[CAF] OOC Thread

Wanderlust. Wildspace. War. Beer.
GM: Underguard

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[CAF] OOC Thread

Post by Underguard »

Used when Hangouts and discord are not options or for record-keeping important mission notes :P

Conduct thyself here.
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Re: [CAF] OOC Thread

Post by Underguard »

Expand your character, a roleplaying challenge.

Use the below template (some of you already have) and outline key aspects of your character not found in the PC Sheet and Background. If you do this, it will find its way into the game. This is meat for me to hook.

Exe Mystic Mark.png

  • What emotion best describes your character? Adventurous, Tenacious or Stubborn.
  • What emotion does your character evoke in others? Awe, irritation, respect
  • What does your character need most? Family; after his mother was taken from him and his world turned on him, all he has longed for was feeling like he belonged.
  • What is your character’s goal in life? Find out what happened to his mother and return to the planet Sillenda to clear his and his friends names.
  • How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished? Surviving long enough to realize whatever greater plan exists to fruition and use what he learns to help his planet.
  • Where did your character come from? The child of a God, his father, and a Champion of Good, his mother.
  • When did you grow up? Born on the planet Sillenda, he grew up in a dome city spending almost as much time in the upper city as he does the lower city.
  • What values does your character hold? Keeping ones word; honor. There are few things Exe can't forgive or forget, but one of those things is betrayal. Exe holds honor, or in simpler terms, keeping ones word in the utmost regard.
  • How does your character dress? Plain, baggy cloths filled with pockets. He dresses like a street kid.
  • What are your character’s means? A Link to the Supernatural and a demigod, he is a powerful source of magic.
  • What are your character’s personal tastes? Enjoys art and will inscribe various designs on enemy installations or color his own equipment. He hasn't found a food he dislikes yet, except for most TGE dishes, though he might just not like the texture.
  • What are your character’s opinions? Self proclaimed authority that protects when it is convenient and oppresses when it needs to tie up loose ends are worse than the evil they claim to fight. Exe would no sooner side with a God of Light than a demon, than a President or a Emperor. Everyone is always on their own side, so he is on his own side.
  • What is your character’s comfort zone? He doesn't really like fighting and avoids direct combat as best as possible, but will engage when required. He enjoys being alone with preferably three walls, a ceiling and a floor surrounding him. He doesn't trust man and tends to look out for himself and his own. He doesn't like being in the spotlight.
  • Who has had the biggest impact on your character’s life? His mother, Millenda, who has taught him that honor is above all other things. Something he keeps close to him, he will always keep his word.
  • What are some of your character’s unexpected quirks? He likes drawing, painting or otherwise adding color and art to almost any surface, be it friendly or an enemy.
Play Details
  • What kind of story does your character belong in? His arc is flexible.
  • What role does your character fill? Magic offense/defense/support, minions
  • What should the other players know about your character? He is a rambunctious, rebellious and snarky teenager. He will likely butt heads ICly with anyone who assumes any level of authority over him, though he will follow orders.
  • What is your play style? Cooperative.
  • How do you want your character to die? Saving the lives of his friends.
Wish List This is not so much specific list as a list item types he looks for.
  • Item 1: Spell of Legend, Sanctuary.
  • Item 2: Small Spacecraft
  • Item 3: Spells of Legend
  • Item 4: Runic Weapons and Artifacts
Short Term Goals:
  • Goal 1: Find out what happened to his mother.
    Suggested Solutions (Goal 1): Search for information on Sillenda, Champions of Good, their enemies. Right now, Exe wholly believes that his own government and the SSF is responsible for her disappearance.

    Goal 2: Master his abilities to summon and control creatures
    Suggested Solutions (Goal 2): Exe will do this as he levels and grows in his command by summoning and binding more creatures to his cause.

    Goal 3: Find out who the cloaked figure was and avoid being found by them again.
    Suggested Solutions (Goal 3): Search for information on Zurvan, enemies of Zurvan, enemies of Champions of Light. Exe believes the hooded figure is an agent of something else; a third party, as it looks nothing like anything in the Sillenda Security Force. Though the cloaked figure worked with the SSF, Exe thinks they are an external agent who had the SSF cooperation, adding to his belief the SSF took his mother.
Mid Term Goals:
  • Goal 1: Open his Third Eye
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1): Roleplay and the tutelage of Metri

    Goal 2: Acquire his own small spacecraft.
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2): Money or thieving. He wants a ship he can call his own, it need only be large enough for him though he'd prefer it to fit a few more.

