[GA] Consequences

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[GA] Consequences

Post by Dark Lord »

Consequences: Part 2
The sphincter-door slid closed behind M’yrel, and she finally allowed herself a smile beneath her armor. The gene-techs’ work was proceeding nicely, the UWW was as good as theirs, and their primary opponent had been dealt a devastating blow. The one sticking point was the loss of so many super-soldiers, but if the gene-techs succeeded in splicing the alien DNA from Axis that problem would be solved in future models. Her smile deepened. Do-gooders. So predictable.

”Good evening. This is Trix Watannabe with GNN. Whole sectors of the Three Galaxies have been blanketed in some sort of spatial interference that is jamming communications and most forms of phase-tech. For that reason we begin every nightly newscast with an update on what scientists are calling the Flash.

Some ten days ago, just short of 0600 galactic standard time, space ruptured on eight worlds located throughout the Three Galaxies. On seven of these eight worlds, the result was a massive, planet-cracking explosion. The aftermath has depleted magical energy reserves across dozens of other planets, mainly located within the United Worlds of Warlock, and resulted in the aforementioned spatial interference. The death toll is projected to break one trillion next week.

The one planet to survive the rupture more or less intact is Phase World. Eyewitnesses report that at the time of the Flash the entire city began glowing. Some sort of pulsing, sickly green light emanated from every Promethean-original structure in the city of Center before it was discharged through the top of the city. Phase World itself and most of the city was spared, but the energy itself was directed through the roof of the megalith- presumably by some sort of Promethean phase tech or ability. As a result the top of Center was blown off, and much of Level 1 has been devastated. The epicenter of the explosion was at the center of the level, and in addition to blowing the roof off the estate of Center’s First Citizen Thraxus was atomized. Mister Thraxus himself remains unaccounted for. Local economists are bearish on the local economic situation in the light of such a catastrophic destruction of wealth.

Then again, the Prometheans may be the lucky ones when all is said and done. The United Worlds of Warlock has been decimated by the Flash which destroyed Alfheim, Tempest, and Smithy in what some are calling a targeted attack. The Parliament of Worlds was in session at the time, meaning more than 90% of the UWW’s federal government is presumed dead- including King Silverlight and most of his family. The Sorcerer’s College, Elven Star Chamber, and Dwarven Guildmasters’ Council have all been similarly decimated. Coupled with the unprecedented decrease in magical strength throughout the bloc, many outside observers fear that these events mark the end of the UWW as a cohesive power bloc. Certainly its influence within the Three Galaxies will be substantially diminished. The one bright spot for the affected worlds is Mort Fingerling, who has taken charge of the evacuation and resupply efforts of the impacted worlds within the UWW thanks to a particularly resilient prototype magical transportation network. Fingerling and his organization have provided crucial leadership and coordination to the beleaguered remnants of the Warlock Marine Corps and the Armada, and his name is already being whispered in some corners as a potential replacement monarch. One thing that is clear, however, is that the UWW’s adversaries intend to fully take advantage of the tragedy. Many border worlds have declared independence from the UWW in the light of King Silverlight’s death, and all four Splugorth kingdoms as well as the Transgalactic Empire have launched sorties into the disputed territories. Slaver raids are also on the rise. In response, many ex-UWW and unaffiliated worlds have flooded the Consortium of Civilized Worlds with petitions for membership. Whether the CCW’s infamous bureaucracy is up to the task of facing a rapid increase in entanglements as well as several rising threats on multiple fronts simultaneously remains to be seen.

Two other noteworthy UWW members have also suffered calamity from the Flash. On the Norse world of New Midgard the explosion triggered the Norse Ragnarok, and even now the pantheon fights through its own personal end of days. The Midgard Serpent is presently consuming the remains of New Midgard, and many Norse worshippers are losing faith even as they answer the call to battle. Whether the Norse gods will be able to prevail and return to the galactic stage is far from certain, and their priests warn of other gods- or worse- who will take a renewed interest in the Three Galaxies without such a heavy Norse presence. Meanwhile, the explosion on Alexandria has reduced the True Atlantean population to its lowest levels since the fall of their motherland thousands of years ago. Legions of Undead Slayers, dimensional travelers, and champions of good have been recalled to aid in the humanitarian crisis. Lord Aerihza of Clan Aerihman is arguing for a new, unified Atlantean government to help coordinate aid to Alexandria and unite the Atlantean people for their own safety. Experts say that this could result in an inward turn for the Atlantean people, meaning fewer champions out and about.

The remaining two centers of the Flash were both located in territory controlled by the Free World Council- Axis IV at the pre-Flash front line, and Good Hope- the capital world of the rebellion. Whatever was keeping the Kreeghor fleet at bay in the Axis system was destroyed when the planet exploded, and while the Free World Council was caught off-guard the Kreeghor were not. After swiftly retaking the Axis system, the imperial armada immediately pressed on to conquer three rebel systems and threaten four others. The destruction of most of the FWC’s central government and command structure at Good Hope, to say nothing of the hit to morale, have caused the rebellion’s fortunes to plunge precipitously. Analysts predict that with current trends the Kreeghor will completely crush the rebellion by the end of the month; insiders at the CCW have pointedly refused to comment on the CAF’s response to rising Kreeghor belligerence.

The loss of life and amount of suffering caused by this calamity are incalculable. Many voices call out for an explanation, for justice. People Power has released video footage on their social media networks that they claim is from a facility located on Kron Omega showing a group of individuals led by a large horned deevil fleeing the facility after planting some sort of explosive device. Some of these individuals have been identified by our team of researchers as mercenaries operating under Citizen Thraxus, which begs the question- could he have been involved. But why? For now, at least, all we have are questions, and a whole bunch of outraged people. This group is currently wanted by the Promethean authorities for questioning and across 15 star systems in the UWW.”

That summation, or something like at, leads every news cast your last week on the ship. Teleporting back to Phase World works normally once you’re outside of the interference around Kron Omega, but a quick scan reveals that your usual parking spot has been destroyed along with much of Level 1. Thraxus emerges with his kitty-escort and is clearly impatient to get down there.

What are you doing?
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Re: [GA] Consequences

Post by Talon »

Perception: 1d100: [55] = 55 /42%
JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 ; 1d100: [16] = 16

Active Effects:

Talon ensures the ship is on course as he leaves the rest to the auto pilot. It's been a long day. I need a shower. Talon, after some rest, comes out to get a meal and see if they have gotten communications back up. Standing there with a bowl in hand he watches the broadcast. Talon freezes at the beginning of the broadcast, What? I thought we disabled the rifts? How were they effected...no... Talon is so fixed to the broadcast he doesn't notice the bowl shatter on the floor spilling the food over his boots. With each word Talon grows paler as his mouth hangs open. There's no way... Talon numbly drops into a seat, unable to remain standing, to listen to the remainder of the broadcast. Talon looks over anyone else in the room, They were so confidant. Unshakable. They knew what to do. While I was simply fumbling along in their wake. I had no idea what I was doing. Was that the cause? Could my inexperience with them had led them to overlook something? What did we do wrong? Talon, forgetting about the mess he left, heads to his room after the bombshell of a broadcast is finished.

Over the next few days Talon drives the dark thoughts from his head the same way he did when his family perished. He focuses on solving a problem set. Talon sits behind a computer and begin tracing out the events he was present for. Talon links together events and people and interactions. Talon includes things from the broadcast. Someone really knew how they think as a group. They must have had a lot of interaction in the past. The movements of other pieces after the Flash. Too coordinated. Almost predicted. A person with an immediate solution to a situation. The TGE jumping on the FWC. The call for our heads. What better way then to have the public get rid of your opposition for you. I don't have a why or who. But it fits. We were set up. Something tugs at Talons mind as if he should look at something in his own past with the same analytics, but he ignores it.

Talon brings several things to the group after a few days of research. "This was by no means comprehensive, but I tried to look through everything that happened and some of your history. Honestly it's the only thing I could do after hearing the news of what happened. I have a feeling we are being set up to take the fall for the "Flash". Looking at the data shows that several groups were poised to take advantage of the destruction in a way that indicates prior knowledge of disaster. Also the footage of us leaving the area was carefully planned. With the communications disruption it should have been impossible for the footage to leak out. So it was taken deliberately to ensure we were ultimately identified as the culprits. It also shows, who ever put this together had a lot of information on how we work as a group. Things like our habits and decision making. What triggers will get us to move one in a direction that benefits our adversary. While we were winning the fight on the planet, the enemy retreated. Their retreat, in hindsight, basically ensured we had enough time to devise a plan to pop the last stabilizer, all but guaranteeing the result we got. If they had continued the fight we likely would never had made it to the last stabilizer in time, or with a good safety margin. So I assess the transformation bit, while likely still a threat, was a smoke screen to get us to destroy all the stabilizers. I think someone was counting on us not risking anyone but the planet we were on. Talon looks down in frustration, "Feels like we were lead around by the nose while out there. He looks up to see if the information is being received, "So I have no idea what to do with this information. It is really just speculation based on the information at hand, but it does logically explain everything that happened. Now, I just joined up with you so I know I don't have all the data points, but even if the evidence is there to support us, I very much doubt the court of public opinion will find us anything but guilty. We will be on the chopping block as a sacrifice to the masses that will undoubtedly call for our literal heads. Talon looks around concerned, "So...What do we do now?"

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Re: [GA] Consequences

Post by Ghast »

Perception: 1d100: [56] = 56 /52%
Just in Case: 1d20: [11] = 11 ; 1d100: [69] = 69
Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive),
360° scanning capability, +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise

H.P.: 33/33
S.D.C.: 70/70
I.S.P.: 249/249
Current Outfit: Clothes (Black T-Shirt, Worn Beige Cargo Pants, Raggedy Gray Sweater, Arm wraps, Combat Boots), Red Scarf, Weapon Harness, ratty overcoat.
Weapons & Armor
Armor: NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor 90/90
Integrated Force Field: 75/75
Weapons: HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle Ammo: 30/15
NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol Ammo: 10/10
Slicer GR-Gun Ammo: 12/12
Phase Sword
Ripper Bayonet
A Variety of explosives.

Ghast slumps in the chair when he hears the news. We failed... We failed so many people. Ghast thinks morosely. Now they're gonna hunt for us... which means the... I won't go back. Ghast thinks angrily. Ghast half pays attention to Talon as he speaks, his mind in some dark spaces.

"Why don't we use the time relic, like that one lady did." Ghast asks. "Because turning ourselves in is not an option for me... There are some very bad folk who would love to reacquire me, and I am not going back." Ghast adds, giving a bit of personal motivation.
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Re: [GA] Consequences

Post by Metri »

Perception: d%: [59] = 59 | 67%
JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 | d%: [87] = 87 %
Character Sheet
  • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
  • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
    • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [76] = 76 | 86%.
    • Track by psychic scent: d%: [43] = 43 | 95%.
  • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [8] = 8 | 97%.
  • Sense Life. 300ft.
PPE: 171/171
ISP: 275/275
Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
MDC: 73/73
MTB1_PPE: 180/180
MTB2_PPE: 180/180
MTB3_PPE: 180/180
SoE_PPE: 80/80
WoS_PPE: 40/40
Saving Throw Bonuses
+1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
Coma/Death: +4%
Magic (varies): +1
Lethal Poison (14+): +1
Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
Insanity (12+): +1
Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
+7 vs Possession
+2 vs Despair
+2 vs Horror Factor
+2 vs Illusions
+1 vs Poison and Disease

    Ten days is like an eternity for the diminutive mystic as he is forced to come to grips with the consequences of his actions. His troubled attempts at meditation are a chaotic medley of warding off the voices of the dead while trying to review how they were so thoroughly duped into playing the patsy in their enemies' grand plan.

    As media coverage of the Flash comes out, with Mort Fingerling miraculously prepared to render aid to the downtrodden, Metri can't help but conclude that this was their enemies' play for power. They managed to simultaneously eliminate those at the pinnacle of their power and stepped into the power vacuum to become the saviors of those who remained.

    Dark thoughts of vengeance intrude like whispers of temptation in the Yhabbayar's mind. He is forced to lock those thoughts away in the recesses of his mind, unable to fully banish them with the wound of his failures still so fresh.

    I must fortify myself for the difficult road ahead. The path will not be clear. Temptation to compromise will be ever present. But the long walk of redemption is how I must move forward. Metri promises himself.
    Talon wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:35 am"So...What do we do now?"
    "Atonement," Metri states matter-of-factly, "For our mistake.".

    Then, pointing a tridactyl finger in Thraxus' direction. "Returned to Center, Thraxus must be. A choice, he will make on whether to reveal himself or rally his resources in secret."

    Gesturing at the media reports, he continues, "Clear it is, our voice alone will not absolve us, hmm. Thraxus, maybe. At his discretion. But surrender to authorities only delay and give our enemies time to strengthen their position, it does."

    With a clenched fist and emotions bordering on anger, wholly unfamiliar and somewhat terrifying coming from the diminutive Yhabbayar, he practically spits out, "Mort Fingerling, a savior he is not. But strong his position currently is. A frontal assault by us, only bolster his leadership credentials will."

    Sighing in resignation, "So left we are with atonement, yesss." Referring again to the media reports, Metri clarifies, "From the disasters created through our actions, choose we must. Fix, that which we broke."

    Seemingly he seems to have an idea in his mind about where he believes the Adventurers should go next and he quickly shares it, "Small in force we are. Efficient in our time and energy, we must be. The greatest impact, in New Midgaard, to hold back the tide of end of days, I think we should travel. Unlikely to turn down our offer to aid, they would. If successful, powerful bonds of friendship we could forge, yesss."
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    Re: [GA] Consequences

    Post by Talon »

    **Rolls Held Over**
    Metri wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:44 pm
    "Atonement," Metri states matter-of-factly, "For our mistake.".

    Then, pointing a tridactyl finger in Thraxus' direction. "Returned to Center, Thraxus must be. A choice, he will make on whether to reveal himself or rally his resources in secret."

    Gesturing at the media reports, he continues, "Clear it is, our voice alone will not absolve us, hmm. Thraxus, maybe. At his discretion. But surrender to authorities only delay and give our enemies time to strengthen their position, it does."

    With a clenched fist and emotions bordering on anger, wholly unfamiliar and somewhat terrifying coming from the diminutive Yhabbayar, he practically spits out, "Mort Fingerling, a savior he is not. But strong his position currently is. A frontal assault by us, only bolster his leadership credentials will."

    Sighing in resignation, "So left we are with atonement, yesss." Referring again to the media reports, Metri clarifies, "From the disasters created through our actions, choose we must. Fix, that which we broke."

    Seemingly he seems to have an idea in his mind about where he believes the Adventurers should go next and he quickly shares it, "Small in force we are. Efficient in our time and energy, we must be. The greatest impact, in New Midgaard, to hold back the tide of end of days, I think we should travel. Unlikely to turn down our offer to aid, they would. If successful, powerful bonds of friendship we could forge, yesss."
    Talon listens to Metri but kind of tilts his head at a few of Metri's points. Too predictable. His points are valid and likely what we 'should' do but this feels like the big leagues of set ups. I've seen a few good cases while I was working for the precinct. Still it's hard to get my head around how many people died. I don't know if I can handle actually traveling to the places of devastation. I bet there are already things in place if we follow Metri's ideas. It seems like something they would do. Even if not. If we are identified as the cause of the issues and show up on one of the worlds that was hit...no way we're walking away from that. Even if we are there to help. There's only what eight of us? Powerful sure, but not to be missed in a large scale engagement. Much easier to string us up. Talon does not keep the worry from his face as Metri speaks. When he is finished, Talon give voice to his concerns.
    I think I get where you are coming from Metri. And I don't want to sound like I'm making light of anything that happened. I agree that Thraxus should be sent back to Phase World. It will be up to him if he wishes to continue supporting us. I only know what I've been able to read, but you seem like an influential person. I believe though that influence may be impacted by events. However, I don't think traveling to any of the impacted worlds would be a good idea. Talon lets that hang in the air a moment, "Let me explain. I used to work with one of the main police precincts on Seeron. I was party to many a case involving setup and frame jobs. This has all the classic hallmarks of a setup, but at a much grander scale. Taking that into account our adversary has to anticipate our kneejerk response to immediately attempt to assist the broken worlds. Also, While we may be powerful, we are only eight people. It's very likely any of the effected worlds would string us up the second we got there. Remember they are operating off raw emotion right now. People don't think well in those situations. The mob mentality would likely overwhelm us no matter how well intentioned we are." Talon looks apologetically at Metri, "I'm sorry but I don't think Atonement is going to be possible in the way you think it will be. And is that really atonement? Wouldn't it be better to expose the truth? We can't do that if we are dead, captured, or acting as a shield."

    Talon looks around and takes a breath as he prepares to offer an unpopular idea to the group, "I recommend we go to ground. Our adversaries have been working in the shadows. However now they are going to be coming into the light as their plan's are coming to fruition. If we now take to the shadows and work from there we will have the chance to expose the truth. If we trade places with our adversaries then we would now be operating out of the bounds of their predictions. Allowing for them to believe we decided to hide in shame. All the while working in the shadows to gather information and evidence. Ghast mentioned a 'Time Relic' to alter the past. I'm not going to even pretend to understand that. However if we are to use that and try to fix the past, we must know how our adversaries were able to predict our movements and actions. We need to find where we began to operate as a part of their plan. I don't think we can do that from the past. We need to be here in the present to find that answer. Even if we don't use the time relic we still need that evidence to expose the true culprits. Talon looks around to see how his position has been taken by the rest of the crew.
    "If we do this we're going to need to break from our current lives. New ship, names, documents, weapons, armor, even how we operate. We'll have to basically be in deep cover to break this and get ourselves exonerated. Talon shakes his head, "I know it sounds extreme, but I really don't see another way out of this where we aren't strung up for something we didn't do.

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    Re: [GA] Consequences

    Post by Draggor »

    Perception: 1d100: [17] = 17 | 27%
    JIC: 1d20: 1d20: [12] = 12 | 1d100: [59] = 59

    The news hits everyone differently, but especially so in Draggor's case, afterall, even without this crisis, there's a chance the creature would have outlived all of the victims' natural lives and their subsequent generations anyway. But in the face of this commitment to being a hero, it's hard to not feel beaten, it's hard to not want to take all of this out on Thraxus. We should change the nature of the working relationship with Thraxus. Yes, he should report to us now... Those are the more polite thoughts.
    This group is currently wanted by the Promethean authorities for questioning and across 15 start systems in the UWW.
    We tried to tell you it was too good to be true...
    The sentiment fills the creature at every waking moment. The time with the Galactic Adventurers has been nothing like any past life, and yet it is seemingly cut short: either going underground, and on the run again, or face imprisonment, or likely worse, by "doing the right thing". We are not captured, or on the run yet. This is not... over. Instead of lashing out at the idea of being set up, they make use of their renewed ability to read, and scour any and all reports to identify the 15 star systems the GA are going to need to avoid. Anyone walking by their room might even overhear them talking out loud, almost as if practicing what they're going to say.
    Ghast wrote: "Why don't we use the time relic, like that one lady did." Ghast asks. "Because turning ourselves in is not an option for me... There are some very bad folk who would love to reacquire me, and I am not going back." Ghast adds, giving a bit of personal motivation.
    "We agree with Ghast, will NOT be captured." Weakness still plagues most of the group, but that still doesn't stop a flash of intensity in the alien's eyes. Draggor pauses, takes a breath, and attempts to expand on their position. "This was done to us. Too many coincidences. Said their mission was to use tragedy to enter new age. Maybe different than planned, but if we did nothing, this," the creature motions to a screen with one of many reports highlighting the massive casualties, "always happens. We did them a favor," this time pointing at the footage of us leaving the building. "And, they had this, and must have sent it out before The Flash." The more Draggor speaks, the smoother it gets, and practically transforms into someone else speaking: they must have been part of some kind of formal SITREP style discussions before.

