The Lazlo Ploy

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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

A few turns here, a few straight runs there, Phinneas finally shows up at his destination.

It's a good thing you have that nose Phin. I don't think we would have ever noticed this place without it

"And these little holes in the wall are the best places to be, Mr B. Let's check it out"

Phinneas walks in the diner and quickly studies the layout while noticing the three patrons inside.

Lazlo is definitely an interesting and diverse place Mr B he thinks as he notices the two alien creatures inside.

It sure is Phin. I wouldn't mind coming back after this is all over for some sort of vacation maybe to really take it all in

With the two aliens not paying him any mind, and the third humanoid patron just paying him a passing glance, Phinneas pays no more mind to the diners occupants. He does, however, make his way to a seat that affords him a view of them as well as the door, just in case.

After he is handed the menu, his eyes widen and he let's out a soft "Wowweeeee........ As he looks the menu over, his eyes are drawn to #53, Broiled Eel. His mouth begins to flood and he catches himself almost drooling at the thought of a meal he has long been missing. He calls the woman over and makes his order. "Ma'am, I would like number 53 please. It has been soooo long since I have had broiled eel and if the smells that brought me here are any indication, this will more than make up for that lost time. A glass of water to go with it as well, please"

As she walks away to place his order, Phinneas sits in his seat in giddy delight waiting for his meal to arrive.
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

Perception 19% (+5% about a good deal):1d100
JIC d20:1d20
JIC d100:1d100

Barter 96% (Price Negotiation for E-Clip Charging, Mini-Missile, and Zircon):3d100<96

First things first at the market, John will check with his fellow traveling vendor types before anything else- common courtesy gives them first crack at the list. Then if he strikes out on anything with them- Techno-Wizard suppliers for the gems top the list, likely NG for the missiles unless John's already met the local Bandito rep in formal Black Market circumstances. The same TW suppliers as the gems and whatever exotic goods stores John knows of from his travels for the Psi-Blades.

Given how far north they are, John will speak Spanish with his fellow resident from warm climates he just met. He doesn't hesitate to 'Spanglish' the hell out of words he can't think of.

Between stops, John will ask small talk questions, like "Where ya from?" and "What are you all doing up here?" and most importantly "Where do you like to eat in MercTown?". Any subject that gets Minerva defensive about, he'll drop. John's just a chatty Cathy. He will also ask more technical information about the Psi-Blades John is now looking for.

Availability- Mini-Missiles
OOC Comments
Holding Back Barter for a deal.
Appraise Goods 109%: 1d100
Roadwise 80%(+10% with Traveling Merchants): 1d100
Invoke Trust 35%:1d100
(Also not using Lore here)
(Not Listed But Topical)
Recognize Weapon Quality 44%: 1d100

Rolls For Minerva: Find Contraband: 1d100/45%
Charm & Impress: 1d100/70%
Streetwise: 1d100/51%
Availability- Zircon
OOC Comments
Holding back Barter for a deal.
Appraise Goods 109%: 1d100
Roadwise 80%(+10% with Traveling Merchants): 1d100
Lore: Magic 39%: 1d100 (It's topical with gems cause TW)
(Not listed but topical)
Gemology 39%: 1d100

Rolls For Minerva: Find Contraband: 1d100/45%
Charm & Impress: 1d100/70%
Availability- Psi Blade
OOC Comments
Barter 96%: 1d100
Appraise Goods 109%: 1d100
Roadwise 80%(+10% with Traveling Merchants): 1d100
(Not listed but topical)
Recognize Weapon Quality 44%: 1d100

Rolls For Minerva: Find Contraband: 1d100/45%
Charm & Impress: 1d100/70%
Lore - D-Bee: 1d100/66%
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

The oddest Merchant you've never met.
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100
Lore: Magic: Base Skill (general knowledge): 50% = 1d100 (to understand TW stuff from Tessa)
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 3 days remaining.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

NG-A12 Anti-Ballistic Body Armor :
Main Body: 80/80 at 100%
Atlantean Super-Heavy Force Field: 150/150 at 100%
Underguard wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:24 pm Post
Inside their room, the group discusses a plan after Tessa reveals her needs. Arvid suggests that he go search for the shifter needed to safely transport Reka away. Tessa nods at Amber's surprise. "The hard part isn't the gemstone; it's making the gemstone do what we need it to do. Red Zicron will basically let me turn this into a small emp that shorts itself out. Judging from what I was told, 80/20 chance it outright explodes. But no matter, all the internal components would be fried and no more useful than a brick." Tessa adds to her explanation. Amber then informally welcomes the newcomers and pays out those that were on the planet with them. Amber also mentions acquiring a new contact and potentially getting a good deal of their needs met. Reka grimaces to Amber. "No. What I have left I will need to remain under Naruni's radar." Reka retorts as Tessa shakes her head. "It shouldn't be too expensive; it is a cornerstone of how the Collegiate makes money. Offering transport." Tessa adds. Susan adds her two cents for items they may need going forward, and her own distrust of Tessa. The paranoid doctor finding any reason to mistrust the newcomer.
Amber thinks about what Tessa and Reka have come up with to destroy the device. It seems like an overly simple way of destroying the device, but simple is always best. “So best case it destroys the device only, which is what we want. Worst case it explodes.” She places her fingers on her chin. “Okay. I take it this device uses a lot of energy to do what it does. If it explodes, do you think it is going to be a massive explosion or a big EMP?” Or worse, a random rift that sucks us in and destroys us all.

She checks in with Susan before she heads down. “How are you doing? Here's a couple of spare clips if you want until Minerva gets back with the recharged ones.” She offers. “How did your babies fair? Still good to go?”

Underguard wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:24 pm [No-Tell Motel]
Amber and Susan

Amber returns to the room with Susan and stores her armor and checks her weapon. She can't find a reason it jammed and can only assume it was a fluke at the worst possible time. By the time Amber finishes checking her weapon and armor, some time after Susan's expressed concern over Tessa. Reka seems to remain extremely uncomfortable, sitting with his back to a wall and the only window in the room shut with a sheet draped over it. Tessa is leaning back in her chair, now appearing bored as they await their delivery, she glances to Amber and Susan. "So, how'd you lot get into this mess?" Tessa asks the pair. Something itches at the back of both their minds; Phinneas isn't back yet and Amber didn't see the crazy in the lobby.
Amber curses mildly to herself when she can’t find anything wrong with her rifle. I thought these were supposed to be the best weapons in the galaxy. And it won’t work when you need it most. I swear I’m done with as much of this Naruni gear as I can get rid of once we are done with all this. Maybe I’ll try to find some Golden Age weapons if the kid, John, is as good as he thinks he is at finding stuff.

Amber looks up from what she is doing as Tessa asks her question during a pause in the conversation. She sighs. “Curiosity got me in this mess, kid. I already told you that you don’t want to get any deeper into this than doing this job. For your own safety. Just leave it alone, okay?”

She seeks to distract the young TW from her queries with some questions about converting some items to run on magic instead of tech. “Tessa, I want to ask you a technical question. If I wanted to convert a few items, like this.” She points to the Electronic Flea & Insect Repellent Necklace that she has around her neck. “Or the device I activated when we met at Fixer’s. And make the batteries powered by magic. What would it entail? The batteries are pretty small and cheap, so I’m not sure if it would it be cost effective to do so. What do you think?”

As she listens to Tessa’s reply, her mind wanders as she wonders where Phinneas has disappeared to. I should have told him to keep close by. He probably wandered off looking to eat again. She does the mental equivalent of a shrug. I can’t leave Reka and the device, so I can’t do anything about it anyway. Hope he stays out of trouble.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Minerva »

Perception: 1d100/59%
JIC: 1d20/1d100

"Lead the way, Señor John. This is much bigger than what we have back home. We just need to make sure not to go over there and everything will be just fine." She gives a subtle glance to the Naruni HQ.

Minerva follows as John heads to the various traveling merchants first to make sure they get first dibs on the G.I.R.L.S. fundage. "So, you going to them first is a sort And respect?"

She does her best to grease some wheels with her charm, acting as both the attractive and rich one of the two. And she keeps her eye out for any decently priced and high quality wine, the Amaki Psi-Blade she so desires and maybe a cute trinket to act as a reminder of this adventure.

Halfway into their shopping, Minerva says "So you are a professional shopper. What else do you do, Señor John?"
Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 426
  • H.P.: 130
  • S.D.C.: 207
  • M.D.C.: 322 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

(Rolls Held)

"Si Senorita. Not only that, but they just might give me- a fellow traveler- a better price for the same reason."

John practically beams at being called a professional shopper. "Well, that's just half of being a proper Comanchero, right? I have to be good at both buying and selling. And watching my own back. Between the Pecos and the Commanche alone, half my normal route is raider country. Of course, it is all safer than El Paso. That's why I started the roving trader's life- greater safety outside my hometown."
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

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Susan Lee
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100: [23] = 23 / 41%
JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 / 1d100: [58] = 58

CONDITIONS: See Invisible
Arvid Hammerson wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:29 am Arvid smiles and replies, “If you’re asking If I am a cyber doctor, the answer is no. But you are the expert on bionics, and I would not do anything without your instructions on what to buy because there are many choices. All I was offering was another option for Phinneas and you."

Arvid smiles “Good advice Doctor, I’ll find a directory and check on both. Maybe go to the Warlocks since I am one of them and see who and what they recommend. Do you want to go with me? You seem to know more about how to interact on Midgard than I do. I could carry you on the Turbo-Board. Or we could fly slower using a spell. It’s very safe only 20 feet off the ground.”
Susan smiles back (it is not a smile). "Arvid, yes, thank you. I appreciate your input on how to improve Phinneas's medical situation. I also appreciate the offer to go outside, however I would like to restate that many of us should minimize our exposure to potentially hostile eyes, in that interested parties may wish to find some of us. Not you, my juicy, large compatriot! You are from a random alley!"

Susan watches her friends and new associates leave. I hope you all survive and remain discreet...
Amber Dach wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 6:48 pm Amber thinks about what Tessa and Reka have come up with to destroy the device. It seems like an overly simple way of destroying the device, but simple is always best. “So best case it destroys the device only, which is what we want. Worst case it explodes.” She places her fingers on her chin. “Okay. I take it this device uses a lot of energy to do what it does. If it explodes, do you think it is going to be a massive explosion or a big EMP?”

She checks in with Susan before she heads down. “How are you doing? Here's a couple of spare clips if you want until Minerva gets back with the recharged ones.” She offers. “How did your babies fair? Still good to go?”

Amber looks up from what she is doing as Tessa asks her question during a pause in the conversation. She sighs. “Curiosity got me in this mess, kid. I already told you that you don’t want to get any deeper into this than doing this job. For your own safety. Just leave it alone, okay?”
"I appreciate your expertise, Ms. Is it Ms? Tessa. Mr. Associate, if there is anything we can do to make you more comfortable, please let us know."

Blowing up the device sounds appropriate. That or melting it.

When Tessa asks about where they're from, she says, "We met in a jail cell in Atlantis. It is a fascinating story. Unfortunately, not something we can fully dive into here."

Susan tries to meet Amber's eyes, raising an eyebrow at her. The one away from Tessa. Is this person spying on us?

Then she shifts so that her rifle is half pointing at Tessa, but in a "casual" manner and takes a spare clip from Amber.

"Commander, I believe the babies are fine at this point. We are all are 'optimal' as far as I can tell. Cordelia will need her hair refreshed, though. The previous environment gave her split ends."

