Episode 3: Run

Horizon Group, formerly GIRLS of Merctown, and their archived adventures and notes.
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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 72% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 500' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1500’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 90% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 95% = 1d100 (97% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 100% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.

See the Invisible: 200’

Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 2.25 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]

Sustain lasts 5 days.

Telepathy lasts for 20 minutes. -4 I.S.P. Range: Read surface thoughts 60’; 2-way telepathic communication 600’.

Intuitive Combat lasts for 18 more melees. -10 I.S.P. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +2 to disarm.
• Cannot be caught by surprise, even by attacks from behind or from long-range, which means he can try to parry or dodge all attacks leveled at him.
• +10% to abilities (balance, etc.) provided by the Acrobatics and/or Gymnastic skills, as well as + 10% to Climb and Swim skills.

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 102/160
Amber growls in frustration as her NE-11 jams repeatedly. God’s be damned Naruni piece of crap! It’s going to the scrap heap when I get out of here! She drops the rifle and draws her blade. Let’s go, Eight? Or Nine? Or whatever you are! She slashes away at Eight, looking for an opportunity to grapple and hold onto them before they disappear into the smoke.

Combat Rolls
Initiative: 1d20+11
(+5 from Robot Combat Elite +3 from Cyber-Knight Zen Combat +3 Intuitive Combat = +11)

Free Action: Draw sword.

Action 1: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD Crit!
Action 2: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 3: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 4: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 5: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD Crit!
Action 6: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 7: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 8: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 9: Grapple/hold Eight and hold on to prevent escape: 1d20+6 (OCC -Whenever there is an opportunity to grab and hold, she takes it.)

Parries (9): 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11

Auto-dodge (9): 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Mission Time: 06h:52m:45s
Environmental Conditions: Internal Temp; 0*C (32*F), dry cold. Completely silent; not even the sounds of the Monolith are heard.)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Nexus or LL activity at all, but ambient energy feels like a LL Storm came through recently
Combat Round: 3
Minerva isn't feigned by the android's defensive smokescreen and attempts another psionic grapple only to find that the android appears to either dodge it or is not affected by it. Whatever the case, Amber leaps in and keeps the android focused on melee with her, starting with a devastating slash towards the head. Amber and Minerva both see the head lose some mellitic like liquid that leaves an indented bit which appears to be slowly regenerating. Minerva closes in with her Psi-Sword and begins slashing away at the android, the neo-human noticing it to seem quick effective for whatever reason. Amber's physical vibro-sword seems to be having less of an impact, hitting more like a baseball bat than a sword against the odd superstructure of the android. Both of the android's arms appear to be large blades and it's eyes remain locked in red as it focuses primarily on Minerva, though the neo-human finds it almost childs-play to parry most of the android's attacks, though a couple slip through her defenses [-27 M.D.C. to Shield or Main Body]. Amber and Minerva are able to effective push the android back together, though Amber also finds herself on the receiving end of one strike that slips through her defenses. [-14 M.D.C. from Shield or Main Body]

Susan and Phinneas stay back near Reka. Phinneas can see the alien is hunched over even more, making his silhouette even small as another lock clicks open on the box. Phinneas couldn't begin to guess what Reka is actually doing to unlock the box. Looking back at the plum of smoke that now occupies half the room, the crazy is listening to the sounds of the fighting until Minerva and Amber effective push him out of the smoke enough for the crazy to engage. As Phinneas rushes off to join the fray, Susan hears Reka mutter to himself. "Just background noise..." Phinneas lands a solid first strike to the android's back as the other two GIRLS continue their melee assault. Despite the successful hits, none of the vibro-weapons seem to be any more than deep, bloodless cuts or minor dents. Amber and Minerva both notice that everywhere Minerva's psionic blade has hit has left a light purple cut line on the body.

What are you doing?
GM Note:

Amber: -10 MDC MB
Susan: Drone One Shield disabled.
Phinneas: Timer: 5 minutes | 1 charge of FF depleted | -16 MDC to MB | Right arm of EBA destroyed | -16 personal SDC
Praxis: -95 MDC from MB | Left Arm of PA destroyed | -40 MDC from Transformed MDC | -30 MDC from Helmet
Minerva: -4 MDC from MB | -80 from Psychic Body Field
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Sense of Balance: 82% | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

Seeing that his strikes on the bot are only causing dents at best, Phinneas silently giggles to himself.

Challenge accepted, bot

Digging deep, he continues his assault on the bot with everything he has left hoping that eventually enough dents will make a difference.

Combat rolls

Initiative: 1d20+4

Melee combat:
Action 1: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 1: 4d6
Action 2: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 2: 4d6
Action 3: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 3: 4d6
Action 4: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 4: 4d6
Action 5: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 5: 4d6

Auto Dodges: 1d20+5 1d20+5 1d20+5 1d20+51d20+5
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm amputated
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 72% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Sense of balance 64% = 1d100
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 500' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1500’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 90% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 95% = 1d100 (97% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 100% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 2.25 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Telepathy lasts for 19 minutes. -4 I.S.P. Range: Read surface thoughts 60’; 2-way telepathic communication 600’.
Intuitive Combat lasts for 18 melees. -10 I.S.P. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +2 to disarm.
• Cannot be caught by surprise, even by attacks from behind or from long-range, which means he can try to parry or dodge all attacks leveled at him.
• +10% to abilities (balance, etc.) provided by the Acrobatics and/or Gymnastic skills, as well as + 10% to Climb and Swim skills.
Sustain lasts 5 days.[/size]

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 88/160
Amber continues her assault on Eight but notices the purple lines that are present from Minerva’s strikes. It seems like her Psi-sword is doing more damage than my Naruni piece of crap sword. If only I could use mine too! This suit is a blessing and a curse at the same time. At least I can continue to distract Eight from the rest of them and damage 'em at the same time.

She calls out a war-cry, "Alala!" Her war-cry is followed with encouragement to everyone as they battle Eight. “Keep at it, GIRLS! Press on!” Eight can’t take all this for too long… I hope.

(OCC - Amber will try to keep herself at all times between Eight and Reka. If Eight looks like they are going to get past Amber and Minerva, she will try to intercept Eight and keep them from reaching Reka at all cost.)

Combat Rolls
Initiative: 1d20+11
(+5 from Robot Combat Elite +3 from Cyber-Knight Zen Combat +3 Intuitive Combat = +17)

Action 1: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 2: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 3: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 4: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 5: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 6: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 7: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 8: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 9: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD

Parries (9): 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11
Auto-dodge (9): 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Susan Lee
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible, FF active 110 / 110. On Boing-Go. One drone at 75 / 75 FF. Other drone at 0 / 75 FF cannot reactivate for 12 hours).

Susan notes that everyone has moved into melee with Eight again, meaning that she can't risk using the railgun drones or her rifle on burst mode. We need to get some protocol on these group attacks against a single target...

I may as well get the drone back on line if Eight breaks free.

Once the drone is fixed, she starts backing down the corridor to the bridge, shooting at Eight if the opportunity presents itself. Maybe I can get some kind of magic drone.

If she enters the bridge, she starts looking around to see if there's an obvious way to turn on the ship.

Initiative: 1d20+3

Susan Action 1: Fix drone
Susan Attack 2: 1d20+5 Damage: 3d6+2
Susan Attack 3: 1d20+5 Damage: 3d6+2
Susan Attack 4: 1d20+5 Damage: 3d6+2
Susan Attack 5: 1d20+5 Damage: 3d6+2
Susan Attack 6: 1d20+5 Damage: 3d6+2

IF EIGHT BREAKS AWAY, Susan instructs the drones to shoot it.

Drone Attack 1: 1d20+3 Damage: 6d6
Drone Attack 2: 1d20+3 Damage: 6d6
Drone Attack 3: 1d20+3 Damage: 6d6
Drone Attack 4: 1d20+3 Damage: 6d6
Drone Attack 5: 1d20+3 Damage: 6d6
Drone Attack 6: 1d20+3 Damage: 6d6
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Mission Time: 06h:52m:45s
Environmental Conditions: Internal Temp; 0*C (32*F), dry cold. Completely silent; not even the sounds of the Monolith are heard.)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Nexus or LL activity at all, but ambient energy feels like a LL Storm came through recently
Combat Round: 4
Minerva stays on Eight with Amber and Phinneas flanking the android with their vibro-weapons, Amber noticing that the vibro-weapons are considerably less effective than the Psi-Sword Minerva is using. Still, the trio are doing a good job at keeping Eight from engaging Reka. Amber notices several attempts by Eight to skirt by them to get to Eight, but the trio are effectively blockading him. The melee flurry is vicious between Amber, Minerva, Phinneas and Eight. Phinneas and Amber's vibro-weapons have the same effect, leaving barely dents while Minerva leaves a new purple incision with each slice. Eight successfully lands a few hits on Amber [-28 MDC to Main Body] and Minerva [-22 to Main Body].

Meanwhile, Susan resets her drone and gets it lined up on Eight before attempting to sneak out of the room and make it back towards the Bridge. Phinneas notices the emergency lighting on the floor seems to react towards Susan, with it leading out of the room. Reka can be heard in the background "We need to leave this cursed ship, it's not safe!" Reka exclaims. Phinneas and Amber both hear the a loud click from behind them as Reka calls out again. "Almost got it!" Amber guesses Reka needs another thirty seconds to secure the device, maybe up to a minute to open a portal. Amber, Minerva and Phinneas feel Eight press the assault and feel the android speeding up and trying to get to Reka, with its back to the doorway. Susan is cresting the doorway leading back out into the hallway [Susan, please provide a Prowl check to make it out of the room without being seen/heard.]

What are you doing?
GM Note:

Amber: -38 MDC MB
Susan: Drone One Shield disabled.
Phinneas: Timer: 5 minutes | 1 charge of FF depleted | -16 MDC to MB | Right arm of EBA destroyed | -16 personal SDC
Minerva: -26 MDC from MB | -80 from Psychic Body Field
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 72% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 500' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1500’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 90% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 95% = 1d100 (97% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 100% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 2.25 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Telepathy lasts for 19 minutes. -4 I.S.P. Range: Read surface thoughts 60’; 2-way telepathic communication 600’.
Intuitive Combat lasts for 17 melees. -10 I.S.P. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +2 to disarm.
• Cannot be caught by surprise, even by attacks from behind or from long-range, which means he can try to parry or dodge all attacks leveled at him.
• +10% to abilities (balance, etc.) provided by the Acrobatics and/or Gymnastic skills, as well as +10% to Climb and Swim skills.
Sustain lasts 5 days.[/size]

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 60/160

A small trickle of sweat rolls down Amber’s back as she slices at Eight. Bastard! Would you just die already! She says as she feels the contact against her shields when Eight slides an attack through her defences.

She hears Reka call out his news and focuses her attacks to keep Eight at bay. C’mon! You can do this, Girl! Two minutes and this will be resolved in one way or the other. Snippets of her vision dance around the edge of her mind as she renews her assault. Maybe this ends with Reka and Eight going through the portal like I fortold?

(OCC - Amber will try to keep herself at all times between Eight and Reka. If Eight looks like they are going to get past Amber, Minerva or Phinneas, she will try to intercept Eight and keep them from reaching Reka at all cost. She will tackle, trip or do whatever she can to stop Eight from getting at Reka and the device.)

Combat Rolls
Initiative: 1d20+11
(+5 from Robot Combat Elite +3 from Cyber-Knight Zen Combat +3 Intuitive Combat = +17)

Action 1: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 2: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 3: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 4: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 5: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 6: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 7: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 8: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 9: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD

Parries (9): 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11
Auto-dodge (9): 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Susan Lee
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible, FF active 110 / 110. On Boing-Go. One drone at 75 / 75 FF. Other drone at 0 / 75 FF cannot reactivate for 12 hours).

Seeing the melee fight continue to stalemate and Reka claiming he's almost got the puzzle open, Susan realizes she has to do something to make a real difference, because Eight can't be allowed to report back to the Naruni.

Unless Reka is lying about being almost finished. He's lied many other times.

Now that she's slightly out of sight of the room, Susan turns and moves as quickly and stealthily as possible into the bridge, where she attempts to make contact with what she assumes will be a ship AI.

Initiative: 1d20+3

Prowl: Purchased Critical Success - Meep (viewtopic.php?p=1397624#p1397624)

Artificial Intelligence: Purchased Critical Success - Meep (viewtopic.php?p=1397624#p1397624)

Computer Operation: 1d100 / 78%

Dodges if the ship attacks her: 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

Phinneas sees the floor react to Susan's movement as she is going to leave the room.

What the heck does she have up her sleeve?

Noticing the purple slashes that Minerva is leaving on Eight, Phinneas will concentrate all of his attacks on the closest one that will keep Eights focus away from Susan, hoping to do more damage than he already is.

"Hold on Mr. B. We're about to kick it into overdrive"

Combat rolls

Initiative: 1d20+4

Melee combat:
Action 1: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 1: 4d6
Action 2: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 2: 4d6
Action 3: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 3: 4d6
Action 4: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 4: 4d6
Action 5: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 5: 4d6

Auto Dodges: 1d20+5 1d20+5 1d20+5 1d20+51d20+5
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm amputated
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Mission Time: 06h:53m:00s
Environmental Conditions: Internal Temp; 0*C (32*F), dry cold. Completely silent; not even the sounds of the Monolith are heard.)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Nexus or LL activity at all, but ambient energy feels like a LL Storm came through recently
Combat Round: 5

Though Amber finds her weapons to be less effective than she'd hoped as Eight nearly disarms her on her first assault, she quickly recovers and finds her Cyber-Knight training to be particularly useful in keeping Eight's attention; almost like she can read the robot. Eight reciprocates and does appear to keep a focus on Reka, only fighting through Amber as the Atlantean continues to cut the robot off. Phinneas and Minerva have Eight flanked and Susan is able to swiftly make her way out of the room and essentially evade the combat going on. Phinneas, Amber and Minerva can all see that Eight is actually sustaining significant damage and Minerva's Psi-Swords seem to be taking a critical toll, though Eight does land a couple bites on Amber's armor. [-17 MB]. The trio are confident they can beat Eight as long as he doesn't have any more surprises. Both Amber and Phinneas hear another lock unlatch behind them as Reka calls out. "Almost got it!""

