Tinkerers' Thread

Gunplay! Swordplay! Wordplay! This group usually has a waiting list.
GM: Dark Lord
AGM: Dime Store Magic

Moderators: Game Masters, AGMs

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Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dark Lord »

Quick guidelines for Operator work
1.) Only the GM knows just what modifiers are in place (+5%, -25%, etc.)
2.) The PC Operator only knows the roleplaying factors of which he's aware (not at his shop, not working with full tool set, working under pressure, etc.)
3.) The Operator will receive a number of attempts per day equal to his Experience Level.

Indicates that an item has been destroyed due to gross incompetence; impossible to salvage.
Indicates that an item has been disabled/broken due to some mistakes; it's repairable though.
Indicates that an item has not been successfully altered, no harm done though.
Indicates that an item has been successfully altered to the desired effect.
Indicates that an item has been miraculously altered beyond the expected results.
Players are responsible for editing their own stats- do that yourself and check back here periodically for updates.

Players will be prompted to PM rolls to cover a specific time-frame periodically which the GM will use to determine the results of the character's labors.

Quick Guidelines for TW device creation
1.) Only the GM knows just what modifiers are in place (+5%, -25%, etc.)
2.) The PC Techno-Wizard only knows the roleplaying factors of which he's aware (not at his shop, not working with full tool set, working under pressure, etc.)
3.) The Techno-Wizard will receive a number of attempts per day equal to his Experience Level.
4.) Must Supply Form of Device, Intended Functions of the Device, Level of device (no higher than Level of the Techno-Wizard), whether it is a Ley Line Device or not, and Intended P.P.E. storage if any.

The GM will then PM the following to you.
1.) Number of spell chains and spells needed.
2.) Required Gems.
3.) Base P.P.E. Construction Cost.
4.) Activation Cost.
5.) Construction Time.
6.) Extra Components if any.
7.) List of skill rolls needed in addition to Techno-Wizard Construction Skill.

Building of the device should then be role-played.

Indicates that, due to gross incompetence, the spells misfired and destroyed all components used.
Indicates that device does something, though maybe not what was intended.
Indicates that the device was not successfully created, something went wrong procedurally, no harm done aside from wasted P.P.E.
Indicates that the device has the intended function, though it may have quirks.
Indicates that the device works exactly as planned, perhaps even better.
Neither the GM nor the Worker/s will be altering your stats, do that yourself and check back here periodically for updates.

Guidelines for assessing attempts per day

Assistant types & Limitations on type of work
Operators and other tinkerers receive a number of attempts per day equal to their experience level.
Assistants are assessed at the highest level of skill possessed.

Unskilled assistants (possess no applicable technical skills) can only assist in basic repairs. (+1 attempt per day)
Basically skilled assistants (possess limited technical skills) can only assist in basic repairs. (+2 attempts per day)
Skilled assistants (possess an engineering skill) can assist in technical jobs within their area of expertise. (+3 attempts per day)
Highly skilled assistants (engineers in more than one field) can assist knowledgeably in any endeavor. (+4 attempts per day)

Basic Technical Skills
☞ Aircraft Mechanics
☞ Automotive Mechanics
☞ Basic Electronics
☞ Basic Mechanics
☞ Computer Repair
☞ Cybernetics: Basic
☞ General Repair & Maintenance
☞ Jury-Rig
☞ Salvage

Skilled Technical Skills
☞ Bioware Mechanics
☞ Electricity Generation
☞ Field Armorer & Munitions Expert
☞ Vehicle Armorer

Engineering Skills
☞ Electrical Engineer
☞ Mechanical Engineer
☞ Robot Electronics
☞ Robot Mechanics
☞ Weapons Engineer
Why kill a PC when you can torture their player?
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dark Lord »

Instructions for Tinkerers
Post all of the following as a reply to this thread:

Permissions for working on another PC's gear (if applicable)
A sentence or two about your character's sense of craftsmanship
Your current priorities for building or modifying stuff (I will monitor and move to completed tasks as the game progresses)
If you are employing an assistant, post so here and I will make a determination on how many additional attempts per day they provide

Instructions for Study
In your replies:

Spell books on-hand (or other materials if learning a skill or somesuch)
Spells being actively studied, with the time each one will take based on the relevant house rule, in order of priority
Date started, and expected date of completion (or more precisely, when you start studying relative to the group's adventure(s), since PW doesn't have any kind of universal calendar)
I will monitor and move to completed spells/skills as the game progresses
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Kesslan »

Permissions for working on another PC's gear (if applicable)
Just my own so far.
A sentence or two about your character's sense of craftsmanship:
Kesslan prides himself in a neat and tidy job, he likes nice crisp clean lines and all that, though in the end what really matters are two things; reliability, and functionality.
Your current priorities for building or modifying stuff:
Kesslan would like to see if it's possible for him to craft the custom ammunition for the following weapon:

The Light Pistol
Revolver of unknown manufacture
• Range: 500'
• Damage: 4D6+6 M.D. per shot.
• Rate of Fire: Single shots only.
• Payload: 6 shots (the rounds are completely custom made rounds. They look a bit like Triax rounds, though more advanced
• Modifiers: When both pistols are used simultaneously at the same target the shooter get a +1 to strike

As well as work with the robots to build E-clips for the Dark Pistol.

Applicable Skills:
Basic Mechanics
Basic Electronics
Trap Construction

Field Armourer & Munitions Expert
Demolitions: Disposal
If you are employing an assistant, post so here and I will make a determination on how many additional attempts per day they provide.
Kesslan will utilize the two utility robots recently purchased for the group. They have the following Applicable Skills:
Electrical Engineer 80%
Mechanical Engineer 80%
Weapons Engineer 65%
Basic Electronics 90%
Basic Mechanics 90%
Electricity Generation 80%

Available tools and Equipment:
The full compliment of tools and facilities aboard the DSM

Based on PM from DSM:
Dime Store Magic wrote: My thoughts are that it would probably take a day or two to create the necessary molds and preparation materials for a few hundred rounds. Since it's explosive material, probably a few hours to create the first two or three rounds to make sure quality control was in place, then probably about 10 minutes a round for Kesslan, the robots could probably do 5 minutes a round.

The eclips probably a few days to map out the template, and casing, and 6 to 8 hours per eclip to put it together and test functionality.


Based on the above the Goal would be to create:
12 Spare Custom E-Clips
At least 200 rounds for the light pistol

Kesslan should be able to trace out the basics of the desired E-clip shell using basic mechanics. He could also likely work out some of the basics of the e-clips using basic electronics. Field Armourer & Munitions expert may also play a part. The two utility robots would then have to take it from there as to designing the actual interior components.
Template Design for E-Clips
(Level 10 skill) Basic Mechanics (89%): [dice]0[/dice]
(Level 8 skill) Field Armourer & Munitions Expert (99%): [dice]1[/dice]
(Level 2 skill) Basic Electronics (64%): [dice]2[/dice]

Rolls for Robots:
Electrical Engineer 80% [dice]3[/dice] [dice]4[/dice]
Mechanical Engineer 80% [dice]5[/dice] [dice]6[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% [dice]7[/dice] [dice]8[/dice]
Basic Electronics 90% [dice]9[/dice] [dice]10[/dice]
Basic Mechanics 90% [dice]11[/dice] [dice]12[/dice]
Electricity Generation 80% [dice]13[/dice] [dice]14[/dice]

I think that should at least take care of getting the necessary template created and figured out?

Now for the creation of the template and molds for the light pistol ammo:
(Level 10 skill) Basic Mechanics (89%): [dice]15[/dice]
(Level 8 skill) Field Armourer & Munitions Expert (99%): [dice]16[/dice]
(Level 6 Skill) Demolitions (92%): [dice]17[/dice]
(Level 6 Skill) Demolitions: Disposal (92%): [dice]18[/dice]

Rolls for Robots:
Robot 1:
Mechanical Engineer 80% [dice]19[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% [dice]20[/dice]
Basic Mechanics 90% [dice]21[/dice]
Robot 2:
Mechanical Engineer 80% [dice]22[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% [dice]23[/dice]
Basic Mechanics 90% [dice]24[/dice]

I think that should be good enough to figure out a way to replicate the rounds and create a template to work from?
Kesslan's Character Sheet
HP: 79 SDC: 157
MDC Skull: 22

Constant Effects:
Autododge +5, Mildly Radioactive, Can see Ultra-Violet spectrum of light, Takes 1/2 Damage from Radiation, Immune to Horror Factor, No fear of heights. Cybernetics: See Character Sheet. Can make Aimed/Called shots while running, swimming, parachuting or from a moving vehicle without penalty. Steady Nerves: Driving Penalties 1/2. Street Rep (Hardcase to be Feared): HF14 when Angry/Threatening.