After a few minutes, Susan says, "Should we play... 20 questions? Wait, WHERE IS PHINNEAS?!?"
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Lazlo: Saturday, October 112PA, 3:00pm
Environmental Conditions: 11*C (51*F); partially cloudy but mostly clear.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Lazlo Nexus nearby

[No-Tell Motel]
Amber and Susan

Tessa answers Amber's question to the best of her ability. "Well, I've never seen it used but from what Mr Ola explained. It has a compact power cell that is used to open a dimensional doorway to a number of locations. The amount of power that cell must be channeling is immense. To disrupt it would likely cause an immediate overload. It shouldn't open a random portal, but the explosion might be larger depending on what the device is doing when it's powered up. It would send an EMP from the gemstone first, then the cell would overload." Tessa explain. Reka for his part has been silent in the corner.

[Chester's Eatery]

As Phinneas makes his order, the hostess smiles and takes the menu, returning quickly with a glass and pitcher of water. "A few minutes, sir" She says and then walks away. Phinneas sits giddy, waiting for his meal and talking with Mr B. He can see the chef moving back and forth in the kitchen, the smell of the Broiled Eel reaching Phinneas' nostrils. He watches as the plate of food is put on the counter, picked up and carried to him. The crazy barely waits for the hostess to give him the food before diving in. It took almost 10 minutes, but good food often takes a little longer.

Even with Phinneas focused on the delicious food, he notices a new patron enter the diner that goes and sits with the loner, facing Phinneas. Phinneas can see the face of a borg.

[Lazlo Mage's Guild]

While Arvid's inital joke falls flat to Percy, he shakes Arvid's hand anyways and nods. "None taken." Percy answers as Arvid then discusses his intention. The man listens to Arvid with mildly squinted eyes before looking over his shoulder. "Beyond these doors rests our library. We have no official congregation of warlocks however a few have frequented, none of your stature. We do have several members who offer their services of transportation magic for a modest fee. I can introduce you too Alisha, a local and respected shifter." He states and then will lead Arvid through the doors.

Inside, Arvid is too overwhelmed with their collection to notice anything specific. It's fortunate that Percy is leading him or else he might get lost in such a place. Percy rounds down a large isle of books too the other side where a woman sits with two teenagers. Each of them have a spell scroll in hand with a quill, while the woman seems to instruct them. As Percy and Arvid become visible, she looks up.

"Milady Alisha, sorry to bother you, I wasn't aware you were giving a lesson." Percy begins. "This gentlemen has a request of transportation." He adds. Alisha looks between the pair before turning to the teenagers.

"That is all for today. Study these scrolls, next week we will look at proper casting techniques." Alisha states and then motions for them both to leave before addressing Percy. "It's no trouble, Percy." She says kindly, then turning to Arvid. "How many in your group need transport, and where?" She asks, waiting for an answer. She will add. "50 thousand per person, 75 for no questions asked." Alisha states. Arvid can tell this is not the first time this request has been made of her.

[Lazlo's Arms Bazaar]
Minerva and John

Minerva and John begin showing off their buying prowess, John using his natural skills in much of the negotiating. The pair making idle talk in the meantime. They are able to find a vendor with various gemstones, and a few Red Zicrons for 2,500cr a piece. The pair are also able to find a plethora of mini-missiles in the Bazaar at market value. Finding the Amaki Psi-Blade was another story. The pair couldn't find any on the shelves, however upon discussing it around the gemstone seller, he made them an offer. A pair of Amaki Psi-Blades, never been used and from his more special collection, could be theirs for 90k total.

[No-Tell Motel]
Amber and Susan

Tessa nods to Susan. "Tessa is fine." She says simply and listens to Susan's answer with a toothy smile. "Sounds like trouble. Heard plenty of stories about Atlantis." Tessa adds and doesn't push when Susan changes the topic, now slightly aiming her rifle at Tessa. If Tessa notices, she doesn't seem to care as she looks to at the pair. "Any reading material?" Tessa asks

Amber checks up on Susan and then asks Tessa some technical techno-wizardry questions that prompts her to sit up. "Well, it would need to be re-wired to be powered by a magical energy cell or battery instead. It would require some disassembly of the device, rewiring and adding a few components unique to this device to allow the slotting of a magic battery. Smaller items are more of a challenge, but figure a week to a month for it to be done properly. Are you staying in Lazlo that long?" Tessa asks.

When Susan suddenly screeches for Phinneas, Amber and Tessa both look at her. Tessa is the first to answer. "Who? Sorry, don't have your names memorized yet." Tessa asks, standing.

What are you doing?
GM Note:

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

Perception 47 1d1001d100 +25 1d100
JIC D20 1d20
JIC D100 1d100

Arvid admires all the books and tomes in the library. He continues to follow Percy, until he sees Alisha. He does not say anything while Percy talks with her until her students have left.
How many in the group and where? Arvid speaks up, "Eight to nine, I really not sure about who is going where. I am sure we have suficiant funds. The others are usually the money men, I am the one who does the foot work. I am Arvid Hammerson of Asgard usually one of my aunts or uncles even Grandfather would teleport me. There is also the Bifrost bridge. So are you ready to go?"

Arvid holds his giant size hand to help her up, "Milady time may be everything for this endeavor to succeed."
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

As Phinneas watches his food come to the counter, and then received by the hostess who brings it to him, he shakes slightly with anticipation as he watches her walk to his table in slow motion. When she places it in front of him, he barely is able to get out a "Thank You" before diving into his plate. With his first bite he let's out a muffled "Oh my god....." as he is transported back to his younger years, and memories flood back of happy times with his family.

Even though he is completely engrossed in his meal, he notices a borg enter the little diner and sit with the lone human at the far table.

What's all this then? Borgs don't eat as far as I know. Seems an odd place to just sit and hang out for a borg.

Though it takes away from his enjoyment of his meal, which mildly irritates him, Phinneas starts to pay attention to any conversations that may be happening. He is aware of his overall situation and while this meal is the finest he has had in a long time, he needs to be ready for anything.
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

Perception: 19% (+5% about a good deal): 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20
JIC d100: 1d100

Barter 96%: 1d100
Basic Math 70%:1d100
John's actually quite surprised he found a niche South American Weapon in a random gem shop in Lazlo, but that pretty much puts paid to the huckster's payday and he's at least going to try not to show it by whooping or clacking his heels. "Do you want to call and see if that price is good with.... Amber?' John asks Minerva.

John makes sure to finish up the trip finding the commonplace items on the list. If he did not find a recharging ability where he found the E-Clips, John would find somewhere to charge the sack of E-Clips from Amber and Susan.* John also gets the Wilk's Radios, and the box of NE-003PC. John would, of course, walk right to the Naruni store and buy them unless Minerva stops him.
The List wrote: 2x Psi Blade (30,000-60,000 ea) 90000 pair
Zircon (red) (2000) 2500
8x AP Missiles, 8x Plasma Missiles (38,400)
6x E-Clip (7200)
6x Wilk's Walkie Talkies PRC-5- Hands Free (19,200)
Box of 96 NE-003PC (2600)
Recharge E-Clips (???)

*Two E-Clips from Amber. 'Everything but one' from Susan
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Minerva »

Perception: 1d100/59%
JIC: 1d20/1d100

"No need to call. We've got it covered." Minerva forks up the dough for the purchases thus far.

Heading around the market gathering more things, she pauses when they get near the Naruni outlet for the plasma cartridges. "Listen. I can't be seen near here. I'll be at that shop over there. You take this money, grab those cartridges and come get me, OK?"

And with that, she makes herself scarce, flipping through products a ways a way and waiting for John to come get her.

I will add to this as we get further approvals. I have removed the cost of these from my personal funds. We can settle up later.

2x Amaki TW Psi-Blade (New Babylon)
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: Varies; the psi-blade adds 2D6 M.D. to the damage caused by the psi-sword.
  • Payload: I.S.P. cost is the same for the super-psionic power; cyber-knights and duelists must spend 2 I.S.P. per minute to activate the weapon.
  • Weight: 3 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Sword
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.165, WB9

Code: Select all

[b]Amaki TW Psi-Blade (New Babylon)[/b]
[size=85][list][*]Range: Close Combat
[*]Damage: Varies; the psi-blade adds 2D6 M.D. to the damage caused by the psi-sword.
[*]Payload: I.S.P. cost is the same for the super-psionic power; cyber-knights and duelists must spend 2 I.S.P. per minute to activate the weapon.
[*]Weight: 3 lbs.
[*]Features: W.P. Sword
[*]Modifiers: None
[*]Book Reference: p.165, WB9[/list][/size]

3x Zircon: Red 1 carat

Code: Select all

Zircon: Red 1 carat

8x Plasma Mini-Missile (1D6x10 M.D. to 15' AoE, 1,200 mph, 1 mile range)

Code: Select all

Plasma Mini-Missile [size=85](1D6x10 M.D. to 15' AoE, 1,200 mph, 1 mile range)[/size]

8x Armor Piercing Mini-Missile (1D4x10 M.D. to 2' AoE, 1,400 mph, 1 mile range, x2 damage on N18-19, x3 damage on N20)

Code: Select all

Armor Piercing Mini-Missile [size=85](1D4x10 M.D. to 2' AoE, 1,400 mph, 1 mile range, x2 damage on N18-19, x3 damage on N20)[/size]

Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 426
  • H.P.: 130
  • S.D.C.: 207
  • M.D.C.: 322 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 3 days remaining.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

NG-A12 Anti-Ballistic Body Armor :
Main Body: 80/80 at 100%
Atlantean Super-Heavy Force Field: 150/150 at 100%
Underguard wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:19 pm [No-Tell Motel]
Amber and Susan
Amber checks up on Susan and then asks Tessa some technical techno-wizardry questions that prompts her to sit up. "Well, it would need to be re-wired to be powered by a magical energy cell or battery instead. It would require some disassembly of the device, rewiring and adding a few components unique to this device to allow the slotting of a magic battery. Smaller items are more of a challenge, but figure a week to a month for it to be done properly. Are you staying in Lazlo that long?" Tessa asks.
Amber nods as she activates her Telepathy (4 I.S.P.) to read what is going on in Tessa’s thoughts. I think I can trust her, but better to be safe. “That is kind of what I was thinking. I don’t think we will be staying long, Tessa. We have a job that takes priority. If we had more time, I think I would enjoy exploring the city here and seeing what is available."
Susan Lee wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:37 pm After a few minutes, Susan says, "Should we play... 20 questions? Wait, WHERE IS PHINNEAS?!?"
Amber plays it cool. “You know Phinneas. He's probably out chasing down another meal. That man can eat.” I’m worried he may get into trouble too. We need to sit tight here and look after Reka. She projects into Susan’s mind. I hope Phinn gets back soon, along with Minerva and Arvid.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible
Amber Dach wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:42 pm Amber plays it cool. “You know Phinneas. He's probably out chasing down another meal. That man can eat.” I’m worried he may get into trouble too. We need to sit tight here and look after Reka. She projects into Susan’s mind. I hope Phinn gets back soon, along with Minerva and Arvid.
Susan nods. "Yes, Phinneas and his... appetites."

Phinneas is a pervert, she thinks at Tessa.

Bored, Susan barely lifts the curtain on the window and points a camera out at the street from under the cloth.
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Lazlo: Saturday, October 112PA, 3:10pm
Environmental Conditions: 11*C (51*F); partially cloudy but mostly clear.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Lazlo Nexus nearby

[No-Tell Motel]
Amber and Susan

Amber and Susan remain in the room with Reka and Tessa. Amber talking a little more with Tessa about their plans, though being vague enough as to not irritate the doctor. Tessa nods along. "Well, nothing says you can't place an order and come back for it." Tessa suggests, apparently oblivious to the GIRLS need for remaining under the radar. Amber reaches out telepathically to Susan and expresses her concerns for Phinneas, and though Susan can't rightly respond telepathically, Amber does see the comment cross Susan's mind. Amber finds this to be a test of her patience as her thoughts trail on Minerva, Arvid and Phinneas who have each gone out, all of whom Amber wants back in the room before too long.