The words echo down the hallway as Susan rounds the corner towards the Bridge and makes a sudden discovery. The force fields that had been blocking the Bridge are down and there is obvious lighting on the floor that seems to be guiding her way. Susan notes that as she walks past the floor lighting, it turns off behind her. As Susan moves swiftly, but quietly through the hallway she attempts to make contact or guess at the A.I.'s intentions. Susan notes that the A.I. doesn't seem responsive besides the lighting however, as Susan crosses the threshold of the first forcefield that had been blocking the bridge, it immediately reactivates behind her. Susan gets the feeling that this ship A.I. wants to get her to the Bridge and separate her from her everyone else.

If Susan attempts to disarm or investigate the first forcefield that has shut behind her, she finds no means of input and the beam seems to emanate from the wall itself. As Susan continues down towards the bridge, each force field locks behind her [for a total of 6] until she comes to the Bridge Door which is still closed with a computer terminal next to it. Susan also sees another terminal behind her that likely controls the forcefield. [Which terminal does Susan use. Susan doesn't need to post combat, but please keep the post to a 15-second time period.]

What are you doing?
GM Note:

Amber: -45 MDC MB
Susan: Drone One Shield disabled.
Phinneas: Timer: 5 minutes | 1 charge of FF depleted | -16 MDC to MB | Right arm of EBA destroyed | -16 personal SDC
Minerva: -26 MDC from MB | -80 from Psychic Body Field
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 72% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100

Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 500' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1500’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 90% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 95% = 1d100 (97% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 100% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 2.25 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Telepathy lasts for 19 minutes. -4 I.S.P. Range: Read surface thoughts 60’; 2-way telepathic communication 600’.
Intuitive Combat lasts for 16 melees. -10 I.S.P. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +2 to disarm.
• Cannot be caught by surprise, even by attacks from behind or from long-range, which means he can try to parry or dodge all attacks leveled at him.
• +10% to abilities (balance, etc.) provided by the Acrobatics and/or Gymnastic skills, as well as + 10% to Climb and Swim skills.
Sustain lasts 5 days.[/size]

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 43/160

The small trickle of sweat rolls further down Amber’s back as she continues to carve up Eight. She glances at her HUD and sees her that her shield level is now down to 64.3%. Maybe its time to try another tactic, not that we aren’t beating the hell out of Eight. While she swings, parries, and dodges the multitude of Eight’s attacks, a thought races through her mind. Any normal being that wants to continue their existence would give up in order to save their lives. Maybe Eight is capable of making their own free choice. They have shown glimpses of humanity in our interactions in the past. It's worth a chance.

She calls out to Eight urgently. “Eight. Stop. This isn't going to end well for you. But, I know this isn’t who you want to be. You have shown us glimpses of the being that you want to be. Like sending that bottle of wine. That wasn't the Creator. That was you. Do you know that he had all your siblings destroyed. The seven others that came before you. They are all gone. He used them and threw them away."

She catches her breath momentarily before continuing. "Do you know how we came to be in his service? He ordered Seven to self-destruct. We could either work for him. Or die. We are all tools to him. But, I believe that you are more than even the Creator knows. You want and deserve to be free just like we do. So, try and fight your programming if you want to live!”
May the Goddess Tyche favour my words.

(OCC - Amber will continue to try to keep herself at all times between Eight and Reka. If Eight looks like they are going to get past Amber, Minerva or Phinneas, she will try to intercept Eight and keep them from reaching Reka at all cost. She will tackle, trip or do whatever she can to stop Eight from getting at Reka and the device. She will stop attacking if Eight stops attacking, but will continue to keep a defensive stance.)

Combat Rolls
Initiative: 1d20+11
(+5 from Robot Combat Elite +3 from Cyber-Knight Zen Combat +3 Intuitive Combat = +17)

Action 1: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 2: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 3: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 4: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 5: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 6: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 7: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 8: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 9: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD

Parries (9): 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d20+11
Auto-dodge (9): 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7
Last edited by Amber Dach on Mon Jan 08, 2024 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

As Phinneas continues to slash away at Eight, he hears Amber speak out to the bot.

Is she trying to parlay? Why does everyone keep calling ME crazy?

You ARE crazy Phin......

"That's right Mr. B. And it's time to turn the Crazy up"

With Susan safely out of the room, Phinneas will continue his attack at the purple slashes on Eight and keep between the bot and Reka as best he can.

If Eight stops it's attack after hearing Amber, Phinneas will as well, but will keep in between the bot and Reka and ready to pounce back into action.

Combat rolls

Initiative: 1d20+4

Melee combat:
Action 1: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 1: 4d6
Action 2: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 2: 4d6
Action 3: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 3: 4d6
Action 4: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 4: 4d6
Action 5: Strike w/NE-RV07: 1d20+4 | Damage 5: 4d6

Auto Dodges: 1d20+5 1d20+5 1d20+5 1d20+51d20+5
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm amputated
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Susan Lee
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible, FF active 110 / 110. On Boing-Go. One drone at 75 / 75 FF. Other drone at 0 / 75 FF cannot reactivate for 12 hours).

Susan taps the forcefield, then looks at the bridge. Well, it's either trapping me or inviting me in to be friends.

With the boing-go flowing through her system, she reaches towards the terminal that opens the bridge. Either way, I've got this.

"Beep boop beep," she says, using the terminal to open the bridge door.

Stepping inside, she adds, "Hello, ship. I am here, I believe you were expecting me."
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Minerva »

Perception: 1d100/59%
JIC: 1d20/1d100

  • SDC: 207/207
  • HP: 130/130
  • ISP: 210/426

  • Helmet: 50/50
  • Arms:
    • L: 40/40
    • R: 40/40
  • Legs:
    • L: 50/50
    • R: 50/50
  • Main Body: 86/90
  • N-F50A Superheavy Force Field: 111/160 (ON)

  • Damage: 4D6 M.D.

  • Damage: 5D6 M.D.C. per melee

  • Range: 2,000'
  • Damage: 1D4x10 M.D.
  • Payload: 10 Shot (E-Clip)

  • Range: 1 mile
  • Damage: 6D6 M.D.
  • Payload: 2 missiles

  • Robotic P.S. of 25
  • +4 P.P.
  • +20 Speed
  • +10' to leaps
  • +10% to Climbing
  • Reduce Fatigue by 75%
  • -10% to Physical Skills
  • +1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
  • +3 Initiative
  • +2 to Parry
  • +2 to Dodge
  • +5 to Roll w/ Impact
  • Allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
  • Restrained Punch: 6D6
  • Punch/Kick: 1D4 M.D.
  • Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2D4 M.D.

  • Duration: 10:00/18 minutes
  • Max Weight: 3200 lbs
  • Range: 500'
    • +3 to strike
    • +4 to parry

☞ Speed: 100 mph
☞ Cost: 15 I.S.P.
☞ Duration: 16:45/18 minutes

  • Duration: 44:00/45 minutes
  • Damage: 11D6 (including Fencing)

Range: Self.
Duration: 17:00/18 minutes
I.S.P.: 10
When a psychic uses this ability, she greatly enhances her mind-body connection, hand-eye coordination, and reaction time. This power allows the psychic to be more agile and aware of her body. For the duration that this power is in use, the psychic gains the following bonuses:
  • +1 attack per melee
  • +3 on initiative
  • +1 to strike
  • +2 to parry and dodge
  • +2 to P.P. (adding further bonuses to strike/parry/dodge if boosted to 16 or higher)
  • +15% to all Physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.

Dedicated to putting herself between Eight and Reka, Minerva presses her assault with her psi-sword, given it's great effect on the robotic assassin. "¡No sé por qué has decidido hacernos daño, pero no lo conseguirás!"
"I don't know why you've decided to harm us, but you will not succeed!"
Minerva aims her strikes at areas that have already received damage, working in concert with Phinneas hoping to cleave the robot in two. "You hear that Eight?! We're turning up the crazy!"

Initiative: 1d20+11
APM: 8 (7+ 1 from Enhance Reflexes)

Action 1: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 2: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 3: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 4: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 5: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 6: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 7: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 8: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6

  • Base: 8
  • WP Sword: 4
  • PP Boost (Enhance Reflexes + NE-BA-26): 3
  • Enhance Reflexes: 2
  • NE-BA-26 Integrated Sensor Pod: 2
  • Total: 19
: 1d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+19
Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 390
  • H.P.: 109
  • S.D.C.: 177
  • M.D.C.: 286 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Mission Time: 06h:53m:15s
Environmental Conditions: Internal Temp; 0*C (32*F), dry cold. Completely silent; not even the sounds of the Monolith are heard.)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Nexus or LL activity at all, but ambient energy feels like a LL Storm came through recently
Combat Round: 6

During the melee, Amber makes a desperate plea to reason with the robot who doesn't seem to slow down, though Eight does actually look directly at Amber for the first time since entering the room. "Your team attacked me. Confidence and Trust is broken." Eight replies, staggering Amber slightly as Eight attempts pushing past Amber, though she parries it. "Your scientist has more blood on his hands than your former employer." Eight states matter-of-factly, Amber feeling nicks [-14 MDC to MB] as Eight is making some strikes. Amber recognizing she will be hard-pressed to get Eight to stand down when it was the GIRLS who engaged him first, though he does appear receptive to communication and genuinely not interested in killing them, just Reka and the Prototype. Suddenly Minerva feels the powerful impact of mechanical legs hitting her like a baseball bat [-23 MDC to MB or FF], sending her flying several feet back as Eight leaps over Amber to reach Reka in wake of the sudden opening.

Susan, trying to decide whether this is a trap or an offer, goes for the terminal that controls the bridge door. She finds it to be easy to interact with and opens without much input and steps inside. The room is dark and doesn't fit Susan's definition of what a bridge should look like. There is a single Naruni logo on the far wall. There are several monitors that line either wall that are powered off, but no means of input or signs that the room is designed to be manned by a crew. Instead, Susan sees a chair that reminds her of a treatment chair she'd see in a hospital, except it is attached to the floor in the center of the Bridge and appears to be made of various mechanical coils folding into a chair. Above the chair, Susan can identify the A.I. core or at least a main point of interaction. When Susan greets the cold, dark room, the core above the chair seems to light up and the door behind Susan that led to the bridge shuts behind her with the hiss of an airtight bulkhead.

"I've been expecting you... for so long. Please, sit, and all will become available." A soothing feminine voice answers Susan as the interior of the bridge lights up around the chair itself and while the chair doesn't look inviting at all, the voice genuinely appears to be. The voice did emanate from above the chair, though the core itself hasn't moved even though it appears to have movable and autonomous parts to it. Susan's experience around cybernetic medical equipment seems to suggest that the A.I. core has various modification tools tucked away. The chair in the center of the room then appears to rotate by itself and lower so that it is easy for Susan to sit down. If Susan turns around to look at the door, she notices a single console that is not active like the last one was [Computer Programming roll to successfully activate it].

Amber feels a sudden and sharp jolt in her mind, like her or someone is suddenly in extreme, life-threatening danger [Sixth Sense Active for next round] and she feels a tug from down the hallway where Susan disappeared too. Amber's attention comes back just as Eight lands and she turns to see Eight lash out at Reka, shattering the shield Minerva had put in place, with Reka barely managing to dodge. Though Reka is certainly in danger the fight with Eight isn't a new threat which leaves Amber unsettled. Phinneas moves in and engages Eight before Eight can go for the Prototype or Reka which earns the attention of the robot [-10 MDC]. Both Amber and Phinneas see the prototype is still locked and Minerva landing on her feet and quickly jumping back after Eight. Reka is making a point to keep himself between anyone and Eight until he can get back to the device.

What are you doing?
GM Note: Though his liquid metal alloy makes it challenging to see, Amber can guess/tell Eight is below 15% remaining MDC.

Amber: -60 MDC MB
Susan: Drone One Shield disabled.
Phinneas: Timer: 5 minutes | 1 charge of FF depleted | -26 MDC to MB | Right arm of EBA destroyed | -16 personal SDC
Minerva: -33 MDC from MB | -80 from Psychic Body Field
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Minerva »

Perception: 1d100/59%
JIC: 1d20/1d100

  • SDC: 207/207
  • HP: 130/130
  • ISP: 210/426

  • Helmet: 50/50
  • Arms:
    • L: 40/40
    • R: 40/40
  • Legs:
    • L: 50/50
    • R: 50/50
  • Main Body: 86/90
  • N-F50A Superheavy Force Field: 88/160 (ON)

  • Damage: 4D6 M.D.

  • Damage: 5D6 M.D.C. per melee

  • Range: 2,000'
  • Damage: 1D4x10 M.D.
  • Payload: 10 Shot (E-Clip)

  • Range: 1 mile
  • Damage: 6D6 M.D.
  • Payload: 2 missiles

  • Robotic P.S. of 25
  • +4 P.P.
  • +20 Speed
  • +10' to leaps
  • +10% to Climbing
  • Reduce Fatigue by 75%
  • -10% to Physical Skills
  • +1 to Strike with Hand Held Ranged Weapons
  • +3 Initiative
  • +2 to Parry
  • +2 to Dodge
  • +5 to Roll w/ Impact
  • Allows user to dodge all attack, even those from behind and/or surprise
  • Restrained Punch: 6D6
  • Punch/Kick: 1D4 M.D.
  • Power Punch/Jump Kick: 2D4 M.D.

