The Horsemen of Eschaton

The continuing adventures of an arrogant elf, and the masochists who join him on his fools errands.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 , 1d100: [28] = 28
PER: 1d100: [84] = 84 vs. 94%
Hemlock wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 5:01 pm"And who is Splynncryth?"
Ronith grimaces and says quietly ”That is the name of the Splugorth who rules Atlantis.” He then nods at Fung Lo’s assessment. ”I suppose that is all we could hope for. To be honest I’m not exactly disappointed to not have to fight alongside slave races and bio-wizard horrors. I just hope we’ll have enough without them.” This is going to be a whole new level of battle, old man. Better think of a better strategy than ‘charge in and swing swords.’ He also nods along with Grant. ”I agree. Long-range communication will be critical- my team and I have our own radios, and it stands to reason that these Horsemen do not- though I suppose we cannot necessarily say the same for their handlers from the Phoenix Empire.”

Ronith listens to the rest of the Q&A in silence. No known weaknesses… Their last appearance during pre-history… And no more than a day or two, three tops, before the two in the east unite. ”Technological weapons might serve better for an alpha strike- from a distance, with the element of surprise. Ideally unseating the horseman before we follow it up with a short-range engagement with spells and swords. Strike fast, from multiple directions. Keep them off-balance and distracted.” And hope we have enough overwhelming force to carry the day? Is this really better than the normal plan? Ronith frowns again and stares at the map, stroking his chin thoughtfully while the others continue to discuss their targets.
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Zand »

Perception: 1d100: [66] = 66 / 29%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [8] = 8 | 1d100: [54] = 54

"Maybe my parents were right. Maybe I should've followed the family business and been an undead slayer. This sounds like their kind of crusade." Zand thinks, realizing that maybe finally he can contribute something to this discussion. "I didn't anticipate being in a stone pyramid. Here's hoping it's the right type."

"I don't want to step on any toes here, but this pyramid we're in? Is it a dimensional pyramid? If so I should be able to send out a call to some true Atlantean owned pyramids in other dimensions." He looks around the room, "I'm not sure if anyone would be in to answer, or if they'd have the capacity to send help, but if they can, we could probably use the assistance."
Zand's sheet.
Tattoo spell strength 14
Personal MDC 170/171 PPE 167/192
Crystal Guardian Armor MDC: Unenergized: 125/125
Energized: 225/225
Armor abilities energized and not Breathe Without Air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and light-based attacks do half damage
Abilities:Immune to transformation.
HF 12 to things that fear Atlanteans
Currently Sustain 10 days left
Other gear of note: Talisman Necklace, Dwarven Katana, Lightblade, Kingdom Come pistol

HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus melee: +9
Strike bonus ranged: +7
Parry Bonus: +14
Dodge Bonus: +17
HTH Damage Bonus: +18 in SDC dmg.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +13
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +6
Horror Factor (varies): +12
Possession: +4
Crit on nat 18-20
Sense of balance 88%
Automatically roll with fall/impact/explosions
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 , 1d100: [6] = 6
Perception: 63% / 1d100: [64] = 64 (FAIL)

  • P.P.E.: 815/815
  • I.S.P.: 268/268
  • M.D.C.: 725/725

Energy Sphere: 1500 P.P.E. for 30 days
Heightened Presence Sense: constant 100ft range
Sustain: 15 days

Ronith wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 12:44 pm
Hemlock wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 5:01 pm"And who is Splynncryth?"
Ronith grimaces and says quietly ”That is the name of the Splugorth who rules Atlantis.”
Hemlock's eyes narrow, and she warns in a soft but firm voice. "If I see anyone wielding a magical device powered by a tortured fey, I will slay the owner and free my friend. Imagine if it were your own mother in the place of the fey, and you might understand a fraction of my depth of feeling on this matter. And when this is over, I will want details on Atlantis and where I can find these monsters."
Lilith wrote: Tue May 07, 2024 12:38 pm It lets her focus enough to hone in one one of the things Lo Fung had mentioned. "A handler?" she asks, finally speaking up. She pauses for a hair as the attention of the room shifts to her. Sheesh, haven't had this many eyes on me since the labs. Shaking the flash of memory away, she continues, a hand moving up to rest her chin on, "Any details on that? What their purpose would be, and would removing them would do? It sounds like this Pharaoh doesn't have as much control as he'd like over these Horsemen if he has to have handlers at their side to corral them."
Grant Latham wrote: Wed May 08, 2024 11:48 am The mage had glossed over the idea of a 'handler' focused as he was about the distances involved, but is glad that Lilith had brought it up. "If the Horseman actually listen to these handlers, if we can misdirect them, we might be able to choose the field of battle when the time comes."
Ronith wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 12:44 pm ”Technological weapons might serve better for an alpha strike- from a distance, with the element of surprise. Ideally unseating the horseman before we follow it up with a short-range engagement with spells and swords. Strike fast, from multiple directions. Keep them off-balance and distracted.” And hope we have enough overwhelming force to carry the day? Is this really better than the normal plan? Ronith frowns again and stares at the map, stroking his chin thoughtfully while the others continue to discuss their targets.
"We'll end up swinging swords in the end I fear, but I agree we should explore alternatives." After a brief pause, she asks, "What about trickery?"

"Has anyone gotten a good look at any of these handlers? Who are they? I might be able to disguise myself as one. Or, perhaps dominate one with magic." She listens with great interest to any news on this front.

"I could perhaps disguise myself as a bird, or an insect, and get close. Kill the handler, or control it perhaps. And learn more of this horseman, perhaps lead it to favourable ground? Or I could perhaps alter my aura and play the villain, openly declare the handler an imposter and slay him. I wonder how the horseman might react?" She chuckles at the through, and thinks more deeply. "I even have a rather fetching 'horse' of my own you know."

She turns to the dragon, "What route are they likely to take? Are they aiming for concentrations of people, settlements? Might they stay with a given ley line once they reach one, then follow it all the way to their destination? Hmm. Any convenient volcanoes along the way? We could try dropping a horseman into one. Alternatively your technological surprises; one of us could lay a convenient minefield which I might lead the horseman to."
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Internal Temp; 30*C (86*F), very humid.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Ley line overhead, Nexus 5-10 miles north.
The air around the Gathering is tense with discussion. Each of the groups appears locked in their own internal plans, though everyone quiets when a question is addressed to either Fang Lo or Lo Fung. "As I mentioned, the Pharaoh sent his own council to die for the Horsemen. We know of five on his council, all of them practice dark magic like the Pharaoh, and serve as his direct eyes on the Horsemen. It is my firm belief that he expects each of the council he sent out to be consumed by the Horsemen they are escorting. The Handlers would be as strong as a well practiced mage, though we don't know much else on them." Lo Fung explains, nodding to Lilith's assertion. "The Horsemen are beyond the Pharaoh's control, or anyone's. He is as likely to die the moment the ritual in Egypt is over as any of his Handlers are." Lo Fung states.

Grant recommends the use of technology as their weakness, though Lo Fung appears less convinced. "They haven't been on this world in that long, but the myth is they visit others. They wreck apocalypses after apocalypses and are not limited to this world, though if we defeat them successfully, it will be at least fifty thousand years before they can be summoned to this world again. That is a weakness and a strength they have; even when killed they are not truly killed, only sent away. But they cannot return for that period, and they require one as twisted as the Pharaoh to bring them back." Lo Fung expands on the thought. "Long range missiles, as well as other technological weapons, could be effective on an initial strike. Though we would need to be concerned about loss of civilian life in the wake of such destruction." Lo Fung adds.

Ronith explains Splynncrath to Hemlock who furrows her brow in disgust at the prospect of encountering them. The godling already planning a sort of vengeance for her tortured and captured kin should they all survive. Zand poses a question about the pyramid they are in, with Fang Lo shaking her head. "Yes and no. But we cannot wait for such a call to be answered, that is why I sought out your group personally. We've already lost others and will lose more." Fang Lo adds. Hemlock, Ronith and the others discuss engagement plans with Hemlock posing a series of questions about the handlers and the routes. Fang Lo winces as the comment as she responds. "If the handlers have any control over their route, we do not know. We do know the Horsemen revel in the chaos they sow. While unthreatened, they appear to be moving towards population centers along their route. The one in the Savannah is heading straight towards Egypt, likely due to a lack of local population to manipulate. As for the handlers, we know as much as we've told you. Killing or impersonating one is something that could be possible, but extremely risky. They don't seem to follow Ley Lines." Fang Lo finishes.

Daisuke and Grant then both comment on the need of reliable communication, and Lo Fung nods, looking to Fang Lo again. "Yes, I have dabbled in techno-wizardry and fashioned a form of radio that should work across the continent. It has a magic battery installed, each battery is good for an eight hour period and I will provide spare batteries. Only one radio per group, and I will need them back." Fang Lo explains and unveils a rather unappealing looking
Box radio.jpg
that is rather heavy. She explains it's use and how to swap out batteries, leaving one with each group and four spare (PPE)batteries. One or two of the Dawn Mercenaries can be heard muttering 'Cool.' while looking over the radio. Ronith is approached by a Granite Knight that Ronith doesn't recognize who takes a moment to thank him for his message to their Hall earlier.

"Time is of the essence. Unless there are more questions or comments, we need to get started before what's left of this continent is swallowed by their darkness." Lo Fung says after Fang Lo's demonstration of the radios.

What are your intentions?
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 , 1d100: [2] = 2
PER: 1d100: [37] = 37 vs. 94%
Hemlock wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 1:23 pm"If I see anyone wielding a magical device powered by a tortured fey, I will slay the owner and free my friend. Imagine if it were your own mother in the place of the fey, and you might understand a fraction of my depth of feeling on this matter. And when this is over, I will want details on Atlantis and where I can find these monsters."
Ronith nods. ”I understand and share your outrage. They’ve victimized many peoples across the megaverse- including mine, and the humans. I am happy to share what I know of them- we have clashed many times- but there’s an entire continent of minions and slave races to overcome. A one-faerie assault- no matter how favored by the gods she might be- is a suicide mission, and that I cannot support.”

At Hemlock’s other suggestions, Ronith frowns and shrugs. ”If the horsemen can sense one another, I’m not sure misdirection will work. But if their mounts could be controlled somehow… That could be advantageous for us.” He muses, and his frown deepens as Lo Fung explains the relationship between the Horsemen and Rama-Set, along with the other information the dragons provide. Fifty thousand years? A madman prepared to sacrifice his own life, and that of his entire kingdom, just to destroy the world? This is like something out of a fable. Are you sure your new, untested squad is up to this old man? He takes a moment to survey the others. I guess they’ll have to be. Ronith takes possession of the radio once it is offered and easily hoists it over one shoulder (to be installed in the team’s new ride). The cyber-knight gives his colleagues a warm acknowledgement and murmurs ”Glad you could join us. I just hope that when all is said and done you wouldn’t rather have gone off to fight the Coalition again.” With no further questions for their hosts, Ronith will simply wait for the briefing to conclude before returning the radio to their craft and do a quick survey of their long-range weapons. Might prove necessary as an opening gambit.
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Lilith »

Perception: 1d100: [71] = 71 / 41%
JiC d100: 1d100: [81] = 81 ; JiC d20: 1d20: [11] = 11

Lilith listens intently to the answers given, wanting as much information as she can get before heading into what is definitely the most dangerous situation she'll be in. As the questions wrap up, she takes another moment to reflect on the surreal situation. Must be the world's unluckiest bee, she thinks plaintively to herself. She taps a finger against her arm, the carapace giving a soft click each time, the sound lost in the conversation of the room. Could bug out partway through this. Wait for Horsemen to pass then make do in whatever's left. The thought is brief, both for the impracticality of it and Lilith's own convictions. I'm not going to be like the people before me. Won't betray or run from my group. Even if it's a new one. She considers the sequence of events that got her here, belatedly adding, On purpose, to the thought.

The mutant bee focuses on the function of the radio, even knowing she likely won't be its handler, what with little to no radio experience to go off of. Her old group had used other means of communications, primarily. She lets others more intimately familiar handle the device instead, simply memorizing what she can of its use in case it does ever end up in her hands.

When the dragons ask for further questions, Lilith shakes her head. "Time's pretty important here, and I think I'm about as ready as I can be, given the situation." She waits patiently, though, waiting for the rest of the group's thoughts on the matter, ready to head out when given the word.
Buzzing along the path of redemption.

Personal Status
P.P.E.: 133 / 133
I.S.P.: 47 / 47
Carapace M.D.C.: 240 / 240
Wrangler Riding Armor w/Long-coat
M.D.C. by Location
  • Helmet: 50 / 50
  • Right Arm: 44 / 44
  • Left Arm: 44 / 44
  • Right Leg: 53 / 53
  • Left Leg: 53 / 53
  • Main Body: 113 / 113
Modifier: -5% movement penalty
Weapons & Attacks
Energy Bolts: 4D6 M.D.; Range: 1,000' (2,000' at additional P.P.E. cost)
Battle Fury Blade: 6D6 M.D.; Can activate Battle Fury for 3 minutes, increasing damage to 2D4*10 M.D., attacking twice per APM used (second attack is parried at a -5), and gaining a 100 M.D.C. magical suit of armor.
Flaming Dagger: 2D6 M.D.; lasts 6 minutes per activation.
Constant Effects
Gives the character the ability to hear very faint sounds (light footsteps, small animals breathing). The character can also overhear conversation at a much greater distance than is normally possible. + 1 on initiative.

Can see double the usual distance and detail of normal human vision.

Range: 1,000'; must be starlight or some other light source available. If in a completely blacked out area, a cave for example, nothing will be visible.

The Mystic Knight is impervious to lasers, ion blasts, particle beams, plasma bolts, electricity, fire, heat and radiation.
Magically created energy and ley line storms inflict half damage.
Rune weapons, holy weapons, and most magical weapons of all kinds do full damage. Likewise, ordinary swords, clubs, spears, etc., as well as bullets, arrows, Vibro-Blades, thrown rocks, falls, punches and most kinetic based attacks, do full damage.
Applies to all armor worn as well, as it is both an inherit trait and automatically generated field that surrounds the Mystic Knight.

The Mystic Knight is able to feel whether there is a ley line within the area of their sensing abilities, 30 miles (+10 miles).

The knight will automatically feel the sensation of a Rift opening or closing anywhere within 70 miles (+10 miles) of them. Although they cannot tell exactly where this Rift is, the knight knows if it is near or far and whether it is big or small. Note: When actually on a ley line, the Mystic Knight will know exactly where the Rift is located and can sense one where it is, as long as it is on the ley line or a connecting line.

: The expenditure of magic in the form of a spell, Rifting, or Techno-Wizardy can be felt, if not seen, up to 300' (+100') away. The Mystic Knight will not know the location nor be able to trace it, but they will feel its energy and know that magic is being used in the area of their sensing range. Note: This does not include the use of psionic powers.
Sixth Sense
The Sixth Sense is a power that gives the psychic a precognitive flash of imminent danger to themself or somebody near them (within 90'). The character will not know what the danger is or where it will come from, nor who it will be directed at when in a group. All they know is that something life threatening will happen within the next 60 seconds! The Sixth Sense is triggered automatically, without the consent of the psychic, whenever their life is in great peril or the life of somebody they greatly care about (friend, partner, loved one, etc.). The Sixth Sense is only triggered by an unexpected, life threatening event (a trap or ambush is within 90' or a flash flood is rushing their way) which is already set into motion and will happen any second. The power can not be called upon at will to sense for traps or ambush. Instead, it works like an automatic reflex. If the character has used all their I.S.P. the Sixth Sense is temporarily rendered inoperative.
  • Range: 90'
  • Duration: Until the danger passes or happens. Bonuses apply only to the first round of the attack from the source of the sensed danger.
  • I.S.P.: 2
  • Saving Throw: None.
  • Bonuses: The sudden flash of insight provides the following bonuses. All bonuses apply only to the first, initial melee when the attack/danger occurs. Bonuses are lost in subsequent melee rounds after the danger is revealed. +6 on initiative roll, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, and the character can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Daisuke »

Perception: d%: [17] = 17 | 69%
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 | d%: [30] = 30 %
Character Sheet

  • MDC: 297/297
  • PPE: 13/13
  • Worn:
    • Casual Clothes
    • CP-40 <slung>. Current e-clip: 12/21 shots.
    • 6 spare e-clips
TFRC-02 FreeRunner Combat Exoskeleton
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 45
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: +5% to prowl, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +1 APM, +3 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to disarm, +6 to roll w/impact, -10% to electronic perception
  • All Features of Triax EBA
  • Molecular Adhesion Pads on hands and feet
  • Impact Absorbing Systems (p.89, MercOps)
  • Triples wearer's speed, fatigue reduced to 20% usual rate
  • Increase leap ability by 50%
  • Infrared & thermal masking

Book Reference: Kraus Imported Arms

Wilk's Jet Pack
M.D.C.: 20
Crew: One
Power System: Electric
Maximum Speed: 120 mph
Maximum Altitude: 1,200'
Maximum Range: 500 miles
Dimensions: 3' long, 30 lbs.
Book Reference: p.267, R:UE

CA-4 Dead Boy EBA
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 70
  • Arms: 60 each
  • Legs: 80 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 20 lbs.
Modifiers: -5% to climb, -20% to other physical skills
  • All standard Dead Boy EBA features (p.100, WB11)

Book Reference: p.100, WB11

NG Bush Pilot Armored Jumpsuit
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Flight Helmet: 35
  • Arms: 9 each
  • Legs: 20 each
  • Main Body: 25

Weight: 6 lbs.
Modifiers: None
  • Flight helmet includes built-in radio and nightvision goggles

Book Reference: p.77-78, WB33

NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 50
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 50 each
  • Main Body: 90

Weight: 21 lbs. for human equivalent, 35 lbs. for giant-sized.
Modifiers: -10% to physical skills
  • All standard NE environmental armor features (p.35-36, DB8)
    Upgrades and Packages
    • HUD Visor Allows 6 different screens to be viewed without impairing vision.
    • Basic Weapons Package
      • Retractable Energy Blade (Right Forearm)
        • Damage: 3D6 M.D.
      • Garrote Strangle Cord (Left Wrist)
        • Damage: 4D6 (+P.S. Damage Bonus)
      • Plasma Flame Thrower
        • Range: 200' (20' AoE)
        • Damage: 5D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 15 Shots per E-Clip
      • Utility Laser Finger
        • Range: 1,000'
        • Damage: 2D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 20 shots. (Standard E-Clip)
    • Robotic Exoskeleton
      • Robotic P.S. of 25, +4 P.P., +20 Speed, +10' to leaps, +10% to Climbing, Reduce Fatigue by 75%
      • Restrained Punch: 6D6, Punch/Kick: 1D4 M.D., Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2D4 M.D.
    • Built-In N-F20A Force Field
      • M.D.C.: 75
      • Voice Activated
    • Laser Distancer & Targeting
      • +1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
      • Range 2,000'
    • Optics Enhancements
      • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
      • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
      • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
      • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
      • Light Polarization
    • Mini-Radar/Sonar System
      • Can track up to 12 targets
      • Range: 2 miles
    • Integrated Sensor Pod
      • 360° scanning capability
      • +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
    • Advanced Communication Package
      • Includes: Basic receiver/transmitter, secure cryptological encoding, burst transmission capability, and if the Suit has the HUD Enhancement is capable of sending and receiving text communications
      • Range: 30 miles
    • IFF & Targeting Computer
      • Computerized recognition and identification system similar to the Wilk's PC-2020 Field Identifier System
      • Can Identify up to 6,000 targets with 92% accuracy
    • Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers
      • +2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
    • Identification Package
      • Laser, Holographic, Portable Computer, Programmed with thousands of images of known enemy insignia, uniforms, body armor, weapons, robots, and combat vehicles.
      • Includes: Passive Night Vision Goggles, Portable Language Translator, and a Laser Distancer

Book Reference: p.37-39, DB8

Wilk's 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon
  • Range: 3000'
  • Damage: 5D6+3 M.D. per shot or 3D4x10 M.D. per 3-pulse burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-pulse bursts only
  • Payload: 240 shots with a portable generator
  • Weight: 40 lbs.; portable generator weighs 70 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons; Generator recharges at 8 shots per hour; 1 hour to charge when connected to nuclear power supply
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.104, MercOps

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle
  • Range: 2000'
  • Damage:
    • Low-power shot: 3D6
    • Low-power burst: 1D6x10
    • Single shot: 2D6 M.D.
    • Burst: 6D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot bursts only
  • Payload:
    • E-Clip: 21 shots
    • LE-Clip: 30 shots
    • E-Canister: adds 60 shots to overall payload
    • Note: 30 low power shots = 1 M.D. shot
  • Weight: 9 lbs.; 4 lbs. for an E-canister
  • Features: Passive nightvision scope (2,000'), laser targeting
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
  • Book Reference: p.92, WB11

GAW .50 Six Barrel Machine-Gun
  • Range: 8,000'
  • Damage: 2D6x10, or 2D6x100 burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 10-round bursts only
  • Payload: 300, 600 or 1,200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum
  • Weight: 85 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.121, Merc Ops

Saving Throw Bonuses (if Mimic/revert to base stats)
Eye of Odin grants +1 save vs all (not included below)
Coma/Death: 28% (+4%)
Toxins (15+): +7 (+1)
Magic (varies): +7 (+1)
Magic (Illusions): +10 (+2)
Magic (mind-altering): +15 (+7)
Lethal Poison (14+): +7 (+1)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +7 (+1)
Insanity (12+): +16
Psionics (12+): +7
Horror Factor: +12
Disease: +7 (+2)
Drugs (mind-altering): +8 (+6)
Possession: +13 (+6)
  • Sustain | BOM 109 | 33 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
  • Copy Animal Attribute: Monkey ((
    +10% prowl when climbing, +15% palming, pick pockets, and concealment, +5% acrobatics and/or gymnastics, +1 to PP
    , Swing line,
    +2d4(7) PP, +3d4(8) Spd, +1 APM, +3 auto-dodge, +10% skills requiring dexterity and prowess, prowl, gymnastics, climb, etc.
    +1 parry, +2 dodge, +6 initiative, +15% perception, Estimate distance of sound 90%, Estimate speed and direction of approach 80%, Recognize voice or sound 70%, Imitate voice 60%

Underguard wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 7:47 pmDaisuke and Grant then both comment on the need of reliable communication, and Lo Fung nods, looking to Fang Lo again. "Yes, I have dabbled in techno-wizardry and fashioned a form of radio that should work across the continent. It has a magic battery installed, each battery is good for an eight hour period and I will provide spare batteries. Only one radio per group, and I will need them back." Fang Lo explains and unveils a rather unappealing looking
Box radio.jpg
that is rather heavy. She explains it's use and how to swap out batteries, leaving one with each group and four spare (PPE)batteries.
Each battery is good for eight hours. Four spare batteries. Doing the math, we have 40 hours of operation before we will be out of communication with each other. Guess we have our work cut out for us. Daisuke calculates even as Sir Ronith picks up the radio.

"Radios always on. Should anyone encounter particular weaknesses or manage to defeat one of the Horsemen, please be generous with sharing that information. We will do the same." he suggests to the gathering. His words cut with the brevity required during times of urgency.

The Arismal then stands at attention as he patiently waits for the debrief to conclude. His own pressing question having been answered satisfactorily.
Lilith wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 11:22 amWhen the dragons ask for further questions, Lilith shakes her head. "Time's pretty important here, and I think I'm about as ready as I can be, given the situation." She waits patiently, though, waiting for the rest of the group's thoughts on the matter, ready to head out when given the word.
Daisuke likewise shakes his head at the request for more questions. He also decides to echo his teammates desire to deploy on mission, "For every moment we tarry, we may be sacrificing a life that does not need to be lost."

Once they decide to move, the Arismal falls in with H4H and makes way for their new ride.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [90] = 90
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 , 1d100: [99] = 99
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160mi
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 1100 PPE

No first hand knowledge of these horseman. Most like some sort of incarnate force they are the namesake. They are not restricted to Earth, so it's probably these other planets experiences that the little we know has come from. But they've been here before and were defeated or banished, Grant distills down what they know in his mind. He nods in satisfaction that there is at least a magical communication method. He asks, "Can the batteries be recharged like a talisman, where can just focus our will and fill it with mana, can it recharge on a ley line? Or does it require a specific incantation that there isn't time to learn?"

Continuing to check things off in his mind, he comes across an item missing, "We will most likely need a guide who can help us interpret the customs and languages of this land. Along with whatever maps that are available."


Back at the Skybunker, he locates Hemlock and Keiko, "I still think technology is the answer, but we will need to nullify their magical capabilities. I know a spell that can reduce the destructive power of a weapon (Reality Flux), but I don't think that will be enough. I've recently been subjected to the effects of the Anti-Magic spell and it was quite the humbling experience, and it is one that I do not know. Do either of you? It may be something we can only reliably use once, but if we can take out one quickly perhaps the other three will give up and wait to be summoned again." Seeing the incredulity on their faces, Grant shrugs, "We can hope."

Assuming that both confirm they know the spell, Grant brings in the rest of the team, "I think we should use our superior speed to get ahead of the first horseman, we find out ambush spot and draw the creature to it, a canyon would be good if they have those in Africa. We cast the anti-magic cloud spell to remove the bulk of it's protections and then hit it with all of our technological arsenal. We can discuss more on the way, but I think we just need to get up in the air at this point."

Once they are ready, he provide the navigational data to the robots and commands them to begin the journey northeast.
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

JIC: 1d20: [14] = 14 , 1d100: [5] = 5
Perception: 63% / 1d100: [25] = 25 (SUCCESS)

  • P.P.E.: 815/815
  • I.S.P.: 268/268
  • M.D.C.: 725/725

Energy Sphere: 1500 P.P.E. for 30 days
Heightened Presence Sense: constant 100ft range
Sustain: 15 days

Hemlock asks the gathered folk a couple more questions, "So some of these horsemen are already being delayed. Can you tell which type of horsemen any of them are? The one we're preparing to deal with?"

And, "What are the nastiest animals on this continent one might summon?" And the godling hopefully learns about elephants and rhinos, among other things. The idea warms her as she boards the Skybunker.

Grant Latham wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 10:03 am Back at the Skybunker, he locates Hemlock and Keiko, "I still technology is the answer, but we will need to nullify their magical capabilities. I know a spell that can reduce the destructive power of a weapon (Reality Flux), but I don't think that will be enough. I've recently been subjected to the effects of the Anti-Magic spell and it was quite the humbling experience, and it is one that I do not know. Do either of you? It may be something we can only reliably use once, but if we can take out one quickly perhaps the other three will give up and wait to be summoned again." Seeing the incredulity on their faces, Grant shrugs, "We can hope."
"Anti-Magic, you say?" she repeats with a thoughtful expression. "My dear Grant, your technological approach has merit, let's see how I might help." She leans against the ship's bulkhead a moment and thinks deeply.

Anti-Magic Cloud and missiles. Still, nothing to stop my own magic... so how to stop the horseman avoiding what is coming? Illusionary forest? Storms? Earthquakes? Ahh... quakes..

"The truth is," she leans forward, her voice showing no hint of exaggeration, "I know most spells there are to know. Including Anti-Magic Cloud, Null Sphere, Dispel Magic Barrier and whatnot. I'm not saying I'm better than you, I've just been around a very long time." A sly grin spreads across her face as an idea strikes her.

"I could conjure up an Anti-Magic Cloud. It would have a radius of some 1500 feet and hopefully negate all magic... except mine." She raises an eyebrow pointedly at Grant, "A well-placed Firequake spell could create a maelstrom of fire and brimstone, an inferno around as large as the Anti-Magic Cloud. The earth trembling, would make it harder to avoid your missiles, with the air thick with sulfur, flames licking at the sky..." She trails off, a playful glint in her eyes. "Imagine the chaos!"

"But of course," she stretches languidly, it's almost alluring and the talk of magic indeed seems to excite her, "for good measure, there's always the Annihilate spell. Matter-antimatter explosions, very nasty if you can't dodge it. Under an Anti-Magic Cloud one cannot even raise a Null Sphere to avoid it, I suppose the Horseman would have to rely on his ability to dodge. Ah, but the ground is shaking, such a pity."

A thoughtful frown creases Hemlock's brow as she ponders other options. "There's alternatives," she continues. "What about their mounts? Perhaps I could use Ensorcel to take control of it, turning it against its rider. I doubt I can affect the mind of a Horsemen with Mindshatter or some other effect, but perhaps the mount is not as well protected."
Grant Latham wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 10:03 amAssuming that both confirm they know the spell, Grant brings in the rest of the team, "I think we should use our superior speed to get ahead of the first horseman, we find out ambush spot and draw the creature to it, a canyon would be good if they have those in Africa. We cast the anti-magic cloud spell to remove the bulk of it's protections and then hit it with all of our technological arsenal. We can discuss more on the way, but I think we just need to get up in the air at this point."

