Discord: beatobur
Link to Ledger: Ledger Link:Ledger
Character Name: Alexander Zafeiriou Alias: Zand Race: True Atlantean O.C.C.: Tattooed Defender Alignment: Scrupulous XP Level: 3 XP Points: 9,884 [UG 01OCT24] Next Level @ XP: 7,201 Clan: Bagh-Dach Sentiments/Non-Humans: Each creature deserves to be taken on it's own merits. Except for demons and vampires. They are to be exterminated. Sentiments/Coalition: His heart hurts that the cousins of his people have become so twisted inside. He avoids them when possible, but isn't afraid to stand against them to protect the innocent. Disposition: Insanity:
I.Q.: 14
M.E.: 21
M.A.: 16
P.S.: 33 SN
P.P.: 22
P.E.: 19 SN
P.B.: 20
Speed: 33
P.P.E.: 192 (+10/lvl)
M.D.C.: 171 (+10/lvl)
Age: 45
Sex: Male
Height: 7'
Weight: 260
Description: Tall, broad shouldered and solid. Dark hair.
Racial Abilities
Horror/Awe Factor: 12
Healing Abilities: Recover MDC 2d6+10 per 24 hours of rest and recovery or 1d6 per hour of meditation at a ley line nexus or stone pyramid.
Ley line phasing: Teleport along a ley line. Takes 15 seconds.
Impervious to all shape changing and Metamorphosis including beneficial. Considered an automatic save vs transformation.
Operate Dimensional Pyramid: 40%+(5)%
PPE Recovery: 10 per hour of rest/sleep. 15 per hour of meditation
Recognize Vampires by Appearance: 30%+(10)% (+10 for secondary +30 for wild, -30 for master)
Sense the presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligences: 1000 ft radius
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Ley Lines at 5 miles, Nexus at 10, Rift at 20. Not pinpoint but general direction.
Natural Abilities
Perception: 29%+(3%) (+5% regarding vampires) (+10% to crime scene investigation, finding clues, and noticing something out of place)
Charm/Impress: 50%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 40%
Max. Encumbrance: 260
Max. Carrying Weight: 1650 pounds
Max. Lifting Weight: 3300 pounds
Max. Jumping Ability: Length: 55.5 ft Height 26.25 ft
Speed: 22.5 MPH
Special Abilities
Can use 25 PPE per melee from Ley lines and Nexus for Tattoos or 20 per round for activating devices.
Spell Knowledge-Magic Tattoos Spell Strength: 16 unless individual tattoo says otherwise
Heart with Stake in it (15)
Tattoo Location: Right wrist.
Duration: One hour per level of experience or until canceled.
Immune to the Pheromone Induced Seduction.
The character is impervious to the slow kill bite, and cannot be
turned into a vampire or enslaved.
Impervious to all the mind control powers of vampires and
related species of undead.
When the magic tattoo is first activated, a wooden stake and
a cross appears, one in each hand. Both disappear when the
duration ends or the tattoo magic is cancelled.
Flaming Longsword with "Faith" written on the blade (10 PPE) 2D6MD
Tattoo Location: Left Wrist
Power: The weapon, whether it be a dagger, sword, club, arrow,
etc., inflicts the Mega-Damage equivalent of the usual S.D.C.
damage, point for point in M.D.C. settings. That is to say if the
weapon, like a short sword, normally does 1D6 S.D.C. damage,
the Magic Weapon inflicts 1D6 M.D., if the weapon normally
does 2D6 S.D.C. it does 2D6 M.D., and so on. Notes: 1. The
flames indicate it inflicts Mega-Damage (M.D.) in Mega-Damage
environments. Since the magic tattoo creates a “magic” weapon,
against an S.D.C. opponent (or in an S.D.C. environment) it does
its normal S.D.C. damage +8 (its magical bonus), and the M.D.
damage noted above against M.D.C. opponents.
2. The tattoo is covered in flames, but the weapon that physically
manifests is not. It looks like an ordinary weapon, perhaps with a
very faint glow to indicate it is a “magic” weapon that inflicts M.D.
Flaming Flamberge (10PPE) 4d6 MDC
Tattoo Location: To the right of the Belly button.
Power: The weapon, whether it be a dagger, sword, club, arrow,
etc., inflicts the Mega-Damage equivalent of the usual S.D.C.
damage, point for point in M.D.C. settings. That is to say if the
weapon, like a short sword, normally does 1D6 S.D.C. damage,
the Magic Weapon inflicts 1D6 M.D., if the weapon normally
does 2D6 S.D.C. it does 2D6 M.D., and so on. Notes: 1. The
flames indicate it inflicts Mega-Damage (M.D.) in Mega-Damage
environments. Since the magic tattoo creates a “magic” weapon,
against an S.D.C. opponent (or in an S.D.C. environment) it does
its normal S.D.C. damage +8 (its magical bonus), and the M.D.
damage noted above against M.D.C. opponents.
2. The tattoo is covered in flames, but the weapon that physically
manifests is not. It looks like an ordinary weapon, perhaps with a
very faint glow to indicate it is a “magic” weapon that inflicts M.D.
Flaming Shield with "Service Before Self "(15)
Tattoo Location: Left wrist
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience or until canceled.
Power: Creates the shield illustrated in the tattoo out of thin air.
The shield is lightweight, perfectly balanced, and is completely
indestructible! Vanishes when the magic is canceled or the duration
ends. The size of the shield is always proportional to the size
of the T-Man.
Bonus: +2 to parry in addition to any W.P. skill or P.P. bonuses.