    As for Talon and Metri going back and forth, the creature listens intently, but visibly frowns at the notion of going to any of these affected worlds (presuming they are in the 15 where we are wanted). "Metri, atonement is for those who put us here. You have helped us, me. Your role, our role, as Talon says: do only as we can. Need to learn more, much, much more. About Mort. About The Flash. Time Relic. The weakness. And why up until now, we have been game pieces."
    Talon wrote:"If we do this we're going to need to break from our current lives. New ship, names, documents, weapons, armor, even how we operate. We'll have to basically be in deep cover to break this and get ourselves exonerated. Talon shakes his head, "I know it sounds extreme, but I really don't see another way out of this where we aren't strung up for something we didn't do.
    "We can't abandon Datephus, but the rest, yes." Draggor says Datephus the way they would any member of the GA. This is not just a new home, but certainly part of the crew itself. Once more motioning to footage of us, "How to hide? Calling me a Deevil, not correct, but doesn't matter? Stand out where we go." For hashing out possibilities of where we even could go, Draggor asks the ship, "Datephus, what worlds are we both unwanted, and don't have any treaties with the ones where we are?"
    Draggor | Ledger
    M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
    P.P.E.: 89 / 89

    The Cast:
    The Hero, The Exile, The Merc, The Lustful, OG Violence, Argent Warrior, The Lost One

    Events of Note
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    Chef Icky
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    Re: [GA] Consequences

    Post by Chef Icky »

    Perception: 1d100<61: [57*] = 1
    JIC: 1d20: [9] = 9 / 1d100: [73] = 73

    When the news mass cataclysm devastating multiple worlds reaches the ship, Icky goes into a near-catatonic state. He says very little to anyone (if he even says anything at all) and only minimally engages in any tasks. To an outside observer it’s almost as if the shock of the news has caused his conscious brain to effectively shut down and his body is operating on sheer autopilot. The truth, however, is far worse than that.

    Icky finds himself trapped in his memories of discovering the burned-out ruins of the UWW consulate in the aftermath of the demon invasion on Center. It is a mental prison from which he cannot extract himself – the smashed furniture, the mostly-unrecognizable corpses (including many dead bodies of his fellow Marines), Third Secretary Eripon’s desperate video message – all repeating in his mind in all-too-vivid clarity. And what makes it all the more unbearable is the knowledge that it’s his fault. Not solely, and not directly, but there’s no denying the blood that Icky sees on his hands. And if the carnage at the consulate was enough to bring him to tears, then how much more overwhelming can it be to know that now he has the additional blood of trillions of innocents whose only crime was being on the wrong planet at the wrong time?

    Most of the time he walks around in this shell-shocked state – or more accurately, he sits on a crate in the cargo bay staring at Sarge’s inert frame. We failed them, he thinks to himself. No, not ‘we’ my friend -- _I_ failed them again. I brought destruction down on everyone’s heads because I thought I was doing the right thing. Only this time it wasn’t just one building but almost the whole United Worlds of Warlock. It would have been kinder, I guess, if the failsafe had kicked in and killed us both. But either they disabled it when they worked you over, or the fact we didn’t know what we were doing kept it from triggering. So what are we going to do, old friend?

    His eyes drift down to the faded serpent tattoo on Sarge’s forearm, and for the first time in what seems like an eternity his mind is clear. That’s it. The relic. If that Haad witch was able to reverse the timestream multiple times, then why can’t I get myself back to the moment before we blow that last stabilizer and stop it from happening?

    He heads up to where the others are gathered and reaches the conversation in progress. Figures that they’d already have that idea. Lord Dionysus, if you’re listening, please give me the strength to follow this idea through.

    He clears his throat. “Alright… ya can forget ‘bout atonement in da here an’ now. We got set up way too nicely ta be able ta do anythin’ ‘bout it goin’ forward. But da way I see it we got a chance ta make everything right. It ain’t a big chance, but I’ll never be able ta look meself in da mirror until I take it. Oi ya, we use da time relic like Haad was doin’ on Axis-5… only we don’t use it ta reverse da whole Three Galaxies, we send ourselves back ta somehow stop our past selves from fraggin’ dat last stabilizer. Only problem is, I can’t do it on me own. I’m gonna have ta wake it up wit’ da help o’ dat deevil nappin’ inside Sarge. An’ fer dat I’m probably gonna have ta have a chat wit’ dat Corwin Decker goob.” And probably offer him my soul for his help, he adds to himself. Assuming he’s even still alive…

    “So yeah, da DSM makes port anywhere within sniffin’ range o’ Phase World an’ da game’s over. I’ll load up Sarge, Alison an’ Thraxus in da Star Ghost an’ drop ‘em off at a space station in orbit. Den it’s parts unknown fer yers truly until I can level up dat relic an’ get back to ya – wherever ya are.”

    He looks over at Thraxus (assuming he’s present; otherwise he’ll ask him privately) and adds “Boss man, if ya got a preference fer destinations just lemme know. An' I hate ta ask this… but could ya please make sure Lil’ Britches ‘ere gets ta (he gives the matron’s name and location)? I asked her ta keep a spot open for her should stuff get fecal.” He feels a tug on his pants and looks down at Alison already with tears in her eyes. “I don’t like it either, kiddo…” he gets down on his knee. “But from ‘ere on out, we’re likely gonna wind up dead or wishin’ we were. Dis way ya get a chance ta grow up wit’ other kids yer age, an’ maybe get ta be part o’ a new family dat loves ya. Just think o’ yer Papa Icky every once in a while, okay?” He gives her a hug – barely holding back his own tears – before standing up with her cradled in one arm and fishing a credit card out of his pocket that he hands to Thraxus. “Oi, take dis. If ya need some ready cash ta get back ta Center, use it an' please give da rest to da matron lady. It should be enough ta tide her over fer a good while.” ((OOC: handing over the Secure Universal Card: 2,000,000 credits from his character sheet))

    He turns back to the others. “Alright, ya mugs, let’s not waste time wit’ tearful farewells. Just promise me ya won’t get yerselves killed an’ I’ll do da same. When da time’s right I’ll be in touch; if yer wit’ me in tryin’ ta undo all dis, groovy… if not, den, I’ll do it meself an’ hope ta see ya in da next life. Either way it’s been an’ honor an’ a pleasure ta crack skulls an’ do big hero stuff wit’ da lot o’ ya.” He pulls out his Phase Beamer and hands it to Exe. “’Ere ya go, kiddo. Dis lil’ heirloom used ta belong to a Promethean named Jeggo. It got handed off to me, den to some others, but it’s always made its way back to me. Now it’s yer turn, an’ ‘ere’s hopin’ it’ll make its way back once again. Until then, looks like ya could use da extra firepower.”

    He turns and leaves for his/Alison’s cabins to pack up and load up the Star Ghost. “Oi, Datephus, all dat goes fer ya too…” he says as he walks out. “Take care o’ 'em, willya?”
    Food is da universal language, an' me galley is da universal translator.
    Don't ya mess wit' either one while I'm 'round. An' especially when I ain't 'round.


    - Max Bodily MDC: 187 ... Max ISP: 48 ... Max PPE: 12
    - Armor Max MDC: 120 ... Force Field Max MDC: 110
    - Natural Abilities: HF 11 ... 100’ nightvision (can see in total darkness) ... Fire/cold does 1/2 damage ... Fatigues at half rate of normal humans ... Lift 3,600 lbs & carry 1,800 lbs ... Jump 21.6’ across/10.8’ high standing; 54’ across/27’ high with running start
    - Combat Notes: 8 APM ... +3 initiative; +11 strike; +13 parry; +14 dodge; +4 roll, disarm; +8 pull; +21 PS bonus ... Critical Strike on an unmodified 18-20 ... Boxing: auto KO on nat 20 for 1d6 melees ... Paired Weapons ... Body flip/throw
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    Re: [GA] Consequences

    Post by Exe »

    Perception: 1d100: [51] = 51 /42%
    JiC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [32] = 32

    Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

    MDC: 152/152
    PPE: 291/291
    ISP: 60/60
    Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110
    | See Invisible [5min] | Alter Aura [5hr] | Invisibility Simple [15min |-9 Tohit] | Armor of Ithan [POPS] | Forcefield [110/110] | Magic Fire/Lightning/Cold do half] | Fly [24min |35MPH |1,000ftmax |



    Exe doesn't make for the bridge or the cargo hold, instead he makes straight for his room where his faithful friend rests. Exe rushes towards the lightning eagle and wraps an arm around his neck, Exe visibly out of breathe. "Why'd we even come here. Why am I even with these crazy people!?" Exe muffled screams into his familiar, not expecting an answer as he hears the door close behind him as the others take the ship off.

    Exe is rather traumatized from the ordeal and stays in his room for most of the four days that communications are down, randomly appearing with disheveled hair, a flat expression and the grunt of a teenager not wanting to talk to his family. On day 3, Exe works up enough mental capacity to begin looking at his spell notes again, still not talking to anyone really; not wanting to try explaining, or listening to what people think happened. Instead he starts working on a new magical project. "So, Cherry Bomb is awesome, but not great for offense... I wonder, take an Orb of Cold and weave a bolt of fire within it; it hits and suddenly someone's frozen so bad it burns them hehehe... Or maybe something with lightning..." Exe's musings take over until the fourth day when communications come up and the bad news rolls in.

    To say Exe is okay after the news would be a grave understatement.

    Matthew stands stoically at the doors arch while Exe refuses to leave, the teenage demigod also hiding away in his room for a good long while amid the reported destruction and chaos. "This is another lesson you need to learn; failure and loss. Due in no small part due to ego and a lack of patience. You move too fast, you make mistakes, lives are lost. But you don't give up, you learn and become better. Lest Chaos Wins." The ariel begins a customary lecture while the rest of the team take the ship into orbit and away. Exe glad only that he waited until the door shut to begin the lecture and not infront of everyone else. Exe audibly groans and shakes his head against Corus' feathers.

    "Oh, yeah, I'm sure we can just bounce back from this. It. Is. Chaos!" Exe snaps back, turning and looking at the Ariel. "What about you, ever seen such a catastrophic failure from people trying to HELP!? What am I supposed to do, as far as the whole galaxy is concerned, we're hunted assassins. Bad guys must've framed us." Exe practically yells, before his voice falling. The ariel remaining calm and silent until the teenager finishes before nodding.

    "Evil often counts on good being manipulatable. The moment you give up is the moment the battle is over and they've won. So don't let them win, and don't hide in your room." Matthew retorts. Causing Exe to look back up at the ariel with a grimace that softens to a sigh.

    "Yeah, easy for you to say." Exe mutters, walking past the Ariel to see what everyone else is doing, grabbing his painted helmet and putting it on before seeing anyone.


    Exe finds a doorway to lean in and listen into the greater discussion, his sour expression hidden behind his helmet. Shows what I get for following what the adults say. Maybe Sandshrew is right, I should start being more proactive... maybe this is why I'm here. Stop these guys from being a black hole wherever they go. Exe ponders to himself, genuinely having lost some faith in his companions.

    "Atonement? Run and Hide?! What about stop it from happening ever again!? What about hunt down the ones actually responsible for this. Find them, clear our names, bring actual justice to the bad guys. That's atonement. " Exe snaps from his helmet, agreeing more with Talon than Metri, the teenager's anger beginning to flourish at the loss of life without recourse.
    Icky wrote:’Ere ya go, kiddo. Dis lil’ heirloom used ta belong to a Promethean named Jeggo. It got handed off to me, den to some others, but it’s always made its way back to me. Now it’s yer turn, an’ ‘ere’s hopin’ it’ll make its way back once again. Until then, looks like ya could use da extra firepower.”
    Exe takes the heavy phase beamer from Icky with a confused look as the large teammate bids his plans and intended farewells. "Well, I'll hold onto it til you get back, then." Exe answers, pausing, his head in the helmet tilting. "... or when we get back?" He ponders aloud as he thinks about Icky's plan before nodding.

    "Okay, so while he does that. We find out who benefited from what happened the most. I'm still not even sure who the bad guy is..." He pauses again. "We gotta leave Phase World though. Go somewhere they won't recognize the ship. I'm not surrendering to the 'law' while they blame us and don't track down the actual ones responsible." Exe finishes, crossing his arms.
    Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead

    Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
    "The Ariel Spirit of Light, Matthew, is speaking."
    "The Seraph Spirit of Light, Kalinda, is speaking."
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    Re: [GA] Consequences

    Post by Joan Echo »

    Perception (33%) 1d100<33: [39] = 0
    JiC 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [55] = 55

    Splugorth Talisman of Armor of Ithan (activated twice) 100/100
    NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor (black and gold)
    M.D.C. by Location:
    • Helmet: 60
    • Arms: 50 each
    • Legs: 60 each
    • Main Body: 48/140
    Teal bowling shirt
    Cargo shorts
    Action sandals
    HPC bracelet

    Magical clubs with the Rings of Sha Los (2)
    NE-200 Plasma Cartridge Machine-Gun 17/40 (one spare magazine)

    The return trip to Phase World is grim. Unlike on previous flights, Juan is not particularly chatty. He has lost his magnificence. While he is still a god, he feels less almighty. And he is not alone, some of the other team members are equally depleted. Juan cannot console them, making him feel even less deific. Come on Jonny, you've been in worse situations before.* At least his link with his sister is still intact (this time). You've never been responsible for this much carnage across the Three Galaxies, but at least you are not in immediate bodily harm. Not helping. Oh, how can I? I've lost some of my divine spark.

    The Wandering God spends his days brooding in his quarters, only fixated on revenge. He doesn't know who; Mort Fingerling, like Haad before him, is a pawn for a much larger conspiracy. Juan will find them; he doesn't know how. The Galactic Adventurers are the face for the Flash, the single most devastating calamity to hit the Three Galaxies since the Minion Wars (which they are also closely tied to); Juan doesn't care because his only goal is to find them. He is only shaken out of this unnatural fixation when Talon calls a meeting.
    Urqos Talon wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:35 am"This was by no means comprehensive, but... what do we do now?"
    Sage Metri wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:44 pm"Atonement for our mistake... we could forge, yesss."
    The idea of contrition bristles against the Wandering God's very nature, even diminished. I am still infallible. But he doesn't say anything, instead brooding on just how dire things were. Thankfully, Talon chimes in with a plan that is more in line with Juan's rage.
    Urqos Talon wrote: Sat Jan 27, 2024 1:26 pm"I think I get where you are coming from Metri... it sounds extreme, but I really don't see another way out of this where we aren't strung up for something we didn't do."
    Juan gives a terse nod, "The Three Galaxies is large enough to disappear into. We can lay low until we have found a way to undo this mess."
    Priest Icky wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:01 am"Alright… ya can forget ‘bout atonement in da here an’ now... looks like ya could use da extra firepower."
    Juan has had many opportunities to marvel at the brave urqos of the Galactic Adventurers. Icky's decision to strike out on his own is one just one more instance. Juan puts his large hand on the minotaur's shoulder and with a sad smile says, "Priest, you are going on a dangerous journey. You have a strength that comes from something beyond Dionysius' blessing, and you will need it. If we can't undo this, surely you will."

    Never though I'd see the day that a god would pray to a priest. But he would be the one.

    Once Icky has left the ship, Juan looks at the remaining Adventurers. "So where do we want to hide out? We can always go back to Yaya. I might even be welcomed back a hero for doing something as epic as starting Ragnarok." HELL FUXING NO YOU AREN'T! YOU'VE BROUGHT A LOT OF STUPID FUXING MESSES BACK HOME, BUT YOU ARE NOT BRINGING ANOTHER DEMON APOCALYPSE TO MY PLEASURE TOWER! Ok, maybe send me the hot blonde urqos and the Draggor BUT YOU BETTER SAVE THE THREE GALAXIES BEFORE YOU COME BACK! "Or maybe we go to the Thundercloud Galaxy? Whenever I need to lay low for a few years, I find a sparsely populated planet and just live off the land. We do need to find a place to set up base."
    Status: Joan Echo
    M.D.C.: 300 | P.P.E.: 50 | I.S.P.:82
    May the rest of the Yayamama Pantheon have mercy on our SOULS!
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    Re: [GA] Consequences

    Post by Exe »

    Exe wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:42 pm Perception: 1d100: [51] = 51 /42%
    JiC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [32] = 32

    Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

    MDC: 152/152
    PPE: 291/291
    ISP: 60/60
    Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110
    | See Invisible [5min] | Alter Aura [5hr] | Invisibility Simple [15min |-9 Tohit] | Armor of Ithan [POPS] | Forcefield [110/110] | Magic Fire/Lightning/Cold do half] | Fly [24min |35MPH |1,000ftmax |
    Juan wrote:"The Three Galaxies is large enough to disappear into. We can lay low until we have found a way to undo this mess."
    Exe blinks. He wants to run too?! Exe shakes his head as his fellow deific ignores him. "Um--" He tries but stops in a mix of frustration and apprehension. I-I-I-I can't. We can't just let this be the new order. We can't hide and give them even more time to do even more evil on countless innocents... I... My mom would never forgive me. Exe struggles in his head, perhaps for the first time in a long while, drawing memories of his Champion mother. Exe's eyes go near funnel vision as he stares at Juan while the godling talks, Exe's head practically spinning as he tries to focus. Exe latches on to the last comment.
    Juan wrote:"Or maybe we go to the Thundercloud Galaxy? Whenever I need to lay low for a few years, I find a sparsely populated planet and just live off the land. We do need to find a place to set up base."
    Exe is squinting his eyes at the godling who has completely ignored him. Exe's cheeks flush as his nose scrunchies and those nearby might actually feel heat radiating off the emotionally damaged teenage demigod. "W-W-WHAT?!" Exe practically snaps, stumbling at first before loosing his breathe in near hyper-ventilating angst. "Hide out? What about all the people who will suffer and die because of what we did while we hide out? There isn't time to hide out." Exe exclaims, the teenager's inner turmoil pouring out. "We broke this. We don't get to take a break!" Exe then challenges, standing shorter than everyone except Metri, Exe's fists clenched and his breathing heavy as he tries calming down.

    Anyone who's looking might notice the large and concerned head of Corus the Lightning Eagle peaking into the room, investigating his friend's turmoil.
    Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead

    Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
    "The Ariel Spirit of Light, Matthew, is speaking."
    "The Seraph Spirit of Light, Kalinda, is speaking."
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    Captain Andra Sekona
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    Re: [GA] Consequences

    Post by Captain Andra Sekona »

    Perception: 1d100: [13] = 13 /62%
    JIC: 1d20: [16] = 16 / 1d100: [55] = 55

    Andra Sekona watches the broadcast from his quarters and find himself immobilized with guilt. Lying in his bed for days, he is buried in his thoughts.

    We failed. We tried to save everyone from the enemy and they were two steps ahead. And now he's in line for the throne of the UWW. We played right into his hands and one trillion innocent galactic citizens paid the price. We should hang it up. Dock the ship. Turn ourselves in. Maybe the Shield of Seeron in shackles will begin to bring some peace to those who are left.

    Sitting in the dark in his quarters, Starchief's iron will has been overwhelmed. News of the team under his leadership having destroyed planets that would have been demonically transformed but otherwise whole wracks his conscience. On the second day, while wallowing in self pity, he notices a familiar glow emanating from the sword rack in his room.

    Andra. Starchief. Listen to me. When the chips are down, when the odds are against you, you don't ever give up. That's when you shove the truth so far up their evil butts they won't even think about another scheme for the rest of their days. You are a hero and heroes never say die. You wouldn't be with me if you weren't the best of the best. So get out there and show them what you're made of.

    Starchief looks up from his bed to his trusty rune sword, Champion, and feels his inner spirit begin to swell, rising to the impossible challenge set before him. Pulling his uniform shirt on, he picks up his sword and slings it over his back. You're right. They need guidance. They need a shield.

    Making an appearance on the bridge, Starchief stands tall and silent, listening to the various ideas thrown about. When Exe pipes up, Starchief places his hand on the kid's shoulder and says "We go after them when we've been villainized and they're touted as the good guys? Death sentence. As much as I hate to see him go, Icky's got the right idea. We need that time relic up and running so we can go back knowing what we know now. And Talon's also right, we need more intel. How have they been tracking us, how do they know us so well? If we can find where they have the footage of us during the battle, maybe we can find the unedited footage. Including Mort going on about trying to transform the universe into demons. Exe, I promise you, we won't rest until this is fixed. No breaks, just strategy. We have to use our brains because our hearts are what got us in this mess in the first place."

    "I've got an important question for you all. If we do manage to go back in time, what, exactly, will we do differently to prevent this from happening?"

    Before Icky takes off, Andra gives the big beef a supersoldiersized hug and says "Don't be long. It won't be the same around here without you."

    Consulting the ship, Andra asks "Datephus, where are some viable locations to hide out while we organize our counter attack?"
    Captain Sekona
    Captain Andra Sekona
    MDC: 439/439

    Saving Throw Bonuses:
    Vs. Insanity: +9|Vs. Magic: +10|Vs. Possession: +7|Vs. Psionic: +7
    Vs. Poison: +7|Vs. Mind Control: +6|Vs. Disease: +6|Vs. Illusion: +5
    Vs. Horror Factor: +8|Vs. Coma/Death: +51%|Perception: +3
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    Re: [GA] Consequences

    Post by Dark Lord »

    Great, Now What?

    A few hours after your return to phase world those of you with magical, psionic, or supernatural capabilities ((MDC)) will feel them return to normal. Would that the emotional fallout from such an enormous tragedy banish itself so quickly. You all try to cope with what has happened in your own ways.