Rose (To Kesslan): I don't suppose you're planning an assault on all free kind are you?
Daisy (OOC) Figures big crowds don't seem to be his thing, unless he's firing on them.
Rex: his ears rotate like dishes towards Kesslan's roar and the response from his foes, "trouble."
Al: Listening to the roar Al nods. "That would be Kesslan. Which most of the time means the exact same thing."
Theme Songs: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive , Disturbed: Indestructible , Johnny Cash: Hurt , UNKLE: Burn My Shadow, The Kinks: I'm not like everybody else, The Equalizer theme song, X Ambassadors: Jungle (feat. Jamie N Commons)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dime Store Magic »

Kesslan and the robots careful scan the e-clip of the dark pistol in an attempt to map out it's internal circuitry and then attempt to the casing to visually inspect and catalog the internal components. Per RUE p 308 on Electrical Engineering, there is a -30% penalty on working on alien or extremely unfamiliar technology. The same is true for Weapons Engineer. Applying a straight -30% penalty to all roles.
Kesslan wrote: Kesslan should be able to trace out the basics of the desired E-clip shell using basic mechanics. He could also likely work out some of the basics of the e-clips using basic electronics. Field Armourer & Munitions expert may also play a part. The two utility robots would then have to take it from there as to designing the actual interior components.
Template Design for E-Clips
(Level 10 skill) Basic Mechanics (89%): 1d100 = 64. Pass
(Level 8 skill) Field Armourer & Munitions Expert (99%): 1d100 = 22. Pass
(Level 2 skill) Basic Electronics (64%): 1d100 = 28. Pass
Rolls for Robots:
Electrical Engineer 80% 1d100 = 36. [Make removable] 1d100 = 15. Pass and Pass
Mechanical Engineer 80% 1d100 = 6. [Make removable] 1d100 = 57. Pass and Fail
Weapons Engineer 65% 1d100 = 99. [Make removable] 1d100 = 14. Fail and Pass
Basic Electronics 90% 1d100 = 31. [Make removable] 1d100 = 63. Pass and Fail
Basic Mechanics 90% 1d100 = 47. [Make removable] 1d100 = 32. Pass and Pass
Electricity Generation 80% 1d100 = 42. [Make removable] 1d100 = 96. Pass and Fail
With just a few minor set backs through the evening, by the time Kesslan decides to call it quits, he and the robots believe they have successfully mapped all of the electronics. The next morning Kesslan and the robots begin construction of the micro components of the e-clips. The robots estimate that the first set of components will take 10 hours to create.

Please post 3 sets of rolls, with a 30% penalty. Two out of three success are required for this first eclip. If not successful (for the two out of three), each additional set of rolls adds two hours.

Roll: Electrical Engineering, Weapons Engineering, and Electrical Generation.

Once the first eclip is successful, Kesslan will want to simulate the discharge of the weapon. Roll Field Armor and Munitions Expert 2 out 3 times (with the 30% penalty) to make any final tweaks to the process. Each failure adds 1 hour.

From that point forward, one successful set of rolls as above per eclip per 6 hours (and the creation of 1 eclip). Failure will require another set of rolls and 2 more hours. Good Luck!

What are your intentions?
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Kesslan »

Set 1:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]0[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]1[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]2[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]3[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]4[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]5[/dice]

Set 2:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]6[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]7[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]8[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]9[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]10[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]11[/dice]

Set 3:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]12[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]13[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]14[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]15[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]16[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]17[/dice]

Result: Failure 10 +2hrs

Reroll Set:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]18[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]19[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]20[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]21[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]22[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]23[/dice]

Result: Some success 12 +2hrs

Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]24[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]25[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]26[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]27[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]28[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]29[/dice]

Result: Some Success 14+2hrs

Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]30[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]31[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]32[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]33[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]34[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]35[/dice]

Result Some Success: 16 +2hrs

Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]36[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]37[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]38[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]39[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]40[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]41[/dice]

Result: 2 sets of successes. Total time 18hrs

Final Tweaks:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]42[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]43[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]44[/dice]

Result: Success (1 E-Clip Created after 18+hrs)
Kesslan's Character Sheet
HP: 79 SDC: 157
MDC Skull: 22

Constant Effects:
Autododge +5, Mildly Radioactive, Can see Ultra-Violet spectrum of light, Takes 1/2 Damage from Radiation, Immune to Horror Factor, No fear of heights. Cybernetics: See Character Sheet. Can make Aimed/Called shots while running, swimming, parachuting or from a moving vehicle without penalty. Steady Nerves: Driving Penalties 1/2. Street Rep (Hardcase to be Feared): HF14 when Angry/Threatening.

Rose (To Kesslan): I don't suppose you're planning an assault on all free kind are you?
Daisy (OOC) Figures big crowds don't seem to be his thing, unless he's firing on them.
Rex: his ears rotate like dishes towards Kesslan's roar and the response from his foes, "trouble."
Al: Listening to the roar Al nods. "That would be Kesslan. Which most of the time means the exact same thing."
Theme Songs: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive , Disturbed: Indestructible , Johnny Cash: Hurt , UNKLE: Burn My Shadow, The Kinks: I'm not like everybody else, The Equalizer theme song, X Ambassadors: Jungle (feat. Jamie N Commons)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Kesslan »

Follow up Rolls for additional E-Clips:

Set 1:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]0[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]1[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]2[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]3[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]4[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]5[/dice]

Result: Failure 6hrs

Set 2:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]6[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]7[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]8[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]9[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]10[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]11[/dice]

Result: Failure 12hrs

Set 3:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]12[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]13[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]14[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]15[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]16[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]17[/dice]

Result: Failure 18hrs

Set 4:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]18[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]19[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]20[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]21[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]22[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]23[/dice]

Result: Failure 24hrs

Set 5:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]24[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]25[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]26[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]27[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]28[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]29[/dice]

Result: Failure 30hrs

Set 6:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]30[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]31[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]32[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]33[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]34[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]35[/dice]

Result: Failure 36hrs

Set 7:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]36[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]37[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]38[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]39[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]40[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]41[/dice]

Result: Failure 42hrs

Set 8:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]42[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]43[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]44[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]45[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]46[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]47[/dice]

Failure: 48hrs

Set 9:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]48[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]49[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]50[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]51[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]52[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]53[/dice]

Failure: 54hrs

Set 10:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]54[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]55[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]56[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]57[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]58[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]59[/dice]

Failure: 60hrs

Set 11:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]60[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]61[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]62[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]63[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]64[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]65[/dice]

Failure: 66hrs
Kesslan's Character Sheet
HP: 79 SDC: 157
MDC Skull: 22

Constant Effects:
Autododge +5, Mildly Radioactive, Can see Ultra-Violet spectrum of light, Takes 1/2 Damage from Radiation, Immune to Horror Factor, No fear of heights. Cybernetics: See Character Sheet. Can make Aimed/Called shots while running, swimming, parachuting or from a moving vehicle without penalty. Steady Nerves: Driving Penalties 1/2. Street Rep (Hardcase to be Feared): HF14 when Angry/Threatening.

Rose (To Kesslan): I don't suppose you're planning an assault on all free kind are you?
Daisy (OOC) Figures big crowds don't seem to be his thing, unless he's firing on them.
Rex: his ears rotate like dishes towards Kesslan's roar and the response from his foes, "trouble."
Al: Listening to the roar Al nods. "That would be Kesslan. Which most of the time means the exact same thing."
Theme Songs: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive , Disturbed: Indestructible , Johnny Cash: Hurt , UNKLE: Burn My Shadow, The Kinks: I'm not like everybody else, The Equalizer theme song, X Ambassadors: Jungle (feat. Jamie N Commons)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Kesslan »

Set 1:

Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]0[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]1[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]2[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]3[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]4[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]5[/dice]

Result: 1 Success 72hrs

Final Tweeks:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]66[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]67[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]68[/dice]

Total E-Clips Created: 2

Set 2:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]6[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]7[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]8[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]9[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]10[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]11[/dice]

Failure: 78hrs

Set 3:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]12[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]13[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]14[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]15[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]16[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]17[/dice]

Failure: 84hrs

Set 4:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]18[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]19[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]20[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]21[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]22[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]23[/dice]

Success: 90hrs
Final Tweeks:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]69[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]70[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]71[/dice]

Total E-Clips Created: 3

Set 5:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]24[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]25[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]26[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]27[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]28[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]29[/dice]

Failure: 96hrs

Set 6:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]30[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]31[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]32[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]33[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]34[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]35[/dice]

Failure: 112hrs

Set 7:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]36[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]37[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]38[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]39[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]40[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]41[/dice]

Failure: 118hrs

Set 8:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]42[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]43[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]44[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]45[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]46[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]47[/dice]

Failure: 124hrs

Set 9:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]48[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]49[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]50[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]51[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]52[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]53[/dice]

Failure: 130hrs

Set 10:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]54[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]55[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]56[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]57[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]58[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]59[/dice]

Success: 136hrs
Final Tweeks:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]72[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]73[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]74[/dice]

Total E-clips Created: 4

Set 11:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]60[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]61[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]62[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]63[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]64[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]65[/dice]

Failure: 152hrs
Kesslan's Character Sheet
HP: 79 SDC: 157
MDC Skull: 22

Constant Effects:
Autododge +5, Mildly Radioactive, Can see Ultra-Violet spectrum of light, Takes 1/2 Damage from Radiation, Immune to Horror Factor, No fear of heights. Cybernetics: See Character Sheet. Can make Aimed/Called shots while running, swimming, parachuting or from a moving vehicle without penalty. Steady Nerves: Driving Penalties 1/2. Street Rep (Hardcase to be Feared): HF14 when Angry/Threatening.