    Goal 3: Create a magical device to capture supernatural beings
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3): Become a competant TW
Long Term Goals:
  • Goal 1: Clear his name on Sillenda and try to bring peace back to his home.
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1): Through the completion of STG1/3 and MTG1. In finding his mother, her sword, his pursuer and what actually happened, Exe would be able to clear his name and that of his friends.

    Goal 2: Create a sanctuary.
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2): Acquire the Spell of Legend and find a suitable location. If he possess his own small ship, he would try to find a small abandoned space station to claim and purify.

    Goal 3: Find his mother or his mother's sword.
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3): Through plot hooks and other GMly avenues. This would be a major emotional and developmental arc for the character.
  1. Is the character verbose or stoic? Verbose. He knows when to be quiet, how to shut up, but he also has his own opinions and feels like sharing quite often. When he is quiet is when something is truly bothering him.
  2. Is the character funny or dour? Funny with an extra helping of sarcastic. He is never dour, ever the optimist and opportunist.
  3. Is the character a follower or a leader? Neither? Both? He doesn't follow a leader but neither does he truly lead those whom follow him.
  4. How does the character react when under pressure? He grows increasingly sarcastic as the odds mount against them.
  5. Does the character volunteer for tasks? Sure, sometimes. He'll have a attitude if he is voluntold for tasks.
  6. Is the character friendly? To the character's team, to strangers? To friends, he is friendly and supportive. To strangers, he can be whatever he needs to be to get what he wants.
  7. Does the character offer mercy? He only offers mercy and avoids the killing blow as often as possible.
  8. Is the character curious and/or adventurous? These describe the essence of the character, both curious and adventurous.
  9. Is the character prejudiced about anything? He doesn't trust any existing government after what happened on his homeworld and thinks that people are fickle, most friends are temporary and family is nothing more than a word.
  10. How does the character react to aliens? He'll probably make snide comments about an alien's appearance to those he doesn't like or is trying to antagonize, but deep down he doesn't mind aliens one bit.
  11. How does the character react when the character is the victim of prejudice? He will not tolerate standing by and witnessing prejudice, discrimination, oppression or abuse. If he sees something in the streets, he will help. If his friends tell him not too, he still will with or without their cooperation. He will help in ways that only endanger himself, but he will abandon mission objectives to help the little people and try to complete it afterwards.
  12. What is the character's passion? He has a passion for art and for learning. He is always willing to learn and thinks the megaverse is lacking in color and art. He will always add his own artistry to a battleground, to a ship or building. He also fashions small trinkets, etching and whittling them before coloring them.
Example Sheet

Character Reference Sheet

Character Seal/Crest

  • What emotion best describes your character?
  • What emotion does your character evoke in others?
  • What does your character need most?
  • What is your character’s goal in life?
  • How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished?
  • Where did your character come from?
  • When did you grow up?
  • What values does your character hold?
  • How does your character dress?
  • What are your character’s means?
  • What are your character’s personal tastes?
  • What are your character’s opinions? S
  • What is your character’s comfort zone?
  • Who has had the biggest impact on your character’s life?
  • What are some of your character’s unexpected quirks?
Play Details
  • What kind of story does your character belong in?
  • What role does your character fill?
  • What should the other players know about your character?
  • What is your play style?
  • How do you want your character to die?
Wish List This is not so much specific list as a list item types he looks for.
  • Item 1:
  • Item 2:
  • Item 3:
  • Item 4:
Short Term Goals:
  • Goal 1:
    Suggested Solutions (Goal 1):

    Goal 2:
    Suggested Solutions (Goal 2):

    Goal 3:
    Suggested Solutions (Goal 3):
Mid Term Goals:
  • Goal 1:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1):

    Goal 2:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2):

    Goal 3:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3):
Long Term Goals:
  • Goal 1:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1):

    Goal 2:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2):

    Goal 3:
    Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3):
  1. Is the character verbose or stoic?
  2. Is the character funny or dour?
  3. Is the character a follower or a leader?
  4. How does the character react when under pressure?
  5. Does the character volunteer for tasks?
  6. Is the character friendly?
  7. Does the character offer mercy?
  8. Is the character curious and/or adventurous?
  9. Is the character prejudiced about anything?
  10. How does the character react to aliens?
  11. How does the character react when the character is the victim of prejudice?
  12. What is the character's passion?

