Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

If supernatural evil feels persecuted, you can bet the Templar are responsible.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [33] = 33 /54%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [5] = 5 | 1d100: [67] = 67

Conditions: Tongues (Duration: 6:30 minutes), Telepathy (13:45 minutes), Fly as the Eagle (Duration: 159:30 minutes), Breathe Without Air (Duration: 6:30 minutes.)

Seeing as the shark was resistant to the effect of bio-manipulation I may as well swim. Better to Evade and not count on unreliable powers in this case. That shark could be something beyond natural. I wish there was reasonable cover underwater. she thinks as she pours on speed and pushes on. Being a moving target was not likely to help in the water, so she did not count on that. Swimming to evade the shark and the surface was all Teres would do.

Initiative: 1d20-2: [8]-2 = 6
APM: 5
Swimming at top speed. (Movement penalty of -6?)
1) Swimming to surface/Dodge: 1d20+3: [5]+3 = 8
2) Swimming to surface/Dodge: 1d20+3: [4]+3 = 7
3) Swimming to surface/Dodge: 1d20+3: [10]+3 = 13
4) Swimming to surface/Dodge: 1d20+3: [4]+3 = 7
5) Swimming to surface/Dodge: 1d20+3: [19]+3 = 22
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [85] = 85
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 | 1d100: [74] = 74

Present Conditions:
- PPE: 145/145
- ISP: 49/57
- MDC: 225/225
- Armor: NG-A8 Scout Armor 50/50 MDC
- AOI 40/40 MDC
- Tongues (1 minute 30 seconds)
Consumer wrote: ”Sorry I don’t understand what you’re saying, has your spell expired?” Liam asks.
"Let me fix that." Calvin quickly casts "Tongues" on Jason (-12 PPE, 15 min duration).
Consumer wrote: The radio crackles, Calvin is sure he has done everything right, but after a few moments he doesn’t hear a reply.
"Folks, I'm not getting a reply. I got everything right. This is odd."

Turning to Jason and Rufus, Calvin says: "We should investigate, post-haste."

"Liam and Crosses, you know these waters best. Is it common for comms to fail in these areas? If our teammates are in trouble, should we expect an ambush of sorts from the critters that live there?"

Calvin can feel a small metallic aftertaste in his mouth. How are we supposed to even mount a rescue op? If they are still abled to rescued, they are somewhere on a monstrous half wrecked boat. Above or below the water. Neither of them have any underwater gear. Why did we even let them leave in the first place? Liam said there was literally nothing there...

"Argh, Rufus, I think we should get in there as quick as we can. Just in case radios don't work properly here, we should take the boat in just so folks can communicate by hand signals. And Rufus, before you go flying off, please hook me up with a fly spell as well, I'll get you back with a swim spell that I just figured out this morning."

(OOC: Let's cast everything we need above water. Spell casting limitations for land-dwellers is on Rifts WB7, Underseas, page. 63)
(OOC: After clarifying with the gm, combat limitations are still on with land dwellers, even if they have swim as a fish superior casted on them.)

Maybe this is a good time to ask Liam and Crosses for help...

"Liam and Crosses, would you be interested in helping us?"

Turning to his crew mates, Calvin says:

"Folks, shall we venture forth? And if so, what are your thoughts on how we go about it?"

Ending PPE: 133
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [29] = 29 / 21% (-10% due to being underwater)
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [7] = 7 | 1d100: 1d100: [82] = 82

Conditions: Tongues (Duration: 6:45 minutes), Fly as the Eagle (Duration: 159:45 minutes), Breathe Without Air (Duration: 6:45 minutes.)

Skills used:
Swimming: 1d100: [12] = 12 / 70%

Rory takes a second to reorient herself.

Let's see if I can get this thing to shear off. If not, what are the chances I can bop it on the snoot with the axe?

In the absence of any dedicated combat spells, she casts Globe of Daylight in the hope it will dissuade the shark from attacking her, then heads back underwater to find it - and rescue Teres.

Initiative 1d20+1: 1d20+1: [17]+1 = 18 (1d20+3, -2 for close combat underwater)
Number of Attacks: 6
(-2 on initiative, -10% Perception Rolls, -2 to strike, dodge, or parry when fighting in close combat underwater. Accuracy with ranged weapons is unchanged).
1 Cast Globe of Daylight
2 Locate Teres and swim toward her
3 Help Teres to the surface, attacking the shark if it interferes
Attack with axe (if creature is in range): 1d20+1: 1d20+1: [13]+1 = 14 (1d20+3, -2 for close combat underwater)
Damage (if applicable): 2d6MD: 2d6: [3, 2] = 5
4 Help Teres to the surface, attacking the shark if it interferes
Attack with axe (if creature is in range): 1d20+1: 1d20+1: [16]+1 = 17 (1d20+3, -2 for close combat underwater)
Damage (if applicable): 2d6MD: 2d6: [6, 6] = 12
5 Help Teres to the surface, attacking the shark if it interferes
Attack with axe (if creature is in range): 1d20+1: 1d20+1: [6]+1 = 7 (1d20+3, -2 for close combat underwater)
Damage (if applicable): 2d6MD: 2d6: [2, 1] = 3
6 Help Teres to the surface, attacking the shark if it interferes
Attack with axe (if creature is in range): 1d20+1: 1d20+1: [10]+1 = 11 (1d20+3, -2 for close combat underwater)
Damage (if applicable): 2d6MD: 2d6: [1, 3] = 4

If we reach the surface, rather than attacking, she will attempt to fly away along with Teres. The top priority is to escape with Teres, fighting is what she does until escape is a viable option.

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 143/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike

Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [44*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 / 1d100: [19] = 19

- P.P.E.: 225/303 at the start of this post
- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

Feeling the Tongues spell wear off, Rufus flashes the quintessential 'just a moment' gesture and quickly casts it again. Better safe than sorry.

"So the Horune and Nau’tyll are worrisome, but the Lord of the Deep is the true terror in these waters..." Rufus nods. "Got it. Thank you both, I think I'll definitely consider ourselves lucky that we haven't had to deal with that so far." He pauses, trying to think of more questions. "So you've visited the Junk Crabs, Sunnoco, and the Australian coast. Oh yeah, and Tritonia -- where did you say they're located? And are there any other places of note where we might exchange goods and information, hopefully information that could help us find the Lumerian city?"
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:23 pm"Folks, I'm not getting a reply. I got everything right. This is odd."

Turning to Jason and Rufus, Calvin says: "We should investigate, post-haste."

"Liam and Crosses, you know these waters best. Is it common for comms to fail in these areas? If our teammates are in trouble, should we expect an ambush of sorts from the critters that live there?"
Rufus nods as he stands up. "I did ask them to keep in radio contact, and if there's a comms issue we probably should go check on them and make sure they haven't wound up as some sea creature's breakfast." Which, knowing our luck, that's exactly what happened.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:23 pm"Argh, Rufus, I think we should get in there as quick as we can. Just in case radios don't work properly here, we should take the boat in just so folks can communicate by hand signals. And Rufus, before you go flying off, please hook me up with a fly spell as well, I'll get you back with a swim spell that I just figured out this morning."
Rufus shakes his head. "If they're indeed in the proverbial 'hot water,' then the last thing we need to do is bring the boat -- or the dinghy -- closer to it. We don't want to wind up like the Highwind out there, ja? But as for a flight spell, sure..." He casts a flight spell on both himself and Calvin before looking to Jason. "I know flying isn't your thing, but the invite's open... or would you want to keep on the radio and bring the boat in if need be? We'll try to at least have one of us stay above water in case it's just an issue of radios getting wet and shorting out."
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:23 pm"Liam and Crosses, would you be interested in helping us?"

Turning to his crew mates, Calvin says:

"Folks, shall we venture forth? And if so, what are your thoughts on how we go about it?"
"In all fairness, we don't know if they're in any danger or not..." Rufus holds up his hands. "For all we know they're sunning themselves out there, enjoying the relative privacy and not even realizing their radio links are down. I suggest we fly out there -- it looks like about a 5-minute flight each way -- and if there's really trouble we call for the cavalry." He bows slightly to Liam and Crosses. "You're welcome to come along if you want, of course, but I'd hate to be a poor host and drag you away from the refreshments."

Once the search party is fully determined (including casting a flight spell on Jason should he ask for it), he'll fly off with Calvin in the direction of the wreck.
1x Tongues (12) and 2-3x Fly as the Eagle (25) -- so 62-87 PPE depending on whether or not Jason wants to fly.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [20] = 20 %
JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [51] = 51

Conditions: Tongues 15min

((Sensory Equipment—82% / 1d100: [88] = 88 % )) using sonar to check on Rory and Teres
((Radio-Basic--108% / 1d100: [93] = 93 % )) radioing anything he finds
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:23 pm Turning to Jason and Rufus, Calvin says: "We should investigate, post-haste."
Jason is surprised how time has flown by talking with their guests. He did not realize that Teres and Rory had been gone that long. "I'll see what the sonar can tell us. Jesse, would you pull us to about 2 hundred meters from the wreck? That's far enough to give us reaction time to any threats, but close enough for our weapons to range. Also, we are a bit out of range for the sonar, if they are at the wreck." He hurries to the sonar to see if he can locate the missing Templar, leaving Rufus and Calvin to continue explaining things to Liam and Crosses. He runs the sonar sweep, hoping that Teres and Rory are in range. He transmits anything that he finds so that any Templar who leave the boat will have the details.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: 3 miles from the Wreck of the Highwind.
Date: May 13, 111 PA, 11:02 AM (5 minutes has passed for those on the boat.)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)
On the Sea Templar.
Jason, Calvin, Rufus, & Toshiko.

A few Tongues spells are cast.
Rufus wrote:"So the Horune and Nau’tyll are worrisome, but the Lord of the Deep is the true terror in these waters... Got it. Thank you both, I think I'll definitely consider ourselves lucky that we haven't had to deal with that so far... So you've visited the Junk Crabs, Sunnoco, and the Australian coast. Oh yeah, and Tritonia -- where did you say they're located? And are there any other places of note where we might exchange goods and information, hopefully information that could help us find the Lumerian city?""
Liam nods in understanding. Tritonia… That’s more or less in the middle of the Pacific, likely would take you over a month to sail there. As for other places, I can’t think of any in particular, at least not very close. There are a few deep sea villages you could visit, but I don’t know what your underwater capabilities are.” Liam says
Calvin wrote:"Folks, I'm not getting a reply. I got everything right. This is odd. We should investigate, post-haste."
Rufus wrote:"I did ask them to keep in radio contact, and if there's a comms issue we probably should go check on them and make sure they haven't wound up as some sea creature's breakfast."
Liam and Crosses for their part don’t seem phased by what is going on.
Calvin wrote:"Liam and Crosses, you know these waters best. Is it common for comms to fail in these areas? If our teammates are in trouble, should we expect an ambush of sorts from the critters that live there?"
Liam shrugs. ”Depends on your definition of common. There are dead spots in the world where radio just fails. Personally I don’t use a radio often, so I don’t have much of an issue with it. With that being said, I have heard sailors complain about it from time to time. As for critters, there are a lot of things in the area that might take a dislike to people. So I couldn’t narrow it down too much. I do know the area around the wreck is a hunting ground for a few ocean predators, looking for the fish that live there.” Liam says.
Calvin wrote:"Argh, Rufus, I think we should get in there as quick as we can. Just in case radios don't work properly here, we should take the boat in just so folks can communicate by hand signals. And Rufus, before you go flying off, please hook me up with a fly spell as well, I'll get you back with a swim spell that I just figured out this morning."
Rufus wrote:"If they're indeed in the proverbial 'hot water,' then the last thing we need to do is bring the boat -- or the dinghy -- closer to it. We don't want to wind up like the Highwind out there, ja? But as for a flight spell, sure...I know flying isn't your thing, but the invite's open... or would you want to keep on the radio and bring the boat in if need be? We'll try to at least have one of us stay above water in case it's just an issue of radios getting wet and shorting out."
Calvin wrote:"Liam and Crosses, would you be interested in helping us?"
”To be fair, we should be on our way. It seems you now have your hands full.” Liam says with Crosses the Undertow nodding.
Rufus wrote:"In all fairness, we don't know if they're in any danger or not... For all we know they're sunning themselves out there, enjoying the relative privacy and not even realizing their radio links are down. I suggest we fly out there -- it looks like about a 5-minute flight each way -- and if there's really trouble we call for the cavalry. You're welcome to come along if you want, of course, but I'd hate to be a poor host and drag you away from the refreshments."
Calvin wrote:"Folks, shall we venture forth? And if so, what are your thoughts on how we go about it?"
Jason wrote:"I'll see what the sonar can tell us. Jesse, would you pull us to about 2 hundred meters from the wreck? That's far enough to give us reaction time to any threats, but close enough for our weapons to range. Also, we are a bit out of range for the sonar, if they are at the wreck."
Liam and Crosses the Undertow make their leave while Jessie gets behind the helm. ”It’s gonna take us a while to get anywhere near there.” Jessie says as she makes the ship ready for sail, putting both Toshiko and Jason to work. Liam waits treading the water, while Crosses the Undertow metamorphs back into her Humpback Whale form, so he can reconnect the supply harness to her. He waves to the departing ship as the two submerge and disappear from sight. The Sailboat makes some distance towards the site, but given its general speed, it will take the Sea Templar about forty-five minutes to get near the area, at least under sail. Meanwhile Rufus and Calvin make their way from the ship and begin flying with haste towards the Wreck of the Highwind.

(Indeed, Sonar is too far out to tell anything, and from where the group is at, there isn’t much to see. ~Consumer)

At the Wreck of the Highwind, 30 feet below the surface.
Rory & Teres
Rory Action One: Cast Globe of Daylight
Shark Action One: Attack Teres. (Strike: 11; Damage: 13 M.D.)
Teres Action One: Swimming towards the surface. (Dodge: 8)
Rory Action Two: Locate Teres and swim toward her
Shark Action Two: Attack Rory. (Strike: Nat 1)
Teres Action Two: Swimming towards the surface. (Dodge: 7)

Rory Casts Globe of Daylight, it definitely brightens up the area even more. The mutant Tiger Shark lunges forwards once more, crushing Teres in its massive jaws once more, Teres tried to get out of the way, but it proved the superior fighter in the deep blue sea. Teres swims with all her heart and is nearly to the surface. Rory begins to move towards Teres, only to see her swimming hard for the surface and the shark in hot pursuit. The Shark lunges past Teres on a trajectory for Rory but misses, breaching the ocean’s surface spectacularly before coming down out of alignment for another attack run. The duo manage to break the surface of the water and begin flying into the air. With nothing better to do the duo make their way back to the Sea Templar.

Mile and a Half from the Sea Templar.
Rory, Teres, Calvin, and Rufus.

A few minutes into their flight, Rufus spots Teres and Rory making their way back to the Sea Templar. From the other side, Teres notices Calvin and Rufus heading their way.

(Perception is weird. ~Consumer)

(Time discrepancies have been handwaved. Just ignore them as there isn’t anything odd happening.)

What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: P.P.E.: 6/6, H.P.: 49/49, S.D.C.: 52/52;
Armor: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.), Conditions: Tongues (15 Minutes)

Rufus: H.P.: 47/47, S.D.C.: 55/55, P.P.E.: 163/303
Armor: Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 60/60, N-F20A Medium Force Field 75/75
Conditions: Tongues (27 Minutes), Fly as an Eagle (180 minutes)

Rory: H.P.: 47/47, S.D.C.: 25/25, P.P.E.: 155/165
Armor: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Conditions: Tongues (Duration: 6:30 minutes), Fly as the Eagle (Duration: 159:30 minutes), Breathe Without Air (Duration: 6:30 minutes.)

Teres Barton: H.P.: 27/27, S.D.C.: 33/33, I.S.P.: 71/95
Armor: Branaghan Overcoat Destroyed, Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Conditions: Tongues (Duration: 6:30 minutes), Telepathy (13:45 minutes), Fly as the Eagle (Duration: 159:30 minutes), Breathe Without Air (Duration: 6:30 minutes.)