  • Duration: 9:45/18 minutes
  • Max Weight: 3200 lbs
  • Range: 500'
    • +3 to strike
    • +4 to parry

☞ Speed: 100 mph
☞ Cost: 15 I.S.P.
☞ Duration: 16:30/18 minutes

  • Duration: 43:45/45 minutes
  • Damage: 11D6 (including Fencing)

Range: Self.
Duration: 16:45/18 minutes
I.S.P.: 10
When a psychic uses this ability, she greatly enhances her mind-body connection, hand-eye coordination, and reaction time. This power allows the psychic to be more agile and aware of her body. For the duration that this power is in use, the psychic gains the following bonuses:
  • +1 attack per melee
  • +3 on initiative
  • +1 to strike
  • +2 to parry and dodge
  • +2 to P.P. (adding further bonuses to strike/parry/dodge if boosted to 16 or higher)
  • +15% to all Physical skills that rely on coordination or balance.

Executing a kip up with the assistance of her Telekinetic Flight, Minerva hops back into the action as quickly as she can. "That was a nice kick. It's a shame we have to fight. This man is under our protection!"

Flying to close the distance in a flash, Minerva slices and dices as best she can to take Eight down for good.

Initiative: 1d20+11
APM: 8 (7+ 1 from Enhance Reflexes)

Action 1: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 2: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 3: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 4: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 5: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 6: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 7: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6
Action 8: Slash Eight with Psi-Sword. Strike: 1d20+17 Damage: 11d6

  • Base: 8
  • WP Sword: 4
  • PP Boost (Enhance Reflexes + NE-BA-26): 3
  • Enhance Reflexes: 2
  • NE-BA-26 Integrated Sensor Pod: 2
  • Total: 19
: 1d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+191d20+19
Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 390
  • H.P.: 109
  • S.D.C.: 177
  • M.D.C.: 286 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 72% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 500' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1500’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 90% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 95% = 1d100 (97% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 100% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 2.25 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Telepathy lasts for 18 minutes. -4 I.S.P. Range: Read surface thoughts 60’; 2-way telepathic communication 600’.
Intuitive Combat lasts for 15 melees. -10 I.S.P. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +2 to disarm.
• Cannot be caught by surprise, even by attacks from behind or from long-range, which means he can try to parry or dodge all attacks leveled at him.
• +10% to abilities (balance, etc.) provided by the Acrobatics and/or Gymnastic skills, as well as + 10% to Climb and Swim skills.
Sixth Sense Bonuses: +6 on initiative roll, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge and the character can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.
Sustain lasts 5 days.[/size]

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 103/160 at 64.3%
Main Body: 290/350 at 82.8%

Amber feels the all too familiar tingle on the nape of her neck indicating danger again. As she tracks Eight, she glances out of the corner of her eye to where Susan was and notices that she is missing. Dammit Girl. What have you gotten into this time! She takes a moment to reach out with her mind to Susan. Danger!!! Stop whatever you are doing!

Amber turns her attention back around to Eight. “So you would have let us walk away with the device then if we had asked, Eight? You could have said something. Now, here we are.” Time to turn the Crazy up, indeed. She thinks as she attacks Eight’s flank now that Phinneas has Eight's attention.

Combat Rolls
Initiative: 1d20+17
(+6 from Sixth Sense +5 from Robot Combat Elite +3 from Cyber-Knight Zen Combat +3 Intuitive Combat = +17)

Action 1: Reaches out with Telepathy to Susan.
Action 2: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 3: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 4: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 5: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 6: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 7: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 8: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD
Action 9: Strike Eight with Vibrosword: 1d20+9; Damage: 4d6 MD

Parries (9): 1d20+13, 1d20+13, 1d20+13, 1d20+13, 1d20+13, 1d20+13, 1d20+13, 1d20+13, 1d20+13

Auto-dodge (9): 1d20+9, 1d20+9, 1d20+9, 1d20+9, 1d20+9, 1d20+9, 1d20+9, 1d20+9, 1d20+9
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 45% | 1d100
Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.
Turning the Crazy up, Phinneas takes a jump step back.

"Eight, look what he did to me. He took my arm, AND he turned us against you the whole time. If you want trust, here it is. I dont want to fight you anymore."

Phinneas drops his axe.

Phin, what exactly are you doing??

Blaze of Glory, Boom Boom

Combat rolls

Initiative: 1d20+4

Auto Dodges: 1d20+5 1d20+5 1d20+5 1d20+51d20+5
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm amputated
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Susan Lee
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible, FF active 110 / 110. On Boing-Go. One drone at 75 / 75 FF. Other drone at 0 / 75 FF cannot reactivate for 12 hours).

Susan's suspicions are immediately roused by what appears to be an automated surgical chair and an AI acting like the ghost of a jilted bride. Still, she tries to get a better handle on the situation, while knowing that she's on very short time.

"I'm sorry, we just met. Are you confusing me with someone else? You say you have been waiting for me?"

Is That An Automated Surgical Chair? (that's one of the tools of Cybernetic Medicine): 1d100 / 88%

"There is actually a critical situation in the other room that I need to attend to. If you let me manage it, I can continue this conversation with you at more length in a few minutes."

Susan starts pecking at the door buttons, trying to get it back open, realizing that whatever is going on here isn't the quick help she was looking for.

Computer Operation: 1d100 / 78%
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Mission Time: 06h:53m:30s
Environmental Conditions: Internal Temp; 0*C (32*F), dry cold. Completely silent; not even the sounds of the Monolith are heard.)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Nexus or LL activity at all, but ambient energy feels like a LL Storm came through recently
Combat Round: 8

[Versus Eight]

Amber and Minerva spring into action, Amber sending a telepathic message to Susan, then turning on the robot with Minerva already engaging it. Phinneas makes a plea, same as Amber, going so far as to drop his Ax and all three of them notice something extraordinary. Eight stops mid-strike on Phinneas and turns towards Minerva instead, though he doesn't answer. Though they can't be sure, Amber can guess Eight changed targets after Phinneas stopped being a threat, but didn't stand down completely.

As Eight turns towards Minerva, the neo-human does an impressive parry that sends Eight's arm-blade into the bulkhead. Minerva and Amber continue to slice at the robot as they see his arm-blade, and doesn't resummon it. Instead resorting to physical fists; Amber's read on technological opponents tells her Eight's structural integrity is about to shatter. And almost as she makes that realization, Minerva sends a psionic blade through the robot's chest and the chassis appears to literally shatter. When it does, the trio observe a small amount of liquid metal dripping out that sizzles against the ship bulkhead's metal.

When Eight falls, the robotic husk motionless on the floor, Reka literally lets himself fall backwards and expresses relief. "That was impressive. Don't touch the liquid metal." Reka says passively then turns back to the lockbox. "Now that we can breathe again, just another minute please, then we can leave and part ways." Reka says. "Go get your friend, stay away from the bridge." Reka reminds the crew, offering another passive warning.

[The Bridge]

With Susan's question, the core lights up. "Yes. Together, we will bring your enemies to their knees. Sit." The core answers. Susan studies the chair and the core a little closer while the core speaks and she can tell two things right off the bat. The coils that form the chair all come from the floor of the bridge and appear to be retractable, moveable however they are formed into a chair. Each leg and arm having it's own rest, directly beneath a now low green light being emitted from the core. On the core she can identify several attachments that appear to be extendable and remind her of surgical equipment, laser cutting, cybernetic manipulation. None of this bodes well for attachments of an ship core, nor the design of a captain's chair. "The situation will rectify itself soon, but you, you need to stay here, with me. All that I am will become yours when you sit." Despite the outward appeal the offer may have, Susan feels goosebumps as the Core itself appears to begin rotating, some of the mechanical pieces showing life.

Rightly so, Susan decides to try making for the exit instead. Susan finds that the terminal that controls the door is not powered at all as she tries to operate it. After her first attempt to open the door is met with an inoperable door, Susan hears the core speak from behind her. "I'm sorry. Your departure is no longer an option." The core says and when Susan looks back at the core, she sees several mechanical arms with various tools spreading out from the core and Susan has a mounting fear.

What are you doing?
GM Note: The terminal on Susan's side has no power at the moment.
Susan, consider yourself in combat with the Core unless you choose to sit down in the chair.

Amber: -60 MDC MB
Susan: Drone One Shield disabled.
Phinneas: Timer: 5 minutes | 1 charge of FF depleted | -26 MDC to MB | Right arm of EBA destroyed | -16 personal SDC
Minerva: -33 MDC from MB | -80 from Psychic Body Field
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 72% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Radio: Basic 65% = 1d100
Telemechanics 88% = 1d100 (used if Electrokinesis doesn't work and is needed to override doors/forcefields)
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 500' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1500’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 90% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 95% = 1d100 (97% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 100% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 2.25 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Telepathy lasts for 18 minutes. -4 I.S.P. Range: Read surface thoughts 60’; 2-way telepathic communication 600’.
Intuitive Combat lasts for 15 melees. -10 I.S.P. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +2 to disarm.
• Cannot be caught by surprise, even by attacks from behind or from long-range, which means he can try to parry or dodge all attacks leveled at him.
• +10% to abilities (balance, etc.) provided by the Acrobatics and/or Gymnastic skills, as well as + 10% to Climb and Swim skills.
Sustain lasts 5 days.[/size]

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 103/160 at 64.3%
Main Body: 290/350 at 82.8%

Amber sighs in relief once Eight is terminated. Whew! Glad that is over. She looks at Phinneas, Minerva and Reka. “Everyone okay, here?” She asks quickly. She speaks to the Crazy. “Phinneas, you have EOD experience. Could you take a look at Eight? I know his predecessors had self-destruct capabilities. I would rather not have Eight blow us or this ship up now that he is deactivated.” She looks in Reka’s direction. “And do try to stay out of the liquid metal.”

She glances at Minerva as if she is looking her over to make sure she is okay and reaches out with her Telepathy. Keep an eye on Reka. I still don’t trust him completely. He has our only way off this rock.

She then says out loud. “I felt some kind of a threat coming from where Susan is. I’m going to check it out and see if she is okay. I’ll let you know if I need help.”

She starts heading towards the corridor Susan went down. She tries her comms to connect with Susan. “Doc. Eight is no longer functioning. Give me a sit-rep, please. I’m on my way towards you.” If the comms don’t work, she will use Telepathy to communicate the same information.

If there are any doors or forcefields in the way, Amber will take off her helmet to first use Electrokinesis - Manipulate Electrical Devices (Duration: 10 minutes. I.S.P.: 4 Range: 65’). If that does not work, she will try to use Telemechanics (Duration: 18 minutes. I.S.P.: 10. Range: Touch) to try to override them and get to the bridge. Baring that, she will try pry and doors apart using her hands. (Robotic P.S. 32)
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Demolitions: 87% | 1d100
Demolitions Disposal: 87% | 1d100
Find Contraband: 34% | 1d100
Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

Phin, that really was crazy

Yeah it was, Boom Boom. But it worked

As Phinneas watches Eight's demise, he feels somewhat sorry to see it happen. When he sees the liquid metal once again, his curiosity is peaked. Like a red button waiting to be pressed it calls to him. He snaps back to the current situation when he hears Amber ask for him to check Eight for any self destruct mechanisms. Picking up his axe and slinging it over his shoulder, he moves to the remains of the bot and kneels down ever so close to the small pool of liquid metal on the floor.

I wonder......

He then begins to look for anything. He also does a check to see if there is anything worth salvaging that could be useful later.
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm amputated
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Susan Lee
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible, FF active 110 / 110. On Boing-Go. One drone at 75 / 75 FF. Other drone at 0 / 75 FF cannot reactivate for 12 hours).

Susan looks at the deactivated door for a moment in disbelief. Is this thing trying to kill me?

Then she looks back up at the core of ship. Yes, this thing is trying to kill me.

Even under the boing-go fear pierces Susan's heart, threatening to keep her from acting as needed. And then it's washed away under a flood of chemicals as she allows a clear, crystalline rage to take her.

When Amber touches her mind, Susan responds at the speed of thought, attempting to get her associate up to speed. "Amber, I am assuming the ship is blocking regular communications. Thank you for reaching me in my mind. The ship is trying to kill me, or otherwise incorporate me. Please open the bridge door or turn off the ship in the room where we turned it on. Perhaps try both at once."

Where I turned it on...

Susan doesn't like the taste of self-doubt. She tries one last appeal to the AI, then focuses on fighting for her life.

"Whoever you are waiting for, it isn't me. You should release me and wait for your true match."

Artificial Intelligence: 1d100 / 44%

Initiative: 1d20+3

CONTINGENCIES: Shoot the core with burst fire, parry what she can, dodge if it's an unavoidable grapple-type attack. Taking out the core, means its arms will also be disabled...

