PFRPG House Rules & Clarifications

Character creation rules, combat rules, PBP rules, GM feedback, and approved Rifter material will be kept here.
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PFRPG House Rules & Clarifications

Post by Locknar »

PFRPG House Rules
These are currently under review by Locknar - Oct 2023
  1. City Gates Of Llorn: Change: No mages or psychics are standing constant watch at the city gates.
  2. Rifter content is banned from use in PFRPG save for what's recorded here.
  3. The special materials from PFWB13 (Corobite, White Iron, Gantriium, etc.) confer no special mechanical bonuses; they are strictly "flavor text."
  4. All familiars must be mature. No under age familiars.
  5. Upon advancement in level, the character receives +1d6 to S.D.C. to be rolled during the level up process up until 5th level. There are no S.D.C. increases outside of skills/magic beyond level five.
  6. When a warlock or other practitioner of magic summons a creature via a spell, every additional summoning costs more 50% P.P.E. than the previous one (compounding).
    • Example: Zephyr summons a Phantom for 30PPE, he wants to summon another one before dismissing his current one. He must now expend 45PPE to summon the next one. Zephyr then wishes to summon a third Phantom before dismissing either of the other two, he will need to expend 65 PPE. If Zephyr were to dismiss Phantom #1, and then try summoning again the price would remain at 45PPE as the price will be judged on how many active phantoms exist. If Zephyr wants to summon a fifth phantom while already having four active, he would need to expend over 100PPE to complete the summon. This does not apply to summoning, then dismissing and resummoning again. This only applies to the quantity of summoned creatures alive versus the price of their existence.
  7. Druids can add the spell "Mend Wood" (p.94, MoM) to their spell list at 4th level.
  8. Regarding the spell "Increase Weight," items on or worn by a person or mount will get that being's save.
  9. BTS Psionics are inappropriate & banned from use in the PFRPG dimension.
  10. Metamorphosis: Animal; changes:
    • Transformation of gear is limited to 2 lbs. per level of the caster
    • Equipment doesn't function while transformed regardless of type, but magic items still radiate magic.
    • Total encumbrance applies in full for all transformed equipment in any form taken.
  11. Life Force Wizard spells are unavailable.
  12. Dual classing follows site rules; all required unlocks must be purchased prior to dual classing.
  13. Perception bonuses
    • Warlocks: +10%
    • Wizards/Half Wizards/Forsaken Mage: No bonus.
    • Mind Mage: +15%
    • Illusionist: Illusionist: +25% vs Concealment, Camouflage, & Palming & vs non-magic/psionic illusions (GM discretion)
    • Summoner: No bonus.
    • Thief: +15%
    • Ranger: +20% in Wilderness, -5% in villages, -10% in large towns, -15% in cities
    • Barbarian: +15% in wilderness environments
    • Soldier: +10%
    • Undead Hunter: No bonus.
    • Longbowman: +15%
    • Assassin: +10%
    • Druid: +15% in Wilderness, -10% in villages, -20% in large towns, -30% in cities
    • Paladin/Knight: +15%
    • Noble: No bonus.
    • Priest: No bonus.

      *** For Races with a Perception bonus listed HERE, characters may add those bonuses to perception as well.-- YB.12.01.2021
  14. Psychic Body Field (Super Psionic) is available & treated as analogous to the spell Armor of Ithan.
  15. The spell "Fleet Feet" does not stack with automatic dodge.
  16. Time required for any custom-made item:
    • Metalworking (special!):
      • This skill enables the Blacksmith to build metal objects, particularly weapons, armor, tools and jewelry.
        • Hand tools, jewelry and other small objects require 1D4 days of solid effort (8 hours a day with minimal interruption).
        • Hand weapons and light armor require 1D4 weeks of solid effort.
        • Heavy armor requires 3D4 weeks of solid effort.
      • On any job, the Blacksmith may double the time required to make the object for a +20% bonus on the skill roll.
      • Adding special bonuses to weapons (for Dwarven or Kobold/Kiridoi human characters) or increasing armor S.D.C. requires a separate skill roll; any failed roll ruins the item. When adding bonuses to weapons, a separate roll is required for each additional "plus" being instilled on the weapon.
      • Skill Ratio: 40% +5% per level of experience.
      • Dwarven Blacksmiths get a one·time +10% bonus; Kobolds get a +5% bonus.
  17. Learning New Spells is covered here. Availability & restrictions are covered here.
  18. Other Sources of P.P.E.: is as per Rifts: Ultimate Edition, p.186; the p.181 entry in PFRPG is invalid.
  19. Travel Times are as per pages 22-24 in OLD ONES, and GM discretion.