    Talon has a bit of a crisis of faith, and goes back to what he knows best- working the angles. The bounty hunter puts some pieces together, and while he doesn’t know about the three alien intelligences and their master plan several of you do. Those of you who’ve read the team’s records or who were at Thraxus’ dinner (or who ask Icky) can all get filled in. It is Talon who first articulates the question- what do you do now? Talon warns the group against setting out into the larger civilization of the Three Galaxies without at least getting new identities- a remedy that is unlikely to help some of them, as Draggor points out (after some less-than polite thoughts directed Thraxus’ way. Talon also suggests going to ground, to gather information and figure out next steps. To which Draggor agrees- their top priority is not being captured. The speedy release of video implicating the team does not go unnoticed, and upon inquiry Datephus lists several worlds within the UWW as well as Phase World itself as being places where the team is wanted.

    Metri has his own struggle with a wide range of dark thoughts, to say nothing of the post-trauma of sensing so many deaths at once. The Yhabbayar suggests a journey of atonement- starting with New Midgard. Juan, after some serious brooding, agrees with Talon and suggests a few places, all weeks (or months) away at conventional FTL. It is Ghast who first suggests using the time relic try to undo the past, and Icky is one of several who openly finds the idea attractive. Of you all, Icky probably takes the tragedy the hardest. It starts with some post-traumatic flashbacks to the aftermath of the Minion War, when he found the burned-out embassy and realized that he was responsible for it. The minotaur spent most of his free life in the UWW. Now, he’s effectively destroyed it and quite possibly handed the remains to the Darkest of Dark Covens. And on top of that, billions dead and millions more returned to bondage under the Splugorth. Even Allison is no solace during this time. Icky comes to two conclusions- first, he needs to do whatever it takes to fix this- even if that means pushing the time relic to its utmost. Second, he is in no position to raise a daughter.

    Exe and Starchief take it hard, too. Starchief is dark and depressed until a talking-to from Champion begins to pull him out of it. The teenager sulks in his quarters, fighting an intense mix of horror, upset, and guilt. He tries in vain to seek solace in his familiar, and argues with Matthew about it all. In the end, Exe is aghast at the idea of hiding out, and wants to do something- anything- other than hide out. Starchief tries to settle down Exe after an impassioned argument, and agrees with Icky’s plan. Icky offers to pilot the Star Ghost down to Phase World to offload Thraxus and Allison while the rest of you decide what to do. Thraxus is tight-lipped but when presented with the option through his closed door says ”Take me home.” in a tired voice. Icky loads Sarge into the shuttle first, and emerges later with a troubled look on his face. Next comes Thraxus (and cat), with a hooded cloak thrown over his head and his eyes downcast. Like a man in mourning. He ignores all of you and climbs smoothly into the shuttle. Finally Allison, who seems to sense what is going to happen and abjectly refuses to unwrap her arms from around Icky’s neck. She cries softly, and repeatedly asks where they’re going. Every non-answer from the minotaur just makes her squeeze harder. After a few final words (and giving his trusty phase beamer to young Exe)

    Datephus outlines your options. ”CALCULATING OPTIONS.







    After several hours of mulling it over (and/or sourly staring out the windows), Icky returns in the Star Ghost. The minotaur’s face is ashen- when asked about Allison, he simply says ”Da less said about dat, da better.” The girls traumatized, betrayed tears will haunt Icky every day for the rest of his life ((credits deducted)). He coughs awkwardly, ”Oh, and uh Big T says we’re fired. Shoulda seen that coming I guess. Not sure if he’s gonna skip town or off himself, but those’re looking like the top options last I checked. Now the good news.” He smiles humorlessly.

    ”Sarge was in a mood earlier so after the drop-offs he and I had a little powwow. I think I can wind us back. But I get the sense that I might not make the trip, myself, which means that you guys need to be going back with me. Now, I know yer gonna try to talk me outta this, but the fact is I was one of the ones insistin’ that we had to save everybody and led us all into the worst setup of our lives. I ain’t gonna be able to live with a trillion plus dead on my conscience, and that means I gotta take every Hail Mary I can get. So you let me know when you’re ready, and when you wanna go to. But, uh, the other thing is” he looks grim ”I… I was thinking about Allison and…” Icky blinks away a tear and his throat gets heavy for a second ”Well. I think pain makes the engine go. So, you wanna go back I think everybody’d better get comfortable paying a price. Something that’ll hurt. Don’t ask me more than that- I dunno.”

    What are you doing?
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    Joan Echo
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    Re: [GA] Consequences

    Post by Joan Echo »

    Perception (33%) 1d100<33: [56] = 0
    JiC 1d20: [17] = 17 / 1d100: [32] = 32

    Splugorth Talisman of Armor of Ithan
    Teal bowling shirt
    Cargo shorts
    Action sandals
    HPC bracelet

    Magical clubs with the Rings of Sha Los (2)
    Exe wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:17 pm"W-W-WHAT?! Hide out? What about all the people who will suffer and die because of what we did while we hide out? There isn't time to hide out. We broke this. We don't get to take a break!"
    Juan sighs, remembering when he was only a century or two old and thought that he could single handedly save a planet. He looks at Exe sympathetically, and then gets down on one knee to look at Exe directly in the eye. "We are not taking a break, we need to regroup. Our enemies have succeeded in breaking the Three Galaxies, and they pinned it on us. If we are going to stop them, we need to have a clear plan going forward."

    When Ghast suggests using the time relic, Juan feels a certain qualm. The God of Travelers is all for modes of transportation and nearly any kind of voyage, except time travel. It's not just that his last foray into the time-space continuum was on Axis-5, there are so many ways that time travel can go horribly wrong. Even a thoughtless free-wheeling deity like Juan would give pause to consider the effects of altering the past, even the recent past. But if the priest is willing to risk it on his own, and if the chief is ready to follow, Juan must go with.
    Urqoschief wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 12:22 am"I've got an important question for you all. If we do manage to go back in time, what, exactly, will we do differently to prevent this from happening?"
    "At the very least, we would want to leave one of the rift stabilizers intact. That would mean deciding which planet we damn to Hades," Juan says tersely. I don't like giving anything to the demons. Guh. Don't lose the galaxy for a single star, Jonny. "But perhaps if we planned this right, we could prevent the Urqos Fingerer from starting the machine. Maybe even stop him from teleporting away."

    Icky's return doesn't offer any better news. Time travel seems even more inevitable, and less desirable. He clutches the amulet around his neck, knowing this is how he will venture to the past. Maybe this might take the edge off the trip. But things will hurt much more afterwards.
    Status: Joan Echo
    M.D.C.: 300 | P.P.E.: 50 | I.S.P.:82
    May the rest of the Yayamama Pantheon have mercy on our SOULS!
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    Re: [GA] Consequences

    Post by Metri »

    Perception: d%: [89] = 89 | 67%
    JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 | d%: [15] = 15 %
    Character Sheet
    • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
    • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
      • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [71] = 71 | 86%.
      • Track by psychic scent: d%: [1] = 1 | 95%.
    • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [30] = 30 | 97%.
    • Sense Life. 300ft.
    PPE: 171/171
    ISP: 275/275
    Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
    MDC: 73/73
    MTB1_PPE: 180/180
    MTB2_PPE: 180/180
    MTB3_PPE: 180/180
    SoE_PPE: 80/80
    WoS_PPE: 40/40
    Saving Throw Bonuses
    +1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
    Coma/Death: +4%
    Magic (varies): +1
    Lethal Poison (14+): +1
    Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
    Insanity (12+): +1
    Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
    +7 vs Possession
    +2 vs Despair
    +2 vs Horror Factor
    +2 vs Illusions
    +1 vs Poison and Disease

      Feeling as though he were being tossed about amidst a great tempest, the lifesaver he had given himself of 'atonement' was unanimously vetoed (albeit gently) by the rest of his teammates. They wanted to either hide or strike back. Both had benefits and disadvantages. Neither seemed to resonate within the Yhabbayar. But his mind was muddled. Distorted by the tremendous loss of life, unable to think clearly. In this time, he would need to lean on those around him for support and decision-making.

      And so, Metri nods along as the others say their piece. Their words coming in clearly sometimes, but muffled incoherent at others. It isn't until Icky's declaration of leaving that the present sharpens with painful clarity once more.
      Chef Icky wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:01 am“So yeah, da DSM makes port anywhere within sniffin’ range o’ Phase World an’ da game’s over. I’ll load up Sarge, Alison an’ Thraxus in da Star Ghost an’ drop ‘em off at a space station in orbit. Den it’s parts unknown fer yers truly until I can level up dat relic an’ get back to ya – wherever ya are.”
      "Leaving, you are, hmm?" Metri asks timidly, then inwardly closes his ears to Icky's response because he does not want to hear the truth of it repeated. Change. So much... sudden change. He remarks to himself with deep remorse. "Then see you again soon, I will. Yess." Metri states with as much courage as he can muster. His conviction is unconvincing. He gives the massive bovine a final hug before he departs. From the Yhabbayar's perspective, it is a tearful good-bye.
      Juan Echo wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:02 pm
      Urqoschief wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 12:22 am"I've got an important question for you all. If we do manage to go back in time, what, exactly, will we do differently to prevent this from happening?"
      "At the very least, we would want to leave one of the rift stabilizers intact. That would mean deciding which planet we damn to Hades," Juan says tersely. I don't like giving anything to the demons. Guh. Don't lose the galaxy for a single star, Jonny. "But perhaps if we planned this right, we could prevent the Urqos Fingerer from starting the machine. Maybe even stop him from teleporting away."
      "Arrive to the central cavern sooner, we can. Know the way we do. If unable to stop Fingerer from escaping, more time we can spend investigating the device for other options. Maybe through the gateways we need to go, each through one. Destroy the anchors at the planets. And dimensional energy won't transmit to the planets." Metri snorts a short but heavy sigh. "If unable to prevent one trillion deaths a second time, a handful more, little difference will make. Stay we can to see it through and explore our options. Yess."
      TimeLord Icky wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:00 am"So you let me know when you’re ready, and when you wanna go to. But, uh, the other thing is” he looks grim ”I… I was thinking about Allison and…” Icky blinks away a tear and his throat gets heavy for a second ”Well. I think pain makes the engine go. So, you wanna go back I think everybody’d better get comfortable paying a price. Something that’ll hurt. Don’t ask me more than that- I dunno.”
      "Sooner we go, less time-bending required, yess? Think we go soon. Back to arrival on Kron Omega, a good time-point is." Metri states, "Pain, suffering, a consequence for mistakes made. Worth the price to balance trillions of lives lost. If unwilling others are, in full, willing to pay, I am."
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      Re: [GA] Consequences

      Post by Draggor »

      Perception: 1d100: [37] = 37 | 27%
      JIC: 1d20: 1d20: [8] = 8 | 1d100: [8] = 8

      And so, we, the Argent Warriors pledge to walk in spite of the dying light, and if strong enough, dare to drag it with us.
      It's in no way a direct translation, and even if every past life of Draggor's had perfect memory, none of them could ever recall reciting it, not even the prototypical violent avatars that lived and fought for eons on end. Yet still, in their native tongue, like an echo, they carry these words, this feeling, with them through their tour of The Three Galaxies. How many cycles has this alien been on the run? For a creature desiring freedom, the universe continues to put that into jeopardy, so much that none of those previous lives know how to reconcile being public enemy number one at a galactic scale.

      And now here is Icky, one of the elder members of the team, laying out a dangerous, and quite frankly impossible plan, one which requires sacrifice with no promise of success or glory on the other side. We have to do... something. We'll be remembered for centuries as is! Centuries are still temporary. Do NOT do anything rash! Have to do SOMETHING! This line of thought could go on for an eternity: the pressing matter remains, should we go back, what do we do differently? If we're paying a price, how do we get return on the investment?
      Metri wrote:"Sooner we go, less time-bending required, yess? Think we go soon. Back to arrival on Kron Omega, a good time-point is."
      "If we know we fail right away, tighten loop? Less cost? How many loops did we survive from Haad? What price did Haad pay?" That last question echoes Haad referring to Draggor as a child and being young. How many linear cycles did she live in between the rest of life moving on? Will do as many loops as it takes... That's the type of thinking we need! Just don't overpay...

      "We agree to primary plan: prevent incident. But... if we can't. Must change which gate we leave open, can't destroy all. One world more resistant to demon transformation than others, yes?" One planet suffering a tragedy is just one planet. Don't let your team hear you think that. Juan would understand.
      Icky wrote:”Well. I think pain makes the engine go. So, you wanna go back I think everybody’d better get comfortable paying a price. Something that’ll hurt. Don’t ask me more than that- I dunno.”
      Many lives spent themselves on being passive, reactionary. Especially this current one, up until now. Now Draggor gets to choose, not just to be a hero, but just how far they're willing to go for it. Maybe it's time to live differently... NO!
      Draggor | Ledger
      M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
      P.P.E.: 89 / 89

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      Re: [GA] Consequences

      Post by Talon »

      Perception: 1d100: [54] = 54 /42%
      JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 ; 1d100: [44] = 44

      Active Effects:

      Talon does his best to take in all of the information and options coming from everyone. I'm really not comfortable with this time reversal thing. Feels like a pipe dream. I guess it does work as it sounds like they've encountered it before. Still none of this sits right with me. Why does it feel like this is our only option? Or maybe it's the only one they are considering. Even the search for information seems to be ancillary to fixing the past. Who doesn't have things they would like to change in the past? I don't think they are taking it lightly, but the way they are talking about changing the past is too casual for me. What is a "Painful" sacrifice anyway? Life? Said it's fueled by pain. If that were the case the tragedy which just befell the three galaxies should have given that thing so much power we could go where ever we wanted. Even so what are we going to do once we are there? I have only heard people talk about stopping the Finger guy. But I haven't heard 'how' we are supposed to do that. I don't see a way out of this. I have a feeling we aren't going to be able to fix this without more information...a lot more information. I still think our best bet is to alter ourselves become something different. Work for the enemy company to infiltrate it. Find the real people behind this. Then we can go back. I know steps we can take to do that. What can I do in the past. I couldn't even get the computers to work correctly for me. I can create AI, code, and make computers do damn near anything I want them to do. But that magical computer was so completely different. Damn it! I don't know what to do here.

      Talon sighs before he finds a place to enter the conversation, "Maybe It's because I haven't been with you guys very long, but I feel like most everyone is wanting to rush back as soon as possible to change the past to 'fix' the future. Maybe it's because I've never had access to that kind of power before, but it gives me pause when considering it. Much more then it seems the rest of you. I know my life was simple compared to yours, but I still don't see how going back will simply fix things. Even knowing what we know now. I feel it is frightening little and if we do go back without good information or a rock solid plan then...Well I'm assuming the toll is charged whether we get our desired outcome. It doesn't feel like this is something we can continue to do until we get it right."

      Talon pauses, "I get it. Stop Fingerling or whatever his name is from escaping. Great idea. Anyone have a solid idea on how to do that? His computers are another avenue to pursue. But I will say that if there was something there to find, I would have found it. All the computers in the facility were tied to the servers that was pumping out the demonization spell thing. That's why I came back looking like I did. I was able to get passed all the companies firewalls and direct into the system. But then when I tried the same thing while in the building it didn't seem to work. I can write code all day but the computers were a hybrid of magical and normal components. I have never encountered that before and I think that's why my code didn't work as it should have."

      Talon takes a second as he feels a little frustrated. "Look if we do go back we need to try and prevent the rifts from even coming on line. I feel things will get out of hand again if we can't do that. Our adversary clearly prepped the battlefield for us. If we can get there before the connections are established we should be able to prevent the Flash, and hopefully have enough infrastructure left to get our answers about the people truly behind this."

      Talon looks down for a moment, "I get that I'm the new guy. I'm just trying to get this to all make sense to me. I mean really. I had no idea what we were even doing on the planet in the first place. Look all I'm saying is I don't understand this time travel stuff. I still think we should take the opportunity to really dig into everything in our current time. I mean, I was initially trying to propose we gain employment through Fingerling's company as a different group as a way to infiltrate it. But that seems like it would take more time then we are willing to give to bare fruit." Talon leans back in his chair and folds his hands together in his lap. "So. Let me know which course you want plotted and I'll fly us there. Seems to be the only good I've been able to so far." Talon's tone is a little bitter as he looks a little defeated as if he doesn't feel as if his point was delivered correctly.

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      Re: [GA] Consequences

      Post by Exe »

      Perception: 1d100: [2] = 2 /42%
      JiC: 1d20: [6] = 6 / 1d100: [96] = 96

      Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

      MDC: 152/152
      PPE: 291/291
      ISP: 60/60
      Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110

      Lore, Magic: 1d100: [62] = 62 /81% [Using the Space Magic Spell "Block/Seal against Teleportation/Mystic Portal" against Fingerling as he attempts escape]

      "I've got an important question for you all. If we do manage to go back in time, what, exactly, will we do differently to prevent this from happening?"
      "But perhaps if we planned this right, we could prevent the Urqos Fingerer from starting the machine. Maybe even stop him from teleporting away."
      Exe hides behind his helmet, his face tense and cheeks flushed as he huffs; he's not even sure why he's mad. At first he ignores the others as they try to calm him, his hearing almost deafened like he is zoned out, staring at a piece of the bulkhead. He comes back at the mention from Starchief and Juan with a blink, a shake of his head followed by an audible groan. "He teleported? Seriously?" Exe growls beneath his helmet. He... TELEPORTED AWAY!? While I was wasting time upstairs, he ran away and we let the galaxy crack. I... Hmm... Exe stands, taking off his helmet.

      "I have an idea..." Exe pauses, wincing. How the Hel do I explain this... Exe ponders briefly. "Um, well. If I can get close enough to him, I can stop him from teleporting away." Exe admits. "We go back and I can keep him grounded while you take him out." Exe says, blinking and looking confused as he finished his sentence. "Er, stop him." He corrects himself.

      To Talon, Exe nods. "We wouldn't have had time to infiltrate the pyramid. It was happening whether we were there or not, we just couldn't stop it... but we might be able to fix it. We didn't work together the first time and that was our mistake." Exe adds. "I don't know everything either, but I do know some really dark forces are moving some big pieces and we just lost big time... and so did a whole lot of other people. If we can try to save their lives, we should." Exe adds.
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      Re: [GA] Consequences

      Post by Captain Andra Sekona »

      Perception: 1d100: [91] = 91 /62%
      JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [64] = 64

      "Exe, that's going to be a major part of our plan. We keep him rooted and he won't risk taking himself out in order for his plan to work. Good work, kid."

      "Talon, I hear what you're saying. And you've done more good than you could know. We wouldn't have made it out of that fight without you. But we don't have the type of time you're looking for. I think Juan's got it right that we have to choose. Choose who dies. Or else all of them do."
      Starchief looks up toward the controls of the ship. "Datephus. If you had to select one of the planets that were destroyed from our recent mistake to stay destroyed in order to save the others, which would be the best candidate?"

      Once he receives his answer, his mind turns to the options previously laid out to them. "As much as I want to go home, that's the highest risk scenario and should be counted out. Lots and lots of risk. But if we want to fix this, that's what's needed. This ship, this crew, this doesn't run without all of us. So I'd like to bring it to a vote. Which of the seven options presented by Datephus would you like to do?" Starchief runs down the list, carefully noting everyone's votes. For his own vote, he chooses the Windscape system. "I believe knowledge is power. The more detail we can get about Mort and this entire plot, the better. And maybe, once we regroup there, Chef can bring us back, armed with knowledge, to fix the past. If that's not what the group wants, I'll follow your lead. But whatever we do, we have to fix this. This... it's too much. Too much death, too much guilt."
      Captain Sekona
      Captain Andra Sekona
      MDC: 439/439

      Saving Throw Bonuses:
      Vs. Insanity: +9|Vs. Magic: +10|Vs. Possession: +7|Vs. Psionic: +7
      Vs. Poison: +7|Vs. Mind Control: +6|Vs. Disease: +6|Vs. Illusion: +5
      Vs. Horror Factor: +8|Vs. Coma/Death: +51%|Perception: +3
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      Re: [GA] Consequences

      Post by Ghast »

      Perception: 1d100: [18] = 18 /52%
      Just in Case: 1d20: [11] = 11 ; 1d100: [55] = 55
      Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive),
      360° scanning capability, +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise

      H.P.: 33/33
      S.D.C.: 70/70
      I.S.P.: 249/249
      Current Outfit: Clothes (Black T-Shirt, Worn Beige Cargo Pants, Raggedy Gray Sweater, Arm wraps, Combat Boots), Red Scarf, Weapon Harness, ratty overcoat.
      Weapons & Armor
      Armor: NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor 90/90
      Integrated Force Field: 75/75
      Weapons: HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle Ammo: 30/15
      NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol Ammo: 10/10
      Slicer GR-Gun Ammo: 12/12
      Phase Sword
      Ripper Bayonet
      A Variety of explosives.