Once they are ready, he provide the navigational data to the robots and commands them to begin the journey northeast.
"What is the blast radius of these missiles? Would the presence of the cloud make aiming difficult? I hope the cloud wouldn't effectively provide cover for your target."

"How else might a Horseman avoid the missiles I wonder?" She thinks a moment. "I hope they can't turn intangible psionically. Psi will still work under the cloud. An Annihilate spell would still hurt, but the missiles might be ineffective. Or the Horseman might craft an illusionary double, tricking you into revealing your hand on the wrong target. Hmm."

Assuming Hemlock has been told about Elephants, she adds, "We might need a diversion to prove the target is the right one, and to distract the Horseman from our true attack. What about a few of these Elephants? I could even cast Giant upon them to make them larger and more impressive. If the Horseman takes the bait and reveals itself to be the true enemy, fire your missiles."

She winces, "Of course this means the elephants die. Hmm. What if I met the Horseman face to face? We could have a little chat, and when we know the horseman is real, you destroy the area with your missiles." With a wink, she turns herself intangible, and touches Grant's cheek.

"And like this, your missiles won't harm me."

Looking at Keiko and Grant, she shrugs. "Any of these options you like?"

Thinking about what she knows of demonkind, the godling asks herself...
What universal traits in demons ought to be considered? Do they all regenerate? How fast? I suppose we would have to assume these special demons have whatever their kin have, only magnified many times.

Lore: Demons & Monsters 128%: 1d100: [39] = 39 (SUCCESS)
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Zand »

Perception: 1d100: [70] = 70 / 29%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [5] = 5 | 1d100: [7] = 7

Zand nods "It's true, with dimensional lag one never knows when or if you'll get a good response communicating through dimensions." While silently agreeing with their employer Zand falls back on an old reliable way to soother his nerves, checking his weapons. "Never hurts to make sure you're equipment is ready."

While going over his gear he take a good long look at the others in the room, "It would be disastrous if one of these was secretly working for the enemy and warned the horsemen's handler.

Zand turns his trained critical eye to see if anyone seems to be obviously a plant.
ID Undercover agents: 1d100: [82] = 82 / 60%

If he suspects someone, he'll try to discretely bring the matter to Ronith's attention "That one seems to have ulterior motives"

If he suspects no one he will be content that this gathering of champions is on the up and up and return to the Skybunker to await take off and engagement.
Zand's sheet.
Tattoo spell strength 14
Personal MDC 170/171 PPE 167/192
Crystal Guardian Armor MDC: Unenergized: 125/125
Energized: 225/225
Armor abilities energized and not Breathe Without Air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and light-based attacks do half damage
Abilities:Immune to transformation.
HF 12 to things that fear Atlanteans
Currently Sustain 10 days left
Other gear of note: Talisman Necklace, Dwarven Katana, Lightblade, Kingdom Come pistol

HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus melee: +9
Strike bonus ranged: +7
Parry Bonus: +14
Dodge Bonus: +17
HTH Damage Bonus: +18 in SDC dmg.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +13
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +6
Horror Factor (varies): +12
Possession: +4
Crit on nat 18-20
Sense of balance 88%
Automatically roll with fall/impact/explosions
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Internal Temp; 29*C (76*F), very arid.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.

Fang Lo nods towards Grant's question about the radio batteries being recharged. "Yes, a practiced mage such as yourself would be able to recharge the batteries, but it's draining if you don't have access to a Ley Line. Ultimately, you could power it by pouring your own magic into it as well, but that's a last resort. They only connect to each other as programmed. It would take a well practiced techno-wizard to adjust their programming in the field." Fang Lo answers, then looking towards the Chieftain of the Eastern Tribes.

"I know not which Horseman my people are battling at this time. I asked for volunteers, then came here at the request of Lo Fung." The Chieftain answers solemnly, appearing anxious at the comment. The Chieftain tells Hemlock of the various types of wildlife found (buffalo, wildebeest, antelope, lions, honey badger, hyenas, and warthogs) but doesn't mention rhinoceros, elephants or gorillas. If pressed about Rhinoceros, Elephants or Gorillas, the Chieftan expands that most of them have been hunted to near extinction and are extremely rare, if they even still exist. The Chieftan then turns back to one of his attendants and nods forward as a tribal woman steps besides him. "My daughter can be your guide. Inzah." He says and she nods and turns to the Heroes.

One of the Dawn Mercenaries and Granite Knights both acknowledge Daisuke's call to leave radio's on and keep communication open between them. Zand doesn't notice anyone within the Gathering who gives him the sly vibe, much to his relief. The Heroes can feel somewhat relieved that both the other major groups who are helping appear honorable to a fault. Lilith has a brief moment of consideration where she wonders if she should leave, though her conscious and the stake of the realm ultimately win out in her mind.

"We must move quickly if we are to aid my people." Inzah says, and will follow the Heroes to the Skybunker. Fang Lo looks to the Heroes. "Make whatever plans you need, I will join you shortly at your transport to send you to your location." Fang Lo says as the Heroes then depart the Gathering.


The Heroes return to their transport and make some plans, discuss what they've discovered and attempt to round out as many rough edges as they can. Grant discusses the use of technology against the Horsemen and the potential use of magic nullifying effects. Hemlock confirms her own magical knowledge, lending some credence to the use of Anti-Magic Cloud or Null Sphear as potential weapons against the Horsemen. Though even with Hemlock's advanced age and magics, she cannot be sure what the Horsemen know or don't know.

Though she can't confirm it, the stories about the Horsemen have been around since as long as she can remember, with no known origin. It is highly likely they predate her. Hemlock is confident that one of the other strengths of the Horsemen is the ability to regenerate, though she is unable to guess exactly how powerful it is. The Horsemen are avatars of destruction, known throughout the deific and demonic realms as beings of malevolence and pure incarnations of their given names. Hemlock can suspect they have an impressive regeneration rate that'll need to be countered or overcome. A missile barrage has merit to catch one of them off guard, especially coupled with nullifying effects. Though they'd need to get close to nullify any magical defenses, which puts whoever is there at risk during the barrage. The thoughts linger in both Grant and Hemlock's mind.

Any of the Heroes that can sense dimensional portals sense two different portals opened, then closed, both from the area of the Gathering. Then, some 10 minutes after the second one closes, Fang Lo approaches from the pyramid. "The other two groups have been sent. It is your turn. Are you ready?" Fang Lo asks. Assuming yes, Fang Lo proceeds to open a portal large enough for the Skybunker to roll through.

[The Great Rift]

The Skybunker ends up landing on the west side of the Great Rift. A giant chasm that extends beyond the horizon in either direction, seeming to be at least 50 miles across in it's shortest and up too 200 miles across at its widest, cutting northeast and southwest like a giant scar on the land with visible signs of volcanic activity within the chasm. [Land Nav, History, Geography or related skills would allow one to guess it is caused by a tectonic plate shift] Fortunately for the Heroes, and Unfortunately for the populations, the Horsemen's last known positions were on the western side of the Great Rift.

North or South of the Heroes reveals a savannah type area [Same rolls above would tell you that the Heroes landed on the northern end of Tanzania, within 100-150 miles of the closest Horseman and about 150 miles south of the Kenya border.]. Inzah points towards the Northwest. "Lake Natron. That is where we must go. My brother led some of our people to ambush the Horseman there. Many of the other tribes are trying to run, not fight. It is not far with you sky machine." Inzah says, pointing with a well designed spear.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: You've landed just outside one's ability to sense the horsemen, which does imply they haven't sensed you.
Africa, Heroes Landing.png

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 , 1d100: [79] = 79
PER: 1d100: [43] = 43 vs. 94%

Land Navigation- 1d100: [66] = 66 vs. 102%
To figure out where they are, other details.
Grant Latham wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 10:03 am"I still technology is the answer, but we will need to nullify their magical capabilities. I know a spell that can reduce the destructive power of a weapon (Reality Flux), but I don't think that will be enough. I've recently been subjected to the effects of the Anti-Magic spell and it was quite the humbling experience, and it is one that I do not know. Do either of you? It may be something we can only reliably use once, but if we can take out one quickly perhaps the other three will give up and wait to be summoned again." Seeing the incredulity on their faces, Grant shrugs, "We can hope."
Ronith frowns. ”Most of the team relies upon some form of magic or another- be it spellcraft or equipment or both. If Hemlock were to cast the spell, I don’t believe there’s a way to prevent it from interfering with our other spells and equipment- in which case, I’m not sure that the anti-magic cloud represents a strategic advantage for us. Especially if these horsemen prove resistant to its effects somehow. What about a more targeted form of magical nullification? Negating their enchantments as they appear, while preserving our own ability to retaliate, might be a better approach. If I can get in close enough, and hit them hard enough, we might be able to pre-empt spellcasting anyway. We could always hold the cloud in reserve if fighting the horsemen without it proves untenable.” I have a feeling I’ll need Frostfang at full strength for this one.

As the briefing concludes and Inzah urges the team to make haste, Ronith turns to the others. ”You heard the lady I agree that we’ve likely learned all we are able to with talk. We need to act, and try to save what lives we can while there are still lives to be saved. These tactical questions will all be theoretical until we see what exactly we’re dealing with, anyway. We can argue out the details while we’re en route.” Ronith waves his crew back to the Skybunker, and gives Fang Lo and the other hosts a curt nod before departing. After a few minutes, once Fang Lo is ready to send them forth Ronith responds with another nod and a brief grumble ”Let’s get this over with.” I shouldn’t be so glum. But the prospect of witnessing a second apocalypse does not fill me with positive feelings. The cyber-knight suppresses a shudder as they move through the rift.

Once in view of the chasm, Ronith takes a moment to get his bearings and listen to their guide. His eyes swiftly lock onto Lake Natron, and a plan slowly begins to take shape. Then he turns back to the team and addresses them. ”We don’t have many advantages in this battle, but what we do have are numbers, speed, maneuverability, and surprise- for a little bit, anyway. To leverage those strengths we’re going to split into three teams. Hit the monsters hard, hit them fast then withdraw, regroup, and hit them again. Grant and Daisuke, your roles will be essential- remain here and provide the rest of us portals to get down to ground level. Provide what support you can through magic and the Skybunker’s heavy weapons. Launch one full volley of missiles to start us off, then hold off until we have a chance to see what this horseman is capable of. I shall lead the first assault and attempt to distract the horseman itself. Zand and Keiko, you’re with me- take any targets of opportunity. The pharoah’s emissary, for one, and the horseman’s mount for another. Once we’ve engaged them, Daisuke will teleport the second team down. Hemlock, your objective will be magical support. Lilith and Gloriosa, engage as you see fit. If I can keep the horseman distracted long enough for the rest of you to bring down its allies, we can focus fire and hopefully end this before the damnable thing recovers. If not, call Daisuke for an evac and pull back to reassess while we hit it with another missile volley. Grant, I hope that robot you bought with this has some piloting chops. It’s a long walk back to MercTown.” Steeling himself, Ronith takes a deep breath ”I would ask for any magical enchantments you can offer- Grant I still intend to make use of your talismans, but anything else that might give me an edge against the Horseman would be helpful. Any energies you can spare for the others would also be good, but don’t expend too much of yourselves until we have a better idea of what we’re dealing with. Any questions?”
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Daisuke »

Perception: d%: [61] = 61 | 69%
JIC: 1d20: [3] = 3 | d%: [95] = 95 %
Character Sheet

  • MDC: 297/297
  • PPE: 13/13
  • Worn:
    • Casual Clothes
    • CP-40 <slung>. Current e-clip: 12/21 shots.
    • 6 spare e-clips
TFRC-02 FreeRunner Combat Exoskeleton
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 45
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: +5% to prowl, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +1 APM, +3 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to disarm, +6 to roll w/impact, -10% to electronic perception
  • All Features of Triax EBA
  • Molecular Adhesion Pads on hands and feet
  • Impact Absorbing Systems (p.89, MercOps)
  • Triples wearer's speed, fatigue reduced to 20% usual rate
  • Increase leap ability by 50%
  • Infrared & thermal masking

Book Reference: Kraus Imported Arms

Wilk's Jet Pack
M.D.C.: 20
Crew: One
Power System: Electric
Maximum Speed: 120 mph
Maximum Altitude: 1,200'
Maximum Range: 500 miles
Dimensions: 3' long, 30 lbs.
Book Reference: p.267, R:UE

CA-4 Dead Boy EBA
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 70
  • Arms: 60 each
  • Legs: 80 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 20 lbs.
Modifiers: -5% to climb, -20% to other physical skills
  • All standard Dead Boy EBA features (p.100, WB11)

Book Reference: p.100, WB11

NG Bush Pilot Armored Jumpsuit
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Flight Helmet: 35
  • Arms: 9 each
  • Legs: 20 each
  • Main Body: 25

Weight: 6 lbs.
Modifiers: None
  • Flight helmet includes built-in radio and nightvision goggles

Book Reference: p.77-78, WB33

NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 50
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 50 each
  • Main Body: 90

Weight: 21 lbs. for human equivalent, 35 lbs. for giant-sized.
Modifiers: -10% to physical skills
  • All standard NE environmental armor features (p.35-36, DB8)
    Upgrades and Packages
    • HUD Visor Allows 6 different screens to be viewed without impairing vision.
    • Basic Weapons Package
      • Retractable Energy Blade (Right Forearm)
        • Damage: 3D6 M.D.
      • Garrote Strangle Cord (Left Wrist)
        • Damage: 4D6 (+P.S. Damage Bonus)
      • Plasma Flame Thrower
        • Range: 200' (20' AoE)
        • Damage: 5D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 15 Shots per E-Clip
      • Utility Laser Finger
        • Range: 1,000'
        • Damage: 2D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 20 shots. (Standard E-Clip)
    • Robotic Exoskeleton
      • Robotic P.S. of 25, +4 P.P., +20 Speed, +10' to leaps, +10% to Climbing, Reduce Fatigue by 75%
      • Restrained Punch: 6D6, Punch/Kick: 1D4 M.D., Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2D4 M.D.
    • Built-In N-F20A Force Field
      • M.D.C.: 75
      • Voice Activated
    • Laser Distancer & Targeting
      • +1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
      • Range 2,000'
    • Optics Enhancements
      • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
      • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
      • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
      • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
      • Light Polarization
    • Mini-Radar/Sonar System
      • Can track up to 12 targets
      • Range: 2 miles
    • Integrated Sensor Pod
      • 360° scanning capability
      • +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
    • Advanced Communication Package
      • Includes: Basic receiver/transmitter, secure cryptological encoding, burst transmission capability, and if the Suit has the HUD Enhancement is capable of sending and receiving text communications
      • Range: 30 miles
    • IFF & Targeting Computer
      • Computerized recognition and identification system similar to the Wilk's PC-2020 Field Identifier System
      • Can Identify up to 6,000 targets with 92% accuracy
    • Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers
      • +2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
    • Identification Package
      • Laser, Holographic, Portable Computer, Programmed with thousands of images of known enemy insignia, uniforms, body armor, weapons, robots, and combat vehicles.
      • Includes: Passive Night Vision Goggles, Portable Language Translator, and a Laser Distancer

Book Reference: p.37-39, DB8

Wilk's 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon
  • Range: 3000'
  • Damage: 5D6+3 M.D. per shot or 3D4x10 M.D. per 3-pulse burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-pulse bursts only
  • Payload: 240 shots with a portable generator
  • Weight: 40 lbs.; portable generator weighs 70 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons; Generator recharges at 8 shots per hour; 1 hour to charge when connected to nuclear power supply
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.104, MercOps

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle
  • Range: 2000'
  • Damage:
    • Low-power shot: 3D6
    • Low-power burst: 1D6x10
    • Single shot: 2D6 M.D.
    • Burst: 6D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot bursts only
  • Payload:
    • E-Clip: 21 shots
    • LE-Clip: 30 shots
    • E-Canister: adds 60 shots to overall payload
    • Note: 30 low power shots = 1 M.D. shot
  • Weight: 9 lbs.; 4 lbs. for an E-canister
  • Features: Passive nightvision scope (2,000'), laser targeting
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
  • Book Reference: p.92, WB11

GAW .50 Six Barrel Machine-Gun
  • Range: 8,000'
  • Damage: 2D6x10, or 2D6x100 burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 10-round bursts only
  • Payload: 300, 600 or 1,200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum
  • Weight: 85 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.121, Merc Ops

Saving Throw Bonuses (if Mimic/revert to base stats)
Eye of Odin grants +1 save vs all (not included below)
Coma/Death: 28% (+4%)
Toxins (15+): +7 (+1)
Magic (varies): +7 (+1)
Magic (Illusions): +10 (+2)
Magic (mind-altering): +15 (+7)
Lethal Poison (14+): +7 (+1)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +7 (+1)
Insanity (12+): +16
Psionics (12+): +7
Horror Factor: +12
Disease: +7 (+2)
Drugs (mind-altering): +8 (+6)
Possession: +13 (+6)
  • Sustain | BOM 109 | 33 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
  • Copy Animal Attribute: Monkey ((
    +10% prowl when climbing, +15% palming, pick pockets, and concealment, +5% acrobatics and/or gymnastics, +1 to PP
    , Swing line,
    +2d4(7) PP, +3d4(8) Spd, +1 APM, +3 auto-dodge, +10% skills requiring dexterity and prowess, prowl, gymnastics, climb, etc.
    +1 parry, +2 dodge, +6 initiative, +15% perception, Estimate distance of sound 90%, Estimate speed and direction of approach 80%, Recognize voice or sound 70%, Imitate voice 60%


As final preparations are being made, a thought occurs to Daisuke. If the Horsemen are harbingers of destruction, perhaps their wake will leave little to salvage. Should there be survivors, the aftermath will prove just as difficult as their encounter with the Horseman itself.

"Sanctuary." the Arismal says aloud. His thoughts manifesting unexpectedly into words escaping his mouth. With a brief shake of his head, he explains his thoughts further, inquiring of Fang Lo prior to their departure, "Should there be survivors, is there a village or town spared from the destruction near there that can act as a sanctuary? They will need some foundation to begin the rebuilding of their lives. And if you are sending us using magic, this city of Taunak we are currently located is likely too far."

Though Daisuke is unfamiliar with the territory they are in, he tries to safely assume that somewhere has been spared and could serve the purpose of sanctuary. He sincerely hopes that he isn't wrong and that there is some place that has been spared the worst of it. Deep down, he also knows that if the Heroes for Hire fail at their mission... no place will be safe. But better prepared than not.

Should there be a place of sanctuary, Daisuke will ask for clarification on where it is and hopes that there will be an opportunity to scout it out prior to engaging the enemy.

[The Great Rift]

Daisuke remains focused on the task at hand ahead of them during the short flight through the portal. When they appear on the next side and he sees the massive scar that is The Great Rift, a sudden sadness washes over him, threatening to overwhelm him. Images of the fragmentation of his former homeworld, Arismal, fill his mind. He squints his eyes hard, squeezing free a single tear, before he collects himself and refocuses.
Ronith wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 9:24 am”We don’t have many advantages in this battle, but what we do have are numbers, speed, maneuverability, and surprise- for a little bit, anyway. To leverage those strengths we’re going to split into three teams. Hit the monsters hard, hit them fast then withdraw, regroup, and hit them again. Grant and Daisuke, your roles will be essential- remain here and provide the rest of us portals to get down to ground level. Provide what support you can through magic and the Skybunker’s heavy weapons. Launch one full volley of missiles to start us off, then hold off until we have a chance to see what this horseman is capable of. I shall lead the first assault and attempt to distract the horseman itself. Zand and Keiko, you’re with me- take any targets of opportunity. The pharoah’s emissary, for one, and the horseman’s mount for another. Once we’ve engaged them, Daisuke will teleport the second team down. Hemlock, your objective will be magical support. Lilith and Gloriosa, engage as you see fit. If I can keep the horseman distracted long enough for the rest of you to bring down its allies, we can focus fire and hopefully end this before the damnable thing recovers. If not, call Daisuke for an evac and pull back to reassess while we hit it with another missile volley. Grant, I hope that robot you bought with this has some piloting chops. It’s a long walk back to MercTown.” Steeling himself, Ronith takes a deep breath ”I would ask for any magical enchantments you can offer- Grant I still intend to make use of your talismans, but anything else that might give me an edge against the Horseman would be helpful. Any energies you can spare for the others would also be good, but don’t expend too much of yourselves until we have a better idea of what we’re dealing with. Any questions?”
Daisuke shakes his head quietly at the solicitation for questions. A solid deployment... considering that we do not know anything about what we are facing.

Turning to Inzah, he says, "Your brother is very brave. And when we get you to him, please make sure he knows that."

"How many do you think he has with him? And what sort of defensive formation do you think he will be deployed into? It would be helpful if we could engage with something close to synergy. So any information you might have on them would be helpful." Daisuke asks, getting into a bit of the logistics of the situation.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [100] = 100
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 , 1d100: [70] = 70
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160mi
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 1100 PPE


"Truth be told," Grant says when Hemlock asks about missiles, "We don't have any, I had hoped that Fang Lo had procured more mercenaries with a more technological bent." He shrugs, "We've had to make due with what we have on hand before." When Sir Ronith expresses his misgivings and suggests dispelling the magic on a case by case basis, Grant gives a bit of a shake of his head in disagreement, but responds affirmatively, "We can definitely try, but we would have to be at relatively close range, and it would drain us quickly if we are dealing with multiple casters."

"I recommend that we don't use the Skybunker to engage the enemy. Only have it defend itself if attacked. It only has three built in laser turrets. From the NG rep, it seemed most buyers rely on their troop complement for offense. Grant adds as he adjusts himself in his seat. He points to the straps tucked by the sides of the doors, "We could restrain a gunner with that harness and allow them to fire out the door if it came down to it." Grant thinks back to what has become more like a hazy dream. He looks towards Sir Ronith as he thinks, We/I were taken to help on a mission to save the multiverse. I ended up on a planet called Phase World for a time, and eventually on a giant spaceship full of biomechanical aliens and Sir Ronith was there as well. We won and I was given a boon... "I know a spell, well a few spells from what I suppose would be called a school of Space Magic. One of them is a protective spell, far stronger than the Invincible Armor that I have placed on the talismans most of you carry. I've only been able to recall it a few times when I was in extreme danger. The last time was when we were in the past fighting the Splurgoth's minions. It will provide environmental protection as well as flight. When its time to get in position, I will cast it on those planning to engage the Horseman and his minions directly."

Grant provides Butch and Sundance orders, "Unless ordered otherwise by a team member, do not fire upon the enemy unless fire upon. Keep the Skybunker away from danger when not dropping off or picking personnel up."

Spell Code for the team:

Code: Select all

[inline=Cosmic Armor]Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills[/inline]
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 , 1d100: [49] = 49
Perception: 63% / 1d100: [44] = 44 (SUCCESS)

  • P.P.E.: 815/815
  • I.S.P.: 268/268
  • M.D.C.: 725/725

Energy Sphere: 1500 P.P.E. for 30 days
Heightened Presence Sense: constant 100ft range
Sustain: 15 days

Magical support? What's that supposed to mean?

Hemlock silently mulls over her role in the battle to come and then watches Ronith and Grant discuss tactics with great interest.

Probably means when the plan falls to pieces I pick up the pieces and get creative.
Grant Latham wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 3:46 pm "I know a spell, well a few spells from what I suppose would be called a school of Space Magic. One of them is a protective spell, far stronger than the Invincible Armor that I have placed on the talismans most of you carry. I've only been able to recall it a few times when I was in extreme danger. The last time was when we were in the past fighting the Splurgoth's minions. It will provide environmental protection as well as flight. When its time to get in position, I will cast it on those planning to engage the Horseman and his minions directly."
"Space magic? Now that's something I don't know about," Hemlock says softly with a raised eyebrow. But otherwise she does not inject herself into the discussion.

Well I'm sure they've all talked this to death now. Hopefully we can get on with it soon and see what is what.
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Zand »

Perception: 1d100: [55] = 55 / 29%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [2] = 2 | 1d100: [55] = 55

Zand responds to Ronith's orders, "I can do that". He doesn't energize his armor until actually deploying. He gladly accepts any beneficial spells from Grant with a "thank you". "I feel like a novice all over again. Not sure what to say or do. Well nothing bonds a group like combat. We'll see how uncomfortable I feel with them after we survive this. He very carefully is not considering that they might not. No one needs that kind of energy going into a life-or-death fight.
Zand's sheet.
Tattoo spell strength 14
Personal MDC 170/171 PPE 167/192
Crystal Guardian Armor MDC: Unenergized: 125/125
Energized: 225/225
Armor abilities energized and not Breathe Without Air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and light-based attacks do half damage
Abilities:Immune to transformation.
HF 12 to things that fear Atlanteans
Currently Sustain 10 days left
Other gear of note: Talisman Necklace, Dwarven Katana, Lightblade, Kingdom Come pistol

HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus melee: +9
Strike bonus ranged: +7
Parry Bonus: +14
Dodge Bonus: +17
HTH Damage Bonus: +18 in SDC dmg.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +13
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +6
Horror Factor (varies): +12
Possession: +4
Crit on nat 18-20
Sense of balance 88%
Automatically roll with fall/impact/explosions
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 16*C (62*F), .
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Unfortunately the answer to Daisuke's question of a sanctuary is less than appealing, as Inzah describes no where on the continent truly safe, even the city they were just in is normally unwelcoming of outsides. The threat of an apocalypses being the reason they were there at all. After Fang-Lo departs, Ronith and company devise a battle plan to tackle their first target. Enough unknowns exists to set the experienced Cyber-Knight on edge as he issues out battle plans. When asked about the force her brother is leading, Inzah's expression hardens. "He left with several hundred warriors with the aim of drawing this Horsemen away from the Tribe. I can't guess to their strategy, but they know of my mission. They are expecting some form of help, if they survive that long." Inzah states, her tone remaining stoic though Daisuke can tell she is worried.

Butch and Sundance acknowledge Grant's orders as he discloses their current armament capabilities and his own additional defensive magic capabilities. The mention of Space Magic perks Hemlocks' ears, the ageless godling having not heard of that school of magic from her home realm. Zand, Keiko, Lilith and Gloriosa all acknowledge Ronith's directive and with that, the group sets out.

Traveling North, Northwest, towards Lake Natron, Ronith estimates that if they go at a safe pace as to not attract attention, they can traverse the 100-150 miles within an hour. Roughly 30 minutes into their trek, at the half-way mark, Ronith and Hemlock both see a dark cloud on the horizon. Not an Anti-Magic Cloud, but instead a dense thundercloud stretching half the horizon. Ronith's guess based on the map places the Eye or Center of the storm to be at or very near Lake Natron. Moments later, Inzah sees it as well and comments. "By the Spirits.. I've never seen a storm like that here. Even from the Rain Makers..." She expresses. From what the group knows of the Horsemen, this leads the team to believe they are closing in on Famine. Several arcs of lightning can be seen traveling inside the storm and touching ground and the surrounding air around them is significantly cooler than it had been where they landed with winds picking up.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: You are half-way to the Horsemen, roughly 60-70 miles away.

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 , 1d100: [82] = 82
Perception: 63% / 1d100: [96] = 96 (FAIL)

  • P.P.E.: 815/815
  • I.S.P.: 268/268
  • M.D.C.: 725/725

Energy Sphere: 1500 P.P.E. for 30 days
Heightened Presence Sense: constant 100ft range
Sustain: 15 days

Underguard wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:46 pm Roughly 30 minutes into their trek, at the half-way mark, Ronith and Hemlock both see a dark cloud on the horizon. Not an Anti-Magic Cloud, but instead a dense thundercloud stretching half the horizon. Ronith's guess based on the map places the Eye or Center of the storm to be at or very near Lake Natron. Moments later, Inzah sees it as well and comments. "By the Spirits.. I've never seen a storm like that here. Even from the Rain Makers..." She expresses. From what the group knows of the Horsemen, this leads the team to believe they are closing in on Famine. Several arcs of lightning can be seen traveling inside the storm and touching ground and the surrounding air around them is significantly cooler than it had been where they landed with winds picking up.
To Ronith she says, "So this is what you meant by 'magical support?'"

Hemlock is frowning at the monstrous thundercloud on the horizon. Her emerald eyes deepen in color, becoming a more intense shade of green, like the heart of a summer forest caught in a sudden downpour. The playful look they usually hold is gone; replaced by a focused intensity, like a hunter tracking its prey.