Note: The user of the tattoo can cancel the magic at any time
with a mere thought and the shield disappears. The tattoo shield
continues to exist even when the user is rendered unconscious,
possessed, or mind controlled.
Eyes Three (Supernatural) (20)
Location: Left Palm
Duration: Ten minutes per level of experience.
Power: Perfect vision plus the following:
Nightvision: 1,200 feet (366 m): sees in total darkness.
See the Invisible, including the supernatural.
See Aura (same as psionic sensitive power).
Bonuses: +1 on initiative and +1 to strike.
Knight in Full Body Armor (25)
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience, or until M.D.C.
is depleted, or until the magic is canceled, or duration time ends.
Power: Magic, M.D.C. body armor appears on the body of the
tattoo user. The armor is transparent so the other tattoos can still
be seen. The T-Man’s hand can pass right through the armor, like
air, in order to touch and activate other tattoos, but to all others
the armor is as solid as M.D.C. alloys! The armor is weightless
and does not restrict movement in any way.
M.D.C. of the Armor: 35 M.D.C. per level of the tattoo user’s
experience. Note: The armor cannot be placed on another person;
it magically appears on the tattoo user. The armor is not like
modern environmental suits and does not protect the wearer from
toxic air, fumes, gases, or foul smells. Note: Armor is S.D.C.
with an A.R. of 17 in S.D.C. environments and M.D.C. in Mega-
Damage environments.
Guardian Power Tattoo (25 +1 MDC per hour)
Tattoo Locatoin: Over the diaphragm midline torso
Duration: One hour per level of experience of the Defender;
double on ley lines, at stone pyramids and in sunlight (solar and
magic powered). Deactivates when taken off.
Range: Armor by touch.
Number of Attacks: Same as the Tattooed Defender inside +1.
Damage: As per the Create Crystal Guardian Armor spell.
Bonuses and Limitations: As per the Create Crystal Guardian
Armor spell, page 132, includes laser fire.
Powers: The tattoo user is able to don Crystal Guardian environmental
armor to combat invaders and the forces of evil. The
Guardian armor functions as a magical, light power armor. It is
solar energy and ley line powered, which is perfect for the Tattooed
Defender whose job description includes defending stone
pyramids which are always located along ley lines and harness
their energy.
As a rule, a Tattooed Defender is issued a Crystal Guardian
(or Crystal Super-Guardian) for special missions and as necessary
for the defense of an Atlantean colony, pyramids, or clan.
Like fighter pilots, the Tattooed Defender leaps into his Crystal
Guardian and charges into battle. Most Tattooed Defenders do
not own their own Guardian Armor, however, some officers and
renowned Defender heroes are awarded Guardian Armor for outstanding
service to their city or clan.
Crystal armor notes:
The Crystal Mage creates a full suit of armor, complete with
sealed helmet (clear glass visor), made entirely of crystals. He
may be assisted in its creation by artisans, other Crystal Mages
or Atlantean Alchemists. When the suit is finished and all other
magicks are in place, he casts this spell to enchant the armor,
making it an environmental body armor.
The basic armor has 125 M.D.C. (250 S.D.C. and Natural
A.R. 15 in S.D.C. environments), weighs 60 pounds (27 kg; poor
mobility, -30% to Prowl, Swimming, etc.), and has magical environmental
features like Breathe Without Air, Impervious to
Cold, Impervious to Fire, and lasers and light-based attacks do
half damage, all of which are in effect for the wearer at all times.
The suit can be restored at ley lines and stone pyramids at a rate
of 10 M.D.C. per hour. All in all, a decent, heavy armor. This
Guardian Armor, with its powers not fully realized, can be worn
by a Crystal Mage or others in a pinch, but it does not have any of
the bonuses described below.
When worn by a Tattooed Defender who as activated his
Guardian Power Tattoo, however, the armor automatically
integrates with the tattoo and its wearer to become something
The Crystal Guardian Armor turns into a completely translucent,
smooth suit of hard armor. It is practically a second
skin for the Tattooed Defender and gives him the appearance
of wearing glass armor. But this is no glass suit. M.D.C. regenerative
capabilities and other features are ramped up to
new levels.
M.D.C.: 225 (450 S.D.C. and Natural A.R. of 15 in S.D.C. environments),
and the suit regenerates 1D6 M.D.C. per melee round,
2D6 M.D.C. per melee round at ley lines and stone pyramids.
Should the armor be destroyed, it absorbs all the extra damage
and disappears in a flash of light. No damage is carried over to
the wearer.
Lightweight: 10 pounds (4.5 kg); excellent mobility, no movement
Magical Environmental Features: Breathe Without Air, Impervious
to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and lightbased
attacks do half damage, all of which are in effect for the
wearer at all times. And remember, the warrior can still access his
tattoos and possesses other weapons and gear.
Note: The Crystal Deflector Gauntlet and sometimes the
Crystal Combat Gauntlet (one, not both) can be worn and used
as part of this armor. In the Three Galaxies, a Tattooed Defender
wearing Crystal Guardian Armor could be confused for a Cosmo
WARNING: Wearing Crystal Guardian Armor can slowly
kill its Tattooed Defender.
Life Essence Fuel (special): For this combination of magic to
work, the Tattooed Defender must serve as a conduit between
them. He activates his Guardian tattoo to activate and transform
the Guardian Crystal Armor into a powerful second skin. But the
crystal armor is powered by more than that spell, tattoo and the
power crystals built into the suit. It is partially powered by the life
essence of the Tattooed Defender. ONE M.D.C. (or Hit Point in
S.D.C. settings) per 60 minutes is drained from the Tattooed Defender.