Code: Select all

[size=150][b]Character Reference Sheet[/b][/size]


Character Seal/Crest

[list][*][b]What emotion best describes your character?[/b] 

[*][b]What emotion does your character evoke in others?[/b] 

[*][b]What does your character need most?[/b] 

[*][b]What is your character’s goal in life?[/b] 

[*][b]How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished?[/b] 

[list][*][b]Where did your character come from?[/b] 

[*][b]When did you grow up?[/b] 

[*][b]What values does your character hold?[/b] 

[*][b]How does your character dress?[/b] 

[*][b]What are your character’s means?[/b] 

[list][*][b]What are your character’s personal tastes?[/b] 

[*][b]What are your character’s opinions?[/b] S

[*][b]What is your character’s comfort zone?[/b] 

[*][b]Who has had the biggest impact on your character’s life?[/b] 

[*][b]What are some of your character’s unexpected quirks?[/b] 

[b]Play Details[/b]
[list][*][b]What kind of story does your character belong in?[/b] 

[*][b]What role does your character fill?[/b] 

[*][b]What should the other players know about your character?[/b] 

[*][b]What is your play style?[/b] 

[*][b]How do you want your character to die?[/b] 


[b][u]Wish List[/u][/b] This is not so much specific list as a list item types he looks for.
[list][*][b]Item 1[/b]: 
[*][b]Item 2[/b]: 
[*][b]Item 3[/b]: 
[*][b]Item 4[/b]: [/list]

[b][i]Short Term Goals[/i][/b]: 
[list][b][i]Goal 1[/i][/b]: 
[i]Suggested Solutions (Goal 1)[/i]: 

[b][i]Goal 2[/i][/b]: 
[i]Suggested Solutions (Goal 2)[/i]: 

[b][i]Goal 3[/i][/b]: 
[i]Suggested Solutions (Goal 3)[/i]: 

[b][i]Mid Term Goals[/i][/b]: 
[list][b][i]Goal 1[/i][/b]: 
[i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1)[/i]:

[b][i]Goal 2[/i][/b]: 
[i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2)[/i]: 

[b][i]Goal 3[/i][/b]: 
[i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3)[/i]: 

[b][i]Long Term Goals[/i][/b]: 
[list][b][i]Goal 1[/i][/b]: 
[i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 1)[/i]: 

[b][i]Goal 2[/i][/b]: 
[i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 2)[/i]: 

[b][i]Goal 3[/i][/b]: 
[i]Suggested Steps and Solutions (Goal 3)[/i]: 


[list=1][*] [b] Is the character verbose or stoic?[/b] 

[*][b]Is the character funny or dour?[/b] 

[*][b]Is the character a follower or a leader?[/b] 

[*][b]How does the character react when under pressure?[/b]  

[*][b]Does the character volunteer for tasks?[/b] 

[*][b]Is the character friendly?  

[*][b]Does the character offer mercy?[/b] 

[*][b]Is the character curious and/or adventurous?[/b] 

[*][b]Is the character prejudiced about anything?[/b] 

[*][b]How does the character react to aliens?[/b] 

[*][b]How does the character react when the character is the victim of prejudice?[/b] 

[*][b]What is the character's passion?[/b] 
Rifts: Earth Dimension Master
H4H GM || GIRLS GM || Spooks Temp GM|| Theme Song
PCs: | Exe (PW GA) | Venenifer (Roughnecks) | Glitch (PW GR) | Granas (PFRPG) | Isaiah Peirce (BTS)| Ashrak (Void Reavers)

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Sum of All Fears
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Posts: 436
Joined: Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:24 pm

Re: [CAF] OOC Thread

Post by Sum of All Fears »

Hey guys. Sorry to do this but I'm placing Nyx in one of my Inactive slots. I just doing have the time currently. I was also accepted to a year long intensive technical course that will require a lot of focus on my part. It starts in January, so I am preparing to have less time for gaming.

I'm sorry if this puts a kink in any thing here. I do plan to bring Nyx back eventually but it will likely be at least a year.
BattleTech DM / Chaos Earth DM / Megaversal Arena Coordinator

"Any problem can be solved with the judicious application of high explosives."

Other Accounts: Wolf Whitaker (Roughnecks); Keiko (H4H); Zephyr Stormbow (PF); Lynch (Spooks)
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