  20. Prayers and Curses take the equivalent time that a Wizard Spell seeking the same effect. You are not paying with PPE, you are paying with Piety. -- YB.06.01.2020
  21. Wizards are able to Create Wands -- Per Rifter #19 and DM approval.
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Re: PFRPG House Rules & Clarifications

Post by Locknar »

  • All level 1-4 general invocations are to be treated as common for purpose of acquisition; purchasable with PP.
  • All level 5-8 general invocations are to be treated as uncommon for purpose of acquisition; purchasable with PP.
  • All level 9-12 general invocations are to be treated as rare for purpose of acquisition; purchasable with PP.
  • All level 13-15 general invocations are to be treated as very rare for purpose of acquisition; purchasable with PP.
  • Spells in green text are found in Mysteries of Magic Book One: The Heart of Magic.
    • These are to be treated as one degree of rarity higher than listed above for purpose of acquisition.
  • Spells in purple text are found in Rifts: Book of Magic.
    • These are to be treated as two degrees of rarity higher than listed above for purpose of acquisition.
    • These can be obtained either through adventuring/discovery of a rare scroll, or through purchase of a rare scroll from a seller.
    • These are available via PP, but at triple the listed price.
  • Spells in dark red text are found in Rifts Adventure Book: Mercenary Adventures.
    • These are to be treated as two degrees of rarity higher than listed above for purpose of acquisition.
    • These can be obtained either through adventuring/discovery of a rare scroll, or through purchase of a rare scroll from a seller.
    • These are available via PP, but at triple the listed price.
  • Spells in blue text are found in World Book 12: Library of Bletherad.
    • These are to be treated as ultra rare for purpose of acquisition.
    • These can be obtained either through adventuring/discovery of a rare scroll, or through purchase of a rare scroll from a seller.
    • These are available via PP at double the listed price.
  • Spells in gold text are found in Rifter 50.
    • These are to be treated as ultra rare for purpose of acquisition.
    • These can be obtained either through adventuring/discovery of a rare scroll, or through purchase of a rare scroll from a seller.
    • These are available via PP at double the listed price.
  • All spells of legend, regardless of discipline are to be treated as legendary for purpose of acquisition.
General Invocations
Level One
  • Blinding Flash (1)
    Cloud of Smoke (2)
    Death Trance (1)
    Decipher Magic (4)
    Globe of Daylight (2)
    Lantern Light (1)
    Mystic Mark (3)
    See Aura (6)
    See the Invisible (4)
    Sense Evil (2)
    Sense Magic (4)
    Thunderclap (4)
    Ventriloquism (3)

Level Two
  • Aura of Power (4)
    Befuddle (6)
    Chameleon (6)
    Cleanse (6)
    Climb (3)
    Cloak of Darkness (6)
    Cloud of Slumber (17)
    Cobwebs (5)
    Concealment (6)
    Detect Concealment (6)
    Extinguish Fire (4)
    Fear (5)
    Heavy Breathing (5)
    Levitation (5)
    Manipulate Objects (2+)
    Mystic Alarm (5)
    Seasickness (5)
    See Mystic Mark(4)
    Shatter (5)
    Throwing Stones (5)
    Tum Dead (6)
    Weightlessness (6)

Level Three
  • Armor of Ithan (10)
    Breathe Without Air (5)
    Cloud Animal Mind (5)
    Create Wood (10-20)
    Energy Bolt (5)
    Fingers of the Wind (5)
    Float in Air (5)
    Fuel Flame (5)
    Ignite Fire (6)
    Impervious to Fire (5)
    Impervious to Poison (5)
    Invisibility: Simple (6)
    Negate Poison/Toxin (5)
    Life Source (2 +Special)
    Light Healing (6)
    Light Target (6)
    Magic Shield (6)
    Mystic Fulcrum (5)

    Negate Poison/Toxin (5)
    Orb of Cold (6)
    Paralysis: Lesser (5)
    Resist Fire (6)
    See Wards (8)
    Sense Traps (7)
    Telekinesis (8)
    Wave of Frost (6)