Susan gets up, now bored with the conversation by and large with both of them patiently waiting the for their teammates to return, the wait feeling like an excruciating eternity to them both. Susan moves over to the covered window and peaks her camera lense to get a view of the street. Unfortunately this room doesn't provide an overview of the entrance to the Motel however it can see the side street and part of the mainstreet they are on. From this vantage, Susan can see what she might consider normal street traffic for mid-afternoon. A couple loiterers on the corner of the Motel that seem to be smoking, though it's hard to tell much else. Nothing seems immediately out of the ordinary to Susan.

Reka looks up from where he is sitting and looks to Amber. "How long will they be? We are not safe yet.. They can cast a wide net." Reka warns.

[Chester's Eatery]

While eating the delicious eel, Phinneas keeps his eye on the out of place borg in the Eatery. The food almost distracting enough to make the crazy forget about the other occupants, however he keeps his eyes about him. A table scoot on Phinneas's left prompts a quick look as the closest alien patron gets up and leaves, going out the front door behind him. When Phinneas's eyes return to the borg, he now sees the Borg looking at him. Or the alien occupant who just left. But Phinneas is fairly confident it was at him. When Phinneas makes eye contact, the borg leans into the table he is at and says something Phinneas can hear almost perfectly thanks to his crazy hearing.

"That one at the table, been here long?" The borg begins

"Arrived just before you did."

"He is jittery, watching all of us."

"Could be on the run or just paranoid."

"And stopping at an Eatery? Think he's alone?"

"Not sure. Some people get hungry, unlike your kind. So what you want to do? We have a job already lined up."

"Yeah, well. Doesn't hurt to look for other quick payouts, either."

"Maybe. Let's finish this first." The mercenary at the table tells the borg as he then goes back to his food. Phinneas can't tell anymore if the Borg is looking at him, but Phinneas is confident he's being scoped out.

[Lazlo Mage's Guild]

As Arvid explains his heritage and that he is not the money-man. Alisha lets loose a sigh before nodding. "Fine, I expect payment from whoever is your money-man up-front. Otherwise you can call on your family to help you." Alisha states. Arvid can tell she doesn't truly believe his heritage though she does seem to trust Arvid's words enough to follow him.

"Lead on." Alisha states, throwing a cloak over her as she walks out with Arvid and the pair head back towards the No-Tell Motel. It is a decent walk for the pair however they arrive at a decent time [You can post returning to the Motel with Alisha.]

[Lazlo's Arms Bazaar]
Minerva and John

John observes that Minerva is highly skittish of the Naruni outlet in Lazlo, going around the corner and waiting at a less appealing shop. Minerva finds herself in a robotic chop shop, parts of robots strung up along the ceiling and wall as she waits. It's an odd and eerie shop but also empty with the shopkeeper apparently tinkering with some sort of mechanical chassis. John takes the queue and makes the purchases, trusting the GIRLS would be content with market prices considering their desire for haste and inconspicuousness.

John faces no issues walking into the local Naruni outlet, greeted by one of the normal blue and mouthless tenders of Naruni's business. The marketeer is able to get in and out without issue and return to Minerva with the remaining items. John doesn't find a portable e-clip recharging station at this outlet and due to time, simply leaves the store with what he got. Returning to Minerva with the radios and NE-003PC rounds.

The pair find themselves returning to the No-Tell Motel a few minutes after Arvid returns.

What are you doing?
GM Note:

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

Perception: 47% 1d100 +25% For Electrical 1d100 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20 1d20
JIC: 1d100 1d100

Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute.
[Lazlo Mage's Guild]

As Arvid explains his heritage and that he is not the money-man. Alisha lets loose a sigh before nodding. "Fine, I expect payment from whoever is your money-man up-front. Otherwise you can call on your family to help you." Alisha states. Arvid can tell she doesn't truly believe his heritage though she does seem to trust Arvid's words enough to follow him.

"Lead on." Alisha states, throwing a cloak over her as she walks out with Arvid and the pair head back towards the No-Tell Motel. It is a decent walk for the pair however they arrive at a decent time [You can post returning to the Motel with Alisha.]
filling the Door way, Arvid arrives at the No-Tell Motel, thoughts going through his mind, They should have sent someone with me to deal with the money. Mission accomplished anyhow.

He takes a long hard look at the lobby, analyzing threats before he speaks to Alisha and says, “Looks safe Milady, please come this way to the room.”
As he follows her through the hall that leads to the rooms. He knocks before entry and says , “It is me Arvid and guest.” He then has Alisha enters and sees Amber and Susan and continue the conversation, “Amber, Susan, this is Milady Alisha.” Once entered he closes the door behind them.
Arvid speaks up, “She has questions about the price and other important information.”
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

OOC Comments
Perception: 19% (+5% about a good deal): 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20
JIC d100: 1d100

Detect Ambush 39%: 1d100
John pulls out his backpack from the back once they get to the hotel and climbs in to get the empty cards out of his safe bolted in the back corner. John will also carry in some of the small items. John won't be hauling mini-missiles into the hotel by hand.

"Of all the things to strike out on, e-clip recharging. Jeez. I got a few extra E-Clips in my bag I'll trade for dead ones." The bag also happens to contain John's card reader and transfer device, so the huckster would haul it in to collect the payday either way.
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

Trying to not arouse any more suspicion from the borg, Phinneas maintains his eating pace. He waves to the hostess for her to come over. When she arrives, he says loud enough to be heard but not loud enough to be crazy "Madam, my compliments to the chef and yourself for maintaining such a fine establishment. I have not had a meal this good since my childhood. I was barely able to contain myself as the memories came flooding back. If you would, I would like to have another order to take with me please"

When she arrives with his to go order, he will pay his bill, tipping as much as the check is. He will then make his way back to the hotel, ducking in to an occasional shop and browsing, facing the street, to make sure he isn't being followed. When he gets back to the room, he will tell the group about the merc and his borg friend, complete with descriptions.
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 70% = 1d100
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 3 days remaining.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 160/160 at 100%
Main Body: 350/350 at 100%
Underguard wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:35 pm Amber and Susan

Amber and Susan remain in the room with Reka and Tessa. Amber talking a little more with Tessa about their plans, though being vague enough as to not irritate the doctor. Tessa nods along. "Well, nothing says you can't place an order and come back for it." Tessa suggests, apparently oblivious to the GIRLS need for remaining under the radar.

Amber nods thoughtfully. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She furrows her eyebrows as she asks a followup question. “So, Tessa. How long will it take to prepare the gem once you have it? Are we talking minutes? Hours? Days?” Please let it be minutes!
Arvid Hammerson wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 8:27 am As he follows her through the hall that leads to the rooms. He knocks before entry and says , “It is me Arvid and guest.” He then has Alisha enters and sees Amber and Susan and continue the conversation, “Amber, Susan, this is Milady Alisha.” Once entered he closes the door behind them.
Arvid speaks up, “She has questions about the price and other important information.”
Amber starts when Arvid knocks on the door. Finally, someone is back! She trusts her feelings that Arvid is safe and no threat accompanies him back to the room. “Welcome back, Arvid. Any trouble?” She says as the big man enters the room. She nods respectfully to Alisha as Arvid introduces her to the room. “Welcome Alisha. I appreciate you taking the time to consult with us. If you have no objections, I would like to know what is your price for transport off-world? We would be interested in leaving as soon as our team assembles.” She points to Reka. “He can answer any questions about the destination.”
Calamity John wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 10:06 am John pulls out his backpack from the back once they get to the hotel and climbs in to get the empty cards out of his safe bolted in the back corner. John will also carry in some of the small items. John won't be hauling mini-missiles into the hotel by hand.

"Of all the things to strike out on, e-clip recharging. Jeez. I got a few extra E-Clips in my bag I'll trade for dead ones." The bag also happens to contain John's card reader and transfer device, so the huckster would haul it in to collect the payday either way.
Amber is thankful when Minerva and John return from their shopping excursion. Thank goodness! “Welcome back.” She is a little surprised that they couldn’t find a place to recharge e-clips, but is thankful that they did so well with everything else. “Well, you managed to find most important bits of what we required.” Praise the Gods they tracked down the gem! Amber will check everything over that she purchased and take back her e-clips. “Minerva, give Tessa the gem so she can do her thing. I would like to get this installed and then we can finish the job.”

She will settle up with John and will offer him a small bonus on top of the 10% he had negotiated on top. “You were a man of your word, John. I have included a little extra as a thank-you for your efficiency. Pleasure doing business with you. Give me a minute and I’ll take grab the rest of it. Okay?”
7,500 Black credits to John from Amber’s personal funds.

She says to the team members present. “Can someone set up the new radios while I grab the rest from John? We need new encryption for all our radios, since our old ones are compromised. All the new people need one and probably Phinneas too.”

21,700 credits from group funds to Minerva for radios & gem
86,000 credits from Amber’s personal funds to Minerva for ammo and weapon.
7,500 Black credits to John from Amber’s personal funds.

Once someone agrees to get the radios setup, she follows John back down to his truck to get the missiles. She easily hefts the boxes and she says to John. “So John, what are you up to now? I’m not sure how long we are going to be staying in Lazlo, but if we are still in need of anything I will be sure to use your services again. Thanks again.”

She heads back up to the room and starts loading the Tech-Warrior with mini-missiles and reloading her drum on her rifle.
When Phinneas returns, she exclaims. “Phinneas, good to have you back. We were worried about you.” When he tells them about the mercs that are possibly coming, she tells everyone. “Pack your gear, ladies. We are leaving as soon as we possibly can.”

She adds to Phinneas. “John found me some missiles. Thanks for the loan. Here are yours back. If you need a hand reloading them, I’m happy to help you out.” Amber will pack her excess gear and get into the Tech-Warrior and ready for action again.
Last edited by Amber Dach on Sun May 05, 2024 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Susan Lee
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible

Susan finishes examining the street, not seeing anything that would cause suspicion. At least we currently seem to be safe.
Amber Dach wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 6:50 pm Amber starts when Arvid knocks on the door. Finally, someone is back! She trusts her feelings that Arvid is safe and no threat accompanies him back to the room. “Welcome back, Arvid. Any trouble?” She says as the big man enters the room. She nods respectfully to Alisha as Arvid introduces her to the room. “Welcome Alisha. I appreciate you taking the time to consult with us. If you have no objections, I would like to know what is your price for transport off-world? We would be interested in leaving as soon as our team assembles.” She points to Reka. “He can answer any questions about the destination.”
Calamity John wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 10:06 am "Of all the things to strike out on, e-clip recharging. Jeez. I got a few extra E-Clips in my bag I'll trade for dead ones." The bag also happens to contain John's card reader and transfer device, so the huckster would haul it in to collect the payday either way.
She says to the team members present. “Can someone set up the new radios while I grab the rest from John? We need new encryption for all our radios, since our old ones are compromised. All the new people need one and probably Phinneas too.”
When Amber asks for a volunteer to get the radios set up, Susan moves to take them. "I will do what I can, although I'm not an expert."

Radio: Basic: 1d100 / 73%

As she takes the radios, Susan whispers to Amber, "Perhaps we should make a stop in a different dimension before sending our associate to his final destination. It can't hurt to muddle the trail. Arvid seems to come from a society lacking technology but not magic."

She turns to Arvid and says, "Arvid, are your people experienced dimensional travelers?"