Calvin Wallace: M.D.C. 225/225, I.S.P.: 38/57, P.P.E.: 121/145
Armor: NG-A8 Scout Armor 50/50 M.D.C. AOI 40/40
Conditions: Tongues (15 Minutes), Fly as an Eagle (180 minutes)

Toshiko: P.P.E.: 13, H.P.: 26/26 Head only, S.D.C.: 42/42 Head only, M.D.C.: 180/180
Armor: T-A14 Infantry "Trooper" Body Armor 95/95

Jessie the Valkyrie: M.D.C.: 111/111, I.S.P.: 85/85, P.P.E.: 124/124.
Armor: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [81] = 81
JIC: 1d100: [57] = 57 | 1d20: [15] = 15

Present Conditions:
- PPE: 133/145
- ISP: 49/57
- MDC: 225/225
- Armor: NG-A8 Scout Armor 50/50 MDC
- Tongues (1 minute 15 seconds)
- Fly as an Eagle (180 minutes)

The meal comes quickly to an end. Calvin does his part to politely send their guests off while winding down conversation. Then he proceeds to get his supplies together.
Consumer wrote: Liam nods in understanding. Tritonia… That’s more or less in the middle of the Pacific, likely would take you over a month to sail there. As for other places, I can’t think of any in particular, at least not very close. There are a few deep sea villages you could visit, but I don’t know what your underwater capabilities are.” Liam says
Trust/Intimidate (Roll for Trust): 1d100 < 55: [76] = 76
Charm/Impress: 1d100 < 60: [48] = 48

Well, at least we are going to one of their outposts. Perhaps if need be we can find another way?
Consumer wrote: Liam shrugs. ”Depends on your definition of common. There are dead spots in the world where radio just fails. Personally I don’t use a radio often, so I don’t have much of an issue with it. With that being said, I have heard sailors complain about it from time to time. As for critters, there are a lot of things in the area that might take a dislike to people. So I couldn’t narrow it down too much. I do know the area around the wreck is a hunting ground for a few ocean predators, looking for the fish that live there.” Liam says.
Dead spots? I clear don't understand how radios can be made ineffective this way. Or that parts of the world are just strange. Good to know about the critters, and predators around the wreck seem ominous.

Calvin nods in appreciation. "That's good to now. We better avoid going under the surface if at all possible."
Consumer wrote: ”To be fair, we should be on our way. It seems you now have your hands full.” Liam says with Crosses the Undertow nodding.
Tooo beeeee faaaaaaayrrrrrr... they don't want the smoke. I get it. This is none of their business.

"We'll be sure to stay out of the way of the New Navy. Thank you very much for sharing a meal with us. We really appreciated the conversation"
Consumer wrote: Jessie gets behind the helm. ”It’s gonna take us a while to get anywhere near there.”
Calvin says to Jessie and Jason:
"I'll give a radio check every five minutes or so."
Rufus wrote: Rufus shakes his head. "If they're indeed in the proverbial 'hot water,' then the last thing we need to do is bring the boat -- or the dinghy -- closer to it. We don't want to wind up like the Highwind out there, ja? But as for a flight spell, sure..." He casts a flight spell on both himself and Calvin before looking to Jason. "I know flying isn't your thing, but the invite's open... or would you want to keep on the radio and bring the boat in if need be? We'll try to at least have one of us stay above water in case it's just an issue of radios getting wet and shorting out."
But if Teres and Rory are injured and I need to get to patching, I can't just... shit never mind.

"Thank you for the flight spell. We best take off then."
Consumer wrote: A few minutes into their flight, Rufus spots Teres and Rory making their way back to the Sea Templar. From the other side, Teres notices Calvin and Rufus heading their way.
As Calvin takes to the air, he casts Enhanced Perception to give himself a bit of boost for surveying the surface of the sea and areas around the wreck. (-10 ISP)
Enhanced Perception (10) Self, 5min/lvl, +15% to Perception, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and a +10% to any skill that relies on any of the basic senses, e.g. Intelligence, Tracking, Physical Skills (juggling/prowl/etc)

Letting Rufus take the lead, Calvin falls back and to the left of Rufus by about 30 feet. Don't lose sight of the lead. Aligning their torsos, Calvin angles himself around 45 degrees aft of Rufus. Once he has Rufus in his sights, and they are making a beeline for the Highwind wreck, Calvin starts to survey for any signs of Teres and Rory (Tracking Human: 1d100 < 73%: [82] = 82 ).

Calvin is too busy looking at the wreck to notice Teres and Rory in the air. However, he keeps Rufus within his sights, checking his periphery every few seconds.

(ISP at the end of the round, 39. Enhanced Perception: 25 minutes.)
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [10] = 10 / 54%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [13] = 13 | 1d100: [68] = 68

Conditions: Tongues (Duration: 1:30 minutes), Telepathy (9:45 minutes), Fly as the Eagle (Duration: 154:30 minutes), Breathe Without Air (Duration: 1:30 minutes.)

OOHPH! She grits as she gets bit. "Well, that is useful. I will need flares to distract sharks. It makes sense they would use light to target prey. we should use lights too. Flash Lights and Morse code. the Psi druid thinks as she attempts to dodges.

This whole affair was not pleasant, but she did not have an issue with Bruno the shark. Bruno was doing what sharks were meant to do in nature. Sharks were predators. Given she was in its territory and possibly food for the local wildlife it was as it should be. Most humans seemed to think they were unnatural because they were tools and tech users or on top of the food chain. That was completely false on both accounts and something she knew all too well.

As the shark lunged past her disrupting her thoughts and did the jump Teres muttered about missing the scene if it went above water. but was happy neither she nor Rory were food and more importantly out of the water.

"Well, that was fun, Rory. Thanks for that save." she says to Rory, "Too bad no loot today. Seems if I am to try and explore the deep sea I will need flares and a bite-resistant suit with propulsion. Time we headed back. they probably asked our poor guests so many questions they scared them off." she grinned pointing toward Rufus.

"and as if on cue. Rufus! we found a shark, It looked pretty big, but that was about all. It did a nice jump out of the water when Rory drew it off of me with a light. Too bad I could not see that jump. The next ship I explore I will carry flares and get armor meant for underwater. This suit 'bites' as a diving suit," she added with a smirk.

" Let's head back before Bruno tries to give me any more shark teeth. and we can get updated on what you learned if anything." Teres states as she starts to fly back to the boat.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [66*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [33] = 33

- P.P.E.: 163/303 at the start of this post
- Tongues: 22 minutes/88 melees remaining
- Fly as the Eagle: 175 minutes remaining
Maximum Speed: 50 mph (80 km). Bonuses: +1 to parry, +2 to dodge and +2 to damage on a diving attack. Bonuses apply only when in flight.

- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

Rufus bows and waves as Liam and Crosses take their leave. "It was a pleasure to meet you both, my friends -- in fact, I consider this one of the true highlights of our grand sailing adventure. You'll always be welcome company and I hope our paths cross again sometime." I would say 'look us up if you're ever in Merctown,' but I would imagine a whale in the river down by the docks would raise a lot of questions... he chuckles to himself.
Consumer wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:29 amRufus and Calvin make their way from the ship and begin flying with haste towards the Wreck of the Highwind.

A few minutes into their flight, Rufus spots Teres and Rory making their way back to the Sea Templar. From the other side, Teres notices Calvin and Rufus heading their way.
Rufus gives a whistle to Calvin and points in the ladies' general direction. "Heads up! Here they come!"
Teres Barton wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:24 pm"Rufus! we found a shark, It looked pretty big, but that was about all. It did a nice jump out of the water when Rory drew it off of me with a light. Too bad I could not see that jump. The next ship I explore I will carry flares and get armor meant for underwater. This suit 'bites' as a diving suit," she added with a smirk.
"That would explain why you look like the old chew toy I had when I was a pup..." Rufus chuckles as he tries to keep from rolling his eyes. I knew this was a bad idea. At least it didn't come back to bite them on the tail -- well, except for the fact that they did get bitten and the fact that they don't have tails...
Teres Barton wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:24 pm" Let's head back before Bruno tries to give me any more shark teeth. and we can get updated on what you learned if anything." Teres states as she starts to fly back to the boat.
"Fair enough," Rufus nods while banking into a 180 degree turn like an ancient WWII fighter -- albeit a very small, very furry one -- to come alongside Teres and Rory. "There may still be some refreshments in case you'd prefer to eat and not be eaten... y'know, for a change of pace and all that..." He adds with a smirk of his own as he keys his comlink.
Radio: Basic -- 1d100<92: [38*] = 1

"Templar, this is Rufus. Teres and Rory have managed to avoid a case of 'reverse sushi' and we are all inbound back to the boat."
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [5] = 5 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [16] = 16 | 1d100: 1d100: [41] = 41

Conditions: Tongues (Duration: 6:30 minutes), Fly as the Eagle (Duration: 159:30 minutes), Breathe Without Air (Duration: 6:30 minutes.)

Rory chuckles as she and Teres started to fly away from the site of their encounter.

"Hel's teeth! That were a completely unexpected bit of excitement."

She looks over Teres, and whistles.

"Ouch. Yer armor took a bit of damage there. If I get access ta any ley lines, I'll see what I can do ta fix it."

As they made their way back toward their ship, she spotted Rufus and Calvin coming on an intercept course.
She waves to them as they approach.

"Hey there! Good ta see ye both. Turns out there's a few bits of fauna round here that thinks of us as tasty treats."

And it's about time I worked out some combat spells. This was one Hel of a wakeup call.

"Refreshments sound like a great idea. But not sushi, okay? We came close ta being that ourselves."

She finally sheathes the axe she'd been carrying all this time, having failed to remember to put it away until now. She strokes the haft as it slides into place.

Yes, I definitely need something magical. I'll always keep the axe as a backup, but I need something I can call up whenever I need it. And the more different types of damage I can get, the better. Fire's great, but is snuffed out by water. Ice melts in the heat. Light can't be hidden, and has problems against darkness. Lightning? No good in water. So many things to consider.

On the flight back, she slides over toward Rufus.

"I think I'll have ta test out some combat spells as soon as I can. Next time I walk inta something like that, I want ta be ready."

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 155/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike
Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

(Rolls held over)

Calvin is thoroughly engaged in looking for humanoids in and around the wreck, until Rufus beckons for his attention:
Rufus wrote: Rufus gives a whistle to Calvin and points in the ladies' general direction. "Heads up! Here they come!"
Calvin responds to Rufus with a thumbs up. He slows down his flight speed quickly, coming to a hover as Teres and Rory approach.
Teres wrote: "And as if on cue. Rufus! we found a shark, It looked pretty big, but that was about all. It did a nice jump out of the water when Rory drew it off of me with a light. Too bad I could not see that jump. The next ship I explore I will carry flares and get armor meant for underwater. This suit 'bites' as a diving suit," she added with a smirk.

"Let's head back before Bruno tries to give me any more shark teeth. and we can get updated on what you learned if anything." Teres states as she starts to fly back to the boat.
Oh! Sharks. Her armor does look a bit chewed up. I've never been bitten like that before. How did she even get free? Maybe she'll tell us all so we will know what to do down the road... She does seem, almost a bit chipper after the ordeal?
Rory wrote: "Hey there! Good ta see ye both. Turns out there's a few bits of fauna round here that thinks of us as tasty treats."

And it's about time I worked out some combat spells. This was one Hel of a wakeup call.

"Refreshments sound like a great idea. But not sushi, okay? We came close ta being that ourselves."

She finally sheathes the axe she'd been carrying all this time, having failed to remember to put it away until now. She strokes the haft as it slides into place.
She was still gripping her axe... Must've been quite the ordeal.

"Glad you made it out okay. That sounded like it was quite frightening. What did you do to create the light source? That sounds like a really good idea."

Seeing that his team mates are thoroughly enthused about going back to the ship, Calvin decides to forgo mentioning the vist to the fishing village.

Oh well. Next time perhaps...

Hearing Rufus over the radio, Calvin brings up the rear and accompanies the others back to the Templar.

Well, let's just be prepared for Port Moresby. Who knows what strange things will await there?
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 1:43 AM (16 days 14 hours 41 minutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)
The pair of mages meet the pair of scouts in the air maybe a mile and a half from the boat. Teres and Rory look a bit waterlogged and worse for wear, with both of their armors appearing to have suffered crushing damage, but they do seem to be in high spirits, for what it’s worth. The quartet easily makes it back to the Sea Templar, well before the ship has even really gotten underway to head towards the wreck. Once back on board Jessie eyes the two waterlogged scouts. ”Well, looks like you made friends with the wildlife.” Jessie says as she aborts the trip towards the wreck and turns the boat to head eastward once more. ”So where to now, do we keep on towards Port Moresby, or do you folks want to go somewhere else?” The Valkyrie asks, before putting Jason and Rory back to work manning the sails and other accouterments of the sailing vessel.

The group makes the general consensus to continue on their way to Port Moresby, given the village is now behind them and would require backtracking. For the most part the weather seems to be cooperating with the Templar, with no major storms or wind gales affecting the travel.

The next few weeks are peaceful, a rhythm is found and the task of sailing becomes easier for the Templar. Almost as expected, as the boat gets closer to a major hub of civilization, the sea traffic gets denser, not exactly a traffic jam, but definitely more than the crew has seen thus far on their travels. It’s very early in the morning, when Rufus, Calvin, and Toshiko notice the lights of a city a few miles away. A rough look at the map gives the rough guess it is the port you’ve been working towards.

The Sea Templar eases into the bay that Port Moresby is situated on. At the mouth of the port, the radio goes off. ”Please slow and identify yourself?” In the distance, the trio can see a motorized boat making its way out to the Sea Templar.


What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: P.P.E.: 6/6, H.P.: 49/49, S.D.C.: 52/52;
Armor: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.), Conditions:

Rufus: H.P.: 47/47, S.D.C.: 55/55, P.P.E.: 163/303
Armor: Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 60/60, N-F20A Medium Force Field 75/75

Rory: H.P.: 47/47, S.D.C.: 25/25, P.P.E.: 155/165
Armor: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.

Teres Barton: H.P.: 27/27, S.D.C.: 33/33, I.S.P.: 71/95
Armor: Branaghan Overcoat Destroyed, Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.

Calvin Wallace: M.D.C. 225/225, I.S.P.: 38/57, P.P.E.: 121/145
Armor: NG-A8 Scout Armor 50/50 M.D.C. AOI 40/40

Toshiko: P.P.E.: 13, H.P.: 26/26 Head only, S.D.C.: 42/42 Head only, M.D.C.: 180/180
Armor: T-A14 Infantry "Trooper" Body Armor 95/95

Jessie the Valkyrie: M.D.C.: 111/111, I.S.P.: 85/85, P.P.E.: 124/124.
Armor: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Perception: 1d100 < 58%: [43] = 43
JIC: 1d100: [7] = 7 | 1d20: [19] = 19
Consumer wrote: The next few weeks are peaceful, a rhythm is found and the task of sailing becomes easier for the Templar. Almost as expected, as the boat gets closer to a major hub of civilization, the sea traffic gets denser, not exactly a traffic jam, but definitely more than the crew has seen thus far on their travels. It’s very early in the morning, when Rufus, Calvin, and Toshiko notice the lights of a city a few miles away. A rough look at the map gives the rough guess it is the port you’ve been working towards.

The Sea Templar eases into the bay that Port Moresby is situated on.
Calvin groggily woke up at 11:00PM on the previous night and began his routine to go on shift.

We are maybe a few hours from our destination. Other than tracking Lemurians, I wonder what we will run into there?

Shame I am pretty broke. Oh well. Maybe we can offer our services to somebody that needs healing, maybe I can make some quick cash this way...

Putting on his clothes and armor and getting his gear ready to disembark, he straps on his utility belt...

Ahhh shit, I need to brush my teeth... Hol up...


Going through his initial round of guard duty, he sees city lights crawling up the horizon. The additional ocean traffic puts Calvin on guard, and he tries to size up other nearby boats and ascertain any nefarious intentions.

Even so, this is the longest Calvin has been away on a boat. The anticipation is palpable. As the city lights began to crawl over the horizon, Calvin takes a deep breath and breaths out slowly. Finally, solid land!