      Ghast listens to the ships intelligence lists off all of it's possible options. None of them are without a risk, save an unlisted eighth option of just leaving, and never coming back... not that it's an option really. Ghast thinks morosely. Ghast spends the next few hours cleaning up and going through his gear. Ghast makes his way into the Galley, and washes his hands before grabbing some left overs out of the cooler. Might as well eat.

      Ghast is finishing his meal when Icky returns.
      Icky wrote:”Sarge was in a mood earlier so after the drop-offs he and I had a little powwow. I think I can wind us back. But I get the sense that I might not make the trip, myself, which means that you guys need to be going back with me. Now, I know yer gonna try to talk me outta this, but the fact is I was one of the ones insistin’ that we had to save everybody and led us all into the worst setup of our lives. I ain’t gonna be able to live with a trillion plus dead on my conscience, and that means I gotta take every Hail Mary I can get. So you let me know when you’re ready, and when you wanna go to. But, uh, the other thing is... I… I was thinking about Allison and… Well. I think pain makes the engine go. So, you wanna go back I think everybody’d better get comfortable paying a price. Something that’ll hurt. Don’t ask me more than that- I dunno.”
      "Nothing for free... the price of life." Ghast says. What more is their to say... it's the cold hard truth of the universe. One that will eventually crush all life and light from existence. Ghast thinks as he gets up and pats Icky on the arm before walking back to the galley to wash his dish.

      Ghast listens to the others talk. Juan isn't wrong, we're gonna damn one planet. Metri's plan is pretty basic, simple is usually better. Draggor seems in agreement with Metri, no surprise, it seems the most logical plan. Ghast thinks to himself, but keeps quiet. When Talon and Exe speak, Ghast continues to listen, but really isn't sure what to think on what they're saying. When Starchief speaks up, Ghast looks to him. "Safest option would be deep space, likely not a popular decision, so Info brokers could be a second choice in my opinion. Still the risk of them turning on us for profit though." Ghast says. What price could I pay that would be enough... will their be enough of me left afterwards?
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      Re: [GA] Consequences

      Post by Metri »

      ((rolls carried over))
      Draggor wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:10 am"We agree to primary plan: prevent incident. But... if we can't. Must change which gate we leave open, can't destroy all. One world more resistant to demon transformation than others, yes?"
      ((Lore: Galactic/Aliens. d%: [94] = 94 | 80%))

      The Yhabbayar chews on Draggor's question for a little bit before responding, "If immune to transformation, home of True Atlanteans, Alexandria, the planetary choice should be."

      But that is assuming the intelligence about keeping one of the portals open is legitimate. It could just as easily also be another attempt at misdirection on behalf of our enemy. We thought we had closed the portals, but the dimensional energy spewed across all the portal locations anyway. So our 'closing' was clearly not a true closing. I need to try to communicate my point more clearly.

      "Thought we did that by destroying devices in facility on Kron Omega, sufficient it was to close the portal. But if closed the portals were, eruption of dimensional energies affect other planets, it should not. Conclude we must, that closed the portals were not." Metri raises a tridactyl finger in emphasis.

      "What did we miss, hmm?" Metri asks rhetorically, "Maybe on the other side of portal, at the destination planet location, the REAL stabilizer is. If this is the case, better prepared we should be. Bring explosives on delayed detonation, we should. To destroy stabilizer on planet side without trapping teammate on distant world."
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      Re: [GA] Consequences

      Post by Dark Lord »

      Risky Business
      At Icky’s proposal, poignant farewell (especially to Metri), and subsequent return the team falls into a deep (and at times, emotional) discussion about what to do next. Talon is the lone member who is less-than-enthusiastic about using time travel to undo the catastrophe- most everyone else either stays mostly silent, or argues about exactly where in time to go and what to do to prevent the Flash. Metri notes the known resistance of True Atlanteans to transformation, and on that basis recommends Alexandria be the sacrificial planet if it comes to that. Several of you raise important points about the details of what you propose to do, and what went wrong with your last attempt to stop Fingerling’s scheme. With no clear decision on where to immediately go next, Starchief puts it to a vote. Ghast voices an opinion in favor of the safest option but Starchief himself suggests that information brokers might help them plan what to do next. Exe wants to go back to their initial entrance to the compound, and try to stop Fingerling altogether by interfering with his teleportation. Those of you who were present recall no signs or sounds of spellcasting from Fingerling- he simply vanished, but if that was a magical spell then Exe’s shifter abilities should allow him to interfere with it.

      What are you doing?
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      Re: [GA] Consequences

      Post by Metri »

      Perception: d%: [4] = 4 | 67%
      JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 | d%: [37] = 37 %
      Character Sheet
      • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
      • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
        • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [86] = 86 | 86%.
        • Track by psychic scent: d%: [2] = 2 | 95%.
      • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [59] = 59 | 97%.
      • Sense Life. 300ft.
      PPE: 171/171
      ISP: 275/275
      Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
      MDC: 73/73
      MTB1_PPE: 180/180
      MTB2_PPE: 180/180
      MTB3_PPE: 180/180
      SoE_PPE: 80/80
      WoS_PPE: 40/40
      Saving Throw Bonuses
      +1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
      Coma/Death: +4%
      Magic (varies): +1
      Lethal Poison (14+): +1
      Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
      Insanity (12+): +1
      Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
      +7 vs Possession
      +2 vs Despair
      +2 vs Horror Factor
      +2 vs Illusions
      +1 vs Poison and Disease

        Starchief wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:15 pm"As much as I want to go home, that's the highest risk scenario and should be counted out. Lots and lots of risk. But if we want to fix this, that's what's needed. This ship, this crew, this doesn't run without all of us. So I'd like to bring it to a vote. Which of the seven options presented by Datephus would you like to do?"
        Ghast wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 7:23 pm"Safest option would be deep space, likely not a popular decision, so Info brokers could be a second choice in my opinion. Still the risk of them turning on us for profit though."
        "Agree I do. A double-edged sword, journeying to the information brokers is. An opportunity to learn more about Mort Fingerling, yess. But an opportunity for our presence to be discovered also is. If decide to go to brokers, with great care we should take. But if not journeying to Center, also the secondary choice of Windscape system I would make, yess." Metri explains.

        If we are given up and hunted, perhaps those hunters might also give us clues as to the nature of our enemy. And if we time-travel, in the end such battles would be inconveniences left behind in this timeline. With only the knowledge we need to fix the situation carried over into the past. If we are not turning ourselves into the authorities, or going into full hiding, then heading to the information brokers seems like the option with the highest chance of getting us where we want to go. And the highest chance of perhaps preventing the tremendous loss of life across the galaxies.
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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Ghast »

        Perception: 1d100: [92] = 92 /52%
        Just in Case: 1d20: [20] = 20 ; 1d100: [7] = 7
        Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive),
        360° scanning capability, +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise

        H.P.: 33/33
        S.D.C.: 70/70
        I.S.P.: 249/249
        Current Outfit: Clothes (Black T-Shirt, Worn Beige Cargo Pants, Raggedy Gray Sweater, Arm wraps, Combat Boots), Red Scarf, Weapon Harness, ratty overcoat.
        Weapons & Armor
        Armor: NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor 90/90
        Integrated Force Field: 75/75
        Weapons: HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle Ammo: 30/15
        NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol Ammo: 10/10
        Slicer GR-Gun Ammo: 12/12
        Phase Sword
        Ripper Bayonet
        A Variety of explosives.

        Ghast sits in the room with the rest of the crew as they discuss the situation.
        Metri wrote:"Agree I do. A double-edged sword, journeying to the information brokers is. An opportunity to learn more about Mort Fingerling, yess. But an opportunity for our presence to be discovered also is. If decide to go to brokers, with great care we should take. But if not journeying to Center, also the secondary choice of Windscape system I would make, yess."
        He's wise, I like him. Me too. Of course you two do, he's agreeing with your cowardice. Ghast mentally argues with himself.

        "The idea of looking into Fingerling post apocalypse almost seems comical to me. If we haven't figured him out already, it's likely he's erased most of his tracks by now. That being said, if we're going to do this, we should do it sooner than later as the longer we wait the likely harder it will be with the artifact. So I'd suggest the others try to move into this line of thinking." Ghast says, picking at his woven glove.

        Ghast thinks to say something further, but instead he keeps quiet, waiting for anyone else to chip into the conversation.
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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Talon »

        Perception: 1d100: [5] = 5 /42%
        JIC: 1d20: [4] = 4 ; 1d100: [79] = 79

        Active Effects:

        Talon shakes for a moment before laughing put loud shattering the current conversation. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't not laugh. I had to do something to keep myself sane. Metri it sounds like you've never misrepresented yourself before. There are ways of approching information brokers anonymously or under the guise of other business or even as a differnt person."

        Talon turns and glares at Ghast, anger evident in his tone, "You think this is comical? You guys have apparently been after this Mort guy for a while it sounds like. Yet when I asked before planet fall no one could give me an answer on where the hell was going on. Pray tell, what exhaustive efforts were made to dig up information on the man and his dealings? On the planet you all acted with the subtlety of a cargo ship full of Raw K-Hex. Talon leans forward in his seat, his eyes wide in anger, "And you have the gall to tell me that I need to get in line with going to the past with no information, just because you said so? I don't care if I'm the new guy here. Acting without good information is what led us to this predicament in the first place. And now you just want to keep making the same mistakes!?! Talon's breathing is becoming raged as his voice is slowly gaining in volume, "Please tell me again what your plan is!?! I've given mine! What are you contributing to this conversation!?! You are an ignorant fool to think there is no information to be had here!!! Talon, now standing, forces his hands open, as he take a breath to calm himself, "Go to the past, fix the mistakes...my gods how wonderful it must be, to be so powerful you don't even bat an eye at how ridiculous that sounds. Talon looks around and his voice returns to normal, I get that everyone seems to be on board for using this device as soon as possible. Not sure why but it seems to be the trend. I've already voiced my concerns and provided options to infiltrate Mort's current holdings to obtain more information. I've been overruled. I accept that. Talon glares at Ghast again, But don't ever tell me what line of thinking I have to follow. Next time you do, I'll put your face through the bulkhead. Talon turns and begins walking out the door. He leaves with a final comment, When you figure out where you want to go, I'll be in the cockpit. Talon leaves the conversation and the rest of the crew behind and heads to the cockpit to let everything calm down.

        What a bunch of information hoarding cowards! I can't believe this is what they do. No wonder they keep getting led around by the nose. Magic screws with everything. Nothing good will come of this. Mark my words. Nothing good.

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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Exe »

        Perception: 1d100: [68] = 68 /42%
        JiC: 1d20: [20] = 20 / 1d100: [49] = 49

        Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

        MDC: 152/152
        PPE: 291/291
        ISP: 60/60
        Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110


        Starchief wrote:"Exe, that's going to be a major part of our plan. We keep him rooted and he won't risk taking himself out in order for his plan to work. Good work, kid." ... "I believe knowledge is power. The more detail we can get about Mort and this entire plot, the better. And maybe, once we regroup there, Chef can bring us back, armed with knowledge, to fix the past. If that's not what the group wants, I'll follow your lead. But whatever we do, we have to fix this. This... it's too much. Too much death, too much guilt."
        Exe doesn't smile, instead placing his helmet back on his head and hiding beneath it. Thinking on how Fingerling could have teleported away, how and if his idea even has merit. Imagine banking it all on that, and he teleports anyways. Exe sighs to himself and drops his head before shrugging. Maybe the information traders will have something about Fingerling? He has no reason to hide anymore does he, none of them do. Exe thinks to himself. "Maybe the information guys can get us some dirt on Fingerling? He doesn't need to hide anymore, none of his allies do, they're winning. Winners make noise. And, I mean, sure, we're wanted. But the new galactic order isn't good for anyone. I... I might be naïve in hoping they'd help us versus betray us." Exe suggests. "I- I can't go and hide though. I always run. Always. I'm tired of it." Exe adds meekly. The young teenager tries ignoring the cynicism of some of the elders in the group. I hope I don't turn out to be bitter when I'm older... Exe thinks to himself
        Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead

        Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
        "The Ariel Spirit of Light, Matthew, is speaking."
        "The Seraph Spirit of Light, Kalinda, is speaking."
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        Joan Echo
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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Joan Echo »

        Perception (33%) 1d100<33: [84] = 0
        JiC 1d20: [6] = 6 / 1d100: [23] = 23

        Splugorth Talisman of Armor of Ithan (activated twice) 100/100
        Teal bowling shirt
        Cargo shorts
        Action sandals
        HPC bracelet

        Magical clubs with the Rings of Sha Los (2)

        Much like his psyche, Juan is of two minds on what the Adventurers should do next. While he dreads the consequences, time travel would provide the clearest way to fix whatever happend on Kron Omega. And as the Priest Icky noted, the longer they waited, the harder it would be to travel back to the precise point in time they wanted to. And it sounds like they have a decent plan.
        Draggor wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:10 am"We agree to primary plan: prevent incident. But... if we can't. Must change which gate we leave open, can't destroy all. One world more resistant to demon transformation than others, yes?"
        Sage Metri wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:26 am"If immune to transformation, home of True Atlanteans, Alexandria, the planetary choice should be."
        Some urqos react differently to the machine? I guess if they're different species they might. Juan nods as if he knew that Atlanteans were different from humans. "That would reduce casualties, at the least." He looks at the others. "At this point we are playing for the least number of deaths." Can't save them all, Jonny.

        But on the other, they can't go into this mission half-cocked. Not again. They need to find someplace to carefully prepare. Juan's preference is always to go someplace remote, far away from anyone that might be hunting for them.* But he is willing to go to switch his vote to the Windscape System if that is what others are lobbying for.
        Urqos Talon wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:37 pm"Maybe it's because I haven't been with you guys very long, but I feel like... the only good I've been able to so far."
        "We only learned about the Urqos Fingerer the same day you arrived on my home planet," Juan says. "We have working for Thraxus trying to prevent the types of catastrophes that you just witnessed, usually with more success. We don't know who is behind this, and the Urqos Fingerer seems to be just one of this organization's agents. Hopefully when we stop him we'll have more clues as to who is coordinating this campaign of destruction.

        He then gives Talon a sympathetic look. "None of us signed up for this, each one of us stumbled upon this war and were recruited on the spot." He points to Metri. "And in the case of some of us, we cannot escape it no matter where we travel. I wouldn't wish this life on any urqos, but at least you have shown the strength to be a part of the fight."
        Sage Metri wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:46 pm"Agree I do. A double-edged sword, journeying to the information brokers is. An opportunity to learn more about Mort Fingerling, yess. But an opportunity for our presence to be discovered also is. If decide to go to brokers, with great care we should take. But if not journeying to Center, also the secondary choice of Windscape system I would make, yess."
        Talon wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:07 pm"I'm sorry. I just couldn't not laugh. I had to do something to keep myself sane..."
        Exe wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:17 pm"Maybe the information guys can get us some dirt on Fingerling? He doesn't need to hide anymore, none of his allies do, they're winning. Winners make noise. And, I mean, sure, we're wanted. But the new galactic order isn't good for anyone. I... I might be naïve in hoping they'd help us versus betray us." Exe suggests. "I- I can't go and hide though. I always run. Always. I'm tired of it."
        "If we are going to the information broker, we can ask about what machinery was imported to Korn Omega." Juan glances at Talon, "Do you think you could reverse engineer the device if we got a list of its parts and had a better idea of its effects?"

        *Per Rate-A-Deity
        seraph_palid08 wrote:Juan Echo
        Yayamama Pantheon
        2 out of 10
        If He knows what's good for Him, the Wanderer will stay out of Akosas System and as far away from the Imperial Heiress as possible!
        Note: Juan Echo was allowed back in the Akosas System 25 years later when the Imperial Heiress took the throne as Imperiex Britty IV. He was exiled from the system again 14 months later, after impregnating the then Imperial Heiress, Winx VIII.
        Status: Joan Echo
        M.D.C.: 300 | P.P.E.: 50 | I.S.P.:82
        May the rest of the Yayamama Pantheon have mercy on our SOULS!
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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Metri »

        ((rolls carried over))
        Juan Echo wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:43 pm
        Urqos Talon wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:37 pm"Maybe it's because I haven't been with you guys very long, but I feel like... the only good I've been able to so far."
        "We only learned about the Urqos Fingerer the same day you arrived on my home planet," Juan says. "We have working for Thraxus trying to prevent the types of catastrophes that you just witnessed, usually with more success. We don't know who is behind this, and the Urqos Fingerer seems to be just one of this organization's agents. Hopefully when we stop him we'll have more clues as to who is coordinating this campaign of destruction.

        He then gives Talon a sympathetic look. "None of us signed up for this, each one of us stumbled upon this war and were recruited on the spot." He points to Metri. "And in the case of some of us, we cannot escape it no matter where we travel. I wouldn't wish this life on any urqos, but at least you have shown the strength to be a part of the fight."
        Sadly it is true. We have not historically been fantastic at intelligence gathering. Instead, we tend to simply wade into conflict and react to hazards that are sent our way. In this particular case, the consequences of such actions and decisions are simply too immense to ignore. We definitely need to try to find out more about our opponents. But they absolutely have been multiple steps ahead of us at every turn. And most recently perhaps we have become susceptible to the universal folly of underestimating one's opponent.

        Metri nods solemnly in response to the heated discussion. "But forced to fight this battle, you are not. If elsewhere you go, a safer, less complicated, but perhaps less impactful life, you can live, yess. And think less of you for choosing such a path, we will not."

        "Like an onion this organization seems to be," Metri continues, one of his green ears flicking reflexively during the explanation. "Think we do, peeled one layer we have. Beneath another is!"

        The Yhabbayar's forehead wrinkles as he wrestles with his poor analogy. "Encountered this organization a few times we have. Know we not, their name nor their purpose. Each time prior to this, thwarted their immediate plans we have." Here, Metri pauses a moment, hit with the sudden realization at the possibility that instead of thwarting their enemy's plan they had instead merely played into their hands. Quickly, he shakes off the silly notion.

        "But also each time, escaped to safety they have. Frustrating, yess. Consequential, hmm." Metri is hit with another wave of solemnity reflecting upon the trillions of lives lost through their actions. And his ears droop.

        "Each successive encounter, slightly different they are. Improved in combat effectiveness, power, or cleverness. Difficult to imagine it is that in isolation this organization acts. Filled with suspicion, I am, that supported by a secret benefactor they are. A powerful benefactor. More powerful than Thraxus, yess. If on this thread we pull, increased danger and hazard our lives may be filled." Metri gestures in a roundabout way, suggesting a return back to Juan's point that for some members of this team, the conflict appears inescapable.

        "A path of destiny some feet must tread."
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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Dark Lord »

        To Windscape, the Pirates' Haven

        The team falls to arguing as the various options Datephus presented are discussed, dissected, and denied. Metri first suggests the Windscape system, and trying to find out more about Mort Fingerling. Ghast tentatively agrees, but his response angers Talon- who quite vocally loses his temper at the psi-slayer. Metri, however, calms the situation down and fills Talon in on some of the context, including an archive file complied by one of the team’s prior members and stored in the ship’s computer. As to the nature of their foe(s), at least a little is known. Exe echoes Metri’s suggestion, and eventually Juan and the rest of the team come around to the idea. Windscape is on the edge of UWW space in the Corkscrew galaxy, is one of the closer options that doesn’t risk immediate imprisonment, and its notorious information brokers may even help shed some light on details the team is missing. Datephus reports that the system is 9.8 days away at maximum FTL. Starchief orders the AI to set a course.

        It is a tense week and a half aboard the Dime Store Magic. Most crew members are nursing something in-between survivors’ guilt (with more than a little of the regular kind) and post-traumatic stress, and many of you retreat within yourselves or lash out uncontrollably. Icky spends almost every waking moment in his quarters. He is usually very quiet, and if any of you attempt to disturb him you will get no response. Only an intent effort (or enhanced hearing) will reveal a soft baritone chanting on the other side of the door. Starchief, and anyone who uses magical translation, will just hear numbers repeated frequently and out of order. Those of you with the skill will recognize the language as Demongogian.

        Spend the time how you see fit- Datephus charts a course away from any major spacelanes and intermediary systems; you are extremely unlikely to be detected.
        ((See DB6, P. 65+67))
        on the Windscape system is available in the ship’s databanks, but it isn’t all that much that will be helpful to you. Your point of interest is the wrecked ship in orbit around the system’s first gas giant (Windscape 9), and the kluge of a space station that has grown up around it over the centuries. A cold blue star shines out from the middle of this 10-planet system as you emerge from FTL. Shortly after coming in sight of the “spaceport,” you receive a transmission- docking fees are 10,000 credits. If you pay, you are assigned a berth without issue. Once on board, you can try to find an information broker but it will depend on exactly what kinds of information you want.

