1d100 < 58%: [70] = 70
(Perception upped to 73% after casting enhanced perception)
1d20: [20] = 20
1d100: [57] = 57
Consumer wrote:
With no further business Rufus casts a series of Sustain Spells and Fly as an Eagle upon himself, just before the group leaves. The trip out of Port Moresby through northern exits is relatively uneventful, as the team passes from the hustle and bustle of the dock district, into the more calm area of the residential.
Calvin runs back onto the ship and grabs the rest of his supplies (ooc, the water canteen is filled). Just as he boards the jeep, he felt the onset of magical energy overcome him, followed by the immediate quenching of his thirst and hunger.
I need to learn that spell and soon!. Turning to Rufus, Calvin offers his gratitude: "
Many thanks, Rufus!"
Calvin looks at the jeep and whistles:
Wheels! No cover per se, but that means we can leave the vehicle as soon as we are attacked. Also easier to load bigger things! Could be handy!. He asks rhetorically: "
Who's driving?"
As Jason settles into the driver's seat, Calvin decides to sit up front next to the leader. At the onset of the trip, Calvin listens to Jason's reply about his quest to become a priest:
Jason wrote:
Thinking back on the lack of progress at the shrine, Jason replies. "We didn't find anything useful. As for what I am looking for, I'm not sure if priest is the right term. Back home, I never thought much about religion. Deities didn't have any real presence there. In this universe, deities exist and are involved. " Jason pauses, wondering how much he should tell the new Templar. Sighing, he decides to trust Calvin. "Since coming here, I have felt something missing. Now, I'm a career soldier. I spent years in the Army of the Southern Cross, protecting civilians against renegades and alien threats. There was always a higher level of guidance, be it the chain of command, the United Earth Government, or the Constitution. Here, there is just chaos. The only organized military I've seen is the Coalition States. They are as bad as the Nazis of World War 2. I may not agree with everything the UEG did back home, but they are infinitely better that the CS. I fell in with the Templar in MercTown when we were sponsored by the Shrine of the Warrior. I liked the idea that we were dedicated to fighting against the dark. At the time, we specialized in combating supernatural evil. When we went independent, I lost that...guidepost for lack of a better word. After a while, a dwarf named Dhaltuun joined us. He was a devotee of a Norse god named Nord. I began to see in their relationship something that was missing. So, I've been searching for a deity that I could wholeheartedly embrace." Jason pauses to see if he is making any sense to Calvin before continuing. "Thanks to Jesse, I have a fair understanding of the Norse gods. None of them seem a good match. I am a soldier and spent time in the military police, dedicated to protecting the innocent. I believe in justice tempered with mercy. I have seen the need to fight on the side of light against the powers of darkness." Jason stops and smiles, "Ok, I know it sounds cheesy to a lot of people, but I believe in duty, honor, and pride in being part of those holding the line. Years ago, I watched an old film about 300 Greek soldiers holding a pass against a million invaders. Some of the guys I knew thought they were idiots. I found the soldiers act inspiring. Maybe I need to look into the Greek gods?"
Calvin replies:
Ahhh, you seem to enjoy being part of a hierarchical organization, with spoken agreements and unspoken covenants of holding yourself and others accountable. You want to belong to a larger organization where you have the autonomy to execute small parts of the total objective by formulating your own plans and designs."
Justice tempered with mercy, loyalty, duty, pride, honor... I don't know anybody in the Greek pantheon so I can't really speak on that."
Calvin briefly looks up at the sky and makes a deep sigh.
I think I know somebody. This guy belongs to multiple religious traditions and happens to share two of them with my father."
Calvin takes a deep breath and proceeds to think back towards years past, when he first met the deity. Uncle HwunChang was about 10 feet tall, his face beat red with an impressive beard running halfway down his chest. Mom and Dad were visiting the Buddah. HwunChang belonged to the pantheon of Buddhism as he became a bodhisattva through royal decree during the Song Dynasty.
How shall I regale this?
Quan Yu is the defacto patron saint of anything related to the martial acts and soldiering in China. But above all, he has always been _the_ deific icon for loyalty. When he was a mortal, he was an incredibly competent cavalry general who worked his way up, serving his liege and laid the foundation of his liege's country. On virtue, he is unimpeachable. Quan Yu was once captured by a competing lord's army while he was escorting his liege's wife and child after their provisional capital had fallen. Quan Yu refused to abandon his liege despite the opposing warlord's sincere overture. However, to safeguard his liege's spouse and child's livelihood under capture, Quan Yu would help this warlord in his quest to unify Northern China. For the next two years, Quan Yu became to most prolific head hunter of this warlord, leadings armies that annihilated the opposition and personally slew the greatest generals of opposing warlords. There was a particular story where he once charged an advancing army alone, plowed through the ranks of hundreds until he reached the command post and slayed the commanding general, right then and there. Then he turned around and went back to his ranks the same way he came through.
For these extraordinary acts, he was bestowed titles, gifts and land. Once news reached Quan Yu that his liege is alive and well, he wrote his warlord a letter of gratitude, returning all those gifts except for his horse. He then escorted his liege's family back to territories his liege controlled. The journey was over several hundred miles by horseback and Quan Yu left behind a trail of bodies of those who thought they could best him in combat and capture him. (OOC: There are approximately 2-3 mainstream versions of this feat, I'm picking the one that sounds the best to me). "
As a god, I would say he doesn't suffer chicanery and he has very little regard for the rich gentry and opulent merchants. Quan Yu prizes competence, leadership, loyalty, fastidiousness and courage above all things. He doesn't appreciate cunning if it means he cannot keep his honor. If he has flaws, it's that he can be arrogant and stubborn. He can be extremely hard to counsel until you have earned his respect. Thankfully, he is an above average military strategist, and it helps that he prefers to lead men into battle than shout orders from the back. He can get on his pantheon's nerves, especially with bouts of irreverence towards the hierarchy. However his troops love him as he will never ask them to do something he wouldn't or couldn't do himself. Even his enemies warily respect him."
If you truly want to clean this Earth of demons, Quan Yu as a deity is a pretty good bet to stand behind. His icons still guard buddhist temples and much media of old show police stations having an altar of him to pray to and ask for protection and strength."
Let me know your thoughts. I'm not senior enough to vouch for you, but we may be able to find someone who can once we get back to Merctown."
As the trip progresses, Calvin keeps his eye out for trouble while making sure they are going the right way, should they ever lose sight of Rufus. Casting Enhanced Perception on himself (-10 ISP, Duration 25 Minutes),
he employs the following skills periodically, rifle at the ready, hopefully doing his part to make dangers known to the crew before they come to harm.
Sense Leyline:
1d100 < 63%: [85] = 85
1d100 < 63%: [46] = 46
1d100 < 63%: [54] = 54
(to see where the crew should be going)
Land Navigation:
1d100 < 74%: [82] = 82
1d100 < 74%: [26] = 26
1d100 < 74%: [40] = 40
(to make sure the group is going the right way)
Detect Ambush:
1d100 < 73%: [81] = 81
1d100 < 73%: [63] = 63
1d100 < 73%: [31] = 31
(keep an eye out for trouble)
Tracking (Human):
1d100 < 68%: [20] = 20
1d100 < 68%: [37] = 37
1d100 < 68%: [22] = 22
(be wary of any humaniods and how they are moving, should the Templar come across any of them)
Preset Conditions:
Enhanced Perception (-10 ISP, +15% to Perception, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and a +10% to any skill that relies on any of the basic senses, e.g. Intelligence, Tracking, Physical Skills)
Sustain Spell (8 Days)