I cannot believe they weren't able to recharge simple e-clips!

Realizing that Phinneas still isn't back, Susan frowns. We should never have allowed him to go off alone. He's probably talking to a missile he found somewhere.
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

Basic Math 70%: 1d100
John looks at Amber with a slight incline of the head for a moment. Then he produces the notebook he carried through the swap meet.
The List wrote: 2x Psi Blade (30,000-60,000 ea) 90000 pair
Zircon (red) (2000) 2500
8x AP Missiles, 8x Plasma Missiles (38,400)
6x E-Clip (7200)
6x Wilk's Walkie Talkies PRC-5- Hands Free (19,200)
Box of 96 NE-003PC (2600)
Recharge E-Clips (???)

Then he looks down at the numbers on the card reader again and hands Amber the notebook. John spins the reader around so the number reads to Ambers perspective. Then with a red pen, he reaches over silently and adds a decimal to the total in red.
The List wrote:

Then John speaks. "Now, ma'am. I didn't find everything, and I didn't expect to be paid in full because I struck out on the most basic of services. We can call it 14." But don't blow smoke up my ass about a bonus and leave out half the money. Is this some kind of test?

The huckster nudges the card transfer machine back toward Amber.

What even John is forgetting here (failed math roll) is the conversion rate between BMC and UC so he is still shorting himself 50%.
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Amber Dach »

(Rolls held over)
Calamity John wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 12:26 am Then John speaks. "Now, ma'am. I didn't find everything, and I didn't expect to be paid in full because I struck out on the most basic of services. We can call it 14." But don't blow smoke up my ass about a bonus and leave out half the money. Is this some kind of test?

The huckster nudges the card transfer machine back toward Amber.

What even John is forgetting here (failed math roll) is the conversion rate between BMC and UC so he is still shorting himself 50%.
Amber runs her hands over her face. Way to make friends, girl. "My apologies, John. I messed up my math. I honestly wasn't trying to short you. I have been a bit... distracted. Lots going on and too little time to do it all in." She says wearily. She adjusts the number on the pad up to 10,000 credits. "Please correct me if I am wrong. But, if my math is correct now, that should take it up to 17,500 with the bonus I mentioned."

Susan Lee wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 11:52 pm As she takes the radios, Susan whispers to Amber, "Perhaps we should make a stop in a different dimension before sending our associate to his final destination. It can't hurt to muddle the trail. Arvid seems to come from a society lacking technology but not magic."
Amber nods in agreement. "Depending on what Alisha is going to cost us, that sounds like a good idea."
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Lazlo: Saturday, October 112PA, 3:25pm
Environmental Conditions: 11*C (51*F); partially cloudy but mostly clear.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Lazlo Nexus nearby

[Chester's Eatery]

Phinneas thanks the hostess and requests another eel to-go, which unfortunately means waiting the time it takes for the meal to be properly cooked. The hostess seems quite pleased with Phinneas' request as she offers a short bow. "Oh, it is no problem. It tells us you appreciated the food, in your own way. Please wait and I will bring your order out in a to-go box." She says and returns to the back. Phinneas is then forced to wait until the meal is done, and while waiting, both the Borg and his partner stand and leave the eatery. Phinneas can tell that both of them get a good look at the crazy as they walk out but say nothing. About five minutes later, a pair of humans walk in that look like a couple and grab a booth. Minutes later, the hostess returns with Phinneas' to-go box and the crazy leaves the Eatery.

Phinneas does not see the borg or his friend, or anyone worth noting outside the Eatery. With the motel right around the corner, Phinneas makes his way back.

[No-Tell Motel]
Everyone but Phinneas, at first

Tessa looks towards Reka then back to Amber at her question. "Normally construction can take days, weeks even depening on how complicated it is. However, considering we have the designer here and all we are doing is making it do a one-time short circuit. We should be able to have it done in a couple of hours. Before nightfall, if we get started soon." Tessa explains shortly before Arvid arrives with Alisha.

Slowly but surely, the team members begin filtering back into the room. First Arvid and Alisha arrive. The mage doesn't hide a disgusted look at the state of the motel lobby or room itself as she enters. As Amber turns to address Alisha, Amber and Susan notice that Alisha's former scowl evaporates though she remains relatively stoic as she repeats her cost. "Is your entire group seeking transport or just a few. It is normally 50k per head, 75k per head with no questions or strings. If you need transport for five or more, I will do a flat rate of 250k. Or 300k for no questions. Location is not a problem, I just need to know when and where."

John and Minerva walk in as Alisha is finishing her spiel, prompting the mage to glance at them then back to Amber as Amber shifts her focus. John laments at not being able to find a simple recharging station, though recalls he and Minerva did not exactly visit all the stores considering her skittishness with Naruni. He might be able to find one if he checks a couple of the second-hand outlets or pawn stores. Amber prompts someone to help set up the radios and Susan jumps on the task while Amber walks out with John. The pair discussing potential future cooperation, Amber pleased to have found a seemingly competent marketeer she can rely on. John even catching the Knight on a miscalculation that makes Amber feel a little awkward. It takes John a few pages to number crunch correctly, and he hides his errors from Amber as best as possible though the Knight can tell he had to rework it a couple times. Minerva gives the gemstone to Tessa who cracks her knuckles. "Finally!" She exclaims and flips the device over on the table and begins working on it with Reka almost immediately.

When Susan suggests a different location first, Reka passionately objects, standing from the device and prompting Tessa to pause. "I have risked my life enough already. We will finish this task in a matter of hours, then you will get me out of here and away from all of it. You included." Reka exclaims to Amber and Susan, protesting hopping to Asgard or another dimension first. He turns to Alisha. "I will need a one way trip, 75k, no questions, when the techno-wizard and I finish our project in two hours. I can pay my own way but will leave from this room. Not somewhere in public." Reka states towards Alisha who simply nods.

"I can return in three hours, if that time frame works for you?" Alisha then asks and Reka nods, looking at Tessa then Amber. Before Amber has a chance to confirm/deny Reka's time-line with Alisha, the unmistakable smell of cooked eel fills the room with Amber and Susan being the first to smell it. Moments later, the door opens and the one-armed crazy enters holding a to-go bag.

What are you doing?
GM Note:

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

Perception: 47% 1d100+25% For Electrical 1d100 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20 1d20
JIC: 1d100 1d100

Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute.
Amber. “Welcome back, Arvid. Any trouble?”
Arvid smiles and states how the meeting went, “I meta person named Percy and explained our needs. He led me through a maze of books to Alisha and she agreed to come with us. I rushed her up through the Lobby as fast as I could.” He Pauses? “I should get my gear together. Now if you excuse me, I’ll get some armor on and the weapons. If you need someone to carry any items, I can summon them,”
As Amber turns to address Alisha, Amber and Susan notice that Alisha's former scowl evaporates though she remains relatively stoic as she repeats her cost. "Is your entire group seeking transport or just a few. It is normally 50k per head, 75k per head with no questions or strings. If you need transport for five or more, I will do a flat rate of 250k. Or 300k for no questions. Location is not a problem, I just need to know when and where."
Susan turns to Arvid and says, "Arvid, are your people experienced dimensional travelers?"
Arvid Looks at her confused, and speaks up, “Yes, Uncle Heimdall, Watches over the Bifrost Bridge of Asgard with other planes of existence. I think you would call it a permanent dimensional rift open to Earth and a few other places. It can also open rift to any other known dimension. Of course, several other relatives can do so, and there are the Dwarves, who create magic items. Elves and others are also capable. Oh. If Hemlock, Gloriosa was here they would have been others.”

Arvid hears Reka objects, he wants this business over with. He arranges his transportation separately with Alisha. After that Alisha states, She, can come back in three hours. Arvid is concerned about Alisha leaving.
Amber when Phinneas arrives
“Phinneas, good to have you back. We were worried about you.” When he tells them about the mercs that are possibly coming, she tells everyone. “Pack your gear, ladies. We are leaving as soon as we possibly can.”
Arvid hears Reka objects, he wants this business over with. He arranges his transportation separately with Alisha. After that Alisha states, She, can come back in three hours. Arvid is concerned about Alisha leaving.

Arvid speaks to Milady Alisha, “I am concerned about your protection, I know you could teleport back here in three hours. I don’t know what forces they are gathering, the more waiting, means the more people they can gather. I and others can go with you, to provide protection. Also, I would suggest that you come with us when we leave, for protection.”
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

"Hey guys" Phinneas nonchalantly says as he enters the room. Sitting down on the floor next to where his gear is piled he asks, "Anybody hungry? I just got back from this awesome little hole in the wall diner. Best meal I've had in years" He then opens up the take out box and waits to see if anyone is interested.

Phin, the borg. Tell them about the borg

"Oh, right Mr B" He continues, "While I was there, a borg came in and sat down with a guy at another table and it was looking at me. I heard the borg saying that I looked out of place and could probably be an easy score. The other guy didn't seem too interested at the time and told the borg I could be anybody, but they DID both take a look at me while they were leaving" He takes a piece of the eel, "Damn, this is good. You guys don't know what you're missing" and continues, "I didn't see anybody outside of the place when I left, and I did a little in-and-out of a couple shops on my way back to make sure I wasn't being followed" After swallowing his bite, he gives a description of the merc and his borg friend.

He will then take the missiles Amber gives to him and stows them in his gear and gets ready to go.
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

Perception: 19% (+5% about a good deal): 1d100: 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20: 1d20
JIC d100: 1d100: 1d100

Detect Ambush 39%: 1d100: 1d100
Charm 20%: 1d100
Invoke Trust 35%: 1d100
John smiles at the receipt of the money. "Thank you very much. I think I'm heading back to MercTown soon. If you all are doing the same, consider this: a band of freebooters travelling alone is less welcome and more suspicious than guards escorting a merchant. I'll need to stop along the way, of course." John leans in and his volume drops. "But given how your friend acted at the market, I bet you guys could use a beard."
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

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Amber Dach
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 70% = 1d100
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 3 days remaining.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 160/160 at 100%
Main Body: 350/350 at 100%
Underguard wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 7:27 pm When Susan suggests a different location first, Reka passionately objects, standing from the device and prompting Tessa to pause. "I have risked my life enough already. We will finish this task in a matter of hours, then you will get me out of here and away from all of it. You included." Reka exclaims to Amber and Susan, protesting hopping to Asgard or another dimension first. He turns to Alisha. "I will need a one way trip, 75k, no questions, when the techno-wizard and I finish our project in two hours. I can pay my own way but will leave from this room. Not somewhere in public." Reka states towards Alisha who simply nods.

"I can return in three hours, if that time frame works for you?" Alisha then asks and Reka nods, looking at Tessa then Amber. Before Amber has a chance to confirm/deny Reka's time-line with Alisha, the unmistakable smell of cooked eel fills the room with Amber and Susan being the first to smell it. Moments later, the door opens and the one-armed crazy enters holding a to-go bag.
Phinneas_Graves wrote: Wed May 08, 2024 6:48 pm "Oh, right Mr B" He continues, "While I was there, a borg came in and sat down with a guy at another table and it was looking at me. I heard the borg saying that I looked out of place and could probably be an easy score. The other guy didn't seem too interested at the time and told the borg I could be anybody, but they DID both take a look at me while they were leaving" He takes a piece of the eel, "Damn, this is good. You guys don't know what you're missing" and continues, "I didn't see anybody outside of the place when I left, and I did a little in-and-out of a couple shops on my way back to make sure I wasn't being followed" After swallowing his bite, he gives a description of the merc and his borg friend.
Interrupted when Phinneas returns, she exclaims. “Phinneas, good to have you back. We were worried about you.” She listens to his warning about the thugs looking to make and sighs softly as her fears about attracting the attention of some local thugs looking to make a quick cred by knocking us off. Με τους Θεούς! (By the Gods!) Could we catch a break soon! "Thanks for the warning, Phinneas.” She sighs again. “Alright, sounds like we may be getting some visitors soon. Everyone pack your gear and get ready for action.”