Pointing towards the lights, Calvin calls out: "Rufus, Toshiko, I think that's Port Moresby!

Watching Rufus navigate the boat towards the port, Calvin moves to the back, towards the stern of the ship. Gazing at the vast sea behind them peppered with boats and ships of all sizes, Calvin knew that never in his life would he imagine that he would be part of an ocean expedition. The several thousand mile journey seems staggeringly long, yet the Templars completed it in just the last several months.

Suddenly, the radio comes to life:
Consumer wrote: At the mouth of the port, the radio goes off. ”Please slow and identify yourself?” In the distance, the trio can see a motorized boat making its way out to the Sea Templar.
Calvin turns to Rufus and says:

"Looks like the welcoming committee is coming out . Let's do what they say. I'll take the radio if you wanna slow the boat down, I don't know how to do that."

Once he gets an acknowledgement from Rufus, he reaches for the radio:

1d100 < 68%: [64] = 64 PASS

The radio comes to life. Calvin is relieved that he doesn't look like a nincompoop with electronics! Casting Tongues (-12 PPE, 15 minute duration)

Port Moresby Patrol, this is the Sea Templar. We are en route to Port Moresby to cool our feet and resupply. We will faithfully obey your instructions.
(Trust/Intimidate: Trying for Trust here: 1d100 < 55%: [87] = 87 Fail (oops)

Calvin waits for a response.

(Current conditions: Tongues, 15 minutes duration)
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [28*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 / 1d100: [18] = 18

- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

Rory wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:37 pm"Hey there! Good ta see ye both. Turns out there's a few bits of fauna round here that thinks of us as tasty treats."

"Refreshments sound like a great idea. But not sushi, okay? We came close ta being that ourselves."
"Yeah, sounds like you two got lucky this time..." Rufus chuckles with more than a little relief. "Probably for the best that we don't try going off on our own in the future though; there's a lot we don't know out here... and like the old saying goes, 'what you don't know can most definitely muck up your day.'" He laughs. "Okay, so maybe it's not quite an old saying, but it's true."

Consumer wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:46 amThe next few weeks are peaceful, a rhythm is found and the task of sailing becomes easier for the Templar. Almost as expected, as the boat gets closer to a major hub of civilization, the sea traffic gets denser, not exactly a traffic jam, but definitely more than the crew has seen thus far on their travels. It’s very early in the morning, when Rufus, Calvin, and Toshiko notice the lights of a city a few miles away. A rough look at the map gives the rough guess it is the port you’ve been working towards.

The Sea Templar eases into the bay that Port Moresby is situated on. At the mouth of the port, the radio goes off. ”Please slow and identify yourself?” In the distance, the trio can see a motorized boat making its way out to the Sea Templar.
Rufus spends the next few weeks learning as much as he can about sailing/Norse mythology from Jessie (he's honestly curious about the Norse gods and their similarities -- real or perceived -- to the old world's Northern Gods his people have worshipped, and he just generally enjoys her company) and really just chatting in general with her as well as with the other Templars (I mean, what else is there to do?), writing journal entries (it'll make the storytelling easier for when he gets back to Lazlo/Houndstooth), meditating, and practicing his human metamorphosis spell to achieve a form he likes better (kankoran admittedly aren't the best judge of human beauty, but he has a rough idea of what he's going for and will solicit feedback from the others -- especially the resident valkyrie).

His eyes light up when they finally come within sight of the port. Well it took long enough to get here. Hope it's worth the trip.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:47 pm"Looks like the welcoming committee is coming out . Let's do what they say. I'll take the radio if you wanna slow the boat down, I don't know how to do that."
Rufus nods. "Alright, Toshi, let's get these sails struck and secured. We'll likely need to use the engine to get in and out of port anyway." With her help he gets the sails secured and gets the engine ticking over.

Pilot: Boats: Sail Types 1d100<67: [69] = 0 (strike/secure the sails)
Pilot: Boats: Sail Types 1d100<67: [39*] = 1 (start the engine)

As they work to get the boat slowed, Rufus feels the flow of magicka from Calvin's casting and smiles to himself. Good, good... he's learning. You only get one chance at a first impression, after all. He follows suit casting one on himself 'just in case' as one should always practice what one preaches.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:47 pmPort Moresby Patrol, this is the Sea Templar. We are en route to Port Moresby to cool our feet and resupply. We will faithfully obey your instructions.
"Good answer," he nods to Calvin. "Probably best to keep the subject of Lemurians on the down-low until after we've docked, ya? And on that note..." he mutters an incantation and assumes his new human form. "Until we know how anti-D-Bee they are, probably a good idea to have at least one 'human' visible on the boat..." he gives a few decidedly inhuman barks down into the cabin. "Put your socks and shoes on, Templars, looks like we're here!"

As the boat comes up alongside, he gives a friendly wave and a smile to match. "Good morning! It's good to see friendly faces again!"
Charm/Impress -- 1d100<40: [39*] = 1
Invoke Trust -- 1d100<25: [74] = 0

Tongues (12), Metamorphosis: Human (40)
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [40] = 40 %
JIC: 1d20: [5] = 5 / 1d100: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [43] = 43

Babelfish-- 1d100: [75] = 75

((Radio: Basic--112% / 1d100: [39] = 39 % )) monitoring the radio

Once Rory and Teres are back aboard and explain what they went through, Jason tells them how glad he is that they are ok. He leaves it at that for the time being and heads back to trim the sails. While he works at Jesse's directions, He considers how lucky the team had been; lucky that Liam and Crosses had not taken Rory and Teres insulting behavior to heart, and lucky that Rory and Teres hadn't been killed poking into the stripped wreck. Jason thought back to his sergeants and officers, trying to decide how to handle this leadership challenge. Slow down, this isn't a military unit, you can't expect them to act like soldiers He shook his head, Yeah but they aren't even acting like members of a team on a mission, more like teenagers on spring break. He continues his shift, then sits down with Jesse'a book, studying more about the Norse mythos.

The following morning, Jason gets everyone's attention after breakfast. "We've got a long sail ahead of us, which will hopefully be a quiet, boring trip. To help with routine, a couple times a week, we will have exercises. Activities that will help us learn more about each other and work better as a team. Right now, we tend to work and act largely as individuals. We are a long way from home and only have each other to count on.In my mind, you are all Templar until you leave us." He looks at each of them in turn, including Jesse, Toshiko, and Calvin (and Igor Vlad if they have joined the group). "So, I want all of us to consider the team before we decide to do something. That doesn't mean you can't do something that interests you. Rufus will tell you, we support each other. Part of the reason we are on this job is to help on of our members. Just let me know so we can find a safe way for you to do it, without hurting the team. Those of you that are up for it, we'll start today about 30 minutes before supper." Jason answers any questions that they have, as best as he can.

Prior to supper, he asks Jesse to let the boat drift and gathers the interested Templar below for a team building exercise. Just something light to ease them into it. "We'll start nice and simple. Two truths and a lie. Each of us in turn will tell two true statements and one lie. It will be up to the rest of us to guess which is which. I'll start.... I saw a man drink 50 gallons of beer at one sitting, without dying. I can't ride a bicycle. And I have never been in love." Jason smiles and lets the game roll on. ( Jason has seen a full sized Zentraedi suck down a barrel of beer. He really can't ride a bike. He has been in love.) He continues trying team building exercises for the remainder of the trip, twice a week.

When Jason hears Rufus asking Jesse about the Norse gods, he joins their discussions. He brings up points in the book he has been studying to help him understand them better.

Jason comes to enjoy the exercises. They break up the monotony and gives him insights into how the others think. The discussions about the Norse gods he also enjoys, but he doesn't feel a strong draw to any of them. He does feel more committed to finding the right spiritual guide. This is only one pantheon, I wonder how many more there are

As the boat traffic becomes heavier, Jason spends more of his off time monitoring the radio. He tries to get a feel for the are based off what he hears, relying on the Babelfish to translate. He listens for any news shared between ships of locations that aren't on their charts and any other news of the area.
Consumer wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:46 am At the mouth of the port, the radio goes off. ”Please slow and identify yourself?”
If below, Jason heads up on deck when the radio call comes in. He walks over to Calvin as Calvin responds.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:47 pm ort Moresby Patrol, this is the Sea Templar. We are en route to Port Moresby to cool our feet and resupply. We will faithfully obey your instructions.

"Well said. " he tells Calvin. Jason asks Jesse to switch over to the engine and stay straight and slow so the patrol boat can easily come alongside. He stands ready to help secure the boats together. Once they are, he joins Rufus, "I hope you have that translation spell going. You and Calvin should handle this. I don't want to trust the babelfish on this." He give a friendly smile to anyone on the patrol boat.
Dice rolls
1d100: [99] = 99
1d20: [18] = 18
1d100: [51] = 51
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

(rolls held over)

(OOC: A bit of time travel. Jason's post was too good to ignore. Replying to Jason's post in the first part of this post)
Jason Long wrote: The following morning, Jason gets everyone's attention after breakfast. "We've got a long sail ahead of us, which will hopefully be a quiet, boring trip. To help with routine, a couple times a week, we will have exercises. Activities that will help us learn more about each other and work better as a team. Right now, we tend to work and act largely as individuals. We are a long way from home and only have each other to count on.In my mind, you are all Templar until you leave us." He looks at each of them in turn, including Jesse, Toshiko, and Calvin (and Igor Vlad if they have joined the group). "So, I want all of us to consider the team before we decide to do something. That doesn't mean you can't do something that interests you. Rufus will tell you, we support each other. Part of the reason we are on this job is to help on of our members. Just let me know so we can find a safe way for you to do it, without hurting the team. Those of you that are up for it, we'll start today about 30 minutes before supper." Jason answers any questions that they have, as best as he can.
Calvin responds to Jason:
"Agreed. One can always use a reminder to pay heed to the needs of the group first and foremost. I'll partake in whatever you see fit."
Jason Long wrote: Prior to supper, he asks Jesse to let the boat drift and gathers the interested Templar below for a team building exercise. Just something light to ease them into it. "We'll start nice and simple. Two truths and a lie. Each of us in turn will tell two true statements and one lie. It will be up to the rest of us to guess which is which. I'll start.... I saw a man drink 50 gallons of beer at one sitting, without dying. I can't ride a bicycle. And I have never been in love." Jason smiles and lets the game roll on. ( Jason has seen a full sized Zentraedi suck down a barrel of beer. He really can't ride a bike. He has been in love.) He continues trying team building exercises for the remainder of the trip, twice a week.
I've seen my dad drink with some of his friends. Chiang-Kus can fucking party. 50 gallons doesn't seem like a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, one of dad's Kung Fu brothers once inhaled a barrel of turpentine on a dare.

I can't ride a bike either sooo... I guess that might be normal around these parts?

Jason seems capable of camaraderie and compassion. He's not great looking but he's plenty of competent. He'd have plenty of opportunities to be in love and be in loved with. Gonna call bullshit on that one.

"Shenangians! Jason chose to run this group. He obviously has an affinity for lost causes!"

"As long as we trackin'"

"My turn: The first animal I learned how to ride was a shadow wolf called Peaches. I once saw my dad beat down a half dozen lanatour psi slayers within an inch of their lives with his bo staff. I can't do math for shit and I still have to use my fingers often."

--- fast forward to the present ---

(Current conditions: Tongues, 15 minutes duration)
Rufus wrote: "Good answer," he nods to Calvin. "Probably best to keep the subject of Lemurians on the down-low until after we've docked, ya? And on that note..." he mutters an incantation and assumes his new human form. "Until we know how anti-D-Bee they are, probably a good idea to have at least one 'human' visible on the boat..." he gives a few decidedly inhuman barks down into the cabin. "Put your socks and shoes on, Templars, looks like we're here!"
Calvin flashes a grin to Rufus:
"Yeah man, definitely.".

Calvin takes off his rifle before the boat arrives and leaves it under his backpack. Then he leaves the bag approximately six feet to his left. In case of an emergency, he can pull the gun from behind the bag to an open hand using telekinesis. Once he feels prepped, he raising his head briefly only to catch the tail end of Rufus's transformation and is a bit awestruck.

Goddamn. I need to learn how to do that. Maybe I can fake being a juicer or something.

Leaving Rufus to bark downstairs, Calvin turns to Toshiko and says:
"You excited? I'm really really excited. I'm looking forward to my own bed and maybe a real meal somewhere!".
Jason wrote:"Well said. " he tells Calvin.
"Appreciate you, Jason."

In spite of being in the middle of night and about to encounter what seems like a customs inspection, Calvin can't help but feel pretty boisterous. When the motorized boat pulls along side, Calvin simply waves and smiles. Matching Rufus's demeanor and decorum, Calvin awaits for instructions from the port authority personnel.
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [5] = 5 / 17% JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [11] = 11 | 1d100: [25] = 25
Babelfish: 1d100: [66] = 66 / 50%
Mask l.S.P. & Psionics (7) Range: self, Duration: 70 minutes
"Yeah, sounds like you two got lucky this time..." Rufus chuckles with more than a little relief. "Probably for the best that we don't try going off on our own in the future though; there's a lot we don't know out here... and as the old saying goes, 'what you don't know can most definitely muck up your day.'" He laughs. "Okay, so maybe it's not quite an old saying, but it's true."
Luck and risk are part of exploration as much as preparation is. That said, so is knowing the terrain and what is in it. I should speak to local explorers and get safety tips and recommended items to help evade threats from local fauna. Such knowledge may be of use.” she adds.
"Put your socks and shoes on, Templars, looks like we're here!"
She spends most of her time working on her shift and largely stays to herself. Mostly on account of feeling confined and not in a particularly good mood. The announcement of land did cheer her up.

Once on deck in her generic fatigues and her bow kit, takes a Look at the city, Hmmm a city. Well, it's better than being on this boat. Plenty of life in it. Strays, rats, Birds, and small life mostly. Also, they may not be likely to welcome the people we seek. Best to be low-key here. Big cities tend to draw in the worst or most easily frightened. And bring out the worst in me. With any luck, we won't be there long. Same reason I avoided Chi-Town and passed over that transfer to Psi-battalion Alpha. even this close to the city mood is already souring. she thinks with a slightly miserable look before getting back to a more neutral mood.

One of you mages have a spare tongue spell for me? In case the translator does not work here.” she asks, “Guessing we already radioed in and have a response?” Teres asks. Looking to Rufus and Calvin. Her inner CS soldier went on full alert at magic, but it did have uses. Is Rufus working out or something? well, it might intimidate better.
As the boat comes up alongside, he gives a friendly wave and a smile to match. "Good morning! It's good to see friendly faces again!"
and there is our welcoming committee. Best not to hint at mages or my psychic ability until we know. Considering how well my last downtime in chi-town went I better be careful. She thinks activating her Mask ISP/Psionics.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [100] = 100 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [16] = 16 | 1d100: 1d100: [41] = 41

At Rufus' comment about getting lucky this time, Rory nods, ruefully.

"You're right. We got lucky this time, that's a fact. Next time, though, I want ta be better prepared."

Later, she talks to Teres.

"We got lucky that time. I think I'm a bit squishy ta try that again, leastways, not without some magical support. I'm working on some combat spells, but perhaps we should work out ways ta work together more, well, seamlessly. Maybe if we prepare a loadout before we go into a situation? I can cast some protective spells, and hopefully I can work out something offensive soon. On your part, that mind-speaking thing, that was just awesome! What else can we do ta work together as a team?

When Jason has his talk about working together, she knows full well who he's talking about, and who he's talking to.
The ice-breaking idea - 2 truths and a lie - that was very interesting. The beer - nah, nobody could do that. That meant he couldn't ride a bicycle and had never been in love. Man, that sucked. Poor guy.
Calvin's one was interesting. She'd never heard of a shadow wolf, but it seemed plausible. Lanotaur psi-slayers - she'd never really heard much about Lanotaurs, but it seemed a bit far-fetched. But then there was the math thing. There were people who couldn't do math, so it as plausible also... but she'd put her money on beating the Lanotaurs almost to death.

"Two truths and a lie. Okay. I've built and repaired boats fer years but was never allowed ta sail one until this trip. Leaving my home town was the hardest thing I've ever done. I've never been tempted to learn technowizardry before, but the idea is growing on me."

