Jeremy Lancaster (Mutant, APPROVED)

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Jeremy Lancaster
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Jeremy Lancaster (Mutant, APPROVED)

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Player Name: Joseph B.
Hangouts Handle: joseph.h.brady13

Character Name: Jeremy Lancaster (Does answer to Jerry)
Power Category: Mutant
Occupation: Pizza Delivery
Alignment: Unprincipled
XP Level: 5
XP Points: 21,476 (Updated 6/1/2024 by Dawg)
Next Level @ XP: 24601
Birth Order/Family Ties: First born
Land of Origin: North America
Childhood Environment: Countryside
Social/Economic Background:
When Extraordinary Abilities First Manifested: Recently
Disposition: A decent guy that tries to keep an open point of view. He can be a little rough when he’s agitated, but, even then, tries to stay calm enough to make rational decisions and communicate civilly with whoever he is communicating with. He can be very blunt and sound uncaring or rude even if it's not his intention.

I.Q.: 11
M.E.: 11
M.A.: 5
P.S.: 17 +2 SDC damage extraordinary 31 +16 SDC damage
P.P.: 12
P.E.: 14
P.B.: 8
Speed: 16

PPE: 26
HP: 30
SDC: 44
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 212 pounds
Description: Jeremy is a tall guy with dark hair and kept goatee. He looks physically fit but not overly strong and overall does not look much better than the average male of his age and build.

Natural Abilities
Perception: 27% (+3%) see rules here

carry 340lbs 3100lbs
lift 680lbs 6200lbs
carry maximum weight: 56 minutes
run with maximum weight: 28 minutes
hold maximum weight: 14 melee rounds
run at maximum speed: 14 minutes