        What are you doing?
        Information Buying
        I will be using the availability and rarity rules and assigning a difficulty based on how easy/difficult I think the information you want will be to find in this system. What you get for a given success will depend on how specific you are in your queries and how good your skill checks are. Everyone should post every relevant skill (within reason), and as a one-time fun experiment I will allow PCs to pair off and use one another’s skills for their own attempts to find a relevant broker. Happy hunting!
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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Talon »

        Perception: 1d100: [17] = 17 /42%
        JIC: 1d20: [11] = 11 ; 1d100: [39] = 39

        Before the crew breaks for the 9 day transit.
        Metri wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:14 am Metri nods solemnly in response to the heated discussion. "But forced to fight this battle, you are not. If elsewhere you go, a safer, less complicated, but perhaps less impactful life, you can live, yess. And think less of you for choosing such a path, we will not."

        "A path of destiny some feet must tread."
        Talon looks at Metri with an odd expression, something between confusion and sadness, "You're right. Not really any reason from me to hang around is there? I don't really have a good reason to stay with you guys, and you're not giving many good reasons to stay either. Talon lets that hang in the air as he does turn to leave, "But if I were to go, I have a feeling you would continue to fumble around in the dark, only looking at what is right in front of you. Maybe you'll succeed, maybe you'll make it worse. But I know that I can find who is truly behind this. I can find anyone. It's who I am. I've never lost a target before and I'm not going to start now. So until we get these guys, you're stuck with my grumpy ass." Talon leaves the group to decide the destination.

        During the 9 day transit:

        Talon, realizing he's not needed as the pilot since the magic computer has come back up looks for a place to vent his frustrations. Talon will find himself in the Gym for first bit of the time to their destination. Talon can be seen viscously hammering on a sparing dummy. Several times Talon has to shake the dummy off the spikes on his tail after losing control. He stands there huffing as his fists clench more tightly then before. Talon begins talking to himself, "What a bunch of useless information. Nothing it their records is of any use. Does it show what they did? Yes. Yes it does. Nothing more then that. A name here. An incident there. Their records are terrible. Metri said something interesting. It sounds like they have something in the shadows pulling the strings. Exactly what I said following the incident. Now they want to think like that?" Talon hammers a fist into the dummy, Talon drops low spinning his tail through the bottom of the dummy dumping it to the ground. Talon jumps on the dummy and begins pummeling it's face area with punches, as he does Talon lets out a single word with each strike, "They...can't...see...past...them...selves...and...only...Brief...Men..tion...of...three...old ones!?!" Talon huffs as he sits there straddling the dummy, his breathing coming ragged for the exertion. "I hope that's not what they think of as information. Even if they can't be physically reached they have to be able to give orders and intent. There's always a link. And I'm going to find it." Talon gets up and heads to the showers leaving the dummy laying on the floor.

        For the remaining week of the flight Talon will find a computer that is isolated form the ship. Using a virtual machine he will work on the program he whipped up to overload the servers on the last planet. Lots of potential here. Lets see what else can we make this thing do. Let try to remove the clock limiters and deactivate the cooling system. Then command the system to run a system stress test. Should over heat the components....Hmm...Lets see if I can write one that will remove data...Lets start with a background program run. Access the BIOS To inject and error into the Southgate. Use the error to activate the system to verify the integrity of the storage drives. have a mirror file run in place of the normal verification program. Mirror program will overwrite the storage drives with all zeros. Yes. I think these will be good. I'll see if I can get them onto removable media so I can use them when needed. Instead of having to come up with them on the fly.

        Computer Hacking 1d100: [49] = 49 /81% (Creation of the program set to overhead and physically destroy the computer components with heat.)
        Computer Programming 1d100: [19] = 19 /56% (Creation of the program set to overhead and physically destroy the computer components with heat.)

        Computer Hacking 1d100: [40] = 40 /81% (Creation of the program set to completely wipe all memory and stored data)
        Computer Programming 1d100: [35] = 35 /56% (Creation of the program set to completely wipe all memory and stored data)

        Once on planet:

        Talon set out to find the information he normally would when conducting an investigation into a criminal or case. I've got years of experience looking into these things. I know what I'm looking for. I might need some help navigating these channels but I know what information we need. Talon takes care to not draw attention to himself during the course of their trip. He keeps an eye out for potential tails, or recognition of them from the released video.

        Tailing: 1d100: [75] = 75 /61% (Using the knowledge of Tailing to see if there is anyone following them)

        The Information:

        Talon will be focused on the following information:
        Group 1 (Rare)
        1.Personnel Information on Mort Fingerling.
        -Who is he?
        -Where is he from?
        -Past employment?
        -How did he get started in the field of magic?
        -Run-ins with the law?
        -Registered ships?
        -Known associates?
        -Personal habits
        -Favorite sport/food/color/activity/hobby/pastime
        -Registered Contact information
        -Owned Property
        -Part of any Trusts? (It’s common to use trusts to hide financial activity or property from the prying eyes of the government)
        -Tax information and declared assets
        -Mort’s Personal Financial data for the past 5 years.
        Group 1 Rolls (2 successes at -10%): 4 Total
        Find Contraband: 1d100: [90] = 90 /90% (80%)
        Invoke Trust: 1d100: [63] = 63 /92% (82%)
        Streetwise: 1d100: [6] = 6 /70% (60%)
        Lore: Demon & Monsters: 1d100: [52] = 52 /80% (70%)
        Anthropology: 1d100: [28] = 28 /85% (75%)
        Group 2 (Very Rare)
        2.Financial Information on Mort Fingerling’s Corp going back 5 years.
        -Company expenditures for travel
        -Company expenditures for R&D
        -Company expenditures for Property
        -Company expenditures for “Consultations” (Can be cover for nefarious expenditures)
        -Company Expenditures for Vehicles and other assets.
        -Company Income
        -Company Donations to and from the company
        -Further identify who the donations benefit.
        -Where they came from
        -What was done with the money
        -Company Registered Vehicles
        -Employee healthcare?
        -Retirement plans?
        -Public trading information
        -The roster of shareholders
        -Shareholder meeting minutes

        Talon will evaluate the company's expenditures compared to their reported income to identify any discrepancies. Looking for expenditures with vague listing or reasoning. Large sums diverted to new hires or new properties/holdings. Property holdings being purchased, then left unused.
        Group 2 Rolls (3 successes at -20%): 5 Total
        Find Contraband: 1d100: [17] = 17 /90% (70%)
        Invoke Trust: 1d100: [10] = 10 /92% (72%)
        Streetwise: 1d100: [6] = 6 /70% (50%)
        Lore: Demon & Monsters: 1d100: [18] = 18 /80% (60%)
        Anthropology: 1d100: [58] = 58 /85% (65%)
        Group 3 (Uncommon)
        3.Company personnel list.
        -Comparing the listed personnel with payroll.
        -Verifying current employee vitality (If they are alive or dead to see if payroll is still going to deceased individuals)
        -Comparing company/employee personal expenditures
        Group 3 Rolls (1 success at -0%): 4 Total
        Find Contraband: 1d100: [54] = 54 /90% (90%)
        Invoke Trust: 1d100: [64] = 64 /92% (92%)
        Streetwise: 1d100: [67] = 67 /70% (70%)
        Lore: Demon & Monsters: 1d100: [98] = 98 /80% (80%)
        Anthropology: 1d100: [65] = 65 /85% (85%)
        Group 4 (Ultra Rare)
        4.Company assets/property/vehicles/ships; both rented and owned
        Company maintenance requests/orders (hidden expenses can be hidden in inflated maintenance costs or expenditures)

        5.Company Subsidiaries.
        Same information requested as Mort’s primary company

        6.Any sub-contracted companies used by Mort Fingerling or any associates of Mort Fingerling’s company.
        Same information requested as Mort’s primary company
        Group 4 Rolls (4 successes at -35%): 2 Total
        Find Contraband: 1d100: [82] = 82 /90% (55%)
        Invoke Trust: 1d100: [31] = 31 /92% (57%)
        Streetwise: 1d100: [56] = 56 /70% (35%)
        Lore: Demon & Monsters: 1d100: [60] = 60 /80% (45%)
        Anthropology: 1d100: [12] = 12 /85% (50%)
        Group 5 (Ultra-Rare)
        7.Personnel information of Company Head of Security
        See information requested about Mort Fingerling

        8.Personnel information of Company head of acquisitions/logistics
        See information requested about Mort Fingerling

        9.Personnel information of Company head of R&D
        See information requested about Mort Fingerling
        Group 5 Rolls (4 successes at -35%): 2 Total
        Find Contraband: 1d100: [80] = 80 /90% (55%)
        Invoke Trust: 1d100: [72] = 72 /92% (57%)
        Streetwise: 1d100: [50] = 50 /70% (35%)
        Lore: Demon & Monsters: 1d100: [40] = 40 /80% (45%)
        Anthropology: 1d100: [28] = 28 /85% (50%)
        Group 6 (Legendary/Unique)
        10.Mort Fingerling’s personal Schedule for the past 5 years.
        -Cross reference times of vacation or company trips that do not line up with reported destinations.
        -Identify any times when Mort would clear his schedule suddenly.
        -List of company visitors. Looking for “Dead Zones” where Mort had meetings with visitors who were not registered or or officially logged.
        Group 6 Rolls (5 successes at -50%): 5 Total
        Find Contraband: 1d100: [27] = 27 /90% (40%)
        Invoke Trust: 1d100: [36] = 36 /92% (42%)
        Streetwise: 1d100: [8] = 8 /70% (20%)
        Lore: Demon & Monsters: 1d100: [30] = 30 /80% (30%)
        Anthropology: 1d100: [18] = 18 /85% (35%)
        Group 7 (Ultra-Rare)
        11. Shareholder information: Same information requested on Mort.
        Group 7 Rolls (4 successes at -35%): 2 Total
        Find Contraband: 1d100: [60] = 60 /90% (55%)
        Invoke Trust: 1d100: [3] = 3 /92% (57%)
        Streetwise: 1d100: [71] = 71 /70% (35%)
        Lore: Demon & Monsters: 1d100: [97] = 97 /80% (45%)
        Anthropology: 1d100: [3] = 3 /85% (50%)

        Personal MDC: 145
        SDC: 102 (For Non-MDC Worlds Only)
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        Captain Andra Sekona
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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Captain Andra Sekona »

        Perception: 1d100: [11] = 11 /62%
        JIC: 1d20: [2] = 2 / 1d100: [85] = 85

        "Datephus, how many days has it been since the incident?" Starchief sits in the pilot's seat and watches through the viewport as the void streaks by during their FTL journey. Heh. I've been so busy playing at Captain I forgot to learn how to fly this thing. Thank the gods for Datephus. Some Captain. I've lost more crew than I can count. Just got duped into being the fall guy for mundicide. Shield of what again?

        When they drop out of FTL, Starchief sits up and takes a look around at the area, specifically the space station that they'll be docking with. "I've seen worse. Let's get to it, crew."

        "Docking fee understood. Coming in."

        Datephus, mask the identity of this ship under all scrutiny, alright? We don't want them knowing we're here before we can do anything about it."

        On the station, Starchief pairs up with his Seeronian brethren, Talon, to find an information broker with the goods they need.

        I'm still not understanding the instructions. I'll put some rolls in this place later once I do.
        Captain Sekona
        Captain Andra Sekona
        MDC: 439/439

        Saving Throw Bonuses:
        Vs. Insanity: +9|Vs. Magic: +10|Vs. Possession: +7|Vs. Psionic: +7
        Vs. Poison: +7|Vs. Mind Control: +6|Vs. Disease: +6|Vs. Illusion: +5
        Vs. Horror Factor: +8|Vs. Coma/Death: +51%|Perception: +3
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        Joan Echo
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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Joan Echo »

        Perception (33%) 1d100<33: [75] = 0
        JiC 1d20: [14] = 14 / 1d100: [7] = 7

        Splugorth Talisman of Armor of Ithan (activated twice) 100/100
        Cargo shorts
        Action sandals
        HPC bracelet

        Magical clubs with the Rings of Sha Los (2)

        Juan passes his days on the Dime Store Magic quietly brooding. Normally Juan could be found lounging in the mess hall or on the bridge regaling his teammates with wildly inappropriate tales of adventures from centuries ago. Instead, the Wandering God stalks up and down the ship's corridors without saying a word. Sometimes he can be seen in the ship's gym practicing with his two clubs. Brute strength isn't going to solve this mess. But being in better form doesn't hurt.

        In fact, as Juan walks into the gym one day, he walks into Talon, who is doing his own drills.
        Talon wrote:"What a bunch of useless information... I hope that's not what they think of as information. Even if they can't be physically reached they have to be able to give orders and intent. There's always a link. And I'm going to find it."
        "That's not a bad idea," Juan says from the door. "The Galactic Adventurers have served as a rapid response team, we've never taken the time to investigate the big picture. You might say that I'm not an intel guy*. But maybe that needs to change."

        Once the Dime Store Magic has docked in Windscape 9's orbit, Juan follows Starchief and Talon off board. He looks around the dock, and then glances at the others. "Any idea who we are looking for?**"

        If anyone has an idea of where to go, Juan will follow them. Otherwise he will disappear into one of the public areas in this port.

        *Per Rate-A-Deity
        Eugene_the_Ick wrote:DEITY
        Yayamama Pantheon
        1 out of 10
        I offered the Wanderer my five daughters in hopes of siring a dynasty of demi-gods. Instead, I got four illiterate grandkids that spend all day mounting sheep.

        **Like Starchief, I'm a little unclear on how the skill rolls are being parsed. If Juan can ask additional questions, I'll edit or post them next round (whichever is more convenient). Otherwise, I'm good ceding all queries to Talon.
        Status: Joan Echo
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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Ghast »

        Perception: 1d100: [81] = 81 /52%
        Just in Case: 1d20: [9] = 9 ; 1d100: [82] = 82
        Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive),
        360° scanning capability, +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise

        H.P.: 33/33
        S.D.C.: 70/70
        I.S.P.: 249/249
        Current Outfit: Clothes (Black T-Shirt, Worn Beige Cargo Pants, Raggedy Gray Sweater, Arm wraps, Combat Boots), Red Scarf, Weapon Harness, ratty overcoat.
        Weapons & Armor
        Armor: NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor 90/90
        Integrated Force Field: 75/75
        Weapons: HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle Ammo: 30/15
        NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol Ammo: 10/10
        Slicer GR-Gun Ammo: 12/12
        Phase Sword
        Ripper Bayonet
        A Variety of explosives.

        Ghast doesn't do anything in particular for the several days of the trip, mostly watching holo-vids in the rec room, or eating in the galley. In general Ghast avoids folks. One could say he was moping, but in truth this was more his natural state of being. When the DSM makes its approach to the space station, Ghast watches the others leave to do whatever tasks they chose. Ghast, generally not being good with people, and definitely not good at gathering information decides to leave it to the others.

        Ghast once on the space station, makes his way to the nearest diner/restaurant and orders a large meal and a hot beverage, and sits and watches the people of the station. This is what we're fighting for, the people, good or bad, it's who we decided to protect. GGhast thinks reaffirming his promise to himself when he escaped the company.
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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Talon »

        **Rolls Held Over**
        Juan Echo wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 9:16 am
        In fact, as Juan walks into the gym one day, he walks into Talon, who is doing his own drills.
        Talon wrote:"What a bunch of useless information... I hope that's not what they think of as information. Even if they can't be physically reached they have to be able to give orders and intent. There's always a link. And I'm going to find it."
        "That's not a bad idea," Juan says from the door. "The Galactic Adventurers have served as a rapid response team, we've never taken the time to investigate the big picture. You might say that I'm not an intel guy*. But maybe that needs to change."
        Talon looks up from the dummy. Raw furry evident in his eyes as he looks away for a moment before calming his breath. "Indeed. It does seem that way. Even response teams need to be able to evaluate changes in circumstances as they happen. It seems like this has been passed off. Hopefully I can help. I can only do what I know and magic and time travel ain't it. Tracking people...I'm really good at that." Talon gets off the dummy. His knuckles raw from the impacts. Slight dents in the floor from the force of the impacts. Talon looks to see if Juan has more to say before Talon turns to leave.

        Juan Echo wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 9:16 am Once the Dime Store Magic has docked in Windscape 9's orbit, Juan follows Starchief and Talon off board. He looks around the dock, and then glances at the others. "Any idea who we are looking for?**"
        Talon rolls his eyes under his helmet. Wow. They really are not good at looking into things. No wonder things ended up as they did. Well I guess this is why I'm here.

        Talon nods his head as he speaks up, "Let's go. Publicly available information will be easier to find. What we need is a specialty information broker. I hope you guys have some money on hand. Any access to a financial institution will likely lead people right to us. Approaching the information brokers as bounty hunter looking for information on a target or client could obfuscate our true aims. The bounty hunters guilds do have good information brokers, but we should likely steer clear of them. Its only been two weeks but I'm sure there is a price of us. It wouldn't do for us to stroll into a bunch of bounty hunters. Talon thinks for a moment, "This way. Lets head to a few different locations. I have an idea of what we'll need." Talon leads those who come with him. Gods I hope this works. I'm really flying by the seat of my pants here.

        See information rarity rolls from original post.

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        Re: [GA] Consequences

        Post by Metri »

        Perception: d%: [69] = 69 | 67%
        JIC: 1d20: [13] = 13 | d%: [35] = 35 %
        Character Sheet
        • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
        • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
          • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [2] = 2 | 86%.
          • Track by psychic scent: d%: [12] = 12 | 95%.
        • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [59] = 59 | 97%.
        • Sense Life. 300ft.
        PPE: 171/171
        ISP: 275/275
        Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
        MDC: 73/73
        MTB1_PPE: 180/180
        MTB2_PPE: 180/180
        MTB3_PPE: 180/180
        SoE_PPE: 80/80
        WoS_PPE: 40/40
        Saving Throw Bonuses
        +1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
        Coma/Death: +4%
        Magic (varies): +1
        Lethal Poison (14+): +1
        Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
        Insanity (12+): +1
        Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
        +7 vs Possession
        +2 vs Despair
        +2 vs Horror Factor
        +2 vs Illusions
        +1 vs Poison and Disease

          Talon wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:07 amTalon looks at Metri with an odd expression, something between confusion and sadness, "You're right. Not really any reason from me to hang around is there? I don't really have a good reason to stay with you guys, and you're not giving many good reasons to stay either. Talon lets that hang in the air as he does turn to leave, "But if I were to go, I have a feeling you would continue to fumble around in the dark, only looking at what is right in front of you. Maybe you'll succeed, maybe you'll make it worse. But I know that I can find who is truly behind this. I can find anyone. It's who I am. I've never lost a target before and I'm not going to start now. So until we get these guys, you're stuck with my grumpy ass."
          A broad smile grows across the Yhabbayar's face at Talon's response. The warmth that emanates from him seems to smooth out the worry lines that have of late been digging deep grooves on Metri's forehead. He does not seem to mind the confrontational tone of the Talus. But instead fully embraces the bounty hunter's desire to stay with the crew in spite of having been given the option to leave.

          "Then a hearty thanks, I give. And a generous welcome to the family." Metri soothes agreeably. In a blink perhaps faster than expected of the usually slow-moving Yhabbayar might seem capable, he covers the distance between the two with his arms stretched out wide and gives Talon a fulsome embrace.
          Dark Lord wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:09 pmIcky spends almost every waking moment in his quarters. He is usually very quiet, and if any of you attempt to disturb him you will get no response. Only an intent effort (or enhanced hearing) will reveal a soft baritone chanting on the other side of the door. Starchief, and anyone who uses magical translation, will just hear numbers repeated frequently and out of order. Those of you with the skill will recognize the language as Demongogian.
          Perpetually worried about his bovine friend, Metri frequently stops by Icky's quarters with the intent on checking in on him. Finding his door closed at all times, he will typically pad up, wait 15 or so seconds before padding off. After trying to knock and call out for him with no response, the Yhabbayar understands and respects the need to process one's emotions, embrace solitude and otherwise find some privacy to sort things out internally.

          Should one of his visits to Icky's quarters reveal the demonic chanting, he will quietly sit down, strain his magic to cast Tongues on himself ((-24 PPE each non-combat cast attempt. Level 6 spell (-5% /lvl) ==> 48% succcess ratio)),
          d%: [5] = 5 , d%: [37] = 37 , d%: [59] = 59 , d%: [35] = 35 , d%: [12] = 12 , d%: [61] = 61 , d%: [50] = 50
          until he eventually succeeds. Sitting there, hearing that the chanting consists of numbers, he will quietly rise and pad off to his own quarters.

          I hope Icky is okay. I wonder what those numbers are. Perhaps I need to enlist Datephus to help log this information.