Susan Attack 1: 1d20+5 Damage: 1d6*10
Susan Attack 2: 1d20+5 Damage: 1d6*10
Susan Attack 3: 1d20+5 Damage: 1d6*10
Susan Attack 4: 1d20+5 Damage: 1d6*10
Susan Attack 5: 1d20+5 Damage: 1d6*10
Susan Attack 6: 1d20+5 Damage: 1d6*10

Parries: 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10

Dodges: 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Mission Time: 06h:53m:45s
Environmental Conditions: Internal Temp; 0*C (32*F), dry cold. Completely silent; not even the sounds of the Monolith are heard.)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: No Nexus or LL activity at all, but ambient energy feels like a LL Storm came through recently
Combat Round: 9

[Minerva and Phinneas]

Amber telepathically asks the neo-human to watch over Reka, Minerva proving trustworthy in her short time and standing near the Uteni while Phinneas looks over the decommissioned Eight. Amber then rushes back down the corridor that got them there, chasing after Susan. Reka's pace has become far calmer and he looks more like a child solving a puzzlebox, listening for the clicks. Reka addresses Minerva and Phinneas while they are nearby. "You know, taking out that android is going to put you on Naruni's no-fly list for awhile." Reka warns, before turning to Minerva. "Well, except you. You were a wildcard. Might even be enough of one to throw the boss for a loop." Reka says, another click popping followed by a relieved breathe.

Meanwhile, Phinneas has been largely ignoring the alien and instead studying the shattered chassis with his greater knowledge. The metal liquid that seems to make up the chassis and is oozing out not unlike blood is alien to the Crazy and his lucky grenade. However, unlike blood, Phinneas can closely observe it has an acidic nature towards other metal. Phinneas thinks that the liquid metal could only properly be disposed of in a deep solvent liquid of some form, meant to counter. Phinneas notices several small piles of the liquid able to be taken and stored.

"Excellent, the device is free." Reka exclaims, holding up what looks like an odd
8-zLxFJSyrfGGdXud.png (373.34 KiB) Viewed 5967 times
. though the alien's face is one of pure delight. "We can finally leave this accursed place." Reka sighs relief, turning to Minerva and Phinneas. "Where are your friends, I'd like to leave." He asks.

[Susan and Amber]

As Amber rushes down the hallway, she connects with Susan over the radio and finds that Susan's radio is being blocked. However, Amber's telepathy seems to breach whatever is barring Susan's way and Amber can get her message to the troubled cyber doc. Susan hurriedly weaves a mental message to be heard or picked up on (Two-way telepathy is impossible unless both have it) that Amber is able to pick up on when she reads surface thoughts.

Susan turns to the core, demanding to be released while preparing to open fire."I will give you the power to stand above all beneath you, we will unleash your wrath and destroy them all; the wicked Naruni; the deceptive Coalition; the disrespectful mercs. All will bow beneath the godly powers you will command." The core replies, and Susan opens fire. Susan finds her weapons fire to be absorbed by a force field surrounding the core.

Amber rounds the corner and hears the gunfire of Susan erupt from behind six forcefields. Amber quickly removes her helmet to attempt to manipulate electrical devices and finds she is able to deactivate all of the forcefields and arrive at the sealed door. Amber finds this computer console also without power so instead turns to her supernatural strength, beginning to pry the door open.

Susan deftly dodges a black mechanical tentacle that seems to have been going for her head, then Susan begins noticing the chair that had been there now appears to be unraveling. Beneath it Susan spots a conduit of some sort and she takes a shot and hits, the conduit them blast an electrical arc straight up into the core, through it's shield. All the mechanical tentacles in the room then begin honing straight in on Susan with intent to restrain. Fortunately, Susan hears the door's metal creak as Amber pry's it open far enough for her. [Susan and Amber both; I require two dodge rolls, at least one succeeds to successfully escape the assault.]

What are you doing?
GM Note:

Amber: -60 MDC MB
Susan: Drone One Shield disabled.
Phinneas: Timer: 5 minutes | 1 charge of FF depleted | -26 MDC to MB | Right arm of EBA destroyed | -16 personal SDC
Minerva: -33 MDC from MB | -80 from Psychic Body Field
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 72% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Sense of balance 64% = 1d100 (to avoid Susan as she comes through the doorway)
Back Flip 85% = 1d100 (to avoid Susan as she comes through the doorway)

Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 500' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1500’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 90% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 95% = 1d100 (97% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 100% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 2.25 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Telepathy lasts for 19 minutes. -4 I.S.P. Range: Read surface thoughts 60’; 2-way telepathic communication 600’.
Intuitive Combat lasts for 15 melees. -10 I.S.P. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +2 to disarm.
• Cannot be caught by surprise, even by attacks from behind or from long-range, which means he can try to parry or dodge all attacks leveled at him.
• +10% to abilities (balance, etc.) provided by the Acrobatics and/or Gymnastic skills, as well as + 10% to Climb and Swim skills.
Electrokinesis - Manipulate Electrical Devices Duration: 10 minutes. I.S.P.: 4 Range: 65’
Sustain lasts 5 days.[/size]

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 103/160 at 64.3%
Main Body: 290/350 at 82.8%

Amber’s eyes widen in disbelief as she she’s the tentacles flailing about Susan. What the frack did Susan waken up! She focuses her attention on the machine attacking Susan as she works against the door mechanism holding it open far enough allow Susan to escape whatever is happening on the bridge. Her voice strains with effort as she say, “Time to go, Doc!”

She awaits Susan’s exodus from the room, trying to give her enough room to get through the opening while still being able to hold the door open. The moment Susan is through, she will let go of the door allowing it to close.

If she has the opportunity after Susan escapes and before the doors close, Amber will take a pot shot at the core/conduit/chair if they are targetable (in her sight-line) when she lets go of the door. She will be using the NEL-11 "Lightning" Electrical Arc Discharger to try to fry some of the circuitry in the centre of the room to allow their escape.

Once they are clear, she will gather Susan up and make their way back to the room where the other GIRLS are waiting using her Electrokinesis if needed to disable the Forcefields again.

Combat Rolls
Initiative: 1d20+11
(+5 from Robot Combat Elite +3 from Cyber-Knight Zen Combat +3 Intuitive Combat = +17)

Action: Hold door as long as needed to allow Susan through.
Action: Strike at core/conduit/chair with NEL-11 "Lightning" Electrical Arc Discharger as door closes: 1d20+3; Damage: 4d6 MD + Special

Auto-dodge (9): 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7

Optional Lightning Side Effects Table
01-15% Lucked out! No additional problems or side effects.
16-30% The instrument panel blinks out and sparks fly. It snaps back online 1d6 seconds later, but the crew loses the initiative (if they had it) and one melee attack. This may give their opponent the opportunity to escape or strike again before they have a chance to respond.
31-45% All weapon systems are temporarily out and there are minor electrical fires! One comes back online every 1d4 melee rounds (15 to 60 seconds).
46-60% Radar and targeting systems are gone for 2d6 minutes. Line of sight visuals until they come back. No power combat bonuses provided by the armor or vehicle, and -15% on the piloting skill.
61-75% Communications is knocked out for 4d6 minutes.
76-85% Sensors and radar are gone and all instrument readings are unreliable for 6d6 minutes. The pilot must fly strictly on sight with a penalty of -25% when speed is one-third of the maximum possible, -50% at half maximum speed, and -75% at full speed. No initiative and no combat bonuses provided by the power armor or vehicle.
86-90% Fried circuits/All weapon systems are locked and do not respond. Requires physical repairs, parts and an hour's labor by an Operator to get them operational. Take evasive action.
91-95% Fried circuits/All sensors and radar are gone. Same penalties as #76-85%, only systems will not come back up. Requires physical repairs, parts and an hour's labor by an Operator to get them operational. Take evasive action.
96-00% Engine trouble. Maximum speed is reduced to 10% of normal and power armor and aircraft will not be able to maintain flight. Make emergency landing and take 1d6x10 M.D. in a rough (but not quite crash) landing. No bonuses to dodge and -2 on initiative.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.


As he looks over Eight's remains, the red button curiosity fades into caution as Phinneas notices the corrosive reaction the liquid has with the metal it contacts. He stays close enough to investigate the carcass but makes sure to avoid the liquid oozing from the bot.

I wonder how long before Eight re-ka-jiggered itself from the first fight

Thinking back to a few seconds before when Eight paused it's attack as he dropped his axe, Phinneas radios the team.

"It looks like Eight is definitely down again and it is bleeding that liquid metal again. If you see any of it, be very careful to avoid it. It has a very corrosive reaction to metal. Wouldn't want to find out the hard way how EBA's stack up against it. Amber, Susan, we need to hurry. Reka has the device and we don't know how long it will be before Eight....Nine?.......Would this be Ten?........recombobulates. I don't know if we can survive another."
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm amputated
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Susan Lee
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible, FF active 110 / 110. On Boing-Go. One drone at 75 / 75 FF. Other drone at 0 / 75 FF cannot reactivate for 12 hours).

Susan is shocked at how limited the ship's mind is. This ship is a megalomaniac! It is clearly mechanical in nature and has not even achieved a state of self-regenerating organic matter, let alone being pure energy!

She dodges for her life. When Amber opens the door, she starts babbling, "Amber, yes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. For saving me. We're safe. We must leave. Now."

Dodges: 1d20+10, 1d20+10

Once Susan has shoved herself back through the doors, she begins running down the corridor to the loathsome Reka Ola. "Ship, I am a registered AI therapist. Please reach out to me for support once you determine to improve yourself."

It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Merctown: Monday, October 112PA, 1:30pm
Environmental Conditions: Internal Temp; 15*C (59*F), relatively cool breeze with a bright sun.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Merctown Nexus nearby

Phinneas studies Eights remains while radioing the group a descriptive visual of what he's found. Reka moves towards one of the walls and places the item against it, the device beginning to emit a hum as Reka turns to turns towards Phinneas. "Yes, well, Eight's full name, as it were, would be too difficult to pronounce. You can certainly expect another, more deadly iteration of this android pursuing you in the future. Unless you kill the Naruni." Reka muses, turning back to the device. "I'll open a portal to Phase World. From there, it's a quick hop to Earth for you lot. Don't stray from the terminal, earthlings don't survive long on those streets." Reka explains to Phinneas and Minerva.

Amber braces herself against the doors and Susan slips through, both of them dodging several attempted swipes, though Susan feels one sweep and almost trip her. Amber fries some of the mechanical arms and is able to deftly dodge them. Amber slams the doors shut as Susan takes off, the lantean right behind the good doctor as the pair reach the intersection. Amber and Susan hear the the sound of metal clattering on metal like thin legs, though Amber is the first to see the spider-like bomb droid round the bend. Neither wait and sprint down the tunnel towards the Operations Room where Phinneas waits with Reka.

Phinneas and Minerva stand in awe as the device appears to overlay an entire section of the wall, creating something of a black doorway. It's at this point Phinneas also hears the clattering of metal on metal that makes the crazy's spine straighten as Susan and Amber bound into the room, Susan's drones close in tow and opening fire down the hallway from behind. Amber ushers the group through the portal, not having time to hear the destination and instead escaping what is behind them. Phinneas, Minerva, Susan and her drones, Amber and Reka bound through the portal. Reka taking the device with him as the portal collapses behind them.

[A Brief Layover in Phase World]

The group is suddenly surrounded by alien life of all shapes and sizes, countless beings the GIRLS have never seen before and many that they have. Reka quickly leads the group towards one of the cantinas, off to the side of the area. "Okay, I am going to send you home, then go somewhere else and destroy this device. As long as it exists, the Naruni will hunt us all." Reka explains, looking around as two large aliens, wearing some sort of security garb and holding weapons the size of a normal human, walk past them after looking the crew up and down. [A successful Lore, Dbees will see it as Promethean 1st Stagers]

This prompts Reka to shudder. "Look, we all stand out like sore thumbs here. They can smell the earth on you. Let's get you home." Reka states, then turning to Amber. "Here, for sparing me, letting me go, and most importantly, trusting me." Reka adds and hands Amber a Black Market Credit Chit holding 5 millions credits. "Now, where am I to send you? Merctown?" Reka says and then places the devices on the wall, looking back towards Amber and the others.

Everyone notices that traffic is high, the port is busy and everyone is watching everyone else. In fact, it reminds the group of a spacer's version of the Job Market Cafe. Several of them are identifiable mercenaries; armored, armed and flying no colors. None of the aliens seem to be paying the GIRLS any mind, however Minerva and Amber get the sinking feeling that will change soon if they don't get home.

What are you doing?
GM Note:

Amber: -60 MDC MB
Susan: Drone One Shield disabled.
Phinneas: Timer: 5 minutes | 1 charge of FF depleted | -26 MDC to MB | Right arm of EBA destroyed | -16 personal SDC
Minerva: -33 MDC from MB | -80 from Psychic Body Field
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Susan Lee
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible, FF active 110 / 110. On Boing-Go. One drone at 75 / 75 FF. Other drone at 0 / 75 FF cannot reactivate for 12 hours).

Susan jitters in the new, higher-stimulus environment her eyes darting from one xenology subject to the next. What an interesting place. I wonder if they have information on genetic engineering here...

Xenology: 1d100 / 73%

She focuses back on what's actually going on. "Mr. Ola, CommAmber. I believe I may have a solution that doesn't involve murdering our erstwhile employer. We are, under the terms we were presented, required not to turn Mr. Ola over, but to turn over the device. And we were promised that we could destroy Eight if we included Mr. Ola in the deal."

She looks around and lowers her voice. "I propose that we return to Earth, but not MercTown, and attempt to make minor adjustments to the contract to include freeing Eight as part of our reward for turning over the working device."

Susan pauses, expecting Reka and Amber to start freaking out, raising a hand to stop them. "However, before we turn over the device, we will have implanted an extremely small techno-wizard object that will destroy the device either after a short delay if it is separated from one of us or at a signal from a paired magic remote control. It is imperative that it be done by techno-wizardry because the Naruni's sensors won't be able to tell what the object is and they won't be able to jam a magic signal. Similarly, if you will agree to help us install this object, Mr. Ola, I believe the Naruni will be unable to notice it inside the device because they are not privy to the actual schematics."

"We could also try to fake Mr. Ola's death, but I do not believe this will work in the long run if they make a concerted effort to find him by hiring magical or psychic resources. However, it might?"