Level Four
  • Astral Projection (10)
    Blind (6)
    Carpet of Adhesion (10)
    Charismatic Aura (10)
    Cure Minor Disorders (10)
    Chromatic Protection (10)
    Cure Minor Disorders (10)
    Deflect (10)
    Electric Arc (8)

    Energy Field (10)
    Fireblast (8)
    Fire Bolt (7)
    Fist of Fury (10 or 50)
    Fool's Gold (10)
    Ley Line Transmission (30)
    Magic Net (7)
    Mend Wood (10)
    Multiple Image (7)
    Reflection (7)
    Repel Animals (7)
    Ricochet Strike (12)
    Seal (7)
    Shadow Meld (10)
    Spider Webs (10)
    Swim as a Fish (6)
    Trance (10)
    Watchguard (10)
    Weight of Duty (10)

Level Five
  • Armor Bizarre (15)
    Aura of Death (12)

    Aura of Undeath (12)
    Calling (8)
    Charm (12)
    Circle of Flame (10)
    Death Curse (Special)
    Distant Voice (10)

    Domination (10)
    Energy Disruption ( 12)
    Escape (8)
    Eyes of Thoth (8)
    Featherlight (10)
    Fly (15)
    Hands of Stone (15)
    Heal Wounds (10)
    Horrific Illusion (10)
    Horror (10)
    House of Glass (12)
    Implosion Neutralizer (12)
    Influence the Beast (12)
    Instill Knowledge (15)
    Lifeblast (15)

    Lightning Fist (12)
    Mend Cloth (12)
    Mend the Broken (10+)
    Mental Blast (15)

    Rags to Raiments (13)
    Rags to Rope (13)
    Semi-Impervious to Cold (15)
    Size of the Behemoth (12)
    Sleep (10)
    Superhuman Endurance (12)
    Superhuman Speed (10)
    Superhuman Strength (10)
    Sustain (12)

Level Six
  • Animate Object (15)
    Apparition (20)
    Barrage (15)
    Call Lightning (15)
    Compulsion (20)
    Control the Beasts (18)
    Create Water (15)
    Crushing Fist (12)

    Cure Illness (15)
    Create Bread & Milk (15)
    Detect Poison (10)
    Energize Spell (12+)
    Erase Mystic Mark (20)
    Fire Ball (10)
    Fire Blossom (20)
    Fire Fist (15)
    Fortify Against Disease (15)
    Frequency Jamming (15)
    Frostblade (15)
    Ice (15)
    Illusion Booster (15)
    Illusory Wall (15 or 30)

    Impervious to Energy (20)
    Lightning Strike (18)
    Magic Pigeon (20)
    Mask of Deceit (15)
    Memory Bank (12)
    Power Bolt (20)
    Reduce Self (20)
    Reduce Size (20)
    Reverse (18)
    Sheltering Force (20)
    Swim as a Fish: Superior (12)
    Targeted Deflection (15)
    Teleport: Lesser (15)
    Time Slip (20)
    Tongues (12)
    Words of Truth (15)

Level Seven
  • Agony (20)
    Animate/Control Dead (20)
    Ballistic Fire (25)
    Circle of Concealment (15 or 100)
    Constrain Being (20)
    Dispel Magic Barriers (20)
    Fire Gout (20)
    Fly as the Eagle (25)
    Globe of Silence (20)
    Heal Self (20)
    Immobilize (25)
    Invisibility: Superior (20)
    Invulnerability (25) / Invulnerability: Limited (25)
    Ley Line Fade (20)
    Life Drain (25)
    Lightblade (20)
    Magic Weapon (25)
    Mental Shock (30)
    Metamorphosis: Animal (25)
    Negate Mechanics (20)
    Purification (20)
    Second Sight (20)
    See Wards (20)
    Sonic Blast (25)
    Spinning Blades (20)
    Sub-Particle Acceleration (20)

    Wind Rush (20)
    Wink-Out (20+)
    Witch Bottle (28)
    X-Ray Vision (25)

Level Eight
  • Animal Eyes (23)
    Commune with Spirits (25)
    Exorcism (30)
    Expel Demons (35)
    Eyes of the Wolf (25)
    Fire Globe (40)
    Forcebonds (25)
    Greater Healing (30)

    Hallucination (30)
    Handful of Lightning (30)
    Invincible Armor (30)
    Ley Line Tendril Bolts (26)
    Ley Line Time Capsule (15)
    Lifeward (40)
    Lightning Arc (30)