Rose (To Kesslan): I don't suppose you're planning an assault on all free kind are you?
Daisy (OOC) Figures big crowds don't seem to be his thing, unless he's firing on them.
Rex: his ears rotate like dishes towards Kesslan's roar and the response from his foes, "trouble."
Al: Listening to the roar Al nods. "That would be Kesslan. Which most of the time means the exact same thing."
Theme Songs: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive , Disturbed: Indestructible , Johnny Cash: Hurt , UNKLE: Burn My Shadow, The Kinks: I'm not like everybody else, The Equalizer theme song, X Ambassadors: Jungle (feat. Jamie N Commons)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Kesslan »

Set 1:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]0[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]1[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]2[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]3[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]4[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]5[/dice]

Failure: Total: 158hrs

Set 2:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]6[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]7[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]8[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]9[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]10[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]11[/dice]

Failure: 164hrs

Set 3:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]12[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]13[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]14[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]15[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]16[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]17[/dice]

Success: 170hrs
Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]48[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]49[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]50[/dice]

Total E-clips Created: 5

Set 4:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]18[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]19[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]20[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]21[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]22[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]23[/dice]

Failure: 176hrs

Set 5:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]24[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]25[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]26[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]27[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]28[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]29[/dice]

Failure: 182hrs

Set 6:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]30[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]31[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]32[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]33[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]34[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]35[/dice]

Failure: 188hrs

Set 7:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]36[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]37[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]38[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]39[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]40[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]41[/dice]

Failure: 192hrs

Set 8:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]42[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]43[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]44[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]45[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]46[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]47[/dice]

Success: 198hrs
Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]51[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]52[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]53[/dice]

Total E-Clips Created: 6
Kesslan's Character Sheet
HP: 79 SDC: 157
MDC Skull: 22

Constant Effects:
Autododge +5, Mildly Radioactive, Can see Ultra-Violet spectrum of light, Takes 1/2 Damage from Radiation, Immune to Horror Factor, No fear of heights. Cybernetics: See Character Sheet. Can make Aimed/Called shots while running, swimming, parachuting or from a moving vehicle without penalty. Steady Nerves: Driving Penalties 1/2. Street Rep (Hardcase to be Feared): HF14 when Angry/Threatening.

Rose (To Kesslan): I don't suppose you're planning an assault on all free kind are you?
Daisy (OOC) Figures big crowds don't seem to be his thing, unless he's firing on them.
Rex: his ears rotate like dishes towards Kesslan's roar and the response from his foes, "trouble."
Al: Listening to the roar Al nods. "That would be Kesslan. Which most of the time means the exact same thing."
Theme Songs: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive , Disturbed: Indestructible , Johnny Cash: Hurt , UNKLE: Burn My Shadow, The Kinks: I'm not like everybody else, The Equalizer theme song, X Ambassadors: Jungle (feat. Jamie N Commons)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Kesslan »

Set 1:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]0[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]1[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]2[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]3[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]4[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]5[/dice]

Failure Total 204hrs

Set 2:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]6[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]7[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]8[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]9[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]10[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]11[/dice]

Success: 210hrs
Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]36[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]37[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]38[/dice]

Total E-clips Created: 7

Set 3:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]12[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]13[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]14[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]15[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]16[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]17[/dice]

Failure: 216hrs

Set 4:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]18[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]19[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]20[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]21[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]22[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]23[/dice]

Success: 218hrs
Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]39[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]40[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]41[/dice]

Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]45[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]46[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]47[/dice]

Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]51[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]52[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]53[/dice]

Total E-Clips Created: 8

Set 5:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]24[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]25[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]26[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]27[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]28[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]29[/dice]

Success: 227hrs
Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]42[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]43[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]44[/dice]

Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]48[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]49[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]50[/dice]

Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]54[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]55[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]56[/dice]

Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]57[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]58[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]59[/dice]

Total E-Clips Created: 9

Set 6:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]30[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]31[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]32[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]33[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]34[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]35[/dice]

Failure: 233hrs
Kesslan's Character Sheet
HP: 79 SDC: 157
MDC Skull: 22

Constant Effects:
Autododge +5, Mildly Radioactive, Can see Ultra-Violet spectrum of light, Takes 1/2 Damage from Radiation, Immune to Horror Factor, No fear of heights. Cybernetics: See Character Sheet. Can make Aimed/Called shots while running, swimming, parachuting or from a moving vehicle without penalty. Steady Nerves: Driving Penalties 1/2. Street Rep (Hardcase to be Feared): HF14 when Angry/Threatening.

Rose (To Kesslan): I don't suppose you're planning an assault on all free kind are you?
Daisy (OOC) Figures big crowds don't seem to be his thing, unless he's firing on them.
Rex: his ears rotate like dishes towards Kesslan's roar and the response from his foes, "trouble."
Al: Listening to the roar Al nods. "That would be Kesslan. Which most of the time means the exact same thing."
Theme Songs: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive , Disturbed: Indestructible , Johnny Cash: Hurt , UNKLE: Burn My Shadow, The Kinks: I'm not like everybody else, The Equalizer theme song, X Ambassadors: Jungle (feat. Jamie N Commons)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Kesslan »

Set 1:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]0[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]1[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]2[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]3[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]4[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]5[/dice]

Failure: 239hrs

Set 2:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]6[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]7[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]8[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]9[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]10[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]11[/dice]

Failure: 245hrs

Set 3:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]12[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]13[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]14[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]15[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]16[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]17[/dice]

Failure: 251hrs

Set 1:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]18[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]19[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]20[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]21[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]22[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]23[/dice]

Failure: 257hrs

Set 2:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]24[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]25[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]26[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]27[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]28[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]29[/dice]

Success: 263hrs
Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]36[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]37[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]38[/dice]

Total E-Clips Created: 10

Set 3:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]30[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]31[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]32[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]33[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]34[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]35[/dice]

Failure: 269hrs
Kesslan's Character Sheet
HP: 79 SDC: 157
MDC Skull: 22

Constant Effects:
Autododge +5, Mildly Radioactive, Can see Ultra-Violet spectrum of light, Takes 1/2 Damage from Radiation, Immune to Horror Factor, No fear of heights. Cybernetics: See Character Sheet. Can make Aimed/Called shots while running, swimming, parachuting or from a moving vehicle without penalty. Steady Nerves: Driving Penalties 1/2. Street Rep (Hardcase to be Feared): HF14 when Angry/Threatening.

Rose (To Kesslan): I don't suppose you're planning an assault on all free kind are you?
Daisy (OOC) Figures big crowds don't seem to be his thing, unless he's firing on them.
Rex: his ears rotate like dishes towards Kesslan's roar and the response from his foes, "trouble."
Al: Listening to the roar Al nods. "That would be Kesslan. Which most of the time means the exact same thing."
Theme Songs: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive , Disturbed: Indestructible , Johnny Cash: Hurt , UNKLE: Burn My Shadow, The Kinks: I'm not like everybody else, The Equalizer theme song, X Ambassadors: Jungle (feat. Jamie N Commons)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Kesslan »

Set 1:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]0[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]1[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]2[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]3[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]4[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]5[/dice]

Failure: 275hrs

Set 2:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]6[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]7[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]8[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]9[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]10[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]11[/dice]

Failure: 281hrs

Set 1:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]12[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]13[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]14[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]15[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]16[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]17[/dice]

Success: 287hrs
Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]24[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]25[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]26[/dice]

Total E-Clips Created: 11

Set 2:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]18[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]19[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]20[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]21[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]22[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]23[/dice]

Failure: 293hrs
Kesslan's Character Sheet
HP: 79 SDC: 157
MDC Skull: 22

Constant Effects:
Autododge +5, Mildly Radioactive, Can see Ultra-Violet spectrum of light, Takes 1/2 Damage from Radiation, Immune to Horror Factor, No fear of heights. Cybernetics: See Character Sheet. Can make Aimed/Called shots while running, swimming, parachuting or from a moving vehicle without penalty. Steady Nerves: Driving Penalties 1/2. Street Rep (Hardcase to be Feared): HF14 when Angry/Threatening.

Rose (To Kesslan): I don't suppose you're planning an assault on all free kind are you?
Daisy (OOC) Figures big crowds don't seem to be his thing, unless he's firing on them.
Rex: his ears rotate like dishes towards Kesslan's roar and the response from his foes, "trouble."
Al: Listening to the roar Al nods. "That would be Kesslan. Which most of the time means the exact same thing."
Theme Songs: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive , Disturbed: Indestructible , Johnny Cash: Hurt , UNKLE: Burn My Shadow, The Kinks: I'm not like everybody else, The Equalizer theme song, X Ambassadors: Jungle (feat. Jamie N Commons)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Kesslan »

Set 1:
Robot 1:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]0[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]1[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]2[/dice]
Robot 2:
Electricity Generation 80% - 30% = 50% [dice]3[/dice]
Weapons Engineer 65% - 30% = 35% [dice]4[/dice]
Electrical Engineer 80% - 30% = 50%[dice]5[/dice]

Success: Total Hours: 300
Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]6[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]7[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]8[/dice]

Tweek Rolls:
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]9[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]10[/dice]
Field Armourer & Munitions Expert 99% - 30% = 69% [dice]11[/dice]

Total E-Clips Created: 12
Kesslan's Character Sheet
HP: 79 SDC: 157
MDC Skull: 22

Constant Effects:
Autododge +5, Mildly Radioactive, Can see Ultra-Violet spectrum of light, Takes 1/2 Damage from Radiation, Immune to Horror Factor, No fear of heights. Cybernetics: See Character Sheet. Can make Aimed/Called shots while running, swimming, parachuting or from a moving vehicle without penalty. Steady Nerves: Driving Penalties 1/2. Street Rep (Hardcase to be Feared): HF14 when Angry/Threatening.