          Metri will inquire of Datephus, "Datephus, need your help, I do. A record of all sounds from Iktinos' personal quarters, I need. Heard numbers chanted in Demongogian, yess. If recorded, a pattern may appear, hmm? Cross-checked with time-stamps and space coordinates?"

          Though no cryptography expert, the diminutive mystic has an innate knack for advanced math ((Mathematics: Advanced. d%: [72] = 72 | 115%)) and is a hobbyist astronomer ((Astronomy & Navigation. d%: [76] = 76 | 75%)). He will try to crack the code, but will let the rest of the team know the situation (and have Datephus share the data) while encouraging them to give Icky privacy.
          Talon wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:33 pmTalon nods his head as he speaks up, "Let's go. Publicly available information will be easier to find. What we need is a specialty information broker. I hope you guys have some money on hand. Any access to a financial institution will likely lead people right to us. Approaching the information brokers as bounty hunter looking for information on a target or client could obfuscate our true aims. The bounty hunters guilds do have good information brokers, but we should likely steer clear of them. Its only been two weeks but I'm sure there is a price of us. It wouldn't do for us to stroll into a bunch of bounty hunters. Talon thinks for a moment, "This way. Lets head to a few different locations. I have an idea of what we'll need." Talon leads those who come with him.
          As predicted by Talon, Metri does not have much to contribute in the way of intelligence/information gathering. He plods along with the bounty hunter, nodding in agreement at the proposed idea. When mention of money is brought up, Metri digs through his belongings and produces a secured universal card worth 1 million credits and nonchalantly hands it over to Talon ((can pull from Metri's 1M cred-stick last edited last edited 11/23/2015 DSM)).

          "A start these funds will provide, hmm?" Metri confirms naively.
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          Re: [GA] Consequences

          Post by Dark Lord »

          A Thread in a Thicket?
          While most of you spend the journey to Windscape sulking or distracting yourselves, Talon does a deep dive on what little the team has learned thus far and starts planning ahead. Metri also picks up on the vaguely demonic chanting coming out of Icky’s quarters, and while the Yhabbayar can magically understand the numbers Icky is saying neither he nor Datephus can speak Demongogian. Metri can write down and repeat the numbers to the AI as Icky says them, but Datephus’ own abilities in regards to cryptography are rudimentary at best. He is able to cross-check the numbers against things like galactic standard coordinates, but after a few hours reports no matches. Metri’s own expertise likewise turns up nothing- so far as he can tell, the numbers are either meaningless or they belong to some context outside his own knowledge and experience.

          Talon’s own efforts to write abstract code designed to overheat the computers in Fingerling’s complex (if/when you go back) remain largely theoretical. As he’s become more accustomed to the strange ship in which the team flies around, he has gained a passing familiarity with the concept of techno-wizardry. As many of the more experienced travelers on the team can confirm, there was likely more than a little of it in whatever that device was. While Talon doesn’t know much about how techno-wizardry works, he knows that it doesn’t play by the usual rules of science and technology. Meaning, you have no idea exactly what the hardware components of techno-wizardry are, nor any notion of how the software drivers might work. Without that kind of detailed knowledge, it’s impossible to write code to manipulate those drivers- and thus cause an overheat. Talon can manage a program that would do the job on a conventional computer system, but it’s a total crapshoot whether it would work on an actual system- and that’s assuming you could figure out a way to upload it.

          After a discouraging and not terribly pleasant journey, you arrive in the Windscape system. Starchief orders Datephus to enter stealth mode, and the ship complies by engaging its shadow meld system. You still need to get clearance to dock (unless you want to be treated as a hostile), but this particular port of call isn’t exactly a stranger to visitors wishing to remain discreet. The combination of the Splugorth stealth coding and the techno-wizard shadow meld means that the Dime Store Magic is as close to undetectable as it is possible to get. That doesn’t preclude some plucky young helmsperson from getting lucky and spotting a sensor reflection, but it’s the best you’re going to be able to do without keeping the main ship in interstellar space and spending hours ferrying everyone to the station via a phase-out Star Ghost. Once you dock, Talon runs point- the bounty hunter has spent days poring over information to get and how best to connect the dots. Metri offers up a credit chip to potentially help negotiations, and with Starchief takes point with remarkable (possibly alarming) ease in the criminal port. Juan, Ghast, and the others follow along voicing quiet support and keeping your eyes out for trouble.

          After a few hours of shopping, Talon learns that despite its name People Power LLC is not in fact a publicly traded company. Meaning just about any information that they didn’t put out in public themselves is going to be much more difficult to come by (and virtually impossible to verify remotely). After multiple failed attempts to find a broker who can get that kind of information, Talon is directed to a contact with FIN- the Felias Information Network. He calls a number, leaves a message, and will be recontacted by someone later. Any of you who pass a streetwise check at -10% will have heard of FIN- effectively a cartel, more or less criminal in nature, and the original greats of information brokering. If you pass your skill check by more than 25% you’ll also know the rumors that they have so much information it requires a continent-sized storage drive.

          Four hours after reaching out, Talon is contacted via a secure frequency. A blurry, vaguely felinoid silhouette can be seen on the other end. The speaker gets right to the point.

          ”What do you want to know?”

          Talon relays his list of questions.

          ”An extensive dossier. Some of it will be impossible to collect. Some of it will simply be difficult. Difficult means expensive. You pay up front. One million credits. Secure transfer. You pay. We collect dossier. We send. End of transaction. Understood?”

          Assuming Talon agrees and pays up (with the group’s help), your contact makes a satisfied grunt. After an impatient one and a half days, comms aboard the ship chime and Talon receives a secure electronic message with a large attachment. Much of what you wanted isn’t there- your contacts were unable to locate detailed information on PPL’s holdings, subsidiaries, secondary leadership, and shareholders. The information on Fingerling is suspiciously thin, as are the company’s expense reports. It will take Talon the rest of the day to go through it all and make inferences, but the highlights are as follows:
          • There is no record of Mort Fingerling prior to three years and four months ago, which is when he registered his company name. He owns no property himself- it is all under the company name. No aliases that the Felias could find, and no personal nor financial information.
          • If Mort Fingerling keeps a schedule, he keeps it close to his vest. His comings and goings aren’t tracked- he simply appears in places, has a meeting and maybe a photo-op, and then vanishes.
          • A deep dive into the financial records suggests that seed money was provided by a group of Atorians inside the TGE.
          • Government records show that PPL was awarded several lucrative, no-bid contracts by the UWW to develop some sort of techno-wizard internet interface- trumpeted as bringing information to the masses.
          • About 86% of the funds both from the seed and the UWW contracts was spent on precious metals and jewels. Talon finds this baffling, but anyone with the magic lore skill can point out that these are the primary materials used in techno-wizard construction. Materials were primarily shipped to Kron Omega, but records can also be found of shipments to Alfheim, Tempest, and Smithy.
          • Personnel list is unremarkable, but it’s a very small company for its purported scope. Make an intelligence skill check- spending six hours cross-referencing the personnel files will reveal that almost every employee has been reported dead. Not that surprising given the Flash, but this includes most employees at the HQ on Kron Omega.
          • There’s very little information on payroll. Either their bookkeeping was atrocious, or a sizable proportion of the employees were working for free. Make an intelligence check at -10%- if you succeed, you can find out that the few higher-paid employees look to be magic users or techno-wizards. Regardless of the skill check, you can deduce that most of the employees are patently unremarkable- more or less unskilled labor. Which begs the question, why were they working at a computer-ish company?
          • A financial review also turns up lease agreements for three company sites on Center, Alfheim, and Tempest. The company has a few registered vehicles for ground transport (hovercars), but nothing armed nor capable of FTL travel.
          • While there are multiple news and social media reports of Fingerling’s appearance on various planets (almost all of them within UWW territory), no travel records of any kind exist.
          What are you doing?
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          Re: [GA] Consequences

          Post by Elvin »

          JIC: 1d20: [7] = 7 , 1d100: [63] = 63
          Perception: 28% / 1d100: [93] = 93 (FAIL)

          Conditions: APS: Shadow, Cloaking, Resist Psionics

          The faerie thief known as Elvin lurks in the shadows, his patient gaze fixed on the Dime Store Magic. Finally, a lead that didn't turn out to be as useless as a starship made of swiss cheese. He grins. Escape, glorious escape, is what this shuttle before us represents!

          About time! It is a voice in Elvin's head, a voice as sharp and mischievous as a finely honed blade. It is 'The Klepto Cleaver'; Elvin's ever-present rune-blade with more than a few larcenous inclinations. That hunk of metal's practically begging for us to crack it open!

          Likely locked up tighter than a tax auditor's heart. All the better! Elvin muses internally. Guards won't be a problem. They can't occupy all areas at all times. We can stowaway somewhere and in a day or two, we'll be out of here! Storage compartments I think. They tend to be left alone, they're dull.

          Dull?! Klepto Cleaver practically vibrates with excitement. Think of the loot! I'm for their stores. Armoury vaults full of expensive weaponry. Smuggler's compartments filled with contraband! The Captain's Hoard, every captain has a personal stash; sparkling gemstones the size of a fist, shimmering space-pearls harvested from a mythical nebula, maybe even a legendary treasure map..

          Elvin is the more cautious one. After all, unlike Klepp, he had a head to lose. Later. First we need to get on board and unnoticed. When we're underway we can poke about for hidden compartments and goodies. Now where are they? They've got to exit soon.

          He watches patiently for a time, ignoring further input from Klepp. Ahh patience, that oft-overlooked tool. A master thief's greatest weapon. The difference between a fat score and a cold cell. Elvin pictures a ripe mango, its juicy goodness hidden beneath a tough, green exterior. A green thief would rip into the fruit, getting a face full of sap for his impatience. A master thief, however, would wait for the fruit to ripen, allowing them to claim the sweet reward with ease. He would bide his time, and when the opportunity fell from the proverbial vine, ripe and ready for the taking, he'd be there with a grin and a pair of nimble fingers.

          The Dime Store Magic was a green mango right now. Its crew, arriving in a new place, would be alert for trouble. Patience.

          And so Elvin waits. Sure enough, eventually the shuttle door whooshes open, and from it emerges a crew of unhappy faces.

          Ugh! Elvin made a face. Talk about a downer delegation. Those aren't the faces of a winning team coming to collect a juicy reward.

          Klepto Cleaver scoffs. Losers, the lot of them. But losers with a ship!

          Yes indeedy. Our ticket out of this security-crazed station.

          Elvin scrutinizes their faces, searching for that glint of success. He sees none. Nope, just a whole lot of 'we-just-stepped-in-dog-doo' vibes. He snickers softly to himself. A detail from his informant clicks in Elvin's head. This 'Dime Store Magic' crew, some sort of adventurer types who'd been stirring up trouble in a Splugorth kingdom. That rumor tickled him a great deal. He lets them pass by with their pockets intact. A mischievous glint flickers in Elvin's shadowy eyes as he watches this crew of dejected adventurers disappear. The ship itself holds far more allure than their sorry faces.

          His eyes return to the ship, now less guarded than it once was. Just you and me now my dear. I admit it is a disappointing name, 'Dime Store' gives out images of cheap, low-quality goods, aimed at the unrefined masses. But 'magic'? Are you merely an illusory facade? A boastful exaggeration?

          He decides to assess its magical potential before formulating his next move. Elvin closes his eyes, letting out a soft breath. He focuses all his mental energy inwards, picturing a still pond in his mind. Any magical aura would send a ripple and he would
          Range: 180 feet.
          Duration: 2 minute / level.
          about him. -3 I.S.P..

          If the Dime Store Magic indeed is revealed to be magical, Elvin sniggers. So, 'Dime Store Magic' lives up to its name!

          The mango is ripe. Elvin decides it is time to action!

          Alright, universe. Elvin thinks, a sly grin tugging at the corners of his shadowy lips. Time to play a little game of shadow-puppet surprise.

          Klepp vibrates with anticipation against Elvin's hip. Finally, some action! Let's see what kind of trouble we can stir up. Just remember, El, a little risk can lead to a big reward.

          Elvin smirks. Reward is my middle name, Klepp. Now, let's see what this 'Dime Store Magic' is all about.

          Elvin dismisses his psionics. Instead, he triggers
          Range: Self.
          Duration: 5 minutes / level.
          I.S.P.: 10
          * From Rifter 25
          Similar to, but more extensive than Mind Block, this power helps protect the psychic from psionic attacks. Resist Psionics disrupts all psionic energy in and around the psychic. This psionic disruption also means that the character cannot activate any of his own powers, and any that were active are immediately cancelled. While this power is active, the character's aura cannot be read, all Empathy and Telepathy is prevented, all damage from psionic attacks is halved, all effects of psionics are halved, the duration of psionics affecting the character is halved, and the character is +3 to save vs all psionic attacks. While the psychic is using this power, anyone trying to track him with any type of psionic power will be at -30% and will only be able to sense him from half the normal distance. This protection will block and reduce all helpful psionics, as well. If the character was already under the influence of a psionic power when he activates Resist Psionics he gets to roll to save against that psionic power again. If he saves the second time, then the duration and effects are both reduced by half.
          to smother any psionic attempt to track or detect him. -10 I.S.P. Electronic eyes were also useless against this particular little faerie of shadow and greed, Elvin never fully understood why, but he simply was invisible to the electronic junk spacefarers relied upon.

          In his sneaky shadow form, a mere 12 inches tall, Elvin approaches the ship. He favours any path that is composed of shadows up to the hull of the vessel, no matter how indirect. In the shadows, the King of Thieves will almost certainly never be seen. If forced to prowl a lighter space between shadows he will do so.

          Prowl (shadows): automatic success
          Prowl (gaps between shadows) 84%: 1d100: [41] = 41 (SUCCESS)

          His plan is to settle in on the shadow-side of the underwings of the Dime Store Magic. There Elvin seeks entry. Wings are unpopular spots. Good for storage but no one ever wants to live there. Perfect for my needs. He opens a minuscule Doorway through the hull of the under-wing to the inside. The shadow faerie flutters inside, dismissing the doorway the moment he gains entry.

          Once inside the wing deck, he explores this section of the ship cautiously. Are any goodies stored here? Are there nifty hiding places? Elvin snoops about, but touches nothing. Could the ship have detected the momentary hole in the hull? Will anyone investigate? Best to leave everything as it should be for now.

          From the wing deck, he looks for the conventional exits leading deeper into the interior of the ship.
          OOC Comments
          According to the ship description, there are stairs and a lift exiting each Wing Deck. Does a map of the ship exist? Further prowlings can be posted depending on how much time is to pass.
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          Re: [GA] Consequences

          Post by Talon »

          Perception: 1d100: [80] = 80 /42%
          JIC: 1d20: [1] = 1 ; 1d100: [99] = 99
          Metri wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:46 am As predicted by Talon, Metri does not have much to contribute in the way of intelligence/information gathering. He plods along with the bounty hunter, nodding in agreement at the proposed idea. When mention of money is brought up, Metri digs through his belongings and produces a secured universal card worth 1 million credits and nonchalantly hands it over to Talon ((can pull from Metri's 1M cred-stick last edited last edited 11/23/2015 DSM)).

          "A start these funds will provide, hmm?" Metri confirms naively.
          Talon looks at Metri and nods, taking the card, "I hope it won't be more but if nothing else it should get us started." Talon neatly pockets the card as they continue. Metri was just keeping this thing around? I guess they've been paid well up to this point. Sounds like Thraxus was a generous employer...too bad his attitude sucks. I wonder if the group will still want to work with him in the future? I'm not sure I like his agenda what ever it happens to be. Anyway I can think on that more later. Have to focus on this case first.

          Dark Lord wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:03 pm
          After a few hours of shopping, Talon learns that despite its name People Power LLC is not in fact a publicly traded company. Meaning just about any information that they didn’t put out in public themselves is going to be much more difficult to come by (and virtually impossible to verify remotely). After multiple failed attempts to find a broker who can get that kind of information, Talon is directed to a contact with FIN- the Felias Information Network. He calls a number, leaves a message, and will be recontacted by someone later. Any of you who pass a streetwise check at -10% will have heard of FIN- effectively a cartel, more or less criminal in nature, and the original greats of information brokering. If you pass your skill check by more than 25% you’ll also know the rumors that they have so much information it requires a continent-sized storage drive.

          Four hours after reaching out, Talon is contacted via a secure frequency. A blurry, vaguely felinoid silhouette can be seen on the other end. The speaker gets right to the point.

          ”What do you want to know?”

          Talon relays his list of questions.

          ”An extensive dossier. Some of it will be impossible to collect. Some of it will simply be difficult. Difficult means expensive. You pay up front. One million credits. Secure transfer. You pay. We collect dossier. We send. End of transaction. Understood?”
          Streetwise 59% -10% = 49%/ 1d100: [69] = 69

          Talon keeps his helmet on during the interaction. Discresion is understandable and appreciated. Talon keeps his voice level and professional, "Of course. Even a negative response is still something. The only information not found is that which is not asked." Talon sends the money, "Sent. I look forward to what you find."
          Once the line closes Talon lets out a long breath. "Well we on hold for now. Best make our way back to the ship. I need to get somethings ready for the information that is bound to come in." Talon keeps his eyes out for any one tailing the group on the way back to the ship.

          Surveillance 1d100: [92] = 92 /59% (Detect any people following the crew back to the ship)

          Over the next day and change Talon works to convert one of the empty wing decks into an analytical space. Talon will move a few computers and create a small network along with a few tables. Talon also puts a large pin board on one wall. Talon codes his own internal network to run only what he needs. Talon intentionally keeps everything segregated to avoid and thing leaking out. Talon knows what he's asked for and if people found out it would mean they would be able to locate them. Especially when Mort is being hailed as a hero right now. Talon also secures the computers with an encryption.

          Computer Programming 1d100: [50] = 50 /56% (Create the intra-net for analyzing the information)
          Computer Hacking 1d100: [1] = 1 /81%(Write the encryption keys to limit access, right now only Talon has access to the computers)

          Once the information arrives. Talon briefly opens one network port to allow the transfer to happen before locking the port, again isolating the network from the outside. If anyone is with him Talon looks back for a moment, "This is going to take me some time to go through. I'll let you all know when I find anything we can use."

          Talon turns and begins combing through the data. As he comes across information, names, dates, places, and expenditures, Talon writes everything down in a notebook. As he goes he begins to print out small sheets of paper with names on it. He use various types of colored string to symbolize different types of associations.

          Intelligence 1d100: [91] = 91 /68% (Cross referencing the employee list)
          Intelligence 1d100: [81] = 81 /68%-10%=58% (Payroll Information)

          Talon does end up talking to himself quite a bit as he works though the information. "Lets see...Shipping manifests. Only three locations. Eight were hit. If the records weren't in the files then they had to have been moved there by some other means. Hmm...Third party? Someone else working as a supplier...could be. Keep things compartmented when they can. PPL had several UWW contracts. Looks like a good cover to get established on the target worlds without rising suspicion...Three Years and Four months he just appears. What was going on in the galaxy around that time? Why then? Did something fail? Has this been in the works for that long? It's likely, but can't make that assumption just yet. More of an educated guess, but we'll hold off on that for now...Erratic movements? Can you move between planets without a ship? Bloody fucking magic...Never thought I'd say this but I really wish there was more bureaucracy. As much of an ass pain it is they would have been able to keep better records...ok where was I? Only three lease agreements? Well We can be sure the other end of those stabilizers were in those locations...we only have three so we can't split up and take them...What's this? an Atorian group from the TGE was responsible for the start up capital for PPL? Ok that educated guess is looking more solidified now. PPL was heavily involved with the UWW and the TGE took advantage of that as soon as the flash hit. Mort weaseled his way into the UWW and other areas." Talon stands and pins the paper with the Atorian group on the board. "Found you. Not exactly the smoking gun, but then there are almost never those in this type of investigation...Found my lead. I wonder if they would be willing to do some follow up research? Who am I kidding as long as we are paying they'll look up the Prometheans skirts." Talon stretches for a moment and takes a drink of water. "Lets see, The employee records are a mess. Who even keeps records like this? Just a bunch of unskilled labor. For what? Sacrifices? I don't remember encountering any employees at Kron Omega. Maybe they were else where. Sacrifices on the other worlds to keep the stabilizers online on the other ends. I guess people who have something to hide and no one to answer to keep records like this. Or if they knew they would need to keep records for long. no incentive...Ugh. I hate magic. Lets the man come and go without a trace. Ok. Time for a break." Talon locks the computers after many hours of work and heads to get some food, sleep and a shower.