    Locate (30)
    Love Charm (40)
    Luck Curse (40)
    Magical-Adrenal Rush (45)
    Metamorphosis: Human (40)
    Minor Curse (35)
    Negate Magic (30)
    Oracle (30)
    Power Weapon (35)
    Sense Dimensional Anomaly (30)
    Shockwave (45)
    Sickness (50)
    Sorcerous Fury (70)
    Spoil (30)
    Stone to Flesh (30)
    Time Capsule (30)
    Wall of Wind (40)
    Winged Flight (35)

    Wisps of Confusion (40)
    World Bizarre (40)

Level Nine
  • Age (50)
    Aura of Doom (40)
    Beat Insurmountable Odds (70)
    Create Steel (68)

    Crystal Eye (42)
    Curse: Phobia (40)
    D-Step (50)
    Desiccate the Supernatural (50)
    Dragon Fire (40)

    Faeries' Dance (55)
    Familiar Link (55)
    Havoc (50)
    Illusion Manipulation (25-60)
    Ley Line Phantom (40)
    Ley Line Time Flux (80)

    Lightning Ride (50)
    Metamorphosis: Insect (60)
    Monster Insect (50 or 100)
    Mute (50)
    Phantom Mount (45)
    Power Staff (50+)
    Protection Circle: Simple (45)
    Purge Self (70)
    Realm of Chaos (70)

    Speed of the Snail (50)
    Summon & Control Canines (50)
    Swords to Snakes (50)
    Tame Beast (60)
    Transferal (50)
    Wall of Defense (55)
    Water to Wine (40)

Level Ten
  • Armorbane (100)
    Banishment (65)
    Control/Enslave Entity (80)
    Curse: Paranoia (70)
    Deathword (70)
    Dimensional Pocket (30 or 140)
    Enemy Mind (100)
    Flame Consuming Gem (125)
    Giant (80)
    Havoc (70)
    Illusory Forest (45-90)
    Ley Line Ghost (80)
    Magic Warrior (60)

    Metamorphosis: Superior (100)
    Meteor (75)
    Mystic Portal (60)
    Phantom Horse (60)
    Plane Skip (65)
    Purge Other (100)
    Reality Flux (75)
    Restore Limb (80)
    Speed Weapon (100)

    Summon/Control Rodents (70)
    Summon Greater Familiar (80)
    Summon Shadow Beast (140)
    Super-Healing (70)
    Wall of Not (70)
    Wards (90)
    Warped Space (90)
Level Eleven
  • Anti Magic Cloud (140)
    Astral Hole (120)
    Bottomless Pit (100)

    Create Magic Scroll (100)
    Create Mummy (160)
    Curse: Neurosis (95)
    Curse of The World Bizarre (100)
    Disharmonize (150)
    Energy Sphere (120)

    Finger of Lictalon (150)
    Firequake (160)
    Id Alter Ego (130)
    Illusory Terrain (55-120)

    Immure Entity (200)
    Ley Line Storm Defense (180)
    Mindshatter (130)

    Remove Curse ( 140)
    Re-Open Gateway (180)
    Rift to Limbo (160)
    Rift Teleportation (200)
    See in Magic Darkness (125)

    Summon & Control Animals (J 25)
    Summon Fog (140)

Level Twelve
  • Amulet (290+)
    Calm Storms (200)
    Create Magic Manikin (500)
    Create Zombie (250)
    Ensorcel (400)
    Heavy Air (200)
    Ironwood (50+)

    Metamorphosis: Mist (250)
    Null Sphere (220)
    Soultwist (170)

    Summon & Control Entity (250)
    Summon & Control Rain (200)
    Summon Ley Line Storm (500)
    Swallowing Rift (300)

    Time Hole (210)
    Wall of the Weird (180)
Level Thirteen
  • Collapse (70-400)
    Create Golem (700 or 1000)
    Protection Circle: Superior (300)
    Restore Life (275)
    Sanctum (390)
    Shadow Wall (400)
    Summon & Control Storm (300)
    Summon Lesser Being (425)
    Swap Places (300)

    Talisman (500)

Level Fourteen
  • Annihilate (600)
    Close Rift (200+)
    Id Barrier (600)
    Impenetrable Wall of Force (600)
    Restoration (750)
    Rift Triangular Defense System (840)
    Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350)[/color]