Rose (To Kesslan): I don't suppose you're planning an assault on all free kind are you?
Daisy (OOC) Figures big crowds don't seem to be his thing, unless he's firing on them.
Rex: his ears rotate like dishes towards Kesslan's roar and the response from his foes, "trouble."
Al: Listening to the roar Al nods. "That would be Kesslan. Which most of the time means the exact same thing."
Theme Songs: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive , Disturbed: Indestructible , Johnny Cash: Hurt , UNKLE: Burn My Shadow, The Kinks: I'm not like everybody else, The Equalizer theme song, X Ambassadors: Jungle (feat. Jamie N Commons)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Kesslan »

Final Breakdown:

Estimated E-Clips Created: 12
Total Build Time: 300hrs

Total Hours Spent Tweeking by Kesslan: Approximately 6hrs

Total Hours Spent Building by Robots: Approximately 294hrs/2 = 147hrs each

Approximate days to complete all 12 e-clips:
If Both Robots only work 8hrs: 18.378 days
If Both Robots work 12hrs: 12.25 days

NOTE: Robots can actually run 72hrs on electric batteries before recharging but I'm assuming they would have other duties to attend to at some point, and of course they would need to recharge now and then.

EDIT: Oh, looks like I added 6hrs for every failed set instead of 2. So Actual build time is much shorter:

Revised Build time:
1st E-Clip: 18hrs
11 E-Clips: 66hrs (base) + 72hrs (Failures)
Tweeking Time: 6hrs (Done by Kesslan)
Total Build Time: 162hrs/2 = 81hrs (Done by 2 Robots)
8hr Days: 10.125
12hr Days: 6.75
Kesslan's Character Sheet
HP: 79 SDC: 157
MDC Skull: 22

Constant Effects:
Autododge +5, Mildly Radioactive, Can see Ultra-Violet spectrum of light, Takes 1/2 Damage from Radiation, Immune to Horror Factor, No fear of heights. Cybernetics: See Character Sheet. Can make Aimed/Called shots while running, swimming, parachuting or from a moving vehicle without penalty. Steady Nerves: Driving Penalties 1/2. Street Rep (Hardcase to be Feared): HF14 when Angry/Threatening.

Rose (To Kesslan): I don't suppose you're planning an assault on all free kind are you?
Daisy (OOC) Figures big crowds don't seem to be his thing, unless he's firing on them.
Rex: his ears rotate like dishes towards Kesslan's roar and the response from his foes, "trouble."
Al: Listening to the roar Al nods. "That would be Kesslan. Which most of the time means the exact same thing."
Theme Songs: Imagine Dragons - Radioactive , Disturbed: Indestructible , Johnny Cash: Hurt , UNKLE: Burn My Shadow, The Kinks: I'm not like everybody else, The Equalizer theme song, X Ambassadors: Jungle (feat. Jamie N Commons)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Zem »

Spell books on-hand: Eyes Of Thoth Grimoire
Spells being actively studied, with the time each one will take based on the relevant house rule, in order of priority: Zem will spend 8hours a day studying usually at night after it's hour of meditation.
Date started, and expected date of completion: Started just after the report on Kotus Point. Should finish the day before the Formal dinner with Thraxus.
The gods walk among us and can be bribed with cookies!!
4 ft long, 8 lbs mystic worm.
Energy Sphere PPE: 0 / 0
PPE: 166 / 610
ISP: 546 / 600
MDC: 262 / 262
Cosmic Armor: 500 / 500
Zembahk Battle Armor: 1,000 / 1,000 (Cosmic Weapon: Slinky)
OP-Field: charges used: 2

Horror Factor (once Known to be a Cosmo-Knight): 12 (15 to evil beings)

Conditions: Telepathy, Empathy, sixth sense, see the invisible, night vision 600ft. Sense ley line: 70 miles, sense Rift: 110 miles, sense Magic in use: 100 feet, sense magic energy: 1,000 feet. Immune to heat, fire, and plasma, unless magical or psionic in nature.
Temporary effects on self: Sustain spell ( Days), Chameleon (36 minutes)

Can be heard by all in telepathic range.
Can be heard by group.
Can be heard by whom is being spoken too.
Can be heard by Zem only
Mind Blocked people hear nothing.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dime Store Magic »

Kesslan wrote:Final Breakdown:

Estimated E-Clips Created: 12


NOTE: Robots can actually run 72hrs on electric batteries before recharging but I'm assuming they would have other duties to attend to at some point, and of course they would need to recharge now and then.

EDIT: Oh, looks like I added 6hrs for every failed set instead of 2. So Actual build time is much shorter:

Revised Build time:
1st E-Clip: 18hrs
11 E-Clips: 66hrs (base) + 72hrs (Failures)
Tweeking Time: 6hrs (Done by Kesslan)
Total Build Time: 162hrs/2 = 81hrs (Done by 2 Robots)
8hr Days: 10.125
12hr Days: 6.75
Until actually pulled for additional other duties (while not in space), the robots will have 12 hours of available time each day to assist Kesslan.

By the end of this GM post (http://www.pbprpg.org/forums/vi ... 50#p315253), the 1st E-Clip is complete and functional. By the time of the formal dinner with Thraxus, 6 more E-Clips will have been successfully constructed: 138 hours/ 11 E-Clips = 12.54 hours/E-Clip (Let's call it 12 hours for convenience) ~ so 1 E-Clip per work period. 2 robots working for 3 days = 6 work periods.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dime Store Magic »

Zem wrote:Spell books on-hand: Eyes Of Thoth Grimoire
Spells being actively studied, with the time each one will take based on the relevant house rule, in order of priority: Zem will spend 8hours a day studying usually at night after it's hour of meditation.
Date started, and expected date of completion: Started just after the report on Kotus Point. Should finish the day before the Formal dinner with Thraxus.
Zem is on track to complete learning the spell by the time of the dinner; but it is taking a bit longer per day of study about 12 hours per day. Base literacy is 30%; per RUE p 305, a failed roll is that the book is not understood and the character can try again at a new level. Since this is a non-pressure situation and there are plenty of people who are literate that Zem could ask what a word means and no spell learning rules that say to use literacy skill rolls, I am just going to go with it taking longer for this spell (reserving the right to change my mind for future spell learning by book).

Don't forget to update your character sheet with improved IQ rolls and add your PP purchased literacy skill, it's been updated on the Explorer point ledger.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Sorrenson »

Mr. Sorrenson’s Harness of Awesome Upgrade

Current item:

Mr. Sorrenson’s Harness of Awesome V 1.0
• PPE Cost: 8 P.P.E. per feature.
• Effects: When Sustain feature is activated, the wearer is affected by the Sustain spell for 24 hours.
When the Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is activated wearers P.S. becomes Supernatural, +2 attacks per melee, +50% speed, Wearers S.D.C. is tripled, Wearer receives the following combat bonuses: +3 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Dodge, +1 on all Saving throws. The wearer becomes impervious to drugs, mind control, possession, illusions, pain, and horror factor. Duration: 4 Melee Rounds per activation.
• Negative Effects: After Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is used the user receives the following penalties: Speed, Attacks per melee, Skills, and combat bonuses are reduced by half (Round up) for 1D4 minutes.
•Additional Negative Effect: If Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is used more than four times per twenty-four hour period, the wearer will immediately (after the duration of the fifth use) fall into a coma like sleep for sixteen hours due to hormonal strain.

Additional feature:
Device level: 8
Spells: Energy sphere, adrenal, 800 extra PPE
965 total PPE
Add up to 200 carats of the primary, 50 of the secondary
Add 100 carats worth of diamonds for PPE storage

Base PPE cost: 965*80 = 77,200 / 300 = 258
Construction time: 258*8/2 (since adding a feature to existing tech, but have the requisite skills) = 64 hours, or about eight normal work days without assistance or any other extraordinary measures. Sorrenson will ask Maris for her TW assistance to build this item, so that should reduce the time required somewhat.
Construction Cost: 258*10 = 2580. 2580*8= 20,640.
+ Gems
Quartz ruby 100 at 300 per carat = 30,000
Pearls (black) 50 at 6000 per carat = 300,000
diamonds 100 at 15,000 per carat = 1,500,000
Total cost = 1,850,640 credits. I'm pretty sure this is more than Sorrenson has on his character sheet, but I din't think the GR cash reward for killing Halthag has been applied yet.