Where are you in all of that? she thinks, trying to guess where the Horseman is amid the storm.

Peering intently at the churning mass of dark energy, she mutters to herself, "Famine? Why the weather magic?"

"Hrm," she breathes, a hint of distaste colouring her voice. "Good cover, I suppose. Makes the missile attack Grant considered a little tricky." She winks at her new magical colleague, and shrugs.

A slow understanding dawns on her, and her eyes narrow. "Storms mean failed crops," she realises. "Yes, Famine indeed."

This storm simply won't do. A good chance to test how strong this thing's magic really is. I'll see what Cloudjumper thinks, this is her element.

Hemlock clutches Cloudjumper, her owl-staff, and she senses the air spirit housed within. She murmurs something in a language that sounds faintly like the whispers of the Fey, and the words too soft for others to discern.

Finishing her whispered conversation, she turns to Ronith, a determined look in her eyes. "I can try to calm the storm," she offers. "It would give us a clearer view of what we're dealing with, and a chance for me to test the strength of this Famine's magic. Cloudjumper also has a spell to brighten spirits, but she won't tell me exactly what she has in mind. The calm works in a fifteen mile radius, so let me know when you want me to attempt it."

When Ronith gives the word: Hemlock's playful demeanor vanishes entirely as she grasps her owl-staff. The ornately carved owl seems to hum with anticipation as she holds it aloft, pointing its stylized owl-head directly at the menacing storm. In that moment, the air crackles with anticipation – a clash between the dark demon magic of a legendary Horseman and the verdant faerie god magic coursing through Hemlock. The Heroes for Hire are about to witness a showdown. Demons versus Faerie. And they have front-row seats.

Taking a deep breath, Hemlock begins to weave her magic. The words that tumble from her lips are unlike anything the others had ever heard. They flow in a pleasant way, a melody both beautiful and strange, reminiscent of the whispers of the Fey. It sounds like tinkling bells, the rustle of leaves in a gentle breeze, and the gurgle of a hidden stream, all woven together into an otherworldly song.

As she speaks, tiny motes of emerald green energy began to appear around her. Like leaves caught in a gentle breeze, they lazily flit and dance, gathering around her. Each mote pulses with an otherworldly power, growing more numerous with every word Hemlock utters.

Grant would likely recognise the
-200 P.P.E. / p.143 Rifts BoM. For 15 hours slow a downpour to a light rain in a 15 mile radius around Hemlock)
spell, though the casting coming from a faerie godling is unconventional. The air around her, replete with slowly fluttering green energy flies, is calm and beautiful. Quite a tangible counterpoint to the distant fury of the Horseman's magical storm.

Hemlock's voice rises in intensity, the melody reaching a crescendo. With a final, powerful word, she thrusts her staff forward, directing the swarm of green energy outwards. The motes, like a miniature emerald fireflies, shoot towards the colossal storm on the horizon.

As she does so, the owl Cloudjumper emits a soft trill, and casts a spell of her owl.
-60 P.P.E. / p.65 Rifts BoM. For 2 hours the gentle beauty of this rainbow raises the morale of all who view it, instilling a deep feeling of wonder, self worth, hope and joy.

On seeing the rainbow, Hemlock claps happily and compliments Cloudjumper. "Oh that is a nice touch Cloudjumper!"

Battle of Magical Wills - Calm Storm vs Horseman Storm
1d20: [16] = 16
Spell Strength +10
Save vs Magic +19
* Sorry I have no idea how this is resolved in game. p.60 of BoM suggests Calm Storms works like a Negate Magic spell.

P.P.E.: 820/880 remaining

Talisman of P.P.E. Battery: 100/300 remaining
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [79] = 79
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 ,
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m 1d100: [10] = 10 i
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 1100 PPE


Grant watches the storm and reaches out with his magical senses confirming that while possibly magical in nature isn't a ley line storm and lets out a breath of relief. It will be bad enough facing essentially a small g godlike being, but if we also had to deal with unpredictable magic, that would be worse than having to operate under an anti-magical cloud.

Math: Advanced 129% vs 1d100: [50] = 50 | Calculate the speed of the storm
Sensory Equipment 109% vs 1d100: [49] = 49 | Use the Skybunker's sensors to identify the size and direction the storm is traveling

When Hemlock offers to calm the storm, he says, "We should skirt the edges and circle in front of it. If we cast it from the rear, we may cut off the tail, but leave the rest of the storm unaffected. And the million credit question, how close do we have to get?" Grant whistles in appreciation when she mentions the radius it should affect. "Will it stop it completely?" Grant nods in understanding that it will greatly weaken it, but not negate it. "Is this a lasting enchantment preventing other storms, or could a storm be resummoned? In any event, once you cast it, the horseman is going to know that something powerful." He turns toward Sir Ronith, I've no idea how well it will sense the direction of the magic being cast, but I would expect it might see the impact of the storm dampening magic radiating outward from Hemlock's location. Did you want to exit the bus with Zand and Keiko and approach the horseman from a different direction? Try to catch it by surprise?"

While they get into position for Hemlock to cast the spell, Grant thinks over his own personal tactics. I can cast Carpet of Adhesion in a small area where I am standing, or right outside the door and stick myself too it. That way any evasive action won't dislodge me. The Cosmic Armor would give me substantial protection, and then I can use the Nova Blast spell to attack from range, I should be able to hit targets about 3000' away, that's farther than what the Skybunker's weapons can target. I can enhance my accuracy with Fleet Feet, ah, I wish I had some more time to work out alteration. He does cast Farsensing (3 PPE | MA 9 | 22 min | Able to read a license plate from up to 2 miles away) more immediately, and begins doing a visual scan around them. To Butch and Sundance, he issues an order, "Notify us of anything approaching us that you are able to detect on the sensors, both from the ground or in the sky.
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 , 1d100: [84] = 84
PER: 1d100: [73] = 73 vs. 94%

Ronith is on edge for most of the trip. His younger self would have paced impatiently or somesuch, no doubt charging heedlessly at their foe at the first available opportunity. But old man Ronith has seen enough to be wary of doing anything on low information. The giant storm is his first clue as to the nature of their first target, and while the scope of the thing is both awe- and dread-inspiring it also provides Ronith a measure of comfort as at least they can narrow down which of the four they’ll have to face first. Famine then. Weather control, clearly. Most likely some sort of enervation. Gods only know what else. He stares grimly as they draw closer to the storm and the others start to talk.
Hemlock wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:13 am"So this is what you meant by 'magical support?'"
Ronith nods and murmurs, ”More or less. Magic is always a wild card- we’ll need our own to counter Famine’s. Whatever you can do to help us- and set him back. I don’t know if you can set your will against such a being, but if you can break the storm it might give us the edge we need.” And cost us the element of surprise. The cyber-knight’s frown deepens.
Hemlock wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:13 am"I can try to calm the storm," she offers. "It would give us a clearer view of what we're dealing with, and a chance for me to test the strength of this Famine's magic. Cloudjumper also has a spell to brighten spirits, but she won't tell me exactly what she has in mind. The calm works in a fifteen mile radius, so let me know when you want me to attempt it."
Ronith nods in response to both Hemlock and Grant, and starts ticking off points on his fingers. ”I don’t want to risk our ride by getting too close to that. We hold off on the missiles, and we get as close as we safely can. The storm obscures our visibility, but it also blocks Famine’s. We can try to use that until the storm becomes more of a hindrance than a help. It’s a safe bet that Famine is in the center of it- we’ll skirt around the edge. Daisuke will set us down- myself, Zand, and Keiko- as close to the center of the storm as he can, while Hemlock tries to block the storm. Succeed or fail, Daisuke sends the second team down to engage after. If Hemlock is unable to dispel the storm, Grant and Daisuke you come with and order our ah, pilot, to set down at a safe distance. The basic plan hasn’t changed- counter any allies Famine has and try to hit him from multiple directions simultaneously. Grant, the stronger the defense you can give me, the more I can focus on Famine. And, hopefully, keep his focus on me. One last thing.” Ronith reaches into his utility belt and retrieves a worn talisman. ”This is a sustain talisman Grant made. Among other perks, it will remove the need for food or water for a week or two. I used one charge before we left MercTown but there are two others here- I’ve no idea if it’ll help, but it seems only prudent to use them when going up against a creature named Famine. Get ready to move out.” Dodging lightning doesn’t seem like the smartest start to this, but if Daisuke can get us close enough we might be fine.
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Daisuke »

Perception: d%: [97] = 97 | 69%
JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 | d%: [32] = 32 %
Character Sheet

  • MDC: 297/297
  • PPE: 13/13
  • Worn:
    • Casual Clothes
    • CP-40 <slung>. Current e-clip: 12/21 shots.
    • 6 spare e-clips
TFRC-02 FreeRunner Combat Exoskeleton
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 45
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: +5% to prowl, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +1 APM, +3 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to disarm, +6 to roll w/impact, -10% to electronic perception
  • All Features of Triax EBA
  • Molecular Adhesion Pads on hands and feet
  • Impact Absorbing Systems (p.89, MercOps)
  • Triples wearer's speed, fatigue reduced to 20% usual rate
  • Increase leap ability by 50%
  • Infrared & thermal masking

Book Reference: Kraus Imported Arms

Wilk's Jet Pack
M.D.C.: 20
Crew: One
Power System: Electric
Maximum Speed: 120 mph
Maximum Altitude: 1,200'
Maximum Range: 500 miles
Dimensions: 3' long, 30 lbs.
Book Reference: p.267, R:UE

CA-4 Dead Boy EBA
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 70
  • Arms: 60 each
  • Legs: 80 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 20 lbs.
Modifiers: -5% to climb, -20% to other physical skills
  • All standard Dead Boy EBA features (p.100, WB11)

Book Reference: p.100, WB11

NG Bush Pilot Armored Jumpsuit
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Flight Helmet: 35
  • Arms: 9 each
  • Legs: 20 each
  • Main Body: 25

Weight: 6 lbs.
Modifiers: None
  • Flight helmet includes built-in radio and nightvision goggles

Book Reference: p.77-78, WB33

NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 50
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 50 each
  • Main Body: 90

Weight: 21 lbs. for human equivalent, 35 lbs. for giant-sized.
Modifiers: -10% to physical skills
  • All standard NE environmental armor features (p.35-36, DB8)
    Upgrades and Packages
    • HUD Visor Allows 6 different screens to be viewed without impairing vision.
    • Basic Weapons Package
      • Retractable Energy Blade (Right Forearm)
        • Damage: 3D6 M.D.
      • Garrote Strangle Cord (Left Wrist)
        • Damage: 4D6 (+P.S. Damage Bonus)
      • Plasma Flame Thrower
        • Range: 200' (20' AoE)
        • Damage: 5D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 15 Shots per E-Clip
      • Utility Laser Finger
        • Range: 1,000'
        • Damage: 2D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 20 shots. (Standard E-Clip)
    • Robotic Exoskeleton
      • Robotic P.S. of 25, +4 P.P., +20 Speed, +10' to leaps, +10% to Climbing, Reduce Fatigue by 75%
      • Restrained Punch: 6D6, Punch/Kick: 1D4 M.D., Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2D4 M.D.
    • Built-In N-F20A Force Field
      • M.D.C.: 75
      • Voice Activated
    • Laser Distancer & Targeting
      • +1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
      • Range 2,000'
    • Optics Enhancements
      • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
      • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
      • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
      • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
      • Light Polarization
    • Mini-Radar/Sonar System
      • Can track up to 12 targets
      • Range: 2 miles
    • Integrated Sensor Pod
      • 360° scanning capability
      • +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
    • Advanced Communication Package
      • Includes: Basic receiver/transmitter, secure cryptological encoding, burst transmission capability, and if the Suit has the HUD Enhancement is capable of sending and receiving text communications
      • Range: 30 miles
    • IFF & Targeting Computer
      • Computerized recognition and identification system similar to the Wilk's PC-2020 Field Identifier System
      • Can Identify up to 6,000 targets with 92% accuracy
    • Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers
      • +2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
    • Identification Package
      • Laser, Holographic, Portable Computer, Programmed with thousands of images of known enemy insignia, uniforms, body armor, weapons, robots, and combat vehicles.
      • Includes: Passive Night Vision Goggles, Portable Language Translator, and a Laser Distancer

Book Reference: p.37-39, DB8

Wilk's 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon
  • Range: 3000'
  • Damage: 5D6+3 M.D. per shot or 3D4x10 M.D. per 3-pulse burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-pulse bursts only
  • Payload: 240 shots with a portable generator
  • Weight: 40 lbs.; portable generator weighs 70 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons; Generator recharges at 8 shots per hour; 1 hour to charge when connected to nuclear power supply
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.104, MercOps

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle
  • Range: 2000'
  • Damage:
    • Low-power shot: 3D6
    • Low-power burst: 1D6x10
    • Single shot: 2D6 M.D.
    • Burst: 6D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot bursts only
  • Payload:
    • E-Clip: 21 shots
    • LE-Clip: 30 shots
    • E-Canister: adds 60 shots to overall payload
    • Note: 30 low power shots = 1 M.D. shot
  • Weight: 9 lbs.; 4 lbs. for an E-canister
  • Features: Passive nightvision scope (2,000'), laser targeting
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
  • Book Reference: p.92, WB11

GAW .50 Six Barrel Machine-Gun
  • Range: 8,000'
  • Damage: 2D6x10, or 2D6x100 burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 10-round bursts only
  • Payload: 300, 600 or 1,200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum
  • Weight: 85 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.121, Merc Ops

Saving Throw Bonuses (if Mimic/revert to base stats)
Eye of Odin grants +1 save vs all (not included below)
Coma/Death: 28% (+4%)
Toxins (15+): +7 (+1)
Magic (varies): +7 (+1)
Magic (Illusions): +10 (+2)
Magic (mind-altering): +15 (+7)
Lethal Poison (14+): +7 (+1)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +7 (+1)
Insanity (12+): +16
Psionics (12+): +7
Horror Factor: +12
Disease: +7 (+2)
Drugs (mind-altering): +8 (+6)
Possession: +13 (+6)
  • Sustain | BOM 109 | 33 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
  • Copy Animal Attribute: Monkey ((
    +10% prowl when climbing, +15% palming, pick pockets, and concealment, +5% acrobatics and/or gymnastics, +1 to PP
    , Swing line,
    +2d4(7) PP, +3d4(8) Spd, +1 APM, +3 auto-dodge, +10% skills requiring dexterity and prowess, prowl, gymnastics, climb, etc.
    +1 parry, +2 dodge, +6 initiative, +15% perception, Estimate distance of sound 90%, Estimate speed and direction of approach 80%, Recognize voice or sound 70%, Imitate voice 60%
  • Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Underguard wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 6:46 pmWhen asked about the force her brother is leading, Inzah's expression hardens. "He left with several hundred warriors with the aim of drawing this Horsemen away from the Tribe. I can't guess to their strategy, but they know of my mission. They are expecting some form of help, if they survive that long." Inzah states, her tone remaining stoic though Daisuke can tell she is worried.
Daisuke nods with Inzah, speaking matter-of-factly, "Then let's reward his bravery by being expedient with our arrival as cavalry."

As they make their approach and the presence of a massive storm becomes obvious, Daisuke reflects upon their chosen tactics.

Good thing we did not rely on technological weaponry alone. The storm would likely have caused disruption in their targeting and may not have been particularly effective against the Horseman.
Grant Latham wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:05 pm "Did you want to exit the bus with Zand and Keiko and approach the horseman from a different direction? Try to catch it by surprise?"
"Once we are on the ground, I can release the mounts from the limbo, allowing them to be used." Daisuke adds, trying to inform others of their options.

Ronith's deployment orders are met with curt nods from the Arismal. He will do his part as ordered. Should the option avail itself, Daisuke will also help his teammates (even if he does not go through his portal himself) cover the distance between them and the Horseman by opening a portal that the others can hop through.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Zand »

Perception: 1d100: [10] = 10 / 29%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [4] = 4 | 1d100: [81] = 81

Armor MDC: 225/225
Personal MDC: 170/171
PPE: 167/192
Sustain active

Zand stands in awe of the massive storm. His hand slowly moves over to his stomach as he touches the tattoo to activate his guardian armor. "Better safe than sorry" he mutters to himself.
DB 15 P 171 PPE 25 and MDC cost of 1 per hour. Duration 3 hours. MDC protection: 225 regenerates 1d6/round. No movement penalties. Breathe Without Air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and light-based attacks do half damage

As his PPE integrates the crystal armor with his own aura the crystal goes translucent, colored by bands of greens, blues and red. Zand's tattoos are clearly visible underneath, and the armor sits on him like a second skin now. Zand rolls his shoulders getting used to the perfect fit and slow drain on his life. "Remember Zand the trick is to take it off in time. Usually it's not a difficulty, but we've never faced a demon who personifies scarcity before. Who knows what it can do?"

He'll activate the sustain talisman on Ronith's suggestion.

He'll thank Grant for the armor spell when he casts it
Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Daisuke wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:42 am

"Once we are on the ground, I can release the mounts from the limbo, allowing them to be used." Daisuke adds, trying to inform others of their options.
Scared for a moment for his loyal horse Zand posits, "If it's not too much trouble to hang on to her for now Daisuke I'd appreciate it. I'm fairly certain she would die as soon as she stepped into this. If Grant's spell is able to grant us sufficient flight speed, it'll be faster than my horse anyway. I wouldn't want to slow down the team."

Once the order to charge goes, Zand accepts the cosmic armor, draws the enchanted dwarven katana and flies to follow Ronith keeping his eyes out for anybody helping the demon.
Zand's sheet.
Tattoo spell strength 14
Personal MDC 170/171 PPE 167/192
Crystal Guardian Armor MDC: Unenergized: 125/125
Energized: 225/225
Armor abilities energized and not Breathe Without Air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and light-based attacks do half damage
Abilities:Immune to transformation.
HF 12 to things that fear Atlanteans
Currently Sustain 10 days left
Other gear of note: Talisman Necklace, Dwarven Katana, Lightblade, Kingdom Come pistol

HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus melee: +9
Strike bonus ranged: +7
Parry Bonus: +14
Dodge Bonus: +17
HTH Damage Bonus: +18 in SDC dmg.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +13
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +6
Horror Factor (varies): +12
Possession: +4
Crit on nat 18-20
Sense of balance 88%
Automatically roll with fall/impact/explosions
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 9*C (48*F), winds gusting between 20-30 MPH after Calm Storms, Downpour to a modest drizzle.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Grant makes several observations of the storm rolling through the area. Judging by the sensors and his own observations, the storm appears to be gusting upwards of 75MPH winds with heavy rain. Similar but more powerful than the normal Summon Storm spell can cause. It appears to be traveling North-Northwest, towards Egypt but it's speed remains constant. It doesn't appear to be losing or gaining traction. It is at least 10 miles radius and if there is an Eye, it's impossible to see from this distance. Grant and Hemlock discuss the Calm Storms versus Summon Storms, and under normal circumstances, it's confirmed that Calm only lessens it, doesn't completely negate it. Though the Calm will remain true for the area where it's cast and even new storms that appear within it's area of effect. With Hemlocks advanced age, she concludes she can lessen 3/4s of the storm, maybe the entire thing if she finds reaches the Eye. She's never tried to calm such a large storm before, however. Grant, Ronith and Zand already begin to see signs of flooding well outside the storm's area, the torrential downpour affecting the normally dry landscape in the worst possible ways.

Ronith considers the use of Hemlock's magic to lessen the storm at the cost of surprise, the conundrum wrecking the wizened Knights mind as he considers. Ronith requests Daisuke to Portal them as close to the center as he can and Daisuke obliges. The group moves to the outskirts of the storm, the wall of rain spattering against the vehicle as the increased wind makes it harder to pilot. Zand takes this time to activate his Guardian Tattoo while also accepting the spell cast by Grant and leaves his steed within the Bunker. Keiko and Ronith each take a Cosmic Armor as they ready to step through. Daisuke finds it hard to see far within the storm, but takes his best guess and pushes the portal as far inward as he thinks he can see and creates a Portal within the Bunker. Ronith, Zand and Keiko step through as Hemlock readies her magic.

Hemlock takes a few minutes and casts her magic. Within seconds, the wall of rain lessens to a modest drizzle and the winds seem to be cut in half. Still enough to rock the bunker, but not enough to capsize it. Hemlock looks on in dismay as she sees that her radius did not affect the entire storm, however it did affect roughly 80% of it, with only the furthest reaches of the storm still pouring. Hemlock laments at not being able to do a ritualistic Calm Storms, which might've lessened it even more. Though it's now obviously a magical storm as the furthest most part of the storm still pours as if powered by something else, not the Eye. With the downpour slowed and some visibility restored, Grant finds he can see Ronith, Keiko and Zand with his Farsensing sight and the lake beyond. Famine remains unseen. Gloriosa and Lilith stand ready to engage as ordered.

[Within the Storm]

The trio land just before what could be the center of the storm, though to say it is calmer within would be a massive understatement. The winds alone gust in a near funnel it's a wonder a tornado hasn't been formed. Broken trees and rocks fling through the air and the trio must fight to remain standing and struggle to see far. The Cosmic Armor provided by Grant allows the trio to see as though they were within a environmental armor, though visibility is significantly hindered. Both a benefit and downside of the Sustain ability is the trio can't tell if they are near the Horsemen, so they hope.

A few minutes after the drop, the storm seems to calm significantly. The winds are reduced by half, but still powerful enough to knock the careless on their feet and the rainfall is lowered to a modest drizzle compared to the torrential downpour. The sky above is still cloudy with thunder echoing above as a Rainbow manifests above and behind them. When this happens, Zand and Ronith both see a large set of footprints that on first glance, were made by a dinosaur, etched deep into the mud creating their own puddles. When they look in the horizon, they see that part of the storm remains in full force, but they can all see a large body of water ahead of them now clear of the raging downpour. Lake Norton. Something else catches Zand's eye; many bodies lay on the ground between them and the lake, the tribesman. Most are covered in mud with lifeless eyes gazing upwards. With the sound of the stormed lessened, the trio can hear what is either cheers, or cries of anguish closer to the lake. [You are less than a mile away from the lake.]

What are your intentions?
GM Note: Ronith, Zand and Keiko are within a mile from Lake Norton.
Grant, Daisuke, Hemlock, Gloriosa and Lilith are roughly five miles away.

Combat contingencies would be a good idea.

Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [49] = 49
JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 , 1d100: [15] = 15
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m1d100i
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 737 PPE

3 PPE | MA 9 | 22 min | Able to read a license plate from up to 2 miles away)

45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills


Once Sir Ronith, Keiko, and Zand have departed, Grant uses the magical communicator given to them by Lo Fund to alert the other teams that they are engaging a Horseman and believe it to be Famine. He provides the details of the storm and their initial action to blunt its effects magically along with their appoximate position. If we can achieve a quick victory, showing that these Horseman are not invincible, it may provide the inspiration we need to defeat the other three.

He moves back to where he is able to observe the ground and says, "Hemlock, it looks like the storm is even larger than we could first tell. We should move parallel to the storm and go north by northwest and once we are ahead of it, cast the storm again if we get the opportunity." With his enhance vision, he hopes to catch sight of the subtle blue-silver glow of the Cosmic Armor in the cloud darkend landscape below the SkyBunker. If he spots them, he points out their general location, and says to everyone, "With a storm of such magnitude, it doesn't seem likely that Famine has many allies with him, the storm would be his primary weapon. I doubt he'd choose his path to avoid hurting civilians, there may be people trapped and hurt down there. Daisuke, are you able to open multiple portals at once? We could use the bunker as a bridge, one set of portals down to a group of people to evacuate, then we have them step through here to another pair of portals that are as far outside the zone of destruction as possible." The mage grimaces at Daisuke's negative response. "Okay, plan B then we evacuate what we can up to the Bunker, then, open the portal to a safer destination. If there are more than we can handle, then, plan C, we will probably have to get closer, to within a 1000' and I'll go down and open a portal back to the bunker and then we will use your longer distance portal to get them out of this storm. I' think Gloriosa and Lilith should go down to help move the injured. What do you all think?"

However, the plan turns out, he gives instruction to Butch and Sundance on the direction to travel and to notify the team if the robots spot anything approaching them.

"While I'd like to conserve my mana, I will cast Cosmic Armor on the rest of us. I doubt we will have any real warning once we are spotted and under attack." He casts the spell 5 more times to cover the rest of the team. He also casts Infrared Vision (5 PPE | MA 9 | 55 min | Thermographic like vision out to 1500' (distance tripled by the Farsensing spell) to help him spot the living and injured below them.

Initiative: 1d20+6: [15]+6 = 21
APM: 10 (11 with magic)
  1. Activate Invulnerability Talisman
  2. Pull MIP-21
  3. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [10]+6 = 16 , Damage: 3d6: [6, 1, 5] = 12 M.D.
  4. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [19]+6 = 25 , Damage: 3d6: [4, 4, 2] = 10 M.D.
  5. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [3]+6 = 9 , Damage: 3d6: [5, 2, 2] = 9 M.D.
  6. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [6]+6 = 12 , Damage: 3d6: [2, 4, 3] = 9 M.D.
  7. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [10]+6 = 16 , Damage: 3d6: [3, 1, 5] = 9 M.D.
  8. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [14]+6 = 20 , Damage: 3d6: [1, 1, 6] = 8 M.D.
  9. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [1]+6 = 7 , Damage: 3d6: [2, 5, 2] = 9 M.D.
  10. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [15]+6 = 21 , Damage: 3d6: [5, 6, 4] = 15 M.D.
Contingencies: Grant will focus on defensive actions if directly attacked. He'll draw his Omega Sword (+4 more to parry) if something actually makes it to melee range. He'll cast Armor Bizarre (15 PPE| BOM 104 | 60' | 11 min | 165 M.D.C. HF: 14, -1 Init to attackers) on himself or team members if the Cosmic Armor goes down.