Level Fifteen
  • Circle of Travel (600)
    Dimensional Portal (1000)
    Dimensional Teleport (800)
    Enchant Weapon (400 10 1000+)
    Ley Line Restoration (800)
    Ley Line Shutdown (3000)

    Resurrection (2000)
    Summon Ally (600)
    Summon Greater Familiar (580)
    Teleport: Superior (600)
    Transformation (2000)
    Void (700)
Spells of Legend
  • Barrier of Thoth (3000)
    Blight of Ages (600)
    Blood and Thunder (770)

    Crimson Wall of Lictalon (6000)
    Doppleganger (Superior) (1000)
    Hivemind (350)
    Ley Line Resurrection (2000)
    Metamorphosis: Dragon (2000)
    Metropolis (1600 or Special)
    Mystic Quake (420)

    Sanctuary (1500)
    The Slowness (1300)
    Steel Rain (360)
    Vicious Circle (350)
    Warrior Horde (1100)
  • 2nd Level
    Stench of the Dead (60)
    3rd Level
    Object Read the Dead (8)
    Recognize the Undead (8)
    4th Level
    Command Ghouls (10)
    Kill Plants (10)
    5th Level
    Consume Power &: Knowledge (20)
    Death Mask (12)
    Divining: Tombs &: Graves (10 or 35)
    Maggots (20)
    8th Level
    Death Strike (25)
    9th Level
    Shadows of Death (45)
    Shadows of Doom (45)
    10th Level
    Strength of the Dead (60)
    11th Level
    Summon Vampires (150)
    Transfer Life Force (150)
    12th Level
    Summon Worms of Taut (210)
    13th Level
    Summon Magic (monster. 320)
Bulwark Magic
  • 4th Level
    Wall of Ivy (15)
    Wall of Light (15)

    6th Level
    Wall of Swords (30)
    Wall of Revelation (30)
    Wall of Truth (40)
    Whirling Wall (35)

    10th Level
    Gem Wall (130)
    12th Level
    Dimensional Barrier (150)
    Spell of Legend
    Great Wall (1500 or 3000)
Fulmination Magic
  • 1st Level
    Spark (1)
    2nd Level
    Static Charge (5)
    3rd Level
    Electric Arc (8)
    Lightning Bolt (10)
    Thunderbolt (12)

    5th Level
    Electrify (25)
    Ride the Lightning (25)

    7th Level
    Keyhole Lightning (25)
    8th Level
    Chain Lightning (40)
    9th Level
    Spark of Life (60)
    10th Level
    Fulmination (75)
    Wall of Electricity (50)

    12th Level
    Sheet Lightning (150)
Winter Magic
  • 2nd Level
    Blow Snow (6)
    Shield from Light/Polarized Vision (4)

    3rd Level
    Cold Snap (5)
    Frostbite (7)
    Frosty Fingers (6)
    Ice Bolt (8)
    Orb of Cold (6)
    White Out (6)

    4th Level
    Ice Shield (10)
    Skate Ice (8)
    Snow Walking (8)
    Wind Run (10)

    5th Level
    Frost Breath (15)
    Ice Slide (15)

    6th Level
    Frostblade (15)
    Ice (15)
    Wave of Frost (18)

    7th Level
    Chill Blood (20)
    Deep Freeze (25)
    Iceball (15)
    Frostfire (30)
    Ride Ice Flow (24)

    8th Level
    Snowblind (35)
    11th Level
    Ice Storm (200)
Shadow Magic
  • 2nd Level
    Slip Shadow (5)

    3rd Level
    Shadow Bolt (6)
    5th Level
    Shadeshield (12)
    Shadowsight (15)
    Wall of Darkness (15)
    Wrapshadow (10)

    6th Level
    Shadowfire (10)
    Shadow Boxer (20)

    8th Level
    Shadesword (22)
    Shades of Death (25)

    10th Level
    Cloak of Darkness (80)
    Curse of Darkness (120 or 240)

    11th Level
    Shadowgate (250)
    13th Level
    Shadow Self (1000)
Spirit Magic
  • 4th Level
    Cause of Death (6)
    Death Stench (10)
    Spectral Hand (15)

    6th Level
    Eternal Rest (30)
    Spectral Sword (30)

    8th Level
    Receptacle (50)
    Ghostwalker (50)

    12th Level
    Ghost Ship (300)
    Haunting (250)
Combat Magic
  • First Level
    Bulletproof (3)
    Farseeing (3)
    Flareburst (2)
    Nightvision (4)
    Stumble (3)