          The morning after receiving the information Talon tracks down hopefully Starchief or Metri or any of the crew, "Hey I found a few things yesterday. Do you know anything about Atorians? Apparently they funded PPL's start up costs. Also it seems Mort just sprang into existence 3 years and 4 months ago. Were there any major events that happened around that time that you can remember?" Talon takes a breath, "Also looks like there were several lease agreements one the effected worlds. There were also shipments of precious metals and gems to these locations as well. So looks like the theory of anchors being on more then just Kron Omega were correct. Also looks like the UWW gave several contracts to PPL to create some kind of magic internet. Likely a cover for what they were actually making. But still that would require someone's ear in the UWW. Also there was a lack of mention of anything in the free worlds space on the Norse realms. I believe right now we are seeing one cell of an operation. I think the Atorians in TGE space may be a link to other cells. If I can get more money I'd like to request a deep dive of information on this mysterious Atorian group. If we can find all the links we can get a better idea of everything that is goin on and be able to unravel all of this rather then taking piece meal." Talon shows everyone the link diagram and what he has been working on. Hopefully they allow him to continue to pull these threads till he has the truth.


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          Re: [GA] Consequences

          Post by Ghast »

          Perception: 1d100: [70] = 70 /52%
          Just in Case: 1d20: [2] = 2 ; 1d100: [49] = 49
          Conditions: Sixth Sense (Inactive),
          360° scanning capability, +3 Initiative, +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge, +5 to Roll w/, allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise

          H.P.: 33/33
          S.D.C.: 70/70
          I.S.P.: 249/249
          Current Outfit: Clothes (Black T-Shirt, Worn Beige Cargo Pants, Raggedy Gray Sweater, Arm wraps, Combat Boots), Red Scarf, Weapon Harness, ratty overcoat.
          Weapons & Armor
          Armor: NE-BA-26 Special Body Armor 90/90
          Integrated Force Field: 75/75
          Weapons: HI-80 Combat Laser Rifle Ammo: 30/15
          NE-4 Plasma Cartridge Pistol Ammo: 10/10
          Slicer GR-Gun Ammo: 12/12
          Phase Sword
          Ripper Bayonet
          A Variety of explosives.

          Ghast spends the interim time while the others wait for the info-brokers to get back to them wandering the station, and generally just bumming around. Would have been a nice place to visit after I fled the company. Likely could have found secure hidden work here. We were too busy running to think on such things. We should have been stalking them, killing them for what they did to us. Yeah, well we did neither, we ran and hid on a back water, and happened to fall in with some very weird folks. Ghast mentally argues with himself before pausing at a food kiosk to buy something to snack on.

          We're gonna have to figure something out, we have no safety net anymore. Don't you think I know that. With some luck and a lot of hope, Icky figures out the Time relic, and all of this goes back to normal... or at least normal for the universe at large. We still need to worry about the price of such meddling. I know, time doesn't like being manipulated as such, or at least that's as I've come to understand it. Ghast thinks as he pauses in front of a pawn shop, a lonely watch in the window gaining his fractured attention. We once thought ourselves immortal. Time proves us wrong. Ghast thinks as he enters the shop. "I would like to buy that watch in the window please."
          “We are what we choose to be.” ~Altaïr
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          Re: [GA] Consequences

          Post by Metri »

          Perception: d%: [51] = 51 | 67%
          JIC: 1d20: [19] = 19 | d%: [5] = 5 %
          Character Sheet
          • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
          • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
            • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [99] = 99 | 86%.
            • Track by psychic scent: d%: [33] = 33 | 95%.
          • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [5] = 5 | 97%.
          • Sense Life. 300ft.
          PPE: 171/171
          ISP: 275/275
          Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
          MDC: 73/73
          MTB1_PPE: 180/180
          MTB2_PPE: 180/180
          MTB3_PPE: 180/180
          SoE_PPE: 80/80
          WoS_PPE: 40/40
          Saving Throw Bonuses
          +1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
          Coma/Death: +4%
          Magic (varies): +1
          Lethal Poison (14+): +1
          Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
          Insanity (12+): +1
          Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
          +7 vs Possession
          +2 vs Despair
          +2 vs Horror Factor
          +2 vs Illusions
          +1 vs Poison and Disease

            For someone who just dropped a million credits on information, Metri is not particularly emotional one way or the other. In fact, he finds himself still amidst a general sense of numbness. With Talon seemingly both motivated and talented at the work, the Yhabbayar remains out of his way, letting him work. And confines himself to his living quarters.

            He is tremendously familiar with this sort of sifting through nuggets of information. I am grateful for his presence. Metri nods to himself, allowing him a sliver of gratitude.

            Leaning on his mystical training, Metri will try to calm his mind and meditate when he can. When he finally gets a bit too restless ((not able to calm his mind adequately)), he will instead try to astral project himself to the parallel plane. In this form, he succumbs to the urge to take a quick peek inside Icky's room to see how his bovine friend is doing. If it seems like he is intruding on Icky's privacy, Metri will quickly conclude his projection and head back to his body. If Icky looks unmoving, Metri will watch for a little bit ((likely the duration of his astral projection)) before returning to his body.

            With his restlessness still not sated after the astral projection. Metri will gather up a bowl of soapy water and pass the time settled into his bubble magic trance ((Which grants him Psychic Omni-Sight)), blowing non-magical bubbles letting his imagination become untethered, in hopes of having some 'fun'. Since walls stop his omni-sight, it is unlikely the Yhabbayar will discover Elvin the faerie thief from within his own quarters.

            "A lead, Talon will soon find. And more certain our path will become, yesss." Metri says to himself unconvincingly.

            In the quiet of his room, the Yhabbayar makes a mental note that his runic hammer Skorl seems to be less chatty than he was prior to the incident. Not prepared to deal with the consequences of why this may be, Metri leaves the issue alone for now and decides to try to make complex mathematical shapes using his bubbles.
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Elvin »

            ((rolls carried))
            Talon wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:13 pm Over the next day and change Talon works to convert one of the empty wing decks into an analytical space. Talon will move a few computers and create a small network along with a few tables. Talon also puts a large pin board on one wall. Talon codes his own internal network to run only what he needs. Talon intentionally keeps everything segregated to avoid and thing leaking out. Talon knows what he's asked for and if people found out it would mean they would be able to locate them. Especially when Mort is being hailed as a hero right now. Talon also secures the computers with an encryption.

            Computer Programming 1d100: [50] = 50 /56% (Create the intra-net for analyzing the information)
            Computer Hacking 1d100: [1] = 1 /81%(Write the encryption keys to limit access, right now only Talon has access to the computers)
            If a few days indeed do roll by, and Elvin did make it on board the ship undetected. The following intentions play out:

            A smug satisfaction fills Elvin as he settles into the shadows of the deserted wing deck. This was his kind of place – forgotten, overlooked, and perfect for a cunning stowaway like himself. He finds himself a nook to nestle in, preferably where big folk cannot follow. Perhaps in an air duct, or hidden under the floor amongst lines of cables. Someplace where he can hear incoming trouble and make his escape if needed.

            Ahh, much better!

            His self-congratulatory smirk vanishes the moment Talon comes blundering into the Wing Deck with boxes of networking equipment.

            How rude!

            The faerie curses silently, and listens intently. Just what I need – another complication!

            He watches for a time, a shadow amongst shadows, as Talon begins his labors. It soon becomes clear this isn't a casual visit to drop off unwanted items; this was a professional setting up shop. The stomping feet and hum of computers soon grate on Elvin's nerves. But through his annoyance, a spark of opportunity flickers in his mind.

            With each piece of equipment Talon places, Elvin tries to ascertain the intent. What is this fellow up to? Why set up in this out of the way place and not in the main decks?

            Computer Operation 89%: 1d100: [43] = 43 - notice the disconnected nature of this network, noting the lack of physical connectivity with the rest of the ship.
            Intelligence 76%: 1d100: [23] = 23 - what's up with all the computers and the pinboard?

            I hope it's a treasure hunt. Something very very valuable.
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Exe »

            Perception: 1d100: [22] = 22 /42%
            JiC: 1d20: [4] = 4 / 1d100: [80] = 80

            Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

            MDC: 152/152
            PPE: 291/291
            ISP: 60/60
            Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110

            Art: 1d100: [37] = 37 /71% [Repaint his Multi-Optics Helmet to a new design]
            Magic, Lore: 1d100: [93] = 93 /81% [Magic idea prep]


            Exe has had what felt like weeks to cool down from his explosions and inability to cope earlier when it's barely been over a week. Has it been enough time, not even remotely. And the teenage demigod finds himself locked on a ship with adults worried about their own lives and problems, screaming at each other amid the end of the galaxies with no real friend to speak of. A flash of red comes across his mind as Exe glances at Corus from across his room, the Lightning Eagle glaring at him. "Except you. You know what I mean't. Come on." Exe mutters to his familiar, the eagle picking up on his thought. I miss Kira. Kira and Inhio. My actual, real, breathing and self-thinking but got my back friends. This lot barely think of me as the magic kid. A magic kid that can't fight and doesn't know anything about magic, pfft. Should set up Cherry Bomb traps around the ship... Exe snorts to himself and blows a puff of hair up. Exe remains in his room for a good while and starts working on spell modification to take his mind off things instead. [Going to put up a Tinkering Spell Project this weekend for Exe to work on while he is depressed and lost in space.]

            [To Windscape]
            Starchief wrote: "I've seen worse. Let's get to it, crew."
            Exe starts making himself more visible during the day they're expected to arrive in Windscape, though Exe remains somewhat withdrawn. Yeah, we saw worse on the last planet we ran away from... Exe thinks to himself. He is on the bridge when they arrive in orbit, standing in the back and listening. The teen doesn't have a reason to be there, but he should be. I can't hide in my room the entire time... I wonder if Windscape has open airways for Corus to stretch his wings again... not fair to him. Exe considers, mentally frustrated that their current situation makes Corus roaming freely precarious.
            Talon wrote:"This way. Lets head to a few different locations. I have an idea of what we'll need."
            Exe follows the group, Talon, specifically. He has shown the most apt to wanting to fix the problem, even if he has a distaste for magic. I always thought the ones who hated magic were just jealous they couldn't use it... Exe muses, glancing at Talon who is not jealous and instead acts angry towards magic. I'mma give him a whole slew of talismans... watch, he breaks them. Ha. Exe actually prompts the slightest of chuckles out of himself with that before shaking it off. Exe doesn't have much to offer Talon in the way of data retrieval, the demigod teen only knowing about magic and hardly able to open some computer programs. With the wait of a day and a half, Exe returns to the ship with the others to continue working on his new project so his mind doesn't stray. Exe does keep his door open this time, his current project still largely theoretical and waiting for news. The entire time Exe has been working on himself, his ariel remains stoically quite in the corner of his room.
            Talon wrote: "Hey I found a few things yesterday.
            This comment catches Exe's attention and he leaves the confines of his room and magical project to listen to Talon's discovery and thoughts. Unfortunately that is all Exe can do, listen. The demigod hasn't been with the crew long enough to recognize the significance of Atorians or what they are beyond just another race. At least the info brokers were a good bet. Company sounds fake as ever, something that looks good written down. Exe thinks to himself. Exe looks to Talon and the others "Sort've sounds fake, the company I mean. Like, someone checked the boxes to make some desk clerk approve it without looking deeper... or the right people are paid to erase things?" Exe comments with a sigh. Feels like everything is against us. Exe closes his eyes and listens to the rest continue talking. "Deep dive sounds like a good idea for more but how long can we safely stay here?" Exe questions out loud to the group.
            Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead

            Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
            "The Ariel Spirit of Light, Matthew, is speaking."
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Talon »

            **Rolls Held Over**

            Talon does note Exe tagging along. Talon thinks to himself for a moment as they walk the streets of Windscape. Now that I really look at him. He's quite young. What is he doing with this group? He's maybe a handful of years older then my...... Talon shakes off the thought, Kid's had it rough. I wonder what the ones following him think? He's almost never without one of those other creatures. I wonder what they could be?
            Exe wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 1:00 pm This comment catches Exe's attention and he leaves the confines of his room and magical project to listen to Talon's discovery and thoughts. Unfortunately that is all Exe can do, listen. The demigod hasn't been with the crew long enough to recognize the significance of Atorians or what they are beyond just another race. At least the info brokers were a good bet. Company sounds fake as ever, something that looks good written down. Exe thinks to himself. Exe looks to Talon and the others "Sort've sounds fake, the company I mean. Like, someone checked the boxes to make some desk clerk approve it without looking deeper... or the right people are paid to erase things?" Exe comments with a sigh. Feels like everything is against us. Exe closes his eyes and listens to the rest continue talking. "Deep dive sounds like a good idea for more but how long can we safely stay here?" Exe questions out loud to the group.
            Talon looks at Exe, a slight smile with a bit of pride, Kid is sharp. And seems to get this is difficult. "Indeed. Many things about this company are likely fronts and facades. Money or other types of leverage can make things subvert normal scrutiny and record keeping. Also Where I come from people normally have records of birth and other things. However I have come to learn not all planets have such records. Normally ships and property must be registered in some way with a government entity. However not all planets comply with this. Such as the planet we're on right now. If they had there would be no way for us to land here. So it's a double edged sword. Right now the same things keeping us safe are also protecting our adversaries from discovery. Quite the conundrum isn't it. Although it's compounded by Mort's use of magic. Being able to just appear on a world without having to pass through checkpoints or customs. Leaving no trace of your arrival or departure. Makes for a difficult target to track." Talon smile's a little more warmly, almost parental, "I'm not sure how long we have here, but I intend to make the most of it while we can. Pulling on the string has revealed another group, with the possibility of a third out there as well. I'll keep gathering all the data I can. Even if I can't understand it yet. No information is worthless. Even no information means something. Like you said someone might have erased data. Or there might be another moving with the one we know about." Talon sets a hand on Exe's shoulder with a slight smile, "Keep questioning things kid. Keep looking for answers. You won't ever figure anything out unless you follow your own threads." Of course the other option is that a lot of major government entities have been wiped off the map. Likely took a lot of information with them. Wonder how long we'll have in the past...Come on! Get your head right! That's completely unnatural...Ok. lets keep digging.

            Personal MDC: 145
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Joan Echo »

            Perception (33%) 1d100<33: [24*] = 1
            JiC 1d20: [2] = 2 1d100: [18] = 18

            Splugorth Talisman of Armor of Ithan (activated twice) 100/100

            Teal bowling shirt
            Cargo shorts
            Action sandals
            HPC bracelet

            Magical clubs with the Rings of Sha Los (2)

            Effects and skills
            Streetwise (41%) 1d100<41: [61] = 0 - spot anyone suspicious
            Urqos Talon wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:33 pm"Let's go... I have an idea of what we'll need."
            "Ah," Juan nods, "I thought you had a contact on this planet that you wanted to meet with. Personally, I just go to a public space - a bar, a park*, a market, a community art class so on - and just find where I need to be. But if you have an idea of where we can find what we need, I'll trust you."

            Juan goes with Talon, and is ready to provide him any necessary cash to purchase the intel the Adventurers need. While Talon haggles with brokers, the Wanderer casts his eye on the streets of people passing by. Careful Jonny, you're a wanted god. Not the first time. Definitely not the last time, either. I wonder if annoy is looking for us right here and now. After the data arrives, Juan peers in from time to time on Talon to make sure that the nervy mortal is ok.
            Talon wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:13 pm"Hey I found a few things yesterday. Do you know anything about Atorians? ... If we can find all the links we can get a better idea of everything that is going on and be able to unravel all of this rather then taking piece meal."
            "I have been with the Adventurers a little more than a year, so I can't fill in all the blanks, but I remember the Atorians. We went to Axis-5, the battleworld planet, several months ago. That is where we picked up the time relic. The Atorian army had been deeply compromised by an evil cult, and they staged a terrorist attack on their CCW allies while we were on the planet. The sect was led by a vile urqos named Haad, and they worshiped some false prophet. But Urqos Haad was also involved on terrible experiments on urqos on Urqos Andra's home planet.

            "What you say tracks with our own experiences. Whoever is behind all these attacks has a large organization; Urqos Haad and the Urqos Fingerer are just two of their agents. This group seems to have deep resources, connections in every unsavory part of the Three Galaxies, and no concern for life or decency."
            Exe wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 1:00 pm"Sort've sounds fake, the company I mean. Like, someone checked the boxes to make some desk clerk approve it without looking deeper... or the right people are paid to erase things?"
            Talon wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 1:55 pm"Indeed. Many things about this company are likely fronts and facades... Keep questioning things kid. Keep looking for answers. You won't ever figure anything out unless you follow your own threads."
            Juan nods in agreement. "Our enemies have a wide network. Our best bet at finding them is to go deep one lead than to cast a wide net and find even more threads." He at Talon. "You may have provided us our best opportunity to identify who is behind the Urqos Fingerer.."

            *Per Rate-A-Deity
            mitchel wrote:Juan Echo
            Yayamama Pantheon
            10 out of 10
            my daughter elan's fifteenth birthday party was a disaster until we were blessed by the wanderer crashing the event he brought chips and dip that everyone enjoyed and nine months later my wife gave birth to our newest son a true miracle
            Last edited by Joan Echo on Thu Mar 14, 2024 4:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
            Status: Joan Echo
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            May the rest of the Yayamama Pantheon have mercy on our SOULS!
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Exe »

            Exe Rolls Held wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 1:00 pm Perception: 1d100: [22] = 22 /42%
            JiC: 1d20: [4] = 4 / 1d100: [80] = 80

            Conditions: Sense Rifts [110 miles] | Sense Dimensional Vortex | Res to Cold/Fire (1/2) | Bio-Regen 1d6*5/min | Sixth Sense [Inactive] |

            MDC: 152/152
            PPE: 291/291
            ISP: 60/60
            Personal FF, Deactivated: 110/110
            Lore, Magic: 1d100: [21] = 21 /81% [Most likely teleportation means Fingerling used; magic, artifact or natural ability and would the spell "Block Mystic Portal and Teleportation" block an all means of teleporting?]
            Juan wrote:
            Talon wrote:However not all planets comply with this.
            "What you say tracks with our own experiences. Whoever is behind all these attacks has a large organization; Urqos Haad and the Urqos Fingerer are just two of their agents. This group seems to have deep resources, connections in every unsavory part of the Three Galaxies, and no concern for life or decency."
            Exe listens to Juan and Talon as he replies, the demi-god thinking on his own homeworld with some level of disgust. Numbers. How they do it on Sillenda, they say it's for safety but really everyone is just a number and the minute you upset the flow you zero you out. Exe thinks, his memories and feelings coloring his own memory of his world but it's as factual as it can be for him.

            As Talon continues, Exe tilts his head and listens. Now he reminds me of one of my old tutors from Sillenda. There was an old guy, fancied himself my mom's adopted dad. Exe muses, comparing Talon now to someone from his memory.
            Juan wrote:
            Talon wrote:Right now the same things keeping us safe are also protecting our adversaries from discovery. Quite the conundrum isn't it. Although it's compounded by Mort's use of magic. Being able to just appear on a world without having to pass through checkpoints or customs. Leaving no trace of your arrival or departure. Makes for a difficult target to track." ... "Keep questioning things kid. Keep looking for answers. You won't ever figure anything out unless you follow your own threads."
            "Our enemies have a wide network. Our best bet at finding them is to identify them." He at Talon. "You may have provided us our best opportunity to do so."
            Exe almost laughs at the last comment but it turns into a snort before shrugging. "I've learned to second guess grown ups, no offense." Exe remarks before nodding his head left or right. "We haven't found him yet... but something that can teleport at will... perhaps he has a magical artifact that allows him such freedom. I doubt it's natural or even magical... it takes a good deal of concentration and a second or two to effectively teleport... the most basic teleportation spell is still advanced to most and takes a few seconds to move inanimate objects." Exe thinks aloud, trying to add to the magical side of questioning. "To teleport instantly like that... it's gotta be a really refined natural ability which.. heh, doubt it... or an artifact, I think. And if it is an artifact, my spell to block teleportation may not block that." Exe adds. Or advanced tech... ugh, too many what-ifs Exe groans and lets his head hit the back of whatever wall he's leaning on in frustration.
            Please Do Not PM This Account, PM Underguard Instead

            Oren Exe | EP Ledger | Other PCs: Ronan (Spook Squad) | Venenifer (Roughnecks)
            "The Ariel Spirit of Light, Matthew, is speaking."
            "The Seraph Spirit of Light, Kalinda, is speaking."
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Talon »

            **Rolls Held Over**
            Juan Echo wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 2:21 pm "Ah," Juan nods, "I thought you had a contact on this planet that you wanted to meet with. Personally, I just go to a public space - a bar, a park*, a market, a community art class so on - and just find where I need to be. But if you have an idea of where we can find what we need, I'll trust you."
            Talon looks questioningly at Juan, "I never said I've been here before. I just happen to know what to look for when you want to get information. Tracking criminals has been my job for over ten years. Places like this exist everywhere...maybe not on this scale, but the signs are all the same." Talon gives a little chuckle, "In truth this is only the fourth planet I've visited. But your trust is appreciated. I'll do what I can to make sure I've earned it." Talon smirks at Juan and continues.