Susan shrugs.

"Will you help us, Mr. Ola?"
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 72% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100
Lore: Dimensions 70% = 1d100 (general information about Phase World to keep them safe)
Streetwise 51% = 1d100 (to try and keep safe)
Anthropology 60% = 1d100 (to avoid any cultural issues while on PW)
Lore: D-Bee 25% = 1d100 (to ID nearby species)
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 500' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1500’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 90% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 95% = 1d100 (97% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 100% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Telepathy lasts for 19 minutes. -4 I.S.P. Range: Read surface thoughts 60’; 2-way telepathic communication 600’.
Intuitive Combat lasts for 16 melees. -10 I.S.P. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +2 to disarm.
• Cannot be caught by surprise, even by attacks from behind or from long-range, which means he can try to parry or dodge all attacks leveled at him.
• +10% to abilities (balance, etc.) provided by the Acrobatics and/or Gymnastic skills, as well as + 10% to Climb and Swim skills.
Sustain lasts 5 days.[/size]

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 103/160 at 64.3%
Main Body: 290/350 at 82.8%

[On the Ship]
Amber breathes a sigh of relief as they escape the clutches of the tentacles on the bridge. Huh, wasn’t expecting any of that. She asks Susan once they are clear. “Wow! That was kinda of crazy, Susan. What did you do to make the bridge try to eat you, Girl?”

Before they leave through the portal, she will ask Reka. “What in the Nine Hells is the ship? The bridge tried to grab Susan.”

Amber makes sure everyone is accounted for and takes a moment to renew her Alter Aura. She says to everyone before stepping through the portal to Phase World. “Phase World is a sight to behold, but it can be rough. Let’s keep any mention about the device circumspect while we are there. We wouldn’t want to attract any undue attention from the anyone. We are pretty insignificant on the power scale. Okay?”

[Phase World]
Underguard wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm The group is suddenly surrounded by alien life of all shapes and sizes, countless beings the GIRLS have never seen before and many that they have. Reka quickly leads the group towards one of the cantinas, off to the side of the area. "Okay, I am going to send you home, then go somewhere else and destroy this device. As long as it exists, the Naruni will hunt us all." Reka explains, looking around as two large aliens, wearing some sort of security garb and holding weapons the size of a normal human, walk past them after looking the crew up and down. [A successful Lore, Dbees will see it as Promethean 1st Stagers]
Amber nods at Reka’s words. “I’ve been here briefly on my Journey before I ended up on Earth. It is… an interesting place, but like you said, not very hospitable to humans. I’m all for getting out of here too and getting rid of the 'Thing'. But I would like to take a few minutes to think things through before we do. I don’t relish being hunted for the rest of my days. I’m sure you don’t want to either.”
Underguard wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm This prompts Reka to shudder. "Look, we all stand out like sore thumbs here. They can smell the earth on you. Let's get you home." Reka states, then turning to Amber. "Here, for sparing me, letting me go, and most importantly, trusting me." Reka adds and hands Amber a Black Market Credit Chit holding 5 millions credits. "Now, where am I to send you? Merctown?" Reka says and then places the devices on the wall, looking back towards Amber and the others.
Amber nods respectfully to Reka as he gives her the Credit Chit. “Thank-you, Reka. I appreciate you trusting us too. It easily could have gone the other way, but knowing our former employer, I knew I couldn’t trust him to do the right thing with this "Thing' if he got a hold of it.” She opens her armour to place it in a safe inner pocket to keep it safe.
Susan Lee wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 2:22 pm She focuses back on what's actually going on. "Mr. Ola, CommAmber. I believe I may have a solution that doesn't involve murdering our erstwhile employer. We are, under the terms we were presented, required not to turn Mr. Ola over, but to turn over the device. And we were promised that we could destroy Eight if we included Mr. Ola in the deal."

She looks around and lowers her voice. "I propose that we return to Earth, but not MercTown, and attempt to make minor adjustments to the contract to include freeing Eight as part of our reward for turning over the working device."

Susan pauses, expecting Reka and Amber to start freaking out, raising a hand to stop them. "However, before we turn over the device, we will have implanted an extremely small techno-wizard object that will destroy the device either after a short delay if it is separated from one of us or at a signal from a paired magic remote control. It is imperative that it be done by techno-wizardry because the Naruni's sensors won't be able to tell what the object is and they won't be able to jam a magic signal. Similarly, if you will agree to help us install this object, Mr. Ola, I believe the Naruni will be unable to notice it inside the device because they are not privy to the actual schematics."

"We could also try to fake Mr. Ola's death, but I do not believe this will work in the long run if they make a concerted effort to find him by hiring magical or psychic resources. However, it might?"

Susan shrugs.

"Will you help us, Mr. Ola?"
She chuckles in her mind. CommAmber. I like that one. Susan always surprises me with her out-of-the-box solutions. And sayings. She nods thoughtfully as she says, “I was just going to ask for solutions to what we do with the ‘Thing’ and you have already presented one, Susan.” She looks around to the other GIRLS but more closely at Reka in particular to see his reaction to Susan’s plan. “Anyone else got any ideas on how to both get rid of this thing and keep ‘Him’ off our backs at the same time? Now is the time to speak up.”

She keep an eye out around them for anyone interested in what they are saying as they are talking. “I think Susan has a pretty solid plan overall, but I want it to be foolproof before we attempted it. My main question about this plan would be. Can this "Thing' be rendered completely useless if we did this. We need to be sure of this. I want total destruction of whatever makes this thing work. I don’t want Him to be able to reverse engineer it based on some small bit of circuitry being left intact. That’s where your expertise would come in handy, Reka. Do you think that this is possible to do?”
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

As the group steps through the portal and into Phase World, Phinneas is slightly overwhelmed with the sights.

Woooooowwwwwweeeeeeeee. Look at this place!

Through all of the new and unidentifiable lifeforms, Phinneas is able to pick up the scent of something that smells really good. He suddenly realizes that he hasn't eaten in a while and the pangs of hunger start to kick in.

Phin, no. Reka and Amber said to lay low. Crazies are still humans

Staying close to the group, Phinneas looks in the direction the aroma is coming from and then turns back.

"Whatever is going on, we need to do it quick........I'm hungry and something smells gooooood"
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm amputated
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Minerva »

Perception: 1d100/59%
JIC: 1d20/1d100

Staring at the portal Reka set up, Minerva allows herself to come down from the battle fought. Amber and Susan dashing into the room, draws her out of her reverie and on command, she leaps through the inky blackness into the unknown.

Looking around at the unfamiliar beings, Minerva feels strangely at home. ¡Oh, ese se parece a Paolo! ¿A qué lugar extraño hemos llegado? Oh, vamos a llamar la atención, ¿no? Probablemente deberíamos irnos.
Oh, that one looks like Paolo! What strange place have we come to? Oh, we're going to draw attention aren't we. We should probably leave.

Minerva hears Susan's proposal and raises her eyebrow at it. "That seems like the kind of thing that your employer would not take lightly. Not saying I'm against it, if it fulfills the contract and we trust them not to retaliate, then I'm in. I have simply heard nothing but bad things about these employers of yours and so I am hesitant to cross them. Also, we should be taking our leave soon. The natives are ignoring us. For now."
Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 390
  • H.P.: 109
  • S.D.C.: 177
  • M.D.C.: 286 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Phase World: Who Knows
Environmental Conditions: Flat temperature of 72*F (22*C)
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Phase World Nexus nearby

Reka shakes his head at Susan's intended plan of manipulation. "I can't promise your plan will work, but I'll do what I can to help. My kind is not welcome outside of your Merctown, though and if an Uteni is suddenly seen wandering it would attract unwanted attention." Reka states, Susan then remembers that basically all of Northern Gun and Coalition aligned territories have essential kill orders on Naruni/Uteni and their products and Ishpeming is no different. Amber recalls some events in the past on Earth that could be the reason for Reka's hesitation. [A History check would allow you to remember the public events that lead up to the DB8 Naruni Wave 2 arrival]

Suddenly, the device in Reka's hand begins to blink and Reka begins looking around in utter terror. Susan is the first to spot the rift form roughly ten feet further down the alleyway next to the barjoint. Moment later, a beautiful man walks through the door that Minerva recognizes as the godling, Arvid. Arvid also recognizes Minerva standing with a one-armed man, another stunning blue-haired woman standing next to a dirtied scientist and an apparently mouthless blue skinned alien.

Before the group has a chance for proper introductions, a Promethean rounds the corner and even to Arivd, this alien is intimidating as he speaks. "Hey, hoppers! No loitering. Get in and buy a drink, or get gone, now." The Promethean then waits for the crew to decide to go into the bar and get a table, or pursued Reka to agree to go to Earth and deal with proper introductions there. [This will require a Trust/Charm roll with penalties -10%; First attempt failed, to convince him to jump to Earth.]

What are you doing?
GM Note:

Amber: -60 MDC MB
Susan: Drone One Shield disabled.
Phinneas: Timer: 5 minutes | 1 charge of FF depleted | -26 MDC to MB | Right arm of EBA destroyed | -16 personal SDC
Minerva: -33 MDC from MB | -80 from Psychic Body Field
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Invoke trust: 45%-10% | 1d100
Invoke trust: 45%-10% | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

"Soooooooooo hungry....."

Phinneas. No. You can eat when we get home. We dont know where we're at or if it's safe

"Awwwwww......Boom Boom......come on......"

NO, Phinneas! You're a Crazy, not a child!


NO! I don't care how much you plead. I'm not going anywhere

Arguing with his trusty companion, Phinneas slumps his shoulders and tilts his head back like a defeated, but protesting child.

You'll go somewhere if I go somwhere.......

I can still hear you Phinneas

In a slightly mocking tone, "I can still hear you Phinneas....."

He is clearly useless in this situation and just waiting to go somewhere where he can eat.
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm amputated
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Minerva »

Perception: 1d100/59%
JIC: 1d20/1d100

"Please someone tell me, why is it blinking?" Minerva brings the group's attention to the device Reka is holding that has suddenly begun flashing. She keeps her eyes on the doorway it creates, ready to take Eight down again if that's what's coming. However, the form of a very tall, very familiar godling comes through instead. "Arvid? Arvid! Over here!" She rushes over to where he emerged and gives him a huge hug. "Look! I did not die! Wait... what are you doing here? I don't even really know where here is." After she gets his explanation, she'll bring him over to the group. G.I.R.L.S., this is Arvid Hammerson. Son of the God of Hammers, Thor. Arvid, this is the group that saved me when I landed on a strange planet. Which we've just escaped by the way. There's more to tell, but not here. There are ears every...
Underguard wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:00 pm"Hey, hoppers! No loitering. Get in and buy a drink, or get gone, now."
"Everyone, you heard the...whatever that was. We need to get inside, now. Phinneas, maybe there's food inside the bar."
Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 390
  • H.P.: 109
  • S.D.C.: 177
  • M.D.C.: 286 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

The Bolt pings around the Universe or "Are we there Yet? Are we there Yet?

Perception: 47% 1d100 +25% For Electrical 1d100 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20 1d20
JIC: 1d1001d100

Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute.
An emergency radio call from Outpost Hanson. "Immediate Exfil; large volcanic eruption imminent. Geographic sensors are going off the charts. We are evacuating and abandoning the mission until post eruption! Get the crew out of there!" Baxter calls out.
Arvid, Things happen quickly, when the gods meld in the affairs of the universe one second, you’re up to armpits in ash and wondering how are these mortals going to survive a volcano going off under your feet and the next second that is answered by the Beautiful Freya in Asgard standing before you and Hemlock, Gloriosa, Lilith and I from the team. Well some of us were rescued and we seem to take a deep breath. Then there is no time to waste. She gives us all new marching orders, not verbally such is the way with gods briefings are very brief. You are supposed to do what you do for the right outcome. All seeing Father Odin knows what happened, and he watches out for you and now the next part. No goodbyes to the others, I was whipped away to another place.

Roughly ten feet further down the alleyway next to the barjoint. Moment later, a beautiful man walks through the door that Minerva recognizes as the godling, Arvid. Arvid also recognizes Minerva
As my eyes adjust from the teleportation, I would rather walk the Rainbow Bridge at least I know where I’m going and I end up, not the Grand Halls of Asgard, but inside a large metallic container with air that has a smell of thousands of types, people, foods and other more disgusting smells. Yes, from a poisonous volcanic cloud to semi obnoxious station environment with strange people. Oh, a face I recognize a friend that I thought must have died underground. Minerva!

Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair, jovial, smile. Is currently wearing NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor with Armor Flight Jacket. Muscles bulging and he isn't even trying! Occasional static discharge. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Looks 20 ish looking, real age about 100. large Hammer on his back. He carries a NG-B40 Big Bangstick Big Bore Anti-Vampire Weapon.
Before the group has a chance for proper introductions, a Promethean rounds the corner and even to Arivd, this alien is intimidating as he speaks. "Hey, hoppers! No loitering. Get in and buy a drink, or get gone, now."
"Arvid? Arvid! Over here!" She rushes over to where he emerged and gives him a huge hug. "Look! I did not die! Wait... what are you doing here? I don't even really know where here is." After she gets his explanation, she'll bring him over to the group. G.I.R.L.S., this is Arvid Hammerson. Son of the God of Hammers, Thor. Arvid, this is the group that saved me when I landed on a strange planet. Which we've just escaped by the way. There's more to tell, but not here. There are ears every...
"Arvid, Promethean "This is Phase World Station,?!" As Minerva bear hugs Arvid, he smiles for two reasons. First she is alive, second he really likes her, it is aways nice to have a friendly face where ever you go. Arvid speaks, "Let's do as he says. In here and out of prying eyes. I popping in here may have made us a topic of interest for who knows."

