Chaos Earth Feedback Thread

Chaos Earth character sheets & group threads.
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Myth and Jest
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Chaos Earth Feedback Thread

Post by Myth and Jest »

This is a permanent thread for providing feedback to the group's GM and AGM.

Please provide useful and relevant criticisms.
  • Let your A/GMs know what you liked/disliked.
    Let your A/GMs know what you want to see more/less of in the future.
    Let your A/GMs know of any ideas you have that they might use to make the game more fun.
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General Disarray
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RATE MYTH AND JEST QUAD 2 (October 1st, 2022 - January 31st, 2023

Post by General Disarray »

Game Master (GM)

  • Maintain a GM post rate at a minimum of one adventure post per week.
  • Have the IM contact info of each player in their group.
  • Notify all players in the group via IM or PM of new GM posts, and other important updates.
  • Maintain your adventure notes in the GM's Cabal. (Gist: If a random GM can't pick up and run the adventure from your notes, the notes are unsatisfactory.)
  • Be available for IM chat at least one day a week.
  • Coordinate with the AGM regarding expected adventure dates & time-frames.
  • Consult with AGM regarding XP awards.
  • Directly notify AGM via PM of any expected absences in addition to the Account Status Tracker.
  • GMs will be rated according to merit by their players every quadrimester.
  • Rating will be done by players on the following schedule:
      • Quad 1: June 1st
      • Quad 2: October 1st
      • Quad 3: February 1st
  • Each is responsible for creating his rating poll on the above schedule.
  • Players are responsible for rating the GMs within a week of the poll being posted, and posting notice that they have voted (in the same thread.)
  • Ratings will be conducted via poll and averaged to the nearest whole number.
  • Players who do not vote will be removed from the average.
10: You have earned 7 PP.
9: You have earned 6 PP.
8: You have earned 5 PP.
7: You have earned 4 PP.
4-6: You have earned only 2 PP, also, you're on probation.
1-3: Your position is now vacant.

This poll will close automatically on February 8.
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Charles Dresden
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Re: RATE MYTH AND JEST QUAD 2 (October 1st, 2022 - January 31st, 2023

Post by Charles Dresden »

Loving this Game so Far!!!!
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Re: RATE MYTH AND JEST QUAD 2 (October 1st, 2022 - January 31st, 2023

Post by Falcon »

His GMing is straightforward with patience and teasing with intelligence and creativity.

However, remember I take orders from no one or next time I rate you lower......
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Re: RATE MYTH AND JEST QUAD 2 (October 1st, 2022 - January 31st, 2023

Post by Antithesis »

Solid start, excellent engagement, fun story, solid GM. Looking forward to seeing where this all goes.
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Liam Marconi
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Re: RATE MYTH AND JEST QUAD 2 (October 1st, 2022 - January 31st, 2023

Post by Liam Marconi »

A good start, keep things up.
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General Disarray
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Rate Myth and Jest! Quad 1 (02/01/2023-05/31/2023)

Post by General Disarray »

Game Master (GM)

Maintain a GM post rate at a minimum of one adventure post per week.
Have the IM contact info of each player in their group.
Notify all players in the group via IM or PM of new GM posts, and other important updates.
Maintain your adventure notes in the GM's Cabal. (Gist: If a random GM can't pick up and run the adventure from your notes, the notes are unsatisfactory.)
Be available for IM chat at least one day a week.
Coordinate with the AGM regarding expected adventure dates & time-frames.
Consult with AGM regarding XP awards.
Directly notify AGM via PM of any expected absences in addition to the Account Status Tracker.
GMs will be rated according to merit by their players every quadrimester.
Rating will be done by players on the following schedule:
Quad 1: June 1st
Quad 2: October 1st
Quad 3: February 1st
Each is responsible for creating his rating poll on the above schedule.
Players are responsible for rating the GMs within a week of the poll being posted, and posting notice that they have voted (in the same thread.)
Ratings will be conducted via poll and averaged to the nearest whole number.
Players who do not vote will be removed from the average.
10: You have earned 7 PP.
9: You have earned 6 PP.
8: You have earned 5 PP.
7: You have earned 4 PP.
4-6: You have earned only 2 PP, also, you're on probation.
1-3: Your position is now vacant.

