These are currently under review by Locknar - Oct 2023
- City Gates Of Llorn: Change: No mages or psychics are standing constant watch at the city gates.
- Rifter content is banned from use in PFRPG save for what's recorded here.
- The special materials from PFWB13 (Corobite, White Iron, Gantriium, etc.) confer no special mechanical bonuses; they are strictly "flavor text."
- All familiars must be mature. No under age familiars.
- Upon advancement in level, the character receives +1d6 to S.D.C. to be rolled during the level up process up until 5th level. There are no S.D.C. increases outside of skills/magic beyond level five.
- When a warlock or other practitioner of magic summons a creature via a spell, every additional summoning costs more 50% P.P.E. than the previous one (compounding).
- Example: Zephyr summons a Phantom for 30PPE, he wants to summon another one before dismissing his current one. He must now expend 45PPE to summon the next one. Zephyr then wishes to summon a third Phantom before dismissing either of the other two, he will need to expend 65 PPE. If Zephyr were to dismiss Phantom #1, and then try summoning again the price would remain at 45PPE as the price will be judged on how many active phantoms exist. If Zephyr wants to summon a fifth phantom while already having four active, he would need to expend over 100PPE to complete the summon. This does not apply to summoning, then dismissing and resummoning again. This only applies to the quantity of summoned creatures alive versus the price of their existence.
- Druids can add the spell "Mend Wood" (p.94, MoM) to their spell list at 4th level.
- Regarding the spell "Increase Weight," items on or worn by a person or mount will get that being's save.
- BTS Psionics are inappropriate & banned from use in the PFRPG dimension.
- Metamorphosis: Animal; changes:
- Transformation of gear is limited to 2 lbs. per level of the caster
- Equipment doesn't function while transformed regardless of type, but magic items still radiate magic.
- Total encumbrance applies in full for all transformed equipment in any form taken.
- Life Force Wizard spells are unavailable.
- Dual classing follows site rules; all required unlocks must be purchased prior to dual classing.
- Perception bonuses
- Warlocks: +10%
- Wizards/Half Wizards/Forsaken Mage: No bonus.
- Mind Mage: +15%
- Illusionist: Illusionist: +25% vs Concealment, Camouflage, & Palming & vs non-magic/psionic illusions (GM discretion)
- Summoner: No bonus.
- Thief: +15%
- Ranger: +20% in Wilderness, -5% in villages, -10% in large towns, -15% in cities
- Barbarian: +15% in wilderness environments
- Soldier: +10%
- Undead Hunter: No bonus.
- Longbowman: +15%
- Assassin: +10%
- Druid: +15% in Wilderness, -10% in villages, -20% in large towns, -30% in cities
- Paladin/Knight: +15%
- Noble: No bonus.
- Priest: No bonus.
*** For Races with a Perception bonus listed HERE, characters may add those bonuses to perception as well.-- YB.12.01.2021
- Psychic Body Field (Super Psionic) is available & treated as analogous to the spell Armor of Ithan.
- The spell "Fleet Feet" does not stack with automatic dodge.
- Time required for any custom-made item:
- Metalworking (special!):
- This skill enables the Blacksmith to build metal objects, particularly weapons, armor, tools and jewelry.
- Hand tools, jewelry and other small objects require 1D4 days of solid effort (8 hours a day with minimal interruption).
- Hand weapons and light armor require 1D4 weeks of solid effort.
- Heavy armor requires 3D4 weeks of solid effort.
- On any job, the Blacksmith may double the time required to make the object for a +20% bonus on the skill roll.
- Adding special bonuses to weapons (for Dwarven or Kobold/Kiridoi human characters) or increasing armor S.D.C. requires a separate skill roll; any failed roll ruins the item. When adding bonuses to weapons, a separate roll is required for each additional "plus" being instilled on the weapon.
- Skill Ratio: 40% +5% per level of experience.
- Dwarven Blacksmiths get a one·time +10% bonus; Kobolds get a +5% bonus.
- This skill enables the Blacksmith to build metal objects, particularly weapons, armor, tools and jewelry.
- Metalworking (special!):
- Learning New Spells is covered here. Availability & restrictions are covered here.
- Other Sources of P.P.E.: is as per Rifts: Ultimate Edition, p.186; the p.181 entry in PFRPG is invalid.
- Travel Times are as per pages 22-24 in OLD ONES, and GM discretion.
- Prayers and Curses take the equivalent time that a Wizard Spell seeking the same effect. You are not paying with PPE, you are paying with Piety. -- YB.06.01.2020
- Wizards are able to Create Wands -- Per Rifter #19 and DM approval.