There. That's a reasonably simple set of three. I could have said "I once created a mummy from a corpse after a plane crash because I was lonely", but even saying it would cause issues, let alone if someone thought it was true. Sometimes even saying something causes more issues than keeping my mouth closed. Something to keep in mind.

She was meditating noisily when they finally came in sight of Port Moresby. When Rufus wakes her, she looks around groggily.

"What's... oh, we're here? Crudballs! I'll be up there soon."

She yawns as she pulls on some clothing and makes herself kinda presentable.
After emerging on deck, she hears Teres' request, and agrees to cast Tongues on her once they finally arrive at the docks.

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 165/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike
Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
OOC Comments
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 1:58 AM (15 minutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)
Calvin and Rufus cast spells on themselves before Calvin replies to the radio message. Rufus tasks Calvin and Toshiko to get the ship stopped, and the sails stowed, while he goes downstairs to wake the others. Jessie rolls over from her spot, looks at Rufus, and then rolls back over. Igor, seems to still be awake, it’s almost like the man never sleeps, just sitting quietly at the table below deck playing endless games of solitaire. Rory, Jason, and Teres get themselves on the deck, just in time to see a small patrol boat pull up next to the Sea Templar.

The exchange between the Templar and the patrol boat is pretty simple and straightforward. It seems the patrol boat is more or less just making sure that the Templar aren’t pirates. The patrol boat gives them permission to find a dock and enjoy their stay. Before they depart back to whatever posting they were stationed at. Rufus is able to bring the Sea Templar into a correct sized berthing, where the team is again met by a small group of people. An older man with a clipboard, and two armored fellows whose general look screams security. The transaction is simple, two thousand credits per day. (Someone just tell me how many days you pay for. ~Consumer)

Once the berthing is paid for the dock employees move off, back to their station likely, leaving the Templar in a new town, in the middle of the night. While most of the places the group has been lacking a nightlife, it does seem that several places are open on the dock even this late at night, though deeper into the town does seem quieter.

What are your Intentions?

GM Notes: The Templar are currently in the area of town aptly known as The Docks, it has food, lodgings, and entertainment available pretty much 24/7, as for other services they tend to only be available during the daytime. ~Consumer

Jason Long: P.P.E.: 6/6, H.P.: 49/49, S.D.C.: 52/52;
Armor: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.), Conditions:

Rufus: H.P.: 47/47, S.D.C.: 55/55, P.P.E.: 254/303
Armor: Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 60/60, N-F20A Medium Force Field 75/75

Rory: H.P.: 47/47, S.D.C.: 25/25, P.P.E.: 150/165
Armor: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.

Teres Barton: H.P.: 27/27, S.D.C.: 33/33, I.S.P.: 95/95
Armor: Branaghan Overcoat Destroyed, Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.

Calvin Wallace: M.D.C. 225/225, I.S.P.: 38/57, P.P.E.: 133/145
Armor: NG-A8 Scout Armor 50/50 M.D.C. AOI 40/40

Toshiko: P.P.E.: 13, H.P.: 26/26 Head only, S.D.C.: 42/42 Head only, M.D.C.: 180/180
Armor: T-A14 Infantry "Trooper" Body Armor 95/95

Jessie the Valkyrie: M.D.C.: 111/111, I.S.P.: 85/85, P.P.E.: 124/124.
Armor: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [97] = 97
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 | 1d100: [51] = 51

(Current conditions: Tongues, 14:45 minutes duration)
Consumer wrote:
The exchange between the Templar and the patrol boat is pretty simple and straightforward. It seems the patrol boat is more or less just making sure that the Templar aren’t pirates. The patrol boat gives them permission to find a dock and enjoy their stay. Before they depart back to whatever posting they were stationed at. Rufus is able to bring the Sea Templar into a correct sized berthing, where the team is again met by a small group of people. An older man with a clipboard, and two armored fellows whose general look screams security. The transaction is simple, two thousand credits per day. (Someone just tell me how many days you pay for. ~Consumer)
Calvin looks to Jason and Rufus: "Let's stay for a week, just to make sure we have time to do everything we need."
Teres wrote: “One of you mages have a spare tongue spell for me? In case the translator does not work here.” she asks, “Guessing we already radioed in and have a response?” Teres asks. Looking to Rufus and Calvin. Her inner CS soldier went on full alert at magic, but it did have uses. Is Rufus working out or something? well, it might intimidate better.
Calvin quickly hits Teres with the requested incantation. (Tongues, -12 PPE, 15 minutes duration)

"If you are gonna go out onto town, let's stick together. I'm not super ready to do too much talking right now, but I wouldn't mind finding a motel, check in, borrow a map and start writing down a list of places we should hit up in the morning."

Turning to Toshiko, and then the group Calvin says:

"Are we all disembarking?"
Consumer wrote: Once the berthing is paid for the dock employees move off, back to their station likely, leaving the Templar in a new town, in the middle of the night. While most of the places the group has been lacking a nightlife, it does seem that several places are open on the dock even this late at night, though deeper into the town does seem quieter.

GM Notes: The Templar are currently in the area of town aptly known as The Docks, it has food, lodgings, and entertainment available pretty much 24/7, as for other services they tend to only be available during the daytime. ~Consumer
Once the berthing fees have been paid, Calvin grabs his to go bag and his rifle. I wonder how often people expect random tourists to be armed around here. I guess we'll find out.. Pulling his overalls over his armor, he then straps on his bandoleer, utility belt. He then covers his upper torso with his rain jacket. Putting on his helmet, he takes off his face plate to appear less ominous.

I guess I can always carry the rifle in the backpack if we get turned away in the first few establishments, for whatever reason..

Throwing his faceplate into his now dimension-pocket backpack, he heaves the pack onto his back and slings his rifle over his left shoulder.

Aight, I feel so over dressed but I really don't wanna walk around town drawing attention to myself

(Roll Trust 1d100 < 55%: [25] = 25 ).

Making sure his appearance looks as benign as possible, Calvin will try and corral his team mates to find a hotel first, then go get a map and make some notes. If he is unable to sleep, he'll hit up Toshiko and Rufus (and whoever else wants to come along) to go wander around the entertainment district, just because he's a country boy and he's not often around nightlife.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Jason Long
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [10] = 10 %
JIC: 1d20: [12] = 12 / 1d100: [38] = 38

Condition:L Babelfish: 1d100: [79] = 79
Consumer wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:19 am The exchange between the Templar and the patrol boat is pretty simple and straightforward. It seems the patrol boat is more or less just making sure that the Templar aren’t pirates. The patrol boat gives them permission to find a dock and enjoy their stay.
Jason thanks the patrol boat crew for their professionalism and remains on deck as the pull into the berth.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:29 am Calvin looks to Jason and Rufus: "Let's stay for a week, just to make sure we have time to do everything we need."
Jason thinks for a moment. He can't see them staying for a full week, but reserving the slip that long would be one less thing to worry about. He asks the dock master if the payment is refundable if they leave early? If it is, Jason will pay for the full week. If not, he will pay for 4 days up front and asks if they can pay by the day after that.

Once the dock master and his security walk off, Jason speaks with the others.
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:29 am "If you are gonna go out onto town, let's stick together. I'm not super ready to do too much talking right now, but I wouldn't mind finding a motel, check in, borrow a map and start writing down a list of places we should hit up in the morning."

Turning to Toshiko, and then the group Calvin says:

"Are we all disembarking?"
"If you do go into town, stay together, or at least in groups of 2. Check in once an hour unless you are going to sleep, then let us know. It's coming up on night. I plan on getting the boat squared away and staying here. I would suggest that we wait until daylight to head into the city, but I can understand if you want to get ashore right away. Try to keep a low profile until we know more about this place" Jason waits a bit to hear everyone's immediate plans. He then checks with Igor. "Well, Igor. Port Moresby appears to be a large city. Are you leaving us here? " If he leaves, Jason wishes him well. Jason tell Igor that he is welcome to spend a last night on the boat and head out in the morning.

Jason then will speak with Jesse and Vlad. "Would you both come up with lists of items that we would need for the boat? Food, rope, what have you? Plan on 6 weeks. I'd like to have the boat reprovisioned right away, in case we need to leave quickly. Once you have those list, would either of you like to go into town or want any personal items? You two have been vital to our survival, so if there is anything you want or need, let me know." Jason will stay with the boat for the night, staying up on deck, enjoying a cigar and looking over the other boats in the harbor.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [20] = 20 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [6] = 6 | 1d100: [64] = 64
Mask l.S.P. & Psionics (7) Range: self, Duration: 50 minutes
Earlier on the journey:
Rory wrote: that time. I think I'm a bit squishy ta try that again, leastways, not without some magical support. I'm working on some combat spells, but perhaps we should work out ways ta work together more, well, seamlessly. Maybe if we prepare a loadout before we go into a situation? I can cast some protective spells, and hopefully I can work out something offensive soon. On your part, that mind-speaking thing, that was just awesome! What else can we do ta work together as a team?
"That would be a good idea. We can carry flares and some things that might draw sharks and predators away from us. A stun grenade might interfere with Bruno the shark's senses and make him think twice about us. Throw away Sound devices with recordings of preferred prey to distract creatures, that sort of thing. Sea creatures use electrical energy, sound, and light to spot prey. That and swim spells or water armor so we can have a longer air supply and swim faster." she pauses. has to be some water-designed armor. Some humans love poking our noses in places it does not belong. she thinks with a grin.

"Telepathy was used as a quiet means to communicate while sneaking when I was in the military. Anyone with tech might trace a radio signal, but you need a certain type of psychic ability or senses to spot telepathy or active psychic energy. That and I figure underwater we can't hear as well." she smiles.

"We need to prep and pack properly before we dive. Place items that are useful to be quickly accessible. " she adds with a thoughtful look.

Present day:
"If you do go into town, stay together, or at least in groups of 2. Check in once an hour unless you are going to sleep, then let us know. It's coming up on night. I plan on getting the boat squared away and staying here. I would suggest that we wait until daylight to head into the city, but I can understand if you want to get ashore right away. Try to keep a low profile until we know more about this place" Jason waits a bit to hear everyone's immediate plans. He then checks with Igor. "Well, Igor. Port Moresby appears to be a large city. Are you leaving us here? " If he leaves, Jason wishes him well. Jason tell Igor that he is welcome to spend a last night on the boat and head out in the morning.
"Sounds good, any luck this place has a corner store with a map book of the city and region around it. Once we find the motel we can try and get an idea of the locals and what factions which part of the city. I'll get what's left of my armor on. then be ready." she nods.

Maybe if we get lucky a few sailors are willing to help. if anyone here is going to be tolerant it will likely be them. they encounter non-humans most. she thinks to herself. Teres once more leaves both bows on the boat and takes the energy pistol only. The city may not allow weapons or magic is a possibility. at least the pistol is smaller and could be a self-defense weapon.

Once in armor, she returns, "Ready when you guys are. Igor if you want to come along your welcome to. " she says.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [16*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [67] = 67

- P.P.E.: 261/313
- Metamorphosis - Human: 165 minutes (2h 45m) remaining
- Tongues: 12 minutes remaining
- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

Teres Barton wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:36 pmOne of you mages have a spare tongue spell for me? In case the translator does not work here.” she asks, “Guessing we already radioed in and have a response?
"Yup, and there's our response right there..." Rufus nods as he points toward the patrol boat.

Rufus gives a friendly bow and wave to the harbor patrol as they depart and heads for the docks, giving the same to the 'welcoming party' that shows up before busying himself with helping make sure the boat's properly secured/cushioned for their stay.

Seeing Teres and Calvin (and anyone else who might be disembarking), he shakes his head and growls softly to himself. Blasted she-human didn't learn an Odin-blessed thing. Here's hoping I'm wrong though.

"Enjoy yourselves, friends, but please do be careful and avoid getting gnawed on by another sea monster eh?" He gives a wink and a grin (more like a smirk). "I think I'm done until dawn at least, so I'm crashing here on board the boat. See y'all in the morning."

With that, he disappears back below deck and stretches out for some quick winks.

((OOC: meditating may be a better use of his time, but cat-napping isn't just for cats y'know))
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [67] = 67 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [18] = 18 | 1d100: 1d100: [40] = 40
Teres Barton wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 7:46 pm Earlier on the journey:
"We can carry flares and some things that might draw sharks and predators away from us. A stun grenade might interfere with Bruno the shark's senses and make him think twice about us. Throw away Sound devices with recordings of preferred prey to distract creatures, that sort of thing. Sea creatures use electrical energy, sound, and light to spot prey. That and swim spells or water armor so we can have a longer air supply and swim faster."

"Telepathy was used as a quiet means to communicate while sneaking when I was in the military. Anyone with tech might trace a radio signal, but you need a certain type of psychic ability or senses to spot telepathy or active psychic energy. That and I figure underwater we can't hear as well." she smiles.

"We need to prep and pack properly before we dive. Place items that are useful to be quickly accessible. " she adds with a thoughtful look.
Rory smiles at Teres.

"Preparation saves lives. I totally get that. Maybe we do that before we jump in the deep end next time?" she concludes with a grin.

Present day:
"I'll be staying on board fer the moment. At least fer the time being. I figure Rufus is here, even if he is going ta be sleepin' fer a while. Staying in a familiar location puts me in the right mindset fer studyin' magic, ye ken?"

She looks at Rufus.

"Might hit ye up for some tricks, and bounce some ideas off ye once you're awake, if ye don't mind?"

She switches her attention back to the others.

"I've been studying a few things, and I think I'm close ta breaking through on a couple of them. Probably better fer me ta stick to somewhere familiar fer now. If there's any problems and ye need me, on the other paw, you know I'm here at the other end of the radio."

She stays on deck to watch the others depart, and waves at them as they go. Once they've all gone, well, all those that want to do so, she heads back below decks. She sits cross-legged on her bunk as she focuses her mind, letting it go blank as she consolidates the knowledge of the new spells. Some people just accepted them and moved on - she preferred to think through the spell, working out its place in her array, and how best to utilize it.

By the time Rufus awakes, she has neatly organized her spells, including the new ones.

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 165/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike
Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 10:00 AM (8 hours 2 minutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)
The group presented with the first modern town in weeks, seems to be of slightly mixed thoughts. That isn’t surprising given the late hour and the generally grueling schedule of sailing the Sea Templar twenty-four hours a day. Calvin and Teres are ready to make their way into town, but everyone else seems content on waiting out the night and moving in the morning while fresh. That being said, Calvin and Teres gear up and make their way off of the cozy Sailboat they’ve called home for the past two and a half months.

Given Jason’s just finished his own sailing shift, he too is a bit tired and sore from the duties, decides to stay aboard the ship, While Rufus wishes the duo leaving good luck, and he too heads down to sleep, somehow ending up cuddled next to Jessie, who may or may not be squeezing him like a stuffed animal.

Jason looks to talk with Jessie or Vlad and finds them both sound asleep, so it’s certainly a question for a different day, Igor on the other hand is sitting at the table, playing Solitaire with worn deck of cards.
Jason wrote:"Well, Igor. Port Moresby appears to be a large city. Are you leaving us here? "
Igor looks up from his cards, a smoldering cigarette stuck to his lower lip. ”I think it best if I leave in the daytime, no point in trying to do anything so late at night. But speaking of which, I have money to give you.” Igor says pullin a small pouch from his pocket. The Partial Cyborg hands it to Jason, who feels it’s weight. (10,000 credits in gold nuggets)

Rory decides to look over her spells, but just like Jason, she had just finished a shift sailing and is more than a little tired, given the group isn’t using Sustain Spells anymore. She does manage to get a bit of work done before she dozes off. Jason finds a comfortable spot, smokes a stogie and eventually dozes off as well.