She says to Alisha. "Make it two and half hours. We seem to be attracting attention faster than I would like too."
Arvid Hammerson wrote: Wed May 08, 2024 5:36 pm Arvid speaks to Milady Alisha, “I am concerned about your protection, I know you could teleport back here in three hours. I don’t know what forces they are gathering, the more waiting, means the more people they can gather. I and others can go with you, to provide protection. Also, I would suggest that you come with us when we leave, for protection.”
Thinking back to the row she had with Praxis when she argued with him about not being a cold-blooded merc. And to think he thought I was naive for trying to do the right thing. Arvid is even softer than I am. This mission comes first even though there may be some innocent casualties along the way. She acknowledges Arvid’s concerns for Alisha’s safety, but Amber shakes her head. “No. I’m sorry, Arvid. I think Alisha can take care of herself. We cannot afford to divide our limited forces if we are to complete our mission. I doubt that these locals are stupid enough to mess with a Guild mage, too. They are looking for a quick cred, not trouble with the Guild.” I hope so anyway. She does address Alisha too. “Please be cautious upon your return, Ma'am.”
Calamity John wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 8:36 am John smiles at the receipt of the money. "Thank you very much. I think I'm heading back to MercTown soon. If you all are doing the same, consider this: a band of freebooters travelling alone is less welcome and more suspicious than guards escorting a merchant. I'll need to stop along the way, of course." John leans in and his volume drops. "But given how your friend acted at the market, I bet you guys could use a beard."
Amber smiles at the offer. “I appreciate the offer, John. But we have to finish our job or there we be bad consequences for us.” She gives him a serious look. “We seem have a bad habit of making enemies wherever we go, so keep yourself safe. As you heard, we have attracted some locals attention. You may in some danger now that you have been associated with us. I’d lay-low if I was you for a bit until we are gone.”

Amber will finish loading out her missiles and magazines, pack her excess gear and gets the Tech-Warrior ready for action again. “Since John struck out with the E-clips. Take my extras Susan.” She offers her the 4 standard E-clips she has in her ammo bag.

Once she is ready to go she decides to try out her new sword that Minerva and John tracked down to get a feel for how it operates and handles. Very nice! Well balanced. Simple enough to use and doesn't take too much energy to activate.. Should be another surprise to add to my arsenal. She will then settle down and meditate for a while awaiting the next problem to appear.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Susan Lee
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible

Susan finishes packing her gear. When Alisha states that she wants to go away for three hours, Susan looks at Amber, hoping she'll cut this idea off. "Surely waiting with us is included in the price?"

And then Phinneas all but explains that there's a price on their heads in front of the two hired strangers. Oh excellent, Phinneas. Fantastic work as always!

In complete exasperation, she turns to him and says, "The important errand you went on was to get food?!?"

Susan pauses. "And you did not bring any back for the rest of us?!?"
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

OOC Comments
Rolls Held, adding:
Appraise Goods 109%: 1d100
"Well, I'm gonna be here a couple more days anyway. Need to turn these credits back into merchandise for the trip south. You finish up your job in time, maybe you still want the beard." John will remind Amber of his room number.

John goes and pays for his room for another night and then retires to his room to come up with a shopping list to spend this recent windfall on. Heeding Amber's caution and John's own paranoia, John wedges the hooligan tool in the doorframe and engages the privacy lock so the door will have to come off its hinges to open. The crazy huckster keeps his trusty rifle on the bed next to him in case he needs it. John's bag goes near the window, and he checks if the window opens.

If it doesn't, John pushes the heaviest, hardest piece of furniture he can lift over near the window to make it open on command.

John's plan if someone tries to force the door is to take his chances with a fall.
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Susan Lee wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 6:50 pm In complete exasperation, she turns to him and says, "The important errand you went on was to get food?!?"

Susan pauses. "And you did not bring any back for the rest of us?!?"
"Yes. Can't function on an empty stomach...." He then places his to go container as close to Susan's nose as he can "I did offer, but noone took any. I couldn't figure out how you can resist this smell"
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

((rolls carry over))

Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute.
“No. I’m sorry, Arvid. I think Alisha can take care of herself. We cannot afford to divide our limited forces if we are to complete our mission. I doubt that these locals are stupid enough to mess with a Guild mage, too. They are looking for a quick cred, not trouble with the Guild.” I hope so anyway. She does address Alisha too. “Please be cautious upon your return, Ma'am.”
Wha?t she is the key for us getting out of here. If they stop her, we need to bug out on our own initiative no popping in to other places. Arvid is slightly shocked by Amber’s decision, he is under control as just nods and says, “I understand. What about just setting up a perimeter around the hotel to keep an eye on what is happening outside. Susan has drones and I can call for some brothers to help if you want?”
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Lazlo: Saturday, October 112PA, 5:55pm
Environmental Conditions: 11*C (51*F); partially cloudy but mostly clear.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Lazlo Nexus nearby

Phinneas makes his return, safe and sound, calming the concerned hearts and minds of those in the hotel. However, Phinneas' report of the borg and his friend is enough to send the already paranoid minds aflutter. Just how far did this Naruni's reach extend, was he already aware of their deception or was this simply the between mercenaries. Taking no chances, Amber mobilizes the team and gives Alisha the head-nod for her return window. Arvid expresses concern for Alisha leaving, considering everything else he's been told already about the threat they are dealing with. When Arvid offers his protection to the shifter, she offers a sly smile as she shakes her head.

"Waiting is not included in my prices. I am a busy woman, though I appreciate the concern, but trust that I am not easily taken by surprise. You will see me in two and a half hours." Alisha confirms with Amber, Susan and Arvid, then takes her leave from the room. Though John remains and offers to remain with the group to increase their numbers and make them less susceptible. John being the most trustworthy soul they've encountered since arriving in Lazlo. Amber states the need for their job to be completed first, and John returns to his room and barricades it. John's room faces the street-side, allowing the smuggler a good eye on incoming traffic. He can see Alisha leave and notices nothing out of the ordinary. John inspects his window and finds that it does not open easily, but can be forced open if he tries.

Susan expresses her disgust at Phinneas for not considering to get the rest of the team any food, and the smell of the good food certainly makes some stomachs rumble. Rations and power bars definitely seeming to be less appetizing in the wake of the smoked Eel. Arvid adheres to Amber's decision, though suggests Susan's drones be uses as lookouts in the meantime. One in the hallway, and one in the lobby is easy to do [Should Susan agree], though shortly after the suggestion, Tessa turns to the others.

"Y'all obviously haven't worked with a technowizard before, but a quiet workspace is generally helpful." Tessa quips.

Reka doesn't say anything and instead pulls the toolkit Tessa has to his side and begins disassembly of the device. This is a unique time to see an alien engineer work, and the speed at which this alien moves would make most humans dizzy. He takes no notes and appears to put the pieces in a specific order, soon the table looks what one would see inside a clockmaker's shop. There are more components than can be easily counted, some as small as a pin. The Uteni works with a practiced precision on disassembly while Tessa focuses on the gem she received. Those magically inclined can feel magic ebbing from the technowizard as they begin reassembly. Neither of them are speaking, though Tessa is shown to be nodding at random intervals, as if acknowledging something. [Lore (Magic, Alien, Psionic, Dbee, etc) could be used to determine they are likely working telepathically.]

Nothing of real interest happens over the two and a half hours. John observes a few on the street pass by, one person that's hard to identify leaves the hotel and an hour later, two more enter the lobby. Susan's drones can see both events, the person left from the third floor, an alien of some kind. The two others returned and went to a room on the first floor, one of them was a complete borg, the other was a woman. Then Susan's drone sees Alisha approaching the area again in her same strut as she advances to the room. Something Susan notes is that the hotel sees zero foot traffic for an hour and a half between the two returning, and Alisha returning.

Alisha then knocks on the door to be let in. "I'm here and will wait the remainder." She says through the door waiting to be let in.

When she speaks in the otherwise quiet hallway, Susan, Amber, Phinneas and Arvid all see the Uteni twitch, as if the slightest unplanned sound was enough to annoy him while he worked. He looks to Tessa who looks up from the device and nods. "We're almost done, another fifteen minutes or so, and the next time this thing is turned on, it'll go pop." Tessa explains. She glances at Amber with an apologetic look as she adds "He's a meticulous worker. I'd hate working with him on a day-to-day basis." Tessa admits before looking back at Reka and shrugging. If Uteni can glare, Reka probably is staring daggers at Tessa.

Back in John's room, the paranoid smuggler is pleased with a relatively calm evening until he receives a call on one of his channels from someone within the Black Market. A thug he's dealt with before that's always looking for a score, named Lars. "Hey hey, Calamity John, Johnny Boy. It's Lars." The voice rasps over the com channel; Lars has always been a pain and a dolt. John recognizes him as a partial cyborg he's had dealings with in the past. "Looking for intel on a one-armed crazy that talks to his grenade. Buddy of mine is looking to cash in a payday. Could be worth a lot to you too, say 20%. See anyone like that? Rumor is he was last seen around Chester's Eatery." Lars asks. John is relatively positive no one actually knows he is staying at the No-Tell right now.

What are your intentions?
GM Note:

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100
Lore: Psychics & Psionics 55% = 1d100
Lore: Magic Base Skill (general knowledge): 50% = 1d100
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 3 days remaining.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 160/160 at 100%
Main Body: 350/350 at 100%
Underguard wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 6:24 pm "Waiting is not included in my prices. I am a busy woman, though I appreciate the concern, but trust that I am not easily taken by surprise. You will see me in two and a half hours." Alisha confirms with Amber, Susan and Arvid, then takes her leave from the room.
Amber looks towards Arvid. She wants to give him a smug, ‘I told you so’ but instead replies. “Like I said, Arvid. The lady can take care of herself.” She nods respectfully to Alisha. “See you in two and a half hours.”

She takes a deep breath in and speaks. “I have no objection to either the babies or your friends, Arvid, being on lookout. Just as long as they don’t start anything with either the other lodgers or locals.” Please Gods. Don't let them start anything else. This path forward is convoluted enough.
Underguard wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 6:24 pm Susan expresses her disgust at Phinneas for not considering to get the rest of the team any food, and the smell of the good food certainly makes some stomachs rumble. Rations and power bars definitely seeming to be less appetizing in the wake of the smoked Eel. Arvid adheres to Amber's decision, though suggests Susan's drones be uses as lookouts in the meantime. One in the hallway, and one in the lobby is easy to do [Should Susan agree], though shortly after the suggestion, Tessa turns to the others.

"Y'all obviously haven't worked with a technowizard before, but a quiet workspace is generally helpful." Tessa quips.