Final stated out item:

Mr. Sorrenson’s Harness of Awesome V 2.0
• PPE Cost: 8 P.P.E. per feature. Accessing the PPE in storage has an activation cost of 22 PPE.
• Effects: When Sustain feature is activated, the wearer is affected by the Sustain spell for 24 hours.
When the Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is activated wearers P.S. becomes Supernatural, +2 attacks per melee, +50% speed, Wearers S.D.C. is tripled, Wearer receives the following combat bonuses: +3 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Dodge, +1 on all Saving throws. The wearer becomes impervious to drugs, mind control, possession, illusions, pain, and horror factor. Duration: 4 Melee Rounds per activation.
• Energy sphere stores up to 800 extra PPE for up to 16 days
• Limitations to the Energy Sphere feature:
  • • Accessing the PPE in storage has an activation cost of 22 PPE.
    • While it starts fully charged with 800 PPE it can only be recharged by being placed on a ley line or nexus- automatically refills at 20 PPE per hour.
    • Harness glows with pretty magical energy while charged
• Negative Effects: After Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is used the user receives the following penalties: Speed, Attacks per melee, Skills, and combat bonuses are reduced by half (Round up) for 1D4 minutes.
•Additional Negative Effect: If Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is used more than four times per twenty-four hour period, the wearer will immediately (after the duration of the fifth use) fall into a coma like sleep for sixteen hours due to hormonal strain.

Skill Rolls:
Techno-Wizardry Construction [dice]0[/dice] / 95% Pass
Basic Electronics [dice]1[/dice] /81% Pass
Electrical Engineer [dice]2[/dice] /81% Pass
Mechanical Engineer [dice]3[/dice] /80% Fail
Math: Basic [dice]4[/dice] /98% Pass
Advanced Mathematics [dice]5[/dice] /91% Pass
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dime Store Magic »

Sorrenson wrote:Mr. Sorrenson’s Harness of Awesome Upgrade

Current item:

Mr. Sorrenson’s Harness of Awesome V 1.0
• PPE Cost: 8 P.P.E. per feature.
• Effects: When Sustain feature is activated, the wearer is affected by the Sustain spell for 24 hours.
When the Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is activated wearers P.S. becomes Supernatural, +2 attacks per melee, +50% speed, Wearers S.D.C. is tripled, Wearer receives the following combat bonuses: +3 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Dodge, +1 on all Saving throws. The wearer becomes impervious to drugs, mind control, possession, illusions, pain, and horror factor. Duration: 4 Melee Rounds per activation.
• Negative Effects: After Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is used the user receives the following penalties: Speed, Attacks per melee, Skills, and combat bonuses are reduced by half (Round up) for 1D4 minutes.
•Additional Negative Effect: If Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is used more than four times per twenty-four hour period, the wearer will immediately (after the duration of the fifth use) fall into a coma like sleep for sixteen hours due to hormonal strain.

Additional feature:
Device level: 8
Spells: Energy sphere, adrenal, 800 extra PPE
965 total PPE
Add up to 200 carats of the primary, 50 of the secondary
Add 100 carats worth of diamonds for PPE storage

Base PPE cost: 965*80 = 77,200 / 300 = 258
Construction time: 258*8/2 (since adding a feature to existing tech, but have the requisite skills) = 64 hours, or about eight normal work days without assistance or any other extraordinary measures. Sorrenson will ask Maris for her TW assistance to build this item, so that should reduce the time required somewhat.
Construction Cost: 258*10 = 2580. 2580*8= 20,640.
+ Gems
Quartz ruby 100 at 300 per carat = 30,000
Pearls (black) 50 at 6000 per carat = 300,000
diamonds 100 at 15,000 per carat = 1,500,000
Total cost = 1,850,640 credits. I'm pretty sure this is more than Sorrenson has on his character sheet, but I din't think the GR cash reward for killing Halthag has been applied yet.

Final stated out item:

Mr. Sorrenson’s Harness of Awesome V 2.0
• PPE Cost: 8 P.P.E. per feature. Accessing the PPE in storage has an activation cost of 22 PPE.
• Effects: When Sustain feature is activated, the wearer is affected by the Sustain spell for 24 hours.
When the Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is activated wearers P.S. becomes Supernatural, +2 attacks per melee, +50% speed, Wearers S.D.C. is tripled, Wearer receives the following combat bonuses: +3 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +1 to Dodge, +1 on all Saving throws. The wearer becomes impervious to drugs, mind control, possession, illusions, pain, and horror factor. Duration: 4 Melee Rounds per activation.
• Energy sphere stores up to 800 extra PPE for up to 16 days
• Limitations to the Energy Sphere feature:
  • • Accessing the PPE in storage has an activation cost of 22 PPE.
    • While it starts fully charged with 800 PPE it can only be recharged by being placed on a ley line or nexus- automatically refills at 20 PPE per hour.
    • Harness glows with pretty magical energy while charged
• Negative Effects: After Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is used the user receives the following penalties: Speed, Attacks per melee, Skills, and combat bonuses are reduced by half (Round up) for 1D4 minutes.
•Additional Negative Effect: If Magical Adrenal-Rush feature is used more than four times per twenty-four hour period, the wearer will immediately (after the duration of the fifth use) fall into a coma like sleep for sixteen hours due to hormonal strain.

Skill Rolls:
Techno-Wizardry Construction [dice]1358750:0[/dice] / 95% Pass
Basic Electronics [dice]1358750:1[/dice] /81% Pass
Electrical Engineer [dice]1358750:2[/dice] /81% Pass
Mechanical Engineer [dice]1358750:3[/dice] /80% Fail
Math: Basic [dice]1358750:4[/dice] /98% Pass
Advanced Mathematics [dice]1358750:5[/dice] /91% Pass
A couple of initial comments.

1. Sorrenson will need to find the Energy Sphere spell.
2. In the construction rules, function follows form. "It is better to pick a form and components that complement the functions that it is expected to perform. There will always be some sort of addition to the device that symbolizes the added mystic power." What does it look like? Just slapping hundreds of carats on to the existing device isn't enough. Typically the higher the level spell, the more grandiose the form must be. Annihilate for example couldn't be in a pistol, it would be a cannon. This is Phase World so while the form wouldn't have to be the battery pack of a Tesla, it'd still have to be conspicuous.

I get the harness is the form for Magical Adrenal Rush, but what is the form for Sustain and now Energy Sphere?

3. Energy Sphere by default doesn't come fully charged, the caster has 10 minutes to charge it, whether it's from personal PPE or from a ley line/nexus. Where is the extra energy coming from to fill the tank?
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dark Lord »

As to item 3, that's why he's using so many gems.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dime Store Magic »

That’s the thing. Diamonds aren’t necessary for Energy Sphere. And Energy Sphere isn’t needed for diamonds to store PPE. In fact they are inefficient as they restrict the users ability to pull the PPE from them to 10 or 20 PPE per round.

Looking back, my guess is that the plan is to push a fully charged PPE sphere into the device. PPE storage has a -1% penalty per point of PPE storage. That’s -800%
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dark Lord »

Dime Store Magic wrote:That’s the thing. Diamonds aren’t necessary for Energy Sphere. And Energy Sphere isn’t needed for diamonds to store PPE. In fact they are inefficient as they restrict the users ability to pull the PPE from them to 10 or 20 PPE per round.

Looking back, my guess is that the plan is to push a fully charged PPE sphere into the device. PPE storage has a -1% penalty per point of PPE storage. That’s -800%
I'm reading between the lines here, but my initial inclination is that PPE storage via a spell such as energy sphere is functionally different than simply tacking on additional storage to a more conventional TW device. Otherwise, these are massive restrictions for TW wanting to use the spell that don't apply to any other practitioner of magic. So, in this case I feel semi-comfortable ruling that the above restrictions don't apply to PPE stored as part of a spell like e-sphere or talisman. What do you think?

Sorrenson- something else I missed during my initial reading is that using a spell the TW doesn't know boosts the base PPE by 50%. I think we should do that- keeping everything else the same that bumps the construction time to 12 days, which I feel OK with.

Sorrenson and I already discussed his other two points, and he will chime in here with his thoughts. I'd like the three of us to be on the same page before proceeding with the construction.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dime Store Magic »

Dark Lord wrote:I'm reading between the lines here, but my initial inclination is that PPE storage via a spell such as energy sphere is functionally different than simply tacking on additional storage to a more conventional TW device. Otherwise, these are massive restrictions for TW wanting to use the spell that don't apply to any other practitioner of magic. So, in this case I feel semi-comfortable ruling that the above restrictions don't apply to PPE stored as part of a spell like e-sphere or talisman. What do you think?
We know the spell itself can be given to another when created, and we both have characters that create extra sphere's and store them away, so I don't see a problem with the device being used by others. Since it's a device and not the spell, I would probably just say the user must be touching it otherwise anyone could draw on it's energy. Or we could add the spell Attune Object to Owner as a security feature that is activated by the person holding it when it's charging. My point is that using diamonds to store the energy is unnecessary as the spell holds it already and the cost to have significant on-board PPE using diamonds has a huge creation penalty.

If I were building the device (so inspiration):
Prototype Mana Containment Device wrote: Max P.P.E.: 800
Max Duration: 16 days
M.D.C.: 50 (500 when charged)
Description: A large tesla sphere in a wire frame cage. Various different style connector ports are on the device. The inside of the sphere has an intricate lattice of ruby quartz. The top of the device has a single large green emerald, while the conducting rod in the middle has a single diamond. The sphere radiates a warm red glow with flashes of white when a spark of energy leaps from the center post to one of the ruby quartz gems on the wall of the sphere.