Calvin and Teres make their way off of the docks, in the dark it all looks slimy and dilapidated, the harsh neon lights of the open business beyond reflecting in stagnant pools of liquid one hopes is water. The duo sees several nightclubs, bars, and gambling dens open. These are intermingled with food stalls and late night food joints. The streets a not crowded, but there is definitely foot traffic. A variety of ethnicities and languages being spoken. The only real problem Calvin and Teres have is the fact that neither of them can read any of the signs, or at least not all of them. Calvin catches a couple with Chinese script. But eventually the duo does guess out a Motel, given the sign shows a bed. (50 credits/person per night) A quick conversation with the clerk gets the pricing, and the general rules of the pod hotel. Each room is a little bigger than a bathroom stall with a sleeping mat, and a few basic amenities, though the bathroom is communal.

The next morning dawns, and the various members of the Templar awaken. Vlad cooks a simple porridge for breakfast, while everyone works out the kinks of sleep from their bodies. Igor with his bag over his shoulder waves. ”Thanks for the ride Friends. I will make my leave. Good luck on your travels.” Igor says before disembarking from the ship.
Jason wrote:"Would you both come up with lists of items that we would need for the boat? Food, rope, what have you? Plan on 6 weeks. I'd like to have the boat reprovisioned right away, in case we need to leave quickly. Once you have those list, would either of you like to go into town or want any personal items? You two have been vital to our survival, so if there is anything you want or need, let me know."
Jessie shrugs noncommittally, but Vlad speaks up. ”Food, that’s about it.” Vlad says. ”The ship isn’t in need of anything in particular, so no list from me.” Jessie says, spooning porridge into her face.

Off the ship Calvin and Teres awaken, and find the area not nearly as lively, but a different breed of person now wanders the area, versus the drunks they saw before.

What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: P.P.E.: 6/6, H.P.: 49/49, S.D.C.: 52/52;
Armor: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.), Conditions:

Rufus: H.P.: 47/47, S.D.C.: 55/55, P.P.E.: 303/303
Armor: Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 60/60, N-F20A Medium Force Field 75/75

Rory: H.P.: 47/47, S.D.C.: 25/25, P.P.E.: 165/165
Armor: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.

Teres Barton: H.P.: 27/27, S.D.C.: 33/33, I.S.P.: 95/95
Armor: Branaghan Overcoat Destroyed, Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.

Calvin Wallace: M.D.C. 225/225, I.S.P.: 57/57, P.P.E.: 145/145
Armor: NG-A8 Scout Armor 50/50 M.D.C. AOI 40/40

Toshiko: P.P.E.: 13, H.P.: 26/26 Head only, S.D.C.: 42/42 Head only, M.D.C.: 180/180
Armor: T-A14 Infantry "Trooper" Body Armor 95/95

Jessie the Valkyrie: M.D.C.: 111/111, I.S.P.: 85/85, P.P.E.: 124/124.
Armor: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58%: [37] = 37
JIC: 1d100: [77] = 77 | 1d20: [8] = 8

Present Conditions:
(Tongues 14 minutes and 30 seconds left)
Consumer wrote: Calvin and Teres make their way off of the docks, in the dark it all looks slimy and dilapidated, the harsh neon lights of the open business beyond reflecting in stagnant pools of liquid one hopes is water. The duo sees several nightclubs, bars, and gambling dens open. These are intermingled with food stalls and late night food joints. The streets a not crowded, but there is definitely foot traffic. A variety of ethnicities and languages being spoken. The only real problem Calvin and Teres have is the fact that neither of them can read any of the signs, or at least not all of them. Calvin catches a couple with Chinese script. But eventually the duo does guess out a Motel, given the sign shows a bed. (50 credits/person per night) A quick conversation with the clerk gets the pricing, and the general rules of the pod hotel. Each room is a little bigger than a bathroom stall with a sleeping mat, and a few basic amenities, though the bathroom is communal.
Vibrant cityscape... Even in the middle of the night, people are mingling, eating, partying and earning. I do miss cities. I could only imagine what Manhattan must've been like, all those buildings in ruins use to be magnificent monuments to progress and productivity...

Observing his surroundings, he understands his teammates' collective reticence in departing in the middle of the night. "Yeah, we really don't know which way is up here. Getting lost would be really dumb. But I haven't so much as had 5 square feet to myself in the last few months. Even if I blow 50 creds for a room with a cot, it'd be worth it. It's nice to get away... Starring at this is a lot more interesting than staring at the dark ocean 8 hours a day."

Thanking the clerk for the helpful information, Calvin does a quick survey of the room:

No rat droppings, it's relatively clean. It's around food stalls that will probably be open in the morning. I can finally have some privacy!

He approaches the clerk again and drops off the 50 creds (-50 creds). Bidding Teres good night, he heads back to his room post-haste. Locking his room behind him and keeping his pack mostly together, he strips down to a tshirt and underthings. He takes out some of his clothes in his backpack and flattens the bundle to use as a make shift pillow. Just before tucking in, he radios back to the ship, telling whoever is paying attention where he and Teres are staying at. (Radio Basic: 1d100 < 68%: [17] = 17 ) Dreaming of more innocent times, with possibly more attractive company, he says a short prayer to his father, telling him all his well, and then quickly drifts off to sleep.

(... GM's desired fast forward ...)

Calvin slept well for the first few hours. For the last few months, during this time of night, he'd be wide awake. However, the cot supplied far more padding that his camping roll ever did on the boat. There is no gentle rocking of the boat, no sunlight creeping around the shutters, no odor from his boat mates whom, away from civil society, have become increasingly unkempt.

I never felt like I would miss waking up to the smell of bleach.

He remained relaxed on the floor, nodding in and out of sleep for a few hours at the time.

The sun rises. Getting up slowly, Calvin gets into a horse stance and starts doing his early morning routine of chi gung and stretches. Then he looks around the room, making sure nothing is missing. Arching his head, he muses to himself how he misses four walls and a high ceiling. He packs up his stuff and heads to the lobby of the motel. Then he buzzes Teres and the boat. (Radio Basic: 1d100 < 68%: [51] = 51 )

"Morning ladys and gents. I'm gonna chill in the lobby and wait for Teres. Then we're heading back to the boat."

Waiting patiently for Teres, he picks up a notebook and starts making an inventory of restaurants he's seen from last night.

Places to see, places to taste baby!
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [13] = 13 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [10] = 10 | 1d100: [4] = 4

Food stalls here. That means likely rodents and such. she thinks, looking. I need a city map that would help and perhaps a tour guide. she wonders while observing the stalls as they pass them. The tongue's spell is not working on all of the signs. They must be magical or not languages of a proper sort. It was something to check later. She was just happy to have some space to move about.

The cityscape was a much better place than the ocean. It did have some life, but she did not sense life yet. better to not do so until daylight. there were some things she did not want to meet yet. Most urban animals were displaced or ferals. Aside from looking for armorers and black-market dealers, a place to stay was key. Once morning arrives she can look for a map or city guide.

[quote/Calvin]Waiting patiently for Teres, he picks up a notebook and starts making an inventory of restaurants he's seen from last night.

Places to see, places to taste baby![/quote]

"I was not trying to be rude with that quiet routine last night. I was enjoying the open space is all. Living on that boat is like being in a coffin." she says taking a seat. her mood seemed better, but Teres still had a sense of not fully fitting in the urban environment.

"Once we regroup we should find a map of this city and what factions are in town. It would be best to avoid causing trouble by asking about our quarry and how they feel about magic and Psionics. They may or may not like that sort of thing here. Also, find a place where mercs and such hang out. I also need an armorer. I Should buy a backup suit and one suitable for diving, just in case." pulling out her Dry write pad and pen and writing down anything she saw of interest last night, "Where those stalls were might be a good spot to look around."
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [71*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 / 1d100: [78] = 78

- P.P.E.: 313/313 (assuming 8 hours of sleep at 7 PPE recovered per hour)
- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

Rufus slowly wakes up to the sensation of being squeezed. Not "about to be lunch for a giant boa constrictor" kind of squeezed, but the "someone wanted to curl up with a fuzzy pillow" kind of squeezed. And it's not an unpleasant kind of squeezed. A few inquisitive sniffs, with confirmation coming when he opens his eyes and sees Jessie's arms around him. Funny, I don't remember lying down next to her... but it _was_ dark... He lays there for a few more moments, enjoying the feeling and silently thanking that it's her instead of Jason or Calvin. Yeah, that might make for some awkward conversations later... he chuckles to himself. Eventually though, he realizes it's time to get up.

"Alright, Cap'n ma'am, the sun's up over the yardarm and we've got a city to explore..." he says as he gently pats Jessie's arms and moves them out of the way so he can stand up. "And probably a couple Templar to rescue, if they haven't managed to stay out of trouble." He stretches as he thinks to himself, I forget, is today my turn in the shower? Oh wait -- doesn't matter... A quick incantation is muttered, and a wave of cleansing arcane energy washes over him, leaving him looking (and feeling) like he just took the best shower in his life.

As the air below deck gets heavy with Vlad's breakfast efforts -- much to the delight of Rufus' heightened sense of smell -- the kankoran notices Igor hoisting his bag on his shoulder.
Consumer wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:54 pm”Thanks for the ride Friends. I will make my leave. Good luck on your travels.” Igor says before disembarking from the ship.
Rufus returns the wave. "Good luck getting home, friend -- and if you should find yourself in MercTown someday, look us up!" Provided we're actually there, he adds to himself. Between Denver, the Dino Swamp, Lone Star, and now out here among all these islands, feels like we've spent very little time at home. But almost as soon as his mind 'speaks' the words, he hears his uncle in his head:
Uncle Cato wrote:"Until you step into the unknown, Rufus, you don’t know what you’re made of."
He ponders what Cato and Septimus might be doing (along with his family and everyone else in Houndstooth) when Jason's question to Vlad and Jessie brings him back to the here and now.
Consumer wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:54 pm
Jason wrote:"Would you both come up with lists of items that we would need for the boat? Food, rope, what have you? Plan on 6 weeks. I'd like to have the boat reprovisioned right away, in case we need to leave quickly. Once you have those list, would either of you like to go into town or want any personal items? You two have been vital to our survival, so if there is anything you want or need, let me know."
Jessie shrugs noncommittally, but Vlad speaks up. ”Food, that’s about it.” Vlad says. ”The ship isn’t in need of anything in particular, so no list from me.” Jessie says, spooning porridge into her face.
Rufus nods. "So if there isn't anything we particularly need, are there any items you'd particularly _like_ to have that we can keep an eye out for in case they have it?" He glances from one to another in turn. "And have we heard back from our 'advance scouting party' yet?"
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [1] = 1 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [5] = 5 | 1d100: 1d100: [32] = 32

Rory awakes with a start.

Ai ai ai. So much for focusing on the new spells. Still, that feeling last night, it was almost like a link to the High Lords.

She sits up and looks around the cabin.

"Ah, I guess I was meditating all night. How loud was I?" she asks, with a grin on her face.

Regardless of the reply, she rises and quickly gets dressed, before casting the Cleanse spell on herself and what she's wearing. Now refreshed, and both looking and smelling clean once more, she heads to the galley, attracted by the smell of food. Rufus, she sees, has preceded her.

"Greetings, Rufus. Let me guess - ye smelled the food and decided ta mosey over, yes?"

She smiled to take any sting out of the words.

"I'm thinking of taking a walk into town later one. Would ye be interested in travelling with me? Of course, if ye feel ye need another as well, just fer safety, we could add some. I mean, it's not like I'm a stranger ta trouble."

Her smile widens as she says this.

"But seriously, I figure we have some things in common - such as spellcasting, not ta mention a certain lack of height?"

Her grin turns into a chuckle.

"Jason was wondering what we would need fer the boat. Meself, I don't have a lot of ideas fer the boat, but I do have a few ideas fer meself. A decent set of woodworking tools, fer one. On a more magical note, it'd be nice ta see if anyone has some ideas of where ta find ley lines in the area. Figured that ye might have a similar itch ta scratch. Fer meself, there's a few things I could create that might make life a bit easier fer people, but they all seem ta need a lot more oomph than I have ta spare."

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike
Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [94] = 94 %
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 / 1d100: [21] = 21

((Cook--87% / 1d100: [80] = 80 % )) trying to determine how much of what to buy for the food supplies
((Radio: Basic--112% / 1d100: [58] = 58 % )) calling all Templar
Consumer wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:54 pm ”I think it best if I leave in the daytime, no point in trying to do anything so late at night. But speaking of which, I have money to give you.” Igor says pullin a small pouch from his pocket. The Partial Cyborg hands it to Jason, who feels it’s weight.
"Thank you Igor. I hope you will at least have breakfast before you leave in the morning." Jason stores the pouch with his gear and wishes everyone a good night. Jason spends a restful night on the boat. Waking early next morning, he stretches and considers the Templar's next moves. Resupply should be quick and easy. Then we need to get the lay of the land. Hopefully this town is big enough that someone has a map of where at least the general districts are, if not details.
Consumer wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:54 pm Vlad cooks a simple porridge for breakfast, while everyone works out the kinks of sleep from their bodies. Igor with his bag over his shoulder waves. ”Thanks for the ride Friends. I will make my leave. Good luck on your travels.” Igor says before disembarking from the ship.
Jason wishes Igor luck as Igor leaves the boat.

When Vlad reports that they only need food to continue their trip. Jason asks for suggestions as to amounts and types for Vlad's cooking.

After breakfast, Jason keys up the Templar's frequency, so those off the boat can be included. "Good morning Templar. Thank you for the hard work you've put in getting us here. Since this is our first day back in civilization in so long, I'll take care of re-provisioning the boat. The rest of you should take the day to relax, sightseeing and getting the lay of the land. If anyone finds a map of the city with where key areas are, let the rest know. I won't force anyone to spend the night on the boat, but while we are here, I want us to meet up after lunch each day to share information. So, keep an eye out for a good restaurant!"
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 12:01 am "Morning ladys and gents. I'm gonna chill in the lobby and wait for Teres. Then we're heading back to the boat."
ok, that answers how they are doing. might as well wait for them before heading out myself

While Jason waits for Calvin and Teres to return, he tracks down a dock worker to arrange to refuel the boat.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 10:10 AM (10 minutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)
Calvin and Teres have a night’s sleep, the conditions are almost identical to the boat in most ways. The padding is uncomfortable, and the local nightlife is noisy, but it is a small area without anyone else, so there is that. Calvin radios the boat, but no one replies to his message, either there is a problem or no one was near the radio at the time. In either case the duo write some notes in their personal notebooks about things they may have found interesting from their view last night, before heading back to the boat.

Meanwhile on the boat, the crew as a whole roughly wakes at the same time, except Vlad who is already making food. The crew eats food as Igor leaves. This leaves the crew with not much else going on. Jason offers to go and do all the resupply shopping, laying a plan down for allowing the Templar to vanish off into the four winds. About this time Teres and Calvin return to the boat, looking no worse for wear.

What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: P.P.E.: 6/6, H.P.: 49/49, S.D.C.: 52/52;
Armor: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.), Conditions:

Rufus: H.P.: 47/47, S.D.C.: 55/55, P.P.E.: 254/303
Armor: Medium Concealed Ley Line Walker Armor 60/60, N-F20A Medium Force Field 75/75

Rory: H.P.: 47/47, S.D.C.: 25/25, P.P.E.: 150/165
Armor: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.

Teres Barton: H.P.: 27/27, S.D.C.: 33/33, I.S.P.: 95/95
Armor: Branaghan Overcoat Destroyed, Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.

Calvin Wallace: M.D.C. 225/225, I.S.P.: 38/57, P.P.E.: 133/145
Armor: NG-A8 Scout Armor 50/50 M.D.C. AOI 40/40

Toshiko: P.P.E.: 13, H.P.: 26/26 Head only, S.D.C.: 42/42 Head only, M.D.C.: 180/180
Armor: T-A14 Infantry "Trooper" Body Armor 95/95

Jessie the Valkyrie: M.D.C.: 111/111, I.S.P.: 85/85, P.P.E.: 124/124.
Armor: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [21] = 21 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [20] = 20 | 1d100: [15] = 15

" morning, sleeping on a non-rocking surface was nice. you never realize how much you miss it until you don't sleep on one. Now if this were not a crowded city it might have been nicer. I hope you all slept well." she says climbing on board if anyone is on deck. As soon as she spots one of the others going ashore she speaks to them.