Dodge(+2)/Parry(+4)/Roll(+3): 10d20: [14, 9, 15, 10, 7, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14] = 92

Magic(+17)/Psionics(+10)/HF(+15): 10d20: [9, 7, 2, 8, 16, 20, 8, 4, 7, 20] = 101

Cosmic Armor Code for the team:

Code: Select all

[inline=Cosmic Armor]Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills[/inline]
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Daisuke »

Perception: d%: [71] = 71 | 69%
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 | d%: [58] = 58 %
Character Sheet

  • MDC: 297/297
  • PPE: 13/13
  • Worn:
    • Casual Clothes
    • CP-40 <slung>. Current e-clip: 12/21 shots.
    • 6 spare e-clips
TFRC-02 FreeRunner Combat Exoskeleton
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 45
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: +5% to prowl, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +1 APM, +3 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to disarm, +6 to roll w/impact, -10% to electronic perception
  • All Features of Triax EBA
  • Molecular Adhesion Pads on hands and feet
  • Impact Absorbing Systems (p.89, MercOps)
  • Triples wearer's speed, fatigue reduced to 20% usual rate
  • Increase leap ability by 50%
  • Infrared & thermal masking

Book Reference: Kraus Imported Arms

Wilk's Jet Pack
M.D.C.: 20
Crew: One
Power System: Electric
Maximum Speed: 120 mph
Maximum Altitude: 1,200'
Maximum Range: 500 miles
Dimensions: 3' long, 30 lbs.
Book Reference: p.267, R:UE

CA-4 Dead Boy EBA
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 70
  • Arms: 60 each
  • Legs: 80 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 20 lbs.
Modifiers: -5% to climb, -20% to other physical skills
  • All standard Dead Boy EBA features (p.100, WB11)

Book Reference: p.100, WB11

NG Bush Pilot Armored Jumpsuit
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Flight Helmet: 35
  • Arms: 9 each
  • Legs: 20 each
  • Main Body: 25

Weight: 6 lbs.
Modifiers: None
  • Flight helmet includes built-in radio and nightvision goggles

Book Reference: p.77-78, WB33

NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 50
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 50 each
  • Main Body: 90

Weight: 21 lbs. for human equivalent, 35 lbs. for giant-sized.
Modifiers: -10% to physical skills
  • All standard NE environmental armor features (p.35-36, DB8)
    Upgrades and Packages
    • HUD Visor Allows 6 different screens to be viewed without impairing vision.
    • Basic Weapons Package
      • Retractable Energy Blade (Right Forearm)
        • Damage: 3D6 M.D.
      • Garrote Strangle Cord (Left Wrist)
        • Damage: 4D6 (+P.S. Damage Bonus)
      • Plasma Flame Thrower
        • Range: 200' (20' AoE)
        • Damage: 5D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 15 Shots per E-Clip
      • Utility Laser Finger
        • Range: 1,000'
        • Damage: 2D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 20 shots. (Standard E-Clip)
    • Robotic Exoskeleton
      • Robotic P.S. of 25, +4 P.P., +20 Speed, +10' to leaps, +10% to Climbing, Reduce Fatigue by 75%
      • Restrained Punch: 6D6, Punch/Kick: 1D4 M.D., Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2D4 M.D.
    • Built-In N-F20A Force Field
      • M.D.C.: 75
      • Voice Activated
    • Laser Distancer & Targeting
      • +1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
      • Range 2,000'
    • Optics Enhancements
      • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
      • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
      • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
      • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
      • Light Polarization
    • Mini-Radar/Sonar System
      • Can track up to 12 targets
      • Range: 2 miles
    • Integrated Sensor Pod
      • 360° scanning capability
      • +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
    • Advanced Communication Package
      • Includes: Basic receiver/transmitter, secure cryptological encoding, burst transmission capability, and if the Suit has the HUD Enhancement is capable of sending and receiving text communications
      • Range: 30 miles
    • IFF & Targeting Computer
      • Computerized recognition and identification system similar to the Wilk's PC-2020 Field Identifier System
      • Can Identify up to 6,000 targets with 92% accuracy
    • Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers
      • +2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
    • Identification Package
      • Laser, Holographic, Portable Computer, Programmed with thousands of images of known enemy insignia, uniforms, body armor, weapons, robots, and combat vehicles.
      • Includes: Passive Night Vision Goggles, Portable Language Translator, and a Laser Distancer

Book Reference: p.37-39, DB8

Wilk's 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon
  • Range: 3000'
  • Damage: 5D6+3 M.D. per shot or 3D4x10 M.D. per 3-pulse burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-pulse bursts only
  • Payload: 240 shots with a portable generator
  • Weight: 40 lbs.; portable generator weighs 70 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons; Generator recharges at 8 shots per hour; 1 hour to charge when connected to nuclear power supply
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.104, MercOps

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle
  • Range: 2000'
  • Damage:
    • Low-power shot: 3D6
    • Low-power burst: 1D6x10
    • Single shot: 2D6 M.D.
    • Burst: 6D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot bursts only
  • Payload:
    • E-Clip: 21 shots
    • LE-Clip: 30 shots
    • E-Canister: adds 60 shots to overall payload
    • Note: 30 low power shots = 1 M.D. shot
  • Weight: 9 lbs.; 4 lbs. for an E-canister
  • Features: Passive nightvision scope (2,000'), laser targeting
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
  • Book Reference: p.92, WB11

GAW .50 Six Barrel Machine-Gun
  • Range: 8,000'
  • Damage: 2D6x10, or 2D6x100 burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 10-round bursts only
  • Payload: 300, 600 or 1,200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum
  • Weight: 85 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.121, Merc Ops

Saving Throw Bonuses (if Mimic/revert to base stats)
Eye of Odin grants +1 save vs all (not included below)
Coma/Death: 28% (+4%)
Toxins (15+): +7 (+1)
Magic (varies): +7 (+1)
Magic (Illusions): +10 (+2)
Magic (mind-altering): +15 (+7)
Lethal Poison (14+): +7 (+1)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +7 (+1)
Insanity (12+): +16
Psionics (12+): +7
Horror Factor: +12
Disease: +7 (+2)
Drugs (mind-altering): +8 (+6)
Possession: +13 (+6)
  • Sustain | BOM 109 | 33 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
  • Copy Animal Attribute: Monkey ((
    +10% prowl when climbing, +15% palming, pick pockets, and concealment, +5% acrobatics and/or gymnastics, +1 to PP
    , Swing line,
    +2d4(7) PP, +3d4(8) Spd, +1 APM, +3 auto-dodge, +10% skills requiring dexterity and prowess, prowl, gymnastics, climb, etc.
    +1 parry, +2 dodge, +6 initiative, +15% perception, Estimate distance of sound 90%, Estimate speed and direction of approach 80%, Recognize voice or sound 70%, Imitate voice 60%
    )) 60.00 min.
  • Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Zand wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:42 amScared for a moment for his loyal horse Zand posits, "If it's not too much trouble to hang on to her for now Daisuke I'd appreciate it. I'm fairly certain she would die as soon as she stepped into this. If Grant's spell is able to grant us sufficient flight speed, it'll be faster than my horse anyway. I wouldn't want to slow down the team."
Daisuke nods in acknowledgement, "Certainly. Compassionate and tactically sound. I will continue to keep her in the dimensional limbo for the time being."

The Arismal looks on as Ronith, Zand and Keiko are dropped off to engage Famine. Once the Skybunker pulls away, Daisuke is also glad that Grant updates the other teams with their impending engagement of the Horseman. I would have done the same if he had not taken the initiative. Here is hoping the other teams will also follow our lead and provide regular updates.
Grant Latham wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:29 pm"With a storm of such magnitude, it doesn't seem likely that Famine has many allies with him, the storm would be his primary weapon. I doubt he'd choose his path to avoid hurting civilians, there may be people trapped and hurt down there. Daisuke, are you able to open multiple portals at once? We could use the bunker as a bridge, one set of portals down to a group of people to evacuate, then we have them step through here to another pair of portals that are as far outside the zone of destruction as possible." The mage grimaces at Daisuke's negative response. "Okay, plan B then we evacuate what we can up to the Bunker, then, open the portal to a safer destination. If there are more than we can handle, then, plan C, we will probably have to get closer, to within a 1000' and I'll go down and open a portal back to the bunker and then we will use your longer distance portal to get them out of this storm. I' think Gloriosa and Lilith should go down to help move the injured. What do you all think?"
Daisuke gladly takes Grant up on the offer of magical Cosmic Armor.

"A good idea," the Arismal confirms before asking for clarification, "I will remain with the Skybunker for the time being then? In case adjustments need to be made on this end after combat engagement?"

Daisuke is happy to serve the role of bunker anchor. His tone reflects his understanding of the importance of protecting their transportation.

While the others are engaging, he will keep an eye on the sensor systems ((Sensory Equipment. d%: [16] = 16 | 66%)) and direct Butch and Sundance on where to fly. With whatever spare time he has, he will strap in weapon systems into the two side door gunner straps. Wilk's 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon (left) and NG-101 Rail Gun Block III (right) ((Weapons Systems. d%: [48] = 48 | 76%)).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

JIC: 1d20: [5] = 5 , 1d100: [83] = 83
Perception: 63% / 1d100: [81] = 81 (FAIL)

  • P.P.E.: 815/815
  • I.S.P.: 268/268
  • M.D.C.: 725/725

Energy Sphere: 1500 P.P.E. for 30 days
Cloudjumper P.P.E.: 820/880 remaining
Talisman of P.P.E. Battery: 100/300 remaining
Heightened Presence Sense: constant 100ft range
Sustain: 15 days

Grant Latham wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:29 pm He moves back to where he is able to observe the ground and says, "Hemlock, it looks like the storm is even larger than we could first tell. We should move parallel to the storm and go north by northwest and once we are ahead of it, cast the storm again if we get the opportunity."

Hemlock surveys the scene from within the hovership with a satisfied smile. The once menacing storm looks considerably subdued, and a vast improvement over its initial fury.

"Whatever the power of this Horseman, its magic is certainly able to be beaten. A good sign I think, if I failed I'd be quite concerned."

She observes the remaining tendrils of dark clouds that cling stubbornly to the horizon. Then admired the breathtaking rainbow conjured by Cloudjumper.

A symbol of hope, a promise of calm amid this chaos. Out there, somewhere in the distance, there were tribesman fighters. The sight of the rainbow piercing the storm should surely bolster their spirits.

Grant's suggestion causes a thoughtful crease to appear on Hemlock's brow. "Yes, it appears the storm is more extensive than I could reach," she admits, and her gaze lingers on the distant storm remnants. "I can calm what remains if you wish to get closer to it. I may not be successful, as you know, there’s no guarantees."

"But Ronith's out there somewhere," she points out, "I'd hate to be too far away to lend a quick hand if needed."

Her gaze shifts from the distant storm remnant, and where she imagines Ronith might be. Then sighs. I feel I ought to be closer, but I'll do what is asked of me.

"I'll do what you need of me," she says, deciding to follow the directions given.
Grant Latham wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:29 pm"While I'd like to conserve my mana, I will cast Cosmic Armor on the rest of us. I doubt we will have any real warning once we are spotted and under attack." He casts the spell 5 more times to cover the rest of the team. He also casts Infrared Vision (5 PPE | MA 9 | 55 min | Thermographic like vision out to 1500' (distance tripled by the Farsensing spell) to help him spot the living and injured below them.
Hemlock raises a curious eyebrow as Grant intones the unfamiliar words of the space spell. Intrigue can be seen in her emerald eyes, a indeed that is a rare sight from a godling who has witnessed countless magical wonders in her 3,000 years. As the energy coalesces around her, she marvels as the shimmering suit protects her.
OOC Comments
(If indeed Grant casts it on her, otherwise the reaction is to a teammate's Cosmic Armor)

She runs her hands along the surface of the armour, feeling the faint hum of power against her skin. It is not unlike other protections I know, but this one is quite special.

"Fascinating," she murmurs, her voice impressed. She flexes a leg, testing the newfound freedom of movement.

She looks at Grant, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. "Thank you," she says simply. "This is a remarkable spell."

In anticipation of a closer engagement with the enemy, she casts a few additional spells to better prepare herself.
  • Fortify Against Disease (-15 P.P.E.) * +4 save vs disease, +1 vs poison; duration 30 hours
  • Impervious to Fire (-5 P.P.E.) ; duration 75 minutes
  • Impervious to Poison (-5 P.P.E.) ; duration 75 minutes
If it comes to combat:

Initiative: 1d20: [1] = 1 (+12 or +15 with quick draw - but NAT 1 so who cares, lol)

APM: 11

Action 1: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [20]+19 = 39
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [1, 4, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3] = 31
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 2: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [17]+19 = 36
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 3, 1] = 47
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 3: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [6]+19 = 25
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [6, 4, 3, 5, 6, 3, 1, 6, 4, 5, 2, 2] = 47
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 4: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [10]+19 = 29
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [2, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 4] = 41
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 5: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [11]+19 = 30
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [6, 2, 4, 5, 5, 2, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4, 4] = 44
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 6: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [12]+19 = 31
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [2, 4, 4, 1, 2, 2, 5, 6, 5, 3, 6, 2] = 42
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 7: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [6]+19 = 25
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [3, 1, 3, 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 3, 2, 4, 6] = 39
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 8: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [2]+19 = 21
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [1, 6, 4, 3, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 2, 1] = 40
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 9: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [3]+19 = 22
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [3, 5, 1, 1, 3, 6, 2, 5, 2, 5, 3, 3] = 39
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 10: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [11]+19 = 30
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [5, 3, 4, 6, 6, 3, 6, 3, 4, 1, 3, 2] = 46
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 11: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+19: [13]+19 = 32
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +10 from P.P.)
, Damage 12d6: [4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4] = 37
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)


+17 Parry from skills
+6 Parry W.P. sword
+2 Parry Superior balance weapon
1d20+25: [13]+25 = 38 , 1d20+25: [6]+25 = 31 , 1d20+25: [5]+25 = 30 , 1d20+25: [1]+25 = 26 , 1d20+25: [19]+25 = 44 , 1d20+25: [11]+25 = 36 , 1d20+25: [1]+25 = 26 , 1d20+25: [18]+25 = 43 , 1d20+25: [12]+25 = 37 , 1d20+25: [15]+25 = 40 , 1d20+25: [2]+25 = 27

Dodge: 1d20+18: [8]+18 = 26 , 1d20+18: [2]+18 = 20 , 1d20+18: [18]+18 = 36 , 1d20+18: [7]+18 = 25 , 1d20+18: [16]+18 = 34 , 1d20+18: [6]+18 = 24 , 1d20+18: [12]+18 = 30 , 1d20+18: [6]+18 = 24 , 1d20+18: [6]+18 = 24 , 1d20+18: [20]+18 = 38 , 1d20+18: [18]+18 = 36

Automatic Dodge (11 for 11APM): 1d20+7: [3]+7 = 10 , 1d20+7: [7]+7 = 14 , 1d20+7: [5]+7 = 12 , 1d20+7: [14]+7 = 21 , 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , 1d20+7: [3]+7 = 10 , 1d20+7: [19]+7 = 26 , 1d20+7: [13]+7 = 20 , 1d20+7: [15]+7 = 22 , 1d20+7: [17]+7 = 24 , 1d20+7: [13]+7 = 20

Battle of Magical Wills - Calm Storm vs Horseman Storm
1d20: [4] = 4
Spell Strength +10
Save vs Magic +19
* Sorry I have no idea how this is resolved in game. p.60 of BoM suggests Calm Storms works like a Negate Magic spell.
Last edited by Hemlock on Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 , 1d100: [24] = 24
PER: 1d100: [32] = 32 vs. 94%

Tracking: 1d100: [93] = 93 vs. 101%
To follow the footprints (I know, probably unnecessary)

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
24m00s, +1 APM, +2 PP [+1 s/p/d], +3 initiative, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +15% on physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.

Ronith isn’t used to flying under his own power. C’mon old man. Can’t be much different than riding a hoverbike. Once the storm has quieted down enough that it won’t blow him away during the attempt, Ronith hovers just above the ground. He’s a little shaky at first, but soon gets the hang of it. With a heavy exhale, his eyes track the footprints towards the gloom (and noise) ahead. Ronith then mutters ”Let’s get on with it, then.” before keying in the team radio frequency. ”Good work, Hemlock. Things have quieted down on the ground. Battle doesn’t look like it’s gone well for the locals, however. We’re moving to engage. Wait until I have Famine distracted then lead the second team down here.” Ronith then turns to Zand and Keiko. ”No time for artistry- we hit them hard and fast. If we have any allies left alive down there, work with them to get any wounded clear but our priority has to be on stopping the monster here. I’ll keep Famine’s attention focused on me- do what you can to take down its allies. Let’s go.” Pausing briefly to enhance his reflexes ((-10 ISP)), Ronith floats back in the air and quick draws his blades. Then, he will accelerate to his maximum possible flying speed (given the distance to famine) and try to hit the horseman with a flying body ram slash paired sword strike- ideally knocking Famine off of his mount or his feet as appropriate. If he succeeds in knocking Famine down, Ronith will land and continue to attack with Frostfang, otherwise he will fly around and continue trying to knock Famine off his mount.

Initiative: 1d20+21: [4]+21 = 25 (not including sixth sense)
APM: 9

Actions 1-2: Flying sword attack/ram. Frostfang: 1d20+22: [18]+22 = 40 to strike, 1d6*22: [2]*22 = 44 x2=88 MD. Skyrender: 1d20+22: [20]+22 = 42 to strike, 6d6*2: [3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2]*2 = 28 x2=56 MD
Action 3: Attack with Frostfang. 1d20+22: [2]+22 = 24 to strike, 1d6*22: [5]*22 = 110 MD.
Action 4: Attack with Frostfang. 1d20+22: [6]+22 = 28 to strike, 1d6*22: [4]*22 = 88 MD.
Action 5: Attack with Frostfang. 1d20+22: [1]+22 = 23 to strike, 1d6*22: [4]*22 = 88 MD.
Action 6: Attack with Frostfang. 1d20+22: [11]+22 = 33 to strike, 1d6*22: [6]*22 = 132 MD.
Action 7: Attack with Frostfang. 1d20+22: [16]+22 = 38 to strike, 1d6*22: [3]*22 = 66 MD.
Action 8: Attack with Frostfang. 1d20+22: [13]+22 = 35 to strike, 1d6*22: [2]*22 = 44 MD.
Action 9: Attack with Frostfang. 1d20+22: [3]+22 = 25 to strike, 1d6*22: [3]*22 = 66 MD.

Auto-parries with Skyrender: 1d20+28: [4]+28 = 32 , 1d20+28: [18]+28 = 46 , 1d20+28: [9]+28 = 37 , 1d20+28: [2]+28 = 30 , 1d20+28: [6]+28 = 34 , 1d20+28: [18]+28 = 46 , 1d20+28: [15]+28 = 43
Auto-dodges: 1d20+14: [15]+14 = 29 , 1d20+14: [1]+14 = 15 , 1d20+14: [8]+14 = 22 , 1d20+14: [20]+14 = 34 , 1d20+14: [7]+14 = 21 , 1d20+14: [20]+14 = 34 , 1d20+14: [18]+14 = 32
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Zand »

Perception: 1d100: [40] = 40 / 29%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [3] = 3 | 1d100: [33] = 33

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
MDC 550/550
Armor MDC: 225/225
Personal MDC: 170/171
PPE: 117/192
Sustain active

Zand follows on Ronith's heels looking for Famine's collaborators, relishing the speed cosmic armor affords "Woo! I didn't know magic could create flight like this!" Once he has a target visible Zand reaches to the cloud tattoo by his navel and activates it
Tattoo Location: Left of Belly Button
Duration: One minute per level of experience or until canceled. Power: Influence the elemental force of air.
See the Invisible, the same as the spell (see Rifts Ultimate Edition,
page 199).
Float in the Air, same as the spell (see Rifts Ultimate Edition,
page 202).
Wind Rush, same as the spell (see Rifts Ultimate Edition, page
Call Lightning twice per melee round/every 15 seconds; same
as the spell (see Rifts Ultimate Edition, page 209).
Calm Storms, same as the spell (see Rifts Ultimate Edition,
page 223).
See Air Elementals.
Communicate with Air Elementals.
He will prioritize bipedal horseman collaborators, but if he doesn't see any he will instead focus his attention on the horseman's mount.

Initiative: 1d20: [16] = 16
APM: 5
Action 1: Activate Air power tattoo
Action 2: Use
Range: 120ft. Save on 18, 19, 20 RUE: p. 214 Takes 1 round to recover 1d8 to recover dropped items.

Action 3: Attack with Dwarven Katana 1d20+10: [19]+10 = 29 = to strike, 6d6: [6, 4, 1, 6, 1, 1] = 19 MD
Action 4: Attack with Dwarven Katana 1d20+10: [11]+10 = 21 = to strike, 6d6: [4, 5, 3, 2, 5, 4] = 23 MD
Action 5: Attack with Dwarven Katana 1d20+10: [5]+10 = 15 = to strike, 6d6: [2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 3] = 22 MD
Auto Parries with Katana: 1d20+14: [5]+14 = 19 , 1d20+14: [17]+14 = 31 , 1d20+14: [14]+14 = 28 , 1d20+14: [11]+14 = 25 , 1d20+14: [8]+14 = 22 ,
Last edited by Zand on Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:20 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Zand's sheet.
Tattoo spell strength 14
Personal MDC 170/171 PPE 167/192
Crystal Guardian Armor MDC: Unenergized: 125/125
Energized: 225/225
Armor abilities energized and not Breathe Without Air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and light-based attacks do half damage
Abilities:Immune to transformation.
HF 12 to things that fear Atlanteans
Currently Sustain 10 days left
Other gear of note: Talisman Necklace, Dwarven Katana, Lightblade, Kingdom Come pistol

HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus melee: +9
Strike bonus ranged: +7
Parry Bonus: +14
Dodge Bonus: +17
HTH Damage Bonus: +18 in SDC dmg.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +13
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +6
Horror Factor (varies): +12
Possession: +4
Crit on nat 18-20
Sense of balance 88%
Automatically roll with fall/impact/explosions
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

(Rolls carried)
Ronith wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 4:53 am Ronith then mutters ”Let’s get on with it, then.” before keying in the team radio frequency. ”Good work, Hemlock. Things have quieted down on the ground. Battle doesn’t look like it’s gone well for the locals, however. We’re moving to engage. Wait until I have Famine distracted then lead the second team down here.”
"I will be ready."

Hemlock casts a covert glance at Grant, and nods in a silent acknowledgment of what is coming. Then, with a practiced flick of her wrist, she delves into the wellspring of psionic power within her. A faint blue shimmer outlines her form, a telltale sign of heightened perceptions being activated – the world sharpens around her, and details that once went unnoticed bloom into a vibrant clarity.

She feels the low thrum of Skybunker's engines as they vibrate through the soles of her boots and she feels a sense of concern as Ronith and the others face an imminent engagement with the Horseman. Hemlock's lips thin into a grim line. This is it – the first Horseman.

Knowing she wouldn't have much more time, she channels her psionic power further. She focuses her will and heightens her durability and defences.

The final touch is a display of raw power. Hemlock raises her hand, and emerald green energy swirls and coalesces around it. With a surge of will, she rips the energy free, forming a colossal psi-blade. It pulses with crackling emerald light, dwarfing any such weapon her fellow heroes might have witnessed from other psionic practitioners.

It is a weapon of pure psionic fury, a sign of Hemlock's formidable power.

"I just hope it is enough. There are some things against which I have not yet been tested."

  • Duration: 75 minutes.
  • Psi-Sword damage: 14D6 M.D.
  • I.S.P.: 30
Enhance Reflexes
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 10
  • +1 attack per melee, +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge. +2 to P.P. (adding further bonuses to strike/parry/dodge if boosted to 16 or higher), and +15% to all Physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.
Enhanced Perception
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 10
  • +15% to Perception, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and a +10% to any skill that relies on any of the basic senses (such as Intelligence, Tracking, or certain Physical skills like Juggling or Prowl).
Mind's Eye
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 8
  • Radar-like vision at a range of 850ft. Even things concealed through magic (except Invisibility: Superior) can be seen. No penalties when blinded or in complete darkness. The psychic can sense everything in all directions at an accuracy of 103%. Grants: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and cannot be snuck upon or surprised. Heavy rain or smoke greatly hinders this power, negating the bonuses and giving a -30% to interpreting ability.
Resist Damage
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 25
  • Half damage from kinetic damage. Even damage that goes directly to Hit Points is halved. Furthermore, the biofeedback field absorbs the first 5 M.D.C. or Hit Points of damage from each attack.
Resist Energy
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 8
  • Half damage from energy attacks. This can include lasers, plasma, particle beams, psionic energy, and magic energy.
Resist Fatigue
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 6 hours.
  • I.S.P.: 4
95 ISP total cost.
Total buffs; +1 APM, +6 on initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry and dodge, +2 P.P., +15% to Perception
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Keiko »

Perception: 1d100: [46] = 46 /55%
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 ; 1d100: [83] = 83
Active Effects
  • Dimensional Attenuation: 150 Miles
  • Sense Rifts: 110 Miles
  • Excellent hearing and smell
  • Sixth Sense
  • Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
  • Fighting Spirit: +2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 12 Minutes
  • Superhuman Agility: +5 Auto-Dodge | + 1 on initiative | | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 12 Minutes
  • Energy Sphere: 208/400 PPE

Code: Select all

 [*] Fighting Spirit: +2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 12 Minutes

Code: Select all

 [*] Superhuman Agility: +5 Auto-Dodge | +5 to dodge | + 1 on initiative | | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 12 Minutes
Keiko is stunned by the level of devastation wrought and offers little of her normal cheerful banter or comments. Keiko will cast a few spells to assist herself, Zand and Ronith. "Hold still for just a moment. These will help us fight. We all want to make it back right?" Keiko give a tight smile. The normal cheerfulness and warmth is gone. Keiko casts Fighting Spirit and Superhuman Agility on the three of them. (Keiko, Zand, and Ronith) (-105 PPE from Energy Sphere)

As they step through Keiko makes sure to float a bit to avoid getting stuck in the mud churned up from the storm. "They sure made a mess here. I'm glad Grant gave us this spell. I'm not sure this muck would come out of my clothes otherwise.

Keiko gives Ronith a thumbs up as he issues his orders, "You got it. We'll finish them up lickdy split!" Keiko makes sure Zand is with her as she draws her sword and axe. "Call if you need help." She winks at Ronith as they dash towards their opponents. Keiko casts Fleet Feet and pumps PPE into the Omega Blade and Mage Bane to activate their abilities, just prior to engagement. (-87 PPE from Energy Sphere)

Keiko quickly drops into the mists of any support troops Famine has and begins to quickly dispatch them. Keiko moves like a dancer through the battlefield gracefully sliding around danger while swinging her weapons around her.


Current Active Spells:
  • Fleet Feet Effects: P.P.: 50 (+3 to Strike, Dodge, Parry; +6 to Init); SPD: 46; x2 APM; -2 Init; -20% to delicate skill checks (4 minutes)
  • Fighting Spirit (12 minutes)
  • Superhuman Agility (12 Minutes)
  • Cosmic Armor: 550/550 MDC
  • Omega Blade: Ranged Activation (3 minutes)
  • Mage Bane (6 minutes)
  • Energy Sphere: 208/400 PPE
APM: 18

Init: 1d20+17: [7]+17 = 24
Mage Bane Effect
-2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -20% to all skills, APM Reduced by Half; Lose the ability to speak; Duration 1 minute (4 Melee Rounds)
Action 1: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [5]+18 = 23 ; Damage: 7d6: [6, 6, 1, 3, 3, 4, 2] = 25 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [3]+17 = 20 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 5, 3, 2, 1]+9 = 26 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 2: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [17]+18 = 35 ; Damage: 7d6: [2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 5, 6] = 30 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 3, 2, 6, 5]+9 = 28 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 3: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [16]+18 = 34 ; Damage: 7d6: [5, 3, 4, 6, 3, 2, 2] = 25 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [13]+17 = 30 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 6, 3, 2, 6]+9 = 29 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 4: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [10]+18 = 28 ; Damage: 7d6: [5, 3, 3, 3, 6, 1, 5] = 26 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [11]+17 = 28 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 6, 1, 2, 3]+9 = 24 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 5: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [14]+18 = 32 ; Damage: 7d6: [1, 2, 3, 2, 6, 1, 6] = 21 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [5, 1, 3, 6, 6]+9 = 30 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 6: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [11]+18 = 29 ; Damage: 7d6: [2, 6, 5, 1, 4, 1, 4] = 23 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [4, 1, 6, 6, 2]+9 = 28 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 7: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [6]+18 = 24 ; Damage: 7d6: [4, 6, 4, 3, 1, 4, 4] = 26 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [2]+17 = 19 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 2, 3, 2, 5]+9 = 22 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 8: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [4]+18 = 22 ; Damage: 7d6: [4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 2, 1] = 25 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 2, 4, 1, 5]+9 = 24 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 9: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [20]+18 = 38 Nat 20!; Damage: 7d6: [5, 4, 2, 3, 5, 2, 3] = 24 x2 = 48 MD; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 6, 6, 2, 6]+9 = 35 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 10: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [3]+18 = 21 ; Damage: 7d6: [3, 1, 6, 5, 2, 2, 5] = 24 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [13]+17 = 30 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 2, 3, 2, 6]+9 = 25 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 11: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [1]+18 = 19 ; Damage: 7d6: [2, 2, 5, 6, 6, 3, 6] = 30 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 6, 6, 1, 2]+9 = 25 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 12: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [4]+18 = 22 ; Damage: 7d6: [4, 1, 4, 5, 3, 6, 3] = 26 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [5]+17 = 22 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [4, 4, 6, 1, 6]+9 = 30 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 13: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [12]+18 = 30 ; Damage: 7d6: [2, 6, 2, 2, 6, 2, 5] = 25 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [20]+17 = 37 Nat 20!; Damage: 5d6+9: [2, 1, 4, 5, 1]+9 = 22 x2 = 44 MD Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 14: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [20]+18 = 38 Nat 20!; Damage: 7d6: [3, 3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 1] = 20 x2 = 40 MD; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [4, 4, 4, 4, 5]+9 = 30 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 15: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [4]+18 = 22 ; Damage: 7d6: [6, 2, 2, 5, 6, 2, 5] = 28 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 1, 5, 2, 4]+9 = 27 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 16: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [19]+18 = 37 Crit!; Damage: 7d6: [1, 2, 6, 2, 2, 6, 6] = 25 x2 = 50 MD; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 5, 5, 2, 3]+9 = 25 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 17: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [7]+18 = 25 ; Damage: 7d6: [2, 2, 5, 3, 4, 3, 5] = 24 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 2, 5, 5, 3]+9 = 30 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 18: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [20]+18 = 38 Nat 20!; Damage: 7d6: [1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 4] = 18 x2 = 36 MD; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [12]+17 = 29 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [2, 2, 1, 5, 1]+9 = 20 Target: Save vs Magic (22)

Auto-dodge: 1d20+17: [5]+17 = 22 ; 1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33 ; 1d20+17: [1]+17 = 18 ; 1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33 ; 1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31 ; 1d20+17: [6]+17 = 23 ; 1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25 ; 1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31 ; 1d20+17: [18]+17 = 35 ; 1d20+17: [2]+17 = 19 ; 1d20+17: [3]+17 = 20 ; 1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34 ; 1d20+17: [11]+17 = 28 ; 1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25 ; 1d20+17: [19]+17 = 36 ; 1d20+17: [7]+17 = 24 ; 1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34 ; 1d20+17: [9]+17 = 26 ;

-If Cosmic Armor goes down, Keiko will use an action to activate her mundane FF.
-If Keiko needs to attack at range she will use the power bolt from the Omega blade. Same Attack Rolls. Damage changes to 5d6+14.
-If Ronith need help or there is a good opening Keiko will land a hit on Famine with Mage Bane, until it's clear the debuff takes, then she will move back to other targets.