When his personal M.D.C. is reduced to zero, the warrior
lapses into a coma and may die. Tattooed Defenders are trained to
keep track of their physical condition and to exit long before that
happens (usually when down to half or one third their M.D.C.).
But in a combat situation, that can be easier said than done, and
some warriors may decide to sacrifice themselves to protect the
No regeneration of M.D.C. or P.P.E. for the wearer while
clad in Guardian Armor. While inside the activated Crystal
Guardian armor, the wearer cannot recover M.D.C. he has lost
nor P.P.E. he may have spent on Tattoo Weapons or other magic
tattoos. Nor can he channel ley line P.P.E. while inside Guardian
armor. That’s because it consumes the ambient P.P.E. all around it
to maintain its power and to be constantly repairing damage. The
wearer needs to exit the Crystal Guardian to meditate and heal or
recover P.P.E. for himself. The Golem-like construct deactivates
the moment the Defender leaves its body. There is no cost to reenter
and reactivate the construct if there was still duration time
left. Duration stops ticking when he removes the Guardian armor,
and it starts again when he puts it back on. HOWEVER, that energy/
duration can only be placed on pause for 120 minutes. After
that, it all drains away. To reactivate, the Defender must activate
his Super-Guardian Power Tattoo (25 P.P.E.).
Vulnerabilities: Sonic based-attacks inflict double damage, including
Vibro-Blades. Magic Crystal Weapons, whether artifacts
or created via spell magic, inflict full damage.
Chain Wrapped Around a Cloud (50)
Tattoo Location: Left of Belly Button
Duration: One minute per level of experience or until canceled.Power: Influence the elemental force of air.
See the Invisible, the same as the spell (see Rifts Ultimate Edition,
page 199).
Float in the Air, same as the spell (see Rifts Ultimate Edition,
page 202).
Wind Rush, same as the spell (see Rifts Ultimate Edition, page
Call Lightning twice per melee round/every 15 seconds; same
as the spell (see Rifts Ultimate Edition, page 209).
Calm Storms, same as the spell (see Rifts Ultimate Edition,
page 223).
See Air Elementals.
Communicate with Air Elementals.
Broken Skull (25)
Tattoo Location: Right Forearm
Duration: Victims suffer the effects for one melee round per level
of the tattoo user. The T-Man retains the ability for one minute
per level of experience.
Range: Touch or 100 feet (30.5 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of
experience. The intended target must be visible.
Number of Attacks: Each Mental Blast counts as one of the tattoo
user’s melee attacks.
Saving Throw: The intended victim must roll 14 or higher to
save. A successful save means no damage, no penalties.
Powers: The T-Man using this magic can cause a victim to be
overcome with mind-splitting headache pain with a mere touch.
The effects are as per the spell Mental Blast. 5D6 damage plus
disorientation: -2 on initiative, -2 to strike, parry, dodge, -20%
on all skills. Multiple blasts have cumulative effect. See Rifts®
Book of Magic, page 109, for details.
Mental Blast
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m) + 1 0 feet (3 m) per level of experience, but
the intended victim must be visible.
Damage: 5D6 damage plus disorientation penalties. Double damage by
touch but must actually touch bare skin.
Duration: Instant and add 1 melee per level.
Saving Throw: Save vs psionic attack.
P.P.E.: Fifteen
Mental Blast is a magical spell that simulates a psionic attack on an
enemy. Instead of blasting away with energy bolts to damage the body,
this attack is invisible and undetectable (except by psionic individuals)
because it attacks the mind. The mental blast does damage direct to Hit
Points for normal creatures, or M.D. to supernatural and Mega-Damage
creatures. It can affect targets protected in body armor, but not those
clad in power armor, giant robots or armored vehicles. In addition to
physical pain and damage (a sudden migraine headache or shooting
pain in the head, neck or spine), victims of this insidious attack will
feel confused, disoriented and paranoid. The victim instinctively senses
he is under attack, but doesn't know from whom - one of the great advantages
of this spell is that it is virtually invisible and it can be difficult
to determine the source. Thus, the victim may flee the area or
accuse innocent people, lash out madly (and with deadly force) or call
to a nameless (faceless) enemy to show himself and fight openly, man
to man. Penalties: Victims of this attack are -2 on initiative, -2 to strike,
parry, and dodge, and -20% on all skills. Penalties remain in force for
1D4 melee rounds per attack; multiple Magical Mind Bolt attacks will
have a cumulative effect. If the character successfully saves vs psionic
attack, the damage is half and there are no penalties! Note: Mind Melters
and Mind Bleeders will automatically sense who their attacker is!
Simple Weapon Throwing Knife (2)
Tattoo Location: Right Bicep below the Bo Staff
1d6 SDC Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience or until canceled.
Power: Creates the weapon illustrated in the tattoo out of thin air,
right down to every detail, ornate or plain hilt, inscription, etc.
The weapon is lightweight, perfectly balanced, and indestructible.
Vanishes when the magic is canceled or the duration ends.
Weapon Skill Bonuses: W.P. skills and bonuses are applicable,
but such weapon skills must be selected separately.
Simple Weapon Bo Staff (2)
Tattoo Location: Right Bicep.
2d6 SDC Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience or until canceled.
Power: Creates the weapon illustrated in the tattoo out of thin air,
right down to every detail, ornate or plain hilt, inscription, etc.
The weapon is lightweight, perfectly balanced, and indestructible.