Reka doesn't say anything and instead pulls the toolkit Tessa has to his side and begins disassembly of the device. This is a unique time to see an alien engineer work, and the speed at which this alien moves would make most humans dizzy. He takes no notes and appears to put the pieces in a specific order, soon the table looks what one would see inside a clockmaker's shop. There are more components than can be easily counted, some as small as a pin. The Uteni works with a practiced precision on disassembly while Tessa focuses on the gem she received. Those magically inclined can feel magic ebbing from the technowizard as they begin reassembly. Neither of them are speaking, though Tessa is shown to be nodding at random intervals, as if acknowledging something. [Lore (Magic, Alien, Psionic, Dbee, etc) could be used to determine they are likely working telepathically.]
Yes, some quiet would be nice. She says in a quiet voice. “Does anyone require any assistance with anything? Otherwise I will meditate for a while and rest up and clear my mind for whatever is to come next.” She watches the Techno-Wizard and Reka working for a few minutes before getting comfortable and meditating for an hour to clear her mind. She trusts in her psychic senses to keep her alert to any danger before it reaches them.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

OOC Comments
Perception: 19% (+5% for a good deal): 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20
JIC d100: 1d100

Travel Information & Tips 56%: 1d100
Detect Ambush 39%: 1d100
Basic Electronics 39%: 1d100
Underguard wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 6:24 pm
Current Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Lazlo: Saturday, October 112PA, 5:55pm
Environmental Conditions: 11*C (51*F); partially cloudy but mostly clear.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Lazlo Nexus nearby
Back in John's room, the paranoid smuggler is pleased with a relatively calm evening until he receives a call on one of his channels from someone within the Black Market. A thug he's dealt with before that's always looking for a score, named Lars. "Hey hey, Calamity John, Johnny Boy. It's Lars." The voice rasps over the com channel; Lars has always been a pain and a dolt. John recognizes him as a partial cyborg he's had dealings with in the past. "Looking for intel on a one-armed crazy that talks to his grenade. Buddy of mine is looking to cash in a payday. Could be worth a lot to you too, say 20%. See anyone like that? Rumor is he was last seen around Chester's Eatery." Lars asks. John is relatively positive no one actually knows he is staying at the No-Tell right now.
"Lars. What do you need?" John says completely neutrally.

A little voice in John's head goes off as soon as Lars spells out Phinneas rather succinctly. Fucks sakes, brother. The one time you play knight in shining armor.

John's going to play this one cool. The best lies are full of truth. "That sounds like someone I'd remember." Like everyone would remember.

"I'm not too far from there if I remember the place. I could ask around, but I actually solved my own cash flow problems and was getting ready to head back south. Sounds like an easy investigation, though. So I gotta ask, 20% of what are you thinking?"

John is checking the door as he's doing this. Either the peephole or John will get flush with the floor and peek out the crack at the bottom of the door. If it looks clear, he pulls the hooligan tool, shoulders his rifle, and walks down a stairwell while chatting on his comms with Lars. John absolutely will not use an elevator, even if there is one. John pops his head out on the second floor, and if the halls are clear is making a beeline for Amber's room when John stops and ponders- for the first time- what kind of security No-Tell has and looks around for security cameras. If John spots any such, he's gonna use his marker to black out the lenses, climbing on top of his backpack to reach if he has to.
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

The oddest Merchant you've never met.
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

Perception: 47% 1d100+25% For Electrical 1d100 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20 1d20
JIC: 1d100 1d100
Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute.
Amber looks towards Arvid. She wants to give him a smug, ‘I told you so’ but instead replies. “Like I said, Arvid. The lady can take care of herself.” She nods respectfully to Alisha. “See you in two and a half hours.”
Arvid sighs and is OK with the outcome. He resigns himself to staying put and preparing for the departure.
She takes a deep breath in and speaks. “I have no objection to either the babies or your friends, Arvid, being on lookout. Just as long as they don’t start anything with either the other lodgers or locals.” Please Gods. Don't let them start anything else. This path forward is convoluted enough.
Arvid smiles and speaks softly, “I will go to another room and summon a brother to help watch.”
Yes, some quiet would be nice. She says in a quiet voice. “Does anyone require any assistance with anything? Otherwise I will meditate for a while and rest up and clear my mind for whatever is to come next.” She watches the Techno-Wizard and Reka working for a few minutes before getting comfortable and meditating for an hour to clear her mind. She trusts in her psychic senses to keep her alert to any danger before it reaches them.
Arvid leaves and will call forth a Phantom
OOC Comments
(Trying to figure out how much PPE I expend and How long Duration is extended. P.P.E. once every melee round from a ley line and 20 P.P.E. from a nexus point so 10 or 20, but In the world of Rifts Earth the ley line energy is at an all-time high and offers a seemingly endless source of mystic power for the taking. Practitioners of magic, supernatural creatures, and demons can stand on or near a ley line and freely feed on its energy to cast magic as well as enhance their magic. (Increase the range and duration of a spell by 50% when on or within 2 miles/3 .2 km of a ley line.)
Arvid speaks to the Phantom using its language, “Brother I need you for a while to watch this building and inform me of anyone coming into it or around it. You can use Distant Voices to talk to me I will be on the outside.”

Arvid heads to tell Amber. He use a soft voice, “I have summoned a Brother, He is invisible, he will be my eyes outside. I need to go down to the outside of the lobby so he can keep me informed. I shall take one of the radios so we can keep in touch. I understand, do no harm to the building or others, he is there just to watch and report, as I am.”
Arvid heads outside of the lobby and watches if this is OK with Amber.
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

Just when i thought she was starting to like me.....

When Susan expresses her disgust at him not bringing food back for the team, Phinneas quickly replies, "Food allergies. I don't know who has them or what they might be. Would you prefer that I unintentionally poison you guys?" He gives a quick smirk, "Or just the intentional type?"

With that out of the way, Phinneas finishes getting his gear together and getting ready to move out on Amber's command.
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Lazlo: Saturday, October 112PA, 6:05pm
Environmental Conditions: 11*C (51*F); partially cloudy but mostly clear.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Lazlo Nexus nearby

[Room 204]
Amber, Susan, Phinneas, Minerva, Arvid

Arvid can pull off the local Ley Line to help him summon the Phantom watcher with 50% boost for it's time in the realm. The invisible spectre doesn't speak or really acknowledge Arvid's order, however it stands as nothing more than wisps of air outside their room. Then, Arvid heads downstairs and waits for the remaining time. Arvid sees Alisha return and can return with her to the room, or stay in the lobby. The phantom tells Arvid that a woman approaches the room but makes no attempt to intercept her as she arrives at the room. Inside the lobby there is still that one hunched person sitting on a mattress in the corner, with his back to the lobby, apparently minding his own business. Arvid can't seem to see or hear any other foot traffic in the lobby.

Minerva lets Alisha back into the room and she follows suit with Amber, sitting down and apparently meditating while Tessa and Reka finish their project. Phinneas can see them beginning to put the small pieces back together at a slow rate with a fine hand and tools. It appears to be taking a little longer to put it back together, though Phinneas can also see the gemstone Tessa had been working with delicately placed within as well.

Amber finds herself being tapped on the shoulder by Tessa, who immediately steps back holding up her hands in parlay for disturbing her with a goofy smile. "Hey. Reka's closing it up now. My piece is done. Once that thing fires back up, it'll go pop just as requested. Should also short out any computers or tech in its immediate area too." Tessa says, pausing before adding. "So, if it's alright with you. I'd like to settle up and be on my way before you lot do whatever your planning to do." Tessa asks.

[Room 307]

There is some static on the line from Lars before the raspy voice answers. "150k for a tip that leads to the target. Royce is looking to cash in before the Manco disappears. Time sensitive, this." Lars responds. The name Royce rings a bell to John as a fully chromed borg freelancer who often does work with the Black Market in Lazlo. Also has a reputation on the local Black Market for being a brutal combat borg with no qualms about who may get caught in the crossfire. [A successful Travel Information Skill Check, or Law, General reveals the
Dossier on Royce Hendricks
Wanted by official law enforcement for the following: Kidnapping, Arson, 1st Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Murder, Dismemberment, Smuggling.
No Contact Order; If spotted, do not engage. Inform local law enforcement agency and keep distance. Make no threatening motions or contact with subject. High inclination for violence when aggravated.
Known Contacts: Black Market Enforcer, Brutalizer. Travels with group of combat cyborgs of various levels. Leader of a small group of borgs with numbers ranging between 4-12 at any given time. Usually in the company of 1-2 other borgs.
No known hang-outs or place of residence.
Price: 500,000 if brought in alive; 250,000 if proof of death is provided.

While John talks to Lars, he checks his area for any potential disturbances. There is a peephole that is hard to see out of, the hallway is not well lit at all. Though, the Hallway looks clear from what he can tell. When he exits, he can find a a scissor gate elevator at the end of the hallway. Amber's room is down the opposite hallway, across the open hallway where the stairwell is. John can't see any cameras and knows Hotels like this make their money in their anonymity and lack of proper security found at better locations. Black Market jobs, contracts, and meetings between people that want to be left alone and unnoticed often go down at places like this. "So, Johnny Boy. Think you can find the intel we need quick-like? We're in the area and ready to act on it." Lars confirms as John leaves his room. John can see one of Susan's drones outside Amber's room, though, apparently watching the otherwise quiet hallway.

What are your intentions?
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

Perception: 19% (+5% for a good deal): 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20
JIC d100: 1d100

Travel Information & Tips 56%: 1d100
Detect Ambush 39%: 1d100
Basic Electronics 39%: 1d100
John shrugs. No cameras is good.

"Your number got me off my ass and my nose out of my account books. I assume that I'm not the last call on your contact list and I better find something quick?"

"Royce is a little trigger-happy according to rumors." John completely makes something up here. "I even heard that's why he hasn't been made one of our friends* yet. Is he gonna pay or should we both be worried?" If Lars says something reassuring, John continues with "Alright Lars, I'll take your word for that. But I'm going to not be in the same building by the time I clue you in for safety reasons either way. Stray fire isn't my idea of a good time." John cuts his mike off at this point, but if Lars says anything else John's happy to listen.

At room 204, John waves at the drone and gives the door the universal secret knock of 'Shave and a Haircut: Two Bits'. Assuming someone comes to the door, John opens with "Your one-armed friend has a huge bounty on him and every snitch in this hood is being offered 150k just to find him. You are officially out of time." Assuming theres nobody in the hall at that moment. If there is, John stares at them in the way criminals do when civilians are in their space until they move out of earshot.

*John is hinting at Royce still being an outsider to the Black Market here, while Lars and John are both made men.
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

The oddest Merchant you've never met.
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100
Intelligence 57% = 1d100
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 3 days remaining.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 160/160 at 100%
Main Body: 350/350 at 100%
Underguard wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 7:20 pm Amber finds herself being tapped on the shoulder by Tessa, who immediately steps back holding up her hands in parlay for disturbing her with a goofy smile. "Hey. Reka's closing it up now. My piece is done. Once that thing fires back up, it'll go pop just as requested. Should also short out any computers or tech in its immediate area too." Tessa says, pausing before adding. "So, if it's alright with you. I'd like to settle up and be on my way before you lot do whatever your planning to do." Tessa asks.
Amber opens her eyes as Tessa taps her shoulder and she listens to Tessa's explanation. It should short out computers or tech in the immediate area too? Sigh. I asked this before and everything was going to be fine, now it should short out tech in the immediate area? “What do you mean by immediate area? 5 feet? 10 feet? 50 feet? What distance are we talking about here?” Once she has her question answered to her satisfaction she will offer to settle up. Assuming Tessa isn’t trying to extract an unreasonably high payment out of them, Amber will pay it and hustle Tessa out of the room with a thank-you for the work and a reminder to keep things under wraps.

(OCC – cost was never nailed down before hand, I was trying to figure that out in character with Mike before he flaked, and we just moved on from there.)

