bolt Pistol

Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6+3 M.D.

NeraTech Pn-50 "Splatter Gun"
Range: 60', Payload: 18/clip,
2 clips (current)Acid: 4D6 S.D.C. or 2D6 M.D. to a 3 foot radius.

CN-1 Net

Skorblade Short Sword
Damage: 1D8 M.D.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Features: excellent balance and craftsmanship
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
Book Reference: p.152, MercOps

TW "Dragonfire" Flamethrower
Range: 100'
Damage: single Shot: 1D6x10 M.D.
Spray: 1D6x10 M.D. to all targets in a 100' long & 10' wide arc (3 APM)
Rate of Fire: single shots & sprays only
Payload: 5 blasts per P.P.E. clip
Weight: 8 lbs.

Sense the Presence of Spirits Amulet

The amulet changes color whenever an entity is within 100'

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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Re: MercTown Real Estate Office (77)

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

The receptionist manages to smile while rolling her eyes. "Hi John. You got a last name? Cause even after the apocalypse there's about a million of you."

Some clicky clacky on a keyboard later, the receptionist looks up. "I think John can help you, John." She eyes the animal and the human companion. Looks pointedly at the neon orange vest on Mr. Scritches, shrugs visibly. "Have a seat John will be right out."

A completely plain nondescript brown haired browned eyed human in a blue button up and grey slacks appears out of a door several minutes later.

Yep. His name is John. You have an appointment to look at places tomorrow. He has to arrange viewings for the occupied locations.
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John Altfeld
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Re: MercTown Real Estate Office (77)

Post by John Altfeld »


John laughs politely at the receptionist's joke. We are enemies now, receptionist.

John shakes John's hand. "Thank you, I look forward to touring properties with you."

I wonder if I can pay him to change his name.

After scheduling their meeting for the next day, John goes to The Crimson Dragon.
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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John Altfeld
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Posts: 464
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:48 am

Re: MercTown Real Estate Office (77)

Post by John Altfeld »

Perception: 1d100: [100] = 100 / 86%
JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [82] = 82

CONDITIONS: John is at +1 foot, See Invisible, Radar, Immune to Possession, can't be touched by undead, Mind Block Autodefense, Sixth Sense, can't be mind controlled by vampires, etc.

John re-enters the office and checks if this is one of the receptionists from last night at the near apocalypse.

He smiles and says, "Hey, it's me, John, again. Here to see John. And houses. Good morning!"

Invoke Trust: 1d100: [14] = 14 / 45%
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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Tyrannosapiens Rex
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Re: MercTown Real Estate Office (77)

Post by Tyrannosapiens Rex »

John, the office is locked up with a sign on the door.
Note wrote:Receptionist Called Out

Ring Doorbell for Assistance
Assuming John follows the directions, the brown-haired slick corpo John arrives at the door with a plastic smile within a minute or so and lets you in. "Hey there John. You wanna come in and browse some listings, or just walk through what's available in the block you are looking?"

Real Estate John wheels a set of keys on his finger. "There are three on the block you want available and I got those keys already. But we have about 100 properties to choose from if you don't like them."
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John Altfeld
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Re: MercTown Real Estate Office (77)

Post by John Altfeld »

Perception: 1d100: [69] = 69 / 86%
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [66] = 66

CONDITIONS: John is at +1 foot, See Invisible, Radar, Immune to Possession, can't be touched by undead, Mind Block Autodefense, Sixth Sense, can't be mind controlled by vampires, etc.

John shakes John's hand and says, "Sure, let's take a look at the three you've got lined up. You're the expert, right?"

100 properties is a lot... but good to have choices!
Definitely Not a God. Yet.
P.P.E.: 16/16
H.P./M.D.C.: 148/148
Pebble M.D.C.: 300/300
Growth M.D.C.: +15/+150/+525/+1,290/15/150/510/1,290
Important Combat Stats
Number of Attacks: 10
Initiative Bonus: +13
Strike Bonus: +8 (+8/+8/+10/+10)
Parry Bonus: +12(+12/+12/+14/+14) +2 with sword/staff
Dodge Bonus: +17 (+19/+19/+15/+15)
Auto-Dodge Bonus: +5 (+5/+5/+1/+1)
Bonus to Disarm: +3
Supernatural Strength Punch Damage: 3d6(5d6)+12/5d6(6d6)+12/1d6x10+22(+32)/1d6x10+72(+82)
Juicer Football Body Block/Tackle: Knocks one's opponent to the ground (90% chance if target is smaller than attacker, 60% if the same weight, 50% if target is up to 50% larger, 20% if 100% larger, no chance if target is over 100% larger).
Immunities and Damage Reduction
Immune to:
• Cold
• Radiation
• Suffocation (can breathe without air)
• Depressurization
• Ocean depths/pressure (unlimited)
• Vampire bite/can't be turned undead
• Blindness and Darkness (except in smoke/sandstorm/fog that fouls Radar power)
• Fatigue (Never tires)
• Small bits of flying debris

Reduced Damage From:
• Magic Cold - Half Damage
• Heat/Fire - Half Damage
• Poison/Toxins/Drugs - Duration, penalties and symptoms are 1/3 normal
Enhanced Sight Effects
• Radar 1100'
• See the invisible
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