Vanishes when the magic is canceled or the duration ends.
Weapon Skill Bonuses: W.P. skills and bonuses are applicable,
but such weapon skills must be selected separately.
Animal -Brown Bear (30)
Tattoo Location: Left hip
Bear: Black and Brown: The same size and behavior as a
real bear. 66 Hit Points, 80 S.D.C. Bite does 1D8+2 S.D.C. damage,
slashing claws 2D6+6 S.D.C. damage, pouncing/ram does
1D6+4 and has a 1-50% chance of knocking its opponent down
(victim loses initiative and one melee attack), but counts as two
attacks. Three attacks per melee. +2 to strike and parry, +1 to
dodge. Average Spd is 22 but can run in bursts of speed at 30 mph
(48 km) for up to 15 minutes. Climb 40%, Swim 80%
Duration: One hour per each level of the Tattooed Man, or until
the animal is destroyed/slain by depleting its S.D.C. and Hit
Points, or until the magic is canceled. When canceled or destroyed,
the creature glows, disappears, and reappears on the TMan’s
body as a tattoo.
The tattoo is instantly reusable if the magic was canceled or
the duration time has expired. However, if the animal was destroyed,
meaning all of its S.D.C. was depleted, the T-Man must
spend twice the number of P.P.E. points to re-create it or wait
four hours.
Destroying a Tattoo Animal as a living entity causes its
owner to suffer 3D6 points of damage direct to Hit Points or 2D6
M.D.C. if he is a Mega-Damage being, which all Tattooed Men
are. Damage is cumulative for the destruction of each living tattoo.
No damage if the tattoo is canceled or the duration ends.
Damage heals as normal or can be restored by magical or psionic
means. T-Men heal from physical injury and recover P.P.E.
quickly via meditation.
S.D.C.: Magic animals are S.D.C. and Hit Point creations. No tattoo
animal is a Mega-Damage creature. See animal descriptions.
Animal Characteristics: The magic animals act like the creature
illustrated in the tattoo in every way, and possesses all the
abilities that the real animal would have. Birds fly, peck and claw;
canines bite and run; felines stalk, climb, claw and bite; bulls and
bovines charge and ram; snakes slither and bite; and so on.
Damage: Animals are S.D.C. creations and inflict only S.D.C.
damage. Animals created by Tattoo Magic are typically intended
for use in combat (attack and defense) or as a pack animal
or riding animal. They do not function like a wizard’s familiar,
but as a trained pet. The T-Man is not mentally linked to the
creature and does not see, hear or know what the creature is experiencing
other than suffering Hit Point damage at the moment
of its destruction.
Animal- Eagle (10)
Tattoo Location: Left Bicep
Bird: Eagle: The same size and behavior as the real animal.
24 Hit Points and 10 S.D.C. Bite 2D4 S.D.C. damage, slashing
claws inflict 2D6+4 damage, and a diving claw attack 4D6+4
damage, but counts as two attacks. Four attacks per melee, +2
to strike and parry and +3 to dodge. Average speed flying is 50,
about 35 mph (56 km), but can attain a speed of 75 mph (120 km)
and maintain that speed for an hour. Nightvision 400 feet (122
m), exceptional vision and hearing, and track by smell 60%.
Duration: One hour per each level of the Tattooed Man, or until
the animal is destroyed/slain by depleting its S.D.C. and Hit
Points, or until the magic is canceled. When canceled or destroyed,
the creature glows, disappears, and reappears on the TMan’s
body as a tattoo.
The tattoo is instantly reusable if the magic was canceled or
the duration time has expired. However, if the animal was destroyed,
meaning all of its S.D.C. was depleted, the T-Man must
spend twice the number of P.P.E. points to re-create it or wait
four hours.
Destroying a Tattoo Animal as a living entity causes its
owner to suffer 3D6 points of damage direct to Hit Points or 2D6
M.D.C. if he is a Mega-Damage being, which all Tattooed Men
are. Damage is cumulative for the destruction of each living tattoo.
No damage if the tattoo is canceled or the duration ends.
Damage heals as normal or can be restored by magical or psionic
means. T-Men heal from physical injury and recover P.P.E.
quickly via meditation.
S.D.C.: Magic animals are S.D.C. and Hit Point creations. No tattoo
animal is a Mega-Damage creature. See animal descriptions.
Animal Characteristics: The magic animals act like the creature
illustrated in the tattoo in every way, and possesses all the
abilities that the real animal would have. Birds fly, peck and claw;
canines bite and run; felines stalk, climb, claw and bite; bulls and
bovines charge and ram; snakes slither and bite; and so on.
Damage: Animals are S.D.C. creations and inflict only S.D.C.
damage. Animals created by Tattoo Magic are typically intended
for use in combat (attack and defense) or as a pack animal
or riding animal. They do not function like a wizard’s familiar,
but as a trained pet. The T-Man is not mentally linked to the
creature and does not see, hear or know what the creature is experiencing
other than suffering Hit Point damage at the moment
of its destruction.
Monster Leatherwing (100)
Tattoo Location: Right Chest
Duration: 30 minutes per each level of the Tattooed Man, or
until the monster is destroyed by depleting its M.D.C., or until
the magic is canceled. When canceled or destroyed, the creature
glows, disappears, and reappears on the T-Man’s body as a tattoo.
The monster tattoo is instantly reusable if the magic was canceled
or the duration time has expired. However, if the monster
was destroyed, meaning all of its M.D.C. was depleted, the TMan
must spend twice the number of P.P.E. points to re-create it
or wait eight hours.