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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 9*C (48*F), winds gusting between 20-30 MPH after Calm Storms, Downpour to a modest drizzle.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Combat: Round 1
[The calm]

Ronith, Keiko and Zand move cautiously through the lessened but still powerful winds. It's a testament that even with the Calm Storms spell in effect, the storm is still noticeable. Ronith radios the group on the Skybunker and issues some last minutes commands to his companions by his side before the trio move forward. The experienced knight following the deep footprints as best he can as he augments himself with Keiko augmenting the trio on the ground. Then, the knight speeds through the winds towards the lake with the intention of engaging Famine before the monster has a chance to react.

Zand finds himself impressed with the magical flight and follows suite, heeding Ronith's words the Atlantean looks for Famine's allies. Keiko finds her normal disposition significantly altered at the sight of the fallen and devestation around them apparently caused by a single Horsemen. Keiko then augments herself, Ronith and Zand with some additional magic. She follows Ronith's orders and looks for any allies the Horsemen may have with him first, leaving the initial engagement to the Cyberknight.

Back on the Skybunker, Grant begins forming a few plans to evacuate what remains of Inzah's people. Grant also takes a moment to update the other teams, though there is no immediate response. Issuing out a marching order for Gloriosa and Lilith to help with the evacuation of the tribesmen with Daisuke's help while Hemlock and Grant focus on calming what remains of the storm cell. He issues orders to his two robot pilots, then augments the remaining team on the Skybunker and augments his own sight to help track the injured that may still be alive. Grant's thermographic vision notices a large collection of them at the lake, and he can identify where the trio are. Unfortunately, he doesn't see any thermals from anything inbetween.

Daisuke engulfs Zand's faithful steed, which is already riled up though unable to fight or comprehend what Daisuke has done to it as it disappears in a dimensional limbo. As the Skybunker circles the stormcell, the magical radio chimes in. "Granite Commander here, we are following a trail of dead but have not discovered the Horsemen yet. Evidence of battle is apparent. Will update when we have confirmation." And a few moments later, A Dawn Mercenary comes on the line. "Dawn Patrol here. We have eyes on a large sand tornado heading towards Egypt we are trying to close in on. Can't confirm it's the Horsemen yet but believe it to be." So far, it seems like the other groups are trailing their targets and intact. The crew on the bunker listen to the report while Daisuke secures the side door weapon systems and monitoring the sensors.

Hemlock expresses concern for traveling to the other side of the storm cell should Ronith, Keiko and Zand require assistance but doesn't disagree and accepts the magical protection offered from Grant. The godling then augments herself in preparation and looks on in awe as the Cosmic Armor engulfs her, almost like a uniform for the team at this point. When Ronith's radio call comes through, the godling also activates a rather impressive looking Psi-Sword in preparation.

As they fly over, Daisuke can tell with the sensory equipment that there are easily over 50 different signatures on the ground near the lake. Grant's own thermographic sight makes it challenging to count the individual blips but sees a mass collection of them. Hemlock can feel they are closer to the eye now and should she try again, her Calm Storms will likely hit the remainder of the storm.

[The Lake]

As Ronith barrels towards the lake, his impressive eyesight finally lands on his target. A tall, sickly looking skeleton of a man with skin synched tightly to its body, holding a single large staff. The creature is riding what appears to be a bastard cross of a demonic hell hound and a dinosaur. It is facing a few dozen tribesmen that are curled on the ground, clutching their stomachs and writhing, but alive. It's
. Ronith barrels straight towards the creature and in a moment of resilience, closes the distance as the monster turns to look at the incoming knight. Just before Ronith strikes, he sees the most sickly smile cross its face as his first two attacks land true and sink into the leathery skin. The horsemen looks almost unphased from the attack and laughs at the brazen attack, easily parrying the following two attacks with his staff. Ronith almost loses his weapon as Famine seems to effortlessly parry the fifth attack. As Ronith levels for his next attack, Ronith sees the eyes of the skull atop the staff light blue as a flash of light strikes his cosmic armor. [-30 MDC] Ronith reels for another series of strikes with only two of them making contact and seeming to barely leave a mark on the thin creature. Ronith finds he is able to parry most of Famine's swipes, though much to his distain, a couple do get through [-42 MDC]. Possibly worst of all, Ronith thinks he sees a grin of amusement on the monster who is still seated uptop his mount. Even through Ronith's steel grit, he feels goosebumps staring Famine face to face. [Save for HF 16, Sixth Sense becomes active next round.]

Keiko and Zand follow suit and circle and Keiko suddenly feels the hairs on the back of her neck rise [Sixth Sense for this next round] as she sees movement on the ground beneath her. Zand activates his Cloud Wrapped in a Chain tattoo as he too sees what made Keiko pause. The dead tribesmen around them appear to be rising and it isn't long until the duo find themselves awash of the dead. The pair don't waste any time and move before the dead can surround and overpower them. Zand immediately blasts the dead in front of him with a gust of wind that knocks easily a dozen of them back to the ground. Keiko moves in the opposite direction and begins carving her way through the dead, looking for the necromancer that must've summoned them. Keiko finds it doesn't take more than two strikes, three at most, to cut through most of them with her weapons. Zand runs into some trouble felling the first closest dead [Not all your dice rolled, no damage dice or initiative]. One of the dead gets close enough to engage Zand physically and lands a strike on his Cosmic Armor [-12 MDC] Keiko relies on her speed and dodging ability, forgoing parrying and only finds herself grazed by a single errant swipe from one of the dead she promptly puts back into the ground. [-6 MDC]. Still neither of the pair see the Horsemen's handler yet.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: Anyone engaging Famine must Save v HF 16. Sixth Sense is active for Keiko and Ronith on the next round.

Ronith: -72 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Keiko: -6 MDC from Cosmic Armor.
Zand: -12 MDC
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 , 1d100: [17] = 17
PER: 1d100: [23] = 23 vs. 94%

Save vs. HF 16- 1d20+21: [3]+21 = 24

Combat acrobatics: Sense of balance- 1d100: [78] = 78 vs. 131-5=125%
To maneuver during combat.

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 109.75 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 478/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
23m45s, +1 APM, +2 PP [+1 s/p/d], +3 initiative, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +15% on physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.
, [*] Fighting Spirit: +2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 12 Minutes, [*] Superhuman Agility: +5 Auto-Dodge | +5 to dodge | + 1 on initiative | | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 12 Minutes

Ronith gives Keiko a tight smile and nod in acknowledgement of the spells. I’ll take all the help I can get. Then, they’re upon their target. While the horseman is undoubtedly a fearsome foe, Ronith has already survived one apocalypse and the centuries-old cyber-knight doesn’t hesitate to stare this opponent down. Even so, the initial engagement doesn’t go quite as well as Ronith would have hoped. As Keiko’s spells further enhance Ronith’s already prodigious combat abilities, he rolls away from Famine’s attacks. Well partly successful. He’s on you, old man. But you’re the one going down first at this rate. Better get creative until the others can provide support. With surprise having failed, Ronith decides it’s time to leverage his speed. Ducking down, he lands on the ground and returns to running and jumping where he is more at home. He will stab once at Famine’s mount’s face, duck around to the side of the beast, then leap up to slash at Famine before landing, sprinting around the mount, and repeating the process again. The goal is to keep the beast in-between Ronith and Famine’s staff while continuing to press the attack against the horseman, with a few extra strikes at the beast (and an empathic transmission thrown in) to try and enrage it to the point of bucking its rider. Such is Ronith’s concentration is that he only spares a moment for speech, transmitting on the team’s radio frequency ”We have engaged Famine.”

Initiative: 1d20+29: [2]+29 = 31 (includes sixth sense)
APM: 11

Action 1: Land, attack Netherbeast with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [2]+25 = 27 to strike, 1d6*22: [5]*22 = 110 MD.
Actions 2+3: Jump attack Famine with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [9]+25 = 34 to strike, 2d6*44: [4, 4]*44 = 352 MD.
Action 4: Land, attack Netherbeast with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [18]+25 = 43 to strike, 1d6*22: [4]*22 = 88 MD.
Actions 5+6: Jump attack Famine with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [11]+25 = 36 to strike, 2d6*44: [6, 3]*44 = 396 MD.
Action 7: Land, attack Netherbeast with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [16]+25 = 41 to strike, 1d6*22: [5]*22 = 110 MD.
Action 8: Empathic transmission (fear) on Netherbeast ((-6 ISP))
Actions 9+10: Jump attack Famine with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [2]+25 = 27 to strike, 2d6*44: [1, 3]*44 = 176 MD.
Action 11: Land, attack Netherbeast with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [7]+25 = 32 to strike, 1d6*22: [1]*22 = 22 MD.

Auto-parries with Skyrender: 1d20+31: [2]+31 = 33 , 1d20+31: [2]+31 = 33 , 1d20+31: [12]+31 = 43 , 1d20+31: [2]+31 = 33 , 1d20+31: [16]+31 = 47 , 1d20+31: [11]+31 = 42 , 1d20+31: [12]+31 = 43 , 1d20+31: [12]+31 = 43 , 1d20+31: [19]+31 = 50 , 1d20+31: [6]+31 = 37 , 1d20+31: [11]+31 = 42
Auto-dodges: 1d20+19: [10]+19 = 29 , 1d20+19: [11]+19 = 30 , 1d20+19: [19]+19 = 38 , 1d20+19: [1]+19 = 20 , 1d20+19: [16]+19 = 35 , 1d20+19: [16]+19 = 35 , 1d20+19: [7]+19 = 26 , 1d20+19: [19]+19 = 38 , 1d20+19: [5]+19 = 24 , 1d20+19: [5]+19 = 24 , 1d20+19: [15]+19 = 34
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 , 1d100: [17] = 17
Perception: 78% / 1d100: [75] = 75 (SUCCESS)

  • P.P.E.: 815/815
  • I.S.P.: 173/268 remaining
  • M.D.C.: 725/725
Energy Sphere: 1500 P.P.E. for 30 days
Cloudjumper P.P.E.: 820/880 remaining
Talisman of P.P.E. Battery: 75/300 remaining

See the invisible
Heightened Presence Sense: constant 100ft range
Sustain: 15 days
Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Fortify Against Disease (-15 P.P.E.) * +4 save vs disease, +1 vs poison; duration 30 hours
Impervious to Fire (-5 P.P.E.) ; duration 75 minutes
Impervious to Poison (-5 P.P.E.) ; duration 75 minutes

  • Duration: 75 minutes.
  • Psi-Sword damage: 14D6 M.D.
  • I.S.P.: 30
Enhance Reflexes
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 10
  • +1 attack per melee, +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge. +2 to P.P. (adding further bonuses to strike/parry/dodge if boosted to 16 or higher), and +15% to all Physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.
Enhanced Perception
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 10
  • +15% to Perception, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and a +10% to any skill that relies on any of the basic senses (such as Intelligence, Tracking, or certain Physical skills like Juggling or Prowl).
Mind's Eye
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 8
  • Radar-like vision at a range of 850ft. Even things concealed through magic (except Invisibility: Superior) can be seen. No penalties when blinded or in complete darkness. The psychic can sense everything in all directions at an accuracy of 103%. Grants: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and cannot be snuck upon or surprised. Heavy rain or smoke greatly hinders this power, negating the bonuses and giving a -30% to interpreting ability.
Resist Damage
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 25
  • Half damage from kinetic damage. Even damage that goes directly to Hit Points is halved. Furthermore, the biofeedback field absorbs the first 5 M.D.C. or Hit Points of damage from each attack.
Resist Energy
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 8
  • Half damage from energy attacks. This can include lasers, plasma, particle beams, psionic energy, and magic energy.
Resist Fatigue
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 6 hours.
  • I.S.P.: 4
95 ISP total cost.
Total buffs; +1 APM, +6 on initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry and dodge, +2 P.P., +15% to Perception

Hemlock feels the tension in the Skybunker as they listen to the crackle of static on the radio.
Ronith wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:12 am Such is Ronith’s concentration is that he only spares a moment for speech, transmitting on the team’s radio frequency ”We have engaged Famine.”
Her posture tenses as Ronith's voice crackles through the radio, his words all too brief.

And? What do you face? A word or two please, anything!

Her gaze darts towards Grant, silently seeking his direction as the leader of the second team. There's a knot of worry in her stomach, not for herself but for her new friends fighting for their lives somewhere below. Her knuckles whiten as they grip the hilt of Firefox, her newly minted sentient spirit-sword. A dozen spells swirl in her mind, each a potential countermeasure depending on the situation. But without more information, they were all just theory.

Frustration shows in her emerald eyes. "What about the guide?" she mutters through gritted teeth, the question barely audible. Hemlock guesses her initial part might not be engaging Famine directly, but countering the mysterious figure leading the demon to Egypt. What manner of enemy is the guide? A Demigod? Spellcaster?

As they wait for more news on the radio Hemlock taps her foot impatiently and looks at her blade. "Any chance of a little pre-emptive protection, my friend?" she mutters to the sword, her voice barely a whisper.

There's a feeling of sly amusement that flickers within the sword as the fiery spirit within ponders her request. Then, with a warmth that spreads outwards from the blade, Hemlock feels a tingling sensation envelop her. A fox-like chuckle echoes faintly in her mind, barely audible. "Impervious to Fire," the spirit murmurs, its voice like crackling flames. The spell extends to protect both Daisuke, Grant and others present if they wish it.

Hemlock raises an eyebrow in surprise, as she didn't really expect much of a response. Glancing at Grant and Daisuke, she raises her voice slightly. "Seems Firefox has decided to ward off any fiery surprises. Impervious to Fire for all of us if you desire it. It might protect you from whatever my flaming friend has planned for our enemies."

Code: Select all

[inline=Impervious to Fire]Impervious to Fire | 5 PPE | BoM p.75 | 18 melee rounds | Impervious to fire and smoke including plasma/fire and magic fire. Protective aura radiates to include clothes or body armor, but can not cover power armor, vehicles, or a building.[/inline]
Cost to Firefox is 5 P.P.E. per 2 people enchanted

The warmth spread outwards again, encompassing Grant and Daisuke in a protective shield if they ask for it. A moment later, a small ball of fire materialises near the tip of the blade, and it pulsates with a gentle orange glow. "And a little Fire Globe for good measure," Firefox's voice purrs and all in the room can hear it. "Just throw it at anyone unpleasant."

Code: Select all

[inline=Fire Globe]Fire Globe | 20 PPE | BoM p.79 | 18 weeks | Can be thrown 200', inflicts 5D6 M.D. at the moment of impact and 5D6 additional M.D. per melee round. Burns out within 1D4 minutes after it is activated. [/inline]
Cost to Firefox 20 P.P.E.

Hemlock chuckles in spite of the tension, and she feels better for it. I am glad I summoned some friends for this. "Thank you, Firefox," she replies.

If Grant gives the word to prepare for attack, Hemlock casts Astral Hole and Speed Weapon (-120 P.P.E.).

Code: Select all

[inline=Speed Weapon - Spike Whip]Speed Weapon | 100 PPE | BoM p.136 | 15 melee rounds | When using the enchanted weapon, the character has twice as many attacks per melee round![/inline]
Drains remainder of 'Talisman of P.P.E. Battery', plus 150 from Energy Sphere.

Code: Select all

[inline=Astral Hole]Astral Hole | 120 PPE | BoM p.138 | 15 melee rounds | 2000' teleports costing 2 APM, +2 to dodge using the hole.[/inline]
She winks, patting the coiled whip. "Anyone with a powerful weapon might find it hard to hold onto when I get going with this."
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [52] = 52
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 , 1d100: [24] = 24
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m1d100i
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 737 PPE

3 PPE | MA 9 | 21.75 min | Able to read a license plate from up to 2 miles away)

5 PPE | MA 9 | 54.75 min | Thermographic like vision out to 1500' (distance tripled by the Farsensing spell)

2 of 3 talisman charges remaining | BOM 116 | 2.5 min | Impervious to Cold, Fire, Energy, Disease, Poisons, Toxins, Gases, and Drugs. 50 M.D.C. force field. +10 vs Magic, Psionics, HF

45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 109.75 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Impervious to Fire | 5 PPE | BoM p.75 | 18 melee rounds | Impervious to fire and smoke including plasma/fire and magic fire. Protective aura radiates to include clothes or body armor, but can not cover power armor, vehicles, or a building.


Grant makes no effort to respond back to the other teams over the magical radio, confident they know that providing real-time updates is a distraction. "The other teams haven't engaged yet," he says to the others in the Skybunker in case they hadn't overheard.

The mage looks back from his search for survivors when Hemlock mentions the guide, and nods, "Yes, we need to be wary. Hemlock, please radio them to remind them that the Horseman shouldn't be alone. We will need to be cautious with the survivors," Grant looks towards Inzah, "Inzah, you will be on point to identify those we bring aboard that you don't recognize. Daisuke, it will be your call if someone is severely injured enough for you want to hold them like Zand's steed, I don't know how many you can store safely, but we may need to store those that Inzah doesn't recognize."

As they approach the lake, Grant points and says, "Our teammates are over there. We are coming up with a large group of people near the lake, lets get into position." He orders the robots to approach the group of people by the lake and hover at 1000'. "Daisuke, you are up, please create your portal down by those below and up here into the cargo hold. Glorisa! Lilith! Head down and begin bring them through the portal. If any of you can enhance your senses, see the invisible for example, now's the time to do so. Hemlock's right, whomever is traveling with the Horseman is also someone we need to find and neutralize. Hemlock, If you want to go down as well to protect our team while they are vulnerable helping others go for it." We need to move quickly to support the others.

Grant already able to see the invisible casts Sense Evil (2 PPE | BOM 92 | 22 min | 90' radius) and Sense Magic (4 PPE | BOM 92 | 22 min | 120' radius). He nods and says, "Thanks" to Hemlock for the protection against fire.

Combat contingency:

Initiative: 1d20+6: [1]+6 = 7
APM: 10 (11 with magic)
Critical on natural 18-20, Deathblow on Natural 20.
  1. Activate Invulnerability Talisman
  2. Pull MIP-21
  3. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [13]+6 = 19 , Damage: 3d6: [6, 1, 3] = 10 M.D.
  4. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [9]+6 = 15 , Damage: 3d6: [3, 2, 6] = 11 M.D.
  5. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [11]+6 = 17 , Damage: 3d6: [2, 3, 6] = 11 M.D.
  6. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [18]+6 = 24 , Damage: 3d6: [4, 6, 4] = 14 M.D.
  7. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [20]+6 = 26 , Damage: 3d6: [5, 3, 3] = 11 M.D.
  8. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [13]+6 = 19 , Damage: 3d6: [2, 4, 6] = 12 M.D.
  9. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [2]+6 = 8 , Damage: 3d6: [5, 3, 4] = 12 M.D.
  10. Shoot MIP-21 at attacker, Strike: 1d20+6: [5]+6 = 11 , Damage: 3d6: [1, 6, 5] = 12 M.D.
Contingencies: Grant will focus on defensive actions if directly attacked. He'll draw his Omega Sword (+4 more to parry) if something actually makes it to melee range. He'll cast Armor Bizarre (15 PPE| BOM 104 | 60' | 11 min | 165 M.D.C. HF: 14, -1 Init to attackers) on himself or team members if the Cosmic Armor goes down.

Dodge(+2)/Parry(+4)/Roll(+3): 10d20: [3, 8, 19, 16, 4, 14, 9, 19, 5, 14] = 111

Magic(+17)/Psionics(+10)/HF(+15): 10d20: [3, 14, 9, 5, 4, 19, 14, 16, 5, 15] = 104
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Gloriosa »

Perception: 1d100: [70] = 70 /29%
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 / 1d100: [7] = 7

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Range: 200 feet (61 m).
Duration: Four minutes (16 melee rounds) (+1 minute per each level of experience).
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Four
The character can see Astral beings, entities, Elementals, ghosts, objects, forces and creatures that can tum invisible or are naturally invisible. Even if the creature has no form per se, the mystic will be able to discern the vaporous image or energy sphere that is the being

Flying in circles above the Skybunker, Gloriosa watches the storm in awe. Dag yo, we gotta fight a whole storm? Watching Hemlock's signature emerald energy fly toward the tempest and tame it, he chuckles a little. "A spell for every occasion!"
Grant Latham wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:23 amGlorisa! Lilith! Head down and begin bring them through the portal.
"Roger Dodger!" Gloriosa casts See the Invisible (-4 PPE), swoops down to ground level and begins triage. He picks up any villagers with a noticeable sign of life using his thermal vision to determine who is no longer with us. For anyone who is struggling, he'll open their third eye (-5 ISP) to allow them to summon their inner strength, giving them a fighting chance to move on their own. Keeping the flames off, he will grab four villagers at a time and bring them to the portal, rinse and repeat.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

((Rolls carried))
Grant Latham wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:23 am The mage looks back from his search for survivors when Hemlock mentions the guide, and nods, "Yes, we need to be wary. Hemlock, please radio them to remind them that the Horseman shouldn't be alone. We will need to be cautious with the survivors,"

Wasting no time, Hemlock keys the microphone, and her voice cutting through the tense silence.

Don't forget there's a guide with that Horseman. It might be just as dangerous as the Horseman himself. Do not underestimate it.

Hemlock adds a few extra words, her voice tense. Tell me what you face, I will help counter anything unexpected.

Cloudjumper meanwhile activates both See the Invisible (-4 I.S.P.) and Super Telekinesis (-10 I.S.P.) to become an independently moving thwacking stick.

On the ground, Hemlock follows the others and protects them from harm.

Hemlock Initiative: 1d20: [6] = 6 (+18 or +21 with quick draw)

APM: 12

Action 1: Cast Turn Undead on the dead (-6 P.P.E.) hopefully turning up to 15d6: [3, 1, 4, 6, 3, 1, 6, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 2] = 52 animated dead.
Action 2: Locate Handler. Looking and sensing via Mind's Eye up to 850ft.
Action 3-5 Cast
Saving Throw: additional -2 to save, P.P.E.: 130. So 24 needed to save against this spell.
on Handler. Costs 3 APM. If reduced to a babbling fool Hemlock will capture the villain alive if possible.

If violence needed:

Action 6 Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [16]+23 = 39
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 12d6: [6, 1, 5, 3, 1, 5, 1, 5, 3, 3, 6, 2] = 41
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 6 Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [20]+21 = 41
(+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 14d6: [3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 4, 1, 6, 2, 2, 1] = 34
Psi Blade 14d6

Action 7 Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [6]+23 = 29
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 12d6: [3, 1, 2, 1, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2] = 27
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 7 Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [3]+21 = 24
(+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 14d6: [1, 4, 1, 2, 5, 5, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 4, 3, 1] = 46
Psi Blade 14d6

Action 8 Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [20]+23 = 43
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 12d6: [4, 1, 5, 1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 1, 5, 1] = 37
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 8 Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [11]+21 = 32
(+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 14d6: [3, 4, 1, 1, 5, 3, 4, 4, 3, 6, 3, 4, 4, 3] = 48
Psi Blade 14d6

Action 9 Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [15]+23 = 38
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 12d6: [5, 2, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 3] = 32
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 9 Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [16]+21 = 37
(+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 14d6: [5, 2, 1, 1, 2, 6, 5, 2, 3, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3] = 43
Psi Blade 14d6

Action 10 Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [7]+23 = 30
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 12d6: [4, 2, 2, 4, 3, 1, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 1] = 42
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 10 Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [8]+21 = 29
(+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 14d6: [1, 4, 6, 3, 6, 5, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 1, 3, 3] = 52
Psi Blade 14d6

Action 11 Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [16]+23 = 39
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 12d6: [3, 5, 5, 6, 2, 2, 6, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3] = 44
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 11 Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [8]+21 = 29
(+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 14d6: [6, 4, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3] = 47
Psi Blade 14d6

Action 12 Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [8]+23 = 31
(+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 12d6: [5, 3, 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 3, 5, 4, 4, 1] = 41
(6d6 from katana 6d6 from P.S.)

Action 12 Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [17]+21 = 38
(+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
, Damage 14d6: [2, 1, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4] = 50
Psi Blade 14d6

* Dodge if needed, including a dodge into the Astral Hole 2APM)

Contingency: If Handler is distant, use Astral Hole (2 APM) to teleport behind it, then Mindshatter the nasty.
Contingency: Undead swarm too large? Recast Turn Undead. If ineffective, escalate to an Expel Demons spell (-35 P.P.E.)
Contingency: If Handler neutralised and undead gone, assist others in evacuating survivors.

Parry (no parry if attacking with both weapons!):

+17 Parry from skills
+6 Parry W.P. sword
+2 Parry Superior balance weapon
+6 Psi powers
1d20+31: [3]+31 = 34 , 1d20+31: [16]+31 = 47 , 1d20+31: [3]+31 = 34 , 1d20+31: [6]+31 = 37 , 1d20+31: [6]+31 = 37 , 1d20+31: [20]+31 = 51 , 1d20+31: [19]+31 = 50 , 1d20+31: [10]+31 = 41 , 1d20+31: [14]+31 = 45 , 1d20+31: [13]+31 = 44 , 1d20+31: [7]+31 = 38 , 1d20+31: [13]+31 = 44


+17 Parry from skills
+6 Psi powers
1d20+23: [4]+23 = 27 , 1d20+23: [10]+23 = 33 , 1d20+23: [18]+23 = 41 , 1d20+23: [18]+23 = 41 , 1d20+23: [4]+23 = 27 , 1d20+23: [17]+23 = 40 , 1d20+23: [16]+23 = 39 , 1d20+23: [1]+23 = 24 , 1d20+23: [16]+23 = 39 , 1d20+23: [18]+23 = 41 , 1d20+23: [7]+23 = 30 , 1d20+23: [12]+23 = 35

Automatic Dodge (12 for 12APM): 1d20+8: [10]+8 = 18 , 1d20+8: [14]+8 = 22 , 1d20+8: [2]+8 = 10 , 1d20+8: [9]+8 = 17 , 1d20+8: [17]+8 = 25 , 1d20+8: [11]+8 = 19 , 1d20+8: [10]+8 = 18 , 1d20+8: [5]+8 = 13 , 1d20+8: [13]+8 = 21 , 1d20+8: [7]+8 = 15 , 1d20+8: [13]+8 = 21 , 1d20+8: [10]+8 = 18 , 1d20+8: [17]+8 = 25

Cloudjumper Initiative: 1d20+4: [5]+4 = 9

APM: 9
Action 1: Assist Hemlock to try and sense the Handler. Identify the scents of specific animals and people at 78%. 1d100: [49] = 49
Action 2: Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [3]+3 = 6 , Damage 4d6+8: [3, 4, 6, 5]+8 = 26
Action 3: Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [13]+3 = 16 , Damage 4d6+8: [5, 1, 2, 2]+8 = 18
Action 4: Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [15]+3 = 18 , Damage 4d6+8: [6, 1, 5, 2]+8 = 22
Action 5: Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [13]+3 = 16 , Damage 4d6+8: [1, 3, 1, 5]+8 = 18
Action 6: Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [9]+3 = 12 , Damage 4d6+8: [3, 2, 5, 6]+8 = 24
Action 7: Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [8]+3 = 11 , Damage 4d6+8: [4, 5, 2, 6]+8 = 25
Action 8: Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [12]+3 = 15 , Damage 4d6+8: [6, 4, 6, 5]+8 = 29
Action 9: Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [2]+3 = 5 , Damage 4d6+8: [6, 5, 6, 6]+8 = 31

Parry: 1d20+4: [6]+4 = 10 , 1d20+4: [2]+4 = 6 , 1d20+4: [4]+4 = 8 , 1d20+4: [16]+4 = 20 , 1d20+4: [6]+4 = 10 , 1d20+4: [3]+4 = 7 , 1d20+4: [10]+4 = 14 , 1d20+4: [19]+4 = 23 , 1d20+4: [11]+4 = 15

Dodge: 1d20+4: [17]+4 = 21 , 1d20+4: [9]+4 = 13 , 1d20+4: [7]+4 = 11 , 1d20+4: [9]+4 = 13 , 1d20+4: [3]+4 = 7 , 1d20+4: [20]+4 = 24 , 1d20+4: [5]+4 = 9 , 1d20+4: [16]+4 = 20 , 1d20+4: [12]+4 = 16

Contingency: Big problem? Use a big wind! 2 APM for Wind Blast 1d20+6: [16]+6 = 22 , Damage 2d4*10+30: [4, 2]*10+30 = 90
Contingency: Can't find opponent, assist retrieval of fallen villagers.
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Keiko »

Perception: 1d100: [18] = 18 /55%
JIC: 1d20: [18] = 18 ; 1d100: [69] = 69
Active Effects
  • Dimensional Attenuation: 150 Miles
  • Sense Rifts: 110 Miles
  • Excellent hearing and smell
  • Sixth Sense
  • Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
  • Fighting Spirit: +2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 12 Minutes
  • Superhuman Agility: +5 Auto-Dodge | + 1 on initiative | | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 12 Minutes
  • Energy Sphere: 208/400 PPE
Keiko quickly bobs and weaves through the deadly display. I haven't done this in a while. Feels so good! Ouch! Hey! Keiko hammers the one that hit her. Serves you right! Humph!" Keiko takes a second to look for the source of the undead as the seem to be near endless right now. I know he's here some where. Keiko will activate See Invisibility (-4 ISP) Psionic ability just to be safe. Keiko will take to the sky flying about 30 feet up or so to get a better view of the battle field and hopefully spot the necromancer causing the undead to raise. Keiko will key her comms, "We've got a necromancer on the field. Attempting to locate. Need assistance to not be over run."