    Second Level
    Infrared Vision (5)
    Jolt Wand (1 or 5)
    Mystic Direction Sense (6)
    Mystic Marksmanship (5)
    Slam (5)
    TK Bullet Attack (3 or 6)
    Wakefulness (5)

    Third Level
    Flamethrower (2 or 6)
    Haymaker Strike (S.D.C.; 4)
    Laser Blast (5)
    Mystic Pitching Throw (6)

    Fourth Level
    Eavesdrop (10)
    Force Bolt (8)
    Quickaction (8)
    Quickstrike (10)
    Stun Baton (7)
    Starburst (12)
    Stealth walk (10)

    Fifth Level
    Choking Blast & Dust Cloud (15)
    Erase Trail (16)
    Mega-Damage Haymaker (10)
    Mystic Water Blast (10)
    Sense Traps & Mines (12)
    Superhuman Agility (15)

    Sixth Level
    Full Throttle (20)
    Freefall (18)
    Invisibility to Sensors (20)
    Magelock (15)
    Stunblast (16)
    Syphon P.P.E. from Object (16)
    Thundermaul (16)

    Seventh Level
    Blast Shield (17)
    Fighting Spirit (20)
    Mystic Invisibility (25)
    Spy Eye (25)

    Eighth Level
    Electromagnetic Attack (30)
    Engine Flame-Out (35)
    Shockblade (30)
    Vampire Dance (22)
Star Magic
  • 1st Level
    Moonlight (4)
    Star Flare (3)

    2nd Level
    Star Daze (13)
    Star Sight (8)

    3rd Level
    North Star (10)
    Nova Flare (16)
    Spinning Stars (10)
    Star Flash (15)
    Star Dust (12)
    5th Level
    Rising Star (20+)
    Star Shield (15)
    Wish Upon a Star (15)

    6th Level
    Lunar Armor (20)
    Shooting Stars (25)
    Fist Full of Stars (15)
    Star Fire (2)
    Star Messenger (20)
    Star Sign (10/20/30)

    7th Level
    Blazing Star (25)
    Healing Moon Beam (30)
    Lunar Barrier (25)
    Lunar Confinement (30)
    Moon Blade (25)
    Wall of Stars (30)

    8th Level
    Lunar Beam (35)
    Lunar Discs (30)
    Star Struck (30/90)

    9th Level
    Star Blade (45)
    15th Level
    Lunar Eclipse (1,500)
    Nova Sphere of Destruction (400)
    Portal of Stars (200/800)
    Solar Eclipse (2,500)

    Spells of Legend
    Storm of Falling Stars (3,000)
Additional Warlock Spells
  • Avalanche (60 or 100)
    Blow Snow (6)
    Cure Frostbite (12)
    Dig Through Snow (8)
    Frostblade (15)
    Ice (15)
    Ice Shield (10)
    Orb of Cold (6)
    Ride Ice Flow (24)
    Shield from Light/Polarized Vision (4)
    Skate Ice (8)
    Snow Walking (8)
    Wave of Frost (18)
    White Out (6)
    Wind Run (10)
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Re: PFRPG House Rules & Clarifications

Post by Locknar »

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Dimension Master
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Re: PFRPG House Rules & Clarifications

Post by Locknar »

General Clarifications
  • A druid's "Healing Touch" is exactly analogous to Psychic Healing Touch PFRPG Pg 163 [2d4 HP or 2d6 SDC].
  • Cloud of Slumber is a 2nd level wizard spell that costs 6 P.P.E. to activate (Per Mysteries of Magic Pg 83). The rest of the spell is as the warlock spell (p.221, PFRPG).
  • Armor Restrictions (p.270, PFRPG) & Armor Repair (p.271, PFRPG)
  • Magic Armor Repair: the same rules regarding time, restrictions, etc. as for standard armor, only double the cost, and can only be done by an alchemist.

Weapons Clarifications

Size Matters
Giant Weapons do one additional die of damage because of size and weight. This includes Troll, Ogre and Wolfen weapons.
Gnome size weapons are all very small; knives, short swords, blunt, staves axes, sling and spears do 1D4 damage. Large swords, ball and chain and pole arms do 1D6 damage. Short bow does 1D4 and Cross bow does 1D6.