per minute: 320 yards
per round: 80 yards
per action: 20 yards

Mutant Characteristics
No unusual characteristics
Cause of Mutation: Radiation

Super Abilities
Major Power 1: Animal Metamorphosis (any, but usually canines)
The character can completely transform into a particular type of animal. As an animal, the human gets all the inherent abilities and defenses that animal form may offer, while retaining his own memory, I.Q., S.D.C., hit points, and ability to speak. All physical attributes change up or down, as best fits the animal. The animal shapechanger can change from humanoid to animal and back at will. Each transformation counts as one melee action. If the option Horror Factor rules are used, anyone seeing the change must roll against a Horror Factor of 11.
Pincher: Size: Body: 3.5 feet (0.9 to 1 .4 m);
tail: 13 inches. Weight: 30-60 pounds (13.6 to 27 kg)
A.R.: Not applicable.
H.P. 28
S.D.C. 44
Damage: Bite does 2D4+2 points of damage; claws do one point of damage.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +4 to strike, +2 to dodge, and +3 to save vs horror factor.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 30 feet (9m), prowl 45 %, track (by smell) 80%, swim 65%, can leap 4 feet 0 .2 m) high and 6 feet ( 1.8 m) long, and like most canines, can perform a leaping pounce.
Speed: 50 (35 mph/56), and maximum speed is 55 (37.5 mph/60 km). Average Running Speed: Dogs are built for running for extended periods of time, although not for periods as long as horses. All canines can maintain their average speed (the first number listed; typically around 30-40 mph/48-64 km) for up to four hours with minimal strain/exhaustion. Running at its maximum, faster speed can only be maintained for 3D4 minutes be fore the animal needs to slow down or pause to rest. Domesticated dogs usually aren't quite as fast or powerful as wild dogs, coyotes and wolves.
Casual Speed & Pulling Speed: A dog's casual speed is about half its normal average speed. Three to nine dogs can be used for pulling sleds or a small cart or wagon; speed is typically the canine's casual speed or slower unless prodded to go faster. Maximum speed for a team of dogs pulling something heavy behind them is the animals' normal top speed (maximum speed cannot be reached). Pouncing and Leaping:
Dogs instinctively leap and bite at their prey. A pouncing leap of a medium-sized canine (25 to 40pound/ 11 - 18 kg) has a 01 -33% chance of knocking human-size prey off balance or even off his feet (victim loses initiative and one melee attack) . A pouncing leap of a large canine (50-100 pounds/23 t o 45 kg) has a 01 -55% chance of knocking human-size prey off his feet (victim loses initiative and one melee attack) and he suffers 1D4 damage from the impact and fall.
Sensitivity to the Supernatural and Potential Psychic Energy (P.P.E.): Canines (and horses) are among the most sensitive animals in the world when it comes to sensing the presence of immense magic energy and the supernatural, particularly supernatural evil. This psychic awareness also enables the animal to see certain invisible, supernatural beings, including entities, the energy essence of alien intelligences, most demons and elemental beings (does not include spell magic induced or other forms of invisibility).
When supernatural evil is present, the canine becomes nervous, jumpy, and agitated. The closer the source of evil or great magic, the more tense the animal becomes, pacing back and forth, growling, barking or howling in warning. When face to face with the supernatural evil, the canine, a natural predator, will defend itself, its home or its master by attacking the creature. The animal will flee only if commanded to do so by its master or if its opponent proves to be too powerful; many canines will fight to the death. This is an instinctive response. Range of sensitivity: 1200 feet (366 m). The canine can also sense ley lines, nexuses, and places of power, as well as incredibly powerful creatures of magic (1500 P.P.E. or more). Range of sensitivity: 600 feet (183 m).
Size: Body: 3.5 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m), tail: 2.5 inches.
Weight: 10-15 pounds (5 to 7 kg)
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 23
S.D.C . : 44
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Claws do 2D6 points of damage and the bite does 2D4 damage.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +5 to strike, +3 to parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to save vs horror factor.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 600 feet (183 m), climb 89%, prowl 80%, swim 90% and can leap 10 feet (3 m) high and 20 feet (6 m) long. Speed: 16, with bursts of speed 30 for 1D4 minutes.
Average Running Speed: Most cats are not built for running for long periods of time, so their speed is usually half that of canines, although they can typically run at twice their average speed in short spurts lasting 1D4 minutes, unless stated other wise. However, most are excellent climbers and masters at prowling and the pounce attack.
Leaping and pouncing: Cat instinctively leap and pounce on their prey, holding on with their claws and biting with their teeth. They can also strike/slash with their claws. A pouncing leap of a medium-sized wild feline (25 to 50 pounds/II -22.6 kg) has a 01-43% chance of knocking human-size prey off balance or even off his feet (victim loses initiative and one melee attack). A pouncing leap of a large feline (60-200 pounds/27 to 90 kg) has a 01-65 % chance of knocking human-size prey off his feet (victim loses initiative and one melee attack) and he suffers 1D6 damage from the impact and fall plus claws.
Sensitivity to the Supernatural and Potential Psychic Energy (P.P.E.): Felines can sense the supernatural and magical, but not as efficiently as canines and horses. When supernatural evil is present, the cat becomes nervous, jumpy, and agitated. The closer the source of evil or great magic, the more tense the animal becomes, pacing back and forth, and growling and hissing in warning. When face to face with the supernatural evil, the cat, a natural predator, will defend itself, its home or young by attacking the creature. The animal will flee only if its opponent proves to be too powerful; many will fight to the death. This is an instinctive response. Range of sensitivity: 400 feet (122 m).
Cats can also sense ley lines, nexuses, and places of power, as well as incredibly powerful creatures of magic (1500 P.P.E. or more). Range of sensitivity: 200 feet (61m)
Blue Bird:
Size: 7- 12 inches (0.1 6 to 0.3 m).
Hit Points 23
S.D.C 44
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike (prey) and +5 to dodge
Natural Abilities: Fly Speed: 66 flying and 4 running.
Size: Body: 5-8 inches, tail: 2-7 inches.
Weight: Up to 2 pounds (0.9 kg).
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 23
S.D.C .: 44
Horror Factor: 10; people are startled and repulsed by rats.
Attacks Per Melee: 2
Damage: Bite does 1D4 points of damage.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet (61 m), swim 80%, climb 65%, acrobatics 15 % , and prowl 70%.
Speed : 10
Size: Body: 26-34 inches (0.7 to 0.9 m), with a short, bushy tail that measures 7- 10 inches long.
Weight: 10-25 pounds (5 to 11 kg)
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 23
S.D.C.: 44
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Damage: Bite does 1D6+2 points of damage, claws do 1D4 damage.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +4 to strike, +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +4 to save vs horror factor.
Natural Abilities: Keen hearing and sight, nightvision 100 feet 30.5 m), climb 60%, swim 70%, prowl 60%, track by smell 75% and burrow/dig.
Speed: 16
Diamond Rattlesnake:
Size: 3-8 feet (0.9 to 2.4 m)
Weight: 3-12 pounds (l to 5 kg)
A.R.: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 23
S.D.C.: 44
Horror Factor: 12
Attacks Per Melee: 1
Damage: Bite does 1D4 points of damage.
Venom does 1D6+1 points of additional damage for every melee for 2D4 melees,
unless a successful save vs poison is made each melee. Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, swim 40% , climb 70%, nightvision 30 feet (9m), heat sensor in its "pit" organs enables the snake to see the heat signature of its prey (+2 to strike) even in total darkness.
Speed: 8
Major Power 2 (mutated from APS: light): Alter Physical Structure-Fire
continuous bolt of flame-
Range: 36 feet
Damage: 6D6 maximum. Power level can be regulated from 1d6 up to maximum damage. Maximum width is if both hands are used together with 2 fingers spread apart. 2 feet.
duration: 8 rounds
Attacks per melee: Each long-lasting, continuous counts as three three melee actions
Rate of fire: One bolt of Flame can be unleashed or two simultaneous bolts (double damage) by pointing at the same target with both hands. This simultaneous double blast counts as one melee action. Must be aimed shot to get the +4 bonus. Shooting while flying/moving, or shot wild mans no bonus and is the same as firing a weapon 'wildly'.
Bonus: +4
Fire ball:
Range: 420feet
Damage: 7d6 The size and damage of the fire ball an be regulated from 1d6 up to maximum
Duration: instant
Attacks per melee: Each fire ball counts as one melee attack
bonus: +3
Create a wall or circle of flame:
The walls of flame are 6 feet deep, up to 24 feet high, and can circle up to a 20 foot radius
range: 140 feet
Duration: 6 melee rounds per level (24 total). The fiery character must concentrate to maintain the wall, which takes up 2 o his melee actions round it is maintained.
Attacks per melee: Each wall or circle of flame counts as one melee action.
Bonus: +4 to specific area.
Deadly Heat affect from the circle of flame: The superbeing can radiate heat and can increase the temperature by 50 degrees Fahrenheit every melee.
Radiate Heat:
Range: 20 feet plus 5 feet per level (30 feet total). The area most affected is a 12 feet radius around the area of heat or the superbeing, whichever he choses.
Damage: Special, no higher than 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
Duration: As long as the character concentrates. No other attacks are possible when the superbeing s is radiating heat in this fashion.
Attacks per melee: Counts as 2 attacks per melee
Breathe Fire:
Range: 10 feet
Damage: 4d6+4 damage
Duration: instant
Attacks per melee: Each fire breath counts as one melee attack.
Bonus: +1
Super Nova:
Range: Self and surrounding area.
Duration: One melee
Attacks per melee: one
Damage: Special. automatically hits everything in the blast radius.
The Fiery Explosion:
10000 damage to everything within 100 feet radius of the center of the explosion
5000 damage to everything for the following 100 feet
1000 damage for the next 100 feet
500 damage for the next 200 feet
100 damage for the subsequent 200 feet