As Keiko scans for the necromancer she continues to use the Omegablade's ranged abilities to fire powerbolts into the undead from the air.

-Once Keiko locates the necromancer she will close and engage him in melee combat. He focus will be to get a hit on him with MageBane.


Current Active Spells:
  • Fleet Feet Effects: P.P.: 50 (+3 to Strike, Dodge, Parry; +6 to Init); SPD: 46; x2 APM; -2 Init; -20% to delicate skill checks (4 minutes)
  • Fighting Spirit (12 minutes)
  • Superhuman Agility (12 Minutes)
  • Cosmic Armor: 544/550 MDC
  • Omega Blade: Ranged Activation (3 minutes)
  • Mage Bane (6 minutes)
  • Energy Sphere: 208/400 PPE
  • ISP: 67/71
APM: 18

Init: 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32
Mage Bane Effect
-2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -20% to all skills, APM Reduced by Half; Lose the ability to speak; Duration 1 minute (4 Melee Rounds)
Action 1: Fly up and radio call
Action 2: Radio call and dedicated search for necromancer
Action 3: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [1, 5, 3, 6, 2]+14 = 31
Action 4: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [4, 1, 2, 4, 5]+14 = 30
Action 5: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [2, 6, 6, 3, 6]+14 = 37
Action 6: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [4, 6, 1, 1, 5]+14 = 31
Action 7: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [3, 1, 2, 5, 6]+14 = 31
Action 8: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [1, 6, 5, 2, 2]+14 = 30
Action 9: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [2, 3, 6, 3, 4]+14 = 32
Action 10: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [2, 6, 1, 5, 4]+14 = 32
Action 11: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [4, 1, 5, 6, 6]+14 = 36
Action 12: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [5, 2, 5, 6, 6]+14 = 38
Action 13: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [4, 1, 4, 5, 5]+14 = 33
Action 14: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [1, 5, 2, 2, 5]+14 = 29
Action 15: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [6, 2, 4, 2, 1]+14 = 29
Action 16: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [1, 3, 5, 2, 6]+14 = 31
Action 17: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [6, 2, 4, 2, 1]+14 = 29
Action 18: Right Omega Blade PowerBolt strike; Damage: 5d6+14: [2, 2, 2, 1, 2]+14 = 23

Auto-dodge: 1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33 ; 1d20+17: [2]+17 = 19 ; 1d20+17: [9]+17 = 26 ; 1d20+17: [18]+17 = 35 ; 1d20+17: [6]+17 = 23 ; 1d20+17: [12]+17 = 29 ; 1d20+17: [7]+17 = 24 ; 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32 ; 1d20+17: [19]+17 = 36 ; 1d20+17: [9]+17 = 26 ; 1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31 ; 1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34 ; 1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31 ; 1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31 ; 1d20+17: [9]+17 = 26 ; 1d20+17: [1]+17 = 18 ; 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32 ; 1d20+17: [7]+17 = 24 ;

-If Cosmic Armor goes down, Keiko will use an action to activate her mundane FF.
-If Keiko engages the Necromancer with Mage Bane; Strike: 1d20+17: [18]+17 = 35 Crit; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 5, 1, 4, 6]+9 = 31 x2 = 62MD Target: Save vs Magic (22); 1d20+17: [6]+17 = 23 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [4, 2, 4, 1, 1]+9 = 21 Target: Save vs Magic (22) 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [2, 6, 4, 1, 1]+9 = 23 Target: Save vs Magic (22) 1d20+17: [4]+17 = 21 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [5, 2, 6, 5, 3]+9 = 30 Target: Save vs Magic (22) 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 6, 4, 4, 4]+9 = 30 Target: Save vs Magic (22) 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 4, 4, 1, 6]+9 = 25 Target: Save vs Magic (22) 1d20+17: [13]+17 = 30 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [2, 2, 4, 6, 1]+9 = 24 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
-If Ronith need help or there is a good opening Keiko will land a hit on Famine with Mage Bane, until it's clear the debuff takes, then she will move back to other targets.

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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 9*C (48*F), winds gusting between 20-30 MPH after Calm Storms, Downpour to a modest drizzle.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Combat: Round 2
[The Hunger that festers]

Ronith maintains his direct attack on Famine, alternating with a jump attack on the monster and his beast. Ronith finds he has to dodge multiple swipes from the beast with one of them connecting [23 MDC] with what felt like a truck of a paw strike that bounced off his cosmic armor. Ronith recognizes the sheer strength this beast holds alone, let alone his master. For a decaying corpse of a monster, Famine appears quite capable, parrying one of the strikes, though Ronith connects with two of his attacks. Ronith finds he is able to parry each of Famine's swipes with his staff. When Ronith attempts to inspire fear into the Netherbeast, he notices the creature pause but not run and instead look up at Famine for a brief moment before swiping again. Ronith notices that suddenly, Famine's body seems to erupt in tendrils that distract the Knight [-1 Initiative, save v 15 HF at the beginning of each round]. Shortly after this, Ronith hears Famine utter a spell in the most raspy and sickly sounding voice. [Roll a save v Magic. If Ronith fails, Ronith finds himself under the effects of Agony.]

Keiko and Zand do their best to avoid the undead that are rising and instead look for the Necromancer. To give Keiko breathing room, Zand moves to engage the undead and does his best keeping them at bay. Keiko meanwhile takes to the air and radios the group in the air, informing them of the necromancer and the need for assistance. Then turns her attention to looking for the necromancer. Keiko finds herself hard-pressed to find the Necromancer but knows it must be close by to command such a legion of rising dead. The numbers of the undead are beginning to eclipse the number of survivors, with Keiko recalling that at least 300 warriors were engaging Famine initially. While looking, she shoots at the rising undead to keep their numbers down as best as possible and finds it takes on average 2-3 shots to down one of them with the Power Bolt from the Omega Blade.

Back in the Skybunker, Daisuke opens a portal to the ground for Gloriosa, Lilith and Hemlock to use to begin evacuating the survivors of Famine's hunger. Grant activates his own invulnerability then mans the MIP-21 from the side of the Skybunker as the others move to ground while Daisuke keeps the portals active. Butch and Sundance now effectively circling the lake above. Grant watches as Gloriosa and Lilith begin evacuating the survivors and Hemlock moves in to help those on the ground. When Grant focuses on the ground at the evacuees he notices one moving differently than the others and doesn't see it with his thermals, instead with his advanced See the Invisible. Grant can't be sure, but it looks like the handler has embedded itself among the survivors. Gloriosa doesn't seem to see it yet.

Gloriosa is the first to the ground followed by Lilith. Gloriosa, even being a dragon, suddenly begins feeling a wave of hunger even though he doesn't need to eat. He sees the people on the ground writhing and clutching their stomachs as they try to stand. Gloriosa and Lilith are able to effectively move 2-3 through the portal at a time for Grant and Daisuke to receive. Gloriosa's psionic help gets some of them on their feet but the dragon soon realizes there are too many of them for him to cure all of them and it's safer and easier to simply move them out of whatever is affecting them. When Hemlock touches ground, she is able to push back a large wave of the undead as over fifty of them turn and try to leave the area. However, the number of undead outpace the survivors and at least a dozen remain, with more seeming to rise. Hemlock doesn't see the handler at first, but does spot a visage among the survivors that Lilith and Gloriosa are helping that moves differently and is impressively hard to see fully. Taking a chance, Hemlock attempts to mindshatter the visage only for it to appear unaffected and cast it's own spell on her. [Roll a save v Magic, if you fail, you fall under the effects of Compulsion and want to run away from the storm's radius.] Hemlocks spirit swords float nearby, felling the remaining undead as they arise and approach the godling.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: Anyone engaging Famine must Save v HF 16, if they save v that, they must save each round v HF 15 due to Armor Bizzar.
Hemlock and Grant have a good idea they've I.D.'d the handler, though it is in the middle of the survivors near their allies and appears protected and hard to see.
Grant, Hemlock: Roll Lore Recognize Enchantment to see that the Handler is under the effects of Invisibility Simple, Shadow Meld and Armor Bizzar.

Ronith: -95 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Keiko: -6 MDC from Cosmic Armor.
Zand: -12 MDC
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

JIC: 1d20: [10] = 10 , 1d100: [96] = 96
Perception: 78% / 1d100: [83] = 83 (FAIL)

  • P.P.E.: 815/815
  • I.S.P.: 173/268 remaining
  • M.D.C.: 725/725

Energy Sphere: 1439/1500 P.P.E. remaining for 30 days
Cloudjumper P.P.E.: 820/880 remaining, I.S.P.: 182/196 remaining
Firefox P.P.E.: 655/685 remaining, I.S.P.: 237/237 remaining
Talisman of P.P.E. Battery: 0/300 remaining

  • See the Invisible
  • Super Telekinesis
Astral Hole | 120 PPE | BoM p.138 | 14/15 melee rounds remain | 2000' teleports costing 2 APM, +2 to dodge using the hole.

Speed Weapon | 100 PPE | BoM p.136 | 14/15 melee rounds remain | When using the enchanted weapon, the character has twice as many attacks per melee round!

See the invisible
Heightened Presence Sense: constant 100ft range
Sustain: 15 days
Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Fortify Against Disease (-15 P.P.E.) * +4 save vs disease, +1 vs poison; duration 30 hours
Impervious to Fire (-5 P.P.E.) ; duration 75 minutes
Impervious to Poison (-5 P.P.E.) ; duration 75 minutes

  • Duration: 75 minutes.
  • Psi-Sword damage: 14D6 M.D.
  • I.S.P.: 30
Enhance Reflexes
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 10
  • +1 attack per melee, +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge. +2 to P.P. (adding further bonuses to strike/parry/dodge if boosted to 16 or higher), and +15% to all Physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.
Enhanced Perception
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 10
  • +15% to Perception, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and a +10% to any skill that relies on any of the basic senses (such as Intelligence, Tracking, or certain Physical skills like Juggling or Prowl).
Mind's Eye
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 8
  • Radar-like vision at a range of 850ft. Even things concealed through magic (except Invisibility: Superior) can be seen. No penalties when blinded or in complete darkness. The psychic can sense everything in all directions at an accuracy of 103%. Grants: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and cannot be snuck upon or surprised. Heavy rain or smoke greatly hinders this power, negating the bonuses and giving a -30% to interpreting ability.
Resist Damage
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 25
  • Half damage from kinetic damage. Even damage that goes directly to Hit Points is halved. Furthermore, the biofeedback field absorbs the first 5 M.D.C. or Hit Points of damage from each attack.
Resist Energy
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 8
  • Half damage from energy attacks. This can include lasers, plasma, particle beams, psionic energy, and magic energy.
Resist Fatigue
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 6 hours.
  • I.S.P.: 4
95 ISP total cost.
Total buffs; +1 APM, +6 on initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry and dodge, +2 P.P., +15% to Perception

Hemlock barely acknowledges the clash between Ronith and the Horseman. The bigger picture demands her attention.

The battlefield is indeed a grotesque tableau. Though many fallen nomad undead are repelled by her magic, still others shamble about. Just as disturbing to her are the living – men and women crumpled on the ground, clutching their bellies in agony. A flicker of fury crosses Hemlock's face.

Famine's doing? she thinks, and her voice is a steely whisper. "Inducing starvation on those who oppose him?" The display of twisted power angers her further.

Then, a flicker of movement amidst the chaos catches her eye. The Godling's gaze narrows, and she focuses upon it. There, amid the writhing victims and lumbering undead, a figure moves – unnatural, almost a shadow itself. A figure, shrouded not just in darkness but in an aura of invisibility magic. The Necromancer!

Recognize Enchantment 73%: 1d100: [26] = 26 --To know what spells protect the Necromancer

If Grant and others are close, she gives direction. "There," she points, "the necromancer is cloaked in shadow and invisibility. I will deal with it."

As Hemlock sets her sights on the cloaked Necromancer, a magical compulsion touches her. A Necromancer spell... It whispers of escape, of distant havens far from the battlefield's horrors. This is the Necromancer's game? To twist emotions and break my will?

Save vs Magic 1d20+19: [19]+19 = 38

Then the effects of the Armour Bizarre spell take hold as she sees the writhing tentacles of armour protecting her opponent.

Save vs Horror Factor 1d20+19: [5]+19 = 24

What follows is a surge of anger, hotter and brighter than any fear or despair. It roars through her, and the fury in her emerald eyes intensifies. "Pathetic tricks," she snarls, her voice laced with contempt. Her anger mingles with a cold, calculating look in her emerald eyes. As Cloudjumper hovers telekinetically nearby, she speaks swiftly.

"Cloudjumper," she commands, her voice distorted by the raw godly power within her, "scatter the shadows! Disrupt his veil! Keep him off balance. And Firefox," she adds, turning the blade slightly, "do the same, and fuel the flames to come."

The plan is simple and brutal. Cast away the shadows, break his magic, and then unleash destruction.

Hemlock Initiative: 1d20+18: [3]+18 = 21
Cloudjumper Initiative: 1d20+4: [8]+4 = 12
Firefox Initiative: 1d20+5: [9]+5 = 14

APM: 12 Hemlock, 9 Cloudjumper and Firefox

Action 1:
  • Hemlock - Casts
    Level 8 and takes 2 APM. PPE cost 30. Opponent gets a saving throw vs Hemlocks spell strength to resist.
    on Necromancer
  • Firefox - Casts Globe of Daylight -2 P.P.E. at area with Necromancer, disrupting Shadow Meld
  • Cloudjumper - Casts
    Level 3, A roll of 18, 19 or 20 saves one from losing one's balance and/or losing some item(s). p.119 BoM
    on Necromancer and undead in the way, clearing a path!
Action 2:
  • Hemlock - still casting Negate Magic, takes 2 APM
  • Firefox - Uses
    p. 177 Rifts Ultimate Ed. Costs ISP 10.
    to Paralyse the Necromancer.
  • Cloudjumper - Casts
    p.61 BoM, Costs 20 PPE
    in a 6ft radius to cloak Hemlock and itself.
Action 3:
  • Hemlock - Flies under Cosmic Armor to close the distance, over any remaining undead blocking her path.
  • Firefox - Casts
    p.75 BoM; 2D6 damage per touch. 5 P.P.E. cost. Hemlock is immune to flame so is unharmed holding the blade Firefox possesses.
    - and the blade bursts into delicious flame.
  • Cloudjumper - Maintain the Invis spell, further casting impossible.
Action 4:
  • Hemlock - Smash Fire globe into Necromancer's face. 1d20+19: [8]+19 = 27 , inflicting 5d6: [1, 4, 5, 6, 2] = 18 damage
  • Firefox - Casts
    Level 4, costs PPE 10
    - triples flame intensity, additional 10d6: [2, 2, 6, 6, 6, 1, 5, 2, 5, 6] = 41 for 1d4: [4] = 4 minutes
  • Cloudjumper - Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [6]+3 = 9 , Damage 4d6+8: [6, 5, 3, 6]+8 = 28

Action 5:
  • Hemlock casts Turn Undead on the dead (-6 P.P.E.) hopefully turning up to 15d6: [4, 3, 3, 6, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 5, 2, 2, 2] = 46 animated dead from warzone.
  • Firefox starts casting
    p.80 BoM; This magic rekindles life in the dying, but cannot help the deceased. The flame can restore/heal a person who is in a coma, mortally wounded, or dying of poison or disease. The damage killing the person is magically repaired and ten Hit Points above zero are restored. The person will be weak, but will not die. The spell works automatically and can be cast up to six feet (1.S m) away.
    on a badly hurt Nomad nearby.
  • Cloudjumper - Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [13]+3 = 16 , Damage 4d6+8: [1, 5, 2, 5]+8 = 21

Action 6:
  • Hemlock casts
    p.108 BoM, 15 P.P.E. A Lifeblast shot directly against a Necromancer will inflict 4D6 S.D.C./Hit Point damage (or 3D6 M.D. if a Mega-Damage creature) and destroys two of its additional undead appendages (if any; only affects appendages attached to the Necromancer's body). If the Death Mage was in the process of casting a spell, the blast will interrupt the incantation and bum up half the P.P.E. needed for that Necromantic spell.
    Note: A Lifeblast can only be directed at one target/person at a time
    (or two by touch) and automatically hits.
    at Necromancer, 2d6: [4, 2] = 6 M.D.C. damage plus effects.
  • Firefox starts casting
    p.80 BoM; This magic rekindles life in the dying, but cannot help the deceased. The flame can restore/heal a person who is in a coma, mortally wounded, or dying of poison or disease. The damage killing the person is magically repaired and ten Hit Points above zero are restored. The person will be weak, but will not die. The spell works automatically and can be cast up to six feet (1.S m) away.
    on a badly hurt Nomad nearby.
  • Cloudjumper - Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [17]+3 = 20 , Damage 4d6+8: [4, 1, 3, 1]+8 = 17

Action 7:
  • Hemlock finishes casting Life Blast ((takes 2 APM to cast).
  • Hemlock shouts to the nomad risen by Flame of Life, "Go!" hoping he/she will make a quick escape.
  • Firefox - Starts casting
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 9 rounds, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
  • Cloudjumper - Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [2]+3 = 5 , Damage 4d6+8: [6, 2, 4, 2]+8 = 22
Action 8:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [17]+23 = 40
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [5, 5, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 1, 2] = 46
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [18]+21 = 39
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [1, 1, 6, 2, 4, 5, 3, 1, 5, 1, 3, 2, 4, 1] = 39
    Psi Blade 14d6
    CRIT 78 damage
  • Firefox - Completes casting
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 9 rounds, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
    , inflicts either 2d6: [4, 1] = 5
    To humans, Elementals and most other beings
    , or 1d6*10: [2]*10 = 20
    to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows.
  • Cloudjumper - Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [12]+3 = 15 , Damage 4d6+8: [4, 2, 1, 5]+8 = 20
Action 9:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [2]+23 = 25
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [5, 3, 5, 5, 1, 4, 4, 1, 5, 6, 3, 1, 3, 4] = 50
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [4]+21 = 25
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [5, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4, 1, 6, 5, 2, 6, 3, 2, 2] = 58
    Psi Blade 14d6
  • Firefox - unleashes
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 9 rounds, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
    , inflicts either 2d6: [1, 1] = 2
    To humans, Elementals and most other beings
    , or 1d6*10: [1]*10 = 10
    to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows.
  • Cloudjumper - Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [5]+3 = 8 , Damage 4d6+8: [1, 3, 1, 6]+8 = 19
Cloudjumper and Firefox out of actions

Action 10:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [12]+23 = 35
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 5, 1, 5, 4, 3, 6, 4, 1, 5] = 44
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [19]+21 = 40
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [2, 1, 5, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1] = 45
    Psi Blade 14d6
    CRIT 90 damage

Action 11:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [8]+23 = 31
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [1, 4, 6, 3, 6, 1, 1, 4, 6, 5, 2, 1, 3, 6] = 49
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [18]+21 = 39
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [6, 6, 5, 1, 4, 6, 6, 3, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 1] = 61
    Psi Blade 14d6
    CRIT 122 damage

Action 12:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [12]+23 = 35
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [6, 2, 4, 4, 5, 4, 2, 3, 3, 2, 6, 6, 2, 4] = 53
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [18]+21 = 39
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [3, 2, 6, 2, 4, 4, 3, 5, 3, 5, 1, 2, 5, 5] = 50
    Psi Blade 14d6
    CRIT 100 damage

Contingency: If the fire assault fails, Firefox repeats the bio-manipulation to incapacitate the Necromancer.

Parry (no parry if attacking with both weapons!):

+17 Parry from skills
+6 Parry W.P. sword
+2 Parry Superior balance weapon
+6 Psi powers
1d20+31: [20]+31 = 51 , 1d20+31: [5]+31 = 36 , 1d20+31: [20]+31 = 51 , 1d20+31: [20]+31 = 51 , 1d20+31: [16]+31 = 47 , 1d20+31: [6]+31 = 37 , 1d20+31: [18]+31 = 49 , 1d20+31: [2]+31 = 33 , 1d20+31: [8]+31 = 39 , 1d20+31: [19]+31 = 50 , 1d20+31: [20]+31 = 51 , 1d20+31: [16]+31 = 47


+17 Parry from skills
+6 Psi powers
1d20+23: [5]+23 = 28 , 1d20+23: [14]+23 = 37 , 1d20+23: [19]+23 = 42 , 1d20+23: [18]+23 = 41 , 1d20+23: [12]+23 = 35 , 1d20+23: [6]+23 = 29 , 1d20+23: [17]+23 = 40 , 1d20+23: [8]+23 = 31 , 1d20+23: [10]+23 = 33 , 1d20+23: [10]+23 = 33 , 1d20+23: [12]+23 = 35 , 1d20+23: [14]+23 = 37

Automatic Dodge (12 for 12APM): 1d20+8: [7]+8 = 15 , 1d20+8: [18]+8 = 26 , 1d20+8: [7]+8 = 15 , 1d20+8: [18]+8 = 26 , 1d20+8: [20]+8 = 28 , 1d20+8: [6]+8 = 14 , 1d20+8: [1]+8 = 9 , 1d20+8: [7]+8 = 15 , 1d20+8: [12]+8 = 20 , 1d20+8: [3]+8 = 11 , 1d20+8: [7]+8 = 15 , 1d20+8: [2]+8 = 10 , 1d20+8: [7]+8 = 15

Globe burns per round not per action, these are errors I've removed. Apologies.

[*]Fire Globe burning at regular intensity, 5d6: [4, 1, 6, 3, 6] = 20
[*]Firefox - Repeats
p. 177 Rifts Ultimate Ed. Costs ISP 10.
if first failed, otherwise fuel the globe flames for extra fire globe damage, plus 10d6: [6, 6, 2, 5, 6, 2, 5, 6, 5, 6] = 49 .

[*]Fire Globe burning at regular intensity, 5d6: [2, 5, 4, 5, 4] = 20
[*]Firefox - Repeats
p. 177 Rifts Ultimate Ed. Costs ISP 10.
if first failed, otherwise fuel the globe flames for extra fire globe damage, plus 10d6: [6, 5, 6, 6, 2, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6] = 52 .

[*]Fire Globe still burning at triple intensity, 15d6: [5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 6, 2, 6, 5, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 5] = 59
[*]Firefox - Casts
Level 4, costs PPE 10
- on burning fire globe above

[*]Fire Globe still burning at triple intensity, 15d6: [4, 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 3, 1, 6, 6, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4] = 48
[*]Firefox - Casts
Level 4, costs PPE 10
- on burning fire globe above

[*]Fire Globe still burning at triple intensity, 15d6: [6, 3, 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 3, 2, 6, 6, 3] = 58
[*]Firefox - Casts
Level 4, costs PPE 10
- on burning fire globe above
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Grant Latham
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [29] = 29
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 , 1d100: [56] = 56
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m1d100i
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 109.50 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 731 PPE

3 PPE | MA 9 | 21.50 min | Able to read a license plate from up to 2 miles away)

Impervious to Fire | 5 PPE | BoM p.75 | 17 melee rounds | Impervious to fire and smoke including plasma/fire and magic fire. Protective aura radiates to include clothes or body armor, but can not cover power armor, vehicles, or a building.

5 PPE | MA 9 | 54.50 min | Thermographic like vision out to 1500' (distance tripled by the Farsensing spell)

2 of 3 talisman charges remaining | BOM 116 | 2.25 min | Impervious to Cold, Fire, Energy, Disease, Poisons, Toxins, Gases, and Drugs. 50 M.D.C. force field. +10 vs Magic, Psionics, HF

2 PPE | BOM 92 | 22 min | 90' radius

4 PPE | BOM 92 | 22 min | 120' radius


Lore: Recognize Enchantment 104% vs 1d100: [13] = 13

"Inzah, please get those people clear of the portal so the next group may pass through." Grant says as he continues to survey the scene below. Good, good, normal, normal, dammit, ugh the dead, it's a necromancer down there. Where is that death mage, no, no got you sneaky bastard. Ah, Hemlock sees the mage as well, but there's still some dead moving around. Grant surveys from his vantage point. Too far away to hit the necromancer with a Mental Blast, if I miss with a pistol shot, it's likely to hit an ally. Power Bolt, that's the ticket. He holsters his pistol and draws his sword. Sword in hand, he activates the ranged functionality of the Omega Blade (40 PPE | 3 min | 2500' | 5d6+14 M.D. | 20+ dodge) and lets loose.

If he sees Keiko, Zand, or Sir Ronith switch to engage the necromancer, he uses the radio, "[Character Name], stay on the Horseman! Hemlock and I will handle the mage.

Combat contingency:

Initiative: 1d20+6: [2]+6 = 8
APM: 10 (11 with magic)
Critical on natural 18-20, Deathblow on Natural 20.
  1. Observe
  2. Observe
  3. Holster MIP-21
  4. Draw Omega Blade
  5. Activate Power Bolt function on sword
  6. Power Bolt at walking dead (or necromancer) that is coming up on Glorisa or Lilith. Damage: 5d6+14: [1, 4, 5, 4, 5]+14 = 33 M.D.
  7. Power Bolt at walking dead (or necromancer) that is coming up on Glorisa or Lilith. Damage: 5d6+14: [6, 2, 6, 1, 5]+14 = 34 M.D.
  8. Power Bolt at walking dead (or necromancer) that is coming up on Glorisa or Lilith. Damage: 5d6+14: [1, 2, 2, 3, 5]+14 = 27 M.D.
  9. Power Bolt at walking dead (or necromancer) that is coming up on Glorisa or Lilith. Damage: 5d6+14: [5, 5, 6, 6, 3]+14 = 39 M.D.
  10. Power Bolt at walking dead (or necromancer) that is coming up on Glorisa or Lilith. Damage: 5d6+14: [4, 3, 5, 2, 1]+14 = 29 M.D.
Contingencies: Grant will focus on defensive actions if directly attacked. He'll cast Armor Bizarre (15 PPE| BOM 104 | 60' | 11 min | 165 M.D.C. HF: 14, -1 Init to attackers) on himself or team members if the Cosmic Armor goes down.