"Calvin and I did take a brief look about. I have a few ideas that we should do unless someone comes up with a better idea. There was an area with stalls last night that may be of interest if they have stalls during the day. The local inn/hotel is a bit rough-looking, but I woke up with both kidneys so it gets 3 stars. The dock area will likely have our black market and free market sales With a place like this city like this we should buy a trapper or miners map of the area around, and a road map if we leave town. A local guide would help to explain the factions and local laws regarding magic, Psionics, and such. I don't anticipate any serious issues we can't deal with, it is best to ask just in case. Aside from that it seems like every rat and stray-infested urban setting I have visited" she says pausing to check her minimal notes and going below deck to grab something to eat briefly returning then finds a spot to sit and settles in.

"The food was not terrible. it was not healthy enough or not my preferred diet. Some looked to be good traveling food though. We also might want to grab some spices and seeds while here. we can ask for the particulars of how to grow them from a local or buy a guide on how to grow them." The Psi-druid speak with some curiosity.

"Also, I need an armorer and would like to see if any local druids or psi-druids (or what passes for them) are willing to help. Mages or mercenaries might also be willing to assist their traveling 'kindred'. As for food, I believe Calvin was checking that. The psi druid adds.

I wonder if they have a good archery shop willing to sell to 'outsiders''? it seems odd a business is not out to make money. Well, every place has a black market of some type. especially ports like this. Teres thinks looking over what food she found.

Who wants to see how many rats I can find in the city?” she asks sitting up after she eats some of the food. Unless someone comes up with a better idea she commences with her plan to find an armor, Archery, or weapons shop, and get local maps and guides for info. Many cities have tourist info and Teres was hoping this place did too.
Last edited by Teres Barton on Wed Apr 10, 2024 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d100 < 58: [21] = 21
JIC: 1d100: [43] = 43 | 1d20: [11] = 11

Present Conditions:
No spells cast, fully rested, not yet had breakfast.
Teres wrote: "Morning, sleeping on a non-rocking surface was nice. you never realize how much you miss it until you don't sleep on it sleep on it again. Now if we're not a crowded city. I hope you all slept well." she says climbing on board if anyone is on deck. As soon as she spots one of the others going ashore she speaks to them.

"Calvin and I did take a brief look about. I have a few ideas that we should do unless someone comes up with a better idea. There was an area with stalls last night that may be of interest if they have stalls during the day. The local inn/hotel is a bit rough-looking, but I woke up with both kidneys so it gets 3 stars. The dock area will likely have our black market and free market sales With a place like this city like this we should buy a trapper or miners map of the area around, and a road map if we leave town. A local guide would help to explain the factions and local laws regarding magic, Psionics, and such. I don't anticipate any serious issues we can't deal with, it is best to ask just in case. Aside from that it seems like every rat and stray-infested urban setting I have visited" she says pausing to check her minimal notes and going below deck to grab something to eat briefly returning then finds a spot to sit and settles in.
I didn't recall seeing anything open per black market things at the docks. All of that stuff was closed. Maps are a good idea though. I was so excited last night that I didn't even pay attention to my magical senses on route to the hotel. I'm glad nothing sprung on us, but with a duo whom are both skilled in psionics and magic is going to drag the wrong kind of attention. Darn, why didn't I think of that.
Teres wrote:"The food was not terrible. it was not healthy enough or not my preferred diet. Some looked to be good traveling food though. We also might want to grab some spices and seeds while here. we can ask for the particulars of how to grow them from a local or buy a guide on how to grow them." The Psi-druid speak with some curiosity.

"Also, I need an armorer and would like to see if any local druids or psi-druids (or what passes for them) are willing to help. Mages or mercenaries might also be willing to assist their traveling 'kindred'. As for food, I believe Calvin was checking that. The psi druid adds.
Calvin takes his notebook out of his backpack, flips to the page on the notes he made and hands it to Rufus and Jason to puruse:

"Most of the places we walked around were closed, and the signage is all in a different language than what I could read. I made a note of places that served food and maybe a few spots where we could pick up supplies."

If I want to become a better scout, I should learn how to draw maps. That could prove useful down the road.
Teres wrote: I wonder if they have a good archery shop willing to sell to 'outsiders''? it seems odd a business is not out to make money. Well, every place has a black market of some type. especially ports like this. Teres thinks looking over what food she found.

“Who wants to see how many rats I can find in the city?” she asks sitting up after she eats some of the food. Unless someone comes up with a better idea she commences with her plan to find an armor, Archery, or weapons shop, and get local maps and guides for info. Many cities have tourist info and Teres was hoping this place did too.
"Teres is right. We should get a lay of the land, as well as garner what are the rules and custom of the land. I'm not too concerned with shopping per se, but a reliable place for repairs would be a good idea, just in case."

Calvin waits for a response from the rest of the group.
Last edited by Calvin_Wallace on Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:19 am, edited 4 times in total.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [33] = 33 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [5] = 5 | 1d100: 1d100: [1] = 1

Rory nods as Teres speaks, and watches and listens to the byplay between her and Calvin.

"So you're saying we need ta find ourselves a guide who can show us where we want ta go, at the same time as telling us all about the customs of the place?" she asks.

She looks quizzically at the two of them, then nods her head.

"Aye, good plan. I was talkin' ta Rufus about needing to find some information here, and maps. Information about our eventual goal, finding that particular place; maps might give us some aid in that. Maps might also gives us some idea of where ley lines are in relation ta this place, and perhaps in relation ta the goal. It sure would be nice ta have access to all the energy I can handle, and if that happens ta be on our way, then that'd be all good. I would be a lot less interested in the ley lines if they were in the opposite direction. We've got a job ta do, and it'd be nice ta get it done. Make sense?"

She smiles.

"Question is whether it'd be better fer us ta split up and do this in teams, or go in a single group. Less likely ta be ambushed as a group, but it'd make it slower - unless the guide plus some transportation make up fer it."

She shrugs as she looks at everyone on deck.

"Splitting up would be faster, but riskier."

She smiles ruefully.

"As Teres and I found out the hard way when we had a look at that derelict."

And I am *never* going to do that again. Until I forget the lesson and have to be taught it all over again.

"Me, I think going as a group is safer, and we can learn all at the same time, instead of each having ta figure out the same lessons individually. Still, I ain't the boss. Jason is. So, boss, whaddaya say?"

She looks to Jason.

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike
Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

(Rolls held over)
Rory wrote: "Me, I think going as a group is safer, and we can learn all at the same time, instead of each having ta figure out the same lessons individually. Still, I ain't the boss. Jason is. So, boss, whaddaya say?"
"Yeah, I agree. While sleeping on solid ground was really satisfying, on further thought, I think we dodged a possible risky scenario there going into town at night. It is broad daylight and nothing garners knowledge better than experience though. Perhaps the three of us can go, and we would just be a bit more careful this time and not get in risky situations?"
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Maintain rolls:
"Considering the nature of a busy port we don't all need to leave the boat. 2 or three of us can get the scouting done." she checked gear and took a step off the boat, "Scouts with me, the Boat lounging team can make sure no one sails off with our boat. Now where to go first? That area with stalls seems a good start? " she starts toward that area.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Docks District; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 10:30 AM (20 minutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)
Dock District: Here the bulk of the trade is done for Port Moresby. The docks are crowded and a bit squalid, but sturdy. Here one can find most every normal service with an emphasis on catering to sailors on leave. Very Regular Patrols of local Law Enforcement.
Industrial District: Nothing is known about this area at the moment.
Residential District: Nothing is known about this area at the moment.
The Fringe: Nothing is known about this area at the moment.

Local Law Enforcement/Militia appears decently equipped and alert.

After a brief breakfast stop, Calvin, Teres, and Rory decide to make their way back into Port Moresby, to theoretically get a lay of the land while finding some amenities. In the light the docks show their age, likely rebuilt from pre-cataclysm ruins, the piers are a combination of megacrete, metal, and thick timbers. All of it is covered with a layer of general filth accumulated from the local traffic and the sea. A dozen or more large ships are currently docked, loading and unloading cargo from parts unknown. Scattered along smaller piers, like the one the Sea Templar is docked at, are dozens of smaller ships, though most are bigger than the sailboat the Templar have called home for the past few months, they are far smaller than the ocean going behemoths at the main piers. The Dock area is busy, hundreds of folks moving about doing a variety of jobs, Some easy to identify, others not so much. As for the ethnic mix, the majority is human, but the trio does see representation of other D-bee races mixed in. If there is some manner of prejudice, they don’t observe it in the open. As the scouts move past the first few blocks of warehouses and cargo yards, they move into what one can only say is transient entertainment. Brothels, Nightclubs, Bars, and eateries are scattered around. On top of this are dozens of open air stalls selling street food and hawking junk to the passersby. A few streets further in, the group finds motels and a smattering of stores, this seems to open into a band of stores selling a wide assortment of goods and services.

Beyond that the group sees a wall, with a gate house blocking off travel further into the city, Armed and armored guards man stations at the three gates along the wall, checking pedestrians and vehicle traffic alike. Luckily for the trio, their initial task seems to be easily dealt with in the Docks District. A few shops seem to cater to the more mercenary folk, selling weapons and armor. The names of the stores are lost to the trio, but the view through the thick armor glass windows shows the product on display. Nearby the group also finds a convenience store that may sell a map, if they’re lucky.

Meanwhile on the Sea Templar, Jessie sits on one of the rails edging the boat. ”I don’t think we particularly need a guard for the boat.” Jessie says gesturing to a wandering patrol of what appears to be law enforcement of some type. ”Though to be fair I really don’t have any needs on shore, so I can just as easily stay on board while you guys make your way to do what you need to do.” Jessie says. Vlad pops up from below deck. ”Mr. Long, when you go for the food supplies, I’ll go and help pick out what would be useful.” Vlad says grabbing the remaining dishes to clean.

What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace:
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [25*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [63] = 63

- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

Consumer wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:49 pmMeanwhile on the Sea Templar, Jessie sits on one of the rails edging the boat. ”I don’t think we particularly need a guard for the boat.” Jessie says gesturing to a wandering patrol of what appears to be law enforcement of some type. ”Though to be fair I really don’t have any needs on shore, so I can just as easily stay on board while you guys make your way to do what you need to do.” Jessie says.
Rufus shrugs at Jessie's comments. "Your choice, of course, but you haven't so much as taken a single step off the boat in how long? Nobody'd blame you if you wanted to take a stroll on solid ground for a change..."
Consumer wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:49 pmVlad pops up from below deck. ”Mr. Long, when you go for the food supplies, I’ll go and help pick out what would be useful.” Vlad says grabbing the remaining dishes to clean.
"Sounds like a plan, friend..." Rufus nods. At least he's got an interest in seeing the sights. "Alright, boss man..." he looks over at Jason. "So what's our plan? We act like responsible adults while the others play tourist?"

Regardless of what Jessie ultimately decides, Rufus will follow along with Jason and Vlad on the provisioning run.
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [73] = 73 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [20] = 20 | 1d100: [79] = 79

A little messy, but that can't be helped. It is a city by the sea.” The Psi-druid shrugs looking over the street. She had to give them credit for putting the ruins to good use. They were in just the right spot to build around.

Certainly busy, should have a lead to find our Lemurians. If this place had room for a bow to be used. All I have is an energy pistol. Not my best weapon but should do. She thinks, turning toward the two Templars with her.

I think we should look at that convenience store for a map and then check the areas with merc services, see what vendors are here and anything that interests you two. Like, say a magic shop, curio shop, or library. If we find any with explorer or fishermen shops we can ask about the local waters for weird or odd spots that might contain Lemurians.” Teres says thinking over the options.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Perception: 1d100 < 58%: [30] = 30
JIC: 1d20: [8] = 8 | 1d100: [59] = 59
Consumer wrote: After a brief breakfast stop, Calvin, Teres, and Rory decide to make their way back into Port Moresby, to theoretically get a lay of the land while finding some amenities. In the light the docks show their age, likely rebuilt from pre-cataclysm ruins, the piers are a combination of megacrete, metal, and thick timbers. All of it is covered with a layer of general filth accumulated from the local traffic and the sea.
It had been a fair few months since Calvin stepped foot in a proper city. He takes the environment in, gazing upon the surroundings in wonder.
1d100 < 53%: [1] = 1 Sense Leyline (40 mile range)
1d100 < 63%: [1] = 1 Sense Nexus

As the trio disembarks, Calvin stays on alert for magic and use of magical forces
(Sense magic in use: 500ft)
(Sense magic energy: 1000ft)
( 1d100 < 63%: [68] = 68 Lore: Magic.)

I spent many days travelling through the ruins of Jersey. This place was also wondrously wrought. Its once fair walls of stone and steel... shattered by fate. Lands rend asunder by disasters, natural, and otherwise. And yet, the people here refuse to let previous works wilt away. That's admirable. Manhattan itself have a similar comportment of intelligent beings, but yet there it remains in ruin and thoroughly inhospitable. There is much to learn about here.
Consumer wrote: A dozen or more large ships are currently docked, loading and unloading cargo from parts unknown. Scattered along smaller piers, like the one the Sea Templar is docked at, are dozens of smaller ships, though most are bigger than the sailboat the Templar have called home for the past few months, they are far smaller than the ocean going behemoths at the main piers.
Gazing upon the Templar against the back drop, Calvin couldn't help but think:
Like a small pony that wandered into a herd of mastodons, large and small. The meekest of the lot. Yet here we are, part way across an ocean.
Consumer wrote: The Dock area is busy, hundreds of folks moving about doing a variety of jobs, Some easy to identify, others not so much. As for the ethnic mix, the majority is human, but the trio does see representation of other D-bee races mixed in. If there is some manner of prejudice, they don’t observe it in the open. As the scouts move past the first few blocks of warehouses and cargo yards, they move into what one can only say is transient entertainment. Brothels, Nightclubs, Bars, and eateries are scattered around. On top of this are dozens of open air stalls selling street food and hawking junk to the passersby. A few streets further in, the group finds motels and a smattering of stores, this seems to open into a band of stores selling a wide assortment of goods and services.
I see non humans mixing relatively easily with the rest of the populace. Maybe they make an exception at the docks because it's good for business. Still, if I can identify within the security ranks dimensional beings as well, especially magical ones, then I feel all the better.

There seems to be a lot of business catering specifically to sailors. Places to eat, places to blow off steam, places to get a trim, places to get some trim... I think we should explore the junk stuff and some of the stalls eventually. But first, we need a lay of the land.
Consumer wrote: Beyond that the group sees a wall, with a gate house blocking off travel further into the city, Armed and armored guards man stations at the three gates along the wall, checking pedestrians and vehicle traffic alike. Luckily for the trio, their initial task seems to be easily dealt with in the Docks District. A few shops seem to cater to the more mercenary folk, selling weapons and armor. The names of the stores are lost to the trio, but the view through the thick armor glass windows shows the product on display. Nearby, the group also finds a convenience store that may sell a map, if they’re lucky.

Dock District: Here the bulk of the trade is done for Port Moresby. The docks are crowded and a bit squalid, but sturdy. Here one can find almost every normal service with an emphasis on catering to sailors on leave. Very Regular Patrols of local Law Enforcement.
Local Law Enforcement/Militia appears decently equipped and alert.
There are abundant security forces in the area. There seems to be some caginess towards outsiders in general. Checkpoints strategically placed to cordon off the docks from the rest of the city. So in order to explore the rest of the town and avoid this tourist trap, we will have to try something else... Might as well ask around gingerly and go from there.
Teres wrote: “I think we should look at that convenience store for a map and then check the areas with merc services, see what vendors are here and anything that interests you two. Like, say a magic shop, curio shop, or library. If we find any with explorer or fishermen shops we can ask about the local waters for weird or odd spots that might contain Lemurians.” Teres says thinking over the options.
Calvin replies:
"Yeah, let's do the maps first. I'm also interested in getting past the check point in case we should have business there. The docks are wide open with no cover. If the they were to visit for whatever reason, I think they would find a more discreet place to disembark."

"Remember in the oil rig a few months back, where they were vendors that sold plant staff to the Sunnoco Village? I have a feeling this place is big enough for them to do their business elsewhere. Best we broach the topic carefully with the locals, their allies probably want to honor their friends' preference for discretion."