The super nova requires 8 melee rounds (2 minutes) of concentration and is irreversible after 5 melees
Survival Table
01%-10% Character lives. No permanent damage, cannot use power for d4 weeks
11%-25% Character survives. permanently loses APS: fire with no replacemet
26%-40% Character survives but loses all super abilities
41%-85% Character is atomized
86%-00% Character survives, but the character's power mutates into a completely new one: roll on Random Major Ability Table. Roll on the insanity tables: Neurosis and Phobia

Other Abilities:
Natural Armor: A.R. in fiery form is 14
The natural protection extends to attacks by normal human beings. Unless protected in some way, attackers will take 4d6 damage each time the person punches through the flames to strike the blazing hero.
Impervious to fire, plasma, and heat in both human and fire form.
Eat fire. The character can perform fire-eater type tricks without ill effect. Eating fire does not provide any nourishment .
Option Horror Factor in flame form: 14
The character returns to normal when rendered unconscious
The fire form cannot be maintained without sufficient oxygen.
Intense cold, ice, chemicals or being doused with large amounts of water extinguish the flame, forcing the character to revert to normal. Such attacks have a 01%-40% chance of successfully dowsing the flame. System shock prevents the superbeing from using his power for 2d4 melee rounds. Cold type attacks do full damage
Electricity, lasers, energy blasts, magic, explosive force, and even physical attacks all do full damage.
turning into flame makes walking and touching normal surroundings, let alone lobbing fire balls, extremely dangerous. There is always the threat of setting objects, buildings, and the area ablaze when touched by the flame.