This magical battery automatically charges at the rate of 40 P.P.E. per minute when on a ley line or nexus (rate doesn't increase at a nexus). The prototype battery loses 50 P.P.E. per day. The device while it obviously crackles with visible energy when charged, does not radiate any magic at all.
Device Level 8

1. Form: Tesla Sphere

2. Function: Store a massive quantity of P.P.E. but not necessarily be recognizable as magic when charged.

3. Spell Chains: 1

Energy Sphere (120)

Mystic Invisibility (25) - to prevent others from sensing it when charged.
Invulnerability (25) - To strengthen the device's shell to hold the massive quantity of PPE energy.

4. Required Gems:

Energy Sphere: Ruby Quartz - Base 4 carats for Device Level 8 (300 credits/carat). Extra Gems 300 carats (this infinite # of extra gems is totally broken)
Invulnerability: 1 carat Diamond (15,000 carat)
Mystic Invisibility 1 carat Green Emerald (16,000) - Guessing the gem since spell isn't in list. Used emerald because that's what the regular invisibility spells use.

5. Base P.P.E. Cost: Sum (All Spell P.P.E.) x Device Level x 10 / # of carats for Primary Spell

version A: If all spells known: 170 x 8 x 10 / 300 = 46

version B: None of the spells known: 68

6. Activation Cost:
Ley Line Powered: PPE Construction Costs x 1.5
version A: 69 P.P.E.
version B: 102 P.P.E.

7. Calculate Construction Time: (PPE Construction Cost/10)*Device Level
version A: 55 hours
version B: 82 hours

8. Construction Cost: PPE Construction Cost x 10 x Device Level + Cost of All Gems
version A: 5520 + 304 carats of Ruby Quartz x 300 credits + 1 carat of Diamond x 15000 credits + 1 carat Green Emerald x 16000 + Mage to cast the 3 spells (Energy Sphere costs 600K, Mystic Invisibility 120K, Invulnerability 120K to learn before markup. The mage(s) most likely will have to cast the spells multiple times, but isn't actively teaching it, so maybe 1/3 of cost: 280K;

version B:
version A: 8160 + 304 carats of Ruby Quartz x 300 credits + 1 carat of Diamond x 15000 credits + 1 carat Green Emerald x 16000 + Mage to cast the 3 spells (Energy Sphere costs 600K, Mystic Invisibility 120K, Invulnerability 120K to learn before markup. The mage(s) most likely will have to cast the spells multiple times, but isn't actively teaching it, so maybe 1/3 of cost: 280K;
Total Cost:
Version A: 407,720 credits

Version B: 410,360 credits

Prototype Schematics -20%
No Schematics -80%
Unknown Common Primary Spell : -20%
Unknown Common Secondary Spell: -15%
Unknown Common Secondary Spell: -15%

Techno-wizard Assistant: +1% per 10% of TW assistant skill

Role play wise - time should be spent coming up with the schematic, per RUE it's 3 hours per spell level, so 81 hours.

Base build roll will have significant penalties. PP of course can be spent, but this is where we end up with the GM saying ;roll your skills a thousand times' or some other nonsensical number.

Also since it's a prototype, there should be something quirky about the device no matter what level of success.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Sorrenson »

Okay, so this will probably be a wall of text – sorry about that in advance.

I’d like to start by pointing out that since Sorrenson has been on the site since 2012 (with a year / 18-month break around 2015 or so), he’s made a grand total of 3 TW items. I point this out for a few reasons.

1 – I don’t have a lot of familiarity with the TW creation rules in RUE. I look back on the notes I have on the items I’ve created previously, and they don’t make a whole lot of sense when comparing to the rules in RUE.
2. - The nature of pbp and the lack of IC downtime between missions don’t allow for a lot of time to be spent in the workshop making stuff. This is a good thing, adventuring is fun. However, it does mean that the whole ‘Create TW device’ aspect of a TW is somewhat neglected.

I’d also like to point out that I think the TW creation rules are a bit shit / deeply flawed. Having said that, I don’t care enough about it to argue about them, or to come up with a well-thought-out set of alternatives. I post on PbP RPG for fun, getting anywhere above ankle deep in rpg rules discussion over the internet is not fun.

For this device, I’d like it to do the following:
Contain an energy sphere that Sorrenson can use to access PPE while in and out of the Drudge. That’s it. I just want it to work like a normal Energy Sphere, that is built into a TW device so Sorrenson doesn’t have to eat the 50% penalty for not using it in a device.

The reason why I would like this is that, in the very long term, I would like to add more TW goodies to the Drudge. These goodies could end up being very very PPE thirsty. This PPE source is the foundation, without power these goodies aren’t much fun. To avoid the creation penalty for each and every TW device that stores its own PPE, I intend this Energy Sphere to be the power source for all of them. This way the PPE is there to be used and, in theory, each TW add on will be easier / quicker to build.

I’ve had this idea for a very long time just hanging out in my head stewing in its own juices, and I’ve gotten really attached to a glowing juicer harness. That’s why I chose the Juicer Harness form. Also, it would be readily accessible in and out of the PA.

What I propose is the following:

• Sorrenson buys some PPE storing rings / necklaces for use now. This thing is going to take a long time to build IC. I’m cool with that. One day DL or DSM will say ‘Okay it’s done now, you can use it.’ For now, I’d just like to get the device sorted to all of our satisfaction.
• Sorrenson buys a grimoire/scroll of Energy Sphere and learns it. I know this makes the process longer and I don’t mind. What I do object to is eating penalties to TW device creation (for not knowing the spell) that mean I’d have to spend PP to make it. One should not need to spend PP to facilitate a core role of one’s OCC. Spend PP to kill a beyond-epic level big bad guy? I’ll do it! Spend PP to learn a high-level spell? I’ll do it! Spend PP, as a TW, to make creating a TW device even possible? Lol, no.
• Sorrenson & Maris come up with schematics / plans for the device. I really like DSM’s Plasma Ball idea and intend to steal it. Thinking about it, maybe it is a bit much to stuff 800PPE into the tubes on a Juicer Harness, even for an Energy Sphere.
• Proposed Form: Take DSM’s Plasma Ball and stuff it in one of the storage bins on the Drudge. It’d take up a whole bin. It would be attached in there and non-portable. Then, because I’m chomping at the bit for a glowing juicer harness, make it so a portion (10% maybe) could be syphoned off and stored in the harness, and usable while not piloting the Drudge. The harness would flicker with Plasma Ball style energy and therefore glow, plus most of the PPE would be available for use while piloting the Drudge as I intend to use it.
• If the harness part is going to be a problem conceptually for either of you, then I’ll drop it. I’ll have to come up with another way to, one day, make the Juicer Harness glow. No mere string lights will cut it.
• The spell chain will be simple, and ideally, limited to spells Sorrenson knows. I want the device to work like an Energy Sphere. So, the chain should be something like this: Energy Sphere. Complicated spell chains are cool and all, but they add cost and time. This device is already going to take a LONG time IC and I don’t see the point in extending it when the intention is to use it, essentially, just the way the spell is used.
• Gems and stuff – I’ll toss whatever is required / attainable at it. Sorrenson has credits and is happy to spend them on this.
• Then Sorrenson will try to build it.

What do you guys think about this? I don’t want to do the math until we’ve sorted this out.

Some thoughts on DL’s (the one I posted originally was a copy and paste of what DL sent me via DM after we discussed it for a bit) and DSM’s (Plasma Ball in a stick) proposed devices

DL’s device
• I don’t think diamonds are needed to store the PPE as the Energy Sphere spell should do it as per the spell.
• ‘Accessing the PPE in storage has an activation cost of 22 PPE.’ – Why? Unless I’m missing something, I don’t think a normal caster needs to do so to draw PPE from the Sphere.
• ‘can only be recharged by being placed on a ley line or nexus- automatically refills at 20 PPE per hour.’ – I’m fine with this, if this is for game balance purposes, but 20 PPE per hour seems very slow.

DSM’s device

• ‘Form: Tesla Sphere’ – Good idea. Consider it stolen ;)
• ‘This magical battery automatically charges at the rate of 40 P.P.E. per minute when on a ley line or nexus (rate doesn't increase at a nexus). The prototype battery loses 50 P.P.E. per day. The device while it obviously crackles with visible energy when charged, does not radiate any magic at all.’ – If it’s losing 50 PPE per day, it must be leaking / radiating magic somehow. Losing 50 PPE is more than a quirk to me, it’s a serious flaw. Like, a why bother flaw.
• ‘Spell Chains:
Mystic Invisibility (25) - to prevent others from sensing it when charged.
Invulnerability (25) - To strengthen the device's shell to hold the massive quantity of PPE energy.’ – I don’t think these are needed. Which book is Mystic Invisibility from? I don’t recall seeing it. Sorrenson kinda wants people to know he’s packing magic, hence the glowing harness. Also, there is no CS to worry about on Phase World. For the Invulnerability, Energy Sphere has 500 MDC and is impervious to most attacks anyway.
• Spending PP for a TW to build a TW device shouldn’t be needed. It’s a core roll of the OCC, not something very difficult to do that only PP can make possible.
• Making it a LL device makes sense in a way. LL and nexus’ are going to be the only place it can be filled anyway.

Finally, I’d like to point out that all this is about just one device that all I want it to do is work like the spell. There isn’t anything really fancy about it other than it’s based on a high-level spell. The glowing harness bit is really just fluff / flavor. I have other, much more complicated stuff in mind.