This poll will close automatically in 7 days.
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General Disarray
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Re: Rate Myth and Jest! Quad 1 (02/01/2023-05/31/2023)

Post by General Disarray »

Loving the story so far and cant wait to see if we live long enough to see where it goes.
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Re: Rate Myth and Jest! Quad 1 (02/01/2023-05/31/2023)

Post by Sinner-G »

A very good job so far.
HP: 44 SDC: 136 Skeleton has a Natural AR of 17 and 2000 SDC
Perception: 56% (+3%),
recognize odors 75%, recognize person by scent 45% track by smell/taste 55% Estimating the distance of the sound at 70% (+5% per level) Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 60% (+5% per level) Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 50% (+5% per level) (- 10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using the ventriloquism and/or impersonation/imitate voice skill), Imitate a voice at 30% (+5% per level)

Heals at a rate of 1d4 HP or SDC per minute, or 2d4*10 HP or SDC per hour for serious injury, Automatic Self-surgery 75%
Number of Attacks: 6, Initiative Bonus: +9, Strike Bonus: +8 (+5 PP bonus), Parry Bonus: +13, Dodge Bonus: +14
Disarm Bonus: --, HTH Damage Bonus: +23, Bonus to Roll w/Punch or Fall: +11, Bonus to Pull a Punch: +8

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Myth and Jest
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Rate Myth and Jest! Quad 2 (05/31/2023 - 09/30/2023)

Post by Myth and Jest »

2023's Quad 2 GM Rating Poll is here. This poll will be active until Friday, 28 October.

GM's duties for review:

  • Maintain a GM post rate at a minimum of one adventure post per week.
  • Have the IM contact info of each player in their group.
  • Notify all players in the group via IM or PM of new GM posts, and other important updates.
  • Maintain your adventure notes in the GM's Cabal. (Gist: If a random GM can't pick up and run the adventure from your notes, the notes are unsatisfactory.)
  • Be available for IM chat at least one day a week.
  • Coordinate with the AGM regarding expected adventure dates & time-frames.
  • Consult with AGM regarding XP awards.
  • Directly notify AGM via PM of any expected absences in addition to the Account Status Tracker.

GMs will be rated according to merit by their players every quadrimester.

Rating will be done by players on the following schedule:
  • Quad 1: June 1st
  • Quad 2: October 1st
  • Quad 3: February 1st
Each is responsible for creating his rating poll on the above schedule.

Players are responsible for rating the GMs within a week of the poll being posted, and posting notice that they have voted (in the same thread.)
Ratings will be conducted via poll and averaged to the nearest whole number.
Players who do not vote will be removed from the average.
10: You have earned 7 PP.
9: You have earned 6 PP.
8: You have earned 5 PP.
7: You have earned 4 PP.
4-6: You have earned only 2 PP, also, you're on probation.
1-3: Your position is now vacant.
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Myth and Jest
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Location: Chaos Earth DM

Rate Myth and Jest! Quad 3 (10/01/2023 - 01/31/2024)

Post by Myth and Jest »

2023's Quad 3 GM Rating Poll is here. This poll will be active until Wednesday, 7 February 2024.

GM's duties for review:

Maintain a GM post rate at a minimum of one adventure post per week.
Have the IM contact info of each player in their group.
Notify all players in the group via IM or PM of new GM posts, and other important updates.
Maintain your adventure notes in the GM's Cabal. (Gist: If a random GM can't pick up and run the adventure from your notes, the notes are unsatisfactory.)
Be available for IM chat at least one day a week.
Coordinate with the AGM regarding expected adventure dates & time-frames.
Consult with AGM regarding XP awards.
Directly notify AGM via PM of any expected absences in addition to the Account Status Tracker.

GMs will be rated according to merit by their players every quadrimester.

Rating will be done by players on the following schedule:
Quad 1: June 1st
Quad 2: October 1st
Quad 3: February 1st
Each is responsible for creating his rating poll on the above schedule.

Players are responsible for rating the GMs within a week of the poll being posted, and posting notice that they have voted (in the same thread.)
Ratings will be conducted via poll and averaged to the nearest whole number.
Players who do not vote will be removed from the average.
10: You have earned 7 PP.
9: You have earned 6 PP.
8: You have earned 5 PP.
7: You have earned 4 PP.
4-6: You have earned only 2 PP, also, you're on probation.
1-3: Your position is now vacant.
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