            Back on the ship after reviewing the information:
            Juan Echo wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 2:21 pm "I have been with the Adventurers a little more than a year, so I can't fill in all the blanks, but I remember the Atorians. We went to Axis-5, the battleworld planet, several months ago. That is where we picked up the time relic. The Atorian army had been deeply compromised by an evil cult, and they staged a terrorist attack on their CCW allies while we were on the planet. The sect was led by a vile urqos named Haad, and they worshiped some false prophet. But Urqos Haad was also involved on terrible experiments on urqos on Urqos Andra's home planet.

            "What you say tracks with our own experiences. Whoever is behind all these attacks has a large organization; Urqos Haad and the Urqos Fingerer are just two of their agents. This group seems to have deep resources, connections in every unsavory part of the Three Galaxies, and no concern for life or decency."
            Talon moves his hand to his chin as Juan speaks, They've come across them before? Must have been more recent history not in the ship's log...or maybe I missed it. Talon pulls out a notebook and jots down a few notes as Juan is talking. He places a box around the name 'Haad'. Once Juan is finished Talon has a few follow up questions, "Can you please elaborate at on who Haad is? Are they currently alive? Do you remember how ingrained the cult was? Were you guys able to carve it out or does it still retain a foot hold with the Atorians? Do you know what kind of technique was used to sway the Atorians into the cult?"
            Juan Echo wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 2:21 pmJuan nods in agreement. "Our enemies have a wide network. Our best bet at finding them is to go deep one lead than to cast a wide net and find even more threads." He at Talon. "You may have provided us our best opportunity to identify who is behind the Urqos Fingerer."
            Talon looks at the ground awkward under the praise from Juan, "I mean I only followed the clues. There's still a lot more work to do. This is what I'm good at, and I love doing it. It's a start, I'm just making sure to do my best here. But thanks." Talon looks back up and nods to Juan.
            Exe wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 4:22 pm Exe almost laughs at the last comment but it turns into a snort before shrugging. "I've learned to second guess grown ups, no offense." Exe remarks before nodding his head left or right. "We haven't found him yet... but something that can teleport at will... perhaps he has a magical artifact that allows him such freedom. I doubt it's natural or even magical... it takes a good deal of concentration and a second or two to effectively teleport... the most basic teleportation spell is still advanced to most and takes a few seconds to move inanimate objects." Exe thinks aloud, trying to add to the magical side of questioning. "To teleport instantly like that... it's gotta be a really refined natural ability which.. heh, doubt it... or an artifact, I think. And if it is an artifact, my spell to block teleportation may not block that." Exe adds. Or advanced tech... ugh, too many what-ifs Exe groans and lets his head hit the back of whatever wall he's leaning on in frustration.
            Talon give a genuine smile and laugh. Not the mocking kind, but one with joy in it, "None taken, kid. I know how frustrating these things can get. Having no leads and too many possibilities. Tenacity will always help see you through...and a healthy dose of skepticism is good too. Talon again smiles with pride at Exe's deductions and logical thinking, That's some solid thinking there. I didn't know there was a difference in teleportation. So when he just vanished, you're saying that's not how normal teleportation works? Huh. So you think it's an artifact?" Talon nods at Exe with respect. "Well seems like that would be something he would have to keep on his person. Might also explain his movements prior as well. Just showing up out of the blue. With something like that...trying to keep him in one place is going to be problematic. I'm going to have to leave that to you to figure out kid. It's just not my realm of skills. Talon looks once more at Exe, "If you're good with tackling that issue, I'll leave it to you."

            Personal MDC: 145
            SDC: 102 (For Non-MDC Worlds Only)
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Captain Andra Sekona »

            Perception: 1d100: [69] = 69 /62%
            JIC: 1d20: [17] = 17 / 1d100: [47] = 47

            Taking a back seat, Starchief watches his fellow Seeronian do his information gathering thing. "You're quite good at this, Talon. Brains and brawn. Impressive. I'll... I'll leave you to it." Starchief sits around struggling to find a way to contribute to their current situation.

            When Talon gets his data points ready for dissemination, Starchief is all ears.

            "Mort just popped up out of nowhen? Hmmm... Let's ask the expert. Datephus, are there any events, galactic or related to this team that coincide with Mort Fingerling's appearance three years four months ago?" After receiving his answer, he continues. "The magic internet part tracks. We started this adventure with demonic possession related to a server on Center. And Juan Echo's got it right with the Atorians. I had an...interesting night that night. Anyway, keep at it. You've got whatever money you need." Starchief will give Talon access to the DSM Group Slush Fund of 10 million credits to get whatever information he can to fix this.
            Captain Sekona
            Captain Andra Sekona
            MDC: 439/439

            Saving Throw Bonuses:
            Vs. Insanity: +9|Vs. Magic: +10|Vs. Possession: +7|Vs. Psionic: +7
            Vs. Poison: +7|Vs. Mind Control: +6|Vs. Disease: +6|Vs. Illusion: +5
            Vs. Horror Factor: +8|Vs. Coma/Death: +51%|Perception: +3
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Draggor »

            Perception: 1d100: [31] = 31 | 27%
            JIC: 1d20: 1d20: [1] = 1 | 1d100: [29] = 29

            Information Brokering
            Draggor is trying to find information on "non standard" uses of The Net. Not just the demonic conversions we saw, but anything else that would be outside the sales pitch.
            • Intelligence (4%) 1d100: [91] = 91 | 67%
            • Lore: Demons & Monsters (5%) 1d100: [32] = 32 | 55%
            • Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic (5%) 1d100: [16] = 16 | 50%
            • Lore: Galactic Aliens (5%) 1d100: [89] = 89 | 55%
            • Find Contraband & Illegal Weapons (4%) 1d100: [67] = 67 | 66%
            Information Followup
            • There’s very little information on payroll. Either their bookkeeping was atrocious, or a sizable proportion of the employees were working for free. Make an intelligence check at -10%- if you succeed, you can find out that the few higher-paid employees look to be magic users or techno-wizards. Regardless of the skill check, you can deduce that most of the employees are patently unremarkable- more or less unskilled labor. Which begs the question, why were they working at a computer-ish company?
              Intelligence (4%) 1d100: [67] = 67 | 67% - 10% | 57%
            While using the Time Relic isn't off the table, Talon makes the best pressing case for more intel first. That Draggor has managed to knock a few things loose to be able to read again helps quell the DO SOMETHING NOW urge. The more we wait the harder, and more COSTLY it will be to undo this! Need to know what we're undoing. Too many questions. They know we have the Time Relic. It's that thought that drives Draggor to do some recon of their own.

            Once docked, and after much internal strife, Draggor emerges in a simple space suit, helmet down, and shrouded in a billowing cloak. It's not doing anything to disguise height, but it sure sends the signal they value privacy of looks, and after that news report clearly identifying the creature during egress on Kron Omega, stealth ranks much higher on the value scale. In particular, the creature seeks out other atypical beings, lurkers of shadows, and others Draggor might find back in their home realm.

            Upon return and at one of the crew meetings, the creature emerges, and while these times are stressful, their demeanor is measured, and calm, though of course still wholly alien. "Must know we have Time Relic. Must be part of their plans?" As for whether this MFer exists, Draggor proposes that thesis, "Is Mort Fingerling real? People pulling strings, why risk important figure to a sentient? His travel or projection might be related to The Net?"
            Talon wrote:"Can you please elaborate at on who Haad is? Are they currently alive? Do you remember how ingrained the cult was? Were you guys able to carve it out or does it still retain a foot hold with the Atorians? Do you know what kind of technique was used to sway the Atorians into the cult?"
            "Haad is when I joined this group. Jumped through a rift escaping slavers far away, got... pulled? Hard. Crashed on the planet. This team was already there. Haad already using Time Relic, their second day, my first. Presumed dead." Tell them what she told us! The creature's eyes glow briefly, "Strong with magic. Am very old, thousand of your cycles, eons before, she still found us... young. Don't know what or how else she used Time Relic.
            Draggor | Ledger
            M.D.C.: 1,866 / 1,866
            P.P.E.: 89 / 89

            The Cast:
            The Hero, The Exile, The Merc, The Lustful, OG Violence, Argent Warrior, The Lost One

            Events of Note
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Dark Lord »

            By the time Talon gets, reviews, and ponders the information from your broker you will have been at port for two days. Ghast mostly keeps to himself and wanders the station. At one point he spies an antique watch that he decides to purchase ((That’ll be 5,000 credits)). Draggor also goes out and looks for a broker- or any information they can get on unorthodox uses of the internet, but finds nothing. The rest of you stay aboard the ship, keeping to yourselves and your own projects. Talon is, of course, immersed in going through the information from the Broker- the exchange goes off without a hitch, and with no sign that anyone’s following him or taking any undue notice. Metri finds himself unusually out of sorts, emotionally speaking, and turns to meditation to restore him. With the occasional astral jaunt about the ship to keep an eye on things. In particular Icky, but if the minotaur notices him he gives no sign. Exe fights down feelings of sadness and loneliness, and begins to busy himself with another spell modification in the relative safety of his quarters (but door open this time).

            Outside the ship, a shadowy presence has cased the joint, looking for escape. After allowing the team to proceed about its business unmolested, they slip aboard silently and (judging by the lack of alarms) unseen and undetected. Elvin does a quick circuit of the ship while the others are out- there’s an armory with a numeric keypad for a lock, a cargo bay with much less security but also nothing much interesting, and one helluva mystic generator running in the engine room. The diminutive faerie has no problems finding a small and discreet hiding place aboard the ship, where they can settle in and observe the inhabitants (slash wait for them to leave this godsforsaken station). After a while, the others return and Elvin winds up eavesdropping primarily on Talon’s efforts. Maybe a little crazy-looking, but no less entertaining for that.

            After six hours or so of work (and maybe a fitful night’s sleep on top of that), Talon calls a team meeting to go through their intel. After reviewing the leads they do have, Talon calls out the Atorians in particular. Juan, aided by Draggor and the others who went to Axis, can fill in some of the blanks. They were a cult or other religious organization, and they tried to take over the battlefield planet from the Free World Council. They were led by Priestess Haad, a woman they originally encountered on Starchief’s homeworld of Seeron who was presenting herself as an ally and kindred spirit to the local resistance. Needless to say, some on the team disputed that characterization. None of you is aware of any particularly major events coinciding with Fingerling’s first appearance, and when Starchief cross-checks with Datephus the AI confirms it (or at least nothing that made the news). Talon requests additional funds to try and dig up more intel on these Atorians, and Starchief hands over 10 million credits without hesitation. The others are also able to answer some of his questions about Haad- she was presumed dead in a massive fireball after which the team broke the time loop on Axis IV and claimed the time relic. The team never investigated the extent of her religious organization nor the extent to which it operated in either Atorian society or the TGE, but if nothing else the team can confirm that they had a substantial presence on Axis IV up until a few months ago. Exe comments on how the company sounds like a fake or a front, an assessment with which Talon agrees. Exe also expresses some concern about how long they should stay.

            What are you doing?

            Metri- check your PMs.
            Talon, if you want to locate another information broker post some rolls for ultra-rare rarity. You can take one other PC with you but only one. Choose wisely.
            Why kill a PC when you can torture their player?
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Elvin »

            JIC: 1d20: [20] = 20 (CRIT), 1d100: [44] = 44
            Perception: 28% / 1d100: [14] = 14 (SUCCESS)

            Conditions: APS: Shadow, Cloaking

            Elvin, a wraith in the dim hallway of the Dime Store Magic, extracts himself from Talon's research area and finally reaches the deserted wing deck on the opposite side of the Dime Store Magic. Relief washes over him as he deactivates his shadow form ability a moment. Solid once more, though eternally cloaked from electronic eyes, he stretches his cramped muscles and relaxes behind some stored equipment. He thinks about what he's heard on board this odd vessel.
            Talon wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:13 pm
            What's this? an Atorian group from the TGE was responsible for the start up capital for PPL? Ok that educated guess is looking more solidified now. PPL was heavily involved with the UWW and the TGE took advantage of that as soon as the flash hit. Mort weaseled his way into the UWW and other areas."
            Talon stands and pins the paper with the Atorian group on the board.

            His invisible eavesdropping had been quite fruitful. He had gleaned this bounty hunter crew's next move - finding someone named Mort and something about an Atorian group. But that single name had sent a jolt of recognition through him. Mort. Where have I heard that name before?

            Elvin mutters the name aloud, and then suddenly, the name clicks. Mort wasn't just some random guy; he was the face plastered across every GNN broadcast these past few weeks. The man hailed as a hero, the one who coordinated relief efforts after the devastating Flash event.

            A memory flickers into life.
            Trix Watannabe with GNN wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 6:12 am "we begin every nightly newscast with an update on what scientists are calling the Flash. ... ... The one bright spot for the affected worlds is Mort Fingerling, who has taken charge of the evacuation and resupply efforts of the impacted worlds within the UWW thanks to a particularly resilient prototype magical transportation network. Fingerling and his organization have provided crucial leadership and coordination to the beleaguered remnants of the Warlock Marine Corps and the Armada, and his name is already being whispered in some corners as a potential replacement monarch.
            Elvin frowns his delicate little faerie brow. The crew is hunting a hero? Did they know something the galaxy didn't? He thinks more about the broadcast, trying to will himself to recall more, but in truth he was more preoccupied with other things at the time.

            Intrigue wars with a flicker of unease. Stealing from heroes didn't really bother him, for heroes often had the best things worth taking. But then again, right now he wanted to get away and not attract attention to himself. Better to sit tight and wait till the ship is underway.

            So he thinks about what he's learned some more, and a phrase in that news broadcast comes back to him. Prototype magical transportation network. And something else occurs to him, the skinny boy was talking to Talon about how difficult Mort was to track down.
            Exe wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 4:22 pm "We haven't found him yet... but something that can teleport at will... perhaps he has a magical artifact that allows him such freedom. I doubt it's natural or even magical... it takes a good deal of concentration and a second or two to effectively teleport... the most basic teleportation spell is still advanced to most and takes a few seconds to move inanimate objects." Exe thinks aloud, trying to add to the magical side of questioning. "To teleport instantly like that... it's gotta be a really refined natural ability which.. heh, doubt it... or an artifact, I think. And if it is an artifact, my spell to block teleportation may not block that." Exe adds. Or advanced tech... ugh, too many what-ifs Exe groans and lets his head hit the back of whatever wall he's leaning on in frustration.
            Could that be the magical transportation network on a small scale? He was grateful this bounty hunter made a habit of talking to himself even when researching, it made it easier for Elvin to catch up. What if it were a device that could be ... stolen?

            Elvin's pointy ears twitch with excitement as an idea pops into his mind. A delicious, larcenous idea. Sure, Elvin could already melt into shadows, a master of silent, unseen thievery. But teleportation? That would be a game-changer!

            Imagine swiping a priceless loot from a heavily guarded vault, then simply blinking away before anyone knew what hit them? Indeed, the possibilities are as endless as the stars. If this Mort is a teleporter, and that power came from a highly liftable device, things get very interesting.

            He pictures himself, a spectral blur flitting in and out of heavily guarded locations, a phantom with a penchant for the expensive. A grin, both mischievous and predatory, spreads across Elvin's face.

            Ah but Mort Fingerling needs to be found. He just might be my new top priority.

            He then turns his mind to immediate concerns. Until these bounty hunters know where to go, they're going to stay docked right here. To get them moving they need a direction leading to Mort.

            He becomes a shadow once more, and settles into an air duct somewhere largely inaccessible. Somewhere he can close his eyes awhile and not risk discovery. There he rests.

            I'll see if I can help them along a little.

            One Night When the Crew Sleeps
            When the crew have bedded for the evening Elvin returns to Talon's pinboard of clues with renewed interest. Examining the lines and connections, he sees finding Atorians is the lead being explored.

            Another thought comes to mind. Talon also said something earlier... what was it?
            Talon wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 1:55 pm Normally ships and property must be registered in some way with a government entity. However not all planets comply with this. Such as the planet we're on right now. If they had there would be no way for us to land here. So it's a double edged sword. Right now the same things keeping us safe are also protecting our adversaries from discovery.
            Talon's offhand comment about their clandestine operations sparks a new thought in the faerie thief's mind. You cannot land where ships are registered on entry? So on top of being hero hunters, you're fugitives as well?

            Klep, the ever-present voice of monetary gain, chimes in with a tempting suggestion. Sell them out! the dagger's voice echoes in Elvin's mind.

            Elvin, however, sees a bigger picture. The crew's predicament, their hunted status mirroring his own in a strange way, holds a twisted appeal.

            I say if they're wanted that just makes them more likeable. Besides, they are on the verge of pursuing something about these Atorians, a potential key to finding Mort Fingerling and that mysterious teleportation device.

            No. Elvin decides, his mind's voice firm. We wait. This crew is our ticket to Mort.

            Klep scoffs, a mental sneer. Wait? They might never leave this place! We could be sitting on a fortune right here, right now.

            A glint of determination flickers in Elvin's eyes. That's precisely why we're in the bounty hunter's research room, isn't it? He gestures towards the workstation and notes on the wall. Maybe, just maybe, we can give them a nudge in the right direction. Anonymously, of course.

            Klep falls into a sullen silence, and Elvin studies the diagram in detail.

            Intelligence 76%: 1d100: [12] = 12 (SUCCESS) - anything Elvin could potentially see on that pinboard that isn't already there.

            Then Elvin takes solid form beside Talon's workstation. Dust motes dance in the terminal's weak glow, highlighting the grime coating the keyboard and screen. "Ugh," he mutters, the sound barely audible. This crew clearly isn't much for basic housekeeping. Briefly, the image of a sparkling keyboard and a gleaming monitor flash in his mind. The urge to grab a cloth and get to work is almost overwhelming. But sanity intervenes.

            Pushing thoughts of cleaning supplies out of his mind, Elvin turns his attention to the real task at hand. With nimble fingers, he dances across the keyboard, attempting to bypass the usual login methods. He hopes this bounty hunter, Talon, isn't the most security-conscious individual.

            Computer Hacking 64%: 1d100: [4] = 4 (SUCCESS) - Gain access to this network without raising any alarms and establish a backdoor to easier future entry without Talon's knowledge

            After a time, the faerie feels a little bad for Klep, and he offers an olive branch. If you really want, we can raid the medical bay for something valuable. Look at this Talon guy, a human with a tail, you know he's on some exotic drugs. They've got to be expensive!

            Klep laughs. Lead on!
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            Re: [GA] Consequences

            Post by Metri »

            Perception: d%: [89] = 89 | 67%
            JIC: 1d20: [12] = 12 | d%: [75] = 75 %
            Character Sheet
            • Radiate their Nature. Psychics: 100ft. Non-psychics: 12 ft.
            • Sense Supernatural Evil and Magical Energy (3rd eye). 900ft (no-magic). 1900ft (if magic used).
              • Base (detect & ID creature): d%: [88] = 88 | 86%.
              • Track by psychic scent: d%: [95] = 95 | 95%.
            • Sense Supernatural Evil (mystic). 450ft. 1d100: [36] = 36 | 97%.
            • Sense Life. 300ft.
            PPE: 171/171
            ISP: 267/275
            Psionic Crystal Armor MDC: 35/35 (Psi-FF(4/4): 70/70)
            MDC: 73/73
            MTB1_PPE: 180/180
            MTB2_PPE: 180/180
            MTB3_PPE: 180/180
            SoE_PPE: 80/80
            WoS_PPE: 40/40
            Saving Throw Bonuses
            +1 to all Saving Throws (via rune weapon Skorl)
            Coma/Death: +4%
            Magic (varies): +1
            Lethal Poison (14+): +1
            Non-Lethal Poison (16+): +1
            Insanity (12+): +1
            Psionics (10+): +1 (+2 Crystal Armor FF)
            +7 vs Possession
            +2 vs Despair
            +2 vs Horror Factor
            +2 vs Illusions
            +1 vs Poison and Disease

              Immersed in a light meditation during Talon’s debrief and floating ever-so-slightly above the ground, Metri’s look of serenity is suddenly perturbed. His brow furrows in consternation.

              That is unexpected. The Yhabbayar thinks before abruptly snapping himself out of his bubble magic trance.

              The way he sees it, knowledge of a shadowy stowaway unable to be sensed by Datephus can be leveraged in one of two ways. First, he could secretly notify his teammates using telepathy and then they could lay a trap to reveal or capture the stowaway. Or alternatively, Metri could announce the presence aloud to everyone and the stowaway would choose to either reveal themself or flee.

              He chooses the latter option.

              ”Mystery guest… Sense your shadowy presence in the air vents I do. A decision you must now make. Yesss. Reveal yourself and explain. Or outside the DSM, see yourself, hmm?”

              Return to “Phase World: Center”