Destroying the Tattoo Monster as a living entity causes
its owner to suffer 5D6 points of damage direct to Hit Points or
M.D.C. if Mega-Damage being, which all Tattooed Men are.
Damage is cumulative for the destruction of each living tattoo.
The damage will heal as normal or can be restored by magical
or psionic means. T-Men heal from physical injury and recover
P.P.E. quickly via meditation.
M.D.C.: Magic tattoo monsters are M.D.C. creations. No monster
tattoo is an S.D.C. creature. Tattoo monsters have the maximum
amount of M.D.C. possible for that particular type of creature.
Remember that super-monster M.D.C. cannot exceed 500
Monster Characteristics: The magic monster acts like the real
monster would in every way and has all the abilities of that creature.
Only its creator can command or ride it.
Damage: Monsters are M.D.C. creations and inflict Mega-Damage.
Monsters created by Tattoo Magic are designed for combat:
attack and defense.
Power Matrix (Energize Tattoo) (5+)
Tattoo Location: Back of right hand
P.P.E. to Activate: Five to activate Power Matrix, plus the P.P.E.
cost of the magic tattoo the user wants to extend via the Power
Matrix. Or 5 P.P.E. to activate and make available the P.P.E.
stored in the Power Matrix for casting spells or the activation of
other tattoos or magic devices.
Duration: Doubles or continues for another full duration the
powers/abilities and duration of another tattoo, or immediately
makes available energy stored in the Power Matrix to activate
one or more magic tattoos within the usual limitation of no more
than six magic tattoos active at any one time.
Power: There are situations where the tattoo user may not want
an active magic tattoo’s duration and abilities to end. The P.P.E.
stored in the Power Matrix tattoo can be used to extend the duration
of that tattoo with but a thought. Applicable to any type of
magic tattoo.
It is used only to extend the duration of an active tattoo and
as an energy reserve with which to activate other magic tattoos
when he has used up his own P.P.E. or extra P.P.E. is required.
P.P.E. Reserve: The Power Matrix can hold 10 P.P.E. per level
of the tattoo user. It can be recharged with P.P.E. two ways. One,
by the T-Man channeling his own P.P.E. into the Matrix via meditation at the rate of 10 P.P.E points an hour, or by channeling the
ambient P.P.E. of a ley line or nexus point at a rate of 20 P.P.E.
per hour. The energy is available until spent. When used up, the
tattoo user must consciously channel new P.P.E. into it or the
Power Matrix remains empty or with whatever is left.
PPE Store: 30
Heart with Large Wings (fly) (20)
Tattoo Location: Left central chest, over the real heart.
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience or until canceled
by the user of the tattoo.
Power: The tattoo user can fly at a speed of 50 mph (80 km)
plus 10 mph (16 km) per level of experience. Maximum height is
limited to 4,000 feet (1,219 m) above the ground. The effects of
the magic continues even when the user is rendered unconscious
or mind controlled, which means he will float 2D6 feet (0.6 to 3.6
m) above the ground and float in the direction of the wind at a rate
of about five miles (8 km) an hour.
Bonuses when Flying: +1 to strike and dodge, +1 when the tattoo
user reaches levels 4, 8 and 12, and +3 to damage from hand
to hand attacks due to height and speed advantage. Note: Damage
is S.D.C. against S.D.C. opponents, and M.D. against Mega-
Damage opponents.
Longsword piercing Skull 2D6 ISP damage (10)
Tattoo Location: Inner left bicep
Duration: 15 minutes per level or until cancelled.
Powers: This weapon inflicts no physical damage. Instead, it inflicts
damage to the target’s I.S.P. base.
Damage is equal to the normal S.D.C. damage for that weapon,
except this amount is subtracted from the victim’s I.S.P. For
example, a tattoo of a knife which would normally inflict 1D6
S.D.C. would instead take 1D6 I.S.P. from its victim. The attack
can be parried or dodged as usual, and a successful saving throw vs magic of 14 or higher will resist the attack (no I.S.P.
loss). Cannot be combined with the Dripping Blood or Covered
in Flames tattoo effects.
The weapon can also inflict damage equal to its S.D.C. damage
as M.D. to defenses composed entirely of psionic energy,
such as the Telekinetic Force Field and Psi-Shield. This does not
include physical matter which has been strengthened through
the use of psionic powers, like the stone weapons of the South
American Pucara Giants.
Combat Data
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus:
Strike Bonus: +6
Parry Bonus: +11
Dodge Bonus: +10
HTH Damage Bonus: +18 in SDC dmg.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +6
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +4
Other:Kick 1d8; Karate Punch 2d4
Supernatural Physical Strength damage:
Restrained Punch: 5d6 +13 SDC
Full Punch: 4d6 MD
Power Punch: 1d4x10 MD
Weapon Proficiencies Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus (costs 2 actions)
Burst Shots: +1 to Strike Bonus
Called/Aimed Shots: +3 to Strike Bonus, 12+ Strike Roll Required (costs 3 actions)
Melee Called Shots: No bonus to Strike, No extra action cost
W.P. Energy Pistol
+2 +1 to strike at levels 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
W.P. Energy Rifle
+1 to strike +1 to strike at levels 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
W.P. Sword - +2 Strike +1 Parry +1 to strike at levels 6, 9, 12, and 15. +1 to parry at levels 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 4, 8, and 12; not designed for throwing.
W.P. Shield - +2 parry +1 to Parry at levels 7, 10, and 13. +1 to strike with shield at levels 4, 8, and 12. Cannot be thrown.