"I don't have that much money. What I do think is necessary is to find a place that can repair armor, or at least find supplies to do so properly. I can do some of the mending on the cheap if I have a proper blow torch and the right tools to patch minor holes. Beyond that, all I want is grenades."

"Rory, what about you? Do you want us to keep an eye out for anything?"

Calvin walks along the pier with his cohorts. He keeps an eye out for mischief and chicanery ( 1d100 < 63%: [73] = 73 Detect Ambush) while keeping track of where he has been ( 1d100 < 64%: [4] = 4 Land Navigation). All the while, he tries to keep a low profile, so he casts Alter Aura on himself (appear two levels lower, not a magical creature, not capable of psionics, -2 ISP, 5 hour duration). As he keeps moving, he tries to notice the different kinds of people (and beings) working the docks, keeping an eye out for intelligent creatures native to North America, especially to places where he has some experience travelling in. (e.g. Kentucky, Ohio, New York and New Jersey)
( 1d100 < 33: [74] = 74 Lore: D-Bees)
( 1d100 < 63: [4] = 4 Lore: Demon/Monster)
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [30] = 30
JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [5] = 5

After breakfast, Jason listens to the other Templar's plans. "Sounds good. Stay in contact though. " Mentally, he debates asking for hourly check-ins and decides that it would not be a good idea, since he gave everyone essentially the day off

"Although you have the 'day off', remember to keep the rest of us in the loop if you find something important" He wishes them luck as they head off.
Vlad wrote:Vlad pops up from below deck. ”Mr. Long, when you go for the food supplies, I’ll go and help pick out what would be useful.”
Rufus wrote:"Sounds like a plan, friend..." Rufus nods. At least he's got an interest in seeing the sights. "Alright, boss man..." he looks over at Jason. "So what's our plan? We act like responsible adults while the others play tourist?"
OOC: screwed up the quotes Fixed by Consumer.

"I think that's a good idea. We take care of the boat first, then sight see." Jason partners with Vlad and Rufus, then heads off the boat. He first asks any dock workers how to arrange for a refuel and where the best provision shops are. He also asks them if any New Navy ships are in port. He makes note of any information that they provide, then thanks them for their time. After that, he heads into town to see what there is. Jason keeps an eye out for anything resembling shrines, temples, or signs for them.
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Docks District; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 10:40 AM (10 minutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)
Calvin: Sense Leyline (40 mile range) Yes, one is a few miles north of Port Moresby.
Sense Nexus None nearby.
Sense magic in use: 500ft None noticed.
Sense magic energy: 1000ft None Noticed.
Lore: Magic. Not sure what this skill check was for, nothing noted in its need to be rolled.
Detect Ambush Nothing noticed.
Land Navigation Calvin knows where he’s been and how to get back to the boat.
Lore: D-Bees Doesn’t recognize anything.
Lore: Demon/Monster Strong lack of anything that falls under this category.

In town
Calvin, Rory, Teres
Teres wrote:A little messy, but that can't be helped. It is a city by the sea... I think we should look at that convenience store for a map and then check the areas with merc services, see what vendors are here and anything that interests you two. Like, say a magic shop, curio shop, or library. If we find any with explorer or fishermen shops we can ask about the local waters for weird or odd spots that might contain Lemurians.
Calvin wrote:"Yeah, let's do the maps first. I'm also interested in getting past the check point in case we should have business there. The docks are wide open with no cover. If the they were to visit for whatever reason, I think they would find a more discreet place to disembark... Remember in the oil rig a few months back, where they were vendors that sold plant staff to the Sunnoco Village? I have a feeling this place is big enough for them to do their business elsewhere. Best we broach the topic carefully with the locals, their allies probably want to honor their friends' preference for discretion... I don't have that much money. What I do think is necessary is to find a place that can repair armor, or at least find supplies to do so properly. I can do some of the mending on the cheap if I have a proper blow torch and the right tools to patch minor holes. Beyond that, all I want is grenades... Rory, what about you? Do you want us to keep an eye out for anything?"
The trio of Templar talk on the side of the road as small groups of people move about. A few motorcycles, hovercycles, and motorized rickshaws work their way through the foot traffic. Calvin tries to look for things familiar to him, and doesn’t see much he recognizes. Teres and Calvin make a decision and make their way into the convenience store in search of a map. The store is cluttered with shelves of packaged goods, foods drinks, and other sundries. A few folk are looking around the aisles when the trio of Templar walk in. The clerk, an older woman, sits on a stool behind a counter, a small palm frond fan in her hand. Whether she has an opinion of the three adventurers, it doesn’t really show. Calvin’s sharp eyes find a folded paper map in a rack with some magazines and newspapers, What the writing on the map says is beyond him, but he can definitely tell it’s a map. 10 Credits ~Consumer

At the dock
Jason and Rufus
Rufus wrote:"Your choice, of course, but you haven't so much as taken a single step off the boat in how long? Nobody'd blame you if you wanted to take a stroll on solid ground for a change... Sounds like a plan, friend... Alright, boss man... So what's our plan? We act like responsible adults while the others play tourist?"
Jessie smirks at Rufus' comment. Somewhere deep down, Rufus senses he may have said the wrong thing. What effect it will have has yet to be seen.
Jason wrote:"I think that's a good idea. We take care of the boat first, then sight see."
Vlad pops back up from the cabin below, his furry arms still wet from his dishwashing. ”I’m ready whenever.” Vlad says. Jessie heads below for a few moments before reappearing with her satchel. ”Might as well keep you folk company.” Jessie says.

Jason’s quest to find someone to tend to boat related things is a bit of a runaround, but eventually a pair of men are able to talk with him. Given the boat has used little fuel, a refuel is entirely unnecessary, but they are able to point the group towards a bulk provisioner nearby. As for his questions about the New Navy, he doesn’t get much on that. Apparently they don’t come here often, or at least not under official business.

The actual dock area is surprisingly crowded with people and a variety of vehicles and light power armors being used to load and unload supplies and goods from the bulk freighters. There is a general din of noise of machinery and people talking, coupled with the sounds of water lapping against the moored ships and docks. The smells of the sea are mingled with modern smells of machinery, oil, and fuel, and the ever present smell of wet decay that seems to infest seaside areas. If anyone was worried about the group’s presence, they are very good at hiding it. Maybe a spare glance here and there as the Templar pass, but nothing more. Given that a not insignificant portion of the people on the dock are the fish like folk known as Amphibs, it’s not very surprising. All in all the folk around seem to be either sailors or dock hands doing a variety of tasks.

The trip to the bulk provisioner is relatively short, only a few blocks away situated in a warehouse complex. The group finds they carry just about everything one would need for sea travel, at least that which isn’t fuel or parts.

Restocking the pantries with shelf stable food for 6 weeks will cost 12,000 credits. ~Consumer

What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace:
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
PP Ledger
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rory »

Perception: d100: 1d100: [16] = 16 / 21%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: 1d20: [1] = 1 | 1d100: 1d100: [37] = 37
Calvin_Wallace wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:56 am
"Rory, what about you? Do you want us to keep an eye out for anything?"
Rory's head jerks up for a second, then she shakes it slightly.

Man, I've been on autopilot. I can't remember anything, no, wait, we got a map, I remember that. Ah, better say something, and pretend I've been paying attention to the whole time.

"Me main thing was ta start with a map, which we've already got. Other than that, I was thinkin' that maybe it'd be nice ta get an idea of the location of ley lines, an' add them ta the map. If I can get access ta ley lines, I can repair Teres' armor, an' mebbe I can put together a few useful little trifles. Nothing quite as useful as the bags, but there's a few things I can make when I have the energy ta blow on 'em."

She looks pensive, then peers sideways at Teres.

"An' mebbe getting some woodworking equipment. Nothin' too fancy, but it'd be nice ta be able ta finally get some ultratough arrowshafts ta give ta ye, Teres. A drill an' bit, a hand saw, a couple of chisels, a rasp, a half-round file, an' some sandpaper. And a vice ta hold the wood steady while I work it, a square ta make sure of the angles, and a hammer and some nails. I can make a sawhorse easy enough."

She grins at Calvin and Teres.

"Actually, now that I say it, that does seem ta be a few more things than I'd originally envisaged. I started out thinking of doing a bit of whittling, you know, minor stuff. Next thing I knew, I was starting ta think of bigger projects, moving well beyond a bit of whittling and right inta full-on carpentry. Which, ta be fair, I did learn when I were just a bairn, y'know?"

She turns to face Teres.

"And with that, I can seriously get ye some heavy duty arrowshafts. And while I'm at it, I can make a tripod an' pintle mount fer me musket. It's a bit heavy fer me ta aim easily, but if I build a mount fer it, then aiming's a breeze. An' if anyone else needs somethin' made of wood, I can make it."

She moves closer to the two of them and lowers her voice.

"And once I've made it out of wood, I can flash it inta Ironwood, which'll make it tougher'n steel. I've seen an ironwood door stand up ta modern weaponry. Not fer long, mind, but sometimes all ye need is a few extra seconds. Think on it, an' if ye agree, it'd probably be well worth the trip ta get some woodworking gear. I've got the credits, if they'll accept me card."

-Current Hit Points: 47/47
-Current SDC: 25/25
-Current PPE: 159/165

Armor: High Magus armor
Helmet: 45
Arms: 15 each
Legs: 30 each
Main Body: 37/50

In backpack: Nuhr rune musket rifle
Range: 1,600'
Damage: 6D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 50 blasts/50
Weight: 8.5 lbs.
Features: Costs 40 P.P.E. to reload
Modifiers: P.S. <26: -3 to strike
Utility belt: Vibro-axe
Range: Close Combat
Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Payload: 1 E-Clip will last approximately 1 hour
Weight: 4 lbs
OOC Comments
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Teres Barton
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [42] = 42 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [5] = 5 | 1d100: [50] = 50

"Being here with a purpose will help our cause, You need help with the purchases let me know." she agreed, and I could use a proper supply of arrows if they travel a lot. has to be something out there I will need them for anyway.

"Alright, Let's keep the mission in mind. The sooner we get home the better." The psi-druid looks at the place. Reminds me of the PX station at Psi-Batt HQ South of Lonestar. she thinks looking over the various items and picking up any decent cigars.

Map then scout for places to get info and that list of yours Rory. She looks to the map you better be the map we need. Since Calvin spotted it he probably should get it. but it did not matter to her.

If she is purchasing:
Babble fish:
1d100: [82] = 82
Teres puts on that translator she previously bought "I'll have this map and a pack of your best cigars. " she says with a pleasant nod shaking her translator and shrugging indicating the map and cigars making the hopefully universal sign for money holding credits.

I'll pass on the caffeine for now. I have no idea what this place calls drinking water and soda. the Psi-druid thinks.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d20 < 58%: [4] = 4 PASS
JIC: 1d20: [6] = 6 | 1d100: [71] = 71

Sense magic in use: 500ft None noticed.
Sense magic energy: 1000ft None Noticed.
Land Navigation Calvin knows where he’s been and how to get back to the boat.
Rory wrote: "Me main thing was ta start with a map, which we've already got. Other than that, I was thinkin' that maybe it'd be nice ta get an idea of the location of ley lines, an' add them ta the map. If I can get access ta ley lines, I can repair Teres' armor, an' mebbe I can put together a few useful little trifles. Nothing quite as useful as the bags, but there's a few things I can make when I have the energy ta blow on 'em."

Consumer wrote: Calvin: Sense Leyline (40 mile range) Yes, one is a few miles north of Port Moresby.
Sense Nexus None nearby.
Sense magic in use: 500ft None noticed.
Sense magic energy: 1000ft None Noticed.
Lore: Magic. Not sure what this skill check was for, nothing noted in its need to be rolled.
Detect Ambush Nothing noticed.
Land Navigation Calvin knows where he’s been and how to get back to the boat.
Lore: D-Bees Doesn’t recognize anything.
Lore: Demon/Monster Strong lack of anything that falls under this category.

Calvin says to Rory,
"There seems to be a leyline a few miles north of Port Moresby. Maybe if the coast is clear, we can get your the energy your need."
Rory wrote: "Actually, now that I say it, that does seem ta be a few more things than I'd originally envisaged. I started out thinking of doing a bit of whittling, you know, minor stuff. Next thing I knew, I was starting ta think of bigger projects, moving well beyond a bit of whittling and right inta full-on carpentry. Which, ta be fair, I did learn when I were just a bairn, y'know?"
"That sounds awesome. I wouldn't mind a staff that is deceptively tough. I really like the bag you enhanced for me. It makes disembarking so much easier."
Rory wrote: "And once I've made it out of wood, I can flash it inta Ironwood, which'll make it tougher'n steel. I've seen an ironwood door stand up ta modern weaponry. Not fer long, mind, but sometimes all ye need is a few extra seconds. Think on it, an' if ye agree, it'd probably be well worth the trip ta get some woodworking gear. I've got the credits, if they'll accept me card."
"That sounds like a plan. We could use with some smaller portable tools on the boat, especially if they don't take up space. We should be on the lookout for those."
Consumer wrote: The trio of Templar talk on the side of the road as small groups of people move about. A few motorcycles, hovercycles, and motorized rickshaws work their way through the foot traffic. Calvin tries to look for things familiar to him, and doesn’t see much he recognizes. Teres and Calvin make a decision and make their way into the convenience store in search of a map. The store is cluttered with shelves of packaged goods, foods drinks, and other sundries. A few folk are looking around the aisles when the trio of Templar walk in. The clerk, an older woman, sits on a stool behind a counter, a small palm frond fan in her hand. Whether she has an opinion of the three adventurers, it doesn’t really show. Calvin’s sharp eyes find a folded paper map in a rack with some magazines and newspapers, What the writing on the map says is beyond him, but he can definitely tell it’s a map. 10 Credits ~Consumer
Calvin eyes the map. Solid find. Here we go. I doubt I will be able to read it though.

As he wanders through the store, he smiles at the shop keeper. Stepping into an empty aisle discreetly (Prowl 1d100 < 58%: [85] = 85 FAIL), he waits till he is out of sight from others when he quietly casts Tongues on himself (-12 PPE, Duration 15 minutes). Once the spell action has been completed, he approaches the clerk and says:

"I would like to purchase this map please." (-10 Credits). Calvin bids the clerk his thanks.

Once Calvin obtains the map, he will open it up. He will try and discern the kind of language it is written in. If he cannot comprehend the map's language, he will in turn ask the clerk:

"I do beg your pardon, but do you know of a book store or a library where I can obtain a dictionary? I would like to know my way around this settlement a little better and I do appreciate any and all of your help."

(Roll for Trust 1d100 < 55: [29] = 29 PASS)
(Roll for Charm/Impress 1d100 < 60: [78] = 78 FAIL)
Teres wrote: "Being here with a purpose will help our cause, You need help with the purchases let me know." she agreed, and I could use a proper supply of arrows if they travel a lot. has to be something out there I will need them for anyway.

"Alright, Let's keep the mission in mind. The sooner we get home the better." The psi-druid looks at the place. Reminds me of the PX station at Psi-Batt HQ South of Lonestar. she thinks looking over the various items and picking up any decent cigars.
Calvin replies:
"Agreed. I'm looking forward to get back to North America too."

Calvin then stands off to the side and awaits a response from the clerk. He opens his backpack to pull out a pencil. Recognizing the path he took from the docks, he quickly figures out where the location of the current storefront is and marks it with the pencil.
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Jason Long »

Perception: 71% / 1d100: [87] = 87 %
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 / 1d100: [32] = 32

Babelfish: 1d100: [63] = 63 %
Consumer wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:19 am The trip to the bulk provisioner is relatively short, only a few blocks away situated in a warehouse complex. The group finds they carry just about everything one would need for sea travel, at least that which isn’t fuel or parts.
Well, that was easy Jason pays for the supplies then chats with the provisioner. "This is my first time to your city. Could you tell me where the commercial districts are? Are there different ethnic or racial areas, like an Amphib town or Lemurian town? Is there anywhere you would suggest we avoid?" Jason doesn't press for information if the provisioner is too busy or just doesn't want to talk. Although, if he does provide information, Jason listens attentively and asks a few more questions. "Is there a library or academy in town? Are there any shrines or temples in town?" If the provisioner is helpful, Jason will give him an extra 200 credits. "Thank you. I appreciate you giving us so much of your time."