The following is a list of superiorly crafted weapons, the bonuses resulting from the quality, and the price.
The price increase of superior weapons is indicated as a percentile increase/addition to a standard weapon of that type.
  • a standard broad sword costs 40 gold pieces
    a +1 to damage costs 150% more or 100 gold total
    a +2 to damage costs 200% more or 120 gold
    +3 to damage costs 400% more or 200 gold, etc.
  • Dwarven craftsmanship is the very best in the world. Even standard (no modifiers) items cost 30% more if they are of Dwarven construction.
  • Kobolds and Jotans are also excellent smiths, second only to dwarves, and even standard items cost 20% more than standard.
  • +50% to item's base cost if giant-sized
  • -25% from item's base cost if gnome-sized
  • Double the cost if silver-coated
Step 1: Item base cost
Step 2: Dwarven, Kobold, or Jotan cost modifier
Step 3: Size cost modifier
Step 4: Silver-coated cost modifier
Step 5: Feature cost(s) modifier(s)

Modifier Stacking:
A weapon can have one of each possible feature type, but the cost % modifier also stacks.
Kobold Manufactured Weapons
Blade weapons
Feature: Superior blade edge
  • +1 to damage add 150%
    +2 to damage add 200%
    +3 to damage add 400%

Feature: Superior balance
  • +1 to parry add 200%
    +1 to parry and strike add 800%

Pole arms
Feature: Superior blade edge
  • +1 to damage add 300%
    +2 to damage add 400%
    +3 to damage add 700%
    +4 to damage add 800%

Feature: Superior balance
  • +2 to parry add 300%
    +3 to parry add 500%
    +4 to parry add 800%

Blunt weapons
Feature: Superior weighting/stud work
  • +1 to damage add 200%
    +2 to damage add 400%
    +3 to damage add 500%

Feature: Superior balance, weight, stud work
  • +2 to parry: add 400%
    +3 to parry: add 800%
    +1 to parry and strike: add 900%

Ball and chain
Feature: Superior balance/weight
  • +1 to damage add 400%
    +2 to damage add 500%
    +3 to damage add 700%
Dwarven Manufactured Weapons
Blade weapons
Feature: Superior blade edge
  • +1 to damage: add 200%
    +2 to damage: add 300%
    +3 to damage: add 400%
    +4 to damage: add 500%

Feature: Superior balance
  • +2 to parry: add 400%
    +3 to parry: add 800%
    +1 to parry and strike: add 1000%
    +2 to parry and strike: add 2000%

Pole arms
Feature: Superior blade edge
  • +2 to damage: add 400%
    +3 to damage: add 500%
    44 to damage: add 800%
    +5 to damage: add 900%
    +6 to damage: add 1000%

Feature: Superior balance; reinforced
  • +2 to parry: add 300%
    +3 to parry: add 600%
    +4 to parry: add 900%
    +2 to parry and strike: add 2000%

Blunt weapons
Feature: Superior weighting/stud work
  • +1 to damage: add 200%
    +2 to damage: add 400%
    +3 to damage: add 600%
    +4 to damage: add 800%

Feature: Superior balance, weight, stud work
  • +2 to parry: add 400%
    +3 to parry: add 800%
    +1 to parry and strike: add 1000%

Ball and chain
Feature: Superior balance/weight
  • +1 to damage: add 500%
    +2 to damage: add 500%
    +3 to damage: add 700%
    +4 to damage: add 900%
    +5 to damage: add 1200%
Ranged Weapons
Bows & crossbows are not crafted via metalworking, so Dwarves, Kobolds, and Jotan have never specialized the skills necessary to make superior quality weapons of this kind. Some rare specialists have done so, but tend to either be Elves, Humans, or from one of the lesser races native to forests & jungles. GMs, use your discretion.

Feature: Superior balance/weight
  • +1 to parry and strike: add 1000%
    +2 to parry and strike: add 2000%

Specialty Craftsmen
Steel Anvil (Llorn): Weapons cost twice the standard Dwarven rate, but are considered the finest in Llorn.
Feature: Steel Anvil Craftsmanship
Choose one modifier:
  • +1 to strike
    +1 to parry
    +2 to damage

Specialty Materials
Stonewood (Northern Hinterlands): Weapons cost twice the standard Dwarven rate; uncommon availability in the Northern Hinterlands, very rare availability elsewhere.
Feature: Stonewood
  • P.S. 22 or less: -3 to strike, -3 to parry
    +1D6 to damage
    x2 weight & S.D.C. of item