WP Paired Weapons
W.P. Knife - +1 to strike, +1 at 4, 7, 10, and 13. +2 to parry +1 at levels 6, 9, and 12. +2 to strike when thrown +1 at levels, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
Personal MDC 170/171 PPE 167/192
Crystal Guardian Armor MDC: Unenergized: 125/125 Energized: 225/225
Armor abilities energized and not Breathe Without Air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and light-based attacks do half damage
Abilities:Immune to transformation.
HF 12 to things that fear Atlanteans
Currently Sustain 10 days left
Other gear of note: Talisman Necklace, Dwarven Katana, Lightblade, Kingdom Come pistol
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus melee: +9
Strike bonus ranged: +7
Parry Bonus: +14
Dodge Bonus: +17
HTH Damage Bonus: +18 in SDC dmg.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +13
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +6
Horror Factor (varies): +12
Possession: +4
Crit on nat 18-20
Sense of balance 88%
Automatically roll with fall/impact/explosions
Horse Use tattoo stats on Page 147. 48 hit points, 80 SDC.
Allocate your items into the categories listed in green!
Vehicles/Mounts are listed first.
Carried/In Hand
Worn on Person
Silver Cross
Wilk's Remi 137 "Kingdom Come" N-F40A Heavy Force Field
Utility Belt Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Silver knife (1d6 SDC)
• Attachment: Portable cell phone sized computer
• Attachment: Portable Language Translator
• Attachment: First Aid kit
Backpack The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: 5 spare e-clips
• Space: wooden cross
• Space: Dozen stakes w/wooden mallet
• Space: Pocket mirror
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
Stored in Vehicle
Black Card: Last: 19,000 Credits Gear Stats
Transportation submissions: Horse 48 hit points, 80 SDC. Barding: 80 MDC.
Three attacks per melee, bite inflicts 1D4 S.D.C. damage,
front leg kick 2D6 damage, hind leg kick 4D6 damage, charging
head butt does 2D4+10 and has an 80% likelihood of knocking
opponents weighing less than 300 lbs (135 kg) to the ground,
causing them to lose one melee attack and initiative (counts as
two attacks). Average Spd is 33, about 22 mph (35 km), but can
run as fast as 45 mph (72 km) for 1D4 hours. Can also leap up to
six feet high (1.8 m) and 12 feet long (3.7 m), keen hearing, and
swim 50%.
TW Lightblade
Range: Close combat
Damage: 1D4x10 M.D. (x2 vs beings vulnerable to light)
Weight: 2 lbs.
Features: Fueled by wielder's Hit Points/S.D.C.
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
TW Characteristics:
TW Functions: [insert bulleted sub-list, if needed]
Activation Cost: 30 S.D.C. points or 15 Hit Points (30 M.D.C for M.D. beings)
Device Level: Five
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 300
Spell Chain Needed: Primary Spell: Lightblade (20), Secondary Spells: Blinding Flash (I), Energy Bolt (5), Globe of Daylight (2) and Life Source (2)
Armor Submissions: Crystal Guardian Armor
Without Tattoo Activated: MDC by Location:
Main: MDC 125
Weight 60lbs
-30% prowl and swimming
Environmental systems:
Breathe without air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to fire, lasers and light-based attacks do 1/2 damage.
Repairs 10 MDC per hour at Ley lines and stone pyramids
When used with Guardian tattoo: M.D.C. by Location:
Main body: 225
Weight: 10 lbs.
Modifiers: none Features:
Regens 1D6 MDC per round, 2d6 at ley lines and stone pyramids
Environmental Abilities: Breathe without air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to fire.
lasers, electricity and light-based attacks do 1/2 damage.
Can still access and use tattoos while wearing
Book Reference: p.132, DB15
Last edited by Zand on Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:38 am, edited 8 times in total.
Personal MDC 170/171 PPE 167/192
Crystal Guardian Armor MDC: Unenergized: 125/125 Energized: 225/225
Armor abilities energized and not Breathe Without Air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and light-based attacks do half damage
Abilities:Immune to transformation.
HF 12 to things that fear Atlanteans
Currently Sustain 10 days left
Other gear of note: Talisman Necklace, Dwarven Katana, Lightblade, Kingdom Come pistol
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus melee: +9
Strike bonus ranged: +7
Parry Bonus: +14
Dodge Bonus: +17
HTH Damage Bonus: +18 in SDC dmg.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +13
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +6
Horror Factor (varies): +12
Possession: +4
Crit on nat 18-20
Sense of balance 88%
Automatically roll with fall/impact/explosions
Background Story
In a small village in what was once northern Canada:
Zand looks over his belongings, double checking to make sure everything is ready. Finally I'm going to be go see the Plane of Sands! Mom and Dad have told me about it dozens of times, but he's never been there himself. A chance to meet more than a few dozen fellow Bagh-Dach at once. Satisfied that he has all of his things ready he suits up and exits the barracks.
The morning light is crisp as he steps into the dawning day. "Zand!" shouts his favorite voice, Yiorgis. The tall tattoo covered man jogs up with his own gear slung on his back.
Yiorgis gives Zand a quick kiss, causing Zand to blush. Laughing Yiorgis exclaims, "You blush too easy. You've been my peer longer than you were my student. Or would you rather make this trek with someone else?"
Zand stammers, "No of course not! I just, what if people think that we were together when I was in training? Won't they..."