She tells Susan or anyone that is near the window to keep an eye on Tessa to make sure she leaves the area.
Calamity John wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 8:41 pm At room 204, John waves at the drone and gives the door the universal secret knock of 'Shave and a Haircut: Two Bits'. Assuming someone comes to the door, John opens with "Your one-armed friend has a huge bounty on him and every snitch in this hood is being offered 150k just to find him. You are officially out of time." Assuming there’s nobody in the hall at that moment. If there is, John stares at them in the way criminals do when civilians are in their space until they move out of earshot.
Amber ears perks up when John knocks on the door. Who could that be now? She answers the door and is surprised at John’s announcement of a bounty on Phinneas. “Please come in, John.” She says as she peeks down the hallway for anyone that may have overheard John’s voice. “I appreciate the heads up.”

She looks at Phinneas and thinks out loud. “Is this something from your past, Phinneas? Or is this related to our current business. Either way. If everyone is ready? Let’s get the hell out of here and finish this.” One way or another.

She looks back at John. “You obviously wouldn’t have warned us if you were going to let your contact know where we are. So, I’ll be blunt. What’s your angle?”
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

Perception: 47% 1d100 +25% For Electrical 1d100 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20 1d20
JIC: 1d100 1d100

Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute.
OOC Comments
(Summons a Fragmented Elemental Essence) Range: Immediate area, up to 40 feet ( 12.2 m) away. Duration: 15 minutes per level of the Warlock.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Thirty
This is another spell that enables the Warlock to summon and command an Air Elemental essence fragment. This invisible assistant can be sent to scout ahead, spy, hunt, kill, defend, attack, carry items, locate secret compartments/doors (89%), etc. There is no limit to the distance it can travel away from the Warlock.
Phantom : The phantom can carry up to 1 1 00 pounds (495 kg) and still moves at its maximum speed. The Elemental servant will obey only the War lock and remain in this world until the spell's duration elapses or it is sent back by the Warlock.
Its supernatural strength means it can inflict Mega-Damage. When ordered to kill someone, it will use what weapons are at hand and/or magic.
M.D.C.: 80;
impervious to cold, electricity, poison, disease and fear. Attributes: Invisible (its natural state), eight feet (2.4 m) tall, P.S. 22, P.P. 1 9, I.Q. 1 0, and flying speed is 45 mph (72 km).
Combat: Four physical attacks per melee round or two by magic, and inflicts 2D6 M.D. from punch or 4D6 M.D. from a power punch (counts as two attacks). +2 on initiative, +4 to strike and parry, +7 to dodge, and can see the invisible.
Magic: Can cast all level 1 -4 Air Elemental magic and has 1 00 P.P.E.
Then, Arvid heads downstairs and waits for the remaining time. Arvid sees Alisha return and can return with her to the room, or stay in the lobby. The phantom tells Arvid that a woman approaches the room but makes no attempt to intercept her as she arrives at the room. Inside the lobby there is still that one hunched person sitting on a mattress in the corner, with his back to the lobby, apparently
After Alisha heads up, Arvid waits a few minutes before he slowly gets up and heads up to the room. He ask the Phantom to station himself in the motel where he can Watch the way up,

He then knocks on the door to get in saying, “It is I Arvid.”

Arvid thinks, Well, I wonder how soon we leave?

When John knocks, and is let in, his mind starts calculating how quickly this attack is about to come, He just got the words but they must have known the answer before they called. I agree with John the hammer is coming down now. “Amber now is the time to move or slow down those coming to get us.”
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

Amber Dach wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 6:13 pm
Amber ears perks up when John knocks on the door. Who could that be now? She answers the door and is surprised at John’s announcement of a bounty on Phinneas. “Please come in, John.” She says as she peeks down the hallway for anyone that may have overheard John’s voice. “I appreciate the heads up.”

She looks at Phinneas and thinks out loud. “Is this something from your past, Phinneas? Or is this related to our current business. Either way. If everyone is ready? Let’s get the hell out of here and finish this.” One way or another.

She looks back at John. “You obviously wouldn’t have warned us if you were going to let your contact know where we are. So, I’ll be blunt. What’s your angle?”
John steps in when bidden.

"Actually. Telling him would be the best move to make. At least half of it. The guy on your ass today is a full conversion borg named Royce Hendricks. He's a trigger-happy gunsel associated with the local underworld. Kind of a loose cannon, the type that even the Black Market won't miss. He's got a 500k bounty on him from Lazlo PD and to collect they just want to know his current whereabouts. Now.... I can't collect that bounty myself or my contacts would never reach out to me again. If one of you wanted to call him in while I'm calling you in.... Well, it might buy you the space you need to get lost from whoever is paying Royce."

"As for why, ma'am, you were my best payday in this town already, and when given a choice I'm the type to stick with the girl who brought me to the dance, if you catch my meaning."

"We can still head south together if you all are ready. Nobody pays any attention to caravan guards."
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

The oddest Merchant you've never met.
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Susan Lee
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

Phinneas_Graves wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 3:12 am When Susan expresses her disgust at him not bringing food back for the team, Phinneas quickly replies, "Food allergies. I don't know who has them or what they might be. Would you prefer that I unintentionally poison you guys?" He gives a quick smirk, "Or just the intentional type?"
Susan puts her hand over her face, while continuing to watch through her drones. "Phinneas, the problem is that you went at all, potentially endangering us. Adding insult to injury is the fact that you did not merely leave the hotel for a frivolous purpose, you failed to even bring food. A variety of food would not poison us and people could have chosen."

At least no one seems to be investing the hotel.

And then John comes in.

Susan points at him and looks at Phinneas again. "Do you see?"

Then she moves to the window to keep an eye on the street.

"We could potentially also surrender to this borg, assuming the bounty is the one we suspect is in play. Once Mr. Ola is gone, that is."

Susan squats down so that only her eyes and the top of her head are above the lower window frame.

"Otherwise, let us leave with all haste. I am not currently picking anything up from my drones."
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

900,000? For little ol' me?

At Amber's question, Phinneas responds "I am hunting my past, not the other way around. This has to be from our current situation. I don't know what else it could be"

After listening to the banter between John, Amber and Susan's light scolding, Phinneas chimes in, "I like John's idea, and I'm not really a fan of running from a fight. AND I'd like to know who has a grudge.....

Phin, what are you doing?

Not really sure yet Mr B

"And as Susan has pointed out, I kinda caused this group problem so I'd like to end it. Plus, a 500k bounty, even split up is still a nice chunk of change. Seems like a new arm is going to be costly and I still don't know what I'm getting from this job yet, so any little bit helps"

He takes a look around to try and gauge what everyone is thinking.

"I mean, really, we went up against Eight. How bad can this guy be? We make a couple bucks, help the cops catch what sounds like someone who the world would be better with locked up, maybe make a nice contact here or potential business, and Susan would get see me used as bait. Don't lie Susie Q, I know you'd like that"
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Amber Dach
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Amber Dach »

(Rolls held over)
Calamity John wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 4:39 pm "Actually. Telling him would be the best move to make. At least half of it. The guy on your ass today is a full conversion borg named Royce Hendricks. He's a trigger-happy gunsel associated with the local underworld. Kind of a loose cannon, the type that even the Black Market won't miss. He's got a 500k bounty on him from Lazlo PD and to collect they just want to know his current whereabouts. Now.... I can't collect that bounty myself or my contacts would never reach out to me again. If one of you wanted to call him in while I'm calling you in.... Well, it might buy you the space you need to get lost from whoever is paying Royce."

"As for why, ma'am, you were my best payday in this town already, and when given a choice I'm the type to stick with the girl who brought me to the dance, if you catch my meaning."
"We can still head south together if you all are ready. Nobody pays any attention to caravan guards."

Amber nods along slowly as she follows John’s train of thought. This Hendricks seems like a piece of trash that should be apprehended. But we don’t have time to deal with him. But we may need more cash to run with if our gambit goes off the rails with The Creator. “I see your angle. We are leaving very soon, so I have no problem with tipping off the Lazlo police. Collecting may be an issue, unless this bounty has been offered through Merc Ops and we can collect if we make it back to MercTown. But either way. If this guy is as bad as you say, I would say it is a good thing if they can arrest him even without a reward.”

She cocks her head to the side. “You know. Unless you have a way of getting our location to him without him knowing you sent it to him, you are going to be at risk too. I take he doesn’t run alone? If any of his associates get away, they are going to be looking for retribution and you will be at the top of their list for setting them up. You may need to get out of town and come with us.” She lets that thought settle with John and turns her attention to everyone else.

Susan Lee wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 10:05 pm "We could potentially also surrender to this borg, assuming the bounty is the one we suspect is in play. Once Mr. Ola is gone, that is."

Susan squats down so that only her eyes and the top of her head are above the lower window frame.

"Otherwise, let us leave with all haste. I am not currently picking anything up from my drones."
Phinneas_Graves wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 1:32 am
After listening to the banter between John, Amber and Susan's light scolding, Phinneas chimes in, "I like John's idea, and I'm not really a fan of running from a fight. AND I'd like to know who has a grudge.....

"And as Susan has pointed out, I kinda caused this group problem so I'd like to end it. Plus, a 500k bounty, even split up is still a nice chunk of change. Seems like a new arm is going to be costly and I still don't know what I'm getting from this job yet, so any little bit helps"

He takes a look around to try and gauge what everyone is thinking.

"I mean, really, we went up against Eight. How bad can this guy be? We make a couple bucks, help the cops catch what sounds like someone who the world would be better with locked up, maybe make a nice contact here or potential business, and Susan would get see me used as bait. Don't lie Susie Q, I know you'd like that"
Amber nods in agreement with Susan. “I’m for getting out of here very, very soon.” She looks at Phinneas. “I think we all know who placed the bounty on you and wouldn’t be surprised if the rest of us have them on us as well. So, it could have been anyone of us getting tagged by these Bounty Hunters. As much as I would prefer to deal with this Hendricks personally, he won’t be coming on his own and we don’t have time to mess about with him. Get ready to leave. Once Reka has left, we will finish up here and leave ourselves.”

She looks at Reka. “You ready to go? Whenever Alisha is ready, you can leave.” She looks at him. “Got any last-minute advice for dealing with Him? Any weaknesses or pressure points we can use to our advantage?” She will await a reply and if Alisha is prepared to transport him, she will offer Reka a bow of respect. “Farewell Reka. May the Gods be with you.”

Once a plan is in place and things are starting to happen, she will pull Phinneas aside. "Phinneas. While you were off eating, I divvied up the cash that Reka gave us. You should be able to afford whatever you need for a replacement arm with this." She says as she shows him the amount of credits she is transferring to him. (OOC - Blackhaunt added the 1 million Black Creds to your sheet already.)
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Lazlo: Saturday, October 112PA, 6:30pm
Environmental Conditions: 11*C (51*F); partially cloudy but mostly clear.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Lazlo Nexus nearby

Amber and Tessa discuss the effects of the device, with the techno-wizard using her arms to help explain. "Kind of depends on what the device is doing. Say it opens a portal on from one spot to another on this planet, it'll be about a 10ft radius pop. But opening a gateway to another planet, or dimension, up to a 30ft pop. It'll fry any unprotected electronics in the area and give anyone within some serious electrical burns." She glances to Reka. "Sound about right?" She asks and the alien simply nods as Reka finishes reassembly. When asked about price, Tessa shrugs. "Construction time was reasonable, had a lot of help with assembly and labor, only one gem was needed with a complex magical weave woven into it. Never set my own prices before, say 50 thou?" She suggests. Amber is quick to pay her and usher her away. Susan can confirm with her drones that Tessa does leave the building, though they can't see which direction she takes outside. [GIRLS room sees the alleyway and a small part of the street. John's room sees the street]

John rejoins the GIRLS in their room and shortly thereafter, Arvid follows suit. The Drones and Phantom staying outside the room as John discloses what he knows of the borg Phinneas encountered, and their supposed bounties. There is talk of potentially cashing in on Royce's bounty, though Amber doesn't go for the idea beyond tipping off the Lazlo Law Enforcement to his location.