Eastern Denomination Coins
1 Gold Crown - Weight 200 coins = 1 pound (80 credits each)
2 Gold Crown - Weight 150 coins = 1 pound
5 Gold Crown - Weight 100 coins = 1 pound
20 Gold Crown - Weight 50 coins = 1 pound
50 Gold Crown - Weight 25 Coins = 1 pound
(80 credits per Gold Crown)

1/2 Gold Crown - Weight 200 coins = 1 pound
1 Gold Crown - Weight 150 coins = 1 pound

Western Denomination Coins
5 Gold Imperial - Weight 150 coins = 1 pound
10 Gold Imperial - Weight 100 coins = 1 pound
25 Gold Imperial - Weight 50 coins = 1 pound
50 Gold Imperial - Weight 25 coins = 1 pound
100 Gold Imperial - Weight 10 Coins = 1 pound
(20 credits per Gold Imperial)

1 Gold Imperial - Weight 200 coins = 1 pound
5 Gold Imperial - Weight 150 coins = 1 pound
10 Gold Imperial - Weight 100 coins = 1 pound

NOTE: 16,000 universal credits to a pound of gold is the standard conversion rate for prices on site listed in UC.
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Re: PFRPG House Rules & Clarifications

Post by Locknar »

Priestly Prayer Periods

PFRPG Pg 64 & PFRPG Pg 68:
All priests pray. Prayer serves many functions. It enables the priest to talk/communicate to his deity (one way; the priest does all the talking) and in so doing, gets things off his mind and enables him to focus his thoughts. Prayers are also used during mass and in religious ceremonies, both as a part of tradition and to focus and coordinate the participants which can number into the hundreds or even thousands. Special prayers are pleas to the god(s) for strength, insight, and minor acts of intervention. These are typically limited to the following (some religions and gods may have a few other or additional prayers)

PFRPG Pg 65:
Blessings: All prayers of blessing are intended to show a god's favor on those who believe in him and/or worship him. Such short prayers usually take only one melee round (15 seconds) but should be performed on only one person or item per each prayer. To try to bless a crowd of people or numerous items diminishes the effectiveness of the prayer (no bonuses). Only a priest who is 8th level or higher can bless two people or two items per level of experience without loss of potency. Each prayer of blessing provides some small measure of protection on the faithful for a period of 2D4 weeks, unless indicated otherwise. Note: A blessing will not work if the person receiving it does not respect and acknowledge (not necessarily worship) the deity in whose name the prayer is invoked.


As a matter of practicality, the object of a Prayer is to entreat a deity to lend a hand ... and since gods are not known for wanting to be the trumped-up wish-minions of player characters. However, prayers should take time. They are not 1 Action spam-parts of combat. The only reference I could find to how long it takes to complete a prayer is listed above. However it seemed likely to cause a riot if I said every prayer took at least 1 Melee. Therefore, I am considering the following Rules for Priests:
  • Prayers and Curses take the equivalent time that a Wizard Spell seeking the same effect. You are not paying with PPE, you are paying with Piety.

EXAMPLES: You want your god to do a Dimensional Portal (L15 spell)? Wizard would take 3 actions per Play by Post RPG, surely your god deserves no less. You wanna summon something otherworldly? Summon Lesser Being (BoM Pg 149) = Level 13 Spell ... Curses ... mostly fall on levels 8-9 (so they would take 2 APM).
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Re: PFRPG House Rules & Clarifications

Post by Locknar »

Armor Rating - Trial House Rule for Quad 1 2024

As stated in the PF 2nd edition Main Book p.270, "The armor rating indicates exactly how much protection is afforded by the armor and how easily it is penetrated. The higher the A.R. the better the protection. As you recall, any attack roll to strike above a four (5-20) hits, doing damage unless parried or dodged. Armor provides additional protection in case of an unsuccessful parry or a sneak attack.

The attacker must roll higher than the defender's armor rating to penetrate the armor and inflict physical damage (hit points) to the defender. Die rolls under the A.R. strike the protective armor, damaging ONLY the armor (not the character). A.R. always wins ties."

The new house rule is that the number to best a given A.R. rating must be the natural unmodified die roll. However, the chances to hit or miss an opponent remains unchanged.

In addition, the rules for damaged armor on p.271 will be applied.
-= Palladium Fantasy DM =-
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