Dodge(+2)/Parry(+8)/Roll(+3): 10d20: [14, 9, 18, 20, 7, 10, 5, 8, 19, 3] = 113

Magic(+17)/Psionics(+10)/HF(+15): 10d20: [2, 13, 20, 13, 4, 7, 10, 5, 19, 16] = 109
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Daisuke »

Perception: d%: [91] = 91 | 69%
JIC: 1d20: [14] = 14 | d%: [76] = 76 %
Initiative: 1d20+6: [2]+6 = 8
APM: 7
Save vs HF: 1d20+12: [11]+12 = 23
Character Sheet

  • MDC: 297/297
  • PPE: 13/13
  • Worn:
    • Casual Clothes
    • CP-40 <slung>. Current e-clip: 12/21 shots.
    • 6 spare e-clips
TFRC-02 FreeRunner Combat Exoskeleton
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 45
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 45 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 25 lbs.
Modifiers: +5% to prowl, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +1 APM, +3 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, +3 to disarm, +6 to roll w/impact, -10% to electronic perception
  • All Features of Triax EBA
  • Molecular Adhesion Pads on hands and feet
  • Impact Absorbing Systems (p.89, MercOps)
  • Triples wearer's speed, fatigue reduced to 20% usual rate
  • Increase leap ability by 50%
  • Infrared & thermal masking

Book Reference: Kraus Imported Arms

Wilk's Jet Pack
M.D.C.: 20
Crew: One
Power System: Electric
Maximum Speed: 120 mph
Maximum Altitude: 1,200'
Maximum Range: 500 miles
Dimensions: 3' long, 30 lbs.
Book Reference: p.267, R:UE

CA-4 Dead Boy EBA
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 70
  • Arms: 60 each
  • Legs: 80 each
  • Main Body: 100

Weight: 20 lbs.
Modifiers: -5% to climb, -20% to other physical skills
  • All standard Dead Boy EBA features (p.100, WB11)

Book Reference: p.100, WB11

NG Bush Pilot Armored Jumpsuit
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Flight Helmet: 35
  • Arms: 9 each
  • Legs: 20 each
  • Main Body: 25

Weight: 6 lbs.
Modifiers: None
  • Flight helmet includes built-in radio and nightvision goggles

Book Reference: p.77-78, WB33

NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
  • Helmet: 50
  • Arms: 40 each
  • Legs: 50 each
  • Main Body: 90

Weight: 21 lbs. for human equivalent, 35 lbs. for giant-sized.
Modifiers: -10% to physical skills
  • All standard NE environmental armor features (p.35-36, DB8)
    Upgrades and Packages
    • HUD Visor Allows 6 different screens to be viewed without impairing vision.
    • Basic Weapons Package
      • Retractable Energy Blade (Right Forearm)
        • Damage: 3D6 M.D.
      • Garrote Strangle Cord (Left Wrist)
        • Damage: 4D6 (+P.S. Damage Bonus)
      • Plasma Flame Thrower
        • Range: 200' (20' AoE)
        • Damage: 5D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 15 Shots per E-Clip
      • Utility Laser Finger
        • Range: 1,000'
        • Damage: 2D6 M.D.
        • Payload: 20 shots. (Standard E-Clip)
    • Robotic Exoskeleton
      • Robotic P.S. of 25, +4 P.P., +20 Speed, +10' to leaps, +10% to Climbing, Reduce Fatigue by 75%
      • Restrained Punch: 6D6, Punch/Kick: 1D4 M.D., Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2D4 M.D.
    • Built-In N-F20A Force Field
      • M.D.C.: 75
      • Voice Activated
    • Laser Distancer & Targeting
      • +1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
      • Range 2,000'
    • Optics Enhancements
      • Passive Night Vision: 3,000'
      • Telescopic Vision (up to 20x Magnification): 1 mile
      • Macro-Lens (6x Magnification)
      • Thermo-Imager: 2,000'
      • Light Polarization
    • Mini-Radar/Sonar System
      • Can track up to 12 targets
      • Range: 2 miles
    • Integrated Sensor Pod
      • 360° scanning capability
      • +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
    • Advanced Communication Package
      • Includes: Basic receiver/transmitter, secure cryptological encoding, burst transmission capability, and if the Suit has the HUD Enhancement is capable of sending and receiving text communications
      • Range: 30 miles
    • IFF & Targeting Computer
      • Computerized recognition and identification system similar to the Wilk's PC-2020 Field Identifier System
      • Can Identify up to 6,000 targets with 92% accuracy
    • Psionic Electromagnetic Dampers
      • +2 to Save vs all Psionic Attacks and Possession Attempts, +1 to Save vs Magic Illusion and Mind Control
    • Identification Package
      • Laser, Holographic, Portable Computer, Programmed with thousands of images of known enemy insignia, uniforms, body armor, weapons, robots, and combat vehicles.
      • Includes: Passive Night Vision Goggles, Portable Language Translator, and a Laser Distancer

Book Reference: p.37-39, DB8

Wilk's 1000 Pulse Laser Cannon
  • Range: 3000'
  • Damage: 5D6+3 M.D. per shot or 3D4x10 M.D. per 3-pulse burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-pulse bursts only
  • Payload: 240 shots with a portable generator
  • Weight: 40 lbs.; portable generator weighs 70 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons; Generator recharges at 8 shots per hour; 1 hour to charge when connected to nuclear power supply
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.104, MercOps

CP-40 Pulse Laser Rifle
  • Range: 2000'
  • Damage:
    • Low-power shot: 3D6
    • Low-power burst: 1D6x10
    • Single shot: 2D6 M.D.
    • Burst: 6D6 M.D.
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 3-shot bursts only
  • Payload:
    • E-Clip: 21 shots
    • LE-Clip: 30 shots
    • E-Canister: adds 60 shots to overall payload
    • Note: 30 low power shots = 1 M.D. shot
  • Weight: 9 lbs.; 4 lbs. for an E-canister
  • Features: Passive nightvision scope (2,000'), laser targeting
  • Modifiers: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
  • Book Reference: p.92, WB11

GAW .50 Six Barrel Machine-Gun
  • Range: 8,000'
  • Damage: 2D6x10, or 2D6x100 burst
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots or 10-round bursts only
  • Payload: 300, 600 or 1,200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum
  • Weight: 85 lbs.
  • Features: None
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: p.121, Merc Ops

Saving Throw Bonuses (if Mimic/revert to base stats)
Eye of Odin grants +1 save vs all (not included below)
Coma/Death: 28% (+4%)
Toxins (15+): +7 (+1)
Magic (varies): +7 (+1)
Magic (Illusions): +10 (+2)
Magic (mind-altering): +15 (+7)
Lethal Poison (14+): +7 (+1)
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +7 (+1)
Insanity (12+): +16
Psionics (12+): +7
Horror Factor: +12
Disease: +7 (+2)
Drugs (mind-altering): +8 (+6)
Possession: +13 (+6)
  • Sustain | BOM 109 | 33 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
  • Copy Animal Attribute: Monkey ((
    +10% prowl when climbing, +15% palming, pick pockets, and concealment, +5% acrobatics and/or gymnastics, +1 to PP
    , Swing line,
    +2d4(7) PP, +3d4(8) Spd, +1 APM, +3 auto-dodge, +10% skills requiring dexterity and prowess, prowl, gymnastics, climb, etc.
    +1 parry, +2 dodge, +6 initiative, +15% perception, Estimate distance of sound 90%, Estimate speed and direction of approach 80%, Recognize voice or sound 70%, Imitate voice 60%
    )) 60.00 min.
  • Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

That is an entire field of undead... Daisuke thinks to himself as he tries his best to keep overwatch on his teammates from the relative comfort of the skybunker. And I shouldn't open fire to lend my weapons-fire to their efforts unless they request it, because that might draw undue attention to our transport and potentially endanger the rescued survivors.

He continues to follow his plan of observation and no weapons-fire until Grant opens up with his magic against the undead or necromancer.

Skybunker is in this fight now. I had better get on some targets. Daisuke thinks as he brings the pulse cannon to bear downrange.

"Laser Pulse Cannon on Netherbeast. Call out fire support as needed." the Arismal says, instinctively reaching for his throat mic before realizing that he is instead wearing only the Cosmic Armor as protection and that only Grant and the two robots might hear.

Nonetheless, he sends laser pulses downrange as the fight breaks out.

Action 1: Observe/Wait/Assist with survivors
Action 2: Observe/Wait/Assist with survivors
Action 3: Observe/Wait/Assist with survivors
Action 4: Shoot Wilk's 1000 burst @Netherbeast. Strike: 1d20+2: [3]+2 = 5 . Damage: 3d4*10: [1, 3, 1]*10 = 50 MD.
Action 5: Shoot Wilk's 1000 burst @Netherbeast. Strike: 1d20+2: [4]+2 = 6 . Damage: 3d4*10: [4, 3, 1]*10 = 80 MD.
Action 6: Shoot Wilk's 1000 burst @Netherbeast. Strike: 1d20+2: [11]+2 = 13 . Damage: 3d4*10: [3, 3, 1]*10 = 70 MD.
Action 7: Shoot Wilk's 1000 burst @Netherbeast. Strike: 1d20+2: [19]+2 = 21 . Damage: 3d4*10: [3, 4, 3]*10 = 100 MD.

  • If Cosmic Armor runs out, Instant Wardrobe change to NE-BA-26 and turn on FF.
  • Assist with portals as needed. Sacrifice weapons-fire to create portals.
  • Change targets to fire on anything that is threatening the Skybunker
Auto-Dodges: 1d20+7: [16]+7 = 23 , 1d20+7: [17]+7 = 24 , 1d20+7: [4]+7 = 11 , 1d20+7: [16]+7 = 23 , 1d20+7: [10]+7 = 17 , 1d20+7: [20]+7 = 27 , 1d20+7: [12]+7 = 19
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Keiko »

Perception: 1d100: [100] = 100 /55%
JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 ; 1d100: [96] = 96
Active Effects
  • Dimensional Attenuation: 150 Miles
  • Sense Rifts: 110 Miles
  • Excellent hearing and smell
  • Sixth Sense
  • Sustain
  • Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
  • Fighting Spirit: +2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 12 Minutes
  • Superhuman Agility: +5 Auto-Dodge | + 1 on initiative | | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 12 Minutes
  • Energy Sphere: 208/400 PPE
Keiko nods to herself as she hears Grant wave them off of the necromancer. He's right. Got to help Ronith. He's been quite over there. "Lets go Zand! The others have the advisor. We've got a god to kill!" Keiko activates Suppress Fear (-8 ISP) on herself as she flies over and positions herself on the opposite side as Ronith. Keiko begins to attack in earnest. Heavily focusing on getting MageBane to activate on Famine. Keiko goes all in. Dancing just above the muck. Waltzing in the air as her blades spin about her.

Keiko winks at Ronith when she engages Famine from the opposite side as Ronith. "Don't think you can have all the fun by yourself Old Man!"


Current Active Spells:
  • Fleet Feet Effects: P.P.: 50 (+3 to Strike, Dodge, Parry; +6 to Init); SPD: 46; x2 APM; -2 Init; -20% to delicate skill checks (3.5 minutes)
  • Fighting Spirit (11.5 minutes)
  • Superhuman Agility (11.5 Minutes)
  • Cosmic Armor: 544/550 MDC
  • Omega Blade: Ranged Activation (2.5 minutes)
  • Mage Bane (5.5 minutes)
  • See Invisible 120 feet (9.75 minutes)
  • Suppress Fear: Automatically succeed on HF Saves. (10 Minutes)
  • Energy Sphere: 208/400 PPE
  • ISP: 59/71
APM: 18

Init: 1d20+17: [11]+17 = 28
Mage Bane Effect
-2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -20% to all skills, APM Reduced by Half; Lose the ability to speak; Duration 1 minute (4 Melee Rounds)
Action 1: Use Suppress Fear and fly to Famine .
Action 2: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [10]+18 = 28 ; Damage: 7d6: [1, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6, 2] = 21 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 6, 5, 2, 3]+9 = 26 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 3: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [16]+18 = 34 ; Damage: 7d6: [1, 3, 3, 1, 6, 5, 4] = 23 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [2]+17 = 19 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [5, 3, 4, 1, 3]+9 = 25 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 4: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [18]+18 = 36 Crit!; Damage: 7d6: [3, 3, 6, 6, 5, 5, 1] = 29 x2 = 58MD; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [3]+17 = 20 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 1, 4, 1, 4]+9 = 25 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 5: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [4]+18 = 22 ; Damage: 7d6: [3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 2] = 22 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [18]+17 = 35 Crit!; Damage: 5d6+9: [4, 3, 4, 6, 6]+9 = 32 x2 = 64MD Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 6: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [3]+18 = 21 ; Damage: 7d6: [4, 3, 6, 5, 4, 6, 1] = 29 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [10]+17 = 27 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 6, 3, 6, 4]+9 = 31 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 7: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [14]+18 = 32 ; Damage: 7d6: [3, 4, 1, 5, 1, 3, 2] = 19 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [9]+17 = 26 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [4, 5, 5, 5, 6]+9 = 34 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 8: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [15]+18 = 33 ; Damage: 7d6: [5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 1] = 30 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [20]+17 = 37 NAT20!; Damage: 5d6+9: [2, 1, 2, 2, 5]+9 = 21 x2 = 42MD Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 9: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [15]+18 = 33 ; Damage: 7d6: [3, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2] = 20 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [6]+17 = 23 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 6, 3, 6, 4]+9 = 34 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 10: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [2]+18 = 20 ; Damage: 7d6: [5, 1, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5] = 21 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [9]+17 = 26 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 4, 4, 2, 5]+9 = 25 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 11: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [7]+18 = 25 ; Damage: 7d6: [3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3] = 26 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [13]+17 = 30 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [5, 1, 3, 2, 4]+9 = 24 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 12: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [14]+18 = 32 ; Damage: 7d6: [5, 6, 3, 5, 4, 5, 4] = 32 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [5, 3, 1, 3, 3]+9 = 24 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 13: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [16]+18 = 34 ; Damage: 7d6: [6, 4, 4, 5, 1, 5, 4] = 29 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [9]+17 = 26 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [5, 2, 5, 3, 1]+9 = 25 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 14: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [18]+18 = 36 Crit!; Damage: 7d6: [2, 5, 3, 3, 1, 5, 5] = 24 x2 = 48MD; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [4]+17 = 21 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [4, 4, 2, 6, 1]+9 = 26 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 15: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [8]+18 = 26 ; Damage: 7d6: [5, 4, 3, 5, 6, 2, 5] = 30 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 4, 5, 5, 4]+9 = 28 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 16: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [1]+18 = 19 ; Damage: 7d6: [6, 3, 2, 6, 1, 4, 3] = 25 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [13]+17 = 30 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 4, 6, 5, 6]+9 = 33 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 17: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [5]+18 = 23 ; Damage: 7d6: [4, 5, 1, 5, 5, 2, 5] = 27 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [4]+17 = 21 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 5, 6, 3, 6]+9 = 32 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 18: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [3]+18 = 21 ; Damage: 7d6: [6, 2, 1, 6, 3, 6, 1] = 25 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 1, 4, 2, 1]+9 = 18 Target: Save vs Magic (22)

Auto-dodge: 1d20+17: [11]+17 = 28 ; 1d20+17: [6]+17 = 23 ; 1d20+17: [3]+17 = 20 ; 1d20+17: [3]+17 = 20 ; 1d20+17: [12]+17 = 29 ; 1d20+17: [10]+17 = 27 ; 1d20+17: [1]+17 = 18 ; 1d20+17: [9]+17 = 26 ; 1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33 ; 1d20+17: [4]+17 = 21 ; 1d20+17: [3]+17 = 20 ; 1d20+17: [11]+17 = 28 ; 1d20+17: [1]+17 = 18 ; 1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33 ; 1d20+17: [2]+17 = 19 ; 1d20+17: [12]+17 = 29 ; 1d20+17: [4]+17 = 21 ; 1d20+17: [1]+17 = 18

-If Cosmic Armor goes down, Keiko will use an action to activate her mundane FF.

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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Gloriosa »

Perception: 1d100: [62] = 62 /29%
JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 / 1d100: [45] = 45

"I'm... hungry? OK, that's weird. WHO WANTS A DRAGON RIDE TO AWAY FROM HERE! RAISE YOUR HAND!" Gloriosa swoops in, grabbing who he can and sticking to the plan laid out by his team. How come I'm on save everyone duty and they get to do all the laser beams and stuff. That's not fair! Childish internal monologue aside, Gloriosa does his best to grab and retrieve as many warriors as he can to spare them the fate of all those risen from the dead.

Initiative: 1d20+2: [7]+2 = 9
APM: 6

Actions 1-6: Get warriors/Reserved for Dodge.

Dodges: 1d20+11: [10]+11 = 21 1d20+11: [17]+11 = 28 1d20+11: [14]+11 = 25 1d20+11: [2]+11 = 13 1d20+11: [15]+11 = 26 1d20+11: [10]+11 = 21
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [15] = 15 , 1d100: [52] = 52
PER: 1d100: [7] = 7 vs. 94%

Save vs. HF 15- 1d20+21: [18]+21 = 39
Save vs. Magic- 1d20+11: [7]+11 = 18

Combat acrobatics: Sense of balance- 1d100: [42] = 42 vs. 131-5=125%
To maneuver during combat.

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 109.5 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 455/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
23m30s, +1 APM, +2 PP [+1 s/p/d], +3 initiative, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +15% on physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.
+2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 11.75 Minutes
+5 Auto-Dodge | +5 to dodge | + 1 on initiative | | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 11.75 Minutes

That seems to be working a little better, old man. S’pose the question is, who can keep it up longer. While still pressing the attack, Ronith begins to breathe a little easier once he is joined by allies. At Keiko’s remark and returns the smirk with a light, ”You’ve been reading my mind. Or my diary” Before he switches back to serious and says ”Try to knock him off balance.” But overall, Ronith’s attack pattern doesn’t change- he’ll continue to try and present a rapid-moving target and interpose the hellbeast between himself and its rider at all times.

Initiative: 1d20+22: [11]+22 = 33 (includes -1 penalty)
APM: 11

Action 1: Land, attack Netherbeast with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [4]+25 = 29 to strike, 1d6*11: [6]*11 = 66 MD.
Actions 2+3: Jump attack Famine with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [9]+25 = 34 to strike, 2d6*22: [5, 4]*22 = 198 MD.
Action 4: Land, attack Netherbeast with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [5]+25 = 30 to strike, 1d6*11: [6]*11 = 66 MD.
Actions 5+6: Jump attack Famine with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [16]+25 = 41 to strike, 2d6*22: [4, 5]*22 = 198 MD.
Action 7: Land, attack Netherbeast with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [7]+25 = 32 to strike, 1d6*11: [4]*11 = 44 MD.
Actions 8+9: Jump attack Famine with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [3]+25 = 28 to strike, 2d6*22: [3, 6]*22 = 198 MD.
Action 10: Attack Netherbeast with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [2]+25 = 27 to strike, 1d6*11: [3]*11 = 33 MD.
Action 11: Attack Netherbeast with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [8]+25 = 33 to strike, 1d6*11: [2]*11 = 22 MD.

Auto-parries with Skyrender: 1d20+31: [12]+31 = 43 , 1d20+31: [3]+31 = 34 , 1d20+31: [19]+31 = 50 , 1d20+31: [10]+31 = 41 , 1d20+31: [9]+31 = 40 , 1d20+31: [9]+31 = 40 , 1d20+31: [8]+31 = 39 , 1d20+31: [20]+31 = 51 , 1d20+31: [2]+31 = 33 , 1d20+31: [4]+31 = 35 , 1d20+31: [8]+31 = 39
Auto-dodges: 1d20+19: [2]+19 = 21 , 1d20+19: [15]+19 = 34 , 1d20+19: [17]+19 = 36 , 1d20+19: [20]+19 = 39 , 1d20+19: [11]+19 = 30 , 1d20+19: [2]+19 = 21 , 1d20+19: [2]+19 = 21 , 1d20+19: [1]+19 = 20 , 1d20+19: [7]+19 = 26 , 1d20+19: [8]+19 = 27 , 1d20+19: [18]+19 = 37
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Underguard »

Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Africa: Friday, October 112PA,
Environmental Conditions: Outside temp; 9*C (48*F), winds gusting between 20-30 MPH after Calm Storms, Downpour to a modest drizzle.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Ley Line or Nexus within range.
Combat: Round 3
[The Hunger that grows]

As Ronith is joined by Keiko and Zand, the knight feels a slight reprieve after barely brushing off the spell cast by Famine. Much to Ronith's displeasure, he sees the various wounds of Famine appear to be healing themselves before his very eyes. The sickly flesh literally stiching itself back together as the monster looks upon the trio with a sickly grin. Famine appearing to dismiss their attempts at stopping him as little more than a moment of fun before continuing its march towards Egypt.

Ronith continues to interpose himself between the Netherbeast and Famine, while Keiko and Zand both focus on Famine. The trio begin picking Famine's impressively resilient hide apart as he recoils for a counterstrike. As Keiko unleashes a flurry of strikes, she finds herself on the receiving end of several attacks from both Famine and the Netherbeast. [Keiko suffers -40 MDC from Famine to her Cosmic Armor; -56 MDC from two successful strikes from the Netherbeast.] Zand does his best to skirt past the strikes, though unfortunately moves right into the mouth of the beast as it snaps at Zand [-18 MDC from the snap from the Beast]. A series of shots rain from above towards the Netherbeast as it frees Zand. Ronith seems to notice that Famine isn't trying to directly hit him specifically anymore, as if recognizing the Knight's skill with a blade and instead leveling another powerful series of powerful effects radiate from the Horsemen towards the Knight. [Roll a save v magic for Cosmic Armor; if it fails, Cosmic Armor becomes Negated. Roll a Save v Psionics; if you fail you fall under the effects of Bio-Manipulation, Paralysis.] Ronith also notices a spell seem to envelope Famine that the Knight is all too familiar with; Invulnerability.

Meanwhile, Hemlock and her possessed weapons charge the Handler with an insulted efficiency, as if the Godling is taking the Handler's affects towards her personally. First attempting to negate Bizarre Armor from the Handler does seem to work, and the Globe of Light does eliminate their ability to meld with the storm. The handler counters this by wrapping themselves in another spell of defensive magic. Cloudjumper launches a Wind Rush that much to the dismay of Gloriosa, does knock and push several of the nearby nomads as well. The Handler having positioned themselves in the middle of the survivors which makes larger area of effects more challenging. This doesn't deter Hemlock who slams a fireglobe in the Handler's face as Firefox attempts a Paralysis. Unfortunately, this too doesn't seem to work, reinforcing that they are at least as skilled in their abilities as the allied mage on their team. Hemlock answers the Necromancer's growing horde of undead by Turning Dead, this time causing a wave of the nearest undead to start retreating. However, it seems more continue to rise and move in; they need to kill the necromancer quickly to stop the dead from continuing to rise.

Firefox then moves to aid some of the wounded nomads as Gloriosa keeps appearing and disappearing through a portal with groups of about five at a time. Grant, Daisuke and Inzah are on the other end, with Grant having Inzah support her people. Grant notices that when they arrive in the Skybunker, they start looking better. As if the mere presence of Famine was a major part in their distress. Hemlock launches Lifeblast at the Handler who tries to dodge out of it but fails and is struck. Hemlock then launches into a flurry of attacks on the Handler, with Grant firing his Omega Blade's Power Bolt from afar. Firefox finishes casting Hell Fire which washes over the Necromancer. Unfortunately for the Necromancer, his second defensive spell doesn't survive the end of the round as Hemlock and Grant both see it pop. Grant notices that while the Handler is adept in magic, he does not appear equipped for the sheer onslaught being leveled against him and it shouldn't take much more to overpower the mortal handler of the Horsemen.

Gloriosa successfully moves almost half of the survivors through the portal, by either carrying them or walking them through. Daisuke takes this time to focus his attention on the Netherbeast with his Wilk's rifle and does land two out of four hits, however they seem to have minimal effect on the beast. But Daisuke can't be sure if that's just the distance not showing the damage, or if there is something else protecting or healing the monstrous beast.

What are your intentions?
GM Note: Anyone engaging Famine must Save v HF 16, if they save v that, they must save each round v HF 15 due to Armor Bizzare.
Of the 300+ warriors, 50 survived. The others lie dead on the ground, scattered with various bodies seeming to rise. Currently around 100 dead have been turned away and are retreating from the area, however more continue to rise.

Ronith: -95 MDC from Cosmic Armor
Keiko: -102 MDC from Cosmic Armor.
Zand: -30 MDC from Cosmic Armor
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Hemlock »

JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 , 1d100: [51] = 51
Perception: 78% / 1d100: [14] = 14 (FAIL)

  • P.P.E.: 815/815
  • I.S.P.: 173/268 remaining
  • M.D.C.: 725/725

Energy Sphere: 1388/1500 P.P.E. remaining for 30 days
Cloudjumper P.P.E.: 790/880 remaining, I.S.P.: 182/196 remaining
Firefox P.P.E.: 573/685 remaining, I.S.P.: 227/237 remaining
Talisman of P.P.E. Battery: 0/300 remaining

  • See the Invisible
  • Super Telekinesis
  • Hellfire | BoM p.95 | 8/9 melee rounds remain | 1 APM/2d6 blast that affects even the fire immune
  • Fiery Touch | BoM p.75 | 8/9 melee rounds remain
Astral Hole | 120 PPE | BoM p.138 | 13/15 melee rounds remain | 2000' teleports costing 2 APM, +2 to dodge using the hole.

Speed Weapon | 100 PPE | BoM p.136 | 13/15 melee rounds remain | When using the enchanted weapon, the character has twice as many attacks per melee round!

See the invisible
Heightened Presence Sense: constant 100ft range
Sustain: 15 days
Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

Fortify Against Disease (-15 P.P.E.) * +4 save vs disease, +1 vs poison; duration 30 hours
Impervious to Fire (-5 P.P.E.) ; duration 75 minutes
Impervious to Poison (-5 P.P.E.) ; duration 75 minutes

  • Duration: 75 minutes.
  • Psi-Sword damage: 14D6 M.D.
  • I.S.P.: 30
Enhance Reflexes
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 10
  • +1 attack per melee, +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge. +2 to P.P. (adding further bonuses to strike/parry/dodge if boosted to 16 or higher), and +15% to all Physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.
Enhanced Perception
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 10
  • +15% to Perception, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and a +10% to any skill that relies on any of the basic senses (such as Intelligence, Tracking, or certain Physical skills like Juggling or Prowl).
Mind's Eye
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 8
  • Radar-like vision at a range of 850ft. Even things concealed through magic (except Invisibility: Superior) can be seen. No penalties when blinded or in complete darkness. The psychic can sense everything in all directions at an accuracy of 103%. Grants: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and cannot be snuck upon or surprised. Heavy rain or smoke greatly hinders this power, negating the bonuses and giving a -30% to interpreting ability.
Resist Damage
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 25
  • Half damage from kinetic damage. Even damage that goes directly to Hit Points is halved. Furthermore, the biofeedback field absorbs the first 5 M.D.C. or Hit Points of damage from each attack.
Resist Energy
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
  • I.S.P.: 8
  • Half damage from energy attacks. This can include lasers, plasma, particle beams, psionic energy, and magic energy.
Resist Fatigue
  • Range: Self.
  • Duration: 6 hours.
  • I.S.P.: 4
95 ISP total cost.
Total buffs; +1 APM, +6 on initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry and dodge, +2 P.P., +15% to Perception

A primal roar erupts from Hemlock, a Valkyrie war cry that resounds through the battlefield. It is a sound she'd heard Freyja unleash countless times in centuries past, a sound that now resonates with her own awakening power. The thrill of the fight courses through her veins, a delicious heat that invigorates every muscle. Her eyes gleam with predatory delight, the years spent in tranquil forests a distant memory.

With renewed fervor, Hemlock unleashes the full fury of her assault. Her flaming katana, Firefox, sings as it carves through the air, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. Her Psi-blade in her off-hand, flashes as it weaves a deadly dance around the Necromancer. This isn’t just a fight; it is a whirlwind of fire and steel, a symphony of destruction conducted by a goddess rediscovering her birthright.

Born of Loki's magic and Frigga's nobility, she is no mere protector or queen of the Fae. She is an Asgardian, with fury burning in her veins. Indeed, the blood of Asgard courses through her; a potent mix of power and purpose. And right now, that purpose is fueled by an all-consuming rage towards this Necromancer abomination.

Glancing briefly at Gloriosa, she sees the dragon shepherding survivors to safety. A fierce smile grows upon Hemlock's face. With the knowledge that her allies were removing the nomads to safety, she focuses all her energy on the fight. Hemlock attempts to end this quickly, then join the others to face the Horseman together.