Reka stands with the reassembled device and holds it in front of Amber, but before Amber can take it from him, he pulls it back briefly. "You can turn it on and off. But do not enter any coordinates or it will trigger the wizard's bomb. There will be no delay. Once it is placed on a wall and the coordinates are entered, it will detonate. The wizard's description is accurate on it's radius, but it is speculation." Reka expands, then hands Amber the device. He then turns to Alisha. "Please send me Eden Prime of the Thundercloud Galaxy." Reka asks of Alisha and hands her the payment.

"Been awhile since I opened a portal to that area, but doable." Alisha states and opens a Rift within the room for Reka. Before leaving, Reka turns to the GIRLS. "He keeps his secrets to himself, and has a small army at his disposal. You will need to come up with an excuse for Eight's destruction and my disappearance, it is unlikely you will have an in person audience with him, unless you go to his base. As you undoubtedly know, his desire for retribution will be strong. One weakness to exploit is his bottom line, and you already know his primary base on this planet; if it were to be destroyed, he'd have far worse things to worry about than hunting you down. The Naruni Enterprise Hierarchy is a fickle thing, once someone stops bringing in profits, they are replaced and this project wasn't disclosed to his superiors. Good luck. I hope you are successful." Reka advises before stepping through and leaving the GIRLS in their room with Alisha. Reka notably doesn't wait any longer than that, after he says what he says, he leaves without waiting for anyone else's goodbyes.

Alisha turns to the others. "I can also provide transport for your team outside of Lazlo, or you can go your own way." Alisha offers. She'll wait for an answer and unless accepted, offers a polite bow and leaves. Neither Drone nor the Phantom show any signs of concern in the lobby or hallways. The group now has to decide how best to return to Merctown, and what to do about the stalking borg that is somewhere in the neighborhood.

What are your intentions?
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

Perception: 25% (+5% for a good deal): 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20
JIC d100: 1d100

Roadwise 88%: 1d100
Detect Ambush 49%: 1d100
Lore: Magic (General Knowledge) 49%: 1d100
John shrugs at Amber. "If my contacts figure out I had a hand in it, they're as likely to think I handled Royce with finesse and was hands-off. Besides, the way ghetto flop houses like this work, everyone here will know to sell you out soon, and one of them will definitely say something. Whatever we're doing, it has to be fast."

When they open the rift, a feminine voice rings out in John's mind. Hey, brother, doesn't that rift thing leave traces behind? "Hey. That rift leaves a sign of it being here, doesn't it? Some sort of trace shifters can find and stuff? It's gonna be able to cover your trail. I'll go down to the parking lot and make a call. You guys should move to my room. There's no cameras in the place so just don't let anyone see you go in that room and we should be golden." John hands Amber his room key.
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100+3
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

Who knew replacing an arm would be so expensive?

As Phinneas listens to the group discus how to handle the borg, he speaks up "I really think we should take care of this borg before we go. What kind of a Merc company would we be if we ran? And how long would we be in business if word that we ran got out? AND, it sounds like we would be doing the world a service if we got it off the streets"

He goes and takes a peek out of the windows.

"AND, for all we know, the borg could be situated right outside of the front door waiting for us"

Phinneas takes a moment to concentrate and really scan the the outside with his enhanced vision.

"AND, we dont even know if the borg is interested in me because of the Naruni. Don't you want to know for sure? Yes, we have them to deal with, but we are going to be walking right into their front door soon. Wouldn't it be more lucrative, erm, easier, if we didn't have a psychotic borg trailing us the whole time? If word got to John, I'm sure word has gotten to alot more people, and for all we know, they could know that John is with us already"

"I went on a catapult from MercTown into the bush which got shot down and resulted in meeting you guys. I lost my arm on some trash planet I hope to never see again. I continued on with you guys to battle multiple manifestations of Eight. I'm really having a hard time coming to grips with running now, especially knowing that going back to the Naruni may be the end of me"

He takes a look around the room at the group. "If I'm going to my death either way, I wanna meet it on my terms. Not someone else's. I'm a Crazy. I don't run"
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm: 50 M.D.C
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

Phinneas_Graves wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:54 pm He takes a look around the room at the group. "If I'm going to my death either way, I wanna meet it on my terms. Not someone else's. I'm a Crazy. I don't run"
(Rolls Held)

John makes the 'it's a new car' gesture at Phineas and says "Sounds like its gonna be a scene one way or another. I'll go make a call."
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

Perception: 47% 1d100+25% For Electrical 1d100 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20 1d20
JIC: 1d1001d100

Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute.

Arvid holds back his questions until there is an opening. Then he speaks up, “I am new to the group, and I don’t know How the group works combat together. Minerva has seen me in action, so she knows what I am good at, but I can provide spells, but more I can mix it up close in the front lines.”

“My father would advise to eliminate the enemy close to you before you go after a bigger enemy. This might help us in working together. I agree that we should not fight in this place, but lead them to a place we can take them on, and defiantly call the locals.”

"Over all, save the innocent, and their property."

Arvid looks at Alisha and ask, "Alisha do you know of such a place close by?"
The BOLT ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Calamity John
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Calamity John »

Arvid Hammerson wrote: Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:31 pm “My father would advise to eliminate the enemy close to you before you go after a bigger enemy. This might help us in working together. I agree that we should not fight in this place, but lead them to a place we can take them on, and defiantly call the locals.”

"Over all, save the innocent, and their property."
John makes an audible snort at Arvid's statement about innocents. "The closest thing to an innocent here at No-Tell is either a thief waiting for a fence-"Like us, brother? "-or a junkie looking to score, but the more you all talk, the more I think the only innocents here are you guys. You guys picked this place cause you understand that at some level this is where people hide from prying eyes. Whatever your reasons are, they are clearly way more wholesome than your neighbors. Wanting to avoid a bloodbath is all well and good and I respect it. But something in my gut says everything will go sideways if you try to complicate it like this."
Do not PM this account. PM Tyrannosapiens Rex instead.

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Amber Dach
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Re: The Lazlo Ploy

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100
Lore: Magic Base Skill (general knowledge): 50% = 1d100 (Rift sensing ability in Shifters)
Prowl 60% = 1d100
Streetwise 51% = 1d100 (insight into how Black Market operates)
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 3 days remaining.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 160/160 at 100%
Main Body: 350/350 at 100%
Underguard wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 9:17 pm Alisha turns to the others. "I can also provide transport for your team outside of Lazlo, or you can go your own way." Alisha offers. She'll wait for an answer and unless accepted, offers a polite bow and leaves. Neither Drone nor the Phantom show any signs of concern in the lobby or hallways. The group now has to decide how best to return to Merctown, and what to do about the stalking borg that is somewhere in the neighborhood.
Amber thinks briefly. "Can you Rift us back to Merctown, Alisha? If you could give us a few minutes to formulate our plan, that would be appreciated."
Calamity John wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:03 pm John shrugs at Amber. "If my contacts figure out I had a hand in it, they're as likely to think I handled Royce with finesse and was hands-off. Besides, the way ghetto flop houses like this work, everyone here will know to sell you out soon, and one of them will definitely say something. Whatever we're doing, it has to be fast."

When they open the rift, a feminine voice rings out in John's mind. Hey, brother, doesn't that rift thing leave traces behind? "Hey. That rift leaves a sign of it being here, doesn't it? Some sort of trace shifters can find and stuff? It's gonna be able to cover your trail. I'll go down to the parking lot and make a call. You guys should move to my room. There's no cameras in the place so just don't let anyone see you go in that room and we should be golden." John hands Amber his room key.
Amber goes with John’s reasoning. “I don’t know the inner workings of the Black Market, so I’ll have to take your word that it will be okay for you.” I figured he must have some connections to get most of the stuff we needed that quickly. Wouldn’t have pegged him for Black Market though.

As John follows up with his warning about being able to sense the Rift Alisha just opened. “I don’t think that sensing a Rift opening is that precise. I know I can only sense the general direction, but maybe others can sense with more accuracy. But absolutely. I think that it is a great idea to move to your room.” She says as she takes the proffered room key.
Phinneas_Graves wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:54 pm As Phinneas listens to the group discus how to handle the borg, he speaks up "I really think we should take care of this borg before we go. What kind of a Merc company would we be if we ran? And how long would we be in business if word that we ran got out? AND, it sounds like we would be doing the world a service if we got it off the streets"

He goes and takes a peek out of the windows.

"AND, for all we know, the borg could be situated right outside of the front door waiting for us"

Phinneas takes a moment to concentrate and really scan the the outside with his enhanced vision.

"AND, we dont even know if the borg is interested in me because of the Naruni. Don't you want to know for sure? Yes, we have them to deal with, but we are going to be walking right into their front door soon. Wouldn't it be more lucrative, erm, easier, if we didn't have a psychotic borg trailing us the whole time? If word got to John, I'm sure word has gotten to alot more people, and for all we know, they could know that John is with us already"

"I went on a catapult from MercTown into the bush which got shot down and resulted in meeting you guys. I lost my arm on some trash planet I hope to never see again. I continued on with you guys to battle multiple manifestations of Eight. I'm really having a hard time coming to grips with running now, especially knowing that going back to the Naruni may be the end of me"

He takes a look around the room at the group. "If I'm going to my death either way, I wanna meet it on my terms. Not someone else's. I'm a Crazy. I don't run"
Amber is a bit perplexed at Phinneas’ insistence for engaging the Borg. Is this something personal for Phinneas? Is there something I’m missing? Or is this just a Crazies crazy coming out? “Do you have a past with this Borg, Phinneas? Cause what you are saying sounds awfully personal to me.” She looks at him. “If not. I’m frustrated with this whole situation too. But, engaging this Borg doesn’t sound like it is going to do anything other than allow you to vent some of your frustration. He sounds like a bad guy that needs dealt with, so I have no problem being bait to draw him in, but Lazlo can deal with him.”

She continues. “We can't afford to weaken ourselves by fighting the Borg, especially when we may have an even tougher fight ahead of us. I say we get ourselves back to Merctown and deal with our employer. We get him dealt with and the bounty will go away. If not, we will deal with it later.”
Calamity John wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:06 pm John makes the 'it's a new car' gesture at Phineas and says "Sounds like its gonna be a scene one way or another. I'll go make a call."
Amber gestures. “Hold up a minute, John. Let’s get a plan in place first. Also, we don’t have local contacts, you got a way of contacting the Lazlo authorities?”
Arvid Hammerson wrote: Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:31 pm Arvid holds back his questions until there is an opening. Then he speaks up, “I am new to the group, and I don’t know How the group works combat together. Minerva has seen me in action, so she knows what I am good at, but I can provide spells, but more I can mix it up close in the front lines.”

“My father would advise to eliminate the enemy close to you before you go after a bigger enemy. This might help us in working together. I agree that we should not fight in this place, but lead them to a place we can take them on, and defiantly call the locals.”

"Over all, save the innocent, and their property."

Arvid looks at Alisha and ask, "Alisha do you know of such a place close by?"
When Arvid adds his thoughts to the discussion, she says. “I’m all for protecting the innocent. I would rather avoid this fight all together and save our energy for fighting our real foe. But by all mean, prepare for a fight with this Borg, in case he gets the drop on us. But I think we should take Alisha up on her offer of getting us out of here and back to Merctown. The sooner the better.”

She looks at the GIRLS and says. "Let's get to John's room and figure this out there." She carefully packs the device into her ammo bag, gathers her extra gear and stealthily moves to the new room. Once there she checks out the room and and looks out the windows to see the sight lines.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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