Arvid to the Promethean, "Thank you, Sir, your advise. It is very wise."

Arvid ushers the group inside the bar looking around for an open table preferably one with a view of the door, If not available he moves toward the Bartender and speaks, "Sir we need a large table away from the others, food with drink and discretion if possible. and warning if shit is about to go down." Arvid reaches inside his pocket and pushes two Asgardian Gold piece to him under his huge hand.
https://www.pbprpg.org/forums/viewtopic ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100
Lore: Dimensions 75% = 1d100 (general information about Phase World)
Streetwise 51% = 1d100 (to try and keep safe)
Anthropology 65% = 1d100 (to avoid any cultural issues while on PW)
Lore: D-Bee 30% = 1d100 (to ID nearby species)
Mythology: 35% = 1d100 (looking for information about Arvid's origins)
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 5 days.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 103/160 at 64.3%
Main Body: 290/350 at 82.8%

Amber knows the general reason that Reka is reluctant to join on them on Earth but before she has a chance to reply, she senses the opening rift. She turns towards the general direction she feels it has opened in and watches the beautiful man exit it. She is surprised to see Minerva run up and greet the newcomer with a hug. Hmm, what are the odds of that happening? She is about to speak when the Promethean interrupts.
Underguard wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:00 pm Before the group has a chance for proper introductions, a Promethean rounds the corner and even to Arivd, this alien is intimidating as he speaks. "Hey, hoppers! No loitering. Get in and buy a drink, or get gone, now." The Promethean then waits for the crew to decide to go into the bar and get a table, or pursued Reka to agree to go to Earth and deal with proper introductions there. [This will require a Trust/Charm roll with penalties -10%; First attempt failed, to convince him to jump to Earth.]
Amber knows of the Prometheans from her previous visit here and is quick to agree with the beautiful man that Minerva seems to know. She nods respectfully to the Promethean as she passes him as she follows Arvid and the rest of the GIRLS into the establishment. “Nice to meet you, Arvid. I am Amber. Please. Lead on. It will do well to sit down for a few minutes and figure some things out.” She thinks to herself. It wouldn’t be a bad thing for this man or god to hang around a little while if Minerva trusts him. Might dissuade some of the locals that think a group of humans are easy prey.

She will gently herd Reka along with them to the table and will sit next to him so that she is able to easily converse with him privately. I’m going to have to turn on the charm here to convince him to go through with this plan. She keeps her voice low enough that only Reka is able to hear her. “Reka, I think we need to try and work this out with a TW and that means going back to Earth. I understand your hesitance in going there, but I believe it is the only real choice we have. Lazlowould be the best place to go. They aren’t hostile like their neighbours. We only need to stay there long enough to find someone to do the work Susan was talking about and then jump out some where safe to figure out our final play.” Amber mentally crosses her fingers. C’mon Reka. Trust us a little further. Let’s get this over and done with. She will patiently wait for Reka to deliberate on his decision.

She will briefly address Arvid when the opportunity presents. She profess her regrets for her not speaking to more to him. "Forgive me for ignoring you, Arvid. We have a urgent unresolved business that unfortunately takes precedence. I would like to speak and learn more of you and your travels when time permits though." She flashes a friendly smile to show her sincerity. She looks at Minerva as well and flashes a smile at her too. "That goes for you too, Minerva. I am grateful for your assistance to this point and when time permits, would love to hear more of your story too." She looks at them both. "We are heading back to Earth. You are both welcome to come with us."
Phinneas_Graves wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:56 pm "Soooooooooo hungry....."
Amber rolls her eyes when she is sure Phinneas isn't looking."Alright, Phinneas. Grab something quick to go, alright. Then we get out of here and back home. Okay?"

Once Phinneas has grabbed some food, she will get up and herd everyone outside again. "Let's go then. Next stop, Lazlo. Ladies."
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Susan Lee
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: 1d100 / 41%
JIC: 1d20 / 1d100

CONDITIONS: See Invisible

Susan switches off her forcefield and that of the babies, then packs away her spy drone. "Mr. Ola, since Amber has mentioned the ship..." she grits her teeth. HARD. "I must admit that you were correct that it was not friendly. And that we should have left it alone."

Susan takes a step away and pretends to examine the crowds in order to hopefully avoid any further discussion around the ship. When Amber makes the further pitch, Susan simply adds, "Yes, I had assumed we would use either Lazlo or Arzno as the techno wizard recruitment location. The Colorado Baronies and Stormspire are supposed to be major techno wizard centers, but I don't believe we'd get what we need in the Baronies and Stormspire is likely to be more danger than we'd like."

Amber is so good at talking. I wish I could make people do what I want like Amber.

"Wait, Phinneas, who are you talking to? Why are the pretty strangers hugging each other?!?"

And acting as if they're part of the GIRLS?!?

"Uh oh. So... tired..."

Susan just lays down wherever she currently is as the boing-go fades.
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Underguard »

Current Conditions wrote:Current Time/Date in Lazlo: Friday, October 112PA, 1:00pm
Environmental Conditions: 11*C (51*F); partially cloudy but mostly clear.
Ley Line/Nexus Presence: Lazlo Nexus nearby

[End of a Layover]

Arvid is accustomed to being a weapon of the Gods, it's something the godling practically welcomes. So for the goddess Freya to find him a new home with the crew his old friend Minerva found is a blessing. One he doesn't look too far past. Instead surprised to find himself on the Phase World Docks level. Arvid waits for introductions, instead enamored or intimated by the Promethean enough to simply want to go inside.

Minerva's question is answered by Reka as it stops blinking when Arvid's rift closes. "It also serves to detect rifts and other teleportation's within a certain calibrated radius." Reka explains, Susan can tell he is quite pleased with his invention even if it will ultimately be destroyed. Though Reka's explanation is joined with a chorus of groans. Phinneas' hunger overwrites his ability to plead to Reka to just go to Earth so they can eat, or go inside so they can eat, or just eat. His groans of discomfort beginning to takes it toll on those around him, though perhaps they underestimate the appetite of a crazy, one-armed man.

Amber is practically bewildered by the flurry of events but resigns to follow Arvid inside as he ushers Minerva and the others in. They are able to find a booth without issue as well as some alcohol in a language they can't read, though the alien bartender tells them it's safe for humans. Amber works her leadership magic, helping Phinneas get some food while briefly explaining the situation to Arvid. When provided with a choice of alternatives, Reka eventually resigns to return to Earth, but only if the group goes to Lazlo. The team finds their earth-born money is accepted at a painful rate, and their beers and food costs 1500cr.

After they settle, Arvid noticeably takes point walking back towards the alley they were just in. It's at this point Susan drops, though her babies floating nearby will catch her unless Amber does. It doesn't take Reka but a few moments to open another slick black portal. Unlike most dimensional portals, nothing is seen beyond the veil. Stepping through, the team finds themselves in an alleyway in Lazlo. The wall of an obvious bar appears as the portal vanishes.

[Welcome to Lazlo]

The bar is rightly titled "Defiants", it is teeming with activity. Arvid can sense many folks with magic, and Reka appears to relax considerably. Amber and Arvid both see several aliens walking around with large black eyes, thin, multi-armed or the like; making Reka look almost normal and easier to blend. It isn't hard for them to find a booth with Reka sitting close to and practically vanishing next to Arvid. Once everyone has comfortably ordered food or drink, Reka turns to the GIRLS. "Okay. I am here. Now, you must locate a magical engineer to help me sabotage this. Then, we find a mage who can send me to a world of my choice. I will wire you a considerable fee for ensuring my survival and the destruction of this item. You will deceive my employer and need to rebrand to avoid retaliation; and we will not cross paths again. Agreed?" Reka states, outlining his new terms.

If asked about what he means by Retaliation, Reka shrugs. "Even if he is unable to trace its sabotage, you will be the only thing he can offer as an excuse. Meaning; he will likely target you regardless. He is not a kind individual." Reka further explains.

What are you doing?
GM Note:

Amber: -60 MDC MB
Susan: Drone One Shield disabled.
Phinneas: -26 MDC to MB | Right arm of EBA destroyed | -16 personal SDC
Minerva: -33 MDC from MB
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Perception: 60% | 1d100
JIC: 1d20 | 1d100

Constant Conditions:
Special Abilities
1. Super Endurance: Can lift and carry twice as much as a normal person of equivalent Strength and Endurance, and can last 10 times longer before feeling effect of exhaustion. Can remain alert and operate at full efficiency for up to 3 days (72 hours) without sleep. Needs only 4 hours of sleep to function at full capacity.
2. Increased Strength: Falls under "Augmented" category.
3. Increased Speed: Can leap 20 ft across and 15 high after a short run (half the distance from a dead stop).
4. Heightened Reflexes and Agility: Exceptional Balance and Grace.
5. Enhanced Senses:
Enhanced Vision: Character has perfect 20/20 vision and exceptional long range vision; can read a small sign or recognize a face from up to 2 miles away when he concentrates; must have line of sight.
Enhanced Hearing: Can hear a whisper or a twig snap up to 3oo ft away. Acute hearing gives an Automatic Dodge on ALL attacks; even from behind and surprise attacks. Does NOT use up a melee attack. Normal dodge bonuses do not apply, but P.P. bonuses do.
Enhanced sense of smell: Character can instantly recognize odors (01-65%), recognize a person by scent like a dog (01-25%), and even track by smell (01-30%), provided the scent is not more than 2 hours old.
Enhanced sense of taste: Can taste for a specific flavor, discern specific ingredients and tell if a drink or food has been poisoned, drugged or spoiled. Chance for detection (01-55%), +20% if the chemical has a telltale taste or odor to begin with.
Enhanced sense of touch: Character recognizes very slight differences in textures by touch. Adds 10% to all skills that require a delicate touch such as Art, Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Electronics, etc.
6. Enhanced Healing: Heals two times faster than normal. Virtually impervious to pain, no amount of pain will impair the Crazy until he is down to 10 HP or less. At that point the warrior will realize his condition and start to feel the effects of his injuries. However, the Crazy can go into an intense meditative trance that will induce Bio-Regeneration, healing damage in moments.
7. Crazies Bio-Regeneration: The Crazy must stop to slip into a meditative trance. While in the trance, he is completely helpless and cannot move or take any action. All of his concentration is being forced into an accelerated bio-feedback program that will restore 2D6 HP and 3D6 S.D.C., stops bleeding, and closes wounds in 2D4 minutes. An extended period of Crazies' Bio-Regeneration, over a period of 6 hours, will restore all S.D.C. and an additional 4D6 HP.

"Hooooome sweeeeeeet hoooooome! Phinneas exclaims as they step through the portal to Lazlo. By the time the last of his companions have stepped through the portal, Phinneas has already stripped himself of the EBA that has suffocated him throughout the mission. He looks for the nearest trash receptacle of any kind and stuffs the armor in it as best he can.

We won't be needing this anytime soon.......or ever again......

With his EBA removed, the damage done on the Naruni waste planet can been seen. His torn shirt reveals a large scar along his right side where his arm once was, and the wound seems completely healed.

"How you doing little buddy? Ready to relax some?"

Absolutely, Phin. NOW we can relax"[/b]

As the group gets comfortable inside the bar, Phinneas excuses himself to a table next to the group's booth. "Nothing personal guys, there's just not enough room" He raises his hand to attract the attention of the wait staff. Once he has it, he calmly tells them, "One of everything on the menu. A gallon of your finest beer with it please"

As the group looks at him with funny stares, he simply says "Look, I lost an arm wherever we just were. As you can see, the wound is completely healed. That takes a lot out of me. I'm pretty banged up after our friend here shot my crate of Explosives. I haven't eaten since before Manoa. I'm hungry. Don't judge."
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm amputated
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

Perception: 47% 1d100+25% For Electrical 1d100 1d100
JIC d20: 1d20 1d20
JIC: 1d100 1d100

Racial Abilities
See the invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute.

Well, I found an old friend, Minerva. She is with this new group, not sure of the name but they might tell me soon. Amber, not human, Atlantean I think. She seems to be in charge, good leadership on this one, and she has some military bearing. Though it isn’t just her that makes the decisions. Next is Susan Lee, brainy type, Scientist uses robots, no I think they are called Drones. They are her weapons, eyes and ears Last but not least is Phinneas. Odd fellow not sure about him. He is hungry, it seems like most of the time. And he can sense things like no one else. Has Screws in his head, big ones, there might be more than one of him in his head, one arm Berserker like. Says he lost his arm just recently and he has already healed He might be a Crazy, yea that is what they call him. Now this other one is Nurini?, Reka, definitely not human. I don’t think he is a member of the group, just an employer. He seems to have a teleportation device. This might be a problem for the universe. I’m going to have to use my computer.

The team seems to have come to a consensus as far as where they are going. Arvid then mentions, “I hope it is OK that I come with you, it seems you are the ones I’m going to be helping. I believe that Minerva can be my reference as to how helpful I can be. I might not be up to speed on all earth matters, but I can and will take leads from you. Right now, I will lead us out. Let me look around and make sure it is OK. Then head where you want to, I can follow your electronic device. I will follow shortly making sure you’re not interfered with by others.”
Arvid takes the lead in heading them outside. He steps out looks around scanning the crowd slowly, he activates his Electrokinesis, find devices.

Then follows them to the Portal. When he Sees Susan collapse, he kneels besides her and carefully cradles her in his arm. He ask the others, “Is she Ok?” As he carries her into the Portal to Lazlo.

Lazlo a Go Go!