Spitballing and day dreaming about possible TW devices a TW PC can make is a lot of fun. Getting a TW device made as a PC – not so much.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dime Store Magic »

I think we need to balance the rules with the fun, and not let the rules overshadow the fun.

The easiest route is to just learn the spell. Sorrenson can cast it at full strength with the proper focus item. So he could use an e-clip (the form matters, so using a device that is also a battery makes sense) as the device he uses as the conduit of his magic. Without, it only reduces, the range, duration and M.D./M.D.C. so while it would only last 8 days, it could still hold 800 P.P.E. Then Sorrenson can stroll around town with big ball of energy glowing at his shoulder.

In terms of being a TW, I think when you want the device to do something different than the spell or combine various spells together in some fashion, that's when you want to invest the time in creating an actual device. If it's just to replicate an existing spell effect that you are going to use yourself, then find the right conduit and call it a day.

So I could see building a device for the Drudge that allows it to connect to the various magical systems providing external power. Then maybe build devices that link the systems to the sphere and triggers to make them tap the sphere automatically. A trigger for example that activates the AOI automatically without you having to use up an action and uses the TW energy sphere to power it.

In my example, I had the power loss set up that way just to deal with the fact that it would disappear in 16 days if no other action was taken. It was offsetting how it functions by working automatically on a ley line. It could just as easily be that once on a ley line, you flip a switch and then the spell triggers and begins filling up with energy until it reaches max or you leave the line.

The 50 PPE quirk could just be the energy it uses to maintain the structural integrity of the device or some sort of techno-babble. Over-time, Sorrenson improves the efficiency of the device so it's only 25 per day, then 10, then none as he constructions versions 1.x. My idea was just inspiration so at the end of the day, DL could take your ideas, mine, or come up with his own for the device he's willing to approve.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Sorrenson »

Yeah, I think learning the spell is the way to go. I figured that, at worst, he could cast it normally at half strength. A half strength Energy Sphere is still a very decent thing to have. I was wondering how if a focus item would work, the e-clip idea sounds excellent. It's so good, it's making me wonder if this device needs to get built at all. Instead of making a TW Energy Sphere device, just use an eclip as a focus device and use any TW workshop time to 'wire up' the Drudge with a system to distribute the PPE in the clip to various TW systems.

How would this this work: Casting Energy sphere through a focus item on a nexus? Casting it through a focus item removes the half strength penalty, and casting on a nexus doubles the strength. Would that make it hold 1600 PPE and last 32 days?

If this is the case, would filling up the eventual TW Energy Sphere device at a nexus have the same doubling effect?

the automated system is a good idea too. I'd played around with a few ideas in my head along these lines. For example, build a sensor suite to detect incoming missiles. Something like a small radar dome or IR camera like you see on Russian jet fighters, mount on the head or shoulder. Hook it up to automated closed in defense system that can either cast an Energy Field (I think that's what it's called, the 60 MDC one) into the path of the missiles, or fire a set of Fireballs at the missiles. Or both, Fireball first and Energy Field second. It's not going to stop every missile, but each point of damage that the main body doesn't take helps - a lot. There may be far better spell options for this kind of thing, but Sorrenson knows both of these.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dime Store Magic »

Sorrenson wrote:Yeah, I think learning the spell is the way to go. I figured that, at worst, he could cast it normally at half strength. A half strength Energy Sphere is still a very decent thing to have. I was wondering how if a focus item would work, the e-clip idea sounds excellent. It's so good, it's making me wonder if this device needs to get built at all. Instead of making a TW Energy Sphere device, just use an eclip as a focus device and use any TW workshop time to 'wire up' the Drudge with a system to distribute the PPE in the clip to various TW systems.
When using a technological device as a conduit. The plain vanilla spell is cast. In this case, Sorrenson would have a sphere hovering at his shoulder, and would draw on the PPE, then pump it into whatever TW device he wanted. If Sorrenson wants the Drudge to be able to access it directly, then it becomes a TW device in and of itself.

Sorrenson wrote:How would this this work: Casting Energy sphere through a focus item on a nexus? Casting it through a focus item removes the half strength penalty, and casting on a nexus doubles the strength. Would that make it hold 1600 PPE and last 32 days?

If this is the case, would filling up the eventual TW Energy Sphere device at a nexus have the same doubling effect?
Ley lines and nexi increase range, duration and damage. They don't increase ancillary effects. So the PPE stored is still 800, but the duration would be extended. I am blanking on how TW devices work on ley lines, I think some canon devices have specific limited increases, but in general I think the answer is yes? :eye:
Remember: The conduit item to cast the spell at full strength doesn't need to be magical, just technological.
Sorrenson wrote:the automated system is a good idea too. I'd played around with a few ideas in my head along these lines. For example, build a sensor suite to detect incoming missiles. Something like a small radar dome or IR camera like you see on Russian jet fighters, mount on the head or shoulder. Hook it up to automated closed in defense system that can either cast an Energy Field (I think that's what it's called, the 60 MDC one) into the path of the missiles, or fire a set of Fireballs at the missiles. Or both, Fireball first and Energy Field second. It's not going to stop every missile, but each point of damage that the main body doesn't take helps - a lot. There may be far better spell options for this kind of thing, but Sorrenson knows both of these.
The rules indicate you can a machine with up to 4 magical functions. Something like this gets a little wonky, because the sensor system would be the wrong object to implant the protective spell or the offensive spell. But you could have the technological sensor system trigger a mechanical device that presses a button that activates a TW device that casts energy field, and connect to another that casts fireball (Though we are more sophisticated in PW, so it's probably just some signal it sends to the TW device). That's where each TW device would need it's own PPE storage or connected to some central PPE battery.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dark Lord »

I like the idea of simply learning and casting the spell using a focus- takes this discussion firmly into the realm of established house rules and spares us from a lot of guesswork. Because you've been a good sport I'm willing to stipulate that Sorrenson will be able to find materials that he can use to cast the spell (Metri can't teach it to him). They won't be cheap, but they'll probably be cheaper than all of those diamonds we originally discussed, and per the house rule learning the spell should take about as much time as constructing the device.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Sorrenson »

Dark Lord wrote:I like the idea of simply learning and casting the spell using a focus- takes this discussion firmly into the realm of established house rules and spares us from a lot of guesswork.
This sounds great.

I have another question. Would the Sphere be on the inside or outside of the Drudge while Sorrenson is fully suited up?
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

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I'm guessing that it would be on the outside unless the drudge's pilot compartment is bigger than normal.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Sorrenson »

Yeah, outside makes more sense. I assume Sorrenson will need to crack the suit open to draw from it? I mean, I could see him being able to 'sip' PPE while suited up and sealed in. Taking a big gulp of mana and drawing in a bunch would require more direct access - in my imagination at least.

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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

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I would say no, he can draw on it from within the drudge.
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Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Exe »

Exe's Goal: Turn Blinding Flash into a flashbang grenade spell using a combination of Thunderclap and Cloud of Smoke.

He will work throughout the trip to the next planetoid, and may occasionally ask Matthew the Ariel for assistance as a secondary.

Math to Modify Magic as per this post.

IQ: 20
ME: 23
Lvl: 5
1/10 Lore of Magic: 76% * .1 = 7.6 = 8
Traditional Spellcaster Bonus: 10
Percent to modify: 66%

Spell being modified: Blinding Flash (Lvl 1)
Spells being added?: Thunderclap (Lvl 1) + Cloud of Smoke (Lvl 1)

  • Make it like a flash smoke grenade that makes a loud pop andis held in hand and thrown, exploding on contact.
  • Creates a dust cloud, flash effect and thunderclap.
  • Anyone within 5ft of the impact receives full Blinding Flash effects, beyond that, it just appears as a light in the cloud.
  • Cloud of Smoke engulfs 2/3rds of normal area.
  • Thunderclap is muffled, but will still provide a Half-value HF of original.
Newly Modified Spell

Cherry Bomb
Projected 3rd level spell
Range: 30ft +5/lvl
Duration: Instant; Cloud dissipates after 2 melees
Saving Throw: Standard v Blinding Flash; HF 5
P.P.E.: 7
Description: Create a small orb of light in the palm of ones hand and then throw it at target area. Upon contact with anything except the casting mage, the light erupts in a quick flash that is followed by startling boom noise while a cloud of smoke covers a 20x20x20ft area. The initial flash only affects anyone within a 5ft radius of impact, but they suffer a -10 to strike, parry and dodge if they fail to save for 1d4 melees. Note: This does not affect cybernetic eyes. Anyone who successfully saves v magic is not blinded at all.
The startling boom that follows immediately after the flash grants the user +5 to initiatve, +1 Strike, Parry and Dodge while creating a HF 5 radius to everyone within 20ft (Save v HF 5). Even users that save are still drawn to look towards the boom.
After thirty (30) seconds, the cloud fully dissipates however anyone caught in the cloud are unable to see anything inside the cloud further than 3ft away, and anyone outside of the cloud can't see beyond it. While within the cloud, victims are at -5 strike, parry, dodge, disarm and entangle.