"It's good we're getting you home. You've been on earth too long. We're Atlantean! If we never let ourselves fall in love with someone only 3-4 decades younger than us, we would never find love!" Smiling to remove any rebuke the younger man may hear Yiorgis continues, "People would just need to watch you work. You're a fine Defender. You've trained hard to be a civic and investigation Defender, your skills speak for themselves."
Seeming a bit mollified Zand sighs, "I'm just worried I guess. It's been nearly 20 years since my parents left me here. I can't help but to wonder..."
"If you'll fit in? Our people have been dimension hopping for tens of thousands of years. We had to learn to enjoy differences in other species and our own, or we would have settled down ages ago." Wrapping the younger man in his arms he gives a warm hug. "Your parents had their duty, and we have ours. You'll do it well, as they are."
Zand squeezes back and whispers "Thank you.
Breaking the hug Zand looks around, "Alright let's get everyone gathered and go over procedures before starting. Then we'll get these people on the road to Lazlo."
Later, on the road south:
Zand is walking and talking with a D'norr woman, "Debra, if things go sideways at the nexus get as many people to safety as you can."
The woman chews on her lip, "I'm afraid I'm not very good at this yet. I only really know how to go to one other dimension reliably." With a deep breath she continues, "What will happen to whoever is left behind?"
Zand smiles reassuringly, "Yiorgis and I have contingency plans. One of us will do our best to go with you and the others who can get through the gate. One of us should go first to make sure it's safe anyway. The other will do their best to distract and pull the attention of whatever danger there is. Then we have some contingency plans to help us rendezvous. There's no safe and reasonable way to avoid this nexus, so being prepared is the best we can do."
Two weeks later:
Zand is panting. "How did this go so wrong? That rift and those monsters seemed too focused to be a random event.
Slowly making his way back towards the nexus to see if he can find any survivors. "Hopefully Debra was able to get people to escape. Hopefully it was somewhere safe. Hopefully Yiorgis is..." Zand's breath catches as he can't make himself quite think of his love. Not yet. Not until he's able to evaluate the scene.
In Lazlo several months later: "Are you sure you won't be staying with us? You could use one of our pyramids to go wherever you like?" A friendly woman with salt and pepper hair asks.
"I've never left this Earth before. I was born here. I was hoping to leave with family or clan the first time. My parents were called away when I was still in training. The war with the undead never ends. Yiorgis, my trainer and I had a plan for me to meet him at MercTown. So that's where I'll go."
The woman looks worried, "With the nature of dimension travel, you may be waiting for a very long time Zand. You got more of your party here than any could expect, surely you need and deserve a break, a reward. MercTown is not an easy town to make it in."
Zand laughs, "I may be a True Atlantean Maria, but I'm an Earther through and through. This planet isn't an easy place. I know the dimensional refugees I helped here don't have much, and I don't need much. If you run into any of the Bagh-Dach, tell them a son of Dimitrius and Penelope has gone there. Word will get back to them or Yiorgis and I'll see my clan's home for the first time as I should, in the company of my family."
Maria shakes her head with a rueful smile, "We can do that. Be careful. Some of these mercenaries may ask you to do things that aren't right. Many of them have few, if any scruples."
"Thank you for the warning. I'll do my best to make sure I find one that fits me. Take care of these people for me. They've had a tough journey." Zand spends about an hour talking with the 7 refugees who made it to Lazlo with him. "Out of the 40 people who started the journey. After the incident at the Nexus we were down to 20. I lost 13 along the way. Mother, Father, Yiorgis, I could use your comfort now. I know I did the best I could, but to lose so many. I can't work alone, I need to be around others until I can return to my family. I will make a name big enough that the next time a Bagh-Dach steps foot on earth they'll not be able to help but hear my name! "
Last edited by Zand on Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Personal MDC 170/171 PPE 167/192
Crystal Guardian Armor MDC: Unenergized: 125/125 Energized: 225/225
Armor abilities energized and not Breathe Without Air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and light-based attacks do half damage
Abilities:Immune to transformation.
HF 12 to things that fear Atlanteans
Currently Sustain 10 days left
Other gear of note: Talisman Necklace, Dwarven Katana, Lightblade, Kingdom Come pistol
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus melee: +9
Strike bonus ranged: +7
Parry Bonus: +14
Dodge Bonus: +17
HTH Damage Bonus: +18 in SDC dmg.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +13
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +6
Horror Factor (varies): +12
Possession: +4
Crit on nat 18-20
Sense of balance 88%
Automatically roll with fall/impact/explosions
Horse Use tattoo stats on Page 147. 48 hit points, 80 SDC.
Allocate your items into the categories listed in green!
Vehicles/Mounts are listed first.
Carried/In Hand
Worn on Person
Silver Cross
Wilk's Remi 137 "Kingdom Come"
Talisman necklace
Dwarven Katana N-F40A Heavy Force Field
Utility Belt Attachment points can be utilized to carry 1 each of the following item types: sidearm, magazine, E-clip, grenade, canteen, food ration pack, minor items or individual tools.
• Attachment: Enchanted Dagger
• Attachment: Portable cell phone sized computer
• Attachment: Portable Language Translator
• Attachment: First Aid kit
Backpack The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: 5 spare e-clips
• Space: wooden cross
• Space: Dozen stakes w/wooden mallet
• Space: Pocket mirror
• Space: Silver Knife 1d6 SDC
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
Stored in Vehicle
Black Card: Last: 19,000 Credits Gear Stats
Transportation submissions: Horse 48 hit points, 80 SDC. Barding: 80 MDC.