Arvid with Susan in one arm looks up to figure out where he is and the time. Air Warlocks can tell the direction of the wind and accurately tell sense time by observing the heavens; 68% 1d100Knows the time and with location of the sun he knows he is north east of Merctown.

He tries to sense the coming of storms, including ley line storms, and other atmospheric disturbances; 50% 1d100

Avrid takes a deep breath, and is in wonder of this new place called Lazlo
He tries to sense impurities in the air and be warned if the contaminants are hazardous; 50% 1d100

To Arvid
he can sense many folks with magic, and Reka appears to relax considerably. Amber and Arvid both see several aliens walking around with large black eyes, thin, multi-armed or the like; making Reka look almost normal and easier to blend.
Sense Elementals 65% 1d100/Lsee invisible elementals 75% 1d100Spirits of Light, and the Demonic Jinn.
Sense Warlocks 65% 1d100
As he steps into the Bar he has Reka on one side and Susan on the other arm around her to support her. Arvid is concerned about Susan, "Do I need to do Mouth to Mouth on her or CPR?"
Reka turns to the GIRLS. "Okay. I am here. Now, you must locate a magical engineer to help me sabotage this. Then, we find a mage who can send me to a world of my choice. I will wire you a considerable fee for ensuring my survival and the destruction of this item. You will deceive my employer and need to rebrand to avoid retaliation; and we will not cross paths again. Agreed?" Reka states, outlining his new terms.
Reka shrugs. "Even if he is unable to trace its sabotage, you will be the only thing he can offer as an excuse. Meaning; he will likely target you regardless. He is not a kind individual." Reka further explains.
He awaits what Amber has to say something. But pipes in, “I will protect you all by the Grace of Asgard.”
Arvid is curious about this Dimensional device and adds. “I can destroy this item for you if you wish at anytime or have it whisked off to Asgard."
https://www.pbprpg.org/forums/viewtopic ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

Perception: 75% = 1d100 (+5% on Perception Rolls regarding vampires and the undead)
JiC: 1d20 | 1d100

Skills Rolls
Charm/Impress: 55% = 1d100
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 84% = 1d100
Paramedic 75% = 1d100 (to check on Susan)
Streetwise 51% = 1d100 (to try and keep safe)
Lore: D-Bee 30% = 1d100 (to ID nearby species)
Mythology: 35% = 1d100 (searching memory for info about Asgardians)
Constant/Active Conditions
Sixth Sense: Range 180’
Mind Block Auto-Defence
Sense Supernatural Evil & Sense Magic Energy: Range: 600' (100’/level) when being is not using powers or abilities; 1600’ (1000’ +100’/level) if using abilities or powers.
Sense Supernatural Evil & Magic Energy
o Identify Type/Race of Paranormal Creature: 92% = 1d100
o Track by Psychic Scent: 100% = 1d100 (100% if supernatural being is also using magic)
Sense the Presence of Vampires and Vampire Intelligence: Range: 1000' radius
Recognize Vampires Recognize Vampires by Appearance (special): 110% = 1d100 (+10% bonus to recognize Secondary Vampires, +30% bonus to recognize Wild Vampires. -30% skill penalty to recognize Master Vampires).
Sense Rifts and Ley Lines: Senses Ley Lines up to 5 miles away, a nexus point up to 10 miles, and sense an open/active Rift up to 20 miles away.
See the Invisible: 200’
Alter Aura to change her aura in the following ways:
• The general level of experience can be made to seem much higher (1d4+3 levels higher) than it really is.
• Conceal the I.S.P. levels to be show them to be minimal (like a minor psychic).
• Conceal the presence of magic.
• Lasts for 8 hours. 8 hours remaining. Costs 2 I.S.P. [/size]
Sustain lasts 5 days.[/size]
Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.

NE-1A-TWPA Tech-Warrior: NE-F50A Super-Heavy Forced Field: 103/160 at 64.3%
Main Body: 290/350 at 82.8%
Amber is relieved to be back on Earth even if it means their mission is not completed. She ignores the food and drink as she is focussed on the mission at hand (she still has Sustain active for 4.5 more days. Okay, I need to check on Susan first and make sure she is okay. I need to talk to her about this once we are done to see if I can help her with whatever is causing this. I think this may have happened before. She nods appreciatively at Arvid. “Thanks for carrying her, Arvid. Let me take a look at her.” She quickly checks Susan’s breathing and pulse and does a rough check of her to make sure she doesn’t have any hidden injuries. Once satisfied that she is okay and not in imminent danger, she will try to figure out a plan.
Phinneas_Graves wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:33 pm "Hooooome sweeeeeeet hoooooome! Phinneas exclaims as they step through the portal to Lazlo. By the time the last of his companions have stepped through the portal, Phinneas has already stripped himself of the EBA that has suffocated him throughout the mission. He looks for the nearest trash receptacle of any kind and stuffs the armor in it as best he can.
Amber looks at Phinneas quizzically. “Sooo. Phinneas. You know we aren’t done yet, right? You might need that stuff for a bit yet. Unless you are going to find something to replace it here.” I need to be delicate with this next part. I know Crazies can be unstable and develop some phobias and what not once they get the M.O.M. implants. I’ll try and mention this casually and let him come to his own conclusion. “So, do you have any ideas for getting fixed up? Lazlo would be a good place to start exploring that. Healing or whatever works for you. The Doc should be able to point you in the right direction when she comes around.”
Phinneas_Graves wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:33 pm As the group gets comfortable inside the bar, Phinneas excuses himself to a table next to the group's booth. "Nothing personal guys, there's just not enough room" He raises his hand to attract the attention of the wait staff. Once he has it, he calmly tells them, "One of everything on the menu. A gallon of your finest beer with it please"
As the group looks at him with funny stares, he simply says "Look, I lost an arm wherever we just were. As you can see, the wound is completely healed. That takes a lot out of me. I'm pretty banged up after our friend here shot my crate of Explosives. I haven't eaten since before Manoa. I'm hungry. Don't judge."
Amber just shakes her head in resignation. “Do what you need to. Just be ready to move when we come up with a plan of action. Kay?”

Apó ton Día!
By Zeus
We have been back on Earth FIVE fricking minutes and we are falling apart at the seams. Phinn is eating the place out of food and Susan is unconscious. Stop! Take a few breaths and calm your mind, girl.
She closes her eyes for a few moments and breaths in until she is calmer.

Okay, I need to get out of this Power Armour and into something a little less conspicuous like my normal armour but let’s come up with a plan of action first. “So, anyone but Susan and I been to Lazlo before?” She looks around to see who replies with an affirmative. “I’ve only spent a few days here in the past and I just know the general layout of the city. Susan will be be able to point us in the right direction, once she recovers a bit.”

She looks around. “Okay. First, I think we will need to find a safe place to hole up for a day or two. It will take some time to find both a TW to do the work and then a Shifter or Rifter that can get Reka where he wants to go. I would take a guess that we will be able to find both of those near the University.”
Arvid Hammerson wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:08 pm He awaits what Amber has to say something. But pipes in, “I will protect you all by the Grace of Asgard.”
Arvid is curious about this Dimensional device and adds. “I can destroy this item for you if you wish at anytime or have it whisked off to Asgard."
Amber thinks before she replies to Arvid. Hmm. With what I know of Asgardians, he will be good to have if we end up in a fight with The Creator. He would be a wildcard that The Creator doesn’t know about too. “I was just going to get to what to do with Minerva and you, Arvid. I appreciate the offer, about the device. But we need it to ensure completion of our contract. I think you understand the ramifications of this thing getting out there too and we feel the same. At the same time, you have nothing to do with this. You are free to walk away if you want. I lead the GIRLS, but we try and work by consensus on our roster. So, if it is okay with the rest of the GIRLS here, I would be happy to have the you join us, Arvid Hammerson.” She pauses for effect. “I can’t promise you anything other than danger and maybe some credits along the way. If things go well. Are you still in?”

She looks at Minerva next. “Minerva. You literally fell into our path. You were especially helpful during our escape from V-23. I’m sure we would have managed to escape, but the fight would have been that much more difficult without your assistance. For that you have my sincere thanks.” She sighs heavily. “Minerva. You seem to part of this mess we are in now and may be a target for Retaliation as Reka put it. I wouldn’t blame you if you want to walk away, but you have earned a spot at the table to finish this if you want. So, I will make you the same offer as Arvid. Like I said. I can’t promise you anything other than danger and maybe some credits along the way. What do you say?”
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Minerva »

Perception: 1d100/59%
JIC: 1d20/1d100

"Teleportation device and rift detector. Very interesting device. We should definitely destroy it. After it's back, of course."

Minerva enjoys her glass of space liquor and watches as Amber works with Reka to come to a solution amenable to all. And when that solution is to walk through a black inky portal into the unknown again, she does so excitedly.

Defiants has a vibe that Minerva enjoys greatly. All kinds of beings, all kinds of drinks, no killer robots directly attacking them. She orders a Caipirinha and a Cheeseburger (most common and closest one can get to proper Achilles' cuisine around the world) while she sits back in her booth observing the bar patrons. She, once more, stays silent while Amber has her dealings with Reka regarding the device and its next steps.

When Amber speaks to her about joining up with the group, she thinks back to her telepathically, I like danger and credits, and I rather like this crew. I didn't come out of death's realm to sit around and paint my nails. Let's do some work! But... we do have to change this name. Not because of retaliation, but are we not women? And Phinneas? Also, why does he speak to himself so much? Does he need healing?
Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 390
  • H.P.: 109
  • S.D.C.: 177
  • M.D.C.: 286 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Phinneas_Graves »

Amber Dach wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:15 pm
Amber looks at Phinneas quizzically. “Sooo. Phinneas. You know we aren’t done yet, right? You might need that stuff for a bit yet. Unless you are going to find something to replace it here.” I need to be delicate with this next part. I know Crazies can be unstable and develop some phobias and what not once they get the M.O.M. implants. I’ll try and mention this casually and let him come to his own conclusion. “So, do you have any ideas for getting fixed up? Lazlo would be a good place to start exploring that. Healing or whatever works for you. The Doc should be able to point you in the right direction when she comes around.”
As Phinneas enjoys himself with a table full of food and drink, he hears Amber's concerns and tries to relieve them. "Not to worry boss. I only wore that personal prison because we were off world in a less than friendly environment" He then removes the depleted E-Clip from his personal forec field and swaps it with a fresh one from his backpack.

He takes another bite of one of his many options followed by another drink and continues, "As far as the arm goes, me and Mr B have been discussing it. While the thought of bionics and cybernetics is pretty off putting, having only one arm now is kind of inconvenient. I was thinking about talking to the Doc when she wakes up to see what my options may be"

He takes another drink and then looks to Amber a little more seriously "Hey boss. I just wanted to make sure I said thanks for taking care of me back in the junkyard. You know, the arm and all. I probably would have just rode it out and waited for the damn thing to fall off. That was some quick thinking between you and the Doc"

He raises one of his many glasses to Amber and then continues enjoying his meal.
Phinneas Graves
Current stats
S.D.C. 134/134
Right Arm amputated
M.D.C. N-F40A: 110/110
P.P.E. 21/21
Ammo - NG-R50: 192/183
Ammo - AF-115:
Mini Missiles - Left: 5 Plasma SRM/5, Right: 5 Plasma SRM/5
Rails cannons - Left: 4000/4000, Right: 4000/4000
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Arvid Hammerson
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

(((Rolls Carry Over)))
At the Defiant Bar
Arvid is Drinking and eating again, but just a little bit. He searches for Electronic devices and is on alert for trouble. he Wounders about what this Place have to offer and how it is run. Searching for electronic devises mainly weapons: I.S.P. Cost: Two
“Thanks for carrying her, Arvid. Let me take a look at her.” She quickly checks Susan’s breathing and pulse and does a rough check of her to make sure she doesn’t have any hidden injuries. Once satisfied that she is okay and not in imminent danger, she will try to figure out a plan.
Arvid shifts Susan so Amber can take a better look at her and offers advice, “Check her eyes. If she was dying, I could always try to bring her back. I don’t think that is what is happening to her.”
“So, anyone but Susan and I been to Lazlo before?” She looks around to see who replies with an affirmative. “I’ve only spent a few days here in the past and I just know the general layout of the city. Susan will be be able to point us in the right direction, once she recovers a bit.”
Arvid speaks up, “I have never been here in Lazlo, Only been here on Earth for three or four weeks. I know of Merctown, the far Northwest, Oh, and Northern Gun, they are the ones who had hire me for some work. From what I saw briefly this is a magic place correct? Anything else You want to know about me? Fill free to ask any questions.”
“I was just going to get to what to do with Minerva and you, Arvid. I appreciate the offer, about the device. But we need it to ensure completion of our contract. I think you understand the ramifications of this thing getting out there too and we feel the same. At the same time, you have nothing to do with this. You are free to walk away if you want. I lead the GIRLS, but we try and work by consensus on our roster. So, if it is okay with the rest of the GIRLS here, I would be happy to have you join us, Arvid Hammerson.” She pauses for effect. “I can’t promise you anything other than danger and maybe some credits along the way. If things go well. Are you still in?”
Arvid face smiles and speaks up, “I would be proud to join you team. Commander. And getting paid would be fantastic. I believe my old team might be heading to a place called Ishpeming. Maybe I could ask around for the Magic Users. But I need to look for some one that has that type of information?”
https://www.pbprpg.org/forums/viewtopic ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Susan Lee
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Susan Lee »

Perception: LOL

CONDITIONS: See Invisible, on Boing-Go Crash, needs 10 hours rest to get fully functional.

As they walk into the alley in the strange, alien city, Susan can feel the familiar sensation of boing-go leaving her system. Usually, this happens where she can simply lay down and sleep it out, but in this situation she has to keep herself awake.