Contingent Save vs Horror Factor 1d20+19: [3]+19 = 22

Contingent Save vs Magic 1d20+19: [9]+19 = 28

Hemlock Initiative: 1d20+18: [17]+18 = 35
Cloudjumper Initiative: 1d20+4: [17]+4 = 21
Firefox Initiative: 1d20+5: [10]+5 = 15

APM: 12 Hemlock, 9 Cloudjumper and Firefox

Action 1:
Fire globe from last round continues to burn; 5d6: [5, 4, 5, 6, 3] = 23 damage
  • Hemlock casts Blind on the Necromancer (-6 P.P.E.) where he must defeat a Save DC of 22.
  • Firefox - Casts
    Level 4, costs PPE 10
    - triples fire globe intensity, additional 10d6: [1, 6, 4, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1, 6, 4] = 38 this round.
  • Cloudjumper - Starts casting
    level 5; 30 PPE;

Action 2:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire [roll] 1d20+23: [13]+23 = 36 [/roll]
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [3, 5, 6, 3, 3, 5, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 1, 1, 6] = 45
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Free to parry this action
  • Firefox - unleashes
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 8 rounds to go, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
    , inflicting 2d6: [1, 3] = 4
    if human….
  • Cloudjumper - finishes casting
    level 5; 30 PPE;

    M.D.C.: 80; impervious to cold, electricity, poison, disease and fear.
    Attributes: Invisible (its natural state), eight feet (2.4 m) tall, P.S. 22, P.P. 19, I.Q. 10, and flying speed is 45 mph (72 km).
    Combat: Four physical attacks per melee round or two by magic, and inflicts 2D6 M.D. from punch or 4D6 M.D. from a power punch (counts as two attacks). +2 on initiative, +4 to strike and parry, +7 to dodge, and can see the invisible.
    Magic: Can cast all level 1-4 Air Elemental magic and has 100 P.P.E.

Action 3:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [11]+23 = 34
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [6, 6, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 3, 6, 2, 6, 2] = 47
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Free to parry this action
  • Firefox - unleashes
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 8 rounds to go, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
    , inflicting 2d6: [4, 3] = 7
    if human….
  • Cloudjumper - Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [18]+3 = 21 , Damage 4d6+8: [3, 1, 1, 2]+8 = 15 !
  • Phantom (4 APM): Strike 1d20+4: [15]+4 = 19 , Damage 2d6: [3, 1] = 4 and hopefully overwhelm parry ability Necromancer
Action 4:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [5]+23 = 28
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 6, 2, 1, 1, 3, 5, 4, 4] = 41
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [1]+21 = 22
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [6, 3, 2, 5, 5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 4, 6, 5, 1, 4] = 54
    Psi Blade 14d6
  • Firefox - unleashes
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 8 rounds to go, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
    , inflicting 2d6: [3, 3] = 6
    if human….
  • Cloudjumper - Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [14]+3 = 17 , Damage 4d6+8: [5, 2, 1, 4]+8 = 20 !
  • Phantom (4 APM): Strike 1d20+4: [14]+4 = 18 , Damage 2d6: [1, 5] = 6 and hopefully overwhelm parry ability Necromancer

Action 5:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [16]+23 = 39
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [5, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1, 5, 3, 3, 5, 1, 4, 1, 2] = 42
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [18]+21 = 39
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [2, 6, 5, 6, 2, 5, 1, 6, 4, 2, 5, 5, 3, 5] = 57
    Psi Blade 14d6
    (CRIT 114 dam)
  • Firefox - unleashes
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 8 rounds to go, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
    , inflicting 2d6: [6, 3] = 9
    if human….
  • Cloudjumper - Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [2]+3 = 5 , Damage 4d6+8: [5, 4, 1, 5]+8 = 23 !
  • Phantom (4 APM): Strike 1d20+4: [10]+4 = 14 , Damage 2d6: [2, 2] = 4 and hopefully overwhelm parry ability Necromancer
Action 6:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [2]+23 = 25
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [6, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 1, 2, 5] = 46
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [15]+21 = 36
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 3, 5, 4, 5, 3, 2] = 38
    Psi Blade 14d6
  • Firefox - unleashes
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 8 rounds to go, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
    , inflicting 2d6: [2, 1] = 3
    if human….
  • Cloudjumper - Super TK Staff Strike 1d20+3: [13]+3 = 16 , Damage 4d6+8: [6, 6, 4, 5]+8 = 29 !
  • Phantom (4 APM): Strike 1d20+4: [10]+4 = 14 , Damage 2d6: [3, 5] = 8 and hopefully overwhelm parry ability Necromancer

Action 7:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [20]+23 = 43
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [3, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 4, 5, 4, 1, 5, 2, 5] = 52
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
    (CRIT 104 dam)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [14]+21 = 35
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 3, 1, 5, 4, 2, 1, 3] = 46
    Psi Blade 14d6
  • Firefox - unleashes
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 8 rounds to go, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
    , inflicting 2d6: [5, 3] = 8
    if human….
  • Cloudjumper - casts
    Dodge to save; 15 PPE
    strike 1d20+4: [18]+4 = 22 , Damage 4d6+18: [1, 2, 5, 6]+18 = 32 !
Action 8:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [15]+23 = 38
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [6, 1, 5, 3, 5, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 6, 5, 3] = 45
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [5]+21 = 26
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [4, 2, 6, 1, 1, 6, 5, 6, 2, 6, 3, 5, 6, 3] = 56
    Psi Blade 14d6
  • Firefox - unleashes
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 8 rounds to go, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
    , inflicting 2d6: [4, 2] = 6
    if human….
  • Cloudjumper - casts
    Dodge to save; 15 PPE
    strike 1d20+4: [11]+4 = 15 , Damage 4d6+18: [5, 4, 5, 4]+18 = 36 !
Action 9:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [17]+23 = 40
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [6, 2, 6, 6, 3, 6, 5, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 1, 5] = 56
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [2]+21 = 23
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [6, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 6, 4, 4, 3, 1] = 42
    Psi Blade 14d6
  • Firefox - unleashes
    p.95, PF Mysteries of Magic; 8 rounds to go, 65 P.P.E. cost; affects even the fire immune. unleash bolts of fire that does 2D6 damage to humans, Elementals and most other beings, but does 1D6x10 damage to demons and Deevils, Mummies Immortalis and Scarecrows. Even demons and Deevils impervious to fire take half damage from this attack, and those resistant to normal and other types of magical fire suffer full damage.
    , inflicting 2d6: [4, 2] = 6
    if human….
  • Cloudjumper - casts
    Dodge to save; 15 PPE
    strike 1d20+4: [10]+4 = 14 , Damage 4d6+18: [6, 3, 2, 3]+18 = 32 !
Cloudjumper and Firefox out of actions

Action 10:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [11]+23 = 34
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 5, 3] = 39
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [18]+21 = 39
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [5, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 4] = 42
    Psi Blade 14d6
    (CRIT 84 dam)
Action 11:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [18]+23 = 41
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [1, 5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 5] = 56
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
    (CRIT 112 dam)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [14]+21 = 35
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 5, 5, 3, 3, 6, 5, 1, 5, 2] = 50
    Psi Blade 14d6
Action 12:
  • Hemlock Left Hand: Katana of Elemental Fire 1d20+23: [8]+23 = 31
    (+2 from Katana quality, +7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [1, 5, 1, 4, 4, 3, 6, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 4, 4] = 50
    (6d6 from katana, 6d6 from P.S., 2d6 from Fiery Touch)
  • Hemlock Right Hand: Psi Blade 1d20+21: [12]+21 = 33
    (+7 W.P. Sword, +11 from P.P., +3 Psi)
    , Damage 14d6: [6, 4, 3, 6, 4, 2, 5, 2, 5, 6, 5, 1, 2, 4] = 55
    Psi Blade 14d6

If the Necromancer falls, she casts
Level 8 and takes 2 APM. PPE cost 30. Opponent gets a saving throw vs Hemlocks spell strength to resist.
on the Horseman to break his protection, then switches her Psi-Blade for her Spiked Whip.

If the Necromancer tries something lame like Carpet of *yawn* Adhesion (everyone does that!), she merely turns Intangible to avoid it, and then resumes her assault.

Parry (no parry if attacking with both weapons!):

+17 Parry from skills
+6 Parry W.P. sword
+2 Parry Superior balance weapon
+6 Psi powers
1d20+31: [14]+31 = 45 , 1d20+31: [2]+31 = 33 , 1d20+31: [16]+31 = 47 , 1d20+31: [19]+31 = 50 , 1d20+31: [4]+31 = 35 , 1d20+31: [14]+31 = 45 , 1d20+31: [9]+31 = 40 , 1d20+31: [2]+31 = 33 , 1d20+31: [13]+31 = 44 , 1d20+31: [16]+31 = 47 , 1d20+31: [11]+31 = 42 , 1d20+31: [15]+31 = 46


+17 Parry from skills
+6 Psi powers
1d20+23: [18]+23 = 41 , 1d20+23: [4]+23 = 27 , 1d20+23: [2]+23 = 25 , 1d20+23: [14]+23 = 37 , 1d20+23: [9]+23 = 32 , 1d20+23: [12]+23 = 35 , 1d20+23: [5]+23 = 28 , 1d20+23: [5]+23 = 28 , 1d20+23: [1]+23 = 24 , 1d20+23: [9]+23 = 32 , 1d20+23: [16]+23 = 39 , 1d20+23: [14]+23 = 37

Automatic Dodge (12 for 12APM): 1d20+8: [2]+8 = 10 , 1d20+8: [5]+8 = 13 , 1d20+8: [18]+8 = 26 , 1d20+8: [15]+8 = 23 , 1d20+8: [13]+8 = 21 , 1d20+8: [8]+8 = 16 , 1d20+8: [5]+8 = 13 , 1d20+8: [19]+8 = 27 , 1d20+8: [14]+8 = 22 , 1d20+8: [14]+8 = 22 , 1d20+8: [10]+8 = 18 , 1d20+8: [11]+8 = 19 , 1d20+8: [6]+8 = 14
The Road goes ever on and on
Spell Strength +10 (victims need 22 to save vs. Hemlock's magic)
Senses: Intelligent presences and manned surveillance systems (100 ft/90% chance), and Rifts (350 miles).
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Ronith »

JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 , 1d100: [33] = 33
PER: 1d100: [35] = 35 vs. 94%

Save vs. HF 15- 1d20+23: [1]+23 = 24
Save vs. Negate Magic- 1d20: [15] = 15 (+12 if Ronith’s bonuses apply, but I don’t think they all do?)
Save vs. Psionics- 1d20+9: [15]+9 = 24 vs. 10

Combat acrobatics: Sense of balance- 1d100: [78] = 78 vs. 131-5=125%
To maneuver during combat, and maintain balance atop the netherbeast.

Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 109.25 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 455/550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
23m15s, +1 APM, +2 PP [+1 s/p/d], +3 initiative, +1 strike, +2 parry/dodge, +15% on physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.
+2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 11.5 Minutes
+5 Auto-Dodge | +5 to dodge | + 1 on initiative | | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 11.5 Minutes

He’s getting creative. That means he’s getting concerned. Time to pour it on. Ronith takes but a moment to bark into the team radio, ”He’s using magical protection- someone take it out!” To Famine, Ronith shrugs off the psionic attack (and potential loss of his cosmic armor) and mutters ”You should fear me, demon” before leaping atop the Netherbeast. After a few defensive feints to test the creature’s invulnerability, if (when) it falls Ronith will switch to a purely offensive posture and rain blows down upon Famine. If/when the horseman counter-attacks physically, Ronith will switch back to a defensive posture and resume his previous tactic of running and jumping about the beast.

Initiative: 1d20+22: [1]+22 = 23 (includes -1 penalty)
APM: 11

Actions 1+2: Jump attack Famine with Frostfang. 1d20+25: [16]+25 = 41 to strike, 2d6*11: [6, 1]*11 = 77 MD.
Action 3: Attack Famine with Frostfang (assuming invulnerability still up). 1d20+25: [7]+25 = 32 to strike, 1d6*11: [5]*11 = 55 MD.
Action 4: Paired sword strike on Famine. Frostfang: 1d20+25: [16]+25 = 41 to strike, 1d6*22: [2]*22 = 44 MD. Skyrender: 1d20+25: [20]+25 = 45 to strike, 5d6*2: [3, 4, 4, 5, 6]*2 = 44 MD.
Action 5: Paired sword strike on Famine. Frostfang: 1d20+25: [7]+25 = 32 to strike, 1d6*22: [1]*22 = 22 MD. Skyrender: 1d20+25: [10]+25 = 35 to strike, 5d6*2: [4, 5, 4, 3, 1]*2 = 34 MD.
Action 6: Paired sword strike on Famine. Frostfang: 1d20+25: [9]+25 = 34 to strike, 1d6*22: [4]*22 = 88 MD. Skyrender: 1d20+25: [4]+25 = 29 to strike, 5d6*2: [2, 4, 1, 1, 1]*2 = 18 MD.
Action 7: Paired sword strike on Famine. Frostfang: 1d20+25: [19]+25 = 44 to strike, 1d6*22: [4]*22 = 88 MD. Skyrender: 1d20+25: [19]+25 = 44 to strike, 5d6*2: [2, 2, 2, 3, 1]*2 = 20 MD.
Action 8: Paired sword strike on Famine. Frostfang: 1d20+25: [14]+25 = 39 to strike, 1d6*22: [3]*22 = 66 MD. Skyrender: 1d20+25: [4]+25 = 29 to strike, 5d6*2: [3, 6, 4, 1, 2]*2 = 32 MD.
Action 9: Paired sword strike on Famine. Frostfang: 1d20+25: [14]+25 = 39 to strike, 1d6*22: [3]*22 = 66 MD. Skyrender: 1d20+25: [7]+25 = 32 to strike, 5d6*2: [1, 3, 6, 4, 4]*2 = 36 MD.
Action 10: Paired sword strike on Famine. Frostfang: 1d20+25: [17]+25 = 42 to strike, 1d6*22: [5]*22 = 110 MD. Skyrender: 1d20+25: [16]+25 = 41 to strike, 5d6*2: [2, 1, 5, 4, 4]*2 = 32 MD.
Action 11: Paired sword strike on Famine. Frostfang: 1d20+25: [2]+25 = 27 to strike, 1d6*22: [5]*22 = 110 MD. Skyrender: 1d20+25: [17]+25 = 42 to strike, 5d6*2: [4, 3, 5, 3, 2]*2 = 34 MD.

Contingency: Backflip off of the netherbeast and resume attacking with only Frostfang if Famine returns to attacking Ronith directly or with his staff. Backflip: 1d100: [20] = 20 vs. 126%.

Auto-parries with Skyrender (when not paired striking): 1d20+31: [10]+31 = 41 , 1d20+31: [14]+31 = 45 , 1d20+31: [15]+31 = 46 , 1d20+31: [19]+31 = 50 , 1d20+31: [6]+31 = 37 , 1d20+31: [12]+31 = 43 , 1d20+31: [2]+31 = 33 , 1d20+31: [3]+31 = 34 , 1d20+31: [9]+31 = 40 , 1d20+31: [2]+31 = 33 , 1d20+31: [2]+31 = 33
Auto-dodges (when not paired striking): 1d20+19: [12]+19 = 31 , 1d20+19: [12]+19 = 31 , 1d20+19: [10]+19 = 29 , 1d20+19: [10]+19 = 29 , 1d20+19: [8]+19 = 27 , 1d20+19: [19]+19 = 38 , 1d20+19: [6]+19 = 25 , 1d20+19: [2]+19 = 21 , 1d20+19: [3]+19 = 22 , 1d20+19: [12]+19 = 31 , 1d20+19: [15]+19 = 34
I am better than you. You just don't know it.
Sixth Sense; 300ft Nightvision; Amplified Hearing; See the invisible (all permanent)
| BOM 109 | 10 days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only needs 2 hours of sleep per night.
No machine/m. weapon bonuses; bonus (tB) +2I/s/p, +6/8 to auto-dodge; opponents -2s/-4s if m. weapons, -2d, -1APM
ISP- 95/97; PPE- 47/57; MDC- 93/93 (self), 96/96 (cyber-armor)
Frostfang Heals: 0/4. Talismans: AoI (3/3); Invulnerability (3/3); Cleanse (3/3)
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Grant Latham »

New Perception: 81% vs 1d100: [76] = 76
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 , 1d100: [63] = 63
Constant Abilities
Character Sheet
  • See the Invisible, including spirits and Astral Beings
  • Sense Ley Line: 94%
  • Sense Ley Line Nexus 104%
  • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 160m1d100i
  • Sense Magic in Use: 1100'
  • Half Damage from magical cold, heat, and fire
  • Immune to Possession
  • Regenerate 2d6 M.D.C. per minute
  • Fatigues at half normal rate, hold breath up to 3 minutes
  • Base Spell Strength: 15
  • Spell Range doubled
  • Spells, psionic attacks, drugs, and disease that cause confusion, dizziness, or dull the senses are half as effective (penalties and duration)
  • Silver and 90% pure iron weapons inflict their S.D.C. equivalent damage in M.D.C. Rune weapons and holy weapons do double damage. Suffers double damage from Ley Line Storms
  • Turn Invisible at will (Simple)
  • M.D.C.: 101/101
  • I.S.P.: 98/98
  • P.P.E.: 710/710
  • Lord Magus Armor • Main Body: 50/50 Head: 45/45 Arms: 15/15 Legs:30/30
45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 109.25 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills

| 10 PPE| BOM 109 | 11 Days | Provides Air, Food, Water, only

120 PPE | BOM 140 | 22 Days | 691 PPE

3 PPE | MA 9 | 21.25 min | Able to read a license plate from up to 2 miles away)

Impervious to Fire | 5 PPE | BoM p.75 | 16 melee rounds | Impervious to fire and smoke including plasma/fire and magic fire. Protective aura radiates to include clothes or body armor, but can not cover power armor, vehicles, or a building.

5 PPE | MA 9 | 54.25 min | Thermographic like vision out to 1500' (distance tripled by the Farsensing spell)

2 of 3 talisman charges remaining | BOM 116 | 2.00 min | Impervious to Cold, Fire, Energy, Disease, Poisons, Toxins, Gases, and Drugs. 50 M.D.C. force field. +10 vs Magic, Psionics, HF

2 PPE | BOM 92 | 21.75 min | 90' radius

4 PPE | BOM 92 | 21,75 min | 120' radius

40 PPE | 2.75 min | 2500' | 5d6+14 M.D. | 20+ dodge)


Knocking down one dead at a time isn't working, plus these dead are Inzah's people. We need to find another way. Grant scans the ground checking on Hemlock's position. Hemlock was able to drive some of them away, let's do it again shall we? The Lord Magi clicks his heels activating it's magic (Seven League Boots | Astral Hole | 30 PPE | 60 seconds | line of sight/2000', +2 Dodge) . To those in the Skybunker he says, "I will be back in 10 seconds." He lifts his foot and disappears off the Skybunker. His foot comes down and he is on the ground near Daisuke's portal. A new incantation leaves his lips and he lifts his arm in a warding gesture as he completes the spell Turn Dead (5 PPE | BOM 95 | 120' | Save vs Magic 15+ | Repel 11d6 dead, can not return for 24 hours). He pumps out the spell 2 times more before stepping back to the Skybunker.

Grant does a quick calculations and barks out a laugh, "Ha! Did it in 9 seconds." Those looking at him can't seem him bit his lip underneath the Cosmic Armor, but do see a small fist

Combat contingency:

Initiative: 1d20+6: [12]+6 = 18
APM: 10 (11 with magic)
Critical on natural 18-20, Deathblow on Natural 20.
  1. Observe
  2. Speak
  3. Activate Seven League Boots Dodge: 1d20+4: [14]+4 = 18
  4. Land Next to Daisuke's portal
  5. Cast Turn Dead: 11d6: [2, 3, 6, 5, 5, 2, 3, 1, 2, 6, 5] = 40 dead affected
  6. Cast Turn Dead: 11d6: [1, 6, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 6, 2, 1, 3] = 30 dead affected
  7. Cast Turn Dead: 11d6: [3, 1, 4, 3, 6, 4, 1, 6, 3, 1, 3] = 35 dead affected
  8. Activate Seven League Boots Dodge: 1d20+4: [20]+4 = 24
  9. Land back on the Skybunker
  10. Speak
Contingencies: Grant will focus on defensive actions if directly attacked. He'll cast Armor Bizarre (15 PPE| BOM 104 | 60' | 11 min | 165 M.D.C. HF: 14, -1 Init to attackers) on himself or team members if the Cosmic Armor goes down.

Dodge(+2)/Parry(+8)/Roll(+3): 10d20: [7, 19, 7, 10, 1, 12, 5, 18, 5, 14] = 98

Magic(+17)/Psionics(+10)/HF(+15): 10d20: [1, 12, 10, 20, 19, 20, 1, 18, 8, 20] = 129
Grant Latham - Owner/Operator - Latham Transport - Providing fast delivery through a treacherous not going through it!Explorer Point Record
M.D.C.: 97/[color=#FF00000]97[/color] • P.P.E.: 656/656 • I.S.P.: 94/94 • Running: 80'/action

Constant Special Abilities
• Sense Ley Line: 89% | 100mi • Sense Ley Line Nexus: 99% • Sense a Rift: Automatic | 1500mi • Sense Magic in Use: 1000'

Equipped Gear of Note
MA-2 TW Combat Mage Armor • Main Body: 50/50 • Armor of Ithan: 50/50 [Off]MP-6 Firebolt Pistol • Alien Submachine-gun
6'x6' Canvas Mat - rolled and slung over shoulder by an adjustable strap.
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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Keiko »

Perception: 1d100: [45] = 45 /55%
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 ; 1d100: [24] = 24
Active Effects
  • Dimensional Attenuation: 150 Miles
  • Sense Rifts: 110 Miles
  • Excellent hearing and smell
  • Sixth Sense
  • Sustain
  • Cosmic Armor | 45 PPE | DB 13 120 | 110 MIN | Silver Body Armor with blue hue. Full EBA. 550 M.D.C., Flight Mach 1 (half in atmosphere), 1/2 damage from magic and M.D. cold, heat/fire/plasma attacks. -5% physical skills -10% to delicate touch skills
  • Fighting Spirit: +2 APM | + 1 on initiative | + 1 to strike with guns | +3 to strike in melee combat | +2 to disarm, parry and dodge | +4 to pull punch | +2 to roll with impact | +4 to save vs Horror Factor/fear | +2 to save vs possession | Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20 | karate kick (1D8 S.D.C.) | jump kick | Paired Weapons | leap attack and judo flip/throw | Duration: 12 Minutes
  • Superhuman Agility: +5 Auto-Dodge | + 1 on initiative | | +1 parry | +5 to roll with impact | sense of balance: 88% | +20% to climb skill | Automatically roll with fall/explosions/impacts | Duration: 12 Minutes
  • Energy Sphere: 208/400 PPE
Keiko bounces back as she is hammered by both Famine and it's mount. Keiko gives them a pout, "Hey! What's the meaning on ganging up on this little defenseless Kitty Cat!" Keiko lets herself drift backwards slightly out of range from the impacts. She sets about to hit the Netherbeast with a the Sensory Depravation spell. Keiko will cast it once. If it takes or not she's not overly worried. Keiko drifts back and renews her attacks against Famine. "God's you're a hearty one aren't you?"


Current Active Spells:
  • Fleet Feet Effects: P.P.: 50 (+3 to Strike, Dodge, Parry; +6 to Init); SPD: 46; x2 APM; -2 Init; -20% to delicate skill checks (3.5 minutes)
  • Fighting Spirit (11.25 minutes)
  • Superhuman Agility (11.25 Minutes)
  • Cosmic Armor: 448/550 MDC
  • Omega Blade: Ranged Activation (2.25 minutes)
  • Mage Bane (5.25 minutes)
  • See Invisible 120 feet (9.5 minutes)
  • Suppress Fear: Automatically succeed on HF Saves. (9.75 Minutes)
  • Energy Sphere: 158/400 PPE
  • ISP: 59/71
APM: 18

Init: 1d20+17: [20]+17 = 37
Mage Bane Effect
-2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -20% to all skills, APM Reduced by Half; Lose the ability to speak; Duration 1 minute (4 Melee Rounds)
S-Dep Effects
APM reduced to 1, -10 to strike, parry, dodge. -50% to all skills, No init always go last. Speed reduced to 1/3 or normal. Psionic characters are only able to use Mind-block. All other Psionics are disabled.
Action 1-4: S-Dep on Nether Beast (Save 17 vs Magic) (-50 PPE from Energy Sphere)
Action 5: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [8]+18 = 26 ; Damage: 7d6: [6, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3] = 24 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [17]+17 = 34 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 6, 5, 4, 1]+9 = 31 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 6: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [13]+18 = 31 ; Damage: 7d6: [4, 1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 1] = 22 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [19]+17 = 36 Crit!; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 4, 6, 6, 1]+9 = 27 x2 = 54MD Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 7: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [12]+18 = 30 ; Damage: 7d6: [5, 6, 2, 2, 3, 6, 1] = 25 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [12]+17 = 29 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 3, 3, 3, 5]+9 = 29 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 8: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [13]+18 = 31 ; Damage: 7d6: [2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 3, 4] = 27 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 5, 3, 1, 4]+9 = 25 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 9: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [13]+18 = 31 ; Damage: 7d6: [1, 4, 2, 4, 4, 6, 5] = 26 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [10]+17 = 27 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [5, 2, 1, 3, 2]+9 = 22 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 10: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [5]+18 = 23 ; Damage: 7d6: [1, 6, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1] = 15 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 6, 6, 1, 2]+9 = 25 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 11: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [13]+18 = 31 ; Damage: 7d6: [4, 5, 3, 6, 6, 2, 5] = 31 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [6]+17 = 23 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [2, 4, 5, 6, 6]+9 = 32 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 12: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [7]+18 = 25 ; Damage: 7d6: [3, 5, 2, 6, 4, 2, 1] = 23 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [20]+17 = 37 NAT 20!; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 6, 2, 6, 1]+9 = 27 x2 = 54MD Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 13: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [13]+18 = 31 ; Damage: 7d6: [5, 1, 4, 6, 1, 3, 1] = 21 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [19]+17 = 36 Crit!; Damage: 5d6+9: [1, 1, 3, 4, 5]+9 = 23 x2 = 46MD Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 14: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [14]+18 = 32 ; Damage: 7d6: [1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4] = 14 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 3, 1, 2, 1]+9 = 22 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 15: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [13]+18 = 31 ; Damage: 7d6: [3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 5] = 18 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [3]+17 = 20 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [2, 5, 5, 4, 2]+9 = 27 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 16: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [1]+18 = 19 ; Damage: 7d6: [2, 4, 4, 3, 6, 6, 4] = 29 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [12]+17 = 29 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [6, 6, 1, 3, 4]+9 = 29 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 17: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [14]+18 = 32 ; Damage: 7d6: [3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 1, 2] = 20 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [10]+17 = 27 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [4, 4, 5, 6, 1]+9 = 29 Target: Save vs Magic (22)
Action 18: Right Omega Blade strike: 1d20+18: [16]+18 = 34 ; Damage: 7d6: [5, 4, 3, 5, 1, 1, 2] = 21 ; Left Strike Mage Bane Strike: 1d20+17: [1]+17 = 18 ; Damage: 5d6+9: [3, 5, 2, 6, 4]+9 = 29 Target: Save vs Magic (22)

Auto-dodge: 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32 ; 1d20+17: [7]+17 = 24 ; 1d20+17: [13]+17 = 30 ; 1d20+17: [8]+17 = 25 ; 1d20+17: [18]+17 = 35 ; 1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31 ; 1d20+17: [1]+17 = 18 ; 1d20+17: [15]+17 = 32 ; 1d20+17: [4]+17 = 21 ; 1d20+17: [7]+17 = 24 ; 1d20+17: [7]+17 = 24 ; 1d20+17: [1]+17 = 18 ; 1d20+17: [16]+17 = 33 ; 1d20+17: [5]+17 = 22 ; 1d20+17: [9]+17 = 26 ; 1d20+17: [12]+17 = 29 ; 1d20+17: [3]+17 = 20 ; 1d20+17: [14]+17 = 31 ;

-If Cosmic Armor goes down, Keiko will use an action to activate her mundane FF.

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Re: The Horsemen of Eschaton

Post by Gloriosa »

Perception: 1d100: [42] = 42 /29%
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 / 1d100: [100] = 100

So many of them died. I guess numbers don't really matter if you're going against something like this. Gloriosa continues his pattern of swooping in, grabbing survivors and flying back through the portal.
"Hey Grant, where do you want me after the last survivor is through?" Gloriosa asks, attempting to plan his next moves.

Initiative: 1d20+2: [5]+2 = 7
APM: 6

Actions 1-6: Get warriors/Reserved for Dodge.

Dodges: 1d20+11: [1]+11 = 12 1d20+11: [3]+11 = 14 1d20+11: [5]+11 = 16 1d20+11: [7]+11 = 18 1d20+11: [18]+11 = 29 1d20+11: [19]+11 = 30
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