Minor Super Abilities:
Energy Expulsion: Light Explosion
The character glows for 1D4 seconds and boom, a powerful burst of light is generated in all directions with effects similar to a riot control flash grenade. This power is great for for shaking off numerous assailants or for creating a rather a spectacular distraction. The character is naturally resistant to light-based attacks (takes half damage fro any light or laser based attacks) and he can see in the brightest of light, cannot be blinded by strong lights or lasers.
Range: The light burst has a radius of effect centered on the character and affects everyone within 42 feet. This can be regulated in increments of 3 feet.
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d4 damage to everyone within the blast radius. The burst also blinds everyone within the radius for 4d4 melee rounds. Victims are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge, and those that panic and try to run have a o1%-75% chance of falling on their face (takes an additional 1d6 damage) per 10 feet they travel.
Attacks per melee: Each burst of light counts as 2 melee attacks
Saving throw: A saving throw can be made, but requires a PP of 16 or higher plus any bonuses, as the victim tries to shield their eyes before the light explosion goes off. Those with cybernetic or bionic eyes are immune to the blinding light.
Bonuses: Everybody within the burst of light takes damage and is likely blinded from the attack.
Penalties: Careless use of this power can may also blind and harm allies and innocent bystanders.

MGP Buy: Extraordinary Strength:
Increase Physical Strength to 20 +2d6. If PS is already above 20, add2d6+6 instead.
Can carry 100 times PS in pounds and lift 200 times PS of weight in pounds
New PS: 31

EDUCATION LEVEL: high school graduate

Scholastic Skills
Mathematics: Basic 70% (+5%)
Pilot: Automobile 68% (+2%)
Language: Native Tongue 92% (+1%)
Literacy: Native Language 103% (+5%)
Cook 60% (+5%)
Sewing 65% (+5%)
Fishing 65% (+5%)
Streetwise 43% (+5%)
Pick Locks 55% (+5%)
Prowl 50% (+5%)
Find Contraband, Weapons, & Cybernetics 47% (+4%)
Concealment 41% (+4%)

Secondary Skills
Basic Electronics 50% (+5%)
Wilderness Survival 50% (+5%)
Automotive Mechanics 45% (+5%)
First Aid 65% (+5%)
Climbing/Rappelling 60/50% (+5%)
Swimming 70% (+5%)
Hand to Hand: Basic
General Repair & Maintenance 55% (+5%)
Land Navigation 52% (+4%)
Research 70% (+5%)
Body building and weight lifting (3rd level)
Athletics (3rd level)

Combat Data
HTH Type: Basic
Number of Attacks: 5
Initiative Bonus: +1
Strike Bonus: +1
Parry Bonus: +3
Dodge Bonus: +3
Disarm Bonus: +0
HTH Damage Bonus: +2 +16
Bonus to Roll w/Punch: +3
Bonus to Pull a Punch: +2
Karate-Style kick does 2d4 damage
Snap kick does 1d6 damage

Weapon Proficiencies
currently none

Saving Throw Bonuses
Toxins (15+):
Magic (varies):
Lethal Poison (14+):
Non-Lethal Poison (16+):
Insanity (12+):
Psionics (varies):
Last edited by Jeremy Lancaster on Sun Feb 25, 2024 2:41 pm, edited 66 times in total.
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Jeremy Lancaster
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Jeremy Lancaster's Equipment

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »


Light Duty Truck

Carried/In Hand

Worn on Person
Pocket Knife
portable tool kit

• Space: Smith & Wesson 686
• Space: Box of 100 rounds
• Space: Personal Computer (Standard programs)
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:
• Space:

Stored at Omega HQ

Savings: $2700

Gear Stats

Smith & Wesson 686
  • Range: 165'
  • Damage: 5D6
  • Rate of Fire: Single shots only
  • Payload: 6 chamber side-loading cylinder
  • Weight: 4 lbs.
  • Features: W.P. Handguns, .357 Magnum cartridge
  • Modifiers: None
  • Book Reference: HUGMG

Portable Tool Kit
  • General purpose tool kit in a carrying case includes:
    • Electric screwdriver, socket wrench, 36 impact & conventional tools
  • Weight: 12 lbs.
Pocket Knife
  • Range: Close Combat
  • Damage: 1D6
  • Weight:
  • Features:
  • Modifiers:

Light Duty Truck
  • Crew: 1 plus 2 passengers.
  • AR: 8
  • SDC: Tires (4) 50 each. Main Body 300, currently at 200.
  • Top Speed: 120 mph
  • Miles Per Gallon: 25 mpg
  • Fuel Tank: 15.4 gallons
  • Cargo: 1500 lbs
  • Tow: 5 tons
  • Bonuses: None
Last edited by Jeremy Lancaster on Thu Sep 15, 2022 5:55 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Jeremy Lancaster
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Jeremy Lancaster's Background

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Background Story
Born in the summer of 2018, Jeremy Lancaster was born at the edge of the Chicago countryside on a ranch. His mother being a substitute teacher and father an electrician, and registered genius. He grew up in a mostly normal household with a single sibling, a couple dogs, a cat, and a horse. Nothing out of the ordinary happened to him in his early life. His father specifically is a well sought after technician though he does not pull in six figures or more like his popularity would suggest. That is not to say he is poor, he is still considered on the well-off end of the pay spectrum. His mother is on the typical spectrum of underappreciated school teacher, though is also an educator held in high regard in the local school district.
After moving to the Chicago suburbs and obtaining a job as a pizza delivery driver he was involved in an automobile accident and shown the first signs of mutant power. Not long after this S.C.R.E.T. became suspicious of him possessing super abilities but have not yet obtained solid information that he does, in fact, possess these super abilities. Jeremy, personally, does not remember the accident nor anything beyond one moment he was delivering a pizza or three, the next he woke in the blinding light of a hospital lamp.
The truth to the accident is best left unknown, though it's bound to come up again eventually. An undisclosed villain was driving in the opposite direction Jeremy was going in a hurry and likely more erratically than necessary and collided with his pick-up. In the villains' possession was some form of dirty bomb that likely could've and would've destroyed a city block or even more, but, in the collision, the isotope leaked from its housing and met Jeremy, not physically harming him in any way, but it altered his physiological make-up produce the mutant abilities he formed not long after he awoke in the hospital. He chose shortly after leaving the hospital to do the best he could to keep his new found abilities to himself unless he really needed to use them.
S.C.R.E.T. has known about Jeremy the majority of his life, as his father is considered a genius in electronics, but have largely left Jeremy alone until recently when he was irradiated and didn't experience any of the normal symptoms of such. They have not directly confronted Jeremy, as they have no concrete evidence to support any appearance of mutations from the accident. The only information they currently have is that he has been spotted fleeing from blinded assailants, dogs traveling in the opposite direction of where he was last seen, and seeming sudden flashes of light seen just before Jeremy was seen in an area.
Last edited by Jeremy Lancaster on Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:02 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Jeremy Lancaster
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Re: Jeremy Lancaster (Mutant, APPROVED) LEVEL UP

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

Fourth Level Updates:
Blackhaunt wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:55 pm Your Alter Physical Structure: Light has mutated to Alter Physical Structure: Fire.

Additionally, you have been granted a Semi-Random Minor Super Power by Shazbut. Please choose either Greater Categorical Choice or Greater Choice of Individual Power. Then copy the corresponding code and roll in your next post. Fill in the results.

Greater Individual Choice
Power Categories:
1d100: [73] = 73 : Energy Expulsion
Specific Power:
1d100: [24] = 24 : Energy Expulsion: Electricity
1d100: [73] = 73 : Energy Expulsion: Light Explosion
1d100: [10] = 10 : Energy Expulsion: Directed Sound

Blackhaunt Note: Highlight your selected power in a color of your choosing. Then add to your character sheet.
HP boost from leveling: 1d6: [5] = 5

Fifth Level Updates:
1d6: [2] = 2
Last edited by Jeremy Lancaster on Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Jeremy Lancaster
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Re: Jeremy Lancaster (Mutant, APPROVED)

Post by Jeremy Lancaster »

MGP Purchases

Attribute under 16
MA bonus: 1d6: [2] = 2 now 5 from 3

Extraordinary Strength
Increase Physical Strength to 20 +2d6. If PS is already above 20, add2d6+6 instead.
Can carry 100 times PS in pounds and lift 200 times PS of weight in pounds
New PS: 2d6+20: [5, 6]+20 = 31
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