Three attacks per melee, bite inflicts 1D4 S.D.C. damage,
front leg kick 2D6 damage, hind leg kick 4D6 damage, charging
head butt does 2D4+10 and has an 80% likelihood of knocking
opponents weighing less than 300 lbs (135 kg) to the ground,
causing them to lose one melee attack and initiative (counts as
two attacks). Average Spd is 33, about 22 mph (35 km), but can
run as fast as 45 mph (72 km) for 1D4 hours. Can also leap up to
six feet high (1.8 m) and 12 feet long (3.7 m), keen hearing, and
swim 50%.
Talismans on necklace: Talisman of Cleanse Talisman Magic Features
Charges: 3
Book Reference: p.150, BoM
Talisman of Sustain Talisman Magic Features
Require no food, water, or breath, need only 2 hours of sleep/night. Can survive almost all environmental conditions
Duration: 10 days
Charges: 3
Book Reference: p.150, BoM
Talisman of Invulnerability Talisman Magic Features
M.D.C.: 50
Impervious to cold, disease, drugs, gases, energy, poison, and toxins
+10 vs magic, psionics, & horror factor
Duration: 10 melees
Charges: 3
Book Reference: p.150, BoM
P.P.E. Battery Talisman Talisman Magic Features
P.P.E.: 60 (50 Max on recharge)
Book Reference: p.150, BoM
Talisman of Breathe without Air Talisman Magic Features
Breathe without Air
Impervious to natural and man-made gases
Duration: 30 minutes
Charges: 3
Book Reference: p.96, BoM
Talisman of Fly as an Eagle Talisman Magic Features
Fly as an Eagle
Speed: 50 mph
Bonuses: +1 Parry, +2 Dodge, +2 Damage from diving attack
Duration: 200 minutes
Charges: 3
Book Reference: p.115, BoM
Talisman of Spinning Blades Talisman Magic Features
Fifteen blades magically move to parry all physical attacks, +6 to parry most hand to hand attacks, but only +2 to parry energy blasts and projectiles.
Impossible to parry.
Fan of Blades Attack
15 blades and 2D6 M.D. per blade at 900' max.
Vanish after they strike, misses can be redirected
Single or Pair of Blades Attack:
2D6 M.D. per blade at 1500' max.
Vanish after thrown, hit or miss.
+3 to strike; cannot be dodged.
Duration: 15 melee rounds
Saving Throw: Parry when applicable and dodge
Charges: 3
Book Reference: p.102/150, BoM
Enchanted Dwarven Dagger Superior Balance Dwarven Weapon
Range: Close Combat or ranged
Damage: 2D6
Weight: 1 lb
W.P. Knife; one-handed and 5" long.
Range: 40' for P.S. 3-19, 80' for Ex. P.S. 20-30, 200' for SN P.S. 18+
250 M.D.C. enchanted weapon
Superior balance, granting +2 parry/strike
Enchantment duration 15 months
Book Reference: p.269 & 271, PFRPG 2ndEd
Enchanted Dwarven Katana Superior Balance Dwarven Weapon
Range: Close Combat or ranged
Damage: 6D6
Weight: 2.5 lbs
W.P. Sword; one-handed and 3.25' long
300 M.D.C. enchanted weapon
Superior balance, granting +2 parry/strike
Enchantment duration 15 months
Book Reference: p.271, PFRPG 2ndEd, p.119 Rifts WB8
TW Lightblade
Range: Close combat
Damage: 1D4x10 M.D. (x2 vs beings vulnerable to light)
Weight: 2 lbs.
Features: Fueled by wielder's Hit Points/S.D.C.
Modifiers: +1 to strike and parry
TW Characteristics:
TW Functions: [insert bulleted sub-list, if needed]
Activation Cost: 30 S.D.C. points or 15 Hit Points (30 M.D.C for M.D. beings)
Device Level: Five
P.P.E. Construction Cost: 300
Spell Chain Needed: Primary Spell: Lightblade (20), Secondary Spells: Blinding Flash (I), Energy Bolt (5), Globe of Daylight (2) and Life Source (2)
Armor Submissions: Crystal Guardian Armor
Without Tattoo Activated: MDC by Location:
Main: MDC 125
Weight 60lbs
-30% prowl and swimming
Environmental systems:
Breathe without air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to fire, lasers and light-based attacks do 1/2 damage.
Repairs 10 MDC per hour at Ley lines and stone pyramids
When used with Guardian tattoo: M.D.C. by Location:
Main body: 225
Weight: 10 lbs.
Modifiers: none Features:
Regens 1D6 MDC per round, 2d6 at ley lines and stone pyramids
Environmental Abilities: Breathe without air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to fire.
lasers, electricity and light-based attacks do 1/2 damage.
Can still access and use tattoos while wearing
Personal MDC 170/171 PPE 167/192
Crystal Guardian Armor MDC: Unenergized: 125/125 Energized: 225/225
Armor abilities energized and not Breathe Without Air, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, and electricity, lasers and light-based attacks do half damage
Abilities:Immune to transformation.
HF 12 to things that fear Atlanteans
Currently Sustain 10 days left
Other gear of note: Talisman Necklace, Dwarven Katana, Lightblade, Kingdom Come pistol
HTH Type: Expert
Number of Attacks: 7
Initiative Bonus: +2
Strike Bonus melee: +9
Strike bonus ranged: +7
Parry Bonus: +14
Dodge Bonus: +17
HTH Damage Bonus: +18 in SDC dmg.
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +13
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +5
Bonus to Disarm: +6
Horror Factor (varies): +12
Possession: +4
Crit on nat 18-20
Sense of balance 88%
Automatically roll with fall/impact/explosions