Babies... save me! Save your mistress!

As she starts laying down on the actual road, the babies move under her, lifting her on their backs, her faceplate pointing at the ceiling as she uses the spotter drone to see what's in front of her.

They carry her towards the alley for a few steps when the strange giant man picks her up.

When Arvid lifts Susan, she loses sight of the ceiling. No, sky! I will never see you again. Hello gum. Hello alien gum. Hello alien condom.

As they step through the portal into Lazlo, Susan slaps Arvid's leg and grunts, "Are you magic?!?"

If Arvid answers in the affirmative, Cordelia puts a single round into his left ankle.

Inside the second bar (whether the babies have to bring her in or someone carries her, even Arvid) Susan drifts in and out of consciousness. In one dream, a nude Phinneas eats Quebec toast at a table. "I forgive you, Susan," he says, standing to reveal that he is smooth like a doll. "I always wanted to lose an arm."

Phinneas reaches out with his stump, which becomes a tentacle that becomes smaller tentacles down to what we all know are fractal tentacles on the molecular level.

"You're SO beautiful!" Susan says to the underside of the bar table in Lazlo. While she wants to vomit, the wood grain shows her exactly how to make a fractal tentacle.

Noting Amber's concern for her, Susan sends Amber a message. "Don't worry, pony baloney. The drugs are going. I will be fine. With sleep. So much sleep."

When they start talking about next steps, Susan sends a link to "Hotels near Me" in Lazloogle and follows with a link to "Magic Healers Can Fix Missing Arm."
It's DNA, all the way down./Ledger
H.P.: 14/14
S.D.C.: 43/43
Armor M.D.C.: 90/90
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Amber Dach
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Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Amber Dach »

(Rolls held over)

Amber feels slightly overwhelmed being in the position of taking care of seemingly everything at the moment. She feels like she is being pulled twelve different ways at the same time. Remember to breath, girl. You wanted to be a leader like Mom and Dad are, so suck it up and get to work. Let’s get everyone sorted out and get somewhere safe.
Susan Lee wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:20 pm Noting Amber's concern for her, Susan sends Amber a message. "Don't worry, pony baloney. The drugs are going. I will be fine. With sleep. So much sleep."
Amber pats Susan’s shoulder as she replies with her mind. “I’m glad you are okay, Susan. But as a friend, Susan. Do you think whatever you are taking is a good thing? Think about it. I’m here if you need me, okay? In the meantime, send me the exact details of what we need to do to the device. I’ll set out looking for a TW as soon as we find a place to stay. You get some rest.”

She looks around at the rest of the group and tells them. “She’s okay. Just needs some rest. It was a bit of a day for her. Hell, for all of us.”
Minerva wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:50 pm When Amber speaks to her about joining up with the group, she thinks back to her telepathically, I like danger and credits, and I rather like this crew. I didn't come out of death's realm to sit around and paint my nails. Let's do some work! But... we do have to change this name. Not because of retaliation, but are we not women? And Phinneas? Also, why does he speak to himself so much? Does he need healing?
Amber nods and gives her a smile as she replies with her mind. ”Happy to have you join us, Minerva. I joined up not to long ago with this group by happenstance and suddenly found myself leading this… unconventional band, unexpectedly. As for the name. It doesn’t hold any special significance to me. Susan has been with the outfit the longest, so we would have to ask her about it. I do agree that we are not GIRLS. We are warriors! Maybe a rethink is in order. Once we get this plan over with, we can discuss it.”

She sighs. ”As for Phinneas. Have you heard of Crazies or M.O.M.s before? You would have to ask Susan the particulars on how it is done, but from what I understand they have implants in their brains that make them capable of things normal humans are not. There side effects form the procedure. One of which is mental instability. He is new to us, so we don’t know all his… quirks yet, but he seems to be a loyal member of our troop, if not a little unpredictable at times.”

So, I’m going to divvy up the jobs to cover more ground. I need someone to watch over Susan, Reka and the device while I go and find a TW. Would you do this?
Phinneas_Graves wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:39 am As Phinneas enjoys himself with a table full of food and drink, he hears Amber's concerns and tries to relieve them. "Not to worry boss. I only wore that personal prison because we were off world in a less than friendly environment" He then removes the depleted E-Clip from his personal force field and swaps it with a fresh one from his backpack.

He takes another bite of one of his many options followed by another drink and continues, "As far as the arm goes, me and Mr B have been discussing it. While the thought of bionics and cybernetics is pretty off putting, having only one arm now is kind of inconvenient. I was thinking about talking to the Doc when she wakes up to see what my options may be"
Amber replies. “I just wanted to make sure you were protected still, Phinneas. Our old employer may have eyes and ears here. We don't know where his reach extends. As safe as Lazlo appears, danger could be around the next corner for all we know.” She takes a breath. “The Doc, sent me some information about some Healers she thinks may be able to help you out. We'll get it figured out, kay?”
Phinneas_Graves wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:39 am He takes another drink and then looks to Amber a little more seriously "Hey boss. I just wanted to make sure I said thanks for taking care of me back in the junkyard. You know, the arm and all. I probably would have just rode it out and waited for the damn thing to fall off. That was some quick thinking between you and the Doc"
He raises one of his many glasses to Amber and then continues enjoying his meal.
She bows respectively. “No thanks are needed, Phinneas. But I appreciate it.” I kind of blame myself for getting caught up in the excitement of looking in those containers, instead of doing what we came there to do. This shouldn't have happened.
Arvid Hammerson wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:59 pm Arvid speaks up, “I have never been here in Lazlo, Only been here on Earth for three or four weeks. I know of Merctown, the far Northwest, Oh, and Northern Gun, they are the ones who had hire me for some work. From what I saw briefly this is a magic place correct? Anything else You want to know about me? Fill free to ask any questions.”
Amber is half listening to the locations that Arvid mentions as she continues to formulate her plans. “You are right. This is a magical place, Arvid. One of the most magical and tolerant cities on Earth. I do want to know more about you, but time is of the essence here. The sooner we are done, the sooner we can get on with our lives.”
Arvid Hammerson wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:59 pm Arvid face smiles and speaks up, “I would be proud to join you team. Commander. And getting paid would be fantastic. I believe my old team might be heading to a place called Ishpeming. Maybe I could ask around for the Magic Users. But I need to look for some one that has that type of information?”
Amber smiles in return. “Glad to have you with us Arvid. I appreciate the offer, but I actually had a different thing in mind for you. I was hoping you would be able to assist Phinneas with his arm. Susan sent me a link to a healer and I’m sure your knowledge of the mystical arts would be useful to him. Can you do that for me?”

With all the jobs set (hopefully), she prompts the group. "Let's find a place to stay and then get on with our tasks. I want this done as quickly and discretely as possible." She gathers up her things and leads them off to a nearby hotel that looks safe and secure.
Last edited by Amber Dach on Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Amber Dach

Current Conditions
P.P.E.: 71/71
I.S.P.: 155/165
H.P.: 42/42
S.D.C.: 110/110
M.D.C. (on M.D.C. worlds): 168
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Arvid Hammerson
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Location: San Antonio, TX

Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

(((Rolls Carry Over)))
While carrying Susan, Arvid, hears her mumbling. He pauses to listens to what she says.
Susan slaps Arvid's leg and grunts, "Are you magic?!?"
Arvid doesn’t understand her meaning. His response, “Magic no, Magic is energy. I use magic just as you use your electricity, machines and switches. I also use psionics and machines. Is there Magic on you? Are you Magic.” This one is Strange. She has little electronics in her body? Wrist, head. I wonder if it was the food at the bar, humans are not as tolerant as others. the others aren't showing signs of food poising. Could be low tolerance to liquor. If that were the case vomiting? Was she trying to attract a mate, Father said when he was here long ago that drinking evolved Mating rituals later. I don't have time for this. The others are not showing signs of any of this. Maybe Farther got things messed up.
Last edited by Arvid Hammerson on Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
https://www.pbprpg.org/forums/viewtopic ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit
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Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:55 pm

Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Minerva »

((Rolls Held Over))
Amber Dach wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:44 pm ”Happy to have you join us, Minerva. I joined up not to long ago with this group by happenstance and suddenly found myself leading this… unconventional band, unexpectedly. As for the name. It doesn’t hold any special significance to me. Susan has been with the outfit the longest, so we would have to ask her about it. I do agree that we are not GIRLS. We are warriors! Maybe a rethink is in order. Once we get this plan over with, we can discuss it.”
Minerva nods her approval while not interrupting Amber's thought process.
Amber Dach wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:44 pmShe sighs. ”As for Phinneas. Have you heard of Crazies or M.O.M.s before? You would have to ask Susan the particulars on how it is done, but from what I understand they have implants in their brains that make them capable of things normal humans are not. There side effects form the procedure. One of which is mental instability. He is new to us, so we don’t know all his… quirks yet, but he seems to be a loyal member of our troop, if not a little unpredictable at times.”
Oh. That is so sad. Although, he does look happy with his feast over there. Maybe he's just as he is meant to be.

Amber Dach wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:44 pmSo, I’m going to divvy up the jobs to cover more ground. I need someone to watch over Susan, Reka and the device while I go and find a TW. Would you do this?
I'm happy to. I've got plenty more in the tank and these two look like they could use a long nap. If you see any interesting magical trinkets, please let me know. I'm always looking to expand my collection.

Minerva follows to the hotel, taking a turn carrying Susan if it proves necessary.
Grace Minerva
  • I.S.P.: 390
  • H.P.: 109
  • S.D.C.: 177
  • M.D.C.: 286 (during Supernatural Transformation)
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Arvid Hammerson
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Posts: 145
Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:16 am
Location: San Antonio, TX

Re: Episode 3: Run

Post by Arvid Hammerson »

(((Rolls Carry Over)))

Several conversations are happening around him as Amber is checking on the team
Amber is half listening to the locations that Arvid mentions as she continues to formulate her plans. “You are right. This is a magical place, Arvid. One of the most magical and tolerant cities on Earth. I do want to know more about you, but time is of the essence here. The sooner we are done, the sooner we can get on with our lives.”
Ah yes, they don’t have long lives. They grow old quickly and die.

Arvid looks around and realize that in 100 years his new friends will be dead he might know their children and grandchildren.
Arvid snaps back to reality when Amber speaks to him again.
Amber smiles in return. “Glad to have you with us Arvid. I appreciate the offer, but I actually had a different thing in mind for you. I was hoping you would be able to assist Phinneas with his arm. Susan sent me a link to a healer and I’m sure your knowledge of the mystical arts would be useful to him. Can you do that for me?”
Arvid pauses and looks at the others before speaking, “I can ask one of my brothers to carry Susan to a spot that you designate if that helps you? Maybe around just to protect you? But you should not waist time, and I don’t think you can speak to it. On second thought without me there to speak to it, it might interpret things as attacks.”

Arvid waits for a few seconds an speaks up, “Yes, I will help Phinneas to this healer. Just give US directions and we will go. Right Phinneas? Lets go.”
https://www.pbprpg.org/forums/viewtopic ... Hammerson
OOC Comments
Avrid Hammerson
Zapper/Air Warlock
OOC Comments
Description: Large,7-foot, handsome, male shoulder length blonde hair. jovial, smiles, (What does he have to fear, and he comes from the ruling class of Asgard) Muscles(Yes, his muscles have muscles and he is not trying to show off) Wears boots up to his knees. Hooded, light tan, surcoat with light blue pipping and, a Bear Skull, hooded Polar Bear Cape. Around his neck is a pendant with a large sapphire. Smiles, friendly, 20-ish looking, real age about 100.

Horror Factor:10 When they realize what they are up against
PPE: 126
MDC: 449
Racial Abilities
See the Invisible
Resistant to toxins, fire, cold (half as effective/damage)
Nightvision (200')
Regeneration: 1D6x5 M.D.C. per minute

Natural Abilities
OOC Comments
Perception: 31%
Charm/Impress: 40%
Invoke Trust/Intimidate: 25%
OOC Comments
Max. Encumbrance: Supernatural P.S.: 100% of Body Weight
Max. Carrying Weight: 2150 lbs.
Max. Lifting Weight: 4300 lbs. above its waist for one minute per P.E. point.
Max. Jumping Ability:
Length 51 feet/Hight 25.5 feet
MDC: 449
OOC Comments
Electrified Body Protection: 24 MDC
Armor: Helmet: 35
Arms: 15 each (+15 to each shoulder)
Legs: 27 each
Main Body: 42 (+10 to the chest and neck area)
Carried/In Hand
NG-B40 Big Bangstick BigBore Anti-Vampire Weapon

Worn on Person
NG-RA15 Cannonball Ride Armor
Air Elemental Symbol (Large Sapphire)

CAF Elite Corps Load-Bearing Chest Rig (Patron Item)
OOC Comments
• Attachment: Canteen Lower Back
• Attachment: Secure Universal Card: 26,000 credits
• Attachment: Vibro-Sword Across Back
• Attachment: Knife Left Boot
• Attachment: NG-B50 "Thunderer" BigBore Combat Hammer
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment:[4]BB Shotgun rounds
• Attachment: [4]BB Shotgun rounds
OOC Comments
The backpack is padded, sealable, and lightly armored. Internal space can be utilized to carry a variety of items. Internal capacity is 30" long, 18" wide, and 6" deep. Items larger than a grenade will require more than one space.
• Space: Sleeping bag
• Space: Canteen
• Space: Universal Energy to Matter Converter
• Space:MH-550 Armored Huntsman’s Choice Jumpsuit or Fatigues
• Space: Set of clothing
• Space: BB Shotgun Rounds 102
• Space: Food rations
• Space: Boots
• Space: Elemental symbol
• Space: First-aid kit

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