Pre-rolled success (at lower ratio than actual)
Exe wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:29 pmChance to Modify: 1d100: [21] = 21 /64% seen here.
New Chance to Modify Attempt: 1d100: [13] = 13 /66%
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dime Store Magic »

I haven't used these rules before, so I think this will need a Dark Lord ruling. From the house rule there is this section:
3) There is a -10% modifier for each level of the spell being modified above level 9. There is a flat -50% modifier if the spell is being made more potent, or altered in a way that is significantly counter to the spell's basic function. This is a slight departure from the rules as written. Specialist magic classes suffer a -20% penalty when modifying spells not within their particular specialty (for example, a temporal wizard cannot modify a conventional spell without this penalty).
As Exe is a temporal mage, I think it's clear the 20% penalty applies. However, this is attempting to merge effects and make a more potent effect, which would be another -50%. With only the first penalty, I think Exe is still successful. If the second applies, then he's not skilled enough to even attempt. (This is what I think DL needs to rule on).

Separately from the skill roll, I think we need to come up with how quickly must the cherry bomb be thrown before it's wasted. Is it like Throwing Stones, where you create it and throw it in the same action. Or is the goal to be able to hold this in one's hand until the right moment?
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Exe »

DSM wrote:
Some Rule wrote:3) There is a -10% modifier for each level of the spell being modified above level 9. There is a flat -50% modifier if the spell is being made more potent, or altered in a way that is significantly counter to the spell's basic function. This is a slight departure from the rules as written. Specialist magic classes suffer a -20% penalty when modifying spells not within their particular specialty (for example, a temporal wizard cannot modify a conventional spell without this penalty).
As Exe is a temporal mage, I think it's clear the 20% penalty applies. However, this is attempting to merge effects and make a more potent effect, which would be another -50%. With only the first penalty, I think Exe is still successful. If the second applies, then he's not skilled enough to even attempt. (This is what I think DL needs to rule on).
My only counter to this is that Exe is a Demi-God LLW which sorta gives him traditional with Temporal being just his focus or what he actually likes learning.
HOWEVER He did not actively learn the spells of the deific heritage naturally as they were inherited so I could understand the additional penalty. (with minor protest)

I accept DL's ruling whichever way he goes on this.
Dime Store Magic wrote: Thu May 11, 2023 1:10 pm Separately from the skill roll, I think we need to come up with how quickly must the cherry bomb be thrown before it's wasted. Is it like Throwing Stones, where you create it and throw it in the same action. Or is the goal to be able to hold this in one's hand until the right moment?
I concur with this and think that there should be a duration limit on the ball when it's formed.

The intent is that you make the cherry bomb and throw it. If you hold it too long, it's like a normal grenade and goes off in the user's hand. To that end, I would say that the user has to throw the Cherry Bomb within 7 seconds of its creation, or half a round, before it detonates.

When it's released, it detonates upon contact.
--I could accept that it has a flat time limit of 7 seconds before detonation or impact, whichever is reached first. (ie, if you hold it for 6 seconds and throw it, it'll blow up a few feet from where you were vs traveling until contact) However I don't really want to have to worry about this as a mechanic for either the GMs or myself to deal with. That being, when exactly it was thrown vs when it was created.
--As it is magic and not technology, the strict time limit on fuse countdown doesn't need to be adhered to for it blowing up after 1 second of travel time (as per above example). It'd make more sense to me to create it and throw it within 7 seconds. As long as it's thrown, it detonates upon contact. However I leave this caveat as a potential pitfall to the spell.
Cherry Bomb
Projected 3rd level spell
Range: 30ft +5/lvl
Duration: Instant, must be thrown within 7 seconds; Cloud dissipates after 2 melees
Saving Throw: Strike Roll to hit target area; Standard v Blinding Flash; HF 5
P.P.E.: 7
Description: Create a small orb of light in the palm of ones hand and then throw it at target area. Upon contact with anything except the casting mage, the light erupts in a quick flash that is followed by startling boom noise while a cloud of smoke covers a 20x20x20ft area. The initial flash only affects anyone within a 5ft radius of impact, but they suffer a -10 to strike, parry and dodge if they fail to save for 1d4 melees. Note: This does not affect cybernetic eyes. Anyone who successfully saves v magic is not blinded at all.
The startling boom that follows immediately after the flash grants the user +5 to initiatve, +1 Strike, Parry and Dodge while creating a HF 5 radius to everyone within 20ft (Save v HF 5). Even users that save are still drawn to look towards the boom.
After thirty (30) seconds, the cloud fully dissipates however anyone caught in the cloud are unable to see anything inside the cloud further than 3ft away, and anyone outside of the cloud can't see beyond it. While within the cloud, victims are at -5 strike, parry, dodge, disarm and entangle.
Note: If the Cherry Bomb is not thrown within 7 seconds of its creation, it detonates in the users hand and they are subjected to the full debilitating effects with no save.
Please see the above modified version.
-I modified the spell to include the 7 second, half round timer.
-I added a note at the bottom to include the penalty for failing to throw it in time.
-I also included the need for a strike roll to hit the target area (be it a person or area)
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Exe »

Exe wrote:Cherry Bomb
Projected 3rd level spell
Range: 30ft +5/lvl
Duration: Instant, must be thrown upon casting; Cloud last one melee per level of experience
Saving Throw: Strike Roll to hit target area; Standard v Blinding Flash; HF 5
P.P.E.: 7
Description: Create a small orb of light in the palm of ones hand and then throw it at target area. Upon contact with anything except the casting mage, the light erupts in a quick flash that is followed by startling boom noise while a cloud of smoke covers a 20x20x20ft area. The initial flash only affects anyone within a 5ft radius of impact, but they suffer a -3 to strike, parry and dodge if they fail to save for 1d4 melees. Note: This does not affect cybernetic eyes. Anyone who successfully saves v magic is not blinded at all.
The startling boom that follows immediately after the flash grants the user +2 to initiative, +1 Strike, Parry and Dodge while creating a HF 5 radius to everyone within 20ft (Save v HF 5). Even users that save are still drawn to look towards the boom.
The cloud takes 15 seconds per level of caster to fully dissipates however anyone caught in the cloud are unable to see anything inside the cloud further than 3ft away, and anyone outside of the cloud can't see beyond it. While within the cloud, victims are at -2 strike, parry, dodge, disarm and entangle.
Please see the above modified version as per Hangouts discussion.
-The magnitude of Blinding Flash has been reduced to -3 across the board for 1d4 melees.
-The bonus to initiative Thunderclap provides has been reduced to +2
-The duration of the cloud has been increased from 30 seconds to 15 seconds per level of caster. (Original spell is 1d4 melees per level)
-The magnitude of Cloud of Smoke Penalties has been reduced to -2
-Instant Cast -- Cherry Bomb must be thrown immediately -- detonates upon contact.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dark Lord »

Revised version is approved, make the appropriate updates.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Exe »

As per a Chats discussion with DL, beginning next project.
Exe's Goal: Turn the 4th level "Firebolt" Spell into a 8th level "Tri-Beam".

He will work as he has time, but while on planet surface will leave the ship with the group as they head out and work on it in his sitting time.

Math to Modify Magic as per this post.

IQ: 20
ME: 23
Lvl: 6
1/10 Lore of Magic: 81% * .1 = 8.1 = 8
Traditional Spellcaster Bonus: 10 (Based on last modification event, leaving this as is: Traditional)
Percent to modify: 67%

Chance to Modify Attempt: 1d100: [72] = 72 /67% [Exe is too distressed from the recent events perhaps]

Spell being modified: Firebold (Lvl 4)
Spells being added?: Electric Arc (Lvl 4) + Orb of Cold (Lvl 3)
New Spell: Tri-Beam (Lvl 8)

  • Make a Tri-Beam that, when fired, the user selects between Fire, Cold or Electric Damage types.
  • Double PPE to fire all three damage types, "Orb of Cold" Penalties will not be applied during a Tri-Beam, in a single beam at the target.
  • FireBolt has a +4 Strike, Electric Arc has a +2 and the Orb of Cold has a +1 == Tri-Beam will have a +2
  • Orb of Cold penalties last for 1d4 minutes and will be reduced to only last a single round. If fired as a True Tri-Beam, there will be no penalties.
Newly Modified Spell

Projected 8th level spell
Range: 100ft +5/lvl
Duration: Instant
Damage: 4d6 M.D.C. Fire, Electric, or Cold; 3d6 M.D.C. of each Fire/Elec/Cold
Saving Throw: Dodge.
P.P.E.: 25; 50 to cast all three damage beams as one.
Description: The spellcaster creates and directs a variable beam of M.D. energy with a +2 to strike. Upon initial casting, the spellcaster focuses the energy of the bolt into one of three damage types; fire, electric or cold. If the spellcaster doubles the energy the put into the spell, the spellcaster can create and direct a Tri-Beam that will strike with all three damage types. Each beam matches its variable energy type with Fire being red, Electric being yellow and Cold being blue. When all three are combined, it creates a white beam.
If the Cold Tri-Beam is cast and hits the target, they suffer -2 on Initiative, -1 to strike, parry and dodge and their speed is slowed by 20% for one melee round. DL: I think it should be 10%? Or do you intend to increase it?
If the True Tri-Beam is cast and strikes the target, there are no cold penalties. The target feels the heat, cold and surge from all three variable beams at once, though each in less intensity.
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Re: Tinkerers' Thread

Post by Dark Lord »

Approved, one minor note.
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