Once they are done with the provisions, Jason leads the group into town. "Alright, that's the boat taken care of. Any suggestions where to next? I gave everyone the day off, so if there is anything you would like to do, speak up. For myself, I'd like to find a thick, rare steak and a cold beer. "
Jason Long
OOC Comments
HP: 49/21
SDC: 52/52
Triarius Heavy Armor
• Helmet: 100
• Main Body: 200
• Arms: 125 each
• Legs: 150 each
• Arm Shield: 300
Modifiers: -15% to physical skills, +1 to strike with ranged weapons
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Rufus »

Perception: 1d100<86: [52*] = 1
JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [99] = 99

- Translator Fish:
"This creature I whipped up in my lab will go in your ear and live there for a while… Estimated lifespan is six months… Once in there it will gently affix itself to your eardrum and collect the sounds coming into your ear, and with sympathetic psionics, it will translate the language into something you understand. On the flipside, it will attempt to translate your speech in your brain to one that it has received, though this is to a limited effect, so keep the speaking simple and you should be okay.”

Consumer wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:19 amJessie smirks at Rufus' comment. Somewhere deep down, Rufus senses he may have said the wrong thing. What effect it will have has yet to be seen.
Rufus can't help but raise an eyebrow. There's a story behind that smirk, and I'm not 100% sure I want to know it... He shakes his head to clear away the mental butterflies of worry as Vlad wraps up in the galley.
Consumer wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:19 amVlad pops back up from the cabin below, his furry arms still wet from his dishwashing. ”I’m ready whenever.” Vlad says. Jessie heads below for a few moments before reappearing with her satchel. ”Might as well keep you folk company.” Jessie says.
"Excellent," Rufus grins. "Glad to have you both. Now let's go see what Port Moresby has to offer."
Consumer wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:19 amThe trip to the bulk provisioner is relatively short, only a few blocks away situated in a warehouse complex. The group finds they carry just about everything one would need for sea travel, at least that which isn’t fuel or parts.
Rufus takes in all the sights and sounds (and smells) of the docks; it's borderline sensory overload but pretty exciting at the same time. I wonder what their experience is with magic users... he muses. I don't remember Liam and Crosses mentioning anything about ley lines being around here... but it wouldn't hurt to feel around for some nearby... or for any obvious spellcasters either, for that matter... he adds as he opens himself up to the magical energies of the area.

It's Just A Fuzzy Sensor Sweep
Track blood scent up to 1,000’/305 m away: 1d100<68: [12*] = 1
Recognize common/known smells: 1d100<79: [63*] = 1
Recognize the scent of others up to 50’/15.2 m away: 1d100<58: [33*] = 1
Sense Ley Line: 90 miles (144.8 km). Can follow the feeling to the location of the ley line. 1d100<77: [19*] = 1
Sense Ley Line Nexus: Can follow ley line to as many nexus points as it may have. 1d100<87: [67*] = 1
Sense a Rift: Anywhere within 130 miles (209.2 km) of him.
Sense Magic in Use: Up to 900’ (274.3 m) away.
See Magic Energy. Range: 1,000' (305 m)
Jason Long wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:58 pmJason pays for the supplies then chats with the provisioner. "This is my first time to your city. Could you tell me where the commercial districts are? Are there different ethnic or racial areas, like an Amphib town or Lemurian town? Is there anywhere you would suggest we avoid?" Jason doesn't press for information if the provisioner is too busy or just doesn't want to talk. Although, if he does provide information, Jason listens attentively and asks a few more questions. "Is there a library or academy in town? Are there any shrines or temples in town?" If the provisioner is helpful, Jason will give him an extra 200 credits. "Thank you. I appreciate you giving us so much of your time."
Rufus stays mostly quiet, preferring to listen to Jason's questions and any answers he gets, though he'll politely respond when spoken to. If any gods are mentioned in response to the question about shrines and temples, he'll try to recognize/remember anything he can about them.

Mythology -- 1d100<72: [65*] = 1
Lore: D-Bee 1d100<82: [32*] = 1
Lore: Demons & Monsters 1d100<92: [40*] = 1
Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic 1d100<82: [17*] = 1

Jason Long wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:58 pmOnce they are done with the provisions, Jason leads the group into town. "Alright, that's the boat taken care of. Any suggestions where to next? I gave everyone the day off, so if there is anything you would like to do, speak up. For myself, I'd like to find a thick, rare steak and a cold beer. "
Rufus shrugs. "You know, that's not the worst idea I've heard lately. I'm game." He glances at Jessie and Vlad. "What about you two? Any 'day off fun things' you'd like to do? Granted, finding the floating city is our top priority... but a little bit of downtime could be helpful."
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Consumer »

Road to Redemption: A play in three parts, Part Three, Act One.
Time and Weather wrote:Location: Docks District; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Date: May 30, 10:40 AM (10 minutes has passed)
Weather: Outside: High 87°, Low 77°; Cloudy (14 mph).
Mission Notes
Jessie, Teres (9 AM to 5 PM)
Jessie, Jason, Rory. (5 PM to 1 AM)
Rufus, Calvin, Toshiko.(1 AM to 9 AM)
Rufus: Track blood Plenty of it in the area, given the thriving fishing industry, it’s not too surprising.
Recognize common/known smells Fish, exhaust, salt, mildew, etc. Nothing too strange for a dock area.
Recognize the scent of others You definitely recognize the group, as you’ve been smelling them for months.
Sense Ley Line a few miles north of the city.
Sense Ley Line Nexus Non noticed, side note this one is only useful on a ley line.
Sense a Rift None noticed.
Sense Magic in Use None noticed.
See Magic Energy None noticed.
Mythology, Lore: D-Bee, Lore: Demons & Monsters, Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic Nothing really to glean from such a generic note.

Group 1
Calvin, Rory, Teres

The trio make their way around the convenience store, looking for things. Calvin tries to covertly cast a spell, whether anyone noticed, or if they had a problem with it, no ruckus is made. Calvin purchases the map and asks for some directions.
Calvin wrote:"I would like to purchase this map please. I do beg your pardon, but do you know of a book store or a library where I can obtain a dictionary? I would like to know my way around this settlement a little better and I do appreciate any and all of your help.”
The lady at the counter sucks her teeth and seems thoughtful. ”Not sure what a library is, but a few of the shops sell books. Never had much use for them, so I don’t make it a habit of looking for them.” The woman says. Calvin is generally aware that the literacy rate of the backwater areas is very low, so books are likely not a huge seller.

Teres tries to buy some things. But the words don’t seem to come out right. Calvin is able to help her purchase a pack of cigars. (-10 credits)

The trio leave the shop and continue their conversation on the side of the road. While Calvin makes some marks on the map they’ve just purchased, the city's traffic continues to move about, oblivious of the newcomers.

(Money deducted from Calvin and Teres, Cigars added to Teres sheet, Map added to mission notes list. ~Consumer)

Group 2
Jason and Rufus

Meanwhile on the general otherside of the docks the rest of the Templar work out what to do next.
Jason wrote:"This is my first time to your city. Could you tell me where the commercial districts are? Are there different ethnic or racial areas, like an Amphib town or Lemurian town? Is there anywhere you would suggest we avoid?.. Is there a library or academy in town? Are there any shrines or temples in town?.. Thank you. I appreciate you giving us so much of your time."
It takes jason a few tries to get out what he’s trying to say, but once it’s clear to the provisioner what Jason is asking, he speaks up. ”You’re in it. The town is only a few districts, Docks, Residential, Industrial, and the fringe. As for the rest, not so much, we’re a pretty accepting people. I’d personally avoid the Fringe, full of thieves and such. No, no libraries or academies, and as for shrines or temples.. There’s one on the eastern edge of the dock area.” The Provisioner says. With a wave farewell the group leaves the warehouse and ends up on the street once more.
Jason wrote:"Alright, that's the boat taken care of. Any suggestions where to next? I gave everyone the day off, so if there is anything you would like to do, speak up. For myself, I'd like to find a thick, rare steak and a cold beer. "
Rufus wrote:"You know, that's not the worst idea I've heard lately. I'm game. What about you two? Any 'day off fun things' you'd like to do? Granted, finding the floating city is our top priority... but a little bit of downtime could be helpful."
Vlad is the next to speak up. ”I’m going to go back to the boat. This has been enough outside for me today.” Vlad says as he shifts into a raven and flies off. Jessie for her part shrugs. ”I’m just along for the ride really. You guys want to go get food, I’m down with that.” The Valkyrie says.

(Money for foodstuffs, deducted from the group fund. ~Consumer)

What are your Intentions?

Jason Long: KLS Triarius Heavy Armor 113/200 M.D.C. (Shoulder Shield 252/300 M.D.C.)
Rory: High Magus Armor 37/50 M.D.C.
Teres Barton: Wrangler Riding Armor 17/85 M.D.C.
Calvin Wallace:
Jessie the Valkyrie: Magic Chain Mail 62/100 M.D.C.
"All things age. All things die. In the end, our sun burns out. Our universe grows cold and perishes. But the Dark Dimension, it’s the place beyond time."
GM of The Templar, Phase World: Galactic Rogues, Beyond the Supernatural: Old Gods of Appalachia
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Teres Barton »

Perception: 1d100: [20] = 20 / 17%
JiC d20 | d100: 1d20: [10] = 10 | 1d100: [85] = 85

"So, we have a map. Seems to me that is a start. Our next logical stop is the bookstores and shops A Lemurian would likely go to or have an interest in. They would look for information that was hard to get. That means they may know the shopkeepers or local sailors." Teres says putting the cigars away, these better be good. Otherwise, I am not making any impressions. and keeps up with the other two.

"Maybe we will get lucky and that map will be a way to them. The bookstores should have something to help with that map. I'm pretty sure the bookstores may have other useful info on sea life and people living in the sea and their customs." she says with a bit of curiosity. I would hate to insult the Lemurians without knowing. and a day off seems a terrible thing to waste.

"And that armorer can probably wait until we find our contact. Hmm, maybe I should see them first. just in case?" she asks as they walk to their destination. A suit better designed for deep water could also prove useful at home for lake exploration. she thought with a grin.
Chasing Rainbows all my Days
Where I Go I Do Not Know
I only know The Place I've been
Dreams they come And Go, Ever shall be so
Nothing's real until you See


Teres Barton
HP: 19/19
SDC: 33/33
ISP: 68/88
OOC Comments
Wrangler Riding Armor
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 70
Arms: 32 each
Legs: 45 each
Main Body: 85
Branaghan Overcoat
M.D.C. by Location:
Helmet: 40
Arms: +8 with an overcoat
Legs: +12 with an overcoat
Main Body: +28 with an overcoat
Tesla Bow (Patron Item)
Range: 1,500'
Damage: 4D6 per bolt of lightning + Tesla Effect
Rate of Fire: per the skill of the archer
Payload: Unlimited
Weight: 8 lbs.
Features: Does M.D. in a mega-damage environment
Tesla Effect: Stunned (lose initiative & 1 APM) for 1 melee round per each hit and failed to save vs. non-lethal toxins; effective even against environmental M.D.C. armor
Modifiers: +2 to strike; two-handed weapon; no minimum strength to use
Modified NA-LB1 Laser Bow
Range: 1000'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: Effectively unlimited, but bow string needs replacement after 500 shots; 20 shots if E-Clip is used for emergencies (port included)
Weight: 4 lbs.
Features: M.D.C. material (150 M.D.C, can only be damaged if directly targeted); can fire normal arrows as well
IP-12 Ion Pistol
Range: 500'
Damage: 3D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shots only
Payload: 10 shots per E-Clip, 20 shots per LE-Clip
Leg Quivers:
Each holds 12 arrows
• Left Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
• Right Leg: 2 Explosive Arrows (1 Heavy and 1 light), 2 MD Arrows, 1 Smoke Arrow, 1 IR Flare Arrow, 4 Wooden Stake Arrows, 2 Neural Disrupter Arrows.
Bow quiver:
4 stun, 1 smoke, 1 Flare
(in case bow gets taken from her she keeps the lethal arrows on her to prevent them from being used against her)
Quiver x2:
each Holds 24 Arrows.
• 4 Smoke Arrows
• 4 IR Flare Arrows
• 12 MD Arrows
• 4 Neural Disrupter Arrows
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Re: Road to Redemption; A play in three parts (part three)

Post by Calvin_Wallace »

Per: 1d20 < 58%: [13] = 13
JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 | 1d100: [19] = 19
Consumer wrote: The lady at the counter sucks her teeth and seems thoughtful. ”Not sure what a library is, but a few of the shops sell books. Never had much use for them, so I don’t make it a habit of looking for them.” The woman says. Calvin is generally aware that the literacy rate of the backwater areas is very low, so books are likely not a huge seller.

The trio leave the shop and continue their conversation on the side of the road. While Calvin makes some marks on the map they’ve just purchased, the city's traffic continues to move about, oblivious of the newcomers.
Calvin thanks the lady at the counter for her advice. I guess books stores it is.
Teres wrote: "So, we have a map. Seems to me that is a start. Our next logical stop is the bookstores and shops A Lemurian would likely go to or have an interest in. They would look for information that was hard to get. That means they may know the shopkeepers or local sailors." Teres says putting the cigars away, these better be good. Otherwise, I am not making any impressions. and keeps up with the other two.

"Maybe we will get lucky and that map will be a way to them. The bookstores should have something to help with that map. I'm pretty sure the bookstores may have other useful info on sea life and people living in the sea and their customs." she says with a bit of curiosity. I would hate to insult the Lemurians without knowing. and a day off seems a terrible thing to waste.

"And that armorer can probably wait until we find our contact. Hmm, maybe I should see them first. just in case?" she asks as they walk to their destination. A suit better designed for deep water could also prove useful at home for lake exploration. she thought with a grin.
Calvin shoots a look at Teres and says:
"I know nothing about them and don't really have any intuition as to start guessing... Book stores would be a good start. However, you remember the dream vision I had? I was in a dark, hot jungle with humidity. In the distance, hidden by the foliage, I could hear many things crashing through the brush chasing something. I had a feeling if we didn't stop the chase, life would be a lot more difficult."

Calvin opens the map and checks out if there are details of the area outside the immediate settlement. He pays attention to foot paths leading to and fro the settlement, as well as various gates or check point areas that segregate the outside area from the internal settlement. He earmarks probable ingress/egress points going to and fro from the township area.

He then turns to Teres:
"We will probably need to find an armorer before we go out of the immediate town and adventure again too. Let's get to it."

Calvin will first search the market area for book stores. He will look for dictionaries as well as translated guide books, along with other interesting documentation about the area, including wild fauna as well as any civilizations outside of this settlement in general, especially if they are hostile to humanoids. Continuing on the search, Calvin will hope to eye ball a reputable armorer, either through inspecting their handy work or talking to various people for feedback. Last but not least, he will inquire about leaving the city beyond the city gates, what paperwork he will have to supply and more importantly, how can he come back through the gates when he is done adventuring.

(Skill rolls)
(Research: 1d100 < 59%: [88] = 88 )
(Field Armorer: 1d100 < 63%: [95] = 95 )
(Trust: 1d100 < 55%: [63] = 63 )
(Charm/Impress: 1d100 < 60%: [57] = 57 )
Calvin's sheet.
Calvin's favorite song.
Quick Stats:
P.P.E.: 145
I.S.P.: 57
M.D.C.: 231
Perception: 58% see rules here
Charm/Impress: 60%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 55%
Impervious to all Energy and Heat, Magic Fire, Ley Line Storms, Cold does half damage
Regenerates 1d6 x 5MDC every minute.

Code of Conduct of The Knights of TOWR:
  • Protect the lives and liberties of the innocent
  • Champion justice and equality for all
  • Fight evil in all its guises and against all odds
  • Destroy the Mystic Knights and their evil masters
  • Seek enlightenment, goodness and nobility
  • Dare to tread where others fear to go and where justice is most needed
  • Never betray a member of the OWR, never reveal the location of the camp under torture or threat of death

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